Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 01, 1869, Image 2

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(UoaoE b'.Gowi.amk". Kditor.
CLKAltKIKI.U, I'a. f
DomocratiojState Ticket.
Dsmocratic District Ticket.
JOI1S 5. 1111.. f Klk County.
Democratio County Ticket.
LEVER F1.EGAL, ol Brady townohlp.
County Conimieeloner,
B. II. HIXDMAN.of llercarla townahlp.
JOIIS I. K. of He" townahlp.
Do not Fail To Head It TIo
ttblo upeech u.r Mr. YYiilliu-o, delivered
nt Bellolonte last week, Ito found
on our first page. The fuels nd fig
ures continued in this cecli prove
rcry dumaj'ing to Iho Stuto robbers.
Lot every Uemotrut read it and Uicn
tinnd il lo his loil neighbor, who licv
cr lenrns anything ttboiit Iho corrup
tions of bis party from his own patty
Johnson who was urrcoted for the
killing of Levi Enn'm in saloon at
l'hilipsburg sometime ngo, was tried
nt Belli-fonto last wcclc, and found
guilty of murder in the second degrco
ho w as sentenced lo eight years in
the Western Penitentiary.
Uans AlitAD The biggest lie of
the euson, is lold hy our loil Govern
or, Geary. Ho has iho impndenco lo
stand up biToro the people and tell
them that they have paid no State
(tax on real estate fur the past three
-venrs. If ltaron Munchausen ever
beat this, it would bo news to us.
Sathapipm. All Grant's military
6atraps commanding in Virginia, Mis
sissippi and Texas, uro candidates for
United States Senator, and ara deter
niii.ed to make themselves bucIi if
hnyoncts and other rascally tricks
will accomplish it. Thus wo have
Canby, Ames and ItoynoMo, candi
dates for civil ollicc. Would it not be
decent for Mr. Grant lo suspend the
lUllCllOns of tli,-rt"n until
after the Senatorial t lections ?
Good. Two weeks ago some scamp
-who noithcr feared God or regarded
man, entered tho Presbyterian Church
at McVeytown, and stole about one
iiialf tho carpe'ing. Tho Lcwistown
Gazette, upon learning tho above fact,
charged tho theft upon tho "Copper
heads," to which the editor ol tho
Democrat replies as follows :
"Why, of coume lit wa. ft Detaoerat ! Every
body gut'Mrd tbat mucli tlia moment they heard
the iartiriilare. Only oh An of the cartel e.i
alok-D I Who eeer beard of ft ltrjiublicau thief
taking tialy an of anything ?"
.A Law IintAKin. Gen. Grant has
Jiot only deserted tho W Into House
and lull the public business in the
hands of the boys; but ho is running
around over tho country violating
the Stato luws. Two weeks ngo he
was in Elk county, and with Gen.
Kane, Cameron, and a lot of other
loil bummers, went trout fishing, on
.Sunday, til that. Ho not only viola
ted tho act preventing tho catching
ol trout after tho 1st of Augnst, but
also the Sunday law. lleshould have
Iron arrcsiod and fined.
Volistkers. We notico by our
exchanges that the organization of
volunteer companies is going on nil
over tho Slato, under tho law as
amended 'uH winter. Some towns
not larger than Clearfield have two
teoir.pntiiea. Why cannot Clearfield
Muster martial spirit enough to get
tip a good volunteer cotnpnn7 ? Cur
ffcnsville, Osceola, Luthersburg, and
many other towns, havo plenty ot
materia! which i-oiilj be properly used
in this way. Neighbors and fellow-
citinens, wake up! Ion't let your
patriotism b smothered through pure
carelessness !
All Dlow. Grunt's sharp Secreta
ry ol tho Treasury, fjoutwell, bns dis
covered by accident lately that lilmost
nil of the employees of his dep.irlincnt
had keys by which they could enter
Iho cash nnd nolo punting room
No wonder, thuiefore, i lint millions o'
dollars worth of fraudulent bonds and
pnriou. "greenbacks" have been put
in circulation and cashed by his o!!l
ers! who pocketed tho pro
ceeds J Tin, llCW ,M..S vvin ot bllj?
hack tbo stolen r,;ds. Header, the
,,,tl rt'hheiies are becoming so
great that the Treasury bo..ks cannot
he made to fit, hence 11,0,0 strategists
have gone (o breaking off H,o old
Je-ks s. i gi , ,,,rl ttnJ toniti
cno a job besides.
KxrrxsivE Fisi,,N.A I'hiladel
poisn, naving )0 our of our
It-mi l
lruul i
laws bef iro I
.... if i i
IIS eves intuit,..! I :,. I.'
.. m 7 ,",s'g fivo of the Ji
ii , , , ' ---i"!
i-nu oeauiies, near trout Unit
. " prompilv arresle.1 ..! ei. I
lilllo sport cost ,im fj(j - , Ir,lnl",,,1", Brownlow is a preacher of
reluctantly forked over TI '
art as
u euilloil in .:..! ,
I If ;i "muioui mo'
,...U,.VWI jiu,t,fin lienn)l ka thiiljohu ti.i.ney Adams, A liiiiifor thiiieh in Culpepper
(jnint should have ifcrn treated in i ,l,',n" r"tit' ndidato lor tiovern-1 Count v, Va , has expelled cverv iiieni.
simlUr nintincr, when hu w, un , ,"r;.".f M"cluseii, is a eiiltivnied ; tier who voted lor Walker. Tho n
UiClrioir;rfrtwowiKl.. 1,H) """" "nd n'nn l' libLc-' i cci nro ood iniitalors of tho white
..."rwe tf ! irmlr pejaaa
we., r.. I, r.Vrrfe.
1;iii Henry and his bin Iter, "tlh-ry
to Cod" Civode, Sio limv traveling
over the Slnln citliijMc.iiiiK tho tux
pnyoiD. The Govrrnur has been tna
king several speeches, and opens ninl
closes with falsehood mill doccptlon.
(ienry's great hobby is, that during
bis administration great rcdift-lhui
has taken place In the rate nf taxat ton
i .i . ..f I n wliollt- !M
II M I lllllW fllil ,,-i..,i -- j
exempted for State purposes through
tho instrumentality of himself and his
"loil millions." We happen lo know
something nbout this tax qiiohlioii ;
and, while Geary was blowing at
Greenshurg, the Slate Treasurer trans
milted to the County Commissioners
the bill of State tax for thin county,
which proves to bo 8il5.'J5 more than
tho tax assessed and collected fur State
purposes, w hich amount must bo paid
out of tho county funds. And yet
theso '-loil" scalawags assert that the
peoplo ol this State pay no State tax
upon real estate ! Tho falsehood, de
ception and frauds perpetrated upon
the peoplo by our State authorities
are a disgrace to the Stale and nation.
If our Stale authorities would quit
robbing and apply tho funds properly,
wo aro satisfied that the tax payers
of this Commonwealth need pay no
Stale lax ut all. But they uro con
stantly changing and manipulating
the tax laws in such a manner that
the commonalty scarcely understand
them. Tho idea of passing an Act ol
Assembly abolishing the State tux on
real estulo is a humbug, and it practi
cally amounts to a fraud.
Tho naked facts aro thus upon the
records ol our county, and wo have
no doubt tho santo slate of things
exist in every county in tho State:
The amount of tax realized from the
assessment of 18G9 in this county on
personal properly for State purposes,
was $1,207 00 j from which must be
deducted ten per cent, for exonera
tions and Collectors' and Treasurer's
percentage, leaving due tho State
Treasurer the sum of one thousand our
hundred and forty dollars and thirty
cents, (81,1 10 30.) This is every dol
lar duo tho Stato from this county
under tho Act about w hich Geary &
Co. blow so much. Vet, what is the
fact! Two weeks ngo thai ringmas
ter and eorrirption rooster, Mackey,
Stato Treasurer, forwards his bill for
one thousand six hundred and fifty-fil e
dollars and fifty j'wc cents, (I,(!.'i5 6.'))
being 6ve hundred und Cflccn dollars templalioii of laNehned We know
and twenty five cents mnro than wiisjlhat. she has written a bn di before,
assessed and collected. Now, what is -l.ich is li.lse. implacable, and vieions
, , . ., ., . ,, in every motive anil ami. And the
the result f V by, the C ounty Lorn j m)livo JB f(ir ii, ,i()y unMe
nnssioners aro compelled to tulto this j, precisely' in keeping with the aim
nun out of tho county fund raised of '-Uncle Tom's Cabin," which wns
from real estate, hand il over lo the
County Treasurer, and Jjo forwards it
lo Mackey, Geary k Co , ho stupidly,
wickedly and devilishly stand tip oo
ie intelligent peoplo and tell them
.1 ....r .n C.i . n
and glowingly refer their huurers to
iho Act of Assembly.
These men do not only deceive the
peoplo, but they violate thu lawn and
their oaths of ollicc, und yet they arc
the leaders of a party "controlled by
grand moral ideas." From such men,
"good Lord deliver us!"' Wo shall
have more, to any on this subject in
tho futuro.
GF.TTINoTlItKDOF It. TIlO llrqittcr,
a rmliesl paper piiblislicd at While
water, Wisconsin, is tired of tho con
duct of the aoldicr President, Hiram
Ulysses. Tho editor Is assuredly 1111
booed man, and bus sor.-.o regard for
tho honor und prosperity of his coun
try. Jn a recent number of his paper
he discourses as follows:
"Tho t rtilli would scorn to bo that
General Grunt is out of place in the
Presidential chair. Ho hits no taste
for civil business, possibly ho has no
talent for it. Ho prefers the vulgar
snobbery and immoral society of the
watering places to iho staid nnd Hobir
life of tho Whito House. It need not
bo concealed that Gen. Grant delights
in tho society of tho race courso nnd
lakes delight in driving 11 hobby horse
over Bloomingvillo road. For lb"
good name of our country we may not
spenk of theso things aloud; but wc
cannot escape tho conviction lhal our
President is out of his clement when
surrounded by his cabinet, nnti nint h
prclcrs to select his company, nod is
not always particular lo select the
litTi.r: UnnoTTLin The Haiti
more (iazrtte's Washington correspon
dent is responsible for the following :
'When lien Jlutlcr heard ol (irani'a
complicity with Sentcr and Walker
anil leta and Hamilton, lo get up a
"Grunt party" al the South, ho wrote
here that the Gent-nil wns ambitious
of another lerniniid should he watched !
When (very recently) it turned out
that tho President threw away this
chance at tho command of such a
pigmy as Iloutwell, and threw up his
military cat) for Stokes nnd Alcorn
nnd tt cits and Invis, llutler, shiewd- J
ly enough, w rote emphaliciilly thnl lie
was a "(I il lool, mnl neeilou no
wulching any longer." Ciritnt tins
irretrievably split bis party at the
South, and although he is now under
tlio leading strings i! Chandler, of
.Norfolk, who wains to come to the
Scrnito from Virginia, and will doubt
less, illconlly I urn out of tho Lcgtshi
tare of that Slain tho very men he
did uioro than any otto else to clci t,
slill the real mischief is irremediable,
Tho hole-South is gone!
Skntkh ami Stokhs Senter and
Stokes are both wailing for the return
of (iciicrul (irant to Washington, in
order to set hi in rinht on the Tenncs
see election. Stokes claims to repre
sent tho republican party, Senlcr
clsims to represent it, ami each pro-
da ins the other an outHiicr. ll is a
llirettt Iriilllnnr I'ikIi Itnl -a ....... .a :
tiret - im - A hour Cnni.enl C...I ........ I !
1 . .11 vim i
i oiiiigt. i or restiiin in inn i enni-aseo
- U - nion, nor muter what obligation be
lM heal the broken biDtcs ol Stokes.
Br.iwnlow say Sentcr is tho light
unq gospel, slid should know
TI.. til . . ..
ncniiuiiiy J.rr run; .ournn' (.rotllin.
. uiar.rxnk
ieajaeiaia- OJBe
i r
. . H 'l t t l
Utrihrr Struct'
fnsf Snimtln.nil Srtixlal.
Wo are mmli pleatd thai this
I teriiiy hnihit is remit ing hir
, . . i - i i . i .i .. ....i.i:..
lucsort ai tne nium m tun
I Having in her "I'm lo Tom s ( 'iihin '
pcipplrat.'d a wholesale slander upon
the land of her birth, she finds but
little ilifihully in libeling the dead,
and tier "foreign relations with whom
he snubbed while in Kut'ope, w hile
' Spunillli:; llie IO J-'ilveil jiiinn .1
I bv the sale id' I'licle Tom. Tin
.. . ... .
; Now
York Day Ilovl; says:
'll is creditiiblo to the American
press that it has, almost without an
exception, condemned tho dirty scan
dnl about Lord Byron and his sister,
which thu Atlantic Afnnthli published
from the pen of Harriet Heecher
Stowo. Not only the infamous, story
utterly discredited, but its publicity,
from tho pen of a woman, evinces n
natural dirtiness of mind, at once dis
graceful and shocking, which has dis
gusted every virtuous man und woman
in America. Even if the horrid tnlu
was li no, il is quite as disgraceful to
Lady Byron as to iho poet; for she,
it cording to tho nnsty account, con
tinued lo live with Hvroti, and to love
him, and only left him oeeuuso he
literally drovo her avuy, after she
was fully aware of his incestuous con
nection with his sister Even while
on her way homo sho write him .1
letter culling him her "Dear Duclt."
Tho truth is, that in this w hole ac
count tho language which is attributed
lo Lady Byron is so decidedly i in
pressed with tin earmarks of Mrs
Harriet liecehor Stowo that there is
no mistaking it. All such phrase ns
'thero was un angel in him," never
came from the lips of Lady Byron. 1 1
is not her style. Sho was ns cold, ns
bard, and uuimaginalive as marble.
Then how arc wo to believe that Lady
Byron told Mrs. Stowo that Byron
literally drovo her away, when we
positively know, from her Ladyship's
own letters, that such was not the
lease? And how uro wo to believe
that Lady Byron lold Mrs. Stowe that
sho lived with Lord Byron two years,
when nil know that she lived with
him but one year? Thero aro other
falsehoods of history in Mrs. Stowo's
account equally glaring, and which wo
find it much easier to credit to the
very imaginative authoress of "Undo
Tom's Cabin" than to Lady Byron.
Lady Byron may have been demented
in her last years (she rode out with
Fred. Douglass when ho was in Eng
land,) but tho document produced by
Mrs. Stowo is so entirely clnirncteris.
lie, both in its spirit and its language,
that our own judgment is inclined to
acquit Lady Byron of any considera-
I ble sluiro in its filthy contents. The
j woman w ho can write and publish
such indecent and immoral disclosures
is not to be considered as bevoml the
to besmear the character oflhc South
ern people in order to "make shivery
odious." Ken so her object in ns
suiling the character of roll is con
fessed to bo to destroy iho influence
of his poetry. But. poor woman, her
nvi I ten ja innoxious in. Jh!a hist in
slanco. Iter article will causo tlio
works of Byron to bo re read by
thoiisnnds, to be eagerly sought for by
other th nsands who havo never read
them before. And tho result will be a
retiencd mid really extended admi
ration for tho wonderful genius of
Byron, and n universal contempt for
her, nsn calumniator, if not a woman
nf naturally courso anil impure imagi
nation. Modoublshc received 11 large
sum for writing her scandalous article;
but if sho hud any fair lame, sho has
sold it all lo the Atlantic Monthly.
Whether tho publishers of that niaga
S'lio have undo anything hy the
opcrntion will depend upon tho char
uclcr of their readers "
ilndlcal Senator Mturntd
Tho St. Joseph (Mo.) Herald, gives
tho following account of tbo burning
of Senator Pmneroy, of Kansas, in
efligy at Jacksonville, in that Stuto on
the -'vlh ull :
At the hour named, n vast crowd
tilled Iho sipiare, in the center of which
tho efligy, wreathed w ith bean vines,
was suspended from u high post
As soon as tlio denlcning cheers of the
crowd could bo hushed, Dr. Mooro, of
Monmouth, tun do a brief address, in
w hich he stated that as k-einUor Pmn
eroy had abused the Innt r; posed in
him by the people of Kun-ns, by sac
rificing their interests to tho greed of
monopolists and spcciihtlors, had ren
dered his name a disgrace and reproach
to the Stale, the citizens of Southern
Kansas would thereby show tlte:r de
testation 01 bis course, by publicly
burning hi in in efligy.
Al iho closo of bis address a circle
was cleared about tho elliirv, and.
amid the loud groans of tho hundreds
present, tho match wns applied. A
bright flame shot up, brilliantly light
ing the square, n 1111 sho wing with groat
distinctness the stern hues of the
"bloody leaguers," gathered around to
attest their hatred of corruption in
high places. 'J ho lire soon destroyed
Iho buily legs of 1 In- recreant Senator,
consumed his si:icious abdomen, and
was toying with ll.ebenn vine wreath
around his neck, when suddenly an
explosion occurred, and iho remains
of iho efligy wero w hirling in tho air,
in burning fragments. "A bean has
htirstod," said somo one, but il wus
learned aftei Hard that it wns n pound
of powder that had been stulled in tho
"Let him ho forgotten," s.-iitl a burlv
leaguer, as he carefully piled up the
Iriigmeiits that all inig'il be i onstiincd.
Stokes, the badly-beaten Adminis
tration candidate - for (invert. or of
Teiinesce, is not (.aiit-licd with the
result, and is dcteruiiuctl lo see belli
cr something cannot bo done lo over
turn tin- late elect ion. Jio Is therefore
engaged for tlio present in peiparing
a reply to Brow nlow's letter, and, in
company with a batch of sully Iiiids
like himself, be is visit ing Washington
to consult with tho J'rcsidcnl about
iitt'airs in Tenin ssco. Wu should not
I .. :r ,l :i if-
iiu piii to tf.i-o n iin- in e. an it poii .ii r.
. I ...i: I. .. T 1 i
tirtilll to neoevu mat. I eioiesseo liectis
a little nunc rrronnti'iictiiui.
Tn c Vai.I'R or I, iric. Tho moro
lnpacof years is not litis. Kf.owlodiro.
truth, love, hen n I v. booiIiicms, (aith,
I nlono ran ffivo vitnlily to tho median-
inn ot xitleiiei'.
a.-cjdieis tLo us thnn.
.1 .Voiifrrf Mi-rf . In this or any i.thr rnniilry. ''oil
Ai Aiuum umr, roan.R and mi , grea-njjn JWen is .r,,.,(led by Alder
..rnsiH ,w.-f,f.w,..r - '"'1"-v- V.'0.,1"""1""1 " .";
SotT.I tAHOIINA, SII"W. If hi A I t.ion l.rflfdis l tlos my, as a thief
, v.nnnnn IN tiik fAITlt. Jnrr-i-r, and murderer, and wo prn
Tho Chin lesion lhuty Xc,r, of I n-' these charges that the l.cp.iblieaii ol
dav contain! a cnimmn.ication Volho'the N-rlh mny read and ju. -e b.r
public f.o.n T.J. Mackey, a Mongrel , Ih.m.Hcltes. Asa. ne.nberol t he tin
I .. . ..: ... ... i i ..... . . 1 Ki.ii.wi llniiMit ill Iteiiieseiitalives.
Ahlermun Sil l ponuciati. uiiq inoiuer
' . .. .
Z , .. .. a,.'. ..v,.,l . the rollcctorshir,
... I.- n.... i; ti........ u-i.n t,.d
.. . i. ..i u o i. .
? 11,0 '.' :
? "'VT', !"T. 1..!.:," u, '!
UK' I lull H'.imi hiii i. 'i v ... .
was instrumental in getting Dr. Mack
'v turned out, anil
war lietwecn the
factions in that cily has ensued.
derman Mackey, after defending him- ....:. ... i.i.loii, .-liurireA ln-olli'lil
bv lloweni carries tho war into Africa
in the followini? style !
"ltal ho ftands it with C. C
llotven, whoso name, by a civil fiction,
now pears tho prefix Honorable 1"
lie is a New England man, horn and
reared in Khodo Island, near the very
ultar of liberty, lie entered tho Con
federate army as a lieutenant of cav
alry, and alter an ignominious career
01 two years, lie was casuiereu ins j
can show hy tne olllciul recorn nciore
. . .... ... i. ,
me; lor tlie crimo oi rorgery i
It jH
also true that I was indicted with
t:... ,1 Wnlknrnn rho chaiL'e of vio-1
luting tho neutrality laws ol tho Uni
ted Slates, but I have yet to learn
that this fact could detract from my
standing as n gentleman. Immedi
ately alter my trial und aeqiiillul on
that charge, I was appointed by the
authorities at Washington as Exam
iner ol tho United States Surveys for
Kansas and Nebraska. 1 was not a
clerk, but the Examiner of Accounts,
in tho Frcedmcn's Bureau, and in that
capacity I becamo acquainted with
tho evidence on which C. C. Bowcn
was arrested and committed to prison
by General Sickles, on tho charge ol
stealing money from tho frceduien.
1 1 is true that 1 was I'rivute Secretary
to Governor Scolt, tho sumo gallant
soldier und worthy i-ontlcman whose
. . " . . . .1
duty it liccume, as nssislunt toinniis
sioncr of tho Freed men's) Bureau of
South Carolina, to have Bowen arrest
ed for stealing, and to mako him,
through tho military authorities, dis
gorge a largo unman I of his ill-gotten
gains. It is trao that I am "well
known in Texas." In the summer of
1S(!5. as acting United States provost
murshall over twenty counties of that
Slate, I arrested many criminals, some
of whom wero arrested for the crime
of minder, after a fair and impartial
trial, 011 far lu-s evidence than thai
adduced to prove thai C. C. Bowcn
murdered Colonel White, by tho bund
of a hired ussnssin, in his bedroom al
Georgetown, S. C, in November, ISG4,
for which bloody deed ho escaped
punishment, through tlio flight of his
Hi-complice, after a full confession.
Ho was confined in prison here on
that charge, and was released al the
L'eneral juil delivery made by the
United Slates forces on their cn'rv
inio Chai-lesioii. in lSC.i. This ilutk
but truthful story ol Iluvrcn'a crimes
is not inconsistent with his ante-war
rec rd. llo cainu to this city in
us iho head of a bund of Iho lowest
class ol gamblers, and soon signalized
his advent by steiling a vuluahle sel
of faro checks from an establishment
in this city, which checks he sold in
New York, where they were recover
ed by the owner, together with the
written proof of Doweu's guilL This
iv . T l.y n .trlitml of -'
licsses." Thu liuiuiciial authorities
of this city havo been very frsquenily
aieuled lo during the l ist mouth hy
his wile al Louisville, whom ho bus
abandoned, although a worthy woman,
to aid her in seeming a support from
him, while he is living in open iufumy
with another in this city. Bowen
charges thai I "preside over so culled
I'nion Leagues, where, for a feo ol
lilt)' dollars, ho puts through resolu
tions to sliinder good llcptiblicuns."
It is truo that I am 1'resideiil of the
Union league of Charleston, tho same
League thai subscribed money, earned
by the hard hands of laboring men
who chiefly composed it, to feed How
en's jiulntivo children in this city in
lMiT, while he was imprisoned in I. 'ita
lic I'inckncy on the charge of stealing
a chargo which tho member of lha,
Lcagtio wero led to be untrno from his
plausible representation of innocence.
The resolutions lo which nowen refers
wero passed to denounco tho proposed
appointment of his friend, 0. W. Clark,
as collector of this port, and lo stig
mulir.otho political treachery of Sena
tor I". A. Sawyer and C. V. How-en.
Surely il did not require "a lee of $"H"
loindueomo to sunport such resolu.
lions. Ilisworthvofnote. thatU.H
Senator Sawyer, w ho is now Bowch's
bosom fiicnd und to conr.pirator, was
(!iigcd b
Th,u-ii i-.ri hi Jtilv.
" '
W, Willi
ing committed the crime
of perjury in taking the iron-chid oath
a chargo which is true. I have thus
briefly glanced ut the criminal history
of this Honorable. liepresenlative
from South Carolina." It is to lie
hoped that justice will yet overtake
"And pot Is eeery hnnrflt hand a whip
To laeh the rajH-il naked fliMingr, the world.",
T. J - M.M'KKY.
"CharK-aton, Aug. 10. lHOii."
N tVS.
"Il is ft nototimis fact llml tlio Hnd
icnl Kcpiihlicans ol Sontli Curoli nn nro
led by nienof doubtlul t liiuat ter.w hose
integrity in neiirly every inso in the
invcrso rstio ol I hi'ir amnrtnoNS nnd,.
purly skill. As tlii-ro aro hut a hund
lul of (Jcci iit Kcpiiblicjiiis In tho J-itiitt;,
t.iin w us to no i'xM0ti'(l, nnd tho bu k
,. . , ii r
ennit ol rival tli'inii"nijiies would Dos-1
sesn no pul.lie interest only that, when
... ' 1
;o lif;ht wlnili would otherwise) !k'
eoveied forever by the tiMutl blsi k
matillo of liridicul party cliiirily. In
this way public attention tins been
diliited to the worthy duel between
United States Seimlor Sawyer nnd
Congressman llowen on tlio ono side,
and Iho .Mackey lanuly on tho other.
Tho Mackoys denounced Sawyer mid j
lnen traitors. Sawyer nnd I!ow-
en (h nounced tlio .M.ickeys ns wholly
uiiworinvoi irui. ery ntiio was
said tiy eilher party ol mo peiMiiial
niite- eilenlN of their foes, nnd il wtin
nurtter lor surprise that Sawyer, IloH'-t.i
en und tlio Mac-keys should have furo-l
1,'ono so bravo nn opportiinily ol tiin
with cllect tho deadly spear or truth.
Kxpedienco und n dusiiv to savo tho
pnrly Iroin tho scorn nnd contenipl
of even Iho luckless colored people,
who nro its sluv mid alrciii;lli, canned
lliodinpiitants toru liifio lo hold I heir j
IihdiU. JSut, nppiirently, even Jiudi-
cul endurunco has its limits, and Al-1
(liinnan T. J. Mackey, in his reply to i
Conrosniuii Jlowcn, throws modesty
lo Iho dotfs, and proposes "lo show ;
from tho record that U. C. Jiowen is .
not a creditila witness upon a question
of fact." Tlio letter is, ill truth, an!
nrraij'iitiicut of Coni;rt.'siniin lloivcn
uiinn clinriros ns serious as havo ever
been broiight sgsiust a publio pracsi -
bns a voico in
i on ift ess in a n i.owen ..
making las lor Illinois, and Ohio, .
I....I Miissiieliiisetls und I'eiinsvlviiniu, I
, . I-.., ,1 S.,es of the South. I
'!? in uronor that the whole country
". " - '
... .. If, in ,,,, ih. ii vm..n
should know tho chuincler ol the men
who control tho destinies of the nulinn,
ai.d il is that every honest cili-jut
zen, w helher Kepuldiciin orl:onioeriit,
-1,1.1,1,1 know w ho and what uro the
itnen who. while, "representing" the
South, hold the balance of power be
tween thu East and Wett."
a inonions.
Pining tho height of tho war,
Messrs Mieaj ih Y. Johnson and Da
vid Sheehun were suddenly arrested
lit Galena, at the instance of Messrs.
K. II Wasbbiirny and J. ItiisHel Jones,
and hurried off to Fort Lafayette.
They remained in the latter fort for
sonic months, .Mr. 'Johnson leaving
I ms companion
behind being fi it .ill v
translerred lo
Fort Warren, tit the
lime when Judge Cariuichiiel was in-
ciirccraled there. Both theso victims
of liudical tyranny were Democrats;
both occupied a prominent position at
the Galena bur, and no accusiition
u-iia i.t-tlerrvil flfrailiftt ciLbel'. excent
! the vugue hut convenient charge of
"disloyalty." To odd to the Infamy
of the transaction, Mr. Johnson was
arrested in court, while in tho midst
ol tho trial of a murder case, and, w ith
Mr Shoehan, wns sent rapidly, under
guard, to tho East, aud lodged so se
cretly in Fort Laluyelto that, fur a
li mo, their friends did not know to
what phico ihey hud been spirited
away. The manly protests made to
the Slato Department by Mr. Johnson,
during his imprisonment, woro wholly
....i i.. i . i . .i.m I.... I. I;
unheeded; and so they both lingered
on, until ultimately, alter being arres
ted w ithout cause, ihcy wero released
without explanation.
At ihc termination of the war. Mr.
Johnson brought suit against E. B.
Washburno and J. litiRscll Jones for
fiilso imprisonment. In their answer
to the suit, tho defciidunt pleaded in
the first instance, justification. Find
ing ,lhut they hail no ground to stand
upon, and thai they wore linblo to be
mulcted in heavy damages, they sub
sequently withdrew the pleas they
had first put in, and, to conciliate the
man whom they hnd so giievously
w ronged, they signed their names lo
tho following most degrading confes
sion. They aeknon ledgo
"Thut tlio said idea, heretofore filed
I hy them in said case, and the matters
and things therein set lorlh against
'' laiiiltll, are untrue in niusiancc
j and .act. And the said defendants
i further ennk-ss tho wrongful trespass
and imprisonment set forth in said
declaration, and that the defendants
arc .not guilty in manner anil form as
therein slated and set lorlll, mid Said
pliiiiittlf bus sustained great damage
thereby, us is stateil in sani ileelara
lion, and said defendants further con
fess lhat the said seir.uro and impris
onment wits wrongful, uiijuMith.blc,
and without cause, and that the said
plaint ill' was innocent of tho violin ion
of any law, or of d ing any act iniiiii-
i .il '-." e.1- ll.n I'lilt,.,!
Slates, nnd thai suid plaintitT did no
act. and til tore J no expression, or ex
ercised any influence, to tho knowl
edge of said defendants, thut mis not
in support of tho (iovernmenl of the
United Slates, its Constitution uud its
It will thus bo seen that Mr. Klihu
B. Washburno, the prime mover in
Ibis shameful transaction, now Con
fesses thai ho had no just grounds fur
acting as be did, and also that the
pleas heretofore lilcd by him in defence
of his conduct, wero untruf in sub
stance and in lact. Ia short, ha first
perpetrates a flagrant outrage, nnd
ncxl endeavors to evade the conso
ipienccshy dowm ighl lying. Finding
this ot no avail, ha throws himself
upon tho mercy of Mr. Johnson, and
consents to "cut dirt."
And this man now is United States
Minuter to Franco I Baltimore Gaz.
KxiTi'Tivit AnsKMtr.s. Our Presi
dent, all his Secretaries, most of his
heads of Bureaus, and a majority of
iho chief clerks of iho various F.xccn
tivo Ilcparlmcnts, havo been absent
from Wiisbiiigtoii for a considerable
I fme. 1 he people in Washington fa
eetiously say that "the (iovcrnmcU
i out of town. Citir.enn, omo of
whom nro incmbcra of l.'onirrcfs, (rom
a grout distumo, ro lo tlio cnjuljil to
. I....: ...,i ....
i -.,u"n, "...v--, u. ..u .Ks,.u..-
SiOi ,oueiais at incir posta .;
U is .nniianrcd, liow.rcr, u.. tfiv !
I rcmiliMit will lo tn V iikliinton to
luol row, lo rrmuin a tiny or two pic
vious to giiinr' to S'linitnga. This will
lio a liivur lor wliioli, trust, tin
coiinlry illwnrd liim tliic gi-slitudi'.
lien tlio toimtry wns only iilnuit
Im If ils liri'kcnl 1121) und Mlirn our
pillllio nllllil'S irqililt'll IrSS than llllll'l
die ntU'iition. tluit ourlit row to In
tipatowt-d upon thorn, it wus a rnrr
thinj. to lu-ar ot tlio iibsonce nf the
l'l-rsidviil or a Ciiliim t oflkcr for out
week. How, however, nil liiinds
uliiiiidon llioir work nnd allow tli
irovfrnincht to run ilM'lf, This is
huvo nuido ninco tlio war. und the in-
. .
iiiiXiiriitioti cf n retorrruitory tlynaa'y.
U la lo he lloliOU that WO shll'l Soon
I I I I.. ..J' I. . I. . t . ,. . . .
or nine iiiu iii ii?p w l.n imi Jil'irii a ive
,, .,' .. .. ' .
,, '' "'0 ' ,
nf llin l.iit.,
ns well ns Iho Kxocutivu IVparttneiit
II nil tho Itaili-
eal politiei.ina and ofl'u ials would stay
awsy fi-oin Wu"liinton oneyear.the
eon nt ry would be jrrcatly binelitled ;
ami tho time is not fir diMnnt when
il liirife niiuiher of llirin w ill hr elected
renin in absent from iho scene of their
manifold misdeeds.
".in ,Sl. Miire'a 4i.l?rtte irieeia rnr.
Kwy ,0 ,, 0i,, j,,,,, u,i(,h may or
....... .,, i,..,.., ,...,.,HH, .
UloiijrriNMiinii :"
", eotemporaiy snysofnn eminent
r i, .i.. .. ,. ,,i ,.., UI,,..
, ,.v. rvt liinir which every mini,
,. , v , .l.-t.-r i i vo ' "
Commodnre Vanderhilt, now in his
aevonty. fourth year, witi nmrried on
Saturday Irfindi.ii, Canada, to
Minn Kiauk Crnwlord, of Mobile, Ala.
Twelvo months tavo hardly ehipwl
ainco tho put'lic svinpnthy was mum
H aled lor iheni;"d Commodore on tlio
loss of his former wilo.
a - a
A dauuhler of a whito monibor of
tho council of WsKhiiifrton cily tins
eloM'd with a noro. Sho foliowed
I Iiu teaehinrrsol tier Joeohin "psriont."
Sho ws evidently nn obedient child.
Three luiudied acres of ground ffi
one lownshiool t.'nindeorotiuty, N. J.
sdotetcd t? tlit) tnltoreof cranborns.
r nwsv"
Tht litln tt IAr Aolr Itibt.
Itilliiifi tho years of J)emoerlic
rule in 1'eiinst'lvaniii, tho Common.
wealth paid 4, -II iik.I 6 per cent. In
terest on its loan. Theso rates were
muiniained until 1K07, win n, on the
tecoinmoiidation fit Gov. Geary and
Stuto Treasurer Kemble, r new loan
was ncgulitted to replace the old, mid
this new loan was made at 0 per cent
interest. Now, thero was no mees,
tv (or tins movement
not'O In the
world. cee.,t that ol the pockets of
the State Treasurer and other lia.iical
; olliciuls. I lie Ola loans couni iintu
' been continued, without any dilliculty
the old rules of interest. But the
I placing of tho new loan offered an
! onnortunil v to plunder tho treasury,
mid lliut was cnougli to rocommonu n
to thoso in power. It would unable
tho Slato Treasurer to keep on hand
a largo monthly balance, which he
could loan out toliis favorites, to the
iiicalciihiblo adviintiigo ol himself and
'his Iricnds. Somo of Iho ii.terest on
this heavy balance will bo needed as
a corruption fund to elect United
StalCR Senators and Stuto Treasurers,
and to rcclvct Gov. Geary Hence
ie H'Iipiuo wns put through ; hcenti-
rce millions wvro borrowed al hix
j icr cent , and ut u cost of placing tho
I, ,,, n ..f S'lll 11(1(1
Wo now baro tho effect of this ad-
mirablo stroke of lladicul financeerinu;.
In lK(i7 the C'oiiinionwcalth paid ?'J4,
OKI more interest than in lhUU, and in
1HCK il niiid 8172,654 more than in
i8tjli. Hero is ahown a loss to the
people, by the operation of this new
kudical loan, of j.'GGVilSiu two years I
A vote for Geary nnd thelhidicul onn
didutes for tho Legislature, is a vole
to endorse and encourage such frauds
upon tho people. IJarrifburg Patriot.
('IAI!TIO.'aM.ll persona are berrhy eaution
J ad arattiel pjrcham or tr. anv way nod-
dime; wilb ana epau of corrcl llryraes, iHiorht nf
Kdward ililicati, and tn the poeeereiun of J. W.
liavie of liercarid townehip, ea the aamo belonge
to no and are fuhjeet to any order.
Win. 6. DICKF.T.
Sept. I. 1SCD-3I.
AMI1 ATIONX.-The annual eiamina-
J lion of Trrhcrr.fur Clearfield county, will bo
hri-l, aa follnwa : Uradr, llloooi and I'nioa, Kept ,
Itlb, at Latherebure; j rarweueville end Fike, the
tnth, al Cnraeiiefilte; I'cno, the Itlh, at Peon
ville ; L. City and Ferirarnn, lha 16th, al L. City j
Hell.lbc lllth, at lioocr: Uumitdr.lhe 17. al Bum
eiile 1 N. Waebinprion and Cheat, Ihc 2Mh, at N.
W'ahinrlnn : Jur.lan, 21, at Anftonvilla; beceaha,
Ihc Mil, at Ulrn Dupe: Uaelicb,, al Janet
ville! Woodward, lha 24eh, at Happy Valley a.
h ; K 111.1, tho 2'ith, al K Millport ; ll ifli,
the IS lh, at centre c houee ; llccatar and Ow-eoia,
lha 2th, at Oercola; Morrii, the 2Vth, at Kjler-
ton-a; liralmai, the 3Hh. at ; Uradford and
Indrfii'ndeut.Octuber the lit, at Jarstona'a. hnaer;
Clearfirld and Lawrenro tbo 2d, at Clearfield ;
la" eiltaiii tfcaatAll Alal,altlailee ft ietailnM Ika
Karthaue, tho ftlh, at Halt l.irh j Covington, tbe
ilh. M Muietitiburtr: liirerd, tbo Sih, at CoogrcM
II til s Uo.hra, tbe Wh at U.ihen a. hunae.
Applicanti volt thi-marlTcf with pen and
ink or fievieil, and paper, ae pArt of tbo elimina
tion! w. II be written. .o prirata rxaninationa
sill Im held, Lciico it ia i,c.eeary fur all who I
inttn l In trarh to attrnd iiima nf the public ouce,
a-hn-h a ill cmnniener pr-intptly at I a clock, a. n.,
alter ftbirh none sill 1st arltnit'ed tn ahe claea,
ULO. W.,
r'rpu I, '60 tc. to. tup't.
UV.d ISTFII X)TK' I , Xnica ie htrh3
Hiiro that Ihc folUitiHf acnnnte hare been
rwimneil and i.aeeed he me. and remain Sled of
rword in line office for lha Inepeclinn of heira.
Irfalrrf. crrrlifnra. ao-J all other in arT other wht
li.tetTfloi, n will ft prrrnld to tho fit Ur
pban'a Court of (.'K-artVId eonnt v, to I arid at tbr
Court llui, in tba bnniif;h of Clearfield, rnra
utriirin on tbo fourth Aluadajr of 8rptmb.r,
A. I.
1. The final nfconnt of Tatritk Cnr-
1r, Ailmlniatrator of Jtsinra Curler, 1st pf Ora
ham lowiifihip, dorcaud
il. The pnriial aroonnt of Ccorp
S1oa, '.dmiuitt-ator of Juha filuaa. lalo of ktKii
t'itbif( il rnirit.
3. The fitinl account of C. Kral.or,
A lmtnitrator of Aothony Krartvr, lata of I'ikr
tuWIIlb J'a JtWIllMl,
4. Tho finii' account of Jiimpa I'iil-
die, AHminUtralor At, of Wjllitm Aodrrauo,
Ufa of Itiirmi lr towrtahip, Jtvratrd.
A. The Account of Sumux'1 A. Citlil-
wen, flnmim.iralur or Jaivih UcarhaH, Me of
0. The finnl ncumint of II. II. IlurJ
of l tie! lown.lii,, ilc.-eneed.
i. TIlO H.Hlilll lllttmnt nf Ji.lm T
Pmi!h and l.eorce Senior Cieoutora of Uearge
II uK It. a. lair ol llra.le lownahip. derra.ed.
llruiTia'i llrm a. I A. W. LET..
rirarBrlJ, Pa,, SrH. I, Isr.H Ie. j ltejruler.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
'I'M. B ialrrilr offcra to at-ll hit fans aitnalc
X U'ady lawaebip, Clearfield enwnty, Pa.,
rtHilatnitii; Vj arr, lnnt 40 arrea elran-d, aud
andr f- enhivation, liarir en-rted thereon a
laAKUK llOlhK and 1IANK It A UN, and other
at hmldinc. Alan a fnM Tunf on hard con-
tamiox l"u trera. The Uit sv rva n( tifnlwr land
ie well onrered with (rood fine, henlnrk and
.arielv of oak, ehe.lnat, heeeb, euirar, uiajile,
hirkarr. eherre, Ae.. and near a eaw aaill.
l ha lana ii aailra wcl of l.ntherrhurr.. and
oa the earree of lh All. trheey allpr R. R.
The .ut.eeriher ran lie addreaaed at Lalhera
hnrg, Clearfield eoonlr. Pa.
Sept. I, IRS-.1L
VM. perntil are hrn'hy notiffrd who hara
leaard llinktnt: amund at or near the mmub
01 W nitmer ma on the property of (Jro -m. Dick
ft st Cu., thai all tA'-k pay mutt he paid lip ba
ft re any mure ground can bo obtained. And all
perron 1 harkinc ttiuWr or Uf or any other
Iumhvr od the alorraH proprrtT, without prr
Djiiaioit, Will b hold fur trr.iae, or be rharaed
1 1 ration
fur kild ru. t
lilra ll'ipe, I'a.
Sept. I, IM-fiiB.
Sale of Real Estate?
UNIHilt AN OltDKIt of the Orphan', Curl
nf l liarf.rld cimiitr. Pa., dalrd June it.
Ioil. the un.ler.icned admtni.lratnr of Hrnrv II.
Snu-al, d.i-ea.ed, will nil hr puhlio renduo or
ale. 7. al Ihe prruiee. ia (liahaai townehefs
Tharwdav the HJd dar of Mrptrmhrr, Ih(,
al o'elnek. p. IB , that ralaalile REM, F.STATK
dierrilied aa fullow.: Ilririnnine at a pot al the
annlh ea.l rorner, thmee l.y land of VY. P. Smral.
imth 107 perrhi to a poet, Ihenee hy lend ol
II. Italnhn, we.l 11 perehee tn . p,,l, thenra lT
land nf Marrnrrl Smeal, B'inh 107 perrbeo to a
po-l, thrnco bv liiad nf . P. uitiel, eaet 73
Cotitainintr 50 Acres, mnrn nr Wi.
ti km-i : Theosehttf 0.1 eonSmniinn
an I Hie hum e in one yea' Iherealt.r, wilb Inler-
eat fn-m d te at Bale. In ha aeeured lie bond and
wnr'itajtu no the pn.p.-r-T.
n Ii. sriioiN ir n I
It K S R k
11 A Ml. IN,
Fepl. I, I ".f 9-41.
Governor's Camparn
Campaign Torches.
Prire of Tor.-h,-a. $J.S,
'.A ;, tS and 4:l, per
linn ir.-d
Srnd fur price li.t and ea-
f; raring of i.
I'll i " IP iiit.t,. M.rr.
Jl'l ( bnr-h Fln-rl,
Del. 11 1)1. .hole M uket,
Military Com pan If i
to oMrr.
1'nHiirnia tua.le lo
't 41.
Southern land & Emuralion
TtrtAXI7KD wtaMi for lha Purrhirc
9 and Mt tit irunr.i: aci Mineral l.tunta,
aud iinrovii H
I 1,'tat- in tho Puu tirrn Statot '
TI10MA It I l.'iIU'Nt K. Prritt-nl.
.Ut. SKV VMS. Xi Prt!i.lmt
.?. IIKNHV A K I N , Trra-urr,
Prt.Ja( Fourth Nnional lnk if riiillrfi.hia.
,1 MmHHIS, S(..f.ffiry.
Atmrttf j ami Count" llor.
Offlraf H'aphinftita Huillitit (rnr Seventh
Ft aat Prnnfrlana Avroa, Wartiiofoa, I. C.
aai aRNia
0o. Jolm T. Huffman, AlhnnT, N. T.
H t. Wt nltf, t'tmrfiaM. Pa.
to. T. F. Rnt'l.t., Trvnfnn, S. J.
Fi liv Ww. f. rraf, Wiiarrnr, Pt.
yt. ft Its 1
Sri" '"if n
and t
' ritMB PA1.I.
TKI:M of twenlT-tieo weeVi. will
1 I i.Ai, .in Momlue. Ki'l.tmilHir S, 1SCK
A rr niary rli'farlneiil all1 ho idiild te lh
' rii'hool llm fall : lor hirk I In arftlcMufs
j ii 'lain In.lrodiT leire benncci l And no
, Unit Kill be eearid lo render llnl drbarltionl
I llr'tite aud linlructire.
j Re.dlnR.orihraj.h, WHiin.o..U..
eom, rr:mary Aiiuiuicio an., . n,i.7
ItrorrinhT, per half trim, (f fleten
e. 'S.l 00
lli.lory, Local and di -urlilii tleorraphy
with Map llmalng. tiratamar, Al.nlul
and WriOi-n Arithmetic
Al(;i-I,ra and the Science
Ine'raettnn In inftnimental miliie
Oil painting
Wai work
For full particular .end for Circular.
ClearuelJ, Aug. 2j, stiy-pd.
( 10
9 tn
17 Oil
I 00
JIaiCEicwy C2iaDaocl3a
OPENEDIn the room reoenlly oaenplad
the Mtra lleed a and directly oppoetla
Ll..,.n !,... rlearneld. Ha. All tha lata
I vie. of bonnru. hm. An., for old and yotinr.
I I,adio. tnle.ei, and ehildrrm' trlBtninre, rlt-
hone, and float velreti, lacef, (loyal, Ac, al
wayi kept on hand.
la all ill rariorji branchta aad lataat lljlee.
:or old, midJIe acd. and lha yoonr. aaada aa
i order, hy the Doe. fa.hioaahla dreae aaahera.
AIrt I. . AIS0N.
Ao(. ii, 1I6. If.
Aleo eiroa! for lha "Majlc Maeedoaiaa Oil."
Warranted lo ear Khrejeaatieea, Meoralgla,
Liver Conaplaiot. Ac. Mo rare, so awy.
TK thi matUr of h aT.ietioa f
I 1Ub)i, U Court of Conmoi
tid for CUarficM eooty, lo bo diwhnrl
from hii vurvt ship for monlM rrVirH hy
Fineia Uuulnp, lata of Mid ilnrough of Clrar
ftdil, I'd., frota tW Mtatc vt John Crofiitliirait,
lalrofOulra rotiutr, ., anop tha Legacira
bonUftathrU to Jhn and J'aQtrl Iatilap.
fijr rirtnp of a certain Hula whica aa (ran tad
hy the Or)hana' Court at CkarGrld, tba 3Utfa day
of Jurif, I do brnby giro notice U all pwr-
aona iutercatad in paid lund mcifd aa alorr
1 italrd, to appear aa or brfun lb awond U (today
of brptomiK-r, proximo, and prt-sni turir eintni
aooorilina: to law, and do aura othor meUcti aa
tb Court May rrqatr of theaa ia tbo preniaoa,
or ba fororer barrrd. aad alo abow eauao aoeord
ing to tbo following rnlr uadr in thia eaoa.
Atty. for Wa. Mapoa,
Jan 30, t?r9. Hula ia granted tn abow eauao
wby William alapoa should pot bo relcaaod and
ditH-hargtd from a bond given by hiM aa aurtty
witb ona Fran oil Lonlap, to tho Orpbaoa' Court
of Clearfield rooofy. on lha 3Utb day of Septan
ber. A. V., lit, in pit nuance of an Act of Ai
aenil'ly approved (be 'iUih day of April, 1844.
I'uHlirntion to bo ci atle of ttiii Kula In two news-
j fim f.r four warki prior to tbe Member
I laa. via . t
jfZfs,. paper publikbed in t'lt-arfield county
TjrJ Term.
Aa(. ti, 'CI-tL
Clearfirld Pa,
HAVING ra!H Mr. KnUra Crrwery Le
b'tpr-a by a'r.ct atttntinn to bnainrni ani
(iiu Hianulacrur of a rnpfrinr arttdt of BKt'R
to rewii tht pairouagv of all tba old and many
nw rastorara. Aug. ifj, tf.
UfAM KO-One Koc. UI.ACK.-MITH and
t od Bian to rk ia woodaiakiog Uxla,
W ajjon, Sfamp Macliinei, o. Hid(I ait a or
turn with mall Anulr to
atijlSif Jfffvrtoo Lin. Clrarfi)d couotT, fa
If borotifb of Of Tola, llifrb Srbovl, aiity
dollar ytt ni'mrh. Vrimry hcbuol, lorty dollart
p?r annuth. Tmi, Brf wontha. Applicanta will
caeloac dupHoain f fKihcsit'. and adlraa
J. A. lir.ATTENIaEl.ULK, I'retiJtnt.
P. R Uood. frrcrotary. aaglvSt
(1 l"TI. All prraona are hereby eaatiaMMl
apoinst p'lrctiftan.r or in ane wy med'lhnjc
wttb two HAY MAHKS. 11 A RNES nnd G.
ON, now in the poaertiiun of Ui-orjre W. Hirkn
brrry. of U'oodwaid township, aa tbe aaaie Wloug
ta a ft, and ara Ufl with b in on lom futjert tu
myor.lir, JAMCS CUKNLLY.
Mailrra, Aaffnat 1 1 .1 pd.
: " ... 7...JZ 777. TT--
! -i " '"T? t7'iu hV-ur vf """
: , .i. i i . ,i. j " , ,,
I . 7. '. ". 7
prrona imlrttted to aaid eitre will pirate make j
pa v mm i, ana mot oatina; ctatma or or-nendt
will preaoat tbem prdperle anibenticivtel for ret -tlrmmt.
ji 2. f.cpd Admiaiatrmtrit.
I MTK A 1 Came treppaMing' no the prrtni
j art or the aaharribrr, irti ltin in Hell 'own
thip. n ar a'wat the f rat day oi July laM, two
IIFIKKHS, ahont two yeara old : one white, with
rr. ear? and rrd eputa on the atdaa ; the tbir red,
bile alone tba barb aad belly. Alio, a ant all
dark bnmlla bull, an pinned to be one rear bid.
The owaer r ownert are here be rrquriied to
! ed.tu forward, t.rote properly, pae cbaieea, and
take tbcai away, or they will be pold accrJint; to
law. JOHN W. MOTT.
lli.wer. Anrt 11, 1t It pi.
menler harinr thte 76lh daT of JalT, IAr,o,
k.a cranlrd loaa upon Ibeeetaleof 1IKISTIAN
KM K III II, lalenf Mnrrii tnwnehip. rirarfirld eo
Pa , iteoeneed, ail pereon bavins claim, afatnel
raid etuie ara to preeeat Ihera ia dae
fnrut, and tlioaa iodthted to iaid eelala aro re
queiti-d lo make parneot without delay to the
uailerrigned Kxecutnre.
rhilin.i nrir,. Centre eo.. Ta.,
Morriedale, Clearfield on.. Pa..
jf M liieraldri
Seltlement Notice.
VL1. peratiai knnwini Iheaiee ro. iodrhted ta
rae, will pleaae rati and aelllo al aaee. The
II. .iika are at llie Slot f W hltcoah A Tnwaeead,
O-eenPn: 0. S. rSP.HY.
Oeeeole, PaJut.T Jl, lsej.'ul.
Tannery for Rent.
MIK of tha late m f acliati-
otlcr for rent tS wrll known Tannarr
aiiuatf in rtnnvillv toprtbr aril b tb dwrlhnj:'.
1'uifMiun givtrn al an; liian. For Inr.hrr tar-
tifalata Mil al tha prrmitra, cr aJdrrai lha aa-
dtn ncU at II ilia V. (.
WM. V. JdllXSity,
JtM fit Arlra r.
THR ClrarfitU County Afirnltaral Pooirty
hai (trtcrmiotl not lo h.tlii a rrjular FalV
tbii Trar, Utr Iho fullnw itit; rraKn, aamrlr lhal
nolira hai ait bn a;ivta in prr.rr lima to a at
tha nrfHfurT prr.Mi ationa ntatr. It haa pnd
determiufil, li.wrrrr, tn h'.M a I air on lha lt)
pmund. nttar the borough of I'lrarfirM, a W aiaea
tT, Tiiur Ut ard r', iht Uih, 16th and
lAih (tf Ortobr, A. 1. lHTt? ; art fir lh
pnrpi-iac of afT-rdina; Ihf fnrtuar aa nf MirlunitT
u( prrpnrrtp and mnkiiif il an otijwt u unpniTf
and exhibit full rnip" t bp put in ihf rroor! Ibi
rear, ihr- f Horn ms; pit-ami ia ta oflrird for thr )
ttllll-itUiB of .l ; I
P.rr-t wo arrr rf wlntrr uhrat $0 00
I Pi'iit huM of aintTwhtat 4 0(1
j iWnt lo apr of ?ia ? PO
lU-t tuhal tf rv. . S W
Hrl two artr of rut IP PO
llml tkx at'-ra ot bu'khraU. , B 00
ti( (tn arrra f nrn , ?o OA
P.Mt n a-i of r'oTr rd. 00
Itfcl one lurll of polatno J aa
UfJi half bushel or timothy aYl J ttO
Tb ntinrr prrminrnf will br ynli to lha prrx-ni
to ah"ia pninprtnt ,irtfa ahall a want them.
Vlir cirf ircinium iirl Will t puSlivhH aonn
fT tin Fair lira! jrar, in thf b -pf liat OiaiiT may
h Indued h r MMjrir for lha ruiunif, i d thai
fiieniira a rauta,
Tho S'riftT liar !( (trtcrmitifHl to opB tha
Fair llrftiirtd cm I 111 lAY,1ha 1Mb dar f IM'l i
: H,, at 12 .-M-ck, for Ua r"1'' af a
; tntinp matrh on thp track, h t a titirma' purar
! of Jili : ltft Ihrra in flva, in ainrle ha rnrr j tn
M F'ttH lirnr. ( rn t all borw owned in
Uic cu:iB(T al U'att ItUrfiB dmi pmiuuK. Tha
crtimid aril, br njn n from im to i a clork, p. m.
A "I'M'ttanrf. - j if ii t a. in all rurnnita. IVi .!.
dotinnn ta rntrr tbrtr liraia i t nmpif for lha
aurnc, ma du m hy ai inf nulio rithcr in peri.
t by wnlinjt tb Srorrtary. aad bj tbo pav
anwii of an rntrana fnt of 3.
It in hpnl that tnwnthip orfranitaltnua will ba
fn p in lha imNuiiimf in lha dt (limit toahip,
and that a gtTr lnifift my br manifrafrd ia
Ili faa tf aa;riciilurf. W-xtinfn and diaoua-
ion do math fnod. If r-itetrd. Iba Htieici
will and pprakrra to it idt of theanraniu
tla fnt tt imrm, with a tiw af t,coaia(tt)
and proaaotiag boist diaoafa.
0. It. lURbCTT, rrtildeat.
A . GAm. Fffr'a'7-. angll
a f.t.iit (cr Jfalr.
Private Sale.
X. rii.iiilb r.H, uil,,, tr i
ut tl.t m-i il4irlit Uriba ik Cut UBik
One Hundred Acres, nore or ltaS
KiliiT-flt of whi-?b rrelAtr-d kt,, tmJn i-i
ttsjttuf tullifMtio. Ill (rbn tr wu
tlit ion. niiti lhA tr ti caclttr.t.
W ill. g ivil barinf ornKarJ uf ij.jilt, yr
p( nr trfe. runlorUUl Kuildm. t,t
tiitficirht lin.ltor ou lh prMnifi ft.r .b1mj W
t)ur)uia Couiiti( to Mhooli, bur(i
TUq whole luug utitiurlaid t(b iiikm 'rJ
AImi potlffi' eluy, of kq txe!lrnt ouiun.
It will W hM fr th lliprctiot'uf kil ru
nntil the 8t f NoTeiatHrr nut, wbo, U
it will b wnttd.
Tarmi y. Fur furtWr Pftrtlcutin
ihf Mt.ti'rilH'r, or pII pTnlJjf at th rMT
enr Orftiopun liilli V. U.
PrnR fowmhip, Ju)y i, ItC'i Sa pd.
Farm for Sale.
flMB uittrilj;neil, n.iiling in Knoi tawaj.
X iteilrf!. to , II hie farm at prleata eait. 4l'
pcrion (Ir.irinj; a home UI do well u aal
ejlaluine three prauiticl,
Containing Fifty-one Acres,
Tbirty-ftrr of which are cleared and amjcr 1 14
I with coal, and hating there,, ererl.d j.Vl'
eiaiv ui 7UI1H aiiuu, dviiiiiti uciiik cntlro. ,
toelbAr with a ino arrbanl uf rxcrllrttt irwj
MM IIOUI. mi imftm muyrtfim SMUffr, Btta IfcJ
Witberow. Dear eburcb aad arbobl baaaa, u
barina; a norrr fuihap 'rinjf of attr.
A ay fart ber tafonaatiua vaa b obtained U
ealliitaT oa tbo pran-iat, ot atidrraain IU Ht.
iifad at New UiilforU
)14 3m RKTRT fTfXTM.
TSevr Cabinet I
PANk offer fnraala Town Lull ia lb W
vub of Oaooola, Claarfield eouaty, ra.,aad
Iota to aait purohaaan ealatiio tba lianti f
boroagb. Oicvola ia itaatad oa tba MuihMrna
Cr-H'k, in tba rielaa: pvrtioa of tba f otatv f
ClrarOrM, oa tba line or tbe Tyroat 1 Ctaritt4
Railroad, wbrra tbo Moabaaaoa and Brarmaa
braax-h roada latprarct. it ia alao ia tba bam at
tba Mot Kaon wo coai baaia, aad .1(1 aiai af
wbiia ajiaa, br nil ark. oak, and titbrr Ita.btr Mr.
roaod IL Una of tbe Urfftt lumber iraaafanara
ing ttabliabmanta id tba ritau it loa' a ti
ttwD, wbile tbara ara many otbor luavbrr tai
rhiojclf mill around it, Tbo Ivwa ia bit
yrara aid, and eoataina a popalaiioa f aaa ibv
aad inhabitanta.
jt&'V m faribor Infornatioa apply al tba tAm
of tba abora egnpany.
aprld SaaoriBifndiit.
Houses and Lois for Sale,
UOlE- aad LOTS ia ClwrfitU, tW
aa! oa raaaonabla taraa. !'? tioa fiftt
10 thirty daya. Aiao, a plot of Vol R LOTS M
tho roraer of Foartb aad Hrd atmfi, im,
17tx2U0 frot. Tbreoof tbeaa lot ara wM lafaud
for either larabor yard, eoal yard, or fur baiidia
porpoaai ireiwrally. Winf witbia Sit fert af taa
railroad depot. Frica and trnav roawaaM.
fobl4. tf Clnriela, K
A Farm for Sale or Rent
THE tulwiilW, roaidinf; aaar PiracLt ilk, Car
(oa township, (irea nn'Ar tbat bt till
tuber aril or rent tba well koowa farm, adoiai
landa of Folomou ilaurry, Vaiciaoiit aad lat
Sol. Baudrr farm,
About FIFTY iupror4, barlnf ttaraei a bam
and barn. eircNrnt watar and a fna yBr.)( arta
ard. Aliu, a LOT for aala. Dear tba tbartb.
jTPor farther partlruiara. rail ta praoa ar
addrvta tba anderaigjed at Pre nebi)le f. 0.
n11:t:p4 fSTKPHEN RC'lET.
Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M,, Principal
TI1B FIRST SE.SrlO! of tho sell Hao
laetio rearof ibi. Iu.lilalioa ill eeraaraet
oa MillAV,tho th dar of eiotleiaaer, IHI.
PuLilla oas ontor at aaj tiata. The; ail aa
eharited itktition froa tbo lias the; eaierle
the eUiao of tbo eioealoa.
lha eioarea of laetruelioa omhraeoa eoere tale
laeladed la ikoroa,rh. fraetieal aad aeeea
lili.hed odoeatloa for both aexee,
Tho Priaeifial. harlnj had tho adnUf'
ark oihorlooro ta bie arofeieioa, a.raree ae.
rcato aad ? aard-aaa tbat hie oallro akilitr aal
enerriea will ho dereud to tbo asoral aad aiea.
ta! iraiBing of the yotth plaerd ander bit eharee.
1 LMNai dtf Tl'll IO
A.i.b-,tia per 8e,.i.. (ll .Uk.) . H M
Hletory - - - - .Ifo)
! Alrehra. OaoBOtrr. TrlrnrotaelrT. Mea
a arm t ion, FarTayiaj;, rhiloaophy, Pb.tiU
)try Chaaniatrj, Cook avaaping, Bulaa-f
ai I'hy.ical Uaf raphj - . . Ml
Lt ia. Great. aa Fraaca, iia aaj aflat
aKora Draaekaa - - . f l) N
MIUIC Piano (SO laraoat - - .$lt
drtinctioa will ba asada far aaatara.
, AaT tt fartaar partiralara taa,aira af
Hot. H. L. HAVtKISoN. A.
Fab. 4, H9 tf. Priatl.aL
t. a. , ia. AA..i o. eaai t t -t n
t UlLPKta.N S LSUOro d OAlTtKi.
bUOhS. I
(iKorrniF, Fi.orit a tkovmc?t
Drarfie-lJ, Jim IA. lSftt. I
1I jiut cporfd I
Ktw Pto, on Main Pt..Citni.s, T
latlr occuria ly Wm. F. IRWlS
Their otork coreiiii ot
Gkortcu of IL bt quality
, Ql'KtNfiWARK UoOlS ttntl
I 1
anJ r aiticla nroar for
ooe'i comfort.
Call ind atarolnaour itock bfnr
l.l, e..ohaei. Mao 9. 1 flfifi-l j
.tine 1,1 ui.a trir imiYlf! far
I i j , ... Hu . , Um pnat (i
prl:J.Mtr. MilrH ai7dlrr 'M