T1IK KKPUHUCAN. ct.t:ai:f!F.u, v.k WEDSr.iMlAT MOBMMl. Ji'NH The Difficulty about that Dog. B? juhh vjtuiX. Tliin win the causo of nil the trouble : InsT A Do (1ST. On tin 10th Inatnnl, email Terrier IE, Kith a braae culler uoir In nwa, aim In. t hi hie lull gone. Auewire ! the name "I "Jack." Fiva dollar, ri.wurl will be (linn 1" the pereon who r.lurn. him to Join Qntl, No. S4, Rickety Row. I inserted the boa in the Jinily Flipflnp, in tho hope Hint 1 might recover the nnimul, to which 1 was niuoh attached. Tho Flipflap goes to prtms at 6 a. m. At hull' punt six I was awakened ly a pull nt my door bell. I got out of my bod and opened the window. As 1 looked out I wit a man standing in my front yard with a mongrel dog tied to a rope, lie gaged up and olmerved : "Hullo 1 are you the lellow wbo lost a dog V "Yes, I am." "Well, then, I've fetched bim," said tho man. - I then explained to this wretched human bointf that mv doir was a tor- rior, while his looked more like tt log ol wood wilb hull the Uuru oil anil propped up on four sticks, than a dog ot any kind. " W oil, ain't you eoi ng to tuko hi in f " "I wouldn't have bim as a gift. And I want you to move off now, or I'll call the police." ".Now, 1 gness you think you r mart, dont you f I'd bust you over the jaw lor five cents, I would, i ou don t know a good dorg when you see In in, you don t, and he went out, after ripping the palings off the fonce. In about half no luur there was another rinir at the bull. I wont down. There wus a man with six does of a variety of breeds. "Wh-wb-which of 'era's him, bb- boas? said this fellow, for he stut tered as it bo would strangle ou a small syllable. "Neithor of them." "Y-you said bis n-na-tmmo was J- Jack, d-diun t you . "Yes, Unit's it." "W-wcll, tbon, wh-wb-whatd'ye call th-tbat?" says be, as be sung out "Jack," and tho whole six dogs l'iokcd op and wagged their tails like a lot ot spavined oxen in fly time "Why, I cull itconfoundbd nonsense to expect me to take the whole six dogs because they're named Jack. I don't want to start a sausage mill, you understand. Mince meat isn t iu my line." "W-w-wcIl, ain't you goin' to take nun r ' "Certainly not, do you suppose I am a gibbering idiot: "W-well, you sh shan't have him now if you want him. I w-wouldn't trust a decent d dog with a m-uian like you, anyway. And the six canines foil into line and trotted down the street alter him I had not got fairly into the houw, before there wus another ring. Seedy looking man with a semi-decayed yellow dog. His ribs stuck out so, that be looked as if be had gorged bimself with spiral springs. "You advertised for a dog, I believe. Well, I caught him around here in the alley, after a desperute struggle. I'ine dog, air.'' ''Well, I don't think he is. He looks to me ae if he wasn't well. He is too ethereal for this world, young man, depend npon it. "Oh not at all, sir. Only shedding his coat, sir ; all good dogs do at this time ot the year, bee that, sir, said this seedy Caucasian, holding up the dog by the cuff of the Deck. "See bow he yelps ; that's a sign of pluck ; that dog would tight a million wild cats, he would, and lick 'em too, sir." "Get out!" I exclaimed, and the dog put his tail between bis legs and ran for the gat. "See that, sir f see that f" said the seedy man, as he seized bim, that's a sign he's well trained; no raw dog behaves like tbut, I want you to know. Row, a'pose you fork over that five." 'Ko much 1 I don't want him, my friend." "You won't do it f Well then take bim for seventy-five cents, and say no more about it. He's 'a valuable ani mal. 1 ou'll never gel another such a chance." "I toll yon I won't have him." vt cm, uon i tnen, snin this man as he kicked the animal over on my flower pots and broke three of them, while the brute daubed madly down the street. Just then a big rufllnn in a slouch hat came up with a bull dog, sprung in ine aneei, anu lamenting tho entire loss of his tail. When the ruflian spoko to him he wagged tho whole of toe last halt 01 nun. "I've brought that thoro dog," was the observation made by the ruffian, "and I'll fingor them there slumps I reckon." ".My friend," said I, "that is not my dog." "Yes, it is, though." "But it is not." "Don't I tell you it if Didn'tyou say the tiji of his tail Was gone r Well, just look at him, will you V "Well, I wont hove him, anyhow." "You want to cheat me, do you f I'll fix you. S-sitk him, bull!" said the outrageous ruffian, as the dog flow at me, giving mo barely time to get inside and i-litit tho dour on hit fron tispiece. I guess I squeezed the nose oil that dog. I'm the man cursed mo about five minutes, nnd then flung a brick at the door and went away. "In lens tlmntwentyminutosanntli erring. Small pock-marked man in a red shirt this tune. Uud a tpeckleJ dog that luoked as if he had been out without an umbrella when it was I laming. 'Says this victim of the! sinaii pox : " You know that dog you advortiscd forr ell, hero ho is' "O phaw !" ..aid I, "you know (hat isn t my dog.' "Your name is Quill, aiu't it?" "It is," said 1. "Well, then, this hero is tho do" lie s tho best ratter you ever soen. Wings them around like ho was amus n hiHMlr, ho does, and " "Hut he is not my dog." "And he is a bully watch dog. ookat bun! Look nt him .,. LVacl,ihR nowl Why, he'll sit there and U;, , walch. until he nd get tho V. " P '"l0 5'" B ' , "No you needn't" said I mmi 1 1 1 hnsoutity uJ'ltm! .,';.?J,"nff7' lime! -pji-- i J'.'M lent! mo flvs litis tin morning, will you f I'll jay you lo-moriow. "ri'e here, now, yon ii:i p-i hero, or I II take the hide oil of )"U," I sniil, for I began to get rxcitt 1, you know. Aw', you ain't worth a cent, von actually ain't," miid tho pockmarked man ai ho walked oft", ttll'T clipping the dog over the head with one ol my palinge, nnd then putting his fingers ii j to his none. Not a minute after, tip comes a man with a must ill' us big nu small lioi-n). Say, boss, 1 want that tivo wtm all ho remarked by way of introducing the subject. "Weil, you can't get it, and if you don't leavo 1 II call the police, I ex claimed in despair. "Watch him, Zip," said tho man, instantly, and the dog flew at me, llirew niodown,and bila lieeof muscle out of my leg, and disfigured my noao forlile. "Then the aHiuin who owned him called bim off and wcut away laughing. I didn't answer any more rings thai day, but about four o'clock in the afternoon I looked out of tho second story window, and the yaid wan lull of men wilh all kinds of dogs, lilnck dogs, white dogs, yellow dogs, varie gated dog, flea-bi Uon dogs, terriers, bull pups, poodles, fox liouiids.spuniels, Newfoundland, mixed breeds, pointers, soiters, and a iiiiilliludo of oiltor varieties, all growling, yelping, bark inir. snapping and jumping about until tbero wasn't a flower Kt Ictl in the place, and the noise was worse than a incnaircrio at meal time. I huvn't cot my dog yet. I don't want bim either. I don't care if 1 nevor soe anothor dog between thie and the silent gravn. I only wish tbut all the dogs from here to Uussian America were collected into a Con vention, and had hold of tbut man with the mastiff, that they uiighlgnaw on him until he hadn't a morsel left on his skeleton. That is all I want in the dog line in this world. Simon Short's Son Samuel. .Shrewd Simon Short sewed shoes. Seventeen summers, speeding storms, spreading sunshine, successfully saw Simon s small, shabby shop still slanu ing .sluuch, saw Simon's self-same squeaking sign still swinging, silently specifying ! ".Simon Short, Smithfield s sole surviving shoemaker. Shoes sewed, soled siipcrfinolv." Simon's spry, sedulous spouse, Sally Short, sowed shirts, stitched sheets, stuffed sofas. Simon's six stout, sturdy sons Seth, Samuel, Stephen, Saul, Shatlrach, Silus sold sundries. Sober Soth sold sugar, starch, spice) siniplo Sum sold saddles, stirrups, screws; sagacious Stephen sold silks, satins, shawl; skeptical Saul sold silver silvers, silver spoons; selnsh shradruch sold shoe strings, soap, saws, skates ; slack Silas sold Sally Short's Btiitled sofas. Some seven summers since, Simon's second son, Samuel, saw Sophia Soph ronia Spriggs soinewboro. Sweet, sensible, smart Sophia Sophronia Spnggs. Sam soon showed strange symptoms, bam seldom stayed, stor ing, selling saddles. Sam sighed nor- rowfully, sought Sophia Sophronin's society, sung several serenades slyly Simon stormed, scolded, severely, said Sain seemed so silly singing such shameful, senseless songs. "Sirnnpe Sum should slight sncb splendid summer sales : said himon ".Siruttingspeiidlhrift 1 shallow souled simpleton 1 "Softly, softly, sire," said Snlly, "Sam's smitten Sam's spied some sweetheart. "Sentimental school-boy I" snarled Simon. "Smitten I Stop such stuff! Simon sent Sally's snuff box spin. ning, soiled Sally's scissors, smashed sully' spectacles, scattering sovcrul spools. "Sneaking scoundrel 1 Sum's shocking silhnebS shull surcease I Scowling Simon stopped speaking, starting swiftly shupward. Sully sighed sadly. Summoning Sam, sho spoke sweet symyathy. "Sum said sho, "sire seems singu larly snappy; so, sonny, slop strolling sti vets, slop smoking scguro, spending specie supei fluuusly, stop sprucing so, stop singing serenades, slop short, Sell saddles, sonny! soil saddles ennui bly; boo Sophia Sophronia Spriggs soon ; she's spri.'htly, she's staple, so solicit, sure; secure Sophia speedily, Sam." "So soon ? so soon !" said Sam, standing slock still. "So soon! surely," said Pally, smil ing; "specially since siro shows such spi rils." So Sam somewhat scared, sauntered slowly, shaking stupendously. Sain soliloquises : "Sophia Sophronia Sprig? Spriggs Short Sophia Sophronia Short, Sam uel Short's spone sounds splendid! Stippone she should say She! bIic shall l ! she shall I . Soon Sam spied Sophia starching shirts, singing sofl ly. Seeing Sain, sho stopped Htarcliing ; saluted Sum smil ingly. Sain stammered shockingly. "Spl-npl-splendid summer season, Sophia." 'Somewhat sultry," suggested So phia. "Sar sartain, Sophia," said Sam, (Silence seventeen seconds ) 'foiling sndi.les still, Sum 7. "Snr-snrsartain," saitl Sam.stnrting suddenly. "Season's somewhat sudo rifle," said Sam, stealthily stanching streaming sweat, shaking sensibly. "Sariin," said Sophia, smiling sig nificnntly. "Sip some sweet sherbet, Sam." (Silence sixty seconds). 'Sire shot sixty sheldrakes Satur day," said Sophia. "Sixty? sho!" said Sam. (Silence seventy seven seconds). "See sister Kigali's sunflowers," snid Sophia, sociably scattering such stiff su (nee. Sophia's sprightly snueiness stimu lated Sam strangely ; so Sam suddenly spoke sentimentally ! "Sophia, Susan's sunflowers seem say ing, 'Samuel Short, tviphia Sophionui Spriggs, stroll se renely, stck some reqicslercd spot, soineiylvan sliado. Sparlfling springs "hull sing soul soothing strains; sweet songsters shall silence secret sighing ; superangelic sylphs shull .' " Sophia snickered ; so Sain stopped. "Sophia," said Sum, solemnly. "Sam," said Sophia. "Sophia, stop smiling. Sam Short's sincere, Sam's seeking some sweet spouse. Sophia." Soplra st'Kid silent. '"Speak 1 Sophia, njicuk ! such sus pense speculates sorrow." "Sock siro, Sam, seek sire." So Sum nought sire Spriggs. Sire Spriggs saitl, "Sartin." Jaolifion i the tio Owl connect ft ninn wilh liie (Vntor, ntttl holils him lo hit Ihrono. lfthnt tio n fniiiilrrcd or trokoti, lie flonts awny a worlMtn mom in tho univorfte ita prttpor nl tritoiiuhftftll K'no,itft rotii)y thwnrtoJ, it whole fulurfl nolhini? hut darknoaa. o!4ia.UtH,n and doatb. Ihxnl. IWhtrr. yumni IU01LAM)S(iK.ltMlUTTi:ilS llooflnncl's Ccnnnii Tonic; Th Ornl lWmi.( for til !iw'M of lh Ltvir, Moniftuh, ur lifllr IltMitland'H (Jonnau 1 it tors Ii nmpnrd of th pur )e$ (or, M thry r medicinally termed, Eitrart) rf rt. hirhi, nd bftrkc, I I prriBrt,,n highly tfniircntrttol and itiirrljr "titm trow lrohultd UmUturs of any kiod IIonlliu.d'B Gonnnn Tonic Ta a cotnH in alton of att tha inrHicnti ot tht Hitter, with th pureft qmli'y of haota Crui Hutn, Orani Ac wiklnt; on of tt a moat ptra id t and aroabla reiaailini ror otTurid to the puMto. Thuta prvl'arring a medio lot fraa frmn a'ajhoito admixture, wilt uao Huofliiud's German Bitters. Thoe who kare no o11tton tn the eombio tion of the Bitten u itaied, will nee IIoofliinJb German Tonic. They are hoth equally food, and contain the aina medieinal virtual, the obolee between the two boine; a mere matter of taste, the Tonic briug lb noil palatable. The I'oraach, from a varttty of eafi, each ae lDiUfretion, r Tipoptia, Nwrvotm Nihility, fto., r apt to hava Iti riinortoai cloranjc ed. The Ltvtr, i)m II pthtiing ae stovelv ai tt d"(ii with the Stomach, then be- oomee aBVetrd, the reeultof which le that the p lion t (titVere trom aevorai or more of the fol lowing dUeases : Convtipatlon. Flatuleooe, Inward Pflee, FulloeM of Uluud u the Head, Acidity of the Htuta. ab, Nauea, Heart Born, llei:ue for food, r'ollnaae or height In tho botaach. Hour Krupliuni,6iuk log or Fluttering at the pit ftbe Stonavh.Hwlen. King of the Head, H u rr I e d or Wfflrolt " braa thtn g, aturiog of tbe Hfert.Chching orliuf fbeating eeneatione when In a lying poeture, limneM of vleion, doti or we hi before the eyee, dull pain In the head, deficiency of per. piratien. yellewaene of the kin and ayee. Fain in the eile, baek.ehstt, llm be, etc., euddet fiuahre of beat, burning flrtb, oonttant tnagininge uf nvii and great depremlon of ipirita. Tbe inferer from Ibeee dlteuiee ebould eier die the greateat eaullon in tbe aeleeetlnn ol a remedy fur bis ao, g parchaalog only that which be le aartred I 1 from hie Inveatifrn tlon" end inqnirlee poaaaeeei true merits ia akillfnlly ooinpunded, la tree from 1 jurinue ingrwdieota, and baa eiubllthed for tueir ft reputttionfor theeoreof tbeae dlaeaiei. In tbla eon nee tion we would eabmU tboee well known re medi ce liac fl ami's German Bitters, IIoofland'B German Tonic, Prepared by Dr. C. U. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pft. Twenty-twa yean elnei they tre Irat intrn doeed Into thia ncuntry froni 0 arm any, during which lima tbtT havn ondnabtedly perkred more rnrea, and benefited Buffering humanity to a greater eatent, than any other rented i known to the public. There rented lee will tffertuallr cure Liver Complaint, Jattndtee, DTtpepnia. Ck route or Ncrroua T'ebility, Cb roa i e Diarrhea, Direanea of the Kid - neve, and all dieart ariairtg from ft Disordered Llrer, Stomach, or loteinnM. Debility, , Raniltlng from any eattee whatever ; Fro at rati on of the ayten indneer by eevera Labor, xistinabif ttapaura, t evere we . Ae. There Ii no roedloine eitant eqaal to tbeee temediee in eurn naeae. A ton nod vigor ti imparted to tbe whole ayMcm, the appettto le atrentliened, ftod ia enjoyed, the itomarn di geru pr-tmptly, the blood le purified, tbe fm pieiloa Iteremee eound and healthy, tbe yellow tiiiiie le eradii-ated froan the oyea, ft blvom it given lo tbe ebeoke. and the weak and narrona Invalid be ;oroei ft tiiong ana Doaitn oeiog. Persons Advanced in Life. and feeling the hand of time weighing hear My u(oa them, with all ita ntteodant ill, will find the ii "0 if thete Ilittere or the Tonir, an elixir that iriH lntil new lire into their veine. rentnre in maafture the energy and ardor of mure youthful daj. build up their ahrunkrn furme, and give health and happineaa to their roemainiDg years. Notice. It a ft well fMahltfhed fart that fully one half of the female pa rtioft of our nopnla lln ere seldom in the I . enjoyment of g'Md health. nr. t methler wan eitreion, they "norer fool well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, e it rem I r nervous, and have ao an petite, lo thie rlae of peranns the Hitters, or tho Tontc, ia epaetaily racooiw)nded. Weak and Delicate Children are nado atrong hy the nee of either of theae remediee. They will cure every case of mntatmm without f'til. ,-Th"Uacda of certificates have aceumulated In the heoda of the pruprietur, but paca will allow of the publication ol but a few. T bono, it wilt bo obeerved, are men of note, and uf such standing tiiftt they must b belierod. Testimonials. lion. Ooorge W. Wood we rd, Chief Juntira nf the Supreme t'nurt of Pennylrnia, write ; Philadelphia, Pa., March IA, IHr.. 'I find floort-ann'R . (itnsna NirTaasiea good tonic, useful in diteneof te digeat ivt organa, and of groat bem fit in raee of dehiilty and want of nervoun a-tion in the ayateoi. Yours, truly, Or.o. . WoonwAnn.' tlnn. .Tames Thompson, Judge of the Hupremc Court of Pennrylvnnta, writee. l'hiladelphia, April 7 IMH. "I rtnl 1-r Ilot-ftand'e (Jerman Uitterj a valu able aaedicine in rae of Indigestion or Uypep na. I fan certify this from exprlenre. "Yflurs, with re-ptel, dAMce f HSMMog." From Rev. Jo-r-ph P. Kennard. 1. D-, Pastor of the Tenth llnpttst Chtirrh, Philade'phiai Ir.J aos Dear Mr: I have been reqnenl- ly repeated te eonnei t my name with reoom. men-lntlons of different kinds ol modir-inea, but regarding the prao I Irene out nf my ep prntriai sphero. I f hsve in all reres de clined ; but with a 1 fiear proof in various in'tanre. and p trticiitarlv in m) own lannly, of the useiu;nes of Ir, llonfland's (tern an hitters, 1 depart tr once irim mr usual roure, to el pre my full convirflnn that f(r general dehility of the net am, and eperiy (or Liver Com plaint, it is a tfe and vitluahle preperatiin. In some raea It may fitil, but nelly, I 1nnbt not. it will be very beneficial to that who suffer Ironi the abnve feue. Your , very respectfully, J. l. KnaoAan. Eighth, below Cosies Streets. From Ttev R. D. pnadeli, Kditvr of Christian 'i:iirotii'lc," I'hiUdolphia : I have derived de ided benefit frara the ne of lonttnd's tier in an Hitters, and I eel It my pr vi. lege tn recommend them a a mo't vhIurIOs tonir to all who are suffering from general debi ity or irum aoeates arntng iron derangement o the lier. Yvum, trnly, t. V. Fkjdali Caution. llonfland's flermen Bitters are eonntcrfritad. 9ea that th sifrna ture of C. M. JAtK- StN Is on the wrep I I per of earn bottla. ll other are run terfelt. Prlneipal Oftire ard Mautifartury, at the ttertnan Mdical (St.. re, lie. tM Arrh lire el, Pbiladeli hia, ra. IIURI.M M. 1-VAH, Proprietor. (Foruetly C. M. Jackson A Co.) Price. ITo' lland't Orraian tlillen, per hollle $ HO " " per balfdoeen. I notflende German Toaie, put np ia uart botllea, par bottle I f a fir a hall doien for f 1 ef"Ilo not forr.t to aiamlna well tha article you buy, la arder t. (.1 the genuine. Mr" For Ml. hy all drurfleU cad dealer, la edicla.e JyU Je rtUfrtiral. GOOD DEALT II It j.r.n'unl U .l Ii. tf lh. ti.t' k4 oidf tf ul It. 'I' k Irnp.r. llh Hivti.tk'. IIIik-4 I'iUi. snit (! III. Itii.timl oifr.na f.rli.rmitu Ih.lr n sul.f finid . .111, Slid i.nr. In mUn, rtt th.M to tij lb. d.llj SR. tf-Hubiik'f Mfiu.rS llitt.rt. DYSPEPSIA- There Is, prthebly, no on dlseeso with which mankind are afntvted whirh is the source of ao many ailment aa ' yetrp'ie, and there la no more eertain sure than it u back's Btomaeh Bit ur. A REMABKABLE FACT That not ft single instance has noma tn tbe knowledge of the proprietors, of the faiiare ot Hohaek a Medictner to give entire satietacttoo in the hundreds of thoaeanda of eaees in wUrh they have bean need ; thie Is worthy of remark and wodan table evidence of their intrinsic msrita. loud I th. nr.lt. Is IS. a.nlhi .f .TrrvbodT 'In f.ror of Hi.h.rk t Blom.ob BilKri, Blood Fill .nd Uluod Pnrltw. IS IT EIGHT That yon should bid defiance to alt natural laws and the science of medical men, and enffer wit tt bvauoData or lndiaeatiee) whew hWbaok 'a Butv ach Bitters eaft be procured at ftoy drug More t TEST WILL CTJEE TO J Of ffrrotala, Pryslpelas, Flck or Ifervoos Head. aeho. Billionswesa, Liver Complaint, JJyspepnla or lodirestion, Conetimptloa), Pain in the Be eh cr loins, Uout, Plenrtsy, Lanoorrbona or Whtfea, Kruptioos and all disease analog Irira a dior derad suu of tbe stomach, Kobark'e Blood Pills, blotnacb Bitters and Blood Punfior. AB A PREVENTIVE Agoiaet Malaria, Fever nnd Agno. and all die easoa, arising from a torpid elate of the liver. there is no medicine ao highly recommended as Ho back 'a tftotnaok Dltisre, ORATIFYINO To know that a reliable remedy la within tbe reach of everybody fr the radical care of Iye aepaift or Indignation. Sweh a remedy is Ho- back's Stomach Bittert. Gold by nil Druggists. EVERYBODY Rbnnld keep constantly within their tench, those Invaluable remedies to sneeeeefally ennnnidls ii.k..k. ai-.j phi., n b-.k. t Bitters, and Koba'-k's Bloud Purifier, they arc infillib.e in tbe diseases for which they are recommenced. NOBODY Can afford to be withnnt such valuable medicines iiB'irirli't BlooA Pills, btonwuh Bitters and Blood Purifier, TEMPERANCE. There is, perhepe, no one thing that has done so much to promote (be rane of temperance ae that gentle stimulating lonie. Kobark'e titomach Bitters, thev etrensrtben and Invigorate without producing the 111 electa of alcobolie siimalsnte. RENOVATE." Paring the flprlng months it Is ne nf the regular hauebo)d duties ta rcnova'e. and. in the moltiphcity of other duties one's own self Is. in a great measure, overlooked t thousands of valaahle lives might be prolonged, and many doubtless saved from premature graves by thor. oughly renovating the system with Dr Rohark'e Blood Pilla, Stomach Bittermnd Blood Purifier. WHO SEILS THEMt he Agents for the enla of Ilnhnrk's Plood Pilla. Rlomaeh Bi'tera and Blnod PnriGer are HAHTWICK A IRWIN, Clearfield, Pa. sprjl THE CHEAT ZiNCARI BITTERS. A safe Blood Patifler, a spleaJld Tonic, ft plena. ant Beverage, a certain enre and Preventive of Diseases. rptl fl!"f QABI BITTFRS era rosnpnnnded X from prescription T the celebrated Kgyp tian physician, l'n ItHRfiratBt who, after years of trial and rsperiment, dln overed the Kiogiri Hrh the sioM remarkable produetion, the eerth, perhapa, has evei yielded certainly the mnut efl'tive in the rnre of dleeaso. It, in coniSlnetion with the other vilimbla propertlea of ahi'-h tht ZI.NOAnl BITTfiUfi in composed, will cure I'yrep'ia, Fever and Ague, Bi Ulnae Fever, llioltr, t'oici. ur ,ipr!titi, i oneiimpUita in its first stage, Flatulency, Ner vons Ufbihty, r eoinie Com plaints, fthrnmatism, Ivaatfry, Acuta and fhronir liarrWa Cholera Morbus, Cholera. Tyrhoid and T)phne Fever, Yellow Fever, (Smfula. Dtsea ses of the Kidneya. l,iMtual Cos lteneas. In the Prevention and Cure of the above dis ease, it ba nevrr been knnwr to fail, as tho. sands of onr most pmmtnant ritsens ttarotighnut ell parts of the country, will teitity. Let the efflnted send fr citcalar containing teetimuni ale and eertifl'-ate wf thoao whn have been eared altar tht 'r eaees have been pronounced hopeless by onr best phriirinos. Frinelpal Itepot, F. RAHTFR CO., ho. n N. Front Hi., t-failadelphia. Bcpommendcd by Fi tlov. harid R. Porter, of Peanrytvania, Hi n. Bobeit J. Fisher, " Hon. Kda'ard Mrl'tereon, tion. J I B. Dstinnr, Hon. Win. Mherry, and other. 8iad for Citrolars. fekll y. SV AIM P4WAI Rennedv'. Vedicd Diacovery. Ilelmbuld'a Hucha, llaker'e Coa Liver o;l, Jena t and Aver e medicine, of ever. kind, for eale be HARTfiWrVK A IK WIN. rprwura and hdnaalnal auprMirtr. of erery X biad nf lb. latrat it.pmveia.nU, for .le a. vh.lv. 8tr ef HAnrSTlCK lAWm. J NOTICE Pi wt.1 ii. ii. iti:i:i a ( . CLRAKFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIQ HT! ffMlK proprietors respcctfnlly inform the aitiirm A of Clearfield county, that they have entirely rv fitted this eftahlishment with the latest itnprovod wotd-working machinery, and arc now prepared to eiccute all orders in thoir line of buatnees. They will give eiei-iel atteutiou to the manufac ture of material for house building, such as FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOHS, BLINDS, nn.icii.KTs it .vovLin.ros, or ah styles:, Y .Iw.yt hart on hand s large stock of PRY Lt'MIIKH, and will pa.vo.tb for all dear Lumber. On-anJ a half irvcb panul BUilT pmrerrtd. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or .soUantfed, to nit itomera. Vfa-ttrdon aolleiuil, aud Lumliet furuiiuvd on sfiort notio. and on raaionahle trrnu. O. L. ItKKL) t CO. Clrarllfld. Nn. ?. 1SST. B. B. PATtua.. H. A. Invi ohJlllH Pattob, ....J. K. Iawia. E. B. PATTON & CO., Having fitted np ft first-olaae PLANING MILL An nttiari to furui.h all kind, of Manufactured Lumber, luck at rioorinf . Siding;, Snrfacs-Bresisd lum ber, 8aih, Jloon, Blinds, And tv.rj dmriptio. of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. f-VrUn will nd it to thalr adantar. lo ooiuult our prtoa, olur puirnm.in emwiifii.. Addrtu, K. B. PATIOS A CO, Corweainll., Dm. t. 18 tf rieartrld ooudij, Pa. How to IHave Jlonej. TUB times are bard; joxt'd like to know How yon snay aave your dollar j The way to do it I wnl show. If yon will read what Mlewe. A wan who lived not far from here.. Who worked hard at hie trade, But bad a household to support That s-psndrred all be made. I met him onee. Bys be, "My friend, I lk thread hear and rough j I've tried to get myself a suit, )Jut aaa't aavt u enough gays f, nty Mend, how suwch have yon f 1 I'll tell yo where to go To get a eit that's sound and cheap i To RKIZKNHTKIN A Co. He took- whet little he had saved. And went to Reliensteln dt Brothert. And there he got a handsome suit, - iitd to ether a. Nw he Is homo, he looks to wef!, And their effect la snrh, That when they lake their dully meal, They don'l ea4 half aa much. And now he 6nde an Farnrdny night, With all their wanta supplied, That he has money left to spend, And some to lay aside. Ills good sn trees, with cheerful smile, He gladly tells to all. If you'd save money, go and buy Your rlothes at RKIZF.XHTEIN'8 CLOTniNO BALL. When the rbeapeet, Itest and beet Clothing and good rurntvhtng floods can bo had to end every taste and in ever style eprll. 67 H. F. NAUGLE, fLO(K AD MATCH MAKER, orrosiTarna AVfea-aw. ithmt POST OrFICEtfrVj-tCLBARFIKLD TM!I subscriber respectfully informs his old pairoos and tho puhlia generally, that he fane oo hand, (and ia conetantly rewoiving new additioni thereto.) ft large etook of Clocis, Watches and Jewelry F"I keen Jewelry In nil he forms nnd of aiBtrent values, ailQ,er by tbe piece or set. WATCIIKS A full asofineni of either Dold or "liver, made by the best Awericnn and for eign mannfwmnrere, inclodinga fine lot of gnld and eilver banting caae, lull jeweled, Patent Levers. CLOCKS Of all designa, eonalating of eight dsy and fhirrv honr, nf either weight, spring or levers, and both strike and alarm. RFPATRIIM All kinds of Watches and Clock a Hepaiied, and warranted. Ia addition to what I have enumerated, I keep a full aaeortmentof hMKOlMCLKf4. colored and plain glaaa. leo.OOl.t) PFNS ard PRN'CM.8. 8POON3, FORK, BUTTKR KMVrS, and in fact everything In the Jewelry line. If I fail t hive an hand just what ft cuatotner may need, 1 will order per first eipress, wttbuut eitra charge. A liberal share of public patronegr is solicited. Way 7, IHMy II. F. XAl'ULR, LITHERSBO I.ullicr.burr;, Clearfield Co., Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look H erel rj'HK undcraiirned la prrnarcd lo furniah you 1 wilh the lieat STOS Kw A K R inanulecliired iu Ihla eounlrr. He baa never vt failed tnplcaar ..iu m.i iMBiiiiioua, ae to quality or dural.illly llil ware eoniatl ia part of CREAM rOTS OF ALL SIZES! Mil K CHII( k Ann PAS, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And in abort EVKIIYTHINl! nenally made and kept In an ritalilitkmrnt of tbil kind. MERCHANTS Can hare their ware delivered hv aa, at ANY TIV1B and lo ANY PLACE draind. Order, for ware eoliciKd, and promptly Ullrd. ey For ircneral aamrlmrnt. ae. Ctalofu. and Ptic l.ial, mailed free to applicant.. 4rA liLcral diacount wtll be given In the wbulraale trade. (IKll. C. R1HK. l,,ilr.cr.l.Urr. P.., Di. J, l.VlN-tf Democratic Almanac. TMIIS ImalimM- pnlN-atinn U for siile at lbs pt oCichp. t vltunld lein the hand of every I'Miiorrat. It onntaina full rltiinn tt turns fron. every eotintr In the t'nitrd States j besidrs, the niunbar tit Ihaa rontaina n ernmplcte hat of the nainfenfaU the new-paper itppiitid and m'dibfd durmir Litinoln's adiumtftraluuii and that dr liA7 rontains the namee of all tltie civilians who acre Imprison d rionng tbe same period. Theee Iwa lits, fnr fiitore rrfrrno, arr worth mora than the prlre of the rultheation. The nunitntr for I KrX is also full nf va'uaMe etalistirs. Anv one sendina Alt eenta tn the aM MsK will mroira by retam ml a ewpiftr e.. rw,Xren( poeaj U,3i" . t, B A . W. WALTEH6, AlTOUMiY AT L4W, t Mrarflrld. Ia. ft Ofll-e ia tie iVnrl lloase. fdrfl-ly ISRAEL TE8T, A T T(tH N K Y AT LAW, Irarllcld. '.. Offl j. la III. Ouurt lion... (Jyll.fT JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORSKY AT I. AW, Irmllrld. Pa. 0M wllk J. B. 1eKnllT, K.q , o.r Firal Na tional b.i.l. 4r-Pri)n.l allnll(in nlf.a to lh. .Mwrlnn of llounly. Olalni. Ao.,and lo all legal koilcaar. Marck J, IS67 ly. WALTER BARRETT, ATTiHlNKY AT l,AW. Offic an Bwnnd Ht., Cl.arl.ld, Pa. aor1),M Win. A. Wallaoo. Win. II. Bi(l.r J. lllak. w .ll.ri. Prank Ki.ldinf WALLACE, BIGLEE & FIELDING AnOHNEYN A I LAW, Clearfield, Pa. a"Lccal buelti.i of .11 ktoda prnmplly and acourauly atundfid to. nay It y THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 09.ee adjuining the Bank, formerly neenpied by J. H Mofcoally. Beoond at., Cleartjeld. JMr-Wlll attend promptly to collections, ealc of lands, Ao. fdecl7.o2 JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Heal Katate Agent, Clearfield, Pa. OtTiro en Market streob, oppcaiu tho jail. jtKtrKeepcotrully o Iters bis cervices in selling and buying lands In ttonraeid and adjoining counties ; ftad with an experience of over twenty yaara as a eurveyor, tatters himself that be oan rander satisfaction. ffebZH.'nS-tf WM, M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. OSie.ra Market .tri.l on. door cart of th. Clear laid County Dank. my4,'H John II. Orrii. C. T. Alciandar. ORVI6 . ALEXANDER, ATTOI'N KYS A T I. A IV, Hrilcfuut., Pa. (.rpljei-y JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, HAV1NA located at Oleeala, Pa., of.rl LI. prMetetoaal .ervire, to th. people of that .ilaii. and urroMDdinff eoaatrr. .AII call. proDjptly attended tor Olfee and rrfldence oa Corua it., foroiarly oeoupid by Dr. Kiln.. ay III ly DR.T. JEFFERSON BOYER, rilY.SlCJAN AND SLKGEU.V, 6.ond Htreat, CleaHeid. Pa, T-llarltig periuanrnlly located, b. Dow oflrr. Li. prori-i.ioijiU wrvicvf lo Ike ciliieiu ol t'learoeld and ri. ioHT. and the pahlic jtatraJh. All aall, prompt 1 aiteaded lo. oetZV-y F. B. REED, M. D., rilYSlCIAJi AND SCKGEON, Srllailiic remove to tTilljaaj.gmr.. Pa-, oirr bin on tenlnnaJ aervlcet U lh. people of the eurroaading oBntry. jyll,'Ar DR. J. P. BURCH FIELD, Late aorgcon of the HI A ft eg cnot, Fen nsy Iran ta Whtnteera, having raturned frua tht Army, rfTitre bis professional mvlcoe to ibft eitfarns of ('lrarHiJ eeuoty. aXF'Frulvtteional calls promptly atten led to. Oth ce on Second street, fortneri occupied by Dr. Woods, (Sh)r4r'o-tl drTjfTwoods, PHYSICIAN 1 SCnOEOX. Having removed to Ansonvill, Pa.,orTrra bis prufeasional eorriors to the people of that nlnoe nnd ilia snrrooning country. All es.Hi promptly attended to. flVc. 3 0m pd. DrTs. 4. H A Y ESi 1"''SV 3UR0 KOS N Ct1- DENTIST. --i-H-i-r OlF.e. on klaln St., rutwri.it ilte, fa. AVH'l make prof.rainnil eielu, for th.eon. I T venlenc t.f lh. politic, rotUBObcinf Id April, IfciD. a. r.iHowe. rti : Lath. rib. r Flr.t Friday of erery aioalh. AneooTlIti, Pirt Monday of er.ry uoaih. Uo.brr City Firtt Thor,d.y of .very aionth. Spending tao dayi la tiiber place. All ord.re lor work ilioold h. prta.aud oa th. d.y of k arriral nt ack plac. Fr I..lk eitr.cud by lh. app'lcalloa af local aai.t:ir,ia Romparatirelr witkout oaki All L1.J. r r. ...i i . mi mmmi I'l-nivi .on rnaranleeis. U. Tht pnliliewlll pie... aotlee. that Dr. II., when not enr.ged In the above vulte, may u. loaou id nn onto., in t iiTW.nwiiie, ra. Uarwenerillr, Feb 4, Iptill. ! DENTAL PARTNERSHIP Pr- A. M. HILLS, Oeiirei to inr.iria hie tiatroni. and the paiillo ,eenlly.'l al be ke.aeeoeiated wllkhiai la lb. practice of Drnl'etry, s. r. SHAW, D. I), s Wk.l, a fradaat. f th. Pkila.lelphla Dental i,.,.i.r., ecu ta.rernr. the blibaat mini. tloai of pn.f.iitlonal .kill. All work dun. in in. omce 1 will hold mynelfpereonelly reipoati "r o'ioit wd. in in. Moel aatuiaolnry ner and kiirheet order af the pmfeeeloa. An eplaiiliab.d praetie. f iw.nty-tw. y.are In Ihlt plac. enable. Be to ipeak la any pali.ute wi.n OTinonen... Knrnrn.nte from a didanc. nhonld h. mad. by letter few dayi before the patient dralgni comm.;. IJUD0.. Infln-ly MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMBER CO., (JSC KOLA STEAM MILLS, it rarti aa LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS II. U. FIIILMNUFUHD, Pn-eidcnt, Otlce I .rrM Place, No. tli l. 4tb et.. Phil'a. JnllN I.AHHIK Nwpfrinteud.nt. Jrtl'ei J Oeccoln M ill., Tlcarticld ciimty. Pa. REUBEN HACKMAN. House and Sign Paintor and Paper Hanger, f. leartlrld, I'enn'a. ..Will eierule ji be Iu Ilia line promptly and ia a wnnnaaiiae naancr. a rt.lt J. BLAKE WALTERS, SCKIVKXKH AM CuNVKYAMKH Agent for tbe Paicheee and B.I. of Land.. Irarlii lil, Pa. t-eT-Prompt attention ,iren I. all haalneea connected witn the eonnty offlct. Offlc. with lion. Waa. A. VYallac. j.nllto lf SURVEYOR. fMlK ondersipwd oflvrs hie aerriaM as a Rur JL try or, and may le Immd at hia r-i4e.o( in l.ewrenre Inwnship. Letters will reav.h bisjn di rorted to t:iailKi, l'a. may 7 tf. J AMK MlTCHKI.t.. THOS. We MOORE Loud Surveyor and Convejancer, f jAVINtl recently loceted In tbe boron th nf 1 I, am her v ity, end renmM the practice of Land iHurveunff. reseftfully traders hie .rfte. sifetinl u r i-es to the owners of and iterulatnre in lari'la in lreifield and a.ijk'inni(t eouutiee. ltyx)s of conveyance dually eeeuied. tHln and residence one door eal of Kirk A 8fnerr store. aprU ltm. DAN I EL M7 DOUGHERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, KCONI UTRKI.r, ly2J rl.KANFIRI.il. PA. (if THOMAS H. FORCEE, nRit.ra xt GENERAL MERCHANDISE, .R AHAMTtm, Pa. Alio, etlenaire meu'ifarlnrer and dealer tn ftquare Timber and Sewed tumlicr of all kltid yre70rderl aolielled and all hill, promptly filM. In III I v C. KRATZER 4. SONS, HE II CHANTS, naai.aai m Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware?, Cutlery, Qaeeoaware, OrneanM, rovluona aad halnglea, rirarlled, rrnn'a. et-At lb.lt ejewatare reooi,. SeMid atrewt. ' Nerfail A Btflat'i Hardware flora. eaOa N. M. HOOVER, Wbolraale A K.l.ll liealet in Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, Two doota e.M of the P.il OIPn, M tUKkT PTHIKT, ( I KaHI IFI .!, FA. . A Utrr,l,",r1mcBl,'Pr,i,'lftl Pt .Y on hand. '") lu '. J. K. BOTTORF'S rilOKXiltA I'll (JALLKKY, Market Hlreet, Clearfield, Pa. AT Etl ATI V KH ma.le in rlnnd.r, aa well aa In 1 clc.r wcmhi r. Olialanllt on band a koii.1 a-..rlti,cnl of rilAMCS. SIKIIKOMl'UPKtf and HIKHKtlSt'tlPlf VIKWS. Ir.uua, from auy vlc ol miHildina. woile lo order. apr-" tf FRANCIS COUTRIET, M KUCHA NT, I'rriirlivllle. ( Icardcld County. Keeia eotiatentlv on hand a full eeeorttnent of Dry tino.la. Hardware, lirocoriea, and everything uaually kept in a retail ltr, whk-n will bo aold, for oaati, aa cheap aa eleewhere in tb. oounty. Krrnrhvillo, Jun. 37, IMi7-l. aeo. ALaaar mrkut ALaaar. w. albbrt W. ALBERT & BROS., Manulaelurera A .lUnatv. lie.l.ra ia Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c., WOODLAND, P K S N ' A. Ordera eoliciled. II i II fllleil on abort nolle aad maeouabl. tornia. Aildreaa Woodland P. 0., CloarfWd C... Pa. j.2i.y W. Al.ilh'KT t 1IKUS. "dHcrrUant J a tin is. litUO. Going; It Alone. . It L. STOUGIITON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market eitreet, ClearHeld, Fa nAVINQ opened huilneai on my own book, at th. old eland in Hh.w'a Kow. 1 therefore .nnounce to the public Ibat I bar. now on hand a well Ml.oled and large aaiortui.nl ol Cloths, Casimere8, Vestings, Beavera. and all kiada of Oooda for mea and boia' wear, and an now prepared to make np to order ClJTIMNU, from a aiojle arliol. w a full auit, ia tha latet atyle. and MOM workmanlike Banner, rpectal alt.nlion gte.n lo cnitom work and cuttina-out for man and boya. offer (r.et harfaina to eaetoeaara, and w.-raBt entii. aatiefaction. A lib.r.1 ahar. of publif patronag. la aolicitad. Call and aee uia. Jan7-tf K. K. L. bTOUUBTO.V. H. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Atom tMsa door east of Clearfield Iluae,) Market tatreet, t learticld, P. T7EEPS on hand a full assortments ef Gent IV Furntahing Goods, sunk as bbirta. Linen nd Woolen L'nderrhlrts, lUawert aad Boeke. Neck tiee. Poeket ilendkercbiafs. Gloves. HaU. Umbrcllaa. e., in great variety. Qf Piece Goods he keeps tha Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Such as Black Doeekfn of tb. r.ry hl make; Faacy Cavataiara, la f raat vari.ty , alao, rreaek Coating. He.ver. Pilot. Chinchilla, and Frleotl av.reo.tiag. All wblok will baaold .b.apfor Caah, and anad. up aeeording to lh. lat.at itylai by eiparleneert wovamea. A Leo, Ag.i for Cl..rl.l1 voantr for I. IL Singer A Co'e. mlcbrated B.wlng MaeMne. hef. I, IMl tt H. IRIDUI. Ui5fcUnnrou3. nX STOCK! SEW STYLES ! ! fall and tvixtih MILLINERY GOODS, AT Mirs SUSAN HEED'S, MARKET ST., CLKAKFIBLD, PA. Having Jutt rcceive4 all the noveltiea of tb. leaaoa ia tha Millinery Una, reouetl the Udiol to call aod .lamia. lh.m. ClearleM. Pa.. N'. , Mcknight & jannot, Wason and Sleigh Makers, (laniadiatftr Is) rear t Plaainf Mill.) CLKA RFIKLD. T. TIIK sub sen bars woald rcsprotfally inform the cititensif Clearfield and tbe public lo freneral that thee are prrarfd to do all kindaof work on WAGON. CARKUOES, KLEIQIJS, Ac , on short notice and on reasonable terms, and Inn workmanlike meaner. A m faature in onr line Is tb-t we ion our own work. (Lb?A1I order proMfitlT atiandod to."V& WM. MrKNKHIT. JSv . CHARLES J AN NOT. ie. iiomsox .t vo., PORK PACKERS, .Vo ?.V Liberty St., flllnburgh, llava on hand a larg. tlock al Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, PLAIN AND SlOAR Ct RKD BAMS, Moea Purk. Dried Tlref, and Leaf I.at.l. all of onr own Packing, Curing and rmiktng. Lvrd Oil, Flour, Cheese, Dried Apples ana reacheB, With a general eeeortmeut of tlrocerlee. at the leweat market precea. (June 18,'aft-ly:pd. ORGAN S Sc PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MA SOX d- HAMLIN'S, ma iali it B. J. IIATK5, Curw.n.vllle, Pa. T If E "CLEAEFIELD REriRLlCAV I.STADLIVIir.ll IN lej.T. Tho largest circulation of any News paper in North Central Pennsylvania. Terms of Subscription. If paid in advance, or within I aontha....M lM If paid after S and before 0 tnontha fl At, If paid after lb. expiration of enonthe... a IK Rates of Advertising, Tranaient advertiecmrnta. per equareof 10 lineeo leaa, X lime, or leaf $ 5(1 Pvir eath aulieerjuent inacrtin 4h Adminiatratora' and Kxerutora noticca I ,d Aoditore' nolire. J jo CButiona and Klraya. 4C fliaanlution notice J 00 Local noticea, per line S Obituary notice,, over At linra, per line...... 10 Profeaatonal Tarda, 1 year ft (Kl VLARLT ADVERTIhEMKNTS. I aqnare...... I eqnaree .... i eobninn..., enluritn I enloma., ..14 0 ..51) Od .... 4 .... H 0 I ouoaree..... Job Work. BLANKS. tl to I quin Single quires... i.pr.qnlre,$l It I qulrwa, pr, quire, t M I Over , per quire, I it) IIAMIHII.I.S. t aheel, 14 nr leaa. NH eheet, !4 or leaa.H M 1 het,U or leaa, Ml 1 eheet. 14 or leea,IO Over 14 of each of above at pmponi.nal. rate.. GEO. n. (illoIU.A.NtiKR, . Pdilor and Proprietor. J I' R H A ! TI .I ThT nndeiHgaaV .ill pay lh blehcl CASH PRICK lo, all blade Fl KH and I.TFR PKI!S. Oive me a c. CltartteM, r II. . L REIZEhbTErK. SRattrenflt. rmsvn .xi. n iii . tmi TYIIOSS A CLFAIlFIKI.il tlKANCB. v .d .Oar M m la' A Hill, , Ua,,, ii two d..iv i.L. Hi.n,l.v, b"l.e..u 'Irn.ne Mid 1.. 'a.. 1 one I aeuur liaia i..lweea Ttro.e ... Ull.anMi.in: I.KAI .iiUU. LtAVK KdKiiI. Clew held I JO, r. a ' Ttron. ,,.. PlnhpLurg..r.1I.M), " t.eeil....,.,..io ,1,' c " 1 l.H, " 1 I'htllpab'ig arll.it' a "eeola 4.14, lell.u . Tyioe 6 in, ' I'UartleM lvVfg rifOM CI.K AKFIHI.I'.i PHOM TVFiriNV K Station. 5! Sution Leonard.., 10 lntarectioo... 2" Van-oyoo S'i tl.rduer 4 . 7 Woodland Bijlrr d VI l!oclon 11 rlloe Hall IS Phlllpaburu IT SS' Ml. Pleaaanl... ..11 ..II ..IS ..I? 4 r 1 hummit SO ndr Hidei.. htcm.r. IB . Powoliton llunlar 2'1 (ll (areula . Oaremla. SI A Dunbar..., Pnwellion 24 ?6i H'ein.r'e ., ..40 ...21 ..?J Hanily Hiigr....2t) KH Hblllpeburg riumnnt 27 Hi Blue 2 Mt. Plraant.....V) 90 VVa!laotoo :n Qurdner S3 II (l Bi(;ler JJ V.nacoyoo I 1 DO VI oodlaod. 35 ll W lnrrivtion.....l 1 i: Leonard 3fl t u. Trrotie? 41 I l C'lrarHrld n i , FAKE 1'KOM CLEAKKIELl), To Bellcfoote, Pa ti 01 ! Middletown J L.ick Haven W iliiatnrportH... Ilutiting'oa Lewi.iuvjn Waryaeille,M ...... HAHIIIHrll'KG 2 71) j Marietta j j, t 6i L.ncaater , u 1 SO.PHILAliKLPlIU 7,1 J UOjAltooua 4j it'll .liilineliiwn...... e ait , 47.il PITTSBI'MIJ s S OfcltlXllOISM. Paaacngrfa leaving Clearteld at 3.30 n. Phil paliur at J.iS p. m., Oeceola at 4.1 p arrive at Tyroue al i.ill p. m., making cunLtclLoa wilb Cincinnati Kipreaa uat at .l7n. m., u, with Mail Weat al .4I p. ui ,on Main Line; iiK with bald Kagle Exprtaa, Uaving Tyrone at 7.,, p. nt., arriritiK at Bullelont. at S 4i p B.t .i I. fK-k Haven at lf.u p. an., connecting ntlb tra Mail taetuu tbe PbiiiMl.lpuia and kne Ku.4. a, II. 21 p. m.,arriring at w illiauiaport al 12.4vaa. Heturuing, peaecner Itaviug William, port at 8.14 a. u., on trie Hail Wc.t, arrive al Luck Ha. ven at k.l a. an., connecting with bald Eaela Kipresa Icaring Lock Haven at IP.2I! a. mH ar. ' hung at bL-llelonl. at ll.o. a. m., Hdow Sao. City al Si p. a... and Tvron. at 1 10 p. n. tllVlAlill J). VI 1LL1AMS, lleneral Siiperintcndeit 10KUK C. wlLKl.K.S, mvlWtf f.fiii,i,.drat. riiiladclphia & Erie Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Tk..k .-J J . 1 TIL , , lialtiwara, U.rriabarg, Miilianaport, - aad ilia Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania, ELEGANT SLEEPING CAES Oi all KfrM Tralne. ON and after MONDAY, APRIL 24, U4l,tk, train. M tb. Philadelphia, ah Sna had Ho will ran aa followe: cat ward. lf.il Trail Lave. Philadelphia. 10.44 1. K. Io.. do St. Mary a ... l it P. II. lo ..arnve at Hrle. IX t. M. Rria ipraaa arar.B Pbil.dalpbia... 11.44 a. a. Do... do St. Harj a.. I.e. A. M. Iv.... arrive et Erie. ......II e A. H. Kaatward. Mall Train leave. Kria 11 ii A. X. Do do...fit. Wary '. .. 4.4a t. H. Do arrive at Philadelphia.... 114 A.M. Erie Kipreee leavei P.rie I 24 t. . In it St. Mary'r. I. II A M. Io arrive at Philadelphia HIP H. Mail and Eipreaa oonneot with Oil Creek tat Allegheny River Rail Knad. Hagg.ee cherkri through AI.FhtD U IVLLR. Nrneral riuperinlendilt Clearfield County Bank. TUB Cleat 11 eld CooDty Baok aa aa iaorthm t4 iniitDtt'a has ftmm aat of ailstaf sv ttia arradar of iu ob trier, oa May 1J, I NO, All ita Mock, la owfted hy tha aubarriaars, - will oonttaua tho Banklnn bakinta at tas staa ilar-s, aa frivata Uankara. ndar tfca trm aasM of tha "CJoaraeJd Countv Bank.' Wisnia spootibla for tha debts ot tho Bank, aod wii! fty lis BOta oa datnad at tha coon tar. epctt racaivad and inUrat faid whoa saoos) Is Isftfsr a flttd tlraa. Pa par discoaatad at sii fMril. as hrotrifr. Our personal raspaafilttltfy if pladgjrd for air Xe(osits raodrtd aad aosiisii trans cfd. A Cbt.iitiunea of tha lib ml pat roaasra of th ban n ess teaa of the aaastr Isrs srtaeUallv tolli'fd. As Prosidtbt. Cashisr aid oncer 4 of tbo late ClrarAeld Coaotv Bank, as nqalre lha aots of said Bank to ho oxeeait.t (or rdmptin. U. T. I KONAKD, PICRARD HHAW, VTM. PORTKR, i AS. B. 6RAUA3I, A. K. WKItiHT, O. L. FEED. WM. A. TTAM.ACt. The business of tha Bunk will be eondarUd v John M. Adams., Kq., as Cahicr. jDn31,'l J. P. M'Oirk. Edward Trrks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGIRKi perks Sucoeasora to Fustcr, Perlu. ! Co Phllipabarr. Ontr Csmantj, Pt. TTUFttK ill the basinota of a BsokiD Hot so If will be transacted praatDllr aud ow tha nun. ibthtbdi urns aar.-a County National Bank. CLEARrifLD. PA. TFII3 Bank la now open aad reedy for boil, eaa. Office oa Heeo.d alreet. ia the belli- iag formerly occup-ed by Leonard, Fibaey A Ce ntearroaa aan orrtrana. JAS. B. GRAHAM, R ICH A H D 6IT AW WM. A. WALI.ACB, WM. PORTK A. K. WKtiillT, GEO. L. RkkD. I). W. MOORE, JAS.T. LEOKARD. Ja2t,'(l' Caebler. Prea.ae at Jlnrtsmithing. Xevi' UlnckMiiith Nhop. SECOND ST., CLEARFIELD, Pa. rprlR nnderaigned hega to Inform hi, frteBdl, X and tbe iuUehitaaie ol the boroaeb ef Clear- eid and lurrnnalirg neijrhb'.tboAd, Ibat be il now rwadj to c xecut. all ord.r, tlth.r ii ir.B er teel. II0r.SE SU0KIM1 tht Boat approval a ty at, le. Al.l, KINDS OF PMV MILL IRONS aa4 BO I S E worh, logmen'a toola, aantbouhe,apee)ad graba, ... bteel toola af all kind. eaaJe ef heat lagluk or American eteel. VquAII eay work le warranted I. glraaaiii. lActii-n. or not .Barged lor. oj AMOS KlCINARD. Xew ItlnckKinltli Shop. THIRD STREET, CLEARFIELD. fyy II K aahacrlber reepeet fully Inforaia bl. frieaaa A. and tb. public tn general, tbat be be lerel led ia lb. borough of CLEARFIELD, la lb. btip recently ocrnpied hy Jacob Sbatikweiler, wbera be I. new ready lo perform all d.'iaa loarte bia enplofaere ia a wnrkBoarlieo matirM. Sl.de, Hleigbe, Rurgiea and Wagona Ireal, e4 lli.re..ahr,eing don. at r.aet.nabl. ralee. a reencctfuiv ai.be a eb.r. of work from the prblia, aa he intend, to gira faU whole atteotioa t lb. o.nneea. ItlUHAa iiil&i. March If. !M. onE.M EXC1T1.MEXT AT THOMAS BEERS'S ! pVERYBODT trying to get there fe.1, fer fr J, al being crowded cut Into lb. nolo, it yon went goiid shoeing d..e, go t. Petal, If you want j ur s,p in.aed tight, gele Seat. If yow want good AMI Irona, g. t. Pitta. If y..w want year wagon ironed in the hart etyt. .ad workmanship, go lo Patta. rlr.RB en.k.a it., ka.i Kl.i.nt, Maclpnr Ir lb Sl.te, .nddoea .11 kindaof lILAChSMITIHMl aa cheap aa can be don. in the eooniy fer ly 1'o.t OSc. addreaa le l lrdold hfre. TIIUM Dtlhs, Rcgca Tp . Dee. Id .7 If Clearfield Nursery. FXCOUHAUK 1IOMK INMSThl fllR anderlned. having eelahliabed a !' I .... MB It.. ' P. k . .Lnal k.lf .ll lf'9M Clearheid (nd Carwenivllle. le prepared re fer Bleb allbindaof Rl IT T R K KS, ( alaed.H d.avf.) krrrf -ecu., hbmobevr, llrape " lleo.ek.rnee. I.e. ten HI.eli Kerry, Mrawberry, and KaaWrry Vinw. Ale.. I"ih.riea Ccb Treea, W.inoe. and early tevvlet hbebarb, Aa. Orden proaaMlr atlaaded to, Ad lreaa, J. D. WRI8HT eerp m j firwearltlt. Tt