.. I . . . " Till; UlTtUH.irAN. i,i-..i(Kiua, 1 r r pat M' v' v" 1 v !". 1 Jodi Lilling8cn tbo Goto. The p"lf in ktni wonirt thrnn Tln-y liavo h fplil liouf n J u wliolo toil Tiny linvo a good tippi'Mo nnJ a miiiriniio (iifii'siinii. Tlioy KWtillu xv li it t tlirr put nJ will cut vitiivlliii'i; tlint Uicy kun 1j i ' Tln'ir nmnil rianiklcr me not J)ul IkIumI ; tlipy lut'l ratlifr fit'al rouen turnip out (if (.'lift':':,'" I"1 CUW Immily hi n i -k til tul-. Tim ttnilo K"lu linrl" " tliu l'ulu v Inn lint, mill nniaUfli on It i i liiilitini lip, utnl ii! llJO plurf uyly if llic tubt'l liooU. ,, .. A m:iku'ino will lit o cnylliin from itn I'lfpliuul down lo liiz shudJor on a tie J ull. , Tltey Btiiko from tlicir but eml, in ntfiid uv Ino hliuldi;r,uiid urn at liktly tow liil, hz H ImimiuT ir. a mulla-il. U'lu-y lire a lii nvitstniod itiiiinal, as mticli bo uz it pound ov iiKHilldity. lliey uro liullil'ul rittora ; and will stick tow a triond uz lung ez lio lives in a liunty. ThfV Uuii klime ennytliing but a gi-tMiKt pulo, and kno tin) way up a ruck uk nulnral u a woodiiinu. Tlicy are uz certain tew mis as youns( ones, sum fitiiiilicsuiu liull" goles and t lie nthor hull children. Tlioy arc pood culing Vliim llioy m o yomij, but tlioy lovo il opli an tlioy pi slrongor. Tlioy are uIwuh pnnr in tlio body, but phatl in tin) stnitiifk, what tliy eat Hoem to all o to appotilit. Vu milit at) woll auicp tow phuU an injun rubber over Hint by tilling it with klani ahcllft, iib tow rnio puny adipozo mem linine on llicoulridu hunt ova R"to. A phatt glo would bo a literary curioi-ity. Tlioy use Uio fuiho diulukt az the sheep, and tkc J'tmif onos spotik more fluently t lin ri tl'O piiricnlK do. ' 'J lioro are only two animals of the earth that will eat tobakko one iz a mini and tnthW in n ir'te, but the goto tindorslaniU it the most, (iir he swul lerx it, the Hpit, chaw end all. Tbo nude troU), w lion he iz ponsiv, iz B veneriible and pliilosopbit lookinj; old cux, and n ud not make a bad pro fes.sor ov rmhinetio in turn ov our eolle'OA. Tin y aro bandy at livin a lone; time, rem Iii i ir an advanced g without arriving at cuny dotinlte kmikltiBioii. How Ions; a K"to lives without cioin it tip, there iz no man now old enuff tew till. Aletliunihr, if hit memory wa bad at turret tint;, mile o a goud hized guesn, but unfiirtiitiately fur Boienoe and this ess.t, Mi'thuxoler uint here. Uotea wilt live in enny klitnnte.and on onny Tittle., except tunbnrk. and if they ever rum to a nqtiare death, it iz a prnfoniid Kokrct, iu t! e hands ov a low, l i his tiny. I wouldn't like to beleve enny man nniior oath who h:id ever een a man- kulino irotc aektnalh- die, and trivo .SK.kini otr .Moiiuutlfr. puln 1110 in mind tv ll e fact, il a man t-ln.ulJ li v now a dazeti much as ho ilid,und only have one cyo tew see things wilh, he would hav tew hav nn addishiinliiiilt onto the back ov liiz bed tew mo awuy tbintra into. 1 he funialo goto iz cither the moth er, or fistor, or enzzin or tho malo pole, aikording to the circnmst.n:sis in tho caw. or clso I labor under a delusion, I loi-jrot which. They j(ive milk intuitively about a quart, bolore it iz watered, in twulvo hour, w hich iz the Mil jakt ov nour ihhnietit, in vurioim wavs. This milk, which iz extrakted from t!e female goto iz excellent tow fininh up jotina- ones on. Hut ie upt to muko i them bullyco-e und tightful. . It isnoi itiikoinmon fura biihe, whilo inhaling this pugnaslnis fluid, to lot oph his left colleck.hiin or diggit and , ketch tho nurse on the pinnakle uf the smeller, and tup it for claret. This is a koinmnii fnkl among Iri-dt babes, and cxptuinl tho reason whl, in after life, these same babes make fcuch brilliant hi Is. In writing the history ov the mule and female, gole tew adorn the pages ov future lime, I flatter myself thut I i . ,. . .," .. have stuck tew the truth, and haven't allowed mi imaginashuD tew boss tho job. I A great menny or our best hilt hi- torinns are apt tew mistake opinyuns ; for facts, this iz an ensy mistake lo muKf, but when I strike s-goo.-e, ot a bed bug, or goto, you tiolis ono thing, a ami vi mi tiioiit J l, is. Gentlemen w houre fortunate enough to gel freo paws over the I'acitic liuilroud aru informed, for llioir on-1 he cncl isod in tho Same ent-elopo a couragonient, that il only coti $10 butcher's bill, with the penciled ro per head a day for sleeping and eating : murk, "Please look over tins ; i don't accommodations on the route. (think w e hud so much meat." Apropos of the change in the names I of our frigates, the Han lord Pnti snVi ' that Hone is chimging his own name ! by adding to it the single syllable that will make a North wind uf him namely, Horio as. A Snusngs vender of Here Orleans ha procnicd' the rtrre-t of all the tioighhoritur liutihcrs hepsti'e thev barked mitl tnrtved when customer's cunie to bny of him. If a lady want lo touch the feelings 'if a L'. niloniiin in a tender soot, let her Sit ith dolibeiute csrclessness if site run continue so to do upon his new silk hut. It tookithtvfl bundled nnd three bal.itiiit-s to ih-t-iilu who khoiild sue coed Kli-lirt H VitiilHiriieinC'oTigtf. 11- I'.incliaid of Krceport is the num. 1 A n,nn trm-, his sun out of door wenuse ha wi,i,I,C... ... !.;... A lover h:ts been nithil. 'a, a n,ati who in his . ;.:,, . ' "... i;r;Ti,n "-"-r.bushitp; Hon i.r liimsclf, 1 Critic enmidain of ti,. .ginsl,.yinp..,r,. r,s,,nsvwel coinpluiii of criticism. wsnt of origiimhty In A yotiti); i,,nti nmneil T urn lunrred - "-"usin ni the nmciil itme.on thenlea iitai ',,nB another." g"od Turn deserved Go to stranrs for- ,.,,..;, .",,,;, .- jj, "n win ui vt- ys have a suppiy "A msol,ine.t1iat sets r.MI i, ers," is the name fry which I'rii,...,,, M ttcrnitli designate velocipede trUrt Vrrttfl. B1 JMk . . fr mm rcu almuM . Wild M-tl.Hli, W an,!. kins. p-pr hy t t. .lf.r twlkl il ' euolili " l 1 wo-illiil mpl.y A iv. i.l I,. .triitit tt. my lnviti ol a 1 "V -!'. in. hiI.it !iI Br ll."l' eompen hn I he patios, yule all.-, are rn-ire tl.ait a palri lit a lull'ty in win. h uu eirtain I. ilia. A wile, "'"I !'" 1'ael.i, a Ult.lu-Hl I.IH' ! hat the latter may I nil oouieelure J-r. ; . She in nrirr : li i nl lum a 11 it" ; oinitiuie. the atlU, .iiinctitlir. .lie 1 bold I ftoutetimre father woreet .lie's vlrolrn arold. lou dreamed tit an angel lo gladden Tour hoiaa, An,l with her Ho t h lj v'li 'a hatpy haa wan! Vim ni-hnl for a wife wi'hmtl falling or flaw I And hud yon hara netted a molaer-tu law ! "lVer Anna," li ea". "aa yon clearly may tee, ttite alwsv. Iweu need lo depending on me; ruoroliilii.tiioiigblliogculli.liliiili-Yerua. known, .'.-lie euul.l never l.o tru.h-d a uhuim-iiI alulio i .u.-h ai-nrltive Bfrvn, and ruch diln-ate Iihij!" t'rie. the etoulttt of datura with tbo lotigi-.t of totljui'l. Hut your mother-in-law, yon dla-orar r lung, I Uuugh treble iii body, in t.-wper is slniug ; ., iiil mi you surrender eluit elee nHll ynu du ? She govern, your wife, anil your servants, and yuut And oulls you a savage the eirsest ol brutes, Fur tramming the carpel witli mud ml your bowtei Anil vimn nuu rouiunluil a suipiil '-lux iaw," . (u rKBhly b'umin yunr inulbpr-in-law ! Anil 10 (miiil llie fMjur) iiruv let me a'lvleo The cartit''iit urn- lit' yimr era and yuar eyal And "uetria-iariiins," tnke yon a Utaid. 01 widow, luy buy, 1 am Homi'time aJiaid, Whdnivinymi tbeilnrltnjr ! her tiajiil ami hurlove, Wilh a eijth fur hcrMileur aainu-d mtht'r abvl" Krmn wlucb tin conluaiun yun aafcly may draw, ftbe will never ear at yuur uiutbar-liiluw 1 THF. LATI'T 1.1TAKV. ' From neat that ii, bony , . J; rum tKinee wilbuul marrow; Fniiu ooatv that ari lu'i-tuilcd ; Fmtn truH too narrow ; Pmin a liibarwwnaa'a biinaue, i And from Jolui 14 tme I Vnuu Libera Hoi, 0 Domi .' Vrna tlte proninf: or Conkltng, ibe eubbla 01 Urroloy . Frun) tlie dinliwatir, lluker IHfH'ftfleii ao Irerly Fruui bearing aijaia , Tlir blatlier ul Train Xioara au, 0 Itumtmi t Vrnta the Treasury lltng, : 1 VI lib ill ehnatiug and nlandar j Fninl Suuiuer wbu pedtllea ' llin eunuLerlrit tnunder I rtin tbe liuiled ouilliflb eya Of tbe mountebank Nyo . . litira awe, O jUitmiui J . , . Fnim trading with Stewart lliit eh lketj,er civ .1 From heu-uinft tu Orgoud'f Jutulerant (trirel ; Frnia lldluw' caut. And tbo blunder uf fjrant Libera mot, 0 Dvmini I J rom wnmrn whose furt U In woflmig tbe broi-ubcs ; , Frrnn LugAn Murin llluomer, r , Or any eiicb wileheaf 'ma tbe aaqeakina at rata, ' Alr.l tbe mu;f ot citl Libera not, 0 Domini ! From Cnmrrrnit cunning ; iretn Vt' llaun'a rcMlllig From I'od'.rwMid'i f"Hy ; Frritn C'lirat etniliiig; From llollie lioria, ., Ami eucb nct'dVet ae bo lUm aaf, O Ihmito I : Km tbe rile land of ralsalf, . Fit tuoli oi tbe deril, That lonf In hijrn tilaoea, ' Jlavo kefit a wila revel J From Kailii-al dog, Fl-a. aorpent and frofri Libera nut, O it'imini 1 Mr. C. wag in tho habit of nuking his I'hiliiron to repeal the text, on their return from church,- lo prove that tboy ptve attenlion. (Jno Sub b.tlh the text wa, ''Why stand ye hero all tho day idle? (jo Into my vineyard and work, and whatsoever is rif;lit I will prty thee." C'hiirleu came homi, and wras aaked to repent the text lit) hesitated a moment, and then, aa if it just came to him ufler much thought, he auid : "What are 3 on stamliiijr 'round horedoing holjiiii' for? (fo irii my barnyard and go to work, and I'll make it nil right with J'jn." An old salt tell the followinn; aea yarn to illustrate Grant's present posi tion wilh reference to the govern men t. During rmo of his voyages he niw a fure-and alt schooner coiiilne down towards him in a very uwkwurd mini. ner, uud yawning about g it there was no ono at the helm. As soon as he was near enough to epc.ik to her, he hailed: 'Schooitor ahoy! Who commands thurc T'' At this stiinmurr. green looking Yankee yelled out, "1 undertook lo, but aho ia too much for rue I" . . ' A Tiromising young ohavcr if five or six years was reading hi lesson at school one day, in tbut deliberate manner for which urchins ol that ago are somewhat renmrkab o. As ho proceeded with the task he came titton the pasns;e, "Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lipa trom guile." Master Hopeful drawled out, "Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips liom girls!" , It is said that when Lord Byron sent to hii wile the well-known touch ing lines - . ''Fan thee well- And. if fon rer, Still Ibrcver lar thct well I" Hir John r.iirgoyne, though now ""htrstx wields a vignroua and glwe '"I pen, and throws on Copies ol ))lay fill elfiietoits both in proau and verse. lue lollowmg tolls its ow n tale ; You w.ah l:e a bipjr w Vcsr a a tuaat, And a kiri.lly g"u 1 a't it ej'part; . Ilitl when yon pereclvo I'm d al aa a poet. Von abould with Die Iwn avipiy few aara I A liltlo boy and girl bad been eau- tinned never lo take tho ticst egg when gathering the eggs, bat one evening the girl reached the nest fin-t, soun d mi egg uud started for the house 1I r disappointed brother billowed, I . "'t., Jiuiurr; nioiiier, nusy hiiu s iK-cn nn.i go i ma egg tho old hen measures y I" A young Irtdy wont into a fushiona- ttlo mit-ut store the other day and asked the polite proprietor if heliiid any "Iclinti intesliiies lor lyrical pur ptn.es J" riliu wuiited cat gut guiiur sitings. . I'or unci) in his Mo the yonii man W illi d. nnd was curried out on u cancelled i0Mf:tr.e siamn. "How Inst they build booses now !" said 11 . "Tdoy began that build ing last week. Mid now they a.e put ting in the lights." , "yus,'.' answered hi friend, "and next week they'll pul in the liver." ... A man w ith a very large bald bond wjs complimented on the fact that his caput was analngods to lireenlaiul. "W by so V ho nakeif. ''flecauso il is a greut white bear place," was the r,,i'y- - Why don't you ask your sweetheart lo marry yoa f 1 hat sakod her. .. What did hu say. Oh, I e the relusul of her. , A young tiiuo who was crossed in love, attinipied suicide- recsally by iiiking ,.e 0f yenst powder, U'e immediately roaa above his troubles. Wlt-al. i HooHAirsu.nir,iTiirns HooanRirs (.rrniaii Tonic; . Th Orret Henindlea for all tiira ft tW Urer, inie., k, ar Mgrvllvo Utrtina, ( ILmiluuirr. (it'i nillll ' lVittl'V . ta immpneed tf tha fvrt Jcinea (or, aa to. ara medieiually termed, w aarrtl rf root, berbi, and barka, I I a wrenarallen fcifhly eunoentri'led a a 4 -A A. tntireljr , "fras truai alruhulie admiatura af any kiud I(xilliuur Grriiiun Tunic . Ti a enrtiMnatlen of all Iba tnjtrolrnta ef the llittere, with the pnroRt quality of .anta Crua Hum, Oranire, e , maklnc one uf the unmt plea tent and a-ireabla ratuO'lloa aeorneerod 10 tba luiblie. Thoia preterring a medieiuo fret fruai aiO'ibolie adiniklure, will uu I(K)aiil'b Gtniiivu Bitters. Thrme who have no ol-Jeellon to the oumbln lloo of tba Bitten aa alatad, will aaa IIooflaiitl'H German Tonic. They ara both aiiuallv irooil, and contain tba rame medir.inal eirtnea, the (ihuiaa between the two tialnr a mere taaltar of taata, tba Tuule bainf tba tuoat palatable. Tbe a'otnaoh, front a variety of aaaaea, aaeb aa Indigestion, Cynpepeia, Nervuiie Dibility, ate., la v-rv arit u have Ite funetiont derane- ad. The Liver, ayro f I pathiting aa fllueely at It d'jea with tha Klutaiu-h, then be- eomaa affeetad, the .ravuU of whleh ta thai the patient nuflera frutn aavoral or Mora of tbo fol. lowing diaeaaea : Conetipatloo, Flatolenee, Inward Pilea, Fullnerr of Blnod to tha Head, Acidity of tba tm ' aoh, Mauaea, Heart Uam, iief;aat fur Fuud, Fullnea nr Weight In tha blniaach, Hour Rruptiooi,ink ing or Fluttering at tha pit of tba Htoenack, Swim ming of tba Mead, Hnrriedor Uiffleult ' braathing, fiuttering ui tba Hoarl,Ch(.klii-rSiif. ' ' ' foeating aeneatlowi whefl t . . In a lying puature, Oiioneaa of vlaion, dull or weba bofuro the eyoa, dull I'uln in tbe bea-l.defieiency of per eplrattun, yelluwneea of the ekln and evea. Pain in tha eldo, it-'Olc. oheat, tlroba, ato..oaddoa fluebea of bea burning flk, ooastaat juiagmtrigi uf ail and great doprceeiun uf aplriia. Tba BuflVrer from thaaa diae&aaa abould taer niae tbe greatoat caution la tbe aeleeoli'.n nl a remedy fur hi eaiie, , purr-baring only that wbicb ba ta aarared I l from bia tnraitiga tluue And iuiuiriea . puareaaea trna auflrtt, ta vkillfnlly oumpuunded, ir roe frnia t Jurlnue ingredirnte, and baa etahlihed fur Itretf a repuutloafor tbaoareaf theeo diaeaaea. In thia ounnentioa we woald aubuiit tboaa wall kaowa remedica , Iloofliuid'a ' Gcrmnn : Biltorn, , IlooflanJ's Gtrmfur Tonic, Preparad by Dr. C. tl. JATK30W, . " rtiladatj-hla, Ta. Twenty-twa yean alnf-a tbey were Bret- intra dueed into tbie euantry frum tlermany, daring wbirb Ume they bava uudouldedly per'uruiad more earea, and benrflted aulfering humanity ti a greater evtent, than any uthor rent d lea kauwa to tha pauite. Tbeat roniediae will tltetually cure I.lvcr Coo-plaint, Jeuudi.'e, PvKjtaia Cbr'.nlo or Nervooa Iebi'itv, M Cbronl e P'errbera, Uiaenau of tba Kid neve, and all dteeaeae aaiiieg frum a ihaorderod Livor, btomaeb, at Inicetlnaa. Kaavltfnr tVata any oattaa whatavar, Prtirtrstloa a tha ajruutra InduatMl hf aevara Labor, UaJ-drhijit, kipntire, frra. I Sera la o aaadirho Cktaot tqoal to than ttmtdiaa ia aack eaaa. A thuaa aod wgrf t imparled ta tbe whila nyi-re, tba appailta utrrntboofd, ftiod if tn'jadta ptmnarb dU If m promptly, tho b)mA itiDi. iba eaio piaxim barvmaa auaod and biitb7, Iba yailrnr tinfra ii aradit t-4 from tba a Lltx.m k (then to tht rbc-fLi, nni tha woak and rttrrt)ua iciralitt bcoiaaff a nt.-orrg and haaltby beitng. e Perwim Advanced in Life, and ralln tha band af tlana) weighing hMfil; uf on then, with all ita aiuaJuM ilia, wili flad tha ope nf ihfeta ltittora or tha Tnnic, an rUiit that a-ni tmtt) naw Ufa Intwi inalr vvlna, raatura to aaaarura lha anarjy and ardor of vara outbful daji, boiltl op their lbrunka form a. .tnd gira btaltk and bnj i ioaai to tbair raioaittitig joara. Notice, It li a wall artablUbeij fal tkat ful'j on bill of tht fr oiali tio - - ytino of nur ttrtpula Uon nra ti'Mttta to tf:t I , afiJ"yiBTot of t' koaltb.or iQHiithiinT orn praaxioa, tbar "navar f-al ml." Thay ara tanitaid, Usivoid af all aotriry. txtram)? Berroui, and baa ao ap-p-ttT. Tu tt .i rUu of print tha Hitton. or tba Tonic, ta erMUllj mMtnaMridad. AVoak tmd Dolicato CLUdrca ara wtda rtrng hy tha nvt of Uhr .f (boat rrDiritier. Tbty will curt trary oaaeof marmmut Mtj-Mit nil. Thitda of artiri'ati bava aorantulaiad in tba hanui nf ib pr tprlator, but tpara will allow of tht puhllcition ot hot a few. Thote, tt will ba nharraed, ara otao of not, and af larh ataading ( a. (bay noai aa baitavad. . ' Tcstiraonials. TTrtn. Orntgfi W. nnrdward. Chief Juttioa of tho bupratne Tuirt of P-nny Iran.., writ" i I'Sil.le'f.hil, F , Mareh 1ft, 18ait. ! find fin-in ai i . (.aaiiAi Hirraaa it a food too ia, aartnl ia diit.aaof te dtKMt iva nriani, ad uf gft t.rii Dt io rarri of df-hilitr and witnt of nrroui action in tha ytttra, Voort, mlyt Qao. V. Woonwaan. Hm. .TonMt ThnTpr.n. Jfudo of th uf rfait C'-urt of PbfijT. vnia, wiliaa. thllad.tpt.ia, April I, IMt. "I aotddtr Hix'tinitd' tarmw bitUrfoala ahla medieine in ? of niirfiin ur ttfep iia. I can aTtlry hi froio ai;nH-nfta. "Ttiura, with rf'et. Jvaaa 1a?MmR." Frniii FfT. Joipb Tt. Karnard. T. T., faitot of tha 1o h rhurrh. rbDadtlpbia : r. Jcna liaar Kir t I bava baan f'qnat. ly raitn-ila! ft annaot my nama a tt fa rarota tiittilttoO of ritfifrent ttiodi of uirdit -iiion, hut rfpariltrtg tba frnK tier a out af my prnpriata tphira. I V bna all caiaa da eltnetd; but with a vtaar pmf n rortoiir inttaoeat, and purtitjnlirW In m own Innt'lv, ol tha nfulni u r. Ilnittlind'i tJartnun Hiitera. I d'purt ftr oaa freai rnf aaal roirap, r prost my full aoavirttot that fur gnrrl dvbiltty II f Uit avftaut. and apfftnllj f.r Lift Coat, (iltlnt, it ii a nfe and Taobl praprtin. Ia 1 ntnf ranai It may full, but ttoai:y. I lonht not. It will ba very bnprrMal to th n who eiiffr Iron tha abort taa. Vourt, Tory rrfpretfully, J. 1 KKKritan, t.irHtfa. below Coal a Strict a, i Prew BeT V. D. rend!!, E lit ,r of riiriittaa Tltr.-nirlt.," riiHadelpMa : be dlted dorided behflt frw thana of Hea-.flndt tteriaan tiitteYe.wnd loot h my pr t1 lego to reevirojcnd ti.is at a nuH taluaMa ton if if all a bo n If riPf (rtm pernrsl drbi Uy nt fmm dlfa(i arising from d-rartemnt ot tht lifer, Yowra, traly, K. V. Hwhualu Caution. Hpeflan'I'B Qerman Bitter are ponnlerf.tted. a. that tb alga tar af C. at. JACK MIS la ) tbe araa I 1 per of aark fcottl til other, ara enan terf.it. Prineipal (iftirt a-d Maauf.etury. at lb. if. rre.a M.dieal rlt. ro, Ko. Sal Areh atreet, Pbtladrl bia, l'a. t lltni r M. I VASiH, Proprletar. (Poncarly f. M. JacVaea i. Oo ) i eo. Uo 'Coi't Otrnan bitten, per hfttta.......f 1 pa M w - per half dntew. a 1 Hootandt Ornaaa Toalo, fmi np In t;aii , b'Ue, pr boule 1 n Or a half duten for w Itt ft I Do not ferret to ttaanot wefl tht a r tie la yen bay, in wrder to get tba gowalrr. "Fot aaJa Vy oil drar(iti aail JaalaH lb 4,"Bt, jW lj GOOD HEAITH ta paiamoenl to seat ll. tf the tyelrm ta Is Lad enter purge out lta tile ha,ara and dta tvinpera nk b'-Wk , UU"d t'U. aid gel the lmrr.a: wgaaa r-eifetTomg thati ragalar tun Una, and oo.-a ta i.l.i.kip them as bi l,a dally Ba of II. b.ik'i Miruxk Itinera. DYSPEPSIA. TKr Ui pritTniVlT. no rt dit wHh tiii-h ait.ml or (UUii U lit Mr ( tm mny lilnfDU I yrpii, ni ibar no mor ovruia eur lli4VA hutrli'i 0lnmcb Hit Uri. A EEKARKABLE TACT Tbut not tnrl Infttiftrt hn rom tn th knnlrt)F of ih proprirMt.ri, of th full uro ot Kolmt-ti'i IrlcHlrinor to jfive anlfr UlniMiin in th huti'trtlt of tLoti'-tn li uf rmti In whirfa ihrjr huve brtio oertl ! It). la frorthr uf rnfnark An I jrndenlBbU avider c of thlr io trio fie IOXTJD ( li the praiaa (n tha aooulba af averybody In favor of Kobaek't blomach UUteri, Illuod I'llll and Illuod fonoer. IS IT EIGHT That jmv houIrJ bid1 dttfianec to oil nitural Uwp tiH lb ieittifr of m4hvaj mon, nd tutttr wit h lvftT.itia or Iudifr?tioo rhn htlMiti's o'Uiji. Oct. Bllisrt eao b procurtd at an drug ilore f THEY WILL CHEE YOff Of (tfirfrfflla, KryalpMaa, ffirk or Narrout ftaoV a-ba. ItlUitiuiari! L.rr Ct'.iit, !irfri r JolfKtion, ronxumptloa, Vin la bark nr Loiof. ttoat, Pli-nrt-y, bannrrbTa or Whitei, BrupUario an4 all 4w$ aiiinK fmm a 4t drrotj abitfof iba itmnMb, Kubark blood PiIIi, Btomaeb Hitter au4 blood Purifier. AS A PSEYElfTlVE A fit in t Ma'nria. FTtr a?if! A;o, and all ) aaaa, aHttof frntn a torpi.1 ita of tha IWr ttiara it ao taadtHria ao bigiily Tacoamtodad aa Kubacka rtoiuark uuura. CRATIFYIKO ' . Tnknow that a rtlUbla ramtMlT it wilMa tka roarb of avart bod.v fir the radioal aura of Tv prpia r Indfrf ntlnn.' oi! a romadr ti Ho. baok'i fcUrBucii tUiuara. fiold bj aJl ru)rjiit. I . -EVERYBODY , fthoufd koepeoB'taatly withla tnelr raarh, rbaaa invaluihte remodiei to fitfeKofaUy aombit dia eaua. Hohak'n tttrwvd Pilli, llibiirti'i Stoiwari bittern, tod Knhark't Illood Poiierf thy ara iotiliil- in tba dneatei fur wbirb they ara reouinmandod. HCBODY Tan afT.ird to he withof aaeh valnahla tnedlrinet ( KoV.rWj lood Pilli, Riomatli Bitun and Illood Panfior. TEMPERANCE- Tnara U. perhept. wa otto thing that eai dona ia mwrh ta p'ntao'a tba eaose of te(,eraitea aa that gentla litnuUtlnt: lonio. Rrtltark'a Kinmirti Dtitara, tbaa itrennben and invlrrnta witbnnt prodneiog tht UI eflccti of aleobuJio ttlnulantJ. REKOVATE. Haring tha Snvtng aaenrh. it la ona of th regalae beuaehold dullet ta r.nnve'e, and. la 'b winlllpllelly of other dntlet ene'a own ..If la, la a great aaranra, overlooked Ibobaanda nf valuable lire, night be prul. n.ed. aid m.tiy don tlea, aaved frrm fireaiatura rravaa bv ther. "oghlv renavatlng the aytteai with t)r .iliaek'a Illood I'll 1, Moniaob Ulttera and Blood Panller. WHO SELLS THEM! The Agent, for Iba aalo of n-baeh'a Clool Till, Stemeeb pittero .ed IlU.d t'nnller a" UARTHWICK A IRWIN, ClearSeld, Pa. aprSI THE Gr.TAT ZINCARI BITTERS. A Bafe Illood Parller, a apleadia Tunia, a blaaa- ant Beverage, a eertala ear and Preventive of Diseases. rjMIR MNUArU BJTTF.PS am oowpntrnded X fnm a prerrl.ti..n t i (be celebrated hfTp tun )ihalrtofl. In Cdl'tfU t, aha. ader yoera of trial aad aprnmetii, oiM-uven d tba KiugMri MrTb the m"t rrmrl'o predoetlun, tin earth, perhepi, hit atat yieidrd oortainla the taoet erTviiva in lha rura of dfaeaia. Jt, ia ftin Vmnti n wuh the other votnuM profertlea nf M'-h lha EINU A M i'lIl hUSta on.pt.ad. win rura (yaaepi. Frr aoS Afne, RMHoui Ferer, t'bulif, Cntrla, Itrorhiti. Cnoeampiit'Oi In Ita 6'rt eiage. Ktatuleary, Nr- , Tout hrhility. Female Com- plain tr, Kr"miitiai( Iivaeattry, Aeute and Crmiie Io'rlifea, rholem Vortmi, Cbotara. Tvphntd and Tpbn Favor. Yrllow Ferer. rrufyis, Moea tea of tho Kldnaja, t UabilBalCow lireneea. fn too rrwrontUn nnd f'nro nf tha abnv dli awea, H bat naTaef been known to rail, at tha an da of our . promiornl ritliena th.oitb ut all pacta of tha oouotry, will ieati. I.ai tht afflicted tend for eitctiUr containing teaiiuioni alt atid eetiiflnate af thone bo hate ben rured attar tbi ' ennea htva ban pronnoad bapaloet hT nor brai pbt oit iana. prinrtpat itepot, r. luirrri, f ro., . ho. tt N. Front Mn rbiladelpbia, Fieeotf rrtertde-l hy tt dor. larH N Pnrts;, f Ftottfylrania, t Hon. fobari J. Fthr, Poa. FOyrord eHI'teraoo, Hoa. Joel H Paaoar, Moo . Me-hf-ry, plTni lor CirroWa. ar-d ofNera. I'ebM ly. S AIMW IMtl I t. K.needv'B M.J .d K.e.verv, Helrekold'a nSeeti. naker'a Ooa larw Oil, J.a.'a aad Aver'a raelieinea of every kind, for sale bv tlA BTSWIl g i IRv) M Vrira and abdominal nT..,,rtr .very JL kind af tba lateat Iwineovvaaeata, fhr ia ai tl-af ttara nf A, F JtiHIt IHWLV Ttitulnfl llttf, j. K. .4, i V L lVil W W Uett. . . , I . ... i u. id. m:i:i cv o. Cl, KAIiFIKL I) PLANIN(J MILL ALL RIGHT! T1IIR pr'Hritorriftc.fuHy ittftiria tha cillient of t'lrarflrld eon nt 7. that thty hara atttirtlr raflUed IbiK aftabliiboiPittwittiUio latMt iuiprnvad wuvtl-vorkittg inaobuiiirt uid are now prrpuratl to exw-uta all ordt'n iu tlioir Uuo uf buiiica. Thy all! fire (upeciitt adenliun to tha toaoutac- tura of mater ial for house budding, auch aa FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, SASH, DOOHS, BLINDS, nit.1CKF.TS K .nol i.til.VGS, . . or .A Ll STYLES, We always bava on hand a largo Block offlRY U'SIUKK, and will naycaah for all elear Lumber. One-and-half Inob panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exi-hanged, to suit fluatouisra. fuOnlura tolicited, and Lumber furaiabed on ahort outioo aud on reaaonahle tenoi. ii'. L. ItKKD k CO. Clerfltd. Kov. 7. 1SST. E. B. Pjttos E. A. litviv John I'attus, J. 11. Irwin, E. B. PATTON & CO., Having filled op a ftnt-olaaa PLANING MILL Art prfj'ir ! to fm rtih all kludi of Manufactured Lumber, tub aa Flooring. Biding". 8arfaco-rresid Lum ber. Sftfth, Poori, Blind i, Aud every drtoripiion of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. vrI)ralera wilt find tt to their advantage to coti.ult our (jrioca before norrha.iig eleowhre. Ad.lreM, K. li. fATTON 4 0., Curwt-ital ille, Deo. , lfbb-lf Clearfield cuuuty, Ta. tflolUiuii. How to Wave JIoiioj'. THP time a nre fari; ym'd lika to know How yoa nay earn your dollars ( Tbe way to do it I all) ehow, lr7oa will road htt foliowa. A man who lirad not far from hert, VYb worked huri at bit trada, But bad a bouraia)d ta Support That tquandernd all ha mad a. I mat him oora. fijira ha, '-My friend, 1 look rhreud hftr and roub ; , I've tried to f:'t iii.vfelf a rait, Bat can't aava ap anough. Faya T, try friend, eow aiarh hare yon f I'll twit yoa wbera to go T gl a anil tbatV t-nrd and ebaapi lo KHa.'.ENSIKU 4 Ci. lie to-ik what little he bai red, And went to lleif-nrtein k brother', And tbarw hi got a handaoma anil, tor half ha paid V w-bera. Kow ha ti bom, be .onki to well, And their a fleet ii tuob, That when tbry take their dally meal. They don't aat half a Ancb. And now he ftodi oa Saturday nighty , , W ith all their wanta eupilied, ' That ho baa nony left to tpawd, And aona to lay aaida. Hi good aneoei, wffh cheerful in.Ua. He fiatily brli taatl. If you'd rare niooey, go aoj bay Vour c!ihei at HEIZKSKTKIN'S CLOTRINO IIAIU Whtro fh? rlienpeat, firert and bent Cloth to iM gwd PamtahlaK Aoorfi eon ba bid in nut ovary inata mai in orary atla aprlJ, 67 H. F. NAUGLE, CLO(K AM) MATCH MAKER, oeroairt rat ffar, aiAnnat iTitaat -alakiV'LEARFICLD POST OFFICE TIIK tvaarlier roepaertnlly Informa bi old watrona awd tbo pnbiia genoraliy. that ba btta on band (and is cuneUoUy receiving naw isiiUeoa thereto,) a latge it tck of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Tlfl beep Jeweirt la all Ita for as and of di0rnt ralnaa, ait bar by tba flora or tat. W'ATCIIKf A full r-tirtoent of either Oold or Mlver, nteda by tba brat Ao ericaa and fur. Itm maoutaetarere, inrluding a 6no lot uf gold and ailrar babtttig oaaa, tuli jewWed, 1'aiant La ten. rUOCKS Of oil deaiKni. oonaiiting of atshl day nnd thirtr hour, of e.ther eigbta tpritig or leven. and bolh atrike aad alarm. KPPATH1V0 AT! V)mU of Watchai and Croflr Iterlred, nnd warranted. In addition to whet f tevo eromerated, T knap n foil atrt.Pont of hFKrTACl.KS. oolored and p'aingian. lao. tlOl.lt PKNSand I'fcNCII.rt. M'OONH. FORKS lUTTKU K Nl V Fr, and in feet eanrTihfng n ib Jewelrr in. If fail U bare 00 band juet whal a cotrw.er may need, I nil! order per flni eiprea, wit boat eatra chtrj. A librral -hare of pulir patron r ) 'i1irfted. May T, y H. V SaVUI.K. Ll THEUMtl KH POTTERIES I uibrraburg, C lrarflcld Co., tm. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look H erel rllir nn'lTictied la ipirel to foml-b ron -1 nuhthe tH-et HToNKWAliK mannfaflured tt. thia mmntrv. Hi I.e. a never yot fi)lod to pl.-r.ae Uto toHA irwmUi'iu, a u, qoaiil,y oc durauiliu . Gi wara roynfl hi jrttrt of , , , , crj-:am rcrs of all sizes : MII.K t KJtCkS Alf Pt, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubus, And in abort IVrEVTIIINO wuaily aiade aad kt in an elatili.tiiiu-nt ol llna kiud. Mr, III' II A NTS Can nave their w:a dellveerd bv ata, at ANT TlvIK and t AN I I'LAl K deaired, Ordera fur ware oolioited, aad promptly filled. rr For gonerad aeaortnant. aea Calalogu. and Pur. l.i.t. mailed frwe ta avplieant T-v A liberal diesiutit Will a. given to the !ei.ate trader -. - wh OKU. 0. KIRK. l.u'li.r.l.nrg. P.,, Ilw,. S, lr.-.tf Demor,ralif! Almanar!. IHIS in.r.!u1.!t' poMirHtton ie ffr eala at t.iO Hetitlbn. it attuuid twiti iba bandao! eary lH-tllOt'rat- il iSa.nltatiia lull ,l,,,l,.,a a-(..r. r enrorf ooantv to Uf I ittd HMe bt-attVa, tf omviint tT lnn rontioa a enniplrte ltl of tb? nameOnf Oil fW MWtniSlil M ma.Saarl ia.al.Wdl iltinng l,itoolna adnrnnatraiii-a j anil that for lal.f pontfrtna the n.mei ff all thoneoiriliati whn wer impriaoned during the art to ferind. 1 brae two hale, for futura rrtVren?w, Ire worth winr tin tb- wrwe of tbttkubltoiibnn. Tiae oururar for lr.n i alo full or vb'im. 'e rtatiatlft. Any one aending no rewtt t tba I'oit tMwattv. iH raroiro by rattir CMl a oeptW a h war. t rea of par ft tf WILMAM A. WALLACE, ,- .txtktY'f XT law, , ctntaell. r . ; al,arl eal (if !l kisdt iri.n.lly mti arrSrntely allend-d lu. )e(lJ " b A VE L. KrlEBS. , ATTOltN F.Y - AT- LA V;. 1 , Clsarftelil, IVuu'a. SiT"i.'aB ta con.nlted la I ngiiab and fler o. - - J'.' 'r A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT I. AW, ( learflrld, Pa. " XO.nifiea In the Court Itoae. td.ly ISRAEL TEST, ATTtlHN KY AT LAW, " Clrarflcld, Pa. " ' , -vj-flfflo In tba Court llnuae. UrU.'" JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, llriarrlrt. Pa, OBoa with J. D. MoKnally, Ehc., over Firat Na tional Hank. ' isayrromiit attention glvao to tha aeourlng nf Honntv. Claim.. Ao., and to all legal buaineaa. Marrb I, lr-ly. WALTER. BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Offi-e on Seeoait St., ClaatDald, Pa. novSi.so THOS. J. MoCULLOUGH, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. 09ce adjnining tho Hank, formerly oeenpiad by J. II. Hchnellj, gaeaud at., Claarileld. rV7lll attend proaiptly to eolleetiona, sale oflandi, Aa. ile.-17.ej JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAV And Heal Katale A (rent, l learlltld. Pa. Ofliee oi Morkot Blreet. npDoJita tba tall. Wfr-Reepeetfully offera bia aervicoa in eolling and buying landa In ClenrDeld and adjuiniog aoantiea ; and a-ilb aa aiaorione of over twenty yeara aa a enreeyor, latlora til una If that be oao render ratufatlion. tfebJti.'M.U WM, M. MoCULLOUGH, ATTORN KY AT LAW, tirarfleld. Pa. OEce oa Market atreat ana door east of th Clear. Sold County bank. laayt.'K Ji.hn II. Orvia. C. T. Alexander. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, ATHiI'NYS A T LA W. Ilclli luatn, Pa. iil J,'i-y JEFFERSON LITZ, PIIYSICIAN A 8UJIGE0N nAVINO located at Otrooln. Pa offfra hja rtifrpeioDtl ner vie ta tha pejpii of that (iace ntia inrrounatng eoantry. ta-aUA!l pt Hi promptly att-aded to. Office and roetdene on Cuftin it, lornuerly oprupiid uy ur. i iiuc. uij IV iy DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, i'JiViJCIAN ASU SUUGELtX, 6-etiii3 Ptroct, C'.earfli'ld, Pa. 3i U living pcriniirir.it ly lot-atrd, he olT-jr ninprt'feMtonnl trr 'trt fo lite ritiinnf I etirfl-M .its M-uiiit, mu uia puoiin ironcraiiy. All caiii promptly u-utk4 iu. oe.2? y F. B. REED, M. D., rilYSlGlAS AXl H-liavirg naiored ta T"illIim.gTov.. Pa. oflera biB prrlo.Bioaal eamc.a tu tb. peotila mt trie f urrouo liug eeuutry. . r j J a, 7 DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Late nurgeoa af tbe3d R.g aaent, I'.nnaylrania t fluatoera, having returned froaa tba Araay, aMera ki prote-aiooal aervicea ta tha ettiaea. ot i:l-arbeid oeanty. arPrmonel all promptly atren Jed to. flfiie on Second .treel, f,.ruierlv ovrupied by rlj'ol. ' 'aprtfl u DR. J. F. WO0DS, PHYSICIAN A SU Kit EON. Having rrwinved ta Anannvill.. Pa., nlfera hi. j pr..i.p,i,..l aen leva o ttrr pr..!e ot that plaee j and tin- riirrounlng ronntry. All ealll promptly , alteiMled to. -. , , ioo. A nm pi. I s7j".iYls' IsCRUKOS i't:" JlESTIST. -l-UXlXP OnW on Main Pt, OnrwenBrtlle, Pa, B ake pro'exioeal vldu, fr llieaon 1! veniene. of th. publie, eotneaeneltig In April. lt.tl. aa foMowa vir : Lutherrl nrg Pirel Friday nf .very arnntb. Anwnrltle Flr.t .afr,-,j.T f .v.rT niLOth. l.oai her City Pirel Thurrdiy of arr aiontb Sprndmg two dayi In either plara. All onltra fur work rboold he nriaented.a lha d,.v nf k.. I arrival at eaek plara. j( P Tort aatrarbad by tb appliratioa f I .ii" a an!r."heeia ooui aralivel auliout paia. All kindi of Dental work guaranteed. H. 11 Tha pul he will p eaM mHiee. tkat Dr 11m wbaa aot .oraged la tba abava vlaila, aaay mm m aia nnioe, in vurwaaavllla, l'a. Turwenrrille. Feb 4, t HaiB. .43 DENTA lTp"aRT NE RSH I P. Dr. A. 31. HILLS, Heriraa to Itifuria bis patron., ard the I in.lie sener.liy.'tat be hap aaeoeiattd witk kiaa in the practice of lient'stry, S. T. SI1AW, D. 1. s., . Who I, a graduate of th. Philadelphia Dental Coll.-a. atd therofur baa th bigheet attceta lion, ol prrfenainnal .kill. All work dune ia tha efflc. I wll! bold mleelf perannaliy raponsl ble lor being don. la ibe moat tl.faotiry aaaa ner ai.d hirheat oer of :h. pri,feg.i.in. Aa .tahiiabed praotioa of twenty-twa years la tbit plae. rnablee ma lo apeak i. my pelleau wi h eniifidenoa. KngagTwienu frees a dlitance ahonld ba made by letter a few day, before tho patlrnt driiaat l!g. (June 4, 1KH ly. MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMBER Z0, UStKoLA 8TKAM Ml LLP, sift rAi-ri rta LUiir.Lrt, LATH, AND riCKUTS n. it. Frm.LirttirdRtt. i-iweijont, tlffiiv Kore.t Place. No. P. 4th at., phila. J"MN l.Mft-IIK, rupcHiitciuli-nt. Jet'CT) Ok . la Milln, I learncld oountr. l'a. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, , C lrarfirlrl, I'l iin'a. v..Vl'ill evceul.Jub. ia his Un.proaiptly and in a workmanlike manner. a rt.AT J. BLAKE WALTERS, ('HIVfcNKlt AND CdN t Y AN KH. Agent for the l'ali-h.e and Rale of Laada. I li ai lli ld. l'a. JP4rPromtl stteniiua given to a'l ba.in.es eonnected with the ci'uot.v offices. Office with lion. Wn. A. Wallace. janl,'nf.-lf j SURVEYOR. "lnR nndrreipn'-d oflt ra hif ten irra a a Bur g veror, and may he tnund at li in r iftfiitr, in lwroce titwnhtp. Lrt'.fra will rea'h hm di rertrd to Clmritald, Ta. wn 7 tf. .T .Ml-: a MlTf'tlKI 1. -- - THOS. W. MOOIEt Land Surveyor and Convejaucer, J AA'l"0 recnt'T Ifvated la the Vormirh t f g g l. umber l it), aad faine! the pmotiv of 1 I. end Knrveving. rvfteet fully trtulrra bit jniieii. j miir visit aagva-i. - s nwnnri in aVOU PkSaruilirT IB la lift a in f la, r ft Id and adiotniwg ooaatit. intda of onnreTanor nitly eterqind, Offitia and remdene one dwr oart .f Kr A arneer i etore. nr14td4oi. THOMAS H, FO RC E E, sun li EN T K A L MKlirllASIUSK, ( ItAR AMTI1N, Pa. Also, etten.ive nianurnclijn r and dea'er ta Pquars Timber aat Mawed Lamlmtof all kiada. JKr-ftrdi-r slleilvA and all kill, promptly HIM. Jyl.ly flr.o. a lb ray nrtar ai.Kavw w. albit iW.' ALBERT V BROS., Matiafaelarars A eerasnetve llealeraia Sawed Lumher. Square Timber, &o., i t'" ! i. ia n i' , r r . at-Ordm rtlWtnl. Hills tlvd on abort aotlos ud ralLeooalile larva. Adtiaat Wocll..d 4". 0., flaarSeld tax. P Je-I ALPIRt A PSn tfarfl. DANltlTM. GoUQMSRTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, irctiart aratir, j 51 rt abh r-1. n, p i" "n 7 mV "hoover, VI bule.ala A h'tall I'ealet in Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, Two d-.orl eaat of the IV.et Offpa, MtHKET CTKKKT, Cl.KABI IKLD, TA. .A lrj aeeurtntenl of lipe.,C gar Caaea. Ie. alnavi on band. tuOU ly J. K. BOTTORF'S PlIOXtxiKAPlI (iALLERt, ' Mmk-t Plrei-l, Cliarnrld, l'a. Tl!UAHVEa made in eloody, aa well aa in k nlur weather. Cunatantlt no band a good ai.irttnint of FKAMK-. mHHibOtirES and STEUKOM'OriC VIl:S. Fraiut-a, Iron) any Blyle ul ni'Mildltig, ina-le to ord.-i. aiirgH.tl " F R AN C I S CO UTRI ET, ' MKItCHANT. l-rrnrlnllle, learlield County, Pa. Krrpa eonatatitly on bond a full aaaortment of llry lioodi, Hardware, Grocerlea, and avarytbing uaiiiilly keit iu a retail ature, wbtcb will be auld, foraeab, aa abaap aa olaewkera in tba dutuity. 'reuchville, June J7, Ib671y. C. KRATZER 4, SONS, merchants; paaLBRB in ' Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Call', Qaoatiaware, Groaeriea, ruvitinb and ribinglee, C'lcartltd, Prnu'a. ja-At their newiture room, Second Btreet, near Morrall A lltglar'a Hardware atura. janli Wrrrhant tTailons. F. C. CROMM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MAItKKT FT., CLEARFIELD, FA. VFCLIa iupply of Clothi, rataimrref nnd A'eatinga ejutaMitly ok Uaod, wbiob will lr uiii'te up hsjtjAariiiiig to tha I at eat faabioui, in a uUUiitiJ oianuer, and at lew ratea. titv-C tlt'.i'J. (Joiiiz It Alone. 18(i9. . It L. KTOUtiHTOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Hi reft. Clearfield. Pa HAVING opened huineae on iny nn book, nt the old it sad in htw'a How. I therefore ahiMiunoe to tba public that 1 bare now on hand a wall aolecied and Urge atfurttnenl of Cloths, Cassuneres, YeEtiige, Deavrra. ana an imua oi uem. ior men eon bova' wear, aid aia now prepared to meke lip to order CI.1TMINH. from a .ingle article ui a foil auit. In tbe latest etyles an moat wortm.pnt. menner. rparik.) attoction given to euetom work and futtinf-oat fwr men nnd bnya I offer groat barynini to eortomere, and worari antiie tatifocU'n- A lMarai ehar of pab.ic pntrrrrara it aohcited. Call and eea twe, jar(7-tf K. K. L. fcTOLOHTOX. II. li It I D (i E. MERCHANT TAILOR, (tlora ne door mat of CUarf.eld llnuae,) Market ttit. learlield. Pa. KFF.PS on liand S foil aeaartment of Oanf Fornitbirg ti-M-d., intb aa r-birta, Linen and vloolea l ader.biru.titaw.ra and 6k., Neck tiea, P'-ekct Uandkerrbic'a, Uipr.i, Hata. rntUr.li.e, de.. In groat variety. Of 1'ioce Oooda h keeps U - - . .-. Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,"' ifh at Tilaek Iekio of tha very tet nake Fttrj la en mere, in greU rarutt , jUeo, French Coatinn. Heaver, Pilot, ( riinrbilia, and Vrknitt i ovrr(Mtug. All of whfrh wUI be mid eboep for (ae.h. afloat mult flllS BVSafa rr fi t. , a ftak trial l.t..l altlai by exporinred wnrVnitn. Atao, Acrnt for Clwneld Woonty for I. M tingv-r A t'o'a. oeiebrated dewing Machine.. Nov. 1, Ittoi-tf. II PK limit. Wli3rrUanrcns. riv tTftf'T- I fxrii t'Tt'lrnii .ltW MiHh! Attt Sfl LtS I I ' fALL ASb WINTER ' GOODS, , MILLINERY AT Miss SUSAN - ; nprrtir , HL-rsU v.' MARKET rf. LKABFIKLD PA. Um ing (uet received all tbcnovvitio. of lae ia tbe Milltaory line, reue.t the laliev In eatl and examine them. Clra.A.-ld. l'a.. Nrr . l-f,. i)i:k packers, .IVJM Mtaerfa SI., I'itlsbmrfh, Ume on band a large stock ol BaCOIl. SldeS. SllOUlderS. PLAIN AM" R'UAR rt'ltl'Ii flAMS, i Meaa Pork. Pried Pcef, and l.raf l.ard. all of aur own I'a.kW g. Curluj and Smoking. r.jn:i n.... nu n '.j Aituu Vila 1 iUUl , UllPf Pt J-T1CU AI'p.CS i ana I eacLo:-, With a general awvrtment ft Urocele, at the j loweet market priecv. Jnne I ta-lv-pd. ORGANS &. PIANOS. ETVS AXD MA'.V ,f HAMLIN'S, roa tAts ar TiA VF!, Cnrwen.vlll.. . J Pa. Til '(irutriELD rtFricLim." r.PTAIll IfllF.I) l 18T. The largest circulation of any News paper ia North Central . Pennsylvania. aajaaam -o - , m ' Terms of Subscription. If paid ia advaaca, or witbia I oatba..ai Otl If pud after S and Wefsf mnmht 8 il If paid after the etpiration of e montha... S INI E.itca of Advertisirg, T ran a tent advcrtiaawieanu, mm tnara ul ia Itneao K-stp, J timra or h -f , f I 4 For naeh attbarqwrnt inferlinn . AdminiatraUira' and F-nvatorit' tioticot...., J Ml I Anilltnra' notit-ea (Wintaudr-,rKvt... i . t.u al noticdk, r It i.r 1 s I OS li If 4 M Oritnary notice., axor Ave line, per linv.., Profraeuirial Cards. I year...w...w TKAP1.T APVVaJTt.iKVrVT, I ea,aar..... t square. I square!. ..M Ob j , m,!. :. M a h n j onlwtna.. ...5(1 oa I 1 ow'.uma.. Job "Work, PI.ANKS. ,iegl a,nl-. cP ' S Quires, pr.quire.JI 7 I s.i.1. pr. aaira, I so I Ore. s, per mto, 1 t-s HAnnu.t.. I sheet, ii ot ,tl OS j sheet, 5S e lew.t.S i sbrnd. 4 ar leas, M j ,nral J m , M Clear li nt aavck of above at proportionata ratea. R titov and Prnfieeetor. "TH R WAtr.l.Tbe an4eraig.ed -av ot rat tba hirbc t AMI PKli E In. all bind, tier ano it t n th in.; rrearSald, T)n At V ""-vwvaoau. i V rnrrvstriF. 1tM!rc!lflf. T V RO N t A t L t A It i h L JJu;j 0) dtt " M1. tril'l ? JBea P.--f -t 1 a. el w.ll r- j, , .J undayai b-'",l Iff!. aoj I e 11,75 owe Tai.' t -r Tmii b-'weva Tn-jt. Wl.,V.i: ' I F.AVK Fill 111. Ce.ruYI I S, r 1'bilip.L'uig, ar.1..''', lelS, ' Ovreola 4.14, 1 K'Jltn. T-r ' l'blliMl raj au 1 1 . I " b!ll'e ' f a i;k a n uj h jr. x 1 1. s from cLiMRrm.iJ ' riio.Tnp Sialiua. f, : aiuuoi.1, Lauaard...,H... It Midliuud II. ilr.. i.i t. a" iDiaraecuigB awiecutio. ti Oartfner n li lit. 1 iauL..,ll '1 6jnjai....,ii4 6t .nJv tiiua:e..ii Wallaoeluu 11 Pine Hall. 13 Plliliiabur(..IT bleluari' 1 t'- Hwwo.itoo lui.iar i't on Oar aula Oaceola HI i 6f LiiLt.ar .ti Fint JIl'm .Hi s r.ini i Pand) Htdg....J') P"1 Ptiillpthurg.ai BtiHatatt Ml . Mm k'Ue ii-il ... l'.eaaat....U ti t W ioUo. ...JJ Uardiiar..mM.V-i il btf liigbr MH "33 vauatoydW. a 1 w. voJ,ai.ti,.w...j jj Trune JU C Ira rlieVd,""i I FA li" K FKUM C L K A iT J-1 j-; il j q Bailtfunta, l'a ObMtddiat.aa yH iivk iiitcu.,,..m at I'Manot'a, ,... lu W il..raiakorle..f... I 60 ; Lttoraiter . Hi nuutiii(iiun , .... 1 o, r iiiwc.t,rrtU T ii .'wiftown-, 2VOAitootia MaiyitiMa ' Johnet,.wn HAhRTSFiriKi... iraU'liT-Bl ln, kli COl!l-Cf IO.SH. " PaaruDgeri li-aring CJoarbfld it J.te . 1 Phil paburs at J 55 p m.. t0sa;a tvt t lj . an-ira at Tyrona at tJ p. ib.. Dikitif oobBWi with Cineinnott k.xtrea Hum of 5 17 p. B tlfj with Mail Heel at b it p. m , oa Maia Liae with bald Kaeia Krpreaa, laurint? ttrPrj v Tjtj p. am. in fa bellotuule at ti p ..rjofj,t Ijock iiarew at 10. av p. to , rowweelirr w,t, .ifli: tin b m" rnimot ipiiin ni-J Lrir krl 14 11.41 11.n1 .arrivirht V .()iatr.,; -r li.jB n Itriominjf. pnntfjifftra lairltip U 1 hmsifrtt at 8.14 a. m.. oa bne Mail Wert, arrie it Lnp hj. tc it mi a. aa., couiieyitug witu Baid aaai Kiproar Itaviuj; iix-k liuven at Ujk.m..m rmiaj; at tttlit-ioiaa at 11. a, a. m,, buow et in; ai a.v y. m , ton 1 hum at I ;i p. n UWAI.I II. V Jl.LlAiaS, tlt-ueral .gm,t ni.it -Ltuni CEOHGIS C. WJi.KJ.aS. 0 1 9 tf t ijji iutodtat riilliidelpkla kS tile Kallroai SL ilMEl. TIME TAIiLE. Tbrorgh and direr! route k tweea Pti'alilpla, llalliuiora, llarri.hur;, M'Uiiaai.purl, ana u.a Great Oil Retrion of Ptrnsvliana. p. ,. aTTmix-r r-.na I A t. r. J i ti L AE3 Oa all igl.t Trama. -vjj ,,!, anjD.T. A PSIL M Itti fk. tTditna on tha Philadelphia A Km tti ivuea wiu tna aa f"tow : Vrtrd. Msif Train leave Fbiladetj bia. H4?F , Ito do...Pt. Jrlary'i J aft f 1 bo.. nrria nt fcrla H p. g. j BM Mpreet leaia I bileOelf ir.tv.. II t a. Uc...,.. ao t. Alary a .-., JtrtiAM. j . DtyH....Marrua at Ena I Mil i I isiaird j Train imrei Frir. tf A E j ia. ....... dt-...t i.o. i -...I'FM. It.....j,(rtva oi I'LilaJeij b.a ... I ;. H I kne laipraea tear at trie w. lt;i f. M L0... ....... ..M lr ., 1 A.Jt 1' ho jirrire l I'ailaden i.. tUCI . iniaiJ and .ipret contort ntta Oil 1-wtiM I Aifiljn,y J.ntaT I. ail loa. kRfr i"Ttd liocoTt.1 ratittevi(it Clearfield'Counly Bank. rf1i!S Tleaifeld Cottnty Park ar to iwine ' - ,M roFTitniHin baa f-meonr or rx-.rTereir : too mirvwndw- let eb.rter. wa Wv 11. 141 I All it. etvrk I. awned by tb. anbacriben. V will aoatiitii tb. Banking ba.iaeae at the tt ptec, a. private Ttank.ra. ander Ite trm at jut the "( learflrld Coantv Berk. He ara apon.iMefer Iba debisol Ibe Patik. ani il pat not-e.n devoend at tbe (.wntrr. Ueowia : ""-''"4 andint-reet paid when mry i. lafilw i a aita lima. rapr aiarviant.d at sit per cat la brret'l-ir. Our peranal reoti.ipillrf a I pfedgd for all looaita r-L-ived and barlaea Iran. ct4-d. A ronlinuaitc. tif tbe liberal pu . renege of tbe bo'inest men of tr,. en.i.rr wie- j p"?lli!'lv f nllri'ed. As Pre.i.lent, t'ahi' flat f"Bcerjof t-. late Clereld Couaty Senk.w ' retjui'r the aotea of .aid ItaoV, to be premat ti-r reemptiou. IAS T 1.1 OSARtl, r.ICt!ARI nn.AW, M 1-iiKTK.R. JAS. M. hhtjAH, a. K. ttnittiiT, 11, u l.nii., MM. A. WALLAt S. The hupioea. ol the Itank arill o. roniiortee kv John M. A.l.m... Ku.. ae t'ah icr. ;oi.Jr 'M J. I. VUirk. r.laardP.At. ElNKCfG & CCLLECTIOli EO SE tir McGirk & ferks rrpNoaaor t- Footer, Pci ti. 1 Co., Ihlllal)nrg', Cmlre rootitity. Pi. I T wi! o trnneaied jm.ttnllT and op -r. tu t favoro.tlp HTtna WiarT-tf County National Bank. rLCARFIPLD. PA. I a. ae,.. uaMraemn4BlrM..ta'lBt.a:!4' ing formerly o-eiif ied by Leonard, tmnrj A Cfc niarrvon aap orrirana ) A. P fill A MAM. KICHAKn ?MA i M. A SAl.turB, A'M. PtiHTPI. 1 K. tu !ll T, UKO. L. Rt'EP. w. Mor rk, ja. t. Ltovtr.r.. i J-. f,f ra.l.ier. l'I(ridral larhsmiihing. Xew ISln'k.iuitti Miop. Ftrovi) st.. ci.rAP.nri.r, r. riflK arder.igned hee-i to Inform h! fricall. 1 and the inh. Intent, ot the borourh of Clear. eld and rnrroi!n4i' r nright-irh.n4. that h. at row roady to .leoute ail order, .itbar in ireasr tel. llulK Mll'KlNil an th. moot approvi! e IV eti Ie. ALL WINPS OF fW MIl.t. IROXS F.l 1 N C work, log tat n'a twiia, eaaibovka,ppreat, graii". e. Steel Iih.I, uf all kitd. made of best ttf'ifk or Ameriraa ateel. -fc-All my work la warranted toglvatatl'- f-tion, ot not charged Ivt. AVOS liKXNAFP- rrriv Itliu ksiiiilli Shop. TUlKIi STREET, fLFARrrL!!. nnd tha rublie in yerera. It al be tea left ti-d in iba boroarh of t LhAhKthl.U .i at-p rvei.tly ntvoptetl bv Jac ISiaiifcar""1 wbera ba ii now roa h lo arfria il 'm t war ta hi eo. nnera tQ k , rtiR ar i;Ve or- SVda, Pteipht, l'in:ge aod ag m m'tif'i- " H.irea r'-emp d-oe at tf-a nHhtst m e. Hi r (tret fuMy tk a bare t wtwh friw & aa tie it. i en. la to a,va hit tfle attrrti-ri t P j r.oin-. THOMAS MbrV- ! JMarrh 1 Md iXIoKCKTownciiilpAnabe at!rAT KXi 1TFMPNT AT THOMAS ItKKH.S S I 1VEPT!tODT trvirg I. get ihereBrrt. fstf" . af beiag nrowded (MB! Mil. tbe eaid. Ii oa want good bing don., go to P-trst If ya want ).-ur S'..4. m.ned t iarL. go' t'rivA If wa w.at good HI ill !re. fx, io ttm Il y.a want yoorweg.-n Ironed ia tb beat nvlo and worhman.bii. go aa Prrai Ptn moke tbe tl 8iomp M."b'e Ir t" itato, lelliw all kiadeef PI.Af KfVn',t a. eae.n aa oaa be doe. la the scanty fv Cava My foal 0e addreea ta rtootfleld pn'lre IIIOMa PkrbS. Potga Tp.. rto It". IWT.K " Clearfield Nursery. ENXmitAMi HOME l.rlTKT 'PIIK BBder-la-ned. ba. rg oetab!i.hed a K I aevv aa tb. Piha, ab-ut kail way '" Cie.ra.ld aad Oarweneville. I. pratmred to aiab alihtadtaf fKI IT THE Kb, i eaaadard an dwarf. I KvaTgraaaa, (.braknera. Grape vloo.en.tnM, U.wtoa bi.MO.rry, Miawnarrv. aad Haaberry V laea. Ai.o, biberiaa ft Toa. Qotewa. and ar:y tewlet Kbonaib, Aa. Orrt sromntlv atlaadad to. atrlpa. i warTftffT. ".11. . av