II .-... TlllMlKrriU.H'AN. e-t.-t.- ! : :! - -r-t w. ci.r.Uin. ..,., i'a pii:nT vorstkiI. jim.v II. i4. "TEE LAST SHKE" BT PAOL PARALLEL. Ail evurj body known, when great , event Ukwt plueo during tlm day, it , it tho milijwl of roiivi'inHlion in all the liimily fircln during tl veiiintT. , ,A itnkinj' neniinliun m itot morsel , to roll tiniloT the tmitfiici until bed time), ai.il till the vucutit ajmtoA ol , thought for diiyi BltorwsrJ. Now, not Doing man of family, "douiestio contabs" unci "bearlUloiie convrtioim" are lhins n yot .'cr eign to my experience. 01' course, like ull other huiiun Doing, 1 gener- , lly liuve my ten hut don't tijrure during the evening in the centra of a family circle, for, u I iiavo intimiilej, I don't poat the luxury. 1'nto hue marked mu toritaown aa bachelor. JJy head-quurlera are ut my itpni'l- , menu in luy lodging-house, and 1 live on the European plan a sort of waif on humanity am , The other day 1 look supper with few friend ut the Muism de 'i'ipkina. . M e sat down at niue o'clock, and lingered lon! and lovingly over our . broiled oysters and wine. , We did not chat much then, for we were hun gry. Mind wan quiuaoent before the - superior demands of matter. Eating not being an exception to the rule that all things but eternity and a , woman's tongue must have an end, , we tinully pushed buck our chairs, lighted our cigars, and unanimously -agreed that Tipkiu was the best oti , toier in the city. Thon we began to talk about "the . great event of the ago," to wit: The completion of the l'uoifio liiiilroad, which bad boon the exciting topic on the street that day since noon. . There was no disncnting voice as to , its being a ''big thing. We then drank to the success o! the enterprise. The importance of the subject grew upon u as we advanced in its discus sion, and in a short timo oar conver sation was a mixture of stock, civili- ; cation, freight, Indians, the past, the present, political economy, natural philosophy, and almost everything else. In the meanwhile we toasted i the road sevenil times, and drank to ;tue indmory of every one whom wo imagined had the slightest connection with it. Uoe Orpbeo, one of our num ber, sang tho "Song of the Steam," which was greeted with uproarious applause alter which we drank to the health of the writer and the singer., l'rof. Sulphus gave a scientific account of tho ' lorces of the universe," but becoming rather prosy, be was inter rupted by Ksin Johker, wbo told a very laughable California story, which pleased us so well that we all took a drink. Our enthusiasm was now in tense. We full like leaving straight way, in a body, lor the far West, and become passengers on the first train over the new road. In fact, to such a pitch did this do tiro reach that we all got up and wore about starting out lor the purpose of putting our de sign into execution, when one ol the boys suggested "a porting drink." Several original sentiments were then proposed, of a very exaggerated char acter, which being tiinposcd of. some one was foolish enough to call upon me for a speech. The call was bois ' terously seconded by the company, and in a few seconds 1 found myself on top of the table, "the orator of the evening. - since 1 have told so much it will do do harm to add another fact, vis: That I had some difficulty in steadying myself in my elevated posi tion. My friends were comfortably located on the chairs, wifas, ftc, of the room, observing me with countenan ces expressive of the deepest interest 2 begun my address hy congratulating the gentlemen before me on the com pletion' of that great work, which, amid oil the startling events of this progressive ago, was the crowing one and the glory of the nineteenth cen tury ! 1 believe I gritofT this splendid sentiment quite coherently. But it seemed all my clearness of ideas went up with it. Aftorltiirt, things became "considerably mixed," (ow ing, I pre Snme, to the broiled oysters.) I was Cognizant of making some sort of a noiso, and of snwing the air with my arms occasionally bnt what other remarks I made I have no distinct re membrance. 1 have just tho slightcHt recollection that the words "Pacific Jinilrond" pumped my lips about every alternate Tcspirulion, and of feeling that a great responsibility rested npon the and which 1 must discharge at all hazards. ' ' - I was bidding my friends good bye at the corner, under the strool-lamp, tho rays from which had but a sorry effect in dispelling the darkness around. We rallied around the lamp post with a devotion earned, if not praisewor thy. Among us all it was tho firmest and mod upright j placidly it wit nessed oar repcatel hand shakings, and participated in our emhiacrs, seemingly determined to be the lost to leave. Hut it appeared to mo to he remarkably taciturn, for it stolidly r?fWd to exprcs any opinion on the ratifie Ituilmnil, or to respond to many invitations to' tnko a drink. 1 remember, after awhile, of hearing the words "move on !" but I cannot ay whether they came from the lamp post or were but the Wnilings of tbe pning evening wind. I have a dim recollection of parting from my com panions, and of going ofT solitary and alone in one direction, while tbey dis appeared in another. Then then was a biatns, as it were, or nnconscioiiKness, until the shrill voire of the brskrmsn announced, "Alumna fifteen minutes for break fat!" 1 rose from mr not al.nnlr myself, and minglud with the crowd as they entered the refreshment room. Alter satisfying the "inner man," 1 turned to tl,e car, and we sped on we-.tw.rd. i niJ ol relnembcr bow I had got aWd t the city, hut 1 knew that mn du r,timiJ . wV y "re ,n'"iated, although hey h.vo no reeoll,,,iun of Ultlir t" us, One tlng .11Mr(d ,0 mf tl nUimi: "." w ,Jv-a that was that I hd a through ticket on the ex- 'ng. but tins was t nt u,,ra o locomotion. Space and time were Ilk" anmh.l.ted-w. seemed to he riuo'g on a lightning fla.h. Day, whirl n!"" .,'1'"lt ,,,d hi,e .not'u. iu: ; . - si reels ol niro and Omaha snw al .!.. li " e '. "-aijM 'JE 2"r nm,ion tQ nud t aartb m fivs minutes I - " Knt Wiinderls It that my t rain Wiis In a wlinl and toy sennet (on til" I ' .Till r"'i! I keip, In in V eiitlli"n St this rvhlcn of th wonitei lallr rrotftTstiva Btniit " the age, li-om civinir a yell tit delight f I'nt as 1 ahiuiled, a heavy hand w as laid upon my shoulder, and in imill tones I was adinon'shed to be quiet "We are pasving through a danger out country, and the Indiana are thick and ferocious I beenmo aware that our speed was slackening, and 1 looked up and around. 1 saw that only one car compriced the train, of which I was the aolu inside occupant, for nil tho paengers were crowded on the reur and front platforms, apparently attrao- tod hy soinutlnng to tho right of us I looked out of the window mill could see a black mass in the distanco whinh gradually developed itself as a group of horemon. In a moment more there was a shriek, and the aame gruff voice I heard beforo, evidently tliat ot the conductor culled out : "My God ! its Indians I thouirhl it was the Board of Trade of'Suu Fran cisco. We must gut !" 1 sprang from the seat, but was im mediately jerked back by the quick desperate movement of the train, like the kick of a gun. 1 he engineer had thrown the reins over tho neck of tho iron horse j and it plunged ahead with all its muscles free. I sci ambled again from my seat and stood in the middle of the oar, steadying myself as best I could by tho back ol the seats. Not a soul beside myself was in tho car the platforms wure desertod I was alone. I staggered to the front door and looked out. Great Heavens ! tho coupling had broke, and the en- gine and tender and all that had been cfore mo were out of sight. The cur bad beon going fast, but I saw that Its momentum was expen ding. 1 glanced out of the window and beheld, to my horror, a group of mounted savages within a stones throw. I sprang to tho door, opened it, and leaped from the platform on the left side, hoping to make my legs do me'eome service. Cut I unfurtuu- alely stumbled and fell senseless among some loose rocks lying along the track On top of an upright post, about eight feet high, was nailed a strip of pine ooaru, wearing tuo legena, in letters of black : "Promontory Point." that was what my eyes first routed upon as my beclouded sonsos b'camo clear again. I was sitting on a little grass plot, while quite a number of painted Iudiuiia were around mo and in the vicinity. Within vicinity, n unin a lew yards in front of where I was, run a railroad track, which a second thought told me must ho that of the "raphe." A few shanties were in the neighborhood but not the face of a white man was to bo seen. My thoughts were, as may bo supposed, harrowing in the extreme, that was evidently tho stake at which 1 was to be immolated. 1 was to bo reduced to ashes to satisfy the bloodthirsty vongence of the red men. One of their number came forward and led me to the railroad track, and as I approached it my suspicions took a aineient turn. I was not to be burned, but to bo tied to the rails, to be run over and mangled by tho next trnin. . This was terrible to oontoin plate. I gazed into the eyes of the suvages, out couiu see no mercy in thorn. I made no resistance or ap peal, preferring not to do that until I saw what, if anything, thoy intended to do with me. We reached (he track and tho In dians gathered around. ' I looked down and saw that they were right at the joining point 01 the eastern and western branches of that great road. There was tho beautiful tie of Califor nia laurel, elegantly tipped with silver, and (listened down with the goldon spike I I bud beared of it before, and did not crodit it, but now 1 saw it with my own eyes. Dangerous and lorror-inspring as was mv situation, 1 could not prevent my mind nursing lbs reflection which this sight gave rise to. But they woro shortly inter rupted by the movement of some of the Indians which attracted my attention. .Six of them, by tbeaid of crowbars, which they piuked up from the ground, loosened the lie from its position. The silver was stripped from it and divided among the party. The cold spike was taken by the chief, who, with a grin ot delight and a hideous yell, placed it within his belt along side his scalping knife. J hoy then seized me, and, with powerful arms, laid me acrrms the bed of the roud, in the identical place w here the tio had been. Several then held mo down by tie feet, arms and head, white; two others proceeding to nail tne to the ground, filled my sonl with horror. Ouoof the Indians took a long iron spike, and placed the point of it on my breast, right above my heart. The other seized huge sledgehammer and began tapping at I he top of the spike, irentlr. vet with suflcient forse to make me feci it quite soosibly. I will not attempt to describe my mont horrible sensations tho most graphic pen ever wielded would fail to give even the sliirhtost idea of them I was so terrified thnt the power of speoen or oi pnysicui resistance was entirely gone. After the Indian whoso appearnnre seemed to me to bo the Incarnation of everything demoni ac had made sure of bis aim, he raised the heavy hammer on "high, and amid the yells of tho whole com pany of savages, which sounded like one (rreat shriek of some inrlnrerl monster, brought it down with tre mendous force on the head of the spike. "(let up, hero," growled a serious voice, "you'll catch cold." 1 looked np. I was lying across the top of the marble steps in front of my lodging house, and a policeman was vifor.mn- ly punching mo in the breast with his club. Hy his aid I obtained the per pendicular, and got out my night key, and, alter bidding him an affectionate good nigrt, I found my way to my solitary room. Tho next morning J took several draughts from the Kx celsior Spring, and ha steadily abstained from intoxicating boverages TrAitu and Lauohtkr. Ijeijfh Hunt n, "God mado hoih tram and laiitrh tor, and both for kind nurjOr'(;'7or An Inutitor enables mirth and atirjtriso w urrainu ircny, no iar nable sor row to vent iUotf patiently, Teara hiiidor sorrow from becoming donpair nd tnaJtiew; and laughter is one of (he very privileiTPS of reason, eonf.ntl to tht human iocici.tp New Brighton 1m a a library amocia. lion. Jt owna more than 1 1MKI nliimni of nlalai d ui L, One Cincinnati brewer mn I'Wl ftftft ft year for tla ice ue4 in kit baaiaMaali Wftflnl uoonAMimn M.miimns HooflniMl'K (; rn.jin Tonic; Tb UrM IWmMiM fr ill T)Ikiii ef lit l.tvtr, HttMiiwrt, ot fMgttr irfrtnt, HvlMt.(I'fl (iormnn Hitter I Mmpnfr1 of (ha part Jutci for, 11 ttitjr ir mvrilclnillr ttrmrd, ICttrarti) ff rnli, tirh, tad htrlii. lift prprtUt fcifblj oonrcnint(i i d n I Ire It 'fft iroi ioM1e ftdmtttur f anj kind" Ilooflamrs German Tonic Ti omblntloB of all th In rtdtenU f Ih Hitters, with tb purit quli(jr of Hint Crui Horn, Urmnjr. o , waking on of tbo noil tit antt Mrotabl romtiltoi oror of or J to tho puMlo. Thuie prtfflrnng a aotltolM frto froi lovtiolie oumitturo, will un Iloolland's German Bitters. ThnA who hurt no objootton to tht .ombln lion or mo uutn at itatad, will uio Hootland's German Tonic. They aro both tonally rood, aad eoatati th tamo nodieinal rlrtvoi, tht tholot bttwtta tbt two btiojr mr nattor of tatto, tho Xoaio feting id moil paiataoit. , Tht totaaoh, from a Tarfttv of oawtoa. taol at Ioiifrtiun, Lytpfptia, Nrroui Dibility, oto, li trr apt to haro ka fbnetiuot dtranr- td. Tht Llvtr, $ym II patbitinf at olotel at tt do with tht Btocb, tbtn bt eomta fTpptfwt, tht rtnltof whfeh It (but tht paiitot vuffort from ttvoral or mora of tbo fol loving dlstattf : Contti nation, Vlttoltnot, Tnward Pilot, Fultatfi Of Ulood to tht Head, Aridity nf tht fttom. ach. KaiiMt, lltart Burn, Iigui fur Food, Fullnttt or Weijfht in tho btomaob, Soar Kruptioot,8ink lngor Flutttrioff at tbe pit oftba 8trnnrb,8wim mingof tho tioadf h urrio d or DifBr-nlt broathtag, fluttorini; of tht Batrt,CbkinrtT8of-, foeattng tensationt whoa la a lying pottort, IMmnttt of Uioa.doUur wto biofnrt tht tytt, doll pain In tbt htad.dtfltitnojr of per. tnlratioa, vtltownott of tho thin and arei. Pain io th tidt, biob, eheat Jinba. ate., twddti 0uibri of htat, earning flwb, oontUof Imaginingt of il and great dtprtttloB of tpUita. Tht tuffertr from thtaa dttamtao tbtuld txtr tlio tbt grvaUrt eaotion in tbe ttleeetlon ol rtmerfy for bit eatt, parcbaiiag only that whioa ao u attwrwtf f from hit invottlga tlone and Inqoiritt v' poMtMtt tret merit, it k ill fully eotnpoaadtd, It frte from l.Jurinai inrradieata, and baa atUbliibod for Itaelf a ff I-pUlion for tht enrt of tbtat dlaoaaet. Ia tblt eonnwrtioa we would submit tboat well knows remedka Hoofland'o German Bitteni, Iloofland's German Tonic, Prapand bj Dr. C. M. JACKSON, . rhll.dtlpbla, Fa, Twf ntr twa ynrt timet thrT art Irit tstra iueti into thii (ictitrj from Urmanj. dnriot; which ttm thiy bava nndiitadl parformad ora raraa, and btnaltad aufftrtna; buaiasilt to a grralar axlenl, tban an otbar ranediai koowa 14 tha nuhllo. Thtsa rtmadief will affartuallj aura Llrar r h arrnna HabllitT, li Ckraal a Dlarrhaa, Diaaaact uf tba Kid saya.aDdalldiaaaaaa aalalpf from a Diiordarad Lirar, Btomach, or lateiuaaa. Debility, Kttnltlng from any eaute wbattvtr ( Pmtratiaa of tbe tyateai Innueed by eevera Labor. Uardahlpi, Kxpnonra, Fevers, Ac, si. There bj mo medlelnt eilant aqaal t th itmedtee la toab aoeet. A tae and Tie;r It Imparted to tbe whole ayatrm, tht eppeiite It ttrenrtaanod, food it enjoyed, the atomaeh di- Katt promptly, tht blfsod fa porfntd. tbe ot pleifon bteomta toand and bealthy, th ytilew una; It traditattd from th tyea. a Uoom t given to tbt ebeeka, an J tbt weak and net-rout lavalid baeamtt a strong and beailby beiag. Persons Advanced in Life, aod feeling the band of time weighing heavily upon theia, with all lu attendant ills, will And the noe uf thfie I)iltrt or the Tonto. an elixir taat will Instil aew lira Into their vtiat, roatore in a meeenrt tht tntrgy and ardor of more yoothful dayt. bo lid op their shrunken forms, and girt beat lb aad bapplnott to Ibt.r resaainiog years. Notice. tt Is a wall otabliahtd fM that foTy one- half of tbo female no rtir-o of or popala lloa are aeldom to tht I , ontnyoient of aood heeith.or to nee thitr A own eipretMnn, they never fool welt." Tbey are Unfold, devoid of alt antrpy, eitremly nervous, and have no ap petite. To tblt elao of ptreone tbo fritter, or tht Tonic, It tapeeially reoom mended. Weak and Delicate Children are mad strong by tho wto of either of these remedies. They will oart every eateof aarsmw withnat fill. ThnuMda of eertlfl'atos bavo aornmnlated la tbe band of tbe proprietor, bnt anaet will allow of Ibt publication oj but a few. Tba, It will be obaerved, are men of note, and of tuch staa Jing t4iat tbey mutt be beiiavod. TcHtimonluls. Iton. OtMrir W. WtWHlwrlt Cblaf Jactlet mt lha SuprtieM ('ovrt of PaanaytTanift, wrlti j rhilftdclphia. P., M.rrb 16, I8M. HnJ Rooru'i . Oa ftirraiia li a f ooJ taaie, fl la A diaeMaioftSadixaiaV iva rfkini, and of graat batipflt la cum af diiitjr and mtmi af narvava anloa la th jittm. loura, trwl, 0o, f . H oodwahd. Hon. JtBM Thniipaon. Jvdga of tha Haprant Coart of Pan aiy I tub to, writoa , -Pbiladalpbia, ApHI IU, ia. "I aontlder HoiiAood'a 6am Bittorta Tola, bio .odieiBO In oooa af ladifaftlna or Dj$jtp. to. I aaa oorlif; thit frooi oaporloaoOa Toan. llh rtiport, Jabu Ta)MPioa.M from Ror. Joarfh I. Kannard. D. Pftitor of (bo Tanth Ropitat Chrh, Philadelphia! lr. JiraooB loar Kir: 1 hava boon ftaqaaai 1; Mqnriiod t pnnnoflt my Bono iih roofia Bin1otiuaa of difwoal klndt of B.odifinoo, hot rtaordinf lha prae -a. tinoa ot of my ap- prupriato uphoro, I JV hava la all mmi do rliovd ( hat with oloar proof In various lortanros aad purtiedlarlT la my own lomily, of tbo aiafolooH of lr. Hooflaod'a (iorrnoa Hilton, I depart for ooci frufli my Biaal ooorao, to ok pre? my fall movirlioB I hoi for frontr! dfbfHty of tho Bjrfiooi. and ovpdMTtollj for I.lror Coo. pUint, it ta b ! and volnahlo prcparalioB. In ma ..! it my foil, but aiuoll. I doubt not, M will bo wry btnrfltial to tboao wbo PoBor froa tbt above oo. Yourt, verv rerpoptfullv, J. l K KM n A on, Kixhlh. holow C'ooui HirooU. Frmo Rv K. D Pondoll, EdlUr of Cbrlitiaa "Cbrtwurlf," I'bllotalbia : I hoTo d-ri. d dfMod honoflt frooj tho boo of Hoonond o (fortoon Hlttoro. and fool It mw nr'tH U(T t rteonuind ihcoi a a atoit valnablo tonic to all who or njfffnnf frooi gcnoral drbril or froai diPOoa oriting frooi dront;eBt of tho UTor. lOBro, vyt a,, i. raarA Caulion. Hnollend's Oermea Rltlers are eemnterfelted. sa that tha slgaa TA tare of C. M. JACK. SUN is ea lha wrap I 1 par of each Bottle. All etnsrs are eeua tarfeli. Prlnelpal ones and Mauuractury, at tbe ll.rm.a Mrrfieal Store, Ma. 4.tl Arrk street, Phllsdslj.hib, Pa. CHAR L I.e. M. FVAN, rmprletor. (Formerly C. M. Jaeksoe A Co.) Trice. noedaad'i German Bitters, per hoitla. ..$1 ( " "per kalf sVssa. 1 04 Ilaelaada flcTtn Toale, pal a, la sjaart hotilss, pn belli. to Or a kair dosea foe T 44 r-bo est ferret ra eiemlas wsll tka artists yea buy, la order la gat the gsaulaa. P-TtH Sals kf ail dra crista aad dnlare la seisUs. . . ;, i.aa.1. . . fdiral. GOOD MtALIH ft liarltirnM ImJ ftrrf, birN ftnt tmrr,t llh k..t ! Slo. r Hi (-1 Ida Inli-mal tr!'l ri.itilm lh0 Mprll tn HnM, 4 fftr l "tt, tf M k Ik Sally H(I nbsrk'l Sl tmrnrh lnit,rt. DTflrP8IA. Ther Is, probably, no one 4feate with which mankind art fill led whteb it tbt tear of to many ailmsnt as I'yafepsfa, aad tbsr U at for oortaih onrt tban It o back's Stomach Bit tort. A REKABKABLE FACT That not a alnglt Inatanrt bat eomt In tbe knwlde;e nf tbe proprietor, of Ut lailar ot Rohaok't Medicines to give tttilrt eattafaction ia tht bnndreds of tboaaaads of eaaas In wUch they bavo beon aetd I this It worthy of remark ma t nadsniabl ovidsot of tfavir lntiintio merits. IOTTD li lb a Bratia la tha "aaolha af arankadr la f.ror of Hobaok't Btanaak Bituri, fiload fllll iu uiooa ran oar. IS IT EIGHT Tbat too aboald bid dadaaaa to all aatoral lawa and Iba aei.noa of aiatliaal mea, aod auffar wttk Iap.p.ia or Iad!aattuii wbaD Kobauik'a 8toa. act iliuan aw ba procured at an, drug atora I THKT Wilt CUES TOff Of Barolnla, Hrjalpalaa. Rlok ar M.rroai H.ad. acba. Billieoaaaaa, LWar Ooanplalat, Irjap.pata ar IadiKoatlaa, noaaaaotlaas t'aia la tha Back -r Loina. Uoat. Pl.artajr, Laaaerrbo-a ar Wkllaa, Eruptioaa and all dlaaaaaa arlalac frooi a dlanr drrad auto af tha tomaoh, Robark't Blood fllla, BtonMh Biltara aad Blaad Pvritar. AS A PEEVmiVI Agalaat Malaria, FaT.r aad Ana, aad at) 4I. aaa.a, arlalni Irom a torpid atala af tha lirar. mar. ia aa nadieina ao aifblr raaommandad aa Koback'a ttoniaak Biuara. OKATIFYISO Ta ka.w that a lallaala ranadT la wltblo Ik. raaok af ararrbadv for tha radioal oar a af fT. papal ar Iodlnralino. oih a rm.ly la Ko. back BtaaiMk Biuara. Bold br all Dtutriala. EVERYBODY Should keepaonetaatly wltkla Ihelrraaek, those iavalaahla reeaediee ta eaeeassfully aoaibat dis- aaae, Roba-k'a Blond Pilla, Robaek'a Ptoaiaek Bitten, and Bohaek's Blood Puritar. Ibe? are oieuiD.e ia in aissaaes lor wkloa tkay are KOBODY Can afford ta ha without Serb valuable aedleiaae a Robaok'i Blood Fills. Kloaaaek Blttora aad Blood PurlS.r. TEXPESAVCE. Thera ia, aarkspa, aa one thina that kaa dona so ssanh to proaioto tho aauae of tamperanea aa mat (satis sllsaalarlaa; loaia. Hokaek'e Renmaeh Itinera, tbar .trenilbaa aad inebr.itata without producing tha 111 slecta of aleokelis liiaislaou. EE50VATE. Darlaa tka f-prter oaths It Is was af tha ragalar keueekold datiaa ta raaorate. aad. la the ate Itipliette af athar duties ear's .era eelf Is. ia a (Taat aieaaura, oearlaoked I thoaaands of taluabla Urea slhl aa proloasad. aad wiany aarn.sa seeea iroas premalara (rasas hy ihor ugbly raaoTatiai Iba aietesi with !r Rnkarb'a Blaod Pilla, SUataeh Bitters tad Blood Parlner. WHO BILLS THEM? Tho A rout for tbo ealo of RnWfc'i Dlood PlMn, fitfwftrh Hltiora and Blivd Pari II tr aro UARTHW JCK A IRWIN, Cloarflold. Pa. aprJI Ll'TIIERSBl RG POTTERIES LatherabBrg;, Claarflrld Co., Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look Here! TFIR enderaigeed is prensred to furnish you with lbs host FTOIvKWARB manafactered in ihia country. He has Barer yet failed lo please tha moat fastidious, aa to qaality or durability. His ware consists ia part of CREAM rOTS OF ALL SIZES MILK CHOC HI AND PAH, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety lubes, And In short KVKRTTIIINO usually ajada and kepi In aa establishment of this kiud. MERCHANTS Can hsTe their were detleered at aaa, at AKT TIHI and lo ANY Pl.ACfj desired. Ordcra for ware aollcited, aad proaipU Iliad. Jtep-For general assortment, see Catalogue aad Price Lies, mailed free so epplteante. msr-A liberal discount will he glreu to the wholesale trade, ak. o. unit. Lathorermrg, Pa, Doe. 1, 11144-tf GUNSMITHING. R EIOTAL. TflR anderslgned hega lease to inform his old and aew ewcteeaers, aa4 the pwhlte reuerallT. IW he has Itlod aaa new I IN KHIM1, ae Ibe lot ea the eorewr nf Ful hlH aad MAUR UT srraess, Osaareeld, Pa, whose he anil keep aaw etaally em haad aad make ta order all kiade as gone. Ahe, guna re.bvred, rearniebeel, aad oeaily repaired aa abort auliaa. AH eraers 1 all ami reeeira rroanrt altaatl'm fuirtm and ttt,ifllf simp. a. ivTsrok. ,..,,. a, vataa POYNTON L YOUNG, fovnukiw ft MACHINISTS t ' (rratrrrs of TORTABLE & STATIONARY STKAiM KXGINES ' Cotaar of Fuiirtk aad fina Btraaia, CLEABPII.i l, PA. HAVING na;arrd In tha mannfactura of drat olaaa MACUIKBHY.w. raapaolfullj lnforia tha publw tbat wa ar. aow praparad to III all orders ai cheaply and aa promptly aa ean be done la any of tha oitiaa. Wa uaaafaatura and deal ia Malay and Circular Saw-Milla, Head .Blooka, Watar Wheel a, BheAlnjr Palleya, (llffonl'a Injeotar, Bleara Uaurn, Hteeoi Whlitlea, Oiler., Tallow Cupa, Oil Cops, O.ujre Cooks, Air Coaka, Oloba Valroa, Ckack Valras, wroogbt Iran Pipes, 6laam Pamps, Bailor Food Pumps, Aati Fnolioa Malrae,Baap Sloue Paokinr, Uaia Pack liif, and all kinda of MILL WORK; together with Plows, Bled Boles, .... . - - . v COOK AX D PARLOR STOVES, aad other CA5IINQS tt all kinda. Jatr-Ordera aotiaitod aad I lied at eitj price.. All Utura of iaqalry with lafaranas ta anaebiaary of oar UMaofactare premptly .iieaeiad, kyaddrea in( us at Cla.rll.ld, Pa. deell tr BOYNTON A TOUNO 0. L. Reed, r;.J NOTICE. w-wr Powell. J. F. Wi Bella. a. Ta. rked a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIQ HTI f IHK proprietors resootful)y inform tbeaitisens A of Clrarllrld county, that they hare entirely refitted tliia ertahliahaient wllb the latest iaiprored wood working nachinery, and are now prepared to eiecnta all artlera lo their line of buaiawa. They will gies aaparial attention to tba nanulaa ture of aiaterial for house building, such aa FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, SASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, BIMCMiETM aV .HOI I.Il.l'tV, OF ALL B T Y L K 8, We always has an hand a large a took of DRY Lt llliKK. and will payoaak fur all elaar Luabar. One-end a half Inch peso! staff prelerrod. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or atehangrd, to auit customers. tr tj0rdrra Solicited, and Luinlier furnished OB short notics and on reasuaable tenns. ; it i : U. L. BLED A CO. CleaHleld, Nw. T, 17. B. Patto.. A. lnVIK.,a,( Pattoji, Irwir. ..J. E. E. B. PATTON &. CO., Hating lltad ap a Irat-olasa PLANING MILL Are prepare! to faralah all kinds of Manufactured Lumber, Flooricg Sidinf. Bnrfa-re4ied Lnm bar, lath, Jloorg, Bliadt, And BTery dascripuoa of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. irdr-Dealers will tad It ta their adranlaga ta consult nar prise, before purrhe.ing elsawlisra. Address, K. B. PATTtlN A CO.. CitrwensTille, Dee. t, IMf.tf ' - HaaraM county, I'a Clothing. How to Nave Jloncj-. TUI limes are hard ; you'd Ilka ta kaew How yoa may seve your dollars, Tbs way ta do II I will show, If yoa wilt read wkal followa. A atea wko Head act far from hare, W ho worked hard al kls trade, But had a hoaaabold to eupport Tbat squandered all ha made. I ssl him eace. Beys he, "My Mead, I lenb tkraad hoar aad reagk , le tried to get myself a suit, But eau't save up eaough.' Bays T, my friend, bow much lavs yea f I'll tall yoa where to ge To get e nil Ibat'a sound aad aheap i la KKUKNH1KIN A Oe. Re look what little he had eared. And went to Relsenatefn A Rrorhert', And there hs got a bandsoms suit, For half hs paid ta ether. Row ha Is home, he looks so wsll, Aad thsir effect Is suck. Thai wke they take their dally meal, Tbey don't eat half aa much. And now hs ands aa Raturday Bight, With ell their wants supplied. That hs has money left to spsad, And soma to lay slide. Ills good success, with cheerful imlle, Hs gladly tells to ell. If you'd eae money, go Bad hay Your elutbee at RKIZENBTEIN'S CLOTHINQ BALL. Where tha eheaneeL gee. I aad heat riethiae ana gone furnishing Uoods oaa he had to suit seery taste aad ta ersry style aprl I, '47 Democratic Almanac. rpillH Inralushle puMicetlon la for sale al the I poeloRlce. It shiiuld hein the hands of svery liemncrat. It contain full election returns from every county In the foiled Btatee bcstdra, Ibe number f,.r Ises enntaine a eompIHe li.l of tbe names of sll the new .papers suppressed and mobbed dnring I.incoln'aedininistraliuu; and that for 1447 contains lha nemos of all Ihoee eivihans who were imprisoned daring the same period. Thcee two li.la, for future reference, are worth more thaa the price of the pnblicetinn. Tbe number for IMS l.alse fullof rsrushte steiiatlce. Aneeaeeeadleg a4 cents to lbs Poet Muter, will receive hy retnrn mall a eepy tor each Tear, free of postage. JelJIf Traeeea and abdnailaal supportrt ef ersry klad ef ike latest tr.prev.ei.au, for .al. a. te. Dr., Htera ef IIAMTXH ICK IRWIN. k-r . i ii i.,ai III..HHII in. i mi -- H VV. BMITH. rArt"X kt-at-Ia W, h;o t , i-mrtvM. r. I. .William a. Wallace, AlTMfJtRY A f I AW, I IrarBMd, Pa. aa-!,;.! koalraaa at avll kind! pr.rpl' and kararauia aitaadad u. aia D A V E L7 K R.EB8 . ATTOHN EY - Al - LA W, Clrarflfld, Paan'a. J-Can I., onnlivd la Xollab and Oar aaaa. .' Ij A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clarrleld, Pa. IfA-OSca la lha Court Uouaa. 'daat lv ISRAEL TE8T, ATTORN BY AT LA W, Olcarfleld, Pa. niRea In tha Court House. f j j 1 t.'fJT JOHN H. FULFORD. ATTORN FY AT LAW, C'lrarflrld, Pa. Ores with t. B. VcBonllT. Riq , ersr First Na tional Back. JUT-Prompt attantioa girsa to aks assarlng sf Bounty, Cleleae. Ac., and ta all legal bualaeaa. March Is. I7.1t. WALTER BARRETT, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. OHleeen Baoond Bu, Olaardeld, Pa. fnoIl,l THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OSos adjoining rha Hank, fnrmsrly oeeuplad hy J. B. Mskaally, Bsaond st, ClearSeld. JteT-Will altsad praaiptly ta eollsetloas. sals 01 lands, o. . ... . decl7,J JOHN L. CUTTLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW And Neat KirUla Araut, Clrarfleld, pa. Otbee oa Market streat. oppcaits ll.a Jail. srr-Ke.peclf.il aAVrs his aerrleea la selliaa aad burinr laude In Clearfield and adjoining aaualteai and wltbaa etperiene ofarar Imaaty years aa a surrsyor, latlars feimsalf that hs saa render satlelaetlen. ffrblS.'eJ tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Offloa oa Harkst street oae door oaataf tha Clear. (aid County Bank. . may4,'l! Joha II. Orris. C. T. Alezandsr. ORVIS A. ALEXANDER, ATTUKKYH AT LA W, Hrlleloute, Pa. (acpl3,'4i y JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN t SURGEON, TTAVTNO located at Otrsola, Pa-affsrs bis I I proiasaluaai Mreioas la lha peseta of tbat place ana aurroundlng aountry. aravAll calls promptly alteadsd to. Offlca and rasideaoa oa Curtia sL, loraiorly oocupled by Dr. Kline. rnylH ly DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, I'HYSIC.AX AND SDUOEON, Second Btrort, Clearileld. Pa. tesVllaving permanently located, be now offera hia prtifrsstonal sareioes to ths ell iscna of Clearfield aad ririaity, aad the publis gruerajlj. All eelle pruinplly aUeadnd vs. ectJV-y F. B. REED, M. D.f FHYSJCUN AND SUKGEOK, JMr-IisTloff rnorJ to illiAvtBtrrva. Ptv, offart hia prHawlonft. rrieai to U Moplt of ikf tTtMiDtjiof otiatrj. jyll.'AT DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, LataRorgeuB of the Hii Keg aieal. Panaaylsanls ."luuieere, aaeing raturnea rross tba Arasy, affsrs his prnrseaioaal ssrrieaa to tba eltissas of Claarflald aauuty. jBPra'eeioaal oalls promptly stteu Jed lo. Office aa Second street, formerly occupied by Dr. Woods. (apr4,'44 tl ' DR. J. F. WOODS,7"1 PHYSICIAN I 80RSKOK Haeiag rassosed 4o Anannriile, WnhVra hto pmreasional aertioss to ths people of that plane ana me strrTouuiBf sountry. All rails promptlr attended to. Dee. S tm fi. DR. S. J HAYES, SUKOEON 1EKTI8T Office oa Main Bt., Curwcnsville, Pa., YtriLL snake prnfsssiooal elsits, for the ecu- 11 eenieace of the publie. eommsaetnc In ApHI, followa. tii : Latherehurg First Friday af ersry avmth. ABSoarilla Flret Moaiiay af every mentb. Lumber CltyFirst Tbarsdayof every aaontk. Spending two dsys In either place. All orders for week Should be icisaatad an tha die af kia arrlrut at each place. M- Teeth sx tree Bed br Ibe annllemtlea af local auetheeia ooaiparatlrely witboat paia. Alt klndi of Dental work guaranteed. h. B The public will please aotise. that Dr. II, when not engaged ia tha abore visits, may bs found la his office, ia Curweasvilla, Pa. CurwensTille, Feb 4, 184V. S t! DE MTAL PTNERSH IP. Pn. A. Jf. HILLS, Deelree to laforsa his natroBs. and ths psbhe gcoer.llT.rel be bea associated with him la lae practice af DeaWetry, S. T. SHAW, D. T). S., Wba la a graduau af the Philadelphia Denial College, and therefore baa Ibe highest attarta tlcai nf profeaaioBal skill. All Wurk dons la ths offic. I will kold myself personslly respoasi. ble for being dons la tbe must sMisfaelory saaa aer and bignest order of ths profession. An eetablishsd praoties of twenty. two years la this place enables asa te speak to my patisats wi'o oonnoenoe. Rngagemeals from a distance should ha made or totter a few dayt before the patient desiiai eoming. June 4, If" ly. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA BTKAM MILLS, ainiraorrnes LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS H. H. FIIILI.INtlFORD, President, Office Farcal Place. No. 1!5 8. 4th St., Phllm. JOHN LAtVpllK, Piiperlntcndent. Jeff'47 Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, Pa REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanirer, ( IrarBrld, I'ena'a. )bWil .senate lulis in his liae nraailitlr aad in a wurmnaaniae manner. arrs.bl J. BLAKE WALTERS, SCKIVENKR AM) CONVEY ANttU. Ageut fur ths Putoh.es and Bale ef Leads. Clearfield. Pa. aer-Prompt attention glrsn lo all husinsss enaaectod with trie eeuaty offices. Office wiib Ilea. Ha. A. Wsllace. Dsn I. 4i.f THOS. W. MOORE, Iduid Surveyor and Convejanoer, IyAVlNfl recently located In the hnrongh of b 1. ii en bee Citv. end resumed the practice of l.Md rturvering. reepeclfully tcadors kia profra- ainnal service to the owners of and speculators in lands In Clearfield end atliotaing countiea. Deeds ef ewnvevanee aeasty .1 ecu led. Olhce Bad residence oae door eeat of K irk A Ppeneer'e store. eprl4:pd4ra. THOMAS H. FORCEE, PRaVLBB in GENERAL MKKCHANDISE, C;HAH AMTIITr, Pk. AIM, iton Mr iNtifMlnrr nH 4vr m ttx Ttmhw tud flawMl Lmbrof all kirni. Ir-rOnlirt tvllelt44 u4 till b.llt prompt I j to. AL1SNT..,.. UltintT AI.aaKBTaaee W, AtBaKT W. ALBERT 4. BROS., Maaafaclurers A extensive Dealers in Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, tio., ay-Orders aoliailsd. Bills Iliad ea short swtlM aad reasnaeble terms. Addrsea Wsjndlaad f O., Chw.rJ.iJ ft,.. Pa, T H 08 Te 7W A H B UR N , SCAl-KR OF LOtJg, Cllea Hopa, t laailrIA lasnlr. Pfaa'a. fpni loheeTlker kaa deret.4 mark tlwa I atlentl'U Is the ' AI. IN9 t LfD tsk rs ibis S'ri-d of firing kia aartleee la Ihoee one l ao-vr! Traia bilaaaa I .r e oh. am rred tl e-a. Aa, furtksr Isloiaiailna fH. sa fnlsws "CLj aaa Va ksd hy stressing as suoee. j.is SURVEYOR. mm aadr-signed ogers kls ssrrlees as a (or v.Toe, sad may be ttnaad at hs rMiaeeees, L.wr'ii tnwnalnp. L.tlars will rtark him rected to Clearfield, Pa. 7 if. JAMFS MITCIIKI.l. DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, ICOVD ITREET, y3) CLBAB riBLU, PA. N. M. -HOOVER, ' Whslaaala A Retail Dealer la Tobacco, Cigars and SnulT, Two doors east of the Post Offioe, MARKET 8TRKKT, CLKARPIELD, FA. t.A large assortssent of Pipes, Cig.r C'ae-a, As. always an hand. . mylMy J. K. BOTTORF'S PnOTOGUAPII GALLERY, Market "tract, Cseardald, Ft, ' I ' -rEOATIVEg saada ia cloudy, as wsll as la X 1 oWiar wwaiher. -tletiMontJT oa hand a good saaortment of PRAMKS. BTLKEOSLOPEs) aod HTKKKOCOl'IU VIK1VB. irsaea, iron any stvia of moulding, made to order. apr?x-tf FRANCIS COUTRIET, MEKCHANT. FrencbTllle, UearUcId Coauty, Pa. Keeps constantly on ksnd a full assortment of Dry tlooda, alardwara, Wrooeriea, aad avcrythuig aauallr kept io a retail store, which will b. aold, for each, as cheap as elsewhere la the aounty. 7resihla,JuoaII, 1807-Jj. , C. XRATZER & SONS, MERCHANTS, aasLaas ia Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Qosenaware, Qroearles, roTlsioaa and Bhisglea, Clearfied, Perm 'a. rSTAt their aewelore room, on Saooad street, asar Merrall A Biglar's Hardware stors. jaald lUrrrbant Jailors. F. C, CR.OMM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MABEET ST., CLEARFIELD, FA. VFFI.L supply of Cloths, Caaaineres and Vastings eoostaatly aa haad, which will be matte up aorording to tbo latest fashiono. in a substantial atannsr, and at low rates. ny26 18C9T Golns It Alone. 18C9. E. It L. STOUGHTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Htraet, Clear-fleld. nAVINO opened husiaass aa ajy own hook, at lbs old Bland ia Hbaw's Row. I thersfers aonowaoa to the public tbat 1 bare aow oti haad a wsll selscted and large eaeortsjsat af Cloths, CassimoreB, VestiiigB, BsaTera, and all kinds of Onods for suoa and bora' wear, ard am Bow prepared to make Bp to order CLuTHINU. Irom a single article la a foil suit, ta ths latest styles and most workmanlike moBBer. hpecial atleotioa gieoa lo eaeloln work and euttiag-eat for SB sa aad boys. I offer great bargeias to customsra, and warael entire aatiafactioa. A liberal abare af public patronage la aoiieitod. Call and see ats. JaaT-tf X. k. L. BTOUUUTON. H. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door east of Clearfield Iluee,) Market htreet. Clearfield, Pa. TTFRPS ea haad I fun aasortmsate af Cleat.' IV Furnishing Oonrls, such as Shirts, LinsB and svoolsa linderstims, Drawsrs and Mocks. H17 ' j.,, Neah-tiea, Poekel Uaadkerehiefs, Olaeee. tiiebreijlae, AcH ta great earietr. Of Q juda ht keeps the Bpst ninthn of all 4,Sli.irlot anA tjnr ..,..,. ' Soch as Black Doaakia af tba eery hast make; Paacy Cassimsrs, in great Tarirly, also, Frea;b Ooating. Bearer. Pilot, Chtnebllla. aad Prteett ling. All ef wblch will he sold sh.su tor Cask, end made ap according te the let eat styles hy experienced workmen. A too, Ageal for Clearweld eeantr for I. M Singer A Ce'e. celebrated Bowleg Machinea. Ko. I, U44-tf. H. BKIDUR. rsTsToti! sew stylesT: TALL AND TTINTER MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN BEED'S. MARKET PT., CLEARFIELD, PA. Having just received all theooveilie ef the scasoa ia tke Millinery line, roqeeet ths lad tea re esll and examine them. CIcaifleld, Pa.. Kcr i, lcttt. ORGANS &. PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MASONf tt- HAVIIJN'S, roa aiLi r . j. HAVBB, CarweBivllle, Pa. T II E "fLEAUFIELD REPl BLK A." EttTAHLlrillK.U IN imtl. The largest circulation of any News paper in North Central Pennsylvania. Terms of Subscription. If paid In advance, or within I ssonlha.... OO If paid after I and before monthi. .... t AO If paid after the expiration of 4 scon tha... a OO Bates of Advertising. Transient advertisements, per sqnurcof 10 lines e lees, I tines er less.. H For each enheeqoent Insertion Administrators' and Kxeoalors' Botieea..H Audilora Botioea. Cautions and F.strere . Dissolution Botioea. Local notices, per line , .tl 40 . S 40 . 1 40 . 1 40 t 40 15 Obituary Botlcee, ever Ave llnee, par llae.. 10 4 4, Prefeesinaal Cards, 1 year VKARI.T ADVKRTISITMFNTfl. ssjuere... 4 eoluB t eolBBB... 1 eolunsa ..1.1. 44 .. 44 M .MM I sqaareeM I sqnaree'.. ...II ...tO 40 Job Work. BLANKB. RiBgle sja(ra..M..tl 40 I 4 ewlrea, pr. sjairajl li quires, pr, ejalre, J gei rrrer , per quire, 1 80 ." 1 I .lAKOBtXIA.i i sheet, 14 at less, l M I 4 sheet, J er leas.tU 40 iaheat.t arises, t 44 1 sheet, 14 ar sses.10 Over IS ef sack ef above at proportlcn.u rates BO. B. SJOwDLANDKR. Bdlter and Preprteiar. 15 HP) VANTP.I.-The aeoers-ened enn jst the hirheet CASH PRK'g for all kinds 'J aad fiBEt IEINR. Nie. . . tysom aVuamuld i4-J 0 ans M.4ay7A,'RlL H , J f' 1a.. a.i, ia e., 1 kur teal beiea 1 eeni,. as t J 'SsJ BSS sad - u IIAYI kOVTrl rissrlald 1.14, p. k Fhlllpshurg.ar.a, lei it, fseala ...4 11, Trosa lit la di I, a ii li nesrt.ij "lill 11 FROM CI.I4RFIKI.DI (tatioa. X BUU., ; if Laoaard 1 uodlaad.... Higlsr S Wellaoetew ...ll Blue Ball.. II Phlllpebura;. IT fsteiu. 1 Dual.r.. .0 Oecaosa ...... S I Poaelltoa V4 Beady ktiligc....I4 Buaiailt T Ut. pleaaaat....0 li r.u , JU'VaasooT - ! tk.Osswaef .."""! Ml. HesnVr ,! 4 Kumm.L.... O. sudy K,d 1 -ddOl,.;" 4J , Dunbar J 74 B'eiocr'a Pdlllp,,:: ' "Blue Ball a W1 Wailsoatos., Uardaes. .......8I II MiRi.ler., Vanaeeeoe...a4 1 W oodlse. jnteraeeiioa...B7 1 13 Lsonani IVrtrttt ...41 I HO : r'laa.a-t. j' " suronra a. . FAKE FROM CXEAfiFlilD's) .iimuM, r.ui.,.ej ... aaiauietewa a lt II.... en ..-..- - W1lhmimrt.... $ 14 Laneaaiap 'l Uaauaeaeea 1 M.FHII.ahsill'r'4 Lewisuwa ... I I Alisons Msryaelll, 4 ill iJohnato.n HAHHlHHr KO ... 4 7ili'in.-miS-;w - .i.Lrfl 1I. tOMIstCTIKNM. Passengers haarinf ClearSels st SJt . I Phil paburn at .S p. , Oaoeola al 4U,M arrirs al Iyrona at 4.60 p. so., msW M -i.k r, er ."sj.l with Mail He.tsie.4l n. m . on ll, 1 with Bald Kagle Kiprera, learin, Ijreaa sil p. m., err I ring at Uellefonte at 4.ti . Jfl m7h r.. . ..: oV;,r , v "!'lf,Ui M . UI..-..IVUI. .on r.nt Im. . 11 oi . u-T, . 1 ..... r. t.mk uiMsnn at ix.ase.rn Returning liaaeeaacni tesrini Win.. 8.16 a. m., uu hns kiail cat, anirr si LciTt! Tee at H.fll a. aa., connecting with fcy t kl press laaring Lock Hsrea at lH.Jt a . ririag at Beliafoale al 11.66 a. m.. 8aee L City at 4.16 p. at., aad Tyrone at 1 tt p. a miaim H. wiLLUm, ttcneral rluperinteseaii 4stH)Ru. C. WILKIITB anyle-tf fcsoeiintesleM riilladelphia 4 Eric tkllrott! UMMJIKTIlf TABLE. Tkroegh and direct routs ketweeu PkiisiiU. DaltiBore, Bsrrtsbarg, William reer. Great Oil Region of Pennsylvanii ELEGANT SLEETING CAEs us an Kigut Trains. ON end after MONDAY, APRIL Jt (sties, trains ea she Philadelphia Ira It wm wui saa aa louosr. : V eastward. small Zrala leases Pbiladslphla, HUM i'a uo...Bi. ataryi l.tts uo.....,arns at fcrtan i in f g Iris Express lee res Philadelphia ll.Hi., an Bt. alary's.. t.sti I lo amTe at Rris.........H,it 4.1 r aaiersro. alall Train Isares Rrla 11.4MI Da do Bt Mary's 6.44 M Do.. arrive at Philadelphia.... V JS 1 1 Eris kipr ess ieavss Krle..... Ji M Da dg bL Mary's 11(11 Do Jrri.i at pBnad.iuhie... 1.11 s k Mall and Eiprriv connect wiih Oil tmk set Allegheny River hail Rood. LsrK' titttM: tnrougB ALPRED L iVLKk. osneral kaperiauaia Clearfield County Bank. THE Claarteld County Bunk es aa lassrsas bad iastitattoa has gene eat af aaistsaei s Uis aarreader af its eberter, ea May II, list All lu sseek ia ewaed hs the aubaerteen. est will continue the Baakine haainse. al tbs saw place, aa piisase baakera, aosksr the 4ra saa ot tbe "Cieareeld Cooatj Bank. aaaraie. aaoaelble for the debte el the llaok, aJ ill! sa ' "' M d al the eoaatar. lissaM I reesieed aad Interest paid wkea meaey it Hills: hand lime. Paper dieoounted at all per ami m ..i.uiiur., i'ui pereeoBi respeaf ioiiitt e nledred Stir ell Dubuaita MMlMi ae Imiim " i ated. A oosuaoaase of ths liberal aa iroaagaef tka helioses man af ths eoeaty tl n- ! rpecuulls aolleitcd. As Preaidsat, Caiiieraai cSfreri ef tee kate Clearleld County Baak.s. I require the aotes ef said beak te he prsssaBt for redemrittna. JAR. T. l.RONARD, WM PORTKR, A. K. WRIGHT. RICHARD KJIAW, JAB. B. ORAHAI, O. L. RKKD, w M. A. WALLACI. Ths bullosas of tha Bank will be soadurtW W JehaM. Adema.. K.q.. as Cashier. janM.'H J. D. M'Uirk. Kdward Psrss. EMEC.G 4, COLLECTION HOUST McGIRK, PERKS Buceoaaen to Foster, Parka. A Ce Phlllpebarar, Centra foouety. IH. XI1ER1 all tha hasiaess of a Ranking Heaa I f sui ae leaasaolea prempuyaad apoa 11 mast taroraole tersae. soarl-tf County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS Bsnk is aew open aad ready far baa aasa. Offee oa Heeoed street, la ibsbeitd. lag fanaerly occupied hy Leeward. FtBBsy 4 Cs. nrnenTaaa abb ornrasji. JAR. B. DHAHAM. RICHARD PHAW WM. A 4TALI.ACB, M. PORTP A. K. VTU.0UI. . 6KO. L. RKKD. D. W. miuHR, JAB. T. LEONARD. yaxa.'sM) Oaahrar. - Prssidsa i Jlarhsniithiug. fw ItlackMulth Shop. SECOND ST., CLKAP.PIELD, Pa. riHI sndarvirned kegs Ic Inform kls frieads. J. aad the luhekluau of Ibe Borough ef Clear eld aad ewrrewwdleg aeighborboed. tkat as k aew ready So eaeeale all erdsre either ta Ires a B0RSK SHOEING aa tha Best apprsvai a.ty attic. ALL KINDS OF SAW. KILL IRONS sat RltlNR work, logasa'aleels.eaatkeaka.snes4a. grebe, Aa. Meal tool, of an kinds ssads af kesl Bsflist er Amertcan steel. aavAII uiv work Is war rented ka (Its aads- feci mo, ar aot charged fee. eoU AMOS liKKNAUk Zw ISlackNinlth Kbop. THIRD STREET, CLEARF1XLD. T II EauhMrib.r respectfully infcrmabiifrleea'' and ths public in general, that b. bsi Isss led la Ike borough of CLRAUK1K1.D. ia las shop reesntty eecupied hr Jacob Bbuekeeilei. where ha is bow ready to perform all 4siss towards his oustowisrs in b workmanlike exsaset. flleds. Sleighs, Rugglae aad Wanoru iraesd.ssd Hceae.sbno.ng duo. al ruairnsn's rate.. Ha respactrn'lv aiks a share of work front the srslis. as hs Intends te give his whole silent'. ' la buainess. THOMAS BILKT. W.rot It, 1te. l-RpTo-iihhipAw4 OTtKAT EXCITEMENT AT T II OMAS BEESS'S ! JVERrnODT trvlug logettkcrelrst. far fsat i ef being crowded eat law Ike eeld. 1 1 yoa want good kneeing done, go te Rasse; If yoa naal year Weds Ironed right, go Ic Hesse. IT you weal good Hill Irons, gc to Basse. If you want your wsgoa iroaed la ths best stvls and aorkeaaaship. go te Rssea, Baaas snake, the heat Htcsap Msrblee Ir I" State, aad doea all ktads af BLACkM ITIII ea ekeap as sen be done tn the eoeety Cask. My Peal Office address la rieareld B- ! THOMAS PBsSBS. Boggs Tp, Dee. II, IBHT-tf. Clearfield Nursery. ENPOVKAGB lrO-ME IXPI STKT. THE aadsrslgned. having aslsklisked a Nat eery aa tka 'Pike, afcoel kalf way bslesaa Ctearit.ld aad Ceeweneville, la preeered SB fas etek all ktads of FRUIT THEKs, (aleederdea dwarf.) Beergveeua. ajkraheerr. slreee Vises, tseooebernea, lwtea Biaehbesry. airewsesrf. end Blaeberry V leas. Able, Hi bevies Crab Tress. yeiaaa. and early esnrsel Mkehara, a press p4y atlsaded as. Addreea, Jjrona I Oaee:. Ii4 at Umi eaVN ".lu . evaui Ifrea OhseeAesa, Bwe. J. j. J,, JIJUJJISTsJH".' y. tx watucii