-4 Ann d Vlfilirfnri. IIOVKH & SHAW, (lit! 1 I. S i ,) new and mmt-clam DRUG STORE, (AJjolnio ttr of R, Moaaop ) TTAVTVO f-urrhaprd1 tna abort Ptort -Raoia, I 1 ami rr fl.iv.. fi rnttrcU, niattPfr, It ts a I tr.iiTU ft f!HST-CMSS tMU'. MORK, i ara ti" onsng. to utT-r In th pt.Mip, a li LL, , COMPIJ I K, "TBICTLi r I It IS luo BfBt of Iruit, Cfaamica!., I'ainU. l-t Hluffa, 4c, A . etinaiaiing of olla, rainta, arnt.ba, PIJCGS, PATENT MEDICINES Jjr 6utT, ToHaro. Cigar, Confectioneries physicians Will find fheir et.ek of Drugs FULL (nil COM PLETE, snd ala very slight ad vauoe on Eastern prices. school hooks. Tea rims and others will b furntvhed with .la lea) and uiacallanaoiis booki bj expraM,al brt nonet . STATIONERY, Consisting of Cip, FIX C.p, Foolscap, Letter aad Perfumed Note Paper.; elpo, a very ml atoek ef Mourning Note Paper fend Envelopes en baad. Fens. Psncii.. Ink, Ac. HOUSEKEEPERS Till find full Mock of PURE 8 PI CHS, R0DA, fOIA ASH. Concentrated l.YK. KI.AP, e. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Are requested loeiomiae thia stock of Perfumery, Pair Oils, Vila Toilat Keeps, Rruabea, Combs, fuiUt Setts. Ac, Ao. SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will and full enpply of prima Chewing and fmoking TOHAOCO, Imported and Domaslio CIUAH3, Bnnfr, Pin. .Tut. Ae., Ae. CARBON OIL, Of tbo best brand., always a head. LIQUORS. The Vaat quality of Liquor always band, for medical purposes. wdr-Pbyeieians Prescriptions promptly and esretonv eomponnuso. May IV, ISA), IIE3IOVAL. J GEO. B. GOODLANDER, Proprietor. RPIEL1 ) 71 CAN. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. VOL. 12 WII0T.1! T0 9WQ vy e W J Jry floods, ttwrrtrs, Ctr. J. TERMS $2 per annum, in Adunce. CiltKtT ISAltUAIXS HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DUUGGISTS, .Uarkrt Slrrtt, Clearfield, Va. Sow Store in Miilsonbure! la Ilia room formerly nwuj.ifd by P. T. Ih-garH L. M. COUTRIET T1AKES tin. niFthod of informing the oitlai-nt X of t'iin(rlon, h arU.au., Uirard and the aur r..unilmf miunirT. that hr haa jut oiiKliod a liirm atock l SlMMKIt OIKIliS, wtii. h he la l.-ter mined to aell TKN PKR CENT L'UKAPKK than the .arna quality of llou.1. ean he nurrbaeed for in any othor atoro In the neighborhood. Ilia atoek ooueiela of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Socb H.lin.tt,, Caiaimerre, Mu.lina, Delainea, "men, iriiiine;., vatiouca, inmniluga, Kihbona, La KbAUY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS t KUOKS, UATS ft CAPS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Uoloa, Tea, Fuirar, Rioa, Molaaana, Fi.h, Bait, iiiuMKu vii, x ian uu, uaroon Ull. Hardware, QueonBware, Tinware. Cutinr". PIowp ind Tluw Citing, KaiU , Hpikfi, vuru i uniTiurs, Liner i rcc , u& mil kiadi of Am. BMr PluDI aVr Of th rnrtfuniriflA. uentre eouotj naka. u4 an wurmntod to b of gova quant j. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paint., Varnl.h, Olaaa, and a genera Mwnueni ot otauooeTy, O00D FLOUR, Of different brand., aleraya on band, and will be aula at the luweet poeeible figurea. JLiqvons, Soeh aa BRANDY, WISE, (UN A WHISKY 6006 noonda of Wool w.nt,l r'r l.;nh ik. nignret nce will bo paid. clover ii:i:n, On band and for sale at the lowoat market price. Alao, Agent for WiLon'a Strattonrillo TIIBESniXG MACHINES. --" fend aeefor Tooraelrea. You will IUH Terytuing n.ually kr,t In a retail atoro. li. N. t'UUIHIET. Prenchrille p. 0., Jan. 7, 18611. Sirirulturat mplrmrntj. ATTENTION, FARMERS I CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ihrdiwr, STinuarr, ?tr. 1, 1SC9. newseries-volio.no. 3. V,, t l to inform onr old and now 1 r evetoaaert, tbat w bay removed aur aa. labli.hmont to the apaeloaa now buildine in. I 'cled on Marked atroet, nearly adjoining the isn.inw nwinoa we weaL anaonDoatU Me.ire. Klraham A Sona' atoro : wfaero we ro.DelfullT u.iie ui. iHuiiu n ovuie ana nay ineir Drugs, Chemicala, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our atoek of Drari and Medielaea oon.l.ta of rery tiling need, aelocted with the graauat care, ana WARRANTED STKICTIY PTTEE! W alio kep a full ftnek of Dvr. Perfamar)!. Toilt article. Hoapti, Tooth Braibai, Hair DruBhoa, VVhttewaah lira a he, and ararj oibtr kido auruiota. n t oara a large lot or WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Fi.ieeed Oil, Paiata. and In faet OTarrthlng l.d in tbo painting bn.ineaa, which wt ofior at uy prtooa to cub buyora. iHAA . n . . . . . . . TOBACCO AND SUGARS. 10017 toU'MU tMU 1WKU M.:nui,B.rj, rpinaa, ana the largoat atoek of ..n.iiea orer onerea in thla plaeo. and warrant- a to no ot ma beat U Market atford.. J. 0. HARTSWICK, S..T. A, IIAj. jonx f, nwiN. Foufrs" CEI r.HRATkD , Horse aiJatUeJPowilers. Tl.i. Iin-iwnuion.lwna and ra.nraMv t. kmtwo. will UtoMM.IilT r-invtaor.ia ; fHoirm uon ana iuw .(iirtua iuiw, "T .irrnKUtruinr ana ClUJIMn. tli. ai'tmarli ai,it iul.Mln. It k. a ur prrvrntlrenfall niirav. Inrlnrftt lo Uii. animal. BUeh a. LL.a . (JLASil.K. V.LLl.iiUr WATKIt IltUVtS. t f t: I IS. Ill TKMTER, r'KVF.m, Flit VPr R I.'lH.IK AITKriTEAND VITAL l..K'.r. c II. ua. lle winj, Uicmu-. Um api-Mit ffi.r. a.niKilt ami aio-.y akin and ir.n.ira,. in. aiiwrrlr ek''lht L-u.auc-ijwklD.iij. iu-i horn. (Wood'a New Joiuum uar Muwer). A B tblt lean age of improvement, nnd know. 1 log that Clearfield county will not remain ioug behind bar alitor oountioa.tba nndaraigned baa availed bimaalf of the opportunity to fur niab farmer, with all tbo Improved implement, of tanning. WOOD'S CELEBRATED MOWERS AND HEATERS! The frat and only prl.e Grand Gold Medal on mowing Meehmee waa awarded to thia Ma. ehina at the Paria Exoo.itiim. MAT. wbera tout of siiteen of tbo boat uiaehineaia the world waa bold. Warranted to Cjt from 10 to 12 Acres of Grass per Day, IT, after a trial of on. half day, ai:ytbing -uwu.u )oiiT. uvieoiivo. nonce anall no given to ue agent, ana nine aliowea lor a aooond trial ; when, if the machine doea not work aa repro eented, It .hall be returned. Continued po.aoaeion of the machine will be oviuenee or eauefactlon. Price or Mower la I35. Alao, Luman Bogera' Harpoon Iloraa HAY runni lllttKHtu.NO MACHINES) Coal..' Lock Lever HAY and OPAINKAKK; OK A IN vmuub; ualoa- Copper Strip FKEIt CUiTKR MILTON O. BRUWN, AgeiL CiearJ.ld P. U., May l, if MERRELL & BIGLER, in naiLkaa la Ml A It 1 W A I Alio. Manufaeturertof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEA RriKL P, PA. lot c'iIiiIis7niDLi'is, Harne.i, Collar., ate, for aala by ' MEKRELL ct 'DIGI.EU. 1'ATENT UNLOAD- pALMEIt'S ing Hay Forki, for aale by MERRELL A BI0LEU. 0IL BOOTnS IMPROVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. OF E V K B To kt-r-Tt of Cowl tTita tttrnan. mm tm invanilHlMf. II If ft ur pr9- TCDUvr ualuM RjtMinpt. Hulk, J) Horn. etc. It . iieai (irvti tijr lAM-tiinl rxrrlmfut to fncrcaM U, 1 ' mlainfit rf n,ar mnA . . "r--r (mi mrxl mlr Uit buttr firm aad In fa:u-nln mill, li rt U)m an uppv-t w, 1xmum Utcir kiae, aud auiet Uirai tLnri nvicb fulct. ' 7m SPRING AND SUMMER Foreign and Domeetia Dry Goods, Shawls, Hosiery GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, Ladies and Gentlemen'B Furnishine Goods, &o., &o. IN QI'ALITY aad STYLE wo cannot 1 aur paaaed, baring aelertod our atoek with the groatcat care, and wa will aell at a close oa.h pnoe, ao that purchasers will iad it to their ad- vantage in calling on us. We have al.0 fitted on a ar-nnmte mom for HATS A CAP.S and MKAW I.IIUllS, and will keep a choice line of those gooda. WILLIAM P.EKD A CO, Rear PostoffJce aprU Market Street, CLEARFIKLD, PA. Down I Down 1 1 Tn all dla-a-Jri of 8-rtni, nti Ooajtii, ttrari la r ttinn. L.irr,efo.,frt) aruewaru a tirrinc. 11 putlifiK frtrtT. ne t'"f mi le a pAfnr la m rhmrr-l ol 1 will the So-f timt will h- PfBtil or rtitirrlr iJrvntwl, Ifflr-n la tim, a e-iialD rm.reulfv aud cure ftMr the flu Cholera. DV1ID E. F0TZ, Proprietor. A LTIMOItE. ft at . Tr ak St Drafirirtf anal Sl-pjri throog boat the- I'm i4 sum, taoavtlaj and SouU. Aaierta. For tttle hi UsrlfWirk A Irwin. riearflftM ni ,T dniitKiti and ttora kecpan throupbout the NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. CII liLTZ'S Celebrated BHter Cordial. I1 II 15 nHirat preparation li now olTsred to the pohlia aa a reliable aubiiiUite for tfa ot trortfaleia ooaa pound vbtcb now flood the a"tnnih both old and Tonne raat. it ia pa- It t (ratable, oompoaed of 2" JOSKl'H FHAW t BOV, aheat her be. catberad fVofB the a?reat Mora- oaaeef Bit are. and aeleeted with the utrooat 1VTlr TTOlTlt WT'l'l t'-t b iu direot atd eel w tar y ioflaeaoa opoa THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COCRfiE THE CHEAPEST! h Proclamation acainst Hiirh Prices 1 IXVrB ara now openine; np a lot af the beet and T T mot araM.iiablo Uoodi and Warei erer ofirrM in tli la market, and at priei that remind ; one of the frnod old daya of rhoap thina;i, Thoae who lank faitb upon thia point, or deem oar elle- gauona auperanuui, need but CVf.. .tT Oin STORE, Corner Front and Market itreeti. Where they oan aea, feal. hear and know for thorn aelrea. To fully nndi rntand what are cheap f-noda, thi nuat be done. Wa do not deem it neoeaimry to enamurate and iteioiie our atoek. It La enourb Hrxnri. booth pajaN. . k Itiiraliarfrer, P'dNnaaafS,.- -3 Proprletora ol fc! the iRiproTed xK1 X STUMP K. v ''is. tractnr.wiab it H--I5rrt diatinetlj no jtl - "ZTi deratood that "rmTBvj'r 1 they wirraot ill thia machine sYZi li todojuatwha' , pr?$ J it ia reeon ef" f f ' tV mended ex f y m eelhna; otbvr 2" a tnachioea hy w iu being con at rue ted on - true phllnao v fwwi, x"k phioal princi jJ plea. It will ( I tract the -fc, tw largest pine a. n. at u rap, ana """"Tlifili pend it above i i iia i .-flt ground per JJtm 'm mi l tin; the ' oil to fall back in the hole ind will pall ' thataaafaataa for aa to atate that We have Everything that ia Needed andeonearaed In thia market, and at prieee that ! Heart, Llrer, ividneyi. Loo ft, Htomaeb and Bowela, it aeu both aa a praTentira and oore Hrmaay o( the ditteaeae to wbirh thoae erg ana -rt aabjeet It la a reliable Family Medicine, ul eaa be taken by either infant or ad alt with tk aama beneficial raaulu. It la a certain, pf jept and apeedy remedy for Diarrbtfa, lya ti!ary, t?owel eamplaint, I)ypp.ia, Low n eaa f Spirit, Fnvintinpi, Sickheadaeba. f-e. Fcr fbi!i and fereraot all kind, It ia far better and ir than an quinine, without any ef ita par Lciout affect a. It create i an appetita, provoa a rrtui digealarga-d wtlJ aoaouraet theeffeeta luor in a few minutea. Prepared by J A COB KJIKKTZ, Solo Propria. or, M. W. cor. Fifth " Race atreeU Philadelphia, Ta, Sold by Droggiiu. ot12. A3D TROVISION STORE, Attenlion, Afflicted ! THE lub.criher gives notice tbat ba baa rr.nmed the praoties of Medicine In Lutb rnarg, where be intend to devote bis atten tion., treatment of CHRONIC DISEASES tnersl He will keep on band a oholoe so li jj'iiosof DRlIOSand MEDICINES adapted to tr.atment of chronie diaea.oa, and may bs "r.oli.j bi, iec, ,nT nur f th( ity b A word to tboas afflicted with chronie n... may bs to vasin adranfage. Mait "t he aware that coravav Pbiaieiana who ajniae practice bars not Tina to attend to u trratnenlnf cnaoaio diseases, and .ohm. "'l'r iioLacT them I b.nre ibis elaas of dis raqalros aictreiri attention. , UhnKHH WILSON, M. D. Utt.nharg, Feb. J7, l-tf Beale's Embrocation, b.TI l'UWKl,i ,) .. . n di.ea.es Incident to Her Ml, Catlla, and niaaa Fle.h, requiring the nes of aa eiternal applicatina. "n Imbrocatioa was eiunairsly a.ad by "'lir.rnm.nt during the war. j'V'e by n.ri.virk A Irwlp, Cleariald. u.1 . ,r,l" Cnrw.nsvllls. Daniel Oood. P" Whit. I.M.I, 7ins. Paint, Lin. A 'iil.-prntina. Vrei.he. of all Lin.l.. ) I artn. IAMoH l( K A IllVllN. ""WSKKa, Kennedy's Msded U;'?r' Helmbold's Burba, Usher's Ooa l,d J"'aand Aver s medicines of every . . aal. by UARTSWIOK A IEWIN. T"" nndcr.igned hare luat noelved at thtlr X new stand in Wallacotoa, n full supply of Hour, Feed, Cora Meal, Bacon, tic, COAL OIL, (at reduced ratal,) A good article of TOIHCCO, CIO A IIS AND SMOKINU TOBACCO, eon.Untly on hand. All of which will bo sold at LOW RATKt fur CASH or given in exchange for SHINGLES and LIMBER. no respectfully ask tbo pul.lia to trial before port'baaing elsewhere. J. It. BEAD A Waliaceton, April 7, I Rod. give na a CO. tea men oan die tba dirt froua tfca nan ! sairacua. it will mil 'owlne to tba else of th. lump.) rrom forty tc oae hundred per day. It will aitbor tarn them over, or easpend them to ba propped apeta desired. Any peraon wantina- ens of the.a Machine. ean take It Ic bis farm, and, If not too faraway, wo will go and kelp set It ap and te.t It; if be is not sati.tsd we will taks it away and charge mining lor our trouble. Machine. $l0 wilb lowo.nip flights. K.ngle Maobines. S 170. elate and County Highla for sals. BOOTH A RI'MIIAROER, Jegereon Lias P. 0., Lle.r6.ld Co., Pa t T.MTIKICATP- We, the the unilrr.ierned. bavins wltneaa.d the rriai oi i . 4 nootb . improved ft'iuip Eatrartor on the farm of K. H Moore, near Lulher.hurg' on Maturday nnd Monday, the 7th and tb of novem her, take pleasure la aaying to the pub lic, that wo believe it to ba the beat machine now in uae for extracting atumna. It ia of limble eonitrurlion. ee. ily managed, not liable to get out of order, and very dorahle. Four men took tbe machine from the wagon, when entirc'.v apart, put it together, and pulled a large pine atump in leva than ooa boar. Wa saw two men all a large stamp with en.e. They uae a bono, ul bo dose hie work in taking out the lara-eat atumps, without a hard pull, Mr. Booth, tbe rstenteo, fully nndsraunda nuttina- m handling tho machine. Wo would advise th,,.. In want of stump extractors to see thi. one toated before purchasing elsewhere, which they ean do frea of charge br eelllnr on ths Prnnrl.ior J. 0. Barreu, i. W. Nlckard. R.V. Knackman. John Kirk i. W. Uabsgaa, 1. W. Wallace, W.B. Alexander. Wa D. Heck, Andrew Wilson, Wa. K. Irvin, K. J. Kirk, L U. Carllle. Oeo.Wll.oo.w n. Fred'k Smiley, Inovlll.lv John Nolder, R. 11. Moore, tJeo. Kllinger, 8. J. Horn, Jamre Moore, Lever Flegal, FARMERS, Look to Your Interest I IHK undersigned ba. oMalned the right to ecll T. J. IlllOTH'A IMPKHVEII CTl MP hXTRAf'TOR. After a trial of three dara on the farm of Joaiah W. Thomp.on, la Lnwrencc town.hip, we And it par excellent in every reaped, giving perfect satisfaction to all present. Noth ing ha. vol got out of repair. We extracted every tree and stump as we paasrd Isrge and amali. We now offer II to the cin.cn. or Lawrroce, Pike, Penn, Brauford and Moatira town. hip.. Wa will sell the right to build a tingle machine for fctO (ID, Or, any peraona wi.bing a innctiine thia etimmer, we will delivor the aaine on the farm of the nui. chaser, and giro it a trial for the eetitfaotioa of the purchsacr, Tor KWl.Oll, with paymenta liberal. Jt-fT-Addrces Tale A Brown. Clearlold P. fi ClearDald county, Pa. A. n. BROWN. JeU:im:pd w. P. TATK. 1M 1ST, l'UTTY, (J LASS, Nails, ate., for sale by MERRELL t BI0LER. JJaRSESS T1UAIA11NGS i SHOE Finding., for sale by MERRELL . BIGLER. QUNS, riSTOLS, SWORD CAES For tale ty MEKRELL & nifJLER THE REP U R LI CAN. CLEARFIKLD, lvT WEDNESDAY MOUMNO, AVIU'KT 4, Ifd". CTOVES, OF ALL SORTS A.ND Eitsi, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER. IRO.M IRON! J RON ! IRON For sale by MERRELL t BIGLER. JJORSB SHOES 4 HORSE SHOE KAILS, for sale by MERRELL 4 BIGLER. DULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sale by MEUP.ELLJ BIGLER rpiIIMliLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXER, for sals by MERRELL i BIGLER RODDER CL""TERS-for tulo by MERRELL BIGLER, SAWS I SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN! J itEfouTio.r i.r suns i EMERSON'S , PATENT I'ERFORARATD Cross-Cut, Cironlar and Long Saws, (ALL ODMMINQ AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sharpening, aad Shaping ike Teeth of all Splitting Saws. tewVSondfora Descriptive Circular and Price Lint. MERRELL BIQLER, JanlMf General A rents Clearfield, Pa G. S. FL1-GAL, IEALER IN STOVES AXD HOLLOW- WARE, AND MAItl'FACTCRER OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, PTalllp.burg, Centre ecu. Pa., NEW SADDLER SHOP. snocn & WEAVER, I.utlirrsburtr. ( learfirld Comity, Pa, MANI'PACTI'REIIS of and Dc.ler. in all kinds nf plain and f.ncv HARNESS. Neddies. Bridie., Whips, Collars, Halters, and all article, n.ually fou.id in a Drat. elaas Saddler Shop, All work dons on short notice and at reasonable ralss. None but experienced work men employed. Room, one door west of the American Hotel. II. W. SCHOfll. JTU-If P. J. WEAVER. Lime for Sale I EDWAltD FERKS & CO., hfUR nnder.lgned , rpftidint; near the depot haa 1 JL n,"w wmineie arranftrmenin WHO l.ime JL lOIir JlHIIliriK! Iiror!. I1"""1" "f the mounlaio, whnrehf be if ana- ' bieu to keep ouBftaiitly on band a larjre quantity of PURE LIME! THE nnder.lgned reapsctfully announces to ths public that he bsa oa band a care fully. eelected and well assorted stock of Sloraa ui. variety sua. isle of 7IJE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which bave never failed to give perfect sstl.fu- llon to IDS moat la.tioioua of its purrbaasrs. Continental, Leblrh, Farme'. Tl.vlirhl. Dneara' Anti-Unit, Niagara, Ch. tin, II. raid, do., with every variety of the baat Pittsburg Manufacture. ejuThe Tin and Sheet trnn ware glranwltb HON. CYEUS L. PEESHINQ. Cyrus L. IVthIjiii, tlio lJenvicrniic nominee turhupreme Jutlo, wns born in Youni'town,WfiBtiiiorelMnd county, 1'it., in tliu year lHL'f), nnd in now about 41 yeiirs oI'hl'0. Iliti la'.lior moved tn JolitiRtown in tlio year lS.'IO, ood died in April, ISHfl. A btiitiiiOMi connection ".Inch lio had formed lirovcd untortu- nate, nnd the property wliieli ho hud aceumuluted in a litu of energy and indiiHlry, was sold under tlio hummer to pay pnrtnernhipdebts. The mother and her three aoiib, of whom our can didate wun the eldest, were thus lefl in deMiluto cireumBlnnceH, but she was not ono of those who repine under the blown of udvernilj'. I'omieHHod of an energy of character which roe u- penor to ntisfortuncA, oho, with the aw-ixtunco 01 irienuH, established a mall LuKinees, und thug supported herself and family. While attending, this grocery store Mr. Perbhing watt made aHMotutit at tho JohiiKtown wei'h lock at a sulury of tM per month, during the navigable settsun ; and nubaenufiitly, in l(--3, was ap pointed by General Potts one of his clerks in the Collectcr's ofliee in this place. From these employmcnte our cmidlduto derived the funds which ena bled him to enter Jefleioon Colleiro, at Canonsburg, Pa. At this iiiHiitulion no protteculod lim studies during the winter term of each year, clerkinir or teaching durinc the summer. On this abject thePitieiburgb Chronicle truth- tully says : "It is ovidenco of the en- " ergy of character posneHsod by Mr i ernmng, tliat, tnougii a poor boy. " without the assistance of friends, he made bis own way through coIIcl'C, 'and graduated with honor lo himself and his professor This was in 1818. In Mr. Pershine entered tbo ofliee "of Judge Pluck, in Somerset, la, and together with Hon. A. II. I'oflnith, of Somerset, and S. li. Wil son, Esq., of Reaver, read luw under that distinguished statesman and ju rist. AfW a thorough examination by a committee of four of tho leading lawyers ot tho Somerset Bar, in which Judge Gilmore, of Fayetto, then hold ing ' otirt In Nnmcrsel, also participa ton, Messrs. vt nson ana l ershtng were d mil ted to tho liar ill November. IH.'wi, lien. I oflroth liavmrj been ad milled at tho previous term. In Is.jti .Mr. rerHhinir was nomina ted as tho Demorrmio candidslo for Congress in tho district composed of the counties ol somerset, Inmhria, Rluirnnd Huntingdon. This district, prior to that time, was considered certain for a majority of 2,500 against i no I'cinncratio panr, and in 1954 John R. Edie, the comiHititor of Mr. Pershing, had been clcclcd by a much larger majority. Mr. Pershing was nominated into in the campaign, mi went to worlc at once to canvass his largo district, and addressed many uhlic meetings up lo tho October election. Notwithstanding the ex citementof a Presidential contest, and the closeness with which purty lines were drawn, Jir. Porshing ran far ahead of his party, and was defeated y tho meugro majority ot zl votes, ti lri;"8 Mr. Pershing was again nom- inatcd fur Congress, but the unfortu nate dissensions of that year brought disaster to tho Domocralio ticket, Stale and Congressional, and Mr. 'ershing was defeated, Hon. S. S. Blair being the successful candidate. In isill Mr. Pershing was nomina ted and elected to tho Legislature. Ilo wbr re elected in lhlii, lsti;l, 1K(4, and Ijti'i. serving for five successive ti'i'ms. During tho wholo of his ser vice at Ilurrisburg, bo was a member of tho Committee of Wuys and Means, tho Judiciary, and other important From the l'ul i.,ii- tl.ily Tim... .'una 15, sc.) A MONSTER EATT. when il is known that they have threo first cluss lumber mills, ono large flouring mill, two steamers on the five acrks or water covered BY A j Chippewa and many large and spa " " ri.r.KT Of LUMBER THICAtJO 8CHOONKHS AMI MISSISSIPPI RAFTS CONTRAS.rn -ONE Or TMg ENTER PR IS KH OP KSAl'P, STOCT A CO. A few days ago, the Chicago 7Vi'tV une announced, with a startling dis play of head lines, that a vessel loaded down with little over three hundred thousand feet of lumber, hnd arrived tit thnt port. Chicago thought this a big thing, something worth making a fuss about, and consequently the news wus spread all over tho counttv. ae. compuriicd with liberul comments and oragadocio from numorous ink slinrr. ors to tho eflect that the garden city was the great lumber mart of tho Northwest. All this rends very well in tho papers, hut will hardly pass as genuino iu this section of tho country. We freely admit that Chicago cots a largo pile of damaged and secondelass lumber durum the year from nor! hem pineries, but are prepared lo dispute ...u uu,iiniiiun tuai sue ean head oft nature s great th troughf are, the Mis sissippi. W e will venture lo say that more lumber floats past our doors every twenty-four hours than Chicago receives in a week.- Look down or up the river at any time, you can burdly miss seeing a raft, sometimes a aor.en. j hey fill the main current, they line the shores, they are shoved in everywhere. It may be humilia ting to Chicago, but tho fact ia never theless true, that the great majority of the lumber now used in the West is railed down tho Father of Waters. From the bond waters of the Wiscon sin and tho Chippewa, and from the yust pineries of Minnesota, it conies in a flow, astonishing to those who have never before realized its magni. tudo. TARLOR AND U EATING STOVES Ia largsr, k.ltor and ebsaper than evsr before exhibited to tba public. He defies competition either ia varisly, quality or prioe. And Dealers in GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, rniLirsBCKo, .pa. 4 FI LL err 7V. CORN and ( for sale at rales rem PLY of FL0I R, WHEAT, lior onnstantly en band, and ralra remarkable low, Ifeb4-U cn Mine and Liquor Slorc. ' I hH"V. ?L ,ol'n(ro, Hu obeli's. Drake's C: '' erwan,liost.tter'aaad Ureene'a ita,i nlse pure Ltoaere, ef nil i-.aietael iarpo.e. for aala bf mMsffjur; a jams, I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, VaoLBf ALB MtaLia in WINES & LIQUORS. MARKET ST, CLE APFIKLD, PA. A-Pull .took or Wine, Brandy, Oia, Wbl.ky and Almbnt, alwava on hand. Special ettrniiou paid to securing a pure arlicla lor baoram. nla and medical purpoaca. janZI-l rilllK IlKMOf'RATIO aUmaNAC for lf. I isil) and 1SSS S-r sale at the Poet Ofhce. J'nrej i eoata, Mallc4 If 4 any eUdreea. (jajj-p;, Aroconis, mail t tfj to asv gddicu, which he nflec to farmere and builders at a trifle above coat. Thoae in neesl of the article would do Well lo give me a call, or addrrea me by letter, bo. fore negotiating their lime. liKO. C. I'AFSMOitE. Clearfield, Pa., June S, I HAS. I IL II. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Drpot,) (I : A it I-1 1: 1. 1), n:NM. EMBRACE tlii. snothod of informing the public, that I havo opened uti a Turd for the sale uf wood or eoal l.urul 1,1 MK and Anlhracile COAU in Ilia ieirough of t'learlu-ld, and hare eoinpiclcd arrangements wilb carlcro dcalrra i.y which 1 can keep a lull supply con.l.nllyon hanu, whirb will liedi.po.cd ol at reasonable rnlea, liy the tun, bn.iicl r rnr llll,r puri-haeer.. Thoae at e di.lanre can a ldreu nr by li tlc. end obtain all necrary iufwriaalion by return mail. H. B. TAYLOR. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. J I, lsntl tf 7I'TH'KM' a. )TAIII.l7aVs'KIJ, W e hare printed e large number of tho new r a 1.11,1, aim win on lbs reoeinl of twenty. the only one in which tho Democrats were in a majority, Mr. Pershing was Chairman of the C ommittee on Federal Relations, and lit tbe succeeding ses sion ws the Democratic nominee for the Hem la made of tba beav'eat end beat Speaker of the Utilise. In the Legis faoi'fon'!1' IlU.ToVk'ol''' " V"'" Mt" j ll'l'e Mr- I'ershing was an acknow!- eogeu leimer, bimi enjoyeu in a rare degreo the confidence ami personal esteem of his fellow-memb jrs without distinction of party. Here too he was brought into contact with many of tho leading men of the Slalo, who, relying upon iiis acknowledged honesty and ability, committed importnnt inlerests to his enro. As a legislator, Mr. Pershing attended to every interest of his constituents, whether In the Legislature or the Departments, with scrupulous fidelity, and without ibe least reference to the political senti ments of those whoso business ho wos called upon to trnns:iet. Wo do nut propose to review Mr. Pershing's legislative career. On all the great pnrly issues of tho day, be is, where ho has nlwnvs been, with the Democratic party. Weomit from For the purpose of showing what is done on the Mississippi in the lumber line, wo propose to describe a small lull owned by the celebrated In dealers, lwiapp, .Stout & Co , and des tined for the Dubuquo inurket. What tho mastodon of the ancient world was to ull his fellow quadrupeds, this raft is lo all others thut now or ever have floated on the river. It arrived and was fastened lo the shore a short dis tanco above Eagle Point, about 12 o'clock yesterday, having niudo the trip down from Reeds Landing.at the mouth of the Chippewa river, a dis tance of 205 miles, iu four duys. The average lengt h of lime required by the compuny is three days and a half, but the crew were delayed by high winds, which accounts for the tardinoss iu this instance. Whut will our readers think of a raft which contains one million eight hundred and thirty live thousand nnd evjht feet of lumber? That looks like a big story to tell, but that is whut the raft contains lo a fraction. View ed from a short distanco it looks like an island and covers an area neurly equul to fivo acres of ground. It has 224 cribs, 10 feet wido, and 32 feet long, making a raft altogether 645 feet long and 224 feet wido. In addi tion to tho lumber mentioned the rafl carries 610,000 feet of lath, TO.OUO feet of shingles, and G,UIIU feel of pickets. Ibis is the ninth raft brought down by Kuapp, Stout & Co.. the present season, all ot the former averaging a million of feet each. This One is do. serving of tlio broom and curries one conspicuously displayed on a polo noar tho prow. Sho can certainly sweep out anything of the kind that ever traveled down this wuy beforo. as the common rafts do not commonly in. dulge in over ton strings, while this monstor lias lourtuun. According to the most authentic statement it costs nearly three dollars a thousand to get lumber to Chicago, and hero again her dealers must fall in the rear, as the Mississippi men oan b"at them to death on prices. When Kniipp, Stout ii Co.. gel this rafl bro ken up and in their yard readv for committees. At tho session of lsti;t sale il will havo cost thorn exactly i-i ... . ICI'l?.. a .. . clo.7s warehouses, while thev furnish htint.'rc-,ls of men with employment in tho pincies. Id l!(i3- tho- estimated value of their property wft.(l,HU0,UilU and they were ihen sawing 75,000 feet of lumber duii. Iu connection with their mills they ha'e extensive macbino, carpenter, cooper, wagon, blacksmith, harness, and tin shops, and in fuct form almost a comnleio commorrcial and manufacturine town world of their own. The large rail which now lies at Eagle Point will be lonowca ny more ol the name sort, all of which is destined to be distribu ted over the country westward in building up farmhouses and prosper ous villages. Tbe noted photographist, g. Root, was on tbe ground vestnriW ..i to k some very fine etoreoscopic views ... ... oii-uiucr and rail with-Uio men standing at their oars. When com pleted il will mako a beautiful nicture and convey to the beholder a correct idea of the size and magnificence of a iuii growu Jliasieaippi rttft. He Is also prepared to rnrnlih a complete assortment of a Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Wore, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole view to service, from tba best ma terial m the market. PLOWS, PLOW POINT. A COPPER, ERAPS AND IRON KETTLES, 0f every descrlplloe constantly on band. LIGHTNING RODS, Superior point, put np on ahnrt notice. Tbe Point ba offera to the public la tba aama a. la now used by the Peon.ylranie Railroad Co, on lb air building.. ORDERS Futt SrOUTINO, ROOFING And other work belonging to bis business will be promptly Ailed by eiperienoed and stilllul workman. BRASS, COITER AND OLD METTLE Taken In etcbange for goods. ATdr-Ile especially Invites Ibe sttentlnn of Merchants wi.hing to purchase at wholesale, aa Ibey will find it to their advantage lo esamins bla ateck before purchaaing elsewhere. U, b. FLEOAL. rbllip.bnrg, Aug. , !,, JvJIlB? Jelverj- Stable. TDK nnder.lgned beg. leave to Inform Ibe pub lic that he ia now fully prepared lo accommo date all In Ibe wavoffurni.lung II orw., Hiififir., Ka'Mlea and llnrnr.., on Ibe shortrirl nohoe and on reasonable term.. Residence on Loruat street, between Third aad Fonrih. . . o Ho, W. GEAHIURT. "ritarSeld, AprU II, J87, l oi per thousand to get it here. The rouulur contract price is, we un derstand, from a dollar ,o a dollar and twenty five per thousand. The total expense incurred in getting tho rafl hero from Reed's Landing, including ooai stores, wood, wages, etc., was f I'.iU ib, amounting to a fraction over thirty-Kovon.ccnt per thousand. This unwieldy nmss of lumber is con trolled and bundled about as easily as a barge, by a sprightly little steamer of Mu horse power, christened the "Annio Girdon." Sho acts as a gi ghtitic helm Listened behind the rait, and can steer, push and haul the same by a fertile combination of rones, pul leys and capstans, in any direction she pleases. Her crew consists of nine persons commanded by the fol lowing ofll'jers : r,;;.f,7ir, and ftlutV!. W. Slocum. Cl.ik C. A. Clarko. ilsmfdNf. flint W. R. Slocum. liMjinrer H. C. Wilcox. Antiitoitt Engineer W. JI. Wilcox. On iho rait fourteen men aro cut A Boy Again, A company of gonilemcn In Reno, were, not long since, whiling an even ing away by singing songs and reluting anecdotes, when one asked for the song of "Would I were a boy again :" at which "Old Pi Ute," (John K. Love joy) who was present, broke out as follows: "A boy again ! Who would be a boy again if be could f To have the measles, mumps and ileb, to get kicked by biggor boys and scolded by older brothers, to atub your toes, to have the belly-ache from swallowing cherry alonos, to get lousy helping Mike do his sums, to have chapped hands and frozen toes, to get vour ears boxed, to g?t spanked with slip pers, to gel w haled by a thick-headed schoolmaster, lo have visitors come to school and tell you how miserably weak and stupid you were when you were born, and lo ask you what would have become of you at thut interesting lime in your life if your parents had not been so kind to you, to eat at the second tablo when company comes, to set out cabbage plants becauscyouaie littlo and consequently it won't make your buck ache much, to gut hit in the eye witlTfroson apples and soggy snow balls, to cut your finger, to lose your knife, to have a hole in the rear ot your only pair of pants when your pretty cousin from the city comes to see you, lo be called a coward if you won't fight at school, to be wbalod at borne il you do bght at suhool, u be struck after a little girl and dare not tell her, to have a boy too big for you to lick to tell yon your sweetheart squints, to La mude lo go to bed when you know you ain't a bit sleepy, to have no lire crackers on the fourth of July, no skutes on Christmas, to want a piece of bread and butler with honev and get your ears pulled, to be kepi irom me circus when il comes to lown and when all the other boys go, lo get pounded for stealing roasting. ears, to get run by bull dogs for trying to nip watermelons, to havo the canker rush, catechism and stone bruises, to be called up to kiss all tho old Aromen thnt visil your mother, to bo scolded because you liko Maggie Love bolter than your own dear sister, to be told of what a scorching time Hula bovs will huvo who tell lies and aro not liko George Washington, to catch your uig uroinur aisBing me pretty school ma'am on the sly, and lo wish you was big so yon could kiss hor too, and and why damn being a boy again." .retccni. "Has the Thing Lit." A cawkv backwoods boy was once at a depot of one oi ine Georgia railroads, and was, of course, deeply interested in gazing, for the first lime, at the "flxins." Kinally ho got inside of the car, and while indulging his unbounded curiosi ty the whistle screamed, the boll rang and the steam horse began to surge at the rale of 2 40. "Oh Lordy," shouted the boy, "slop it ; I ain't gwine." Bursting forward, be opened the door, and jumped out upon the plat form. Just then the train was cros sing a doep and cadaverous looking gorgo. on trustle work, and seeing tho earth and tree tops beneath him, he fainted and fell. Directly he came to and looking up to the conductor, who stood noar, he exclaimed with a deep sigh : "OU Lordy, stranger has the thing A lady noticed a boy sprinkling salt on tbe sidewalk, to take oft" the ico, and remarked to a friend, pointing to Iho salt, "Now that's true benevo lenoo." "No it aiu't," aaid the hoy, "it s salt." lWs m! ft ivuVV? nlin M e accept p,. msda rn of Ids Inevitable ev.la t,f ,re, tnd even rl oine of Hu m good, fir (.,,tnL in e.m,pH, w. it h those tsatly r-mrer. 1 ha people of one town brag rtia.ls that coat it, cm three vf four limes lial much betler often might 10 mat, And are highly sslisSed ith their own,A"d H. ,iK, f,, i,Kill)0iwher. Ibey go ouiaido their town limits and so how moth off other People are. V ere we governed by a lyoiih, .Napoleon, Emperor, wa wnuLI excellent roads, for he would know vory well that every dollar lost in tho wear and tear of wagons and hr... flesh upon poor highways, leaves juel so much tho less for him to draw from tho people by taxation 11a want,. know that it costs vastly more to keop roads in passablo, or poor condition, lhan in first-rate order, having refer. ence only to the outlay of money and muur upon ma roads, m liy is it tbat treconnot learn thesame fuctaf Why can wo not see our own Interests, every mun's interests, as well as the head of a monarchical Ibrm of government can see his F Tho system of working ih. rosds from ono end of the land to tho other, C'O far as we are acquainted, fa the most cbsurd that could be con trivod. Tha township or the oountv otriiors tot apart ocrtuin sums of mon ey to bo used for keutr the roads in order in certain districU, to each its allotment. This money ia to NPPof tioned among the tax-psyers, either "worked out" at a low raw oi wages per day, or collected' in money with other tajieg, at the option of tha tnx payor. The road tax is ugui'lv worked out. The road-masier, V whatever else his title may be, is a resident of tbe district, and will rather lollow the customary loose way of doing business, than see to it that hit work is done in the best way, and with, the least expenditure. He will accept for day's work tbe labor of mere boys, or of old men, and will have some days not a single able-bodied man on bis whole force. and kit hired man. Tha ...lt where ten days' works are "worked out, threo or four are done. Besides, when spring work in moan ing, or haying and all the labor of tbe community, no .-.i. ..wr win ao ao unpopular a thing as to warn out his neighbors to work the roads. His own farm work presses besides. So he delsvs nntil autumn, after doing a few days' work; id the early spring. Tba ronds art plowed up: gravel aud clav are smnad into the middle, "hog backs"are made, to keep the water from running aud washing in tbe middle of the road :-, then comes frost, and all the new work remains soft and unsettled all tbe win ter and spring, cioetn whn fW.. solid. All this is easily nhri.r and we may just as well have good roadt u poor ones. Almost every township has a good young engineer and sup, veyor. Appoint him road -mastor fo the town, give him a fair anlarr. one or two yokes of oxen, one or two pair of horses, wilh carts, wagont, plowt, drapers, and email tools to match. Let him have money enough to hire) sight or ten good men iu summer, and perhaps four in winter. He should understand that bis husiness it to study mad. making, read noon tha anh. jet t, learn where the best materials are, break out of od ruts, and aa soon as possible give the people good roads all over the township. There would of course be first, second, and third class roads, according to their import. . snce, and tbe amount of travel anon them. Similar tystemt to tha one Roggesu I are pursued in msnv inwnoi.in. and the result is invariably a great improvement in the roads, and after a little while, even at first, in soma eases, a docided decrease in tbe cost. We know of some towns in which tha road bands are not employed mora lhan half their time, although tbey cut and prepare timber, mako bridrma .nrl do much extra work. Their services are, nowevcr, constantly in domand, and by digging eellers, moving build ings, laying oeller walls for housaa, etc., making sidewalks in tha village, putting down cement walks and floor on private grounds, and in many other ways, they earn enough to pay a large) part of the expenses of men snd teams. J'he road master inspect all tbe roads once a month, especially after storms, and needed repairs, if promptly in ads, are slight aud efficient. America Ajricvlturist. ed An English paper contains an adver tisemenl running thus : "Required for me various departments ol an encyclo this brief sketch many incidents which j ")"' 1'3 considered tho rallsman proper, would I'O read with interest. I be ''hey are paid ono dollar a day and nomination (it Mr. Pershing for Sit- j hoard, receiving their pay when the pretnoJudgo wus unsought by him. reaches its destinal on, wilh the Of his ejection we entertain no doubt privilege of a ride up tho river provi- anJ in thai event ho will bring to tho! ding they aro willing to do a little . i i . . . ro,e.,,D man to coin string, who pa.dia.edilore of reputation lor na ural history, geography, natural a ienco, j through an edifioe made of rags, an A Church of Rags. There Is such a church actually ear. isting noar Bergen, Prussia, whicn caw oontain ono thousand persons. It it circular within, octagonal wilhout. The relieve outside, and the statue within, the roof, the ceiling, tba Corinthian copltals, are all of papier. mache, rendered water proof by satu ration in vitriol, lime-water, whey, and whita of eggs. We have not yet reached this audacity in our use of paper; but it should hardly surprise us, inasmuch as we employ the same material in private houses, in steam, boats, and in some public buildings, instead of carved decorations and plaster cornices. When Frederick 11. of Prussia set up a limited paper-macba" factory at Berlin, in i;ti5, be litUt thought that paper cathedrals might, within a century, spring out of'hia snuff boxe by tbe slight of hand of art. At present we old-fashioned peo. I"., wnu nsuni uameuraii and build churches, like stone better. But there Is no saying what we may come to. It is not very long since it would hava been as impossible to cover eighteen acres wilh glass as lo erect a pagoda with soap bubbles, yet tbe thing waa done. W ben we think of a tnulm discharge of hisrcsponsiblcdutica that earn, energy end fidelity, which hare minlo lor In in tho character ho now enjoys. Johnltrn lrmnrrat. Srtino of the deacons down East seem to havo had a bad practice of snoring loudly whilo in cliuruh, which appear to disturb sotno folks there, as a Maine pnper recently hnd the follow ing polite note for ono of them : "Dea con is requested not to commence snoring to morrow until tho sermon has begun as somo persons in the neighborhood of his pow Would like to hear the texl 1" A lively Hibernian exclaimed, at a pjrty where Theodore Hook shone s iho evening etiir, "Ot h, Master Theo doro, bulyou are tho hook nobody can bale." The man w ho was filled wilh cruo- itiuo bash', room for dinner. necessary scrubbing ou the boat in pan payment. The "Annio Girdon" is a craft espe cially fitted for the task of trAiisport ratts, being owr.od by Knapp, Stout Co., for that purpose. Her machinery throughout is tif the most approved pattern, und bears evidence of boing iwduiiy nanutea. All ot the men employed tako their menle and lodge upon lie boat, there being sleeping aecommodit lions for twenty-lour men, exclusive of tho cook and crew. The dining room is situated aft, and from tho clean, well kept table we should judge that the workmen had their full sharo of tho good things of life liaftsiren, as agoneral thing, arc good livers. If you wish tooflond ono you cannot do it quicker Hum invito him down to a poorly turnished table, Knapp, Sloul & Co., are without doubt the most exteusive lumber mer chants in the Northwest. Some ex- l tent of their ojcralioiis may lc gained ( snd the Bible.' . I .. .u J . ' .. cu,.K ..v nun iiiounanu voises pealing d Brusidns, the famous Lacedaemonian general, caught a mouse; it bil him, and by thut means mude ilacecapi, "O Jupiter !" cried ho, "what creature so contemptihlo but may have its lib erty ifit will contend for it." the universal element bound down to csrry our messages with the speed of light, it would be presumptuous lo aay what cannot be achieved by aotenee and art under tbo training of steady old time. Snooks wonders where all the pillow cases go to. He says he never asked A daughter Is almost always right woman what she was Disking whilo -I... .....I . aikm rnto nn ,.l..,n :.L . - "S"f"" ,'iwim nr. lliu w-liapUb being told it was a pillow-case ! when she endeavors to imitate her mother; but we do not think the inolher is eonsllv right when, at a of the men J period of life, she trios all she can to mi i tain ncr ouugiuor. Toting Lady i "Oh ! I am so glad you like birds ; which kind do you admire most !"' Old Squab; "Well, I think thegooso, with plenty of stuffing, is about as good as any." A red petticoat, wared on an um brella, stopped a railroad trnin in Vor monl tho other day, and tho ingenious wearer got aboard' in triumph. . Never tell your secrets in a corn ! field for il las a Uiotuaod ear. Tho length of the Pacifio railroad la sue h that a courtship reoenlly begun in Ohio was consummated in marriage before the two travolleit reached the end of their route A oonple announce their marriage and add eo the notice ; "No cards and not money enough to tret them with" Some uneducated persona ran ao. eompliah much. Msny man who can i write bat made bis mark. An Irish editor congratulates him sell tha'. "half the lie lold aLmul kiut ia t true."