mi BOYER & SHAW, (it . t. ,) KI AND II BIT-CLA,", DRUG STORE, Market SI., Clearfield, fa., (AdJ'tlBiOf tlort of R. MeeoB ) HaVIMJ p.ickttri k. iWrt fltor. Feet., end re fitted it entirel. meiine: It In I ,,,! flKST-CI.AMi lihUU hTOR K. w ,., op-nine:, to offr to the puttlie.a Fl'LL. rnMI'I.KIK, end "TKIC1I.V Pt'llk tero.i. rot of Urur. ('kenan-ole, Paiala. Ilye Stub., If., A, e..nilin,( of tills, P.it ti. Vatntebet, HKUG3, PATENT MKMCIXE3 pjr fctnffi, Tobeeoe, Ctt-are, CoBfeoUeaeries Ktatiooerv. Ao. PHYSICIANS W'll llnd th.lr .took of Pmfi FUM. and COM riKTK, and ata a.ry (l.gbtadreoreon KtiUra en ol. SCHOOL BOOKS. Tasrhera and other will bo furniabed with lkiiieal and miaoellaneooj booki by c gpresa,at aiert nouee. STATIONERY. Cnitelf ting of Cap, Flat Cap, F ooltcep, Letter and Perfumed Note Paprre ; ateo, a rery neat stork f Muarning Not Paporand bnvelopeaea ba&d. ffoi. renciif. inn. f. HOU8KKERPER3 Will and a fall tUick of PUKK SPICKS, RODa, tiODA ASH. Concentrated !,YR. SOAP, fe LADIES AM) GENTLEMEN Are riut-d to exam tne this stork of Perfumery, Hair OiU, fine Toilet fioapa, II rushes, Combs, Toilet Hen.. Ac, 4. SMOKEIW AND CIIEWEKS Will find a full .apply of prl nja Chewing and (.nuking TOHAOro. Imported and Ioiteitic ClliAUS, fcooff. Fine-Ctay. An., Ac. CAitiiON OIL. Of tfee bait brand, always B hand. LlgL'uKS. Tt belt qoalitr-of Liqaora always on band, for aertieal purposes. eT Politicians Prescriptions prompt. And earefullv eompoanded. May IS, IHtVJ. REMOVAL. HARTSW1CK & IRWIN, DBUCGISTS, .Ttarkfl Htrtrt, Clear litld, Pa. Vr' Infirm o.p old and at If eauinrf. Ihl a. barf reBiotrd our ... i.hli.himtil to 1st apuioui arw bnildit( jti.t trfld en Markd vtrcvt, nrarlj adjoining the nar.iun nuuKnn in. WMU BD4 0to.it Mnf.rf. 'irahani A Bona' atvre; wharo w. rapactful iDTita tha pnblia t ocm. and buy tbalr Dregs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our ptnek of Ttrnpa and Mcdlciota eanatala of d.rttliinf Hied, a.Iactad with Iba jr. alt. I cut, aod WAia&SIEIl STHTCTLT PUEE! r alia leep a full atock of Djra, Farfunrrlrf, T,.,lt arlllra Vn.pa. T.nlk BraaliKft, Hair ra.hta. Wbttawfa bruabaa, ftd .vary atbar .iai llru.baa. Wa bav. ft larf. lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, llnwad Oil, Painla. and ia fart eTfrvtMnjr tMd ia tka paiatiat; aaaiaaaa, ajkick wa ttcr at pileaa to aaab bayara. TOBAOX) AND PEG A US, Coafwtlooary, Fpica. and tbe larrl alnek of 'hatiea a olfaroi ia-tbla lv..-am aarraat tito brof tba boat Iba Markat a .r i. i. (1. H A kINW (OK, The Great External Eemedy. Tor Mas and Bftut, IX WILL CURE RHEUMATISM Tt ptratarlm of thla prrnarallnn la aa v.tl nua Uaha, that lltlla newt ha aid in thla eoonacUon. n VUV II hao nw foll.4 to aim FAlNfTt rnvoi ArrKitinsx, (-"XTRaitino ki s m. DTtrrNKH ki pais ihtiik joists, STITt'll K lnlnaHinK.rHx-11 IN K, Btinst S, H RN8. I.LI SU8. COHVltand t KOSTI.K rr.KT, Fmoai affected with kltvuaiali.a. aaa ba aBVatually an trtraianratlj curwl by u.na Uila vonilerOjl pr.0. rata ; It intrmua to Uia aarrc and bona Imiaadialclj aa b.lnaapvllM. On H 'ltstait will oar. (tntATCFtra HWFFFT, fil l. KVII. riSTI LA. ttl.lt Rt'NNINO RltRF, Mini EtwOM.I.AR OAI.I.S. UPRAINKII J'llNTI, TirfNT't" T TIIK 8Tiri.KH,c. It .III praretit H'll.WUOH.r aod WEAK LACI I.V MILCU COWS, I hara a.t wltb fraat anoraaa In brlnainR Bay iiitar. within th rrah of Uit I'ohlw. I am daily la awtntnr Inter, fmm fhT.irtan.. Itrutliata. MrrcbaBta aaa fameae. teaurriOf U IU eumUre pewen. DAVID B. FOUTZ, &, ProprUor, BALTIMORK, Ma. For aal. hy Hnrtawirb A Irarin, I'lrertlrld, and W dntffitiata and aturc kcjiara Ibruttfch'iut tha lailrd Metre. Ii.l.ll It NATURE'S GREAT RESTOUER RCIIIibTZ'l Celebrated Bitter Cordial. Till!, vfrlieal prfparatfns It now ffarrd to tba pubiia a a retiabia aahatitato fir tba ntor wortMrp rompouod which now flood tbe trfcet, it t pare IT TreKnl'a oropoad ol avriutt berba. gathered from tha gnat Btora--. of aaiura, and wleotrd wllh f he Btmoet It 1 not reomnaii'ndeii m a Craa-ALL. -it hf I tt direct and (military Inftneor upon h Heart, LWer, Kidneyt, lnira, Ptonn-h and Hevelt.it ( both at a prevent a and enr fer mrf af the dineate to whirb thoee or rant ire tubjeet II B reliable ramil Medicine, i4 can ba Ubear ! either in fin t or a1nlt with ik una benefirUI remit. It la n eertnin, prompt and apeedv remedj f'ir liarrhaa. Irt tttttry, Pot coBaplnlrit, Vyrptkt UahfU f'fiirite, faintinr, Kirkheiidarha, ffl. Fr ' kill tad fevaraot all kinds, it 11 fur better nd 'frr than an qoiniDe, wilhoal any cf iti rer- kitiooa cRVcta. It crfitf 1 an appetiia, prove a terml digrelrr, ad will eunterart tha effert tHi.inor i b few Biidotea. Prepared by J4XB CHKKTZ, rol Proprietor, N. W. rr. Fiflb ui He itreeU.. I'biladrl bia, Pa. fold by lni':f. no i2-ly Attention, Afflicted I THR inhaer.ber arirea notiea that ba baa refBBied the praotlco of Medicine fa l.ttth '".17, wh-re he tntn-. t flevoit hi alien lo the treatment of enable Dl-KAJiS -feneral He will fcffp " band a rhoire i '"iranf DRriiE-and MtlICINK8 admted to 'ft ii rnt o' ehrntifs dleaaeji. and nay be "a.ated at bia ooa at any hour of the dny. N. U. A word to lbe afflicted wild thnmie . wiay b to vuit.H advntnre. Maf r ar b aware I hut cutmiftT l'hftcUn wbo a.niio praetia not Tin 8 to attend to treainentof tmboric dnf, ana .neev tntly aintRrr thtmi herea tblaeleaa cf dia require Bici.retva artentlnn. UlteralMirg. Feb. 27, IsM tf Beale's Embrocation, (I. A T P. CO W K L I. ' ,) 'w ill Jip.,, lnrld.nl 0 lj..r'. Cattle, and ngataa r'lrih, ra.0iHn Ih. aa. vi aa .il'rnal application. tail F.iabrocatioa waa eatenilrfly weed by l't"?t.iBeBt dnrinf lb. war. r ,.l. br Harte.irk A Irwlr, Hrrfield. ,Ml'k H. Ir.ln. rarwennill.. Iiaal.l tlttod dat, U:l.arat-.arr tf Mcknight & jannot, ason mid Skish Makfrs, (lataiediately la mi of Plaolnj Mill,) CLEARFIELD, Tt. Till rabarrllMtra woald rearrtrallT Inform tti A ''tni,(l'li,(i,ia.,Bdthepnblielara.ral Ul "tea are prepared ts do all klade.f work aa 10.S, CARRIAGES, CLEIOIIS, c. !? " aotle. aad a reaat.naWa forma, and ,OTalika manner. A arw foatnra la l ik.t wel'ia oar .wa work. ardara pranntly ai'eniled to .t H 1 CHAItLF. JAXHOT. GEO. B, GOODLANDLTv, Proprietor. VOL.4iWHOLKNO.2123. Jlrii Co(jd3, Trorrrirj, (?tf. II E M 0 Y A L ! REMOVAL! C. KHATZER & SONS, To ihe Urfc and alefpint room, on BECdND PTKKET, tiijoining Morrall t Uifilwr'i hardwarp aturv vhera tlir will b pleaaud to aaa all their oli and new ouitomorv. Oititra oftlw eountT ?iiiiing CLEAKF1KLD. Bod w ibiii(r, to Bak pnrfliaMB, will And it to thir advantaga to exatuiaa ttivir stock. Goodi at CASH PRICES exchanged for . all kindi of COUNTRY rUODl'CR. jsn? .SPRI N G GOO D S! Jl'ST OI-ESIXU A BPLEXDID 6T0CK, AT Mnb It tf C. KHATZER A PONS'. QLOVEU, TIMOTHY and OUCH- AD RAS3 EKED, AT Vw.h 17 tf 0. KRATtKB A POSJ'. (JltllAT IMI.UAIXU New Store in MuLsonburg! In tba room formerly occupied by P, T. Hrgarty. L. M. COUT11IET fl'AKHH thii method of informing the ritiit-na of Coviiiston, (.urthiiiiii. (itrard And the eur- ruundinar itnimtr. (list hi' kaa In ail (tifnai4 at la. pee t.M-k nl HI'MM KH ClilllK -Kih Itf It rf.-t-r. i mined to aell TKX I'F.R CUNT tHKAPLK than i tbe aa-if-.a quahtr of l.ooda c.n he pun-ba-td for ia any oilier atvra in the BcihUorhuod. Ilia aloih eouaiata f Pry Goods of all kinds, Such a Satinettit, CaRxiint rva, Mdelina, Delaim n. Linen, Ifrilliiip, ('alieften, Trimmingia, Kabbom, Laofj READY-MADE CLOTH I Nil. IUH)T.S A .SHOES, HATS A CATS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Btu.ir. Riue, Molaavea, Fiih, Sail, Liuvocd Uilt Fmb Uil Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queeusware, Tinware. Caatinr. Plnwe and Plow ('etinj.. Xaili, PjtiVrn, Corn Cult ir a torn. Cider Prcseca, and all kiada of Axes. ;4..Mr Plowa are of the CurwemrtO and Centre eunnty make, aod are warranted to be of ruod quality. 1 Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, rainta. Vnnii'h, filaaa, and a fener. Mffortmcbt of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand-, alwari oo hand, and will be old at tba lowrat poetiWle fig urea. Stwh u BRANDY, WINE, GIN A wyi.-'KY AftflO pnnnda of Wrxd wanted fur which the highest price will be paid. croviirt i:cn, On band and for talc at (he lowaat market price Also, Agent for Wilann'a 8t rat ton villa T II It E S II I X G MACHINES. ii,Ca1l and eee frr ymrm-lren, Voo will find everything anually kpt in a retail atnre. L. M. COUTH JET. Franehrille P. O., Jon. 7. Itltt. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COrRFB THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices 1 "1T"E are now opening up a lot of the heet and 11 mut teajiontiltle (.ooila aad Warea evrr olTered in thia niarkcl, and at price that romind one of Ihe food old darn gr aiinup thing. inoe who lark faith op-n thia point, or deem Our alle gationa anpQr6a(Pia, need hut cvff.ir .ir oin store, Corner Front and Market fltreetH, Where thy ran k, feel, bear and know for them eehre. To fully Binlrr-tnml ohm are cheep good, tlna mut Ire done. Wa do not deem l tMHy-naj-y ui eniimertiie and item ice oar stock. It i cougb frr ua to atale that We have Everything that ia Needed and oni.nun.rd In this mrli l, and at prices thai atnirn both old and yninf. - dJO JOSKPIf F 1! A w A fox. XEW FIalJIt,FKKI AND PROVISION STORE, 1111 K Bn.ltTMjtnr'd bare Jttat rrcrtvrd at tlilr new etnnd in Wailacrton, a full eupply ol Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Baoou, dtc, CAT. 01!,, (at rrilticrd ralta,) - A ym-l arlirle of ToUAITo, ritiAKR AND f.MOKISO TdllACrtl, o..an'ly oa hand. All or whiib anil Ih- aol.I at i.n 111 i J.. I'tr ( AMI or .iron ia ev:bat.(e for tlll.NtlLtS and ; I.I'M bi:ii. . reaprotfully aak Iha pnl.lia to air. aa (rial befor. f.Brrhaalan brew. J. P., REAU A 0. Wallanrtoa. April T, lfa. EDWAU1) PERKS k CO., Flour 'Ijiiaiifaiclurrra, And ltt-alrra ia GRAIN OF ALL KIN DS, p ii i l i p f u r r o , r a . Vrri.T, Ki pn.T nf ft-oi r, ti iikat, TORN and t IKlP oonatantly oa hand, and lur aale at ratra remarket. Ir low. (ti bl ll Crape Vines for Sale. V1,L th. trading hardy rarirlira of ftrat qua?. Ity. t'tlNlltllll (TlTlNllt. 1 U for bomlred. CUNCORM VIN'KS on'y 10 ornll. Or d.ra w.liollod aa aooa aa aonr.ni.nt. and AIM in rotation, by A. M. HIU,P. IrararH, Pa l Anroio) S, )!. 7 HJJ. grlruttural ?(mp!ftttfn. ATTENTION, FARMERS I (U'ooJ'i New Joatuuti lur jklower). AB this iaan age of improvement, and know in that Clearfield ouumy will not remain litijjt brhiad brai.tereUQL.e, tbe Bnderii;ned hea availed bimaelf of the opportunity to fur oiab fB'mera with all tba improved implemeuta of farming. WOOD'S CELEBRATED MOWERS AND REAl EUS ! Tba 3rat and only (tie. Grand Quid M.Jal aa Mowlag maottin.a taaa awarded to tbia Ua chin, at tha Paria Expoeition. IAtt7. where a 1ml ol aiitern of the boel tuacbiaea i. ttie world waa bald. Warrttnttd to Cut from 10 to 12 Acres of Grass per Day. If, after a trial of one half day, anything ahoald prove defect!., ftotie. ahall be f taea to Iba airut, and time allowed for a aettood trial : wben. If tba machine doi nal work aa re pre -aented, It ahall be retnrned. Coutinoed poaeeaaioa of tba ataobiaa will be vid.oe. of aatiaraetiun. Price of Mower ia lilt. Alao, I.amao Hnrera' Harpona Horaa HAT FOHK ; lllHKSUlNtf MACIIINKSj t.atf.' Lorn t.eaer rl A l aod UIAIN K A K K ; ONA1N OKILI.H; Ualee' Copper ?lrlp FKKD CD TTkK. MII.TI.lS 11. IIHUWN, Aj.rt. C.iarfirla P. (I., Hay ID, tfll-tf liOOTHS IMPROVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. Mr mm. booth A Hutu-rarrer. Prnprtrt'ira of the lu prvtd ? T I' M P Kx lclr.wlb It diaiin'tly nn deratnod tha' liiey watr.ni this mofh;n to dojuet m ba it .i re eom m ended ei cel'ing oihr niarhinea , b) lu bnieg on e true ted on (rue phileo phical prinri pieta It will extract (he largrat pine etuiup, aua pend It abova f round per mitUt.tr the aolltqfarbaelt ia ihe bie and will pull them a Ut a- len men eas'B. tha dirt fn.ra the rood after itraelrd. It will Ddll owifir In the liae of th J -tampi) firm forty to one baodrel per dey. It J propped up, aa drird fay i-erfft wnntinc fl ii y i.erfot. wntinrf rra of lb rue Much in an ran leke it lo hie farm, and, If Hot to fr away, wa will go and help eel It op and lest it i if he is pot aatiffled wt will take it sway and rharra netbing for our tmulde. Marhines flftO with Town hip fttxhti. IStngta Machines. $170. flaw and Cnanty hifcbta for aole. BOOTH 4 RI'MIMROKR. J.tNrrcn Lite P. O., Cltar&eld Co , Ps ci:tihatk. We, tha the nn lersgnod. having wllnaaed tba rial of T. J ftnotb'a mpnTd Miuip Katraetor, on ihe ficrm if K H ire, ntar Latherritarg oa Patnrday and Monday, tha 7th and 9th of Niivetndee, taVe pleasure In axying lo tha pub lip, that we btll7e it to ba the bct trarhme now in oe for et tract tre stumpi. It la of aimfle eonMrnetlna. espl'v winnaa;ed, not l abia to gel nut uf orrtpr, and very durable. Four mm hxdt ihe midline Irom tb wafn. when tntirn'y part, put It tcoher, and polled a U'tfe pine l otri In Irri tbun one hoar, saw inn torn poll a lage stump with eato. They nea a bone, but he do, hie work in taking out iha largeit tun p. withnat a hard polt Mr. Itnoth, the Patentee, folly anderatande putting up and hsod'ing tha machine. Wa woald adiieo those In waaiof stomp entreeteie to see thiaono taated before percbaing eUswhere, whirb they ran da free of charge by calling on tbe Proprietor. J. C. liar re n, J W. Hifkard. R.V. tSparkman John N ..later, John Kirk J. W Mabaran, R. II. Moore, ' J. W. Wariaea, W.R Aleaandar. Oea Hnnjcr, Was D. Uerk, Andrew Wilton, fi. J. Horn, VYiw. K. Irvia. K. J. Kirk. Jhims Moopa, I.. H. Cariile, OcB.WiImn P Lever rlegal, Fred k Smiley, oovlV lf foundrg and Vlarhlnr hop. A. r. BOY). TO,,,. ...oio. t. roi ag BOYNTON a YOUNG, F0UXDEI.S & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES C.rtMtr .f Foarlh aad Pin. Ptrmta. t l.KARI'l I.I.I), PA. UAVINH rnaprl In lltr roaDurature of flrt. rlaaa M AL'lil N l.JtV, wa rraprotfnlly inforta th. pnklie tl ftt w. ara Bow rtrrpared to III all ordrra aa dimply au.l ar promptly aa ran 1 done in an, of the eitiee. We laanolacture and dual in Malay and Circular J3aw-Mills, Hrwl Bloeke, Walor Whoala. Chartlnf Pnll-T, Oifford'a Tnieolor, Bt.am llauara. Rlrara Whtallna, , Oilrra, Tallow Cnpa, Oil Cupa, tlangr Cnekp, Air Oorka, (llnh. Valvra, rhorh Valm, wroahl iron Plpra, Hteani Pampa, fioilrr Feed Paaine, Antl Frirtlon Mntrra, flonp Htone Parkin., flutn Patik tnf. and all ki'.d. of MILT. YVOHK, logalher with Plowa, Fled S'.lra, COOA' AXD 1 RLOR $T0 VES, and ather CAF TIKIIS of all kinda. 'rOrdora tolloitad and (Had at ait prtaM- Ail Utt.ra of laqairy with Rf.ranoa to ataahlaaty TIT m --ag-3-- .' ., J i't - i. : v of our atannfartttr. promptly anaworad, hy addrat' In aa at rirftrfiold, Pa. . d.(.T if RirrsTi Tonfi T PRINCIPLES CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, I860. Sirdtt'arf, tfiau-are, (ftr. MERRELL & 13IGLER, Also, Manafaetnreraof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware CI. tARFlr.LD, PA. LOT OK SADDLES, RRIDLES, liarnaaa, Collare, ato., for aal. by MEKRELL A BIGI.EU. pALilEU S PA'i'EMT UNLOAD ln( Hay Forki, for aala by MEKHKLL A BIOI.ER. QIL, PAIXT, PUTTY, GLASS, Natla, .te., for aala by MERKELL A BIGLER. jYaRNESS TRIMMrXG&SUOE Findinga, for aal. by MERKELL A flini.EH. fJyXS, PISTOLS, S W ORD CANES For aal. by HEKRELL A BKiLER. gTOVES, OK ALL SORTS AXD Biaet, for aala by UEHRELL A BIGI.EK riiOX! I HON I IKON I IRON : ... For aal. by M EHRELTj A BIGLER. JJOliSE SHOES & 110 RSE SUOE KAILC, for aale by MEjmELLA BTOLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And beet Manufacture, for aala by MF.RF.ELL A niCLF.U 'JH I M BL K " SKEIN S A X D PIPE BOXES, for (ale by UEHRELL A IllGLER JODDKR CUTTERS fur eulu by MERKELL A BIGLER. SAVS! SAWS! SAWS I ATTENTION', LUMBERMEN I .t Kiii'OLi Tia.r tr s.ursi EMERSON'S PATKNT PKRFOB ABATED , Cross-Cat, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL 0HMMI30 AVOIDED.) A Lb , Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, oharpanlng, and Ebapiog in a Teatb nf all Splitting 8a a. tt,gnd for a Deeoriptire Cirealar aad Prlte Lift MEBRKLL A BTOLER, Jan9 tf General Afrnla rlaaraeld, Pa GTraAU" l'EALIR 1!f STOVES AD HOLLOW-WARE, AkiD MAllL-FACTUtKR OF Tin, Copper 1 Sheet Iron Ware, rpflK anderftrned reapeetfuMy an at u ace la I tha publie that he has oa hand a rare- fully ev'e.'led at d Woll a-ai.rttl stook of C.oTts. Uis variety cun.lats of HIE CK1.KBRATED !K0N?IIRS, Which have never failed to give perfect eatWta)- iion to the mi lat.li'iii of Its purcbaers, Ceatiaenul, tehlgb, Fae-ner, Daylight. Hpeara' ABti-Daat, Niagara, Chartu, Herald, ao With every variety of tba best Pittsburg MaDafsrtuTB. feth-Tbe Tin snd Phrsl Iron vara given with tha r-tovea la madtPof tha heav est and best material, and warranted to gir perfeot aalta faction. Hi atoek cf PARLOR AND HKAT1NQ STOVES la larger, better and eheapar than avar before eibibited to the publie. lis delaa aompeiitioa) either In variety, quality or price, 11a la alio prepared to famish a oom.pl at assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow Ware, Whole aal a or ret hi I. mafinfartnrod nret'y and with the Dole view to service, from tha best ma terial in tha market PLOWS, PLOW POINT. A COPPER, BRAKS AND IKON KhllLKo, ' Of every drseriptlon oontaotly oa bud. Lrnnrsisa ylqvh, Pnperior point, pat op on abort antics, Tha Point ba odors to the pabllo ia Iba seme aa is now need hy too Pennsylvania Railroad IV. t-a ihoir baildiaga. 0RlERS FUR SrOUTINO, ROOFINU And other wnr belonging to Us boalnaea will bo promptly Hied by eiperkeneed aad skiltlvl workmen. BRASS, COrPER AXD OLD METTLE Tak.a) la aiobang. for gowda, . , er-fl p.rlaHy lnrltet tha altentloa oT Merrbante wiahing lo parehaae atwbolaaala. aa they will and It to their adTantara to eiemkae tie aloek bafora parchaaing ala.wh.ra.' II, . FLKdAI.. rbillpabarg, Aug. , TSUI. jjlltnl I V lloofland'a aerataa.tloatetter'a aod Qeatea.', ero. Itaaft.natod Hiltwa t alaa para Liqaera, af all b iaae for a: iaiaal parpoa... for aal. ar HART8" IOK A IRWIlf, TI'ftTICES' CnnTARLE" W. h.aa prlatrd a largo wafakiw of tha acw T El RILL, and will aa tha raooint of twM.tr Ararwnta, mail a eooy ta an addtaps. anrn in in 1 NOT MEN. THE REPUBLICAN .T.r. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDSESKAY MOHMNd. JTNK J3.M09. TRAYILSJN AFRICA. Hon. S. 8. Cox, who in notr tntvol injr in Africa, cuntinnps tr write very iiiloreminf; letu-r to tlio IVVM. II in litft ia datfd at Miliuimh, Alficni, Af rifu,' April 2!5llt, Irom which we tkke the following iaegmns t- MOHAMMKHAN RITES. Now for rjoinpthinjr more horrible, wliich 1 iiltnoHt aickon to paint. Mah- moud inttista on our eoini; up into the old city to lee aome Alolianinxdun ri(e. J ho dovil buiiaell k an Alvr ine derviHb. 'J'heft are not the dun- cinjr, whirlinrr dervialiea of Constimti noplo. There aro aovertil aecla ) MoKlema peounnr to Morocco and Ak'iera. 1 think Ihore are seven. 1 believe Muhmnud belonr, to this one. Ho did not like to coiiluHsit; hut I saw him, as we entered, quietly salute tlie chief dervish with a peculiar em-' brace and kiss. To this performance the ladies went; but they bad to go up stairs into one of the galleries of lite inner quadrangular court of the Moorish house, among the Moorish women. Scvorul nationalities were represented in our crowd. Expecta tion was on the tiptoe to sec and hear. It waa a bot niirht, and the room was closu it tid full of people. Homo two dozen Moors were present. It is dark in tne room : only two dim candles and a charcoul fire, which smouldered in a skillet. 1 he object of the latter appeared to be to wurm up the. drums winch the demtthes bent, and winch, when the sheepakin -got loose, they healed over the tire to make it Uht. Perhaps there were some fumes in the skillet to muko the dervishes fi. v i ! i -1 1 . While our ladies above were taking cofl'eo, eery black awd sweel, in nice little china rups, in the galleries, with their Arab hostesses, wo sweat down stairs, jeaning expectant in tl o dark against the whitewashed walls or against the pillars of the court. TH E DASCK. Now the chief bfgii s. IIo chants pHsii);es of the Koran. hile, staitdin; around him semi cimilurly, a half dozen respond with whining tones. Others, with their drums, sit cross Iced in a row, before a littlo Mnnd with two long, lighted wax tnpers. A monotonous drum chorus begins; then a long haired dervifli bound up like a jaek-in-thc-box,as if shot in the rear, and, buirij; up, a brother unbinds hia gnrinants and spreads out his hair, and then be jumps up, gently at first, kot piitjj time to the music. His head lui . 1. ! Utnt, . . j , . I, , and faxtur, ti U bis hnir flies around wildly and his bands are swinging in snnoly. He is joined by another who is more staid. . The lust looks its if he ought to know better. Tbe (irt-t one, exhausted, fulls down in epilepsy and is carried out. Xo. 2. is joined by No. S, then No, 4 appears, and by this time No. 1 re appears, and the quad ruped for they arc like a brutal four lugged nondescript are all ut it. No. 1, having worked himself wild again, stops a moment. The other atop. A brother appears from behind with A Ra.0 HOT BAH OF IKuN. No. 1 laps it with his tongne. I see it smoke. My blood runs icily. He ships the iucande cent iron with hand and foot. Then the ministering broth er offer him to eat aome delicate stems or pieces of glass. Hecrnnched them and swallowed them. His digestion is cxrollen. If it had been candy and be hud been a juvonilo, he could not havo relished it niorol Then No. 2, the intelligent, stops and hss A liONO WISE RIM TIIROllllH BIS TOUOUE, und out of rai h check, protruding four inch es. Ho snarls meanwhile like a cay;cd hyena. Then No. 8, who has been ruihor quiescent, commences to snap and bnrk like a hungry dog eyes popping out, and luce all ssvugc nnd iinhrtiled. harked T ho howled, bo growled. Finally, the ministering brother comes out with ono of the thick learosofths prickly pear, a loot long, in form of an ccliHw, an inch thick ; and full of thorns; all the dcr. viahes dropdown on all fours, and are biting el it and Into it, and crunching ill TUB FROTH OF TIIF.IB HOI Tnil hangs to the green nricklcs snd slavers the "green rind. I'gh 1 What more f Xo. 4, in an extnsy of fanatical dia bolism swallows a scorpion. W hethor Ihey have taken out the poison, or whe'.her the ufHntus is so enormously exciting, that tison is innoxious; or what, find knows 1 We summon Mah montl in baste ; beckon our Indies from above in the dark, and seek re lief and breath in the narrow streets. I'pttti this infernal ogry we have noth ing to comment It is as near making the human a wild animal as anything tan be. It is worse than tho nrgro perform anc! every Wednesday, upon the s'UNitlo, at the Jurdin d'Ksai Here all the blacks of Algiers come to cele brate thb rr.Tr. or nassim. It begins when tho beans begin to blacken I'p to that time the negroes alHain from entintr benns The "xa- ered" Is mixed with the profane in this festival. They celebralo Belal.a sainted black (emalo slrjvo, who bad been in Mohammed's family. They pray and gorge with food. An ox, covered with flowers and iray foulards, is sac rificed. They dunce around it sevenJ times belore they give tne oeam stroke. As the ox dies, wSelher soon or not, In agony or not, so is the prog nostication ol food or evil. Then bo- ginsthe negro dancing. Dan Bryant might leant new fantastic lessons in tho heart. Alien tne propnenc ne grosscs, relii ing under a tent near the aua, are waited upon by the jrowd to leant tlmir futures. Tho crowd bring cbiikcns lo tho propLotess. She wrings ofT their heads and throws tbe body into the waves. If tba ''bead less rooster" fwitns and struggluB so; if otltorwise not. " That cots. Thon begins more dancing and chant ing, and wild sor of feusio, cs!! 71 TP 111 1 i ri r)",dlj- m im Diuici- nc, fur it m jitlly row. Tbin time black devottiesof Mohainmod ntltof rtit all the rest of their co-religionists, ex cept the brutal Dervishes. To hern them, I defy all the powers on or un dor earth. Justice, however, lo the belter class of Mohr.mmedans.tliMiiands thai 1 should say that they dii-upprove of these mum bo jumbo ogrics. Es pecially have they endeavored to crush out these negro extravaganzas. THE NKOHilKt are here protty much as clsowhcre not ol much account. I sav this not from American prejudice: for where you see such mixtures us hero, you lorget all about color and caste, it is the testimony of others. A volume I have opened says, in speaking of tbe races hero, that tho Kabylo is a good worker of tho soil : the Binkri is a fuir boatman and porter; tbe MiuU is busy is a baker, butcher, croccr and amul ini-rchunl; the Lnghonati is a laborious buurer of oil; but "le negro blam hit los muisnns, ou equrcequelquv grosftiere industri." He wbito-aasbep or does worse, or nothing. TLut is about all of hiin, hero. THE klOIIRIsa LADIES. Forgetting these matters, it would be more grateful lo follow the ladies of our party iu some calls they were permuted to make upou JUoorie.li la dies. Thty wore treated with singu lar frankness and kindness. If I bad timo to extract from tha journal of Jiuuume, it wouitl bo something for your lady readers. If 1 write again 1 will do so. I have oo leisure even in this, to' write of our visit to the Museum here. Oue object is worthy of note : there is TUB CAST OF THE BODY OF THE CBBIB TIAN MAR, YR SLAVE Rufusing to abjure bia religion, be was cast, not into a dungoon, but in plaster; not pounded, but fixed alive in the mortar, smothered in a horrible way. Rumors ol this trngejy run over Europe at the timo; for it was done by ono of the piratical llcys of the last century. Rut it was only verified the other day, lion the body was found, upon removing tho wu!l of tho old fort. Tho body was, of coin-so, dust, but the mould was there, showing bow the skin, lips, nnd brow, the very bones and attitude, took the form ol agony under tho tcrriblo torture. But our time is growing brief at Algiers. We must uiova to the west una south. The J'ictrl is before us, and (.'run is beyond. A splendid slop ping point is , THE CITT OF MILUKAal, from whicb my letter dates, How to come here. Wo have thirty miles of railroad out of Algiers to Hliihth. Wt start at noon and intend to remain there all night. The railroud runs eastward for a space, along tho sea. A ... ilii....,.. -rr. . u. waves for a half mile out. The sea is "incarnadine" with a vegotablo focus. Tho effect is peculiar, striking, and (rophicul. Soon we turn to the south and puns over the plain of Mitidji. It is not so well cultivated as iu rich soil would demand. The fact is, it is ma larious; und, although it has buried a generation, it has yet to bury mure bt fore tho old fruilfuluoss comes out of its soil. . ARAB UOBSES, their endurance and speed. We lis tened increduotiKly. Now we begin to have faith. He tells as that one on his horses, white one, (and most of the horses here are whito or dark gray,) can go has gone 120 miles in tl hours I Kow 1 brlieve it. We have traveled behind these horses for a fortnight. Wo have been promised, say, to reach our destination in til no hours, we were content ; but we reach ed it in six I We are delighted. Ev ery time yet have we been more than delighted with the performances ol those horsos. It ia either a cunning way tho French havo of ptomiKing far loss than they perform, or else when under way their horses beget it mo menliim which is salinlaclory. We wore promised 48 hours from Mar seilles to Algiers; we did it by the steamer in 4U ! So that it looks like a French rule, and it it a good one. As to the Arab horses, I have seen the best of them. Tho French officers have them. Xothing van excel the eleganoc ol their hearing and the speed and hardiness of their thoroughbred training and work. 1 he best stallions of Algiers are in the hands of the French officers. The cute Arab will risk a flogging, and something worse, in order to steal into the preeinuts of the slullion with his blooded mare, for the probability of a thoroughbred colt. 1 do not too, however, evidence of that attachment which it is aaid tho Arab bears to his boreo, and what tho Arab songs lead us lo imply. Tho spur he uses on his horse is worse than tor ture. It is u sharp spike, oix incite long. Mr. Bergh would find plenty of work here among tho Arabs. 1 won dered that these Arab horses were so plunty and so cheap. One of the finest wss priced at 6tH) francs, or 8HI0. Tho doctor says surti horses would bring in London ir0. 1 think in Now York they would bring o00. But 1 wondered no longer when I found out the Government prohibits Iheir exportation. If it werf allowed tomorrow, Algiers would be full ol bnrso tntders from Marseilles and Paris. Wbv is their export prohibit ed f It Is impossible to do tho work here, under the sutnmer sun, cither of the army or the diligei.ee with any otlter kind of horses. The reason given hy a French officer lor Ihe fine qualities is that they are not eloselj stabled. The French follow tho Arab custom, and give thorn, as the Doctor gives his consumptive patients, plenty of fresh air. Their innate good quali ties having ben improved by many generations of this careless csro, we find the Arab horse the best type to day of bis kind. A pr rirTt'RB. 1 wish I eonld eive voo a rthotojrrach of Milionah. Make to your mind tba imagery of a plain, out of which, rising lhroiii.'hacveial miles of gardont, there winds as it rises, the road, op to the tatoin the fear of the city ; and bofore you get there, picture the Jimrslone rocku, gtottoed, honeycombed, and irregular at plaoes, Bat all deoorated rrrTi ht" CAN, TERMS -$2 per annum, in Adrance. NEWSERIES-VOL. 9, NO. 48. with vines and leaf and cascade, and surrounded by a sUuueh wall, within whose fortified escarpments a luxuri ance oi vegolation tee nit to turround a city or elegant proportions, with tower of church and dome of mosque, and all flushing whito and ulean as ono ot the cascades under the African aim then you have Milianuu ! It it the glory or Algiers! Enter within its gates! Wulk around iu plaza! Hero wo find embowered in foliage, in tbe i-entre oi to J large square, a Venetian Campanula. Jl stands alone and sounds tbo horns for Moslem and (Jbristiun. Go down tbe wide avenue lo tbe south side, you find yourself loosing irom mo precipitous walls, upon the grand view! beneath and afarl Yog see no frowning beetled brow of rocky fort, fortified by art and nature. Tbul ia vioiblo only from be low. You gszo down amidol the wild bryony, creeping about the rucky tides, making banging gardone of these walls, creeuitiif about where tbe .actus, the rocks, tbe pomegranates unu tne lounlaina, the flags aud tbe waterfalls in promiacous luxuriance form a foreground. While over the long plain, at tbe end of twenty miles, me inouniuiut tianu, one range above Ihe other, and the second above tbe third, long intervals between, for sev enty miles and more, until the eye from Milianah seizes, as upjn its last outpost of the vision, tho ultimate mountain range from whicb tbe begin nings of tho Great Desert appear! Our wav Bus them t THE OlillB WALL or ATLAS. What a leap from Milinnub to yon der outer wall of Atlas! Yet we must partially go over it. Xot, however, until we exhaust Miliunah visitod its market, where the venders stand with their donkeys loaded with charcoal ; visited its pluza by evening, where we saw the fat woman, weighing four hundred pounds, painted on the booth larger than lite, and benrd her speak in French of the immensity of her obesity, and showjng her jambca aud arms, prove to Arab and European that eho was all their fancy and the urlial bad painted her; visitod the puolio gulden, where we gal bored cromutella roses as big as your bat a small round bat ; talked among the booths with intelligent Jews, some of whom bad been to England, and one old man bad a ton in America seen from our window the Jewesses decked out in gay colors and the Jews in their dark di esses admired the easy airof the luttcrand the beautiful eyeaof the former, for "bat Ii not a Jew eyes" ami a Jowcss, too T A Good BcoorsTion. We are glad to notice in many of the leading jour nals of the country the suggestion that tbe ceremony of decorating the trraveta n tka rtrl vaa '-I I l 1. war be discontinued in the future Of course all will appreciate and applaud the motives that aclnsle and inspire these annual iloral offerings. They are tho true poetry ofalTccticn. But we doubt if the memory of the dead would not be much more appropriately reverenced by substituting a Contri bution pay for a Decoration Iay Let there bo one day in the year set apart, North and South, for the col lection of a fund for tho care of tho widows and orphan! of tbo fallen heroes, who) wauls .cannot bo sup plied by such ceremonies as those of May SOlh. If Clio dead of the two sec tions could spenk, we believe they would urge tho change. There cannot havo boeo less than several hundred thousand dollars expended through, out the country, in decorating the oldior'i graves. This sum would provide for a great many whom the war has left without a husband or father. Taid annually, it would sus tain a splendid institution for their support ond education. Erie OUervcr. Scrantqn, June 12.--At about twelve o'cluik last night a desperate attempt was made to murder Mr. Henderson, while asleep in bed at the hotel in Kockporl. .Mr. llendoraormj a prominent coal operator, ond tbia mm dermis attack upon hiin was prob ably the rosullufsoniediflicitlty grow ing out of the present strike of the minors. The would-be assassins are supposed to be party of Buckshots. Mr. Henderson was very roughly handled and sustainod dangerous inju ries, but it ia hoped he will recover. It ia understood that thia is not the first attempt that has been made upon hia life by these depredators. We ace it stated that '-Prussia presents for the championship King William, who is 72 years old and reads without spectacles. Tho late Presi dent Buchanan, who died twelve months ugoin Ihe 771 h yvar of bis age, continued to rea l t uril! i rint nt nigot by the light of an ordinary candle, without the aid of spectat les, opto the time of bis death. Evening visit ors at Wheatland often found him thus engaged. Robbery and Minnnt. An Omaha telegram says -. A disalch from St.nl Fe s ates that on Saturday nighl the United States depository safe was bro ken open by robbers and several hun dred thousand dollars carried off. G L. Collins, tbe depositor, was found doad in tho room, shot through the head. There is great excitement. "Doctor," ssid a lady, "I want you to prescribe for mo." "There is noth ing the matter, madam," said tbe doctor, after feeling her pulse; "you only need rest." "Now, doctor, just look at my tongue," she prosified. "Juil look at it just look at it ! Now what does that need 7 ' "1 Hunk that needs rest, too," replied the doctor. i The New York World says a German Republican in that city is almost as rare a ft Democrat In Rhode Island,. Eyes that draw trade advert-ia. . What we all do alone grow older. The woret omen- to owe men money. To turn people', heads go late to cnurcD Tbe greatest het ever .pown-r-Lhiu6be long, 4 inobe bro-3, ID. alphabet. y I etiticm iftrf ITwfic, ' Kit fa'psrlmtfit waa tit-tt An lh rxvlw af (he sinruUxt tnuHerwr, Get aid Eaton, hsi.ged at Philadelphia, on the 14th of April, to ttvt tho ptwibl.v. ly of rtisnscitsliiiM a body destroy 1 b asphyxia. Completo prvnarationa had been made beforehand for the trial, snd Immediately after tha body pf the murderer wss out down, kftas banging thirty minutes, It Wat taker, by the physicians, carried to the Med ical College, and placed on a tacle ia the amphiibealra. Thii was tha work of ten minutes. A quantity of puro oaj gsn was jot-cea into ihelurjgs, and a powerful galvanio battery ap plied to the medulla oblongata and; tho pit of the stomach. At tbe same time the tongne was withdrawn from, tbe mouth ; and.tbo body turned, from side lo aide, tbeVolliod. of Marshall Hull lur artificial respiration, i a roup or five minuUes a marked xbajige oav CUl md in the couiitenanca, tba vUust gradually expanded, the eyes opened, one arm was drawn up, and, by moan of a atethescojje, contractions and di lations of the heart were distinctly heard. So evident were the signs of life, that his friends exulted over the fact that he ready lived. Another gallon of oxygen was introduced into ma lungs, and the battery was to changed that the current pasaed tho entire length of the spine, and the ar tificial respiration continued. For a few moments the signs of life increased dui in s short time disappeared. JN i trous oxide gua was Injected into the trachea, made by Prof. Duties, but all to no purpose, and, at tbe expiration of an hour and twenty-five minutes, mo experiment. ceased, and tbe bodjr wa. nutioeu over to his Irlends. There have been other attemnta mado to rettor, executed criminals to lite that were more successful. A ' Swiss convict was once bung up thir teen times withont fatal effect, and he came out alive from the terrible ordeal. It waa afterward discovered, on inves tigation, that bis wind-pipe was ossi fied, and thia saved hiin from suffooev- lion. The rase ot Annie Greona, ft servant girl, who was banged in Lon don in 161 5, is still more remarkable. While banging, bcr body waa pulled. and beaten with a soldier', musket, it. i aiicr oemg cm down waa tramp led on. In spite of all this, wben tba body was stretched on the table fur dissection by tbe anatomists, it showed signs of life ; restoratives were instant applied, and tho indiuat ion t increased ; in fourteen hours after tbe banging, she could speak, aod in a few days wa, completely restored. Xbe terri ble suffering she had gone through, was considered a sufficient punishment for bcr crime, ami she was pardoned. She livad many years afterward, mar ried, and boro three children, fib was often asked to narrate her sensa tions during the hanging, and the timo of bcr apparent death, but on this Btiiiject 'he could throw no light. She lost her consciousness, she de clared, when tbe drop toll, and remem-. tiered nothing till her revival. A servant girl banged at Oxford, in 1G68. was cut down, apparently dead, after being siippcnded, several hours, and allowed to fall great distance, whicb, of itself, was enough to kill an no, hanged person. . Sho was resuscitated, however, by the anatomist,; but tbe officers of tbe law insisted on doipjj their duty, and she was effectually hanged tbo next day. Margaret Dickson was hanged at Edinburg, in 1724, and, after being cot down, wa, placed in coffin, and mat, in a t-art. to uo Ooniw a distance of six miles for burial. Dunne; tbe journey, the coffin was broken open cy some medical students, which let the air into the confined corpse; thia' together With the jolting of tba part, resuscitated the body before two miles of tbe distance had been accomplished. insteaa oi being carried to the burial place, the wa taken to her home) her neighbor gathered around her to offer tboir services, and the parish minister came to pray ior ner. ine restoration waa complete, and slip lived long after to bear several chil dren, and led an exemplary life. a man nsmou amiui, wbo waa bang at London, wa, reprieved, but the reprieve did not reach the officer till ' he had been hanging fifteen minutes. He was instantly cut down and b'ed. He revived and recovered. William Dnoll, wbo wa hauged at London, in 1740, was revived by tbe physioians) wbo bad been given his body for dis section. Tho government spared his life, but transported him. In 1767 ft man wa, executed at Cork, and after being cut down was removed to a dis torting room, a holo was cut in hi. wind pipe and restoratives applied to the body. He recovered at once, and. tbe record adds, bad the hardihood to attend the theatre that night. A case too marvelous for belief, were not the testimony indisputable, ia tbtt of lnetto de Bulsham, who was executed in England, nud kept hanging on tbe gallows from Monday morning till Thursday morning following, but who, notwithstanding this fearful experi ence, was restored to life, pardoned, and lived for several years afterward. When tbe banging is skillfully done, bowevor, to as to dislocate the cervi, cat vertebras, resuscitation i impossi ble, a the severance ot the spinal marrow caused by the luqalion sepa rates tho brain from the remainder of the nervous system almost as com, pletely as though the head wero cut off W hen the neck Is not broken, the death comes by BRphyxia, a in th case -f drowning, without Iciion of any of lite organs. In such casea, if too long a time bus not clnptd from the first suspension of respiration to the application of restorative agents, resuscitation may be as possible aa with ft drowned, person wbo ha not lain too long in the water. But when the vital spark has (led, und tho death is real ami complete, there is no known chemical or gnlvanio art that can ra ti ore lilb lo the txirpBo That it a feat which scienco, with all ilt powtr, dot not protend to be ablo to accomplish. Intellect can't bear fashionable re finement, and die nndcr It in on or two generations If you would ae'ioci youth who is likely to tnak bit mark in h world, take one who is carting mud in a clam shell wagon, or building bouses (n tbe sand ; and Jiot the deli cate baby who is fondling a China lap dog on the parlor crtev. Daniel V) ebster father cut a cradle for little Dan. out of a pine loir, with an ax and Rifer; snd Lewi Cass wss rocked by bit staid JNew Hampshire mother, in a second hand sugar trough. The greatest architects for the manufacture ol genius are i'overiy ana jiepuD, licanism. On Tuesday of last week monitor trout was caught ftt the Millsrstown dam, in lie Juniata River, in dip- at by J. A. loinsweaver. Itw-salB I w,ign-j Jj jo. . o