Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 25, 1869, Image 2

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(iunaz B.Goom.ANur.B, Editor.
' Democratic! State Ticket.
i ron Bi-rnrMB tvwt
Democratic District Ticket.
v Asteinbly,
tans r.. n all. or nm Coonty.
Dernocratio County Ticket. .
' Treasurer,
LEVER s'XKUAL.ot' Brady township.
County Commissioner,
K, II. HISI)MAS,orUeecrl township.
JOHN D. MII.I.KR. of Bell tow null I p.
' Tlie Democrats of Jefferson county
, liavo noiniuotod John .M. Sleek, Esq.,
for Trothonotary ; A. U. ilcl'bortion,
' for Bhoriff; J. W. Wcldon, for Treon-
nrvr; Robert Eorigliorty, forCoiutnis
' aioner, and R. II. Maison, for Auditor.
Tho "government" Until! exhibiting
on tho circus plan. Tho lutter part
of lat week Grant & Co. exhibited
along tho Philadelphia and Erie Rail
road, between Corry and Ilairibburg;
but no spoech could be extracted from
the clown or any other member of
" tho troupe.
DuT. -The fcltlisoni of Philadelphia
are wonderfully exercised over the
small supply oi wBler since the kito
destruction of a largo quantity of
: whisky in that city. They are either
titling it to manufacture more whisky,
flr they are compollod to drink it in
1 lieu of tho whisky devoured by the
' Cro; ' ' ' -
H,. Tit folk-.yiiig l. the Poroooratic
ticket in Cciitio : Assembly, Jacob G
Moycr ProllionoUry, John Moran ;
Rcifiittcr, J. II. Morrison; Recorder,
Israel Grenoble; Sheriff, Daniel W
'Woodring; Treasurer, Simon S. Wolf;
.'oinmissionor, Joseph JIcKloskey
Coroner, J. F. Larimer; Auditor, D,
' 11. Ycngcr.
' ApotoiiY "A military neocsaity'
has compelled us to notice a certain
Jltv. C. L. Ehronfeld, who passes for
n clergyman, brcat:so of his repoaU'd
, libels upon the largost portion of the
tcr relating to the people of our county,
; written by gentleman who seems
to understand grammar, and also pos
' seitsos common tense. The letters,
when compared by onr readers, will
.show the difference between the Hoi-
Wry burger and the Christian gentle.
pTl l'iuirr. In passing along the
at root the other day wo heard s very
intelligent Radical assort, as a fact,
that Governor Geary never favored
, negro suffrage in Pennsylvania. As
an offsot to this stupidity, we repro
duce, oUewhere, the Governor" mes
stage sent to the Legislature in March
last, when the negro nmondmcnl came
over from Washington. Said ho : "I
cordially approve and recommend the
prompt ratification of the same."
And yet, the loil bummers would like
to bare white men believe that John
W.Goary is opposed to negro suffrage !
Wake Up. Democrats, as Covode
says, "Beo un yer Ciard." The Radi
cals begin to realise tho fact that the
- same disease is preying upon them in
this State, which Killed them in Vir
, ginia and Tennessee, and every effort
will be made to save their rapidly
sinking cause. Go to work, and the
victory will be ours in October. The
death rattle ran now hchcaid in overy
Radical's tlirout, caused by internal
feuds and infernal frauds upon the
people and the State Treasury, which
tho people ere determined to submit
to no longer.
Liberty Riviviko. We are pleas
ed to learn that General John A Dix
was arrested in Now York on Tues-!
day, at suit of John Mitchell, the
patriot who charges him wflh illegal
imprisonment. Mitchell, it will be
rrniepihercd, was arrested in that
city, and imprisoned at Fortress Hon.
roc. by General Dix, in the summer
- of 18J.", and upon this fact It brings
suit fur twenty-five thousand dollars
damages. General Dix gave scenrily
iu tho turn of twenty lhousa"d dollars
to answer the charge. We hope that
"spot him on the Miuot" will receive
full ntensure for his wicked violation
cf the law and tho rights of freemen.
( Good Alvice. Brother Schindlcr,
tdilor of the Radical, advises us to
rinse out our month with salt water,
before wo undertake to speak to de
cent peoplo again. We will inform
this godly man that our month is just
its clean as the gutter through which
the wholesale shtndrrs of brother
Ehrc nfi ld are conveyed to the public.
Jvmo salt and common senss am
reeded in Pittsburg and llollidnys
burg, if e aro not mistaken. These
literary lights may know enough
"bout grammar, arid use sail enough,
but they evidently Ink something.
ur.Mg personally acquuinted with
lhcm' ' " prescribe lor them, I
kul advise ,t)C1P 1rVmI fr.eB(W to !
Vvp lbsrn some ausubrj " I
-rttuwam". "
t;hrtntl-1 nnl Alt ftnrkrr.
Rpvenil wtfV.s ln w tall.'tl allon
tint) Id
1amlt.-rmi (irtii'ls w liii h
in an t.liwnro fiowntiapr-r
aiipcnroa In an
rntiltrd lit Chri.h:n Radical. lln;
libel was w rltten by a (scribal detect
ive named Khrenfeld, w ho como into
thU comity sometime previous in tho
guise rf a clergyman, but was in renll.
ly a cpy; in which calling hu succeed
ed udmiriibly In obtaining, through
private conversation, the inatcriu! Ibr
tho slanderous article in question,
which wo published at the limo, and
which our roadors well know was
nothing but' a rehearsal of tho slang
dealt in by 'ha loil scalawags during
tho war to free tho uiggora and dis
solve tho Union.
Brother Khrenfeld has returned to
his wallow, and last week regalqd the
readers of tho Jladictd with nearly
two columns of his clerical billings
gato, with wicked Insinuations, and
exceedingly egotistical. Ho claims
that he is engaged in defining "more
clearly tho kingdom of God." If lam
pooning tho "rebel" (just what the
Tories and spies of Great Britain rail
ed Geo. Washington and (lis patriot
army in 177C) Democracy is the way
to do this work, tho great majority of
the clergy have yet to learn tho les
son, and we advise tho brother to
givo his new revelation to the world
through somo more extensive channel
than "mt dear Radical."
Ard further, ke had better not
chnrge his neighbors with commit
ting high crimes under circumstances
in which ho could uol bo used as a
witness. Second bund testimony will
not pass in a court of justice. The
brother would bo ruled out Retail
ing privato conversation in tho news
papers doee not pass current in this
"copperhcud" region.
This godly man also finds fault with
our grammar, in this re are perhaps
unfortunate. Raised in the woods,
we never bad the opportunity to enter
school room in which grammar was
taught. We can boast of no college
diploma, yet wo have great rcspoct
for genuine literary tulont; but for
literary vagrants and clerical paupers
we have a contempt which we eel
dom write out at length.
Tho libclcr, in his second edition,
says : "They have o short method in
Clearfield county of pulling a man
out of the way, judging from what
has happened over there within
year or so." This base insinuation
against a whole community by eler
gyman is beneath the dignity of the
meatiest blackguard.
He also desires to know of us wheth
cr he should continue his libels on the
peoplo of this county. We have no
licenso ourselves to slander any indi
vidua! or community, and aro there
fore unable to comply with his request
by furnishing him with one..
Tie 1sn claims lUt 1.1. fcf -
Otficrs the credit. Having allowod
himself to bo made a mcro tool bv
the gentleman in tpecks, for the purpose
or retailing and distorting privato con
vcrsation, we will allow him to enjoy
bis lick spittle position. Wo cannot
follow second-hand news-mongers wbo
also lay claim to finished education
The metre will not rhyme over here
among tho pino stumps.
Wo hope Brother Khrenfeld will
hesitate no longer in giving the bal-
anco of bis privato information witl
reference to the "rebel Democracy" of
tins county, although it is onr intcn
lion now to never notico bis egotism
and slanders again.
Our grammar may bo bad, but we
hope wo shall bo understood by the
editor of the Radical and his clerical
bottloholder. It "the blight of robel
feelinit" cive ron no trouble In tlio
We are no expert, and but poorly
versed in hypocrisy and ego'.ism, but
will venture some advice at this time
and that is that Brother Khrenfeld in
the future preach the gospel for which
he takes pay, or quit and take the
stump Ar Geary. Think aud reflect
more about your Saviour and lees
about Biglor and Wallace and the
"roltela" of Cloarfiuld county. '
farewell, brother!
SoMrTiiiNrj o! a TsAvrL The AI-
toona Vindicator says : "A Locomo
tive built by M. Baldwin, of Phila
delphia, was placed on tho Middle
Division, P. R. R.,jn September, 10C,
under the cbargo of Mr. John Chris
topher Irwin, one of the bcslcncineors
on tho Division. From that time un
til August, 1809, the engine was run
by Mr. Irwin, steadily, without once
having been lifted off her wheels for
repairs. During thnt time she made
an aggrrguto run of one hundred and
teven thousand, seven h'undrel and
three miles, or more than four timet
the distance around the earth. Rail
road men who profess to know some
thing of the running of engines,
doclaro that this is the best time of
which they bare any knowledge.
The engine weighs 70,100 pounds, and
tho circumference of the wheels is
fifty-fuur inches. The great number
of miles made by this engine and the
length of lime she has been in service
without repair, speak well fur Mr.
Irwin, and is tho best recommcn
dution bo rould possess."
Ill Sor sna Tin AiAani Tho Dend
Duck is in troublo ahont the eloction.
In Ins W aslunglon Chronicle he says :
Mrrns.rlraniafl 4rr for PL. t. .
kW at tl puK-r of Urul A,r ).;... ferikih.
"M oifipriiMiis."
Forney knows that his oormpt po
litical lifo and that of his party it
about wound up, hence be yells fur
his satelitcs to go to tho front, as was
his Wont duriliff tho war.
teoolorcd poetmastet orColambia.
h Carolina, has a w hite man for
ins "Prpuly." Bully fjj- Snubo.
Tht lij fn On.
Tito pinjMTitiM." Ifnili'in In this
Ptfitd linv to Kr"nt ratrnt filnnwl
tlmir Inilli to liMty'i cunt Uil, 'tith
'" 'r l,H'B ,l niH0Rrv
Inw cna ted in tlio ovinia ol ins elec
tion as Governor. Covodo, tht Clialr
ttton if (ho lviullrnl Pluto Co mm it loo,
ul no nttiunics to be n strii't temperance
man ; yet, privately, tlirso two politi
cal vagrants got as drunk as ISncrhu.
In further proof of tltoir liypocllsy,
we givo lite following frntn the Wusli
ington correcpondent of tho New
York Herald :
'John OtTods, fhttlrmsn nt the RfuMiess
(St C'omiuilten of l'rtto.ylvauit, armed here
t-4ajr. I ks ouje of an iug tuit was to son.
suit with tviuini..iiiupr Ittlaoo shmil ins opera
tions of tbs Intrrnsl Kavenao law in Pcnn.yiva-
Ibs whiskey latersst, ssnAsiallr in the
western srt of the Htate. is very inflorntisl, and
ilr. aslirrwd party niansgpr, is soxiout
to aavs It on liis stdo (n ths campaign which Is
iH.ut to open. Ihewni.scy men couuiisin ins.
certsin features of ths present YYIti.kcy Tax-hill
wbu-h were ibteuilcd to punl.D alibuiiert iimtiiers
are equally oppre-seirs upon lionesl distillsrs and
injurious to their business. Of suurss this is
obartvd uimn Coniixss directly, acd indirectly
upon tbs KrtiuMican party. If there is not some
Irlnporury let up, with a promise of substantial
amendment nest winter, ths whiskey men in I'enn-
svlrama and elsewhere propose to make eomtnou
cause ecstDst ths llrpubhcan party, which they
conceive to be the auurce of their trouble. Mr.
Covude's mission hero was to sas if Cornmis
siuncr Delano eould not makn soma modiboaUoo
in tbs administration of the law whereby the hard
ships complained of by the whiskey men might
be at lea.. t ameliorated.
Thus we have the worthies afore
said, publicly "hob-uobbing" with the
Temperance Ring and privately with
tho Whisky Rings, even to tho extent
of defrauding tbo Government out of
the legitimato revenue duo from this
sourco. I bo conduct ol these men is
ovidontly for success in the most un
scrupulous manner. And yot, they
are the twin leaders of tho party "con
trolled by grand moral ideas!" Let
tho meanest knavo in tho Slate be
pointed out, and sue w-liethor he can
play his part any better.
Counterfeit! no. When the loil
system of banking was given to tho
public, we were told that counterfeit
ing would be nt an end ; yet, accord
ing to the Washington correspondents,
the spurious ten-dollar IckI louder
notes are coming into the Treasurer's
office frum the bunks of all tho north
ern cities, more particularly from the
New York City hanka. As a matter
of course tbo Government experts in
the judgment of money are kept busily
engaged in solccling the spurious from
the genuine, a mutter ditllcult to ac
complish, so nearly perfect is tho
coonterfoit. Tho American Note
Company engravo the luces and backs
of the ten dollar notes, while the Na
tional Bunk Nolo Company havo for
a long timo past Leon engaged in
printing these notes. A fuvo plate
and a back pinto havo been stolon
from oilhor ono or tho other of these
companies' vaults, and retouched and
used for this ftstudulont issno, or else
two of the printers who have been
cngsged in printing the genuine notes
colluded together, and while one of
thorn hail obtained tho lead impression
of the fuce plate, the olbor has ob
taincd the load impression of the back
plato, and thus obtained a complete
load impression oi the nolo. And
more, Mr. Wood, a Treasury dcteo-
livL.ssva that, tliis 'Prwooww- IW.
u...ium v, uoniencit and spurious
notes, as well as bonds.
Kbkd. Dot o lass, J a., tiu Son-in-Law
or the Professor I The journals
of the country are circulating the an
nouncement of tbe marriitgo of
Douglass, Jr., the uiggcr, to "the
accomplished daughter of Professor
A. Molyneaux Hoatt, of Harvard
University." This sounds woll, and
curries the idea that the ProfcsitorQ
is a white man. Molynoaux for he
is not known as 11 call is a nigger
wbo -aa at ono limo loafing about
the English manufacturing towns as a
nriie figh-.or ; but low as are the Eng.
Iisb bruisers, we believe a white man
and tho niggor never made up a prise
match. Ho was, however, picked up
oy somo Harvard genius and brought
over to give the sUdcnls lessons in
boxing, and his "professorshin"
simply embraces tho art or punching
the hands of the collegians during
mtjir serin ui sinuy. Mrs. rred.
Douglas-, Jr., is tho daughter of thin
niirtrer nriae fiijhlor, who is in tho nav
of the Harvard bors. to teach thom
the usii of tho gloves, a sort of Pro
fossor of black eyes and bloody noses.
The skill or the Southern people in
manipulating negroes, and in itetlinir
so many of them in Virginia to vote
against lb ultra nigger candidate,
has alarmed tho Mongrels beyond de
gree. The Washington Republican
says: ,
fhs Tt-m of unities IS. ballot-U. I.i. it..
bands ol the ignorant inaaeea no mailer ot what
origin if eonlinn .l, fil to lead U vert
serious. If not disa.trons results. Corgreae will ha
remits In Its doty to th country if aailr action on
lbs subject is neglected."
This moans that measures nmaLlisi
taken to seo that no nigger voles oth
erwise than pleases Conrress. Ths.
ballot was riven to (he nii'!'er th
sole purpose of keeping this Congress
in perpcinui power, ir the durkcy
won't do that, why then. Prrtfo. make
another chango to force him to vote
CnANiit or Names The. Seeroiiirw
of the Navy has made the following
changes of names of vessels, to con
form more fully with the law : Arixo
na to Nevada ; Hecla to Nebraska
Hercules to Oretron : in
Massachusetts ; Asturia to Omaha;
Cambridge to Congress; Detroit to
l ununuaigua ; Achilles to Msdoc;
.Etna to Nansett j Argus to Kako;
Atlas to Nahant; Castor to Mahopnc;
Spitfire to Suncook j Slromboli to
Uflssuo; Tartar to Yar.oo; Tempest
to Zuma; Nemesis to Wyandotte;
Vixen to Osceola; Tornado to Win-
Thero is a Congressional Committee
on Retrench nient now ra route for
California in a Woodward Palace car.
They are accompanied bv thlrlv in.
yited guests. This is a model modo of
inaugurating economy. Unless there
is a -big steal" going on nesr Hie
Pacific, it will cost more to slop the
leak lhan let it run. Whut retrench.
era these Radical humbugs aro.
The Democrat of Snyder connfy
have nominated the following ticket :
Assembly, Major William II. Dill;
Commissioner, Isaac S. Ixtngacrc
Treasurer, Johp Norman; Auditor!
W.A.Snyder. , '
General Roscorans lias dono what
General Grant hu never been known
to do '. t.. decliue an nflW nr n.
ITi nil UfptUXkh t
liadiral editors, though always Im
ptnlent, are nnwonlcdly cool in their
treatment of tho negro volingqnost ion.
Afraid to give the only argument they
have the "roHality" of all men, whito
and black they content themselves
with tho assertion tlinl negro ttiffratte
Is certain to como, nhd the white peo
plo had as well mako up thoir minds
to lis content, ana patiently swallow
all tho nauseous ills that may flow
from it !
But aro tho peoplo to be satisfied
with such flippiiui ttffrontory 7 Wo
do not believe Ihey will be. They
cannot but see, from tho way tho new
ideu has been working at Washington
and in other quarters, that "universal
suffrage" is the stepping stone to the
placing of the ncjjro in the jury box
and ou the bench i.i the hals of legis
lation, in tho whilo schools, in the ho
tels and places t( amusement, aod,
lastly, in tho sociul circle. And, so
seeing, they will not ruliove from re
sponsibility those who have aided or
counsollod wltether It be a ltadical
Prosidoiit, a Radical Governor, a Rad
ical Legislator, or a Radical editor
tho fraudulent adoption ol the fif
teenth Amendment. Any measure
forced upon them in defiance of their
will would bo distasteful, but ono cal
culated to degrade them and their
posterity, they cannot brook, nor can
they purdon the cuilty authors of the
wrong. A rebuke will certainly como,
aud we believe that the ballot-box in
October next will furnish it
John W. Geary is again a candidate
for Governor of Pennsylvania. Lot
it be borne in mind that wbon the
odious Fifteen th Amendment came
from Conrrress and while the noonle
ot all the counties (Union included)
were petitioning lor the right to do
cido tbe qtioslion by a vole of the
qualified electors ol tbe Common
wealth this same deary, Id hot haslo,
sent it to the Legislature, with a mes
sage urging its prompt "ratification."
1 hat wo may not do him injustice,
we give the nitstugo entire as fol
lows :
E i act tits Csiasan,
KM. j
rieos ay lis
Il.lsui ao. Marsh S. ISSt.
To lis aVuofe awa! fonts n rfrsreseaSufii
UcsvLkMCM i 1 hire ths honor ta transmit, for
the consideration of the Oensral Assembly, a duly
altestcd cmpy of a concurrent resolution of ths
Sonata andliouseor Hepreseuutires of ths United
H tales of America, entitled "A resolution proios
tnf an Amendment to the Constitution of the
toiled State," this day recened frum the Stale
Department, Washington, D, C
1 oordiahy approve ibis action of tbo National
Congress, and nubssitatingly reeommeod tbs
prompt mlicntion of the sains by the legislature.
Jons W. Usaar.
Geary thus placed himself upon tho
record in favor of ratifying the negro
voting amendment, fiol only that,
but in favor of "ratifying it promptly"
without the assent of the peoplo first
being had.
While men, Repnblicags as well as
Democrats, with this evidence of
Geary's "unhesitating" aid to force
negro soffrage upon you, can you vote
to continue him longer in position
which be has not only disgrucod in
various ways, but which he baa per
verted to the base effort of lowering
you and yours to tho level of tho ne
gro J Tho opportunity to punish
Geary is near at hand, and every in
stinct of self-respect calls upon whito
men to mako use of it. Lcwitburg
rs .Vuth jmiilary.
oi things.
m .itJWtSiw
A I,,... I l.-.j
Slate authority over a prisoner but
we hnve the furco of a military dom.
onstration, and that, too, by order of
the President" of the United Stntcs.
ids military satraps of the Sonth are
over present, and put their hands, or
rather their sword, into all the noliti.
t-al and aerial affairs of the peoplo.
vuo uociuoa mis way to aay and anoth
er that way to-morrow, and the un
fortunato Southerners, whether they
have gone through the process ol
reconstruction and disorganisation,
everybody, as a consequence, appeals
to tbe military. Wo take the latest
news from A'irginia as an example of
vmibw is orcurnng in otner parts ol the
South under this system of military
rulo. In the news from Richmond
published yesterday it is said : "Ac
counts have been receivod at head
quarters of i lots and disturbance
Dt'tween too whiles and blacks in
various portions of the Stale. Several
parties have been killed during ths
week. A negro was shot yesterday
in a riot at Hcathville by a whito mob.
A sailor was arretted by the military
commissioner, but tho eiliiens the
same night released him from jail. A
while man named Lott. murdered a
deputy constable in Brunswick, on
j nesuay, who was try ing to arrest
him. General Candy has sent detach
ments of troops to tho sevorat oounties
where these acts of violence have been
committed." 1 lie government author.
itiea will say, probably, that then
disturbances show tho necessity "nf
military action. Until is the military
government over tho South and iu
incessant mcddlinir with the local
affairs of tho peoplo which cause these
disorders. Let Ihorfoiilhcrnern rrnrnrn
Hv. ...v. -vuliuii iiuir r'.ttni 1
themselves and let the civil Taw be I
KMiin-mr,- anil mere will lis nrsen
Under the existing state of things
uom mo government and people will
be imbued with the military idea. It
is high timo that the President, Con
greiuj and all the subordinate officers
should divest their minds of this Idea
and restore self-government and the
civil law to all parts of tho republic
AVsp York Herald.
uR ANT AND CoLIAX. These Cclo-
brnlud "Government" twins are going
nnder a liltla faslor than they aroso
The Washington correspondent of the
..tow i or jitrald says !
"A prominent republican politician
oi jnoiana, who arrived here last
evening, gives it as his opinion that
lh democrats will be successful nt
the local elections in that Stato thii
full. The dissulislaclion wilh the
adminiatration is very great, and bus
been brought about by the character
oi uranie appt.mlmoms, bis lack of a
decided foreign policy and tho extra.-
"S"'"si me vunKrcssionai travelling
vimiiiiiiiaes. i.oiiax, tins gentleman
snys, has lost whatever popularity he
had in Indiana, and a strong party of
l'uiieiaua la swing organised to op
pose bis aspirations to the Presidency.
1 ho Republicans have lost all cottti
denco in tirant, and are bitterly re
gretting his election. The jjfntlemen
who brings this report was a delegate
lo the Chicago Convention and the
most prominent manipulator lor the
nomination of Colfax."
At Cinoinnali on Monday, the Red
Stockings beat the Southerns or New
Orleans in a gamo of base ball, by a
score of 85 to 8.
Soveral persons died in Washington
City on Sunday from beat
irisy iaiai.ssjiassjs .?
na.rtatf mm. I Ik .oVf! Assist Oaf !
The fnrrect. sum of ths public debt,
A achat 1, 11)0, was IJ,IUi2,t)tK),ll00.
The following colloquy will show Inw
it was figured tlown to'l'2,481 .1)00 000 :
Iloiitwoll Deduct 01,O00,(M)0 of 0 80
bonds loaned to the Pacific mad. Ths
debt, 12,481.000,000, Is loo hie a I
Clerk Why deduct themr Ttfey
are Government bonds, and as much a
part of the debt ss any other. But
hero fjocs. Deduct Ml, 000,000. Ro-
sult. ilfid 1,000,000.
Boutwcll Not low enoiu'h. Do-
duct that 1120,000,000 cash in the
Clerk Why deduct thatf This
money is njt available for tho pay
ment of the bonded debt. Tbe law
restricts the sinking fund to $25,000,.
000 a year. . Besides, there aro heavy
cash payments awaiting to be fuude,
and pari of this money belongs to ths
Smithsonian and lndiun Iriisl r nnus.
However its we only part with it on
papor, hero goes. Deduct J120,000,'
000. Result, 82,471,000,000.
Boulwcll Nut low ononirh vet.
Deduct the 827,000,000 bonds Ir, the
sinking fund, and the premium and
interest on them.
Clerk Of course yon know this is
as objectionable us any tf tho rest;
but hero goes. Deduct 827,000,000,
liesull 2,447,OO0,0W.
Boutwoll now you have got too
low. Tho poople will not swallow ao
largo a decrease. Add on the o4,000,
000 of accrued intorost.
Clerk This is tlio sharpest trick of
all. Well, hero goes. Add S34,00,.
000. Result, a 481, 000.000.
Boutwoll (musing) Let mo see ;
$2,41,000,000 will show a decrease
since last month of g.000,000. Yes
I think that will do. It shows a nice
deduction, and tho peoplo will not
take tho trouble to uncertain what a
fraud it w.liedford Gazette.
Trinity of .fiat-.
The Tribune makes brutal and
Jorfoctly characteristic assault upon
udgo McCuhii for having issued a
writ ot habeas corpus in the case of J
O. Peatt, of Texas, who was, as turns
out, held by no legal process whatever,
but only by uoino sort of military ipse
ami, which no civil court could
respect without dishonor. In defense
of Ilurlow's refusal to obey the wri
of liberty, tho Tribune quotes the case
of Abolman against Booth, in which
Chief Justico Taney decided that a
prisoner held lv tbo authority of the
courts of tho United States could not
be sot at liberty by a State court. Bu
tho case is in no particular liks tbe
ono holwecn Judio JUcCunn and Bar
low. In the Abclmau case tho prisoner
had been tried and convicted by a
United Mates court, and was held bv
the United States uuthorily under the
decision of tho court. Hut in tin
1 case tho prisoner was held by
me unitca Mates Jitirsual, undo
what claimed to be the order of n
Stale court of Texas. JudgoMcCunn
correctly held that the pretendod pro
cess oi the ivxas court was withon
lawful jurisdiction in the Stuto of Now
York. Barlow, who appears to bo as
ignorant oi law as tlio editor of lb
Tribune, re f ii sod to obey tho writ of
tho court ol ,.ew l ork, and the Judge
promptly Declared his purposo to issu
an order for the arrest of Barlow
whereupon Grant telegraphs Barlow
lo use whatever lorco might bo neccs
sitry to keep I imselt from arrest.
Judire McCunn stood flrm.hs..thv,in,y,
suomu nave possession, cither of hi
oouy or thai ol tho prisoner thus tlio
gaily held by the military. The re
suit was that the United Slates Com
mtssioncr discharged the prisoner,
therefore confessing that Barlow was
an asa for attempting lo resist the
Buuioriiy oi me court by Unitod
blalos soldiers; and also confessinir
1 .i - . , . "
..... wiuuv was an asa lor tele
graphing Barlow to call out tho aol
diers to resist the authority of the
civil bw. Now, will the editor of ihe
i rioune contuse that ho was an ass for
oiacnguariiingjudgo McCunn because
he was faithful to his ilntv m,,l ii,.
laws f-
A lr. Z,iy Book.
t lots vn.LUNr In the town of
iMaiinion, in, thero is a largo Metho
dist concrceation. romnoted
of members of tho Soutiiern branch of
me Aiotnodist Church. In the same
place there are probably a half doaen
white men, including a preacher, bo
longing to the Northern Methodists.
By a military order, tho Methodists
of Staunton have been compelled to
give up i.heir church every other Sun
day to these half doaen white men,
and wilh thoir largo congregation, go
wandering about in search of a place
to worship. A more detestable piece
of secular and eoclehiaslical deapoiism
has not occurred sinco the dark ages.
The like of it cannot bo found to day
ouisido of Poland. We talk of the
cruel old limes whon men persecuted
it. ii umoron account oi their religious
faith; somo men groan in spirit over
alleged ecclesiastical tyranny in Spain
and Italy, and yel. iu our own b.n.l
"ueii auvminiuion as that at .'Staunton,
r rT!iy provoue a passing comment
, r. - - -
, I" coantry '""ded as the home
of rudilical as well as relitfious freedom
and, in point of fact, it has about as
mncii oi one as the other. We do not
airaign tho military man by whom
tho cxocrablo order was issued to turn
a larger congregation out of its own
cnurch, bocauso he is simply the in
strument in the hands of his superiors.
to whose "secular arm" The Southern
heretics have been handed over by the
Northern inqnisition. The Northern
Methodists ato responsible, and sorely
ii-i.H.MMim ior sucn unchristian, per
eeeuling acts and so hint, us they con
tinue, tho catiso of religion suffers.
Banner of Liberty.
Tim laoNt'LAD Oatii. Ceneral
Stoncman's liberal construction of the
law exempted a certain class of
officials, not executive or judicial,
from Iho operation of tho test oath'
The order issued by him rendered It
possible to carry on publio business In
irginia. But that order has now
been revoked by (Jencra! Canby, who
seeuie determined lo enforce the law
in every instance, and, if higher ait.
ihority docs not interpose, to impose
it upon the Lcnislature. Shall fnnrti.
net lieutenants, strutting their briefl
"our oi authority, be suffered to reign
like military satraps and to postpone
indefinitely the happy day of Southern
reconstruction f
The New York Jferait rnforrinrr in
the latest scheme for koeping the
quantity of anthracite down and the
nriee up, wants to know where Judge
Lynch is. "We never rounoel diw.r.
dr," says thr Herald, "but if any one
should nail these coal men' ears to
pump, who would griev!"'
A Woman's Suffrage Convention is
to be bold at Pike s Opera House.
J Cincinnati, on tbeinh of September.
till Urn. Uranvn irrmerw.
Darin tbe last Presidential cam
paign Gen. Frank P. Blair, Ihe Demo-
crslio canoniate ior t ice i rcamm.,
predicted that if Gen. Grant should be
elscled, he would never quietly rerign
tiro great power of his olllce after It
should be once plneod in his hands,
but, under one preleiioa or anomer,
would make himself ftmperor. inis
prediction Gen llltiirprolessed lobase
upon li is Intimate knowledge of Gen.
(.rant's character. He ridiculed the
frequent idea of Grant as a simpleton,
and declared him to be a man of deep
cunning and unlimited ambition. At
tho time this prediction ol len. lilaire
was mado, it was but litlto neecrea.
Few bolievod that it bud any substan
tial foundation.
Gen. Grant has recently performed
one publio net much more becoming
the bead ot an unlimited, monarch
than a Republican President, lit
has addressed an official letter to a civil
officer, authorizing and requesting him
to use a'l means to resist his own arrest.
Tho officer acted up to the letter of
his instructions, and surrounded him
self with a body of United Slates sol
diers fully armed and equipped, and
prepared to resist tbo service upon
himself of any process issued by the
Male Court.
1 lie letter to which we refer was
addressed by President Grant lo Fran
cis U. liurlow, the United blates
Marshal for this district and is as
follows :
General Harlow, Waited States Marshal, Soutbaro
District, Now sork i
I hereby direct you to maintain the laws of the
foiled Slates, and to resist alt efforts to take J.
If. Pratt from your tuelody, whether bv order of
Judge McCunn or any other officers of any of Ihe
Htate Courts. I also authorise nd rroucst yon
to use all means to resist the attempt toedcot your
arrest and stop tbo eiecntion of tbe lews of tbe
tsitod oleics. V. 6. UaaUT, President.
This is quite different from what it
would have been had it only directed
Marshal Burlow lo retnin bis prisoner.
It directs him to resist his own arrest.
It assumes the power, in time of peace,
to exempt from the jurisdiction ot the
Slato courls a civil officer of the Uni
ted Ktulos.
If Gen. Grant has this power if he
can exempt a man from punishment
for one offence, he can exempt him
from punibmeiil for any other offence.
If ho can exempt a man from punish
ment for contempt of court, he can
exempt him from punishment tor mur
der. At tho timo this order of Gencrnl
Grant's was issued, the prisoner,
Prnlt, whom Barlow was directed to
keep at all haisrds, was safely locked
up in a fort of the United Slatos,
where be was securely guarded. Mar
shal Barlow was threatened with ar
rest for contempt of the Superior
Court of this State; and it was to
guard against this that he kept around
him tcr days and as it now appears
ly order ol tho 1 rewident ono liun
dredand fifty armed men. -V. Y.&un
'Our Diniio .fit'nifis.'
"Tlio Massachusetts Society for the
Prevention of Cruelly to Animals,"
publish a paper at tho "Hub," under
the titlo which heads this articlo.
The object of the society is a good one,
and we introduce tho names of the
gentlemen who munnge both tho so
ciety and the Journal t Oeorge 1
Anijcl, President; II. Sallstall, Treasu
rer ; T. B. Fay, Secretary, Now, we
beg in connection with animal neglect
and animal cruelly by IbejinfVjejicjrj
teniioo oi - those gentlemen lo a
species of cruelty they are practicing
toward their own race, to which tho
rciormors of tho dumb animal school
nm singuiany ouuvious. uirle are
floggod on tho bare back in New
hngland schools. Little children, of
a tender age, as woll as adults, oro
overworked and under paid in Now
Knglund factories. Poor, half starved
seamstresses in New England make
shirts at twelve cents eacii. Paupers
aro flogged in Now England poor
ifis .e. t niivicis, mate ana leniale,
young and old, aro allowed to bathe
together, pell mell, in tho prisons of
.tew r.ngianu, ana to Do added to
theso cruelties, physical and moral.
New England fanaticism has its heel
npon this necks of tho peoplo of ihe
South today, and is practicing a
worso than Russian barbarity upon
their own brother and sisters in the
great human family. Will Messrs.
Angel k Co. be kind enough to lake
their eyes for a momont off the ani
mals and look Into these specified
cases of cruelty to humans ! Warren
ton ( Va.) Sentinel.
A Colored Men"s State Convention
met at Meadville, Pa., on Tuesday,
the 17th instant. The object is to
advance the political status of tbe
colored men of tho State. Go in
sambo. x
Forney's rrets snys: Sunday even
ing W0 colored Senators from
Louisiana addressed a large audience
at Zion's Church, New Y'ork city.
Io CurweamUo,oa Thursday, tht ltlh in.laut,
by ths Rev. W. M. IH ucnriai o. Mr. JOHN R.
MOROAN, of l-awrrtiMi townihip, and Miss
KLMIXA J. WIcK, of Pike town.hip.
Aceompanjljg tbo above noliee, tho printers
received a handsome cose, for whick we rotura
Iho newly mado happy couple oar thanks, smd
wi.h thai their path may he strews wilh ths lasts
of promise, tbe yfowcre of hope, and tha mils of
a wttl-spcn. life,
Oa Iho lllk of Angwst he Paniel Mooro Km.
Mr. JOHN' BAtiFTIKLD of larthats, this
oounly. to Miss RI TII A. COKOWAT, of Cob
Ire ooonly, Pa.
In Lawreoca eownshtp. oa Monday evening,
Aug. 1Mb. of Roorlet fevef, MA I'D, d.nrhtor
of Wa. B. and Taaaissa lliapnux. a-t t
year, I uinaih and II dart.
T'"T OPENKDIn tho room rereatly oreupled
hy iho Miss Rsedl and directly onnoeita
slnssop'e (itore, Cleorteld, Pa. All the lata
"."os oi aouaras. tats. e, rot old aad young.
Ladies, mlees. and ehtldrene irl.mi... .k
bone, end cost velvets, leoos, glerss, s, al
ways kepi oa bead. -
fa all Its varlooa hrnaohos and Isles! alyloa,
for old, sniddla oawd. and tho Tone.. a.
order, hy lbs asoo. faahiMiabl.elreM avekera.
Mrs. T I. V. AlaON.
Aug. li, 116. If.
Also areas Ito the wMe.ia br.u..i.. ah -
Warraolod ta euro Rheumatism, Kenral.ia.
Liver Complalat, A a. K. ..r., as w...
alra. w7ataoa's
nt Mrs. Watson 'a.
LAUSt tIL of B0M5ITS and BATS.
t Kit. W. rni
$(tv Mr.rtlj,wftiU.
ri.KAriEip, Fa.
1BK FAl.l. TERM of twesly two wooks, will
oam en re on Monday, September S, lt.
A Primary department will be sSded to ths
School this fall I for which tht services of a sum
potent lostreawr hats boss atigsged. Aad no
effort will be spared lo render this pvtanoal
allrasU.S and teatrastivo.
Reading, OYIhograi.lly, Writing , OlWrt too-
aona, rrimaiy jtninmeuo aou rmnry
Osography, per half term, (of alevea
weeks ! I
Uistory, I-oeal aod deeeriplivo Uoograpby
willi Men nn.iri. uisnaw. meum
aad Wrlltea Arlthmotio ..
Aleebra and the Kcieaees t SI
In.lroeuoalalnsmnasouJsBUsis........ I OS
Oil palatini "
Was work:.....
For full particulars send for Circular.
ClearSsM, Asa. i-15. UW4sa. (oafS'SI
Clearfield Pa.
rented Mr. Entres' Brewery he
II ho
lobes bv strict atlcatlon to business and
tbe manufacture of a superior article of Br. MB
to receive the patronage of all tha old sod many
new eoslotnsri. Ang. So, tf.
TN tht vftUr of h9 ajp..uIoa of WllUti
UiDti. I lh CoH f CtB PsMS, I
mui for ClMrld ovaty, U W dinhare4
frwn bit nrtihip for modIm ro4id by
Fiueii iyuDlap. It ot id sHoroujrh of C.Mr
field. Pa., from tb ntiti of Job Orowfhwait.
k( f C'ratn ftvmiy, Wtuf tbM Lbkmim
beanMtbed to Jo bo nd lniel LfanitMi.
It Tirtat of OTt4.ii. Kul wbih wm frontf
br tho Onthonf' Court t tkrt.tio, tbo Huh da-
of Jmdo, l6Vr I do btrob; fin sofioo to all por.
oot iDlcrcttod to Mid fund roai-od M boT
taied, to ofpeor on or be for tb oecood MoitU?
of 8ptsB.ber, proiino, ood prrirttt tboir cl.n.
aetriiiiit to law, ond do iwb other mattort ai
tbo Court mar require of t&eoi ia tbo proaiaoa,
or forovar borred, aad aJao ibow oaoao aooord.
iac U tbo folW-tafig rn)a laoda In tbia eaao.
Alt, for Wm. M.pos.
Jane 30, Rule U irranud to abow oantt
wbr n illtara Ma pet tbould not be roHaaoa
ditwbareed from a bond rivoa by hits aa arotf
with one Franoii linplap, to the Orpbana Court
or Clearfield oouatj, oa tbo SUlh Oa of e-epte
ber. A. !.. lMi, in parfoanoo of aa Act of Aa
emhty approrod tbo ttrtb day Of April, 1844.
FutUcHiun to bo aiade of Iku Rulo in two dowo.
papcrt pabltihed in Clearfleld county for fool
week prior to me epwaiwr Trta.
lit W.taoai.
v f oae man to work in wood making bled.
Wagon, tit amp Machinal, Aa. Finale man or
man with ramiliee. Anplr to
auglfitf Jefferson Lino, I'learneld eoanty, I'a
f T boroarb of Oaceola, liicb bokool, liny
dollara per month. Primary Bcbol, forty doltara
per motitb. Tormp ivo nioatha. ApuWanu will
eaoloao duptiratn of reninratr, and aAdivaa
J. A. b LAT1 KMiKhUtR, Preaident.
D. R. (iyn, Sterclmry. BeeJHtt
Ct ALJTIOIV All pcrona arahrreriy eaatinned
; acaiant purcliMina; or in anv way nit'idting
with two UAV MARKS, llAHNi.S nod WAu.
ON, now in tbr jKtei(ni of Otorffo W. Hoekea
berry, of Woodward township, ai tbo aame belong
to me, and aro left with him on ion oiil'eet ia
oiTorJcr. J A j! Ka COli.NhLV.
Madera. Anmt II St pd.
ta herebr given that let tern of administration
oa tbo eivt of ROIiERT W KLCll, docoaaed.
lata of hort tnwnabin, twarlio.d ooontv. ra..
baeing bei-n duty granted to tbe anderaijpneiL, oil
peraona Indebted to aatd aetata will pi-ao make
payment, and tboao having elaima or demaodi
mil preaeat ibem properly authenticated for act
Ucment. KHBLCCA V Rl.Cfl,
J20 (:pd Adminiatrairix.
IfTR AV Came treptng oa the premi
j ai of the abac nber, remJing in Roll owa
red ears and red spots oa the tides j ths other red
kite along the baek and Wily. Also, a small
dark hrindla bull, supposed lo bo one year old.
The owner or owners are hereby irqoostcd to
eotnt forward, prove proportv, pay charges, and
take lhcm away, or they will ho sold aecordine to
Bower, August II, 1MB It pd.
IXKCX'Ttms. KoTICIi-LMter. let..
1 J mcntnry having this JSlh day of Julr, lf.,
b. granted to ut npon the estste of O II K ISTI A N
KMKIOH, lata of Morris townihm rii.u 1
1's., drorssed, all persons sarin, claim. .....'
said estate aro requested to present them ia doe
"""i ' mueoiea to saulfaVtalo are re.
quitted lo make payment without delay to tht
aodersignod Executors.
Philipsl.urg, Centre co., Ta,
Morrisdale, Clearfield eo.. Pa.,
K sectors
E. I. KIRK, M. D..
Lutherskwra;, Pa.
tT-WiU attend promptlr to all nrofcion.!
Setllement Notice.
I.L persons knowing themselves indebted to
JY me, will pUeee call and set ths at onco. Tho
uooas are at me Morsel H hi Iron, h a I.nni
Osceola, Pa July II, lSCI-Jm.
IS. B. 1 H Kn 1 .
Tannery for Rent.
rpiIR Administrators of ths Into Warn. Pochaa
S an ofler for nut tba well kaen T...n
nuart la Pennvillo, togrthas with the d. cilices.
roMet.ion given nt any time. For furth.r nr
tirulars call at Ihe prriaircs, or address the un-
usrsignra nt urnrcpian 11 ills P. O.
iT's-BlT Adm'n
J. P. Kratzer
1.1 HhrhltlNO .KW GOODS. Relt. choice
X uroeenve. lias a mil stock of Pry (leods.
Ilooeires ..oodt every week. Ruvs all bit
lor cash. Can afford lo sell theia aheap. Has
the best Cook Ftorrs. Warrants his Bools aad
Hboes. Keeps all binds of Leal bar. Ks. b.nree
fer Prodiicw. Is eU.i.i net Summer .!.
n anU all kinds of (.rain. Deliver, roods fre. of
cnargn. n ui nuy you anvthlnf. Keeps tvery
thing. Cerllis stort it opposite Ihs Jail.
rlearSrll. Pa, Angn.t II Irs
Tllrt ClcaiSclJ. County Acricullural Fociety
have deteminrd not lo hold a tegular Fair
this year, for the following reason, aemelv that
nouco aaa not ocea gvvea la proper timo to have
vesr7 prrparauooa made. It has been
detrrmiard, howrver. to hold a Fair on Iho old
ground, near Ihe bomnrh nf ClenrSrM.oa Wedos
dr, Thuirdivy and Iri lav, tbe Hlh, 15lh and
llh days of October, A. II. 18T ; and for the
prirpoe. of affniitina; tht farmers an opnortnnitr
of lircpanng net making it . , ,M '
and fall crops ta he put in the ground this
year, the following premium ia oSercd for the
esuibition of ISTti, in;
Best two arret ef winter wheal.
Ileal bu.hri or winter wheat
Beet two nr.. nf rrt
Bert hnshel of rye..
Ileal two arrr of oals '..!'."!!!.'
Beet two aires of huckbeaii.'."..A
Beet two acres of corn..,
Bret one nrre of clover .red
BeSt Kb. nC n.-l
. (.
.. 4 01
.. u as
,. sos
. no
,. a
Ur" ona-half bmhcl or Umothy at",'."ii!i I i
The above premium, will he paid lo the perso.,
In want. . i i l . '
iho entim premium list will bo publisl
for the I sir nl year, in the hope Ihnl m
bo lodwcod lo aompeu for the nrotniama.
, W .ia .nan award them.
hod anon
many may
rnoourago a food
urns, and thus
Tht lwul, hsve nlw determlnH to open the llround on MUllAY.the IMh day of OCTO.
BhR. IMS, nt 11 .VW,, , lh. '
Till T'K" '' '"r "" r-
of Wl brn thro, in a,,. ,(.,, hmJ
trot against lima. Open ta all borers owned la
tho oownty at least Sivrra previous. Th.
ground will he opca from one lo ivo o'clock, p. m
Adu.,IUnco.l.s cent., to all persons. Person, d
deelnng la rater Ihefr bore-, to eonvpoto f the
... do eo by gltlng notice eituvr in person
why . to ,'rW.r,.d by thi rv
Stool ot aa rwtrahf fe. of tl. 1 '
II It hopd that ,,.hip orranisatlon. will ho
IT. X . oifwrwnl towashlpa,
4 that . gr-iT ittMU . M,,f.Hri;
Iho mv.M agrlcwltoio. Meetinipi and diseas.
IB vad speokm t meet any of ,.. .rg.., J
n Cititi fir at,.
Private Sale.
fpniuadeeetirood be. leg etonstt -aw
1 of his rotasiaing propers.., ntVr, fc IT
el U.a meat desiraluo laru la Feaa Wall!?
Tko tract sualaias
With good aesrfr.g orchard of att-U ...
pear trsee. Cotnfortablo balldiags. ' n4
sufficient lllubrr en the pnaw. In, "
purposes. Coavealent to schools. eesr.L,''
Tbe wbolt being underlaid with .tl
Also potters' elay, of aa esoelUa! osam,
It will be be.d the iaspeaitat, aj
antil tho tret of Korcmbct seat, wbca.K
It will be rented. ""a,
Terms assy. Fat farthor partWakri ahu.
Iba subscriber, or call personally u its icm!?
urajnpiaa nuts r. v.
Peaa towaabla, Jaly 14, IM
Farm for Sale.
THR andertlgnod.retidlor la Kaeita-u.,
dratrea to aell bit farm at pH-t n, j1
poraoa detirtag a aoaoo will do wtll taa
aaaaiae tbeaa prom Lam,
CoDningriAj-one Acret
Thiny-aroof wich are otaared aad aaawiM
iavM ai ;ui(iTOiiua, Dvams-j NIIi( anUn. J.
lata with eoal aad baring taervea ert7iBL
tug bomao, bars aad olber aoceaary oetUi!
logathrr with a aoa arrbard of eiMlUtitir
all kin tla. Iba (arm adiuiai Raker Pi.
Wt there w. Bear ebarcb and athool baMt
baring a aeeer failing rprir.t of water
Any fart bar In format too ana be oUaaiHM
oalling oa tbe preiataee. or aaMrermr the iJf
l.nmaw . K nallloawt
New Cabinet!
horoogh. Oaooola la titaated on the MuhJ!
Creek, In tho riebeot picn of tkt .,
Cleavoreld, oa tbo line of tbo Tyrant 4 Ctauw
Railroad, wbero tbo IdoaUanoon and lintt,.
braacb roadi iotoreort. It ia aiao ia Ut
tbo Moasbaanon oool baa in, aad iarjteij
wbita tiinc, bomlock, oak, and other Uat,,
round it. One of tba largeat lumber aa
iig otuhtlibments ia tba Stale ii locaut ,
town, while there are many otbv laattTM
ablngla mtlla aroand it. Tbe towa U bat
yt an old, aad oonuiua a popalatioa of eat
aaad Inbabitaota.
VFor fort ber in format ioa ajplj at Lbidk
of tba abora oompaay.
- - jou' law
ep'rM riuacrutaa4ia.
Houses and Lots for Salt,
I-'Olll HOfEES and LOTS ia Cleartwlh
aass oa rosuonakla terms. Fmnta tna
in thirty daya. Also, a plat of lol'E UAt ,
tha corner of Fourth and Heed stmts, as,
1 Tlx 7uu feet. Throe of these lots are well lean,
for either la tabor yard, coal yard, or let tads.
purposes iraoraJIv, bu witbia Ijl ten Sla
raliruas aepoft. I nee ooo terms reaiaabk.
Apply to tit Oho II Iliokl
ebl tf tlssrtas,l
A Farm for Sale or Rent
rpilE nbscribot, tosidinr, wear rrenekvtlW.vw.
X. instoa township, (ivos aotios that a. vs
either aell or root ths wsll known farm, asta.
lands of Solomoa Mauser, Yaiessoat sat si
sol. Uaoder lasm,
A hoot FlfTT Improved, harin tUreoa a sa
and barn, water and a &ac yunt I
ard. Also, a LOT tor aale, seat tbs c carta.
op-Toe fwrther partieotarm, call io remav
address tae uaacralraew at rrenebrille r. tt
aogll::pd STEPDEM BOfWtl.
Rev. P. L. Harrison, K, M., PrincipiL
rpng riHSI 8ES6I0!f of tha s.rl sa
X la.tls year of ibis la.litulisawill.sM-).
va XONUA V.rha Slh day of bentrmksr, INI.
Pupils can enter at aay time. Test sill
charged with taiHoa from th) list Iksyt
she eloss of ths Bossies.
Tbs fpnro. nt ,v -r'n. nwifsrsens St
v..... a laoroaga, pracuca. aad i
plirbod odnooaon for both aeraa.
Tha Principal, having had tht adnstsftd
maeh ozporioaeo la his profs.noa, asrsw p
reals aad guard, aet that hla satin ability sal
onerglos will bo devoted ta tha moral aad ass,
Ul training ar tha youth placed nader kn skanp.
Orlb.grspby, Bsodlag, Writing, nod PHmw par oeasiaa (ll weeks) fi
Orsmmor, Sinography, Arithmttia, act
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mrs.
aeration, Karvsyiag, Philosophy, Physt.
ology, Chemistry, Book Koepiag, Botaay
aad Physical Usngrepby . . .
Latin, Oreek and French, with any of the
abova branches . .
MI'SIC Piano S Issaoas) .an
r-No dedurlloa will bo mads for tt.tiw
tar-r.r rurttter particwlara Inc. Ira of
ot. P. L. IIAXKIS0N. A. K,
F.h. , ll tf. fSej Priasissl.
Prtj cods, ftrorrrifj,
lace ccetaixs, window sbace
li A i i.
ricorleM, It. IMS.
liars jusl rponod a
Ntsr Stoas, oa Maio SL.Cuisruis, fas
Utslr ooonpled bj Wm. F. IRWIN.
Thoir stock consists of
Oaorta:ss of th brat qnalitf,
Qusensware, HooU ami Shoe
and rttry stiol aoorosart fo
bs's aoroforl.
Call sad lamias onr sloos Ufors F"
l.alg oUwhoes M.y w tU-
I IPAf aad m tor
frtot tota. Ktilod
aaso as . . j
la ojty oddioot. )'
One Hundred Acres, mors n j-
Eighty .tea of watch ass cleared sal ease. .
cuts of tultlvatuvo. The lenses asa i,
ditton, and Ihs wt'rt HI eleellnc
PANT offer for aale Towa Uu u
oo(b of Oaooola, CltarAeld eoaoty, p,, tM
Ma to to It purchaaara oaUtdo tax harti h -