S nii; iu;pi;iu,icvx. " l I.I AIfl II l.l, IV nMHAV moii mmi. a i m m t. i MARK TWAIN ins errrnt at mr. . v. i-rms n.i n OK TIIK LATA LAMK.NTM) n I.I.I AMI. f. CONTIUIUND. (From l'.,k.rl' Mmllily f.it Jn') . . JUr. I'Midi nt and (iei,th nun: It is my puinlul duty lo iiuir tlico fi'Hlivilu willi the iiiiiioiincfiiicnt of the dcuth ol' ono who wn dour lo iin II our tried mid noble (riciid, I ho "JJuliableConlrabund." To tlio world al lurjre lliiacveut will brin nosurrtiw, for the world never comprulit'iitleil liiin, novor knew him its wo did, nnvvr had buoIi tail! to lovu him; but unto VS the calamity hrinH imuttoruhlu anguish for it ijcrahln the Ins of'onu whose irreat liuurt beat lor uh iiione, whose tireh'Hs tonf,'Ui vrbruted in our interest only, whoso li-t-veiit fancy wrought its miracles solely for our enrichment and renown. In his time whut did ho not do lor tie? When murvuls lutiguished and eensation dispatches grow tame, who was it that laid down the shovel and the hoe and came with healing on his wings? The Koliable ContraK.nd. When armies fled in panic and dismay, and the grout cause seemed lost be yond all hope of succor, who was it that turnod the tido of war and gave victory to tho vanquihhed ? The iio liablo Contraband. When doopair hung its shadows about the hearts of the people, and sorrow snt on every face, who was it that bruvod every danger to bring cheering and incom prehensible news Irom the Iront ? The lluliablo Contraband. Who took liich mond the first tiino? The Koliable Contraband. Who took it tho second time? Thn i;,.i:ul,lo 'nntr.,, I 1 Who took it every time until the lust. I ai r t. . i. i . . ..i ' iiu lueu icii uio uii'.erness oi Hearing cation applaud tho man more who took it once than that great man who had takon it six times before? The .Reliable Contraband. When we noed ed a bloodless victory to whom did we look to win it? The Koliable Contraband. Whon we needed news to make the people's bowels yearn, and their knottod und conbined loiki to eland on end like quills npun the fret ful porcupine, to whom did we look to fetch it? The lieliublo Contruband. 'When we needed any sort or denorii tion of news, upon any sort or descrip tion of subject, who was it that stood always reudy to steal a horse and bring that news along ? The Keliuble Contraband. JJv iriends. Im una tl f,.ii l.fi,u.-i vassal that over fought, bled and lied in the glorious ranks of journalism. Thunder and lightning never stopped him; annihilated railroads never de layed him ; the telegraph never over took him; military secrecy never cripples his knowiedgo; strategic feints novar conlesscd his judgment ; cannon balls couldn't kill him; clair voyance couldn't find him; Sutan himself could not catch him. liis information comprised all knowledge TKJBjible; uia imagination was utterly boundless; his capacity to make mighty statements, and so hack them up as to make an iueh of truth covor an acreol ground, without appearing to streath or tear, was a thing thai appallod even the moot uiiiinprcssible Vt itli its awful grandeur. The Reliable Contraband isno more ! Born of the war, und a necessity of tho war, and of the war only, ho watched its progress, look notes of iU success and reverses, iiiaiiulactured aid rocorded the most thrilling feat ures of its daily history, and then, when it died, his great mission was fulfilled, his occupation gone, and be died likewise. No ionrnulittt linn, .....i i his hand upon his heart and say he hud not cause to love this faithful creature, over whose unscntient form we dron th tt&e Unurnilinrr ion fm 4iua. no journalist among us alt can Jay hi iiu ujrun ...a noarx and nay no ever lied . with audi pathos, aucb miction, such exquisite nymmetry, such Bublim Hy oi conception and auch lhcity of execution, as whon he did it through and by tho inspiration of this really gilted marvel of mendacity, the la mented Kkmablc Contraband. Peace to Lis ashes ! Peaches in Jklawaiik Of the Delaware poach crop, the Milford Mu twtl Friend suys : "The pouch iver in Willbrd and vicinity is bcpinniup to rai pretty eUonnivuly. Sovcrsl pr ous from New York and Philadelphia Lave vihited Alilford und vicinity, and liave purchased a considorahlo' Im of fruit fccme have purchased orchards lumped, and others Lavs given so niuch a brwket the orchard through, delivered at the dopot. General A. T. A. Tobert sold his Inrire orcbnrd last weok to parties in Kcw York on rnvaio terms, Jle wId lumired, but airreod to nick t fruit and deliver it at the depot. e hoard . Kn .... I .. till? IM11U HHM IU. I Urm.n 1 housaiid dollara. t in mipptmod that tin otclisrd will Imve twcnlv or twenty five thousand bnk(a at ict. W e know of Rome purl itw that hare old their at-ln- t l,lv rP(. IJttHket, uclivercd at tho dVpt.t, nnd noma at a higher figure IVuih arc entertained ly nome in ll,i vit-initv that Hit dry wpatlirr that earo hav. injr now will atUct the growth ol the peaches, and will caueu prolwhlv a crcat mujority to drop oft The "ex tretno dry .pell H,nt w have hart for the lant R,x weeks, and nre atill c(,n. tinning to have, lias been tleatroclive motis il,0 vegetable, and the forward potatoes. A few ereniiifg ainrea wi low, who waaknown hy the entire emii.'repntion to be preatly in want a husband, waa lir.-ivitt, M.:i. . . -in., .ne. 7. jl ,,i,,:.".',,.,7- "i.o of ,'ny l ear t" V , ev rl . 7 'A tn-in-l. 1 1 ., ,,',n.,,d- "tohi a.c.,,1. It , wi L(,, -I itro vory wire peroral grave nWnataii,,,!,,., tho o,Tnamn 1iiUnnr' ,r"r'"" ''"' trvirij; tl.p Twr. I i" " I""''1'' '"' in IIiii!lootan : io holes nrp in ,,...,.. -P"i in rni.l, nt , , , ,ifr. tUr l,.;f,. n,l rom,,, ,;. nti, on oi them ia firrd in i ; t , .. 11 ey rrr-orl lhe s.n V i,.cl .r., enieni r. K Kn,l,,v H.l..l "Th. T lritr tliom.ve r ja -.i tiii'm. Iinll.nir0, little Rir , 1 f'lfit ;Vffl.,, lilt: i I nil. I n HUT Mil t ft. o tmmmn, m H'rntW, ft. tli MrT'if IM ltit i-tlT, th Utr of 4iv.tiM rrt ftlnc nmiiift for ('I b It'll. tnf tri.l r litt lrT!ril? Hit nnl r Ina) rrrhlor4 th ifr! of ti.tr ntlnr, Thn rp, mr rrhr tit lt hp tr Ivcimi il, illtiA 1 fr hour' fMr jurlin frtn li n rrinm Ihf rit ttf hl Tfir', In- din! from tbf rtWl ) tnitii .vrnr", T!u tia Sturlav, (lie 2.1 uf Mitr.j Tk. I. 1 1.. Tiih ihf llu rvil thrown rouud it, Jut as tlu-r lOllllil II, SuU(i and foiled, Uhih and all opoiU J o yon rr4Kititft that The plovra, tun, )ic llnr. And In tli tra mil lin r thr uf tier (Infer, Tluit aume one tia jrfM-J, perliojia, and cropi, u l ii'li-r aii l fa r. Therr are thr rto. With their Iixiff fki n laces it ill bearing trneea, 'to the tiHV tliiintv tip, n tho mud uf the alijt, Th aliioe mud the one, There it the lire.. Like thn hlue veil, all d-iUiM, disoolurvd and itr.l.i.l.. 1 Tiiia you ihnnhl know, without d'mht, and if so, nn vt"m ym tuaj guM i Ther ( the aliawl, U'ifh III tlril.K.1 h..P.lnP nn.l t. tiotled hnrtllj leii than the light intuitu dr, nuu uiai ia an. Ah tinr.'. . Wa were fbrt;ptting, with ft prl Mttinc, There waa only tlna one daub or date t- aont 1 a iru, pretij inuij; The gift of another, perhapi brother. Or lover, who know ? biut her heart ohoae. jf, waa ioe aeari-iree,' l(et the hit fhnrc With thi blue reil mnmnd it, the lame they found iL SumuiuQ up fair face with jit it a truce ui gntu id ine uair r Or Hn.. rh. .1.. 1 Mlltetv anm-lllinp tt anma lx,l.lrr. rtin- A form, juimk and alight, to your uiitiii'a light, llut thetc we keeit still, and nhall kw them ttotti Ual ah K. nM Ofnotne deep atirrow clouding the mnprow, Hiding from view the aky's happy blue P Or wm there toul play 1 Ala ! who may tell f Annie one or other, perhap a fond mother, Hay recognise thvao whin her child s u lot bee the sees ; Then will It be well? Lo! Iireaks the morning, O'er ooran and iite; I.ijrht it adorning The earth with bar nntle Dew dnrt.H are gleaming (n lied of perfume j Runahine is streaming O'er bden like hitKim. Frnm vntlry and mountain Vhnt nieimlieH rife ! lVtHtdlMnd and fountain hund sliouU to the skies! Ether is riitifini; With notus ol delight ; Fwect birds am singing The nit uf night ! Ood of creation f W hose anatnhless eon t ml, (J ires .lam-fa ih-ir aUtion, And Systran their roll I JfjjfUt ipeaku thy glury Jay after Ie, te-erhie the story. As year pass awsy. The Spirit of Discontent. How unirnrsnl it id V nnr yet naw the man who would say, 4lJ am uuiiit-iiiuu. uo wncro you w ii ir among the rich or the poor" tho man of competence or tho man who earns his bread by tho sweat of bin you bear tho sonnd of muttering, the The f-lhor day we stood by a coor who waa plaj ing a morry tune wiih his ailzo round u i:ttU. Ah I" Niiiil he. "mine is a hnril lni . forcvor trotlin" liko a doir. driviinr u lump, "lleijlio !" Bihed a hlaoksmilh on a hoi numinor duy, uh ho wipod the porHpinition from Urn brow, whilo the rod iron flowed on tho anvil, "thin is lil'o with a venpennoo, melting and frying one's self over a fire." "Oh, that I were a cnrponlor!" ciiK-ulalod o alioemnknr. an Im tu.ni over his lupstona. "ilero I am, day lifter day, wearing my soul away ma king soles for others, cooped up in Urn littlo seven by-rine room hi. ho hum!" "I'm sick of this out door work," exclaimed the carpenter, "boiling un der a sweltering sun, or exposed to the inclemency of the weather I wish I was a tuilor " "This is too bad,' perpetually cries the tuilor, "to be compelled lo sit perchod up here plying tho needle all tho tiino. Would thiit mine wore a nioro active life" "liast diiv of rrnro.-lii.iil. discount, riistomers won't puv whut io r jrrunihles the morchanl. "I i i nl rather he a t or anytliinir clso." ' e' 'llnppy fellows," groans the la wver. as no He-rule ins u l,i,,H ... ary, musty record, "happy fellows. I nnd rather Immniur !,.. II ), i,.n puEcle my head on this Udions, vexa (ii-ub fUfriion. And tliniui'h nil f1. of society all are cromplainin of their W..U.LMMI, untjinir lauit With the r nartirulur mllir,. thin, or that, or the other. I should i if it were onlv content.is tho univerKal cry anything ....v .ii, , ,,,, waps the world, so has it waggod, and su will it wag. riEMiiins Some ono hns written out his iileus of religion as I. .!,, : We want a religion that goes into the family; that keeps tho husband from being spiteful when tho dinner is late; keeim the wiln fn.m spllcful when tho husband trucks the newly washod floor with muddy boots, --u Hum me iiusiiantl nnti'llul ol the scraper and door mat. .ml miiA n. ..." " ..iur.i.a iiiv children ns well as governs them. We m a religion that not only bears on the sinfulness ol'sin but on tho rascal- i'y oi Iviimj and iiieiilinir ! . f..i, that banishes all small meauircs Irom the counters, small baskets Irom the stalls. pel,l,lc fr(,m the cotton bag-, day from wnwr ,nl f,v.m .... r1" -n chicory Irom eoffeo. Inr root from J""nr' "lum f'"' I'read. lard Irom ""-Vl'-ino tr,n wine, and im ""'"r iriim niHK cniia Tl. ...l:..: ... . . . " i'.i..i.iii thftl m to ndrnnen tin -ri,i .:n - -- .-... .i in Dm put hII the Liiratmwborrii'ai and ptiat h ' m top and all tho had onoa at the lllom. Jt will not i.ff,.r mttreliiislifla of liireipn winpa ihun the TiiiPMtnla ever tiriMliicod linitle. Tl.. tin I ih to attnttifr tl,,. tr.rl.l ...... ... ,l..,i. 1. .i . ' ' . . I'"-'." "" iioi citiihiiitT lurty rttitta returned lor tmo l.untlred iriven " cordiiiR lo(.Ms,,.l,Kl,ilj Nm,r. lit.,; tola. U I -ka iipot, tl,e n,an who fails in trade and toiiliimea t live in luxury a. a tl.i.l. Jt lo,,!,, upon a man who promisee (n iay n,j who fails to pay on demand without interest, a a liur. An eminent and ill y tirclnte waa a.Lo.l it l, ,1;.l .i . ' .. I. " " iitii in. iik aticu an one. rt.llramrr.il l.i. ..V i..-i ..." i it nii , i nt, nuiu lint grat-o ; "I tlnnk , f0. , jt aa tnati tliioa a noma in Liia tri,r. Ho drives it first." HH)M,MrSMnMlM!ini;K'MOI) MMIPS! loon mmn HoollaiHl's Vrrtnnn Tonic; Tb. Oreal Keirediet f..r all tMi'aee ef (he ltl'ttr, tlnraarb, et Ihgiur Orgina, IIooflamrH Grrniau Ilittorw I rnaapnaed of the pore Juteea (nr. at they art inedteinaltf tereaed, - kstraet) tf rft". hrhi and karlia. I I & hr.nll.n ki.k1. enneentrvtad a n d enlin ly "Iree Irota alcoholia adniiiure ef ftny kind" llooilands CiTinan Tonic Ts ft combination of all the Ingredients f ih Hitters, with the purest quality of hania Crui Hum, )ran", Ae , tasking one of the mint plea aant and sttreeahla reineliei ef er offered to the puhlin 1 hope preferring a mtdiciue free from .iebulic aduiiiture, will uo IloollanJ'rt German Hitters. Tho whn have nn nl,iArilnn (A (1.. . I.;.. lion uf the Hitters as slaud, will uft Iloollundb Coniuin Tonic. Tbey are both qnattj good, nnd contain tbe two being ft mere matter of Usu, tbe lonie being mom palatable. TKa llsnarli tmmm m .t r l I Indirection. Lvanenai Naam li.Kii.i ... ii very apt to bava Its functions derang. ed. Tbft Liter, eynt I 1 patbtsing as eloeely ftt It d'M with tb v ftomaeh, then be eomei affeotod, the result of wbirb lethal the patient sutlers front aeveral or aaor of the fol lowing uiseafee ; Contipfttlon, FUtulenee, Inward Pile, Putlness til ltl.au! (I.. U 1 i.UI. . .( . neh. Nausea, Heart Hum. !)!" fwr Food, Fullness or Height in th btouftrb. Hour Kmptions,Hink lugor rluitohngat the pit of the Stomach, rSwita. aingof the Head, llurrtedor 1'tlhruit breathing, fluttertns? of tha IJeart.Cboking or Suf focating ftenaatione when In a lying posture, Dimneae of vision, dnti r webs before tb er, dull pain In tbe head.deAoieney of per pirwtion, yellowness of the skin and eye. Pain In tb side, bark, chest, limits, 6t.. sudden flushes of beat, burning fleab, eon taut imaginings of evil and great depression, of ptriu. Tb atifffrfT from the diseases should eier-! els tbe greatest eaution In tbe aeleeetion ol a remeily for hi cae, parebasing only that wbiofa be b assured I I from bis inveatiea. tions and inquiries poetesses true merit, la saillfntly compounded, Is tree from 1 jurinns i.R r...ilti, MTIM siM nuaaiiinu ior itsell a rfpuUtion fur the eure of theae disease. In this onnertinn w would tubniit those wall known remedies IIocflundB German Bittors, II(K)flanJ'8 German Tonic, Prepared hj Dr. C. M. JACKSOS, ri.lladclj.hla, ra. Twenty. twe eeara aine, thi-y wan tr.t intra dneed into tbi. entinrry frnra llnrmanr. darinr wbirb bat they bava andeuliledlv perfumed a greater etteat, than an, other remedial knows a., ik- ....1.11. Thraa remedie, will elTeetnally enre Lire, Conplalal, Janndiea, Iy.p,p,ia. Chronic or h ereon, Kebilily, It Ch r ill I e Diarrtioja, Di.eeae, of tha Kid r,.. .nrf .11 J, ...... iiinit from ft lliiord.rad irar, Stouaeb, or lnteatioea. Debility, Reaullint frem any eanee wttaterer ; Prnatration wi Mir pv.iw inuurra oj eerare uuor, Uardablpc, Kipivure, Feeara, Ao da. Three 1, no ardieine eatant .! m !,, lemedie, la aueb wa. A tune and rienr I, Imparled to the whole aT.trna, the appeotel, .trenrlh.niiil la an ik. ., k A. Kr" ir"ininij, me okmmi i. purma.l. Iba mini, pleiion heetifnoa at-und and hc.hbr tb, yellow linff t. irkilipil.. f..n 1 1. .... - l.l Jtieea to tba ebeehk, ant the we.a aod neriou. invalid berutne, a alronf and bealiby being. Persons Advanced in Life, and feeling the hand of time wrtwhlnf heavily u.on them, with .11 It. attendant ill., will find tba nee of thr.e loiter, er the Tonic, ao eliair that will tailil new lile inta their vein., re. tore ia ft meaeure the energy and ardr of tnore yoathful dava, build up Ihelr .hrttnaen rrua, and f iv, boalub and bappineea to their remaining years. Notice. Tl la a wall erlabli.hod fact that fully ana hair of the female po T rtioa of ear popula lioe are aelrfona In tho I oinnva.! .r ....i bealtb.or.toaaelhier own aiprrnioai. toey 'never reel well." They are lanruid, devoid or all energy, eitreaa.ly a.rvooa, and have ao ao. petite. To thia eia.. ot per.on. the llittrra, or the ronle, la arpeeially raeomaaended. Weak find Delicate Children ftra anad, atrnnr hv tha n.a of althrMf it.... roma-ltea. They will ear, av,ry ea.eof r..,., i Th...rdi of eertlfiealoa bava aeeumnlated in the hanii of the proprietor, but apace will allow of the piihlinelina of hut a few. tooee. it will ho oh.rrved, are mea of oou, and of sueb ctabdiug toat tbey moat be believed. Tcstimouiuls. tloi. Oeorge tr. Woodward, rhief Jn.llea af tha tiupretne Court of Penn.ylrania. write, r Philadelphia, Pa.", Uareh Id. lar.8. "I nnd tloari.an'a tiaaa.a fltrrana U a good tonic, aeeful la di.ea.e. oftHe dire.l Iva organ,, and of great benrft la (a.e, af debility and want of nervoa, action In th, ly.teat. Voara, truly, Uio. W. Woonwanft " Hon. Jama, Thompeoa. Judge af th, Hupremr Court of Pennrylvnnta, write,. -Phtl.Helphla, April ?, r,a T : 4.. II.. a i- . i ..... , ....I...... .,".. ...'ual niiirrr a vail hie wirdielna in earn or Indigeetinn or Ily.pep ia. I eaa certify hi. from ext.eri-nee. "Youra, with re. pet, daua. Tuoueaoa." Vrnnt tl.. .1 ..... . k Tl T, Tl Tl . . i ........ ... . ..mr f the Tenth Rapti.t Church. Philadelphia I Itr.J.rK.nu llMrKir I l..v.k... f. ....... ly reqncled lo eonneet tnv nama with roenm wiendatl.in, of different kind, ol medi.Mnea, hat regarning tna prac T urea, ool of my ap pmpriate phere. I have ! all ea.e. de. I elined but witk ft' rlear proof In varton. I inrtanre.. and p.rtieul.rlv in my own familv, of j the leeltilne.eof lr. rlonfl.n'T, Herman Hiller,. 1 depart for aaca from my a'ual eouree, to ex pre., my hill conviction that for general debility of the ryiteni, and e.peri.lly f, Liver Cora plaint, tt ia a tafe and valuable preparation. In .ome ea.e. it may fail, hut u. uallv. I lonlit not. It will be very beneficial lo tho.a who .offer from tba above aaura. Youra, very re.peetfully, J. Ii Kene.an. Eiglilb, below Coata, Mreeu. From Bev R I) Fendall, Kdll.r of Cbriitlaa "Chronlcl,," Philadelphia : I have H.rlv.il ri.ciHk.1 k. n , i IVa. Ik. . llo..fland', Qermaa Hitter., and lael It my pr vi lege to recommend them a a mo.t valuable Ionic to all who are n.lf. r.ng fri.m g.ner.1 drhi Ity cr from di.en.e, ari.mff from drrnneeln.nl nt 'it.. liver. Youra, traly, k. 1). I lanaLL. Caution. Hnofl.mr. flermel llltleee ere eonm. rr.tt.il " '"I me ngna lure of U. M. J At k MIN 1. on the wrwp I I per of each txittle All other, are con 1 ' l-rf.i. Prirrip.l tlffiee aed MeoufnctorT. al the tlerm.n M-itieal Klore, No. .H Areli elt.et, I'll il.dr lt hie, I'a. ( llm I I . l.v A, Prnprlttor. (Puruarly C. M. Jack, .a A Co.) Price. Hoofland', Oarman tliliere, per Kottl, f fiA " per half d'.j.n. t IliHiflandi Qerman Toale, put ap in quart tentlle. p betlle fn tw a balf dotal for t m -bo mt fergel ta aiamine well tie article yea buy, la order la g.l the gamine. eal, by all dragging aad dealer, Ii adiciMI. j. LOW PRICES!! NKW SPRINT, STOCK AT TIIR KEYSTONE STOKE! J)Ui:.SS GOODS, TJIIMMINGS inn NOTIONS IX GK EAT VARIETY ! While (ioods ! Stamped Goods ! Hosiery and Gloves! t'ort and fckirti! Ladits hauls and Costs, (new styles ! Straw Goods, Flowers, Ribbons, &c, L iDbrolla, anil Parojoli, Uiadow SUailta, Lwliaa and Children', BIIOKS, Wall Paper, Carpel, and Oil Clulln, Hal, A Capa. Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Ticking,, Collonadea, Cauimerea, Tweed,. Ac, e., CUE AVER than the CHEAPEST ! I. i. KIVI.ING. Clearfield, April it, IMS. GREAT EXCITEMENT 0 SSCOND RTEEET, CLtABriWD. NEW GOODS AT LOW PEICES. T"E wnderelgned raepeetfally invite tbe .1-t-ntinn of the pul.lie ger.rr.llr to their aplrndid .nrtaonl of loerchandiM, which tbey are now .oiling AT VERY LOW TRICKS. Th.lr itoek eoaaiati In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, 8UH?."h u' ,"iBM' 'P"'. Meeinoa, Uinghaw...Mn.lln.,ihl.arhed and anbleb ad, Krilllng., Ticking., notion and wool Flannel.S.tinrii,,Ca-imeraa, Cotlonade,, Ladie,' hhawla, ' Kubiaa d flood., Balmoral and Hoop retrta, do., Alan, a ne aortnient of Men', Drawer, and Shin., Uala A Cape, Iloou A sboee. all of wbicb WILL BE SOLD LOW for cash Hardware, Queeusware, Glassware Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSOKTiTEXT tlf evervthln .....it. k... CHKAP tVlTkraTi' P retail etara. ail illKAP fCHCAsu or approved aountry pro duco. THE CLEARFIELD STORE KECOXSTIIUCTED. Oeorge L. Red Joha F. Weaver.... ...William- Powell. ...Wilima, W jiott. GEO. L REED & CO., Two doara lortb of th. Court II can, ci.F.Aitrir.i.n. pa. TT k return"! to our old be.inen .land f ik ,T '"" "f Clea.li.-W I L J"', " e have eot-red pirn .c, n.l h,rh prie ,n. j(,n, r,H Iinvr n..w on h.iwl . ... 11 t good. n,cd in ,,. m.tket. i' !."" Ir,v f-ooils W. claim to have . fll ...rtmral. B,,, , part of Uu.lti.., hlevhed and uiil.leohe. 1 rinu of all grwdea and alykM, and ' Sjirins & Summrr Dross fioods Pueh a. Alpaca, of all .hade.; I Lainca. Ho. nn... and Flannel.; I.i,lrs a full a.r. ent of gentlemen', wear, eon.i.ting in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, H.timlu aad full aaeortment af READY - MADE CLOTiriXO olIons Hosiery, Trimming, tl O N X K T T S, A C, HaU and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. W harr full f.ipy.lr of C.IT., T-. P.irr, Kim Ffal mui Arh Oilt. FLOUR, BACON, DRIED mUT, uj'i'ly of Pnivumn. Hardware and Queensware, Wooden tt IIHoir tlVirv. All the forgoing articlf. will br e-bar.gi., f.,r CA-ll. 1.1 MllKH. or I t, KT1IV Pl ulH t K, and al price, lo nl.ih ll.rre ean he no ei.vpn.in. Hi. .or in need of lioodr in our line, will pleaee lCALL AXflSEE VS'i .F.O. l. TEED Si CO. Clearfield. Rcpt. 17, C. tf. J. P. Kratzer til id NtMl 11 rw.fHk,nk,.i. no t,a I AP1.E Hl'liAH-Jo.ir.erl.ed .t i. J-. kKAllRR'B, Matk.t (treat. jyld 1 DOYNTON a YOUNQ, rorM)i:ns & machinists Mnifn(tnrrr ef rOETABLE &. STATIONARY stka3I i:x(;xi:s Ctmn of Fuuttli tui pint Pimii, t ( i iiAKi in n, pa. TTAflXO engaged in the nanufaetore of flrat i. elua MAC'IIIMiRy, we reepeetflj Inform theerpublic tl at we aro now prepared ta fill all order, a, cheaply and a, promptly a. ean be dooe in any of the eilie,. We manulaetura and deal in Muky and Ciroular Saw-Mills, Head Bloaka, Water Wheel.. Bh.ru.. n..n Gidord'. Injector. Kleam Oange,. Steam Whiatiei' Oiler., Tallow Cup,, Oil Cup., (lauge Cock.. Air MK-ea, inoto alve., Check Valve,, wrourh. i, Pipe,, Fleam Pampa, Boiler Pd Pump.. Ami- rl11 i-ire.,roap Ktone Parking. Hum Pack ing, and all kind, of MILL WOKK; together with Plow,, Fled bole., COOK Ay D rAKLOli STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kinda, ? Order, aolicited and tiled at eity prieea. All letun of inquiry wilb referenee lo maehinarr of oar manufacture promptly an.wered, by ad dree -uif m at Clearfield, Pa. 1" DOYKTON A YOrxo planning uils. 0. I.. Hred r.JNOTICE.1 J. t. weaver Wm. Powell. . W. Iletl,. CS. Id. REED A CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rnilK proprietor. rr.pwtf,lt MtlTa ,,,(,, - of Cle.rn. ld eounty, tua, ,bey bava ,,ir,.y replied tht. e.ialili.hmrtiiwiihth, l.i, . j wood-working mhinery, and are no. p. lo eaeeut, all onler, h,ir line of bu.i.,c The, will give wpin, .,,! to ,u mnuiM tore of material fr buan huil.lmg. .Ul h u FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, IO0KS, BLINDS, nn.natiTs ft .Tori..rtS, OF ALL ETYLE8, W. .Iw.v, have on hand a largo ,tk r pKT - ....... aoo.i.t pay , Lllolbw I One-and-.-l.kir .. . ..... . . - r...r. .iun prelcrred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, eaennngeo, to auit cuelomrr V.fM,r. ..lir-ilej. and I.un.l farni.hed o bort nonce and on r.an,nal lr tern... U. L. 111. C D A CO. ClrattelJ. N..r. ?, lr.7. Piwoa. Invtst.... '"" P.ttih, J. II. lewi. E. B. PATTOM & CO., llaiing tttrd op a 8r.l-el,n PLANING .MILL Are preparej lo furtii.h all kind, af Manufactured Lumber, net. u Flooring Siding-. Surface-rreMed Lnm brr. Sash, Doori, Blind. And vt-rj Jrirtpi.oi. of rLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. rl-Ikler. will nnd It to their advantage to con. oil a prtec ,,,. f,..h., Addre.., L. JJ. J'AIT'. A I II.. Cnrw.n.T.llr, I'ee. 1. Ki-.S.lf ClearBrld county, l a. Clotbinrj. How lo Save lono.v. rTlII lin.. L.l . . J Ilk. v ......,,.., X How yna may nee your dollar,; The way lo do II I will .hew. Ilyoa will read what fnllowa. A rcan who lived nnt far from here, Who worked bard al bl, trail., Pet had a bou.ehnld lo anpnort That .quandrred all ha made. I mt him onee. Buy, he. "My friend, 1 look thread hear and rough j I've tried lo get ejv.rlf a .oil, Pol ean'l .v, ap enough." Sav. I, my friend, bow mark bava yoi f I'll leil tfu where lo go To gel a ..IHI..I'. eownd and cheap t lo rlliUr-NMKIN A Ca. He look whet little be had eared, And wenl lo ttei.ro.fetn A llMlhera' And there h got , hanii.nma mil, ' For half he paid lo otbera. Kow be I, heme, hr look, ao wall, And their effect I. ,neh. Thai when Ihey leke Ihelr dally mail, Tbey don't eat half aa much. And new be flndi on ftatnrd.v night, ' itb all then want, .apt lied. That he he money left to .p.nd, And ,om tn lay a.tda. Hl good racee.,. with rhaerlul nulla, He r'e.l!y rell. lo all, tf vou'd eave money, go and boy our eloike. .i liklZtNt-TklS'S CL0TI1INQ nAI.U, vThrra tbe eheapeM, tr.e.l and be.t Clothing and good Fore, .hine Mi eal be bad lo rait I every u.u .nd IB crcry alyla iprll. ft; i Democralic Almanac. 'PUIS lnrala.l.lr puhlieation t for enle at tbe 1 pot..rJ.. Il .h.uld hem Hie h.n.t.ol evrrv Ik-mwral. It r.ni.in. toll ,ii,n rem, tiom n en r.,t, tB trrt fltetc. . h, ,,., non.lrl..r Isnn rnnl.in. a eomi.lele li-l uf the n.loci l , ,k ,-,., ,.,......! .... ... j diiTin, Lincoln', a.lmii, i.trnn.,,, ; aint f. c 'litem, the n.inr, ol .11 ihneeen ilian. li. were .oit'Ttmn,,! .,, prrnid, Th.. two I. Ma, f,.r fmnre r. Irrrnc, arc worth more than lhe prior or llirp.,1 l..-.i.n. Tbe eirniher f"r sr .In. t,.lf inlual.le.latialiea. Anr one en.ling . ernt. i t,. p M..lcr. .ill rri.. bv return trail a eo,.y t nw.fo, poataja. ( j,;..:u rpraeawa and ihdoenlnnl .npportre of every X ktod af ibe laurl lwpei..m.nu. f..r .ale I Ike Dm-Kiore if II A KTSW10K A IR W I"t. IliK ttlMTABIfrt RAIL1 foil J) tal. al tia .tic,. H. VV. SMITH, ATToKN n - AT-liA , WILLIAM A. WALLACE, AlloiINtY AT LAW, l'lrrflrl, ft. -t.i it Viilri or :l 11.41 t.rit'lt DAVE L. KR.EBS. ATTOHN.KY-AT-LAW, ( Irarflrld, Poiin'i. lrCla li. CMiollfJ in Knllh nd 0r- A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT I. AW, ( Icirflrld, Pa. l.om. in th, Cuurt JflS !j ISRAEL TEST, ATTOUXKY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa, J-W-Offij, b th, rnort ll.iti.,. fjjll.'er JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, learfleld, p. Ofllre with . B. McKn.lly, E.a,.,oTer Urat Ka tional Hank. Prompt attantioa given to tba eeearlng of Bounty, Claim,. Ac, and to all l.jral bonaeu. Fdareb J, 18(17. ly. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Beeond Sl, Ciaarleld, pa. fnovll.M THOS. J. McCULLOUGH. ATIOKNKY AT LAW. ' OSee adjoining the Hank, formerly weenpiad by J. B. Hcto.lly, Hoeond BU, Claarfleld. , fTWi." tU'1 t"atT lo collection,, eal, of'(l''''- deeW.M JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTonNEY AT LAV And Real Ktate Afeut. learfleld. p.. Olliee on Market .treat, oppe.ii, tha Jail. JMrRe.paetfully offer, hi. aerrieea in eellina and buying Und. in Cla.rti.ld and adjoining oounttea ; and wilb a .iperie.ee of ov year. a. a awrveyor, latter, him.elf that ha ean mider aau.fM1lo febl.'.tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH. ATTOHNty AT LAW, C learfleld. Pa. Ofliea on Market .tree! one door out of tb, Claar. ld County Bank. aeayd.'n J'.hn fl. Orria. r T . i , ORVIS L ALEXANDER, ATTdl NVs AT LA II', Itcllelonte, p. ,epi,'57 JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN A SUBGEON, KAVINO located at Oieaola, Pa., offer, bi, profeoionel .ervlre, to the people of that plane and eurrouading eountrv. K11.AII call, reiio.i.tt. .....J.J .. and re.idence on Curtm at., formerly oero.Mi by Ir. k line wivtv Iv DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, iiu.-iLliN AND SL'Ii'j Et.lN, Sreund Street, CIcarBcld. Pa. Vllaving permanently located, he now offer, bn pr,:l,...,.l Mrvr),, m r,n, , t'rtrld aad virility, aad the pablu, t'Oerally. All eall, pn.nipiiy aiienurtl lo. actlH-y F. B. REED, M. D., rriVSIClAN AM) SUKtiEoN. W Having removed to William agrova. Pa., offer, hi, prfa.,ional aarvic lo tba people ol the eurruonding eountry. jyll,'T DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD? Late Surgeon ofth.Md Keg menl. Penn.ylvani, nlunteer,. having returned trom tba Army ,!? rr'""' t tba aitiaeu of Clearfield eeunty. mar Pr..tM.inn.l tl. .. . . n . ' l"".'t'iiy aneuen ta. I w!H 't"' fom"lJ eeeupied by "" I mrr.A "at at ad DR. J. F. WOODS, P II Y S 1 C I A X A St'UiJtr, v Ileving removed to An-onvilu. p... Wi. pr..te.i,.nal aervicee to lhe pcopl", of that plaer . ,' "'"""7- AH eall, pnaniptl, TL fl'l. 'j Im pd". DR. S. J. HAYES, STJKGEOX il DENTIST. CfBo, on Main Hi., Curwcn.rill,, pn., VrMLl make profeailoMI vi.lu. for the eon M venlenee of th. public, eommeiemg ie April, !... .. flw.. vi, ; ' Lath.r.l.urg-Pir Pnday af every month Aoaonvill.-rtr.l Monday of every month ' Umber Clty-P,ret Tharedav ar avert month Nnendtnr two dev. In .lit... i . lor work .hould be pri.rnt.d ea tba day if hi. mrrim ., u.k w-h pi.v. few Teeth Mvtr..l.J l. k. . it , 'iieaiOI ai 11 wh.7 r T" tl"". I be l... , VaT, V.",",. r,''l!1'" .. b.l la ne Touna In hi. o(hee, ia Curw,n,villa P. v.erweoviiie. fob. d, !. rg , DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. ' 5rrwr Hit. A. JI. JIII.I.S. I..ir- I. !.. ii. .. . .. ' f.irna, ... iae PI I..IV geaerall,..!., h, hara...,., ,ub bl. ID the practice of Prnlntrv, s. r. siiaw; r. i. s., Who I, i gradii.t, of th. Pt,ll.d-lphi. Pantal t ollag. ar.d therefor, be. the birheet alte.ta Ion, of profewlonal .kill. All wort do.. ,. the oflie. 1 wtl! hold mteeir pereow.ll, raepon.i. - - .... ...., a. In in, V(Mt aati.f.ci.irv m.a- er and kigtieet order of the prolee.ioa. An o.tahit.heH practice of twenty twi year. In Li ! r 7 "U" " 10 1"k ' P""" Kfiffajrt-bBU fro ft 4itftTie ihftuM K ud, by litr ft frw rlari befor iha a 4, iHrs Jj. MOSHANNOnTaND 4 LUMBER CO., O.-iCKOLA FTEAM MILLS, laxrrArTrRti UWIISLTk, LATH, AND TICKETS II. II. HIILLINliroKl), Preenlcnt, OflleoF.n..l pl,. N 8 41h pi', Jl'IIN 1.AHM1K, Puperiniendent. JrP f,. l',ce,.la Mill.. Clearheld ei.anlv. Ta. REUBEN HACKMA hj Houso and Sip Painter and Paper Hanger, Irarfleld, I'eun'a. 1-tk-ill event. ..hr in bit line prampllv and in a workmanlike manner. apr,.!? J. BLAKE WALTERS, HtlilVKNf'l! AND O'WKY AXcER. Aganl for tbe Poteh4.e and Rale nf Laada. Irarllcl.l. Pa. r.pr...nl .ll.Hli.. .Ih. .. .11 I 1 connected with the eoanty ofhree. Office with Ufa. na. A. Wallace. Hani, dti-tf THOS. W. MOORE, Land Surveyor and Conveyancer. IJ A INtl rr..r.llT Wv-,r, , kfnnjt , I nmbv I ' it V . ne,l rr.'im.il lhe practice ol I. .nil ftnrTc.tiig iepwiriilli Lnder. b, prefrik ;..nal eiTTi..., to th. owner of and .peculator, ia lanil. in I Icttield and edi.-inilig enuntir,. Itecl. of cnnr.r.nre Bcalll eeeute.i, tlftier and re.idrnee one dtnir ea.l of Kirk d Sprnc r'. ,t..re. aptld p.Um. THOMAS H. FORCEE, I.I4I.VI tW GEN FT. At. MKTiCIIAXMsn, .UtllMTti, Pa. Alan, evien.ive mennr.eturer and dealer In Knjuere 1 in.ber and Sewed Lamlieroi all kind.. fT-Order. auliiled and all bill. prmnpllT "Hod. Ijyl ly ' aro. aiarav areav atneev. w. alaiar W. ALBERT & BROS., Sawed Lnmber, Square Timber, &.c, VI 1.1 . ' l k. A 1 , I t. J A. frOrd.r. aolicited. Bill, ailed on abort lotiea and reaeonebit terma. Addrem Woodland P. 0.. rie.ra.Li r-. v.. C'tid. TH08. 8. WASHBURN, ...e.M.,r. r. h wy IMl .1,-. n, l,h ,(,, :,M ,,,, Ti (J en i k.l h rf1r,ntn .be,.. i9..tf . - - 1 SURVEYOR. 'I II K ndrr.'gnrd .'fl.-r, ti, ernieee a, a 'Vnr, end m.V h. f'.and at hi. i.arei-e i...i,.i,.p letter, will reftrk biai di rected to I'leftifleld, Pa. ) 7 if. JAMFi" MITCIin.L. DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. BAEBEE & HAIE DEESSER, mcrOND TRUl.T, JySS C I i: ARC IE 1. 1, pa. tf N. M. HOOVER, WholeMle A Heuil Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars and SnufT, Two dtx.r, ea.t of the Port Office, MARKET PTItEKT. CLEAKFICLD, PA. .A large, Monnent of Pipe,, Cigar Caw,. Ac. alwiiy. on faej'd. B.yb.y J. K. BOTTORP'R PHOTOGRAPH OALLEKY. Market Romi ri.a.a.M t. Vtfitl TEfiATIVES made in elondy, a, well at .. i . rlMi Mi.M r......i. i . a.eorlment of PKAMKH. eTk-RKOSCOPEr) and Mfchr-KM'flPIC VlhW.S. Krame., from any tvle of atoalding. node to order. .nrtk.ir FRANCIS COUTRIET, w C ut. II A IN J , Frenrbville, learfleld ( oastv. P. Keep, eonitamly on band a full eeetrtmeet of lry lloodr, Hardware, Uroeenea, and everyUiing uallv kept in a retail etore, wkiek will be aold, tor ea.h, ae cheap ae eleewhere ia the aownty. Flwacbville, June 27, IHIi-ly. C. KRATZER & SONS, MEBCHANT8, aaLBfta la Dry Good, Clothing, Hardware, Cutl.ry, Que.niware. Oroeeriaa, rovi.ioa, aad bkinflaa, Clere4. Ptau't, tbeir ew atore room, ae gaewad rtreet, ear Here. 1 1 A Bigler'e Hardware .tore, jeale Wrrrhaut Jailor. F. C. CROMM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET ST, CLEARFIELD, PA. VFn.L aupply of aotha, Caa.imerea aad eating, eun.untly oa bald, wbieb will be iue np aeoordmg lo tbe buret faablon,. tw a auhatantial manner, and at low rataa. my It 1CG9. Coins it Alone. 18C9. . R L. STOrGIITOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market "tree, riearfleld, Fa nA ISO oneaed kw.iaeaa ea my ewa book, al the old .tend in rikew'a Row. I therefor. aa..onee to the puhlie that I bava now aa land well aelreted and large aeeorlmeat of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Daavera. and ill kiada af aA. i ... boy,' wear, and am now prepared to make lp to ..row k,.i ii i - . irom l aingta irtieie ta a full euit. la tba late.t atyhaa and meet worktaaalike meiaar. Special ettemioa givea to au.tam offer great bargain to ru.tomera. aid wa.mai eaUta aati.faetion. A liberal (bare if pablte patronage la aolicited. Call and aee ma E. K. U IsTOl UUIOir. II. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door eaet af Cleirteld Baa, Market reet. Cleirarld, Pa. Kerr-r.ee roll aaawrtmeata if A eat.' Purntahing Oooda, ,eck aa Phirta, Liaea and Waolea I nlw.kln. 1 . .. - ........ nan eroeaa. Neck Lea. Poekal llaadkarehl... Oi..u u..7 tmhrellaa. A"- ii a-raal v&n.t. fw' u.-' www u. owpe kov BpSt Clofhr nfall "ShorUe VI tl fucb ae Blek Ikeeekl. ,f ,b. v.rv bw.l ..a. feecy Caeitmara, ia geat earlrtv. .1 a k Coaling. Beaver, P,,, Oklaehill and eWw overe-trng. All at -b.ek wili be" .br-7- t ah, aad made ap leemrdtn.' to tba lateet atrkaa bl .IHN.HH. "' le in iMtfli.. .k. i. . Aleo. Agent, for Clearfl.ld aoarty for I At. Singer A Co'a. ealebralad Sewing Meehinea hot. I, la.tf. u uitujuw, IWtsrrllanrous. The Liqhlnina Tamer. THE aadeniraed ara lhe aole Again ta thl, ronnlv for lhe "North Amerio II. LIUHTNINa RODS." Tlaim are He. aoly a.1. now in wee one . k- ... . . arirntifie men la Ih, aaaatry. " -ll'pai tb. .. .... ....WM. , ii. rva.tr a ap I better red. and lor charged by the fereigi ageau wko annually traveeea tba miry aad vm., mm ae return. KXCCiri'.AGE HOME LABOR. Tboea wi.biag Lightalng Roda erected aa their building, eed bat addree. a. by letter ar eall la wm... V. , i . . In tbeewuatv. aid warrant tk ... ii.TTj 1 Mature aaa be aee a at aav time kv celling M oor.lcra. MKI1KKLL A BIULkH. Clearbeld, Jnae 11, lean V ORGANS &. PIANOS. ESTV'S AND MASON ! HAllUN'8, roa a a li ar K. i. HATES, Carweaevil),, p. THE "CLEAR FIELD KENDLICA.' r.rT AHI ISHIMI IK lIT. The largest circulation of any Newg papor in North Central Pennsylvania. Terms of Subscription. If paid ia advance, or within 1 month,.... OO If paid after J and before month, t SO If paid after the expiratina if month... 1 (at) Lit eg of Ailvertisinfr. Tran.ient advertisement., per eo.ee re of I llneee rr, S time, it bree f i k. for each enl.eeiiiirnt inrertion ... Se I Adiainietretor,' and Eaerulora' antieea. 1 ' Aadttora' notieea. t Caution, and E.traya...M, l ta Iiieeohtliew ie.tiea,.w. pp lcal notice., TMr fine wtit t, Obituary lolloe o-var v liaea, per hie K Profeeelnnal Canl., I year.. I ap YKAIiLV ADVKRT1SKJMKXTS. 1 eqnare... aqnaraa. 3 equerry .. i eolami, t-.j aa 4 Miami.. ti p ..It 0 1 eolumn. p e i Job Wort. PLANKS. Single aaira. i2 " i tawiiea.ar aalr.tl Ti S qairea. pr. quire. J 00 i Over I. per q.lre, 1 it lUM'.ll.LK. t het. ?S or le.., f J Ml i J ,hr, e.1 er lea,.S f i .hrel, I. ar eaet, I abeet. ii ar rre,l Mi Over li af each ef above at proportionate relre. GEO. R lilKll.I.AMiPR. Kditor aad Prepnetor. 11 RB A AHTr.lb.-Tbe wrdev.Tgd"wli! pev tba b.gee I ASH Phlt'i for all bin. al PI Rft and J.f t'R PK1NS. fl romeaeall 'eld. I'ee II. . . R R If FX STU I K. "W'lllTK WIKK VI1hGt.AI.-A awparW 1 arUa.. far piekUif dor aale by tl. f. RAiriR. !biUMii HMSUUMl 1 NK ' n Mi,, e- Cloonleld I ta, , . Term- i. Pk.hp.k.rj a. M., IfW,,, 1. - !..! Pb.l.p;, Ooeaola ........ .l, ' .. "ll lZZ?' y;- '. 'Cleaia . ,!! FAKE A M) I'lstXvn PROM CI.EARFl LLI).j Ctatioft. itationa. Teoftard Wood land.. pifter Wailaeetoft Pli.e hall .. la Inbveretioa ! , ! ti l.ra,, . '- J !t. Pwor ii faaiaiit.... ' aJ. RiagT ! Pow.llt,,.. - i BO "vfOJU ......" HA I'anl. ,( 74 r..irwT'. 1, J P"Pb."rC Phlllp.bara- IT Cieinar,' I ft Iienter to fKeeola.. HI Powelllen ?4 Sandy Ridge ....? JJ;Sll5 --ri IV. . - - J rmaamit H.77 Ml. l'leaaeaL...! Vawaeoyoe ...... 4 i od...dTj; , 'J 1 14 Le.... IDtevaeeuoa 17 . j I Trraue. . 41 C t.rfli";. .M fa rb FKolTcilAlFmirrj BL.11.... t. .. ..... . . I tl Bellefeale- Fa .... e.taiakH, T Manau loek lJaveft.H. w'illiaairpwrtw. 1 M , Laaeaat. d Hoaunrion I MiPHILAliLxiri f kaiituva. . kt Altoowa Marvmll, d M Jobavtowa ' 1' HAKHIrHI kit tii.atvi.L. T " . . i --p. nit IIKkllTl,... Puaanfen Mariag Claaraeld at i ta . Phil pebwrg at A.ii p. m, 0.u arrive at TvvMof a aa . . r I will l ineionatl BnrwM Aaat al t fi . iul.,iw.i.i .. ' f-m with ti.M K..I. V T: k" "i" Um- . ivraaaw. P- -. amvuig it iMhfeM. u k.4j , u..T k". V. ' r-.--,eaee.iagwiui l,. P. .. raiiaaeipam aad kn, aea, , n; ki.Tr r 11 v.. ,imj. - Eanraxk. I - 11 T . . JT mitajr ftt Hbiomi ml HM m.. hmmmL F . 4umTwm mk IW.Jt aa . .j.. . i ... . . . J - r. ai i. a. w EKHARli H. WILLUHi, General Pupertnteaaue OEOROE C. WlLEINt l-tf gao.,..- rhlladelphla tt Erie lallrou SUMMER TIME TABl.r Throign aid dire at ream Uem Pbilmwiai. baitfiara. UarrkM m.n. , n. ii ...m.palk aid ilea Great Oil Region of Pennsylvwii ELEGAM SLEEPIXG Cil: Oi all Sight Tmiaa. OS and after MO.TPAT. APItTL It TH! th, trama oa tba Philadelphia A Km W KaoA will M. .- r..n .. .. ewtwrard. "Ill Trail leavea PhltaAeipbai 7G4' j. .ut. idy , ; , . ; 'e am re in, t , a J riuaaeipaa, IIU., ! a...t Ury, ,H. ".....amr. it Erie .lt HA-l .. - eewwanj. all Trail lea vs. kna Ilit la a.8t Mary , iM t . ""e al Pbil4alphia. IIUI w.prwm laaivw, m a ti f I I'e-M do ra Alary 'a- 1 1(A a. Ia arrive al Pliwalalpn... f Mail and tzpree. eewaaM will Oil Cau mi n.woonj j.tvar avail Kowd. Ragrage eaa tbrough ALtkED L. run aawrai ftaiMrmteiaK Clearfield County Bank. Tl II m . . rnnt rt.i.u r m 1" ' vwoavy waaa ia al tm.itaa led tnetltatvoi ha. gewe eat wf eualane V tba awrrawdar of h, naraer. aa May II lab AM It. etoc t, ewao, by tba ewbarrikan. ek will waatiwwa tba Poking bwaiiaw at the awn pkvee. a, private tl.ak.re, ladar tbe Irm aaa ad the "CtaarlelA r... a... ar " "t taarleld Coaaty Balk." e are a ' ToeiMe debt, af the Bank. aaJ wii an Ilia .Mh m . . .. .. ' ... weeiw. iwaa ' received aid l.i.n.i -I i. ,1. . a filed time. Pom. - ' .. ... . filed time. Paper dieeewited al .,i a-wai aa heretofore. Our p.ra.aal reepowitilm a ptedfed for ill iHrwaim raeelred aad heneau tna eted A eoati.aeaee af tba Hieral mt oi tae wwaiaem ma ae f k. t. teually aelketwd. Aa Premdwat, twAmrael Beer, af tt-a kaaa CiawAeHl Cauty kaak.m I ' I " Clawteld Coaiiy kaak.m ! " - be pre-ew. I '"' '."r"". JAS. T LKOKAKD. KICHAllI) SIIAW POPTKR. JA8. B. G.ABA1, A. K. WEIOHT. O. L. rsux M 1. WALLACE. Tie beelneea af lb. talk will ae aaadaeai. w ola M. A a.... ia Onbiwr. jni . i. t. MT.irk. Edward Pern. B AKHNQ i COLLECTIOS EOKT mcgirk v perks Bwewaauia la leaver, Pwwa A tw. VIlllllawaraT. Itrw rmn. . "TTHKIIB ill th. baatweaa if a Beak tag Rem. .v w.i- v iruauwa wromnUv ana .mo nw " mvwraete teraaa vaarTjf County National Bank. CLEAartEl.n wa THIS Bank loiwen aad rwadv rat bad aeaa. OSoe aa nweawd atrael. ia Ur baiut "t ferayerly aewupead by l.naard. raaawyd Ca. n.nnq aa. orwtcwaa. " - "i-i-ai-a, w, H ruRTPV A. K. WKIHHI, dbo. I. RSED. I. W. tdOriRI III W vwnw..e. Tlartsmithinj. Aew RIacLHniilh Shop. FPCOXD CT, CLKARrrtLD, Ta. THE aidereigwed begv re in farm bn frieaav aid tba iiaabitaau el tba bawwagb af Cwwr- era aaa awrvaaadia. ..I.lk.... .... k. new ready lo aieeauj ail order. aiUar m me w ataaL borsi snoiibo . ik. . apwrwrti a tv etile. ALL Crvrta n iivmti . - - .."-.ibii iKii.ir am Elrl.Na war.. Inewn'.iail. -. . frabe, Ao. ' Ftael tve.1, f all klad, and. if Wm Raglak ar Amerteia Heel. VVA.A1I mv work le ummJ k. -jk. taetioi, it let ekarfed lor. AMOS KKKXAlA. w Rlarksmlth Shop. THIUD FTREKT. CLEARf IKLBV THKrnWriberreeweelfnMy l.rrwk.k..frwaa aad tb, lablir ia rener.l ik.. a. L. ii led In lb. kiM. ,k .; rit:iri.in abop rerwitly leeapied by Jaewb baaeteriMa, ,nw reaay ta pesrrarm ail aroea Tr w.m. . k .. . - . ..,...,..m,Biminw'iiMH" Sled..8l.,ghe, haggle, bad Wagon. io.e ,d Uoree-.boeiag d. ae at reae-nable nalet reepeetfully leke a there af work from ITr arkha, ie be latendr ao five km whole alteetir w m, 'aa. THOMAS Ulil. Mareb It. I'M KoJTS To wn.sh i p A vi Le GREAT EXCITEMENT AT TH OM AS KEERS'S ! f'VIrtTPOPT trrt.g toga! ebeee lem. far bwf j af being crowded ail lew the weld. Ii yea wmai gwwd Kbeeing daaa. ge v. , If yea waal year fli.. troaed right ge er leewv If yea van gd Mill Iraaa. g ae tirva. II yea w.at ywarwegoa traaed ta the beat atyle aad warkatteehip. a. a. f tret Iliaa met a. tbe beat c-t.wy Macbiwe w a OM. lad daaa ill klad. al ULAOb-aiTii' ar eweep ae eal a. ana n the aewelv (er OaaV My Paat Oka Iddraa, I, Cleare.d I THOMAS fSabi. Prr Tv. DetL if. idT-tf. Clearfield Nyrsery. nxcoriuoE home iMvsTr.T. THE aad.reigned. bavlag eerabli.ked a aery aa tbe 'Pike. aral bail wav beiew CtwarleNj and Cwrvaeeville. le pre wared w e ah all krade if fklUT TREES, i.md,-daat dwarf. I veiiaaaa. Hrwbbeer. erewe Vwea. Maoeebavnaa. Iwvaa vtaeerry. erreeWrry, aa. kaoeerry Tie at Alee, Klbariai Owk Tew trwtaea. aid airly ararlee Rbabara, Aa. Order, prwatpOe uvea led ta. Addeaae. i. P. WATS FT aewll U w CarwaarrlSi H .'j ' AUSIKl A BROI.