8hc glcpuMicatt. i.J st. ClEORGE B. (iO0DI.ANDr.il, Editor, CLEARFIELD, PAV' ' WKDHE.'I'AT MORMN'O, SEPT. I, ISM. Democratic State Ticket, port oovernor ' HON. ASA PACKER, OF CARBON COUNTY. FOR SUPREME JCDOI EON. CYRUS L. PERSUING, OF CAMBRIA COl'STT. Democratio District Ticket. AiicmUv, JOHN C. HALL, of I '.lk County. Democratio County Ticket. . Treasurer. I. EVER 1'LliGAL, ol Brail) township. County Commiiiioner, II. IIINDMAN.of Mecearl township. Auditor, JOHN D. MlI.I.EH.of Dell township. Williatn Tilt Fcsscndon, U. S. Sena tor from Mttino, it lying daiifjcrously ill Bt FortlRtid. , Our ad interim President, Grant, , bos Vfon sojourning at Washington for several days past. Grant's Attorney General, Hour, has decided that ilie test oatli aliall not bo required of llie mombors clt-ct to the Virginia Legislature. Thus another military peacock, in tho sliupo of Gon. Canby, is knocked in the bead, by a member of hit own herd The continued soriousilliiessof Gen. Iluwlins, Secretary of War, has com polled Gen. Grant lo forsake the race course and other haunts of pleasure, and repair to Washington ; which he very much regrots, according to his dispatch. Later. Gen. John A. Rawlins, Sec retary of .War, died at 5 o'clock on Monday. President Grant did not arrive in time from Saratoga to see iim. ' . Mork Help. We are in receipt of a new journal, tuitillcd the Elk Demo crat, published at Ridgway, by the "Elk Democratic Association." It is a seven column psper, ably edited well printed, and Democratic to the coro. Success to tlio enterprise while it Adheres to the Democratio cause and defends the right and anion of the Slatvs. Trt Again. Grant & Co. made such a miserable botch out of the new postago stamps, that the Department has been compelled to order designs for new iesues. Tho heads of Wash ington, Jackson, Franklin and Lincoln are to bo restored in place of the pi ea cnt designs. Go iu ; who cares for cxpensof Our rulers act more like boys than statesmen. Always experi mcnting in a very cxpensivo way, and perfecting nothing but wrong. Glorious California Extra flour lias declined in San Franciso to SG and sh per fine to $4 87. Legal ton ders, 75. Edmund Burke says that education is tho cheap defence of na tions; but cheap bread is better still. This is not all. The cloclioo held in that Stato on the 1st Inst., has result ed in a glorious Democratic victory, notwithstanding the "second Wash ington" carried il hist fall. Loyalty, Ra Jicalism, Grant ism, and every other ism, liko thoir greenback child, is at a discount of twcniy-five per cent, in the Golden West. Tni Ji.rrERso.MANB.-The new Court House erected at firookville is to be dedicated on Mondsy next. A general invitation has been extended to tho county officers and friends in tho adjoining counties to bo present and help warm the buildinc. We are exceedingly sorry that wo can't co There is no better pluce in tho world to gp to on such an occasion. The Vrookviliinns are all aliko on festive Occasiins; each striving to ontdo tho other in politeness and their attention to strangers. Here's our t&, Stcck Hope you'll win. Tell Kennedy to drink tor us. Hatcuiko. The political temper ance men and ladic held a "National Convention" at Chicago last week They done a good deal of gassing, but practically it amounted to nothing Tho body played off a sharp trick on the outside, world by telegraphing all over the continent llint Judgo Dluck, of 1'onnsylvania, had been elected President. The assembly was, bow ever, not ichitc enough toembraco the Hon. Jeremiah S. lilack. It happened to be a Hark politician of that namo from Lancaster, who was once Judge of Ins election precinct, and a third rate lawyer. This is the Illsrk the female and male temperance advocates attempted to pass off for a statesman. S'avery and tha Copperheads (till trouble these reformers. A littlo more ane and less foolinhness would liclp mese people an J their cause amaainir ly. . These old tempcranco roosters and chn ks have had the cause in thoir special csro for the last thirty years, yet the cause languishes. They are mainly made up of broken-down politicians, clorgy men without congre Rations, and women who have run way fmm their husbands and chil dren. Give them religion, business . and pol'l'cs in their special care, aud they would mia lhe n.lion ia rear. ware Oitr VanHdnlt tor .iniMf. Our rraslpr arti no iIkhM tlmt tlio ncimlni-o of tur county for Amembly, Jlr. Uwnlio, failed lo re ceive tho noiiiiimllim for Unit ofllro l ilia liotxls of tlio District Uoitrrnlion. Tliis we) ri-urel. lit) was just tlio ninn for tlio iiliico. Hcitttf a gcnllmn of strict !ntrfrity, ami cxtttisivly cn (Tfticd In liuiincss, 1)0 wouM have lintl j neither timo nor inclinntioii lo clup bauds willi tho corruption ring and roosters who infest tlio lobby and hotels tit llarrisburg during the aes i on of tho Legislature Wo, however, heartily concur in tho action of the Tioucsta Convention, and cull upon Democrats to glvo ils nomi nee. Mr. Hall, their undivided sup port i hoping that tho people of thu' district will find in him all tho quali ties possessed by Mr. Lawsho, and that ho will prove nn upright and nttcntivo representative. To this end wo shall closely scan tho acts of our agents lit Jlarrisburg this winter. 3Jf. Hall having removed from this county five years ago, and having inut biin but for u low moments on two occasions since, wo can say but little about him personally. The Elk Democrat, published at bis borne, snys : "It i irsrcclv ne6ca.sty for ui to Uilsle ou the Justifies which Stlt our candnlete fur Ugi.lature, ohn II. Hall, for that portion, yet, for the knlor- mation ol those wlio srs not so well arqua.uico with bio, wo wilt givs a brief outline of Li. carver. "Mr. Hall commenced the lu'iy of law ia CleBr- B.ld uadrr lloo. M m. A. Wallace, in the fall of tbS, and iu geplrtnht-r, VSI, wai adiutttcd to practice. Alter that, Mr. allaee. rocoRnmug the itcrlioi qnatitiee whioh had guided hie former etmlent'i ouurae, tok bin in al a partnvr. ia the office ol Mr. Wallace, aur Joung lawyer waa dirtingunhed fur hil chue ajiblicatiou aud atlen tiou to the busiuell eutrulteu to tbo e&rc uf the parlaenliip. "Iu Auicuat of 16S4, atr. Ilall oame aiaohg ae with the luoit flattering teitituunialfl from men ol known probity and character. He located In ltidgwar, and our bueineM Ben, foon rewoffBiling the talcnla which he poraciaed, he waa aoou in the eoioymeul of a luvratirt practioe. Thoaa who know bitn will not aay that we Bredlverrinr: from the truth, when we awrrt that Mr. Hall ie the ojoet euoooaafoJ lawyer of hil age ia tbil acottua of the btate. "Mr. Hall baa erer been known al a ehaotplon of the pnnoiplaa of the llemocratie party, yet, al though an taraatt advocate, ie sot a bitter partiean ucrer atotping to ahuae tboao whu buncatly dif fer with him on qutitiuue of pultlie ptilicy, but trying by aound arganient to aolivinoa bia oppo nent! to bia way of thinking of diea and meaeurea. "Our candidate hae ueror awrrred in hie faally to thole prnciptci which be hnlilft are the enpport of our iuatilatioul, and which will, with tba oum ing resolution of politicl in tbil oouotry, 1m itl alvatioa. Of bn election there ean be no doubt, notwlth atandiog the puny eflorti of all dieorganiaera." Roots Revest Officers. The Washington correspondent of tho aasociuto press says : "The rteTenue Ofiice receive many complaint! from different parts of the country, particularly away from the large citicl, of hiigul deputy mar ine!! and revenue detectives wb-t are engaged in levying black mail. The pulilic ibould know that all parliel making driuand bv authority of the revenue lawi are providrd with written authority for Bo doing. Prompt aieamrei bavs been taken by the Couminioner to hava aoeb impostera dealt with aooording to the fthct rigor uf the law." Between the genuine and bogus tax gatherers, who have . invaded tho country under tho guiso of loyally, tho people are being robbed of their property, and their liberties greaily eurtailcd. And thus it will con t inns while tho peoplo aro foolish enough to elevate such ninnies as Grant and Geary to positions where statesmen alone should be placed. While this stato of things continues wa will have more bogus than genuine government. Bogus officers, liko vice, seldom flour ish unless carced and supported. As loyalty and radicalism have erect ed dwellings to harbor and breed such vermin, it is no wonder the people are being devoured by their own dogs. Therefore, wo say again, while the tax payers vote for bogus statesmen, such as now occupy the high places in the Stato and Nation, they will bo tormented with bogus money, bogus political economists, bogus Lux galh erers, and their liberties will soon be bogus, too. - m ' '' A GoDLtss Trio. The Plttsburc loyalists aro always ufler something nico. They bud a rousing meeting in that city on Friday last, ard tho speakers Covodo, Morton and Bing ham are all "moral idea" men. Tho first is the Chairman of tbe loil State Committed, ignorant as an ass, and a scoundrel of the first water. Tho second is ono of the Senators from the Stale of Indiana, and so n filleted with the social evil that ho cannot walk. The third, Bingham, is the murderer of Mrs. Surratt. So says Major Gen eral Denjamin Franklin Butler, tho loil leader in the House of Represent atives. These, exclaim the Pittsburg Radicals, are our jewels. They are in truth such, but thry are of the pirch baclc persuasion, and as naturally adhere lo loyalty as the Cow-Boys of tbe Revolution. Morion was, how ever, tho "right man in tho right place." A western repudiator ad dressing (he Allegheny county repu diators. Out or Jail. We notice that tho Belle fon(e Actional is again out of the hands of the Sheriff. The paper has been reconstructed, and looks well for a ti'ack Ucniihlic.m advocate. We hope Mr. Gould will not wreck his bark on the rock of "cheap job work," which proved so fatal to bis predeces sors. Success to yon in everything except your mUerobfe politics. Look oh this Picture; the on that. When Mr. Buchanan wns Pres ident, Hon. Howell Cobb, hi Secroln ry of tho Treasury, invited him to a n ip on tho noted rcvouue cutter, Har riot Lane. He went, but when he found that the rxpenso of tho voyage was '.o lie charged to the government gnvo orders to have iho bills sent to him for settlement, which ihey would bavo been had not Mr. t'obb urevcnt- ed il by paying them out of bis own private purse. Now tho government is miiicvea, However, lo tlio extent of innueanil ol tiollars h- I lie excursions which, firl, President Urnnt and Mr. Bone, and second, Admiral Porter and Secretary Koboaon, make hither and Uiilher. The expense incurred bv the Tallapoosa is not great enough to war rant the impeachment of those who junked round in her. but tho incident relslod of Mr. Htiehnnsn show (he different instinct which a born gentle man entertains of hisduliea from that beld by his latest ucmsor. n at ::Jt -t-t -ror"i- n Mlir' l If irf.0i, IV. l'liilmli-lliliin Aqtwm "While- fiovornnr t.t'nry nml din rmrty "rro limning over llie remain nf litlli'ti h' rm, at Unit) sl.uiy, (ioiiornl (.rant whs removing (liu iiiiiiinnl aultlii'r who were) (i ' i lit oil to kmi all iliici liv 1'iTniilenl Jnlinrnii. Al 1'lnislia, Miiiiit'sotit, il SnWirr, who hist his lrj( in tlio fliniL'u on llimil't fiirei's, ul NhkIivUIi', win )mKtiiiiiUirat tJHll per y or, which hi'lpt'd to support, his litm il v. This eiinriiioua niliiry was covet ed by a sidewalk ranger, named I.ucien Warner; and Aunusl Klemmer, tlio cripplo, had to Imblilo out of the nflleo on Ins wooileii log and one crtileli, lo bee or starve. Here is another caso : On the lOlli of June, ISti'.), Captain C. C. Mctiinnily, of Newport, Kontncky, waa appointed .Mail Atfeiit between Coviiiirtun and Kicholusvillo. Captain MeGiiinity entered the army In the war, as a privato in tho Twenty-second Kunlucky volunteers, and closed hia services ul the end of tho war as a Cimtain in the Fortieth Kentucky lie, fought in a nuniber'of Imtllos.atid was severely woiittueu at Mono Ktvor. Tho Cincinnati CommiTctnf, it Radical organ, says that bis appointment lo the route iirency wus supported by nearly every prominent Union ofticer and citizen in the portion of Ketitucky whero bo lives, lint ho did not plenso lhe Radicals, and after four days of service, ho received Iho follow ing no lice of dir. missal : W i.hiiovo. D. C. Julr 23. 1 '". Pin Your appointment uoili-r diite or the I Oth inatant, ai Route Agvut from t'uvineloii to Nirtio Uirille, heutur-ky, ia revoked. The I'oltmniier Ucneral baa unteied the appointment of Joit-ph Henderson in your itead. 1'liii change ia made at the imtance of .Irne It. tlrant, the falhrr of the President.- ery rerpectlully, Ac, Ulomur Karl. Ftnl Aarittant Poatinaator UeneraJ. "The futher of the President asks for tho removal ol this bravo soldier, and General Grant lets the axe full. Truly this Radical parly is the soldiors'party. They starve them whilo living 'und dunce over their graves w hen dead." .Iping 4rlxtocraty, One of the most ridiculous exhibi tions of a spirit of aristocracy is Grant's tour through lhe .NotJ r.nelund Males. An Adjutant General of tho army is Sent out in atlvanco to inform the peo ple all along tho routo the exact timo ol Oram arrval, tlio Hotel at winch he will stop, whul room bo will occu py, at what tune he will hold recep tions, and a batch of other ridiculous stuff, enough to make an honest Amur lean citizen blush with shumo at the I lopulttr. stupidity which made him 'resident of tho United Stales. Let us ask, what more do tlio crowned heads of Europe ? When they go on a tour through their possessions, bul letins are issued in udvanco, telling the people tlio lime of their arrival ul particular places, the clothes they in tend lo wear, who will accompany ihcm, A.C., Ac , and Grant isupirg them to perfection. Even this, however, we could overlook if he hsd tho intel ligence to govern a people. He hns not. The grout idea of his life is hor ses, dogs and tuars. Beyond iheso he knows nothing at all. , I Tho members of tlio Cabinet arc equally as bud in this respect as the President. Tho w hole administration of public affairs is now in the hands of aulMmlinntea, anil Ilia (ualita. j airnply bow mucli of lliu jinojilu'a money they can speud without injur ing the parly. The other day a telo graphic dispatch informed the public that forty ('inqrrnsmcn arrived at Omaha, en roulo for California, with Mcir trier, to invrstiijate certain alleged frauds in that Xt.ite. Now what were these frauds f Tho report says, noth ing. This lour of Congressmen, with their wives, was just a f'rolio or spreo over tho l'ueific Railroad at Iho public expense. Tho peoplo are ground down with taxes worse than any peo pl on tho faco of tho earth, and Pres ident, Cabinet and Congressmen are spreeing over tho country iu a man ner positively shumcful. I llioro no remedy for all this? Xot so long as the people are willing to lie enslaved lo the demands of par ty corruption and tyranny. When ever they can exert sufficient manhood to throw off the shackle of party slavery and assert their political and individual freedom, a different state of affairs may be looked fur. Not till thon. Jlutler Herald. Doctor Butler. Theorcrago Mas. sschusotu "Minister" believes that he can do anything, unless if may bo to perform a miracle, and even this hits bocn tried in the Martha's Vineyard camp mooting, in tho tleliberato at tempt to convor: Doctor Butler. The scene is graphically described in tho Boston papers. Governor Claflin was on tho ground, and "spoke earnestly ," and Senutor Wilson "eloquently ap pealed to the unconverted." Amid these and other appeal from all quar ters, Doctor Butler stood not onlj unconverted, but unmoved. Where upon, Cluflin baring failed, and (he Natiek cobbler having snuffled and howled to no purxise, "an anxious sister singled out llutlor, ai d earnest, ly cntreulej him to come up lo the altar." But the "anxious sister" even could not arouso Butler, or bring him up to the stand, where tho unconvert ed were to bo specially prayed fot. Whereupon t-wlutis brother on his knocs begged hi in lo go forward," and "tho clergyman in charge besought him strenuously," oven promising "to keep open tho meeting all night" il Butler would only try b bo converted. All theso menus lulled. Butler was obluso lo the r.calotis brother, deaf to tho anxious sister, nod callous lo the open-all-night cleigyinan. Tho (rouble was, Iheso over-eager jeople endeavored to convert Butler, as some sinners aro said lo take (he Kingdom of Heaven, "by violence." Persuasion would bavo been better, say a dor.en spoon or a silver teapot, hunir up over tho anxious seat. X 1'. World. Another Letter from Corone. The Chuirman of (he Republican Slate Committee hns written the following letter lo a member of tho Committee iu this section : Horisburg, orgmt deer Sr i bev rilen fo Mr. delanno, the Cnmishrtcrorinternle Itavcnoe, telling mm low leu up on thee w lnky tleel ars or (Jury is Defected. Evry man Inn is opinyun is win h a Ktls has (oald Idcluno thee snim thing. If eoinpli with my irk went , he dount grant will beo asked to remoov 11. in Thing is looking midlu, fare. yoors trooly J CoVOIlE. P. 8 t donnt think ttalors kin mnik fun of this leler, for I rote il with tbo dickshinery clous itlongsido. J C. The amount paid Psslors and Fold ers during iho lasl .Seaajon of (he U'gislulure aggregated over tnim. Hard oa tas-puyera. Otir KU'lt I'lnnnrt. A arrrtmuT h m hummi For iiif. SUM-MI lt"l M RINII till l AST KM ill T TEARS TO HAVE IMItl OIF NFAIII.T TWEKTY F.IOIIT MILLIONS OF Til K STAT III.IIT WHAT HAS BECOME OF TUX MllSir f The history of tho Stile Debt of Pennsylvania, says tho Harrisburg ratriut, iti.ty ho lold In a few words. Il was i Ton led principally in building up and keeping up tho publia works. These works wcreevenlutilly sold (hut tho debt might be reduced. In IHIiS, a Democratic Legislature, in accord ance with Section 4 of Articlo XI of tho Statu Constitution, enacted a law providing for the creation of a Sinking Fund. This Sinking Fund was to bo a receptaclo of certain revenues which wero to be applied only to tho pay. menl of the interest on Stale loans and tho extinguishment of the Stato Debt. Tho roeeipis nt tho Treasury, Irom these sources, as per tho stutemunls of tho Auditor General's oflico, from 1HG1 till 18GH, inclusive, foot up the enormous sum of twenty seven millions, nine hundred and six thousand, two hundred and twenty-seven dollars ! Wo gil'0 tho receipt lor each year, OS follows : 1RC1.. 180... IM... tsnt.. 111.. 1SA6.. ISf.7.., ISOrl... ..tl.TTI.SII! SS .. ..4.'t.,4.10 IS I f 27 ,00.II7 bH I Now, these twenty-Seven millions and upwards ought, under tho law, have gono into the Sinking Fund, and to have been applied to the reduction of the Stato Debt. If they did not go there and wero not so applied, irAcrr did they go and to what use were they applied t This is a question which the peoplo ask tho Radical Suite offi cials, and to which they demand an holiest and straight-forward answer. This sum bus certainly not been applied in payments nn tho first Slate loan. On iho first of December, lXliO, lhe State Debt was 37,U09,847 Ml. On the first of Decern bur, 1HG8, the Stato Debt wns t:U,2HU,fl4o 111, show ing that but 4,(iM2,(i01 27 of lhe debt hns been paid during those eight yeurs. Now, if ull tho taxes received at tho Stato Treasury, which under the law belonged to the Sinking Fund, had been applied in payments on tho Stato Debt, we should have the following exhibit: Rtale Debt in ISSO t3i,l1S,M7 SO Receipt of binking Fand troa 1S6I till lit J7,06,1J7 48 Amount of debt remaining $10,063,819 VI If, tbcrcfofo, the finance of the State bad been properly and lawfully administered, and lhe Democratic plan Inr paying on the State Debt contained in tho Sinking Fund Act of 180H, had been fairly and honcillr carried out, during lhe last eight years, the debt would only be a littlo over ten millions instead of upwards of thirty-three, mil lions. Twenty three millions thai wont into (he Stato Treasury during llie last eight yeurs, and that ought to havo gono into tho Sinking Fund fur tho tiavinrr off ihn SlutA flnhr linrA111 lb Cloarfleld, oa Monday, tbe uio ujii.g on ino aiuto vubi. Have , 2rthd,yof htfpt .t lM9 ,(t.owr week.ut i oiotk, bton Bqiiamlured. Or Utolen. 0 UO j p.m., tbefolUwiog deectibed Ileal En tat, te nit , not cliarc this ; the figures prove it. A fuiB piwt nt 9t grMBf til0ote la nK mo cionrfii or ruliny ol w hat ii vo it pro iitipa, atnu rrrrr th render to tit .tetnt hof.k and the. roporln of tho Auditor Goncral's ollicc for proof of ouril!ipTit.on.' - The Last intuit. A turgor named Hill 8 nun dors hft" been upfxtintud ot.-il detective and coiiHdential rtenl of tho Wafthinton roftofiH-e salary, $1,200 per year the mun important publio trut con ferred upon nigger under tlio new regime. Well, il i, perhaps, a logical rcBiilt of "tho acceptance ol tbe situa tion" by thi temporarily cowed, npir ithKst hopolcss whilo sovereigns (!) of this unfortunate country. Tbisiiirgrr one of the race of human beings w ho lack moral perceptions, who have nol tho slightest conception of tho word hononty, who simply refrain from su-alit.fr, w!,on thry do tl.us refrain, , v , i ! t "ii I;,, ivu, i. iitv, mm iiw. uiiu (be dittntcJ of consciunco, reason mid honor, lias been appointed by nn arm of Ilto government as spy rind inform er over white men. Every white, clerk in Washington roMo"illro is al lhe mercy of tin ignoranl, inferior, narrow-minded, brainless, conscience less African, wlioa contracted intel led a nd brulul pn-jtidices will naturally at this moment, when tho deep mut tering of a war of race aro heard lint lltilt a ntitr Ida &Mill, lull n i the Ub tk. him (ho' covert, HiZXWh?. not tho open enemy, of every member I W ood, oa the south by land of Janet btavemoa, of tho superior nice with which ii is !" "' b f -'" rieat bronght oflicinlly in contact. ,., ."X wui. uuifiin, irvillt:uitniPU lllsur.B OS theso should tniike tho more decent ineinhors of the dominant party blush with shnmo. Wo solemnly warn (he men in power, w ho are crowding this interior lipirrn raie nnnri and i,,1nn,l j i, ,i . ' i ' , ' ' lb seat by landa of Oraara Tkulelua, oa tbe oter and rilKivo tho white race, Who ,..,, b, , M,rtia Nolan, .a taa wet by founded (his government, and have laadi r Joerpk Pir.w, and aa tho Bona by made (he country what it was an to ''""'- '' w toaiaiaiag Ninety- 1 WW, that they are preparing for j I'TVi. ' k'W thetnaclves ft dnv of wrath which, : Heited. Ut,n in rierailna, and to bo nU a when it enmes, will be fearful and let;-1 tD pr'1 f ft B-nmina riblo. A war of races will ceruiuly ' , iH irrfeni. aU- r i Mi'.v of the pjrrhaw money mo pi be paid aben the bo tho price of tl0 ntinrer policy ol property U knocked down, or it w.ll be pm .p tho Mongrel psrO. Thnro aro mil. agaia for e.U. t YKENU H lloWK. lions of while men to-dny all over the' I"!!"1!?' I hhenff ., . , . ' ClcarSrld, Pa., hept b, 109. 1 country, tn whowe bonoms there is ra-i L. ' ginga pr nt up volcano. If thin nigger polity is not abandoned, it will break out, and when it docs, tho loudest cry will not be "down with the negro," but "down with the fools and fitnslicft wlirk I.... ,l,l, ll- it j ..... ...... vii .....,,.. , iiui only brought ruin upon tho soctinn i which ulono bus hilberto truly rts-' ,,.,, , ,,i r i: l . t uecaoia, tiearneia eonnly, l'a. It ke ng a wo lecteil r.nd cared for him, but also n. and ari k t.aii.ilng or dry sVs, f,., SIlQI kleil the entire nation with a bark j drying luisk.r, being ;i fret long and U feel brouking dibt and galling titxatinn. ' '"I'1 ,h l"",r "'"F o1" n nme We tell you, lead., of the M,.ngrol , hrk':'.'.",'.' VlTW: party, tllO Vengeance Of (1)0 people IS tiact of land baoaded on the e..l end eonlh by not dead ; i( simply deep. When It ' Ma.hsanos Creek, and oaths aenh and wen awukes, nothing can save vou from ! '' '- B c. , .ha .,u claim Ik.. . J-1 , W , : being enler.d again., the said building and tho terrible consequences of your foil . ih. ab.v. desor.I.e t lot at grouad aad curtill.ge crimes X )'. 7'iy Book Hon. J. A. lloyce, of Cincinnati, heretofore a prominunl JIadicsl, in rotiimiiiiicntiun lo tho Cincinnati L'lKutrir, sitys : ' I have severed my self from tho Uepublicnn rly, be cause ii Is an organized hyptHTisy, a shuffling dissimulation, a fraud, a de lusion and a snare, a combination of grasping fanatics, fattening on the vilnls of tho woulth. producers and wealth-distributor of the count rv." Mr. lioyce evidently understand tho """ ' bomugk of fiearieid. on organisation from which bo l..!' On lhe llitll lilt , lino Albert HlOwn, ! a negro, cc in mi lied a rape on I.enora llunnon, w hile, nged sixteen years, in Troy township, llrndlord county. Tho family were absent, and the wretch in human form took this op. iiortunity to accomplish hi design, llie detail sre ol the most revoking i""' uo neL'ro wa ioorrwl in! (jail uo Euadsy of t txtk. fiirATiiil nts ANoTma There Is a voire of walling besrd from Yankee school m arm of tbe South. Sambo has proved innratel'ul and refuse to pay for lhe tuition of bis ofTsprlnf. lie promise, but "goes back" on hi word. One Indignant frsgtncht of Plymouth rook (ell Iter piteous talc in 'the Macon 7V legrajih, which is, that after A Northern society sgreed to psv her salary, her board wa to be paid by Iho Parent who sent (heir children to school, but inni iney union to do so, nrtd tlmt sbo would have been turned out of doors by her landlady had sbo not paid her board herself. Slio say tho negroe aro profuse in words, mnko any nmotmt of lino prom ises, but never think of fulfilling them. This is terrible., and Georgia should bo "reconstructed," especially tho negroes who rcfuso bacon and slapjucks to Yankee schoolmarms. Age. 'Jim gifJvfrttefnuut.s'. 1"iSTHA I'Catite trcaipaiiitig on the prem j lie! of the luliienStr rending In llrccaria luniiiliip, nn or alwut the 1 iih ol aruugt, lait, A Hl.Al K Ml.l.K, mane trimmed close, tail untrimtnod, wilh two small white Ipota on the IcH ihouldcr, and one on the left kip, and ahod &II rnuii!. Tha ntner nr nwne.1 are herellV re. quoted lo coma forward, prove property, pay characi, and lake him away, or be will be Bold ai the law din-eti. K. 11. LKK. (lira Hope, Sept. (, 9-3t. I.5IH.IS1 U T)lt!l'OHAl.S.-lhcbctiojl Pirectori of l'ikc S,il7,;s r,S j diitriet will reeoive scaled proposals until 4..'il,0IS 76 tue Jith of rVtt. for building a Bchool llouie, on 4.237,1114 tl lut.j f Jhn Iluuliip. baid bouie to bo VliJU 6,i4.2S I 01 I fti ) fCPt , ln. chu,, Uoul.lc plank, wealher 4,&8A,ft.l 12 boarded and plaitere.1 with three coale, alio tlirrc eoala paint on it. The alone and frame timber will he furiiiucd on the ground also the plrnk will bo hauled. The bouse to be naiihed by the ant Ol Dcpicmocr, laiu. M. L. C. EVAKS, Carweun ille, Kept. S, W-il. becreUry. NOTICE. IN THE MATTKK f IU Import of arttioc out H1 l-ti lo Koturtvb, Ul tht widow of John M. Ogtion, dvo'ii , feud uow wilo of Hicburd bhafttwr. At aU) Orphan' Court bcld tit Cli'ftrflfild, to aod for tli rounty of t'lrartiotd, oa lbo tvth dy of June, 1H6V, it wm ordered tbU publicatiun be invdo in at Irait ono newtiacr' fiuolirbod in Cleartield eoanly, fur ttirro weoki bfuro HrpUm ber Term, lrttiO, notify in ll pertoni la tiiUreit that tlio Ileal Katatc of tivo tvcrci, roore or Icm, aipraiied and et oat to tbo widow out of the nut of Jubn M. Vpir-n, dee'd., Ute of Lawrence townibip, will be eoi.flriDot to brf and tbe Re port of tbe appraifera approved, union aullicient flftuw bo ibowu to tho ctmtrOTT, br the flret day of tieplotober Terra, UY TliU t'Ol'KT. Attutt A. W. LKK, Clerk O C. S.fL 8, 'C9-3t.' fAT:i AUEaNTfl for OIR FAMILYrnSUI.l. TUFT THE DOOK aecded i aery faaily, and m ibeijj tbat all ran afford It. It it a besdsMiua octavo of 1H eloieljr printtd Pt. ontaimitK tbe matter of a 4.0 It olum, bat II old at 2 iO. It differi from all ilnflajr worki, by KTinK ,n diflrri-nt ni del of troairaoat bo Alkinttbic, Uonooi athie, Hdrpothio, Celeetie aad Hrbo. thai reodfring It avaJUblo whrt other book are of bo . Annti fod U by far tbo boat telling tn. k of the bind pabliiltd. Orer two ihoeuod IS.tvA) oopie bavo already boen lold In tha city of Cbirajto, whero the athor retido. Bend fur Circular, giving full pertirolan. teraii, tte. Addreu. C F. VtST, PaMMi-r, Ko. S Barclay ft., New York. Fept 8. "oJ-H Sheriff's Sales. 1 ) T virtue of tundty write of venditioni trpoa J Uiued out ol tba Court of Covjiuiob Pl-ai uf Clearfield oountv, and to me directed, there wil! be evpoi' d le publte enlo, al tbe Court Home. ! tbe ftcrongb ot cioorneid, tiearneid coooiy, Pa. i "'iri aro apperioti itumw, ie; It V-vI-l'iT-Vot, itO.lsl. See . .llr. Bridge. 7 7-10 perrhee to a pnt, thfa-e aorib U port-bee to a pM, tbenre oett II porcbet to pub tie road, theneo by ublie read eouib So degreei eat, I peroboa to a pnrt, tbrnre eontb IS deirreea and 10 perobee to a pott the place of befinrlnp. containtcjc prrbee, baing two dtvUi. g boaeoa erected Iberron rowMng out of tho eame a etnall piece of ground weal of the rood leading to Moore eoe.1 bkk, which b already conveyet to tbo Rev. Father Traey. Hotted. Ubra la tierntmn, aad te be told a tbe property of Joba Peony. Alto a coriela imot of land eitoato (a (he town-hip tff Nutria, Clear!) 14 eonaty, Pa., houndstd and described ai fullowe, to witt on tbe nwnb by C. M-ta. Jr., on the emit by (ieotgo Wei tat, on lb tonth by Mtrbeel I.oder and 1'htlip Baker, aad weit by Hiehard Thouaa, and wrrnird' ia tbe name of Wm. Molt, con taining Throe Hundred and 8ixty one A ore, with-ijo loiprovemcnta thereon. Bcited, takra In eiecutlan, and to be fold ai the properly of Jubn O. boraine. Alio a crrtaia tract of land tituate In Cbeet ! """'.' Vr.T.. . u i" I lollowi: beginning at a bli-kory ooraar oo eld line of Jiha Die ntteroefi, tbenct aoutb 60 do greet weet by Martin lthtngton tract to corner marie by John MrCi.rd, at l5 prrhee, thence by laade bflorglr.g i the eitate of John Mo CjHy, dereaied. ocrth-weit by lino of Joba irCord 179 rerrbci, more or leM, to a corner, tbeaco by land pqU to Ooo. B MoCoPy, l"6 perrbei to a btmlock (down), tSenee by old lino M-uia 40 drgrooe oait, to pleeo of brgia ileg, eootiialng Ono llunlred and Twelve Arret end thirty pcrrbet. with a bouee aad bora erected iberooa werviag M acrei aad lift perrhee, od to Famnol fitraw do. Beiied, taken la eiecotioo, and lo be (old ae the property ofjuaepb McCnlly. aim a certain tract or tend tituaU In Cbeet teen arm el rated, aad a mail log dwelling noute rrecien tnerenn. ecnuiuing abml fifty Acree, more or le a. Beiird, taken in eieratloa, and lo bo lold ae tho property of Him on Kurabtugh. Ato a ccruin tract of land litnale la Ferrutoa township, Clrarfleld tmuaty. Pa., bounded oa SheifT's Sale. 1Y virtue of sundry wiili of JLerari 'ariwi. J l!.rd out nf the Court of Common I'leee ol t .earfirld eonnly. en l to me dirorird, thrre will he cipo lo nuMte aale, at tbe Osnrt lh-ur In llie ixirf.uen ot i H-arillil, on Monday, the ITth Hay of Pent , lits, (t owrt arek.l at twu P. v., the following pn.nertv. v,i: ti'clock, . bnlldlng aituaie ia the bnmo(h f appiineniat to aald building. Selves', taken It. eieeaiins, and to ae eoH ae tha property ef lllrhard UrlSik, Ambroia II ill man and TSnmai Farrra. ar-llidderi will taha aotlea that It percent, of the purrhue rs-iney muit ba paid wbea the properiv ie knocked dnon. or I will be pat ap ajua fureale. IV HEN ICS 110 K, Saaairr'l Ovrira, I hhaiio". rlsarleld. Pa., 8. pi., S. H5 SherilT's Sale. wlrtua Of a - writ ef F,tr faeiff., le- lord asl j tha Court of lemujun Pleas ol Cx-aise'd aounty. and to mm Siroctad, there will bs sipnied to Pl'HI.IC SAI.K. at the iviart nadev, P A oerlata tract nf land eitoato la Araheaj U'mdred aad Sil Arm' aad peirbei. IS eerei eleered, having tbera.a erected a email bon.e and barn, being pert of a larger traot wa r.nlrs ia tha aavna of Jaba Tbsmaa, boaa led by laadi af llraaam. loaey A el Sen Seiied, tehea la aseeutlaa. aadOe ko ol4 aa Ute pr"rty of Wm. M, Hargo. rorlliild.n will lake astiro the! It p.r cent of the parortaea aoney mart he paid when the property ie knocked dews, or It will ba put ap again rur ,ala. fVkEXIl'S tillWg, faatrrr's Orrra. I Shtrir. rrstteM ft., tf, , UK COURT PROCLIMATIOH, TltRMr II"". O A. WAFER, JW IrlenlJudea .ftha Cssrt af Comas flea! r Ike twenty ins Judical llli'rlet. aosspoiad f the esunllei oM lestu"ld,"'lr and Cllnlos an )i,.s. BANUfcl. Ol.tllM and Ilea JACOB sILIIU.M, Aii 'olnta Judges af ClearSels aa, kavt timed their preeej.t, to ma Hirer to, for tha holding nt a Court of ComBjoa Pleas, Orphaa'a Court, Oourt of Quarter Hei.losa, Lourt of lift and Terminer, and Court uf tleneral Jail Delivery, al the Court llo.ee al ClearSeld, Id and for lha eounly of ClearSeld, commencing on tlia luartll sliiiitaj, U7tU day) of KcpU IrMite, sod Iu eunllnne T0 WKKKit. NOTICE IS, tberafore, teraby gives, to the Coroner, Ju.Uoei of the Peace, and Constables, In and for laid aountv of Clearfield, to appear in their proper perioni, ailh their Kolli, Iteoordr, Initilittlons, Kxaanaaiioni, 111 omer nrnw braneei, to do Iboaa thing! which to their office., and In their bebnlf, pertain lo be dons. U1VKN under my hand at ClearSeld. tbil llril day of Kept, ia lha year of aur Lord oaa thou, and eight hundred and ilstr alna. CVKkMUa HOWS", A.er.y. (1 AtTIOSAII penosi are hereby aastion J ed againil purchasing or itl any way med. riling with tl.e following property, now in tba poiieiiioa of tlainer P. Illooni, of Dloon town Dip, riii 0NB UllAV MAHB, si tha lama betougl to me ana ii iudjcci in mv oruer, llb'MIIV YV JJkNKV l'ENTZ. Foreit, 8epL S, '05-St pd. rou H tl.IL PURE HRED HOGS AND FOWLS. WINTER SEED WHEAT. ln other Farm Heeds, from Dcitz's Experimental Farm, Chambcrtburg, Pa. tl.hr, and Doughtcn'i Drardlrn; Week 'land Trsadwell'l Bearded Wbits Wheals. French White and lied Chaff; Purple Straw Bearded Red Mediterranean, and fJerman Amber Beard Ion. are tbe bait, eerlieit. hardiest aad ssoil productive Wheat, that can ba recommended for general euliretlna. Price, ti per buahol. 4 powndt of any kind by mall, sent post paid, for tl. Twenty heads of different vartotioa, Boat poit paid, for tl. Twenty other varieties of Wheat, Uarley and Oats, of laat year'B Importa tion. Bee Ubiti's ExrssiaasVAi. Fsau Joca sali aend and euteeribe fur it. only $1 kO par year; tba molt aiefttl Journal printed. Addraaa, Uh'O. A. DKITZ, Chamlieriliurg, Pa. Tba Carliaat, llardioit, and moat productive Bed Wheat ill lie Freach While Chaff. Sept. t, inor-.t. T,1 X A M I N Tl O N). The -annual oiamiaa 1 1 tion of Teachera.ltn CleaHield county, will ba held, ai follawi : Uradv. Illoom and L aion, Hept I lib, at Lulaeraburg ; Curweniville and Pike, tha Ktlh, at Ctirweuivilte ; 4 ena, lha 14th, at I'ena vllle; L. City and Frrguion, the Idtb, at L. City Bell.the lnili, at Uowan Uurneide,lhe 17. at Barn vide f N. WsabiagtoB and Cbeet, I be Illlh, at N. Washington ; Jordan, 21, at Aniourilla; Uecearia, lhe 22.1, al Ulan Hops ; Uuellch, toe I3d, at Janea villei Woodward, the JOS, al Happy Valley a. h nasi Kuoi, lha l.ita, at H. Millport t Uoggi, tbe ITth, at eeutre a. kouar ; Iircatar aad Oeccola, tha ZSih, at Osceola: stoma, the IVth, at Kvlar town ; tiraham, lite ?0ta. at ' ; Itradford and Indencadeot.Octobor tse let, at Jackeoaa a boore: ClearGcId and Lswrenoe, lha Id, at ClearSeld; Ksrtbau., the Sth, at halt Liok ; Covington, tbe Tlh, at Ueleonhurg; tiirerd, the Sth, at Cungrest Hill Oo.hea, tha Vlk at Uoihea i. house. Apphcaota will furnish tkemaelvea witk pen and ink or pencil, and paper, aa part of the exaastna- tione will be wriluo. io private asaminationa will bo held, beneo it ii uecceeary for all who intend to tenth to attend lame of the puhJia anea, which wiHoomajenee promptly st 0 o'clock, a. at.. after which Bono will be admitted to the elaea. UEO. VT. eNYtlUll, Rcj.t. I, 'C-te. Co. Bup't. UI'.f.lNTI'.lfSJ XOTICK-Notice ii hereby . given that tha following account! have been eaaiained and pa.eed hy me. and remain Sled sf record In this oOioe for lbs inppeetiun of hein, legators, creditor,, and all others in anyolber wuy liitorcetcd, and will l presented to the nest Or phan'l t'uurl ol ClearSeld county, to ba held at tbo Court IIhsm1, in ths borough of Clesrfleld, ooto mcnciag en ths fourth aluadiy of bepteoiber, A. l. Ur.). 1. Tho final account of Patrick Cur- Iry, Adminiitrator of James Curlcy, lata of Ora haia tnwr.hip, deceased. I Tlio partiul account of George Slie. '.ilmini.l'alor of Jobs Sloaa, lata of Koos 3. TllO hllUraCCOIint of O. Nratser, Aduiniatralor of Anthony Kralaer, lata of l ike township, deceased. 4. The final account nf James Rid die, AJuiisl.trator Ae, of Williara Aodersoa, Ute of Horn.ida lownihtp, ds-eaicd. 5. The account of Sainuul A. Cald well, Adminiitrator of Jacob Hcarhart, lata of Bogi; towojh-p. dreosved. 0. The final account of II II. ITurd and J. Ilur.1, Ksecutora of Kliaa llurj, lata uf Cheat t.waahip, deceased. 7. The partial account of John-T. Pmilh snd tieorge Senior fixetltors of tioorge Hughe, late ol Urady town'bip. deceased. 8. Tho account of John II. Fulford, Adiaiaiitrutur sf. kooi'i hi James Mon-isoa, Islo of Jordsa toosehip, decessed. Hsoiivts i Orrii s. I A. W. LKK, Clesrficld. Ps.. Srpt. 1, IFH tc. J Kegiiler. Valuable Farm for Sale. THE mlncrlbcf offers tn sell bis fsna aitaale In llrs.ly townehip, ClearllelJ county. Pa., euolainiog Wk nerei. aoout 40 ai-vcs elcared. and snder g-.od enltirstion, hs ing erected thereon a LA HO K Hot E and DANK IIAItN, and other out builJinga. Also a good young orchard con taining 101) trsee. The 61 acres of timber lasd is well covered wilh g.md pine, hciulork snd s vasiety of oak, ebeitnut, bch, lugar, sssple, hickory, cherry, Ac, and near s law aiill. The Farm la l( milet well of I.ulhenhcrg. and on the lurvry of the Allegheny Valley Hi K. Tha mliH-nWr oaa be addreieed at Lut'uerf burg, ClrarC id county, Pa. UC.M1Y AlERnvTIVK. 8.pt. I, US9-3L NOTICE. VI.I. pereooe aro acrahy notified who have leasrd U. liking grosnd al or near tha aieath ot w hitmer run na the property of tlroom, lliek ey k t o, II, at all bock pay nyi.l ho paid op be. fi re any more ground can bs obtained. And all persosi bsnking timber ar logs or any other lumber on tbe aloressid proeriy, withoot per minion. W;ll lie held for IrreRpsas, or be ehaiged fly doilan per rafl foraaig gtwubd. Anpliral.oa for aid gn und mu.t be made to W. b. llickey. lilea Hope, P. " OIIOOH, PICKET a CO. rcpt. I, ISSs-Sea, Sale of Real Estate. UNI'KR AN ORIlKR of tbo Orph,,', Court of I'h-arSrld rouslv. Pa., dated June IV. SS9, the und -reipned ad.iai.lralr of Henry II. hmeej, deeeasod, will asll hy publia voadao Of outs.y, at lhe premiies ia Urahara towmhip, T hanuta) tne Hi .y of arptcavber, !, SI t o'clock, p. vs .that valuahle REM ESTATE drscribed as follow, : Beginning si a po.t at the sooth e.it corner, thence by land of W. P. Km.. I. louth 1ST perchce to a p., thence hy land of m. iissiMn. wen ij p-rche. In a poet, thenea by land of Margaret Since!, norih 107 perekea to a post, thraee by land of W. P. Smeal, oast 71 perches to the placo pf beginning, , Containing 50 Acres, more or less. 1 F.ltMn : The one half oa eonArmalioa nf aale, and the balance ia one year lh.rr.fler, with Inter cl from dsir of sals, lo be aecurod by bond and "orlg.ge oa the property. B II. Sl'IMoyoVKR I HENRY Frpl. I, ISC 41. HAMLIN, j Admrl. Governor's Campaign CAPS, CAPES, ABB Campaign Torches. Price of Torches. tJS, as. I JO, Ji .d tta, p,r hnndml.. ' ftend for ririca list and . gravnig ut lafi and Cape. l ltlMP II ILL. Viuft. Sl'4 Church Sin-et, Est IJ A 3d, s'.ore Msrket. ...... PhOsdelphiB. Mllltsrx t ompsnlrV I nllnrms ...d. to ,0 n"'- Kept. 1, S-4t, Southern Land & KmlgrIon COMPANY, ' WASHIXGTOX, D. C. OR ft A S7 E I) and Mt.Mi,hed for the rareuus, ssd ale nf F.rmn,g and Mineral Uads, aud improved Real h-tato ia lha Roulhara Ktatea IU0XIA8 B LolErK.Pre.,rtenl. FSVKkHrt. V,eo frwlw r. . . . J. IIKNItY ASKIN, Treasurer, Pre.id.nt FosMh Nalioaal ll.nk ot Pk Idolohia. JOHN HIOHhls, iwecsary. TUOS. c. al ACilOW ELL, Atlnraey aad Caaaeellar. Oacsr W.ehinM Baildlng. Coraar Keren I h 81, aad Paaaiyl.aals Avonua, 1vs.kiBsoB, D. C. BPrrsssrr,! Oev. John T. Ilnfmm, All. are, Jt. T. ci i...v. ii m. nigier, I learSeld, pa. Osv. T. P. Randolph. Treslo, k J iHlsffllanfcul. miss n. s. swak'h SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CI lAHntl.D, PA. ' ffUl TAtl TERM of twenty two weeks, will X asmtaenoe ob klosdsy, H.ptemher S, U6s, A Prim.rv dcnsrlmnl will ko added lo the lebool tki! fsll t for wbteb the aorvleoa of oitai petsnt loitruetof hsvs bass engaged. And ao effort will as insred to rcsder this depsrtmeol stlrsitir, snd isatnititlra. TEH1I8 CP Tt'ITIOH. Seeding, Orthogrstity. Wrlling, 01 Jeet Les son!, Primary Arithmetic sod Primsry Oeogrsphy, per half Urin, (of atsvea weaki.J - ti 00 tliitory, lcal and daseriptiva Uaography With Map Draaiing, Ursmmsr, Mstitsl and Wrltton Arlthmelia I tit Algebra sad ths Sclsnoes I 0(1 Instruction In trjitrumsntal ramie I So Oil p.lsllng II t Wei work I 0 For foil particulars isad for Circular. Clearlsld, Aug. Ii, leSs-pd. NEV MILLLINERY AND and DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. TtlST OPENEDIntberooiareseallyooeopled by ths Miss Rsed'i and dlrsxtiy oppoiito ktoiiop's 8 Ion, Clesrteld, Pa. All ths Ists styles of bonnets, bill. As., for old sad young. Ladles, mlsisl, aad shfldren,' trimmings, rtb. bona, ssd soot oslvsti, Isess, fflovss, as, al ways kept aa kaad. DRKrM MAKINO Is all III veriont hrsarkei sad latait styles, for old, middle aged, and ths young, Beads lo srdar, by the aaost fsabloasblo dreee Backers. Mrs. I. K. WATBO.N, Aag. ti, HCf. If. Alia agsal for ths " Msgls Massdonlaa OU." Warrants1 to euro Rkramatism, N.urslgis, Liver Complaint. Ae, No cure, as awy. NOTICE. IK tks natter of ke application of Willi sm Wapss. to ths Coarl of CoesmoB Ptoaa, la aad for Clear6eld Bounty, la ko duck.rred from his surstyihip for monies received by Pisneii Dwalsp, Ists of ssid Borough of Clesr Seld, l's., from ths cauls of Jobs Croiilkiwait, lata of Centra county. Pa., being tha Legacies bequeathed lo John snd llsaisl Iisnlsp. ity virtus of s certsio Huls which wss grsatod by tbe Orphan!' Court at Clesrteld, ths Illlh dsy of June, 1611, I do hereby give nodes to sll par lous interested ia said lund received ss lva tatod, to appear oa or before tho aeeoad aloaday of aepterabor, protimo, sad present Iksis slsims aeeording to law, and do such other matters ai tb Court may require of them ia the premiaea, or bo forever barred, aad ales show oasis accord ing to ths following rale sssds ia thia eaae. JUOa. J. alcCl'LLOl'GH. Attj. for Wm. Jdspet. June SO, 1S69, Rsls Ii grantsd to ihow saass wby William stapes Ihoold not be released aad discharged from a bond given by him -as laroty with oua Francis Danlsp, tn Iho Orphsns' Court ot viesmsiu eounly, ob ins suia asy ot oeplssa bor. A. l., 1S44, in pnriusnoo of an Act of As sembly spproved lha SVlh day of April, 1844. PutilicstioB to bs made of this Rule ia two asws yfTr. pspsrl publilbcd ia Clcsrtsld county f SEAL for four week! prior to tbo Rentember 7J lersa. KY TUB COURT. Aag ?5, 4L CHARLES SCHAFER, LAliEU BEER BREWED, Cle-rfirU Pa. HAVING irnM llr. Eutrti' Hrvrntry t bp by trict sUfiitioa to bminvu nd iu isDufi?tar of ft ufstrior ftrtirl of BELCR to recur tli ptrD( tit ktl Ibt old and buij. Dei mtiomtri. Aag. 2a, if. WANTLO Out good BLACKSMITH mnd on mid to work ia wood Baking lcd. Wftgom, Si amp Muchinos, Ao. tinglt mn or Dn with lis all fatmiliri. AppW to itOUTII A RIMBAR0ER, ftugUtf Jefforion Lino. ClearSold county, Pa. VfAMi:i-TW0 TEACIIKHS Id tho T? borough if Otveeota. High Prbool, tistj dollar! por lot'Oth. Trimarj 64. tool, fort; dollars por month. Term, fUo moniht. Applt-ao'i will obcIom duplicatri of o.Hifici. m4 irldrrii V, A. Ooud, 8icrur. uglS 3l (ACTIOXaAU porooni aro borohy eantioa. J od agaiHOt purrhtvfing or lr. imj way vied dhag with 000 ipao of Sorrel llor!, boneht of Edward viUgan. and In tht potM-iiion of J. W. Jarii of JloKoaria inwnabip, ai tho aano bclongi to mi aad aro lubjoct to tnj orwer. Wai. 8. PICKET. Bt-pt. r. itw-vit. VIMIKlMTKATRd NOIIC I"-Nwtieo tl hervhr girw that l-itm of adratvictraiioa un tbo Ml.ti ,.f nOMKKT WELCH, dttrotwed, lata of Bttgg Uwniihip. Clr6ei4 cotiatj, F., bTti.( rn duty grantod to tbo ndongnci, all pvrtona iudrMH to laid tato will pW mak pfavacct, and ib haviiig claim or d-nanr)t will prooont thon proporl aothoatlraird for act Ui-mrBt. UhltKCCA WELCH. )20 fttrpd Admintiiralrixo IHTK A VoW-Cuw trtupaisiing on th prml j of tho iohf?nin, rooKlmg in Boll own Btnp. on or altoot tho Irtt da? of July laft, two Ubll KHS, ftbowt two yoara old : ou whito, wilh rod oan aad rod fpota on tho ; tho othor rod, wbiti along tbo bark aad belly. Alio, a itnall dark hnnJlo hall, inpKMd to bo ono yonr old. Tho ownir or ownort aro btroby miuvotrd to eotno forward, proro propfrty, piy eUargi, and takt then oway. or tboy will bo void aeeording to bw. JOHN W. M0TT. Cowrr, Augtut U. 1M9 It jH. IXtllTtms)' NOTK F Letter, lerla j mentary ha nog thtl 2tk dsy sf July, IH. ben grsulrd to ui upon the eatate of CU RlfTIA N KM El Gil. lata of Morris townehip, ClearSeld Co.. Pa , deceased, all paraoai having claim! agaisat aald aetata are rrqueetrd to prrM-al them in due form, and those indebted la ssid aetata aro re queued la make parmeat wlihoat delay to the Badereifood Executore. KIiVVARD PEEKS, Tbilip.iuig. Centre Co., Ps., CIIK1MTIAN KMEIU1I, Morrisdala, ClaartaJd eo.. Pa., J.'J11 ot Exaralora. Selllemenl Notice. VLL prrsoBi knowing ikomse roa iadakted Is me, will pleesa call and Bell's st once. Tbe lioeki are at tks S tors of W hitcomb Ti'Wneend. Osceola. I OkcoIs. Pa, July II, 1SC9 Tannery for RenL rt,TE Adninnlralun of tha Ists W at. Purkaa. X aa oor far rant tks well knows Tannery fiissto in Pianville, togrlbsr witk the dnellinge. 1'o.nsaioa f iren si soy time. For further atr ticBlara aall at Iho premiers, ar sddren Iho aa demgurd at tiraispian 11,11. P. O. W H. P. JoHN'sr., MAROARKT IllCUANAH, Jwl 4 Cl-sscl Adtn'ri. AGRICULTURAL FA1R1 IIII ClearSeld Cosnly Atric.il. ru Foeissv 1 have determined not to hold a regular F.n Ihn year, for ths following rcaeoa, namely I bat solico kai not bees given id proper tivao to kave tka ancriiary preparations ssadr. It kss keen determined, kowevrr, tn kol a Fair oa Iho old ground, near the ksrosgk of ClearSeld. aa W rdaee dr, Thursday and Fridar, the I lib, l.Mh and lth d.y. f tvtorv, A. U. s;s, ..d f. ,(,, psi-ose of sSording lbs farvners aa opportunity sf prcpating and nuking it aa si jeet U improve snd exhibit tell crop, le be put is ibe groaMid tka year, the following premium is ouVred fur ths exhibition of IS7S, vii i rtnt two acres nf winter whest.. H 01 Peit ku.hel of winter wbrat 4 H licit two acre, of rva "t""t ;s of Brit ku.hol of rvs. of Seet Iwa acres of sale It Drst two aerra af koekoheat. s oa H-el two acres af eora .... J, ss Beet one sere of clover seed .,, g Sf Ileal oas hwehel of pes store ) s Beet ono hslf ss.brl si timothy ssed J s The shore nremiom. wilt lw k.i a - . l ro whom mmieteal jsdgro ehall award them The entire premiers list will he pacll.hed Boss for lhe Pair next rear, la the hop tkst mast may br Induced looomnrte loe lbs amino.. ..i n... noowrags a food cause. The Society hers sts dotcrmiard la apsa the Fair 0 rtnd on FHIIiAY.tks liik dsy af OCTO BER, IS. . at II o'clock, for tks pernors of a Ironing wislrk na Ihs trsck. for a Slliicsl' parse of IAS : bert threw ia dvs, la urgle harness; lo trod against lime. tpea to all horses swaed la tha c-.alv al least Slieea dsys prrrtnws. The growwd will ka oara frsn owe b tvo s'elark, p. m. AdmiUasjoa. Js oonla. U all asrssns. Person, da dssirlag to ratar thsts borsro lo eowipele for tbe perse, oas do ao hy giving Belies siibrv la person or br writing Is ths Recrotar,, asd v.e lha par. men! af an entrance fee ef SI. 11 tS hoWBd Ik.l .k r. , L "P la Iho mesalims la IhodiSereal loemnhips. " - rosier inrorse. wiav oe manrfeeled ia the causa of aCrlenlurs. klertii.g. snd diMiae. Moss 8e murk good, II rrquaatrd. tho Society 111 asrd sprsk-rs to meal sar sf the orgsniss tloas oneo or tolro, witk a view of aoroareging sad promi'tlog knva. aisrwoinea. a w B'"lTT. rm ideal. I 1oC.t, rrr-ir. tyft $nl for u. Privato Sato. THT ss.lsrvlis-d I.e. I., do sea's.' u -. af kn rssnaieleg erer-rte. "P) of Ils de.lr.kla f.,. u, s . ""as, Tba trset essi.i ""y One Hundred Acre, mon W Klkly.Svs sf whi.h srselesrodsndssdei.lL rtiusf eslnvstlon. The feaeei are is Viu diilsa, and tha wator Is etselieai. Wilh gsod keariag arehsrd of sppl,, ,H,. pear trees. Comtnrtslils build,,,, i safficisnl llmUi oa tha aromiHi ( V!"!. porpoaei. Csnrsslsat U sabor.l, ck.r,I The whole being asderlald wns ..,77' Alio poitere" clav, of aa eseoU.nl anaiii. Il will l,e beid for tbe ioipcliol i of .11 ns.tl the Irrt of Jioeerst,, wh,., It will bs rented. '"aeisua. Term, easy. Tor further plrtleslar, ajj tha snbeerilr,nr esll persoaslli at lha ...... BaarOramplaa Uillif.O. '""" JOtl UcIXTipa Penn towBihlp, July II, lion J.d. Farm for Sale. rpitS undersigned, reiiding is Knot t.i. X deeiree to esll b is fsrsi at prlrs'e nU. a. persoa de.iring a home will do weil to lali i!I exsmins these premise!, -aaa Containing Fifty-ono Acres, TUirly.v. of .hick aro cleared and asdw . tale of jultivstlon, beiide, bcisg entinl, aid Isla with coal, aad hsving Ihcreo. ,, ,.1 mg bowse, bars snd other aewstsryosllsiid,,.; together with a tna arebard irf excelleji fraiil all kind,. Tha farva adjoint E.ker, Bsjiih J H ilherow, aosr church aud ,-h. koue atl having a sever failing epnug of water. ' Any further Information ess bs sbtaiecs It calling oa tho premlm, or adlrsuiag is, ligned st Ksw at 111 perl. jr' nt DEXRT BCXTH. oVcw Cubiuet! MORIIASSOK LAND AND MUBtR C0H PAN V offer for ssls Tsws Lou ii lie aw' ouB of Oseoola, Clesrkeld sounly, Pa ,0j ' Intl to sait parobasen wutiide the lisut! .f at borough, Oaorola is situated oa lha Metbeaaea Creek, in the rich-eat portion of tbe eeastr if ClesrSeld, oa the liae of the Tyrone A Ckarl4 Railroad, w here tbo MoihssBos snd heavens, branch road, taleraeot. It is slsa is tea aeari at tba afoakaanoa coal hasia, aad Isrga kosioi af wkite pins, bomlock, osk, snd other tiaber aw. round IL One of Use Isrgeet laaW aaaafarlas ing Sltsbliihmsnts us tbs btsts il loealed is tkt town, while there are sssny other lasiber sad shiagle mills arsnad il. 1 he tows ia bit area yeara old, sad ooataiai s popalstiva s aae tkes. aaiid tnkabitaale. jnF-For fsrtbcr inforssatioB apply st la. saw of ths sbovo eoDipsay. JOH.V LAW "HE. SP'14 SspatiaieaSssL Houses and Lot Tor Sale. IOUR IJOl6KS tni LOTS la Cltartiald, br aalo on rcatoiiahro trrmi. f omtiioa gir-t ia iblHy dayi. Alio, a plot of FtHR L0T m tho eomof of Foortb aad Rood rtrvwti, nn 17til00 foot. Tbrooof tbooo lou art will iorutj for tithor Ininbor yard, ooai yard, or for bi.fd.Bf parpom (oaoraJly, being within tt foot nf tat railroad apU PiOt and t?mi rvtimt Apptr to OKOR0E TIinp.?f( (el.34 tf Crttrit A Farm for Sale or Rent THE iubscribor, raiding sear ?reselvlUi.Cer. legion townekip, givse set ice thai ka tsj either sell or rest the well ksewa fsra, adJeMini land! of Bolessoa lisarcr, Valrmsat Bad as Sol. Esadsr farm, CONTAIXIXO M ACEE3. About FIPTT improvod, katlsg tlcreos s ksss and bara, oxee'lenl wator asd s fiss yousg isaV ard. Alau, a LOT fur sals, sear tba chores, JBoT-For further particulars, call ia penes address tho aadaraignad at Freaehville F. 0. aogll tl pd STEPHEN EOfP'tT. ? durational. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. rpDE rust SESSIOX af the a.it ssW JL mitts yesrsi tan iastllallaa wuirswove, oa MONDAY. tko oik day of Scouwser, US). , P.r,lle ewa enter at aay urns. Tkey oil . """ i. s-a uMr a tss eioas al ths Bsaaloa. 1 ha aoaras af iastraotioa emVraeei every Iklaf laeluded ia a lharaagh, pracucal sad seesa pliihed sdaoatioa for bota Miea. Tha Priacipal. ksvleg ksd tks adraaurtel mora aiponeseo la Sis prolaaaioa, snrs. reau sad guard sai tkst kii oatirl skilil; sal aacrgias will ho derated lo Iks rasrsl aad ass. Ui iraialag or lbs yoalb placed ssder hi! ekarrt. ItCHM IIP TLITIItN. Orthography, Rearing, Writiag. and Friaari Aritkmotis, por Bcatioa (II waoki) . at Orsmmsr, Ueogrsfby, aritkssaka, aad Hirtory .UN Algebra, uaomstvy, Tngssomstry, Btra- ssrsusa, rarrsytsg, rhilesophy, Fkysi. alogy, Casmistry, Book Keeping, Bolaay Bad Pbyilcal Oeegrapby . . . II H Latia, Oroek aad F reach, witk aa, af tk, ahovs Brasebos - . . l M 111 SIC Pisas (SO lessoai) . . . Ill N jBSsv-Na deductloB will as atsdi far ssstsn. sarrtr rsrtterpsrtteann leq;r. af Ber. p. L, HAHHI80K, A. V., Feb, 4, IMS II. 1.21.) Priaii,aL Jlrji ftoods, t?iroftnfs, Ctr. C. KRATZER & SONS ARERKCEIVISO ASri.CNnlDXTOCl OF CARPETS A I) 01 L CLOTHS, WALL rAFERS-GILT PArER, 4 Lace curtains, wixpOvTsuaDbS- COCNTESrANES AND fcl'lLTi LINEN TABLE CLOTIH A SArE.'XS. LA DIES SILK COATS di 0VERSKIRT8 ELE3AST SHAWLS k LACE P01KTS. LADIES' t CHILDREN'S TRIUKtD U A I S. DRE5S GOODS AND TRIM kllN'Ol j rfT KID GLdVEl-T.APIET OEX. TLEMEN'S AND CHILDREN . BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. ! FINE BLACK ALPACAS. C3EjrALI.ED STOCK LADIKS'AiT CH U.DREN'8 SHOrJJ UAI IkM. MKN'S CALF of- FRENCH KIP BOOTS HEAVY CALF BOOTS. 15. MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE ANPHUVI SHOES. BEST STONE TEA SETTS,?. CASS1MERES very cheap. GROCER IK, FIOT'R A PKOVW05J AT LOH'ESr KATES. LIRFSU. DKTil'CTlON TO THCE BUYlNtl IN QUANTITY. WOOL. MARKFTINfi AND COCSTKT PKODUB WANTtD. Qlcarteld. Jans U. ISM. EY 6TOHE AND NEW GOON JOS. SHAW & SON Liar )liat PpfDcsi Ngw Ftosi. onMiaSl..Cnrm,'k' IstalT oeeupWa Win. F. la!" Tliir toc tonsisti of rr ixi "X fjaCDCDlD35! Gtocta: of tk boat qul''f' Qcr-ksswARC, Roota nd Sho asd ororr arlicl "" SB' tosflfort. Call aad .gsmln aw stock. bs'M P rl.Ming rapt' r DEMOCPiATtC ALU -J 'psya I 1SSJ a4 ! fx --' ,kVi.r-J ft! Win ssrsolr" J