Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 08, 1869, Image 4

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Gbouue U.Uoopi.anoi r, Editor.
Democratio State Tickot.
Democratio District Tickot.
JOHN C. HALL, of I'.tk Cnntltjr.
Democratio County Ticket. .
I.EVER I'LKGAL, ol Brady towneblp.
County Commissioner,
. H. IIISIDMAN.of BeeearU township.
JOII D. Ml 1. 1.1:11. of Hell townaliin.
Willinin Pitt Fcsscndon, U. 8. Sena
tor from Maino, it lying dangerously
ill at Tortland.
, Our ad interim President, Grant,
. baa Been sojourning at vt astiitigion
lor several uays past.
Grant's Attorney General, Hoar,
lias decided tliut tlie tost oath shall
not bo required of the monitors elect
to the Virginia Legislature Thus
another military peacock, in the shape
of Gen. Cnnby, is knocked in the
head, by a member of his own herd
, The continued sorious illness of Gen.
Rawlins, Secretary of War, has com
pelled Gen. Grant to forsake the race
course and other haunts of pleasure,
and repair to Washington ; which he
very much rcgroU, according to his
Lathi. Gen. John A. Rawlins, Sec
retary of .War, died at 5 o'clock on
Monday. President Grant did not
arrive in time from Saratoga to ace
Mork Help. We are in receipt of
a new journal, entitled the L'lk Demo
crat, published at Ridgway, by the
"Elk Deuiocratic Association." It is
a seven column paper, ably edited,
woll printed, and Democratic to the
ooro. Success to tho enterprise while
it adheres to the Democratic causo
and defends the rights and onion of
the Stales.
Trt Again. Grant & Co. made
such a miserablo botch out of the ucw
postago stamps, that the Department
has been compelled to order designs
for new It-sues. Tho heads of ash
ington, Jackson, Franklin and Lincoln
are to bo restored in place of the pi es
cot designs. Go in ; who cares for
ezponse f Our rnlcrs act more iike
boys than statesmen. Always expert
rncnting in a very cxpensivo way, and
perfecting nothing but wrong.
Glorious California Extra flour
has declined in San Franciso lo $G
and superfine lo 14 87J. Legal ten
ders, 75J. Edmnnd Rurko says that
cdncntion is tho cheap defence of na
tions; but cheap bread is belter still
This is not all. Ths election Leld in
that S til to on the 1st Inst, has result
ed in a glorious Democratic victory,
notwithstanding the "second Wash
ington" carried it last fall. Loyally,
IU Realism, Gran tism, and overy other
ism, liko tlioir greenback child, is at a
discount of twenty-five por cent, in
the Golden West.
im jirrERsoxuNg His ne
Court House erected at Brookville is
to be dedicated on Monday next. A
general invitation has been extended
to tho county officers and friends in
tho adjoining counties to bo present
and help warm the building. We are
xcoodingly sorry that wo can't go.
There is no better place in tho world
to go to on such an occasion. The
lirookvillinns are all aliko on festive
occasima; each striving lo outdo tho
other in polite hen and their attention
to strangers. Hero's our faj, Sleek.
Hope you II win. Tell Kennedy to
drink for us.
Uatcuikq. Tho political temper
ance men and ladit-t held a "Nations!
Convention" at Chicago Inst week.
They dono a good deal of grinning, but
practically it amounted lo nothing
The body played off a sharp trick on
the outsido world by tolegraphing all
over the continent that JuHgo Clack,
of Pennsylvania, had been elocted
President. The assembly was, how
ever, not ichite enough toembraco the
Hon. Jeremiah S. Hlaek. It happened
to be a blark politician of that name
from Lancaster, who was once Judge
of his election precinct, and a liiird
rato lawyer. This is Hie Hlaek tho
female and male temperance advocates
attempted to pass off for a statesman.
K'avery and ths Copperheads still
trouble these reformers. Alittlomoro
aense and less foolishness would help
these people and their cause
)y. . These old lempcranco roosters
and thic-ks havo had the causo in
thoir special caro fur the last thirty
yearn, yet the cause languishes. They
are mainly made up of broken-down
politicians, clorgy men without congre
gations, and women who uava run
way from iheir husbsndt and chil
dren. Give them religion, business
. and points ir, their epeciul care, and
they would tain the nation i one
Teal". I
Onr t ttnitlilnlt tor .fib;.
Our readers are no ilmilit aware
that the nomlnco of ttr county for
Assembly, ilr. Uw.l.e, failed to re
ceive tho nomination for that iilllco at
the hands of Hie District Convention.
Tills we regret, lie was just (bo mnn
for tho l.laco. Reing a gen'.lniniin of
olrict integrity, and extensively en
gaged In business, ho would have had
neither timo nor inclination lot-limp1
hnuds with the corruption ring and
roosters who infest the lobby and
hotels at Harrisburg during the ses
sion of the Legislature.
Wo, however, heartily concur in the
action of the Tiotiesla Convention, and
call upon Domocruts to give its nomi
nee, Mr. Hall, Iheir undivided sup
port; hoping that tho people of the'
district wilt find in him all tho quali
ties possessed by Mr. Lawsho, and
that ho will provo nn upright and
attcntivo repreontativo. To this end
wo shall closely scan tho acts of our
agents at JIarrisburg this winter.
MF. Hall having removed from this
county five years ago, and having
met bim but for a few moments ou
two occasions sinco, wo can say but
little about him personally. Tho Elk
Democrat, published at his homo, bays:
"It ii arsrei-lv necessary for m t dilate on the
3 untitles which'hent oar candidate fur legislature,
oho (I. Hall, for tlit position, yet. for tlie sntor
mation ot those who ara not ao well aeoueiuled
with biQSf wo will give a brief outline ol hia enn-rr.
'Mr. Hall commenced thf study ol lew in Clear-
laid under Hon. Wm. A. Wallace, in Ihe fall of
lb-8, nod iu tieptrmbcr, sfil, waa admitted U
practice. After that, Mr. Wallace, rocofrnuiug
the sterling qualities wlii.-b bad guided hi tortner
student's course, to him in u l partner, in
lha effioe ol Mr. V, aliens, our voung lewyor wat
distinguished fur hit cliiao applk-atiou and atten
tion to ths business entrusted to tho ear of the
partner hip.
'Iu August of 18S4, air. Ilall came among us
with ths moat flattering testimonials from men of
known probity and character, Ila located in
lttdgway, aod onr nueinees men, foon recognising
the Uleota which he possessed, be waa eoou in tbi
enjovnieut of n lucrative practioe. Thoao who
know him will not lay that we ere diverging from
the truth, when wo assert tbat Mr. Hall la the
moat euooeaalol lawyer ef bia age in thiaaention of
the Mate.
"Mr. Halt baa ever been known as a champion
of the principle of the llemoeratie party, yet, al
though an enrneat advocate, la not n bitter partisan
never stooping to almae thoao who boneelly dif
fer with him on qutstions of publle policy, but
trying hr aound argament to ooiirine hie oppo
neota to bil way of thinking of iBrn and meaeure.
"Our oeodidato haa never swerved in hia fealty
to thoae principles which be holds aretbe support
of our institutions, and which will, with the Dom
ing revolution of politics in this oouotry, be ila
Of bis election there ean be no doobt, notwith
standing the puoy efforts of nil dlBorganiaers."
Bocta Kevem'b Oiricrns. The
Washington correspondent of the
associnlo press says :
"The Revenue Office rcoeive many complaints
from different parts of the eounlry, particularly
away from the large eitita, of hogua deputy mar
shals and revenue deteeuree wh- are engaged in
levying black mail. The pnlilia should know tt-at
all parties making demand hv authority of 4 lie
revenue laws arc provided with written authority
for ao doing, l'rompt measnres have been taken
by the Coumiasioner 14 have aorfa impostors dealt
with aooording lo the itrtct rigor of the law."
Between the genuine and bogut tax
gatherers, who have . invaded tho
country undor tho guise of loyally,
tho people aro being robbed of their
nrntiort v. anil tliitir libet-ttGu crroutli
.-ii .i . i. -ii
curtailed. And thus It will continue
while tho pcoplo aro foolish enough ini( tie ,,llt iy. 'i 10 other day a telo
to cletate such ninnies as Grant and graphic dispatch informed the public
Geary to position where tntcsmen that forty Omgmmen urrived at
ton. al,,l l nlllMfl. lib a this
state of things continues w will have
moro bogus than genuine government.
Bogus offlecrs, liko vice, seldom flour
ish utiles ca re we J and supported.
As loyalty and radicalism have erect
ed dwellings to hsrborand breed such
vermin, it is no wonder tho pcoplo aro
being devoured by iheir own dogs.
Therefore, wo tay again, whilo tho
lax payers vote for bogus statesmen,
such as now occupy the high places
in the Stato and Nation, they will be
tormented with bogus money, bogus
political economist, bogus lax galh
rrers, and their liberties will soon be
bogns, too.
' A GoDLt. Trio. The Pittsburg
loyalist aro always ufter something
nice. They had a rousing meeting in
that city on Friday lust, ard tho
speaker Covode, Morton and lling
ham are all "moral idea" men. The
first ia the Chairman of the luil State
Commiltro, ignorant as an ass, and a
scoundrel of the first water.
second is ono of the Senators from the
blate ol Indiana, and so nnlicted wito
the social evil that ho cannot walk.
Ths third, Bingham, is the murderer
of Mrs. Surratt. Bo say Major Gen
eral Benjamin Franklin Butler, tho
toil leader in the Ilouso of Represent
atives. These, exclaim the I'iltsburg
lUdicals, are our jewels. They are in
truth sneh, but they aro of the pirch
back persuasion, and as naturally
adhere to loyalty as the Cow-Hoy of
tbo Revolution. Morton was, how
ever, tho "right man in tho right
place." A wcslern repndialor ad
dressing (he Allegheny connly repu
dialors. Out or Jail. We notice that the
Bcllefonle National is again out of the
hands of the Sheriff. The paper has
been reennstructed, and looks well for
b'ack licniiblican adrocato. We
hope Mr. Gould will not wreck his
bark on the rock of "cheap job work,'
vcliif-ti eeiiMjl m Tufnl In I ........
I. . '
sors. bueces, to yon in everything
excepi your miserable politic.
Lock oh ntm 1'icTiiRxj Tiii!r on
that. n hen Jlr. iluclinnsn wns Pres
ident, Hon. Howell Cobb, hi Secrola-
ry of tho Treasury, invited bim to a
trip on Iho noted revenue cutter, Har
riet Lane. Ho went, but when he
found that the cxpenso of the voyage
was o lie charged lo Iho government
Kavo orders lo have Iho bills sent to
him for settlement, which they would
have been had hot Mr. Cobb urevent-Hmos
ed it by paying them out of his own I
private purse. Now Iho trovcriiinetit
ts mulcted, however, lo iho extent of!
tliniisandsof tlullnrs hv I lie exciimonn
wliicli, firsl, rri-sijidit tlrant nj Mr.
Itoriu, nnd second, Admii Ht Porter And
Secretary litibeson, nitike liiltior and
Uiiilier. The expenso inturTcd l.v ilin
Tsllnpoos.i is nut grout enonirli to war.
rsnt the iinppachinoni of tlioss vtlio
jtitikcl round in Iter, Iiut tlio incidrnl
rolsloJ of Mr. Hutlmnsn sliovts lh
different instinrt which a born gentle
man entiTtains of his duties frorn that
belli by bis latest innmsor.
Tfif Solittirt' 1 1 1fMrf.Os, IVs.
The l'liibiili'lpliin .; snys! "While
Governor Geary ami his party rro
darning over the reniali.s oflallt'ii lie-i-ois,
at Gull) shurj', (ienurul (iranl
was removing tlto maimed soldiers
a ho were appointed, lo small places
liv I'rrsitlenl Johncoii. At Chaskdi,
liinneKOta, u solilior, who losl. his leg
in the eliaigo on Hood's forces, ul
Nashville, win pout mauler at (SJXII per
year, winch Uelpetl lomippnri ins lam
ily. This enormous Hilary was covet
ed by a sidewalk ranger, named Lueion
Winner j ami AuguMi Klemmer, llio
cripplo, bail to hobble out of the ollieo
on his wooden log and one crutch, to
beg or starve. Hero is another caso :
On tho Mill of June, ISti'.l, Captain C.
C. McGinnily, of Newport, Kentucky,
was appointed Mail Atfont between
Covington and Kichnlasvillo. Captain
Mi liinnity entered the army in the
war, its a private in tho Twenty-second
Kentucky volunteers, and closed
his services ul the end ol tho war as a
('iipluiti in the Fortieth Kentucky.
Ilu fought in a number'of bullion. and
was severely wounded at Stone Hvror.
The Cincinnati Commercial, a Jlitdit al
organ, says that his appointment lo
tho route agency was supported by
nearly every prominent Union oflieer
and citizen iu lue portion of Kentucky
hero liu lives, iiut ho did not please
the liadicals, and after four days of
service, ha received Iho fallowing no
lie of die missal :
U iiHKoroa, O. C, July 2, W,
Sin Your appointuiont unitt-r dnte ol the loth
instant, na lloulu Ageut iroui t'ovltieton to Nielio-Uatilk-,
keutu-'ky. la rovuked. the J'oatmnstcr
Ueneral bas ordered the ept'ointlnrnt of Josi-pb
Ileiidursoii In your atend. i'liis cliauge ia made
at the instance of .leeee II. Orant, the father of
tho President- Very rerpecllully, Ac,
Ukovuk Karl,
First Asalstnnt Poslmaalor UeneraJ.
"The futher of the President asks for
tho removal of this bravo soldier, and
General Grant lets the axe fall. Truly
this Ihidical party is tho soldicrs'party.
They starve litem while living 'und
dance over their graves when dead."
-iping- ttrUlocraty.
One of iho most ridiculous exhibi
tions of a spi rit of aristocrat y is G rati t's
tour through lite New Kiiirluuil Slates.
An Adjutant Gonerul oi the army is
Sent out in advanco to intoi to Iho peo
ple all uloiig Iho routo the exacl lime
ot Grant's urr' val, tho hotel al which
he will stop, what room bo will occu
py, at what timo ho will hold roccp
Uons, and a batch of othor ridiculous
stuff, enough to make nu honest Amer
ican citizen blush with sliamo at the
iiopular, stupidity which mado him
'resident of tho United State. Lot
us axk, what moro do Iho crowned
heads of Kuropo ? When they go on
a lour through their possessions, bul
letin ure issued in advance, telling
the pcoplu Iho time of their arrival at
particular places, Iho clothes they in
tend lo wear, who will accompany
ihcm, Ac., Ac, and Grant isapirg llicitt
to perfection., .liven this, however,
we could overlook it ho bad Iho intel
ligence lo govern a people. He hns
not. The great idea of his life ia hor
ses, dogs and tl.ars. lieyond these
he knon's nothing at all.
Tho members- of the Cabinet are
equally as bad in this respect as the
President. Tho whole administration
of public affairs is now in the hands
or ntinoruinntoa, una ttiej quMiiue
simply liow rnuuli ol tlio ooooloa
' ' . an . .
'"r -" "'. "
' ttir .f-i'tve lit iiirsAtiltltfi rrritlin nltritrtl
frav ls in that &tite. Js'ow what were
these frauds ? Tho report says, noth
ing. I Ins lour of Congressmen, Willi
their wivos, waa just a frolic or spree
over tho I'ucifiu lUilroad at tho public
expense. Iho pcoplo or a ground
dowp Willi taxes worse than any peo
plea on Iho face of the earth, and Pres
ident, Cabinet and Congressmen are
sprceing over tho country in a man
tier positively shameful.
Ia thoro no remedy for all this?
Not o long as the peoplo are w illing
to bo enslaved to tlio demand ol par,
ty corruption and lyrannv. When
ever they can exert sufficient manhood
to throw oft tlio shackles of party
slavery and assert thoir political and
individual freedom, a different slate
of affair may be looked fur. Not till
then. Hutler Herald.
Doctor BuTLr.a. Thenvcmgo Mas
sachusetts ".Minister" believe that he
can do anything, unless ir may bo lo
perforin a miracle, and even this hus
been tried in the Jlarllm s ineyard
camp mooting, in tlio deliberuto at
tempt to ounvurt Doctor Hutler. The
sceno is graphically described in ihe
uosion paper, governor t.lallin was
on the p-roiitul. find "anolcej enrnoHltt-1
anj Senator Wilson "clonnently an-
pealed to the unconverted." Amid
ihrse and other appeals from all cjuar-
ters, xicK'tor liutler stooti not onlj
unconverted, hut unmoved. Where
upon, C'laflin having failed, and the
i alien couuicr nnving snuiuea and
nowicq to no purpose, "an anxious
sister singled oul liutler, ai d earnest
ly entreated bim to come up lo the
altar. uul the "anxious sister even
could not arouse liutler, or brine him
up lo the stand, where tho unconvert
ed were to lie specially prayed fof
Whereupon "n i-alotis brother on his
knees begged bim lo go forward, "and
"tho clergyman in chargo besought
him strenuously," even promising "to
keep open tho meeting all night" if
miner would only try lu be converted.
All theso means liiiled. Butler was
obtuso to the r.calous brother, deaf lo
tbo anxious sinter, and callous to
lb open-all-night tleigvman. Tho
trouble was Ilium over-eager people
enucavoreu 10 convert isuiler, s some
sinners aro said to take Ihe Kingdom
of Heaven, "by violence." Persuasion
would have been belter, say a dozen
spoons or a eilver teapot, bunir un
L'vcr , nnxil)u, Bcnt.Jx' y.
Anotiirr Lr.TTEU from Covonr
The Chairnian of tho Republican Slate
t ominiiiec tins written lite rollowing
letter to a member of the Committee
in this section :
Jlorisburg, orgtist 28.
deer Sr
i her riton to Mr. detannn, the
Onmishrtrrof intcrnle Havrime, telling
Him low lett up on thee whisky decl-
nm ur nary is jit iceitsi. r.vry man
tminvun in nrml.a !-,,.. i, 1.1
dehtno tbt-e snim thing. If he doanl
eumnli with mv
beo asked lo remnov liitn.
Things is looking midlii, fare.
yoors Irooly
J Covonc.
P. 8 ( tlonnl think tr.ileia kan
maik fun of this letor, for i rote U
wilh tbo dickshincry clous ulongnide.
J C.
The amount pnid Psslcrs and Fold
ers diii-iti the Mt Session of the
lst i-isluturo ncregntcd over f 50,0(10.
Hard on t.i tnntir
imwe'S'M WH " l
ir flei'lc1 I'fnnrirr.
A SI ft It'll ST SI'M It tlHH) FOR THF
The history of Iho Stlo Debt of
Pennsylvania, say tlio Harrisburg
Ptitriot, m,iy be told in a few words.
It was created principally in building
up and keeping up tho public works.
'II. muii ta-frL. u-erii Ml'PHl null V sold tlult
the debt might bo reduced. In 1K)S,
Douioeruttc Jjt'iislittiiro, In aecord-
anco with Section 4 of Article XI of
tho Statu Constitution, enacted a law
providing for the creation of a Sinhing
Fund. This Sinking Fund was to bo
a reccptaclo of certain revenues which
were lo be applied only to tlio pay
ment of tho interest on State loans
and tho extinguishment of the Stato
Tho rocciula at tho Treasury, from
these sources, us per tho statemuiils
of tho Auditor General' ollieo, from
1801 till 1SGH, inclusive, foot up tho
enormous sum of twenty trven millions,
nine hundred and six thousand, two
hundred and ttcenty scven dollars !
Wo givo tbo receipts tor each year, as
follows :
I sr.?
$1,771,(102 Ss
S,41J,.1U IS
l.stil.lSI I
.(H7,Si8 f.8
4,IM,I5 7
4.2.17,915 51
6,tU4.2.1l 01
4, 4:
c2;,81i,12; 68
Now, theso twenty-seven millions
and upwards ought, under tlio law,
have gono into the funking r una, and
to have been applied to tho reduction
of tho Stato Debt. If they did not go
there nnd were not so applied, where
did they go and to Khat use were they
applied T This is a qiiostion which
tlio peoplo ask tlio ltadical Muto olti
cials, and to which they demand an
holiest and straight-forward answer.
This sum has certainly not been
applied in payments nn the first State
loan. On the first of December. lXliO,
the State Debt was $87,1)09,847 hU.
On Ihe first of December, 1MG8, the
Stato Debt was :U,2H(j,fUS 13, show
ing that but 4,(H2,001 87 of Ihe debt
has been paid during theso eight years.
Now, if all tho taxes received at tho
Stato Treasury, which under the law
belonged to tho Sinking Fund, had
been applied in payments on tho Stale
Debt, we should have tlio following
Ftale Debt in ISSO t.17,C?,M7 0
Itoeeipta of Sinking Fund Iron 1S61
till ltS J7,06,M7 SS
Amount of debt remaining tl0,003.61( VI
If, therefore), the finances nf the
State ImtJ been properly nnd lawfully
silniiiiitor'(l, a nd tlio Democratic plan
fr psying oft' tbo Stato Debt contained
in the Sinking Fund Act of lfcGS, hud
been lairly and honestly carried out,
during the htxt eiht yvnrs, tho debt
would only be a little over ten millions
instoud of upwards ol thirty-three mil
lions. Twenty three millions thnt wont
inlo the State Treasury during ihe
Inst eight years, and that ought to
havo mno into tho Sinking Fund fur
tho paying oflT tho State llebt. Imve
been s(iianilcred, or stolen. Wo do
not cburgo this ; the figures prove it.
We nk iho tlosost st ruliny of what
we linvn Itr-ro nlntod, nnd rcror tlie,
render to ! twt,ite tolc ssnU tl,a
reports of tho Auditor (icncrul'a offleo
for protif o( utir sllfpitlrnis. "
The i.ast Intuit.
A nigger named Hill Saunders has
been appointed Siet'ial deteetiva and
coiifidential n gen I of Iho Washington
I'uflofilce salary, $l,2l0 per year
l lie nmsl important public trust con
ferred upon a nigger under tho new
regime. Well, it is, perhaps, a logical
result of "tbo acceptance ot the situa
tion" by tlm temporarily rowed, spir
itless, hopeless white sovereigns (!) ol
this unfortunate country. This nigger
one of tho race of human beings w ho
luck moral perceptions, who have nbl
the slightest conception of tho word
honesty, who simply refrain from
stealing, when they do thus retrain,
through fear of tho low, and not ihro'
tho dictates of consciunco, reason and
honor, has been appointed by nn nrm
of Ihe government as spy nnd inform
er over whilo men. ICverv whilo
clerk in Washington rostolllco is al I k Uti Ki ,0 11 M R- M'C"11!. l
tho morey of tl.T. Ignorant, inferior, u ftlS V.,S
nulTOW-nillHlOiI, IjrailllOM, CO!it0tcn00
leu African, who contracted inlol-
lot-t and brutal prvjudiees will natuwlly
.... '.i a
at thia niomoiit, When tllO deep ItlUl-
U'rinirfi uf a war of raooa aro heard
not only All over tho South, but oven
in the North, mulco him tho covert,, if
not tho open enemy, of overy member
of tho miperinr rue with which ho i
brought oflieinlly iti contact. tuch
outrujreoiift, premeditated ihmil'n an
thoao thoutd iiiuko the more decent
inembora of the domtnitnt pnrty blunli
with nhnmo. Wo (V)lomnly wnrn the
men in power, who ore crowd infr this
interior negro race upon, and, indeed,
over and nhovo tho white race, who
founded this rovernment. and have
made tho Country what it n nr. tr.
t HUO. tlmt Uicy .ro VrtrluK for ,
themselves n day or wnilh w hich,!
when it pomes, W ill be fotll'f 111 nnd !(
riblo. A war of races will ecrtuinly !
, ., ,
!) the price Of tho niffu'er poller ol
tho Mottirrel pnrlv. Tliuro ro ini.
linns of while men" to-lny all over the 1
Ciliary, in whose boson's there is rs. i
Kinga pent up volcano. If this nii'i'er I
linlii-v ia rw,t el,tl.,....,l i. - .Ill I.
,,,,, , ., ... i '.i i .' .
OUt, atld Whfll ll does, tllO loudest !
try will tlOl bo "down Wilb the licirro," 1
but "down wilh tho fools and fnnslics1
mil.s. ii,, j i , . ,
who havo debauuhod him." and not
Ollly hi Oil i;lit ruin Upon tho SOvtion ,
wliich alono bus hitberto truly lm-! niwl ...r..,l r, l l. l ,
I ill l . f"r.,'""'.b"t !'"
onatoiuu mo viilirn iituion Willi a Oat K
breukin debt and trailing tHXalion
Wo tell yoa, leadnr, of Iho ilonKr,.
party, tho yonennCO Of tho peoplo i
not dead J it ainiply ftleept. hen it
nwulten, nothing tun aave you from
.l. ft rJ ,',,n
tho tetnhlo coimefpienceii of your foul
trinics X )'. liy Uook.
Hon. J. A. Jidjcp. tif C'intinnati.
hcrciofurs a proniinvnt J'adicnl, in a
roinniunicnlitin to tho I'lininnali
Fnquirer, says : 1 1 have severed my
stdl from tho ltoiiublicnn larlv. bn-
causo it is an orsniaed hyptH-riny, a
shnltlinrr dissiniiilntion, a Irniid, a de
lusion and a snaro, a combinulion of
prapinjT fanatics, fattenini; on tlie
vituls of iho woullh-produeers and
weullli-distriliitlors of tlio country."
Mr. Jtoyce evidently ondorsUnds the
orjnn, nation from wliicli bo bus
On tho luth ult .ono Albert Brown,
a negro, committed a rape on Lenora
llunnoit, white, nged sixtuen years, in
Troy township, ilrudlord county.
Tho family were absent, and the
wretch In huninf) form tmilc this op.
porluiiity lo accomplish his design.
Tha fJetuil are ol the most revuUiiij;
cimruciur iiionpi'ro waa lOtli'nd in
jiiil o f uajy of lst rek.
Ciir.ATito oiii arothvr There Is
a voice of w ailing heard from Vsiikee
sckoolmarms of the South. Sambo
has proved irtigralefiil and refuse lo
pay for Ihe tuition of bis offspring;,
lie promises, but "goes back'' on his
word. One Indignant fragment ol
I I'll. i, mil it. t-.-ut: telle her tiiiunu Isle
in'tlio Mucon 'Airgraph, which is,
after a Northern society agreed to
pay her aalary, her board Was lo bo
paid by tbo parents who sent their
t hlldren lo school, but that they failed
lo do so, nnd that sho would Imve been
turned out of doors by her landludy
had sho not paid her board herself.
Sho says tbo ncgroe aro profuso in
words, make any amount of lino prom
ises, but never think of fulfilling them.
This is terrible, nnd Georgia should be
"reconstructed," especially the negroes
who rofuso bacon and slapjucks to
Yankoo schnolmarms. Age..
fllf? flVfl'tiSfWflltjI.
11SITII A a i'ui Iromrta.Mlne (.n the tjrem.
J ises uf the luliscnVr resMling In lleecsria
tnss,iip. nn or ahuut the I jib ol nUjiigt, last,
A IlLAl.'K Ml.'I.K, mane trimmed close, tail
untrirotnvd, with two suiall whits spuls on the
left shuulder, and one on the left hip, nnd shod
all around. The owner or owners are hereby re.
quested to couie forward, prove property, pay
charges, and take him away, or be will bo aold
as tho law din-eta. K. B. LKK.
(Urn Hope, Kept. I, '
"I ) HOHOH A The bcbojl Directors of I'lkr
X umnei. win receive ecniea proposals uniu
lue 2jth of Sept. for building a School House, on
lai.d of John lliinliip. Baid house to ha Uts.20
fest. IS feet lo the ceiling, dout.le plank, weather.
boarded and plaslere,) with three coets, also three
ooats paint on it. The stone and frame tiuiner
will Iw furnished on the ground also the plr.nk
will be hauled. The huusn to be Baisbed by the
rst ot rJepteinber, 1S70.
Cnrwensrille, 6cpt. 8, '6u-et. becreUry.
T THE MATTKK of tl.o It f port of i-H.ok
X out ltnl -.iui to keturivii, lt the widrnr ot
John M. Ogtiaa, dco'ti , ud noir wile of Hichard
Shall Her.
At mi Orfiban' Court brM t CltrflelJ, in nd
for tht ruunty of flrnrfiolJ, on lb Jth d of
June, lH6Vt it wu ordered tbtU publication be
inii'le in at lent oa newspaper' puUli'bed in
CirBtiield coanly, for tlireo weeki brluro brptam
btr Term, 1 notifjin; all peraoni iu iuieruit
that tlto Krai Kitate of live acrca, more or Icm,
appramed and t out to tbe widow out of the
eiute of John Id. Uglm, dee d., late of Lawretioc
tuwnabip. will be eonflrined to br, and tbe He
port of tbe appraixrt approvrd, unless aufiicient
eauae ha itiown to tbe evutrarr. br the tlrat day of
Heptatnber Term. UV TUK COI KT.
Ail; A. W. I.KK,
Clerk O C. S-t I. '69-3t.'
TV FT THE COOK needed is every faajlly.
and ao ibcap that all can afford it. It is a
handsome octavo of 644 elasely printed pages,
sontaining tbe matter of 14. 00 volume, but is
sold nt It diners from all similar works,
by giving ibe difiertnt mi des of treatment the
Aleunsthlc, Homeoiathie, llydripathie, Beleetle
and Herbal, thas rendsring It nvnilsblo where
ether hooka are of no nse. Agents And It by
far tbe beat selling hni.k of tbe kind pabtiahed.
Urer Iwo thoussod 12,000) copies have alreadr
been told in tha city nf Chicago, when ths
suthnr resides, fiend for Circulars, giving full
partieulara, terms, etc.
Address, C. P. VIMT, Publisher,
Ko. S Barclay St., New York.
Fepl 8. 'eJ-v-t
Sheriffs Sales.
Y Tlrtoaof rundry writaof rtmdiltomi erpnma
1 1 liiued out ot the Court of Common Pleat uf
Clearfield count, and to ma di roc led, tbera wil!
bo tTpoavd lo public, at tbo Court llouta,
in lha borough of Clearfield, oa Monday, the
.JTthday of Kept., HA9, (rourt week.) at I o'clock, dttcrlbad Heal Eiiate. U wit;
A certain picca or lot of ttriKiad tituaie la
tha flitTfltiKh of Claarneld, Clearfield county. Pa,
taonnttrit nnd dfcrit'd at full own, to wit
lleglnntni .1 p.x m fii, MJ l.ii,,-
fr i III ities Wwreeiaa, In sr UlHrl.14, , oina . a, i3
Hridjrn, 7 7-10 perrhrf to a poet, ihoa'a north
U perrboe Ion pt, Ibcnca waet IS parcbei to
public mad, theneo by publio read aouth 30
dcreei ta't, 5 penhat to a port, thenm aoutb
13 dcgea and 10 porabee ta a pntt tho place
of bojtinninf . containiof ton) perrhet, bain)t
two dwelli. ( hoatet erected thereon recrinr
out of tha aama a ttoall piece of ground watt of
tha road leading to Moore'i eoa.1 back, which
tt already ennreyed lo tho Rer. Father Tracy.
Sailed, takrn la tiacatmn, and ta ba aold a
tha property of John Faony.
A)a a oertein tract of land t'ttcata la tha
towoahtp of Morrif, Clearfl Id connly. Pa.,
houndod and described at f.illowe, to wjti on
tha atrih by C. M-u. jr., on tha eaat by tieorge
Wetiel, on Ilia aouth by Mtrbtel Loder and
t'blUp linker, and wett by Kichard Thomai,
and warrsnti d in tba namt of W r, Mali, oa
taming Threa Hundrad and fiiity on A area,
withno Improvement (heroin.
8eited, taken In eiacwtian, and ta ba iold at
the propone of John O, leoreinn.
Alto a errtain tract of land titnata In Cheat
townthip, Clearfield county. Pa, bounded at
follow: beginning at a hickory corner oa old
line of John Hrcnneman, thence aouth 60 do
greet weet by Mania Itbiogton tract to corner'
utda by John Mr Cord, al H perch ct, thence
by landi belonglrig t tbe eiuta of John Wo
CuMy, defatted. nnrtbwett by line or John
kit-Cord 179 perch fa, more or len, to a corner.
Inisf, anotaintni On liunlrrd and Twelre
tad tbirt pcrrbot, with a hot. and
Jj rtrrWiTJB "d
120 perrbM, fold U Ptnioel Straw de.
Btiied, taken in aitrnttoo. and to b. iold at
U pritporty of Jmtpb Mct'uiiy.
Atte a certain tract ol cent titualo In Cbatt
town hip, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded on
ihe eatt hy Itnd of Henry Parp and Janvt
Wood, on the annth by land of J ante &tvrnun,
on tha wci by land of Auriia Carry and Cheit
t reek, and on th north hy land of William
Wannar and Uugh lialUber, with a boot
toen aorei elrared, and a imill lea; dwelling
bourt ereetad theraoo, cntaiuing a bunt fiftji
Aerte, aaora or U .
Sfiiid, taken In titration, and to b iold a
tha property of Kiaon UorabauKh.
Aluo a errtaln tract of land titvatt la Ferf nioa
townthtp, (Mcarneld county. Pa., bennded ao
tht eaat by lartdt of Oranco Thartlua, on tbe
tenth by lands of M-trtta Nolan, on ta wret by
Indl Oeorgo William, tontaiaing Kinaty
I'T" '" ' "
Belted, ukm in eieentlon, and lo be sold ss
pvpertv of Peter fummons
' m take n.iir tk.t li r,,
f the purchase on,y must be paid nhes ihe
property Is knocked down, or it mil be put up (or tVKKNHS IHiwk.
0rr" ,., I hh"'"-
8 '
ChopifT'c Cola
OliLIIII 5 DalU,
1V vitl'M) of sunilrv wrils of tsrwri 'aci'es.
J rd out of the Court of Common I'leas ol
- B-ld n.unty, snl to toe diiwlrd. Ihrre will
hl," P"w,e ' " ""Tl
tte rKiroufh of Clrarfl-ld, on klondav. the I7lk
rt.t f p,n,., ,,,, , ,.olocki
P. W., tbe fi.llnwine pn.prrlT. vis:
eertnin bullrllne aiieaie la the Uir.uj ef
uaeeela. uiearnem rounty, rn., II beini a Iwo.
.lory stone and brlkk.iUIn, or dry kiln, f,.,
Sryme lumhsr, bsln( Trel lonn and 10 feel
seep, ihs lower rt..ty being built with stme
.""M.i 'Ci V.UV". "a'
t t.ect f lea l bounded on the oatt and tnnih by
' oahannon Crock, and oa tho aortb and wert
! iV" V Lj,h; w
being entered ataint tba aatd bnllJing and
th. .bT f lot ot ground and
apfurirnvnT to eaia uotiaiag.
ty fifed, takrn U eteeniinn, and to be aold nt
tbe property of Klrhard Onfflth, Ambroie Uill
man and Thnraan Ftirm,
,ff Hidden will uka notice tbat tS ftereent.
of the purrhaea nmey moat be paid when tht
propertr tt knorhd down, or H will be pat or s CVHKMl'3 1I0 K.
Faiatrr'i Orrira, I bbetiff.
Clearfield, J'e., Pp'., II, Uo9.
SherifT's Sale.
1T elriue nl s writ of f,rri Fri: Is
1 1 rord eel of Ihe Court of Common Pleas of
lieatlle'd eounty, and to me rllreeted, there
will ba eipnaed In Pl'HI.IC HAI.K. at tbe Court
lli.ase In tbe borough of Clearteld. an Monday,
lbs t7lh day nf lieul , ISSC. at I o'clock, P.
M., tba fnllnwing property, In wil I
A neruln Irael of land ettnata la Orabam
toeia.tiip, Clearfield eounty. Pa, eontaining
One Hundred nad Mis Arret and SS perches,
! seres clrsred, having tberavn erected s small
bou.e and barn, bring part nf n larger tract
weiranled la tbe name or Jobs Themae, bona
et be Mads ef llreaem. Pixesy A nlbers.
Seised, taken in aaeoutloa. asd4n ba sold as
ike property of Sis. M. Hnrge.
"MtidJera will take notice tbat II ptrJ
rrefc i n. purcnaee w oney am oe raid When
Ibe property Is keoeked down, ee It will ha put
ap again f, ..I.. CVHK.Mt'8 MOW R,
fne-irr Ornrs. I Sbsnf.
j rrstlsU ft,, tf , , i
pitv 3vrrlljiftnfnll.
inmRM. H". " A. M A T R R, P-
liter,: Junes .,f ins Centt f Cowmen I'leal
of the inenty (flh Judicial Dlslrltt, esneiposed fe
Ihe eoonlles ol leaild,n, U snd tllnl"n
sod li..n. asWUnl. Ut rilH end Ilea. JAC0I
WILIIfcLM, Aas, slain Judges nf Clenrsl4 no,
have I, sued their precept, le fM dlrerleel, far Ihe
holding of s I'ourl of t'oasmon Flsna, Orphan's
Const, t)rt of Wuarier nesMone, vr. i w7.r
nnd Terminer, and Court of Ueneral Jail Pellvsry,
nl the Court House at ClearSeld, In and far the
county of ClearSeld, commencing on the I'ourtll
Ilium)-, (aim nnj) 01 ...
eontlniin T0 W K a K S.
NOTICE IS, therefore, kereby gives, lo the
Coroner, Ju.tleoi of the Peace, and Constablss,
In and for said eounly of Clearfield, to appear in
their proper persons, a lib, their Rolls, Ileeords,
Inquisitions, Kxamiosllons, and other Meioeu.
branoes, lo do those things which to their offices,
and in Iheir behalf, pertain to ha dona.
UIVKM under ray nana ai iiearoeiu. m .n.i
dsy uf Hipt. ia the year uf our Lord one
tliouund eight hundred and slur nine.
CAUTI)M-An persons srs hereby caution
) ed ngalust purchasing or in any way ed.
tiling witb the fallowing property, now in the
possession of tlainer V. Itlooin, of Bloom tcwu
ship, Tin ON K GRAY MAKE, ns the same
belougs to and Is subject to mv order.
likNHY 1'KSTZ.
Foreat, Sept. 8, '09-81 pd.
ran w tiiiL
And other Farm tkeds, from Dcitz's
Experimental Farm, Chambersburg,
ttehl's and Bouehtcn's Drardlrss; Week's ana
Treedwell's Brsrdsl Wblie WhenU. French
White and Heel Cksffi Purple Straw Bearded
Red Maiiiterrnnoan, and Oeroaen Amber Beard
less, are the ueit, enrliest. hardiest nnd veal
pioduolive Wbeata Ihat ean be reeonaaiended for
SenemJ enllealloa. Priee, $i per bushel. 4
povnds of an kind by mall, vent noel paid, far
SI. Twentv beads of different varletlee. aenl
postpaid, for fl. Twenty other varieties of
Wbent, Itarley and oals.ot last ynnr a lleporia
tisn. See llairi'l ExranmsifviL txu Joca
SaLI aend and sntsorlbe for it; only II SV per
year ; Ibe aaust nsefnl Journal printed.
Address,. uW. A. 1KITZ.
Chsssberakorf, Fa
Tbe Earliest, Hardiest, nnd most productive
Bed Wheel iatl.e French White Chaff.
Kept. S, IbCT-il
tion of Toac hurt. for Cloarfleld county, will be
bi'id. at fvllowa: Brauv. UIoodj and Lniun, bept .
11th, at Lntbortburg; Curwaniviile and Tike, tbe
Uth. at t,urwntTiire4'enn, tbe nth, at rena
villet L. City and Fergoeoa, tbo loth, at L. City j
Bt 11,1 he Ifilii, at Dower: Utimiide.tbe 17. at Hunt
tide: N. Waahingtoa and Cbeet, tbe Stttb. at N
Wnahiugtoo Jordan 21, at Antonrillo; ttetceria,
the 22.1, at O Ian Uop ; Ooehcb. tne 20d, at Janet
ville; Woodward, the 24tb. at liappr Valley a.
kntfl Kiaos, the tHh, at S. Millport I Bogge.
the S7th, at eetitre a. booar ; Ireatnr and Ofctola,
Ihe ZMth, at Oeceola: Worn, tbe IVth. at Kvler
town Urahem, tho 3ith, at - ; Bradford and
IndreBdeu,Octobor tbe let, at Jack tone a. boaie;
Clearhcld and Lawrfoer, the II, ut CWSeldj
Karthaut, tha 6th, at halt Lick; Coviugtoa, tbe
71 h, at Mulaonbarg; birard, the tb, at Congma
U.II : Uoobra. tbe Vth at Ui.ahrw i. boute.
Appheanti will f am tab tbrmeelree wilh pen and
ink or pencil, and paper, at part ol the ex ai na
tion e will be wnltoo. JS private eiaalnatione
will be held, benee it ii neceaaarv for all who
intend to teach to attend aom of the pubJta oort,
which will eoatben proirptl? at 9 oVtook, a. m.t
after which none will be admitted to the elate,
iKO. W. fc.N ViJKlt,
Bej.t. 1, 'C9-te. Co. tiup't.
Ul:;lSTr.RM TK fV-Notire ii hmbr
given tht the following aeeountt bare been
enamined and paeed y me. and remain Bled of
record in lb ia otuee Tor the ioieetiun of heirt,
Irgatert. eredtlora, and all other, in anyotber my
iut"rrtM, and will bo prveented to the next Or
pban'e Court ot Clearfield count-, to bo held at th
Court litiOM", in tha borough of Clearfield, eonv
mrncing on the fourth aionday of September,
A. U. 18r.y.
1. Tiio iinnl aoeounlof Tutriclc Cur-
Ire, Adminittrator of James Corlcy, late of Gra
haia towralitp, decaaed.
I. Tho partiiil ncconnt of George
Slf., 'sdininiv-l-ttor of John filoaa. lata of Kaox
3. '.f fie h'nuf account or o. Kratier,
Adininidtrator of Anthony K Miter, late of 1'ikt
townahin, deoeaaed.
4. Tho Cnu1 acoountof Jamei Kid-
dir. AJminutrator Ae , of William Anderaoa,
Ute of Hurnaide townaliip. deleaved.
5. Tho account of Samuel A. CalrJ-
well, AdiainlplraUir of Jacob ft car b art, lilt of
Bogga )nwnhip, decoaaed.
G. The final account of II H. Ilurd
and I-ewii J. IIue.1, Riecutortaf Kltai llurd, late
of Cheat townahipe darraaed.
7. The partial lurount of John-T.
Piaitb and (ieorge Senior Kientore of tlaorgi
llughr, lata ol Ilrady twnbip, driweed.
8. Tlio account of John II. Fulford,
Adminiatrntur da i woo of Jamee Jdorriaoa,
lata of Jordan tnwneh'p, deeate(,
HROiRTEN't Orrira. A. W. I KK.
Clearfield, Pa., HrpL 1, I8fi9 te. J Register.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE tubarribfT eOrt to aril bia farm litiate
in Bra.l tnwnahip, Clrarfleld eountr, pa..
ouotatning fe terra, about 40 a?ni cleared, and
nder gini enhiraiiim, having erected thereon a
LARGE Hut Mi aud HANK 11A IIN, and oiber
out buildinga. Alto a good young o rr bard eon -Uining
100 tree. The 6& acrca of timber land
ia well corrred with gitod pine, hemlock and a
vaalrty of oak, chf-atnut, bwth, augar, maple,
hirkorr, ehrrry, Ae and near a taw mill,
arm Is l miles west of I.utbersScr, and
on tlie snrvrr of tbe Allegheny Vallcj B, R.
Tbe sulserbrr ean be aJJrrised at Luilierl
burjr, Clrarfiiid connly, Pa.
ucsnr xiEnnwixK,
Pipt. I, IsSJ-St.
LL persona are hereby netlned who have
teaerd Banking ground at or near tbe meal h
ol w hitmer ma on the properly nf tlroom, Ilick
ey A Co., that nil bneb pay must be paid up he
ft re any more ground ean ba obtained. And all
persona banking timber or loirs or any otber
lumber on the aloresaid property, without per
mission, will be held for tn-sspnss, or be ehaiged
Hfly dollars per raft for saiS ground. Ai. phi-shoe
for said ground must be made 16 W. b. iJickev,
lilen Unpe, Pa.
rpL I, HltJ-Sm.
Sale of Real Estate.
USHER AN ORDER nf tbe Orphan's Court
of ClearSeld rouatT, Pa., dated Jane J.
leu'i, tbe and'-rsifrned adsMinistrwtor of Henry H.
Smnl, deeeneed, will aoll by public Ten dee or
eulevy, at Ihe premises in Urahem township,
Thursday the Hi way of ffplember, IHen,
nt t o'clock, p. m , thai raln.ble REAL ESTATE
draerihed as lollows: nf Inning at a po.t al the
soiilli east comer, thi-nce bv land of W. P. Sme.l
south 107 perchrs In s pint, thrnca by land of
n. ii.m'in, wett it prrcnes lo a post, thence by
land of lar:rrt Smeal. north IH7 perches to a
post, thrnee by lend of W, P. Smeal, east 71
perrlies te Ihe place ,f beginning,
Containing 50 Acres, more or less,
1 I.KMrt t Tha one half oa eonnrmslioa ef aala,
and the balance in one yenr theroaOer, wilb Inter,
est from date of sain, to ba secured by bund and
morlgage on the property.
B ll. SI'llflON'OVKR 1 , ,
Brpt, X, ISflt 41.
Governor's Campaign
Campaign Torches.
Price of Torches, :J,
a 1.10, tli and (40, per
Km.i r II. I
.... I'll., I,,, IN. ...
(raving ot Cafs and Cap-.
rillt.lP HILL, V.urr.
H'i Cburcb Sirret,
Est. :j A 3,, nSovs MerkcU
Mllltsrv Consnanle.' I hIiv,.''!',!'..
. - MB' IV W
order. I ,,, i
Soulhern Land & Emigration
ORGANIZED and eetahlisbed for tbe PareliaSe
and lale of Farming and Mineral Lands,
and improved Real r.,late ia the Koulhera Stale.
JO. CKVKKNM. Vie. Preerdrert.
J. IIKNHY A.KIN, Treaemrer,
rrealdent Fourth Natmual ll.nk ot Pkildelnhie.
J'HIN MOKKIM, Hertsrv.
Attorney nnd Caanrcllor.
Osnca : Wa.hineton KniUlh r n .
. . e ' "ir rvenin
Mln and Pennavhaala Avenue. w.k.
- " ' - "uSlui . v.
nrrrnanrr, :
One. John T. HnlTinavj, Alliany, K T
El One. Wm. Pigler, ClearSeld' Pa,
One. T. f Rardnlpb, Trenton, N J
CI lAKritlD, fA.
TUK r ALL TF.R.V of twenty two weelil will
eemraetiM (in MeU'lay, nenleraoer S, tstu.
A frimarv drpartajrnl wIP be ended In lbs
Irbonl tbts fall i for whleb tbe servient of , eoea
netent lostrucloe have been onreeed. And ao
effort will be etiarej tc reuiler tbis dsfartnienl
attractive sua lustniatlvs.
ReadlDf, Ortbofmiily. Wrltlnir.OI Jeel Les
sons, Primary Arllhraetle and Primary
UeoKraphy, per belt Urm, (of eleven
weeks.) - $ C
History, lcal aud descriptive Ueofrapliy
with Map Draaung, Uiamsnar, Menial
and Written Arlthiaetio 6 it
Algebra and tha Brioneee 00
Instruction In Instrumental eautie IS to
Oil palatini U
Wat work 0
For full particulars send for Circular.
Clearfield, Aug. ii, Isoe-pd.
TI1ST OPENEDIn tbe room raeently oeenpled
by the Mies Reed's and directly opposite
Mnssnp'a Store, ClearSeld, Pa. All tbe late
styles of bonnets, bats. Ac, for old and yoonf.
Ladies, nslasea, and abiidrena' trimmings, rib
bona, and eoat velvets, laeee, (laves, Ac, si
waya kept nn band.
Is all It, vsrloni branches nad latest styles,
for old, middle aged, and tbe yenng, Bad ta
order, by the anos, fasbionabla dress makers.
Mrs. I. . WATSON,
Anf. Ii, 18C tf.
A 1.0 agent for tbe " Magic Maeedonlan 011."
Warranted to cure Rhraiantiaiu, NenraL(ia,
Lirer Complaint, Ae. No cure, so nwy.
IN tbe natter of be application ef Willi am
Map est, lo tbe Court of Coateoa Pieaa, ia
and for Clearfield eonatj, to be diaeharged
from hie eurotabip for monies received hj
Fiaoeii Punlap, lau of taid Borough of Clear
field, Pa., from tba estate of Juha Croiatbwait,
lata of Centre county, Pa., being tbe Legacies
bequeathed to John and lsaiel I'unlap.
br virtue of a certain Kalo which waa granted
by the Onihane' Court at Clearfield, the Suth day
of June, UflU, I do berebr giro notice to all per
tovt loteretted in aatd tund receired at alore
stated, te appear en or before lha second Monday
of September, wroumo, and present their elamt
aeoording to law, and do such other ataUe-rt at
tbe Court nay of tboa. ia the prontiaea,
or be forever barred, and also tbow eaate accord
ing to the following rule aade ia thit eaae.
llJOi. J. McCl LLOLG1L
Ally, for Wm. Mapee.
Jane 20, IS69, Hula It granted to tbow eaute
why William Manet should not ba released and
discharged from a bond given by htm j surety
witb ooe Francis Dunlap, to tba Orphan' Court
ol I'leameid county, oa tba uth day of bepteav
bar, A. It., IH4, in porsuance of an Act of As
armhly approved tha 21 b day of April, 1844.
PubhoatibB to be Biede of tbit Rule in two newa.
-"v papers published ia Clearfield county
HEAb fr four weeks prior to tbe Nenteaiber
Aug 'C9-4L
Ilea rOttd Pa.
HAVING t-inted Ur. Eutres' Brewery be
hopes by strict attvatioa to bn tineas tnd
me manufacture of a au peri or article of UKKR
to receive the patronage of all the old and anaoy
new cu? turners. Aug. Zj tf.
one men to work ia wood making Sk-da,
Wagona, Biamp Machines, Ae. Ring It men or
men with tmaJI families. Applv to
auglStf Jefferson Liaa, Clearfield county, Pa.
if borough ef Osceola. High Pehool, slity
dollars per utonth. 1'ritnary ScbtHil, forty dollars
per anontb. Term, live months. Applian't will
ticloao durliratra nf eenlfivoie, addrras
wt, .- " 'ttlbHiM"p. C,MI I..I
D. It. Good, Secretary. auglS 3f
(1 At TIOw AM persons are hereby eaution.
J ed agaiaat purcbaing or it aay way med
diiag witb one span of Sorrel Uorwi, Uarbt or
Kdward tiligan, and In tbe poescsiioa of J. VT.
Larts of Iteccaria township, as tbe aane belongs
to me and are subject ta my order.
Sept, f, UC9-JU
Is hereby giren tbat letters of administration
on tha estate of ROHKHT WELCH, deceased,
lata nf Doggs township, Clearfield county. Pa.,
having been duly granted lo Ibe undersigned, all
pereone iuilebted ta said aetata will pleeae mahe
parmont, and those bavins; claims or demands
will pressnt tbssa properle nolhentieated for set
tkmrot. kKBKCCA WKLCH,
Jj20 6l:pd Admlmstraurix.
IMTHAVst-CAJne trespassing oa tbe premi
j aea of the saheenber, reeidiag In Bell 'own
snip, on or atHiut tbe Iret day of Jnly last, Iwo
II MFKKS, about twn yeara old : one white, with
red earl and red spots oa tbe sides ; tbe otber red,
white along the bark aad belly. Also, small
dark briadlo bull, supposed to be one year aid.
Tha awoer nr owners are hereby requested to
com furwerd. nrov. nronertv. . rberrte. aad
! teke them away, or tbey will be eold according te
law. JOHN W. MOIT.
Cower, Angusl II, 1 gf9 It fd. .
IXKCrTORN- KOTICRe-Letlen testa
X J menury having this 2tb day of JuIt. lt,
bn granted to us onon the estate of CIJ R ITIAN
KM Kit) II, lale of Morris township, Clearfield CO..
Pa , deceased, all bersoos baring elaims asaiast
said oeute are reouestcd to present them in dne
form, and those indebted ta said aetata are re.
uueated la make payment withoat delay la tht
uoacrsiguou executors.
Thilip.l org. Centre eo Pa.,
Cllltl.-TUN KMbllill,
"atorrieaWle, Clearasld en.. Pa.,
JylS-ol Eierntore.
Selllement Notice.
VLI. persoas knowing themes ens indebted ta
me, will please call and sell'e nt once. Tho
lieoks are at the Store of n hitcomb A Tuwnsrnd,
rs.-ooia, IS. o. a. 1'hllRl.
Osceola. Pa.. July 91, lSCS-.'.m.
Tannery for Rent.
TvIlK Ailmieistrators of tha late ta. Purhna
nn olTerfer rent tbe well known Tanner?
situate in Prnnrille, together with tbe dwellings.
oeacsBioa giren at any lima, for runner mr-
ticniars nail at the premises. e
dcrsigncd at tlrsrepian Hills P. O.
tt-p Adm'rs,
Will ClearSela County Agricnllural FoeieSw
-" w .oi. irrniar
this year, for the following reason, namely that
notice bss not been given in proper time te have
tbo necessary preparation, made. It bas been
determined, bnwever, to bold a Pair on the old
KTouiiii.erwriueooroegnol l leernclrt, on Weduea
di,T, Thursdav and Fridav. Ihe 14th. l.Mh ..1
ISth days of October, A. 1). Isii aad for Ibe
I 'T oi anorning ina larwiers na opportunity
of prriiating aud makins it aa ot.ieot lo imnrov.
and cshibil (all crops te be put ia the groand Ibis
na, ik. . - ' i . m . .
j - irrium is ouvrea lor the
eiliibition of I H7 0. vis t
Rest !wo acres of winter wheal..
Pee! bushel of winter wheat ,
. 4 0,
. :s m
, Of
llcst two acres of ry
Best bushel of rye, ..,., ,.....,
Rest two acres of nals
first two acres of buck wheat.
B-at two aorce nf corn
Pest one acre of clover need
Iteel . LailJ ,r .
le oo
Ueat one ball basbel af iiniothv need
l sr
Tbe above premiums will be psld le Ibe persons
to whom enm,,.lji. I A . V. . II , . i
The antlra premium liet will be pnnlisbed soon
.... r,i urn jtwt, m toe nope inul WSBT me?
be Induced Isenniwl. fne lb. , ,l '
encourage a good cause.
The Society hero ala determined la open Ibe
Fair Ui-onnd on I'lttHAY.tbe 1Mb day ol OCT
HLR, li, al II o'clock, hr th. p. r pose nf s
trott'.i,, match na lha track, for a enures' pure
of (Mi . be.t ihree in 6ve, in singls barneasi In
trot against time. Open te all horses owned in
thoeo.nty nt least Irteen days previoeuj. Tbe
grnwwd w ill be open from one to ire e clerk, p. m.
Admitunon, li cents, le nil persons. Perrons da
dnsiring to enter Iheir borers lo onwipeta for the
puree, oen do sa by giving nolle either ts person
or by writing la the (Secretary, ad by the pay
ment of an entrance fee otSI.
It I, kiped tbat lewnsbi arganlaatloas will be
g"l up a ilr, meantime Ia Ibe diPereal townships,
and ibat a greater Internet wis? be manifested la
the iih .1 i . ,i , .
. ... -., " ... ...... nieeiiegs ana oieeue-
sfori, ta mnrb good. If renuaaled. lb Rociely
. - ' i. new. nny ai tee nrgsmsn.
... ... ,wrr, wuo n view oi aocnararing
1 promollai ansae diecws.lnne.
i , . " nansiiT, rrefidest.
OtC., fe-re-sr . - ,H
Private Silo,
fpnp etga-d l.alaff deter-eVa k
X fa.n'n prrtr, ,t ,n (
of lie m-i deslraUa fanai ba ISaa wlil
Tht trwet taisMI Kt
One Hundred Acre, ciort ot W
Kigbtt-nve ef whteh areekared and aaa-TZA
rtauiif caitieatlnn. The fe wees are ii14
ditia, and the wster tt eteelfta.
With good btartag ereberd uf at, . .
pear trees. a Me ' u
taftcient titabor on Ue r u, h
poraes. Convenient le eeLm,:i
The whole being underlaid wnb eaetii
Aiio poMere elay, of aa eaconi onij,T
It will be beid for tbe luiptioa i of .ii'fc
...II lb. (rst nf Xo,,. !?Ui
leruis enej. Tor furtler psrlleelan aJJ
tbe anl,rilr,.or call pereonall. u ibe t,12?
sear Uramplan 11.11. f. o. hn.
Peru tew., Lip, July II, IHJ J, K
Farm for Sale.
rprtg undersigned, residing la Knot lo,.
X aireeto.ell bis farm ntpriv... Hie. i
peraon dreiriag a bene will do netl Ueaiuj
examine tbess premises,
Containing Fiftj-one Acres,
Thirty .v. of which are cleared aad aadw a
state of jultlvatlon be.ide, beiag nlinl,
lain with eoal. nnd h.vm, ,k.rM
ng ho. bjm and oths, nse,.,,,,,,, ,
toother with . In. ,
all kinds. Tbe farm adui E.k, Eaniib aJ
Ultberow, near church atd sk.iel ,gtti,
having a never failing spriug of waur. '
Any further Information eaa be eMaiasd ev
calling oa the premiesa, or adinssiag ths
signed at S. IllUpert.
IV'cw Cabinet!
PA NY oler for sale Tana Lets la the ess
ou(n of Oseeola, Clearteld eounly, Pt., m, ,J
Ints to suit pnrehaeerswulside ths lients ef saul
borough. Usoeola la situated en tbe alestaaaea
t'reek, in tha richest panics of the eeaaiv ef
ClearSeld, o. Ibe line of the Tyren. a CUartd
Ilailroad. where tbe Moabeaaoa and ksavsrtea
branch roads taleraeet. It is also ia the bean of
tha Musbannon eoal basus, and largs bodies tt
white pine, hsmloek, oak, aad ether Umber nw.
rennd it On, of the largrst l.wk-r siaaalanar!
ing establtsbnients ui the atate is located ia ths
town, while there are many othrr l.meer aad
sbiagle mills around it. l bs town Is hat ansa
years old, and contains s population ef one ties,
sand inhabitants.
"r further ieforsnatios apply al the eftss
of tbe above company.
JOU.V LAW". Ilg,
sprU SapeeialeMmt.
Houses and lots for Sale.
IJ101-R llOirSEH and LOTS in Clsartald, he
sale na rtaaonnbla lerms. Poeseisien girsi
in thirty days. Also, s plot of PolR LOIj el
the corner of Fourth and Hoed streets, nej
KtllOv feet. Three of tbeee lots are wall itteud'
for either lumber yard, aoal yard, or for bailsisg
purpesea geaersjlv, being within 11 feet ef Iss
railroad depot, Piiac nnd term, ressistl Is.
Applet 8K0R0E THORV,
tf Clesrt,ld, Pa,
A Farm for Sale or Rent
Till? subscriber, residing near Prenelvllli.Cee.
ington township, gives aeliee that as f
either sell or rent tb. well known farai, adJeHueg
lands of gelomoa Jfeaxey, Valemeat sad an)
qoL Bander farm,
About FIITT improved, leaving lltreoa a keels
and barn, oieeMenl wntr and a ftae youaf ens
ard. Also, a LOT for sale, sear tba chunk.
JVwFor farther perticulsrs, call ia nersea V
address In nsdersigced al f reachville I. a
augll:4t.pd STEPHEN 101'f'tT.
( durational.
Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M., Principal.
rpns first Bspion r a ssk
X lastie yeeref this Iastllullea willceawesei
on MONDAY, th lib dar af e,Umber, It.
f.ells ean ntr nt nny tlm. Tksy JI m
ths eloa ef tbe Seceeea.
1 hs ourss f is.tructiea SBiVmce. every tslif
oeiu. m issremgk, praeueal Mid aas
t lisbsd daesUoa for both saaea.
Th. Prlaelpal. ksvlcg bad tb, adv.iupsf
mark prieae In kia prsfsssioa, assares as
rau and gaard aas that bis eaurs ability set
energies will be devoted l lb aural aad an.
Ui training of lb youth placed under kit ehm,
It: KM (If TL'llltlM.
Ortbegrapby, Reading, Vriliag. aid Priwan
Arilh metis, per Bessios ( 1 1 week.) . s M
Grammar, Geography, Aritkauk., nad
"i'try 4 aj
Algsnra, ueometry, Trigonometry, Mesv
aerftti, Surlstag, rhiieaopby, Phyit.
ology. Chemistry, Booh Keeping, Botaay
and Physical Oecgraphy . . . H
Latin, Greek and French, with any ,f th,
ahov BraeahM - 111 N
VII SIC Pisee (JO lessee,) . . . i,m
jsTAr-Xe dedueties will b mads for ahsstci.
sjr rir rurtner particaisrs inquire f
Rev. p. L. HARBISON, A. U.,
FsK 4. IIS tf. (.! PriasiysL
jprp tmi, Crcrrrirs, (5tr.
Lace curtains, wikdow siueis-
11 A TA,
CJcarleld, June 16. !.
liars utt epencJ s
New Ptoss, ooeasiwSl..Cnrtii, oco,,5ed bj Wm. F. IRWlS
Thsir stock consists ot
Otoctcn of tlio bl quslil',
QuF-kswARt, Pooti nd Shoe.
tod rT At-tido "
OBO's an fort,
CH sad SBiiosj out stock k.'" r-
cl.Ming ,1swhev. jL'L?J-:
fTfiis mmocRatic HxcJ?r
1 iss: a.d ls to, na!. si JJj