jrilK UKPUBUCAN. r" "CLKAKI'IKI.D, Fa." wRipkemiay MinMMi. avopst i. The Bewitched Clock. About liolt'pnut clnvcn o'clock on Bn ml ny night, a buinnii log, onvolnpoj in Wuo broaildotli, tnilit Imvo Iron noon entering , Opium Unrlmny kitchen window. Tlie leg wiwiollowod flnitlly by tho entire prun of lively ysnkoo, ntlirod in liis Suiuliiy dollies. It was, in short, Joo AlnywooU who thu burf;lmounly, in tho dead of nilit, won his way into tho doauon's kiuiSen. "Wondur how much the old deacon mnde by ordorin' mo nottodurken his door again f" noli lot) uisetl the young man. "I promised him I wouldn't but didn't auy notbin' about windem. Winder it just as good as doers, if thore ain't no nuils to tear your trow- seas onio. Wonder if Knl '11 come down? The criltor promised me. I'm nfruid to move hero, 'cuuse 1 might break my shins over somothin' or nntli cr, nud wake tho old folks. Cold enough to fi'co.e a polar b)ur hero Oh, here comes Sul'y !" The beautiful maiden descended with a pleasant smile, a tallow caudle and a box of mutches. Aftor receiving a rapturous greeting, she made up a roaring nro in the cooking stove, ana the happy couple sat dowa to enjoy the sweet interchange of views and hopes. But the course of true love ran . no smother in old Burberry's kitchen than it did elsewhere, and Joe, who was making np his mind to treat himself to a kiss, was startled by the voico of the deaeon, her father, shout ing from ber chamber door "Sully, what are you getting up in tho middlo ot the night for?" "Tell him it's most morning," whis pered Joe. "I can't toll a fib," said Sally. 'Til make it a truth tho'," said Joe, and running to the hugoold fushioned clock that stood in the corner, be sat at at fivo. ' "Look at the clock and tell me what time it is," cried tho old gentleman, upstairs. . , , "It's five by tho clock," answered Fally, and, corrob rating the words, the clock struck five. Tho lovers sal down again and resumed the conversation, Sudduuly the staircase began to creak : "Good gracious t it's father!" '"The deacon, by thunder !" cried Joe ; "bido mo.Sui:" "Where can I hide you ?" criod the distracted girl. "Oh, I know," said he, "I'll iqueoze into the clock caso." And without another word he con cealed himself in the case and drew the door behind him. The deacon was dressed, and sitting himself down by the cooking stove, pulled out bis pipe, lighted it, and commenced smoking very deliberately and calmly. "Five o clock, eh ?" said he. "Well, 1 shall have time to sinoko three or four pipes, then I'll go and food the critters." "Hadn't you hotter go and feed the critters first, sir, and smnko after-, wards ?" suggested the dutiful Sally. ".No, smokin' clears my head and wakes me up," answered tho deacon, who seemed not a whit disposed to hurry his enjoyment. Bur-rrr whi a-ding-ding ! went the clock. "Tormented lightning V cried the deacon, starting up, and dropping bis pipe on the stove. "What in creation's that?" , "It's only the clock-striking five," said Sully tremulously. Whis 1 ding I dingl went the old clock furiously. "power of mercy 1" criod the dea con. "Striking five" it's struck hundred already 1" "Deacon Barberry !" cried ths dea cons's bettor half, who had hastily robed himself and now came plunging down the stairenso in the wildest slate of alarm. "What is tho matter of tho clock ?" Goodness only knows," replied the old man. "It's been in the family these hundred years, and never did 1 know it to carry on so before." WbixS bang! bang! bane I wont the old clock. "It'll burst itself!" cried the old lady, shedding a flood of tears, "and there won't be nothing lolt of it !" "It's bewitched," said tho deaeon, who retained a loaven of New Eng land superstition in his nature. "Anyhow," ho fluid, slter pause, advancing resolutely toward tho clock, "I'll see what's got into it!" "Oh, don't cried the daughter, affectionately seising one of his coal tails, while bis faithful wife hung to ths other. "Don't .'"chourished both the women together. ' Let go my raiment."' shouted the deacon, "I ain't ofrain of the powers of darkness I" . . But the women would not let go, to l?Lil. Jrre1 m" '"1 cot-Bnd(.! 1U. !'mU': atlBn :"" .of Boor, ho darted forward and laid his lienj oo toe door of the clock cats But no human power tould open it. Joe was holding il inside with a death prsap. Tlie deacon begun to bo dread fully frightened, lis gv one more tug. Au unearthly yell, as of a fiend ia distress, came from the inside, and then the clock case pitched head fore roost oa tho floor, smashed its face and wrecked its proportions. . The current of air extinguished tho li;lil ibo deacon, the old lady and JSally fled up stairs, and Joe Mayweed. CKUicalinn himself from tlie clock. ttfct(Hl bis retrent, in the same way that be had euU'issd. The next dy ull Appletown was alive with thai etory of bow deacon Uarberrv's clock liaa been bcWilcbeg : and ........ I. .1: I enough inn. a nil ""j oenrru us version, sumo ........ :..n.. t. . . Vr-" "y -m .navweea. etl.-cUd to tbo dir.:. T"'a V:" " "'"l"n.T ""lfTons; be.ide ... wi,, lining iim x. pcniui aof uniii( i r ax.cn cider, and tbst the vagaries of iba clock cae exi.-led only in a distempered im ogmatiun. A fiennan shoemaker, who bad an derthkeo to mke pair boots f.r a punt lumsnuf whose financial integrity le had connderuble d ,ubt, r,.ed, uon s,kei for the article : "Iw nuou is noi Hallt done, but dor peel ib made Indiana tows) boasts of a th !f ""nwraili a I -v,...! i.... , .. ttnnM ii , " ,n ' kin it. .i." 1. ulen - ' m . . d,,"r J"'' 'y'" dlMd' jkiJl1' . bi-itiTrjill'tiT lB,i.kd ?'"'t a,el v There are n" ,t"o U.iiwm 'n replisd. 'tal.V.n. a'1 H-'Ulked or, and so seldom socn, Pol: IK At. I. XT It AC 1. OS, Ainalem my sun I m; e.n I II i llcet'S iu white snow I Hp Mote pig "4 ""' '" To Hit IU 01 lilt..), 0. The hoy ettod the '"imlnj t k, Anil nmokiHl hit pipe ot eUv, And bet tit money on a boh-uilml nag, When tli noun hid (out ) . I'm lowly einc. my mother died- The top It round her Hill So I'll peel a buff of tttPM. 0, Willi the twoid ot Uunker III1I. Il l the hour when from Ihe bough, 1 hissed mv Molly Ann, fo run, Klljub, and hurry up Pomp, Or uny otbor mail. Oh, what era tho wild wevoe enylng t I cried tli long night through l And voice replied far up tho height A littlo more oidcr, too. The harp at nature! advent ttoiig, U coming through the rye! Thru kiss mo quick and go my booty, eaid tho spider tu tbo fly. My Willie', on tht dark, bin, ooa. With live hundred thousand mor), And my daya are gliding swiftly by To the old Koutuuky shore. Brigham Younga That sturdy old autoorut, Brigham Voung, is assorting himself just now with an emphasis that is positively amazing. Ilo bus recently met tho distinguished statesmen who tested tho power of moral suasion over him with a decided rebuff thai urgues oilher the stniost auducit', or a sulf rolianco born of conscious strength. Argument be met with argument, and it must bo admitted he hud rather the best of it. Threat ho tread with tho loftiest scorn. Promises of any kind ho would not mako, and altogether comported himself iu a manner thut it is not exaggeration to stylo disre spectful to a great ropub'ic. Ho is evidently a resolute, firmly entrenched despot who means to yield nothing unless he yields lilt) aud everything. Bigamy defies monogamy and bids il be off forbidden premises. When we think of the terrible war from which wo have so recently emerged, the armies that poured from every Slate, tho tremendous losses in men wo were able to sustain, a pros pective foo like Brigham seems pigmy indoed. But not so much so if we think of his position. Ilo is as much an absolutist aa the Ccar of all the Russians. Every Mormon to a man will dio for him if he commands it. Every one, too, is a first-class militia man, proficient in the manual of arms, disciplined, well equipped and zealous. Killing a Gentile is as great a delight to them as is killing a red skin to a border ruffian. Tbo whole United States army would bo no match for the .Mormon braves. Tho contest would be unequal under ordinary cir cumstances, lor theirs would be a valor and desperation inspired by fa rjulicism. Besides, it fighting fur one wuo endows a soldier Willi extraordi nary strength, each Alotnion, fighting for several wives a id countless chil dren, would becomo posesscd of the courugo of a hundred men condensed in one. Combat under such a condi tion of things would be indeed mortal. The proselyting roes on all over tho world. .Shipload after shipload of men and women arrive from distant countries and accomplish the weary march to L tall, where they swell the present colony. Lvcry man is drilled und pul in eoldiery ebnpo so. aonn as possiblo after his arrival. Ilo adopts the Mormon co io of morals and gov ernment without hesitation, acquiring the intense hatred ot (uenliles with a rapidity almost instinctive. The city of Suit l.ako advances in population with a marvelous rapidity. And as it advances in the number of inhabi tants, iu trado and prosperity indi cate commensurate progress. Young watches, inspires, administers, terri fies and scui with unbroken energy. His sermons, rudo but epigrammatic, are at onco careful commands and connsels to his hearers. He rarely explains, but continually executes. Tbo Stale is Young in every sense, for no other individual is identified with its existence or presumes to guide it. lie and his are a disgraco to tho con tinent and a mockery of tho civiliza tion and majesty of the Republic. IIgI how to get rid of him and liis ag gregation of harems is a problem that is fraught with trouble, and tbo lon ger il is unsolved tbo more knotty it beoomcs. Bvstom J'utt. Social Lovt How sweet Is social affection! When the world is durk without we have light within. When cares disturb the breast, whon aorrow broods about the heart, what iny pilhcrs in tho circle of love! 'e forget the world, with all its animosi ties, wbtlo blessed with sociul kind ness. That man cannot be unhuppy, who has heurta that vibrate in sym pathy with his own, who is cheered by the smile of affection and the voice of tenderness. Let the world ho durk and cold, let the hate and animosity of bud men gulher about him in the place of business; bnt wheo lie enters tho ark of lore, his own chcriabod circle, ho forgets all these, and the cloud pass from hi, brow and tl, sorrow from hi. heart. The war, arm syniialliies of his wifo and children dispel every shadow, and he feels a thrill of joy in his bosom wbich words sro not adequate to exprosa. He who is a stranger to the joys of kinduess has not bi'gun to live. A pic-nic wos winding op one even ing, by the girls standing in long row, while tho boys went along the lino and kissed tliein all good evening. A rony -chocked miss at tho farther end of tho line, fearful t)f it growing Into nndor this slow process, and not winning to ho missed, clapped her hand", as tho idea oc-urrod to her and shonletl : "(, boys', kias the giilsatboth ends." A" F.nclinh COclinev at the l-'nll ftf f inrnrs, w hen aiked bow she liked ' 1 1. L'.ll. i: a . a.ni . j - ' , I'll. j . a up, re ftnsome repliivl: "They're 'nnsomc nit ao: h. t thrv rton't ni ,.,. I rot vet- led, and lost meat. I freler lo look at 'cm in an htngraving, in 'ot weather, and iu the 'ouse.'' oting man, jiever marry a lady with ber "back tip." lleware of the "Orcuan bend." J f she is "forwsrd" enough to hint proposal, and is henl" on getting married, tell her to "hump" herself. W beti yon do lake a wile. Like heraajou do your whiskey straight. , , A Tounr ladv at bno nf h mmi. . nent hi miner reports is said to have .L.. . miny oreaklosl, anernoon and even. in o-rweos, half a 4osn jockey lists. ' P,rul u'0Bn"rUo, aod two boxes ol 0 rnach UrTiut. llOOriAXD-S lCRM.l B1TTER.H llooflaiul'8 Grrmnn Tonic; Tho Oreet Remedies for all tlleeeee, ot Ika Liver, (Stomach, or IHgsstiv T Organs, IlooilunJa Gorman Bitters U compound of tht pur Jtilevt (or, art mpilicinitllf termed, y EiiracU) ef rnottt, ennotntrsud mnd tnt.ro) j 'frt from leobolit adnlfttur tf any kind" Ilooflnnd's Gorman Tonic ! Ti a ombinatloa of all tht Ingrtdienli of tbt Bitttn, wilb Hit purt-t quality of Santa Crui Hum, OruiR mtklDf on of lb noil pita- aat and agrtaabla rttmtiiiai avar offtrei to iba public. Thota preferring a aatdioin ira from alaabolle aUmUiura, wtU uaa Iloofland's German Bitters. Tli ox wbn h no objufltion t th eoinbia- Maaaf to UitUra a td. will Iloofland's German Tonic. They ar both tqnmlly good, and donUitt lb am mdlntnal vtrtua, th eholet btwn tbt two being a mara mailer of taU,Uia Tonlo btiag lb moil palatable, Tb ioinRch, front a Tnrltr of iiit, ocb at Indicfttt)n, Ctapeptia, Nervout Dibilitv, t.t v rv apt to bar it runtioa daranr- d. Th Lir, tym II palbiiinf a olufl at it df with tb V tfiomaeh, then b. omi ilfMtH, th rotaltof which li that tb pUot affara tram aaToral or mora of th fol lowing d.ienaet i ConntipaHoa. Flatalenea, Inward Pll, FallaMf of Blood to th 1 1 rut, Aoi'lity of th Stom ach, Naua. Heart Rum, DiKUit (t Food, Fallaea or Wwiarbt ia tb btnmacb, Hour Krapliona.Sink log or Fluttering at th pit f tb Stomach, (twin ning of ih Head, Hurried or D iff cult treatbiog, flattering of th neart,CboklDg orSuf. focal tog awaaatloa wbta la a lying poiture, Uiaatu of T.t.on, duii r wabr- befur tb ayei, dull paia la the aaad.defleleiMjr of pr apiration, yellownea of tb ikia and y. Pain in th aide, baeb, ebeet, Hiab, otctuddea t tube of faeai, bximtBg lenb, ooattani tasaginiagi of ?U and graat deprculoa of tpirlln. The aatTtrer froia thtte diaeaaaa akoold ir eiie tb griitFt caution la tho telaceiioa ol a remedy for hi ca, y-v parcfataiag aoly that which h 1 aiiarod II froai hi Inreatiga tfon and loquirtri point tra aiHt, ia ittillfally eompoundd, li ire frota I; jarlnu lngrdiatt and baa atbliabd for tuelf a repuutioafor tbeoureof that diitatea. Ia (bit ooaawtloa wo weald a bait Uoh well known raXaediaa Hooflands German Bitters. Iloofland's German Tonic, Prepared by Ir. C. M. J ACE. SOX, . TbiUdelpbla, fa. TwntT-twe yert aiac tkry were I rat Intra- aarm Into tola eon a try Iruta (larmaay. daring wbich time they have andnuhtdly perfornad asnra tnret, and bnfitcd aulTrring humanity to a greater tatnt, tbaa any wtaor riaaia kavwa to (he public Tbet r fined iea will offectaalty ear Liter Complaint, J a and lee, tt.rapfita. Cbroaie or Kcrvoua Tiebility, li C h r oa i o Dlarrbo Dlataaei of the Kid A nera. aad all diaea aaialng from a Diaordertd Lirer, Btomach, or lDttiunea. DeLility, RtauHIng from any avf whatever t Proitralloa of tbi tytteia lortuoed ay ft era Labor, llexdahipf, Kxpotara, Ferau, Tht re la no ntdiclD extant tqvel to tbet ttnrdie la aaeb caatt. A ton aad vigor ta Imparled ta the wbola ayatrm, tbo appetite la atreagtkenad, fooa U enjoyed, tb ttetaaca ei gau irompily, tb blod it raribail. th eoaa pleiloa become aoond aad btaliby, tb yeilow tmca la raaicat4 from the area, a Lloota u giva to the cheek a, an J the week and nerrooa in rali d boeoaaaaa auoog ana baaitay aeiag. Teraons Advanced in Life, anl ftellog th hand af tin weighing heavily ntoa lhaiD, with all Ita altaadaat ilia, will ftod tb aa of tbcaa Hitter or the Tonic, aa eliiir that will inatil aew life into their vaiaa, teatoro ia a aaeaanr the oatrgy aad ardor of more yoothtul daya, aulld np tbetr abrwnkea forma. and gira healta aad liap(4uaai lo thai rvaiainiog yeara. Notice. Tt It a wall etabliahad fart that tmVy oa half af th faaaal ao rttoa of oar aopula lioa are ecldnm in lb I njyajpt of gnod bealtb.or to wee thler owa oinreaaloa. tbey never feel wall." They are languid, devoid of all eaergr, nrtaly aervoaa, and bare a ap petite. Ta tbta elaaa af peraoaa the Bitter, er the Tonic, la oapecially reeoaiBstnded. Weak and Delicate Children art twad atrong by th ate of aitharof tbaaa rrneliea. They will eara every oaaoof Mirwiimi wltheat fell. TbouMade of oartificaie bav aeeaamUttd la tht banda of iba pruprietor, bat apace will allow f tbmbHoattoa of bat a fw. Tbewa.Hwill be abaerrfHle era aaea of Bole, aod of aocb aiasding tat they aiwat ba believed. Teiitimonials. Hon. Qeorra W, Woodward, Chief Jostle. f th, baprasa. Cwrt of Panasyleaaia, write t Philadelphia, Pa., March IA, Is'.". Inndnoori.iao'a . GaaaAN Birmaa Is a eooJ lonle, staeful In A diaoaaeaoft1!, diKMU It, organs, and of f real benefit ia eas,s f debility arid want of nerrooa action In th, aysleaa. Voura, truly, Oao. w. Woonw&aa." Bon. Jam., Thompson, Jo l , of th, Sopremt Coart of r,DDiylvar,ta. writ... Phlladelpbta, April t, 1MAS. MI emaider IlDfiaad'a ll.rmaa Bitiersa rait, abl, medicin, in eas. of Indigestion or llyspep. sia. I ean eertify tbta from experleaee. "Toura, with reipet, Jaaa, TiMrtoi." Frnai Bow. Joeeph t). Kennerd. D. Pastor f the Tenth Baplut Church, Pbiladelpbia t I)r. Jaraaon tlearBlr: 1 h.Tehen rqnent. ly requestsd t. ewnneet my warn, with reeom. meudation, f dtlleral hinds .t meteiaee, hut regardlnf the prae tleeaa ant of my ap. prtipri.ee epbare, I V have in all oaaoe do allneai but with a A ' elear pronfia earioaa tn.tanees, and partieulartr In m, own family, of th, ueefulneeaof llr. Hoofiand'a Oerenan lliiura, I depart for SDH from my naual ..urae, to at preea my full conviction that fur eeneral debility of th, ryet.m, and specialty for i.iear Com plaint, it ia a afe and valuable preparation, la entee eases H wtay fail, but usually, 1 -!t.obt aot. It wlH b. very beaeloial t. thee, who puffer I rum tb, abov, eauae. Yours, very reapeetfully, J. I. KaaMann, Eifhth, below Coaies rtreett. From Be. R. D. Fendfll, Ediur af Chrlatiaa Chmniele," Philadelphia! I hae deeived decided benefit from thane ,f Bowfland'aUermaa Uittara,and feel it my pr vi. leie to reennamend them aa a mott val.akle toaie t all wta are auAennr from reaeral debt Ity .r from diaeaee, arising from derangement .1 the Mrcr. lean, truly, E. l. FtanaiL, Caiiti tin. Heoflaad'. Ovrmsa Bitten are rnnnterfelted. ee tbal Ih. alena tar, of C. M. JA( K KtS Is n, the wrap I ) pee of each belli.. All atheps an a.as -A' urfelu Principal (illiee at d Maunfaelnry, at the tlermaa Medio.) Plore, la. A ll Arch (treat, Pblladelpbia, Pa. rilAKLEa St. I V A XI, Proprietor. (Formerly C. U. Jachaea A Co ) rrioo. noenand'a Oermaa BltUra, per hottla I a, . " per half doaen. I M Hoeflands flrraa, Toaie, put np in caart hottlee. par KettU. 1 M Or a half ..a., for...... , J -mD ' farget ta ,aamlne well th, nrtiol. .ewdiaan. ly (.001) (iOODSJ GOOD STYLUS!! AND LOW PRICES!! NEW SritING STOCK AT TUB KEYSTONE STORE 1 J)RE.S3 GOODS, TRIMMINGS tun NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY f While Goods I Stamped Goods ! Hoalcrj snd Qlora! Conot, and Eklrla! Lailioi 8bawla aod CoaU, (oew iljlea! Straw Goods, Eowers, EibbonB, ico., I'mbrcllai and Paraaola, Window fihadea, Ladiea and Chlldran'l 8II0KS, Wall I'aptr, Carp.ta and Oil Clotba, Ilala A Capa. Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Tiokiaga, Cottenadet, Caatiiaerci, Tweed. Ac, ie.t CHEAPER than tht CHEAPEST! D. C. XIVLIXU. Cla.rn.1.1, April :i,.ISSS. GREAT EXCITEMENT On Second street, Cliaufieid. NIW GOODS AT LOW PEICES. THB ndorfnad raaroctrntly IktIi, (ba at t-.tlui of tb Mi, (rnrrallr Inolr ,pldld taoorimant.f morebaadlaa, which Iba? aro sow soiling AT VERY LOW FRtCES. Tbalr otk aonalita I. part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Sua aa PrlnU. Da talnei, Alpaoo.,, Mrriao Uink.wia.Maallna.fl.lrubad aad oablaach- . d.1 Driltini-a, Tipklma. aotua ud wool Flaonela.Balini tu.Canlmoroi, Colionadoa, Lidi.a' Kba.la, Kublaa A Hooda, 0 a moral and Hoop gklru, ie Alio, do. aaaortoaant of M.a'a Drawari ud Shirta, liau A Capa, Boot, A Sbota. II of which SOLD LOW FOB WILL BE CASH Hardware, Queemware, Gliiware, Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of orortttilnu nau.lly k.pl la a raull alora, all CHEAP FOB CAli or approvad eonntrj pr. dye.. A. K. WRIOUT i SONS. Claarilold, No r , I Mr. THE CLEARFIELLTSTORE RECONSTRUCTED. ......Wmiam Powoll. William W.Uatu. Juh F. Weavor GEO. L REED & CO., Two door, north .r tba Court Homo, ctF.ARi'ir.i.n, pa. TTAVIXO returned t our old hoalneea atand, J. 1. wo kerehy oelifj Ih. eitisens of t leaHleld and th. publie renerallv. that we h.r. ...irrl Upon, and intend ta prnaeeule, a via-t.rtnis eam- Cairn against high prices and inferior gooda, anil now oa hand a full mpptv of all kinds of (Mds eeetl hi this market, lo th, tin. of Iry (alood-, a claim t bare a full aawrtneat. eonrlstinsj ia part of Mu.llns, blmaebed and unbleorbed I Prints wf all jradea aad styles; and I Spring & Summer Dress Goods, Bach aa Alpacas of all ahadeei D. I,ainea,5lo rinos and Flannel. beside., a full assort. aueut of f .ntlrmen'a wear, oonaiating in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, e.lloetta and n full assortment of ready-made clothing. Xotlons, Hosiery, Trimmings, D 0 .1 S I T T , AC, Hati and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. bir ft full tirfipfy of CnlTe, Trtv, pHptr. Rii-t Molaftf, 1 uisftrw, Fih. Kli, linmrii, roal b1 fiafa Otl, FLOUR, BACON, DRIED FRUIT, Pojrur-rarpd nn., Mtm TorVi. anJ full ol'tj of ProMtiuDi. Hardware and Queenswnre, ll'oorff A) At inifoie Wart. All the fiiregning articles will he eirhaiire'l fr CAKII, LI MIIKH, or ItH NTItY PltdHl lK, and at prices to which there ean be ThnM ia mtnl of Uoodi in our lin will pitan -CALL AND SEE t'S.'-S (jr.O. L. I5EEI) Si CO. Clearlleld. gept 17, I8S tf. J. P. Kratzer CF.1.L Ih hsl Heytheo Palent (tnaths 11 Kkodea' Cel.br.led Hake. Hap Pot ha noil olid 8te.l Uoee Sh.vsla eooope Uarveat awe, dSa. Ci MAPl .TUlai PLB PUIaAB Jurt revived at J. r. EkMZEK'St Mat hat itrevh otmttrj and ttarhlnr JHmp. j. t. smatnw " I. Totao BOyiNTON &, YOUNG, FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Ifnmifafilurn of PORTABLE d STATIONAEY STILViAI ENGINES ' Conor of Fourth and Pint Strtola, CLKAItl'IF.LI), PA. nAVIXd ngKfmi In tho manufacture of trat claaa M At'll 1 NLil V, wo rcapoetf ull y anfunn Ih. publlo II at w. aro now prepared to til all order, aa cheaply and as promptly aa can ho done in any of the citica. n'a manuiauturo and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-MiUu, Dead Blooka, Water Wheola, 6Uaftinn Polloya, UifforJ'a Injector, eieaoi Uaugra, Kuan U fcinUa, Oiler.,' Tallow Copt, Oil Cupa, Uaugo Cock., Air Coeka, (ilobo Valrea, Chock Valetw, wrought iron Pipes, Fleam l'uuipa, Boilor Fe4 Pomps, Anti Frietion Metrea, Buap Blono PaAthina;, Uoia I'aek. In. aad all kinds of laJLL WORK) Uifether with Plows, Bled Solas, , . COOK AS D PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS at all kinds. -Orders solieitod and BlUd at city prica. All letters of inquiry with rofarane. U matbiuerj of our anannfacture promptly aajwered, by addrea 1d( ua at Clearfield, Pa. dw-IO tf B0TXTOX A TOUKO ?: v. ww,r, NOTICE. I . Ia. REI) A CO. a CLEAHPIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rpilR proprietors reapeotfullydnfona thoeitiaens -a. .f Cleardeld Manty, that they hare entirely refltted thia establishment with the latest Improred wood-workin, aaai-binory, and are now prepared to raeeot. all snlm In their lino of bualnena. They will (lr. pteM attention to tbo nanofao tar. of material for hour bnlldinf, surb aa FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, sash, doors, blinds. Blt.il KKTS tf .WOt-l.OJ.rcs, OF ALL 8TYLK8, We always hare on hand a lanre stock of PBV 1.1 Mur.it, aad will iiircaah for all ,w I..i One aad a-b.lf larb panel rtuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to tuit aaiatomcra. .Ordrrs solieited, and Lomher furnithed short notice and on reasonable terras. 0. L. EKED A CO. ClfarlleM, T, ldf.7. E. F. P.TT..K V p1TTO!, E- A- " J. B. E. B. PATTON & CO., Hiring Uttrd np a Arat-claaa PLANING MILL Are preparoJ to furalsh all kinds af Manufactured Lumber, iK'h at Flooring. Sidinff, 6arfact-rrued Lum ber, 6&ih, Poor, Blind i, Anil -rtury drwrif tioa of FLATJJ AND FANCY MOULDDfQ. -litTlealerB will find It to their advantage to consult our preens before porrha.ing rlaewb.ro. Addrare, K. B. PAITON A CO., Curwensrille, I. , lM-lf riearflcld county, Pa. CHotUing. How lo Na'irc yionvy. TITS timet sr. Lard: you'd Ilk, to ksow Uiw you may save your dollars J The way I. do it I will show, If you ,!! read what follow,. A man wha lived : far frtnel here, he worked hard at hia traje, Bat had a household lo aopport That aquaadered all be made. I met him nana, gay, b., "My friend, I look, thread hear aad rough I've tried to gel myself a suit, fiat won't aae. ap ,noagh. Bays I, my friend, how mack bar, yon t I'll tell yoa where ta g. To get a anil that's enund ana1 eheapt To EKIKRNSTItlN A Oa. Us took what little) he had saved, And went to Heisenaleln A Brothers', And there he got a baa.laome nil, For half he paid to othera. Kow he is home, he looks an wsll, And thslr effeet la such, That when they take Ibeir dally meal, Tbey doa't aat half as mnoh. And now he finds ,n Saturday tight. With all their wants aupi lied, That he has money left to apend, And eons to lay asid,. Ills good success, with cheerful stall,, lis gladly tells ta all. If yna'd rave wioaey, go and buy Vent clothe, nt HEIZKKSIEIN'S CLOTUISO BALL. Where th. cheapest, (cast and best Clothing aad gwod Furnishing Uamda ana h, had I. rait very taat. and ia .very etyl. aprll, 7 Democratic Almanac. rpillS intalual.lr ptihliealinn is Air sale at th. -I. po.toftSee. It should ttetn tltcbandsof eTery l'entoerat. It etintniua full eleeliun reinrna fn,m eterv eountj in the I niled Cute.: beaidra, the nusotier lur liT.fi emituine a enmplete list ef the namrat.r all Ihe new apaK-rasnppreaaed and mnll,ed during l.inetilu's a.luiiiitetretiMn nndlbat fur 1KK7 eomaiiis the name, of all those civilians who were intprwoneal during the Hat periwl. Thcs. to liats, for folnre reference), ere worth more than Ih. price t.rt he puhltcejina. Th. nam Iter f. Ifinn Is .Ian (ull ( t.lu.l.le atallatiea. Any one senhng t renla to the Poet Master, will reewira by Mara mail a eepy for each Trar,frc.of rtvtage. ' JrJ.Sttf Trnaara and abdominal aupportra .f every hiad of th. latest tntprevaments, firr ,le a Ut.tiio, tiler. UAHXiiVt KK A 1KWIN. Jr LX lnm iVaiiMa. iiii.iaa.an i 13 LAk ( (INaTAULU'tl KALK. riR tils at rait -,. tfnntf. H. W. SMITH, ATTORK K Y-AT-LA W, i,l rirtrlold. Pa. If WILLIAM A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. C'learflrld, Pa, rl.jsl hnnlnoaa of All klad, promptly and ecouratety attended to. iLyli y DAVE L, KREBS. , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, -Clearfield, Peuu'a. .ff-Can b, (onaulted in Enfllah and Oar man, jelM-ly A. W. W ALTE RS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. VO-Offlo. In th. Court House. (do3-!y ISRAEL TEST, ATTOBN KY AT LAW, . Clearfield. Pa. AT-OBce In tb. Court Ilou.a. (jyll.'7 JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, l'lrar,:j. Pa. Offlc. with J. B. Mcitnally, Cit., ever Fir at Ka tional Hark. Case-Prompt attention given to th, securing1 ,f Bount it. iiaim,. as., en to all legal business. H IM7.I. i ilareb WALTER, BARRETT, ATTOUXEY AT LAW. ODio oa Second 8t., Clearfield, Pa. n.vll.fifi THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OSoe adjoining th. Hank, formerly occupied by . v. eivcu.itj, oeeonu at,, t;ieamela. veVVill attend promptly to eolleeilo... ..I. oflaada. A. Idacl7.2 JOHN L. CUTTLE, irri.nvpv it nuf And 1UU Fjililfl Apeut, Clerfleld. na.,.. u -i. - . . . ... , ,. w UB eireet, oppcsit. III. I.H. meTHe.t,eetall ..A... I. i. . : ,,. . t --.j - - h.. m.ivee in veiling and burin, land. In nu.a.u ..j ..n..i:-- eouoties , and with an .iporienoe of ster twenty ' . 'v"i it.ta aits.au mat ae eaa render aatiafaetion. ffeblbYoJ if WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearlleld. Pa. OSe oa Market street one door east nf th. Clear field County Bank. may4,'4 John II. Orvia. c. T. Alt-ran,!,. ORVIS Sl ALEXANDER, A1THKNY8 AT LA W, Brlleliiiite, Pi. atplSfii-j JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON, n A VINO located ai Osoeola, Pa .ffers hi, professioaal eervlua le th. people af that plae. aod sarroaoding ..aatrr. S-ea.AH calls promptly allend.4 to. OnTiem aod rasld.ee on Cnnla ,L, formarly ooeupied by Dr. K hoe. myl ly DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, rilYSICIAN AND SLUGEON, Second c'trcet, Clearlleld. Pa. Having permanently Inratetl. he now offers his professional services lo tb, ottiirnaof rteerfirld aod tirlnity, and the publi, grnorally. All rails promptly attended tw. et21l.y F. B. REED, M. D., rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON, mrHavlog removed te Trtlllamarm... P. . offers hia prtfereional aervieee io th. poopl, of an. surrounning eooniry. lJ7ll, fi7 DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Late Surgeon of the Md Reg meal, Pennsylvania Volunteer., t.vlne Mintnia r ..- . offers bio pe.f.saioal nerviea te the eitiscaa vt ..iv.ro.ia wuaip. avProreasioa.l nails promptly attended ta. OUtoe nn Second atroek formerlv oeenBird he (aprdM tl DR. J. F. WOODS, PI1YS1CIAN A SURftEON. Having removed to A n . 111. 1. . ir l : pnifeasional arrvieea te the people of that place ..... .., Huu.tr. aii nana promptly attended to. Dn. J m ptl. DR. S. J. HAYES, SURO EOS DENTIST Office on Main St., Cnrwenrville, Pa,, "II T ILL make prefeaeieaal visits, for th. eoa- T v.nienw of th. public, commenoine ia April, 1K, aa follows. Tit r Lathershnrg-FirM Friday af every month. Aneoaville First Monday el every month. Lnmher City First Tharrdayof evarv month. Spending two daya la either plane. All orders for work sh.uld h. pa-Meated ea the day af hi, arrival at each place. pur Teeth eitreeted by th applioatioa af local aawsthesia enmparalively witfaMt pain. All kind of Il,tal work ru.raat.ed. M. R Tb pol.lle will pleese .otic, that Dr. II., when aot engaged ia the above vlaita, may be found in his efiiee, ia Cur.cnsr ills, Pa. Carwensrille, Fe. 4, 18. g.,s DENTAL PARTNERSHIP, Do. A. il. HILLS. . rnar4wAa tm tntl.. Vl. .a- J .a. . ' sf-t,w iiip paininp, biiii tub aaraii7.rt D bliiNMUUd Willi bm ift th praetirttiT DrvUatrj, S. T. SHAW, D, D. S.,, Who li a graduau of th Philadelphia IVetal Collage, ar.d therefor, ba, th, highest attesla tioaa nf profeeaion.l .hilt. All w,o-k don. in Ih, office I will held tnyaelf personally raspeosl ble lor being dean In the most aaiiafaMory man. ear and bigheet ortier f Us prof.esioa. Aa Mtabliabed pmetic. ef Iwenty-lw, pear, la this plae. enable, a. te apeak te my patieau nith eenfid.ee.. Kngagi-ments from a distance should be made hy letter a f.w dajrt hefor. the patlsat devigat "e'e. (Jaa 4, I86S ly. MOSHANNON LAND & tUMBER C0 OSCEOLA ("TEAM MILLS, aaKt-rit'TiaK, LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS II. II. SUILLIXUFOilD, resident, Office fvee.1 Place, Xo. IJ.S B. 4lh St.. Phira. J'".S LAn'rtllR, Anpevialendent. JeA'dTj 0 areola ililla, Cleair!'1 eaanty, Ta REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, riearflcld, Pen n'a. A-Wi!1 eiccute Join in his line promptly and in a workmanlike manner. ar rt,6? BLAKE WALTERS. VKVKK AND CdNVEYAXtKH. tg.nt lor toe rmcnaae ane naie of Land. Clearfield, fa. ftePrompt attention given te all haslness eanneeted with the eoenty ofiice. OfBce with Iloe. Wm. A. Wallace. fjanl, -U THOS. W. MOORE, Land Surveyor and Conveyancer, Tf AVIXU riitlT l.riltt. In ihp U.nch of 1 M I'nniwW ttt.v, ftttfl rMnirtMl the ftmniit? of l.ftDil Fiiniti(, ndptH'Hullv Imdert hi profr nnnI nrr. irno to Ih otnfT of and eruUti)rt in UmU in nrarfirM nd Mii.lii.rig rwhttrB. l-lt tf ortVfV.npep ft-AllT PlfCUte'fi. OlUn nl mirlfftr-. on Vwr -t f Kfrk A THOMAS H. FORCEE, ntALa in GENERAL MKKOItANDISE, t.KAII AMTt, Pa. Also, ettcneive manti.itctiirer and dealer la Square Tioilcr and Sawed Lumbered all hinila. wpOrJcrs eoliciled and all lulls promptly filled. jvlfi-ly eeo, itarnr ne.nr ii iiir.. w. ai.tant W. ALBERT & BROS., Mae.rey-lM.ee A wteasle. Dealers In ' SawBw Lumber, Square Timber, 4c., w OODLASD. PE.NX'A. JMJ-OiHer, aolicltetl. pill, Hied on short notice " t-"oanie lerma. Addreei Woodland P. O . t'lee.a.u ieA r. J.!c l, W AlFtHT A iVnl. ItWeNwnn Card. TH06. S. WADHBURK, 8 C A I- K II OF LOGS, (ilea llupe, t'le,rOeld Conuly, Fena'a. rpilR tubserlber hae devoted mara time aad 1 attenlien to the BCAI.IS'l OF L0H8. aad Ukra this nistbi d of oDering his servlrea to those who may need them. Any further taformatloa ean he had by addressing as abore. Jel-U SURVEYOR. I -i,r. m.nA mm ! found l hit rcti df oae, lo l.f.rrnie iftuini.. i troled tu Clotr field, Pft mny 1 If, JAMFS MITCHELL. DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, AECOND 8TIIEET, JyM CLIiAHFIELD, PA. (if N. HOOVER, Wholesale A Hel.il Dealer ia Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, Two doon eftrt of the Punt Office, MARKET FTHKKT, CLEARFIELD, PA. .U-A lorgc rortmcDt of Piprft.Cigftr Cnwf, Ao. bIwj-i on tuBi. myltt-ly J. K. BOTTORF'S PII0T00RA1MI GALLERY, Market B I reel, Clearlleld, Pa. Vf EtIATIVF.S made in cloudy, aa well aa In i rtmmr weather, tonslanllv M hand a rood assortment of PKAMK, BTKitF.OHCOPKK and yTKKEtlKCOI'IC VIKWS. Framea, from any stvle of monlilittg, mntle to order. aprVit-tl FRANC'S COUTRIET, MEiiCL'.'NT. Prenchvllle, t hearfieiU Count)', Pa. Keeps ennatantly on lifind a full assortment f lry Goods, Jlarciwarc, tiroceriee, and everything usually kept in a retail store, which will be eold, for cash, aa cheep as elaewhere io tbo ooaoty. Frenchtille, June if, 1MIM J. C. KRATZER & SONS, ME Ii C1IANT6, PllLin, tit Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Queeaaware, Orooeriea, rev islons and . Bblagtee, Clearfled, Peuu'a. jBOAt their newitoreroom.ea Beeend etreet, near Merrall A Bigler's Hardware ,tor,. )anl4 Urrrhaut Sailors. F. C. CROMM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET BT, CLEARFIELD, PA. ' VFl'I.L aupply .f Cloths. Cassimere, and Vcalinga conatantly .a hand, whieh will he made up aooordiog in the latest fashions, ia a substantial manner, aad at low rata. my2A 18G9. Going It Alone. 1869. E.R li. STOUGIITON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Htrect, Clearfield, Pa., nAVINO opened huslnes, ea mj ova hook, at the eld atand la chaw's Row. I tberefora aoitouaoe te Ibe pubile that I have now ea hand a wail aeleoted aud large aaeortaent ef Cloths, Cassimeres, Testings, Beeve-a, and all kinds ef Goods for men aod hoys' wesr, and am now prepared te mak np la order CLOTH ISO, from a aingle article te a foil suit, In the latest atylee and most workmanlike meaner, rtpecial attentioa given te enatom work eud entting.oat for men and hoya. I offer great bargaiaa te eertomtr,, ead waraal entiie aatisfaetioe. A liberal ahare ef pnbil. patronage la aoliclled. Call and see me. janf-tr 8. R. L. 8T0UUUT0X. U. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door east of Clearfield H.tnse,) Market atrcet, Clearfield, Pa. KEF.P8 .a hand a full assortment, of Gent.' Furnishing Ooodt, such aa Shirta, Linen and eVoelen I'adersbirta, Irawer aad Socks, Keek-tiee, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves, JIati, I sabre II a., Aen la great variety. Of Pieee Ooodl h, keeps th. Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," $ueh as Black Doeekia of the very host make: Fancy Cassimere, ia graat variety , alto, French Coating. Beav.r, rilot. Chinchilla, and Prionti averooallng. All of which will he eold aheap for vaeo. .no roaao up aeeoraing to the latest atylas by eaperienced workman. Also, Agent for Clearfield eounty for I. At Singer A Co 'a. celebrated ,wing Siachinea. Sot. I, ISfil-tf. It. BRIDGE. IttisrcllaorouS." . The Lighlnina Tamer. rptlK andrraig.ed aro the aol, Agent, in this J eon.tr rW the "North Amerieen Oalvnnised LIUIITNING RllDS." T!ieae are the only safe rods now in na. aad ar endorsed by all the ecientifie m.a la th. reentry. W hereby nntlfy th, cltiten, of Ih, eeuaty that we will pat them ap a better rod. and for lea, money, than I, charged hy the foreign agenta who annually traverae the eounty aad earry off our tit tie cash, asver to return. EXCOUKAGE 11 OMR LABOR. Those wishing llghtela Rod, erected ea their buildings aeed but address a, hy letter, or call in person. VT, will pat them np anywhere in the roomy, and warrant then. The rtoda aad Fittnre, eaa h, aeen at any tin, bv nailing at oar store. M KHItELL A BIULt R. Clearlleld, Jua, II, la's tf ORGANS &. PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MASON & IIAMLIS'S, eon etLu it B 1. I1ATEB, Curweaaville, Pa. TIE "CLEiltriELD REn I.LICAX." r.TABI.IHIIKI IN IfltTe The largest ciroalation of any News paper ia North Central Fennsylvaniaa Terms of Subscription. If paid le adraaee, or within 3 mouths., ..M tX) If paid after 1 and hefor, t montha........ a SO If pall trtrt Ih erplmtloa of f monfta... 3 Or) Hates of AdvertisiDg. Traniienl advertiseinenta, pee eqnare of ! lines lata, times er lose... ...... J For each aubaequcnl Insertion.-......, hfi Admintetralors' and Eiocutcca' vtloea..., ill Auditor,' nolica,...... J to Caution, and R.traye.. 1 III Dissalution notioea I 00 Local notices, per tine ., u Obituary notlcra, over fire lines, per Unew... 1 Professional Cards, 1 year I AA YRAHLV ADTIRTIf KMKNTH. I ra,uare $ 00 t aquaree. li fid I sauaraa)....n.M..tft Ov i ooluma. , ..US M i ettlumn 1 avian, 4 $ Job Work. MASK. F-iagle ,alr..M.tI Id finnirea.pr.aalre.tl U I quire, pr, quire, I Ofl Over , per uire, 1 it IlAMiRtl I.H. i sheet, JeeWa.i I'd I sheet. 15 or Ice.,! 0 i aheet, IS or leaa, ( rn I sheet. 15 orletl,lD M 0m IS of earh ef ahor at pnperHemnte retee. 1 '0EO. R. OOtiDHynKR, Edittw and Penprietoe. 1 Hn AwTKO.-Th. we7er.7grd Till pay Iba hirh-at CAHH PRU'K Kr all kind. N tll.aisilr.t.tkiKS. rliee me a cal Chtarfield. Ilee. l. . R P.l T.K N ST El N TIIITE WISH VHkl.;AAsp.rlor wtec.e ler piciiingwntr aal by . r. 1 1 Af ZT. asjlliii, li "" JfiaFeEyamg, PaUrfjiaflj. TTRONX A CrlF.ARriIt.r) BIlA.VCn. OH n fs Monday, APfllL M. at . Paaawngwr TralM will i.m dmly ltlZl (u.a.ra) balwaan Tyrone atd Leak llataTS ... Peemrer Ira la hslweaa Ts.m aad w field, .B follows I LEAVE BOCTII." 1 LEAVE Ulij." CU.rt.ld .J, . U.I Tyron. , at ,j. Philipabnrg.sell.Ma, tlaeevm. i lei.ia, Oacol. ill. Pklllpsb'igrli.i,' . " lellu'o rienrflel.l Trroee t.&O, FAKE AND IUSTANCKsT FROM CLEARFIELD. FROM TVRom tatloa. Leonard V owl land.... Sutloas, f i . 1 101 Interaeetloa-. 4 , r till Vanseeyoe IM U.rdn.r it M ia Higher. VYaJlacetoa ... Flue Hall.- Plillipaburg;. titelncrs' lluntar. (raerola. Powellton Fandy Hidgc... Hnmiiiit Ml. Pleaaant... Gardner ,. . ,.11 ,13 IT .1-1 ..! .31 ,.?4 . i i tit. Pleaaant... 4 Humrait SOISaodv Hidg... b'j' Powellton n .14 IJ IT ,, D (saceula. US Huntiar... 20 .. W IS Kleiner's tu1 Plilllptburg, Ti at it n ao 33 ttl OO IllU. 0111 H WaUueio, $1 Ml lllgler 2, ,..St I Vanaooyoo Intersection..., ..M ..7 I MiWeeitiand 1 l. !,cnnnrd -i 11 M 111 Tyrone, 41 t Clearfield 41 I to FAKE i-'UOM CLKAHK1ELD, i'6' Bellcfonte, P ti ."''IMiddletown J;s, Lurk Haven J Tojl'.-l.'."" IM iiuamsporv.. I Mil Utwaatc, ' IIunlin.duB 1 ait Pun .i.i-in. IW- Uwisto.n, I Ml Altitun..... :.. Maryville 4 JO Jt,hn.tow: ,u HAKBleiBUItti... 4 J.lplTTKBlJttl. " CMNNUrTNtMH. . ft v,c.,lu M j af Phil pehurg nt 3. Si p. m., Osceola at 4 J , eet.e .1 Tvn... at 1 Ml n . .L: 9 . . -.v. y, h,., aiH,,i,r coaatclit. with Cincinnati Kiprees Cast at ej.jj p ,7J with Mail West at Ml p. m , oo Main Lia.-'" with Ilaid Kagle Kipreas, tearing Tyrone ai t la p. m., arrieiag at Uellcfoiite at 8.4i p m, U,'K Lock Haven at (..1C p. m, ronnecling with Sne Mail but en the Philadelphia aud Lrie koad at 11 .21 p.m., arriving at Vt'illiam.port at ISHs.. Remrning, pusengcra h-avuig n'llliaieinanal S U . n . ot, Rri. M.ll -I , T . . ., ven at h-31 a. ., connecting with II aid Kieia k - wv. Maw.ru iajaaa,n. rit in. .1 ltlefiiii II ti . ... ... City el . p. an, aad Tyrone nt l.lu p. n 1 liU' A II li II u l . wvnna.v ... niAtltlAela, General HupcrinteedmL GSOBGE C. WILKlhS, yU-tf Kupetialeadeai Pblladelphla & Erie Ruilroai . , BUililER TJ1IE TABLE. Through aad direct reatehetwe. Phllad.ipiV Haiti more, li stria berg, W LiU ama pert, aad th. Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania, ELEGANT SLEEPING CAES Oa all Might Train. 0!f and after MONDAY, APRIL 59, If.i, a, train, ea the Philadelphia A Kris fcui Head will ran a follows : Meet ward. Mail Train leave, Philadelphia..,...!, 41 t.t D do...Bt Mary',. i.nt.U. be.. ... arrive at Krt. fi.Jtr. I. Brie Bipres, leave, Philadelphia,... 1 1 H i a! 1 -da...8t. Kary 'a . I.M A M. Ie -arriv, at Erie ll ltl l l-.aetw.rd. Mall Train learea (rle JI.4J , J. Do do ..St, Mary', t.( p g. Do- arnve at Philadelphia-... t Ii 11. Erie Eipreaa leave, Rri, ti p. g Do do Pi Mary's 1.111 M. Do jrrlaa at Philad.lphia.... 4 KP.I. Mail and h sprees connect with Oil Creat aat Allegheny River Hail Fnetd. Baggage eeeetei through ALFKKD L. TVL11. hleawal fiupariateseeat Hauls. Clearfield County Bank. TUB Clearfield County Bank a, aa Incerpaea. ted Institution has gone ent f egiatsass 17 lb. surrender of Iu ebirter, na May It, lilt All It, Mock I, owned hy the ubeoTibsrt, vat win continue in. Banking batmen at tba m place, e, private Bankers, nndar the (rw aai ef the "Clearfield Coeaty Bank." Ws ara n sponsible for the debts el ihe Back, aad nil! iy Iu Botes ea demand at the counter. Depolia reraised ead Interest paid when money ia left for a age lime, raper eiaeoaated at an parent aa heretofore. Our personal reapoaaikility II pledged for all De,ositi roecived sad baiieea Irene leted. A eoatianaaee ef the liberal pa. ronage of th, hesio,ss men of th, eeeaty isre- epecu.lly sollct'ee. a. President, Cashier sM omcevs of the leu Clearfield Co.atyBaak.sa reqaire the netea ef mid Bank te be preeellea tor redemptlnn. JAS. T. LKONARD, RICHARD HAW, WM. PORTER. JAS. B. GRAHAk, A. E. WHIGHT, G. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACE. Th. b.alneas ef Ih. B.nk will be ceudortea vr Job M. Adam,., Hae, , as Cashitr. jaafl.'H 1. D. XI (1 irk. Ednerd Perka. BAlfma & COLLECTION HOSSF or McGIRK & PERKS Eeoreaears to Fuater, Perka, A Co, Ptilllpeburg;, Centre Cewnnty, Pa. "YrHKRB all the hnsioemefe Banking Hiesi 1 T wiP o. trauaacte4 promptly aad upoa ua mvai lavnraot. lerni . mnri County National Bank. CLEARFIELD. PA. THIS Bank it now open and ready far had nesa. na Heroad street, la tht hasint leg formerly aeeuptei hy Lenaard, FiaaeyA Oa, Itiaacmas ana orriceaa. JAS. B. GRAHAM, RICHARD fBtt WM. A. WALLACE, A. K, WR1UUT, D. W. M00RG. ju:,'tj Cashier. H. POKTRV CEO. L. REED. JAS. T. LEONARD, Prae list IHarhsmithinj New IlInokKiiiith Shop. FECOKD ST., CLEARFIELD, Pa. THS endsralgned begs te Inform his Meeds, aad the inhabitants of the borough ef Cleat eld and eurronndlog neighborhood, that bee raw ready u eieeat, all eider either ia Im steel. HORSE SHOEING ea th most ppres4 ,:ty strle. ALL K.INDS OF SAW. HILL IRONS aai ElllNK work, logman a tool,, eaatkeoks,sprsaai, graha, Ae. St..) tool, ef all kind Bade at heat lefji or Amerieaa eteel. w-AII my irnrlr II warruul I gir mar faction, or aot charged for. tl AMOS KKXSAAB IlPfiTg'eTouiisliIpAwalif' GREAT IXCITE.MRXT AT THOMAS BK?5S'S f IVTRTPODT trvieTwTgwt there first, fcthai 4 of heiag crowded eat int Ihe eald. li so want good bhoctag doe, g. aa If yoa want your SleC, Ironed right, go t, " If yon went good Mill Irana, ge ta " If yoa ws.t your aregon Irpaed ta ths halt elyle aad workmaaahip, ge In l aiai make, lb. heal t-t.wip MschiealaiH Klata, aaddoea all kiadaef M L AC hi .-M IT II la a ehe.p at can be doae ia th. enaaty fee fa Mg Foal C&oeejddreat Is Cle.rlelt Rndrs IIIO.MAo fUhi Bogga Tp, Dee. 1, lT-tf. . Clearfield Nursery. ENTOURAGE HOME INDVSTKT. nIIK A..UJ k..i.. .-.kli.ked 1 5 A aery oa th 'Pike, a neat half ay Wteeei Clearfield and Cnrweneville. ia prepared w h niah allkladtof I'RI'IT TREES, (standard an dwarf,) Evergreens, Fkrehherr, Orapa Oeeseherrin, I ...to BlaekherrT. Stvtwhsriji awn naanerry Viae,. AH. Piberlan i.Tie lemlaee, aad early eeartet Rhaharh, Ao. Orlen promptly attended te. Addreea, J. D. WRIflHI . eep fih-T ' tNrweeevlllsj; WM. M'KNIGHT. (lmmediauly U tear ef I'luitg Mill) . , CLEARFIELD, Tt. Tm eaVserlher wenld reereetftMrlnthr elll,nsi.fCle.rd a.d the pehlicla t""" Utnt he ee .tinnes to d, nil kin, ef nark ea WAtiONS.CAKaiAGIiS.SLEiriUSv'. .. abort notle. aad en reeeenahl, terwt, at l....rk.nlik....o.r. ! aT-AU erden .mmril' etienee, a- j Jjt1.tr. wf- mm08; f