a-taakaVialaaa4aaBUUU CLKARt'IFLD, 1'A. WEDNESDAY MOUSISO, SEPT. I, !. Laughter and Tears, ' Langhtcr ai a mental and pli)'sicnl fact, in a singular phenomenon. Tears and Imiglilcr are part of the twivorsnl injriiHgtt of human kind tba language of loots. Since Unlet, men, dispersed over the luce ot the world, do not understand oncanother's speech. But thin nne inarliuulnto lan guage remains imclligiblo to nil man kind; it requires no interpreter, it is legible to tlioso to whom even "tlio three K'a" are Blill a mystery ; infuiits newly-born seem to bring tomo under standing of it' with thorn into the world ; it may he read by a blatk tnan in the face of a white ; it would have beecn appruhondod in Robinson Crusoe by his man Friday on the detcrt Island ; it is even in somo de crco leL'iblo by a marvelous instinct by the lower animals in the face of man. tor a strong; man can Dash a spirit-quelling command out of the bodily windows of his soul, his eyes, into the hulf-waking "spirit of a beast." A Borrow can thereby assert his au thority "by right divine" over an en raged dog. it is a touching proof of that deep, nderlvinir unity, which, amidst all their infinite diQ'erences,bindt toguiuoi' in the deeper regions of their being all the far-separatud races and families of Adam's children, that all men do, in this wuy, understand one another's looks. If I land ou an unknowii islund, whose inhabitants speak language, in the ordinary souse of that word, quite unintelligible to rao, and yet seo there a human fact, xhntvver, bo iu color or shape, lighleu with a smile, or trembling into tears, my lioarl, if it is not dead wiihin me, will answer to what I call lis expression, though I cannot in the leant toll how 1 gather ny audi knowledge Ironi that sight. W e may plead, theretbrc, for the ueeu interest ot theso two phenomenas, tears and laughter, on tins ground among others, that they are part of the uni versal and distinctive characteristics of our brother men, of every race and clime. Laughter is visible, principally, in that tiystic border-land between mat ter and spirit, "the human lace di vine." llow it docs so, who shall any I For what is in a lace : It is a region but It low square inches in cxlci I; and yet this is all the instrument, or much the principal one, with .which, in the mysterious processes of nature all the varieties ot thought, lculing and emo tion of wlicfl we become aware in looking at another human being, are in some way or another effectively conveyed to us. Its component parts have, it is true, a marvelous powurol ceaseless, most subtle movement a most important attribute. "That," says Lord Bacon (Essay on Beauty,) "is the best part of beauly, which a picture cannot expro; no, nor the first sight ot tho life, decent, (i. e. be coming) and gracious motion. Still, it is through this apparently simple instrument, a face, that, in some way or other, thought, fueling, emotion, are expressed, to degree really mar velous. And whokoowsnoltheactual light (is it spiritual or is it physical in iu essence ? we cannot say) that may flash into our souls from the lines of flowing beauty round the mouth, the dancing fleams in tho lengthening eyes, the innumerable twinklings and beamings of tho countenance, when it is really laughing T Still, it is not only in the face, or even in the domain ol sight, that the spiritual condition which causes laugh teri perceptible in others. Tho blind, wh never looked upon a face, yet know ot laughter in others through that other bodily doorwuy into tho presenco-chaniber of the soul, the ear; and the luelings calleJ up in the soul of the blind by poalsof laughtcr(citi, Stof some gladsome and brilliant bolls 10, Uie spirit world,) must be much tlMi same as those stirred in those do. fjrjved of hearing, by the sight of a augbing face, and of the shaking sides the arms it may be, Rung tuto the air, tho head thrown buck, or the bands enthosiasliuully rubbed toclh- er of one who is undergoing that strange seixuro rightly called a fit for a true tit, or physical soiiure it is of laughter. Vhalevcr it may be in its inmost nature and central spring in the soul, iu c fleet is general over th whole body. Probably there is not the remotest corner, or little inlet of the niiimto blood-vessels (lil'e-vcs-Blsof the body, that does not feel some wavelet Ir.im that great convul sion shaking tho central man. The blood moves more lively probably its chemical, electric, orvitul ouuUiliou is distinctly modified it conveys a different impression to all the organs of the body as it visits them on that particular mystic journey when Die man is laughing, lroiu what it docs at other time. And so, we doubt not, good laugh amy lengthen a man's life, conveying a distinct stimulus to thi vital forces. And the time may come, when physicin, Attending more closely thaiv-at present, aulortu natcly, they are apt to do, to the in numerable subtle influences whic h the soul exerts npon its tenement of clay, shall prescribe to a torpid pnlietil ''so many ihIs of laughter, to be under gone at such and such a time," just ss they now do that Cur more olijeeiinna Me prescription, a pill, or an electric or galvanic shock ; and shall study the best snd most effective method of proJneing the required effect iu each jialicut. Uood Health. Tbe New York Citizen says: At one of our fashionable churches, where pews are eagerly snapped u; at about a thousand dollars each, a young man and his newly married wild recently attended worship for two or thrw Sundays, and were so well pleased with the preacher that thev resolved to attend regularly. Accordingly, as they passed oat one Sunday, the gentleman, calling the sexton sside, says patronisingly : "See here, I think, on tho whole, 111 come hereto church. Now, I wnt to hire two seuts good seat, mind yoo on the lower floor, and now let me see all you have to let." 'To leil did I undersund yos V inquired the sexton. tr.fn.I.dn'i "ind W'" 1 or 1.1 rr;te":""id ! what tO lot ws H-TT . n,Te no e"l i?hi.o,,0tdo''ilb ln.Tbe.tr. plan. on t.HOM 1NI OI.DLR." ST ! SM.L. Whv slioul.l we rtlK to pasting rearl, W hen Tune, upon our tares, VnhrHli.g II, rereption rol.l, A trll 1.1. wrinkle plaeeef Why 1" wr sib nhvn In the bftir A sliver tbtesd in showing. And wipe Hie t-trt troia dimming eves, And su.v, "fis older growing !' Who ai.brs to enjoy hli youth. Moil sea young yean to do it Who lungs to live beyond hip prims Mast eurelr travel through It. Bill when all tUla te past, lie llnde, Although 'til hard to sny It, lie own Old Time a gallant debt. And feebler yean mutt pay U. Bo on hit frowning brow U put, (Could anything be kinder?) Last he (rjic4 tboaa happy days, A wrinkle, for roininiliT. And let hint bear In mind, the while He done a graver raiment, That each gray bair upon the dark It a reotiplcd payment. Does he regret tbe borrowed yean, Aud wish be bad Dot ueed ttiera f It ie not worth a mortal's teart, If he baa not wou.ed theia. Why do we talk of growing old, Amfdread the ico-aold river? This lite below, at uiost, is brief, For souls that live forever. Across the tide will tie no ebango Of youthful garb for tuber. The groea of June will saver fada To gray of late Oct ber. There'll bo so kinging for the past, tktl glenoid o'er the fhonMer, Ko wrinkled brow, so dimming tye, Nor any growing older. WORK AND ltfcBD. Tbe world i rife with nobler thought Than trorohh-f on tbe tongue ; Tbe world is full of melody, Unwritten and unsung. The mutie of a mireh is tweet but aetios it sublime And each may lire a nobler verso Than e'er was told in rhyme. Sweep from my sight these foolish books That vet Bay weary brain. And I will sit at Nature's feet Iter opa page tbe plain And wad a plraeant roundeisy In every blade ihal grows; A lyrle is tbe lily's leaf, ., ; An epre in the rose ! , Yet tioktingi of the tongue or pea To love-sifk girls btlaag Tbe musie of a welt spent llio Is sweeter fur than song. It suils ma ant, this waate of word- Our world were sot so dead, If maids and men would cease to write, Aud live their verse inetaad 1 . TO LfcT. To be let at s very delirate rale, A snug little bouse in a fne, healthy Stat; 'lis a oarbekir'e krart, and tbe agent is cbaoee, ArTection tbe rent to be paid In advance. The owner, as yet, bas possessed it atoue, o the future are nut of murh value ; but soon 'Twill be luruivbed by Cupid himself, f a wife Toke s l-ase for tbe term of her nstural Ilia. -The tunaut will have a f.-w tases to pay Love, noaor, and heat last Item olN.y. As foi the guod-will, tbe owner's inclined To bava that, if agreeable, setthd in Bind, Provided ttua title, by proof, esu ba shuws To a heart unenoutateriHi and free as bis owo. So ladies, dear ladies, pray da not forget, Ilert's an aieeltent baciiekir's habital ion to let. A Sensible Girl, Some writer, to us unknown, tolls the following story of her: Twenty years ago, a young man who hid paid his at ten lion to a bright, sweet gill, for a long time, without making anything that was even a second couiti to a proposal, was startled ono evening by the question, " Hubert, do you want to marry me r lto tried to evade tho question by asking why she put uch a question to him. " Because, if you do not want to marry me yon mast stop coming to see me. No mocking bird axounu (ko s vd tossal,'s siwat iuia know." Hubert took llio bint, and with a cool cood night, walked home. What should ho care for a girl so rudo as that. Good company as hers else where. Would join the club nextday, lie tried to sleep but could not. lie didn't quito like tho turn things had just taken. The figure plagued him if ho was a mocking bird, who was the red breast that bo was keeping away (rom each a 6 II ing partner? " At any rale, one thing is certain, Edna is smart as she is pretty," he said to himself, " and she means bus iness." The next morning Robert went to tho counting room. It was a long day. Business bad dragged. Every tsdy was pro occupied, hurried, ermt. lie was glad to go homo, only it wasn't home. He took a book, but found himself trying to read the coals in the grate and figures os tho wall instead ol the page, lie threw him self on the Ion ngu, but it was dread fully dull. lie stood it for awhile, and then put on bis hut and Walked down to the widow Ciaigie's. lie stepped up to the door as usual, but Edna was engaged, lie asked to have her Called. It seemed a month bclnre she came. At lust she ap-K-nred Ho rose from bis seat and met her in tho middle of tho room, and said, " Edna, I have coino here to night on business. I am tired l being your mucking bird, and want to be your rod breast; will you be my wife!"' "When do you sayf" said Edna, her face suflu-oj with blushos. " Soon as I can make a scat," replied Hubert. " I believe both red breasts join In building the nest," said Edna, and I want to do my part." This was about twenty years ago. To day ono ol tin handsomest niunsions in one of our cities is the nest of the wedded pair, whoso life bus been sweet as a bird's sfing, and whoso hearts, like their affections, are as young as ever. There is a great deal mora ia put ting a little straight-forward bnsine at the beginning ol life than is usually supposed. CortDaVr SiuscatiiK. A pair of itiose interesting, entertaining ladies who seem to carry on so largo a busi ness in the wayof procuring subscrip tions fur new works, and who are so delightfully importunate so sweetly un gut-rid a bio. called a short time since at tho oflice of a young lawyer tor mo purpose ot getting him to subscribe. ' ""indeod, Indies," said ho, "ihe part nership of which I am an bumble mem ber has lately been so imprudent as to issue a new work of their own, which, in consequence of the enormous ex pense attending its illustrations, em bellishments, Ac, havo cotuplulcly cripnled us."-- . "Then, pcrhsps," replied the angelic canvasser, -we could procure you sume subscribers. What do you call your work V Well, we have not fully determined as yet; but I guess 111 lot my wile havo her own way, and cull it after me Charles Henry." The linly c,hi- vamcrs were aeiestcd, and soon left. In the deitth of thn bpa Hia wsiam are Still the hrnvieat nrit la ll.nl bom In silence ; thedeepe-.it love flows through the rye and touch ; the purest joy is anspeskable; the most inipres sive prayer is silent; and the most solemn presolrer at a funeral is the silent oue whose lips are ttld. twsissoaTronsBBs WUY MANYWHES FACE. I How ninny pale, lifeless w. men you see in the West, and In tho East, too, lor that matter. Young, fresh looking women marry, and in live nr ton years ycru can scitrcely rerngniM them, whilo their husbands look as frosh as on the day of their wedding. Ono cause of this is complicated house keeping. When a man under takes a business, ho finds learned men ready to assist him ; he knows what there is to do, nod secures belli accor dingly. A young woman goes to house keeping very oiton wiiiioui any holp ut all, or perhaps with one awk ward girl. There are threo meals to got every (nv (hat means oooking; and thon comes the dishes to bo washed after each meal. It would take uhoul forty- rive nieces for bteuklust and supper, and seventy fur dinner for A fumily of fivo, one hundred and sixty-live pieces to bo curried from tho dining room to tho kitchen every dny, and washed, and carried back. If you hnyo six rooms in your bouse, ilium is ono room to bo thoroughly swept and cleaned daily, besides brushing up tha others, muking beds, bring in wood and currying water. Twice a week then is bread-making, twice a week yuunl making, ono day washing, ono day ironing, ull your pantries and safes to be washed out onco a week, titury worn to ue iiiiona ed to, besides innumerable jobs in the wuy of preserving, jelly muking, pick eling, curing bams, putting down pigs tcci, looking over and nipping off' your apples twice in winter, and muking hogshead cheese, niincu-incat, a thorough bouse cleaning twice a year, then sowing on dresses, aprons, shirts, drawers, gowns, &c , by dozens Then supposing the house keeper has a baby, an average six months old baby weighs about eighteen pounds. Suppose she has this child in her arms thirty times a day, (a cross infant is taken up more frequently), and often sho is obliged to work with tho right rm while t unviliL' the bnndlu of a baby about in ner left. Who is it I lutl says there is nothing in gymnas tics equal to tho endurance ol a moth ers' arms. Even when tho days' lubor is accomplished and she goes to bed, she still holds her baby and does not sleep soundly for fear of rolling on it or its getting uncovered ; sho must attend to us wants several tunes in Ihe night, and must be in a constrain ed position lor tear o! disturbing It. I have heard women say, they would giv. almost imylliing for one nig':t ol undisturlied sleep; ''with no cure on their mind." Then in the morning up and at it again. Don't you see why women get pulo, and why they are sometimes n little cross, and why their husbands wonder that their wives don't look pretty and dress well, ami entertain them as they dil before they were married? Tho wives don't reasin on the mat ter, they think it is all the man's fault, and then they turn cross, and so things go nt sixes and sevens, and this is the place where woman's rights shonld bt taken hold of. I don't think voting would help that very much ; woman's labor should bo mado a study. In the first placn men must realize that it is a irreal labor to keep a house. A great many women sink down under tho weight, then everybody says, "poor-thing, she always was a wen'.;lv good -for nothing creature," and the " poor thing " has been doing more for tho last tun years than two women ought to do. Fashionable Women. Fashion kills more women than toil and sorrow. Obedience to fashion is a greater transgression :!' the laws of woman s nnture, a greater injury to her physical and mental constitution, than the hardships of poverty and neglout. The slave woman at her task will livo aud grow old, and sec two or threo generations of her mis tresses fade and pass away. The washerwoman, with scarco a ray of hupo to cheer her in her toils, will live to suo her fashionably sisters all ex tinct. Tho kitchen maid is hearty and strong, w hen her lady bas to be nursed like a sick baby. It is a sad truth that fashion pam pered women oro almost worthless for all the good ends of life; thry havo but. little force of character; they have 'still less pow er of moral will, and qtiilu as little physical ener gy. They lite fur no great purpose in life they oro dolls, lorniej in the hands of nnlinors and servants, to he dressed and fed to order. They dress nobody, they bless nobody, and save nobody. They write no books, they set no rich examples of virtuo and woman's life. If they rear children, servants and nurses do nil, save to conssivs and give them birth. And when reared, w hat ore tiicy ? What do they ever amount to, but weaker scums ol tho old stock f Vt ho ever heard of a fashionnhla woman's child cxbibitii.g any virtue nnd power of mind, tor winch it becamo eminent : Head biographies of our groat and good men and women. Not one ol them had a fashionable mother 1 lu'V nearly all sprung front strong minded women, w lto had about as lilt Iu to do with fashion as with tho changing ciouus. Look After tbe Eoys, That tho boy is father to Ihs man is an old adau'C. Buy thicres if not checked make sdult buigliirs and murderers, nnd furnish a plethora of I od fur the State prison and the gal lows. '1 ho polieo of sume of our precincts complain that Itity bare more trouble with buys varying In niro from ten 3 ears to fifteen than with grown up criminals. Not many nights ngn some younif folks made their way into a slure in Washington street through a hole in the pavement and gathered an amount or plittinYr w hieh they were only prevented from carry ing off hy waul of nerve to go through with Iheir nefarious enterprise. A similar case occurred in tireenwich street the other nitwit. Young Ameri ca K"l into a vault under a wholesale store and turned everylhii g uiilo down, but tho youthful burglars were caught in the act. llicy proved to be not more than nino yprs old. "Jf such things be done in Ihe green wood what shall become u( the dry f" What are our reformatory schools and other public institutions doing to keep children out of mischief ami crime f Cannot our public school system or our humanitarim philosophers acctun plish something to slop this Unhappy condition of things? We can hiinlly expect Iho police to arrest the pro gress of crime w hen it develops itself to this extent in the very infniicr of manhood. -A'. lr. Her-M. In an Illit.ois evmotorv is a tomb- stone bearing only ibis simple but touching epitaph, ''Gone up." girjj doofls, ftrcrrrlfi, f t. MOD GOODS! tOOD STYLUS!! AXt) LOW PRICES!! NEW SPRING STOCK - AT TI1S ' , . KEYSTONE STORE! J)BESS - GOODS, TRIMMINGS an NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY I White Goods ! Stumped Goods ! Ilotlerr snd Glove! Corsets and Bllrti! Ladies Baawlt snd Coats, (new styles! Straw Goods, Flowers, Ribbons, &c, Umbrellas and Parasols, Window Shades, Ladies snd Children's SHOES, Wall I'.per, Carpels and Oil Cloths, Hats t Cans. Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Tieaiofs, Cottenades, Cesslmeres, Tweeds, Aft., do., CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST! V. C. KIVLIKGs Cloarnrld, April 2B. IMS. GREAT EXCITEMENT O.i Second STitirT, Clear nun. KTV7 GOODS AT LOW FRtCES. rpnR undervlgned resnertfulty Invite tbe at 1 t-vitina of Iks fslilie genenllr In ib'lr splendid assortment of marehandiso, which they art sow salting AT VEIIY LOW riICt8, Tbelr stnk consists In part of Dry Goods of tbe Beat Quality, Such as Prints. Pa T.ln,,, Atpaeoas, Merlaoa, uincnsms, muslins, blrarbso sad anblearh td, Drivings, Tickings, cotton and wool flannels. Satim litCatmsrea, Cotlonades, Ladies' Shawls, Kubias nods, Balmoral snd Hoop Chins. Ac. Also, s ins aeiortmrnt of Men's Drawers and 301ns, ua(j a laps, Boots A Shoes, all ol which WILL EE SOLD LOW FOB CASH nardware, vueenrware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. :n short a gexekal assortment Of everything et cully kept Is s retail store, all vunjir ruui'AF.11 or approves eountrj pro due. A. K. WUIUJJT I SONS. Clearfield, Nov t , ISST. THE CLEARFIELD STORE RECONSTRUCTED. fleorge t, Hm4 . Willlsm Powell, John T. Weaver William W. Belts. GEO. L REED & CO., Two do-n Bortfa of th Coart Horn. CMUKPIKI.n, PA. TTAVIN'fl rcturnrd to oar oM thatlarM 'nd ii herrly boiitj tht clliieni of llmrftt-M utl tbe iiahlin ?tnerHy, thnt w hkr switonsl updo, ani intrnJ la proverat. vtrnraut ctia- ti(u tminit hifh pricf pn1 tnfrior r0'''. md ir now 00 bnntl full iitrtplv of )! klnui fnaac fjru in iuii mntfU 10 111 Uif 01 Dry siools, We claim to hare s full aorttnrnl, consisting Is part of Mulin. bleaolied and unhlracbedi Prltrtt sf sit grades snd styles ; and Spring & Summer Dress Goods, Furl. M A I ). of fttl dtiAdtri; ! I.ttinr, Io riiifttt an-l Kliiniirli: brntlot, a full ri tuoi.1 f ulk'mct.'i wNir. evofitliog ia part wf Cloths, Cassimeres, fttlintu u4 full MMHavat of READY - MA DK CL0T1IIXG. Xotlons, Hosiery, Trimmings, P. 0 N N E T T 8, AC, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, . GROCERIES. Wa l.a-a a full uTt of Tuffr. T-a, Pnjrar, Birr &lnla-H. lot.at-rn, Kiph. al, ttnatrdt coal and I ah Oils, FLOUR, BACON, DRIED FRUIT, Fujjar-farrd llama. Ma 9nr and a fiill turiljr of Proviiloaa. Hardware and Queensware, All lha fht-r.rt aHtrti-t irtll W awrfianriH. for CAHH, Ll.MHKK, nr (OI NTHY I'hOIH t K, ami ai prior to which thrrt aaa be o except ma. i now in nfftj oi vimxia in our line, will pltnae WCALL AKD SEE USl-k CEO. Ii. HEED & CO. ClesrSeld. ".-r'- IT, l'" If. ' J. P. Kralzer SBIXS tbt Wat Pthaa Patanl "natha Nbodat Calabratad Itah-a Hay for at ru.id Htaal Uoa8lraMl--4aoM -liarwafl rana, fl. A I API.B H'GARJnsl revHred al t'L i. P. Ehai ekr'R. MtrkM rtrael. ounHru and tarMnf SUep. a. r. vol "'"i1 .to. I. tOl flu BOYNTON Sl YOUNG, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS MffarHtiiTri of . ' rOETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pin Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. SCis.iss.iii i i suo t- ixmsMxrwrrrT sT HA VINA engnifed is the misaTaclnre of Irtt olass MAUlINliltY, wa respectfully Inform tbe public II at we are now prepared to til all orders as cheaply and as promptly as ean be done in any or tbe cities. We manufacture and dual in Mulaj and Circular Saw-Milk, Hi-ad Plucks, Water Wheels, 6hariing Tulleys, OilTcird's Injector, bteam liauges, Klrua Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cupi, Oil Cups, Uaufe Cooks, Air Corks, Olobe Valves, Cheek Valves, wrought iron I'ipes, Meant I'unpr, BolUr Feed 1'usips, Anti. Friction Metres, 8oap Htone Parking. Oum Park, ing, and all kinds or WILL WOHK ; together with Plows, filed B,dr, COOK A3 D PA ULOR STO I'ES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. ftr Orders solicited and tiled St titr prices. All letters of ii.oulry with reference to macbiners of oar manufacture promptly answered, byaddrcs- tng us at Cleartcld, Pa. declS tf IIOYXTOV k TOl'NO I'laniiiij tills. I. L. J. F. Weaver, NOTICE.! W. W. Belts. . i. it.:i:i & co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! flME proprietors respectfully Inform thecltilens J- of Cleartrld eoontg, that they hare entirely refilled this establishment with the lateat improved wood working marbiwery, and an mw prepared to oaecuts all orders la their lis of bueinaea. They will give especial atteeitiaa to tha manufac ture of material for house building, nek as FLOORING, WEATHER -DOARDING, SASH, noon:, mixes, niuicKETS .ytoti.ni.rcs, Of ALL 8TYLKK, Wo always hsrei so hand a large stork of HUT HUB Fit, sod will pay rash for ill clear Lumber. One and a half Inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eichaaged, I suit customers. A.Or,lcrs solicited, and Lumber furnished on short notice and on reasonable terras. ' fl. j REED A CO. ClcarSeld, Nov. 7, 1SS7. K. B. Pattos .....J,,w Parros, " I"1' - -....J. It. lsnil. E. B. PATTON & CO., Having tiled ap s trst-clan PLANINGM1LL Are prej'ssrei to furnUti all kibd of Manufactured Lumber, such al Floorinj. Bidirif. Surface-Tressed Lum ber, Bath, Pooh, Hindi, Aud every description of PLAIN AND FANCY MOLDING. tlr- VnWr, will tnd It to their advantage 1 11 . consult our prioca before puri'he.inr else. here, i Address, K. II. PATTiiN' A CO.. - - Cnrwvn.i itle. Mec. S. lff.S If Clrarficld counly, Pa. (Tlotking. lloiv to Nave atloiM'y. THK Huff ara l ard : T.Vd liVa to know llow yn mar aara ytmr dollar! Tba aj ta do it I -how. If ye will raad hat follow. A a who ltad not far fn-ta bar, Who worked bird at Mp trada. But bid a f naale'ild tn auppi.rt That iiandKrad all kt nada. X mat klia onra, B ka, ''My frland, I lok thread brar and ronitk p I'ra trird to get tttyaalf a aait, Cut can't aara ap -gouxh." Baja , my frlaiid. how a. Oik Vara yoo t Ml tail yon whdra to 0 Ti ft a a-iU Ihai'p anu" 4 and cheap 1 To BtWKNSlH.N A Co. - , Ha took wr-it little ha had aavarl, And want to Heiiaaatrla ft llrothert', And thara ki pot 0 kandaotno euit, for half ka paid to other. Now ka U borne, bv iookf to well, Aad tkatr erTttt la turh, c That wbf th taka tbair dally meal. They dun't rat balf aa Barb. And now ba 6ndf an Ratarrfay nigb Witfc ell their wante aapplled. Thai ka haa aoonfy Irft ta ape ad, And eome to lay aaide. Ill" pbid eaaeaai. wlrfe ebaarlaj atnlle. lie f'ati.y telle t all. If you'd cave monry, go and bay Voor rlotbri at KKUKNHTEIN'fl CLOTHINO II ALU Where the -beep-it. flcaet and heat Clothlm aad pood FaralabiRK Ouode aaa ba bad to rait ry taete and In aeery atylo , aprH.T Democratic Almanac. riMllH tnvtluil-l- iulMoti4.n U for at thi X l''M ofl,(f. Il shot) I.l bo In tho lmn.li nf rrr I'tiut-rrBt. It ontt ftiit sfri.uR r-tarn from vtTT oountr In tU ( nttrd Htrni It-wulrt, the ttamlr-r fur 1800 -4ntiiini eoinil-1 lit of tht nuirirntif all thr nrw .iipfri nipmM-tl MoUhiMl siirtn- I,inr-nln' fniiiiitr-(nm ; undthiit forllMif fnntkin the irnm- l H thnwe.fi.tini who mn iin.ri..,nMl tinritgt; the Mine vr.nd. Thft two Uu, fnr futitrtt rffrrnt, trr wurth mora thttn th pt-Kff tlic imtlirtuiin. The nnrorh-f for IHflS ii eli full f tRlunMe MmIiiiI,i. An? on- Mmlin 69 e-nu to tbt Vot Matter, will neive 4y rtium mmi wipr fr wwih V"r. frrenf Mt(f-, Jr2irll rprutwrt ant Bbdolnal tuppurtr of etert X wtittrl of the latett .leprtrvewnknte, fir 'al m Ihelirtif hidtrt q( HAKTHWUK A IKW1N. I A It a. tOiTAD.t'il hV. fOR un st tall cc. OS . J. sovis ' BOY EH & SHAW, (14ft A. I. If.) mt inDriMT.ci.il DRUG STORE, ' Market SI., Clrartlrld, !.', (Adjoining store of K Jlossap ) n AVISO povehased ths abovs UtoM. Raorn, snd re tiled It entirely, making It Is a I respects s FIKST-CLASS DRUU TOKB. w. sr. sow ooenio-g, I offer to tha public, a FULL, COMPLKTK, and STIIICTLY PL'KK ssso t stent of .Drugs, Chomisals, Paints. Uye Stuffs, So., A., sonsisUng of oils, Paints, Vami.be., DKUOS, PATENT MEDICINES Dys Buffs, tobaoeo. Cigars, Confe.uenerlss Starlouery. Ac. PUY8JCIANS Will nnd their stoek of Drugs FULL snd COM. Pl.BTK,aad atsfary slight advaneeoa Saaurs ,"lM,' SCHOOL BOOKS. Tearhtrs snd others will be fornl.h.d wllk elaasloaland mlaosllanwoss hooks b espreee.at short sotiot. STATION KRY, Consisting of Cap, Flat Cap, Foolscap, Utts sad Perfumed Nolo Pspers j sl.o. s Tory seat slack af Mourning Note P. par and knvelopes oa baud. rans, ronciis. .n, HfllTSKKF.EPEnS Will tod full stoek of Pt'RR SPICKS, SODA, SODA AH11, Coweentrated I.YE, SOAP. . ..... . .... . i .-.. Mil DT i aiiiks a i t,r. i nr.nri.v Are requested loeismlne tk I. stoek of Psrf emery, II. i, OIIk Fine Totlel Soens, Brssbas, Combs, lOllSl Mill. c , r, eunk K s a -v n i;iii. r.u.- Will tnd a full supply of prima Chawing and Smoking TOUACOO. Imported and domestic . .- tj r.. . A. 1 . C1UAKB, DUUn. ,ne.'.i. . tJAltliU. Ulli, Of the host brands, always os band. MOl'UltS. Ths best auallty of Liquors always hand, for SDSOmai purp'ieoe. tt-Ph.lcini' rrsscrlptUki promptly and . ,, - aareianr vuwiivm. May Itt. W- REMOVAL. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DftTJGGISTS, .flarkrt Street, Vleartletd, fa. 7"E beg lesvs 1st Inform ear old sad saw 41 tustomars. that f0 evc reasaoed oar so labllshmoot to the epMiaas sew building just errcttd on Marked slwt, nearly adjoining the Maosiiia llmiee on tho west, snd opposite Messrs. liraham A R .ut' novel whers wa to'paalully Invite tha publia tt corns and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAISTS AND VARNfSHBS. Our slock of Prngs and Medicines consists of ev.rjii.mg used, rlwoted Kith ths greataat ears, bus WAnEiHTED STRICTLY PUEEI Wa also kes a full stock of Pyr., Perfumeries, T.iilet artlclee t".S.. Tonlh U-arh.s, Hair (trashes. Whitewash lira. lies, tnd every other kiad Hrusbea. VYo kavt s largo lot or WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, r l P- Vlls r ia s wm j (d ik tbt paiattag iatM, mlick wt aflar al Ml J All t.t-s. ..J lam awa.wlt.laa VII J ItC W EMU DHJPII. TOBACCO AND 6E0AR3, CaafeetUsery, sploas, snd the largest 'stock of vartttiat tver offered, la this place, an warrsat. td la bt of tht bast tht Market affords. J. O. IlARtswrcK, Kor. SS, It St. . . JOHN V. IRWIN. FOU TZ8 CELSSfUTCS rV Y.H ..KSl'i.HA, YK1.LOW WATKR, 1IKAVF-. OH'CH-. I-IS-TKUI-KR, rKVIIHH, FOP lKR, L.Mtur il'ftbTITK AM) VITAL KNKH'.Y, Ac Iu m lpn.rM tM wim4, lfecrM.-j ta ariUt KsMootk m4 tttsMsr ahiB nt ftruanraM IK sajpnhi hrlrioa latoa Bisa-UwsUai aad triia?i bone. To krrpn f Cava tail twMara- ttoa ti tntaltuhl. It it a lar pr. va-oiirr iftinn swsif rfm w.. noiioar Hom, ue. it baa arva tra-a hv k actual ipmni'nt to lacT-aih u l" ni.mnlttsr sat amilai asaa mum tr.aia isfrr rvni. and aak tha mut la aixl fwea-t In trntfnlnc eattts). H rlwtf tKrta aa apfv'tii, imstni their kids), aad aiakaa Una tbnra a.aca laatar. Ia all aSaaw af f wim, nrH a Caofha, rifsjrt I am lasaaa, later, avr .lata anwsrMU aa a ""ctOO. Ilr puuing frosw half a Hhcf ta a TU,wr In a hsarrM nf vtH UavWv-d.watM ani It-r-suli ctd r (aBdrHr prtrmtM If alva la Ufa, a apruia vrra)Uva aad urc fat Um Uog t hulrra. DiriD E. KorTZ, Proprlflor, BALTIMORE. Mel. For Ml Hv rrrojrfisfs and ttwHsfwrrv tarcot baat tba I'aiard Alat, litada aad staaUi AatMnca. For aala hr Ilnrtswirk A Irwin, rirarfifltl, and t'T dnipK"U and ttora kvrpori Ihroagtmut ttir tuiud Statn. LTbll Ij NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. 9 c 11 1; 1 T Z R Celebrated Bitter Cordial JIMS antdiral prrt;.,',-ll'-. ,B now n1ftnA I thapabiieaa a reliable kat.:ito fr tho many wurthleai rompuaada whirl. noW . market. It la purely Tretahle, roinpoiro vnrioai brrha, gaihered from tbe grant ttora btiise ef natera- acd ftUrtrd i:b rfca atwutt rare. It Ii nut rrrorntnendril ne a Craa Ate. but by Ita direot and aatutary Inflarare upon tba 1 1 -art, l.ivar, Kidaeyt, Laar. tSteaaacb and Rowrle, U aete ktk aa preantl.-o and euro fur many nf the dieeeeee ta whtrb tb-ea arrant ara rulje-t It Un reliable Family Medina, aud ean be taken by either infant or odalt with tba aama brDefirlal retutlte. It li n certain, pnimpt and erdy ivmedy for Dlarrhirn, Vyt antary , t uH eonaplatnt, ryprpaia( lonea f Spirit. Faintlnffe, tSiokheadnebe. tfw. F r Chill and fete re af ell kin dr. it ia far better and aafer than any qu .trite, without any 1 f iu per nirlnna efJeete. U ereatae an atfelite, prove n powerful di((etr. a-d wH (anafararl therlTerte of tifinr tn a ft-w mlnvtea. Prepared by J AM)R .CIIKFTZ, Hula Proprietor. N. V. . cr. Fiftb end hene etrrvte.. FhitniUlphia, Pa. Fold by all Droit i(l at 1. (novlS.ty Attention, AfTlictedl pilK Mthptrtker frtrea nilpe that kt baa M reiuwei the rnnM,a of Wrdleme In Luth rvbnrjr, hera ha Btnt l -fetoie aitatl-a litti to the Uettmenl f CHHON'IO 1II-:AK ia t en era I He will keep fn httirl a rhoirt ta. leeiioa of DRlH.Har.rt M KMCINK8 adaptH to tha treatment af e Brume dltearei, and at b eonenttea at ate o'-ee at any nnar of tha day. N. H A word to thnta affllrted with chronle diteatet maybe tn tit ma advantage. MoT mav at be aw ara that c.m a?Y l'btiolaat who do a atniaa praeiloa hiva not timb to attend to tba treatment f rnaoMc diteaaea, and eoata quenilf aaontrr therai he foe ihii alua of dit aaaei requlm hcli'htb attnllnw. 6KoKi.lt: WILSON, U. D. TsatKarobart , Feb 17. I'M-tf Bcale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) Por all diseases Incident ta lleraot. Cattle, aad llastaa Fltsh, requiring ths att af aa ttttrnal appliettios. Thlt Emhroettloa wat tatentivtly a Bed kj tht ttorernateat during tht war. For tali h? H.rt.alrk A Irwlr, Claardtld. Joseph R. Irwlt, Carweatvlllt.- Daniel Uood tsadar. Lathtrshwrw tf T-tH I.K.Whltt Iad. r.lno, Palat, Lla aeed (III, T.rpeaiiae, Varnl.he. of all hiadt, tt.lor. in Oil and Dit feint, Varnish Rrashea. wavl ItAK T.VTIl'K A IKWIN. Svv AIM PAN At KA, Ktaatdr't Mtd'td Dlseorarr, Heltahold't Bteha, llsktr't Cot l.ivtr Oil, Jane's tad Aver t medicines of trtrs kind, for salt hr HARISV) h:F A JRWIM. KVnvn t. Isomlusa, Hobb.ll's. Prakfi lloofland't Oerwitn.llosi. iter's tad Oreeat't Ot.vgtaated titUrs alto part Lloutrt, af all his Is for ts jlolotl p.rpoMS. for sal. hr Horse pjalioiliiB. y. Ths iHvrnutM, lont and te-vrtvltly frf-iirt knc,ra' 1,1,1 ttMrfMichl rr-iavtgotftM it 1"L. .11 lwti--a aB ttssi tov tritxi br, f f 111 br M""""" alfHag Ua ff 1 1 1 tss-iai. aivd MMUtvsja. jV V i - H ia Mir prTtvU-f of all 4lra tvtU.4W4 Hhrtaml U it.l. tniatal.it!- w LIS am JfJJ ftOOdj, fXMXtt, Lt. .Ui: AT II AIU4 AIXH Sew Store In Mulsonburg! la tht roots formerly occupied by P. T. Ilegarty. L; M. OOUTRIKT TAKES tblt method of Informing tbeeltiseas of Covingtoa, Kaitbaus, Olrard and the sur- j. ... ,h.. k I,., iu.t nnenod a large stork of 8U.MMKH UOdllH. whlck he Is deter- miued to tall TUN PKR CKT t,rtr.srr.n maa tht same quality of Ooode can bo purchased for IS any other store la tht aalghborhood. tin Mock OOBsiStS Of . I - Dry Goods of all Kinds, Buck ss Satlnetts, Cassimeres, Muslins, tVtlalaat, Lints, llrillings, Caliooea, i rimming., ttibbaaa, Laos, READY-MADE CUVTHINO. BOOTS t SUOtS, UAT8 UAfS, GE0CEEIE3 OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Surar. Bice, Vlolas.es, Fish, Salt, Irflaaoea vii, tisw vu, ww. v... Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Cattings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Cora Caltivators, ('Met I'rataci, and sit sinus Ol AISS. W- W Wl,.a m. .f .k. rarwnavtlwi Wild Contra euunty make, sad srt warranted Is ha of good auaiity. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Ouus, sal s teaora: assortment or stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of dilerant brands, always on band, sad will as told at tht lowest poseiklt Dgurat. LtqiORS, Kocb as BRANDT, WISE, CIS I WUI8EY boot rounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. CLOVER SEED, Os hand aad for salt at tht hrwttt marks priea. Also, Agent for Wilson's Rlratlouville TUBE8IliN0 MACHINES. - r.ll as.4 smash fas. sswoa al Tm will iffist ararviiiiDC aallr ktnit iu a retail ttur. r u u.i-tDTr 1. r . sv lx tltlDA. Frtnebrille P. 0., Jan. ?, m. 1JJ9 GRAD OPEXIXG 1869 or SPRING AND SUMMER Foreign nnd thuneftle ' ; Dry Goods, Shawls, Hosiery GLOVES, WniTE GOODS, Ladies and Gentlemen's Furnishing Good, &c, to. Tfi QrAlITY snj RTYI.Kw. nawvl he i.r X ssseJ, havirs seleeted owr tloeh with the ftr.atrst eare, au i wa will trll at s eloee etsh pnee, m thet aurebasert will Saa It 10 tseir aa vanue ia calling ea as. We hav aim fltteil Wli B separate room far HATS A CAP aaa KTKAW ioyl)S, sad will herp s cbviee hae of thnsa foods. WILLIAM BEKD A CO., , Hear PoatoOire, Market Btrcci. sprl CLEAUFIELD, TA. Down I Down 1 1 , THE - LAST. ARRIVAL AKD OF COl' RSI TUB CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices; 11TK ara as osmlng wa s 1st wf tne West aaa VI taoat teaeontble Ouodt aaa Waret ever offered ia this Biarhet, and si prieet that reniiad one of tha rood old dart at efceap Ihioaa. Thoe wh lash faith wnaa thie aaaM, ar aana eat alav gatwaas twpatswuas, aeed bat call at otn sronm, Coram Tri aad Market ttreeta, SThera ther aaa ae. feel, hear aad kaow ft them selves. Ta fallrwsdersuwd what areeheap (ooda, this aiast be doaa. Wa da awt dees. It aeaessarr to eaamrrata antl llessiM ftar stock. It It taoof b fur at la Matt that We have Ererything that ia Needed aad eoniniBBeal la this ssavtet, sal at prieat that asumiftB aaui Old sol voans1. deo20 JOStl'n BflAW A FOX. xeiv FidOUii, fi:i:i AND PROVISION STORE, FTtHE uaJrrilriiMl hv. .1 Ik.;. X sew eland ia WallarMoa, a fall e.pplj of Flour, Feed, Cora Meal, Bacon, 4c, COAL OIL, (at red need rates,) ' A siod srtleVe af TOBACCO, CIGARS AKD HMOKINd TOBACCO, e..Dt.ntlr on hand. All of which will be sold si LOW RATES for CASH or given ia eirhaaga for EI1IXULK3 and I.l kUKIt. We rsreval"ull.T tsh tha j.Mio ta jive at a trta srfhre at basing elsewberr. . B. READ A CO. Wsntoeton, April 7, ISM. EDWAUI) TERRS & CO., Flour InnufnrfiirrrH, And Dealers ia GIIA1X OF ALL KINDS, riiiLirRBrnfj, .pa. fi i.t, Rrpri.Y of ki.oi r, whrat, V (HIHS and Clltll' nnnsltntl. as hand, tnd tor sasr at ratrt rernarhthlT low. Ifebt-U Xov Wine aud Llqiior Slorp. I. L. h EI2E NSTEI N, "luili nints IS WINES Sc LIQUORS, MARKET ST, ILKA F FIELD, PA. -Pll rtnek nf Wine. Beemdr, Ols, Whl.ht sad Aloohtd. alwB.vt oa hand. 8peeial atlantii.it paid to Mear.ng a pure art id. for riaerawaenttl tnd wiedifal purpose. . Janll-lt The Lightning Tamer. THE sadertlraeel art tho sals A gaits la this w rn tha "North Aavtrlaaa Oaleanltrd LIJI1TNINU BUDS." Tuat. ara tht salj aft rodt anw la in, sad srt aaoorsad hi all tht trlrntiSe Biea la tht toaster. t hsr.hr antlfr tht eitiiaai af Ihs eoatt, that wt will fat theai np a hrtter rod. snd lor Irst arnner, thsa it thargad hr tht turtlgs tg.Btt whu aannallr trartros lbs aouatj aid earr off tor liitlt rath, a.v.r he ratara. EXC0UHAG13 110MB LABOR. Thost wlsklag Llghtalat Rojt sraoui aa Ihelr halldlBgt aead hat sddraet as b amor, ar Mil Is pereoa. Wt will put then ap aarwhtrt la tht ouutir, aad warrs.t th.ai, Tht Rodt atd Fltiaratiaa be mi at mr tirst hr telling at srtiort. . MKHRELL A hltiLKk. Cltarttld, 4utt II, sg M ORGANS & PIANQS, ESTV'S AND JIASON f UAMUK'S, ton UL T 1 SATCI, CsrwtaitUla, Pt 1 PEl(STLTAXU RAIL TYRONX AjCLErtFlKLD HrANcii ON tnd after Moad.y, APhlL Mi,,, , ' fsw.f.1 Trals ill en , ' Sundays) kelween Tyroeio and 1.. u,, H m4 PaesengvT Tr.io hottteoa Tvrea taJr."4 SeW.tsMlowst S.BAVK SOUTH. LEAVe"!"- 01. Hi rid I.SS, r. .! Tvrane . I-. Phlllprourg.sr.VOO, i 0ela..,"','.l - ruuipsorg.erli ij . '- '. " - " 1.11.1M lyrone s ou. - . icarfti-ld: ... ... FAKE ANj) WSTAjCKS." PROM CLEARFIELD. j PROM TVaOSlf BlatloD, tl, Btationi, Looaard Intersect ioa Woodland. S Blgler. S Wallacetoa ....II Blue Hall.. II Phlltpaiiarf.l't StalBtrs IS li.atar. .t tstwsmls. SI Powelltoa.....ld Baady Ridgc..,.IS Summit ?? iu; .anscoyoe. , Iftl trardner .... " It' Ml. PleatBtC.il 401 Summit , 8aady Rnlg.,.'., IS! Powellton... l( SO Oar sola ."jo fto ' lunliarH 70' Kleiner's ",, Mi Phllipeburg ' :Blueball."'f, 10 WaJIscetun. Mt. Plcataat....M Oardner Vaoscoyoe... ,.J l M nirk-r !"ll ..M iM Wuod'.nd u hi. Intcreeettoa. ,S7 1 16! lyennsrd M i Tyrone. II1KI C Irartlcid Ill .4111, FAKE FI10M CLEAllFlEuiTii Btllefonta, Pa lilMiddlrtowt.. ii. leh Uavta TO Marietta I Is Willl.m.port I 6H Lancaste- .. ... '" ii, .1 .: L. . . Stun ii.p, ,.';',"' 1 u umwen. mm.... . v i v em. vbLrtli , h Lawhrtuwa- 1 SO A Itoooa u, ssarvsvi.Nr.M a .owsiowb., HAltKIKBl Kit... 4 TilPITTrBl Hli...! IS S CONKKCUllNM. P. Men ran leavlnr Clrarfteld tt i.M . . Phil asoarf Bt l.6 p. es Oseeob tt 1 11 . ? with CiaeiBSatt El press East at ft.IT e bbS with hls.l Wests. (.41 p. at ,oa MtiiLssiia, with Bald Kaele Express, leariaf Tjrstsst It) ?. a., amv ing a sietieivata at t.4 a. a, ns s eh Ilarea al 10.34 p. wv., eoaneetiLr Vitt L. MBit aael wb ma rntiaoripnia BBS ark lUais 11. tl p...-, ariaTing at Wilhansanrt si II.4S..S. RataraiBK, passearers hrarinr M'illisaaMMri l.lt a. at., oa Erit Mail We, arrite tt Uts la rea at MI a. ai., tOBneetist with hsit Lw. Etliress leavtaa Loch llavea at ItltLa.. riving at Betlefoatt at ll.bt n at., btow Sas CilJ at t.2i f. aa., aad Trront at l .M a. a. UIKiKU II. WILLIAMS, Uenrral Buperiotraesit, QEOROK C. WlLKINS, rl-tf fupeti.iwtvft Pblladelphln & Erie aflrtai SUM MEB TIME TABLE. Tkroagh aad dirtat iwauatlweea Phllaisipik Vtllistars, Hsrrlabarg, WillUastvrt, and tfca Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAE! Oa all Ktgbl Trains. OK sad tftsr MONDAY, APRIL 11. isaa. s, tr.les aa tht Philadelphia A Irlt id koad will raa it follow, t Mm ward. Mall Into Lavas PhilaMtphia.....ll.4l I Do do...8l. Mary's. HI H Da-....trrivt at Kria-.... IX I 1 Erie hi tress Itsees Phll.dslphis-.. II M as. io do....L Mar v i Lot a I Do arriva tt Erlt ..II.H1.I Irjlalllard. Mall Traia Ittrat Erie ...U.S11 Do......... do .....St. Mary's Ml tl Da -arrlvt at Philadtlthia... I Ii I E Erl. Eiprau leavat Krie.......... t li f h Dt di St. Msrj'i... I.lli k Do .arrivt at Philadelphia-... t il t.l klail and Etpress eonnaet wiih Oil Crw ut Allosheaj River Kail Kuad. Uari.ri eheasi through ALFHKD L. UX astral 6an.httsiMa Hants. Clearfield County Bank. mm Cltarleld Coat IT Baak at ts ltrtrte X tad laslltattoa hat goat awl er tiutnns' tha tarrtader af Its ahanar, ta Mtv II, ish All Itt ttaos it awaad hv tat nhsertteri, will aaatiaat tht Baating ka.la.ti tl the saw plaoe, a. ft i vote betters, aadsr Is. Irassss al tha "ClearSeVd Caaaly Baak." Wt m saoaslhlt for tha dahts ol tha Bash, ati ail s iu Bows aa daaaad at tht toaattr. DtmsSI raorired aad iaserttt id trhta tsoaeT is Isfthr a I sad Ilea. Paper diaaoaattd al ill prr at at heretAlort. Our pereoaal reraotiisilivi h pstAged for all Data. its reeeirea ut htnua trant.etad. A aaatlBsaaea of tht hbrrsl s rwatgt af tht heiia.es sioa af tha eotitj ha speruall; teliolud. At P resit. a I, Castieial .ttoerj of tt law Clearfeld Coaatj hsak.a reqaire tht aottl af said Baak ts kt ni mitt rnr radtsjvtwa. JAS. T. LEOXARD, BTCBARB Ult. WM. PORTER, JAS. B. 0R4HDL A. K. WRIUHT, O. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACE. Tht hatlatli af tht Bash will be eoijMlWr; Jaha M. A a.-., Essj., at Cashitr. 1J..I. S J. D. M'Oirk. Ed.srtPwta. B AK KIN G & COLLECTION or McGirk l perks tMeswrt ta Potter, Perhs, A Co, tMtlllpakarg-, Ccatr CtaaslJ. Pv "It r II KB E all tht holiness af a Baaklu Bt I f wilt oa transacted proaipll; aai spn ta ssost lavaratfie leraia wsr County National Bank. CLtARFIFLD, TA. T'HIS Btsk ft aowosea aad rtstvfsrhwi- A. atlt. Oftet aa Raeowd ttreet. It tht ssiS ibg fonntrly aeeapiad hy Laoaard. Fiats, 4 Ct MBtrmaS 4RS ornriKt. JAM. B. ORAHAM, RICHARD PHtt WM. A. WALLACE, WM. TORTS, A. K. WRIOJIT, GEO. L. 8tD. D. W. MOORE, JAS. T. LEOKtkB. JatS.'SSj Caahitr. w ItlarkMiiiltli Shop SECOND SI, CLEARFIELD, ft. TrlB andersigned aegt ts Infora ait fnsaaV. asd tht ishtbitaou ef tht horoach sf Cfnr tld aad turrouadinf atishhorbood. till s. s 'aw road ts astasia all orders tithtr it in" steel. B0R8S SnOIISQ oa the aett Ipsrm' ' iLL IfNDS OP fiAW.kfLt iRfjXS si: ElllNE aerk, log wiea's tools, eaathoekur grabs, Ac. Stool tools of all kladt stade tf btrt Itf" ar Awitriraa tta.l. ka,All j work It wtrranud url.sSJ faeiioa, ar But charged for. sjiSS AMOS KRKSalsV OltlSAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S r JVBRTBODT trrlng to get thertl'ct fct J of being crowded oat into the cold. It Vow w.nl annil Shnsin. .lti. a. t rl'1'' tf IBS Rinl in.l Sle. Ir,..d rivltL .0 tt Bit11 If ton went rood Mill Irons. r to "" If v. w.nl .... Ir...l Ihshltt ttvlo SBd worhmaa.hin. ro to R(l, Betas aithtl the best (ttunp MtrHtsii ':' St. la. aad du. .tl bl.J. r Ml. A T k' -H II" St ehetp at ean ha dont is tht coietj fw Cul, Mr fott Oairl tddrass Is Clesrinc nn-i- THOMAS Boggc Tp., Dts. 1, IIST-lf. Clearfield Nursery. F.NCOUHAGE IIOMK INWnv "PUB aadtselgncd, h.vl.g itshlitkt i. aerre. the 'Piha, ahost half wt; L'ioarSald aid C.rw.n.vlMs. k pretars wisa an titdt 01 rsiHT iitn,i"-, j dwarf.) RrtrgTacaa, Hhrahhorr. Omts i" tJaoe.bsrriea, Ltwt.a Blachharr.. y'2 aad Raeberrr Vlaat, A I.e. giberisl wrj Qulaac, tnd ear:y eevlet Rhshfh, "'I pvaainUj atusdad la. Addrott. f J. Is. WRI"1"' . tapkS SS-t Crmt t WM, M'KNIGHT, J uirnv An siritll VikU II .v l Ja.tar os.utw.aa 1 (IstsitdUUtlF la roar sf flttlM r.LF.AHFlKLD. Ti . . tawra sj rivnaaaoacnsarwowia revr"-"; , . eiit I .l.lu...(n.id aadlhettbllsUt1'! tkal h. a. .h.m. a da all hl.dt sf wl WAOOXS. CABRIAGES, 8LE10HA pa ihsrt setlea aad aa oAtssathw tsts" ta a workoasltkt sitastr. a.