TIIK HKi'UlH.ICAN. (.1 KAKI in.l l'A. Wf:rNKrAY M'HINIMl. JI NK . From lbs tlriliah Prirud TIIK III 11111 Little Jft'-V set n.tride on lb wall, full of ilea.ure, A great in bis ey-a aa ft king on nil throne ; Hit Intl. ln-art boat with dclia.! ahoir nife.iirr, At though lh wide ht!I hail tu,loed I fc,. ..an !! thought Dot of danger, be dreeintj not of trouoip. Hut boil hia tobacco-pipe liplilly with care : With water nil soap ho aa blowing hii huh'. lot, Aid oh ! bow drlighllul thiy looked iu Ilia ir. They floated elong. by wind let In motion, And then tow mother and IoIIowimI the reat ; They wiled elong, like the stilus od the ocean ; At last Mnf the blgge.t, the ri(liU-t mid boat ; It rapidly row, ea though nnud of ita brightness, And high as tha top of die chimney wea eeeu : It threw back the beams ol tha sun uith ita light ness, Aud flittered with crimson, aud purple, and green. It floated along with beauty surprising, And.lack, ft he ga:ej, waa half wild with do litTt.t ; 11a watched it with raptare now falling now riaing And loudly b laughed at the wondorful light ; Aut preaenlly Jack lelt a leeliog of trouble, ilia face and his boart war e'erstiadowed with gloom ; For, while hif stretched eyeballs were bent on the bobble, It entered tha churchyard and barst o'er ft tomb ! "Oh Jack '." cried hii father, who near bad keen musiog. While lightly the bobblet were Bailing around, Thia world ia a place of much picking and oboes- Wbere pleaaureaand triflee and bubbles abound. Whatc'ertbe tale that Umptatioo may tell then, Wbate'er the deairea that thy heart may engage, Let the little event that but just now belvll thee He fixed en thy mind in thy youth and thy age. "A thousand enjoymenta around ua are flying ; Tan tbouaand bright thinga are abroad iu the air Bat our Urea are uncertain and short we are dying And death may remote ua before we're aware. The jova thai men seek, the purauits that men follow, Though decked and beapangled with splendor and plume. Are bubbles at beat, and deceitful and hollow ; Keaieiabor, my boy, tbey will buret at the tomb ! "The thing that allures thee, though now It aecm double In value, extractive, enduring and fair, After all, may deceive thee, end but a bubble, Unworthy thy love, andeeernog thy ears. Then fail not, when strongest thy lore and thy passion, Though lit np with sunbeams and shadowed with gloom, Whate'er be the object, its form or its fashion. The question is put Will it end at the tomb ?" A HYMN Of PEACE. IT OLIVKX WEMDEU, M0LHIS. rTr. Holmes has written the following hymn for tha Peace Jubilee in Boston : Angel of Peace, thoi hart wandered too long I hpread tby white winga to theeunabioeof lore! Come while our voicea are blended in song Ply to oar ark like the storm-beaten dove ! Fly to oar ark oa the wings of the dove Speed o'er the far sounding billows of song. Crowned with thine olive leaf, garland of love Angel of Peace, thon hast waited too long ! Brothers we meet, on tbia altar of thine, Mingling the gifts we hare gathered for thee, Sweet with the odors of myrtle and pine, Breete of the prairie and breath of the eon Meadow and mountain and forest and aoa ! Sweet is the fragraooe of myrtle and pine, Sweeter the incenae we offer to tbee, Brothers enos more round this altar of thine ! Angela of Bethlehem, answer tha strain t Hark I a aeer birth song is Ailing the sky 1 Loud as the atorm-wind that tumbles the main ! Bid the full breath of the organ reply Let the load tempest of voices reply Roll its long surge like the eartb-ahaking main ! Swell the laet aong till it mounts to the sky 1 Angels of Bethlehem, echo the strain 1 The Lazy Man. Tbe lazy man, ay the "Fat Con tributor," is almost always good matured. Ho never flies into a pas- cion. II o might crawl into one, if that were posniblc, but the idea of bin flying into anything is preposter ous. Who ever hoard of a lazy man breaking into a bank, whore a crow bar had to bo nscd, or drilling into a sale t S obody. Not that ho might not covet his neighbor's goods con tained therein, but the horror ol handling a crowbar and drills would always deter him from actually com mitting burglary. He never runs away with his neighbor's wife, simply 'on account of the horror bo baa of running. If he is ever known to run, it is run to seed. lie rarely lies about his neighbors, for it would be too much exertion, but he can lie at a bar-room all day. lie is of inestimable service to a billiard aaloon, keeping the chairs warm and watching tho game, for few would care to play where there are no spectators. Tbe fact that he does this without pay, day in and day out, shows the unselfishness of his nature.' What an industrious man, who considers bis time worth some thing, would want pay for, the lary man generally does fur nothing, show ing a treedoia from mercenary motives that should go far to bis credit. The lazy mail never gets up revo lutions, insurrections, orothor popular excitements, and don't make a nui sance ot bimseif by tramping around the country making incendiary speech es to promoto public discontont. In bis own neighborhood he is never busybody in other people's affairs, for the very idea of boing a busybody at anything would drive him out of his bead. 15y tbe wsy, if he ever got out of bis head, you would have to drive him out, for be wouldn't have energy enough to go out of his own accord. No lazy man ever ran mad. If he went crazy, it was because be couldn't go anywhere else without walking. Lazy men doj't disturb the quiet of peaceful neighbors bv putting up fac tories, furnaces, and other abomina tions. , A brilliant exchange publishes "Knee-high niiah"aethe smallest mau mentioned in tha binle. Guess he hasn't read of Bill Dad, of Shoehight. (Job 18 j 1.) If any of our exchanges can bring np a scripture man of smaller stature we'll knock under. A Political Anomalt. Imperii ism is on the decline in imperial France and fouls enough in this oonntry to talk about transplanting it to this free land. Two more negroes have just been appointed to first-class clorkhips at Wm.hir.gton. Uratit is bidding high for the negro vole. The man who tried to sweeten bis tea with one of his wife's smile has gallon Uik"oo mar. Notliiiie liko first principles after all. The man who alternptod to set up a gnst mill on bis own corns did not succeed. The business was too pinch tng. 1 r-v'' .W',f of m ,v,' died of ldruphobta in Cincinnati has sued owneofthe dog fr S,ijiki. The last Lelittur, passed an act delanngGoryJ,1 . GooJ words forth youtg-din- HOOFI. AMI'S (.MM IMTTI RS sea Hootlnttil's Scrnian Tonic; Tha Qroiti JUmHlM fnr all MifiMi of Ibt L(rr. P(imrh, or IHtfettir Or ((toe. I(M.ilanr8 Grnnan Hit tow Ti Mtnt.r-a.vl of lha pur jtifrtti fnr. lhT ftrt ms4,rttiall ttrn)ij, Ktlrttrti) rf ronttt, tidrtki, nJ bftrk, I I ft prMnrtUn htsthlr ronrentrsud a d A - ntirH.r 'fr Ir alfoholle dmlitur of oj kind" IIx)tIumrs (Ionium Tonic Ii a oomMtisation of all th inf rudUnti of the Hitter, with tht pure it quality nf 8anii Out liuiu, OratiK, mo , luikinc on w the moil pla unt and artabl nmodiei avrfr otfered W iii puhlio. Thoi praterring a modicloo Ireo (tvw aitottuho -lmixluri, wih uio Iloofland s Gorman Bitters. Thouft who have so objection to tba eonbiD tioo of tbo Bitten as itated, will ait Holland h Gerniau Tonic. Thj aro both oquatly ftood, and eontalo tha tamo medioinal virtual, tht oboloe brtwota tho two boing amtr natter uf Uito.tbt Tonio btiag tot noit paiaiaoit, Tbo itomaeh, from a variety of tauiei, inob ai lodifOMttoo, tyiptpiia, Norroua Dibilf ty, to., ii vry apt to bavo -v IU runetioui derang od. The Liver, tyin I 1 patbiting ao elorely ai it dooa with tbt W 8tomaab. tbtn bt- eoniei affected, tbt roauHof wbirb i$ that tbe paileot ufftjn from tevoral or wort of tbe fol lowing dUoaiei : CoDitiuatioo, Flatu.er.eo, Inward Pilei, Fullnen of Blood to tbt Head, Acidity of the Stow ach, Naurea, Heart Burn, bifpeue for Jr'ood, FullnoM or Weight in tbt htoinaeh, Hour Kruptioni.tjiDlt. ingor Flotteringat the pit of the 8totnach,Hwim ningof tbt Head. 11 u rr i t d or Difficult breathing, flatteHoff of tht HeartfChukioit or 6uf. fooattng wniatioae wheo Id a lying poature, Dimnen of vie i on, duti or wtbi before tbe eyei, dull paio in tbt bead.deQoienoy of per ipiration, yellowneti of the ekin and tyei. Pain in tht itde, beck, eheitjioabg, tto.,iudden luihet of beat, burning fleih. oonitant imagining! of tvll and great depretiioa of tpiriU. Tht iufferer from tbnat diteaati ihould txtr- eUe tho greateit tautioo in the teleoetioa ol ft remedy for bia eaat pnrchating only that wut eft bt la airarea irom bit inreitlgft tioni and inqoiriii poMtiaei true merit, li ik 111 fully eompounded, I fret from iMurioui ingredienti, and hai titabliibed for itielf a reputauoniortneeureortneeediieMiai. In this eoDneetion wt would aubmit thoit well known rtmtdiet Hooflands German Bitters, Hoofland's German Tonic, Prepartd by Dr. 0. M. JACKSOS, Pbiltdelpbla, Pb. Twenty-twt ytari linet they were fint Intro- dared into tbia country from Utrmaoy, during which time tbty hart undoubtedly performed mora carta, and benefited luffering humanity to a greater eatent, than any otbtr rtmediei known to tbt pnblio. Theet rtmtditi will effectually enrt Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Pyapepiia. Chronic or Kervoua Debility, i C h r on I e Diarrhma, b aetata of tht Kid neya. and all diaeaate aiaing from a Ptiorderad Liver, Slomaob, or intoittnea. Debility, Reiulting from any camt whatever , Proitratlon of tbe lyatein induoed by atrrrt Labor, Hardahfpa, Kxpetnr, Fertrt, ka.t At. There la no medlcint extant equal to tbeat etoe diet in eueb caati. A tone and vigor ti Impartrd to the whole ayitera, tht appeilM ii itrengthened, food ia enjoyed, the atom eon di geata pruiptly, tbt blwd ii purified, the oom plexion become tound and healthy, tbt yellow tingt ia trad lotted trom tbo cvea, a gloom li given to the tbeeka, and the weak and nenoua inralid beeomtia alxoog and healthy being. Persons Advanced in Life, and feeling the hand of time weighing ht.vUy aton them, with all Ita attendant illi, will find tha uat of theat Bitten or tbt Tonic, an tlixir tbat will tn nil new Ufa into their voina, restore In a mtaaurt the energy and ardor of more youthful dava, build up their ahrunken frmi, and givt health and bappintaa to their remaining yean. Notice. It'll well tatabllibed fact that fully one half of tbt femalt po r rtiuft of onr popula lion art tcldomtn tbt I . enjoyment of good health, or.to oat thier " own aipreaalon. they "never feel well." They art languid, devoid of all enercy, extremely nervoua, and bavt to ap petite, to tbia rlaaa of ptraona tht Bitten, or tbt ionic, li tapeeiaiiy rtoommendea. Weak and Delicate Children art tnadt atrong by tbt nat of either of thtet remedtet. They will euro every eaatof mammmt without fail. Thooaanda of eertifiratet bavt tocnmulated In the handa of the proprietor, but apart will allow of the publication ol but a few. Tboat, It will be obaerved, art nen tf note, and tf eueb itaading to at tney nun oe beutvta. TeBtimonials, Hon. Oeorgt W. Woodward, Chief Juatlct of tht Supreme Court of rennaylraoia, writei : Philadelphia, Pa., March In, .ft.. 'Iflnd Boortaau'i . GaauAN Bittim la a good tonic, maeful in A diaeaaeaof tHe diifeat Wt org an a, and of- groat beerfit In eatea of debility and want of nervoua action in the ay at em. Youn, truly, Oao. V. Woodwahu." Hon. Jamti Thorn peon, Judge of tht Fupremc Court nf Penniylvania, writei . Philadelphia, April tn, IflftA. "I aon elder llonflaod'i (Jermaa Bitten a valu able medicine in taat of Indigestion or Dyepep aia. I can etrtlfy tbia from experience. "Yoori, with rteptct, Jahii TH3nraon.n From Rev. Joafph H. Kennard. D. D., Paitor of tbt Tenth Baptiat Church, Philadelphia! Dr.iacnoa Dear Sir: I have been frequent ly req netted to connect my nam with rtcom memlationi of different kindi of modicinei, but regarding tbt prat y tiotaa tut of my ap propriate aphart, I V have la all eaaei de clined t but with a"" clear proof in varioui tnttaacat, and particularly in my awn family, of the oeofulntaeof Dr. lloofland'a German Itinera, I depart for onct from my uaual conrat, to ex prtea my full tonvictioa that for general debility of the eyeiem, and tapetially for Liver Com plaint, it ia a taft and valuable preparation. In aome catce It may fail, but unually, I doubt not. It will bt very heneftclal to tb ate who auffer from the abovt tauat. Youri, very re-pert fully, J. It. Km Ann, Eighth, below C'oatei B ire eta. From Rev. E I). Fend all, Editor of Chrlatiaa "Chronicle," Philadelphia: 1 bavt derived decided benefit from the unt of ftooftand'a tttrmaa Bitira,and fed 1c my prvi lege to rtcommerdthem ai a mort valoahle tonic to all wbo art u0rtng from general drbiilty or fron diaeaate art ting from derangement of tbt llrtr. Your a, truly, K l. Fikpall, Caution. Hoofland'a German Bitten are counter felted. Bee tbat tht ilea tort of C. M. JACK SON la on tht wrap I I par of ach bottle. All otbtn art enun tcrtiu Principal Officaand Maunfartury. at thr 0rmen Mfdical 8 tort, No. (Ill A rob atreet, Philadelphia, Pa. C IIARI.r.4 M. l VAt-, Proprietor, (Formerly C. M. Jaokaon I Co.) Friee. Ho ' fatjd'i Uernaa Bitten, fer bottla f I OA ' r,ar k.lf r1r..an a (it HeofUnde 0rman Tonic, put np in quart oiivtt, par Mtit 50 Or a half doien for f M "1)0 not fnr trot t tiktnit. tk krii.i yon boy, in order to get tht ganuina. For ttalt ftU rgiiU bad dealer l madioiftta ilM-lf . . , A . ShcrilT's Sales, HT Mt nt nndy write nt 'tttitni -rpmt latned cat tf fht Ctittrt f tVmni'-a Plt-aa f t:h-arflM fnaniv, end la ntt 4 ire-1 -4, there ail! he ttpoeed t" public eale, at the Cctrt H, In tht htMMiixh of ( leotleld. on M'lfdav. the 31 Ik day of June, lllt, (ennrt wek ) tl I tVlork, p, m.. thf (i.ltr-w in r deerrihed Heal Ktittat tc nit : A tertata .raft of Innd altuate la Hnrnaid tp , Clearfield eonnty, I'a., bnundrd and deecrlhed aa Ml'iffa t Meginnng at a pnet corner, hereto fore lend nf John Ymi deremrd : thnre hy land nf llorant Pttrhlii, nold to Atr-n t ry. north 71 degree wrat Sl ptrchea, to a pnt i thence bv other lnnle of Horace Patrhin. north l de grea eaal III perrhra, to a pout t thenet aoulh 72 d greea eaat n.nt perrbea. tot pine t thetire annth IR dvgrtea weet 1 1 1 perrhea, tn the piate of biginnlng,eontining KiF I'Y KKl I IT ACKKS and alloaiKC, atx arrei clearnl, atid a iinall log hnuat erected thetonn. 8aied, taken in eieoution, and to ha told aa bt property of Hilliain 11, Campbell A I o, a certain tract of land iltuatt In Bell ; town ah ip, Cleartield county, Pa., boundvd by land of C. Wetael on the northweat, br land nf David Sutnlcrltn and Work on the euib, and by IhiiiI of Juuml and Hei pv Mctiboe on the wrat, containing ONK 1IUNUU1.D AND PDRTY ACHKS, more or lraa, having about aixty aefea cleared, with a atnatl dwelhng-bouat . and burn erected thereon excepting and re- j nerving all title to ten acrea along tht river j Keiaed, taken in elocution, and tu be told aa tbe property of liixen Vent ' Alao, a certain tract of land altuate in Bell townahip, Clearfield oonnty, Pa., bounded by 1 landa of C, Vetiel on tht oortbwtat, by land ol j David Sondtrlin and W ork on tht aoulh, I tnd by landa of Jatuea and Henry Mrllhtt on ! tht wf.t, eonUinlng O.N a' UUNUUKD AND FORTY ACKKS, more or Icm, having about aixty aerea ol eared, with a email bouat and barn erected thereon. iStiied, taken in execution, and to bt aold aa tbt property of Dixon Vtrta, I Alao, a certain tract uf land aitaate in Boll townahip, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded by j landa of K. M'etiel on tht north w eat, by laud of DaviJ fiundcrlio and Work on tht aoulh, 1 and by landa of Jft'oea and Hcnrv McUbtt on tht wrat, contain in g ONK BUNUKKD AND FORTY ACRKS, wort or lota, being about aixty ! acroi cleared j with a amall dwelling houae and bam erected thereon excepting and reatrving all title to tan aorta along the river, beiacd, taken in execution and to be aold at tht property of Dixon Verta. Alar, a certain tract of land altuate in Cov. inpton townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded aa followa i Fronting on tbttinuw bbot turnpike, i on the taat by landa of Jacob Yotbrrt, on tha aouthwtat by limda of Fred'k Behnarn, with a amall bouaa and etable erected therton. 8tittd, taktn in axroution, and to bt told aa tbt pro t pcrty of Jacob Dutry. Alao, a certain tract of land aituatt In Cheat township, Clearfield oouuty, Pa., bounded aa followa : Beginning at a hickory corner, on old line of John Brenneman; thtnetenuth i0 degrtei weal, by Martin Withington tract, toeoruar made by John MeCord, at lo.i per c bee; tbenet by landa of catatt of John MeCully, dec d, north wee t by lint of McCord, 17V percbea, mora or Itea, tt a corner tbtnot by land aold tt U. R. MeCulley, 105 perohea, to a hemlock, down f thenct by old lint.aouth 40 degroea eatt, to piaot of beginning, eontainftg ON K HUNDRED AND TWKLVR ACKKS and thirty percbea, with a bouat and barn erected tbcrton with a rottrvaiion of M aerea and 120 percbea, aold to Samuel Straw, cited, taken ia execution, and to bt told aa the property of Joieph MeCulley. A lo, a certain tract of land tltaate Id Ball (p., Clearfield county. Pa., beginning at a poit corner, tbenre by land of W. A. Wallaoa, bO MO degreoi taat 17U percbea, ton poet) thence by land of 0. L- Reed, north 3V MO perch ee. to a poat f thence by land of Frederick Rupert, u 7 10 degrtta weat 170 ptrchea, to a pott ; tbenet by land of 0. L. Read and John Mott, Booth .19 T 10 degrcea taat )IQ ptrchea, to place of beginning, eon taming ONK Jl UNDRKD ACRK8 and forty percbea, with a aw all dwelling bouat and barn erected thereon. Soiled, taken in execution, and to bt aold aa tht property of Jamaa 0, Beaty, Alao, a certain tract ol land aituatt In Wood ward townrhip, Clearfield county. Pa,, contain ing TW KNTY-fc-VKiN ACRfcb, with a frame boutt and barn tree fed thereon, adjoining tbt village of Madera, on Clearfield Creek, Keiaed, taken in execution, and to be atid aa tht property of Robert Alexander. Hidden will take notice tbat 1 par cent, of tht purcbait money muet bt paid when tht pmperty la knocked down, or It will bt put up again for aala, CYRKftlUtf RuWK, uRRirr'a Orrn a, I Bbenff. Clearfield, Pa, Jun 3, 1869. J t Sheriff's Sales. lY virtue of auiidry write of Ltvarl Faeiat. I ) itnurd out of tbe Court of Common Pleat of UraracM oounty. and to mo di reeled, there will be rxijoaHl to puMio aala, at the Court Houae In tht borough of CltaMiM, on Monday, the 21et day of June, lAfif, (Court week,) at oue o'clork, r. M., the toiiowing property, via: AH tbat cert 'in lot or peice of ground, with tht building! therton erected, eituatcd in tbt borough of Oar tola, Clearfield oouniy. Pa., oa tht north aide of Curtin atreet, and known and denijnated aa Lot No. 2(17 In tbt general plan of aaid ho rough, being tat iamt prvmiata which tht Oaoeoia Coal Company, by indenture bearing dart the Kd day of April, 1 fiii, duly executed, and intended to bt forthwith recorded accord ing to law, granted aud coareyed unto tha aaid William J. buiith to fee, excepting and reaerv ing all tha atona-coal and mineral! which may be beneath tht aurfaoe of tbt mil of tht above deecrito d lot or piece of ground, together with tht right of fret Ingnaa, tgreaa, and regreai, to at-arrh fur, dig and carry away tha earn a. Seia.'d. taken in execution, and to bt aold at tht property of William J. t naitb. Alao, sill thoaa two certain lota or pitctaof land aituatt in tiogga townahip, I learueld to , Penn'a, containing FOl K HUN Mi ED AND TWKNTY-hKVKN ACRKH and tWny ptrcbei and allowance, aurvtved on warrant dattd Slat January, granted to William Troutwlnej alao, tbt other iraet, tnntaintng FOUR HUN DRED AND TWKN1 Y bKVtiN ACItaH and thirty percbea and allowance, aurvtytd on war rant dated Stat January, A. D. 1714, granted to George Beyen. belted, taken in txeeutlon, and to be aold aa tbt properly of Roll. C. Kirk. Alio, all three two certain tracla of land aituatt in Murria townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded aa followa ; Ono ul them hrginmng at a poat, cor ner of land in name nf Blair Mclianabtui, thence along the ame north one degree eat 2ij perch" to wlnle pine; thenct north M d. grrp weat 1110 iicrt litw tu old hi -kory; thence along tht aurvey hcn-aitcr drachlcd, aoulh one dr-grot west 1.1 j perch rt to pot ; and thence by land in name of John Price, eoutb 8V degrena eaal 318 ptrchea tu place of beginning f ooutaining 4.17 acrea aud 144 percheRatni allowam. Thcoihor tract beginning at tbe old hickory, comer of the above doner i bed twt; tin-not north Hit drgreca went HV pcrchoe to poit j tin-nee aouth otic degree weat 2.1.1 pcrchee to a poa I ; tbence along land in (be name of John . W arrick, aouth M d' grwi eat I4& percbea to a pout ; the doc along the flret described tract north one rfrroe print IMj percbea to pUct of beginutltg, TWO HI shl'KKIf Ai HI S and allowance. It br ing a part of a aurvey in the aamt of Jnha Nieh-ulsi-n. (cifpil, taken in exrtitiun, and to Ire told aa the property ol John J. Miller. CYKKMIH 1IOWK, Bmnirr'a Orrirn, I ISbcriiT. nmrficld, I'a., June I, iHnft.J COUKT PROCLAMATION. THERKAS, linn. C. A. MAYER, Prea W trtent Jtdge of tht Court of Common Pleat of tbe twenty filth Judicial Diatrict, aompoaed fo tht countiea of C'carftoid, Centre and Clinton and linn. SAMUKL CLYDK and Hon. JACOB WILHhLM, 4eiatt Julfea of Clearfield toM have leaned their precept, to ma directed, for the holding of a Court of Common Pleaa, Orphan ' Conrl, Court of Quarter Kea-ione, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Del Story, at tbt Court lionet at Clearfield, n and for tbt eonnty of Clearfield, commencing on tht third Muii lay. lt dav) ol June, 14,0, and to continue TWO WhlikS. NOTRK 18, tbtrefort. hereby liven, to tht Coroner, Juaticct of tht Peace, and Conetablea, In and for aaid county of Clearfield, to appear la their proper pereone, witb their Holla, Heeorde, niiuinliona, bsamtnationa, and other Remem- brancea, to do thont thinga whirh to their offlota, and In their behalf, pertain to bt dont. OlV'LN nndermy band at Clearfield, tbll at eon d day of June, In tht yttr of our Lord ont thouiand tight hundred and alvtv nine. CY KEM18 iloH E, Aaen. Kl :(;lTr.llf rflTICl'V- Notice la hereby given that the following aoonnnti have been -iNimncd and ae"rd by me. and remain filed of re-cord in (hia offiet for tha inspection of hera, Ipgateea, crvditura, and all other in any other wey intTrteil, and will be prenented to the neat Or phan'l Court ol Clearfldd oonnty, to lie held at the Court Iloiiac, in the hi iron ph nf Clearftrtd. com mencitifi on the third Monday of June, I c.t. ; The u u tc and dretrthmion account of John Roraliauiih, lrut. Ac, of rval etate of Jonathan Pierw, lute uf Cheat towiiehili. Clearfield count v. dfc-ratcd. Final aennnt of Jame R. Clark. adminlMratnr of Patrick (Jiiinn, late of IVnn townnhip, dereaefd. Final account of Tliomaa II Hrewrr, alminii trator of Daniel ("rend, late of I) wean a townabip, decoa-d. RrniaTKR't Orrn r, A. W. T.FK. Clcarfltld, Pa., Jure ?, lHf. St. J Rcgialer. A DM1MM H ATOH'W KOTirKXntioo ia here! j rn n that letter of aatinmtatration on the cnfaU of 1HHMAS ID'S. dfocannl, Init of r-'fftr townahip. leailidd oounlv. I'a.. ha?-. iiir ln-.-n 1ulr granted to thl on derni cned, all ter- ama indehtetl to aaid ealalc will plitat make pay ui'-in, Mrm iQ'iae raving eianna or nemamin anil preTii them pniirly authenticated for evttlement and allnwanm anhuiit U- ley. myM MARttARET R0F8, Adm'i Tl'TIC t (OXTABtl rBFJ. We bavt printed a large aatnbcr of tha new FKS BILL, and will, oa the rc-tyt of twanty fivtctota, raail a ofj t cy addxvta, mj2t ntdlrat. OOOD HIALTH I, ratam..t t e.al'K. If (da aealeas I, I f.e4 nfiler pefre eat tha vile Hamnre aa4 a)a- linip.ta wttk knh.es 'a Ulene! FHIi, aad cl Ini.raal erfaae parferwitNff lk.tr raiul.i fun. Itnn., en4 naee tn nrH.r, see, than, ao J lae .alljt a el Rubers s niomaea nillers. DTSPEPSIA. There fa, prolahly, no ona dlaeaat with which mankind are aiHUled wSieh la the mom of to many allinanta aa t yi epnia, and there Ii no rnort certain hurt than Roback'i fitouarh Hit tora. A EEMAfiKABLE FACT That not a alngfa Inttanot haa coma to tbt knowledge of the proprietbra, of tbt failtrt ol Robaok'a Medic inei to give entire latiafactlon in tha buudreda of thounanda of caeca in which they have beta need ; thia fi worthy of remark and undeniable evidence of their intriueic merit. LOUS Ii tbt praiat In tht mouthe of tverybody In favor of Roback'i btomaoh Bitter a, Blood Pilla and Blood Purifier. IS IT EIGHT Tbel eoo ihouli bid delanee to all natural laws and the science ef medical men, end aufl.r wltk Uvapenaia er Indiiesttna when Robaok's 8luj- ach Bittera eaa b. proeur.d at aa drug store t THEY WILL CUBE YOU Or Porolola, Etvalpclai, Pick ar Nervous Bead aobe, Billtousoess, Ltver Connlalnt, liyspepsia or loatsiestton, ceaaamptlon, fan In the llaek or Loins, (lout, Plsuriav, beuoorrba'a or Whites, Bruptiona and all diaeaaes ariaiQK fron a dlaor drred suteol the atoniaeb, H "back 'a Blood rills, btomach Hitters and Blood Punter. AS A PREVENTIVE Against Malaria, Fever and Agae, and all ills eaaes, ariilag fron a torpid stele of tbe liver, there Is no m.dleiue ao highly recommended aa Hoback's Htomaek Bittera. GEATIFYINO To know that a reliable remedy 1, within Ike reach of everybody for the radical enre of Dys. pepala or Indigcitton. Such a remedy Is Ko back's Stomaeb Bitura. Sold by all Dreggiats. EVERYBODY Should keep conatantly within their reach, thoaa Invaluable rcmediea to auecenafulty combat die eaae. Roback'i Blood Pill, Hob.ck'a H torn art Bittera, and Roback'i Blood Further, tbey art in fiint.. in tbt dneaati for which tbey ftrt recommtnato. 1VOB0DY Can afford to be without aneh valuable medlcinei iiHolnci.'i Blood Ptlli, Htoraaih Bittera and Blood Purifier. TEMPERANCE. Tbtrt ia, ptrhapi, no ont thing that haa dont o much to promott tht canat of temperance aa that gentle atimulating tonic, Rohaek'ecitomaeh Bittera, they atrenjrthen and Invigorate without producing tht 111 effect of alcoholic ttlmulanu. RENOVATE. Tarlnff tht Spring monthi tt It om of tht regular htuachold dutlea to renovate, and, la tht multiplicity of other dntiei one' own aelf it (n a great nraeura, overlooked i thouaanda of valualitt livt might bt prolonftd. aid many douMleeaeavtd from premature vraveabv thor. onghly renovating the ayatem with Dr. lohack'a Uiood l'illa. Stomach Bitten and Blood Purifier. WHO SELLS THEM! The Arenis for tha ssle of Rebeck's Hlood Pilla. Rtomarh lllttera end Rlrod Porllier era UAKTrWICK 1KWIN, Clearneld, IV aprll THE GRKAT ZINCARI BITTERS. A aaft Blood Purifier, a iplindid Tonic, a plea ant Btvtraga, certain enrt and Preventive of Diseases. riMIR KIMOARI RTTTKR8 art eemponnded 1 from a prescription f tht celebrated Kgyp. tian phyaiciaa, Da. Cntorara, wbo, after year of trial and eipertment, dlarovortd tht ZingaTi sjrb tht moft remarkable prwdaotion, tht earth, perhapi, baa ttr yielded ctruinly tbe moat eftVtlvt in tht curt of dieetee. Jl, In comcinttioa with tht otbee valuable proper tie i of which tht ZlNtiARl BITTKRH iaoompoaed, will cure- Dyapepvia, Fcvtr nd Agua, BiUloua Fevtr, Cbolie, Colda. Bronchi tie, Contunptioa In Ita flrat atagt,. Flatulency, Rer voua Dehiltty, Female Com plaiata, RhcumaiUa, Iyneatery, Acute and Chronic iMarrho a, Cholera Morhai, Cholera, Tvvhoid and Typhua Ftvtr, Tallow Fever, Scrofula, lin aei of tbt Kidneyt, IlahitoalCoa. tiveneaa. tn tht Prevention and Curt of tht above dla- eae, It ha never boon known to fall, a theu tanda of onr moat prominent cititeni ti rough out all pnru of tht country, will teettfy. Let tho afflicted ind for elrenlar containing ttatimoni ala and certtfleatea of Ihoat who have Wen cured after tbt 'r eeeea bavt been pronounced boptieva by our beat phjaleiant. I'rincipal lepoi, r. n a m a r. k t;i N. fi X. Front ttL, rhiladelpbia. Reeommendetf by Bi.Unv. I'avid R. Porter, of Ptonaylvanla. . Run. Robert J. Fiher, Hon. Edward MePttraon, " Hon. Joel W. ltnntr, How. m, lMeSherry, tnd other. rhtnd for Circular. Ifebll-ly. AIM Ptt( l,., RanedT'i Med ed PlaenTtry, Helmhold'a Paehu, Baker'e Cot Ltver Oil, Jane't and Aver' medicine of every kind, for aala bv HAhTSW K IRWIH. Truaact and abdominal lupportrt tf nvery kind of tht lateit tmprovemeu, for tlt at UiDrug 8tor ( gABieWlC; A UWI5, J, F. v aaer, a. 1. iii:i:i t to. CLRA KPIRLD PLANING MILL . ALL RIGHT! flHB proprietors reer.Mtfiillynfurta the.itiicns X of Clearfield eounty, that tliey have entirely rrllttr.1 tliia eatalillalimrnt witb the latr.t improved wood working macbiuery, and are now prepared to execute all ordcra in their line of buainers. They will give eaperial attention to the manalao ture of matoriai lor bouae building, such as FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOCKS, BLINDS, illt.H HETS tf .TOI ty, OF ALL STYLE 8, W e always have on hand a large stock of DIIY Ll'MUKH, and will payoaeh for all clear Lumber. One-aed-a-half Ineb panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eicbanged, to suit customers. ltHOrdcra solicited, and Lumber furnished on short notiee and on reasonable terras. U. L. KKK1) A CO. ricartlcld, Nov. T, 1T. K B. PTTO .... Jon I'attoh, ....J. K. lawia. K. A, lavm E. B. PATTON & CO., Having fitted up a flret-claaa PLANING MILL Art prepare! to furniah all kind of Manufactured Lumber, ueb a Flooring. Siding;. Surface-rreised lum ber, Saah, Poors, Blindi. And avvry deacrlptioa of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. ftrVrmUri will find It to their advent a ft a to eon tilt onr pnoee beturc pun na"iTir eiaewnert. Addraaa, K. 11. PATloN A CO., Curwetiavitle, Dec. 3, lHflMf Clearfield county, Pa. How to Have 31 one rilHR timet art bard; you'd llkt to know X Hew yon may aavt your dollar f The way to do it I will ahow, If yoa will read wbat follow. A man wbo lived not far from kert, w ho worked bard at hi trade, But had a bouachold to aupport Tbat aquandered all bt mad a. I mat bin onto. Bay ht, "My fHtad, I look thread bear and ronk ( I'vt tried to gel my aelf a tuit, Dut can't aavt up tnongh." Saya T, my friend, how much bavt yon f I'll tell yon where to jo To jet t ault tbat'a tound and tbtapi To HEIZKN81ELN A Co. . II took wbat Httlt ht kad aaved, And went to Relitnateln A Ulrotheri', And tbert bt frot a bandaomt auit, For half b paid to other. Now bt la hotnt, bt look a to wll, And their effect ia aunb, That when they take their dally meal, They don't tat half aa mack. And now ht And on Saturday night, Witb all tbtlr wanta aupplftd, That ht hat awney left to spend, , And omt to lay aaid. Hl food aneceaa. with ehetrful imilt, Ht fftidly ttlla to all. If you'd av money, go to 'I brty lour clxthea at BKIZE.NSTKIS'8 CLOTHISa HAtL. Where th cheap it, flceat and heat Clotbin and (ood FurniabinK Good a can bt bad to auit avery tata and in every atylt aprl I, 07 H, F. N AUGLE, CLOCK AI) WATCH M1KER, orroirrataa eaHm, i"t svaur post oryics RFIELD THB aubteriher reap tt ally inform bt old patrona and tbt public rnerally, tbat bt bti oa band, (and I ooaatantiy rtotma( b add i lien thereto,) a larft ttotk of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. jrrl keep Jewelry In all It form and of d i Beret t value, ttlatr by tat piece or iti, WATCHES A full aetortnent of either Gold or oilver, made by the heat Astrlcaa and for. at pn manufacturer, inclndinc a In lot of rold and ailver , hunting caat, full jeweled, Patent Lvn. , CLOCKS Of all deelfrna, eonalatln; of tight, day and thirtv-hour, of either weight, apring or lever, and both air 1 he and alarm. REPAIRING. AM kind of Watrhei and Cloche Repaired, and warranted. Ia addition to what I have enumerated. I keep a full aeeortmant of MI,K',TCLK.S, colored and plain jrUat. 4J0 OOtD PKN.S and PENCILS, SPOONS, FORK, BUTTER KNIVKH, and In fact everything tn tbe Jewelry lint. If I fail to bavt on band jnat wbat a cuatomtr may need, I will order per Aral oxpreea, without eitrm r barge. A lllieral ahara uf puMlc patron a prr ia aoli cited. May 7, bflHy 11. f, 24 Al'ULK. LI Til ERSIll R( POTTE R! ES I.atherabnri;, ( Irarfleld t'o Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS & DAIRYMEN Look Herel rtni! nnileralirneil Is jirenared to fnmlah eon i with the beat 8T(. EWA H K menoftn'red in thia enuntrr. He haa never yrl failed tnr.lrBe the moat taatidioos, as to quality or durability. ins ware eonaieia ia part or CREAM rCTS OF ALL SIZES! MII.K t ROCKS AND PA, Fruit Cans, (for Canuing Fruit,) Safety lubos, And In abort F.VPRYTHINtl naualty made and kept in an tatahlithment of tbia kind. MERCHANTS Can bavt their ware delivered bv me, at ANT TIwR and to ANY PLATE deeiml. Ordera for ware euliuitcd, and prvmptly fl!lrd- ff4staFnr rrnernl aieortmrnt. aet PettilnetM and Prict Isi't, mailed fte to applicant. XT A libera! dteonunt mil be given to the li'leale tratle. OKO. C. KIRK. Ltithera-nrg. Pa., Tec. S. inttn tf wviiivvi uuv niiuuiiuvi flllllH inaluat.le puMiratM-r. i fr aale at the J. punt tyfhr-c. It hiuld le in lh handmd verj lrmirrrt. it eontamt hill rln!ton re'ortu from every twnnty In tbt 1 niud Htateei eSetidta, tht a nut tsri nn if i'nistins m riiiiitrisj ii, m m, namnenf all the newseaperf tuprwn) and raul-bcn during Linerln'a aduiini'tration ; and that fr leti7 Mtntama the name of all thre civilian who were impri(.nd dnnng the eame prin4, Thee two liata, fi-r fumro re1Wwee, are worth more than mftp, mr imari rw-n-i t-i mrr wtni vnrv man Ikak Hmtea. naf 4k. wwamkllawKftM. Tks ..aHkan. C 1 Satai in alto full nf valuable etatieti. An nt Mttirtiti ia alao fnil MM - - - - . - M eenla te tht Pt Maater, will rteervt wv rettra ' TVIIVd ITI l riW , ..S anon-) , w, i (, wT r 1 H Baul t eepy tn ttci year, Be, of postage, krf A. W. WALTERS, ATtUIINKY AT LAW, iea.rflrld, Pa. 4Xllp.e rt Ui t'"ert II. .... ,ltt It ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clrartteld, I'a. seJ-OBce In the Ooerl Ih.e.e. (Jyll.'fr JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Or.rlleld. I'a. OBo. arllh J. B. MrKnallv, Kaq., aver first Na tional liana.. CWonpt attention irivea to the aernrlnf of Hoonty, Ctaims. 6o.f and to all legal business. March 21t, lldV-ly. WALTER BARRETT, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Offlsa on Beeond Kt., Clearfield, Pa. nov!1,.(l Win. A. Wallaee. .1. lil.ka Waltrra. Win. D. Bitler Frank KieMtnf; WALLACE, BIGLEE k FIELDING AOOIINEVS AT LAW, Clemrflrld. Pa. J99 Legal bnainees of all kinds promptly and aecarately attended to. mayls-y THOS. J. McCULLOUGH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offloa adjoin Init tbe Ilank, formerly oeeuplad by 4. t. aieanaiiy, beeona su, Ulearfleld. ST-WIII atuod promptly to collections, sale of landa, o. deol7,(i JOHN L. CUTTLE. irrnDVPv it rw ' Ml.l lil si i un IT And Real tomato A (rout, Clearfield, Pa. vuiof on inaraoi iireei, op poa l te uit Jail. ----. vmviii uis rvjiufcenp ,u TJIIIIIK All huvinat lanita tn 1'lsa.a-a .1 mwA . J i .; 1 eon n ties ( and with an eineHenee ef over twenty 7an aa a autre jar, naiter niineeii thai ne oaa render aaliifaction. f-bJS.'flJ-tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTOIt.NEY AT LAW, I l.arBeld. Pa. Offieaon Market atreat one door eaat of tbe Clear neld County Bank. (may., '114 John U. Orris. C. T. Alexander. ORVIS I ALEXANDER, AT UiHNEYS AT LAH'. Hcllelonle, Pa. seplS,'e-y JEFFERSON LITZ, PUYSICIAN & SUKGEON, n A VIHO located at Oaeeola, Ta., affera his profesetonal servlees te tke people of that plaoe and surrounding oonntry. fcaVAII aalls promptly attended te. OBee ana resilience on Vurun aL, laraarly ooonpied J J)'L Kline. mylV-ly DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEoN, Beoond Street, Clearfield. I'a. VS-Ilarlne; permanently located, be now offers hia profi'isioaiU asrvioes to the eitiaens of Clear&tld and vii inily, aud the yublio (enerally. All calls pruiupny aiumied to. oct2V-y F. B. REED, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND 8CR0E0N, sfnT-IIavins? removed tO Tf llllemaeveee. Pa . offers bis pr-fsaelona aemees u the people of uio aorrouniing oonntry. ljyll 7 fin .1 D niiDOurriri it W. I WVKWIir ILLW) Late 8urreo of the 8Jd Reg mom, P.nnaylvania VnluotMra, having relumad from tbe Army, effera bis pofessional servlees to th, eititens oi itearneia eeunty. Mr Professional ealls promptly alien led to. 0(h on Beoond street, formerly occupied by tip. w.i. ' . 7. ... '. apr4,'llll.tl DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN at 8DR0KOV. Having removed to Anaonville, Pa., offers bis profrasionsl servieea tn tha people of that plaoe aud the aurreuoieg eonntry. All rail, promptly t..upV(u. . , , , , i am id DR.. S. J. HAYES, SUROEON DENTIST Office on Main Ft., CurwrDerillr, pa "riI.L make rrofeaalonal v,it. for the eon If ten ie nee of tht public, commencing in i(tii, ipn, -i mi'owi, Tia : LutUervborjt-Firat Friday of every month Anaonritle Kirt Mndav of ever inrmth Luailmr City Fint 1 buraday of erery mouth. rpenomc two oy in either place. All ordera for worn ehoald be pntcnted on tht day of fat arrival at each place. jtl-CT Teeth extract 4 liy tht application of local anviineaia comparatively without pain All kind of Di-ntal work vuarantaad. N. B. Tht public will pleaa notice, that Dr. ii., waea noi nirajre in tht abovt viaiu, may oe mono in nia omrt, in i urwenavlllt, Pa. Curweniville, Keb 4, lieu. ,-4j D E NT A L VRt1n RsIh I P . . A. Jl. HILLS, Dealraa te Inform bis natroas. and the public generally. flat be has aasociatsd evllb him tn ins practice of D.aUitry, S. P. SHAW, D. D. S., Who Is a graduate of tha Philadelphia Prntal Cullege. and tberafora baa tha klgheat atuna tiona of prnf.aaieaal skill. All ork dona in th. nlliee I will bold myself personally raepoaat- nie tor nelng done ta the moat satisfactory m ner and bigheat order ef th. vro'.aaion. Aa eatahliah.d praetiea of twenty. twe yearaln this place enables ma tn speak to my patients wiih oonldenoe. Kugag. menu from a distance should be made by letter a few dayt before the patient designs coming. June inns iy. MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMBER CO., OrTKOLA FTEAM liaLfl, seirsi'Tinai LUMBE1J, LATH, AND TICKETS II. II. FHILl.INtiFORD, rrealdent. 065ce Keren Flaro, No. lit 8. 41b St.. l'hil'a. JOHN l.AWHIK. Suirinlen.lpnl- )rA'67 Oaeeola Milla, tlearhekd oouuty, Ta. REUBEN HACKMAN. Housa and Sign Painter and Paper Manger, (IcarOrlil, Penn'a. VfvWill execute Join In bit line promptly and in a woramaiiiia. manner. arr,,n7 J. BLAKE WALTERS. SCIilVKNKFl AND IXN VEYANCKH. Agant fur th Pu.eh.tae and alt of Landa. rirarrtcU, Pa. aePromnt attention vivea to all l.utltiaa ennneeted with the eonntv offlot. Ofhre with tt on. vim. a. vraiiaea. ljani,'etMf SURVEYOR. riIjn underainned offt-ra hia errrleee aa a Pur- vrvor, and may le found at hia re ni den mi, in iwrrnre townhp. Letter will rrarh him di rected tot kartield. Pa. may T tf. JAJHKn MlTrilFT.I,. THOSTW. MOORE, Land Surveyor and Conveyancer, IjAVlNtl recently 1-eatod In the borough of ft Lumber Citr, and reMuued the practice of Land Rnrverinc, reanectfullv tmdm ht nrofc. aional eervlrra t the owner nf and aperolMort in landa in t'lrarfietd and adjoin ing eountie. lodt uf eon revenue neatly exwoted. Offioe and re f id t no one dmr eaat of Kirk A Hfrrneer'a at ere. eprlrpl4m. DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. BARBER &, HAIR DRESSER, UXOND UTIIKIT, j.ym cm: a r pi hi. n. pa. if TH O M A S H . F O RC E E, Pl A I. KM in QEN F.IiAL M KKCII ANDISE, .RAHAMTt, Pa. Alao. eitrnalv manurarturer and dealer In 8qnare iimoer and nawea ijumt-eroi au kinaa. ffOrdrra aolirlted and all hilla prt.niptl? fllVd. ivff1v C. KRATZER A. SONS, MERCK ANTS, raALana iej Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Ciliary, Qaeensware, Groceries, revliieas aa4 fkieflaa, CUtrtrl, Pens'. aA Iketr eewak.reroeai,ea teeenvsl street, lew MarroU t if 1st' I Banleare etor. (Janli tfat da. NT M. HOOVER, Wbolpeale t Ph. II Deal., tn Tobacco, Cigars and SnuiT, Two dner eaM if Hi Poat f'ffiee, VHKBT fTHtKT, rl.KAHI'IKl.D, PA. A larfwaatortment of Pipea,Cir Caaea, An. aleara en hand. nvl ly J. K. BOTTORF'S rilOTOli It A 1' II (1ALLKKY, Marhrl Htrcet, ClearAeld, I'a. "VTKU ATM F.S ma'le In eloudv, aa well aa la clear wi-alnpr. t'.inaeiitl on li.nil a ft(od ....rtirent of PKA VK. 81 KltKilMJOI'M and h'f KHKOSt'lil'lt; VIKWS. Frame), from any atrle ol mouMioK, mnik to or'ln. pjirX-M FRANCIS COUTRIET, M KUCH ANT, Frenctivllle, i leartlcld County, Tn. Keepa eoniitatitlv on hand a full aaaorttncnt of lry Oooila, Hard wart, tirirriea, aad evrrytlilnj oaiially ktpt tn a retail at ore, whi"h wilt he uld, tor cmhIi, af (ilnwp aa flarwhTf in tht eounty. iVrern hville, June 27, IMi7-ly. UBO. at.ltKPT IIMOlV ALRI!MT.. W. AtRRKT W. ALBERT &. BROS., Manufactarara k extensive heelers in Sawed Lnmber, Square Timber, itc, WOUDLANI), PENN'A. Ve-Order. solicited. Hills filled on short notios and reasonable terms. Addreaa Woodland P. 0., nearilnld To.. Pa. jellj.ly W. AI.11EHT liHOS. Hrrrltant ITaUors. 1809. CoiiiF.TAlone. 18G0. E. fi L. STUUGIITOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market fetroct, Clearfield, Pa HAVING opened bualnev on my ow heok, at the old atand In HhaWa How. ! therefore aanuunee to Uit public that 1 bavt now on band ft wall eelected abd large aaaortmeot of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Beavers, and all kind of Good a for men and boy a wear, and am now prepared to make np to order CLOTHING, from a inula article to a fall tail, in tbt lateet ttyle and moat workmanlike tenner. 6pectal attention fivn to en atom work aad euitiof -out for man and boy. I offer great bmrirain to enitonera, and warrant entire aatiafaction, A liberal share of publi patronage 1 tolieited. Call and are me. janT.tf E. R. L. 6T0UUUT0N. 1L BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, ("tore one door eaat of Clearfield lliinee,) Market fetrtet, CUarfleld, Pa. KKKP6 on baud a full aaaortaent of Otnta Fnroiahiof Uoodt, aaeh aa Bbirt, Linta and Wool a linderabtrta, Drawer and Bocka, Ntek tita, Pocket Handktrehiefi, Qlovee, Hata, Umbrella, Ae., In great variety. Of Piatt Good a bt keep Ui Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Pack a Black Poeakln of tbo very beat make; Fanry Caaimer, In great variety, alao, French Coatinf, Hearer, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frieott oveveoatlnr. All of whirh will be aold cheap for Caak, and madt np aaeording to tha lateet atyle by tiptneneod worktaea. Alao, Asent for Clearfield eoonty for I. H. filnrer A Ce. eelebrated Pewlng Machine. Kov. F, 18 a if. U. bRIUUK. JEW STOCE! SEW STYLES ! ! FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN HEED'S, MARKET FT., CI.EARFJEI.D, FA. Having jtut received all the novcltiea of the eoatoo in the Millinery lino, requeat the ladict to fill and exatniue thrm. Clearfield, F.. Nov 5, Iftilt. McmCHT & JA1JN0T, Mngon and Sltili Makers, (Imn.cd;a;el In roar ef Planing 41 111,) (LKARFIELD, T. rHK nbatrllera would rcrpeetfuMy Inform th X eltiiene-f Clearfield, and the public ia general ttiatthey ar prepared to do all kindaof work oa 'WAOOSH CARRIAGES. SLEIGHS, Ac, en -abort rot lot and on reaer.nabte term, and ia a woramanlikt manner. A nrw 'eatur ia ear line It tht we iio our own work. JttfK orders promptry attended to. WM. VrKMtiHT. Kov ft. Btl. CUA KLkS JA XNOT. It. EOIUSOTV A ViK PORK "packers, .o Liberty Kl.t PUtxburgh, ' Iav oa hand a larft Block of Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, Pl.AI.t AXI) l'UAR-CrKKD IIA.MS, Mess Poit. Prird Beef, and Leal Lard, all of oar owa rarkiDj, CartDr and roankiajr. Lard 01, Flour, Cheese, Dried Apples and Tenches, VYita a pneral aaafirttnent of Uroeeriee, at the Inweel liarkrt prWa. June l(.'(V8-ly:d. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTVS AND MASON rf- HAMLIN'S, roa sli ar I. J. HAYES, Carwensvllle, Pa. THE "CLIARFIELD REPIBLICA. UIT AIII.IHIIKI) IK IIHST. The krgest circulation of any News pnpor in North Central Pennsylvania. Terms of Subscription. If pad ia advani'e, or within I months.... M Oil If fiHii after 3 aad before 6 emmtha. 8 Stl If odd after the eiiiratloa af ( mouths... S Ot) ' Rates of Advertising. Tralrtent ailrerliaeinente, per square of 10 llneae ,.t 40 Irs, J times or leas. , For eaoh subsequent Insertioa Alministrators' and Kserutcre' notices .. 1 10 Alditnrs' notiee .. 1 id .. I to .. 1 00 .. li .. 10 .. 00 :;S oo 4S 00 0(1 00 Ciutions and Ratrava. lissolutioo notlrea boeal notices, per line ttliituarv notioea, over Bva lines, per line frefeesinnal Cards, 1 vear YEARLY APYERT1SKMKVTS. 1 square t$ 00 column. I column.... 1 eolutnn 2aquarea ? aqaarea'.. ....li 09 ....5(1 00 Job Work. BLANKS. Single qnlre J 0 I quire, pr. quire .Jl ?i qiiirvs, pr, quire, t 00 1 Oie, 6, per quire, 1 iO MARPR1L1.S. i theet, Ii or les,f 00 I , ,See(. Jft lees .Jn 00 i iheel, Ji er leas, I 00 1 sheet, Ji or lees,IO M Ovac Ii of aaok of whore at proportionate rales. GEO. B. RH(nLAirrR, . Kdtor sod Propnrtor. 1M HA M AlTlil).Ts. nivderai,aed will par the hi(tht CASH I'RII K lor all kinds ot FI K? and LEER EMNS. (lire ne a eU CKWfM,lew.lU - Lis. MliXhBIElK. Itaroart. TV RON X I.EA rtn r.l.tV HRAKCa Ot eel arte, , A I'M I. M aae . Paeapeirx 1"Mea will rae ial, , Handera) bet.a Tvreiee and Lph Mit,,1 ene Peaner Trwtw betweva tr. a.. ( llf-ld. aa ttitwsi I.KAVI rDCTII. T LI ri.firf.eld I . r. n I'hifilituurg.er.V, lel.il, Tvreaie , I'hiheet, ; , Oaeeola li, Tvroae ... 7 , ... l .: : t . - ..J zl-J' KA1.U ASU IMH'I'ANck-T S ftn. f irsfP.'l j FROM CLEARFIELD.) FROM TliT," Ststion. li'ntione, I .. 1 .. t ., .11 I.'MiiiarJ..., VVwdlajiii.. Hiriw H .llerrlon HI, ip liall.- JO luUrarstioD..,, 2', ' Yansrovo. Ji1 (l.rdner 36 h I. I'lrese.t.. 411 ui'iiutt ,.1.1 I'litllpsb.rg.lT 8(1 Reiulv I'.i.ln, rtemera Duiitar (iHreola , Powrlllon hiinilT Ridge. riuaiuiit Ml. l'loaaut. (lai-dner Vbpkovoo.... Intersection, Tyrone....... ..18 ft.'1 l0wTrt'lioB..,,i; tf) Oareola in ...2J ...24 ...t ...ii 6.V Dunlmr- 7." S-fincr'a 2 Ki' Hhlllpatttirr tf, 85 lilucBall. ; Iff W.llal..,, Jn ,33 11 00 HieW .84 1 001 Wwxilainl. . a ..7 116! IjaMiOHrti it, . . 1 0 t:ifarfild'.7.'l'ti FARK VliOM CLEARFII.I)t7, BellefunU, Pa tt tl I Middletowu .. Is u Look liaven 70 Marietta " ,J Williamrport S Wl j Laneeater . "! UiuitmirJon 1 H0,PUILA1LPHU "k Lewialown.. ........ lpAltoeua 2 Marypville . ........ 4 M) , Johartowa..... ,y H AHIllhDLRti ... 4 rjlPITTSBLRtl " ," co.Nt utisTn. Passnters leavins; Clesrti.ld at 1.M a. . Pb.iLpi.iwK at i.it u. m., Claoauia at 4 li . 7 .PP.. Pf T.PA. -f k ;.n .. 1 v r oooaavbai with Cineinnatl ipreas I. nat at (1.17 p. wita mail neat at 6.41 p. u.,oa UiaL,M, alth llpl.l 1!,... 1.- T n.- , , .w,. .Truneaii.M p. m amviii( at Bellefonte at St. 46 d . j l.b ll.n .1 a iia n p " K - - -. r. , vuuMpCTiu- wita Ana Mail East on the Philadelphia and Ln. kosd, at 11. a I p. iaarrivinat Will una e,iort at Il4i3ai Returning, paanrpr. leaving V('iiliam,m si S.14 a. m., oo kne Aln.il West, arrivs at L.k u,. ven at H.8I a. tn., eonnectmg with Raid i-u Express lenvinr Look Haven at 10.J, a. a TL. riving at Hellefunte at ll.ii a. m Know Sui t'itv at I. Si p. m.. nnd Tvrona nt I.JO n n EDWARD II. WlLLIAal.i, Oeneral Pupennlpnilaiit 0E0ROK C. W IX KINS, yl-tf Hupeiutendes Philadelphia & Eric Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Throoj-h and direct route .stweea Phllad.ltli.. h.lltnnp. tt.p.1.1 iv;h; r . . - p uuiBipuri aad the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAES Ol all Nigh! Trains. 05 and after MONDAY, APRIL M, IHl ii, traina on tha Philadelphia A Kris lad Road will inn as follows : Westward. Hall Train leaves Philadelphia. 1.4i H llo iln Ht Uu.'. a ... p ' Do arrlea at Erie , jt f Erie Eipraes leaves Philadelphia.... 11. i, n Do do St, Mar',.... 1.00 A.M. Do... ..-.arrive at Erie -...... 10.00 A.M. r.aetwrara. Mall Train leavaa krte J1.4J i H Do do.St Marv's 1.44 P. V. Do arrive at Philadelphia.... li A It Erin Eipress loaves Erie I ti p. Do do St Mer-'e-....-, 1.11A.M. Do arrivs at Philadelphia 4.IIP.M. Ji-ii ano r.ipre.i connect wub Ui.' Cmpaa4 Alieghenj River Rail Head. Baggage rbtcial through ALFRED L. IVLER, Ssnernl Superiatsstmt jSants. Clearfield County Bank. rpill Clsatleld Count- Bank as aa innrpsra. L ted Inatitotion has gone out or eintain Vr the surrsndsr of iu charter, oa May 12, Ills, All its stock Is owned by tha subscribers, eke will Oootioos the llankine bo. in. a. et tha aua place, ae private Renkera. under Jhsl'a saa. oi tho "Cieerflold Ooantj Bank. i art n. sponsible ror tbo debts ot the Ueak, aad ein ap its note, on deraaad at the ooanter. Da,Hia reooived and interest paid when monej is Mxim a flzed time. Panar discounted at sis per east. as heretofore. Oar persona! reipouiibtlit i, pledged for all Dopoeita received and kaaiaaai transeud. A continnanee of the liberal pat ronage of the business men of th. ecuntv ia rs speottully s'liri'.ed. As President, Cashier sal offictrj uf tt-0 late Clearield Counts Baak.s. require the notes of ,aid Bank to be nrMsslsd for redeaantioa. JAS. T. LK'INARD, RICHARD SHAW, WM. I'OKTKR. JA8. B. ORAHAM, A. K. WR1UI1T. O. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACR. The bualeeas of tbe Bank will bo eondaetas bt Joha M. Ad.ns., Esq., as Caabiar, jiall.'H J. D. M'Oirk. Edward Prrkt BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGIRK 4. PERKS 8arpor to Foator, Porka, A Cx, riilllpibur, Centre Cooaaty, 11. AIIIKKE all the bmlorMofi Bankiof Ho 1 T will ha trftnaactod prom put aad mxm x moat favoratdr irma narT-tf County National Bank. CLEARFIRLD, PA. rTIIIS Bank is now open and reedv farfcaii- X noes. OSeo oa Seroad street, la tbe haild- Ing formcrlv occupied by Leonard, Finns A Cs. mnucTona ann orrtrnas. JAS. B. RRAHAM, RICHARD CHAW WM. A. WAI.I.ACR, WM. PORTF" A. K. WR1UI1T, OKO. L. RhFD. D. W. MOORS, JAS. T. LIOXAltO. )u2K,'0r Cashier. PraiiSa at Vlartsmithinii. IVe.v lllnrliMitilh Shop SECOND ST, CLKARFIKLD, Pi. THS anderslrned begs to inform bis frinsi. nnd lbs inhabitants of the boron ch ef Clear old acd surrounding neighborhood, tbat he ij now ready to eieeute ail orders either in Iron ' steeL RORSB FI10EIKQ tbe sjost apprevt. o.ty stvle. ALL KINDS OP RAW MILL IRON ts RtllMC work, logmsa steels, eWAlhookMP" frnha, A a. Steal toola of all kinds Bads af beat Iif or Ameriraa steel. sL-All ay work la war run tad to glrtssoi faction, or lot charg for. OJUIl A MUD Kit."''' It?w ItlnokNinlth Shop-f THIRD FTRKKT, CLEARFILLR. nni.MkMpih.r MihMlt.M. tr. fern, hii friS d JL and ths public ia general, tbat he kss IsrilJ ted in the borough of CLKARFIEL.U. is ' shop recently occupied by Jacob 6hankvtiri where ba is new ready tn perform all a"1 towards bis enetomers in a workmanlike sjasr Sleds, ttleigba, Buggies and Wagon! trooe4.fl Horse. ehoetag done at reaS4aeble ratsa r reaaeetfailv aaka a share ol weeh from the ! ' as b. intends ta (iva kit nbole attentios easiness. THUHAB si"1 March H. 198. lIojSKaTowiialilplw'al-H GRKAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! JVFRYBODY trying l get therelret. tot J af being crowded oat into ths eeld. II Jon want good Shoeing done, go to Fit1' If ton want vew 8l.fa troeed rieht. go te If eon want eeod Mill Irons, re to if yon want your wagon Ironed in tbe best stvle nnd werbaiananip. go to ,J Banna makes the beet clomp Maeblnssi ' Suva, aaddoee all kieaaof BLACKS"11 aa eheea aa ..a ba dona In the oonaly h" C My Poet OSr address Is Cleerteld "nJr" I THOMAS s Borra Tp.. Dee. Iti. lur-tl. - Clearfield Nursery. I ENCOUUAC.E HOME IMH ' 1 Mir cmipr'r.nra, nTini w. a, v...--- ( n-.uT.itT ruf-anvllla. la vrfparvdt' 1 ..r:.. h. .. tun-. ,.,daH ua aii a oai i f nui ii-i--.'Ii - A a ma C I Lb... llpw.Ha. 1 '' ""' "T"rrrLT.J. Ai'rnabrri andllaiKvrrtVloaa. Aha. WV-rUi Crh T-Jl W1BP, M t-ar. J aF'W-Iw. nam nf prw-ptly atundad to. AU aep).l y -' Crwsr CVK X0RTK