CLE iRnnDHErrEMc.n.' !tt et tansrn ik mit, Tie largest circulation of any New rpr In' North Central Pennsylvania. . ' . Term of Subscription. If paid la advance, or within S months... If paid after I aad betore I moatk. It paid after the raapiratiog of i moothi... . . Kates of Advertising. Traaileat adrartiermente,pee,qiireof 10 Itne.o M Maw, or Hue $1 jo For eaeti aubeequent iuaertion Auminiatrator,' aad Eieouter.' Auditor" antlon. Caation, and Etray,...........,.."..,...,t Ditrslution notioea. Local action, per lino , Obituary notice.. oer Sre Hun, per lino..... Frofearivnal Carta, 1 year.. . YEAKLY ADVKKTISK41E.T8. ,- --i-iL v -v' i ! H I u n i H u i Ja r i r ta i ir . r J i i. it m wm ma i v v i mi if tun. w- j 00. B. OOODUNME, te?r;,,, - H -- MXJ j A1 a - PRINCIPLES, NOT mfm (Ml SO 3 OO 1 .snare. $8 00 J t)aras 1 00 3 Square,;... ....JO 00 4 column i eoliitun 1 column , . 40 . 1 60 , J 00 , 1 60 I 00 li 10 1 00 ...$33 eo ... 43 00 .. BO 00 VOL.42AVIIOLENO.2J33 TEEMS $2 por annum, in Advanoe. Cards. E. . KIRK, M. D., '""'HAS AND 8UBGE0X, I.utlieraburg, Pa, .nI"Wl" 1"amVtr profw.l.n.1 auK18:iT;p, Job Work. BLANKS. Single oulra io quires, pr. quire,! 7J Sauna, pr, quire, 1 00 Over , per quire, 1 0 HANDBILLS. , boat. !S or leaa, f 2 00 1 . JS u.,.ii 00 1 at.), It or leaa, 1 ,ht, or ,, , , Ore, ii of each f .bor. pnortiowu raUa. OKO. B. GOODLAXDER, EJitor and Proprietor. THOS. S. WASHBURN, SCALEIt OP LOGS, Cleu Hope, t'learfltld Comity, Pcun'a. THE aubnribrr hit i,,ni morh liaio and atlalloa to the BCALINU Of LOHM. ano i.a.i ihU roatbod of offering hi. .arriooa tothoa, TV 'JT"- tolo'alio a ha had by .J, ai aboro. jala-u Sarinilturat mplrmrnb BpoTirs jmi'j;ovj:d STUMP EXTRACTOR. CLEARF1KLD, PA., WEDNESDAY,- SEPTEMBER 8, THE REPUBLICAN. I8C9. (Cards. H. W. SMITH, AITOKXEY-AT-LAW, 3' riearfleld. Pa. WILLIAM A. WALLACE " 1' . - ' . .WW LI J' UW, ' ' Clearflrld, Pa. -Lafal kariaaai a aU kiadj praaaptla a. curalal mUmAA ... rwP"T , accuratal; au.adad Ui. ajrl J DAVE L. KREBS. ATTORSEY-AT-tA W, ClrtrfleU, Prnu'a. W.a Da eoaialtad la Ergli.h ,nA fl,r. i't.tVAy A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CirarflrM. Pa. tOllica la the Court Uouro. rloc.1-lT ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearflrld, Pa. prOMt la tba Court Tlnuia. fj.ii SURVEYOR. ' pHK undereinod odtra bit wrricci ai a Sur--I "Tor, ond mny bo lound at hi. r..idoow, in rwted toCloarStld, Pa. "T 7""- JAMES M'.TCnELL. THOS. W. MOORE. Land Surveyor and Conveyancer, FJA VIXO rocontly located in tho biroiisli l a a i.umoer city, and re.umcd the i.ractioo ol Laud Survcvliii- re,pn!trully teoden hia profc. alunal aanrlsae to the onr. of nd rpwulaior. in land, in rie.rf.eld ami adjoining oounnct. Iod. ofconreroneo neatly eiecuted. Onlca and reiidence one door et or Kirk A SP"",CT' aprU:pd(n.. DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, BKCON'l BTBKl'T. IjM CLLABFICI.1), PA. N. M. HOOVER, Wholeiale A Retail Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, i wo aoora oo.i of tbt Po.l OSdk, MARKET STREET. C1.EAKP1KI D P. UA lirrriitoHmafil r !.. ri . . lw7l od band. ' mvl9 Jw J. K. BOTTORF'ft PIIOTOUKAPII GALLERY, Market Slreet. ClewOeld. "VTEOAT1VE4 made in cloudy. well aa in XI ler ttaalhtr. C.,n.t.etli hand , rulj -"rtment of Pit I lire (iiit,,.,.,.., ,1 vtvb LYof.nt I... - r'' anu ....... rn-yjviiyj I JtnA. Krnn.. f. oi oiuoiunig. rnxle to order. an pr5-ll JOHN H. FULFORD, iunnvro . t, . .... I (Mr. with J. B. eEn.lly.'Ea,.;.m rirrt Ka. llOtlll Rark WALTER BARRETT, M . S.eond St. ciearl.M. Paf.oQi M Ofiw adiolnlaa; tba Bank, fomterty neeopT.d by J. B. UeKa.Hy, Soooed at., Cleardrld. t-WIII atwad promptly ta eolleotieui. eala If l.ndi, Aa. ' doclT.M JOHN L. CUTTLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW And Heal F.ntate Agent, Clrarflrld. Piu ffJaT'llfrMfbHj offri tiff (b Mllfnr ui buying htndi In ClMrflHtl nd .((joining at.ef ; nl witk zerifae nf arr twenty jim u iiarryfr( tl(tri t tune If thtl b rnif nH-fftOtlon. ffh2.'5 tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, aiit'IILI l LA IV, fjcarfield. Pa. Office oa Uarkttrtraet on. door aaatef tba Clear. arid Coooty Bank. may4,'M J bn II. On if. C T. Aleaander. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LA H'. Ucllcloiitc, Pa. I.iplS,'5-y JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, UAVIXO located at O.ceola, Pa., olfera hi, profaaeioaal .arrirai ta tba people f that fiae. and .oreontidinf eoaatra. HUAII call, promptly I traded te. Offlee aad reiirienoa aa Cartia aL, loraerly oaeopiod by Dr. Kline. , myl ly REUBEN HACKMAN. ousa and b:gn Paintor and Paper ranger, Clearfield. Penu'a. tS. Will eaocute job. in Lii line proainlly a nurkmaniika uiajiurr. J.J. a; rl.f.7 -J. BLAKE WALTERS, SCWVENKK ANfl O tN VEY A Ni.hK. Afeut for the Polebd e and Sale of Laodi I learfitl.r. Pa. "Prompt auentlon rir.n to .11 bo.!.... roaoaetod with the county office.. OSea with Uun.Hm. A. Wallace. rjanl.Ko-tl na.Laa ta GENERAL MKKCIIANDISE, CRAIIAMTtN, Pa. Alio, etten.iva manufacturer and dealer In Square Timber and Sawed l.umieroi an aicn. r-Orderi aolicitod and all bill. pdk ptly tiled. aao. aLacat acjar aLaar. - W. ALBERT Sl BROS., Manufaotarar. A eatan.ieaDoalor.ia Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c, MOUDLAJi , PK.NN'A. -Onlere aulioited. Bill. Hed on abort notice Andrew Woodlwd P. 0.t CMrrfl. M Co.. V. NEW SADDLER SHOP. SIIOCH A WKAVKR, I.ulhrraburir. Clearflrld r, , r- TISrPPTiia.v - - J" f all article, u.u.lly in a flr.t-o)i. baddler ttbap. All work dine on rhe-rt notice and at rea.onabla rate.. Jiooe but ciperieneed work men aatalnted. Room, aae door wt of tba Amorioan Hotel. II W. aCMOt'll, jyH .lm I". . WKAVbt. Lime for Sale I ' rriHK florti(-npd, rt-"tiifi near the drpnt ta 1 made cmiMo rnnxein'Dli with laitnt? Hurnrni nrt of the mountain, wheM-j h ii n-bli-d to kcj coDUntljon band s large quuiUly of P U R B LIME! wliirh be offcrx to farmer! anrl buUttrr at a trifle above ettrt. Tbot in oeci of the article woull du th tii Rive m a call, or al'ltri" ma by letter, be fore negotiating tbeir lira?. Cltarfi-IJ, Ta,. Jre 9, IM!9. FRANCIS COUTRIET, . M KUCHA NT. . PrenrbTllle, learfleld Cooutj. Pa. Keep, con.tantly on hand n Ml aeeoolmnit ol Dry tlood.. Hardware, tlrocerie.. and evcrvthing arually kept in a reuil .tore, wnien win o. ,iu, for eo.h. a. ebeup a. elsewhere in tba county. yrancbi'illr, June 2i, J. DR. T.JEFFERSON BOYER, PHYSICIAN AXD SCKUEUN, Pe.n4 StreH, ClearAtld. Pa. IIaTiny perranBeotlj located, be ot offer ) j.roft Hiunal Mrvirf to the f it iu-nw f ClarBf M and tirioitv. and the tml'lie rrnerallr. AM ealli proa.lly antendeil lu.A twtlU-j i f7b7rTed, m. d7 mVSICIAN ANU fcUR'.EoN, n..i.. ta eTilMamxroaa. Pa , offer, hi. pnle.iinnal earrlcei to th people of tfa. lerrouading aoantry. li.. DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, L.le RargeoB of the d Beg mawl, Peantylr.on " Volauteere. having taturaed from tba Army. efera hi. profaMb.nal tervica. la the aitiaenr j r Llea'Celu eouoiy. jT'Pr.'fer.iowal aallf prrrrpt)y ntten lad to (uia on Second .tract, furmor oeeupiod by Dr. Wooda. (epr.M-U dr7T f7woods, FUVSICIAK I SUU'ltO.V. rtaeing remored to Anonille. Pa., ofer. die froteMional to the people of tliat plaoe arl .be rnrriunio( country. All eall. prnraplly allended to. " mpd. C. KRATZER 4. SONS, ii &l CHANTS, BKALBna IR Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, (Jneen.waro. Oroeariaa, ro.l.loof aad Shlngl.f, Clearlled, Ptnn'a. y-At their new .tor room. oa Beeond etreet. near Murrell A Bigier . llarawara .uiro. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM M ILLS, aiCMCii nal LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS H. II. SIIILLIXorORD, President, Office Farr.t riace. No. 124 8. lh PbilV JnllX J.AUS1IF.. Snperinlrndent Mil!., llearlicld aoonly, Pa. JMmlunt latlots. Merit. Ifootb A Hutubnrper. Proprietor, ol the lirpmv.d STUMP K Iractor.wl.b ii di.linetly an deratood tba tney warmni thi. maoiilnr todiju.i,a it i. recom mended ei eelling other machine.. h ila being eon otructad on rue pbiloeo. phiaal prinoi P'ea. li niu axtraot the arge.1 pine lump, eua Band Habere ground per "'Hng the eoillolnllbaok in the bulo and wili pul! Uiem aafa.ta. "umoaTf;. - f """ T'""' "" " ' be propped nn. ai r " i'tLYm?."" "f M.chia.. B take it to br fin. mnA ir . we will eo ana- h.l. ... i. . . . TV1 i. o. Tl.-j r.:r : r m " " : . - : - e win taaa It .... nj tharra ow.::i'Hr,T,ro,,, k lOWO.aip Kilfht.. Htnaim ..... J SUU and County h.gbl, f, ,.. ' Loom A RlMlMHOElf. Jefir.on Lite P. 0., 1'ltarl.kJ Co, Pa n:aTn.-ii'.ei, erlld of'T .,1,lr',,,',-"i" 'ad lb. 7. ... r H"Jh.". ''"P"'" '"P P.lrartor aa the farm of R. H. Moor.. .... .' lk, an hatarda, d Wond.,, ,b. 7.h end v.h oi "a. mat wa beli.r. it t fc, lB, b.,, . 'h" aon.truetion. roll, m.a.gad. not u ... 'be maebma Irom the war,,, .a.. ..... ." -rt p. rorerner. ..a .... I.A . i - nama la U.. .lI. ' " P'" ,uii ; i. - i a lumpa. w,h, hlrJ ., ."-'"' raumea. fullr nd.....i. ... . . b.nd.i.g ,b.,na. W. .' Id .I.iL'.k"" ... .,.,,, mrariora to lee thin, NEWSERIES-VOL10,NO. 8, MEHHELL & 13IGLER, 4LKrtll i II A II DWAItl, Alio, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. HURIUUl, PA. XY LOT OK SADDLES, u'lMDLES, Uaraeai, Collar., etc, for eala by MEHRKI.L i BfOI.ER. ) A LM 15 R'S PA'- EN US LOA D log Hay Fork., for aula by MERRELL A TilGLER. rmT, putt y, glass, Nail., ate, for aalo by MERRELL A BIGLEU. !!SEis? CLE A H FJ EUvT WEDNESDAY MOIIXIXd, SEPT. . IH8. THE REGISTRY LAW. To the Democratic Voters of Clearfield County : For tho purpose of sliowinsr von what you will have to do thia full" t.. enablo you to vole, tho following exposition of tho new election lav Coiinty Commiiioner for lho time ..erewMi iiy Bpent in pPrformin , ,hc uiiim impoapa by tlie act. II. Tho County Comminaionerhnwo vnnpug dutlci to perform under the ."LMoiry ijiw, uuihd thpy hBveeoun el to nlviHO them, It is not neeewmry ll t,et tU' lh thC'P dUt'eB '" lI,iexPOB' ill. As to the Elor-iinn rim,.... m. VHILCIB Jhcyaro to onen the iw.lla b. the houra of six and novon A w the dy of election. Before six o'clock in the mornit.fTof thnanr-nnrl 'P,,.... of October th.y are to receive from Iho County C'ommitiHioiiers the RcKiBtered Jjist of Voters and all New England PuritanigmItH Latest Manifeitatiooj). (or,-, it , called, the R.iatry lnw.) mnn ioxoti wl.rTil'n!!?"!!.. .. ... ' 0U JJaRMISS TRIMMINGS i SHOE Finding., for .ale by MERRELL A BIOl.ER. QUNS, PISTOLS, S WORD CANES For aale by MEKREI.L A BIOLER. ITOVES, before pur. h.-lng wbieb they ".' 3o free of charge br railing ... ,k. D . " J. C ll.., . w. i.7 . . .. .. '(""""'a. hnKoluer, John k,ri ' j: w. fiTh .! 1 unra .1 IV u ii aa, .. .. . 11 ueo Kllmg.r, Wm D. B.rk, S.J. Horn, Hia. K. Irvin i . V.: V.- " crl,'. U.o.Hil..,n.n n rtna a Sm.ity, (uorlu l W.b.Alexnior Aodrew WiUon, a., i. kiik Vf ALL SORTS AND iz, for .ale by MERRELL A BIOLER JliON ! IRON ! n.-ONlRoFi For aale by . -ME':flELL A BICLER. IIORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE! KAILS, for eele by MKKttELLA Blfil.ER. f)LLLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad bait ataeafactura, fur eala by M bTtPKLL A IlKil.ER IHIMULE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for (.1. by - MF.Ii KKI.L A BIOt.EIt RODDER C'UTTERS-for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I . i-i cpttreu lor your uho. The sihsciiiI utlention of naturalized voters is eall. ed to its provisions they are picked out to bo especially wnnied before they cat. vote. Head tho exposition of the law for yourselves : I- On tho fira MmuLu- r.r T,, .i. . . . . ' """W ooC.nurs uro 10 Di't'in a revision ol i iratiscripts ol m.mes furnished li em by the County Conimisrioners. 1 Ins duty cotihists of tho neverul imr. tiiuhirs Icillowiny: 1 1. Strikeout tho name of ever v ner. on whom the At-sor knows, pcr,u. ally or by reliable iiitorinnliun, to have died, or removed from the di.iri.i miiie tne I list previous assessment. a. Add (ho name of any qualified voter lion) the Assessor almh b,.u, IHTsoimlly r by ri'liuhlo information.' to have removed into iliu 1 ImI rid suno the lat previous afsessii...i,i 3. Adil the iiMineMot'ull I Wll kiilly (a 1. shull claim to bo om.litied vui..m i.. i yoiirdiMrict.; usses thun willt a nX. ui.u aaciinuii i,y IO)U,rv u,on what Kround tho person so assesM-d cluinis to he a voter. This riniv i. ,.!.-.. distreinn on the psrt id the Assessor. Jle is ihH to Ui cidc upon the clsiin ant's iiuht to vole, but only to report his name and the grouuds of hi claim. i ho Assessor is m xt to vinit ev-1 ery uwellmr house in hia liirjet,iind miiko careful inquiry if any porson whose name is on hi- list hua r removed from the district, and, ii so, to take his name from ho list) or whether anr nualilieil v.t..r r...:,i... Lli.r.iii ul...... .... .n r. . ... C A irp I . "oiiic i. nut on ills list, bAWS I nnJ- 'f . to add tho eaine thereto, i !An,l ny.iua l.l.n u. I I. ... . . . I - " "iui a inx. in this insliiiico tho Assessor is to jude of the claiinaiitB lil.t lo vole, lor ho is I "IW Ml Slid o.l..J U. 15. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Kail rot d I-j.t,) j C'LEtnFIRI.I), PF.JiS'A, TEMDRACE thii tnnSoJ of ioformtr.f the imhlic. tliat I bare ot.enpd u. a yard fr tba a. it of W(efil or eoal-htiriit LMK and Anthrarile COAL, la the boriiugb o( Clearfield, and bare complrt'-d with en f tern dealrra h rinrh i ran p a iuii ujipiT con-ianiiT on nnu'i, bieh will in di-ui-d ul at rraijnable ralra, hy the tan, bavhel r cor In.), to- null nirrharer.. Thine a a duLanoe can addraa me by letter, and obtain ail nervaaary infornaiion lr rrtum rratl. n. D. UI LUIt. Clrarfirld, r. Fb. 14, lr,iMf READING" FOR ALL1I BOOK'S STATIONERY. Market Ml., riearflrld. (at the Post Office.) 'IMI K underrigned beg. Irer, to announce to 1 the ml.'-n. of vleaifleld and Tleialty. that he ha fltted np a room and ha, )a.t returned Irom the elly wlfh a large amuBBt or reading alter, onei.tiog in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, II. nb IrniiH and Pane Bm.k. of arery da iptln I Paper and Bneelnpea, French pre.ted adpl.iai Paa. and Penoll.t lllank. Legal ipera. Deeda. Marlgago. Judmeut. Eieiap lla aad Promwory lea t WbiU and I arch; Hnef. Legal Cap. Kroard Cap. aad Will Cap . Sheet, lor either Piaao, rluiesr Vlolio eonetntly on band. An boob. o. "tr!..". r"mn nvia w w ii PATENT PKUFQRARATED Cros-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL OUMMISO A VOIDED. r AL80, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreadiog. Sharpening, and Bhapinj lb. Taelk of all Splitting Bawa. jjSend for a Da.eripiira Circular and Ptice mi. ii:kbell a biuler, Jnt If (Irseral Agrala Cleailrld. Pa G. S. FLEGAI MALIK IN alphabetical order, of tl,y white free-j momli ytrtnd aire tlie STOVES AD HOLLOW -WAllE, and jdAtiirACTintn of Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, pblllnanarg. Centre eo., Pa., rpn andetdgsed rarpeetfolly nnnounee, la tne panne .obi no n.t on " . r... (oily (fleeted end well aamrtad elork of Btorea Hit rariety cunil.te at HIE CELEBRATED IUOXSIDES, Wbieb har, nerer f.lled ta giro perfect .etl.r.a tion lo the moet fa.tidloa. ol iu parobareri, Conlloenlal, Lehigh. Farmer. Dallght. Spear,' Anli'Da.t, Nitgara, Ch.rm., with arery rariely of the ba.t Pituburg Maouf.etura. km. Tba Tin aad Sheet Iron war glten wiib Ida Sloe.. I. mad. af the koar'eat and root material, ard d ta gl porfeat Bin fartion. Ilia atoek of . PAKLOH AND UEAT1.VQ STOVES men abovo twenty-one car of cl.iiiiiini; to bo qualified voters in w ard, borough, nr district of which he is Assessor, and opposite) each of Said tiumi's stalo tlio followiiifr. particulars : n. Housekeeper or not a house keeper. b. Jt a housekeeper, the ntimoer 01 his resilience, with the street, alley, luno or court, it in a town where bouses uro numbered ; if not, then the street, ulley, luno or court on which tho house I rm is. c. The ocenpation of tho person, nnd, where ho is not a housekeeper, tho occupation, place of boarding, and with whom, and, il working lor an other, the name of tho employer. d O;iposito each name write the word "voter." e. If the M.rson claim tho right to vote by reason of tialnruliialion, he must ox hi bit his cerliticnle to the Assessor, unless ho has been lor Ave consecutive years next preceding a voter in said district, and in all cases where tho person has been naturalized his name shull be marked with Iho let ter N'.j" whero ho bus merely de list, unless ho shull make proof of his right to vote as follow a : I. The person whoso name is not on the list, claiming i10 rjfc,lt to vole -oi irouuce a qualihed voter of the district to a writien or printed affida vit to the residence of tho claimant in the district for at least ten duva novi .receuing sum election, defining eloar- .. " "tie me residence or the person was, ' 2. The parly claiming the right to vote shall also make an affidavit, l- iig to me oesi or Ins knowledge and belief where and w hen he was born, ...... ..o in n citizen ol J'ennsvlvania and ol tho United States, thnt ho has resiuca m the (Mate one year, or, it formerly a citizen therein and removed therefrom, that he hits resided therein six months next preceding snid eleo lion, that ho bus tint mnl imo b. district for the purpose of voting there in, that he has Mi id a Slate or C.nnrw lax wlihin two yearn, which w.a -.-"ecu ai ieai ten days before the flection, and tho offldavit shall state wnen anu whfre t)io tux wuiwtses,cd nu psio, nnd the t;ix receipt most be ,.r..u.ij unn-sa tne alhanl rhall state that It had been hmt or destroyed, or that he received none. 3. If the applicant boa naturalized citizen, ho must, in a.ldii ion lo it. a foregoing prcofa, state In his affidavit, wnen, wnen", anu by what couit he was naturalized, and" produce his cer tificate of naturalization. 4. Every person, claiming to be a natunlizod citizen, whether on the registry list, or producing affidavits as foresaid, si. a I lo required to produce his, nuturalizution certificate nr. it, election before voting, except w here he has been forten year consecutively. ".7iTeiTn on his' certificate witb the no othor vole cannot tay that thin Intent R ron acandal, which wa, woman, and womiin a needier rnr ... .... i ,",a lolutely startled the world, but we can and do sav i list Mr. n.i... Stowe meant to irive tho wnrhl . alion and that she has not h.n . successlnl as she intended and believed he should be. No matter. The at tempt has been made. If it.n r..i,i,. up of the ashes of the dead and the iiiiiy ir,g or great names have brought u uuey ln,o the coflere of Fields A "twii ana into 11.. no,.;,., Rcecher Stowe we have every reason r-i , ,D '1,nl 'py will bueatisfied. Like tho Pharisee, of old they have ""lr wor" and they bave bad Maaanrhusr usip fuirsnmrlonrtir tiflana Tra nvw tmtli ,,2 ever hate been, a they now aiV,'Oie Pflled to be externally moral) but vice, if mere concealed nJ lL.ii.. attired, is more unblushing ,n Boston 'han in N,w yrk. Tb? New Eng. isxdem are the Pharlsnna f , hi. VI 1 hf mk C,M "0 ontiide pt the cup ,nd platter, but within all ' 'ottenneaa and corruption. They Tho taste of New England, as of late ..... revoaica in its literature, has been of a kind not to be mistaken, w itnoss, for exumplo, the ravings of Tboodore Parker. Witness the trane cwidental isrus of Ralph Waldo Emer son. Witness the ton anrl i. h- of the Korth American ltevlev. There is BOt only a falline? am-.. r. ! pie, but there it a falling .way from" powerand any sensible purpose. Wit ness, Strain, the ih.r AJ lavor to the Atlantis Mnnthh, w. could point to many recent tales. We uu' l mention the article on Lord and Lady Byron to thow the kind of literature which pay. u9U7 England author and publishers, and which, of course, the Nw !.-.. i.,i people love most to read. But lor the We have no desire at present to ito inln thi. Hi.i k....: ' ... e ..... uu.iiieau. ne cannot ny there is blood on the "buiidi of 7"orjlrl- "'owe or the proprietors of the Atlantic Mont hi , !, ir .1. a, . aT waan, as (IIWIV .outlining worse than murder it is according to the common judgment of ........ u ,u mi ages, to disturb the 7" "r lo wuniy their memory, and of such sin or sine Mrs. Stowe and the proprietors of the ilru,c MontUU iMVaa rimmai Tl " . v Kumy. Dyron may have w-... airs, otowe makes him, but she has failed to prove it. This iiowever, is not the main point. She "s uiiniercuuiiy, and without good reason, unless money be a good reason, .w . ..eve vi worn- winch is aa tilil.o as ant wnrl n l.. Ti i. . 3 power the healthful and Invlrmrwrio. power of the daily prese-it ii impoi: sible to ea; to what depth of moral deprav.ty New England literature would descend. Taking it a we nave it, and judging, from some of iu very latest specimens, we m.v it difficult to ay of it thafit is clever, indeed, and very eDIertuining ;" but we eon l,.r. I , ' " ,k . 7 ; "oanaiion in saving Pllr.ti1 ! lw',Mb t,Ml 0WilI.h rurttan tbeoporv mrl tik.v.,- u begotten their Droner fruit. n.l .k.. proving itself moat Ana forkXeraU. can he cast that day in virtue of said certificate except where sons are enti tled to vote upon the naturalization of their father. 6. If tho person claiming to vote who it not registered shall make an affidavit that he is a native born citi zen of the United States, or, if born elsewhere, shall produce evidence of his naturalization, or that he is enti tled to citizenship by the reason of hia father's naturalization, and further, that he is between 21 and 22 years of ago, and has resided in the State one year, and in tho flection district ton days next preceding the election, he shull be entitled to vote, though he shull not have paid taxes. IV. As to the Voter. Any quali fied eitizon of the district has a night to challenge any voter, though bis name he nn the Iteuistry List, and the Election Hoard are required to receive tho proofs publicly, and to admit or reject tho vote, according to evidence. 2. On the petition of fivo or moro citizens of the county, stating under oath that they believe thai frauds will he practiced at Iho election about to nn... , I Bcecher Stowo and her publishers will tarn siii irv. n l ' . To us this whole affair is interesting from another point of view. It is a ftew J'.niliind nie. et.f i? 1..1.1. .. s a .ew Kngland houpo; the IWhera ore a Nrw England family. - - ...... .K,c it one 01 the most illustrious of UioISocchers. NewEng laud has long claimed fur itself the right lo be icgarded as the moral representative of the rj;ed Stales ny n an it not (;,... ,,l,i 1... the Pilgrim Fathers 1 Was il not tho orignml home of the Puritans on this Continent Was it not there whore the persecuted non-conformist of England founded an orthodoxy which was more rigid and more in tot eiant thaD any system which the world had yet known f Severe and uncompromising as Old England h.J .K.y "1 ! " V? fhoBiTiiiji 'i.iuii mm, uini luntltfa aTSuedout overtook tlsred his intention to become a cut-! u M jn rti.trit-U it shull bo the ten his nuitie is to be marked "D. 1.; juy ,lf ,ho Colrt of Common Pious, where the claim is to vole between . tj, ,i,..,f to nt.noint two tho ages of twenty 0110 and t wenty-1,. w,i r and intelligent cilisciia ...n ... - . lo act as Overseer ol saiu ciecuon, w ho aro to belong toditl'erenl panic, two, the word "age is to be udtlen to his lisino. nnd if he has removed into Plymouth Rock. Old England, under tho Puritans, had it martyrs, but it did not burn either Quakers or Indi ans or witches. We cannot deny that the principles which guided the New England sotllers developed a hardy, thrifty, industrious race, whose power is felt to this day over tho length and breadth of the American Continent. As in the case of the Jews of old, severity has bred force, and that force has impressed itself in many ways during the last hundred years, and many times for good. The impress of New England is upon tho nation, anu in the character w hich Jew r-sg il largely? tliu district since the last general elcc- land has -giver, us wp are known to tlie ouUidJ'world. We are gradually and ouisclves Irom tlie thraldom ot tlias unl'icnt tyrirnTiy-; Vo are compelling the world to look at us in a different and moro agreeable light; but tho Yankee character is still tho. character which is attributed ley outside nations to the American people. This general truth is proof of force. But alio can say that New Ergland has any longer a claim to high moral distinction i Who can My 1 hut she is any longer what tho would have the world believe she is ? Who duro deny t hut she is living on a past rrpuiuilon? And, unloe it be a something filled to com mmid respect to burn and 01 her wise destroy innocent and unoffending men and women, because they claimed a .,...... . I u'hnnt lot! I. I nfcl.eflorw lielono 1: . . . - r I I . .. r .1 I.. I ll.t.. tl.n letter .-If. IS to he llluCCll . - .1 ... 1 1 I - . . . e " --- i , 10 II1C same ismiiic.ii iinriv. mm opposite ma iiHiue. P.' ft. CROMM. I that 1 ujay not bar, ou hand, nil be or nTRrHANT TAILOR. I -""' B'" aapiel. and i.ii.nunAn .., i .111 .1... keep DR. S. J. HAYES, pritOEOK I'ENTIST. Ofee on Main ., Corwennille, Pa., T ILL mak. prof...loaal ri.lta, for theeon l eenirnra of the pwblia, aammenalag in April, 1.,;,, .a follow., rit r Latb.ritHirg-Firat Friday of arery Mnik. AaronTille Firet Holiday ol arary mon'b. Laialrr City Fieri of ei er aA. two day. in ailker plaoa. All order. I-. work .honid be m.ented en tba d.y of b . arrle.l at aark plarn. r aalrarud by the nppllrntian nf loeai anw.'be.ia oMaparalirely wilhoat pain. All kind, of Denial wnrk guaeontaed. a. B The pal.lle will plaaae notice. tna ir. TI.KnJ:r mat anaagad in aha abare mile, may b. loead in hi. omea, in Cr w.a.elll., Pa. Cara.a.rille, r. , l". . I'41 uakket st, cleahfield, ta. VFt'Lt. .opp'r of Clolha, Ca.ioiere and Veeling. ron.t.ollr on hand, whish will be p..le up areording ta the laleet faahion. In S .phetaatiai manner, ana at low ratca. m. 18C9. . Going It Alone. 18C9. E. R L. STOUOHTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Atreet, Clearfield. PaM nAVINO opened bu.ineaa oa my awn keok, at IS. old nd In "haw How. ! tberelore .nouonee to Ihe public thel I hare now en hand a well .elected nod large ertortment or Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Bearera. and all kinde af Ooad, for men and 1 ..J . m .... m.nared in make nn to order CLOTH INll. from a eingle article an a full I all. in the late.1 aitlae and moet wnramannae manner. Special aitoalioa glean U aweloa) m..rh ..d raiiiai oal for men and boye I odor great bargama ta eu.lomera. and wa'rafi eatiia eaUrfeetina. A liberal ehara of public natroaw. is eoli.iled. call ana aa ma JaaT-U K- . U..J...I Ih.r.iur.. tuck a. M.l.lloa.. New.. paper.. Aa. P. A. OAL'LIM. fl.arBeld May T, lf.'-H "WANTED I Wool! Wool! Wool! M OS SO P. Dr.irr. to bi.r all the WOOL in the eoonle. for whirl, he Will per the highcl ra-h prior, e, l,.iige gw.l or, 10 suit euMotrer.. 2::in. I. A scpnrule list of ail new nssess- uienis, and the amounts assessed upon each person, is lo bo immediately fur nishfd lo tho County Commissioners, together and corrcc g. un receiving ones iro.u uncoil..-, ,. , , ... . , ,,. . . , . . v , , .. , 1 i.w .0 iuii ' d tv toilliliissio.iern u.iiiim ni inni. v.,,. , , . . .r .. ... . '. ., 1 1 f-.ores, but ss inpse nre to beoiimrced I ni tion. w ho fares to lsv L-lniiii to any tlie Overseer are to be taken from jof tll0 CRry Kory 0f England ? the tiDile iioliiicul Durty, and thrn the Overseers are to have the right to he present wiih 4lie Ofliccis of the Election, to kwp a list of voters, 10 r w 11I1 llm general list revised thln0,1((B .d generally to, g.sod reeled, as alore-aid. perform the same dulii s Inspector . t . 1 receiving back Irom the Conn- 1 ,. . , ... . , , . Kf " f , ... We think unkindly of Spain because of the Inquisition. We havo reasons of a similar kind to think utikiudly of tho New fciiglitnders. If wc have from them we ought B-ACE FOB IITE0II A EALLEO AD. AH INOINrr. emirs ww .... .T MTT AIILM Alt HOUR A IEItLi,e 1ABATIVE. Carraipandanoa 6 read Kapidl (tlieb.) To make it an intlllii,i. matler to the reader, lot me y that the Buflalo. Corrr and P,...k..l " "j inursect, the Late Shore Road it thia place. The sution at the function ta called Brocton. Now lot It h. ...t. tood that from this point to Mavville. at the bead ot Ch.m . r -f , distance of only .bout ten toil-' . train I carried or an 7t)0 leet. From the kLaii.m .k. summit the grade is .bout 80 feet lo the mile, with carve which Increase y.? o.oiuiico oy iour miles. It is over tins road that the immense quantities of petroleum are brought. On Tuesday evening, about 9 o'clock a train consisting of six oil cars and' two passenger cars reached the um. nut on its way to the inn.,nn. rr by some cauecas yet unexplained, one of the oil tanks took fire. The . eenger cars were at once detached, und the brake stopped them. Next the oil cars were cut off, and the locomotive, tender, and box car con. taming two valuable horses a.di. men passed down the road, the engf. .k J rl' . oraucmeeHasv. him, atrilfing the box car with inconceivable force, knocking the horses and men Bat upon the floor, and yet almost miraculously not throwing the engine Irom the track. It wa now with the engineer a race for life, and be gave the engine every ounce of steam. Looking South Irom my residence at that terrible junc ture, ono of the most magnificent spectacles was witnessed that man sees in a lifetime. A ebeetof ioleotely bright flamo, eixtr feet high, was seea coming difwn that southern alopo, ap. parenny who iie speea ot a meteor, un! rettlly very nearly the speed of burrk'uW (eighty miles an hftor,i for; nnrsiler and nursued flew over 'lha surely cmar.cipaliUKVourse, or rather down it, and aroand Uie curas,'at tho rate ol seventy miles an hour.os liy knginccr declares, and as every body can" believe who wit nessed the spectacle . Tho, whole hravene were illuminated, and the whole landscape was lit up as by the noonday light. Onward and down ward flew tho engine and behind it flew and thundered the huge fiery demon - Twice its prodigious weight was driven against ;he fugitive, as if in stinct with a purpose to drive it from the track. It seemed as if to the hcroio engineer and firemen there was a perfect environment of peril. Tho speed of the engine wa uch that It ceasid to primp; then again, theCin cinnatiexpru: was due at the junction at thi lime. Tlio engineer oi the oil train whistled "open switch," ant shaking hsnds with the fireman, they bade each other furcwell, knowing thut their lives depended on the open ing of the Lake Shore switch by their friends, below, anil this wa lo Imperil r j-- - ... ... but we havo a ported j the express train coming down from sai.l Mel, Willi too onsviTii'. lcXI'lallul'T.r. nnUd i.r-er, k tt.r and cheaper Iran erer nefore I, rior to'tlic first d.-iy ol An ...... , ., . i tie courts til liis'.ice, it is inn luvv-ooij "foresaid, Iho, J , pli f' ,, p...;,!,...,,. , "lv a..... - pa. - - ethihiud to lb pvt'Iif. ll drflei JftDf cUliOti tlther m Tirieiy, jualit,f af price, Ha U aUo prapared U rrolih Miortmetii of i, tonpleU DENTAL - PARTNERSHIP. Da. A. M. HILLS, 5TI)eirei In Inform hi, patrons, and the sal,M n.n.rally.l at ka kaaaaMciatad wUkkim ui tb. practice of beatietry, S. P. SI I AW, D. I. 8 , Wkelea graduate ef ska Philadelphia hental Cell,.,, nrefora ae the higt.e attesta tion, ,,f peofsMlasal ,k:l. AM wrk done in b. oftce I will bald mymtlf pwwonatly raanonal Ala for being dona la the mo.t au la and Sighed nrdar nf tka preteeeio. a a.labl.,hrd practice af Iwaaty-twa year, la ui. laabU, aut to apeak ta my pailewu ni'b oiuiftS..M from a dlrtanea alnnld w maAe VJ leiu-r a fin dayi before the pailewt de.igna "wiag. , tnnaa. r- u 1 t Y tba DEMO( lATiri ALNAs'iC. psly ) M etva. Krery ratrf titH bare na. tf L. nlGL'OUTON. GUN SMITHING, It H M O V A I.. -a II R nndrr.lg.ird beg. leare to Inform bnald and new ro'lonier., end Ihe pii'-lic puieraiiT, th.t be ba. blled op a ne HI S SHOP, on the l,.t u the corner ol MM Kill ano aii II e CI. R.H, !d, P.., wlirre be will beep eon rtamlj on band and to order all kind, or gui... Air", gii". re bored, ra.varni.hed, and nt-.lly nplred oa .huri noliea. All order, by wll reeeire prompt .eennon. j.mni pa J.'IIN MOOPK. n. iu n n.anros., ,.w. a. ncenaaao. .m:wfjkm. F17LLEKT0N &"McrHEESON, "I r BKP tmatantly hand aad fr Frenh (neat, anch aa REEF, YJiAL, MUTTON, Ac, Fre.h Fi.h, and all Vee.lal.lea In aea.on P.uaed Fruit,, Bi.llir, Lard. A., which they will at II at the Iqwo.I u.nrkel prlr.-!. a.b for CATTLE. BI TTER. Aa. !,... n, on St.rlret Street, opp.,.i!e Ihe Court Hot l le.rSrld. Pa L1 - W v rA l l .nriiMi.tHrnLoN I MMNUI.F.. V The n.ider.icned berrby gire nolieo, lhal !. . '. . . ... . i j ...... . i . i ii .... ,k. t ; . i. , m.rk.t nrioe for a good .v.eeoal ng. All ol wnien wn wejr. i-w.p ,or- -., r1-. ' . " r , .l i. - AlaT Agaal far ClaarS.II aonnty fort. U , tkers t call belurt ,cllin ,''',, . .,, H. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Flotr one door cut nf Clearfield II eaee.) Market eWreol. Clearfield, Pa. KKFPil an hand n fall aeaortment. af flante' Fami.blng Uooda, .nek na shirta, Llarn 1 end Waolen l adr.b lew. Drawer, aad Boek . Week tiea, Poekal nanoaarcni.i.. oi,.., ' I'mbrrllaa, Ae la great variety. Of Pie Oaoda b, keep, lb Bert Cloths of alt "Shades nnd Colors," Snch a. Black Doe.kle af Iba rery ba.t m.kai Fancy Ca.lmera, In great r.riety , alo, Frn-k Coating. Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frieoll Tin, Coprcri Shoet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wholerale or retail, manufactured neatly end wiib the ,ole rlew ta ,errlca, from the boat ma. larial In the market. PLOWS, PLOW POINTS. A, BRASS AhU IBOH KhTTLLS, Of eeery dcrarlptian eonrtantly en kind. LinilTSlN'O RODS, Superior pot"1. PBt t ,l,ort soUoa. Tb. P.i.i ba oter. lo tb. public i. lb. aame a. now need by tba Pecafyleania Hailroad to, oa tbalr building.. oui'Eits Fuit sroumo, roofisi. And alher work belonging to hi. boelna.1 will he promptly tiled by aaperieneed aad akilllal workmaa. niiAss. corrEit and olo mettle Tabea In eiehanfe for gooda. yw-p. eiperlaMy Ineltee the ettantl" ' Herebant. wi.hing ta purrhaaa atwbolaeala. a trey will tad It I" tbalr adrantag. to ei.mioe IU .tack before parabaalng elaewhera. U, 8. FLEfMl Pbille.bnrg. Auf. . ts. J.?nT Idlvrry Htnblc. TMR Mi.lonugnei hee leare inform the pub lic thai he i. now fully prepared lo noeooinia- d.le all ia the way of ll"r-, unci,.", r-addlee and llarneaa, au the .hortert notice and on eenaon.hle Serial Re.ideneaon Locust lUcat, balweaa Third and Fonrlh. - liKO. W. 0SAE1UUI ".ctrS.H, April U, !; gtisl, is to place one ci py on iho disnr. orolhcrconspuiioii part of the house ufcre tho clcelion is required ly law to bu held, nnd to retain the other in his (Kisscssii.ti, lor t-hc iii,H'lini, tree cf charjec, cf any resident of tho dis trict. h Tho As.esaor is toa.hl. from time Assessor Election Officers and Voter A popular election will bo very diffi cult if all the provisions of the law bo strictly enforced. Indeed, il is not leit-y to see how Election Officers aro to find lime to receive the birllois of the qualified voters in sonic ti.t cincls, 'if tl.ey investigate thoroughly till Iho tissue that imiV he brought heli'ro to lime, to his list Iho names ot mi. u nJ w K. , (.f,,,.,,!, that one clHiming the right o vote ; tniirs. ( o c,w(i()n(( fTO ,,rown ,,,, the op.osite the name the letters -C. i nrH teciion, and thnt separate assess a tax, and in olhertsses, (,.are lo bevoled for State, Coun hi, occupation, residence, wlifiher a , , ..own,hi ,iru Mici.Ml officers at liousckccper or a boarder and w j name time thut judicial question whom be board, and whether naliir-j (( be ilV,.,,iir.lU.( , decidil, il alined, or designing to bo, ninking. In (j )t ,hlll nmny t.itirens will be nil such cases. I ho letter or "i . 1:1,1 t 0,0 thcireliunco lo vote unless 1 ,,i,.iie his numo. If the person claiming to Imj usiu-sscd bertnturslized, ho must exhibit his cortifiento to Ihe Assc-sor; if ho design m 1 natural izid lieliire Ihe next election, ho mtisl exhibit bis ceitillcale of decluralion. i. In all cases where any wind, bor nsgh, township r clocLjon district is divided into two or more precincts, the Assessor shall note in all hissssess menta the precinct in which each elect toi resides, and make a separate return for each precinct to tho County Com missioners, and w hen he receives back the duplicate copies, one of them is lo ho put up on tho election house of the't j. On tho tenth day preceding ihe second Tuesday or October, tlio Asses sor shull "on the Monday immediately lollnwing," return to thel ouni v Cum missioncr tho names of all persons tbev are vigilant and volo early. right to aek wiirlheronr indeblcdnens would not have been grenicr 11 iniir principles unci their (silicy had been nobler, wiser and less selfish ? One thing at least is certain rnri tanlam in New England, as in Old England, has, though less violently, begotten a reaction, and thut reaction has been against, not ill I'uvor, of morality. Pinilunic rule has lasted longer in the New World than in Ihe Old, for reasons whit h il would not bo difficult to give Into these, how ever, we shall not now entor. Suffice il to auy that when, lit the death of Cromwell, lb reins were lot loose, im morality eel in liko a torrocl. Nevtjr has En gland known such wickedness as thut w hich followed the Restora tion. Truthfully does Macanlay put il when he says : "Tb nation resent bled tho demoniac iu the New Testa ment. The I'uritans boasted that the Everyman should see for himsell I ,u...on entrit was cat out. The that he is registered, taxed, and, if ho hons-i w as empiy, swept and garnish is a naturalised foteigner, that he is provided with his proper pnpers. J he law will bear, as il w-as designed to do, very heavily on naturalized ciliieti. It creutes all possiblo olisinictions to their exercise of the right of sulTrago, and nothing hut vigilance and perse verenco on llieir pans can secure llieir rights. "The price of liberty is eter nal vigilance." Don Stort. The Peorin (HI ) rmnscnpf tells the f.illowing tough 0110 about a diminutive hlncV and tan doir : Ho was in the eaer pursuu 01 a rat, linrrowru . v.:ss divsnco mlo ihe ground, and a he went filled tin the hole with the dirt be removed llo wa missed for fight day, when . . ,.-..!. C ......... assessed hy n m since .""."- beard a .unnresacd turn, noting the observ.m ik,Vit,i aeemi-vlv Irom under - a. . .1 ... r.faiM. " 1 lift " 'Z.' Z n, , . r.! Uo wa, rather the worse f, nothing Illllir 1 1 1 H ariuim a . . . y . rlintr I It a apmtlrf TuOHfJaV Uter ZmJFV wbou he fim -h W" llm aienturous dog to the surlace toeal, but beyond that was gooda e l, and lor a lime 1110 cxpcnwi u-.mni wandered through dry place, seeking rest and finding none. The force of the exorcism was upent. Tho fiend returned to bis abode, and returned not alone, lie took lo him seven othrr spirits more wicked lhan him self. They entered in and dwell loL'fther, and the second posscnslon wa worse than the first." A we have said already, th f vi' of Puritan ism have develo'd themsolve with less violence in New Enghm 1 than they did in tho Mothor Country, for certain very obvious reasois. The fruil of Puritanism, however, has long been visible amount s, nd ir the de velopment has beet, slow il has al least been certain and unmistakable. New England orthodoxy was severe and uncompromising, but the New Eng h.nd churches, in spile of their severi ty, have broken many from their auchiit mooring. Th Trinitarian the West with its living human freigl t The engineer of this train saw the Cre when ii first broko out at the summit, and supposed he could clear the junc tion be I uro the flaming t-rror reached it, be too, pul his engine lo it utmost speed on a level grade. A milo short ol tho junction lie saw that the effort wa a vain one, for the flying confla gration had rushed upon the Lake hliore track, and wa roaring onward in ihe direction of Dunkirk, llo checked tho onward enure of his own train And brought it to a standstill. It did not proceed until aoclockln the morning. The case took in another danger, and il was immiucnt. A heavy freight Iriiin wilt Coming up the Lake Shore road. All I will any of the escape of this i that il did escape to the side track, and openly escaped by the last minute of possibility. Running on to a sttlo distance from Iho depot, the engineer oi the oil train detached hi engine and left the six cr to consume He sav hi situs tion wss fully realized by him. lie cxpocU'd to lose bis life.. At evoiy moment ho expected the engine to leave the track. He saw he was going at a perilons rate of speed, but thore was no help for it. The demon was behind him, and he declared that it looked like a demon. With lhal fond. nos or real affection for his engine, w hich these men display, he said, "I thought everything of my engine, and was (lelermined to stay y it to me last." Th fireman made one attempt to escape by jumping from the tender, hut thecngincor restrained him. Alto gether the occurrence wa a remarka ble one, and in part wa remarkable for this, that no lives were IteL. The brakemen on the oil cars had gone back to the passenger cars, when the nil estx started. Il was well thpy did. Unlem those rear cart had been de tached and stopper), their ii. males theology ha but few adherent in the i--fO aa suippeo, tneir ,rn, whole State Ol iloshusetU, and I "out, but been burned W dewUb,