1 ' (lEuBliB U.tilKlULA.SDEK, Ktlilor. CLEARl'IKI.D, PA. WEnXE.'PAT MOUNTS.'!. nrT. 15, !(!!. Democratic Stato Ticket. FOR OOVIRNOU HON. ASA PACKER, PF CARUOX COl'XTV. for M'Pitr.ME jinoK EON. CYRUS L. PERSUING, . OF CA.MBIUA COUNTY. Democratic District Ticket. AeiroitiiT, 40HS C. HA 1.1., of F.Ik County. Democratic County Ticket. Treaiurcr, LEVEIl T'l.F.C II., ol Brady towushlp. County Cotntniisioncr, S. H. I1INDMA VorilMcaria townihip. Auditor, JOHN IX Mil l. Kit, uf Ilcll towu.iilp. Alt Gammon. Soma of llie friends of Dsn Sickles, now Minister to Spain, speaking from Home social ocm pool, allego tlml he is about compelling llie fjpanUh authorities to ntknonluilge tho independence of Cuba. This is all bosh ; a genome to have bis nomi nation cun6rnied by the Senate, which is now in doubt. Daniel's dubnuch . cries are a little too odorous for men "controlled by graiid moral ideas." Besides, ho never accomplished any thing successfully except tho murder of Philip Barton Key und living with a loud woman until she died. Such is Sickles, tho Minister Plenipoten tiary to Spain, according to tho horse races and his friends. If tho Cubans wail until Pan Sickles frco them they i will be compelled to bear the yoke of lyrnnny for many long years. His appointment is n disgrace to the nation if not (o the man that made it Apology. We neglected to notice ' last week that a portion of tho " loil . millions" . assembled iu tho Court t House, in this place the week pro- rioas, Tor the purposo of nominating jj loil county ticket, and to otherwise, supporting tho Uuion. Wo have noticed the annual nssomblogo of the Adams', Kirk's, Spencer's, etc., in thin place, for ten years. It was often rrsrtcttablc -in numbers and some times enthtiaiuhtio, hut this last meet- . ing was not respcctnblo in any senso. Hart the Assessor of this Congressional district and liis deputy remained out i of town, that day tho ,: releU" would not hnvo known that loilty was on a i)tist. Tho august assemblage, ad journed without nominating either a ' comity or district ticket. From tho long faces worn by tho faithful on thai occasion Wo are satisfied that ihey have surrendered. Knowing that Geary will be slaughtered this fall, they do not feci like having any more of their friends killed off; they very prudently adjourned without procuring any moro lambs for the October occasion. Wondffcl ! TliCiornnnnd other "loil" newspapers are just now find ing fault with, and nro charging Judgo Packer, the Democratic numi noe for Governor, with being n "bolter." They chargo him with having opposed tho election of Judge Campbell to tho Supremo Bench, and Judge Barrett as district Judge. ' Thoy are wonderfully exercised about il, and in fact seem to look upon it as it crimo; when every mother's son of them done the same thing and claim it as a virtue. Such is " loiltj-." Mr. Pucker done nothing of tho kind, and theso scalawags know it. IIo has no T armor supporters to-day, in the Rtnte, than J udge Cumpboll and Jadgc Barrett. If theso gentlemen are sat isfied with Judgo Packer and aro la boring to elect hiin Governor; what impertinence il is for theso enemies of Judge Packer and the country, to set up a loil howl over his democracy. Theso Paul Pry's bad better mind their own business, until such a time as Judges C'amplioll and Barrett shall complain of and impeach the democ racy of Judgo Packer. They did not volunteer during tho war, and thoy have no busincss.to volunteer now. The Difflrrncb Il is retried that Gen. liarlins, late Socretary of War, left his family in very poor lircumstunces. This fact reaching tho cars of tho soft-hearted million aires of the country, they at once set tbottt raising a fund to place the Gen eral's family beyond want. The sum lit last accounts had reached fifty thou tanl, ii nd would likely go up to near : 00,0(1(1. The story of the Avondalc disaster was wafted over the country about the sumo time 'J ho doulu of 110 men and tho wsils and wunls of tixty vidows and one hundred and fifty M) linns bus nlsu reached tho ears ol the sumo men, yet, but three parlies, outside of the tirclo of distress have contributed toward itlleving the wants of tlio hifct calamity, r. : Tbe New Yoik l ..nl of Urokvr. ...$.,.SllO , iVvker 40( . Jjt - Geary t,l0 ! y;" - H will be seen by this, that the death ono man, ono widow and threo or I'lians, presses much harder upon the cW.i.M. than tut of 110, and tho n.i M ll(l.r death, entailed upon the courtly Such .ro however, t w,v, pf iU wrld. "the ltrprrrmlnHit The resdcin of the JHiputdiean are no doubt aware of lbs litllo "unpleas antness" existing itmonff the Iemo crnts ! Klk county, mainly upon the Kepreentativo (pirslion. At their County Convention In An gust, the delegates split, a portion nominating Mr. Hull and tho balance Dr. Daily. Both wings, however. united on the sumo gentlemen for the bulanco of tho county ticket. Thus matter stood until the meeting of tho District Convention, beforo which both these gentlemen nnd thoir friends sp peured nl Tionostn, on the P.HIi ol Autrust last. Their respective claims if era examined by the members of that body, and alter a full and free exchange of views, opinions and docu ments, ilr. Hull was unanimously nominated. Ho is thercforo tho Deiu ocratic candidate, nnd as such, must bo supported by all who claim to be Democrats. Il is said that Dr. Karly will be a candidate, notwithstanding the docis ion of the Convention. This wo can not traco to a reliable, source. Should he be foolish enough to again allow himself to bo mudo the candidate of the opposition, he will find himself the best abused and the worst used up man that over caaio out of a political contest. As a fiiend wo adviso the Doctor to cover up rather than devel op his political career. By so doing bo will have moro and better friends to rely upon in bis declining years This of itself is an amplo equivalent for all else thut ambition and mer cenary motives can bestow. Person ally wc aro an old nnd warm friend of Dr. Early's, but if bo again sets him self up against the usages of the Dem ocratic, party, legitimately expressed, wo shall develop und dissect bis politi cal career in such a manner as will licit tier provo crcdilablo to himself nor his friends. Tho Doctor it an old "rooster," and he had better quit crowing. The .Ironttalt Horror. Ono of tho greatest calamities that ever happened in this country occur red at tho Avondale coal mine, near Plymouth, Lurerno county, T , on tho Gill inst. This mino is one of the largest in this country, and worked by tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Weitorn rail road company. A strik'a occurred at this mine about threo mo'iths ago, nnd the mino was therefore unoccupied until the u;iy in question. 1 lio cnnl is drawn up a shaft 237 feel deep in cars, ono car coming up while nnothcr is being let down by K powerful en trine erected over tho pit. Tho nun all descend nnd ascend by this pit. Tbo machinery over tho pit took firo after tho men had descended, and the burning fragments fulling down the shaft prevented tho gas and the miners from escaping, which resulted in the death if HIS men, all in the mine and two me'i who in ado lha first attempt to enter wire also suffocated, making 110 dead men. Tlio scenes that occurred at the mino after the announcement of the accident bogsjnrs deseiiption. Sixty widows nnd one hundred and fifty orphan children aru by this sad calas tropho cast upon tbo cold churities of tho world. I'ronrT. B. Peterson Brothers wc have "Love and Liberty," which is a trninhninn ol Alexander Du inns' latest romance of French history. It pro fesses to ba nnrrulAO by Colonel Itono Besson, of Varenncs, who wus a youth when the great Jtevolution broke out; who knew Robespierre, Danton, tho Duke d'Enghien, Ney, and tho other men of the time; who was concerned in the attempt of Louis XVI and his family to escape, and saw it prevented; and who do- stribes will, tl.rilli.ig earnestness and , cITcct llie inul and execution of I.ouin I and Marie Antoinette, (lie. Itcign of! Terror, and tho 'downfall of itobes- pierru. This is a romnnco of truth, every incident of nhicli is vouched for by history. Il may bo considered the private memoir of the French devolution curious, becnuso true Democrats of the different Boroughs and low iiship-i, see tail that you iioin ilia to slroiig tirkcis for local oflices. Good nominations and a fuir distribu tion of the oflices over the different townships, will aid incalculably in getting out a strong voto in October. Set tin firxi-t'lass tickets at ont o. 2C time is to lie toot. Organize, and go to work. Work faithfully, and wc will gloriously triumph. Hon. Win. 1 Fosondcn, United States Senator from Maine, died at his rcMdenro in that State, on tlio 8lh inst. lie wus ono uf tho ablest men in the ranks of tbe Kudieul party, and osliibited bis talents and manhood to an eminent decree, during tbo Iiu pciKhriicnt of President Johnson. Labor Conum. A Labor Con gren was held in Philadelphia week. Among the resolution adopted by it was ono declaring in favor ol greenbacks lor bonds, where gold wus not specified in tho law. Theso laborers do not ni peur 10 havo tho 1 ... r r . 1 1 .1 Ii r of lien, draiil before their eyes, . . ... . ' .' His tli'liiim iiiliiin of thn doctrinu ol gn eiibiieli lor bonds, does not aliear to (uny inueli terror with it iu the workiii( iiten. Tiik Cai.iioivma Kl KCTIO. The election of a demoi-ratio Ix'ii-lnttire :.. 1 ...l.i- l . . . .. in ( iililiirnin kniH'ka tho tilli-onth ' amendment on tbe lies.! ao f.ir us that .'-lute is lotieoincd. llnstiliiy to Alii van and Monilinn sulli.iue and equal ity iu California is too much for even (Jenrral (..'raul'a administration. A'. V. Herald. Wo hojo Deinorrats will not forget that iho design of tho liririslrr Law as lo cheat them out of their votes. 1 lft ho Di tiiiH'iat fail to bo feuislvrcd ten duy, Itvfoi'o tlio second Tuesday in (M'iIxt. ..Vis tht litntrat ,tmmbly. tii r umii law. Nn Ins 1. lie if era Jed hy tht Kn ot, flail llnutrnf I! rpwntatirai of the i'mnmaivenlth uf I'rHifiihantn til Urn era! Atsembly met. and it i hereby enacted l"j the authority f the s.isie. 'flint finiii and after tlio pass.ign of iliirt.net it shall not ho lawful for any pernn or perwms to hunt, kill or ileHtmv nnv hnr-k. iton of limn w ithin etv f t learlield, exeepl only between the irt tl.it nf &-'tnnlu-r anl tht firrt d.nj of Jheember, in e.:,-n year ot-C. -. Any person or persons offending ngainsl the. provisions of this act shall, upon conviction thereof, forieil and pay f'"r curb offoiice n fine of fitty dollar, with therOHl ol prose vulioii, out-half uf luiU fine limit go to fu' informer and tho oilier bull' to be paid to the Treasurer of the county, for tho uso of tho same, or in default thereof shall undergo an imprisonment in the county jsil lor not less than five nor more than thirty days : l'ruvi'lid, 1 hat proceedings under this act shall be upon the return of a Constable, and thai said information may bu mndo before any Judge, Justico of tbo Peace or ISotarv 1 uolio in the county ol Cleurfield : PiovidcJ further, Thut the prosecution shall be commenced with in ninety days after tho commission of the offence. Six. 3. Upon any prosecution com menced under this act, proving the possession of fresh skin or carcass of a ueer during uny portion ol the year, excepting from the first day of Sep. temlier to the first day of December, shall, in tbo ubsenco of bet tcr or other evidence, bo sufllcient to warrant a conviction under the provisions of 'his act. Sec. 4. All laws cr parts of luws of this Commonwealth inconsistent with the provisions of this act. are hereby repculed so fur us they reluto to the county of Clearfield. Api'Rovf.d The Olh day of Februa ry, A. I). liJtjO. ( Pamphlet Laws, IHti'J, pugoll3.) JOHN W. UKAItY. All Art To BUtburlt ftli-l VRli.nto the errrthm of leg pontli in llie Wet llrnre-h of lli SiuHquctianim rivrr, In C'lcrflHJ countr. Sr.c. J. Be it enacted, d-c, That it shull and may bo law ful fur tho owner or owners ot any mill dum or mill dams erected upon tho West Branch of the Huiiehiiuiin river, in the coun ty of Clearfield, between tlio mouth of Moiliannon creek and Chest creek, to erect und maintain, or maintain if already erected, n pier or piers with conncctory logs between the same, so ss to form in said Btrcam n pond or bay in which logs or timlx-r mny be caught and held or kept lor sawing or lor protection from ice ; llie said pier or piers to bo so constructed and placed us not to interfere w iih or im ped J or obstruct the navii'tuion of aid stream or tlio passugu of fish in tho same-: 1'roviJal, That none of the authority hereby given shall in any manner interfere, wi h or reeal the authority ami privileges heretofore grunted to the Chilli leciainoiichc Linn her and lloom Company iimler'and hy virtue of its charter, bill that all of its powers shall exist and bo superior to tho privileges hereby granted. Ai'i'itoviD Tho bill dnv of April. A. D. 1 !;!). (i'amidilet Lnws, Hti'.l, pa-o7M).; JO UN W. CKAHV. As Art To KiiOiorlir lh Tw Cuun.-l of tho oorom;h of L'lvRrle iJ Oi btrri moliry mil ci'llt-ct tbc hbi. Si C 1. Re it finhi.'d. oV TI..I. tlx. Burgess and Town t ouiieil of the bor--nt, of Clearfield, in the county ol Clearfield, shall havo power to bor row money, to be used in paving and mai'aibiuiir.ing the principal streets of the said borough, to un amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, and shall have power to issue coupon bonds or certificates therefor, in sums net exceeding eight per centum: Pro tided, Thut tbo same shall not hciis posed of nl less than par value, and that the money so loaned shall not be taxable for any purpose. Skc. 2. That the said Burgess nnd Town Council shall havo power to levy and collect annually, for borough purposes, a tax not cxcevdillgone cent on me Hollar ol mo assessed value nt siid borough for county purposes. Ari'ttovtn Tho 13th day of April, A. 1). lsiii). (Pamphlet Laws, lfj'J, pnge'J'J) JOHN W GEAIiY. An Art To rtiaiig iTm Kiiithern lino of the oorough of Carnrn. villi-, In the oonnl; of Clssrfinld. Src. 1. Jle it enacted, de.. That the southern boundiirytino of the borough of Curweiisville shall be tho rrntre of An tenon' ererk, from where the west mvU ,,y (il0 ,evera, bt.ourHf s t0 le moutl, ihrn-nf ul Inw waler mark of said stream and tlio Susquehanna river ; llieneo down tlio snia river to wncro ine I'rcscni una strikes tlio sumo. Arraovrn Tlio 21th dny of April, A. I). 1 s;. (P;miifilet Luws, 1 still jingo 1J17.) JOHN W. (JEAIlV. An Art for tho protffflon ot l-ivrrr Sf.t.V ko?pri to the contin of I.art nt anil TkaifltM. Sic. 1. Ui it enarted, dc, 'J'lmt tlio provisions of nil net iijiiroved August ."d, A. 1). IMi'i, lor tho protection of livery M11I1I0 keepers in the counties 01 Alleliutiy. iierks and Mcstmore- Im!;1, te exlenileil to the counties of Lawrence and t lenihelU. Al'l-RoVKK The lfth daj of Febru ary. A. D. ISO!). (Pamphlet Laws, btili, page lL'.'l. and Isiili, 1.110 212.) JOHN W. GKAltY. An Art Tosnlhoritr the levy and rollrfljun of an a.tili tional taa III llie borough ol O.orola, (Moartleld ruiiwly. ISku.'I. He it enacted, d?., Thnt the Iiiiress and Tmivii I'oiineilof tlio bor iiiiIi olOht'eola .Mills, Ch arfield t oiin ly. bo and they aro hereby authorized to li.ry, asess mid culled, upon tlio SKses-ed viilinttinti of said boron;l), an aiinutil lux, not cxteeilini; two and one Imlf tents on eai b dnllnr thereof, (or borough rtirioe therein, A I'i'itiivKii Tne "tli duy of April, A I). (I'atiiiililet Laws, IH'I'.I, jingo IU7.) JtJlIN W. tiKAUV. Aa Art Rcltitit'g In linnkinff. pfil lling, and hui-kitrrlng, in II railli-ld anil lii.liana fi.tiitiro. Hi! it marled, (c. That from and iiitt-r 1110 i'iinwiii' tn tun nt-i, no ni'rmin inn r . 1 .1 .1 sliiill si I nr rviifiHG for siilu. wit nil tlm -r. . 1 - ..r . 1.: ... . limits of In.bnnn and ( leiufield coun ties, as a ba ker, or cddler, or tiiivellng inerehunt, any made nji clotbiii(f, bats, liuein or dnnieslio pnotl. jewelry, etc , or do business as a hii"kMcr without lin-t obtaliiiiii a l'" t" "'"t P3 llivra-IWr lo the Trensurer ol said oount", for tho uso ol Iho Couiiiionweiilth, the sum ol two hundred dollars, which licence the Treasurer of tho con lily is hereby an. thorized to grant upon the payment ol'sitid sum. Provided, It shull not bo lawful fur lb Troasiircr to grant a lieenso for any less period than ono yesr nor fur snv loss sum than two butiilred dollars.' And provided further, That no more tluin one pcrou ahull bo jfrmittcd to sell under the aamo lievi)!. Si c. 2. That if any persona or per son, shall so eiiiTHifti, of lie concerned in banking, peddling or huckstering ttitl.ttl tin limits lit Said f'linnl itt ilhinr;l..! uforvMiul, lio or llipy Hhall fortVii and j pny llio mi tn of flt'O. ono half for th! niwor tho tVmnionwcallli, tlio otW ...... a s . I Imlf (or the iiho nr tho peraon w ho puiHri'iiio 1t tho name, the aaid i ponallv to bo m-uvplMMi hy art inn of! . .' . p.t duht lwlir any Ju-tiro of tlio IWe, n H iluhtn of like amount uro hy ur ! recoverable, and nvery repetition of said ollelico snail no coimiucred as a new offence, and every person so em ployed who upon demand shall rcfuso to exhibit bis or their lic ense, shull forfeit and pay tho sum of fifty dol lurs, to ba recovered in tho sumo man ner and for lbs same uso as aforesaid. J'rovuleil, That this act shull not apply todocrepil person or persons wounded in tho military service of tho I'nited States, and w ho ma bu residents of tho cminH', or to peddlers ol drugs, notions, etc., who sell to marehanls and to them only fruvided further, Ihut this act shall not apply to per- ! sons known in butter and egg pod- dlers. tlrary aud Iltilc't MlUlory. 11c ordcrt it printed at a eot of $270, 0(1(1 The profile to be robbed of tltit eum v ithout authority of laic. Tho legislature, in 1807, appropri ated 83,000 toward writing a history of tho J'eiinsylvauin volunteers, and liutcs, a pel of Ceary's, undertook the work, und between them a hue job was set up. Tho leading mom. hers of both political parties in the .Senilis of 1 80S, denounced tlio opera tion as a furco und a w roii, but the appropriation Did wus put through with a further appropriation of 80,fiOU for this pet scheme of Gcury. Il wus, however, specially provided that the work should be fimsbed bcfoie the money wus paid, for il seemed iui)is sililu to stop the leak that hud thus been opened. At that timo tho money expended fur tbo purpose wus as follows: In 1S04 In tsii; i In ISoS Making a total of Tor that which tl.'.OOO coudeinncd as worse than useless. Ao 1. tgislature ever ordered this look to be printed. Yel in 1MJ8, John W. Geary, in violation ol luw, und wilhot authority, deliberately ordered t he completion of the work ul a cost of at leuot 817'J,00(, and rro niblv i t X 'lH .VM. i How he did this is told in tho report b- "1',"'r','",f Th"' r . . , , ! qualihtd titcri uf (lit atreral eoatitira af thi Ol tllO OJ.tO K oniimltt'O On rubllC j Commonwealth, at all m-rul. town,.ip. boroBKb J'litiltll, mudo by lion. I.uhmoI Ki rt'lt. j ,'1 Mrc,al lertiona.ara brl.y,lwn.ttr author- ar.d hui.U on pno 421 of lU Letitahi. to '. ,( ";. i:"nid, or r, e I writteB, or purl ly prititnl and parllf wi Htt-ii, aev. ttCC lit COrif Of 1509. from Which WO rrally rla.-.b.-d 111! One tirh-t .hill em (JUOtC AH follow I I r-e thu nainn nf all Jndfrei of oourta ruled for, "Tito .uhluition of tho Look wan ! ."V lk1'r,i' m"M )yr one i i ui'u i .1 c. , ii a I tlml1 '"inrai-a the n.uie of thn itaie offtfen voted Iwtin 111 ISbK, by tl)0 StittO rni.tcr flr, an 1 U laUllisl. -.fnl. ;" one tt,t ahall em UlliltT till) on i I IU Oi UlO CioVCriVor." munri of all county nPicera Toted for, ' ThO t'OKl of tliO work ii iUlUid to ln,"lu','n of -lr, member, and member ,a ... . ii . . . li i Bwoil-ly, it ruled fur, atid inrmUrv af L'uncrrna, "ut by iho .stato rnnlor nt ix dol if ft,ri tI(t ,,e Ulirllc,,( mntv . mJkrt 1 lai ninl nilit'ty CCIltH per VolUII.O, l a- (I upon un upproximuLe eU- " mute." rutting it in round number, tU "even dollars urd supposiiig ihut the 11 work may bo comprised in four " vnlutncfl, the col of tho work to the "Stato will bo as follows: Crmtpilatifn 12(1.0 mo fi."tl set a, 4 foil, frafh, at 17 liil.Ol't) Kxprces charges for del.rery lu.oott Should the work Le cx loaded to five which tr.i7i in not unttkcty the total will Ik) incrcu't'd to 7.4iijO." From this il cleurly j.ppeart tlml tlu Icginluitire did not pprov the wrrk, thut Geary did nppiove it, thai the lcibluttiru did not uuthori,o it pi'mlmi nr.d ihul Goory ordered it to Lo nniitcU wilLuul aulboiitv oil""'""; 4 " law. Why was this? Wss thero a good thing in it fur toinebody TllariUburj Patriot. m Wti.i Paovilito Fun. Wc omitted last week to stato that W. I'. Saun ders, tho colored man who spoko in ibis city a short timo since, bus been appointed special agent of the Post ollico Department. His salary is f 1.300 a year, and llirco dollars a day besides, including Sundays, which make his pay f .'.-'Jo per annum, aud in addition lo this, ho has a freo pas BfigO dn all tho cars, steamboats and stages In 'lie. United States thnt carry .ho United Sls'ue mails Frederick (,.!.) Examiner, Rep. There was naid into the Sinkinir ' ftrt "iiiar por rn fr mJ crrwu-d. Ai.,,iu.tia I I- I t , n 8,'"r nii r""""' l) la.H0 W. 8. Hirkcy. Fund of this 8iato twenty-fice mtlUont j of Julian durinir the lust ciht years. and onlv four millions of dollars nfl debt iiinl. ti ho stolo the buliuiee I yiarrirfl. Ob St-ptrmljcr llik, by Rao. Siaral. ft, firicrrro, Dr. WILLIAM B. ALKXAMIKR aad Mi.. C'LAItA E. A It NOl. II all of Lulkor.burg. On 81 pu-mlxrr Sih, i Si"i9, at lha mldrnoo of ibo brijo'" mollior, hy die Rao. W. R. II. llKATHIi K, Ilr. JAMES A. MAXWELL and Mia. KEIIKCCA ROUS 1 bolb of t'urwowivilla. JHfd. In Guelirb twp., on lha of BpL at tha roaiilrnoo of Mrs. C. Whiteildo, g. P., aljeat aos 1 Karthau. llie Sib, al Salt Li.-k 1 ( ovinglnn, the ofTsosai llrsnraiios, of Woodward, aged ?:'"h. at Muloonbarg: tlirard. Iho Sth, al I'ongrro, yoa, t month, and 10 dati. 1 .,,.,,' I Tbe mo.ieet of Ibo abota nolle,, wal s yowog ; man of mors (ban ordinary abilities ; and waa, hy I nature, enduwrd with many noble qualities, ilia luss will be frit by all who knrw bin. ' H err ne serene, lie prrss'd the crumbling rrrge of this tr- rmtrial scene. llrfntb d snO like In ehlldlikc trust The parting gnan (lave hark to dust, Its dint To llearrn, tti own." jnew 3ith'frtijfiiunts. 'lAiirnisj, Hill lluillim, pa.ipotof llradfont VJ l"w mliiii, having watidorod fri'ta bin ImaH inn plaro will rrturn lo il itnmediaiflr, or ro lo wmk, a we will not pay hil b"arditig el.rwhrro than at Benjamin Koi-ppi. K. IAI.K, WALTER D. RIIIRKV, Sepl. IS, 'M 11 pd 0. 8. ol IW. Vox in DIM-oTH ATOK'H MITlr (.'-Notl-e herchy lven thai letter, of adniiniilratien tho e.lnlr if I I I Lit lllli.VLIl, deeea-r-U lite of t'lla I'lWtintiip, ClenrAeld eoonty. Pa, hating boon duly granted to tha unileritgtied, all petunia indiblrd to raid r.lala will pleaae make pnyiuont, and tboaa bnring claim, or di-mani. will preaent then properly antlienlleated fur art tlemenl. J. LINK IIHOYLR, epl. l.'i, 'SO St Admiai.tralor, COALllMll rVfR niiilrrsigiitd hrrhr girci notice that he I Is pri'parfd ia drtlrrreal at Id eenta, or 4 cents per hushel at the- hank, to suit ptirrhaarrn. Orders left at Hrhulpp a i'it Ptiira will reeeive prompt att nlimi, A liberal shnre nf pud I if paiMMtere is s..M. iied. I'll IMP URAbV. H pt 14, 'fiV-m fi 1)ROP(WI.l.MTheflc) o.tl MnvtoraofPike dirt net Will reeeiie sealed I'mpnsstli nnt, Use Jilh of hrlit, building a P' hwil llnuee, wn lar.d nl John Pun la p. Vaid htiisa M bo Hlft feet, II feet to the wiling, dtmhlr plank, wrattir-r linarded and plaslrred with three enats, also ttirre roots paint on it. The stuae and frame timber will he fnmi'hed on the ground aim the plank will he hanltd. The house lo be luiihod by tbe Itrel ol Srptembcr, I 7ft. M U C. rrANs, ftirrtir UK Byt e -It. (Hert,, yitix dvrrtifsnnrulja. firnrrul Election True Initiation. Bia fn--tu.i -hah iiu miuui ti. Urn, Ftwiin ukm iM, vmm,,nwfiii.," it ) n 'T w m to Phltc imtlr uf vurh lcll'ii. lot pltoM .r,r t u wm. ih i ftr. i. ... .irrud Tmiff.iM, I, i fium n.., Wuh hhnff "f "ny. tWby Ku Hi.H No Iip to iht elflort nf lb eour.tr of 4'lmrila, ttl.t t ,vnr, f(M.lU n .ill u h. 4 ih b.c o T ctA-t or o4 ?or xt. hinjr tt l?'h ami i in mo. .j nf m Mrmi mount, ai. fried tn nid) eotintj, nt whirh lint and pltvc tlit nmlifit-d Tutor will vol Fur I'm- icri-iti for Uovrrnor of the Corainonwr-kltL of Fciiii'-f Ivunii. For tn p rtoii fur .'ti'ljr' of lh S-ijiretn Court oflhti Cuiubi'IiU uf lnn'i. For niitf i"trit(iti to rtprttM'iit tlio runti'-f of Cler- flvlii, 1.1k aud Farui iu Ittc llotu w Uvpre- cnl'ivin r( ilii 4'ommnnwpniih. Fur wb iirrswu fr tlio oflioc of Cuiinlj Trvaiarcr of Cleat fl-M ruitntr. Fur one pron lor (he nffio of Count j Cmuuii 'Vionar il Chartteld county. Fur u rMD fur tlw uli of Aaditor of Cicar fitld oouiiiv. The rl'Tturi of tho county of Clrarfill will takf Dtio lllat tlio'iatJ riitrfU clotiuu wili held at tlit fulluniitj (tinct-f, tir : brcearia towti'bip, at Iht I'ni-Jtt llotl, la Ulen iUU twahifi. at lh Ijuttflo af Aapb IHim. Hiuuin tvwoibip, .), tba Iioum uf lu ( Janet DIuoiu, Hr, U'.(pe towtitdiip. at tlio aou of KJward Albert. Ilra.irrl tuwiilnp, at tlie huuo uf JaruU Pirroa. lirady towiiUipt at Uia UviiM at Wu. CHibwcu, im l.u(brnburr. Uornaid lowoaliip, at Yuauf'i atihool 4ioum. Chfi townalnp, at lha public aobool auua naar Bimofl Horabaagb'f. ClwirBelJ btirouli, at th Court Iludio. C'uTinjcton lowocliip, at tb bouic of J. Maurrr. Carwfiiivilto borough, at tba baiua of lb lata laaac biottia. lrsxtator fuwnihip, at Centr tcbool botrne. FcrfuauD towntliip, at tb buM of Jobn Orcg orr, lornirry vocvpied by iboa. Hubuoa, (BraaU- av.) ttirtri tuvanliip, at Congrtw Hill aclioal bouaa. (lutbrD towuvhip, at tl public aobool buuta. ttraiiaia townabip, at thWotiie of Jacob liublrr. 4iuith towuibip, at tba publta acbool bouM, iu JanetTille. lluttuo tuwmliip, at tha bout of JfM Wilaon. Jordan tuwaibtp, at tba pub lio aubool boai, it AatopTilla. Kartbaua tewntbip, at Bridffn'i x-ltool bouaa. Knox towmbip. at Tarky Hill ihm bouae. LaarefMK towniliip, at tba Cwurt iiouae, iu Uic boruuifb of ClrBrbeld. A i Lumbar City borough, at the put lio arhool bouae. Morrii towtmhip.at tba Loum luriucrly oooupied by Tbomaa Kylcr, New U aobiugton borvub, at tba paLli arhool bouna. OtAoola boron (jh, at the pub I to bouia of Mtlu IloTt, in aaid barouh. i'rnn townntiip, at tbe hotel formerly kept by W. W. AfoVroit. 1'iav tuwuilnp, at the bona of tho lata Inaac Bloaia, in tba Uiroujh of Curweiiarillr. In ion towtmbip, t tbe bouse of II. E. Drnhaker. Vootlward towobip( at Ibi housa uf Tbotnaa IlrodcrfKtt. AX ACT rtuUtinj lha node of rot i tip at all liTtioui in tho MTeral eon tie nf thu Com moawcaltb, apprortd tba 20 tb day of March, A. I., Isoo, vit : . . hinioi I. Jfa tl sWffrrf by the Senate and Hume of lUprt'sriitaiivva ol the Common wealth ot ahall raibra- the aameg of all township o1irni voted for, and be lalellrd, ''townrliip ;" enr tick at fthall enibtaee lht uimri of all borough ofticcni ruled (or, an I by la ieilr J, "borough ;" and each ela iall I a deposited in rejiarale ballot bolts. Nollre la furlhrr htrrbr glvru. Thai all persons ex'-ept JuiMres n( the i' , who shall hold a a i-ftice or appointment of trwt uodvr the g rernmaut of I ntied Elates, or of this Mau.tr of any taewporatt distnet, abcthera e.-mmuOoned officer or otherwise, a subordinate eflji.er or afrent, wLa Is nr shall beewiflyed on der ibe Le.'bttre. Kxreuttre or Judirial da partisan ta of tliia Ctsta or af the Cnited States. MAAywhtowimytfa&'ist'&i tnl'T Legtslatiira, ar of tba fowium or asleei In ubcU o( any city ar etminiitrr of any Ii enrporatad oiatrtct. are ny law inespafeie or holding ar eifTriiiojr, al iLe same tlma, the office or ap pir linen t of Jmlga. Inspector or Clttk of any Irr'itHi i f -bis ComniotiWealth. 1 ha He turn JaJf of ifae resoeetire dtftriets afnreaid are requested te meet at the Ct art llua, is the boron, b of Cleaiold,on the a rut r rider next alter the rai l second Toerdny of 1 rrqiH'M 01 teem nr taw, UIVKN' sndi-r bit aanil anil aral. at rlearCold. tin, IfiorDth da; of Hepti-mtxr. la Ida L. 8.1 yaar of our Lord ono Ifana.aai oiht I bsoitrrj and ty sina. and -f (bo tudo. posdiac, oi tba Vnitrd rtnin tho Aioriv ibird. CI1KM('S IIOH K. Mif r I- 1 1L1 l.-AII prrai'Of an- b'Tfl.r eauliou- V J od aznit pnn-ha.inir or In anr a-ay mrfl. unii. wi" prfiprny, nnw in war .nw.noR of llaini P. bloom, ol llluotn town hip, mi UN K li H A Y MA UK, ai Iho r.air bolonl lo dm aud il frulfioot lo in, ardor. IIUXUV I'ENTZ. Fort-it, Eont. S, 'C(i-3t f,. NOTICE. VLl, perons are hereby noli ft M who bare Irased lUnkinjt ground at or nrsr the mouth ul Whitmer mo on tbe property of It win. Dick er A Co., tbat all ba.-k pay niu-t W paid op Iwv ft re any mure (round can be obtained. Aud all riereona baitkittf tmiWr or Inra or any other umler on tho aforesaid prnpniy, without per mission, will he nelt tor trrpas, or te rharyd 'u;v0 n, ', I's. GHOOM, DICKEV A CO. fret. 1, IMMm, I 4 lh.it of Traoher-.fiir ClearnrM enantr, will be brhl, as follows : brarly. Bloom and Cnttn, Pept , 1 1 1 Ii, ot I.uthershurg i Curwrust file and Pike, tbe lTrh, at t nrwrnsTilh; P rnn, Ih, 1 4 1 la. at IVnn Till, : L. City and Prrannt.n, tlio 15lh, at L. t'ltr ; H. II. Hi- ISih, at Rnwrr. Hurn.nl, ,tli. IT. at Hut 11. l Ir 1 N. Wa.ltinKlon Hid Chnt, Ibr Ittth, at N. w a"hinglnn : Jordan, SI. at Annonvillo; llrrcaria. Hie ;'2J, at tilan liupo 1 tluallob, lor .1d, at Janoa tilloi tt ouilaard. Iho Itib, al Happy Valley a. b noi K001, th, Mb. al N. ilill.,'.rt ; ll..r-. Ibe 27th, al rrntrr a. hiuai lleoatur aod Oanoula. iho 2nh. al Ou-rola: Slnrti., Iko i'.Hh, at K.vlrr- own t tiraham. tbo 3Pth. al ; llrniirord and Itidrpendont.Ootobor Ibo 1 nl. ot Jookoonii' a. hoount llraiSrld and l.awrenro, tho 3d, at Clearfieltl iiMo..-,i. mi.ilr. ...... Appllranli will forniik tkewiielrel wilb pc and ln, , a pp, a. part of Ibo ti'ms will be wnttra. No private eiaminationi intend to t aeh lo attend m.Bie of the pntdic ones, which will rv.utHeafH- promptly al I o'clock, a. an., after which none will be admitted to the el ass. tJKo. w. hm in:u, frpt. I, '69-le. Co. hup't. NOTICE. I If the matter of be application of Will la Upas, to the Coarl of CummoB Pieaa, In and tor Cleatttcld enuoty. to be disrbarged frm bis suretyship for monies received by Fiancii lualap. lato of sai 1 Horuueh nf Clear- : 6cld, l'a from the eiia'e of J -hn t'rosHtbwait, 1 lute of Ontre cuntT, 1., being the lrgacirs I beijueafhed In John and iMnlrl 1 tun Inn. Hy virtue nf a eortam Ku'i which aaa granted hy the Orphans' Court at Clterflrld, tha J'lth .lay of June, I Mil', I do hrrthy g.ve notice to all per sona interested in said tnnd received aa aWre statrd. to apptar on or be Sire the stt-nnd Mxnday of hrptemh. r, pnnnriti, and pnstnt their eliins nerot'ting to law, and do such other witter aa lha Ooort may reonirr of them In the premiers, or ba forever barred, and aleo show eause accord mglo the following rule made in this rear. 1HOS. J. M( 1M,'( Atty. lur Wm. Mapea. Jons .10, UfiO. lkule la granted tn hrw eause why William Hapni should not he n leased and Jist barged from a txind given by hire aa surety with one Francis Iunhtp, li tint (Irpliana' Court tf Clearllrld eoatiiy, un the 30th day of Septrtn Var, A. l., Ut in purmmncw of an Act vf As f.m'ili apprntrd the 2lih day of April, IS44. I'tililicHtii.n to he made of this Mule in two news . pap.ra pui.H-hed in CkaiUcld county I PRAl ) for four wet its piior to the September jJ Term. BY TUU C'Ut'KT. Aag ti, o-4l. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Cbleketiag'f. Ilteinwai'i and Kwra)i Pianos ; Smith s, Maso Hamlin 'a and I'slnubet'e Organa and Meledeona. and U rover A - Baker ' hewing Machines, a ISO trscoib nr Piano, Oullar, Organ Harmnny and Vocal Ma. lie. No pupil taken for lass tbsa half a term. j?Rotns neit door ta Pint aUal Uab. Trflat. COURT PROClAlf ATIOff. 1 r n KH F : C. A. MUTKR. F 1 I'lisl Jiil( .rflliS r.mrl of t'ooiinoii PI.M f iho lfsljr lilS Ji'li'l.l lii.irlol. Mm4 fo (So oountlsl of CUarf rid . Oi ntrt on4 Cllnlns nt 1 1. .ti. MVMI M. CI.YIIU 1s t II.ts. JACOB WILIIsLM, A.aiK-ioli JuH -i of rinarStlit biro lnoi.it Itirlr prorrpl, to no rtlrMloJ, for tlio oMiilf of Oi.iirl of CiiuoniiB IMom, Orrbut'l i Coiti. Vtrt of goortor Ho.ltito. Coon of llyrr nd Tero.iurr. mil Court or (lrorol Jill IMIven, t tho Ci-urt Hnu at CtsarfleM. la soil for It. nuntv nf (M.iirliolil, ei.uirooncinff no llio foui-lh SlollU), lillll lln) ol Hcpl. INUU, and lo conllnuii TWO WKKKS. NOrtC'K IS, Ihoroniro, ktt,j tlrco, lo Ibo Coronor, Ja.liei.a of (lio F?ar-o, and CoiiulU, tn and for laid eounly of CIarHolil. tn appsar in tht'ir pruier person!, wllb Ihiir HotU, Iteoord', loqui.itiont, t.iaioinatloni, and olhrr ltioioni lirHnCRi, lo do ihoi thinfri whicb to fhoirofitcai. and in llirlr beh;ilf, rlain to bo douo. U1VKN undrr lor bond al CloarSold, itila lirat day of Hrpl. In tbo jraar of our l.oid ono tbouaand Oljbt hiludreil and lixtr bino. CVKKN1L8 IIOHK, iStorVf. Ki:(;lMTKKM MOTICtw Kollea i hcrr-ljT ptren that tho following aw.otitf haro baeit eiMwioed ami paned by tnc, and remain filed of raeord in t hi otlica for tba inspection of beirr, ti-j(teeip aroditort, and alt other in any other wiy itilrreftfd, and will ba preauated lo the next Or phan a Court ot (.'trneld county, to be held at the Cuui t llouae, in tha boroufrb of ClearfiaM. Qtttu mane tr.jt on tha funrtb Monday of September, A. l. M. 1. Tho filial iifcount of Patrick Cur- tt, Administrator of Jamci Corlrj, lata of lira ham townahlp, daoeaaed. 2. Tho jturiiul account of George Slit, Admin it ator of Joba Sloaa, lata of Koos township, dweaaed. i a. The finul account of C. Kratfer, Administrator af Autliony krattor, kt of Pike township, deceased. 4 Tlio tiiiu' nccount of Jam or Kid-1 die. Administrator Ac, of William Anderson, Ut of Hum i id township, daeeaacd. 6. The nc-count of hamuol A. Cald well, Administrator of Jacob tieaxbart, lata of Uofl(a t'twOfli p. deeeased. 0. The tin nl nccmnt of II. II. Ilurd and Lewis J. Hunt, Kxecutors of Lliac llurd, late of Client lownihip, d act a sad. 7. The pat tin! uceount of John T. , BmUb and (Jeorfre (Senior Kieeutors of George Uusrlw s. late ol liratly lownihip, dn-r-aved. . . H. The itft'ount of John 11. Fulford, Adtninistriaor ioai's sioa of James Morrison, lute oi Jordan towniihip, deceased. KfcutHTKR s Orncr., ( A. W. LEE, Clearfield, fa.. Kept. I, 1809 te. J Ujmr. SheriiTs Sales. 1 Y rlrtoeof sundry writs of renditioni txponot iMnrd tint of tb Court of Common i'lrae of Clear A old mont?. and to me directed, thers wit; be exposed to public ial, at tbe Court !loue, in the bomofrb 'f Clearnld, on 'Monday, the Itfibday of (ept, I h!'J. eourt week.) at 1 o'cloek, p m., tbe folio win jf described Heal Ketate. to wit : A cerUin pieee or lot of ground situate Id the Borwuttb of Cearheld, Clratfioid county. Pa. bounded Bid deacribd aa fullnwt, to ait Urginnlng at a post at tfce public Hoad leading from tbe borough nf riaaifirld, lo CleaiSeld llridtfa. 1 7-10 perches to a post, thence oortb U perches to ft post, thenre wast 13 perches to iiublia road, thrnce bv nub U j read soma ?0 7 , dr great aat, b perebos to a pt, tbenta soitb of baxmi.inf . eontaioing H"1 pa rents, bawng two dwelll g bou'o erected thoreon reserving out of the saute a au.alt piiea of ground weal of the road leading to M 0004' a coal hank, wbirb Is already finnrryed to tho Rer. Father Tracy. Seiifd. ukeo in rxerutioo, and lo bo sold as the property of John Feany. Alto a ccrtalo tract of lan.I ailuata io lie townstiip i't Morris, Clearfi Id eouaty, pa., houndod and de-rrtbrd as (ullowa, to wit: on the tuirtb by C. W-ts. jr , on tba east hy C-to;ge Met sal, on the autb by Mbhaol Loder and Pbilin llaker, aad writ by Ktcbard Thomas, and warranted ia tba name of W tn. Metx, con tairiing Thri-e llgndred and Sixty one Acres, wrrb no lurrorr uvats ihi reon. Noised, taken in execotioa, and to be ioM ae tbe properly of John O. Loraina. Also a Ci ruin tract of lar.d situate In Cbcst township, Clearfield cmn'y. Pa , bounded as ("lU'Wn beginning at ft birkarjr eorsar oa old line of Jdfan Hrennemqn. thence eouth 50 de grees west by Atari in V itbmirton tritet to corner mad by John MeCord, at li perniea, tlteitre by lands belongir.g to Ue estate of John Me , , ' uily, dreeasrd. n rtb-west by line to a earner t r.it. ink si', an j, I'D rlcCord nercbee. more or 'es, th. oca by Und anld to iUn. R MeCaMy Acre', end iUny p.rthes. with a bote, and rnerDc.edth.r.nn-rrserrinff bl Bete, aud 711 fo.i-..r.di. ...1.1 I,. :..nta-l 0ir. Aa 8t frid, taken lo eircadnri, and to be told as the prcpertj of Joseph Mcully. Ale a raft am trart sf sand aiinala In Chest Uswnbip, Clearfield enunty. Pa., boiitided on the eait hr land of Henry Pearr anl Jian W ood, ob the sooth by land nf James terc n n, B tbe west hy land uf Antin Curry and Chest Crrett, aod on the t rth by land of tlllaia H'sjrnner and lliijcb (la'Uber, with about sii tetfo a-r-s cleared, aod email lo dwelling bue eneted Ihereoa, containiog absiut i'ift A area, asara or le heised, ten in eieratioa. aad to be sold aa the property of initn Horabo((ti. Alo a ceru ib traet of land situate In Ferguson townhip, C liar lie Id cnuaty, H., bs ended on tbe rail hy lands of Orange Thurston, on tbe anuth by lands n( Martin NwIbo, ra tbe west hy lauds uf Joseph Straw, and on tha nna hy lands I Oeo'fre William, remaining Ninety Are Auers. and having a small fiewa house aod stahle af acted (hereoa. Hciied. taken in eieeutirtB, and to be lo.d ai the prupcrt of Peter tutsmoos. t-ritiddert will take nMiee tbat IS per cent, of the. purchase ntnury suit be peid when the pmperty le knocked di-wn. or it will ha put op again for ssia. O HLML'a HuU i; Sueiiirr'a Orrictt, I S her. IT. ClrBrfirld, ia., tSt pt 8, lHofl. J Sheriff's Sale. TJV virtue of sundry writ? of Ltinri Faeia$. f liutd out of the Court of Cittiimon Pitas of 1 ""' "r C.oorS, Id r..ualy. an. I tu me dirty-Ted. there will I 1 1 posed, to public Sale, at the Court House ia the borough of l lrarfirld, oa Alundfty, the 2, lb day of Fept.. )i9, (Coert week.) at two uVloak, P. M., ibe following property, ru: A certain building situate In the bnrougb of 0rrtla. Clearfield eoonty. Pa., It being two itory jiwHie nd brt k building or dry kiln, for dryinr lumber. tp(t Ti f'ft long and 50 feet deep, the luw.r story holng built with ittne about t feet hlgb, and tha upper flory of hnrk about nine feet h'gh. bring OnilC of tract ol Und bounded on the cast and south by Muthaonoa Creek, end on the north and wrt by land ol Lawsba, W a Me A Ce , the -tid claiia bring snisred attain the eaid building and the above describe I lot ot ground and curtilUge eppurtenant lo said building. Hened, taken Ii, exerotton, and to be oH ai tbe property of Richard tlrltS'li, Ambrose Uill tnan and Thomas Paeren. Mr-ltiitdera will take B -it ice that 15 per rent, of tba purrhafO money mast be paid when the lropertv is knocked down, or It will ha put nv again for sale. CYHKNIt'3 IIOWR. ftnrairr's. Orrirt, I 6 b w r i (F. CtearBeid, Pa., Kept., ft, lf9 Sheriff's Sale. 1T virtue ol b. wr t uf i'uri Jaffa; Is 9 surd, out of tha Cuutt f Commoa Pleaa of Cisatfled eonnty, and tn me directed, there will be expoacd tn Pl'BI.IO hAl.B. at the Court Mouse la the borough of Clearfleld. on Monday, da JTth day ol Hept , ISotf, at I o'clock, P. M., tbe following prdperty, to wit : A oertnin tract of land situate In Orahara township, Clearfield county, Pa, containing One Hundred and fi Acres and t3 peri'hs, 25 ecren cleared, having therein erected a small house end batn, bring part of a larger traet warranted in the feme of John Thome, buuu aed bf lands of WraSam. Foieey A others. He i sed, taken In execution, aod to be told as the property of Wm. M. Kurte. wllitldert will take notice that IS par cent, of the percha-e oner mut be paid when tbe property is kouckc l down, or it will be put op again M rale. tKt.MJa UUWK, Mtanisra OrricB, I Sheriff. rVarnnid p hrpi.. . ISRl. NOTICE. IX THR NITTIK or the Kepnrl nf ertting out Heal Ktate in Keturah, late the widow of j-thn M. Ugden, dee d , and now wile of Mirhard 8 had nor. At an Orphan's Tnurl held at Clenrflold, i" aad fur the county of t'hnrfield, nn the S'.tih duy of June, HM, It waa onb-ri'd that publication he mad- In al least on newspnpor pullihe in Clearfield county, for three weeks m fre Septem ber T'Ttn, (Mivi, notifying all persona in iiitcrcKt that the Ural Kstato of Ave acres, more or 1'S appraised "d et oat to the widow out of tbe en ntr of John M. 'g'B, dVd., Utc nf l.awn tico tuwoliip, will haounnrmed to hnr, and the He- port ol the appraiaere appiorl, anle-a satncicnt eanse lc sh'nn te Ibe eomrsrv, bv th first lnv of fitopirmiier Term. I Hot. UY 1 II U CO I HT. Artcsf; A. W. 1,1- K. Cli rk O C, Jl. H, nt--3l, I J I W n -('iimr tresBpating on thn pmm A Ires of the mhaeribrr resi-littg in HiTonrla tonnahlp. on t about the 1Mb. of An'tigt, last. A PLACK Ml l.i:, mane tHmmetl e.se, (ail nr.lrimtaed, with twt email white srots on the led sbouldi-r, and one on the lift hip, and shod 1 all art ami. The owner or owners are her-by re QQcittd to came forward, prove property, pav charges, and Uke bua away, or be will he sold ae the law rlireve. n. IU. durational. MI33 H. B. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOIt GIRLS CI KATlFIELD, PA. rpllll FALL TERM of twenty two weete. will X aomtneoea on Monday, rteplettber , 1 efftw. A I'r iiry dpiutuiiut will be added) to the School this fall j for wbirb the lerrices of a com p.-tent itiiiru"Uir liare beeo engaged And Bo cdurt will be spared lo rrudur Ibis deportment attractire end instructive, TERiid of Trnro.v. Readi;, Orthograpbr, Writing, Object Let- eons. primary Aritlnnetie aud frimary OeorranbT. par half term, (of alaren weeks.) $5 00 llistury. Lure) and tlrecriptive ttevgrapby wiib Mup Drnw'.ng, Oram mar, Mtutal and Written Arithmetio H t < Algebra an) the Sciences 9 0" Tnsiruation to instrumental muiiesw..... TO Oo Oil palatini;.. M IS nn Waf work 0 br full particulars send for t'irowlar. CUftrneld, Aug. 2Jt IM-- i Rev. P. L Harrison, A. M.f Principal. THE FiniT hKSSIOV of tbe next scho lastie year of Ibis lastltutiol will Minnie no on MONDAY, tbe (iih day of oeptember, lntf. Pupils can eater at aoy time. Tbey will be obarged with tuitioo from tbe time tbey enter (0 tbe close of tbe Heeeion. 1 be eoorae of instruction embraces every tkiog inelwdcd la tboroa,rb. practical and aeeoa pllsbed edacatio for botb aetea, Tbe Principal, bartog bad tbe advantage of Bob experience ia bis profession, aeearea pa rents and guard ana tbet bis entire ability and energies will be derated t the moral and maa. Ul training uf tbe youth placed voder bis c barge, : 1 l-.HiM F TLITIOM. Orthograpby, steading. WriUog. and Primary Anibmetie, per eeesion ( 1 1 weeks) - f 00 Grammar, tieograpby. AritbmaUt, aid History - - - - - - $1 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men. a u ratios, Farreyiog, Pbiloeophy, Pbril. ology. Chemistry, Book Keepiiig, BoUoy ad Physical Geography - - - 9 00 Latin, Ureek and I reach, with any of tbe above Branches . . . . f 11 00 iirSIC Piano lessons) . . . 910 00 Mr-Ne deduction will be made for abaeace. aTfcr further partiralars Inquire of Re. P. L. IIARHISOH. A. M., Feb. 4. trif.9 tf. t:t) Principal. yu$ffUaiuou;3. NEW MILLLINERY ANU and DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. TrPT OPKNEOln tha room reoently oceapied by tbe alias Reed'e ard direct1? -opposite .Museop'e Pi ore, Clearfield. Pa. All tbe late eiylea of bonnets, bats. Ae., for eld and yenog. Led i os, aii-ea, and ebildrcnt' trimminge rib. boas, and coat relreta. laces, (lores. Ac, al ways kept on band. DU VM MAKING la all tit Tarluna tranehee and latest etylcs,' for old, middle aged, and the young, made bu order, by the aooe. fasbl'able dress mokera. Aire. T. K. WATtSON, Aug. tit nZ9 -tf. Also agent for tbe "Magle Vfacednlan Oil." Warranted to euro Itb'uiaatlsm, NeBralgia, Lirer Complaint. Ao. No ears, no pny. ' FOES H A1a1 ' rciE iiRED ihk;s and fowls. WINTER SEED WHEAT. And other Farm Seeds, from J)eit;'t Experimental Farm, Chatnbersburg, Pa. tUbl'sand Booth tori's ncartilssa; Week's ec 4 Tee ad well's Bearded Wane H heats. Franeb Wiite and Red Cbaff; Porpls 8tn Bearded Red .Mediterranean, and Gorman Amber Heard j leas, are the bet-t. earliest, hardieat and most i praductire Wheals tbat cao be recommended for j ouliraiion. Price, j per ba-he. 4 P"vnds af any kind by mail, sent post paid, for 1 i( T v j j. . . "" "l?mi I " .1? ,n I"1. ri"Zl !!V fl " P" '"V V Addrest. QUO. A. DKUZ, Cbimberaharg, Pa. , Tb Failiest, nardiest, and most prw4iKtive Red Wbeut Is the French tttitte Cbaff. Fet. lSnH-41. Charles's chafer? L 1UEII Ctllt ME WEB, t Icarfuld Ta. HWIXa rented Mr. Eutrca' Ertwcry be boea hy strict attention to business and tu manufscture of snierior article of HEKR to receive Ibe patronage cf all (he old and many new costonvre. Aog. Ji, tf. Governor's Campaign CAPS, CAPES, asp Campaign Torches. rrieo of Torrkel, $JS, t2, S.'li), UJ aud 40, per ktindrod. Mmd lor pries liat and on- graritig oi iapa and Cape. PHILIP II ILL, Marr. J Jt'4 Ckureb htreot, . Bet. JJ A J J, abora Market, Philadelphia. Mllittrj Compsnlca' I'nllursia mada to to ordor. J !ept. I, 'SS-lt Southrrn Land & L'niI?ra!lon COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. OKOANIZKD and eel.l.li.he.l for IbeParekale and 8alo of Farming and Mineral l.anda, and improred Heal Katata in the Southern ftatea THOMAS B. II.Or.KNCB.Preaid.nt JO. SKVKIIN. ie, Prraidenl. J. 1IKNHV AsKIN, Troasnrer, Pill. dent F.nrth Natmntl Hank nf I'kildelphia. wii.t divnivi., ewHireiarjr. T1IW C, MAi'X"WU.U Atturner and Cauu.'.l!-r. OAoe t tVaaklngton Pnildinf, Comer E.-renlk Pi., and Promt Ivania Arenua, Washington, D. C srrrnaxrRi : tlor. John T. Huffman. Albanr, X. Y. Kl ti.ir. Wm. II. rler, Clearfield, Pa. (Inr. T. F. handulph, Tmiteo, N. J. Kl Gt. Wm. F. Packar, Wliliam.port, Pa. Sept. I, 'ii-tf. iGRicULfuTAr'FATRT THR Clearfield Couoty Acriealtural Fociety bare determined not to bold a reveler Pair this Vear, for the following reasoa, namelythat notica has not heea given in proper lime to have the neccMary preparsinnt made. It Use been detnrmined, however, to hold a Fair on lha old ground, near tht borough of Clearfield, on W'edaee iv, 1 hursday and 1'ritiav, the Uih, 1 5th and loth dais of OctoSer. A. 1. 1K70; and for the purpose of affording the formats an opportunity of jireparing and milking it aa oljoet tu improve and exhibit fall erops to be put ia the geutind this year, the fUwing premium ii offtnd for the exhibition of 1170, vis t Hesl ivto acres of winter wheat.., Peat bushel of winier wheat,...,,, first two acres of rye Uest bushel of rye Hot two acres of oats , Hrst two acres of buck whtaU...., (It si two acres of com .tC til) 4 Oft ot0 3 OH is to I no n on oo 3 us t f(l Hept one a-'ie of clover ecd Pent one ho.liol of pntaloea Heat atia-kalt bo.hel nl tlmolhr aeett., Tlio aborr nremiuni, will be paid to tke perooni lo whom ooinpitenl Judpea aliall awaril thenj. Tha rnliio prtimom Jiol will ba piililiahej aoon fir tlio Pair next ear, in the bi-pe thai nianr niae to inituceij loenlniete lor Ibe prelniutnl, and tbua eiieonragp a g.intl eauae. Tho fcoeiatr have alio ilelertnineil lo opan the Fair tlronnil nn I'lttHAV.lho ISlhriarof UCTU UK I!. I Mitt, al 11 oVIuek, for tha riirp.i.. of a trtilliii,; tnatoh OS llio traek, for a eililoni' parte of .m ; boat llitoo iar flta. IB ainj-le karneoa : to trot afroinat time. f"'S to all kotaee owneU to the oi.untT at Icaat Sfloen daya pn-Tiona. The gmotiil Will be npi-n from one to the o nlot-b. p. aa. Ailioittnnee, 75 route, to all noranni. IVtaotn do- deaietna; lo entor Ihoir koreea to eompele for Iti. puree, ooa ai oo hr eivln, notioe either In raren or St writinv la the eVetelarv. and kj tko oj. tent ofaa entroao. Svi uf St.' Il ia b"nod Ikat lownabin nrranilatlnni wilt ke (ol up in tha meantime in tl a itiSVretil toonahipa, anil tiial a frealor intoroat ma be man iff If et is Ibo ewvia of aorieal'uro. Meettnp and dioena ainna do aauoh rioil.. If rvqnaetett, tha r-ooirle will aeml ipeakera to Wort any of tkoorvaniaa llona ouoo or twioe, with a ilt-w of aueouragiug and prouiuting boiue diaenainna. 0. R. llAItlll.TT, Praiideni. A. W. flntstn. Seeeelarr. anrll 1lKJtM)U KIl'S aud lACK niLLASg, at Mil .1-,Y $tti tfitatf (or ali. Sale of Heal Estate. UltrtKR AN (JR DER ef tba Of.BBe' r--f tlaarUld aoaatr, Fa., J.JV iMitf. the aodr-ratrnwd aWratn.etratot uf Hn-i' flmeal, deeaaaad. will aetl tT paUU J oote.7, at ibe preraisee in OrehaaJ towaai1( Ttmrwitiy the l3d divef Hrot-K, (0 at I o'elojk.p. that ralaable REAL ISTiT di-seriled as fulluws: Iligianiti( at a u nflih eat eomer, thmea by land uf W" p aaJfj south IvT perehee to a pest, tLeaos 'ly H. Hnnlin, weat TI perehei u a piSt, tU-rtt land of Margaret Ptnael, north ln7 psret to ' puet, thenoe. by land cf W. P, huiJ, .J perrbee to tbe place of begiunlog, 1 Containing 60 Acres, more or W TEKMS The ouebalfoj eonHrmadon u and the balanee ia one year thermlter, with JJ' eat from date of eale, to Ut am-ared hy ivb4 mortgage on tbe nropertr, . il. I. HCHOON'OVRR I HKVUV HAMLIN. Mrt 8af.t1,ll6v-4u ' Valuable Farm for Sale. THE loboftrtbor offrri lo aetl ail fara, utmAU in Bra.lT lowmbip, C'lrariWId o-nni, -oontaiuii.g VJ aoroi, aliout 4S acrca llarol aai ondr-r (food cullirattoa, haTin frorl.ii ,a.Ifc LAIllib' HOIkK aod UASK BAItN, ,,V oot bulldingi. A loo a (good yuuuf orco.,,, Imnint llrn Iroot. Tbo ii acraa of lm,l, ia wall ooroml with food pino, konlw-k aad varifly of oak, eboalnut, brrob, laaor, auola! birkory. chorry, An., aod aoar a aa giiil.' Tho Farm ii 1 1 sailoi Wf( of Utbrao tU on tha aorrry of Ibo Alli-gorliy Vallay h. & Tba auoionbor oan to addratMd st ' -m, Uri, CUaiUld ooooly. Pa. . IttfTRT SIERUWIKI SopUl, 1SSS-31. Private Sale. TH E ndorlKnod Djarin, dMormload la dlOMa of hi! maalDior prnporty, otrra lor laoioM ol U-o ojoat drwraOla (ami at Ptmtt towaaa Tba tract aosUUia '' One Hundred Acres, more or lets, Ei(hly-tri t wkiaa aroai.aradaad aodat,M talc of eulhratlos. Tbo fanrol ara u (ooioia. ditiov. aad Iho iretor ii oa eel loot. Wilb foodboarta( orchard of a.pl, pfwk --f pear trooa. Coaafortabla buildmo. laara a ufticiont liabor oa Uto promiota for laMut porpoaaa. Conronlonl to acboola, aoanbaiowL Tbo vhola being Bndorlald arltb oiotiltal ahai Alra pollen' clay, of an oioollotu aaJi',, It wilt bo bald for tba la.pooouai of ailamM, anti tbe Into Ttalbor aost, vsca.U aotiala. it sill bo noted. Torou an.T. for nartWr partkalan aJdnai tba lubMnoer, or rail poraoaajly al Ua prtaMOH. soar Uraiaplaa tiiUl P. O. JOH-f MelNTlIL Iran toonaWr, II, H3 Ja pot. Farm for Sale. TUG sadrrliraod, midliif la tool loabla, doairal to aoll kit bra al prirala aaJa. Say poraos driiring s bonasiU 4oaUuofcttaa4 oaauioa tboaa prosaiaoa, Containing Fifty-one Acret, Tbirty-Sooof vbioh ara cUarwd aad sadiraool lata of lliratiua.boaid aoiaj oalirtl; ihh laio wilb coat, and Wviag tborooa oroott'd dotj). ing koaoa, born anil otbor aoaratary aalbaildiaia. toglhcr wilb s Sno orrhard of aaoolltal fnut W all kinds. Tb, farm ajoM Bokoi, Eautk aad WiiWrov, soar ekarck aod aofcoa! koasa, aad karing , ooocr failiof rpriag of water. Any furlkar ttitonnallo, eaa ko obtabMd ly calling ob tha pr?mica, or addroaiiog tba aadat ignrd at Ntw klUlport, jyii-sis nrsitr bcxtu. New Cabluet I MOPTIAX.VO.V LAND AND LIMBER COM PANY offer fur sale Town Lots to the her. hub of Osceola, Clearfield cottwty, Pa., aad aiaa lots to suit purchasers wHUide tha limits af said borough. 0acsa4a ie sua Sed an tha Meshaease Creek, in the nrfceat fjrtrrm of the eenety af Clearbeld, oa the line of tbe Tyrone A Cfeaxicld Railroad, wber tl.e Moshaaiiow and bVarcrtsa branch reads iateraaei. It ie alee la tbe bsarl af the Mu-banaon eoal basia, and Urge badaw af white pine, hemlock, oak, aad Mber timber ear rrtund it. Uae ol tbe largest Iwnibnr masalatiae ing estahlisbmcata it tba State ia leemtew It the town, while there are many otbor lavmker aad h ingle mills arouad it. The tows Ie bet mraa years aid, aad eon tat ni B popnlaUv of Ml la sand inhabitant. i fi&Tor farther laformstioai apply t-ttbteAal of the above company. JOB? LAVertl. Houses and Lots Tor Sale, 1J10VR HOVPES and LOTS In neartrli. hr eate on reasonable terui. Posse nbs girta u Ibirty days. Also, a plot of Fol'R LOT ta th corner of Fourth and Kced itreeti, tits, 1 :ti2m feet. Three wf three Iota ar well Istaltd for either ) am bar yard, coal yard, or for baiidiag purpoK geaeraih, being Within lit feet of the railroad depot. Price and terms reeowsM. Apply to OLOKtiK THORN, ieb24 if Clearttld, a. Pry f,QQ&$, ftroffrirj, 5(r. C. KIUTZER & .SON'S ARERKCEIVIXQ A SPI.tSPID NTOCK OF CARPETS A.NDOILCLOrUS. WAU, rAFEUS-OILT FATER, ds. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW 81IADKS- COU.NTERrANES AMD QCI1.T3. LINES TABLE CLOTHS I SAPKINS. LADIES SILK COATS st OVEKSKIITS. ELEGANT SUAWLS k LACE POINTS. LADIES' CniLDRES'S TRIMMED llAT.i. PRESS GOODS AND TRISIMINOS". BEST KID GLOVES-LADIES' OR. TLEMKS'8 ANL)CniLlRSN9. BLACK AND FASCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALPACAS. US EQUALLED STOCK I.APIES ISO CIHLMiEN S SUOM J; UA1TEK3. MKN'3 CALF d- FRESCU KIP BOOTS. HE AW CALF BOOTS. S. M EN'S AND HOYS' FINE AND BCATT SHOES. BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $0. . 0ASSIMERE8 VERY CU EAP. GROCERIES, FLOUR TROVIS10KS AT LO B'ESr RATES. LIBERAL DEM'CTION TO TH&SS BUYING IN QUANTITY. . WtK.L. MARK fTINI AND COUHTRT 1'KO Dl'.E WANTED. ClearSeM, ;oe IS. 1SSS. JkEW 8TOUE AXDXKW GOOM. JOS.' SHAW & SON IIsts just crtB4 ft Nst Stosi, oa Vlsid Sl.,Cu.irisis, Ts., Utslf ocrupisJ k; Wm. F. IRWIX. Thoir slock conaiiti of Din'or CO CD CD LD S3, Cik(Ki:ts of Iht bt quality, Queenswire, lkot and Shoe sod ,r irtiols ncsisr for ons's cosnforl. Call tod tiainlns our stock bsfors f'' el.s.init slimhsr. Msr . tP66-tr. f ASTI'.n-Ono otH HI.ArKPMITn I M V II ono tnas lo work in wood-tnaklof I Warnna. ttaiop kloehlnaa, Ao. Singlo " J aaoti wtlk aaaall fkmiliea. Apple ta lliMtTII A Kl MBARI.'S. jnflstf Jefferaon l.two. ClearSeM e"Q". (1 l'THIJ-.MI porwisl are kerrkl faaHe. ) od airalnal pareh..iir or II. any dliti with ono ipan of hurrel lloreol. m Kdaard ittlifan, oa-l la tba poeaios of laaol, of Boeearia towstklp, ai tko lo B, and ara abeel I, B ; ardor. ro, . unfii p-j- i, un . ' V.