si t-a Tin; KKPimucAN. r "fLEAUKIFI.n, FA. WKDNEM1AT M'HIMMl. JINS l. IMS. EoostcrB. nr THor. J. dillinu. Tlmro is not rn the whnlo horiron of live tiHlur a more tilpasini? hihI Mri'tiirllie'iuiif ntrnlv than the JbinMvr. Thin ronuirkulile packnjjo of Oat litr Ins ton tor nge lood jnr iliilonhik da well . tlio nnnplo curious miml They belong tow the fi'iithcrvd st'kt denominated poultry, d are the hus band of menripy wives. In I'tnh it is considered a disgrace tovr "neulc din respectful ov a rooster. HrighRm Yoiinir s coat ov arm is a rooster, in full blast, crowing till he i almost bent over double backward. The flesh or tho rooster is Tery imilur to the flesh of the hen; it is hard tew distinguish the difference especially in yure soup. .Roosters aro tho pugilists among the domcstik burds ; they wear the belt, and having no shoiililer tew strike irom, they strike from the heel. Jtoosterw.'aecording to profane his tory, if mi edukashun remembers me right, were lormcrly a man, who cum suddenly upon one ov the heathen gods, at a lime when he wasn't pre- pared tow seo company, and wui, for that ottense, rebuilt over into the lust roostor, and wuu forever afterwards destined to crow, hi a kind of warn ing. This change from a man akounts for their fighting abilities, and for their politeuemt tew the bens. Thare is nothing iu a man that a woman ad mires moro than his reddyness and ubility to smash another fellow, and it iz jiss so with a hen. When a rooster gits licked, the hens all march oph with the other rooster, if ho ant huff so big or handsome. It iz pluck that wins a hen or a woman. Thare iz a grate variety of pedigree among the rooster race, but forsiiddy bizness give me the old fashioned dom inique rooster, short logged, and when they wulk.theyulwaysetrut.aiid their buzzums stick out like an aldcrmun's abdominal cupboard. This breed is hawk-colored, and hnz a cocked tail on them arched like a sickle, and uz lull of feathers at a new dusier. But when you come right down to grit and throw all ou'sido influences overlioard, thero ain't anything on earth, nor undpr it, thot can out style, out-biag, or out-pluck a regular liun turn rooster. ! Tbpyalwus put me in mind ov a very small dandy, practicing beforo a looking glass. Tuey don't way more tharf thirty ounces, but they make az much fuss az a tun. I have seen them trying to pick n naarrcl with a two boss wa&on. and don't think they would hesitate to fight a meeting house if it wuz the least sassy to them. It seems to bo necessary that there should be suinthing outrageous in everything tew bhow ns where pro priety and impropriety begins.. This iz the mclancholly case in tho rooster atl'air, for we have the sliunghi rooster, tho gieatcst outrtigo, in 1113-, ever committed in tho annuals of poultry. These kritters are the camels amung fowles; they mope around tho barn yard, tipping over the buy racks and stepping on tho yung goslins, and every now and then crow confusion. If enny body should give me a slianphi rooster, I should hulter him and keep him in a box stall, and feed him on cut feed, and if he would be kind in harness, all right; if nst, I would bucher him the fust wet day that cum, and salt him down tew give tew the poor. But thare ain't nobody a going tew give me one ov this breed, knot if I know it; I don't think thare iza mun on earth mean enough tew do it. Roosters) do but very little house hold work ; they wont lay enny eggs, nor try to hatch enny, nor see to the yung ones ; this satistys mo that thare is Some truth in the mytholngikal jskouiit of the rooster's first origin. Ya kanl git a rooster to pay any attenshun to a young one; they spend their time iu crowing, strutting, and occasionally find a worm which they make a rcmarkablo fuss over, calling up their wives from a distance, appa rently to treat them, but just as the hens get tharo, this elegant and elubo rato cuss bonds over and gobbles up the morsel. Just like man for all the world. "Typ mo & bill lad. ludye fayro, my lndyc, a fcnllad typ and ye man lie twirled ye black inountaclie, that cov. erod bis uprmr Up. tSlte lays a-mlu licr 'broidcrie t'r bys lovo itlie stryven. to win and to a weird-like ayr the ladye fayre atmnos hop mandnlyn. "I do not care fur a wild romanco of T days of did," pays ho, "hut rather d bear, if my ludyo ploarto, porno toothing moltitl'u'." And over ye larlye's mimyc book ye ptllunt soldier Jeaij. while sho in. with a sweet and angel voice, "t.'uptaiu Jynka of ye Horse Marynes!" A railway accident lately occurred, caused by the nxlo of a tender giving wiy, detaining the train several hours. A lady inquired of a gentleman pss engerwhy it van so delayed, lie gravely replied : Madam, it wag oc casioned by what is often lollowed by fterioiia conwquences (he sudden breaking of a tender attachment." Loks bv Kirks. Over soventecn million dullars worlh of property ha been destroyed by fire in the United States since the beginning of the pres. ent year. Insurance business ought to be lively The New York Herald HlutoA thai Civil. Jioaureard owes the United States gorcrument too dllant. He y tlie nvtTiinHmt owes him one linndri'd and sixty, and Hist it can take out ib0 ton and send on the balance. "My dean ftaid a candidate, ac coBting sturdy wag on tho dny of election, -1 am very KUd to see you " ,ou neo(I K" replied the wag; "1 re voted." 6 A pomus out West i pmphesyina fearful ntnte of ibingja when Aurmon hitler shall f a to be Tresi dent, and parrel out otlice araoiitf all bit wives' relatives. An American in England, when ex pected to praiso the country said he liked it only he was nfrid u ffO out Bfehuijfiir fear ho should step off The man who wrote, "I'm saddest wmn x wing, fool at all. v to ein ii(M)rLADS(.i;KnBiTii;Rs llooflnntl's German Tonic; Tk Orret Hftto fnr kll Diseases, nf the Liter, btoaact., or Plgesuta Organ UooHandfl (tonnan letters Is oouipvffJ of tb fui Jul1 (or, aa lit are medicinally termed, Eitracts) if roots, hsrbs, and barks, lis preperaMen hit-hly concentrated a o d entirely "fret from aleenolia ad sail tar of an; kind" Iloofland's Gorman Tonic Ts a combination of all tbo Ingredients of tho Hitters, with tbo puroit quality of hanta Crui Hum, Orange, Ac , Baking ooo of tbo must plea sant end agreeable remedies over offer J to tho puMie. Those preferring a aiedicin froo from aloobolio admUture, nil. use Iloofland's German Bitters. Those who have no objection to tbo eomblnv tioD of tbo Bitten as itatod, will nso II(X)fland'H German Tonic. ThfT aro both tquatlr good, and eoouin tho nan nodieinal virtaef, tbo oholoo bftwwn tbo two boing a moro nattor of Uite, tbo Tunic being tbo moil palatablo. Tho itomteb, from a TatiotT of obdhor. tneh aa Indigociton, Eyipopsia, Nervous Dibility, (., ta vctt apt to bare -y iu funettoua deranv- od. Tbo LWer, ayin II pithiiing a cloielj at tt dot with tbo tonarh, then be- ' eomoa affected, tho roanltof which fa that tho i patient tuffert from fovoral or moro of tho fol i Lowing dieeaioi : j Cunatitation, Flatolenco, Inward Pilci, Follaooi 1 Of Uiood W tbo Head, Acidity of tho Hwia- 1 ach, Naua, Heart Brtrn, Iiirgui for ' FtMd, FulinM fr Weight tn tbo bionacb, Hour ttrupliont.Siuk ingnr Pluitoringat tho pit ol too Stomach, Hwini' I mi tift of tho Uad( I II u rr iod or Ii(firult broa t hiDg, fluttering of tho Heart,Cbokinr orfcuf. fneatiog oonaation wbeo tn a lying posture, Oimneia of vts ion, d't ir wobi before tbo eyes, doll pain in tho hea4,deflcienry of per. spiration, yellowaett of tho skin and ereo. Pain in tho lido, bPk, chest, limbo, ete., sudden Ousbes oi beat, burning flesb, eonslant imaginings of ovil and great depression of ipirita. Tbo sufferer from these diseases should eier- eiso the irreatest eaotioa in the soleeetion of a rmeny fr bis ease, pnrebesing only that which ho U assured I I Iron bis inveitiga- and inquiries possesses true merit, is skillfnlly oouipoaoded, li free from t jurious Ingredients, and bis established for itself a reputation for tho euro of these disetei. la this connection we would submit tboso well known remedies Iloofland's German Bitters, Iloollandfl German Tonic, Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, 1'a. Twent-twoyoart ilnee they were first Intro duced into this ooontry from Oermaoy, during which time they bsvo andouhtediy performed more cares, and bene6ted suffering humanity to a greater eitent, than any other remedies koowa to tho public. These remedies will effectually euro Lirer Complaint. Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Chronic or Kerrons Debility, H Cb r on i e fiiarrhaa, Diseases of tho Kid neya. and all diseaseo asiting front a Disordered Lirer, Stomach, or Intestines. Debility, Resulting from any eanso whatever j Prostration of the system Induced by severe Labor, Hardship!, Exposure, fevers, o. Ao. There ta no medicine oxtant equal to these temedia tn such casei. A tone and vigor te imparted ta tho whole system, tbe appetite ta strengthened, food is enjoyed, tbe stomach di gests promptly, tho blood li pnriflod. the com plexion becomes sound and healthy, the yellow tinge is eradicated from the ayes, a bloom i given t tbe cheeks, and the weak and nenous invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. Persons Advanced in Life, and feel log tbe band of time weighing heavily apon tbem, with all Its attendant ilia, will find the use of these Hilton or tbe Tonic, an elixir tbat will instil new life Into their veins, restore in ft measure tho energy and ardor of more yontbful days, build op their shrunken forma, and give health and happiness to their remaining years. Notice. tt It a well established fact that fully one half of the female po rtlon of tur popula tion ere seldom in tbe I . enjoyment of good health, usethier own expression, they "never feel well." Tbey are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous, and bavo no ap petite. To tbls class of persons the bitters, or tbe Toale, it especially recommended. Weak and Delicate Children art made strong by the me of either of these remedies. They will cure every case of mswmm wlibont fail. Th'uacds of certificates hsva accumulated tn the bands of the proprietor, bnt space will ellnw of the publication of but a few. Those, it will bo observed, are men of note, acd of each standing t at they must be believed. Testimoniala. Hon. Ooorge W. WnodwiH, Chief Juitlca of the bupratne Court of Prnnsylrania, writes t Philadelphia, Pa., March IS. Itthfl. "Iflod noorLsnn s . tiAa UivTans ts a good tonic, useful in diseasesof tSe digest ive erf an s, and of great benefit in cases of debiliiy and want of nerroos action in the system, a'onrs, truly, Oao. Wooowahu " Una- James Tboaipson, Judge of the Fuprenx Court of PennsylvRnia. writes. -Philadelphia. April Jft, 1HM. 'I consider Iloofland's tierman Bitters a valu able aiedtcine in case of Indigestion or Dyspep sia. I ran crtify this from experience. "You re, wkib respect, Jamri Tioi'o.M From Her. Jocpk P. Ktnttard. P. P., Pastor of tbe Tenh Baptist Church. Philadelphia: Dr. J arafoa Dear bit : 1 have been f equent ly requested to connect my name with reeom mediations of difl creot kinds of medicines, hat regarding tl-e prne t ice as out of my ap propriate sphere. I jV have in sli cases da cltned) but with a " clear proof i various Ineunces. and particularly in my own family, of the usefohieMol Dr. Iloofland's tierman Hitters, I depart for once from my usual course, tn ex press my full conviction that for general debility f the iTStem, and epeial!y lr Liver Com plaint, it is a efe and valuable preparation. In some cases It may fail, but uiually, I loubt not. It will be very beneficial U those who suffer frf m the above eaute. Yours, very respectfully, J. P. K KNU ARtt. Xigbth, below Coates btreeU. Frem Hv K. P Fend all, Edtt.r of Cbriitia. "Chmnicle," Philadelphia: 1 have defirrd decided benefit from the nse of Hoi Hand's (lerman Fitters, and feet it my pr ri les; te recommend thsm aa a most va'uable tenia to all who are suffering from general debi ity or from diseases arising from derangement ot the liver. Yours, troly, K. I), FaaoiLu Caution. Hfxifland's Ocrmsa Bitter are conterfeited. Pre that tba signa lure of C. M. JACK- PON Is on the wrap I I per of aaca but lis. AH there are ooua terfelt. Principal Offica aed Maauhctary, at tho Jrma Medical Store, No. 441 Arch street, Pbiladilphia, Pa. C IIARLF. Mi fcYAftU, Proprietor. (Formerly & U. Jackson A Co.) Trice. HoofUftd'i Oermaa Bitters, per hottle 1 SS per half dotea. I N Bonflaods Qerman Tonic, pal ftp la quart bottles, pie bottle- 1 Ml Or a half dosaa for f H "P ot forget to wtamlna well thft artlcl yoa bay, ta order to get tba gsoataa. fiTQt naia by all draUUw aad dealers ta mediolaoa, j jy SherifTs Sales. 1 y virtue f tandr? writs ( eWtf(at rpmt f I Isieed oat of ran (Vert nf l'ntevi I'lras t ifirfiele manlr. and tn me directed, there will He evpoecd to public ls, at the 1'e-nrt House, in the horoiiKh nf Cleatfleid, tn Mot Hay, the 31st day of June. (court week J at 1 n'rlrrk, p. sn , the following described Real Fdate. tc wit t A certain Irerl of lnnl vitoate tn Hum side tf , Cloarfteld couuty, l'a., bounded and described as follows i Hrpinning at a post corner, hereto fore Is nd of John Young deceased; thence by land if Horace Pstchio, sold to Ains rry. north 71 dtgrces west W prrhes, to a post j thence by vlUi UU'U ui Ilt'iae ratclnn, not lb i de grees sasl 111 perches, to a popt : thence south 72 degrees east nine perches, to a pine f thence south IU degrees west 111 perrhes, to the place ol beginning.ououiningKlFrV KIOHT ACHKS and allowance, six seres cleared, end a small log houte erected theioon. heised, taken in execution, and t be sold as be property of ft it Ham H. Campbell Also, a certain tract of land slluete In Boll township, Clearfield county, l'a., hounded by land of C. Wettel on tba northwest, by laud of David Hunileilm and Wurh on tho south, and by lands of James and Henry Mrtihveoii the west, eonisining ONti HINDUKU AND FKTV ACHKS, more or less, having about sixty ae-ee cl tared, with a email dwelling-huusr and barn erected thereon excepting aud re serving !) tide to ten acres alobg tho river Heiscd, taken in execution, and to be suld as the property of Dixon Verts Also, a cert sin tract of land situate In Bell township, t loartteld county, Pa., bouoded by lands ol C. Vetiol on (ha northwest, by land of David hunderlin and Work on the south, and by lands of James and Henry McUbee on the wet, containing ONK HUN1HKI AND POKTY ACKKH, mora or less, baring about sixty acres cleared, with a email house and barn erected thereon. Heised, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property ef Dixon Verts. Also, a certain tract of land situate in bell township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded by lands of K. VWtiel on tbe northwest, by land of DaviJ Bunderlin and Work on tbe south, and by lands of James and Hcnrv MrObee on the west, containing U.NK UUfiUHKD AND FORTY ACKKsi, more or less, being aoout sixty acrua cleared, with ft small dwelling bouse and barn erected tbereun exoepting aud reserving all title to ten acres along the river, beiied, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Dixon Verts. Alsr , a certain tract of land situate ta Cor- ioeton township, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded as follows : F routine: on tbe bnow 8boe turnpike, on the eat-t by lands of Jacob Y' others, on the southwest by land" of Frod'k Hchnarrs, with a small house and stable erected thereon, beised, taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro perty ol Jacob Dutry. Also, a certain tract of land situste in Chest townthip, Clesrfield oouaiy, Pa., bounded as follows : Beginning at a hickory earner, on old line of John lirenncmao ; theuoe south iO degrees west, by Martin ft ithington tract, tooorner made by John MeCord, at DO perches; thence bv lands of estate of John McCully, dec d, nurihwest by line of McCord, I7 perches, more or less, to a corner i thence by land suld te (J, k. Mctulley, 105 perrbes. to ft hemlock, down ; thence by old line, south 4U degrees eat, to poe of beginning, containing ONti UL'NDKKl AND f ft hLVK AC'KtS and thirty perches, with a bousw and barn erected thereon with a reservetion of M acres and 12 penrhea, sold to .-auiusl btraw. beised, uken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of Joseph Mct'uUey. Aleo, a eeruin tract of land situate in Bell tp Clearfield eounty, Pa, beginning at ft past corner, Ibence by land of ft'. A. ftatiace, 7-10 degrees caet 170 perches, toa-post; thence by land of U. L. Heed, north 3V 7 Hi perches, to a post; thsnoe by land of Frederick Kupert, 60 7 li) degrees aest 170 porches, to a post ; tbenea by land of U. L. Heed and John Mutt, south 7-10 degrees east I I'D perches, to piace f beginning, containing ONK HLNDKKD ACHES and forty perches, with ft small dwelling house and barn erected thereon, beised, taken in execution, and to bo sold as tbe prcperty ot James 0, Bcaiy. Also, a certain tract ol land situate in W ood wird townrhip, Clearfield eounty, Pa,, contain ing Tft F.NTY-KLYUN ACHlib, with a frame bouse and barn eree'ed thereon, adjoining the village of Waderv on Clearfiold Creek, heued, taken in execution, and to ba sold as tbe property of Kobert Alexander. j---H:dden will take nolle that 15 per cent, of tbe purchase money must be paid when tbe property is knecked down. r it will be put up again for sale. CVKEMld Uuft'fi, hBxnirr'i Orrici, I 8hnff. Clearfield, Pa, Jim 3, 1869. H SherifTs Sales. 1Y rlrtua of sundiy writs of Levari iaetus, ) issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of ittarfield county, and to we directed, there will be exposi to publio sale, at tbe Court House in the borough of CbarNclil, nn Monday, the Slit lay of June, H('i, (Court week.) at one 0,'clock, P. M-, ihe following property, vis: AH that cert in lot or ptice uf ground, with tba buildings thereon erected, situated in tbe borough of Osceola, Clearfield eounty, Pa., vm the north side of dirlin street, and known and designated as Lot No. 207 in tbe general plan of said tmrouffn, tteing the sntoe. premises wbtcb the Osceola Coal Company, by indenture bearing date the 2d dny of April, I'M, duly executed, and intended to be forthwith recorded accord ing to law, granted and enaveyed unto the aaij William J. (Smith in fee, excepting and reserv ing all tbo stone enal and minerals which may ba beneath the surface of the soil of the abort described lot or piece of ground, togeiber with tba right of free Ingress, egress, and regress, to search for, dig aud carry away tba same. Seitrd, taken in execution, and to be told as the prsperty of William-J, I mith. Also, all those two eeruin lots or pieces of land situate in Hoggs township, Clearfield eo . Penn'a. containing I'OlK HUM'KKH AND TWKMV htVb.N ACHES and thirty perches and allowance, serve red on warrant dated list January, 17V4, granted to William Trout win; also, the other tract, containing FOl'K Ill'N HltKD AND THtNlY HhVfa.V AC KM and thirty perches and allowance, surveyed on war rant dated Slst January, A. D. 1714, granted to tieorge Meyers, beised, Uken In execution, and to be sold as the property of Koll, C. Kirk. Also, all theae two rrrfnin tracts of land situate in Morris township. Clear lit Id uountv, Pa.,bouuiled as follows : One ol them Krcnmmg at a pout, cor ner o land m name of llmir Met laiinhan, tbencr along Ihe a me north one degree east 2.1 .) p n-bre to white pine; thence north 9 d gres went .Hid perch to old hic kory; thence alug the survey bcrcattrr dt scribed, south one dciiiee went 2.1 perch" tn putt ; and thence by land in name oj John I'rtcr, south tV degrves cant ilfi perches to plai-c of beginning : Containing a.7 acre and 144 percheii and allowance. Thotber traet beginning at ttie old hickory, oner of the alnive dccritH-d trat ; thence m-rth btf tirgrres wrat HV perches to post : thence south one lcgroe west perches to a yt ; thence along land in the name -tf Jnhn S. W arru h. soitlh u ibxrers east I 4A perch rs to a post f tlicD- aliiff the hrt descntred trad north one dtgrr ra'l V'lj perrhes to plae of iH'ginning, TW O lil'M'KKU At HK.S and alhwane. it tir ing a part of a survey in the name ot John Nich olson. Seised, taken in eireution, and to be sold as the properly of John J. Miller. 1 l KKN11S IIHWE, Pnimrr's Orrt a, I hberiff. Clearfield, Pa., Juno 2, 1 J C0UET PROCLAMATION. ttvilKRPsS. Hon. C. A. MAYKR, Pres. y V ideDtJude ot be Cort of Common Pleas of the twentv ftib Judicial Piilrict, Composed fo the counties of Cet-fi(ild, Centra and Clinton snd I nn. SAMt 'KL CLYK end Hon. JACOB W ILtir LM. Aisoctnte Judges of Clearfield co., have irsned their precept, to ma directed, for the bold no! a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Ci, Cout ofQ.iaeter he?ion. Court of Oyer and 1 e-miuee, snd Coict of Ueneral Jsll Delivery, at :be Coo t loue at Clearfield, in and for tbe cttnnrv or C'ea'-field. commencing on the till til Moii a, rM rietl uf June, IMi!, and to connnue TWO WKhK'S. NU1ICR !H, thcrefo-e. hereby given, to the Coroner. Ju'Hcs of the Peace, and Constables, in a 'id Tor said county of Cloar&eld, to a pear in their proper persoos, wilh their Kollt, Records, Inquintions, Kxammations, and other hctaem branws, to do thoe tb ngs which to thsiroflires, and in their hehsT, pertjin to be done. tlV tN aeder my haad at Clearfield, this second djy oi June, in lbs vear of our Lord one thousand eight hnod-ed and w nine. CYHKMl.'S HOWE. .ser.. UI .(.T--.R'sl Ktn i( l-Noti.'eip hereby g!en that the fallowing accounts have been mined and pieed by me. and remain ite-d M nvHird in ti i ofli fnr the iiiatertion of heirs. Icrstees, creditor, and all others in any other way nt-reffi1, and wit 1 presented to the next Of. phan's Curt ol Cleaefield county, to tw held at the Court Hon, in the borough of Clearfield, com mencing on the third Maiiy ot June, fiv. : The trtKtee and dilnt.utiin amount M John TUraiMnrh, tmtce, Ac, of real tste n( Jonathan Pierre, lata of Chest township, Clearfield county, deceafed. Acwmnt of Parid Tyler, tnislne of thertate of liquid Wil-on, Isle of Hus'nn tnwnhii., dceea-d. Pu al a"unt nf .lame H. Clark, adininitrainr of Patrick Wuinn, late .f p-nn township, deceased. Kmal sceiint of Thomaa It llrewer, adintnis tntnr of lianit-l Crowrl, late of Hrvcana towah'p, deceased. Hrr.nTVR's Orrtis:. Clearfield. Pa., Jure ?, I "fit It A, W. I.F.F, Hegister. ll N 11 H ATUH'H (1lf iefc re by gt ct that letters of administration oa the estate ol T1I"MA! It' SS, deceued, lute n liicgs townthtp, Clearnehl county, l'a., bar-, ing bewo d)y grant rd tn tbo undersigned, all per ars Indebted lo said estate Will plea,e make pny. ment, and thoa having el aims or dt-manlswill present them properly aulbenticalrd for stilement and alloaabco without dels, ya-et MAKd AHTT R0F3, A tm'x rPHR DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC for IW I l"S7ard IIS for sale at the Post Office. 1 rot 2 teat. Mxitfd H sddroaa. Dtk fdlral. OOOU HIALTH Is parasarniftt ta weal k. tf the avstem Is bsd r4tf purge otil lbs vile hnra"rs and db te tapers with Hobs, h s )Mod Pills, aad gi lis internal organs perlorming their regular futr ltns, and n-a in order, keep ihem eo by ts daily ase of Kubaek's Btomach Utuers. DYSPEPSIA. There Is, probably, no one disease with which mankind are alfiiotcd wSich Is the soirna of se many ailments as I'yspepsia, and there is no mora certain euro than Hobaok's Atuaiaeh Bit ters. A K.EMAEKABLE FACT That not a single instance bas come to the knowledge of thtt proprietors, of the failure ol Hobark's Medicine to give entire satisfaction in tbe hundreds of thousands of eases in which they have been used ; this is worthy of remark anJ undeniable evidence of tbelr Intrinsic merit. LOUD It the praisa la the months of everybody In favor of Hobaok's (Stomach Bitten, Hlood Pilis and lilood Purifier. IS IT EIGHT That yon should bid defiance to all natural laws and the science of medical men, and suffer with Dyspepsia or Indigestion when Ru beck's Stom ach Hitters ean be procured at any drag star f THEY WILL CTTEE YOU Of Scrolula, Erysipelas, Pick or Nervous Head ache, Biiliwuaocw, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Consumption, Pain In the Hack rr Loins, Uoat, Pleurisy, Leucorrbn or Whitos, Eruptions and all diseases arising from a disor dered state of the stomach, Hoback's Hlood Pills, Stomach Bitters and Blood Purifier. AS A PEEYEffTIVE Afntnlt Mlrl, FtT.r tod Afu; and ,11 ili,. a,,,, rl,in Iron, torpid ,Ul. of th. liwr, th.r. i, no n.dicio. m bigbl romm.nded u Hobftch'f Btomack Biuera. GRATIFYINO To know that r.llnhl. rm.dr I, within ti, rarh of .vervhodr fur th, radir.l par. ef tyi p("' r Indij-i tllnn. och r.m.dr i, Ko.' t-tomach 111(1, r,. gold Ij all brujgiiu. EVERYBODY Should kp soBHaallj within mai-h, tho inralaahl, r.ntfdia tn rnrreMfully combat di Hobark', Blood Pill,, Itob.rk'i Stomach Blttr, and Hokark't Blood Parie.r, ihey an iDfillib.a ia th. dixu,, for which th7 ar, r.comm.Qd,d. KOBODY Oan aford ta withnot nrh ralnabl. mdlia.i Rorark'a lilood I'illi, nwm.h Bltt.rt and Hlood Pur!6.r. TEMPERANCE. Th.r. la, perhana, no on. thin, that haa dna, ao aaueh to prnmot, th. ean. nf aa that f ntl, ,iimulalit( li,.l. Rnbark'a Stomach llitl.ra, th,v tr,nrthfa and inrinr.t. without producing th. 111 effect, of alcoholic etlmulanta. RENOVATE. Darin, the Pprlnf month. It la an, nf the r,alr h.naehold dtttlei te rennvax, and. in th, nnltlphcit? of other dntif a one'a own ,,lf it, in a jrre.t sjoerurr, overlooked: thoaranda af Taleahle lire, iniiht he pmlnneed. and mane dout ties, , need fri-m premature eraverf he thor. ooghlf r,noTatin( Ihe avium with Ir Rnhack'a Blood Pilla, Stomach Bittern and Blood Purifier. WHO SELLS THEXt The A rent, for the aale of Robeck'a Blood Pill,. lllttrr and Blond Portlier are UARTSW ICK J IRWIN, Clearfield, Pa. aprll THE (illKAT Zir-CARI BITTERS. A safa Blood Purifier, splendid Tonic, ft plcaa nt Beverage, ft certain cure and Preventive of Diseases. ryiK KIN-? AM BITTFR3 are cmnponnded 1 from a prcrcripiion f f th celebrated Egyp tian physician. LH- Cnanrst , vbo, aMrr years "1 trial Sud c ipcriment, oiscovcrsd the .inyarl Herb the must remarkable product ion, the earth, perhaps, bas evei yirldrd ecrtatnly the oinat rflMire in the cure of disrate. It, in combination with the fihi valuable properiies of wbirb the ZiNUAM HITTKHSls composad, will core lTPpfpfia, Fever and A rue, BiHious Fever, Cholic, Cnlda, bronchitis, renpumptloi in Its flrt itsfe, Flatntenry, Ner vous Pcbility, Female Com plaint", It brumal ism, Iyseulrry, Acute and Chronic luarrhoa. Cholera Morbce, Cholera, Tyyhnid and Typhus Fever, Yellow refer, hcrnfuia. Iisea aea nf the Kidneys, Habitual Coe tivencss. In the Prevention and Cnre of the above dis eases, it has never been known to fail, at thon aands of nur most pro mm tot cilitens lbroaih.ut all parts nf the country, will testify, Lt tbe affined send for eirralar coataiaing testimoni als and certificates of Ihoee wbn bare been cured after tht'r cases have been pronounced hope lees bv ear bst physiciana. Principal Iupt, F. RAIITER 4- CO., Nr ft N. Fn'M Ht., r-biladelphia. Dsram mended by Fi-Oov. R. Porter, of PoonsylTftnla. Hoa. Robert J. Fisher, " " Hon. Fdward McPfcersoa, ' Hra. Jval R. lanner, Hon. H"m. MoSbcrry, end others )j-ftfnd for Circulars. ffVbll ly. SWIM' I A. Kenned,', M.dird Diicorerr, leimbold'a Purhn, Baker'a loa Lirer Oil, Jane, and A er', mediplne, of eeery kind, for aale be HARTWrVK 4 1KW1S. Ivtaeaea ,n4 twdonlttal ,u).portr, of erery kind ef th. latevt Irepmvemente, for tbeDrng Btvrt oi JIABTvWK. 4MMlfi, Vtanlnfl mU. Pirll. J. r. Weaecr, W. W. Hetts ii. U It UK II A VO. CI-EAKFIELD PLANING MILL ALL R I Q H T I fpilli pniprielora reipectfully Inform theeitltena -I of Clear add oi.unly, that lliejr have entirely rcntteil lhi erUhliiilitnentwillilhe latt.t improved wood. working machinery, and are now pnparcd to ewule all orderi In their line of bu.inex. Tbey will jive eapeclal attention to th. manufac ture of material for houae building, auch aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, BIUICHETS JIOVLMJt'GS, OF ALL STYLES, We alwaya have on hand a lare atork of IlRY Ll'MBtlt, and will py omb for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half inch panel ttufT preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to auit euetomerf. t.0rdcra ,olicitcd, and Lumber furniahed on ahurt notion and on rcaaonable tcrraa. 0. L. KEED Jk CO. ricarfii'ld, Kov. 7. 1 H7. E. B. I'attob Joita I'TToa, E. A. Ivt J. n, Jawi. E. B. PATTON & CO., Having Sued up a trat-claaa PLANING MILL Are prepared to furuiah all kinds of Manufactured Lumber, sueb as Flooring. Siding, 8nrfac-rreiied Lum ber, Sash. Doori, Blinds, And every description of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. -ft" Dealers will And it to thrir advantage to consult our prioee bet'ure panharing elsewbere. Address, E. B. PATTt'.N A CO., Curwensville, Dec. S, IMMf Clearfield county, Pa. Hon fo Save Jloiioy. rinB times are bard; you'd like to know JL How you may sare j our dnllsrs j Tbe way to do it I will show, If yoa will read hat follows. A man who lired not far from hsra. H ho worked hard at his trade. But had a household to support Tbat squandered all he made. I net him oDce. Bays be, "My friend, I Imik thread bear and rough j I've tried to get aiyself a suit. But can't save up enough." Says T, my Mend, how much bar yon t I'll tell you where to go To get a suit that's soand aad cheap i To RKlZENfeTKIN A Co. He took what little ha bad tared, And went to Peiseosteio A Brothers', And there ha got a handsome suit, for half he paid to othsra. Kow be ti home, he looks 10 well. And their effect is such, That when they tsJta their daily mad. They don't eat half aa much. Aad now ha finds oa Saturday night With all their wants supplied, Thai he bas money left to spend. And loua to lay aside. Hi good success, with cheerful stalls, Ha gladly tells to all. If yoa d eere money, go and bay Voor clothes at KEIZBN6TEINS CLOTHING HALL. Where tho cheapest, Itnest and best Clothing mod good Furnishing Uoods can be bad to snit ovary taste aod In every style aprll, '67 H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKER, POST OFFICEatSibCLEARFIELD rpHS snbscriber rerpecttnlly ih forms bil old X petrons and the public generally, that be bs on band, (and is constantly receiving aew additiens thereto,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. .faff-1 beep Jewelry la all Its forma and of diiitrtnt raloes, either by the piece or set. WATCHES A full assortnent of either Oold or Mirer, made by the best Air ericas and for eign manufacturers, ioclnding a fine lot of gold and silver bunting case, fall jeweled. Patent Levers. CLOCKS Of all designs, consisting of eight dsy and thlrtr-bonr, of either weight spring or levers, and both strike and alarm. HKPATRIN0.-AI1 kinds nf Watches, and Clocks Hcpaircd, and warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated, I keep a fall assortment of NPK'-TaCI.KM, rolrMt and plsinglsss. Also, (JOUl t'KN'Hand I'KNCM.S. HP0ONS, FOKK, Bl'TTKH KMVKS. and In fact even thing in lbs Jewelry lma. If I fail to 1 hsve oa bard jast wbat a Bay weed, I will order per first eipress, witboutcttra ehsrge. A liberal share of public pitronagr is snlirlted. Mat 7, 163 y H. T. aSATULU. L I T II E ItS Bl RGPOTTE KIKS l.ulhereliuro;, (irarflpld Co., Fau FARMERS, MECHANICS i DAIRYMEN Look H erel fpilK nnicrrlgncil I, pn-pard lo furniab yon J. with Hie WM STONKWAHi; in.imlalured tn tlii, country. He ha never yl fmlrd toplca.e the inixt L'tlilioor, aa to quality or durability, lha ware conaiata in pan of CREAM rOTS OF ALL SIZES! Mil K ( noi KM and pa. Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And in shert r: FItVTMIVll usually nade and kept in an oMablishsnrot of this kind. NKRniANTS Csn hsre thrir warr dcllrered hr ma, at ANT HSfKand tn ANY PLAt'F. desired. Ciders fur ware fullntcd, aod promptly filled. Fr fnrel a-orlmctit, sec Calalorue and Pru-a Lift, Biailed free ta apf liranta. literal discount aill bo gifen to the h,ea,e trade. fiFO. C. KIRK. Lnlbfrtbiirg, Pa., Pre. S, HP tf rPllS Inraluablf paMioation Is fnr sale at the m. onu"', ti nuuiti iwm tne nanus fit rtrry i i mmiaiiiP iuii neTimn m urn w in' in evary enunty In the l otted h'atrs; Wsidrn, the nnatWr for 1RMI rontains a enmpleta Ht of the naoirsif alUhr nrspi.pFrSriupprortrd and mubbed daring Linroln's adminittniMou ; and that for lar; namaiiip uir i sit uvv viriuaos inn wr iMit.nuw.ul it.. . .J ar . lists, fur fut re rrfr-renre, are tmrth mora than iiitv pmoTui niw n.iMituniim. 4 iw nau.ner mr ijinp is aim Mi ot valuable statistics. Anyone arnding 6 cantf to the Pnet Master, will rvrotve by iwtura Ml rr f wtKik yaar. frat of poeUdre. (Jt (f Crdtf( WILLIAM A. WALLACE, ATTOKNtV AT Uf, ( laarrlclrl, ra. ar-I,l elaeea nf ail ilnda prontJe and accurate!, attended tn, tDik'lt J DAVE L. KREBS. ATTORSI Y-AT-LAW, ( learflcld, Pcnn'a. t-0n b, conaulted In Engllah end Qer man. Je2, A. W, WALTERS, ATTORNKY AT LAW, . C learfield, Pa. fc.0ffioe in tie Court Houae. (decj ljr ISRAEL TEST, ATTORN RY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Offic. in th. Court Houae, JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t Icarrirld. Pa. Office with J. B. McEnallr, Kaq., orer Firtt Na tional Bank. Prompt attention fi'en to the aecurlnf of Bounty, Claim,. Ao., ana lo all legal buainaw. alaren 29, 17 IT. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Beoood 8t., Clsarfitld, Pa. oorJI.fifl TUriC I K4fl It I rMirii si ww V . ii w J LLv J J n ATTORNEY AT 1.1 W OSe adjoining the bank, formerly occopled by a. inuAUBiiy, oaeooa i u.earaelo. IB Will attend nromDUr to aollM,ina ul vi Hum, q- iaecn.01 JOHN L. CUTTLE, AT'fllRXEY AT LAW And Heal latate Agent, Clearfield, Pa, (Iffic. on Market atreet, nnpcaiM tli. lail. er-Kepeetfullr offcra bla aerrioea tn celling and burin landa In Cleartlcld and adjoining aountiei ; and with an eiperiene. of oeer twenty yeara aa a aure.yor, Otltera himaalf thai he can render aatlitaetion. fcbJK.'M.lf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, C learllcld. Pa. Offio. on Market atreet one dooreaatof tb. Clear. Held Lounty Bank. lnay4,'M John H. Orvia. C. T. Aleiauder, OFWIS & ALEXANDER, ATTORXEYS AT LA H'. Ilellefuute, Pa. -plS, 5-y JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN i SUE GEO X, TT AVISO located at Oroenla. Pa., offer, hi. I L profeaaional rerrloc, ta th, peopl, of that fiKt ana aurruunamg oountry, fc-AII cell, prnaiptlj attended to. Office ana reaiaenc. on Lurtin L, formerly occupied DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, raYSICIAX AND SCRUEOX, Fcoond Street, Clcarflelil. F'a. Ht-Hainy rMTtnancntlr loc.teil, he nnw offt-rl hi, prufcioual Mrvicee to tbe citiaen, ufClarneld anJ vicinity, and the public rrnrrallr. All calli pruinptly atlcttded U). ocl2u-y F. B. REED, M. D,, rilYSICIAN AND SUROEOX, Harlng remoeed to illiatnagroT.. Pa., offcra bia prtferrional aerrleea to tbe people of tbe .urrouading country. DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD. Late Sorreon of the Jd Keg ment, Pennayleauia Votuoteera, baring returned from th. Army, effera hi, profcional aarrioe, to tb, eitiaanr ot nearoeld ccunty. "Profcralinal call, Droajntle attenled in Office oa Beoond atreet, formerly occupied by lr.wooda. npr,,'M! DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Ilaring retnored lo Aneonrillr, Pa.,nffera bia ,, ..n-, w ior pcipie ot mat place nn tne urroumng nouutry. All calla nromptiy ,,-..uu .... it, a nm pj DR. S. J. HAYES, SURGEON CmijjL DENTIST. OtT.oa on Main St., Curweimille, Pa., 11 TILL make professional vlilta. for ih 1 T venience of the pub lie, eommencins; la H..-O H . a aaj.i.., iti", vm iiit'nwi, Til : Luthersburg First Friday of tvery Booth. AnsonriHe First Maday of tvary month. Lumber 'ilv Kiral ThunH.. nf .l Spending two days in either place. All orders for work should be prisented en tha dsy of h i arriVlal ! Ill-h tlllaA. Teeth eitracted by tha application of v .uTe'iinii i-umtiraiiTviy wiuiOUt paiB. AM kind nf Ioota1 work guaranteed. h. B. The pubho will pirase notice, tbat Dr, II., when not enjraged la tbe above visits, may be fonnd In his office. In rorwensrllla. Pa. Curwnsville, Feb 4, 18(W. 4j DENTAL PARTNERSHIP Pn. A. M. HILLS, lie. Ire, lo inform hi, natron,, and tba ruimc generally, -rat ne kaaaaMcialed with hint ta tna practice of Drntlairy, S. P. SHAW, D. P. S., Who I, a .raduate of tba Philadelphia Dental loueite. and tberemr. baa Ui. bicbeat alteata tioa, of profeMlonal akill. All work don. in tbe ohice I will hold nay wlf p.raoaally reapoaai ble for beitif dnne in tba moat eatiefaetory maa. ner and bicheat order ef tbe profeaaion. An e.ta.liahcd practice of twenty. two yearal. Ihia piece tnalilca in. tn apeak to mj with onnfldene.. Knirajrrmenu front a distance ebcnld b. mad, by letter a few dayi before th, palieat df.ic couiinn. (June 4, ly. MOSHANNON LAND Si LUMBER CO., WCEttLA TbAM MILLS, ntttrArTrar.i LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS II. II. FUILLINUFuRII, Pretnleni, Oficc Ft' I'lnrc. No. Ui H. 4b el.. P.', JIHIN LAW SDK, buprnntendent. jrd'rir Mill,, l leartirld comity, Pa REUBEN HACKMAN. House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, C learflcld, Fcuu'a. UVill eecutr j"ha in bia line promptly and in a workmanlike manner. lr4. (17 J. BLAKE WALTERS, St'KIVKN KR AXO CONVEY AXC.hR. Afent fur the Putrb.ute and bale of Landa. ( learllcld. Ha. 4tPrompt attention ttieea to alt baaincaa connect. with the County office. Office wiib Hon. '. A. Wallace. janl,'-tf SURVEYOR. rIHE nndcrnimpd offers his serricNi at a 8nr X vcyor, and umy 1 tnund at his residrnca, in leswrcnce t.wDhip. Letters will reach bin. di rtvtH 1. t IrarlieU, Pa. may T tf. JAMKMlTrilKl.l THOS. W. MOORE, Lund Surveyor and Conveyancer, IfAVlNf. rvn!ly bxmtcd tn the Ivimnjih of I Lumber City, aod resumed Ihe practice of l.siid iSurvei irs;, rcsprirully tndere bts profrs. sinnal senirea to tlie owners of and spernlatora in lands in Cleariield and atlmininf count ns. I-rfnlS f conveTsne natly eieoated. Offl-ft and rrsulrnoa one door eat of Kirk A Sponcer's smra. aprU pdtos. THOMAS H FORCEE, Mann t GENERAL MERCHANDISE, i;KAIIAMlt)K, Pa. Alen, ettenaive m,mif..lnr.'r an.l dealer In P-aerc Timber and Hawed Lumber ol all hinde. Me Order. eolicltel and all bllla promptly Urd. I, ko. alvint nxnar Ai.aanr . ALaaar W. ALBERT &. BROS., Manufaclarerc A extenaire lieaiareia Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, iio,, miuuiAitu, ran It A. aT0rdera aolirited. Ililla ailed oa abort etioa and rraecnable Urtaa. Addrea. Weoilaad P. 0., (V. Pa. W i; V. Lt,t iu. Cards. DAN lEL rT. DOU Q H ERTY , BAfcBER h HAIR DRESSER, I'-iJD THrlT, )yt.'.., PA. (tf N. M. HOOVER, Wholeael, A Retail Iealer la Tobacco, Cigars and SnulT, Two doors oast of the Post Office, MARKET FTHEKT. CLEARFIELD, PA. -e,A larife asenrttncot of Pipes, Cigar Cas, Ac. kiwaysoa hand. uiriD ly jT K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Mark.t Street, Clearneld, Pa. "V'EU ATIVI.8 made ia .londr, aa wall at in XN clear weather. Conatatitl, on bend, a good axnrtmriil ol KKAMKH, 6TEKEUriC01'E8 and rTKHKOKCOIMC VIEWS. Frame,, from etiT atvle of mooMinf. made to order. ajirlf-tf FRANCIS COUTRIET, MKKCHANT, Frenchvllle, t learllcld County, Pa. Keepe aonetantly on band a full aaaortsaent of lry Uoous, liaruware, Groceries, ana ersrytoing usually bept In a retail store, which will be aold, fur cash, as cheap as elsewhero In tba oounty. Freuchville, Juoa 17, lbof-ly. C. KRATZER &, SONS, MERCHANTS, DtALias in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery. Qaeeneware, Qroeeriea, rorlsloni and BhiDflss, Cletrfied, Pcnii'a. p0kt their new store room, on Beoond street, near Merrell A bis;lcr' Hardware store. (jasiM WrrrUant JTallors. F. C. CROMM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET ST., CLEARPl&LD, PA. VFl'I.I. anpule of Clotha, Caaaituerta and Ve,tint oonttantly en band, wbicb will be up according to tbe lateet faabioni, in a aubatantial manner, and at low ratea. mr2ft lCii'J. boing it Alone. 18G0. E. P. L. STOUGIITON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market ttreet, Clearfield, Pa, nAVINO opened bnslnesa on my own book, at the old stand in flbaw'i Kow, I therefore aaaunnoe to tba public tbat I bar now oa band a well aelected and large assortaaent of Cloths, Casaimeres, Vestirjg's, Bearrra, aod nil kinds of Goods for men and boys' wesr, and am now prepared to tnaka np to order CLOTH INti, fmm a single article ta a full en it, In tha latest stylos and most workmanlike Banner. Special attention firea ta eastern work aud outiios; out fur nan and boys. I offer freet bargains to cuilotsers, and warrant eniiia aatiifactioo, A liberal share of public patroaafre U tolioited. Call and sea me. ;io7-lf E. R. L. bTOL'OUTON. U. lilUDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (flora one door eaat of Clearfield lipase,) Market hirttU CJearfleld, Pa. KEEPS an band a full assortments of Qent Fumisbief Oooda, surb as Shirts, Linen and Woolen Indershirts, Urawert and Pocbt, Neck-ties, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Olorci, Hats. I'mbrellaa, A a., in groat rariety. Uf Piece Goods bt keeps th Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Fucb a. Black Docktn of th. e.rj beat make; Kancr Ceaaimere, in Kraat fariet, , alao, French Coatn, Bearer, Pilot, Cbincbilia, and Fricott orereoelitn. All af which will be aold cheap for Caab, and made up aecording to th, lauat atjle, by ezfrieaced workman. AUo, Aitent for Clearllald .onnte for I. IC. in(er A Co 'a. celebrated Hewing Mochlnea. N.T. I, HCi-lf. Ii. liKIDUE. iifircUanfous. XEW STOCK ! SEW STYLES ! ! FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN HEED'S, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, Pi. Haring Jmt receired all tkenoraltiea of the aoeece In tie Mlllinerr line, requeat tbe ladiea lo call and eiatnine Iheu. Clcarntld, Pa.. Ncr , !. It. ItOIIINOX fc CO., TORK PACKERS, 'Hi lAbrrly SI., Pilltburgh, Itaee on hand a large atock of Bacon, Sides, Shoulders. PLAIN AND Fl UAR critKD HAMS, Mrs i Pnfk, Pried Beef, and Leaf I.erd. all of wr ovn Packing, Curinf and knotting. Lard Oil, Eour, Cheese, Dried Apples ana f eacues, With a rcncral a-eortnent of Groceries, at the lowrst saark-1 prices, fJane IS. h-ly-T'd. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTT'S AND MASOX .f HAMLIN' S, roa bali ar S. J. HAVES, Carweneeilla, Ta. TH K "ILEVJiriELD REriCLIC.VX." KrIT AIII Illl.ll IH'eT. The largest circulation of any News paper in North Central Pennsylvania. - a-M i Terms of Subscription. If aid ia advance, ef withla t Mentha..... Mi tf p. id after I and before 6 month, 1 SO If ,id after the expiratioa of aoontha... 3 (Ml Rates of Advertising. Traaaient advert iaementa, per equareof 1 Ilae, a leee, I timca or leM. For each eabeeqnent inaertloa...... M .. t 0 .. (0 .. 1 b i 0 .. li Adiaiuialratura' end Electors' fiolicee.... Aadit.ira' notice. Caution, and Krtrnja. ... Diaeolutioa acticee , local noticecper line... Obitnary nnticea, arer Ive line,, per line-.., 10 t 00 Profeeaional Cards, 1 year YEARLY AI'VKHTIrKMEXTS. I eqnam. ! OH I eolamsu... I oolamau... I enlaraa.... Ms oo .. 40 00 .. to 00 t eqoarea. IS no i sqaarea.M 30 Ml Job Work. M.AXKS. Single qaire- J ,e I I 7i f qnlre., pr, quit, 1 00 Orer (, pat quire, 1 40 II AM i eheel, JS or H 00 I sheet, ti r leai.ti 00 i sheet, 4 or Vena, I 00 I ,beet,U or leea,10 00 Oear IS of mrb or aanea at pioponioaat. rats. GEO. B. 000M.ANDER, Editor and Proprietor. iM'ROJ W AfJTF.nThe wrdereigriea" iU A.rVJhJ'"f,,'iH PhH K for all kind, ol FUs end 1'EIR SKINS. ,er..eell y.iltreafli. and after Mndat, AfhiL ,, I,f.r Iraiea will , " "1 fund,,,) Tvrene and L.,, vt en. I'.Menrer Trala biten, t, ,"" l.( Held, a. Ioi:ow- ' taC,,1 LEAVE tOlTII. v.nRr,a -., r. a. i r nine . .. Pbtll.,bui.arl 40. " ' 0.,1. "".'"4I lrl.46, J-' nacen Ili" .. ,wn II. T.vr.... .t 111, j ClearfrH , j j. tA KE. A.MI JlSTA.CKs K eietlon Leonard t Woodland 0 Pi)(lcr. 8 'iVailaceton ...11 Pint lt.ll. )3 Hhlllphburg; IT rteinsrs' Id InuLarH 20 Oaceola.. ttl PdwbIIkih '11 Ill T. v lUwrMPI nk Vansroyoa, " Sli ; lirtfQtlir i MU Pltjasaiit ii 40 fcnmmiL "J! SO ttidgCJ 6i Pootoon i. CO Oaceola ... ""1 6lunbar,..."T 76 rteiner's . n po phiiipiburti; I Hk Hi... b.ii 9 v X 6andy Ridge. ...M bum mit Mt. PlaaaanL ...ii tin. WniitT ? Gardner .83 ftl 001 rWl.. ""T. Vanaooyuo.... Intersection ,M 1 00 WuodlaliX!riitl ,.7 I lil LeonaH .. u" 41 1 iio I le.rhd-i.i ' Tyrone. . 11 I M FAKE FROM CLEARnETTT. t -Y B.llefonte, Pa 5 05 1 Middletowg ' i' Lock li.v.n.... .. 1 7(1 1 Marietta .. 1 SO ) Lancsater .. I SI'.PUILALEUai.'' . aVO.AIloona i' .. 4 SDIJ'.hn.Ujwn.. . " i .. JSiPlIl.-Bl ru.;! William apart ...... Huntingdon lwistown Marv,rille. HARRISBIKU. t ON.NKtTIIINH. Pa,aeiiterB leering Clearneld at 5 1 . Phil n.l.or. el I.AA .. , I. . ' ... , i 1 "wwi, at . , arrive at Tyrone at 4.S0 p. m., mmkiu, ml. "'!!; iff! ", P- He'in Wa ..t. ...pre.., leer,,, j,n . p. m., arriving at Beilefonte at ,i , . . Lock Haven at IO.J0 p. an., connectit, ,tlk j; " 1 1 bui uo uc ruiianeipoia and tn, w,, 11.21 a. m..arriin. W,ll,.. haluraie, lH,.. ir.n 8.16 a. on Erie tleil W cat, arrlra at L, ven at 0.11 a. n., eonnectmg wits w Ut tipres, leavinr Lock Haven at !.. . riving at Bellcfonte at 11.54 a. la , San. v.. a, a.., p. an., ena i vrone at 1 .20 p a EIlWAhD H UIIl'iui tieneral Sapmiaenoae. 0E0RUE C. WlLKI.v. rhlludclphln & Eric UaUron. crii urn rv,.n . Through and direct rente between Pbiladabi Baltimore, Harrl.barg, Uliamer; and tb. Great Oil Region of Pennsylvmii ELEGANT SLEEPING CAE 0a all Mgbt Train,. rX and after MONDAY, APRIL HUM s irsin. aa tna rtsliaselpbie A Brie Isi, w wiu raa as lonowa : eetveerd. vail Trala leave, Philadelphia..,....!!.!! a I' do...bL Marj's. Jrlf , Iio arrive at Erie suss Iri. kipreae leaves Pbiladslrbla...ll.4t f d.....SL Warv'r Mn u em re el ane ...H.MAi a.aeiwara. Mall Trala leaves trie .IHJA . .'o Htri i..., ,,,, p b D" arrive at Pbila ielphia. 15 1 I Erie Eipreas leaves Erie II; p.i Tin, do St klery', l.,A li srriv. at Pkiladelphia-... t It 1. 11 Hail and kiprear cDnnect wi'h Oil Cirek u Alleihenv kiver Kail flovl. Kacnir, tio through ALFRED L. iYLEl tleueral roprristnia Clearfield County Bank. TUB CleaiDeld Count. Beck el ss leeerem ted InatitatioB has gone eat ef silrteae, r in. nirraader ef iu .barter, ea May li, Ilk All its atock is owaed be the aabMrihera. will eocliDue tb. Banking bu.inssa at tbs am, place, aa private Oankera, wader tbttraaaa. of tbe "Clearneld County flewa." w, ar, nv sponsible for the debt, at tba Bank, aajeiilsu Iu not.s on demand at Ih. counter. Ileeais rweaived aod ialereet paid when money Is whlr a Oaed tim.. Paper diseounud at sli per cist as keretefnr.. Our personal reapeetibilitj dj pledged for all i)epo,iU reecired asd bssiaMl trans ictcd. A contlnnanoa of tbs liberal ti rcnas-e of the buamesa men of the Mintr ilr. spectlullv solicited. As President, Caibier it. often ef tb. laU Clearlleld Count j (eak.r. require tbe notes of aala liank to bs prastaHi for redemption JA8. T. LEONARD, WM. PORTER, A. K. WKIUHT, RICHARD HRAf. JA8. B. 0RAR1X, O. L. REED, WM. A. WALLAHS. Th, builness of tbs Bank will be wadsets, Jobn M. Adem., Rrq.. as Caabi.r. J.nSI. 1. D. M'llirk. Edward Pcrta BMKIKQdcCOLLECTIOSEOIJSJ mcgirk i perks fiuoocasors to Foster, Perks, d Co Phlllpabyrg; , tntr CooaiHy, Pft. 'TKRE all tba business ef a Banking Hw V V il oa transacled )innUy and upon i mon rsrora.uf terms, vari-i County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. rPHI8 Bank is new ope and rsedv for ka A. nsas. Pile, .a Second street, is Ikctei" ing foriacrle eceopied by Leonard, Fiss,dt pieermes ann oprtraas. JAS. B. r.RAIIAM. RICIIANP fW" WM. A. WALLACE, WM. PORTE, A. K. WRIOHT, GEO. U REED. JAS.T. LEONARD Preaiee D. W. N0ORR, ju2.'0 Cashier. lUarksinithinfl. Xov ltlucliMiiiith Sho f EC0ND ST, CLEARFIELD, Pa. rpill and.nlrn.4 bars t. Inform hit Mm X .nd th. inh.bitanu of tha boroob vt Cwwi .Id and surrounding neighborhood, tbel k, row read, to siecute all orders either ia itet ateel. IIOR'-R bllOKINO tb. moat PP"' at, le. ALL KINDS OF SAW MILL IR0SS . Ril 1 MI work, logmen's tools, aatb.Mkt.rpmJ grace, Ac. j-ir.1 tools of all kinds mads af bail Ir" ec Ameriran steel. t.AIl work Is warranted te give ta: faction, or aot charged far. oct: AMOS ligNSARC Xfw llliukMiiKh Shorf THIRD 8TREKT, CLEARFIELD. rp H K eubecrlber reapeetfally Infera, bis M' 1 aed Iks pabllr ia teneral, tbat ae ka, i trd ia the bcrouch ef CLKAKr 1KI.D, Is shop recent); oerupied V., Jacob 8bsnkw, bar, h. is now ready lo perform all da tt-war.!p bla ee.,owere ia a worbmarHk, V11 Sictla. ct.igoa, Raj;!,, aad W.rnn, Irei. ' llorae-,ncing s)i-n. at raseebl. rates, reapectfuli, ask. a thai, of work frvm tba pr' as be iulenda to giv. bts wl"le st'enliB t v .,g ,d mi -,nr... inyaas ri" .March li, msH. IokkTow iiotli 1 1 .1 w h! GREAT EXCITFME.M AT THOMAS BEERS'S TJ'VFRTRODT trrlng to get IbersOrrUrr'1" A M oeing (invar, ea, into ta. w.e. It eon want eod Sbo.ine done, ao te "v If yoa went year Sled ironed right, gets F"' it yoa went good Mill Irons, go to If ye. want yourwegoa iroaed ia tbsbast stel, aad workmanahin. ro to Bases makes the beat htawip Marbleett a. , . ..... . ... ... . UlfU 1 Maw, aa. aoes all stads nt mlai a.'.."", as cheep aa caa b. dca. In the ecaety fer t' My Post Otto, address Is Cle.rleld Frlr lHOJaAS Bbv Bogfa Tp.. Dee. I, lT-lf. Clearfield Nursery. F.XCOUKAGE HOME lNPl'STF ra-,!, a x x v wu.v.J s J. aery .a lb. 'Pike, en... I half ey bet'H tiearnel. aa. I'arwenavllle, la nreperv" -aiak allkiadaef gRIlT T R KKS. I aUsdaH dwarf,) Kvergreeaa, gbrwbbere. Urspe V- UAoeenerrtea, l,awtoa ttiacseerry. "e and RaaberryV Also. Siberia. CTaJJ Oalnce. and eerie scarlet Rhubarb, tt. promptly eticedrd to. ddre.a, mtlaft I lVIMTI FROM CLEARFIELD., FROMTV f I Sutieai, ' t t it 9 fwrwt.Hl. T y