Jflotfli and (jtnraula. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MARkLT Pi., CUMR II l-U, I. J to fer Us ftMiniuilt(oK f lb bH. whrro lh wrpr, - will h ffitWi tn mt it 4J fyt". art J rfMira a har o, pud fir rnnkff. )... -t f;'ronl ttrntit.n t th i.--tail- f riu I'ii-iti- h bnpf t'l h M lo riilrr trttiftii'li lu I pfttmtt. Th TAHI.R will lr ty ...iinittlillW mppliod with (lie hrnt lb kti b pwurvl in (ho murti', mid the PaK will untin full at.idk of I.lgiOKK, It If K II, Ad. uvnd lUlllluy ftttMliril. CASI'KR rEri'Ol.DT, Clr.rA.IJ, M-xi-h 3, U I jr - IMuiri-tor. JSfniutt, Jtattrnbrrflrr & (To. DEST GOODS" AT THE EAGLE HOTEL MAIN ST., CUnWKNdYILLS, 1A, nAVINtj Wnwtd for n trm of ytri lh boT tfl known tnd popntir hutol, fki-' formally ny Nr. Maion, and lately by Mr. It ran,) the present proprietor bu r fitted it with th obj ( uf render ng hit gucili comfort M while .i nirnioc with hi. A An, lanri Subli aod Yard it studied, fur the cart and ftrotMtinn of horsei, earriagca and waoue. iberal tbar of publio patnmatre it olialtcd. Uhti If JOHN yOl'TS, Frop'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Carweuarllle, Clearfield county. Pa. THIS old and well oetahllehed IIol.l, beautl fully tituated on the baikt of the Suinu henna, io ilia boroigh of Curwemvllle, hoi bean leered fur tarn or veara br ttia underalencil It boa boon entirely rattled, ood la now open to the publio generally ood the travelling column airy ta particular. No paine will be tpared to pow gweaie oomtortauie wnile tarrying ot tbia n.rae. Amr.ie mooting rooji tor the accoiumo Ibarg aa moderate eon of teainr. Jan. 1, 'oil tf Wat. M. JEFFRIES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Curweuevllle, Clearfield eoanty. Ha, TDI aadereignod boa leaeed thie old and lone; eatobli'tied hotel, (formerly kept by Major laaao Bloornaeh.aituete in a central portion of tbe town, and baa entirely re-Sited and ra furniahed It, and re-modeled tbe etaeling, laaila make it , aa object, hereafter, for the traveling public to peironne taia large aac aommodiout houen. deo-l.-es-tf JOHN J. HEAD. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Beeond and Market 8troeU, CLEARPIELD, PA. THII eld aad eommodioui Hotel baa, daring the paat year, been enlarged to doable iu loimer eapaetty for tbe entertainment of etran. gere aad gueetj. The whole builJing bae been voiuraieaea, ana too proprietor will epare no paint to render Ola gaeatt aomfortablt while atayiag witn mm. joTbo "Maoalon Hooae" Omnibof nana to and from tbe Depot on the arrlral and departure ot tf Proprietor. THE WESTERN HOTEL CLEARFIELD. PA. rpiIS nbaerlber baring leaaed for a term of a. jeara 101a weil-anowa Hotel, ( kept Tor many yeare by Mr. Lanich.) and re-aitod and refnr- aiaheol It tarooehoaL la now prepared tn antrr lata trarolera and the publlo rtntrallr upon taraaa it ta hoped alike airreeablt to bolb patrena aaa proprietor. Ilia IADLN and Stn will be aapplird with the beat tb narket atTorda: aad bo paint will bo apared on hie part to add to aa aoareaieBee and enmrort or bia gueeia. JOUN DOUOIIKKTV, t' Propiietor. THE EXCHTNGEniOTEL, Hi;nTic;i(, pa. mQrS old flUMIibmert bavina been luUl. X hr Jo VOKRI80N, formerly proPriftur of Ik. UAk4aAn ll .n.. "k.. 1 .1. ' ' Li ... " -r- aaeaei k-vwb VTVU U I y fOD - ratal aad refurniabed, aad supplied witb all the nod era improraeiiLt and euuvenienoea na euary to a first cl aca Hotel. Tn dining room bat baea remored to the Aral door, and ia now apaeioea and airy. The ehamben are well ren tilaud, and the proprietor will endearor to make bia gnertt perfectly at heme. JeJ J. UOKHISON, Proprietor. f. v. waLLAca mot. m. raw. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, lilttiereburff, Cloarfleld Co.. Pa. TRIrl well known and long ertab'iahed llo'.l, fnnnerly kept by R. W. Moore, and lalUrly by Wai. Sebwem, er baa been leaaed for a term of yean by the nndcreignei, to which the alien, tiea of the traveling publio la now ealled, and a liberal there of rublio patronage la aolieiled. aprH.'CS ly.pd rillAW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, main sr., pmLirsBuno, p. THK wadereijrned keepl oonitantly on band the beat of l,lqnort. Ilia table ia alwayt applied with the b-at the market alTorJt. The arallng pnblio will do wall lo giro bliu a oall. eTl,'. R011KRT LLUYU. SERADEB & CALEB'S Restaurant and Confectioner), (On Reed Rlre.it. near the Railroad Depot,) CLEARFIELD, PA. IRBftB 0Y"TER8 and ICS CREAM In oeaeoa. Tobaeeo, Cigara, Candiea, Nott, aad everything naually found In a Confection ery, alwayn on band. Tbe only BAGATELLE lABbai in town, can be roand et th:e eeloon, arlO-taipd SIIRAllKK A UALLR, LOWEST PRICESI BEXETT, CLATTOBERGER, & CO., NOW OFFER AT THEIR it in m o t h Store, IN OKC'KOI.A, PA., LARGE & WELL-SELKCTE1) STOCK or Spring & Summer Goods, PURCHASED AT THE LOWEST MAR KET RATES, AND TO BE SOLD AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE ON COST. QONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOOD i WILLOW WAKE, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, JIATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. FURNITURE A -MATTRESSES, FLOUR AND FEED, AND EVERYTHING APPERTAINING TO WELL-REGULATED HOUSE HOLDS, A3 WELL AS TO MILLS, MINES, AND CAMPS. VhUadrl,ihl;! avrrtlrmrntf CAM? A-7 V BANKERS, cd? No. 35 South Third Street PHILADELPHIA. vxENEiuiT Agents, v tor v PENNSYLVANIA ,of t.he UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. er,TrlorJI1T,l..';.P'T'; l"On OowrAUT la a proVeir J.VU. lW. w.Tb .. e. CASH CAPITAL, 1.0O0.0O0. PTfLI. PAID. loT ""J,? VTJ!""" ' ?h" " rP'l'lon al naroffloe. mf. r. V.,,,'J" ?' "; "' ''r llnmi( lion.. I. eoanty tl. 8. r.USSi;i., Mniager. A. MH'.AKl.ll CO.. AninU for l.'leerlll.l ' au(i2-ly H. MMiernien. - II. hltiiiifrr. . II. Silberman. S. SILBERMAN & Co., IHI'ORTRRR AND JORRKR or FANCY GOODS, PIPES NOTIONS, AC, IS .Vorlh iourth Htrrtl, mym l'IUI-AIi:i.PHI A. u T. C. WM. W. PADU. WM, AV. QRDERS RECEIVED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. HIGHEST MARKETRATE9 PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. . SALESMEN ARE ATTENTIVE, PO LITE AND OBLIGING. , MYERS, WITH D. . IOAR PAUL & CO WnOLFSALE MOOT AJfD SIIOi: ti1 HE no 2J Market 8t. A U Commerce SL aboTt Sixth myia PHILADELPHIA. ly a. situ ciacr. j. aoi.i.owBi:aa . . . HOLLOWBUSH & CABEY, . ROOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, 219 Market St., i'hllndclphla Vwrjier Flour Saoka and Baira. Foolacap. Letter, Note,. Wrapping, Curtain and Wail nperl. feb24-Iy. JOHN M. MELLOY, Plain, Japanned & Stamped Tinware inn DRALia in lout Furnlnhlni; Cooda, Tin Rooflng and Conductor I'lpco. No. Vi3 Market Blrert, "II" ly rillLAHKI.rillA. DREXEL A CO.. 'J ALL, SEE, EXAMINE, AND BE Ha. at Mouth Third street, I'lillaielpn And Dealers in Government Securities. CONVINCED. BENNETT, BLATTENBERGER, & CO. Oaoeola Milla, Pa., April it, 14! oots, j&Uocs, 50atu and Capa. McGAUGHEY'S BESTAIRAM&REFRESHMEM SALOON, It Leary 'a New Buil lint;. (formerly ooonpied by Mr. Hole,) SECOND ST., CLEAREIELD, PA. CONSTANTLY on band a fine eeWlion of CAN DIRK, NUTS, I'lllAKS, TfiUAOCO, Ao. Alao, KKI1 (IYBTKK8 reeeired daily, and torrod up to auit the taatee of enatomen. on aeoood elory. de.IO.lf DAVID MeOAl JHKl'. Soot$ and $hot$. DANIEL CONNELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. nAgjnat reeeired a ine lot of French CALF 6KINS, and ia bow prepared to manofae. tare everything ia bia line at the loweat Igurea. Ha will warrant bia work lo be at reproeented. He reatyetfolly tollrlta a oall, at bit thop oa Market atreet,eeeond dror weal of the poatoEoo, where he will do all in bit power to render fatlt faetioa. Some loo Oalter topa on hand. ,'-y DANIKL CONNELLY. PEACE PROCLAIMED. THl WAE OVEBUr CLEAEFLBLD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. eV'arjf all the Contraband going back to their old ma1eri but 'nary one going to old MatKtichusrUn, where they vere loved to long and to veil. IReonteqnenee of the aliore facte, F. SHORT, of tbe old "Short Shoe Sbop," would en "enee to bia numeroul patrona, and tbe people Jf Claartrld eoenty at large, that he haa now a rate lot or e;otd iaa:eiil, ju.t reoeired from tt na-l. and ta prepared on abort notice to make a ene uu and Shoe, at bia new ahop la rekaa'a mw. )!t li aeliallrd that he eea pleaee "Meniere il mif-M heeome Inteniely lotalatay " ke patrlote.) He la prepared to toil low for Jk or Country Produce. Don't forget the "f Belt door te 6howre A Urabem'a atoro, Market atreet, ClearBeld. Pa., aad kept be a EXTRA ORDINARY! SOMETHING NEW IN CLEARFIELD I Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes! Great Bargains In Hats and Caps!! TIIE GRECIAN BEND HAT I THE VELOCIPEDE IIATI TIIE ALPINE HAT! SILK DATS OF THE LATEST STYLE3 ! All Kinds and Styles and Cheap 1 1 BOOTS 4 SHOES IN PROFUSION. Lediee, Look to your letereete, and eall and aaa . the laloat and moil faebionable etylea of PLAIN AND FANCY SHOES. Purple, Bine, Bronte, and Riamark SHOES, for Mlaaet and Children, af HIGH CI TI Aimiioalion be mail will receive nrnirmt attan tioti, and all information ehecrfully furu;ahod. Ordert aolieiled. eprll-tf REIZENSTEIN BROS., Manufacturer! of and Wboleaale Dealer! la MEN AND HOYS' CL.OTII1NO, 424 Market A 410 Merchant Mtrcet, augl'drl PHILADELPHIA, Pa. 18G9 spring, i860 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Koi. 23J, eY 741 N. Third St., rillLAliKLl'IHA. We ere now prcpered witb our veual ertenaire and wcH-eaaerte'l atoek to offer extra to CA8II HIj'YKIIS. ?iiituarc, Jtnitarf, ff lf. MKHHKM. &' UKiLKll, ir a ii Imv'a 11 13, A), Mnfitrrrr Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. Y"jA)T'68ADiL;s7iniTiLks, Hartraa, Coll era, tit., fur talt by MEKREI.L A niH.ER. JIALMER S PATENT UNLOAD- Ing Hay Porka, for tali by MEKRELL A BIGI.F.R. ()IL, IAIN T, PUTTY, GLASS, Kaila, etc, for tali ky MEKRELL A BIOLER.. JJaILESs"TraMMINGsTsilOE Findiogt, for talt by MERRELL A BIOLER. ?. f.rnham frm' tTiiliiimi. w. aaania a. i. anaaia A ( II a .xjj;. J.B.GJUIIAM&SOXS, QUNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For tale by MEKREI.L A BlOLER. gTOVES, OK ALL SORTS AND Sitet, for tale by . MERRELL A BIOLER. IRON I IRON ! I RON! IRON I For talt by MERRELL A BIOLER. MARKET HTHKKT. CLEA RPIELD, Pa. II ORSE SHOES A HORSE SHOE NAILS, for talt by MERRELL A BIOLER. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bttt Manufaeturt, for tale by MERRELL4 BIOLER- rpiIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for talt by MERRELL t BIOLER. RODDER CUTTERS for snlo by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS I SAWSt SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I ji BEi'of,iTio.r m.t s.twar EMERSON'S PATENT PERFORARATED Cros8-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL GUMMINO AVOIDED.) ALSO, merson's. Patent Adjustable Swaee, ror spreaatag, Bharpening, ana ebaplng ta Teeth of all Splitting Stwt. Yta-Sendfor a Doaerlptire Circular and Price LliL MKKRELL A BIULER. Jan tr) Oeneral Ayentt, Clearlold. Pa fpiIE aubicrlbera baring entered Into partner--- ahlp for the purpoaeof earrying on the ouelneat or Herohandiaiog, now offer A ood And rare opportunity te tht allium of Clear- Held and adjoining eountlai ta buy More gooda at wboleaalt or reull prieet, that will aatoniah tbe anlnatrnetad. Their gooda will bo particu larly aeiecteu to auit thlt market. Brery lady wiii, mereiore, tan the attention of bar HiiMbaml lo tbia faot, beoautt thla bran oh of oar bnaintae will reeeire epeclal attention, and arerything needed in a well regulated koaeehold will at all timet be found la our etore. Our ttook of DH Y CJOODH ahall aot bo aarpaeaed, eltbor ia aaal ity or prloe, aad will embrace. In part, P rintt of aetry ttylt, Olngkaaii aad Lawna af aeary quality, Mualint of aetry grade. Do Lalnea adapted to tbo taatee of the old aad yaangi aad tetry artltlt of any kind of gooda tbty tell It 'rt.-reafTenfiiawHaaM ..-ar aarw ea.. rin: kkimiumcan. CLLAIM II I D, V.. I I'M.-IMV Mcl!M. :. JI NK . lira Terms of Subscription. If paid In ailrenxe or wl'hln H'ree mwiha,..! 1 M If paid afler three and before eta moiilha S at If paid after tbe eipirallon of ail eaitha... I tit Mr. T. II. Wn.aoa, our foreman, la aathortaid to receipt rr winner paid into the office on account of auliaciimiim. tdrirliilnr. Inli work J. I. .... eeecoee. UliU. :i IIIMII1I.AM1KII. Kdttor and I'mprlelor .f'fnonat IH triri A,.e.cf ft. t,0 "ll rillioil. Guaranteed To be aa repreeeeted. aad warraaud ta (ire tat iefaeUoa. At ta VUEH tiMIMSwt bare a eplesded aaaortmaat of Alpaoat, blank, wbltt, and la colore 1 Anaaroa, Silka, and la abort all tht aeweal ttylet la tht aaarkeb We dieirt thla faet ta become ktowa To Every Peraoa maa, women, thild, phyalolen, m ebaaie, termer, lawyer, barker, womea'i-rlghti man, or any oib cr maa ia tbt toanty G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IN STOVES AD HOLLOW-WARE, AND MANUFACTURER OF in, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Phlllpebarg, Centra eo., Pa., STEETCH, BENNETT & Co., (HucreMori to Titer T. Wrirht A Co., ihportrh or An nri in DRUGS AND MEDICINES, ALIO, Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., No. 17 N, Fifth St. tod 434 Commtrot, PniLAPELPHIA, Pi, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, roa rat ialb or Wool, Oinaeng, Fur 6kina, Feat here, Leather, Plai Heed. Dried Fruita, Cloeer Seed, Koeta, Deer Skint. Butter, Beeewai, Sheep Fkiot, Efga, Ao., ao., Ae. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Wtekljr Prlea eorreut forwardtd oa reqnoft. Jont 11. 18A8 ty p4 DS ttftdtrrtgrtttd rijctfuMj aooonneei to tb pubt tht b hm oa hand a ar. lucrtrifriu I fiill-1ntol ond vet) uiorud ftoek of 8trM. .rll -tf nil varietj eutniita 01 ,IIE CELEHRATED IltON'SIDES, Which hare Barer failed tn glee perfect eatlafao. tlon to the Boat faatldloaa of Itt parebaeora, Conllntntal, Lebltk, Fermer, Deylight. Speara1 Antl uoet, niagara, unarm, Herald, era., witb every variety af Ibe beat Pitlaburg Manufaetaro. TgejuTbt Tla and Sheet I rot wire gleea with tbt eloeee It made of tbo htav'eat and beet material, and warranted to giro perfett latla faellon. Ilia a lock of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Ii Ur(Tir( bttr and obiapir than tvor boforo ihlbiud to thi publio. il doflai ompotittoa iiaer im Taruiy, qiumjr f prieo. DKAFM.SW, fil.INDNEHS A CATARRH treat d with lh nttimut tacorM br l)r. J, I.AACK, M. and Pn.fnr of bifat of tho Kyit and Kr in tht Mndirtl Collff of Pcnnpyl Tania. It yiari f Jtp-ricncf, (furmcrlr of Let 'Jen, Ilnllnnd.) No. 80i Arab fiinU Phit'a. feiti innniali can b ien at hli nlhrt. Tho tnrdioal farnlty art inritod to aorompitny thoir patienii, ao ho hao do orrU ia bio prufriiion. Arliloial pyei inoortcd witboat pain. ISo eborgo fr i aninatioo. jo!.!. mi RMWfl BLI KINU CLOTHES, KDICMa B1.IIK IS THt eaeat end brat article la tht market for It doet not conltin tnv acid Il will aot injnrt tht Intel fabric ll it put np at Il.TIIKRORR'S DRUG STORE, No. I.U North Second Street, Philadelphia, and fur aale by moat of tbe ftrocera A Drntgiala. Tbt genaine baa both Barlow'a aad Wiltber ger'a ntmee oa tht labeh a'l othera art eoun terfalt. BARLOW'S BLI.'R will eolor mora water than four timet tht tamt weight of Indigo. mayft ly lit Ii alto prepared to fern I ah a oomplate aatonmtnt or 'alia eomienniy ealled i"."y SHORTT." stw BOOT AD SHOE SHOP. t edwarltTmack. r" MARKET A In Srt., CLKAHFIEI.D, Pa. T" prepTi.h bat entered Into the BOOT SHOK bueineet at tht abort Hand, and "elerained not 10 be onldone eltbor ia qoal JJ' " r'i'e for bia Work, Special attention 'u be pai l In mannfeeioring Pewed work. He tn? fc"" ' ''I-' of 8i'ti Kip end ""klna,of therery beat qnallly. The ei.l. of Clearlleld and elclally are reapeetlully '. f'" bi If"', "o ontrgt for oalla j-WBwif A VO SHOE SHOP, ' l ltH l.! IM K. I aebwib.r haeing lately alerted a ae it "a r-aoe enop ta lerweneellie, oa "a atreei. .,. 11- 1 u t ""a, renecllully anaoaacet la the public Ihet gl ' - wmi ecir en aijiea 01 d ' i eao tvel CUSTOM-MADE WORK Made a Specialty la tblt 01 ore I Hiee. t tf reiki.. ! kia line. . ehnrt He alee krene ea haeit a enej a. r. 7" Jf ready-made work, which ho will toMj or emalry prepare. " i uj urn - i 1. C. I.K.IITC AP (KIN would reaped, fully announee to tbe ettlteni of Clearfield aad vicinity, that they baea opened a Itrgt aad txteaaivt aaerrtment of the aboro-aamed gooda, la tbt tl ore room oa Market atreo , appetite tbt rerideaee af If. B. Bwoopo, Ken., where they Bill be happy to wall oa all wSo wl.h to patroa iata FIRHT-CLASS PIIOK A BAT BTORX. Children ! Bhoei in AbondaDce. CHILDREN'S HAND MATE SHOES. FIXK ROOTS! COARSE BOOTS! WATER PROOF HOOTS! TRlJXKS,6C,ttC. jaterTomo and aet for vouraalrea what wt hart got for tale. p" Remember the place' Market ttreet, Cltarttld. evpoeltt R. B. gwoopa't reeideaoa. I weril tf i. C. LtDHTCAP A BON r.f:r tuk iivst. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 3HM l;iigra.liiir t I" 1 Paro ((aarto. I'rlrr d M-etAtnpt not in ttk IO,4HM Wot.U 'rfianartpt, Vlwd ao a irh-i)B, wo ar tv.nfn.rnl tlmt no othrr IMnf Unrnff liu a iirt ionitrT whit-h no fill If and ffttlhfnllj prto forth il p mount tvan-litioo m thil laot odititan if WrhMer d'ro that n( vnr wHtu-a and tnokca Knctih tnacuo. Hvrprr VfrtJOl'me, ihrr lonkl arc trie own Infnf ttf frNil hhmnn ; tk Ihhlm, Slnktpnr mud Wrbittr t loptfl V""'"- I'tWrrrye. friminf Jrnrmti. inn Nit W lo-Ttn it ((lorioiio it ia perfect U difttm- and dffifn rt.mtiti(Bit levif nth in he d'irtd. J. . iVmourf, lL V.t frm't Tho mt urfnl and nmarkoMr t newt i mm nf knmun knovUHy in onr lnf otff. W. S. i'lmrk, t'rridft Mn. AgrirttUmral Vvifrff. Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary. IOIO ragfBltefatn. (MM I-ncra. Into "Thi wm It fpallr a of-o f m liity, Jnot iKo thinjr fr tht million. " Amerim tlumtiomal "In aiotrr rowpocto, Ihio ttiftlnnary U the mni OoarriiH itt fr puhU-hH.' Iinrkltr Jtrmnmtt. ' A a maour) f rff-rcnt-d, il i ominpntlT flttrd frvr oo in fmiHo and aThoT." ff. Y. fribnm. "11 io a1ttthor tho bm troaiury of wotda if otM wbirb (ho K ni !., lancBOfo bu tror Too- fowl." Hnrlfnrd 'rM. CoMtobod n- t A 0. MRRKIA V. iKprinrtlold. I Maaoarbaootio. taorll-di. Tin, Copper, Shoot-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wbolooala or retail. nannfaMurad aaatly and witb tho 10I0 Tiow to torrioo, from tfaa boot aia- unoi in tba narkit PLOWS. TLOW POINTS, A COPPER, BRASS Aflll lltUPt -vailLKa, Of ararjr dtieriptloa eoniUatl; oa k-Jid. MGUTMNQ RODS, Suporior point, pot ap on ibort aotieo. Tho Point bo otTori to tho publte Ii tho oorno aa lo now sitfl by tba foooilvania Hail road Co. va tboir botldingi. ORDERS FOR SrOUTINO, ROOFING And olhor work Solnnflaf to kli balloon will bo prompUj fillod bj aiparltnood and ikllllal workmtn. BRASS, COrrER AND OLD METTLE Takoa Id ticfaanfo for foodi. frn tiparia:) tnvitoi tho atteatlon af Morcbanto wiihin to purr faaoo at wbwloralo, ai hty will 6nd it to tboir adrantaKO to oiamioi tit olorb before porcbaoing alaowhoro.' U, 8. FLEGAL. Phlliprtharg, Aug. A. Iftfg. Jj2,tlU Jv KW BTOKB AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SHAW & SOa Hive jutt ppmeit a Nitr .cto, 00 Main St., CLUitriiLD, Ta., lalelr orciiilcl ky Wm. F. IIIWIN. Their ttork conaiiti of LE)LUZr OkCDXaDa3, Okortfta nf lh beet quality, Qoef-nbwarf., H00U nntl SllOCft, od every rtii! ocrcaaarv for one'i comfur'. Call and r.amint our alork kafnrt) pur fliaelng alMwhore.. May 9, 1W6 if. Young Or old, riea or poor, high or low, who will fa ror at with a tall. With our at and eilemlre Mock any gentlemen eea plaeie tbt moat fae-tldiout leadj'. By juat dropping la and getting a slot droit pattern, lact tttt, kid glovee or by doing that which It betteVi give her a well. filled puree, and abt will tnd good aad paying Inreatinenu ia ambroidtrlee, adginga, ribboni, glovtt, boelery or any otbtr boutehold aeoriiiuee. Anil HI I l:lllfl KOI I CI H. Mcthodl-t l.pl. copal Churrta Rrr. W. II. I'tl.U I'aalor. I'ulilio Herrioo ever MeliWik al III, A. M .and 7 I'. -M. hablialh Hchnol at A M. Prayer Mcrtine every Thureilar, at 1 P. M. Communion Henrico, firet riabhatb of everr month, et III) A. M. Ht. KranrU I luircliMn". at 10 o'clock A. M., ou the tccoiid and fourth Humlnva of each month. Lois of now, liir-liioimtjlo and cliuup gootla at A. K. Mr right & Soiw'. Mr. S:iiike oH'uri doairuhle house and lot (or sale in this borough, lieud his advertisement. Our advurtisinn; columns contain several notices of the Halo of valuable real estate this week. Mooooji wants to buy all tha wool and shingles In tho county. Soe Lis advertisement in this issue. I)lvins services may bo expected in the Court House on next Kuhbath, June Clh, by Rev. Henry 6. Butler. A fine assortment of Gents.' India Gusgo undorwear, just received at Wm. Heed & Co'n. In addilloa to wbal wt bare alrealy tnumtra ted, wt keep til klndt of CF.KTI EMEVH W EAR auek 11 Clothe, Caatlmtrea, Batineltt, Bait, B00U aad Bhoei, At, betidea, Aaaorlment of Made up CLOTHING for Men and Boye, manufactured out of the very beet material, whieb wt will tell for caib or exchange for country product at prieet which will attonieh both kaabaad aad Wife Wt art sow Itrgely engaged la baying aad Ding fttlUARH TIMBIR and maaafae. tared LUMTIKR, And will girt thlt branch of bealoeee tptaial attention, and make It aa object Gentlemen, lor good tit, go to F. C. Cromm, Merchant Tailor, for he can beat both eity and country-make. Try him. Lost. On (Sunday last, between Mrs. Merrell s and L. R. Morroll's, a breast-pin. The finder will confer a favor on the owner by leaving it at this office. Tho largest and best stock of Hats and Caps to do found in Clearfield is at the Banner Hut Store of J. C, Lightcap & Son. Ihe card of David I.. Krcbs, Ki , Into of Uellefonto, will bo found in mis issue. Air. urotis is a young Attorney, and comes to our county highly recommended. He can be consulted in both English and German. The Treasurer, Mr. Wrigloy, adopts this method of informing the mer chants of this county that their licenses are now ready for dulivery, and that they will he forwarded to uy part of the county on the receipt of tho money. The Trnstocs of the Presbyterian congregation of ClearOeld, will mcot on Saturday, June 12th, at 2 o'clock, p. rn., at tho Church, for the purpote of Ictlinff (h oeia AW Demons de siring seats will please attend at that time. By order of the Trustees. rMAL Th ohm tnrmi-r, m. r 1 111 m n II, Id -it Tvrive, fi , on (he 1:1,7, 1011 iMfA day tf M ;, A . ,i,i, In piirminncs of a nudes prcvitmelv ariven throughout die Ihetriet, the Convention met at Tyrone, Hlalr 00., Pn , on Tuesday evnning, May lth, Hd!. The sirvi'es of the evening wereronrluotedliy Itv. Sam'l V .Sears, of )'hili;iblir station, who prcai lied a very iblo and amirotiriiilo sermon, from the l.'illi, Hith, bill and IKlh verses of the 2 1st chapter of the Gospel by St. John, taking for his subject tho last clause of tho 15th verse: 'Feed my lambs." Tho Convention met et 0 o'clock on Wednesday morning, nntl, after devo tionul exorcises by Kov. Wm. G. Fer guson, of Curwonsvillo station, was crganined by electing fjev. J. S. Mo Murray, (P. K.,) President. A rom mittco,eonsihlinn;of Hon. Jolin Patton. 01 uurwcnsville, Kov. .Wm. H. Dill and Win. M. McCnllough, of Clear field, had been previously appointed to arntngo a programme for the Con vention, which was adopted as report ed. The following delegates were prcsont, bosideg a large number of ministers, superintendents, teachers ana incntls ol tbo Sunday School : If. Oerner, Laura E. Clearer, Theodore flnrclineld, o. a. a. noeveoe, K. B. alcUraia, J. lionahoe, T. W. Heard, ktary Vraaier, J. Canningham, Eliaalieth Hoover, 8. B. torler, Joeeph Walter!, Wm. II. bell. aire. Fred'k Crieeman, nuc i.vtlc, To Kvery ri'im PKMOritATIO Al.MASAC for !st I l:and l'a fr aula at the Poet Onloi. I'rico 25 ecnla. Mailed ta any eJ.lreee. l)cJJ If 1rT the DKMiV RATIO AI.MAKAC. Oelt 1 J eeara. ree volet aloald hart eae. tf Ont who bat Lumber to tell to deal with at. Wt ah ell alao keep tontlaatty oa hand general aeeorttuent of GKOCKRIUH and HAHDYVARR, which we will tell at eioeed Ingly low prieet. Wo alao keep a full aeeort meat of UIJEKHBW ARE. TbU department will at kept full and aompleta, aad tvtry Yoiiiig Man Or maiden wht tontoraplatot boneokeeplng. will And It advantageont to coma and trade with aa. Wt art totitutted, and, from long oxperionoe lu the bualnoat, 10 well acquainted with the wanta and sootaelllel of thil community, thtt wt feel atlaled if every maa tnd womaa lit Clrnrflold County maktt it a point ta bay their gooda from at, wt eea pleaee them both al te nnality aad price. Therefore, tomt along aad buy jour DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Qucfiiswarr, Hardware, HOOTS A SIIOKS, HATS 4 CAPS, Eoady-MaJe Clothing, Atd everything you need to rnder youreelvot aad familial tomfortabli, from JAS. 13. GRAHAM & SONS., ..giitr CLEARFIELD, Pa. JOTICI'V-The frmelioa of tbe eer'oerrblp I Jamee B. flraham A Bona doea not preven Ibe tctllemeut of tbe ootee aad book acoounta of ihe late nna nf Fhowera A Graham or I. W. Ura kaaa. Tkoat knowing themeclvet indebted to either are rrqueatcd to oome forward at oooo and tfloee their aoeownlt. JAMF.S B. (1RAI11.M A fONrl. CloarfteH, B'Biembot IS t, Court. The proceedings of our court last week wore materially inter fered with by the "sucker flood'' of the week previous, which took off a numbor of parties and witnesses. Notwithstanding this, a largo amount of business was disponscd during tha session. Hearti! and Home. This rich, red olent and rare gem of the weeklies, has already attained its twonty-lhird number, is t3-pography is soperb its illustration inimitable and it is filled with articles from the ablest authors In our country; whilo tho character of all its contributions is musing, entertaining and Instructive. no wonucr mat it has achieved a circulation of over 40,000 copies since its brilliant birth, only three months ago. Publishod by Pettengill, Dittos Co., 37 Park Row, Now York, at 14 a year. A Proper Remedy. Every one fa miliar with the deportment of jurors and wit nouses during the sessions of our oourt, knows that much delay in publio businoss is caused by tho un necessary absence of these parties during the session. Twico the time necessary is soiruttimes consumed in empannclingk jury, because tbe jurors are not in the court room when they are called. The same evil lies against witnesses. After being called two or three times in tho court room, a con stable must take to tho street and hunt them up, and the time of the court is consumed or olhor witnesses called by the attorneys out of the regulnr order. Wo are pleased to know that Judge Mayer is about abating this nuisance. Last week five jurors each lost a day's wage fur not answering to their names when called, and in the future witnesses will be treated in tho same manner; and if this humano recogni tion of authority is not heeded, fines will bo imposed and the offenders sent to jail, so that when they are wanted tho officers will know where to go to find them. The absence of parties, ju. rorsand witnesses from the courtroom causes great delay t,nd entails heavy expenses upon the taxpayers, and we understand that the Court is deter mined to brenk up this evil. A juror or witness hss no more right to leave the court room whilo the court is in session than the hired plowman his plow, or the mechanic, his bench. We have known the proceedings of our court to bo frequently delayed for fifteen minutes by a defaulting juror or witness) yet, wore the Court to act in a similar manner, it would be deemed an outrage. Now, if the Judges or oJier officers of the court havo no right to impede public busi ness, w hy should any other party bo allowed or claim this right f We mistake, the temper of the Court very j much if this system of truancy is Dot I broken up or souiobody made to pay , the piper during the next year. I T. W. Thompaoa, w. w. nuar, Caleb Uuyer, ' D. A. Smith, Hre. Jennie Haylett, Mica Clara MoUov. Jeeee Tbouiae, uaniel afowcry, aaonroo A he, D. II. Crow.ll, Tbomae McCartney, Wm. B. W ertt, Kate Beror, Jemee aicClintle, nearer Leal here. i. W. Clearer, W. W. Keeoe, John KbiSer, A. J. Orndorf, Dr. B. A. Atartia, 1. 11. Leror, Aodleman. Daniel kinleb, II. A. Ilerthurat, John II. Uughoa, J. J. ThompeuB, 1leo. Owene, K. Conrad, Dr. Demoe, L. O. Keeeler, J. W. Melton, John Dale, Rcr. Wm. H Dill, Wm. M. MeCailougb, Pbilin Ante., John henjtey, B. n . ntiirer, L. K. MoCullouah. bUr. Wm. U. b ore-aeon. namuei Arnolu, wm. r. llele, Rev. J. W. Buoklev. J. A. Rakeetraw. Mra. B. Kinma Kiehel, H. B. Wright, Alexander Bob. Joeeph Akera, John Williame, laoob Loneneckor. Carrie Kmith, Joe. R. McMurray, Jemee F. Wearer, Jemee Tbomae. The Convention was largely attend ed by the friends of the Sunday School cause, and by the citizens gon- erauy oi jyrone ana vicinity. Some of the meetings were of tho most interesting character, and we are only sorry tlmt we have not space to lay the proceedings in full before tbo publio. On tbe whole., the Convention was a grand success, and we have no dcHibl all the friends of Sunday Schools returned to their homos feeling tha. "it was good to be here," and animated with a stronger desire to promote tho interests of the scholars of thoir schools, and tho can as of Christ. Too much cannot be said in nraise of tho Ty roue School and those havimrit in charge. A I the Children's Meeting, on Wednesday afternoon, they earned an enviable reputation as a school of singing children. When near three hundred youthful voiced commenoed to sing Inat most beautilul hymn. "Gather at the Hiver," it seemed as if the heavens had suddenly opened abovo us, and our ears wore charmed wun me music ol autre ic vo eea. We cannot close this inmeiTuct re- pun, wiuiuui speaking ol the hospi Ulity of tho ciliaeii of Tyrone, and especially of thoso private families and Hotel koepers, ("Ward House," "City Hotel," and "Exchange Hotel,") whosokindly reccivod and entertained the delegates during their stay, as well as Rev. Thos. Burnhart, preuchor in charge at Tyrone who nrovided them with homes. Near tho close of the Convention, the following resolu tion was adopted : Roeolred, Thai tbe Reertlarv of tht Convention prepare an abetraet of tbe prooeedinga and have it publiehed in eucb paiiere of the Diatrict, aa may beegroed upon by biia and tbe Praelding Elder. Un Ubursday evening, May 20tb, having gc.no through with the pro. gram mo, and there being no further business before the Convontion, after singing the Doxology, tho Benediction was pronounced by Rev. Thomas Barnhart, whon the Convention ad journed, t meet again on the first Tuesday of June, 1870, at Hollidays bnrg. J. 8. McMurrat, Pres't. Wm. M. McCi'LLOuon, Sec'y. ;,i:V l,tnis A PM-('rt r,.. t l"M lii antiiiitiies to (lie ; e" Ik i.f I'liiin IhImIhs, wl,j would in in- hivir i.f It thr.iuyh tl.eir own oi..il!i, lu-nepnpeia, alaett Heater V amjlian Milled hum diis pui fir Eng land some da) s ago (im ermjr (iiary , we hear, stipulated as a condition precedent to pardoning her: (1) that, she thou lr be sent out of the countrv at once, and (2) that the fuel of her release should not be made imbliv un- .:!..! ii . ' . . in nun an wen on tier way to l.nr,inr. Her friends in this city were nut ad. vised of her coming s as to provide for her, during her stay hero", as be fitted the feubloness of her health. However it was managed to nuiko up a purse for her largo enough to defray tho cost of carrying her home. If this account is true, Governor Geary needs looking after. His prerogative of pardon liy no means1 includes tha power of commuting a sentence of death into banishment, as he bas virtu ally done in this case. Thero is no. such punishment provided by law ae. this he is reported to have inflicted upon Hosier Vaughan. it it pro ha. bio that she would bave takon her departure with equal alacrity if ho had not made her so doing a condition of her release; bat that probability does uot alter tho character of hi conduct. N. Y. World. Awful 1 The New Tork TW&urui makes the grievous complaint that, "some forty freedmon'i schools bave been closed in Maryland because the teachers could not find homes with the white people." Could not they carry their ideas of sooial equality eo far as to take board with tho negroes, or are tbey eo deeply imbued with tbe prejudice of caste that they would rather leave tbe poor African unin strncted than to consort with l.im ? Our Jladical friends should be consis tent ou this subject. The Lower nouse of the Radical. Legislature of Rhode Island haa voted to postpone the consideration of the Negro Suffraire Amendment until tha. January session. That is right, and . in vviuou i-vuLrant lu irjej looecenc haste displayed by the party in this State. The Age Bays : "Mr. Admiral Por ter, a few davs aeo. Dormitted Mr. Secretary Borie to go to Annapolis to dance for the Navy Department The Admiral's own leg, are too gonty to shake witb any decree of ceraonal comfort hence be used Borie's. Tbe following is an express wav. bill recoived at Clevelaod, Ohio : "One child, alive, to Mrs. Sarah A. Leonard, Cleveland, Ohio, from Mra. W. Bush, Williarasport, Pennsylvania. Cbart-es. Clearfield Bank Robbers. Two men were arrested io the edge of the woods, near Conterville, this countr. on tho lUth inst., by Deputy Sheriff tiur.r.ara ana jonn uetibaugh, believed to be the persons that broke into the County National Bank, of Clearfield, on tne oignioi the iiu ol Alay, and robbed said bank of $15,000 in curren cy and 11,600 in U. S. Bonds. These parties were brought to Bedford and lodged in jail. The officers of the bank were notified, and the Cashier of said bank, D. W. Moore, Esq., came on next day. in the meantime, D. R. Ander son and John B. Whip, of Conterville, had found a packago containing 14,500 in u.s. isomls and e'iU.UU in new postal currency secreted in a hollow stump within a few rods from whore the par lies were arrested. Messrs. Anderson and Whip immediately brought this money to Bedford, where it was iden tified as the property of the bank. On a preliminary hearing beforo Justioe rticodomus, tho parties gave their names as J. M. Newman and Jacob Wilson, The one calling himself J. M. Newman endeavored to throw away IIS 00 in now postal currency on bis way to Bedford, hut was dotected by the Deputy Sheriff. District Attorney Kerr made an application to bave them removed to Clearfield county for trial, ana emeriti Meek man was direc ted to convoy tbem to th Cloarfield county jail. "hedfvrd Ga:ette. Forty thousand tons nf tha tmn e,.- the Central Pacific road was mono factured at the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company's rolling mill in Scrau ton, and most of it was shipped by the Delaware and Luckawana railroad, James M. Weekly, Esq., of Carlinle, has been appointed Denuty Secrotnrv of the Commonwealth, vice Isaac B. uara, resigned, lie cau t possibly be m ifcuAiicr uopuLy. Socrolary Seward owe the Cable Company a bill of $19,000 for Europe an telegrams. A committee of the company it in Washington trying to get the money. gJlarrM. On tht lata of April, 18, at tht reoidenoo of tbe bride 'l parenta, by Rev. J. F. TiLLuii-e, Mr. MARTIN WILSON and Miat MART K. SIB. ART both of Bradford townehip. . On Thureday, May ZTlh, ISo( by Rev. J. ft. Wn-Lune, Mr. EDWARD BLOOM and Mint ELIZABETH WISH both of Pikt towuahlj.. On May Slat, 1C, by Rev. Wat. H. Diu,, Mr. SAMUEL LENDER ahd Miat MART C. DK Nit both of Lawrence townehip. At Ridgway, oa tha lilb af May, IMS, LIB. OKI'S L. LCTBKR, ia the TTth year of bit age. Ia Covington townahlp, oa the Tld ef May, 1869, JOUN BK1KJ. a el yean. It montba and Ml daya. Ia Decatur townehip, oa tht Tib laltaoL, after a abort illncea, WILLIAM HUQDESi aged It yeart, 1 moutha and II dava. Tbe deooaeod wai a oetlvn af Barafordabira, England, and emigrated to Ptnnaylraaia aad tat tled ta Clearfield eoanty la 1S.1I. Be wai a (ood mechanic, aa tniluatriout and aprtgbi maa, aal . unirertally reepeoted by all who knew him. anntmnrfmfttts. Primary Election, Saturday, Jnne 19. I'RINTBR'S FEB. Aaeemhly t0 I Commmloner. .., Trenenrer.. 10 Auditor ... Thie iooludee b,O09 tickete for each candidate, Thoee wiihiog more, will he charged il pertbeo. eend extra. No name will bo announced anlott tht oaah acoompenioe tbe order. AMMF.MBI.Y. JOHN LAWSIIK. of Orooola, will be a candi date for ASSKMB1.Y tuujeot to tho notion ' ol tho pietriet Convention. TRRANUREH. T OHM OWENM, of Pike townihip. wilt be a , eandidelc for COI N TV THKASl'RER ubject to the action ol tho Demoaralto party at the IMmerjr Election. LEVER FI.EllAL, of Brady townehip, will be a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER auliject to the action of Ibe Democratic party at tbe Primary Eleoliiin. M H. VAR0N HARTMAN, of It-cce tewmMp. wilt be a oandidete for COUNTY COM .MISSION k It enhject le the action of the Democratic party at the Primary election. SAMUEL II. IIIM.MAN', of Rcrceria tcwr ehip. will be a candidate for COUNTY COM MISSIoNKR eubleet to the action of the Demo erotic party at tba Primary electioa. A NTIliiNY BILK, of Lumber Cltr. will be a oandidete for COI NTY COMMISSIONER euMect to Ibe action of tbe P.ecoe retic parte at the Primary election. AtlllTOR. JOHN D. MILLLIt, of Hell lownrhip, will be n cendidale for COUNTY AUDITOR aiiliicol to the action of tho Democratic party at tbe Primary I.lectioa. iarkrt. An Imperial Government ad the Rkiiits or I'RuniToss. An organ of the imperial Asp v!oodlossays"iniperiat gnvcrnnieht can alone protect the rights of the national creditors." This recalls to mind an anecdote about General Jackson in his days while nt a horse me. The General had made a bet on his favorite, and the question was who would hold tho stskes. His friend said Major woiiiu. -ies, replied the t.eneral, A.r.ie. gi-en.j ! (. so i!o7,7u7i.edr5n "that's all vorj well. He might hold Pried, v lb is Hij.-e.greea T tho stakes, bu, who Is to hold the n'"'Wtr.Vcii, 1 llama snftj j xi , . . Butter.. to,7a gn: SbonldertS0.(A IS M.tj.rr' -Ao imperial government I ,. 12 boot ne e,dctl".:.oM It would require s much looking alter : Bn.vlieet 1 in, l.ard j in regnrd t the ri;his of nalionsl j Ro'r,eet flout lb, 4 Mc5t pork.vbbi...j5 rs creditors as any other power, and very nkeiv a gooa deal more. Like Clearfield Markets. Reported weekly for the Ci marine Rr.ertltcee by J. P. Knaritn, peeler in Pry Oooda, lire, ecriea, Proviaiona, Ac, Market at., Cleorfleld. Ci-eaeriRLn, Pa., June t, OAa. Jackson s major it neco'vlates a great diml of holding ia order to make it at all accountable. ' beif, ilrie.l S..latl , Htcl, Ircth..,, Si-i t B, Oni.in, t f i Boar la. M !; Cl! ll Potetoel 1 tl(i(jl !. lom, rhillod 1 ii Prachce, dried, It Corn, eer Ofl eV Plaeter, V bbl 1 ,e (otn meal, d atck, I IS Rye. a Chop, p crtS (l(d M R'aja, jl fS riovereeed. M fin Salt, y aak I a The lorgCrl anj best slM'k of Hla . Coem.a, a,'"a, C ShiDrlea36ir.lW,l 01 and Caps to be found in Clcarfiold is ym' 1, JT'' ,ii , , , . irxge ,. yn'Tellow m at the banner Hat Store of J. C. ''oitoeo. I as : wheat Am T i-ktce- A C. ' PW. I vl I Sfl Wool e 1 I fay te ee Jl PSWeed, f) cord. 41