VifkU Mil Vf.l.iuintiU. I. I THE LEONID HOUSE. T, i n mi.i it, 1 1 ai.i in n. rt I.. I- .'',l ' 1". rmpi trior. I I M W '' llirl In '" r-TMf " I .U. i..ii.-i. .-r il t.m ' . ia kn I K' t'R r"'"1!'' ait.d. r-'0.nU.r 1 he ""' w ,'.. ,u ia n B..l,n.-d. JH- II i THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL ? HtKKKT t., CtT .RHKI.n, P. Till- l-rn aod oprninolion nrw hnM ha n,.. npm.d for thn ornnnvr.d.tion of Ihr .Vrr thr irprwt T will W rtad tn mrrt . . i.1.! ff "!. ami ft .ham of pol.lir t ' . -nfr. Hyatnrt prtnnl .ttontion tn tli. itr s , . .l hi ba-inr., he hojwt tn h Mo to ron.lor .i-.-fa.-ti l b' patron.. Th TAHLK will i. ,...' br hoiin'ifully npilird with IholrrM Hint i . rr"-r.l in tin' w.rkot. and II" BAR i ,.,! mntaia fall .took ( LK'l OUS, EE EH, Ac. J :l'lir.e attach. I. 5 ' CPKlt LEiroi.HT, ! cVarM.1. Marti S, ly l'n.pnctor. j THE EAGLE HOTEL, KW M- LL B t.trl 1 1. 1, r., I a. -tt 4 VINA laarrd for tnrm of run th. I I .bora wall known and popular hotel, Ik'pl . -a.rly by Mr. Maaon, and lataly by Mr. y..nO tha pratrnl proprlrtor ku r Sttrd il k i tba objort of raodrror hif g-onti (omfort , ( ,1. wini o.inBrnin,r with bia. A fine. Urge ' -ui .ad Vara if attached, for th ear. sod wf bora. aarrut-M sod odi, A ; ,-r.l .bar of public palro.aro i anltriled. , Mil if JOHN F0CT3, Hrop'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, nrrtiftIUc, Clearleld founW, Pa. TJIflUod veil t-Miih(Kl HoUl. betitl tllT ttiaUd on tfa bftak of tbe a lbu. fcrotfi. of CtmrMTitto, io lfd fnr tr of yri by tfat dntr4 It ku boBnurly refetteiL so4 o ootb to tat pi. bite rr''j trarHm(f eooi- si :t u fMFtiev-ftf. Ko ptiof vitl b apart! tn rs4rr f ai eoaif'triAble whil tarry inf at tbi tu. A biablta raoai for ta aeeoBMo of toaaia. Obaxgf moderate. 1, 'v if H tl. M. JEFFRIES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, rarwrnvrillr, Clecrfleld cmihI), P. TBE nlertimtd hu Ua4 this old and long fftabliiihed hotel, (formerly kept by Major j i-aet Bioob,) titaate in a central portion of the M and hae entirely re-i'ved and re furnished it. ;d re aiodcked the natiac;, MUto make It tn abject, hereafter, far tbe traveling public to vttrenite this lare an soaiBodioaa boaa. dee 3 if JVUS J. KhAD. THE MANSION HOUSE, earner of Hecondasd MarkM Street, VEARFlFXn, PA. TITT3 old aad eomnodioni Hotel haa. dnrinf the part year, bees iolarjrJ to doable iu .rer capacity for tbe entertain atest of etran m and fofiti. Tba vhle bailJina; hai been rafjratfbed, ad the proprietor will rpara ec rams ta render hw faecU aoalortabla whihr Kiiiar ith him. Z4r Die "Maniian Rooee" Omni Wot rant l i iro the lepot OS the arriral and deneniire 1 (Kb train. JjAVID JOHNSTON, r tf Pronrietor. the Astern hotel, CLEARFIELD. Vk. THE auWrtltar baHnr lemad for tam af yrt thia arall-knowa Hotwl. fkapl fwr mamy ion by Mr. Lwaitk.) nd r illxl mxi ntm innad it torowrtiwwl. ia prvpsrww to nt"r a travelers ui tba pwblie rnraMy rM irmt it ia kop4 alik atraaobla bs both natrwna ai propriatoa. Hia TABI.g aad BAR will h aapiliaw with tba bwat tba ajrkt aforda; 4 pwino will b oparow' bia part to ad to -it eooyooiana ud onanrwrt of bt rwer. JUH.N llOl'DHhKTV. art It lrop.leuiT. the'exchange hoYeu III XT1GIHS, PA. THIS aid ftablihnien( baring aaem leantl br J. Mt'KaiSON, fonaerly pntnrietor af taeMornaom Hue,'' baa koan tboraujib.y ran rd and rafarniebed. and eupplied with all tbt n ml era improrBtnu and eonTaaieaeaa aa aary t a ftrat etasa Hotl. Taa dining rooa bu keen removed tn the Brat 4r, and n to iriefaj and airy. Tbe chamber are well ea t ;:ti. ard the proprietor will eadeaver ta auke iit runtv perfectly n"t yla J. IdOKRISOX, Proprietor. i. w W allace.... ...TH'i. n. amw THE AMERICAN HOUSE, llbrn-bare, CIarfil4 Co.. Pa. Till? wel! known and 'T.r ertaMifhed Hoel. foraierTT kept by R. V. Mre. and Utterly ij W . Ma, fr han beta leaded fr a tena t ware by the ar-der ii-nei. to which the attea im oi the travelinr paMie i now railed, and a bbral ahare of public fatrnnar Il anlieitvd. aprlt).'e-1ly-d UlA A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, xui.v st, ru)Lir.BC)vt. pa. TTIE ar,dcrind kapa ennitantly am band tha ht af Littwara, Hn labia if !" .pplird with tba ' tha Mrkl anrda. Tba OTrlmr paLlic wiU da well to r bid a MIL aoTl.'bj. kOULUI LLUlll. McGAUGHEY'S ELST 11 CAM & ill. RLSIIMEtt 1110(11, I. Lrary'i Krw Bnlldio,. (fomotrly oocopird by Mr. koto.) f KPOKD FT, CLEAREIKLI), TA. CiiXJUXTI T ook.ndafiorarlratKinnr CKS ii K, M TS. (liiARS, TnllAOCO. Aa. A,-. KULI1 0V5TEI.S n.irrd daily, and ir-vi-d op Im wit thr of roMoaiera. V.ltll.l.lABl 41 IKI m imJ Ji-,11 U" IA1D alol.Ai;i.llM. J.oots and lior$. iiANLICL CON NELLY, Boot and Shoe llannfarlurcr. CLEARFIELD, PA. nv 5 Wt rrratrrd a Sua lot of Prwfb CALF kIVS and i. ow vmparwd U, avanolao- rrytliiax ia bia Una at Mio hwrt Srirwa. Iia will w..fii ai. work to b at tp,wrwa it -mimii i. anllr't. a aU, at bta abop o M.--kei nrt.rond dror wa.t of ih. po.tnftrw. .b.'r b will a. oM tn bia anwrr to randrraalia- Urt -n. Ka boa W.'t.r tona B hand. . 47 y liMr.i. (..VSELLT. PEACE rKMLAniLI). TEE WAR 0XzTb CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSIIir QUIET.'y nT the Citmtnntl gMng hnd U their old nmttrrt ; hut 'nary onr to ot.l Hdnfhufttn, vhTt thy trrre trrd to lung and so vrll. Ittnoo'ltna of tba ohorr fjcla T. FITITIT, af tba "Id "Sbort hboo Pbop." wnwld aa-a-air. to hi. nwmrroaa patrona, aod Iba paopl Clrarfirld roontr at Urra, tbat ba haa ww a i- -.t. in, .r nnd ajaWnal. jot ri-.irrd fro t kt. ai I I prrparr otiaort oottrr to uaka ."4 aad B-ila and 8 ... at bn aaw abop ta -ii.aj h,w. H. ia aatt.flMi tbat hr ran plraao ai-.' a- loaa it aiirbt br aoo. intanaaiy loyai atay- knan pAtrt.ta.) Ha ia prepared to 11 low fr ( or iMOtry Pradwoo. iat f.rrat tha .r n.rt 4oor an llhowora A tirabaai'. or. "i klAr.i itrw, rirtoid, I'a aad kapt by a a i. roatoiMiy oallod ).:.-4r y ?noRTT.- Uff BOOT AM) SHOE SHOr. edwarLTmack. I t MAKkhT A .In St I'LEARFIKLD, Fa. TIT haa awwrmdl lata tho MOOT Mi'i; haaixnw at tho anana ataod. and lfrin.d aot In b naid.n. oltbor ia owal. a ar fr bia work. Snnrml arwatma i a. paid aaaaolortanar omd work. Hr aa bao4 a larira bM af Kmarh K tp aaa c' ?.. of tba r.rr b.l awality. Thr rltl af i'irrtol4 and ririoitr ar rowtlally "4 tr hi a trial, lo abarw for ealla ""' " MY KOOT AD SHOE SHOP, it i rw i vviti i. THE nb.rribr h.riaf Intnl. mini a aw It hai ac4 son. .nop ia r.rwaat!o. a "aa . do.opk k. Inata'a lrmf r.pil.;. aaaaoana. la tha pwblir that 'l"r b. au. wtaro all al.ln. ol Bnnta M Mo-i. aad ...rtlhitij in hi. Its., a oaart "'a I!, krop oa hand a food awnwt " f r,.a1A WTI, .a,k bawill aa" bnl.u a s w ta eaab or rj atr rf,o'io iAUj LEWIS ?. 0J. I S Vrnnrtt, Vlattrfi(trr A Co. j i rt-rT n n n fM il AT LOWEST PRICES! J. A. I5LTTCDERCr.R, now orrrR at thkir JI a in in o i h Store, iji, pa.. A LAHGE k AVELL-SELKCTrD Spring 4 Summer Goods, rrnoiASED atthb lowest mar KET RATES. AND TO BE SOLD AT A SLIGHT ADVAKCE OK COST. QOXPISTIXG OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, QCEESSWARE. WOOD I WILLOW WAUE, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. prRXITUUE 4 MATTRESSES, FLOUR AND FEED, AND EVERYTHING APPERTAINING TO WELL-REGULATED HOUSE HOLDS, AS WELL AS TO KILLS. MINES, AND CAMPS. r.EPERST!ECEIVEDAXI rROJIPTLT FILLED. HIGHEST MARKET RATES PAID FOR COUNTRT TRODUCE. SALESMEN ARE ATTENTIVE, I LITE AND OBLIGING. fJALL, SEE, EXAMINE, ASD BE ! CONVINCED. J. A. EL.VTTEXBERGEI., i CO OamU Milla. P. AprU . 1 urnituif. NEW FURNITURE STORE T. T. A UMAX TXfJSrf.K to rn"'-o tba rll-rnt nf I aad .Ir'Vry. Ibt ba bit. a ...... mm ,Mi. (intwi't. tba tin v.rd. tr K. L,-,..-ii o'Co-wrn-rif, wbr-r ..w-hLorp 1 M..,i.'Tflii band. or.l . .- rrp n rSll.t -? and a-'fd o-"-witi o.' rc.dy audo Ka-aiiu-, ia; wiiir. aHU triJEArS AND RlI'E-BOAnDS. W.-,l-"k. aid Took-C.-o. "VjMra. Tr l - ia- ad.i;at -arLvLn... :-''a 'l- -r.r.. J .,'-, b w 'i r'' n I r-r t. I'o for Cjib or app-.-a'l i," i Prod trr, a-ylV f a l Clioap Furniture. jonx cuLicn DSlRKS to lafna hia wld friaadi and raa loatera. that barm, oabarwwd bta bnp and iaeraaaad bta taotlitira tor naaaalarano,. aa la ; now proparod to M.b. aaordwr oarh Pwrwilara aa I mar r draimd, ia roo4 atylo aad otanoap rat i ilor'CARII. Ha r-aarally baa aa hand, at h:, Famitar raoata, a rarird awiortajaat of raady owda faraitara, aatoa, wbtrh aro rcnEAfs and side-boards. Wardmborand Ink Oiw Centra. Sofa. Parlor, ilrrabfaal aad l"tain Kamaioa T.klra; Cm i. mm.. r... J.n. I.ina Mti.r I HeditMdi; P'faa of all hinvs, UQrk-aianda. Hal-rarka. wTaab-ctanda : Korkillg and Arm Chaira ; aprinar-neat, eane r-ntiom, par'or. eom- moaandotiiarCbatra; Laoking-JI of ovary dearrtptieo on hand ; and new jriaaee for old frame, wbieb will be pat in am very iwoaable ferma oa abortaat aottoa. Ho alao beopa a band ar furaihae tf arder, Corn-baak, Hair and Cnt-loa-top llsitTeftea, Coffin. or Evrnr Kint Made In order, and fan era h atreaded wlik a llaarae wh -never deaired. Al. Poare Painting done to erder. The anbarHbor aim maaatarv taree, ard baa evmauntly m nana, Clemoi'r Patent UaJDinf KUrbine, tbe boat aw ta aae ! Tboee aiinp thia maehioe never need be wttb oart aloaa alotba! Ha alaa haa Flyer'a Patent Cbarm, a awperior aruela. A family aaiag thia Cbara aevar need be witaoaj bauer 1 All IB anTv aOO V Brnrin mr an ,i.b.dl.ra.,.r..hrarfnrCA.Bora.rk.o4 ...... i a ..a. a for approrrd anwatry pmdono. t Borrr. .1 r' Poplar, Ltowood aad onar LamhoT for Cabtool work, takoa il Ii-karc for forait.-a aaa-BoaioaiboT lb abnp la oa Markrt atmal. ClMrtald, Pa, aad anarlj appnaila tbr -Old Jaw Storo." JOHN Wt'LlCU. oTOWar I. 13 T Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aofwr row CTurkrrlof'. Slainwii'a ..4 Faiwj'i Pianaa ; riwinh .. Mao. A llaalia'a and P.lnwhi. Ora. and V-lo4roo.. and A'a Srwi.f A'.Arbinaa. A urn raArtjaa or Piaao A. Itar. Orxan. Ilananny and Voral W.. lio. . piiptltskoo tirr Inn. than ba!'. la. jadr-Rn- ar.l door t. Fir.5alioaai liaak. ( InarS-id. N.r i, l- If- Tk tiif: rnrnT w t iihwis .r Clmmr .Id naaaiy. Pa. Uarnaaa Od.ll, f oL, 1 No. Ill, llarrh Tar 1" J-h Tarlr. I Too"ll alra'bmrat i 5nw. rtb 1 Tana. J Hr:-.llnorb. n..'4 L. Kmba. aa4 Willi. M. Wrt alloofb .rn.ioud Trw'tao. aarardm a. aba rnil . ol tha art af Aaarakly. Br ral Cot'.T- ,b. w.4.r.i,..d. ! af Clrtrld. .1 I to : and oil r-r-a. ! la hrnb ri.n wbn Ib tba braah rnoinlotnal aa abor rial laiirbtnd tn tba .a4 Jia Tariry. wr ooio. prnprrty hnlnnfin. hi, ana rnqoirod t. p. ant; dallroT ail owaa aw at onnwo. ri - -do oa4 alio hi ba tSa aadrr.rand I rw.tnm ; and al I rn-dnnn. ara moo.trd to par. aaat iwoaacur. onnnaau aod 4and. Tllo-. J. ii I I.I.oIkH. l'.VK L MlhliS. Tk hi. Mrl'l Lci oil. )y51 41 1 Tm-.m.-., (V Dnnl IaIiiiiciy iui iiciii. THF nf tb bjtn Pnoban ! on onr (nr rm.t tho arrll hwnwo lonorry I ,;rrss r;T.;r:Tr-; tn-olar, aall a th prrw. nr.. or adorn ta BB- Smiioid at n.rn H'ln. P J- M F Ji.liN-'fK. MAHwAllkl UtCUAKAV Jyld-iTKj.1 VhiliiiflrTpMa AfliriliMmrti!. No. 35 South Third Strui PHILADELPHIA. , PENNSYLVANIA ;SSo forT.HE OF THE "l-ttO UNITED STATES OFAMERICA. Twe Fanat. f-rra !rAWPt (VariT la a nrrxrii0 ,"rw4 p.-cifti Act of c croM. an eturr-d J Jlf 71 lX,itia CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000. fCLl PAID. L Vrnl 'rrm d to Ar aad aoltrltert, wa ai iarf.4f i t-jr i l oer oiflre. rmlp nrinri -t f!ilu, prVeM a'nerHBea. In rem -l.rr t f our lUntxac H-n-, iii'Tf('iiea'-t r.'i.t h'i, fatif tA. tie auraa-afta vdrr r-r ' l "miit ...,t b kd. 1. Vl.tLtUli 4 4 ., A- i S mili Thv4 ML H. ItfsVl'.l., Mjiiaer. A jeota lor naHlfld aar-V-ly t.lKAKKR a- CU ISAAC E. STAUFFEE, WATCHES & JEWELRY, No. U Korth Bceond Street, Coraer nf Caxrr PUILAUELPOIA. An aortaomt of Watebea. Jewelry, Silver and kraiairias of Uatcbea and Jewelrr prMnnth attend ttl to. jjrt ly S. gilberanan, - O. Kittinper. - II. PilUrman. S. SILBERM AN &, Co., iwpoktem o joaaaaa or FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, AC, 13 .VortA fourth SI ret I, tM PIIILAI)I;I.PHI. Ir-nd T. C. MYERS, WITH ... w . rAt u. I. BOA.. WM. AV. PAUL & CO., WrtOLFSALB hoot aadsiioi: NMHEHOIIE, 2 Xa-krt St. A (14 C oajOMrca Sl obon f illb, yia PHILADCLP IJIA. ly j. aouivwraw . . . K. warn rAwrr. EOLLOWBUSH t CAEIY, BOOKSELLERS, Clank Book Manufacturers, ASP f TATIONEl: S. 91H Market MM rhitadrtphin. flnwr Farka or.4 Tlrt. Fol,p. Utlrr, ute, t"ro.ilng, CurtajB aod Vail Paprtw. trCJ-lr. JOHN M. MELLOY, Awrrirrrtuk or Flain, Japanned Stamped Tinware j AW PKAt-.B ! Iloaat FroMilne Good. Tio UooOrii; aad Coudartor Pikca. Sw. 123 Mrkct ftrrrt, ,;.iy niaAfKLrniA. DREXEL & CO., I Ka. SI uwth Tiilrd Ktrwt. Tuiladclpa And Dealers in Government Securities. t Applii-wtioa tir aaail will twrir. prooipt altra tion, at.d ail triforaiauoa chct-rfully turowbrd. Ordrr. Kdintrd. aprll-U REIZENSTEIN BROS., Mao.farurora of and Wbaloaala Dralara ia MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 4t Markrt V 4I 4riThaBt Html, aarl'; Pll ILAPELPm A. P. . 1SG0 spring, l SOU JAMES, KD5T, SASTEE &. Co., Importers and Jobbers of Pry Goods, Koa. 5::i, J I- A Jll J. Tbird St, riULAW.i.riu. Wranr an prrpnrrd with onr amal rti-inirw and w-' I inek to o&r extra i?dwi-n(-t. to CASH 111 ,ERS. aprll-lf STRETCH, EESNETT 4 Co., (So-ei'orc tf ltr T. U m-ht A Co, r;tTri: or t rrama iv Dr.UCS AND MELltlNES, ,. , P , M4;,-il ntiTnrnc Lni'iniCS & W IflDS tOT Wlelfal pUTpOSeS, cl. r.: No. iv Markrt Su. rbilaii a. BENSON, CAMPBELL A. Co., ;,. X. Fiflb 9u and 431 Caarra, , , rUILArLLI 1IIA, 14, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, Ta ra. sal. ir Wnol. Oinwe. For Sktai. Foatbara, latlior, llal d. I'nrd Frwlta. Clowwr S4. Iina, Hoar Fktaa. IloUor. Ilooawai. Shoo, fkina. Err. Aa., A1-. A. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICIT ED. TVarkly Pri rwrrral forwardrd oa rxjaoau Joo a 1 1 ISAS J. t pd raaarr. - . Torao. HUBERT , YOUNG, l SlOIlfMUttOrS tib MIlr llaSOIlS, I T 11.1 Ol.ratrall work In Ibrir l od arato prim 4 in FIRST CLASS ft,. In Architectaral Omamento la All FTVirS. Slnao traa.lar of Awntioa. aad all kind, of a. wark rnw-t-or- for ta arnatof thr manly. Aa. prar wi.ktna; In bono Tn.tMo mama w.-k and otoar-natltar doaa. will I' d il m iawnrrt tn nail wpoa aa a oa!4 al'. Ipfnr lb. pab l.r that wr ran drlirr aar q.aaillj or riaat ol nnaa dnwrod. aa wo ar tba aw.ora af a F1KST-CLASS STONE yl'AKr.Y. Ord.r. for o-k oao W addrooknd aiibar . or LaUtarabo-f .r ;itf lit nrr.T a Tnt so. yinrble A Htone Ynrtl. T. 1. I ni i l l. a. n. ! FTaF'IM; tn In'nr tbair rnna la. and tb. II wako. Ib.t I Sr. bona Bow and Will knr, --tl,i, M h.n4 a la-rn and w.ll nrlnn-ml tmM jjaLUh and bKbl. 1ST MALLLk. oroaarod to larairh I. O'dar T OMB STONES, "T".-"T i '"V.r. I I '- Vt Arrk''n-tral A Laws ! Oraarnta I Tbn vnald lariw .pnra.1 altanlioa la Sard.Maa stoa.ainai wbirb .ra bailt frnai urinal dn.irw ond will faroraoly wiib aaytbu.f ol Ib. la Iba nnantr). I If dnlr-4 tbry raw fa.nt.b a-bl Window ! FilK and Cap. el a alif bt adnaao oa tk. artr ; af Saadwtnaa. 1 l ana on anna nraot, saar taa itaiirwaa "-.v Claarsr'. ra. rICHAEL SOKE, mason and stone. ci-TTr.r, lbew V atlacrlna. r. j iiAn h.nd. af Bl..on-T don., (a tb ami ! arkananiik mmrnm, 1,0.01 vinMoa.aa S t. A., ra. i tra- tokraa , at ran at ra nnaolr. ap.Jitt I :!. fl. tf'ufllmn pnV f nlnmn. It ft r tait a a tifitata a it vfrti A i ; i:. J.K. GKA1IAM&S0X.S, W M1K1T FTKIIKT. CLE A liriELD, Ta. flUIE auarribert entr-rel into partner- i X thin f -r tha ran oee of earrriT it.on the b'irineaa of MtrchaTidiilr, aw ofcr A Good Ad rara jrirtnnlty to the eftitnef Clear 6f 1 1 ad i ljuiainr eoan'iea to I ay ei Ia at vb eaW or retail f Heeg, thai M aTTtiltb the o'ntrarteI. Their tr-la will be part: 'a l.-ly aeietrifd to t!t lh!a market. Erery la It wilL, therefore, call the atteatioa cf her llasbniicl Ti thia faet.KMtaaae tana trieh of our butt n erf will receive tpeeial atientin, and eTrvtbtng aeede 1 la a well rem la ted hooiebuld will at aM tine be foaad iaar atore. Our rtoek of IH V ' WW aball aot be aa-paaacd, ehher In oaal y" r , a. 1 will awihraoa. ia part, P rinu of rta. Oiojbanu and Lvoa of avory ', orary ttyti ooalily. M.iIiq. of ovary rrade. Do Lai adiptad l tba laAtr. of tba old and yoane ; ood r.cry iriicle af uy kiad of good. Ib.y aall U Ciiunraiiteed b t rrproanittd. aaid warraat-d to firr aat iafartioa. Al to lK !'-' titMllrH wa bare a rplmdad luwniH of Alpaowa, bkwk, whitr ..J i. aolnra: Anaaree. Silka. and in abrt all the aowaat atylee la tbe faat la become known j-ket Wa dcalre thia To Kvery Prreoa man, voaua. rhild. phyaieiaa. ae ebaaie, farmer, lawyer, barber, weman'a rifc-hu aa, ar any jtbr maa la tba nonary Young Or all ricn ar por, bih ar lw, wb wiT! favor aa with a eall. With our nr and extensive atork any ceatlemaa can fleaaa tba a.oat Ca tidiaeu Py joat drppin( ia and frlliatt a aioa dro ; pattara. brt aott, kt-l Rlorro or by d'Htt tat ' wbirfa ia bati-r : cira bar a veU-biltd parao. lnJ ,hr will nd a fm!ie mrwtoirtiu ia OBbroidrriro, adjrmti rtbboaa. irtorea, Loiiery, or any otbar aoasch.ld Bwraaitica. And la ad Jitia to wbal we taw. ala ly ararnnra Hot k-p all kiad. of r.l:TI MEW w .a.R nrk a. Clolbt. Caaaiaioraa, Eatiariu, Ilata, BooU and Sbooa, Ac. briidaa. A Xlrr Aapwrlawal af MU. wp C I flTIIKO for M and Eoya, aoarortarrd oat or tba Tary brn Bjiirrial, wb'rk aa will nil lor raab or airhanpr for rooot-y prwdoco at prieoa which wilt artoai.b both hasbaad and Wa ara ow larrly anrar 4 ia ayin and orllinK M(l HI: TIMIII R and Banafbr tarwd Ll'MPER, aad wiR r'" tbia hranrh af baaiaaaa iportal att."tioa, aad aiaka It aa abjrtt To livery On. b. haa LnaliaT to Kll ra daal with as. W a aball alwj kop won aat'r oa haad a rmrral a."twint af .FOCr.Kll:4 and II KI KI arhivh w. .ill aall at riowrd tnsly Iww rnroa. W. alao hoop a fall awn moat of il':t.Vt ARK. Ttia drpartaat will ho kapt fall aad o.oi l.ta, and orrry Yonng Itlnn Or aidr who oontaatplaloa hoarkrplnf will Ind it adrantojrrw to cnaia aad trod with aa. fur .itaalrd, aad, fruai loot ripri.o iu Ihr aa.ia.wa. aa wall an)aaialod with tba want and amni'lM of thit anaiaiwntly, that wa f.rl aati.Bod U or.ry Baaa aad wumaa 1 n Clearfield Conntj- ; ako It a polal ta bay thrlr pond, fmn Bt, wo oaa plaaao tba Both aa to rjg.'ity aad prto. Tharafor, eo. al.O aad boy yaur DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, rno visions, Querns. arr, Ilanharf, nooTs k shoes, hats & CArs, Efj-Kade Clotling, Aad rTTtbta(t Tn. Bond to rdr ywwraalraa aad fcaitiaa roaafnrlabla, fro .T A S. IL C. HA HAM k SONS. aufiitf CLEAEFIEI-H, Ta. ""OTICT -Tha farautioti of Ihr partnrrhii mi Jon B. Grahaa A S.-oa doaa ant prrraa tb orttntarBt of tSa antra and bonk a-cnonu af ht. (r af hnwrr A Oraba ar K. W. (Ira- a- hABA. Thna Baowia; tbrBarlrn indrbtn.) nither ar rvconnwd to oiwat f..rBrd al aanr aad "' armaata. JAKT? B GRAHAM A FO.r. CaarS.ld. i,nwKr l l(, I in r row oi d h ' ''"wa' N tni -', tl fit tnam aaa rtiirit iy iMt(l.rilu trt etcaa lb b"; EOUSEnOLD REM EDITS Tbara -a r,a rrn,..!i. an4 farnr.l'ly a. ll.iuarh H-Mnl et" a. Hr. Kn b.k a I'Ib. I'urib.r, Kt,wiarh Itiltrra an4 Iiiih.4 Pill., aod ro l.uiiiy ibvuld ta wilb,-ut Ibt-n. PBEPARE FOR WAR! I 'In tne of prec prepare fur ar, la the ld adage, and th rr ta no a?ntrnre , tj, Knglicb laceuipt i. .re etpret-ive. n.r on that ta u apf'heabte ta lanamerabla eaa. Who la a ai aa to fcnua the eiat-t aioiR.-nt that tt-at frll deai rover, dura c, will acark him f Then be )e ever prepared, bare the Kohark'a Blood Pi Hi. htcmaea Uitivra and Blood Purifier at band and evBtbat diaeaaa aaccoailully. DISEASES OF THE SKIS. Old &orea, Kruptiona, Cotaneooa Dieaee or Uiveaaoa of the hkin all rradily aaeenab to tbe oridrrfol intlveaee of ur. Kobaek'r liluvd Pan Ser, b touch Kiuera aad blood P. Da. ILEVEH TEARS Of Erperienee with a eoaatantly inereaain; d nd for Kobark a Medietbea ia auhneatae- nowiedrmeot of tbeir intrtnaie aaerit, and e tueoa the very Brat in rank for enrior tbe d'neaKea tor ahteh they art recommended, hold by all lra(guu. COSTaTESESS. Or, roaatipatloa of the Bow eta, ahonld alwava receive t rBrt attend a, aa if pra-diapoaaa the ryaiem to diare. Tbe timelr aee of aneh eal aabte oaiharite remedy aa Hobaek'a Hlood Pilta kaa eaved mneb aieknera, diraaae and datb. and I pini p.r-'iii iu-uit, in inqtnuu w.aitaa pilia alnae for their very eiirteaea, aa tba cartiflcatea ia oar paaeeaeioa will atleat. IR0P6T. And PrnpvlraJ weMinpa. are always valieved ad rttn permanently eared by tbe alterative effret akirk tbe timely ae of Kwharh'e Blund Paififr. wbra takea ia eorjaootioa ith Ko bacfc a iiiovd Pilia, aa eara to proaaea. I IKK EE FILLS. All prison at biliowa hahfta. after aatiop or d'lnkirt uhi (rraly. wilt Sod ffrrat raliaf in tba l wac wf fir. Robarb', lllond I'lMi. thry aid d:pr- i tia by .tiwjolaltar tba atnai.rh, tfcm artidinf tha pain. aaoaa, a ar arurtatioai, d-c wbict fulivw frwoi oauag too baAltity. ERYSIPELAS Ofta. art.ra fmai ainrtiJ oondiltoa of too a. lira fyrirnj. and to httrr rrmrdina raa ba Inoad tbaa llr. aoback a lilood rartBar and lUood Piila. COSVALESCESTS, Or perrnna reeovennf from Ferra or aav er r.e aaalifaant 'oraaa of daa ea, will find Kibpk'e . Htoma'-b Pirtfra ,avatnahe aa a lnieand atim- Iaa fr remrartnt; all tbe prodtfatina; efle ta 1 whirb futtfiw dieaee ; il anppliea tha freat want to hna; felt for a aafa and reliable ton 10 aad apetiaor. LITER FILLS Are Pi'la that have a direet and powerfal art ion oa tbe tiier, and re lie re any inaettvity ar eon : ffested atate of that aM Important orpaa apon ' wbrb dependa the whole aroeaa nf direaoa. Tbe importance, then, of prtvarina; a Pill tbat i aball bar aarh direct art! on without tba ill t?0r-tti ff merriirv, la ma at feat to every one; rweh Piila are Kobark'a Hlood Pilla ; tboy are j warranted partly vrretahle, ard aaa wiih roe tatney be reded apoa. and are aafa at all tunae. MELAKCEOLY la one of the many dlaordrr of the aervnaa rye tarn, amitf frti .ainwx.trnrtb.roo.titotinaai 0 prnvtrarioo aft.r Inoc anntmard 1 onoim. inrirnrwiiaf bk. irk . and reantroa iTtrtrniior remediae like R. hark . st.rk Riitar. to rw.lor. lb. a.rrM la aataral nultly. 1 i. WHO EIILS THEXf he Arenta for fbe rale of RnbarVa TMondl Pitta t..inrh Bm and F-lw.d Purifier are UAKTr-wlCK A IRWIN, Cioarfirld. Pa. jVy : MTniRSErRt TOTTERIES l.athrrorwrr. C lr.rSrld ra., . FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look H ere! TIIF a .ilk anilnrrifaml i. prnnmd ro f.mih To. .1.- Li k-TitM U AkR .uolulM - noiinir. Ilrba.anrnr nm raik-d tn pl.aar ( a to aaa'lity or;. III war noo'i.t IB part of CSFA.V rCTS OF ALL SIZES Mll K ROCKS AD rAS Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And IB rh.rt FVFKTTntVO nm!ly B.ilr and ta aa .fladlifbiornl af tbu kind. sIFRi'lUNTS 0r bar. thni- am d-ll.onrd by fa. M ANY TI K an4 to A 1 T L ( K dnaimd. tirdrn (.it war oolintni. and pmoiptlj tllrd. Fnf annml inpamt, nr. Catalof-w aad Prion Lirt. ailnil Irrr t aj't-Ncanl. lin-ral diut w.ll h. f;ir to tin-wti.Oi-aak trad... C.rr C. KIRK. l.utbmn.-r. P., I . A, lai.-a.-tr GUNSMITHING. rpilK I and urn ar IIK aa.rn.ifnn4 Wf. Inarr la infer h ld d in na.t-'iarr.. aad in. non"- f ' ".'a r ba. btrrd or a r li! X MI 'I'. nn III. lot nn IK. nnm-r "I I 'l til II ann HkHI mot.. C-,M. Pa- wbnrr h will knrn ma- ant IT o. bao4 oaa ar .0 or.rr an m .. Als Cor bornd, rn- . . mm A iirmt o. t-rt nn'ii au ard.r. i.y ,.. w !l rm,.,rr tr-orr' Btlnptm triirH t'-HS V.MT-t. Tin: HKi'nu.ifAN. l hM 'lnvvi'l:Mii.l i,isT I n Tprms of Snbsrripticn, fr p.i,l (n ,dian.M.oi will ,ti lt,ri-i' ir-ntiih... f? ttfl If 'it afli't tlin-at,4 htlniv i, ti,nnth. J Ml 11 I'.iil afli'l Ili4' r.initiiio of .ik mivih. . I Wr T it i. .n. ,Tr L i. . . it a lo r-rri,l f.,r ornn paid in. Ilir v'ftcr tn annum! f mliMTIptldli! Ii-rrti nip. Inh wnrli. ttr.. to ear ali.rtii. I.Kil. ? Himlil.AMi! h, IMitot anil IViprM'tn Ni.l.K.HHX MI1K IH, MrlhodUt I pKropal ( hnrrh Rrr. VI w. II. In.i I'H.tnr. 1'iil lir Srrrtoe crrry habWlh, al l"t A kl . and U P. M. K.l,l..ih Sr'mul at A. M. I'ravrr MfrtiOf r-vr nr lliiiradnr. at 1$ P. M. t'otwiriuni'in r'rvic., irrt hahlialh of errry muntli. at In) A. M. ft. Kranrl. (hnrrh ( allmllr Rrr. Mr. O'llHA.KiAii. Ma, al Iti oritK-k A. M.,on tlia aiinil ami fuitiih Htindav, of rh mnotb. HI. Andrrn'w hurrh l:iilriiialItor. Mr. Mrapr. I'olilir K.nicf erery Taeaday arta inr. at 74 aVIiK-k. I'. M. Kl. Julin'a ( hurrlt I.atbrras Rrr. Mr. Ntinnnrr. Public bn to r.rry tiaiibatb, nura inr and rrrnini. Irc.bvirriaa Charrh Rrr. Mr. PtTi ra Patdtc bcrvioe orary babbatb, noromg aod ovoa- Camp Meeting in Goshen, commen cing on the 27th mutant. The Jury list for September Term, of two weeks' court, will be found in thia iaoue. Selling off at Coht The Straw Good, at the Hat Store of J. C. Li-;ht-rap A Son, Market street, Clearfield. Cormer-Stone Latino. The corner Mono of the r.ew Evangelical Lutheran Church, on the turnpike, near Iteilcr'a School House, Covington towntdiip, will be laid, if no preventing Provi dence, on Saturday.the 14th of August. Services will commence at 10 o'clock. Ministers and people in general are invited to be prewnt. 2t S. CROFT, r-astor. A jrood assortment of boys' and ciil.'a Uata, ai price to suit tbe timcg, at Win. Reed A Co.'. Tui lS'ew raifiof;. The notice in our aihertisinj' columns demonstrate jiretty clearly that the Commissioners design to erect an entire new jail for the accommodation of the violator of the law. The plans and specifications can be seen at their office at any lime, and it would be well for those who cay band in proposals to examine them minutely htftirt, so that there need be no misunderstanding after the con tract or contracts are awarded. The Architect's estimate for the completion of the building is fiU,C!i7. Summer HaU Eeed & Co.'s. al cost, at Wm. List of Letters remaining uncalled lor in tllC J OSIOIUCC at t-ICarnelJ, J Uiy 1, Maker, Prof. T.. H. Lnr. Ti. Ft. Indrr. Mia Mary C. Miitw. Mr. Konly F. M-Kbt, Ja-.r C. iMwrn. A. S. i-ani. F. U. Knur, Gi-orfa. Ko"krr. Frank. KtMialiatirh. Jnha W. r-trwarl. d,ibn U. raualrr. MrmL .rrr F. N. Mnrr, Rl. R. .hwiitk, Jwba A. 7 houpana. Story W. Tn-fcnnDan. ktr..Maf fia. Walk. Ililkrrt. a Ik. Saaa. Wood. II. H. Hutirr. Mi. JratiM. hn,wn, M. W. nm., Wit. Kate. R.,ll-k. Wr. lr. Can,a, Sh.fll.ld. l-ZZZZt. ltull, Hamu-I. Jr. Fi(-K-alauH, Jlrrr. FWdmn. Mr-are A. Krermaa, 1. hi. Urahaui, t barlra. ilraham. K. I. Ilrnrr. Miao W illaaiiBa. 11.11. Jnha. Iltnr. Hmry Martia. Hiil-r. 1'r. H. Lorain, CapL P. A. At' LIN', 1'oataiajrtor. Eadioa' Summer Dress Goods, at gieitly reduced prices, at W ax. Heed AoSu,t' NorerubcF 1st, at 7, q0 's o'clo k j and from November 1st to am April 1st, at 7 o'clock of each evening Tns Celebrated "Jack." Sberiffj Saturdays, days of public gatherings Howe has been the recipient of quite j and rafting excepted. Persons bar a numlicr of letters from Sheriffs and ' ing Fpccial business after closing hours District Attorneys in Iowa, Illinois ! will find us at our residences. and other Western Ststes, since the I . . exploits in the nanking busiucss ol i the celebrated "Jack Nelson," "Cali fornia Jack," etc., iu this place, re questing him to bold on to "Jack" until a requisition could be procured . . from the Governor. This celebrated from llits (joreroor. x.lfrl ,,. h(,ea doin , nt.v l)Uki. 1 r- .' : ticss in tne esicrn Mates, cut no one (teamed to know of his w here abouts nntil bis appearance on the stage in this place at June Court. Jack" bas not yet received bia just dues. Selling orr at Ccst Tlr Straw ; Goods, at the Hal Store t.l J.C.Lililr cap St.n. Market stmt, Clearfield. Axotiier Trais. We understand that Mr. Wilkins desiirns civirc as ; jan additional wenger train ere long.nn Fi.tU. "IC T." cvr6dd Haiin-ad, ; w hich will artire here at alnut five ' o'clock in tbe evening. This would be a rrand improvement on the pre-1 1 cut arrangement, as passerirers could .1 . '.-,...l. (W, a iiiun iiiiiiv uitii.ii iiiiiu ii, ,aii,.-v'i i, i it i II..I. r... .1-- lH'K lia.t'll anil jciicion.p ttio. raiu . Ilije. It --ouU .!,.- I,e fCSI dent, alone the line of tbe road to gt ; i r I to Tyrone and intermediate points and return the sjmc day. This change would add rnnch to the travel over .i i l...; .1 ,.o.,m-1 .111.- luau, in. uit ... ,n m uui mi-iii- modl ion, for Which the, Officer. Ol , . .i.L . .V... u. I tneroao ailimvitc lltv nrn. aiioiik. of the immediate rcjiJefits along tbe . . . . - , . . . , line oi l lie irronea t icarneiu a no Bald 1-Hgle Valley roads and the pnb lie generally. Rtr llrnT fnaara -k eom?ndnt wri tinC ro the ta!Ttm- (rum Port Ir.netl, , an.trr date of Juii ;-d. t The Hot llrMnwh,tH4iiVf-.tHrrM. torf tbe PtK-trnaa Char h here tr tbe taa far v-ar. ha r'-d a el frrn a ohnfrb ia -a Hsvpn. t rtrirtt'-at. aad wut arare tr ni ! are ftt-M of Isr-iT ia a iw Aa Hr rrewar-d ht fwrw-ll arrrana oa rrindav tat to a lerre ond ' t attonttve anHire". Tba orte of Pra, lirfit v.l w.ib Air. I nh w tb rr. Hr ,1,, (j,.,,-,,,- slieriff Juhnson snd ; i. b.cbl' ..Inrmcd b. alt rlm.v of on. rit.ara. , ... , , :dM d.n.m..n..-i..r,.-d i wa. constable Hswlry were quietly coo 1 M- .i diiclinir s siranrer whom thev bad st New Haven in snaring the ser- , , , V vices of this gentleman. It was our p'essure to lisU'O to Mr. l'.ranth on 1 several occaina, ami wo were very . . .. murn CUII10U WUH LIS .on" . . . vou,,r nnln. htlt hand pa . . I a . his subject moro I-ko a vc'.crjiu that a I. J., ilatrpradarte. pwtaaaaaaaja .tafaaa 'twHMaMMaaaaMMaiaai j ii iivi?n - 1 lie n,ilil, I.,,k ia, , i t ilii R M r nit , m Mr rniwl.'t.l ( J n T In j 1i f, liii'il of m. ri tmiit tf N r j ' linf W ttV liriijiah tM. llhth ,ia , iri.ll. .1 Kill of J ul,!, ,-trMiiv, ; hi.,H. ol ,-ii,l nJnnU I tltHM.r1i4 in tlir futlon injrninniirr : Al n tr!y j llni ub Imm I unwortl.j' l liour in ihr nioininc l.c nito.l tiH.n ' nJ Ji-vul.-.l ll my l li.c Unicom llo.tacl.y. rll.l,;,,,V,'?'!',,n,i ork r lh ..... , , ommsIh i iliai-niil tM lrf n llin iirtuirant inillv,,!,,,!, lA volntWrr.ol ; , t.mlll)(1, fh,rn .f vnly aliip niital. for liim. AfXirninrrrtiitiff , f1 r nfr" I ' mo t li r t M ngPT I fi v itod M r. ' (,')tgpr () Con t 111 Oil t ill llllU'l, hcn thrv h:.l . .Irink. An were leaving the liar room at this place, another stronger appeared, and rccog. Mr. Gallagher's new acquaint ance, asked of him tho loan of Mime money on a two thousand dollar check, representing that he was bound to pay a certain su.u of money at once, and could not wait until bank hours. Stranger No. 1 replied that he could not possibly accommodate him. Mr. Gallagher could not raise more than .";(, and this amount be advanced on the check. A conversation on differ ent subjects then followed, and the strange ra asked to bo excused for a few momenta as tboy were going np stairs to draw np a certain document. Instead of doing as represented tbpy passed out at a side door and have not since been beard of. More Music. On Saturday night our citizens were again regaled by a public serenade from tho Clearfield Brass Band, discoursing several beau tiful selections of music through our streets. Much praise is due all iu members for their untiring energy and devotion to the cause. Tbcy de serve much credit, and should be encouraged; and the proper way is fur our tilizens to eubscrilie liberally to purchase three or four new instru ments necessary to complete the organ isation. Keep it np, Dan ! Long may she blow ! fie NIC Neab I'i.n villi. The con gregation of St. Bouaventuris Church, Grampian Hills, near Fcnnrille, will have a pic nic tbe 2Mb of August, to pay off the debt on their new church. Lancing will begin at 10 A. M E. O'Branioax, Taator. Giove M eetimq. Weare requested to state that, Providence permitting, there will be a grove meeting of Mes siah's Church held on the old ground near Eylertown, commencing August 1-th, and to continue over the follow ing Sabbath. Elders Litch, Jackson, and others are expected to attend. PlKF. GkOVC ACADEMT AND SeXISA- T. This school will open August 10th. Tuition.fromJCtoflO. Tbere will be a normal class for the bencut of teachers. Students prepared for business or for college. For particu lars, addresa B. F. Hughes, Principal, Tine Grove Mills, Centra county, Ta To WBOM IT MAT CoXCF-RS. We, tba undersigned, Merchants of the Borongh of Clearfield, do agree to close our respective places of busineas at eight o'clock every night precisely, "errrpting Saturday trthing" on and after July 21st, 1809. C. Kratoar A fVaa. J. P. EfatMT, J. B. Uraba A boas, a oaror A lwata, J. Shaw A r-ua, I a. Rnd A t o, l 8. Mrlmc. I R. MMnp. Marrell A SitrlrT, IL L. Hrioaaatoia. Xonct This is to notify custom ers tha. oar respective places of bnsi- W1" " t"fa. on na B.hora. ih'imroa A ('. IRartek A Ooodwia. Juha I ma. Jorvi.t, R. Irwim. b. a. In. A Co. Jnha R. JeaKina, Curwensville, July fi, l?C0t List or Jt aor6 drrD for Scptenv Ihjt Torn., 1S09: aaawn jr-nona, Philip ii(nttiu...Bereavrsm.JaaBM SbaertteetaT. ma-t Shi.ff... rlooord HrmUonOrabam Jfba W. KTfcrr...BofT ! Jha itbsrf, Jam- f rW Bra.iT. MM array Y K..V Maater Bernaidri Kbra WdeU U"m. WfeiiTvc H. h. CwtT-... La arr a ea. Watthrw Ima, " A. Carry Jaaaee Carry. fr Cheat. L lpsirta. CarvrraarilK. John CYartdf ....Iamtar. U atboaraltor " MiWa Krad... yrrr Thora " m. Iu Mrrr?UMnrrie. Aaaia KtraL. " J-sba B Kvror, -W. C. HsotT....Peaa. Tnavao jrrnoa rtt arrai. I il, n. v" r if MiaMw-ABAiissv -. nam jaiiaiiirani. 1 J. Y. Lil.... " T. II. .rewy...t.nibam. Tbwndc.rr Weld " Jamb WBipSra....n.n a. id M t rocAna Alh-a Vt R-- Hira IlooiMrL.talioh. liny,' SpaojrVrr, da. llia..Jorda, Rolwl Patlorwa J.W l litrrri karthao Alrrn m llnldra 111--. k.w.,.Hradiord . w,u,.ai tatararuKaot. H P.l'ollnrtoa Brad. '14 . Mata... JH;;4;-jv:',t IS It T..lnr... R. N I Wnna !., Tborio. p.-bwr. itliAOi S.-b. -f- F'linr. I Clark h " " k '"" j l.vmary.aitTi. !Jialbaal ti t'brol. Jnha Ia.ia , Bmianiia kiinrr - U. R. 1'iiw.o Uim.tb.aKol.n4. KoW. JinfbnlT - j , 'ickarA. Bv.r. N.a'a.h. L, Rnrd....t' (lalrAtbor, E. A. ilrab.w ' K. A, Milrann " ('. R B.aJick.- J.A Rlntlrnnnrjror Job. Uw.h " fatrn-k Kail. ..Poaa. JcB a Kbrmiro.... n J. R Arnold I nioa. Il W. Fboa.Soodward. - Prnr. " JiMn-b liA .. Thjnatar. ,j.,. k,vrprFrrrnon j ; A. spaaa " WR.AI.Ii JaAik Knrd, Tnavao.r raoa. a.,in vr.s. $anl I'nwnll.Bmra'ia Tl.a. lnna.l.irard. Artbar H.II Brll ili Kambo.M. t.mha li1.,arr....Hw., krnn- r,lmt J" I l.tar. Jr.Uraa. la.ulT.h-r Uaatna. 'Tim-tor H.nU " lob. TnnOApwn.Jo-daa. . Elitrr... ka-rhao. Jam CattaArt,..knl. Atrk. Paati J..B k inf ....Itamvidr. 1 J .h. X-k.S,y I Allmi iroa.,.Chrat. I C. f . WnrraiL E P M blaMnr. .. -J hi. A.laau..l'tnarBU. J I ork,-r: . L VI I. Wohrii- Ml allnach r p .. ; j ft r-roa...L-Citv. Ilrnrr -ar... - t L I II. f. tH-lm. .. Tearar. ' i-rfb It.iWy Pka St (m-b k rrbart - j H K. HatWa. l aioa. WH -orruf, , U Hampfoau oandoari. i nth. i,, jva. m. K una.. J. C. F.ifoaoa IJoba olf.... Wednedr Tll'ht St Peloit, Wis , ...A il.. ...1. ,0 ha an.l.len!r 1 . 'h(,t Johnson arew a revolver anq spot jonnson lirvlUi;ll Ul. ,houijcr. and Hawley in ' the alnjomen. Th' lattr wound will 1 a. , i r .i n-1 ,.. 'probably prove fatal. Tho prisoner ( . Ins eneano. . , I Pa. . X'..: I A... r.:.l'l - - - - I IIP riTAI . . M 1 1 ' 1 1 n I 1 11 I C i. Ill lie held this yrwrst WilIismport, Ts ,' Ifv piember Tlii 0 Hth inlos've. t1k. ctrlK awwv AM la I ..( ! Tl' t'lni'l tif t f liailii-tltam h -r rtl t ( in rti- ' H ii p J mu I n the calciu iidur of ,r'm0 InVoIre tllJT Sll ill mill, )H- '".-r ."""P PH - nn h il k H ii.iiii.iii the innocent snd confljin;; negroes in oath-bound leagues, and filled their simple mintU with lying tnrjef cf their wrongs. 1 told them that Ins aristocrats of Virginia would re-enslave them and murder all who resisted, if they did not help os to defeat Walker and elect Well. I old ibuin, the white people bad forluitod alt titan rights by cngagmK in the "rvkcllion," and that every Itadical negro would, gut forty acres of land and a mule so soon as I got my seat in Congress.. It was wrong to promise those thing., but it was a simple question of bread and butter with me. All my boiivs for the future depended upon my eie tion to a position which Jam no mors worthy to hold than a Digger Jndian, but which would have enabled me to live comfortably by stealing from hon est men. 1 knew the colored Radicals would vote early and often, tbat the ballot-boxed would be (tutted by our emissaries, and threats of direst ven geance burled at every negpo who, dared to vote the Walker ticket, but they did vote it, and the result is tbat I am left out in the cold, without a, friend on either side. And row, what's to be done f No decent citt-r-eo will associate with me, and tba deluded negroes who once listened with breathless attention to my elo quence, now either frown when they see me or laugh at my wretchedness. If 1 could find somebody fool enough to lend me a carpet-bag, I would tot-, low We'ls to Michigan. Boo-boo lt Lynchburg A'eir. Tbe New Game Law in Brut.-, We condense, tbe provisions of the, Game Law for public information : Deer cannot be killed or taken ex oept from the 1st of September nnti, tbe 81st of Ilecember. Grouse or Pheasants can be shot from, tbe 1st of August to tbe 31st of Dei orniber. Wild turkeys can be bonted from, the 1st of October to the 1st of Jan. arr. 'Woodcock from tbe 4th of July tq tbe 15th of November. Insectiveroua birds, which includes the robin, ant prohibited to be shot at any lime, and it is illegal to rob tha nests of wild birds of all kinds. Trout can be fisbed for with book and line only during the months of April, May, June and July. Sunday shooting or bunting is pro hibited under heavy penalty. Traps, blinds, snares. Ac, are en tirely prohibited. Possession of Dsn or gams out or season is suflicient to convict the par ty, even if they were pnrchssed. 1 be penalties vary irom a 10 sou. One half the fine goes to the informer and any one convicted and refusing to pay said fine goes to jail for Leq da vs. SCATTEBED TO THE WlSDS. The Old proverb tbat "riches make into them, selves wings," was forcibly illustrated on Wednesday evening, daring tba storm which prevailed in this oil v. A genllotnan, w bile passing p Wylie street, with a roll of bills amounting to five hundred dollars in his pocket, conceived tbe idea that the money was not as secure as it ahould be. and to make it more aecura bs attempted to place it in an inside pocket of bis rest, just as be got tbe precious roll in bis hands, and was about to tnaks tba transfer, a grist of wind lifted bis bat from hia bead, and in grabbing for it he lost bold ot tba money and away it went on tbs wings of the wind, Notadollarremained Making search, he waa fortunate enough to find thirty dollars, wbicb bad lodged against a tree b:x. Tbs policeman, and others, ascertaining what had happened, as sisted in the search, and picked op forty dollars additional. The wind and the rain made way with the rest. Most of tbe money bad probably been washed down the gutter, passed into the newer below, and is now "floating capital" on the Ohio river. Tbe money was intended for the payment of bill. Many a luckless wight in chang. ing bis place of deposit, or in hoping to make a safer investment, bss Ins, bis tilPitttbvrf Commercial, BOtK, Ma Killed Dow the River Mr. Berger, who pursued tbe busineas of river pilot, died on Saturday at tha house of Mr. Bombergsr. adjoining ths White House hotel, situated on tbs bank of the rirsr, about seven miles from this city. (.Hi Wednesday he entered tbe Wbite House ia an intoxi cated condition and applied language ol an offensive character to several ladies employed there. The fact waa communicated to Samoel Kiebling, pioprictor, who shortly afterward aJ, ministered sereral blows and kicks on the body oi llergrr, breaking a num. her of his ribs snd otherwise severely injuring him, tbe effect of which was desth, as above slated. Niebling is now at large, but bis whereabouts ara unknown. The deceased was lormor- Iv a resident of Marietta. lianvbvra Patriot. The Viroima Elbctioii. Official returns show tbat tbs vols for Walktr was 26,lH'0 short of tbe whits regis. tralion. and tbat lor Wells Ih.ikiu short of the colored registration. Tb object iotal'le clauses in the Const na tion wero d4caled by 40,000. Tbere appears to hars been aa entire new deal in politic, as only six members of the elected Legislature have ever been there before. IHartrts. Clearfield Markets, Krport.d wnnklrrorthr Ci r .anria RanratmaB by J. P. kaart.B. Ihlnr ta llry Uaeda. Ura .11... Prorinoas Morhot ot., rtnarSrtd. ('LOARriBLP, Fadaly 14. ISnV. ipnbra"f.aJ)l.(SSSS H..r, dr.ood M rnnd. )S. H.dM, (TM f Annlrbatnrr fral. 1 SO U.aa . .Sato) ti R.twr PtMkioiao.ia IS Rnana....B2 aogt I n 8..ta,...,.,8au J9 Borkwnnat. 1 S Urd Ji Bank wanat Soar R, 4 No ptr. p ki...U a Bnf. wnnd ..!... Tb Borf, frk Sola 11... ......... ... 1 Sk Bnarda. M II K,.l. aa Potato. I (! kS r".aiind IB No.. d. a. : Ctn K piuuw, aw I r.r. anai..ah. 1 r, R.... m CbT- ij at I Bar, I ri"r .. . 4 a. a Salt, V -k ISA r-flk ; ti 8h, ,, ,,.,., M fa bom Sw Sk,..u.tata&if aa CbHWiaaa, Srwa, , SO T.lanib, aand. BS Err. S Tallnw 14 - BOB Bhl .... " . s r Waal 1 j- 1 tA'5!: " T.ji, a i