Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 11, 1869, Image 2

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" I.KHllOI. U.CioOI.lANIiEll, l.cliUll'.
CLEAR I'll' LI), PA.
DemocratiOjSlato Ticket.
rmi srwiEMK junr.E
Democratic. District Ticket.
JOIIX LAWKIIE, lq.,of Cleirficld Co.
(Subject lo th" action of the Conferees.)
Doraooratio County Ticket.
LEVEH H.l.GAI., ol Urseljr lowntlilp.
County Commissioner,
S. II, IIIM1MAN, ofllccrarla township.
40HN I. MII.I.l H. of Hrll township.
Query. If Grant's opinion and that
of Ilia Cubinct was worth something
before, what is it worth after, tho Ton
iicsfee election ? Dac tell, Fawney !
Tbos. Campbell, .Esq., of .New Jer
sey, Inst wocli uirulo n present of fifty
acres of land to General Grant, while
at Long Branch. The President no
reptcd ait gratefully. Thomas evi
dently wants an ofiicc, and like the
rest of tliera pays for it in advance.
Mistaken Zealots The political
flip who live off the crumbs that full
from Grnnt's tablo and horse fallible,
frequently are heard boasting of the
rower and forco of the administration.
If tho Washington papers tell the
truth, llio holu Culiinct hus not pow
er enough to keep tho lousy nippers
nut ot tho front yard at the While
House. A powerful administration !
''From Ihe Cli-arfield Republican, a pup' that
Eenator Walla rai-rifs in bii pocket, we Irirn
ejeae things lhat will be new to tiie people of this
ciuntr, among oihir ttint the dili-gales in ihe
Jlfill" ill nvwiatic Convrntrjo were a majority of
all the d. It gate of the lliiiioetacy sn-i ri,,rerii'rd
the Ilrini. emtio tnwnr. I H court,: St. Marys, lien
s' ing,r an 1 F n. Iiciiij .msll towns, po fur nothing
Anvllier rlrir.jilio -ti'.inn of the olil raring that f"e
rnu.t go away from home to bear tlie Dews. Eli:
The above is simply not tmo. We
never saitl anythingof the kind Give
ntir readers tho language of the He
fvllican out of which you torture thin
All the hotel keepers at the water
ing places are inviting Grunt to visit
them, in order to draw nil Ihe ppend
thrifts, paniblers and drunkards to
their bouses. Ito bas promised to
visit Gen. Kane, at Kane, on the
Philadelphia, & Erie Lailrnnd, next
week. Ho is of no use at Washing
ton, anyhow. Ho might as well go
to California and hunt up tho balance
tl bis relations among the Digger
KEraKKD. Georgo S. Boulwcll,
Grant's Secretary of the Treasury,
Mid roslinapter General Cresswill
I. ., ,1 ll.., Im,,,,.!.,. 1, ,
A V.l .l.iv ,,.-., MltlliU lll, , 'J ,UIC
for Ihe rebel, Stokes, and the Radical
nominees throughout; threatening
ihcin with tho removal of every Post
master, Collector and Assessor, who
filled to como out openly for Stokes.
The election shows that Grunt k
Co, did not stare them much. A
tbange of f0,000 in a poll of about
300,0110, t,hows that the waters arc
troubled, and Radicalism is about ex
piring on a gibbet, Ihe only thing that
a jtuditul in any country is fit to
llowi, Scalawaos. The late elec
tions in tho Southern States makes
the loil hyenas yelp and howl. Vir
ginia with her L'009 on tho side of
the ''old Union savers," Kentucky
40,000, Alabama from 4,000 for dis
union and plunder, to 10,000 for the
Union, is good ; but Tennessoe, in the
language of Covode, "much gooder."
Jiiglit months ago that Stulo was do
bauclied and foolish enough to give
Grant 80.000 majority ; now she turns
around, niggers and all, and repudi
ates him by 00,0.10 after Forney had
passed through Ihe State und Ihe
whole Cabinet list) been engaged for
the season. Pennsylvania, bow long
will you continue to piny the Tool and
assist tho political vermin that now
infest our borders to rivet the chains
of slavery upon your on n limbs f
His Star Lisinu Again. During
the war, the "intelligent contraband"
stood in the li ont rank, yet was never
killed or woiimM. Ho'niff, red bnn
H"r, lost sleep, passed both j,i(k,
l.iic, sivnui rivers, fcalcd mountains,
went lip in balloons, hid in swatnoa
..I e I
u liilllly
a "man
landed in Waahingti n
and brother." lo !!,.
' i Al e" to "fun II,.
Machine nl' r.,r ll.o ,.,.e,.,.., ..f - a v,,,,. ,, in or Jf,r Jo
petuste ll.ep0wrrflf the rascals -.ho
hr.d a,!n;,d t0,UV(, ,he nat.nn from
rum, while they iro sucking its very
life blood.
The hist act of the "intelligent con
irsband" is not relished by bis white
Hies nd the ign-.rant portion of hi,
"n coior. Jt jasill ,u llm
Ol all such, robbed bitn of u'l 1,
ns put
'""s.a and heroism. Uncle- Tom is
Jow t,lundly n(,nnl)(.H hy M lf vi
lorn r,p,,,uad nn(1 ,
Iieenum l. t . .
- luken to vntinc the
tti fKr... L.-a
where thocarwii, i .-i
v,.v , "83 va made
r.m t.ieir eonal.
Vim their
fhr.fliirnti UnUmm.
Tim lb'inociiits mitl Cuini'mit ivr
Imvi! rihr. i rich Imrtt-tt rIT llio
(M.lilii'al fieM thin motiih.
In Kentucky ilii-i-o was no cxiito
men!, tli! c-nnlool he-iii" only lor Mute
Ti runircr ami members of lbe l-i-iris
Itil urn. A votv liclit vote nn pollntl.
The majority f'.ir llio l-cinoirnl will I
he m iir iii'iy tlioiiiiioI, and llio Leit
Inturo nearly t;naiiimo'.n.
Alabama has been revolutionized.
Lart year tho scalawags and carpet
baggers carried tho Jst itq by 4,00(1 for
Giant, and llio whole Congressional
delegation was "lop to tho core" At
tho lalo election tho lV'tiioerats und
Conservatives unilod, and havo car
ried the State by a handsonio mi jorily
electing fourof iho six Congressmen,
benides defeating nenrly all Iho scaln
wags and carpet baggers for the local
and county offices.
This is not nil. Tennessee has been
heard from. Tho most exciting cam
paign ever witnessed in this State
closed on tho oth. Tho extreme Rad
icals wero load by tho "rebel" Stokes,
for Governor. The Democrats refused
to put a candidate, in tho field, but
bufthrcw their influoncc fbrScnter,
who had been nominated by tho Con
servulivcs. Sonter has carried tho
State by 50,000, and tho Democrats
havo a lurgo majority in the .Senate
and Assembly, and carried nearly half
the county ollicera in East Tennessee,
two thirds in Middle Tennessee and
everything in West Tennessee. Grant
and bis scalawags carried tho Slate
last fall by 00,000. This is a glorious
somersault, and tho right road to
reconstruction, union and peace.
Header, this desirablo result has
taken place, notwithstanding the uni
ted efforts of Grant and his whole
Cabinet, and every scalawag North
and South, to tho contrary. Old Vir-
giniu 'gavo tho deatb-blow to that
moral treason monster, Know Nolh
ingism, in 1S55, and she was the first
to wound the Radical harlot, south of
tho Tolomac, in 1S!G0, and from which
the beast will nevcrrecover. Alabama
and Tenncsseo have followed in her
wake, and Mississippi, Texas and
other States will 60on banish the po
litical harlots, who will soon get fur
loughs to return to their "loil" and
godly homes in tho East, North and
West, lo -njoy tho fruits of spoons,
cotton and other plunder.
Slop a I iltlt.
One of the liltlo Tribunes (Johre
town) finds fault with Mr. Packer,
our nominee for Governor, for having
advocated ihe election of tho "traitor
Brcckenridgc" in 1803. To thin frivo
lous growl the Jwhuetown Democrat
puis the following :
T.ut wliere was John W. Ocary at Uiia lima'
II? was in Westmoreland eounty.a (Treat supporter
oi me anminirirulion ol James l.urOntau. atid
ronrenuentlr a (Treat trawler for Ilreekenri'iira.
! llenanae he was strong; for Breeketird baclaitn-
ea to no appomiL-d cruEua lalier ol Ihe srtioe
of Westmoreland conntr, hot hts aerricea STrre
thought to be fully coinntiisatod lv heme allowed
u tnae i h nensus of three towm-bina. Tell ihe Cabinet officers, of four ( f his contrib
trntb. nei(tbknr, and if ,0. w,.h u uilt ju mors, was a mere coincidence, a bun-
Iirerkrmolire prurltvif ie explain Utarri pos, lion
anom mai nine.
Does the Inb... man recolleei
who Julia W. ciearr was lor when he was indict, d
in the Cambria oouotj Cuurt for dealing in fraud
ulent naturalisation papers?"
It is notorious throughout West
moreland, Cumbria and Indiana coun
ties, that Jack Geary, as ho was then
called, was the loudest Breckenridgcr
in all that district, and even went so
far as lo forge papers to help his elec
tion. If it was a crime for Mr. Packer
tfl Atimvn-t TtrtvlrniiriiteA Knw Sa ,'t
11 O
jshoutG eury , even without thofor-ery
clause ? Iletter keep quiet, np there
There is a record at Ebensburg that
would be of no advantage to loyally
or morals generally.
A Trie Statement or the Case.
Geary and his confederate are labor
ing zealously to bring about negro
suffrago in Pennsj 1 anin, although
ciicckcd a liltlo in their career by late
events beyond tho Potomac. The
mcro voting of the Radical ticket is
not all they are aiming al. They wish
t) introduce into Pennsylvania cheap
labor just what they censured the
South for for over forty years They
know very, well that they cannot
coat or drive tho negro from Vir
ginia, where he has a vole, into this
State where he has no voto. Hence
the labor of theso zealots is to the end
that Sunibo can bo Irouirht among
.1 I 1 . 1 - e . , .
inu v nite laoorers oi mo .orth, so as
to reduce the price of labor for the
benefit of bondholders. A cotcmpo
rary very appropriately says:
"If the working tnen of Pennsylvania want lo
Bnod ihe Klate with N oO.ern blanks, as their
enniprtitor. .a Ist-or. let Ibem eote Uia Itailn-al
tl-ket, llns w,ll seeure tha ratiftcatioa nl the
Tilleentb Atuendtntnt, (ririn(t tho negroes the
r,(tbt or si "rne in onr slato, and thill ritrht -ill
hnn(t nejrroes by lias of thousands fmia the South,
to e ni t ie -itii the lsl,ono(r men ol the North
ros reaWe lie woje. .. lis leooriej sa.
Wi.rknie tnen of l'ennsylrama, look al llns mat
tor in the li(rhl of rx.mmon sense, anl theo Tote ss
beoomea sien of eooiraon intelh(en-,e,"
CovoniAs Joha Covode, Chuir
man of tho "loil" Stale Commitlco,
wriles lo a political friend "Deo on
yourgntd and kcapkwict" A friend
a fuw necks ago po.pcd into "lloiicst
John's" quat tors, and fmnd him rye
ing a pago in Webster's Unabridgod,
which be Soon closed, exclaiming,
'confound such a spelling hor,k, m,u
: van never find w hat you want." The
! Iiiend came lo John's resenn n.i.l
i inquired Wlmt ho H anan-liinia r.,
He replied be had been btinliiig a
"doctor" for hall an hour. The secret
was that John bad been looking for
ihe word "physician," and minutely
examined every "F" in Webster, sup
posing that it commenced with that
President Grant has bought the
cottago formerly occupied by Mr
r.iiirTi- n.. k c, ' . Jf' 'hunff. lctiffeM.witl, tiocxrHH'tfdloiOpiiiioni diftVr irhpiher lo la 'enne
rhtn. A wriemporary mvii : Wr mrocs lo wl.ith lie Moroni, und ty fr nale, or lake .art in the rimne
wonder wlio pid fur it
The Cab -
Ti :. e.:j .1 . . ...
AbirtiMi inui iicnprNi lipftnt 't,i
wn-n lnmrmea of the da!h of b:s
Urottinit mar. It is sui.i,osrl in S
I. , " . "upiiosea w re
'the Cm wsm'sini . il , i
.1 .tlnli.fcy Aomrw hrrr.
Tin' T'-Milt ul tho Knntlir'in cli'dioni
hue tiiniul every lull vtijjvinni ami
Itinkini; stiloon Ititn n house nf
ninuritiii;'. brunt's tV.iini t raved
ami thrr nlt'iin) llio ami awonl on
''I ul reconstructcil Tt'iincMco" if that
pcojilo biitl tint impertinence tt) dino-
hey llio l.'tnlirill odors fiom Wash-
on. I.veti Hid 'IVail Puck, and
llio othor sinall low lit of llio "loil"
flock, hel up a warning cacklo. For
ney, in bin Washington (7iromVf, in
warniiir tho 'J'vnnennpeans, said :
It ii no Jotirir a qu"liin fnlouM or rurmiar
tlinl rri-rv mi'inhiT of Ornrrul tlranTi Caljinot
.limit Willi tho lUpulihiiaii pattv, Kuilu mill
Si'iah. aiul ai,nil all ri le organisation. Thr
Sfttlonno at llio olo.o of Porfntt-r (tt-niral Cros
will s lolt'-r in loviir of Hl"Hi.r. Ihv Kcpul,-lli-uu
caniliimto f.r (J.)veinur of Tonnrsitrt', vii :
"1 am oontiflont Hint 1 drotare tha l'mriilrnl'ii
0iiiiiin asii.l ilrxirr," is undoubtedly tlm opinion
and drsiroof oery olli'T utrinoor of the Cabinet,
It is evident from tho result of the
elec tion, that even tho niggers refused
to obey the behests of Grant and his
bummers. If Grunt mid his Cabinet
aro unablo to control tho black chil
dren, born of their own loins, in their
infancy, how can they hpo to control
thorn when they grow up to be mon ?
Ah, gentlemen, "tho dog's dead."
Tho bluclt rod you liavo been soaking
lor tho backs of Copperheads fur the
past nino years, is being used to
scourgo and tan the hides of loil
knaves and disunion huxturs gener
ally. l!Iov your horns, Ulysses,
fioutwell und all. You can't even
senro tho niggers on ten milo srjuaro.
Tho black wenches havo shorn your
The World Moves. Horace Grco
ley was at tho Virginia Sulphur Springs
last week, "hob-nobbing" with Gen.
Leo and olhcr "red-handed rebels."
Hotgot Mr. Davis out of iho hands of
the Kadical murderers, and he is now
trying to get Generul Leo and his
confederates out of a little scrape tbey
got into in 1?01.
Greleey made a speech at Lynch-
lung, lauding the success of the Walker
party, and denouncing enrpet-baggors.
He said ho was opposed to political
disabilities, and while such were im
posed on whito men it would bo hard
to prevent them from boing imposed
on coloied men some day.
What is It but JtumrtiT The
Louisville Journal asks, ''What is it
but bribery? Gen. Grant can't be
bribed, they tell us. Oh no, he only
accepts tens of thousands of dollars
from gentlemen and bestows oilices
upon them equal in value to the money.
Anricnt Pistol scorned the word"steal"
us arplied lo himseWand his fellows,
and itisisttd that tho word "convey"
should Do substituted; and if Grant's
friends want tome other word used in
his ease, we respectfully invite them
to U-il us w hat ono they would sug
gevt. Four of tho heavy contributors
lo his neailh, men that tho country
never beard of, ure actually members
of his Cabinet, and jeihaps three
other cottlriliutors, not known as such
to tho public, make un the rest of the
Cabinet. We umy be told that the
tact of his selection as four of his
! , ... . ' 1 ,
1 " cnance ; aim mat lie wniuci
. , . , ' . I
havo eu-etel exactly those samo four
obscuro individuals if they hud never
given liim a dollar, but is any man
fool enough to believethisorto expect
anybody elso to believe it! It Grant
has not taken bribos, bribery is but an
imaginary crime.
Not Dead Yet. Andy Johnson's
return to the United States Senate, in
view of the result in Tennessee, is al
most certain. This is not the least
satisfactory rosnlt of the contest in
that State. Andy is a bold, positive
exponent of that clas of political ideas
that is least agreeuble to tho blatant
radical rulers, lie has the one grand
virtue that he w ill not bo put down,
and, therefore, discussion in tho Sen
ato will bo the less monotonous for bis
presence Ho has a Union record
that no man can impeach. J to is a
Southern Senator noi open lo the
curpetbsg objection. Ho is genuine
in all senses, absolutely fearless and
honest, and will "maka Romo how l"
Irnnt ilia placo in tho Senate with
much better effect than ever he did in
his messages. Ho is tho first Presi
dent since John Cjninry Adams whose
political vitality has not been exhaus
ted by tho Presidency.
A Mo.iivn.Lt Clerotma-. Rev.
. II. Drown, "rullud pmsnn," is the
pssior oi an Alnean Jl h. Church, in
Mi-advillii. lirolher Drown was tried
beforo Kennedy Duvin, Esq , J. P.,
Inst Saturday, on a churire broiiL'hl bv
Mrs. Surah Killing, a si.ble sister of
the congregation. Sarah aeetised the
Reverend pentloman ol making efforts
to undermine her virtue and appropri
ate her charms. There w as great e x
cilrmt nt among the colored popula
tion. Pearson Church, Esq., appeared
lor the prosecution, and Hon. S New.
ton Pelt 8 for tho defence. Tho at
torneya covered themselves with
foreasio glory. The testimony was
rather coiitlicling and highly relished
by a largo crowd. The jury found
Rev. Drown guilty and Justice Davis
fund him five dollars and costs.
I'lnano Spectator.
Tho editor of the Ilrookvillo Jcftr
soman is advocating the removal ot
the National capital tothat place, and
thinks (irnnt would be pleased with
ihe chance, ll would no doubt be
good lor l.raiitand other public men,
but very bad lor the morals of Rrook-
'IhrJtfcrtonian lalks of Grant
romping wilh their young ladies.
I D'ics bo take the virgins of Ilrookvillo
for Digger Indians T
(in, Mr. Smith, and get the rail
road made; but fer pity nuk, don't
bring Grant and Congress w ithin 1G
milus of Clarion, Don't polluto our
pnro atmosphere with tho decaying
iioily (f Radicalism. Let it die at
Washington, and bury it there, ainone
ll e Ihl'iots and low land sands of the
sluggish Potomac Clarion ihmocrnt.
A nea-ro was hung in Sooth Caro-
lina Iho olhcr d , and w hile upon the
scallol.l naid bo did not exTt to lie
1 wliith wa jdrdd lo rovii any of
uinr numiHT irom purn jhtii as ne
In. Itut for enrne rvaAon the
A . . 1 .!.
i ""' uiMin mis occimon io ut) in
i J.. i Tl ' '
:",", , J " " vw""""
I ,!"!c . 10 Suuln' n(' u ' lhat
W1H., nff moc,h iToal. s0
,,k:l' pi''oK so much trouble o
'W.m'iti www. iiK'iw"ai ii imiii
.1 .n;JJ y tYttr.
V l n t a iii'iili'y crew tlm Itepiihllcin
parly l H'K" l"1 m" I" '
tttitl IVeo liiiilnrs In the Wei-t htd I
iiiom v im n hore, It-t-al Iptnler and na j
lionui link men there Greeley in i
furor of an immediate resumption ol
. . . 1
spei ic pay men Is, anil other magnate ' a nepuone h iieiviisciiixeusprouuiy
conteiidiiig for an indelliiilo extension , buasl of religious fioedom, aid that
of the rag money system Grunt in ! ihey can worship God aecorjing lo
favor of Walker in Virginia, ami Dent ' tho dictates of their own eonseiuiieo :
in Mississippi, and ninro than hali'lii "Tim Great Pomsii Council
Cabinet opposed lo them one hull'iln December next tho Itishops i,f the
tho Cubiiiet favoring tho Cuban insur
rection, the baluiico standing by Kpuin
Fish for justice o out imprisoned
Fenian citizens, Hoar donor. neiiiir I
them ns cutthroats Grant trying to
steer ch-nr of tho miserable muddle of
Congressional reconstruction, and
Wendell I'lnllips antlieimitizing him
more deeply than ho ever did Andy
Johnson liuller whotting his kuilo,
and preparing to tuke tho war path
against the President when Congress
reassembles for prohibitory liquor
laws and against thorn for universal
negro suffrage, and opposed to allow
ing Chinamen to vole in California
and, in short, for and against any
thing, just as happens to suit some
spoeial locality. Never was there
such an incongruous asHcmhho of
materiuls as goes to make up tho Ko
publican party. It is a bundle of in
consistencies and ubsurdities, and Is
only held together temporarily by tho
adhersivo power of public plunder.
Let that band bo broken and tha whole
concorn would at once dissolvo "like
the baseless fabric of a vision," leaving
naught behind, except a foul odor,
such as springs from the soil on which
carrion has gone to decay.
Geary's Fioiitebs. Tho Pbiladel
phia Aye says: Feeling tho ground
sliding from under their feet, the Radi
cals are endeavoring to bolster up
Governor Goary by publishing cer
tificates of his soldierly acquirements,
signed by "veterans of tho late WBr."
A few days ago one of lhcs6 document
made, its nppenranco ii. print, with
sixteen names signed to it, professing
to bo cx-mcmbers of tho Uucklail
Regiment. An intelligent member of
ihutgallunl body writes to Ihe Hun is
burg Patriot, exposing the fraud. He
stales that only two of tho sixteen
ever belonged to tho Bucktails, and
shows that a majority of the signers
were never in the army in any capa
city. 1 his is a fair sample of the
ammunition used by the Radicals in
the present fight.
The Mississippi election cmbroilio
standsin this manner : TboCoiomittcc
which visited Washington to ascertain
when that Slate was to bo allowed to
elect its own officers, wero assured by
Uennral Oram Hint it they would
nominate his brother in luw for Gov
ernor, and in case of his election send
him Irotn tho gubernatorial chair to
Iho United States Senate, they could
have an election on tho first of Sep
tember, as they desired Tho propo
sition was accepted. Dent was lendei e 1
the nomination lor uovcrnor, accepted
it, and tho election is postponed until
the 30th of November Vy the Cabinet.
No wonder the President found it
ncces-ary lo take a trip to Cape May
and Long Branch. Ho must have a
ivcakncss in the knees. Age.
Tho latet political sensation is the
letter or Honest John Covode, I hair-
man of tho Republican State Commit
teo, inviting O. F. Drowsier lo resign
hts position ns Attorney Genera! of
this State. Tho letter, Covodo says,
was w ritlcn at tho earnest roauest ot
Governor Geary, and by the author ity
oi mo committee, lor the sake ol pro
moting the harmony of the Republican
party. Mr. Brewster, however, has
politely declined to accede to the re
quest, and thus the matter atan Jo. The
"ulle.-ation that Covode will resign
is false, and honat John fay tho "alii
gator" knows it.
The Pittsburg Commercial says : It
is reported thul tho Pennsylvania
Cenlial will shortly put on a through
train between New. York and St. Louis
via Alleiitown, Pittsburg and Chicago,
to be run in thirly-nino hours. On
some portions of the route for in
stance, tho Fort Wayne division the
speed will not be far from forty-five
miles an hour. Other routes, if they
expect to complete, must be stirring
It is clear that tho Pennsylvania
Central intends to lead off boldly.
mu Financeerino. A Philadel
phia telegram a.iya: A mysterious
atlair c.nne to bgt.t last night. On
l-riuav atternojn fjti.UOel, tlie proceeds
, . ;-,..,.... , . i ., .
ol a Uovrrnint nt sale, w as deposited
.1 . .. i. .i . 'p. . - ,r .
,,f inn mis ii. me a ii'asuiri a 'mih e- at
the United States Arsenal in this city
Saturday morning on opening the safe
it was discovered that l.'-l.WJ bad
been stolen. There were no marks
ol viuleiu-e on the safe, and the budd
ing was well guarded by private
watchmen. Several employees of the
Arsenal have been arrested on sus
picion. Anotiiib Dark erom the Rai ical
War Don Wendell Phillips is out
not only in a growl, but a decided,
deep mouthed canine bark against
President Grant. He barks al bim
under tho head of "Forgotten Promi
ses," as if he wero ignorant of Ihe
well-known aphorism that promipes.
like pie crust, are made lo be broken."
The President will, no doubt, feel as
much refreshed as if he bad just
emerged from an ocean bath at long
Branch when he learns that the elo
quent scold has thus ventilated his
wrsth and cut himself adrift from the
The Rev Sanford Halbert, editor of
the ('hri'tian Admrnte, a (Kihtical and
religions paper in Hu Main, was thrashed
laai Thursday evening by Nrman
IKiIley, son of the Collector of Cus
loms. for a defumstorv as 1 1 i.-lr ri lntie-
j to himself and lather. The uriHe in
the Adtwfitc was instigated by
Halhcrt's disnppointmort lit not re
ceiving a position in tho custom bouse,
for w hich bo was an applicant.
The liiirh tariff on coal makes the
people sipieal. Hut why not nqnoal
about all the other burdens w hicn the
larifTof the Mongrol parlv heaps upon
ihe nciksof the people Coal is no
worse than all tho rest. It is all bad.
land proves that tho people are dwarbd
m ll.oir manhood to support such a
I " s s s
Mr. Greeley has pone to Virginia,
rreidoniiul moveiuoul at tbe While
; uij.nur irini.
I ' - -
tl t ... . -
la ....
I up nitre a ptohl k'no.nij-ni at
jri .j-.n-o ii.ousanu dollars a year!
lor lara;a sl.ows. .Now pit-c us sumo ,
a.nuM f,,.!;,.!.,-.!.
; smull ones for a cent, lur liule boys to
tlrllilaua Inlntrrnmr.
The llirrihurg 7 elrrjra h, Hie h"ino
(irenti ol (ienry, piilililncl a line days
i;ii t" li'lhiw ing attack iipuii the
(.'iilliolio ( htiii h, which, lo iny the
least ol it, is a very curious imsilion
'lor a leiiilini' pni,i, .il louriiul to take I
I I, II., . tl i
Church of Home will gather from ail
parts of tho world in the Vatican, at
tho summons 31 tho l ope. II llio Ins
torv of ibis church did not warn us of
tho designs of this conclave, wo might
readily havo discovered them from llio
(encyclical letter ol tho Fount!, pub
lished in ISM. That remarkable doc
ument caused great uneasiness, at tho
time of its proinuhrntiun, to countries
entirely Roman Catholic; it was the
source of nngor in many where the
population is equally uividoj in reli
gious f..iih; and it excited derision in
Countries mainly or overwhelmingly
Protestant, in these, lust, our own
among them, it was hi ked upon as
tho peevish protest of a senile old
rriest, beset by danger which ho
could neither avert nor patiently en
dure. And many w ho pass their time
contemning the power of that splendid
superstition, and the ability of its
priesthood, rested, and still rest, in a
security wnich the designs of the
church d ' not vanajil.
These designs aro nothing less than
the declaration of the lemporury in
lallibility of tho papacy, and tho abso
lute temporal sovereignty ol tho Pope
Tho virtual oxcommunication of the
lung ot Italy, tho assumption of su
perior authority to tho Emperor of
Austria in matters ol civil government;
the alarm of Bavaria, no.1 lo Portugal
tho most besotted government in the
world in Popery; and the caution
given by Franco against too bold an
assumption of power by the Ecumeni
cal council, all point unerringly to
tho tendency of the hierarchy and
tho distrust of tho governments ol
continental Europe. Let it be remem
bered that llio Jesuits are intent on
political power now, as they have
ever been ; that Ihe dogma of tempo
ral infallibility is their darling scheme;
that it they aro sticces-Iul, tho con
science of every Catholic in every
land will bo bound a firmly to uphold
the temporal sovereignty ol the Pope
ss it is now bound to accept the doc
trino of Trans substantiation, or the
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
Virgin ; and some idea of the danger
to temporal powers from tho arrogant
assumptions of the church at Rome
may dawn on the most credulous
Let the Ecumenical Council leciarc
tho dogmu that the Pope is supreme
in temporal affairs, and infallible, and
not ono government " earth can de
pend on the loyally of its Catholic
population, in any case where the
1'opo may refuse hi assent to the acts
of government. A word from Rome
can pluco Ireland in a frenry of rebel
lion, to which will be ad, led all the
enthusiasm of religious fat.atitistn,
against the English government. Iel
it announce then that our schools are
hot beds of heresy, as it has already
done; let it declare, with all the au
thority of infallibility, that our form
of government, for separating Church
and State, is sn enormity and a wick
edness, as it has done beforo ; let it
command ill votaries to withdraw al-h-giaiico
from such an cngino of the
devil us our Government, and to work
day and night for its overthrow, as it
must if it be true to itself and its
teachings, and let that strange broth
erhood, whoso Consummate ubility
has been the dread and tha admira
tion alike of mankind for fico hundred
years, be authorised to carry out the
orders of the Church, and w lu re would
we bo? Four millions ol Catholics
led by tho Society of Jesus, frantically
intent on purging Cbris'.endom of so
monstrous a crime as Republican gov.
eminent, which contemned the true
faith, which refused to prevent the
teaching of heresy in her schools;
which denied the papal power, laughed
st its assumptions, mocked its real,
and glorified in its defeats, would
provo a danger so far greater than
the three hundred tboasaud slavehol
ders, tha' the. fallen aiislocrary be
comes ns nothing by comparison.
Ourprcsent purpose is fulfilled when
wo rail attention to this pregnant
subject, but we shall, Irotn time to
time, discuss tho Great Council, and
ulso discuss its designs and acts, in
such spirit as may seem to do
.' . , J ,.- ... .. .
niand ; hoiung always thai the attempt
. , . I r . i
1 to niakc the Pope superior in temporal
I ,, - , , , . .,
iiiiii uo.-r ceoiswiuii'u en ii oeiu-
incnl may eventually prove a fanatical
dream of some moulliinir enthusiast ;
or al the worst a scheme of that pes
tilent society winch las intiigued
against every povernment on earth,
and been driven fiom all except Our
own. Rut, w li.le hoping thee things,
we arc bound to say we nrc helping
against hope. That evidences accu
mulate on all hands thai the Popedom
is on tho eve of a struggle for tho res
toration of universal sovereignly, and
that il should be close ly w atched and
sternly met. For in the duleal of
such a scheme lies tho hope, and the
last hope, of liberty on carlh."
Tho Tdcarcph is edited by George
llergner, a lieh Hessian Radical; he
is Postmaster at llarrisburg, having
induced Grant a few months ago lo
kick a brave soldier out and place
him in, w Inch may account in part
f i r bis devotion lo tho Radii-: J scheme
of making citir.ens of millions of Chi
namen brought up in tin belief ol
lluddha idolatry, and millions of nig
gers trained in Ihe Hill lower grade
of Fviich worship; and it is not ear
pricing lo us, lliat a journal using its
w hole influence to establish tho wor
ship of idols nnd wiichcraft in our
country, should occasionally make a
cowarolv nttMik mi a t in is'.ian church.
G ,'ui;,(ni Jiiiii',.
A Sa-r!ui.ii1' Villain. Some
nights since, some unknown scoundrel,
who bad neither the fear of God nor
nun before li s mind, entcri'd Un
j I.iitbcrn Cliiireh near Adamsburg, of
which Rev J K. Plitl, of this plac e,
is pastor, and tore from tho floeir ami
j carried off, aliout thirty Varus of rai
net. The carpet was but rwcii'lv put
i down and was of good quality. The
larceny was not discovered until the
following evening. On the tiighl in
question a man was seen going to
wards Manor Station with a bundle
Lnh in nine nud unm-uriiiicc, would
j of him lcinx tlurf. Surely U.e
ponitcntiury. il nothing one.aail
the jfrj'cirit(or of tutb an act.
c,,.da..rA l m,
i "
The nrpirrrs threaten to raise the
devil if are not admitted to the
e,K .,1. v. rj..:. a
i military x
hcils at Vci l,nnt and
Lot us bar jinta J
(ln !(. All parnna ait Wotjr naattonJ
I araln.t pMr'tiatiof or in any waj la"t't'ii)
w.ih taa RAY MAKI.M, H H Nl a4 WA-
ON, how in llift ol Oeciaa W. Hoeaen
boiT. of Woodward towtislon. aa the eatts awlei,r
to ma. and are tfi wnb him on ian mi
H J, r J A 1 r 4 I'll i. i
n-ror.r. JAMU 1'OU.NhI.Y.
Ma'lrra. Anp"t I' ! pl.
"I Tlt 4 X. Came Iresps.stbjr on Ihe premi.
1 4 tes of the sutwriix r, rcsi.hnt; in Hell own
li,. on or tha Aral das of July last, two T.HS, ahout two years ol.l : one white, with
re, I ears and rt 1 .pots ou the si l.-s ; the other red,
white along the livk anl belly. Also, a sinall
dub bundle lull, supposed m be oua year o'i.
ihe owner or ownere are lieroly requested tu
coma forward, piove property, pay charges, and
take tbein lss, or the will ne s.iiu aecinnns; to
law . alOl I.
rer, August II, 1SC8 It pd.
J. P. Kratzer
13 RECEIVING NEW CiOOliH. fella choice
Groceries, lias a full lloek of lry Goods.
Keoelvas goods every week, lluys all bll foods
lor caab. Can atloid lo sell them ibssp. lias
tha best Cook hlores. Warrants bis lioots and
Shoes. Keeps all kindl of Leather. Exchanges
for Produce. Is closing out Hummer Ciootls.
Wants all kinds of Urain. Lalivcrs goods free of
obarge. Will buy yon anything. Kec,s arary
thing. 4lli slora is opposite tba Jail.
Cloarfitld, Pa, August ll-lra -
A Farm for Sale cr Rent.
TU1 E mbicriber, ieaiiitn near FrencbilU,Cor
iriK'ba townihip. fives nolio tit at h will
either )) or not lb well known farm, tvljoiaiDg
Ur.rU gf LSuliitDon Mfturey, Vtltmuut anti tb
Sul. iliuidcr farm,,
About FIFTY improved, having Hereon a bouse
and barn, eteellent water and a flue young orch
ard. Also, a LOT lor sale, near the cburuu.
a9For farther particulars, call in person or
adiireaa tba undersigned at Frencbville P. O.
THE OariKU County Ajrrioultural Goelety
bare dftrnuinrd not to tulj fff-u'ar Vmir
ILu yr, fur ltt tulLuwiug rctuun, naiulv tbal
tutice bu not fetn given is pruer lime to btvt
tha neocusr prcptrUifiii uin. It kia bven
daLerinineU, hoircvtT, to bold f'tir on In old
(round, near tUtt boruuicb of Clar.iii,on diiM
., Iburi'lfi? and Fri'lar, Die Mta, 1Mb and
IftUh tlavi of OctoUr, A. I. 1h;0; and fur the
puqinae of affurdtnjf b farmrrt an OfpoiiunilT
of jirfpaririir; ai.d niikioj it an ol jrct t improre
and cibibtt fall fro pi to b pat ia lh grovod tfali
year, the fu!lwiii) prcatiuoa ii offered for tbe
(tzhlbttlOD of 1 t7U, nt t
liiit wo aeret of wiolor wheat $30 H
lieit buthcl of winter wbtal 4 00
Hett two arrt s) of rrt JO 08
Beit bubl of txt 8 Of
hctt two acrM of oati Q 00
ItVit two ar of buckwbeaC 0(i
B4t two acre of corn Jti 00
Hrt on ara of olurar aeed (t uft
HMt on barbel of potato to
bn; ont ball bubel of timoth aead 2 00
Tb abort prf-wium w ill be paid to the pfrfoni
to wbntn eumpetrot Judgr iball award tbi.
Tba niirt prctuiun liat wit) b pabliabaj auoti
fur tbc Fair nit yiar, in the bnpr (hat manj my
ba Hidued to eompoU for tne ptxaiiomt, and tbui
etstourafe a fxd tauf a.
The Socittjr Imv alo Js-trrniiiH-d to )n the
FurUroand on FUIUAY.lbo 1Mb day of OCTO
I:KR, Jftt t. at 12 o'clock, for tba parpvao of a
trolling match oa tba track, for a citiaena' parae
oi u ; pen i nrea in nv, tn ,nt;ia barn : to
trwt afraiLit time. to all boraea owned ia
tba cuunfjr at Iraat tit eta dava pni-ioa. Tb
iruutid Will te Open fr'-m oa to five o'ciurk. p.
A Jmittaner, li cents, to all peraoai. i'artHHii da-d-wiiiti;
to rrit'.-r tb-ir huint-t lu tnin-?te lor the
pur, can do ao lit giviii( notiea either ia pen an
or ij wtn.Lji l" .rlKryr auj n tbo pay
tti riit of an efitnro fee of I J.
It ia be'pcd that township orjcftiitvittoni will be
(.il up in ll.e mcantirae in (he d.flvrtnt luwaotniti,
aod tiiat a grrater tn.emt tnsy be mam(es(oJ ia
the can of agiitui'ur. Mtviinp an 4 dicat
ioi du aaBch pjoi. It rvxMUi. the ISunctT
win a'inj ftteaki-rs to wtrti au t i iL ortiua
ti -m onr or twict. with a view of cnijutgiti
oa Tom"iiog Bme uirroiFic.n.
O. R. I(RRETT. Pmidrnt,
A. . Umiltll, Srvr-!-y. augll
I U)N. Ail psrKnt ara ken ? rto'ifir I
J h'.t to harbor or mplf.T bit sn, J'LT EU
lll(l'sKV. m inmor ) ho has Itfl t!:r parmtal
n-ot aiiiacnt any ( mmn; auid I m, tUrtfure,
dr(trmit.rd lo ollert all wairri that Bit he due
bim, and will pay ro dt-hta of his eTOritraMieg,
uolcrs conj'fllbd by law.
FTEniiry noresnr.
Camp Meeting.
P MEETIXO.eomnirnrir
lr will he sale) oa the Clearfield C'ireuil.
ia s luadljitl ehrsloat frorr oo the premises if
JO'IN fvS K EY. Bear ths llrwhea M. K Chitrrb.
alal ! ssilee neilh of CleerS-ld Towa and :
nnlrs west of S.ieeo l ie. Our friends from a t
jeieitisT Stations and Cirvails areenrdiallt Iwrifd
lolrat withes. Lamkerforteatsfu-nisbed gratis.
R'd and otber facilities moderator faod. lor
furttcr iafurmatina. a tdress
"it St t'l-artlel.l. Pa.
To Ilutldrrt nnd .fltchantc.
Cpawi.sinskBs' Orrirr.
ClearHeld, Pa, July 3d, lf .
OEALEO pnoi'OSALS f-r ere, Unr, tba wk.
and tbe different kinds of Materia!
to be need in Ibe eonstruetioa, of a NEW PRISON,
uli fchtriC'l re. id, nee alU'hrJ. for Clearfield
Ceante, I'a, will be reeeired at lbs Cosanissios
rs OSse. ia Ov(s!d. ami)
Wednesday, the 25th of August, 1369,
Vi here plans and l(.e?iucatioas eaa we aaaeaibed
at any time.
Bids wiil bo rereirej fur llie es ,,.! ecnlraet, as
well as lur tba diffrrent braaobesof tba work, vis :
Exraeaiinn, MasuarT aod Plena work, Brick
wi-rli, Ca-j-nter we-, Oset Iron. Wrought Iron,
Plartirirr,, raintinf and tilasine, Plumbing and
llrdrau'.ics, Ueatii.( ul Ventilation, Utln.
Hardware!, Leeks, Tia work, e.
For farther paiticolars apply al tba said offii.
Tbe Ar.-biteet will 1 1 present Ihe day before the
lettint to (ire ar.y necessary ai,!anstions.
6. 11. fcHAKEN 1 H,
Attest C'lnnn'sii'.nrrs
tl. Tt iJiftliuiMlt, rierk. Iup4 .1t
IXr.t lKiKS' MlilC (da
a meutary having this "ftb day ,i( Jutr. st',a
l-i rranted ta ns njon Ihei-stnte CI Cll E 1ST I AN
I MKIiiH. Is'enf .sl .rns tn,h p.ri-srfirld co..
I'a , deceased, all prrsnns bavi,,, elsiois sceinst
eaid estate are reoneeted to prreeal them ta due
form, as I thiMe inl, btid ta said estate are re
abetted to snake psreaeat witbeat delay to the
audrrtigned Exeeainrs.
El'WAntr ri:HKi,
Philir" nrt. Ontn, eo.. Pa..
Momsdalr, C'learCel l re.. Pa-,
JvS.OI Fsrmtors
(J( HtHlL TtNtire is besilir (firesi. ttist
kj 'be f-i-h sl ll rectirs ef Ch-arScM tmro'igh
liaie placed ia Ibe bands of the S,.henl Trea-urer
a errtitird Impliratr of tbe fv-hal ut fsr Isf.u :
and all por ins slitl I enoilrd lean atwti nsent
nfl'IVE I'ER t I NT. en thlf tni rn ps ineut
of the same lo the, r, at bis resume, oil
or (-lore tbt ?sth day .if (Vuhrr ant. Be , r.
tiru'ar lo read The Bd'l of As.emMy at tbr tu.troU)
of the n,,tie lift at rur rro-lnee.
j.'m. Etrn.i.nAROi'H.
HrsrSrl t. JVr r. I. 1 .t Tn s.orer.
i Hi-: (in m okiommiiv ri.l.A
j. or t i.EennM.i t ni eiv, pa
No las, Janaare term
E';sal,eb 1 Klice. I Plir soV stir Hirer's.
The wT.drrritfued Commitsinner, spi.oihlfsl hy
the Ceort t take les im-.fty in Ihe ahee esse.
Vrely g.res nodes tiiat l,e wt'l s'trr d lo Ihe
,l.iir. c, ho s pirtm.l, kt the rff'.-e l Urn. A
W si, see, L-e,,, ,n W' ri n ta, . t'.,,. ;ith dsr of
AaruM. at I o' -k, P M.. a hen aj,d wi.rr all
pers,.iis tnteresied n,a e'lr,,.
.t,s ( r mm;., oner
AM I It- liMXMMI No. I risM.en inch
.SIIINULI.S, f.,r h,-h Ihe hieS-.t
u l ram. V 1. VKIl A 11LTTS.
Cliarfleld. JuW SI. lef,,.i f
tl Ki. 1 It Ail -T!-rni are hs-n. t rantine4
J a;mf furel.iMti r ia mr? mj mtdLilinf
with a team f an- hr.r-e, 1 art oi doubte brn
I plow, 1 abnv- f. I tiBler tW., I Juf- a'ed,
1 barrt.w, t rtiti(f cal-e. 1 birsilmf chain,
bMt r.i btxtsiiwf, I eavbh itro, wa T,rr ttiovr,
hnabil ani Ikilcbeu furaiinr, & acre nf
on tat cruund 4 arres f rorn in !hr (rromid, aid
thra arr. of wbeal ia tbe ground; now in tbe
i "n" Job nfrT of !t-11 ttp. tt
Brwer, Fa. Jiy ji.Ih
VIllMlR4llf MlTiri'.-Nolict
is herehr lhl l-o. f aminislration
,.i, Ihe e.te'o of KnHERT W I Ll'll. decean-d.
late of R..i.-rs town.h-p. I'lea'te d eonntv, IV,
having he-en flulj granted la the unleraif ned, ell
per, mdrbted T.,d ,,u,. .,.Vpii. m.k.
I patrert, and .bote h.vnag einms ,r demaorfa
will .wsl them ren-n, ..iwici ... -a.
II preaeal them nren-n, eoihenllrared fer aaa.
yl l j-f 41)'SlBtvttri
flry Wocfli, (Orcrcvlfj, t?lf.
Or' CA Itl'Ki A I) Ul L CLO fill.
wall rArr.i!S-oiLTrArER,i-3.
lace curtains, window shad
coustehpases and qciltj.
ClcariclJ, June 111, 1SC9.
Have ;uet opened a
Ntw Stoss, on Main St.. CLauiricu), Pi..,
latclr occupied bj Wm. F. IRWIN.
Their iteck consists of
Gkocia'.as of lbs best quality,
Qleensware, Boots and Shoes,
aod erery article Eecvsiarr for '
one's comfort.
Call sad tiamioe our slock before pur
cl,ain elsewhere. May 9. ISCC-lf.
,b CTivnicn
-e- - er ail rncmi
agnge Barrcws, Wan;buasa Tiuar, Copsicg
Presses, loiprorcd Sttraey Drawer, Ae.
roa sin it
Dtalert In Hardware,
je.'.O tr t'e-oal Htrret. Cieartelt, Ta.
orruns tas
:e-.x :
asctr srsiiT
rpiIB swbeerlhar reepeettally infurma bis old
1 pslrons and Ihe fablie treBerelty. thai ba
bes na head, (aad is cnslaatly recsisiag saw
additions thereto, ) a large stock of
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry.
rr-I keep Jewelry is all lit forma and of
difirreat Tatars, auher by the piece or aeL
WATCHES A fn'l B'sortnest of either flold
sr r-itrer, made by Ibe best Aserirtan and f.,r
airn msnatae.arars, including a Baa lot of gold
and silrsr bunti.-ig ease, lull jeweled, I'aieat
CLOCKS-Of nil designs, eonsisting efslihl
Jay and tbirts-bowr, of a;thrr weight, spring or
levtrs, and bjtb t'rika and alarm.
REPAtftlNl). All hinds of Watches aad
Clucks Kepsiicd, and warranted.
In addilisnto what I have enumerated, I keep
a full BssoTtmenl .ef SPECTACLES, cnlored and
pla n glass. iMse. HOI ll PE.s set PENCILS
SPOONS. PohK, BUTT EH KN1V3 and in
fact everything in the Jewelry hna. If I fail tr
have aa baad jnat what a rusu met may need, 1
wiil order per filet etpress. wilboutettra ctsre.
A hhersl share of public pslronsgr is solicited.
Ms, T, Iron y 11. I. N A I' el I.E.
a. lu riLLtavos sr. a. wcrnissos
KRF! wnnnt.y od l.aiKl M.d for av)v, Frefc
Illrt. e,
LF-EF, VI! AL, 51UTTOX, c,
Trnlj F.ih, nil Yfrt!,M la nii
C-ntfJ Flu itf, Bauer, Lftrj. a which thej wi
etl tU the liiwct ma-lifl iiricf!".
Ct h ymiii f-.r TATTI-K. Bl'TTFR, Aa.
'xim on Mrkrt Street, oppi-itt tb Court
Hunt-?, n(fieia, Vh. t.Maj 12, 'ft if.
tIT M 1, PAPI.H Kv ul Kf.ti IM de-
H 'rri, inr firl.ti, bivili Dd
iiLHf rnki t!l cteip at
T Tbf B:'deTinl brrrKv f'wt i.ftire. tssavt
thT il tl,e hii;,,-! &irLrt frice fur f -od
ciuavhtTui 1,0 i i- H 1N5 1. ; na thow h-Mit
urh lur wilt fcnd it ia thur ttitcH-t to girc
thtu. ft ca!1 Ltlurc cl.u. r'.rwhrfl.
Jvi. tli W A ECN.
ClMrllcU Mmri-b S. I cy tf
(f tlufaticnnl.
rPU8 FALL TFIlM of twi-ntr-.w weVt, will
A wiLi&coct m JiiAtiUtiT, tHfiieiotwrr ft, 1
RMtfiipif. ft'lh rraj'"r. V'ritirr.Ot.jibrt Let.
rp. FfimatT Arithmetic atsd i'rimry, Jer hU tenn. (of elcre
H'kf.) S Of
lliMorr. 1,-vn.l Mi l 1wr;r.tiTe OeofrhT
nh p Itrnwinr. Ortmirar. Jamt.!
ftnl Written Am.ituriir.
Alrerr aod tb S- irncva
For fol! j srlrenUrn tetid fi.-r Cirmilar.
C(ert,l l, Aui. 4, 5m. ,
Rev. P. L. Harrison, A, M., Prncipal.
rpilE FIRsT FKK0X of ths neit erho
al Is.oe year of this Institution will c,mn,.er
o. tll)AT,the Sih day of September, IsfJ.
Popii, can enier at any time. They ill e
charged wiil, tuition from ths itmt they enter ta
the e!ee ef the Seesina.
The euree of inerrnrilnri embeaeet aeery thing
IneUdrd t. a honun, prari ral aad tjeoom
pl.rhed educalioa nt hack sexes.
Tha Prtwcipel. Eaving bad tbt advantags nf
mnrb aspe:snee ta his perifesslen, aeewres pa
rents nnd gnsrd nns Ihel bis snJlrt it-.toy aad
eoergiae will be devoled t the tnorsl and men
tal traming nf the voeik pleeed awder bit cha-ga.
Ilmi Ills- tl lllll.
Orthegrsp),,, ReadiBg, Wrllint. ed Prlmsrv
Arithmetic, per eeta. ( II weeks) ft SS
Qromasar, tseography, Anttsseus, and
tti-tnry . . . . (st
AtreLre, fleemetry. Teirseieesetry. Mr..
eiiraHnn, r-arreyi.g, Phileaphy, Pk.Bl-
lorv. Cbewi.fv. Usek Keying. Botany
and Phyrisal l.eegraphy - . - OS
La' in, arret ana treats, wlt any of ths
, ahnva Prnsehas . . pf
urcii. si... ,1. i i ... -
, l . . f IS II
I . o d.d actio, will he mi 'a for .astir
I BSP-fcr father parlirwlars Isowir ef
I see. p. J,, HARRISON. A. at.,
; rtV4,it.a. vrrj 'iri-
Private Sale.
THE sBrtsrs'ened kselaf ssisrl j, aw
f bis remsialna rO,srt;, ell-rs fa, 1s!7,
ol lie tnest aseirs. s fanai la I'saa Uass?
The trast tuatama
One llinilrei Acre3, more or W
Eilit.flra ef I, loll aeeeleareet Hi ,t0B ,
sisiaef aalliratioD. The feueea are a,
ditien, anil lie water Is exfirll.nt.
WiiL (autl bratni urcharwof apple, aseek i
esr trots. Cumfoilssie baiiiiafta 17
suOcirut tiuiter an lee htil,ss far uj 11
? ureses, t'uneaoimt to Belicls. ikartass'
l.a rkula iitirj umieriald wnb eieslisat '
Also fetters' clae, ol an excshrDt aualiis
It will l-e b.ld ror U,a i.pscm,,, ,f sj'i'-
until Ilia krst of KoTtuiber ueie r
it will ba ranted. """s
Itrnis eas. For furtbsr partleolan aii
the suuacnber, or eali bersooaile at Iks
aear Ursmpiao Uillsf.O. ' H
Jon' McINTint
Pens towrsWp. .Tulf 14, I Hen sra d
Farm for Salf
rpillt tadrriirned, residine ia Kaoita.,,
J desires to tell bis farm at prieats His. i
peraoa desiring a bona will do wslj u mi
eaamios these premises,
Containing Fifty-one Acres,
Thirty.flTe of wbieb are cleared and ssder s smj
Slate of sultiratuio, besiiKt being entire's ssl
Iain with eoal, and hiring thereon netted ,T
ing bousa, barn and other neecs.ary osttls,.
together with a fine orcbird of ea'eellsal
all kiuda. Tha farm adjoins Baker, baitai?
Witberow, sear ehureh and school avejaus
having a never railing spring of water.
Any further information can be euUiaeiL.
nailing on the premises, or addreasme T
id at Ka ilUlnorL ' "mi.
jyld 3n
New Cabinet!""""
PA N Y offer for sale Town Lou ia ta. a
uuu of Osceola, Clearfield oounly, Pa., ass sk
lots to salt poretieeers ouUide tbe limits sf so.
brougb. Osceola is situated on the altaaaBa
I reek, in tbe riebeal pvrtioa of the ewsn ,5
Clear6rld, oa tba hoe of tbe Tyrone 4 Clesrsat
Kailroad, where tbe Aloshannon and Kesrsnw
branch roads Intersect. It is aiso ia tas bean,
tha Aloihaanen coal basin, and largs aodat d
white pine, beuiock, oak, and otuet aaiaet ss
ruund It One of IL largest lumber canafsru,
ing astahlidbments in tbe Slats is located ia i.
town, wbils there an tuny other lamest aa
ibinrle nulls around IL The town is bat shb
years oid, a&d aoiilaint a pofolatiun of eta tae
sand inhabitants.
&Fur further Information tpp!y at Ik da
J01IX LAWSlls.
sprll Huneris tenant
Houses and Lots for K&u
I"")fR HOf(E3 and LOTS in Cleatitnl'f.
aais on reaaona.bia terms. Possessius riss
in thirty dais. Also, a plot of FOl'B LOIj a
tha corner of Eonrtb aad Reed Btteati, aa
lTJiJJtrfiet. Three of tbeae lols are well Iswa
for either luiaber yard, eoaJ yaid, or fur buMibt
purposes generally, beiLg within 2bt feet el Its
railrosd deuuL l'riea Bud term. il.
Ant lv to UEOUUE THnkH
I'-'-M-tf Clesriekt K
Farms, Tinibcr Land & Horse
Till subscriber, wesiroen ef disposing ef as.
real ar,d persoual property, oilers tlie fsbs)
,wB imrt vpfmnuBii ,ur uargaiase
O.VR FARM ritoata ia OiraH tewasViyw
knows as the "Claudias'ist Earnt,' sd;si
or iai,.is oi .Aug. a.rvnlc and etliers. costutat
ItM) Arret, tr y of abu.bjw tlearva, a.a
datlliog hi.u.ri. barn snd roang orchard thesa
Also, DIE LI CK hi N l AEM, eoetaim;
lOO Arret, siaty of hh are clreted, n
dwelling house, tarn, and other eteiii;e:Brl.i
g-tacx witb tu U.risiLg yong archartf laene.
ol ei.'Jlll.r. LAM'S .'or sals.
!NU IIUl t! .i at the msatuof beer Cieel si
le rcnlej, vt toi U lua by tut Ibonaaaa, tone
pa sons.
.jnr-rcrR nrADor wor.K n&p.5S!.m
lIAK.NL5.-r, will u told oa reasonaUt trms,
J8A oarfain il ofTertd la ea'hif tie as pn o-utons. The teims will bensdsnr
.onoer iniomalion can be ohtainrd areata;
oo thrptTtniBes.or hy aldresiag tbe stidrrt:fta
ai errmnviue r. U, ClcarCcIl conntr. Fa.
fei IS-tf. L. M. I'OlTRin
SeUlement Notice.
A LL persons knowing themselves itleatBit,
.1 n. M.ll ntMa. ..11 . ui.l. .. u
Osceola. Pa. ti. E. I'EUI.
Osceola. Pa., July 11, lPSt.Jm.
,, , iu, ui.1., os uiieoeao irwwe.
(ImmeJlately la rear of PUaUig UAl
'I'ltt, s.htrriser would resnectfurv bfsrt
X cilitBOBvl Clearfisld.aad Lbe nnbilclsgsssn
that bs co .tiouat U ii a,l tends of wart at
ia a wrknaohk nutir,
J-MFAH vrdtrt proKsbtlTtttaDled U4
JWI.II. Wi at. JHfiVIMrli
00X5 & ST A TIOyEEY.
Ma riot St.. Clearfield, (at lit PoelOti
' I 'li K undersigned nege leave tea
1 tbe cm. -as of Claarteld and vi
as ss ue a g wo I n iiswjiwa wr am m eaw ltatrl WW
matter, anitinjt tn prt of
BiLIeB and Misoellieo&i I
llatsk, Art-nuct aad Fata Bot.k f i
iiiMingj ; j wprr mo aiiTeiopeit, rrvfcip
adftUla: Itat and l'eaeili : BUak,
tioa and Frouiiaecrv a -tea i Hhiuits b
sheet, ,Maai twr iitar Tiaas, tlawat '
contt.ailr oa titbd. Any both ar
drird that I my at bar ta hand, w-
nr'irrwsi i.rt aipra-f, aaa rf'a ai
r.r riau w van caatnaifra, 1 win mtw
kteriotiteat iitaratara, aaoa a Marciiaf '
prrs, da. , A. tiAlU
Cfarflr.iJ Mar T, HftVtf 1
Wool! Wool!
nrsiret ta E.v all the t OHL il Ibe I
wbirh be will pay the highest cask pren,-'
sssMia. or tMilh. te sail eusieasers. r
f of Cl'srSei r eenntv. Pa
r-l Naimeat Eank 1
of Clearfield. s:L. Na, 11 Marett.1
vs. ( Domestic allt'iBSi-
(lesrgt W. Sh mmel. I ,
New. Suh June, ls-a.1. nsv.J I. E"e
wn uoiiviin aril wm. JS Nre si.esirs.sir-
irosiees, ai-eorainf te the prc.isii""
f Assomllj. DlvltO"'
Notlrt Is hrretv eivea hv Its lism
wan e.,.i(1 ta tl,. V..,r S el I ,srso
Sp inluirr.l aa ab-ive .lated . srd si r
'cdehted in the sail Ounce fkiae
holdine nn.neri hl .ne i, hie,, are rrrs"
,ev asd deliver all surs .ncis ff
pent due snd Seloi t" lh ' ,'
tn Ihe BBiieCii-nnd T,n.lers: tsi el' "
are dr.ired lo present their re-t"'" ,
.v .1 ..... .4. Vlirtif I SI -I I 1,1V,-'
IMH l. .t
111 II. Hcill-"'"
Ir.l . I'
Vlvl!.TllT1) wifl'1'"
IS herel'Y give, thai
lioa barmf bVea t""" 'b aft .t1'
....... a,,,.... J ttw"
i-wiaia or i ii. is iv i i. u, n-i-rsB" - ,
n(ftofi tertt-ip, rra"ft Id J
obi icdtht i isj aaid a!ar a-e f
tlvmxliBle pavn.ei.1, and th--e
dttaatid aaint Ibe Mine will PrMrt,l,w
1. a. ii n r i n ,
Jtdtfl.tlpD JllllN J. ril'A'eJ j
i.MiMrit.f(H' oTll.CtV3
Ta is berrliT give, that Letter, e. - - ,a
Hon bsiing r-een gra'ed th' 1"'r!j-4 1
t'leie Ol llSMi, . r,lii a,
of tlrahsm townrtiip. Ceaetell 'Lr,
j persons moeoiea in earn n. , . .,
j make inim.diate navmeBl.aa.i theas Ban
J nr demands sua Vet the aamt "
. properiv .uinanuoeas ... - , jjj
j 11 ftfl Alain '-" :