Tin: KKwm.im. ci.KAi;nr.i.i, r . -FPN-K--!'AT 1MQIlMXil..'rU':,Vrf- The Ruins of Time. Tim in til ona-nrA) pours is ever faflilonine tit-cay, v,.p monl.ling fli'so 1 1 ' i . "... 1. t. .lu.ni 1 1 m-c latlOtl. It urn wc i" e .,-,.. - rcceiv such n-jx-nM Intimation of tho onivprsal decay piling on in the natural TrorM, llia't we ran almost imagine we hearth tramp of Time, and io fumy catch tlit sound of uni Terun! wastim;. The mountain, towering emblem or strength and olianr;lrsnei-s. which for centuries williitnl the imfMing of Ptorm and tcmrvfK i slowly moul fjeriritf awav, find filliiiR the valley at its bsso, which ha" been swept by a myriad of jrales. The ro are daily crumbling to the dust, and Ihe tree sink in ruin. All nature indeed grows old and diea. The finest works of man, too, are gradually piling away, whether the e:i Mint's Tiovol or 'the monarch' palace J they all yield to Time'a destructive hand. The lofty pnltue, t hat once reared it massive nroportion in matchless splendor, already bean evidonce of decay. The ball which once were crowded with oil that art and alienee could procure, have lost their grandeur. Their work of art liatre vanished from aiplit. The ivy clings in mournful green to the moul dering tower, the nrnw in gloomy docay muntlu the .aliattered roof. One by one tbo stronp pillar bow from aire beneath their burden, till at length hull and cmifi, corridor and turret, lie in indiaeriminote ruins. Jn Ibni wandering among the ruin of the past, how strongly are wo im pressed will) the mutability of human prondenr; with tha incoiiHluney of earthly affairs I Mighty nations huvc arisen they have bold sway through many yeura, riing in powerand mag nificence, and dieting the admiration of the world. They flouri-hed, but were doomed to decay. Thebes and Carthage are now no morn. The pyr amids ot E?ypt,the rain o Thebes, arc but tbe mementoes of the power and CTundeorof races tint hare rtng sine become extinct. Troy, lofty Troy, which neither the combined forcea of the Greeka nor a thousand vessel could subdue, has fallen Irom ber pin sacle of fame, and her rtrrets arc niienl and dirsolat. Greece, once tbe l:ght of tbe-worl J, -and ftotne. once the terror of all nations, have lout their lustre and power. Time bus dimmed their ancient glory. J be daysol their splendor are remembered Dly in song. Thu the preatet powerand prond cst hop ultimately perish. Every breeze that sighs in the pawing air wafts to u the gloomy tiding of de cay, aud hinga with the po?t Fron ell tare Itint o'er wbirk Ihe tool bean ,wnt. Then broalhre bat an reeerd pee'inr eel.." Every billow that disturb the tran quil deep roll on the same mournful Uile, which it w ill ceae to tell only when it shall break noieclcsry on thu distant shores of eternity. Jcst UK a.me. Some year ajn (so tbe story goes,) a farmer living' not a ii.ou.unu mile, treua ew t or, art. r a una rkf Jim ftiifi wiiuj, nuilii' ttun , . , .7- . J . told himtogooutWest and remain two year; sU tia end of which lime, one of bis brothers would meet bitr. Tbe young mun went, and ret u rued and met bis brother according to a p jtfMntmrnt, altliougli no coinmunica Uan bad taken place betmuen them during liie time. While going home ward together,, the waidorer, after relating noine or his aiveiilures, in quired whetber anything had happen ed since he bad Ii It home. "No, not a single thing," replied theotbcr'evcrytliing i jt the safiir aa wben yon ifti, txce4 that tl old crow died." - 'iMdoed," a:d the wanderer, "and i nr Km-nT, una is the old crow dead f Wbat killed him r "Why b ate too much Meat when tbe matched hoies dipd." "Good gracinns! are tbe matched horse dead f What killed them f" "Well, yoo see when the bnate and barn wa bnined,t!iej Overdid tbenv aelves in baa ling water " Good gracious 1 are the house and barn burned dowq f How did it hap pen T" "Well, yon see, when daddy died, tbey were carrvirg lights about, and were carelena "Good gracious '. and i daddy dead J What waa the matter with iiinif" "Well. ro ace, when Sal ran away and pot married against daddy's wish es, he just pined away and died." "Good gracioui! so imtbing has hap jwmed ainea I've been away 1" "'So, everything i jut ibe same.' A Yoi no TaivrLr.a. Tbe Omaha rfvUiran reports the arrival in that c ity, one day lan week, of "Smb." a boy of fonnocn year, who -has been 1 wandering over the I nitrd State since ti4. Hi hame i John Ed van), and be formerly fired In Haiti ni.r hut ma IW.. I .. .. Tiine year, old oi. aeeount of til trv.t-1 menl. Tt.e .fvl,UraK av of him-l "He ha 'whacked hull' in' Wrominir' l,inerd mnlc' in I'olorad i jammed gold dust in Montana, earned water in I tah.twn captured by the Indians' , " ,n in New Mexico, ranched with grru.crs 1 "''"V. "'d wlor. norm oi in Anemia, slept with Chinamen ini?un vacillating and Rhforiifn, iJ liko the itomifnl J JS., b ad hrnrjttl ovrr differont rtilrfiud. Kat, M'wt, "onh and IfiMTj-i oould box o prvrailad wpfn to becin in nry lilc l t htH.ka, tow rttacb ttn intrllicnt f would 'tT(.ir, a- w f.iNir!a KvrrvtMni; moM 'nve a hfiari(M)iiip. U't know a pn tlrman who fommencwJ Win hUmry i i iUi:Ui l"rw. Alter link. o tl. until tntlnr it m, . 1 1 tlionnarirj ToiumrU, W,iu K- him.ii ! wf'niw a Welt ii)r,irt.kn r v mn in'ni Ihlrtr Vnra , i. . ' B'l'kr.k...cil.r,T.,rif.Bdtr .I.,-... i i ' J "" '"'ii he make ppnrroit, nup l i7 uvs ainee new twuiiH'l. a ailk a . r . . Tl Udv ' . .' idols' FloriJa. it is i l, fntiii'in nrat ' "en miiiKtn sm- rf iind I"1JJ tlx? Allnstic enat frm i TiKtiun , tH W Tl miiimfior, of ff- 1 i Tovertj Rmi Tudm. Tl Is tiM any diacrsr It b pool, onlv it I aoniHim inronrenlaiit. M i poopl bad rather not I boor. They ar no attar nf tbe misery of rii he of the anxiety involved in the poneion of wraith. They think they could stand the anuietV If I hey '"' Now man' ho baa got nothing is not afraid of Inning it. He reads with perfect serenity ol the fluctuations In Erio and vagaries of atock in Wall street. He is not troubled about tho price of pld or Government aeeurilie. When he bear tbe fire bell ring, and ascertains that it is not the house he lives in thnt is on 6 re, he can calmly await the result of tho con flagrulion. fie is not bothered Hv noor relations. By people who have a patent for sale. By men who bnve a little scheme to make a fortune if he'll only advance the capitul to start it. By pbilunlliropiW, who want sub scriplion to supply the Esquimaux with Greeley's History of the War. Bv tho luclici of tlie church, who are raisinit a fund to present tho minis ter with ac embroidered velvet pulpit uifehion. By tire companies who want a grand piano for their bunk room. Ily polilicul ooiuraiueea about elec tion time, who want money to save the country. Bv chronically insol vent acquaintan ccs, who want a note endorsed which thry are morally certain not to lake up A poor man is let alone and enjoys peace. lie is not troubled about the income tax. Nobody trie to borrow monry of bim With til these advantagos, however, it i not pood to be por. It i uecossary for tho support of the Government that there should be some properly to collect taxos on. Consequently, il is a patriotic duty to gel money that you may support the bebt government on tha earth The way, to get rich it to tuake money. And keep it There are plenty of ways of making moner il rou are ouly up to litem Some ways are surer than other waya. Getting elected a member of the Common Council or the New York Legislature, is a pretty sure thing, but tbe openings are limited. I knew a young man who came from tbe country with only fifteen cents inbi pocket, lie got animation a bar keeper, and in eighteen months he had a gold watcb, diamond sleeve buttons, and was able to buy out the proprietor, lie became a man of in Duence, ran lor alderman, and now drives a team in Central I'ark. Keeping a corner grocery is a good buiiici. if you know exactly bow to water tbe vinegar, how much sand the sugar will stand and how far peanut may be used in Co nee without arousing lur auepii'ious oi customers. G-rii ding a band organ is not an expeditious road to wealth, even with a monkey ; the bninea has been overdone, since the Bovs io Blue went i(it it GeltiB , .taifonary contract from 1 . Congree is better. , beireM Ljfo ,sy of getting rich. abort, i nil very well, but if even-body were contented with thing aa they are, the world would come to a stand-slilL Unsatisfied people Lave dunt every Itong lor progress. tjolumbos wasn't contented with wliat la knew, and so be discovered America. rranaitn wantea to know more than anybody clue about lightening, ana so we got the tolegrapli bv it. l'eople who live in Euroe were not contented, tame to America, ounled the Indians, cultivated tbe land, built mA c.n.., . 'S .T. 'ZJr JiLl L T" :" I till. VI II, nuivu ID IMC? lVr UU dearest Government tbe world has ever seen. liixeontcnted people Veep, moving westward, belter their fortunes, and make the wilderncs blossom like the roe. They dig into tbe earth for oil, coal and various minerals, and add to the general wealth as well as their own. Young man, don't despise money. It will boy brown Hon boe, Turkey carpet, rosewood furniture, trolling lioree, a per in the moot fashionable church, entrance to the bet society, and if you think yoo can stand it, a lovely and accomplished brtde. . Afrrnoi-T as Esemt Heaven help the man bo imagine be can dodge enemies by trying to please everybody. If such an individual ever succeeded we should be glad to bear of it not that we believe in a man going through the world trying to find beams to knock and thump his pour bead against, dis puting every man's opinion, fighting and eltwing and crowding all wbo diflerwith Inm. That again, tsanoth- er,!XlI"ne-. Other people harcarighl ". " ru J"H u"u 1 I '' , ,nt0 ll,e tTrvT t l aV"""g f'ey i T"' ?aa m,,re f"r mining your il1 J"y ' n'"l(h ,he c"Ur irrirsi.iuif ton time the tmoti a In wind and sliufllc and tmit. tint ii " ti"tift, tnanlr indrncndrnc to tail J its pniund. Lr.R! Ta wait. Ol all the lessons tliat Immanitr ha to li-arn id life's M-luiol, the liard.t is to Irani to mail Not to wait with Mdi'd hand that ctninis life's pntf witlmul pmriiio rflorl, hut, Imring slruli-d and cruwded llio slow years Willi trial, see no sui h reull a emirt spem to war- mnt mftv. ttorhaiw diutalrr inatporl To aland firm ai nut h a crimn of exia- tem-, to rmwrtt one's self ixiiite and snl rcspei t, nol to lose hold or relax effort, this is erra'new., whetlier ai hicred hv man or woman, whether the eye of "the world note it, ir it m rfrerded in that hook which the lijrht of eicrnity shall alone make clear to the sight. A Ke r York jnrnal tells a remark able t.ry tif a man at Tt nnant'a har bor, aim. brini tt in lit boat, fell oviThoarti.ami aot tviaft able losa ira rontfived the iiloaof sinking tli Ixrt lim ami ftK.tinjr it ailiore. Jlccord itijl'T, slmtlinj; hi i-yn and bis twlb Ermlv toiri'llit-r. he at nu k ont for tl.a .l.i.ra ..nl,l ll,'lln k. i. tHnrl. b nncnrd tU nn and n,n.l bimarir in ths ttilddl t.f a corn fidj. llk;,Y Qn' all boliow. as a tf(Uul. noorMmurBMiMiTURs lloofland's German Tnlr, T GrM litlM f"f ll tlrit f l Lwr, SlM. r DiffMir Oik ft. IIiKiflund'g Gonnan Bitters If nimfmi f Itit it Jlff (or. tli'y r iufdlrln. I? IHWi -. - gltrstu, rr nnl kwlM. ni ti.ri.. I I prrll klfkly t-wtitnui s i tniirlT "n-ss lr Inkotts idlilr t st; kls4" HcKilluiitl'g Gorman Tonic ! s oakUailos f all Iks Infrxllt Hi f tkt HItlfn. with th purM nlllt at rsnts Orui Huns. Ormnr, Sfl . kinx sns r tnMoi pi MSt icrmhll nkHih vr r0i Io tb puhlla. Thiw irrrri s diets frt frua aljkoli sdsistura, wdi lloofland's German Bitters. i Tbo who h ohjMtlon m tbf o.bii. tioi of Ut Bitten u mm., will Hooflnnd'o German Tonic. Thry r both qnilly (rood, aad vonufa th mm aMdlatatal Tlrt-w, tht ebote betwMB the two being wivro mat tor of UiU, lb Tonic txiDf tbo oit palatable. Tbe e'omteb, froa variety of eanM, tneb ai IariigeatiM, C-ioepeia, hoTvoae DthUttv.wto., if vrry apt io hare -x iu faoeio druc d. Tba Ut, it f I patbuiof at oIomIj oi it doee with the v HtouiMti, tba a o oooifi affrt'i, the roaattof wbirfa le that Ihe patient enffera from ear oral or aiore of the fol iowine diieajoe ! CoDrtipetlon. Flatalenee, Tnwan Pile. FnllnoM ot mood io too ismi. ms.j or toe ntooi ch, Kaaa. Uoavrt Bom, Dicfua fur Food, Fulloeee or weijtbt io the ittoKaoh, Hoar Kro otinoa.fi ink tog or Ftottariof at tbe pU of the Stomach, !who iiBg of tbe Uoad, llarriador PiBoK braatbtag, flatterisif of tho HoarttCb thing or gof foeatiog oonaatione who In a lying poatoro, Itiojneea of vision, dot or webi bfore tha eyea, dwll peia in the hooyl.demeienej of por pirattoa. yallowaoaaol' tbo aaio aod oto. Paw In tbe aide, bark, ebeet. Itmbi. ota.. Bidden floabae of hoat, hwralag leeh, ooneusl iaUgHainge of otl bb great deprotaloa of epiriu. The Bofferor frooi ihooe dtaoaooi ehiold eier- elea tha frroatoot oMtio ia th ealoretina ! rea.y fur hu eaaa. g- pwrcbaaiog only that which he la aaanred I 1 frooj hie iBToettgtv tiene an4 inBiria poeaoeeoe trma merit, ie kiUfally oompoonded, it tree from I jrie ingrodifnte, oad hna Ublibed for iiaelf rovrttioarw tba ear of tbaaa 4taasaoa. Ia thte eonawttei we vomld whrnit Uoao well kwo rvmadioa-y Iloofland! German Bitters. Ilooflaud's German Tonic, rwparod by Dr. C. M. JACC50f, Philadelphia, U. Twantr-twe yoart oiwee thry wore ftrrt latre dard into thie eoiBtrf from Darniany. daring which tioje thty have nndnoKtodly patHrmoi more nw, and brneStod ewtfering bomanfty fo grrator eiiowt, than Bay other remedial kaowa tho pobhe. Tbwo rv mH Ira will effor4wa!y nrro 11 Covtptatat, Jaaadt DTaprpaia Chmnia or Iorrone lobiHtT, ii C h r on i e DiarrboM, Diaaoaoa of the Kid way a, and all diaoaeoa aing from e Diewrdero4 Liror, filomaeh, or latantBae. Debility. ftenlttng from any eanee wbatoror ; rVoatratloB f the eyetam tatfoorv By aeroro LsBbwr. Bardabipe. Eiptaaro. Fevora, o,4a. Tbra U a medirioe txtaat oonal to tbaaa irmrdiee ta earb eaee. A tone and vio?nr U Iwiparird to tbr wblo ryttrm, tho oppotito Io etronpboBed. fwd ia eyod, tbo Mnmoeh ai grut prmpty, the biod i paifiod. Ibe oom plaiian boon tare aowwd ewd haalthy. the yotlow tnre U oradtcatrd from the eyaa, a WUwm t giren In tba ebaeka, aaJ tha weak ae4 Bforrou iarahd booomeoB euoag u( baaltby Boiog. rerons Advanced in Life, wad fveliBf tba head wf time weichlag koavily otoa tbrm, with all lu attendat IDa, will lad tbe aaoof three Bittore or the Ton to, aa eliiir that wilt iaatil aew lite lot their rotae, tootoro ia a meaBro tbe energy and ardor of yoothful date, batld ap tbrir bran era forma, and gtre health and bappioeoa a their ramaiaitig jsars. Xtice, It la a wall eatobliebod fart that faPj wao half of the female po rtioa of ar popnla MuaarorldmtBtbo I , ow)ymrat of good hoaitb.or toaaothor oa airraawiaa. tary nver frol well. Tbey are languid, devoid af all oaorrr. extremely aereeaa, aad hare ao ap petite. Te thu Sae of porooae tbe biUora, or tbe Toof, la evpeeialiy rooemmeaded. Weak and Delicate Children are wade etroag be tbe we of oitbar of tben romodioa. Tbey will ear ovary oaeoaf atarowaot witboat fail. Th"aaaiidt of rertlfikBioa hare armareted la b baadt of tbe prpreior, bat enaoo will allow of tbe pabtieetioa mt bo a few. Tbnaa, it will bo fibaereed, are moa of aoto, aad of each ataadiag iai tbey maet be aouevoa. Testimonials. F- OeoTfe W. Wotvlwead. Chlrf Joetiro af tho Bapreme Cnart of reokeylraai, wrtire i Phildeipbia. Pa., Marob I. It. 1fJai BoorLABo't . Oaaaaa Brrrsiwa 1 a good twoie, weofal la A deeoeoa of lS digoat ire argaoa, end of groml boarflt la oaaee of debility and aaat of worroae artiea ia tbe yatom. town, traly. fiao. H. Wooawaiia " Ilea. Jamee Tbomaaoa, Jadgeaf the bapreme Coart of Poaarylrmnia. writoe . -Philadelphia, April ft. IMC "I temnWrt IlonAoad'p Uermaa Bittarea eeJa- able mrdtriae in aooe af ladigretina or Ifyepfp oia. I eaa amity hte from oiaorioara. "Tear, with raaport, Jaaaa Taraoa.M Fmrn lev. loerab T. leooerd, 0 Paatot af Ibe Tooth Baptiat Otarrh. Philadelphia: Dr. JavraeoB Dear Sir: I have boon foaaoat. ly reqaeatod ta ooaaoet my aamo with rooom meadatioae of di0rreat hiodi of mediriKoo, bat regarding the pra a tteeat owt of my ap. prupriale epbora, I bare la all raeoa de- Hioed ; bat with a eoar promf ta varifsoi lortawooa, aad pantrolarlv la m own lamtty, ol i j...... r .. ....i ,. the aeefBlneef Pr. Hotdlaad itfiroti II it ton, r,u my foil m.li-Mo Ifc.l l grmm tllit; of tb lyn.oi, fMH-iii lor ii?r Cos. f Lint. It t .af, ftn vala.bt, kr,frll. nm cam, U my ftt Sal mall,. 1 to at Bat, Ii a-ill a, rwrj kaa.ftrial lath a.ka ,aar traa tka iWti .. Yaart, T.rr rrvpartfally, J. II. Kv.a.aft, Iiffclk. Wla Ca.lH eiraalt. rmsltnr KD FMioill, Ull.r sf rkrittiM OnHlltK" rkllaJalpkia : I ka ala riaj kraaSt froa Is an ,f Km lul l tlr tittlrra, faal II ajv pr v. lap. ta fnm m4 tkaai at a taa-l valaahla taale la all aka ata .almaf fraaj tiarai H It, ar rmai taaaa, anting fraai Sfniattatam af Ik, llrar. laara, trait, a. V. fsaaau. Caution. Borland', Oarajaa Bltlere are rnaMerfrltrd See that taa etrna -. tare af C. H. dAt'K Mi ta a ah wrap I I pee af eef-k hattle. all ether are Ml aerfii. Priaeipal Of ard Maaataetare. at tae tlareaea MedieaJ Klata, Ka 4 Are etrert, Pkilaartpkia, Pa. MAPI K M. KVAs Prop rri or. tranaarlt C. At Jeeksea A Ce.) Trice. BuaSaad'i Qaraaaa Slttera, pat katlla. Jti - - aar kail . a tl BaaDaadt wrrwiaa Toala, pat ap la (.watt hMitea, per awtla..... . I M Or a Self dotaa far t a aTSfa M fareal ta tiawlet wall tht arttelt paa ware, la arwar la get taa geawtae. paw-raraait V tU draff tr aad Aaalara Is edasat. laSJ Ij KOOD LOOPS! I.O0D lXS LOW PRIOESM new srniXG STOCK AT TIIK KEYSTONE STORE! JRESS - GOODS, TRIMMIXGS ia t NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY! White Goods ! Stamped Goods ! Haaiarjr aad GIotm! CotkU and Bktrli! Ladica Shawl, sod CoaU, (at style ! Straw Goods, Flowers, Ribbons, 4c, rsbnllM sail ParaMli, Window Bhadai, ladin sad Chlldraa'l BIIOES, Wall fapar, Carpata aad Oil Olelhj, ilau Caps. Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, . - Xiakiafa, Oattaaadaa, Caashaeraa, Twaada, Ac, Ac, CHEATER than the CDEATEST! D. O. XIVLIMC. Clcaraetd, April , UIU. GREAT EXCITEMENT On Second stkeet, CuARrmo. KIW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. TRl aadanlrasd raawlfallT lartta ika at. a-attaa af tka aablla (Mtarallr la tkrir aalaadid atimlnat af atarrkaadiaa, vkitk Ikaj sra aaa aalliag AT VERY LOW TRICKS, Tkalr uk aaatiila la part af Dry Goods of tie Best Quality, Saek at Print. T, I.,M, Atparrat. Hrrlsaa, eiarkaajt.Motllat.fhlkad aad asklaark aa.) HrllllBrt, Tlrklnirt. eaflaa axd Waal Flaaaala.Satiatllt.Caailaiarat, Catiaaada,. Ladia,' 8kal, h'ukiaa A Roodt, Balmoral aad Hoop Pilru, Ae ' ' Aba, s ta, aaaartataal af Maa', Drsaan aad ikint, Halt A Caps, Baets A 6kaaa, ' atl ai wkkrk WILL BI SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Qneensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT ftf oratr! aaatllT tept la a ratal! ittra. all CHEAP POI CAH ar apprarad aoaau; pra does. a. k; WRIGUT it SONS. CIar,a!d, Ko t , 1 7. THE CLEARFIELD"STORE KECONSTRUCTED. Ctrsorf L. Hre4 loba f. Waa ror n Wn.taoi Poeoll. Willlaai W.aette. GEO. L REED k CO., Tw dean sank af tat Caart Haata, CXRAII FIELD, PA. TTATIXO rafarnad ta aar aid baaiara, ttaad, a a at berrbT aotifr tbo rtliorni of Cltarbrvhl aVTlaa IktS MKIsdl am k. I I ' t " wajirrr-i i BttAB. 0Oi tatri Bb nAWtaa- av .MnH. M. patra araiafll birb nnroa al tnfsTinr mrA, .. bare aow a bottti a fall earMr of aJI hiatii ( . ffodxla aeoa ia tbie asarbrt. Utbehaeof i Iry C.oods Wa rlaiai ta hatw a fall aMartaaeat, eaaitwlae la f" ' 1 aia.iin., iiiearara aa aablaaeaad, PrieU af all gradta aad atlaa; aad Spring & Summf r Dress Goods, Sack at Atperae af aft atiade,) IV Telnet, Sfo naoa aad Plaaaela: baatdaa, a full aaaart ataal af faatkaaaa't wear, aoaeietiag ia parted Cloths, Cassimeres, Satlaattl sad s fall aaeerteieat af HEADY - MADE CLOTHING. otlons Iloslrry, Trimmlnjrs, BOXKSTTS, AC, Eats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. We aoa a fall ewff'e f OniW, Tra, Parar, Hire blt'laittrt, Ato. Fi-b. Halt, limooa, ml aaa ftb O.Ip, riOUE, BACON, DRIED muiT, ParBr-rarrdJ natna, Mree Prk, aod a fall eapptj af rrortaioaa. Dardnarr and Qucrnswarr, I leered far , I Klilll t'ki, j AH tbe fnrrfnfac asiMto I11 bo erbanr4 I'ASH, Lt M Bt bv, or (XHbTKV PK anl ot pnrrt to hirb tbrre raa bo ao rteftwoi. 1 soar ta aaro: af feeotit ia oar liae, will aieaao taTCALL Ay D SEE us:- G P.O. 1. REED A CO. CVaHtetd. Kept. I T, 1 J If. . J. P. Kratier SPI L tkt heat Vytkea Pateat Peatke Rkadea' fel.kreted Bakea Bap Petke slid ieel Meat" Saaealt - SsaoaeUaeeaat fwaa,ere. "X T A I IB nCOAH-iaet reared ot Al 4- ! HTfBWi. ypunfltl ni Httif .ftrp. r tuna. BOYNTON A YOUNG, rWNnKKS MACHINISTS alarafrvttorert fjf rOETABLE & STATIONARY sTi-LVM i:ngli:s Corner of Poarth and Pine PtrrrU, CLEARiriELn. rA. mm. -- jyafgaga)- HAVING anrarrd In tha aunatactora af Irat elau MACHINERY, warttpSclfollriDforai tfa puklie tLst wa ar aow praparad ta fill all ardar, ai akaaplj sad sa promptly aa eaa ba dona ta ftsyof tba eUia. Wa ataaafaatara and daal in Malay and Circular Saw-Mills, Bead Block t, Water Wkaela, Shartia; rullayl, Oiford'l Injaclor, Plaam Uaarrl. 8tcaa Whittle,, OHara, Tallow Tap,, Oil Cupt, Oauga Cocka, Air Coeka. Oloha Valvaa, Ckark Valrra, wraofht Iras Pip,, gtaaat Peaipa, Bolltr Fead Paaipa, Aali Frlrlioa Atrtraa, Soap Sloo PackiDj. Oam Park- Ids, aad all kinda af HILL WORK; tugatW aitk Plow,, Slad Bale,, COOK AA' V PARLOR STOVES, sad other CASTINGS f .rj kiada. 4T0rderf aolicltad sad tiled ftt eftj prieaa. All letter, of Inqoir with ref,reaea to ataeblnarv of aar vjaaafaotare prampll aanrarad, by sddrta- iaf at at ClearSeld, Pa. deel tf B0TKT0K A TOl'NO planing y;fctt-.)NOTicE.i:.,vr. wall. Ileua. G. L. REED A CO. CLEARFIELD PLAXIXG MILL ALL RIGHT! THE preprietenretpertfiillT libra tka ait Ileal at ClesrteU eeaata, thai tbe, hatw wntiralj tattled tkit etuhliihataal witk Ihe lalarl laipnrrad wood werking aurhiaerr, aad are aow pupated ta exerale all ardcr, ta thair liaa af Swaiaeee. Tket will (it, eipanai aUeatiaa la laa aaaaafae tart af Material tat hosae haiJilia(, aeh aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, BOOKS, BLINDS, brackets ii .novLni.res, OF ALL I T T L K i, Wa atwart Uea aa kaad s large Mack af IRT LI' hi BEE, aad will pat eaah thr all elear Laoitxr. Ooe aad-hir raeh paaet Miff prrftrrrd. ' Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eichaagrd, ta awtt raatoaiera. fovOrdrrt tolieitad, aad LoatDar laraiahad aa abart aotlee aad oa reaanaahla term,. O. L. HERD A CO. Claardeld. Nor. T, IM7. K. R. I Arrow E. A. Iatia... -Joae Parrai, ....J. a. la a in. E. B. PATTON i CO., n.Tiaf iltad ap s Iratlaa, PLANING MILL Are arrparel to famish all bintb of Manufactured Lumber, t M FlMrinff- Bidinr. Sartafa-FrlliNl Lnm Ka,. t..b T.M nuA. AnJ errrj deeertfitioa of FLAIN AND FASCV MOUU)INTQ. Xofr-Dealen will Sad It te their adraatage to ooatalt awr prtaea before parrka.ing eliawliera, Addraaa, E. J). I'AITuN A t'd., Curweaetille. IW . I "I If rVearaeld aawat J, Pa, How to Nave Jlonrj'. TBI Maaat ere hard : pwa'd like ta kaaw Bow paw aaap aaee pear Sellers Tka wap ta da tl I will tfcaw. If paw will read ahet fellewa. A aa wke Iltad sal far froa kart, ke worked hard at hi, trade, Bet had a koeaehold la aapport Tket aqaaadered all kt Bade. I net hlaj aaee. 0,,, he, "ht y frlead, I rank thread hear aad reegh j I've tried la gat etreelf a eait. Bat aaal aatw ap aaoagk." Sat, T, Bit frlead. kew oaerh hoes poa ? i ll tell pew watte 10 re Ta get s aoit I kat't enend ad oheap , Te kEUISf TKIS A Co. Ba took wkal little ha kad eared, And weat la Beiaeeettia A Brotken', Aad tkere ke get a keadeoete tail, Per htir hr paid S Mkera. Hew he ta hotee, he teak, ao waft. Aid their .fleet tl eark, Tket wkea Ikep uke their deltp avaai, Tkep doat aat kalt at stark. Aid aew he led, aa ftatirder sight, Witk all tkelt waatt .applied. That ke kal eteaep left ta apead, Aad teejt ta lap satde. Bit ged re ere tt. with thearfa! taill, lie g'edlp lellt te all. If toa'd aaee sjewap, g;o sad hap Year elntket et. kEIA.NFTIirrS CLOTBT30 BALL. Where the eheapetL I reel tad heel rtotklai aed good Parateklag Uaad, aaa he kad le ea t of art taata aad la oeerp ttplt aprt l,t; Democratic Almanac. HIK iti-olaB)pf tulltraiia tl frr Me at tha pm oaro. II bnl1 le ia tbe hande of err irrot. Ii nt4iai full rttvttoa retorai frai leierr enoal ia tbe I mtc4 hiatde; bai4a, the i atitobrr (ot IW, mataiae a eowpMe ht of the aeBwoeof all t be aewryesr ewpfireaeri aad alhr4 sjnrtnr Litrtnt'fl aA,wtoiiitralitH : and thai tot 1X07 otoiM (bo aoareo f all tboee nriliani ba werr tPfnwfl dr. n T tbe mmm prnod. Three two ba. fr fataro itwwt, ore eortb aro iHaa I the rr of the orli(Ufto. 1 be aaaihor for faa ( b al fall of rolwtoMertattPilre. Anroaeeradtng j B ernU to Ibe ot Marrr, aitl rreeiro be rrtara f aiavil a rof for eo-b rear, free of potaf. ( )ti :f f Traeaea aad aMeailnal BaPTtre arerery kied af iBe laioet I r' to, fVr ale a II.AKhl 1 o.T ABLfS MALl POP, il ! Irf (tra of Salt at taa H. W. SMITH, A T T 0 It X T. Y - A T -1. A W , hM Hntnd, ra. u WILLIAM A. WALLACE, ATTOIiXKY AT LAW, f Meat Arid, r. ' BaP-legtl haeleeaa of til kiadl prowptlp aad aererttelp ttteadtd to. aaplkp D AVE'Li KREOS. ATTORNEY -AT-I. AW, Clearfield, Fran'. Icar-Ca be teateUed la Bi(1lth tsd Oar .aa. Jet, IS Ip A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. XfA-Offlee la tha Coart lloaae. dee j ISRAEL TEST, ATTORN KY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. r-OBe ta tht Co art llowea. jrl I .'7 JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Clearfield. Pa. OBct with J. B. NeEnellr, E.q , tttr Plrtt Na tional Beak. BrProoipt attantlaa gieea to tht tteartng af Hnuntr, Claiai, Ae.,sad ta all legal kaaiataa. Mart IS, issr-lp. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ftflst ta Beeoad Bt Cltarleld, Pa. rawll.M THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, AIlUKntl AT LAW. OSot adjoining tkt Book, fwaiarlp aeeapled hp j. js. Mcsoaii). Beeaaa su, L'learsaid. raT-Wlll atuad proaipUp It ttlleetloaa. tale tflaadi.Aa, . deel7, JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Aad Seal Male Agent. Clearfield. Pa. OBioe aa Market afreet, eppcelie the itil. f- Retpoetfallp og.ri hit eereioee la eelliog taa eatiag taaot ta viearfltld sad adjotalag eoantiee : aad witk a axporieaee of oeer twealt peart aa t ewretptr, Setter, ktaeeelf that he eaa render taliifMllaa. fakiS.'U-lf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearaeld. Pa. OAe a Market atroet oae door eait af tkt Clear. leld Cwaatp Baak. aupd.'e. Joha II. Orria. C. T. Alexander. 0RVI8 L ALEXANDER, ATlttl K YH AT LA H'. fWltefeate, Pa. (erpll.'St-; JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN 4 SUltGEOX TT AVINO toeated al Oaeaola, Pa., efera kit 1 L profeeataaal aertieea le tkt people af that ,tlaee aa earreeBotag eeaotrt. SrSvAII tali, pmeaptlp alleaded ta. Oflee aad rerlrleaeo oa Cartla at., for Bar It aaeapird aj ur. a nee. bjis Ip DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, mYSIClAN AND SURGEON, Beeoad Street, Ctearfrld. Pa. aea-Ilatiag peraiaaeatlT leeated. he aow effer. kit prolrtetuaal aertieea to tba cttiteneuf I learfield aad Tioiaitp. arid tha paeae geearally. All eallt proeaptlt aaeoded ta. welXS-p F. B. REED, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON. gaar-ttatiag rraioeed te WilliaatagreTa. Pa-, offera hi, pnlettioaal aerrleei te the peo,iie of uto aorreaiaiag aoaatrp. jy I, e? DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Lara Sarpeoa af the (Sd Beg aaeal, Ptiiatpleaaht elaateera, harteg relarae rroaj taa Amt ofera kit peofeeeioaal tareieat to lai siiiieaa af ClearSeld eeaatp. aParPrnfeeeMaal eatli prawjptlp sties led la Ojeo aa Beeoad alre.t, fnraierlp aeeapled hp Dt. Waoda. aprt, t tl DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN A SL'ROEON. natiag reraored to Anntilte, Pa,, olfer, ki proteeaioaal ant it'.a to the people of the! plane and the Birreaeisf eeectrp. All ealli promptly attended Io. Kit. 1 oe pd. DR. S. J. HAYES, SCHGEOX DENTIST (Xir oa Beia Rt., Cwrwearrine, Pa., A1T ILL aiakt profratloael tlaiu. for tkt taa II eealeaee af the pablit, eoameaeiag Is Apni. irr-e. ia tonewa, en : Lerktrtaerg Piret Prldap af aeerp ataalh. Aaeoatille Kirtt Monday of eeorp aieah. Laeteer City Piret Tkareday af trtry aanatk. Speedier twa daya ia eithee piece. All ardar, fee week abowld at pntentad ea tkt dap of kit imrai at aaea ptaee. Jfee- Teatk ettrerted hy tka pp11eatlaa af laeel aawetkeeia eoaiparatteely wltkeat pala. Alt hiadt af IteaLai week gaaraaleed. K. l.Tbe pot'lie will ploeee aeeiea.tkat tr. whtn aot eagaged ia tho aaaee eialta, ajaj ke lowed ra hia offiee, tn Carwearrilla, Pa. rarweatrille, Pea d, tr.. I II dentalT p ARTN ershi p. Ia. A. M. II ILLS, Peefree to Inforai bit- aatroaa, aaJ tbe aablie feeero.lt.- at be baa BaaePiato! wttb hita ta tbe praeitoof LKaUitnr, s. r. SHAW, D. P. s.t Wbo U a frattttate af tbe PbOarieirbla ratal teitoire, aaa tapremre tat tbe bif;hM atloeta ttna f afofow.oaal ekill. All wmk 4tae ia tbe re I et boltl ajTfelf pereoaaUj roipoofl bra for hif 4oae la tbe ajoet aatUfaetnry taaa aer aaa biirhool order of tbe profeeatoa. Aa otabhebri oraotlre af twenty two reari la tble aJare eaablea axe ta epeab Io ta rat ten U fb aottlifeaoe. Knaratoate froai a Jlrtaao ebrtoll We vade by petiora few ttejt brfore the aatteat O'fijrae eeauaf. (J oae 4, 1Mb ly. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER C0 OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, aierrirrratt LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS n. H. fifllLLIXUPORD, Pieeident, OMra Petr PVaee, Wo. 1?S 8. 4th el., Pkil'a. JOHN LA "MIR, Rnprriatradrnt. Jed' Oeeeola hi ilia, ClearaeJd eo.nl t. Pa. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sip Painter and Paper Hanger, Mrarflrld, Prsaa. 'faTt'ill eteeate Joke ia hi, Una promptly aad la a workmanlike raanaer. ai rt,S7 BLAKE WALTERS, TiCRlYF.N KR ASH CtiNVEYANcLK. Ageal for the Patekeae and Salt af Load. ( leerHrld. Pa. aP"Priaipt eueettea glt.a la alt hwelnee. eoeeeeted with the eeaatp efteet. OffAoe witk Has. Wej. A. Wtllae. - aal, SS-tf THOS. W. MOORE, j Land Surrejor and Conveyancer, ! IJ A V I N (1 re-rllv loeate! la tbo bwroatb of b 1. a at ber Citr. aad roaaawd tbo Prorttft of! toatt horrevttit. reeneriniHy tra (fere hit nrorre tional eerpnoje to tbe ownrre of tod p4hfoloiori IB lartili io rirarfirld and arlioioing oowBttea. ,. of ouarrTavare aoatly rarroltsL Offtoo and rretdionoa oae diior rout of Kirk A Spraror'e etoro, apr)4 vd4, THOMAS H. FORCEE, iaLa ra GENERAL MKRCIIAVPISE, C;K4H4TIt Pa. A1m. eilpneire irnpafavf(arr and doalrr la aare Tioi her and 8awed Lanberof all kiade. drwfSOrdrra aotirtrrd aad all feitli prnfritlr iprJ. (ir-My aeo. LBBTM....aBrar ALBaaow..H.w. ai.bbbt W. ALBERT BROS., Maaafeetaren d eileatirt Dealer, ia Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4o., Tf tiUULANll, ft.tSA, n-Orderaaalieited. Bilk) Sited ea theat aotlee aad eaeeaeeMe terwte. AdtreM Woodland P ., fea-Srfd V, Pa. hOe-P T AVPIIT w 111. I" H08.6. wXeMBURN, JU'Al.KR OK l.ttiS, I.Ira Hop, I leatSeld leant,. Pens'. ri'fl aahartlhet hel et nJ ejara time ana I ttlrail-a te Ike t-CAHMtl Of LOU, aad I.I.I Ik Ii aieikid ef oSrttr., ki,,trtleee l.lfc-e, ke wT eed Itirai. a tanner laiotei... eaa Is had hy sddteettag ai sheet. ! SURVEYOR. f 1 II X anderaigned oere kll aertieea at a ear 1 eeyee, end may he Sewed al kit reeideeee, in Uarenoe towntkip. Letter, will rea.k kill dl rertrd li.t'leartrld, Pa. .... atat t tf. dAWFrl Mill llt.l,t.. DAN IEL m7dOUGHE"RTY. BAEBER & HAIR DRESSER, SEfXIMD STREET, jyjs) c i. u a n f i k i. . r . tti N . M . HOOVER, Wheleaale A Hated Dealer ia Tobacco, Cigars and SnulT, Two door, eatt of the Pott Office, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. . A large eeeortraeot of Pipet.Cigar fae-a. At. alweyeoB kaad. mylS ly jTk. BOTTORF'S r pnO'l Oa HAPli GALLERY, Market Street, Cltardald, Pa.' VEOATIVES aiade la eloodt, a, well at Io ,oar wrelkrr. Coattanllt on hand a good e.eortment of PRAMKM. STKRfcOKf'OPEr! aad FTEREOHCftl'IC VIEWS. Pramel, from any aiela of etoaMina. aiade 10 ordei. apr2 If FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT. Prcncbellle, llearfJeU Cwaatp, Pa. Heepl ennttanllr OA kinJ S full oaeortawnt t liry Good,, Hardware, tiroeeriee, and ovaryutni atuallt kept la rrteif Here, wklek will ke laid, for eaah, aa cheap aa elaewhere la tka aoaaty. PierKhtille, Juae X!, ISST-ry. .C. KRATZER V SONS, MERCHANTS, BtaLBM I Dry Oooda, Clothing, Hardware, Catltrp, Qattatwtre, Groeerioe, rorlaieat aad hbloglea, Clcarflcd, Praa'a. wayAt their aewiloTe rooat.oa Besoad street, soar Marrell A Bigler't Hardware ttort. jaalt Urrrhant bailors. F. C. CROMM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MAREET ET, CLEARFIELD, PA. VPl'I.L tapply af Clothe, Cauiaterea aad Vaetioga eoaataatly oa head, wkrek will he uaetle ap aeoordmg to the lateet faahioaa, Ib a tabataatial aaaaner, aad at low rates, aiy2S 1SG9. Coin? 11 Alone. 1809. . B L. STOUGIITON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market fltreet, Cltrarfirla, I., nATPfQ epeaetl bailneec oa my aaa bank, at tbo old ataad ia pbaw't How. ! therefore aanoaaeo to tbe poblic that I bare aw aa band a well ae I acted aad larje Mforta.ee t af Clotlis, Cassimeres, Testings. Beaeera, aad all blade of Ooodt for ttea aad bore' wear, and ata aow areparod la aaake ap Io order CLOTH (NO, fro -a a eiaffle article to a fall eatt, la tbo Utael etjlaa aad aioat workaaoallhe BMBBer. (Special attattna firoa to ewotoai worb aad cauiac-oat fur mm aad boy a. I offer froat barfaiae to eaitoaiert, aad waraa( eatite aatirfaettoa. A liborol abaro af public patroaaire ia aolleited. Call aad eoo lae. -JeaT-tf I. R. L. BTOl'WHTON. II. BRIDGE." MERCHANT TAILOR, (Flore oae door eatt af Cleerhrld II .tea,) Market fMreet, rtrarfleld. Pi. KIKPS on hand s full saanrtaeata ef float.' Paraleklag Seadt, ewea aa Fkirta, Linea and Vfaelea l adertkirta, Drawera Bad S.eka, ferk tin, Poeket Haadkareklef,, Oloeei, Hau. Uaineellaa, Ae4 la great esriatp. Of Pieee Good, ht keep tbt Best Cloths of alt "Shades arid Colors," Sack at Sleek Dee.kla af tha tary hetl real,; Peary Caeetnere, fa great etrtety, alee, Praask Coatlag. Bearer. Pilot, Chinchilla, aad Pritott eetreeeliag. All ef wklrk will he eold ekeap far tfeak, aa aiade Bp aeonrdlag ta tht lal.lt ttpla, oy expeneacea woraateB. Alio, Agent for ClearSeld SOBBtp for L M Singer A Cue. reiterated Sawing Machine.. hot. I, lStt-tf. H. BRIDGE. $tijrtHanfons. SEW STOCK! m STYLES J! FALL AND WIICTER MILLINERY GOODS, w AT Miss SUSAN REED'S, MARKET ST, CLEARFIELD, PA. liarlag part reeoired all theaoawitiet af the la tht Millitery Hne, rewweat tbo Wdiet ' to eall and alanine Ihrai. ClearA.ld. Pa Krt , 1X.8. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTVS AND MASON ff HAMLIN'S, poa stu st 8. J. HATER, Cirwoateillo, Pa. THE fLEABFIELD REPlBLlC.iX. F.HT AHI.ISIIRI) IK littT. The largoBt circulation ef any Newt paper In North Central ' rennsjlvania, Tonns of Subscription. If paid la adwaoe, ar withia 1 aiaalht..ta OO It paid after 3 and brfore 0 aiontha....,.. At AO If paid after the etplratioa of nnthl. S (HI Rates of Adrerti&irg. Trsntlent sdrerliarnerit,, per eqeare of II line, t teat, I Unlet or leaa. $ I 5 For each aaheeqaetit ineertioa AS Adatlaietrttort' tnd Ixoeatort' aotieea 1 II Aaditora' notice, S SO Caalioaa aad K.traee..... I l DiaeolatloB aotieea., ..... I gg Leeal aotiore, per Hoe 1a Olilloju-j Bntteet, oeer Ira Hate, per liaa.... IS Proleeaioaal Cards I pear ... A e YE A KIT ADVEPTIPEMIST. I aeoa re... t to. tierce.. I etwarea i ooluraa...e"S M t tntaaaa dh I eel aaa.... SI ....II .. S Job Work. BLAKER. Single .lira... ...13 SI 9 a. aires, pr. qalrel II I enlree, pr, qelrt, 1 III Peer I, par quire, I II IU5PBII.LS. , , theet.lSetleet.llf' 1 sheet, l ar leei4i l I sheet, f I at leaa, I a I aheet.ii oe leaa, IS It Over It af tack of aWa at pvoportionatt ra'M. GEO, B. GOODLANPrR. . E.litor aed Proprietor. 11'Wf A TP I The nedertigned ' I' ear tht hirbett CASH PRICK for aH k of PI'S sad DEER SRtffS- Hltt aa a ea! Ill red. II Cleartald, Dee II. I. Kirtf FBTB1K. iTiiiNE a LLr.Ahrui.h hhaxc- 01 and aflat Mmilit, Pataeerr Trant ai Al MI. H. lie, , H tea dt-it S.edattl heea Ttrotie Bad l.erk llt',, one I'e.ttriget TraiB hleera Tiron, aa, 1x7 held, at Mlowa- "T i.ka k son II I.AAVK Mifji, Cleattttld II, r b ' Ttroi,. .... rhlUl-iterg . era eO, "ete. le , ,, " lelfk. 1 Phlllpeh'tgatll , a t'tcwol I Ik. " Mi :,' . tini'V'-r Jl"' " cieaHi.it nt,:,M FA K K A N h IISTa'. t k.s FlttiM CLKAHULI.D.j f HUM TtRoxi at . t . . s .11 Btatioa. Station,, 1 r s Lenaard a'oodlaod.. Pir'cr allaretoa I'" intereitioD... i Jn t'anerouc ?' ftardner !' III. I'lea.aiit....l II Homoiit. I, All Hanilt ttioK....li j Powrllloo ..If f (rareola tn CI l)unt.ar ji T..1 rtLinrt'e jx II ! Pilllliieaurrtlt IV B ac Bail 2 Jt M II M tl 41 M ii 1 e) IHnr 11.11 IS Phttlpatarg; IT Kleiner, .... lHneer ...... f Krrxila ... I'oweiltoa.... Bao.ly Ki lg ftuaiijiit 19 ..AO . tl ...Id ...Jo ...11 Ml. Pleeeaut. ..ill Halaorli.o ; liardner .. II tw Itml. r .....y ti Vanacoyoo 34 1 mj wnod auiM as I ntrretioDK...X7 I 15 li'nnr.i .....i ) , Tyrone. 41 I yil d'laarfteia t, FAkBFi.bM CLEAK7ri:LLs"T0' Bollefonte, Pa 15 OS I Mi.l.llelown Lock Uateo I 701 Marietta.. jj,' Wiliiarattiort I alljLanrntrr Huntmajdoa .... 1 POILALKLHHIA T ft Lewiitown JM'Altoona y Maryatilie... d 6 I JokattAwn... , HAltKIHht'Kti... d Tl 1'IT'f rUI Hli in tUKNtcCtltlNM. Paeaenpert learin( Clearfield at S.M p. Phil pibarK at t.ii p ., Oteeola tt d le , , arriee al Tyroae al 6-it p. ., ettkinir eoaatttiei with Cioeinnati Kipraea Caat at 6.17 n. w.,aal with Mail Wert at 1.41 p. n , aa Main U..: v with Bald haele Kiprraa, leavtoir Ttraae at 1M I. as., arriving at Bellefonte at k6 p ana at ,o k Haven at i IP p. at-, eonaeetinf eu, kna Mail Katt oa the Pkiuvielpkia aad hnt kaal. at II. It p. B.,rriritig at Willieniet,nrt at IJ ttaa. Keuraiac paaeanrer, leeriaf Williaawpirt at f .1 J a. a.. oa Erie Kail "' tet, arrtre at Lett Ha eaa al II . at, aoaneotia( witk aald ka,a Esprcat learing Look llai'ea at lo.lta. auat rum, at Kellekiute at 11. ii a. .. riuee kke, Cup at l.3t p. at., aid Tyrone at 1.10 p. n. IUWAKL- 11. WILLIAMS, Ueaeral raprrillltbdeaL OEOItUC C. WlLEl.Xj, atyll'tf hapenaleBdrat Philadelphia & Erie Eallroad, SUMMEBTIHE TABLE. Three rh aad direct twawhttweea Pkllad.l,ka. ValtiBMra, Uirriehwrf, w UUaauperi, aad tkt Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAES Oa all Nigel Train. 0 sad after MOKDAT, APRIL II. IMS, Ika tr.lat oa tha Philadelphia A Ana hail Road will raa ea follow. : Meet ward. Mail Trala Itetea Pkiieiolpkia...n.10.4 f X I)o.... aa...Sc Mary , .. J p B. To....rri, st Erie... I.M p. a. atrte kxpTeet ieerai Pklledtpkia-...f.&S a. m. Do...-. ...... -e nt. ary a... I ( A. U lit .jrnra tt tna Iatiwrartt. Man Trala l.arr, Krle Da do ft. Mary't. Io arriee at Philadelphia.. trie Eipreo, leave, Erie De d-i ftt Merr't , De arrive at Pkiiadripkia .11 A. A. .11 45 A Tt. .. c.4l P M. .. !S A.M. .. I li T h. i n a a. hp a. Mail and Klpretl eonneel witk Oil Crrtt aaa Allegheny Hirer Htil Road. Bagrarr cbrrkea threark ALrKIP L. Tl LIS Meeeral heperinttadtat Clearfield County Bank. fPUK Clearltld CeaBty Saak aa aa leeorrerv a led laatitattoB haa peat eol ef eaitteire k' tea aarraadar af lu ebarter. wa May It, IMt All lu ttotk tt owaed hy tba aaaaeribera, war will toatinat Ibe Bonking kaaiaeee at tat mom place, at prlvatt aaakert. Bade Ike Irai aaaj. ol tha "ClearSeld Coaaty Beak.' we art a tpoatiklt for the dehtt al lae Baak. aJ will par its BOIet oa dented al tkt Ouaetet. Ilea.ua rarwieed aad laleeeet paid wkea Blooty i, lafl ha a Ssed iIbh. Paper diteneated at tia per teat. aa heretfNra- Oar pertuaal rerponi.ibility 1, pledged for all Ueieaiu roeolee aad oatiaeia tran, aud. A enaiiaaesee of tht liberal pat mnage of Ika hotiiaet a.. a af tka eoaBit Ii ra .peetlally ,iliciied. Aa PreaideBt, Catblt' tad ufheerj of ire Its, ClearSeld Oeaty Sank. w reoaire the Bote, of laid beoh la kt preetaad for redeaiprioa. MS T. LROMARD, PtCBAAD PrtAW, WM POP.TEK. J8 B. 0ArJAJf, A. K. WK1UHT, . L. RhKD, wv. a. Wallace. Tht hatlaata of tk. Book will bt eoadarted at Jka M. Adaaia.. Req.. aa Caakier. (Jmn.'M J. D. hi U irk. Edward Perkt. BMKIKG i COLLECTION HOUSP McGIRK i PERKS Saoaeaeer, to Potter, Perk I, k Co, Ptalllpabara;. Iwntr t'aowatp. Pa. "IT. r II KB K atl the haairjeea eft Ranking Heal. 1 I will ee treneaeted proaipUy aad apon tee eaoat rararai, tartaa Bier -u County National Bank. C1.EARP1ELD, PA. rTHIS Bank It sow opea aad ready for kaal- A. Bats. Ufiiet OB ftecoad atreet. ta tkt bane. tag forwtotly aeaapied hp Lonward. Fiaaey A Co. BlBBrTOBS ao errtrtet. JAS. B. OHAMAM, . RICHARD SHAW WM. A. R'ALLACa, WM. POKTRV A. K. WRIttUT, KU. U REED. D. W. MOORE, J AS. T. LEONARD. )as,M Caakio. Preeideal lartsmithing. 3kcw ISlarksinltli Shop. SECOlfD ST., CLEARFIELD, Pa. TMI anderetrned beet te Inform ki, friteda, aad tha Inhahltaat, of tha herewgk ef Clear. aUJ aad earroaadieg weighborboe. that kt a eaw ready tt tioeate all arders tltktr ta troB ar ttetL HORI snOKIKO a Ik anil tppretad s.ty ettle. ALL RINDS OP SAW MILL In OK' aad SHINE work, logara'l teole, eaathooki,,rraeee, grab., A a. Hire I tool, of all kitdt aud af Weat Eagliek ar Aeaorieaa a re el. hpavAII aiy work I, Warruui la flea aatlr faetioB, er eol ekarged for. atl AMOS EESSARk New Illiwtrknmlth Shop, TniRD FTREET, CLEAP.riELD. TftKnhaertVerretpeethllv Inforwit kit Weldi sad Ike pur, He ta genrial, tkat ke ke, leeal aed ra tht hutnagh of I LKAHMKLD. la ika abop reeeatly aecapied hy Jaank Rkonket. whert he it lie reidy te perftirta ell dn'iet U. .aisle kit rattoai.r, n s Work warlike naaaer. Sled., f leigha, Roegle, and w'agonl irontd, aad tliiree.thueing don, at reae nahle retea. Hi reretriluHt a.kl t ikare ol work frore the prMw, at kt lalend, to gitt kit wki.lt attention tt tkt bn.ineee. THOMAS HISY. Mere!. If, llopTowmhlpAnnlaf CHEAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEBS'S ! JVFRTBODT tryii.g'ti.get Ihete lit. ter ft j of aetng rounded ealwiln the eold. 1 1 yoa want gecd skmtee Soae. go to Rto. If Jiwwent teat Niece Iroaed t igat, (e '""' If yea wnt go..d Mill lei.na. g ie Uu" If yoa wsat year wage Iraard la tha km title aad werkraae.htp. go te Sll baaa, etekee the beet Merep Maekle. le M State, eei4 0i.ee all klada ef BLArhriMl rill aa ebeep ea eaa he doaa la the toanty for Cat. My Poet UMot addraaa I, Cleerleld Krera. THOMAS BhaKa. Bncct Tp Deo. I. !I7-If. Clearfield Nursery. KNCOUitAfvE HOME IXDl'STRT- 'PIIE awdeertgncd, hnetng oetebliaked t 1 eery ee the 'Pike, ea.nl half way heto" C.tmmwmmAA r.....ili.. te neeMtod t. Str leh allktwdaat PRIIIT TH EE, (alandard aad dwarf.! heergrweae. rlkrekeery. tl'epo hceaxhemoa, Lee tea blaokberrp, ""'T''"' aad Reaheery Viaea. Aha, Hiaeeiea Cek Treat, tdalaoe, aad early tetrlel K Sober k, Aa. Oren ptoaiptlp etteeded re. Addrewa, , wpt n t rwwwwvin. .w Haje rUBfV