Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 02, 1869, Image 2

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?T j( 'i.r..i'A j ttliinjt vnid . mm ti' -'"y
CI I V-T'VV V'-SIN 'i't leornph, a riiilditlim limlichl r
-Ls.T-v'.f''-,r,'.'i V ile 17th ult. :
i.-ii-.r . --r-.v. i no iiiaro i kiv twu iuif.
GlOIUlg 11. (ionlll.AKDKR, Kllilur.
WEPNKSDAT MonxiSil. Jl'NE 1, lf.
Married Auaim. The OM and
New School l'roiilyUrian were mar
ried in New York, on Tliorodtiy Inst,
nftor having been divorced for many
year. The vote in the Connor Assem
bly etood yeas, 257 j nays, 8; absent
81. In the latter body ii was unani
mous. 'The higher gold rlee, th cheaper Keeretary
Boutwell iu boy up bontli. Of eouro. be nur
ehocee for gold, and wilb gold l 141, for a million
of dollar ha eao buy atiout a million and a quar
ter of bonda. Now la hta opportunity. Let bim
take not one million but ai many aa he eao nay
for. It ia an ill wind that blowi na food, and thr
Uuverament may aa wall profit by toe manipula
tion! of the goid-gainblera aa any one alia."
"Bully for you," Brother Row; let
the n-old.ra-"KI " "f lu
and pay off the bloated bondholders
with twenty-five cent on the dollar.
"It is an ill wind that blows no good."
Pray, does not lioutwell'g scheme
practically lead to the "infamous doc
trine of repudiation, about which
"loilty" has said so much f
A Kelioioi's Slant, We notice by
their proceedings that the New School
Presbyterian Assembly, which was in
session last week, laid asido their
godly labors for one day, for the pur
pose of having a parade with a drunk'
en sot of New York Five Pointers,
entitled the Grand Army of the Ro-
publio of Kings county, liirut of a
leather will flock together; this is
natural; 1ml for a high scented, refined
and heavenly-minded body of men,
like those In question, to seek an alii
ance with a lot of godless Five Point
ers, is a flank movement illy under
stood. We suspect that gonuine reli
gion is about us scarce among a lot of
this class of men as among the same
number of army chaplains.
At Loooebukads. President Grant
and Attorney General Hoar cannot
agree about the eight-hour humbug
enacted by Congress. The latter do-
cidod, a few weeks ago, that eight
hours work brought with it a reduc
tion of wages, and the beads of gov
ernment work shops adopted the
views of the law officer of the govern
ment, and by reducing the wages ol
the laborers produced almost a rebel
lion. That arch demagogue, Senator
Wilson, and a few more of the same
ilk, seeing the mistake they had com
roitted, went to Grant and got him to
issue a proclamation knocking the
Attorney General's opinion into
cocked hat. Poor Grant 1 ho is only
a tool for demagogues 1
Hioibtration. Monday noxt,June
7th, is the time fixed by the Registry
law for the several Assessors to com-
menoe registering the names of voters
Tbe County Commissioners have sent
out the lists for this county, and it
becomes the duly of Assessors and
citizens to work togolher and make
the enrollment correct, if as possible.
Our readers will bear in mind that
Tjrjdor this act the Assessors are re
quired to record the occupation, resi
dence, employer's namo, whether he
is naturalised or not, besides many
other questions bearing npon their
right to vote. It will be well for all
to be prepared to answer those queries,
as much time and trouble will be
thereby avoided to all concerned.
Tnt Kaiis Moving. The election
in Virginia comes off on the Cth of
July next Id view of this, the Na
tional Committee of the Union League
met in New York, on the 2Glh of May,
for the pnrposo of perfecting measures
to carry that State. This is just w hat
we are coming to. A lot of political
bummers from other Stales assembling
in an eastern section devising means
and plans lor carrying an election in
an adjoining State 1 If this is cither
Democracy or Republicanism, we are
certainly mistaken. If our family
Buaim are vo do regulated by our
neighbors, without the compliment of
even consulting us or meeting in our
own houso, we shall surely apply for
a divorce from such an ungodly and
unnatural alliance. If the sociul ami
political relations of society ore to bo
broken op by Radical harlots, why
not avow it openly f
Ex-Gov. Chhtin's Last Words.
Gov. Curtin has gone to Russia, a
Minister. Before leaving ho went to
llarrishurg, and there made a speech.
One sentence in the speech is charac
teristic, not only of (.urlin, but of
every first-class Republican Here it
1 will ant he her al the writ election, but 1
)o te pledge me thai yon will not rota for
man lo r. .re.,t y..u thai will not uko from
i. Vat'lie trr.ury enmnh (i maintain
I euioylveai. eeldtrr who may need it." I
Ah eVOP iit.nru..,. at -at - 1
RepnW,, io make especial revests
inst their l';rret,t,liivesshonll"fif
Posed that . fumlamoui prinfi ,'0
hT ",'"'" '" tl,cy
when their Jtej.rctentaUve, tke all
here is left, fhey ver divide with
the soldier. They lake all they can
get and keep it.-mrrfH LeH,r,
Tnnoi dH t CincAdo-Tlie lVnn.
ylyama Central is the first railroad
m tho country to make a. through
connection from ,he aeahoard to O.i.
.Tri " ?f lU Fort Warn,
and Chicago road has been pcrlcctcd
and signed bv ,h. Uir.lor. of both
companies. lis fim are mmu,,v
advaHtagcoug, and as Pennsylvania!,"
are nra diaiwMAil in raw.;... .i
t fl or, tf our "lnatwi THilro.!u '
, ..j..,vw uv ineaiie-
fVar. .yvi.
i In onW tlml niir ilir may ht
aonit Mr of wliul tli itler iil, it
limy Af f nicniliiT f tl" liaili
inl pncly lluiiknt llio "iHinilnitfO'l'Wl
r tlml riin) ivanm nan rvn
only the mare is, suij Ariobto
In just that uiiIiiiIiiiikIO poaiiion uo
we now find John VV. (ivary, who
t'3ll the position d' Governor lor a
second term. That ho is comely, who
can doubt 1 That be is eixleel high
and admirably proportioned, who
deny 1 That his whiskers are soldiorly
and of graeelul curve, who csnnot see f
And yet he is not a man iu the sunso
that the Chief Magistrate of a great
Commonwealth liko Pennsylvania
should be. lie yet lacks something
befitting his great oflico. Most ol all,
he has not that stern integrity which
should be as much a purt of his ollice
as his outh, as his subserviency to the
"Ring" has amply proved. He wants
altogether, not only statesmanship,
but even that lesser quality of intelli
gence which he should bring to tho
discharge of his responsible trusts.
His self-esteem is preposterous, his
talents tawdry as the tinsel of tho
stage, llis assumptions of capacity
render him ridiculous, and what he
thinks are i rofa of bis wisdom, only
confirm us in his ignorance. Ills dig
nity is as sham as that of the false
duke io the Honeymoon. Ilia associ
ates, while they should be of such a
character as to hedge him about with
respect, are of such origin as to lead
the world to think thum his jackals,
and no more His ollice, in which
only the grave affairs of State should
be considered, has been desecrated to
tho vilest purposes of brokerage and
sale, and then, whon he should alone
go to discharge his solemn duties, he
retires only to prey upon the "Ring"
and the seekers alter his clemency.
With a profundity of ignorance which
nothing but his personul vanity equals,
he makes speeches, which, even after
his clerk has corrected their grammar,
are miracles of bosh and nothingness.
"Without possessing a single quali
fication for the office, without having
the respect of any significant portion
of the people of the Commonwealth,
and really lacking overy quality which
should recommend him for such a high
position, the sublimity of his impu
dence and bis grasping need alone
induces bim to thrust himself forward
as a candidate for Govornor. The
slave of the "Ring," and their willing
coadjutor, he is for thoni tho most
fitting instrument, and he will, it is
feared, receivo their nomination. Hut
they and he must clearly understand
that h is not, cannot be, tho choice of
the great Republican party, whom for
one term he has already shamefully
misrepresented. Tho small ward poli
ticians may possibly foist him upon
us, but just as certainly as they do,
just so certainly will our party orgvini
ration seo in the nomination of John
W. Geary tho doteat of its principles,
and tho Slate will, for one gubernato
rial term at least, loso the benefits of
Republican influence. Tho Republi
can party is a great and powerful
organisation, and it may not bo lightly
broken down; but while it was suffi
ciently strong to send to tho field
scores upon scores of regiments, to
spend scores of millions of dollars in
perpetuating the Union, vet it is not
strong enough to stand another term
of tho inisruloof the present Governor.
"Tho opposition see our weakness
in John W. Geary, and are already
taking advnnlago of it. They will
put forward in tho contest no mere
party hack no creature of their
"Ring." They recogniito tho fact thot
tho pooplo are tired of imbecility and
want of character in their Chief Ma
gistrato, and they monn to nominate
a man of character and capacity.
With such a candidate arrayed against
John W. Geary, their task will be an
easy one They will have the tri
umph", and we tho defeat."
We tako pleasure in saying that the
Democratic party intends jus' what is
foared by lis enemies, and will, with
the help of God do what may lie in its
power to put an end to Geary ism in
this State. Columbia UcralJ.
Quarreling ovia tux Rxmainh
The Radicals are already wrangling
over the remains of what they admit
is a dead administration. The ques
sion is not "who killed Cock Robin V
but "why did Cock Robin ever live f"
The Chicago Republican, whoisdutor
mined to act bravely by tho concern
until it is decently buried, thus berntos
itsporty friends' for their infidelity
ami want of court osy to the dead :
"Kvcn tho jackals and very bux
zards and scavengers of the party
camp not only scent the rising galo of
popular dissatisfaction, but aro pre
paring to veer round and take advan
tage of the unexpectod change of
sentiment. The very men who, a
short lime since, claimed to be friends
of the President pur excillenct!, are
now wagging thoir tongues against
nun in the streets and publio bar
rooms, and pronouncing him a noliti
cal failure and his nomination a party
"Rata desert a sinking ship." It is
the work of instin. t; and we soe no
reason why tho Krputdica should
abuse its party friends lor abandoning
mo urani auinimsl ration before it be
comes so low as to make support of it
pimrnvriy aisropuianiu. "rjell-ireer
vation is the first law of naluru."
loo Many Iiions. Uncle fcitni has
a great many irons in the fire just
now, aim we aun t core now manv
get burnt. The New York Times
sura :
"Wo have just now in the fi Hip
Canadian iron, the Cuhnn iron, the
Mexican iron, the West India iron
not to spenk of several domestic irons
such as tho national debt iron, tho re
onslruction iron, the internal im'
provmnciit iron, the Plains-Indian
iron, and many more irons, which lie
altogether in the fire, nnd beg in vain
for (he forge. Or, to take tho French
figure sgnm, whilo Mr. Medill begs
us to "eml.raco Canada. Mr. Ranks
asks Io embrace HRyli and San Do
mingo, Mayor Hall to embrace Culm,
Mr. Robinson to emhraco Ireland,
whilo many other ircntlomen ii roan in oi
ly present the claims respectively
of Creto, the Sandwich Islands, St.
Tlioinsa, S.inora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua,
California, Central America, and the
Cannibal Islands all to ho embraced
at onco in the clntcli of long armed
Uncle Knm. This innllinlk-itr and
nrpnoy i quit cnnltiaini' couldn'l
il lo o rrutiKK ll,t . aliall hnve
on) wr nd one annexnlion al linivf"
A Kenttirkr r.fa?ennnor iMinii..
lU,n il ',l0 "OT"n 'f H' PIU nd
Unit f itltlrt ft (.'met.
The iMiibl whi' h Grant iseiperi
eni'lng in Ifti'i-eme to the appoint
ments for oltii e ill the Uialrirt ol
(Vliiinhia, according t all reports,
arises from sets on (he part or the
I'reaidenl which innke litm nmonnhle
under the Inibery law. It is well
known to the public that Grant oilg
innllv sold his lioii in Washington to
Mr. rtayle J. Howen, form-rly Post
niasler", lor loriy lliomand dollars,
entered into a contract to deliver the
tii If, and Mr. ltoweii paid the lisunl
ten per cent, to bind tho bargain.
Subsequently, u fund of sixty live
thousatd dollars was raised in Now
York to purchase the house for Gen.
Sherman. Grunt thereupon resold it
to thoso parlies, but, belore ho could
transfer tho title, ho found his contract
with Bowon in tho way, and that gen
tleman insisting that tho property was
his, and he tho only person who could
sell it. Mr. llowcn was willing to sell
tho houso to the parties who had rais
ed tho money for the price named, for
thereby he could make a profit of
twenty fivo thousand dollars. But
Grant insistod upon having tho twenty-five
thousand extra himself. How
to got it and got rid of his contract
Willi llowen was a difficult question.
During this lime, Grant was pressed
by the bettor class of Republicans to
appoint a Mr. Robbins Postmaster of
Washington, had consented to do so,
and so noli lied Uobbins's friends. Af
ter this promise had been made and
tho pajrer ained lor lloDUuis, the
vision of the twenty-five thousand
dollars oxtra on the house again came
up, and he finally agreed, if Uowen
would give up his contract and aban
don all claims to tho twenty-five thou
sand cxlra, that Rowen should have
control of all the Federal appoint
ments for tho District of Columbia.
To this Bowen, it is said, finally
assented. Robbins lost the Postoffice,
and the slate bus since been mado out
by Bowen, and Grant has sold the
offices for the District for twenty-five
thousand dollars, lie has thus given
another example that the true mean
ing of his motto was, "Let me hnve a
The Radicals despair of being able
to count the negro vote at tho coming
Gubernatorial election in Pennsylva
nia. The Harrishurg Telegraph ad
mits that it will be impossible to secure
even a protended ratification by three
f Mirths of the Slate against October.
So it gives up tbe contest and admits
that the Democrats wilt elect their
Cameron's opinion about Curtin
was expressed with .more force than
elegance. "The only Minister we, of
1'oiinaylvaiiia, have," raid ho; "the
only Minister we have (except a negro,
who can 10I be a voler in our State) is
a man set down for Russia whoouht
to he sent I) the Lobo Islands vico
guano removed."
1)LAHThH Nura Peotia Land fleeter and
Calcined i'laaler, for tale al
L WANTKl) 1 00.000 uuandl of
' Ol 'I, wanted, I n whivli the luclieit mar
ket priro will be pai4, tjr
Jt2,lm J. P. KRAT.KR.
I II I l-I) KRUT A.ilra, l'eaclies l'raue.
a. 7 ioniH, varranta, na
inf. Jprt rtvflrrd at
j.J lm
i. p. .
All pi-raoalara hereliT aaalibned
nit harborinr or trutinff mr wile
TAII1TIIA, on t - --. L i.rt .,
neu ana Ixierd withunt nr jutt aaune, and I will
Eay no dvbli of her conUautlnfl, unleae rumnellcd
7 law. JOHN KOWI.KS-
Woodward townihip, Jnne , I8M0. t:pd.
ClnrOeld, Penu'a.
t-0an ba eonfolled In Kngllth and Oer
l. jetSD.Iy
IIouNenml laot for Sale.
A R A tt 1 A I N I
rilHK nndrraiirned olTfi at frirate Fala hit
v i a V i-o i , itoata on the eorner or
mua i., iota oorooitn. inei
building I, 16i24 Tret, two aloriea hirh and well
tnirhril. Uood KTAKI.R and other neeeMary
uutbaildlnxt. ay-TEKM,l..i0; twe-tbird,
naah, balanee ia ooa year "Tk-T Fur further paA
hbiiki ,ofuire ou loo prwmi.oa.
rie.rfl.1.1, June 1, lt9 Jt-pd.
Wool! Wool! Wool!
Deairaa U buy all the WOOL in the oounty, for
which he will pay the hifheitoaeh price, eirhanr
fitnll, or both, to euitomrra. je2:Sra
ISIiIiikIcm! Nliiugle)!
MOSOP 'want, to hur lOO.OOd I.ONO ami
lull. dot MIollT PltlNXI.KS, for ra.h or
in eioiianire for ""di. lie will pey the birlirt
market price for tbe eliinelee .till .'.II hit rno'l.
at the l-.wrat market prioa. Call and are him. J. 2
7 he perlnerehip horrtufure en.titia lMtneen
tha nmlir.iKiicd, in the manufacture ol liinlx-r.
c . In Lawrenw townihip. omler the firm name
of Thome. Alol'hrrion ar lln.,., waa diraoUrd by
mutual wm.nt on tbe 2ith day uf May, t':V.
The bonk, and axoounl, of tha Aire are left with
J. I.inn Mr Thereon, who ia eulhorlied to wink, ail
otillecllon, and eel tie all claim, nxin.t the firm.
THOft. M. M. PIIIMtfiOM.
W. R. McPIIKKriilN.
Iawrnca townihip, Jnne 2, loYiW 3t pd.
I NIThl) (ilATK.1 for the We.tcrn DiMriat
ol Pcnmylvanla.
JoIIN RVii.S, a Dankmpt under the Act or
Congreil of March 2.1, 1M7, hating applied for a
dtlcberr. fr.,ra all hi, drble, and oilier elaimi
prorahle under eeid Act, Me order of tba Court,
NOTH'K IH HKHKIIY OlVhN, to all pereon.
who hare proved their dehta, and othrr pereone
inlerr.ted, to appear on tha day of JI NK,
IBeV, .i 1 o cloik, P. M., U-lora 8. R. WnodruH.
Keq , Bcgi.ler In Bankniptay, al hie office, in
('liarCrlil, Pa., to ehow ceui", if anr they have,
hy adupharire.hnald not l e granted to the laid
llankrupl. Anil furthrr, aotu-e ie hereby giten.
met tnc eecmnl ad tlnr l niecling. of areditore of
uie .nio uatiarupT, n-u,uiree) by the 27 1 It end Jmh
otinm ol mid Act, will be held before llio tai l
Knri.'er, at tbe lame tinie nnd plae. H, C. MeCAMlLKSR, Clirk.
TllhRKAH, lln. C. A. MAYER, Tree.
Trf identJudr, of tha Court of Coalmen IM...
ef the le.nli (Ifih Judicial Itietrirt, enmpoeed fo
thl eoaatiee of tie. raeld. Centra and flinton
and fcon. RAMLKL CLVDB and Hon. JACOB
WILIICLM, A..ooiata Jodgeiof ClearTiald ea.,
have luaed their precept, to me directed, for tha
holding nf Conn of Common Plena. On,h..'.
Conrt. Court of Qiarler Sea. ion,. Court of Oyer
and 1 ermieer, and Court or lieneral Jail delivery,
at ihe Coutt lluu.a at ClearKeld, la aad for the
count or utearlieot, comwieneing na tha third
Moniay, mt.tdai) or daua, IhoU, aad le
oonilnue TWO WKKKR.
NOT1CR IS, therefor, harahy given, to the
Coroner, Ja.tlce, af tha Poace, and Conitablea,
la aad for aaid aoanty f Clearteld. to apnear Ia
their proper pereone, with their Roll., itecordi,
laquiettiona, Kleninaliona, and elher Ken-em.
krenewa, tad. itoee thing, which u their oBcee,
an t In their beh.lf, pertain to be don.
OIVKN andar my hand at ClaarAald. thl, eeoond
day ar June, ia the year af uar Lord
Ueueead eight hundred and ilatv aloe.
tmhMtS ugWB, .'..
JJnr JJUmtUfmrou.
f pllK ttfHlrft rnt'l ttM nntu I tin trir will I
tn Ih t.r..urU f.f r.,uft..M on Wi'lM.:UMV,
Oi J 1 tU of JINK, l('V, tl on u eo k, p. !
U( t'l.ilHwirj .(.vfiUil hi I IMsKM
(IMC FAHM. Hunt In Woixdntnl Inwnwkiii, ,
Clt-anrUM ("mint , cnM-lim-n l.'f wrol bJ 1 1,1
ion hti with ft pi d lit. hi-lite and Juubla lug
i-rrrtofi ifafipoti. Th tun ft It wall limWrtx. with
lUinli" k, to t und.tUif. wtth nuiiivwr of m fiwl
vvinn eif llto b-t tiMuminmi wial, Thre ii a Krin
.-mr.g uf frrah Hater iuj joud well nw tl.
Tlift . 1 litir Inlnrnt In ft wUin TA V
KK.N STAN 0 ftntl lut ol Kruiiml, liuialo iu eMiuUra, lownhip, 1 laarii r lit ouiiDtj. 1 b lut
euntftini one-ba.U err of ground, with lour houftei
aud Olid liable (all plank) tiiKt(j tberruu.
AIm. oa other LOT OF OIUHINI), In Madara,
WtMtdwani tomuhip, ClrarflnM sount. contain
ing ona luurtb of an aora, wilb two frame house,
areclei thereon: one railroad etyle, two turinn
hish, Iflil'd feat; tba other aottaga atyla, MiTi
Alia, one LOT OF (3 ROUND, eitaaU In Aine.
villa, Woodward tuwnehip, Clearfield oounty.aun
Uioinjr two aoraa, with a two-atorr frame houte
and frurae itabte erected thereon. Alao, a floe lot
of vnuog fruit troei on Uie preniiect.
Alao, one TRATT OK LAN D, iltaato on Mor
Kftn's Hun, in Woodward township, Clearfield
ouuuty, containing one hundred auroa, mure or
leee, well tiuiiKtriMl with l'ine and Hemlock i to be
old lubjeet to tba payment of $$01. AO pnrehaae
money, with interact fioua the 2d day of Ootobar,
MT-AII the above deaeribad propartv to baaold
ae the pruitartjr of t'briettan J. bboff. baakrupu
TEKMR. One-hatf eaeh d tba Ualeoea in
ona year, with intereit, to ba ee oared by bond and
mortgajfe on tba premiaea, m
wm. if. MtiCl'teLOtaU, AMijnea,
Clrarneld, J ana f, lflfitflt,
Sheriff's Sales.
BY virtue of sundry writsot ewadifioni 9rpnm
issued out of (be Coartof Common Flaaa of
Clearfield eoantv, and la ate direeted, ibere will
aa ipoed to pubhesale, at the Court House,
in the borons; h of Clearfield, on .Uorday, the
Klst day of June, 1 fifty, fnonrt week,) at 1 a'rloek,
p. ., thefollowing described Heal Kstaia, te wit i
A aertaia tract of land situate la barn side tp ,
CI earn eld county, I'a.. bounded and daaoribed
ai followi : Beginning at a poet earner, hereto
fore land of slabn Vonpf deeeeeed ; thenee by
land of Horace Petchln, eoldto Anoa fry. north
72 des;raei writ By aerobes, to a poet t thenee
by other lende of Uoraee Patrbln, north IS de
Itrcoi east 111 perchei, to a poet t tbenee south
73 drre" nine pa re has, to a pine t Ihenaa
outh IS degrees west 111 perrbea, to the plana
of beglnninn.ooniainioe; FIFTY KLUHT ACKBi
and altowan iii acrei cleared, and a stnall
log; aoase aracud tharoon. Baited, taken la
axeeotion, and to ba aold as be property of
William 11. CampbelU
Also, a certain tract of land situate la Bell
township. Clear eld oonoty, Pa.- bounded by
land of O. Wetsai an the north west, by laeds of
Uaetd bnnderlm and Work an tbe eeaib,
and by lands of Jamea and Henry McOhee on
tba wrst, containing ON a" HUNDKKU AND
FORT i ACHBS, mora ar less, having about
sixty acre al ared, with a smell dwelling-house
and barn erected thereon excepting and ra
earring all Uilc (ft ten aeree along tba riear
Hatted, taken la execution, and to be sold as
tbe projerty of liixeu Vertt
Also, a certain tract of land situate la Bell
township, Clearfield eona'y, Pa., bounded by
lands of 0. VTetael on the oortbweit, by laod of
Daeid So nder hn and Work aa the aoath,
and by lands of Jauiea and Henry Mrtibee on
the west, eontainlng ONS HI NDKKD AND
FORTY ACHFd, tnure or lees, baring abeat
sixty arras cleared, with a imall bouse and baia
erected there on. (Seised, taken la eaeeutiou,
and to be told aa tho property ef Dixon Vertt.
Also, a certain tract or land situate In lietl
township, t'Irarlleld county, Pa., bounded by
lends of B. H etsel on the ncrthwest, by land jf
DaeU Fundt-rlln and Work oa tba sooth,
and by lands of James and Henrr MctHee on
the weat, eantalnipg O.NB UUNDhKD AND
FOKTY ACIlE.S, mora or leu, being about sinj
acrei cleared, with a tin all dwelling bonee and
barn erected -hereon excepting and roserring
at) title te ten aerec alang the nrer. Mailed,
taken in execution and to be avid aathe property
ef Ihion Vent.
Alt', a certain tract of land situate In Cn.
In t; ton township, Clcai field county, Pa., bounded
aa followe : Fruntingon the 6nuw (Shoe turnpike,
on the eatt by tends of Jscob Yiib-ra, oa tba
eon th west by lands of Fred k Schnarra, wtth a
small haute aad stable erected tbereoa. Baited,
takea la exe-uiion, and to be cold aa Ibe pro
perty of Jacob Hutry.
a la, la. . mllum Is V 0 C SI
township, Clerrfield eoujty, Pa., boondad ae
follows t Hegianing at a hickory ceroer, on eld
Una of John hrennetnan ; thence south at) degreca
west, by Martin W chington tract, to corner made
by John McCord,ei 10i perches; thence by lands
of attate of John McCully, dee d, northwest by
line of MrCnrd, 174 perches, mure or less, to a
earner thenee by land sold te U. K. McCullry,
105 peirhea, to a hemlock, down ; thence by oid
Hoc, couth degrees eaat, te p nee of beginning,
containing ON it liUNIiUKU AND TWhlAK
AChKS and thirty perches, with a nonce and
barn erected tbereon with a reeenration of
61 aerea and I3t perehte, told te Hamnel Straw,
feued, takea in execatinn.aad to be euld aa the
property of Joseph MeCulley.
AUo, a certain tract of land aituate In Bell
tp., Clearfield eoenty, Pa, beginning at a post
eoraer, thence by land of W. A. H ailace, 0 T U
decree, aaal ITU percbei, toavotl) thenee hi
ud ,( q. i, Heed, snrth ID t-H perohea. to a
poll I thenoahy land of Frederick Rupert, All T 10
dearaoe waet 17V pamnea, Io a poet j taeaea by
land of (J. L. Head aad John Mott,aonth ID T l
d.rraea ea.t lov perrhe. to place of hegionloit,
eoaieining ONK IK'NllUKII ACM RS and forty
perohea, with a ,mell dwallinn houaa and barn
ereoted tharoon. Hoiaed, taken in aieeatioa,and
ta ha eold aa tha property of Jamea 0. baaty.
Aleo, a aertaia tract at land aituate ta Wood
ward townrhip, ClearAeld eooaty, Pan aontaia
log TWK.NTV SiYbN ACKUX, with a frame
hooia and barn areO'Cd thereon, adjoining the
Tillage of Madera, oa Clrarteld Greek. Kelted,
taken In eiacution, and to ba eeld aa the property
of Robert Aleiander.
'w-itiunara will lata nolle that IA per
cent, of lb porebaee Koaey muit ba paid when
the property ie hacked down, or It will ba put
up again lor aaia. tlllB.llUM tfOWK,
hnaairr, Orrtca, I Sheriff.
Cleard.ld, Pa, Jim 1, 1S9,
SherilTs Sales.
T)Y eirtn of anndry wriu of Aerari Tmmi,
J I.iord out or the Court of Common Plea, of
Licarneiu county, nnd to me directed, there will
be eipoiod to nubile eale, at tbe Court llouae in
tha borough of Clearfield, on Monday, tha llu
day of June, leltH, (Court week,) at ona 0 clock,
P. M., the follnwing property, vii:
Ail thet .art la lot or p. Ice of grouad, with
tha buildinge thereon arreted, oltueted ia the
borough of Oecerla, Clearteld oounty. Pa, oa
tha north aide of Curtin itreet, and known and
de.ignaled aa Lot No. Inf Iu the general plaa f
raid borough, being tha aama proialeee which
the Oeceola Coal Compear, by Indenture bearing
data tha Id daynf April, I tag, duly eieculed.
nnd intended to ba lorthwlth recorded acorn-ding
to law, granted and conveyed untu the aaid
nil. j. rmiin la re, aicrpting and re. .re
in, all tha atone coal and min. r.l. whirb ..
be beneath tha of the aoil of the above
deacrtbed lot or pieea r ground, together with
tha right or free iagreea, egreea, and regreae. e
aeareh for, dig and oarry awey tha um.
belied, taken in elocution, nnd to be told aa tha
preperty of William J. f mlth.
Alao, all thoia Iw eerlei. lota or pleoeeef
land liluat In Hogg, townihip, Clenrneld o.,
Penn'a, aonlalnieg P0CR IlllMIHKI) A!U
TvV KNTY-hKVHPf ACHKS ,td thirty perch.,
and aliowanee, lurveved aa warrant deled llet
January. Kilt, granted ta William Troutwln.,
alio, tha atbar Ire.t, containing POCR HUN
tliirly perehel and allowance, larv.yed on war
rant dated Hat January, A. D. I'm, granted ta
Ueorge Beyer. Hei.ed, uken In elocution, and
to be eold aa the property ol RolL 0. Kirk.
Alio, all three two oertnin t recti of land aituate
in Morn, town. hip, ClearAeld oounty, Pa., hounded
ae riillnwa t On. of theia beginning at a poet, eoi.
net ol land in name of lilair Mcl.'lanahen, thenee
along the iiree north one degree ea.t 21o perch.
t white pine north UK degree writ All
perrhee to old In-korv: thenee alone the aurv...
hcrcaller deecrllicd, eouth one degree writ lo.i
perchc, to poet i and thenee by l.nd In nemo ol
John Pnr., eouth V degree, eael Sit perclice to
place nf b'iniinig: euutaniing 4.17 aern and U4
crcha.anil nllonanc. 1 lie, it her tract beginnlig
at tha old hickory, corner ol the a'rove deeenhed
I acti llicnc north degrere writ WD perrhie
to poit; llirnee eouth one degree writ 3e pernhre
to a thence along landt In the name ol Jol.n
8. Warrick, louih HI degreee eael Id pcrchca to a
put thenoe along the Orel dearribed tract north
one drgrov e.t 2,1,, peiche. te piece of begi nning,
TWO IK hliRKI) At It K.I and alhwance, It t
ing a part of a eurv.y ia Ihe n.rne of John Kich
uleun. Hciml. Uken in etecutiou, and ea ba eold
aa tho property ol Joha J. Miller.
Snanirr', Orrtt t, I rikerib.
Clearteld, pk, J, ,g, J
VllMIMaTRATon M)T I( lHot'c given thet letter, ef adrolnlitrutiou
on ihe e.tate of W 1 1.1,1AM 111 (III KS. deeeeeed,
lata al Oeeetur tewnehlp, Clearteld county, P. ,
having bee. duly granted ta the (ndeeeiga,
all perron Indebted t aaid eeteta will pinnae
make Icamedlote payment, and tkoea having
alma ev demand, will preoeal them property
aulbealtaated for ttlemenf allheal delay.
Jons inniiKs,
Ml HARD Ht'iiRE.o,
y Admlnjetrae-ri.
5HfW trrrtlrmrnli.
HUM) TitWKfttlir.
HT ilrtneof an nr.r lanel ant if Ihe Orihana'
CuMfl nf I'lt'Bifirlil rnnnlT, flirre will lieti.
i.okMl In ftil'llr aa If. al the I'i'Brt lliniae.ln riir
.el4,M TfKStMV, tka IM -lav ( JUNK, IS'K,
al 5 oVkwa, I' M , llu f . can i rl riiair, la'e
tUe nniueTl; of 11 A II V W ll'K HICK, dnr'd, " :
Pitttnte Iu Itiadfitrd tnwnalii i. Clearfiuld emmtf ,
Pa., hour.dod hy Itmliel Mat). W in. All.rt A liroa ,
and otherc, oiiiainiiijt ACM KM, 3. of wttitib
ara nlrared, with treraa Itwelliug llimee, It-H
Hare, end other intbuildun I hereon, and a mall
orchard. Alto,
Hit ostein Tlradiw.t township aforesaid, bounded
i.T land of Juhn Wilson, Hiebel llatl, Joseph
Shire; and others, eoDUining tit AI HI J. with
about twnaty aoree aleared.
-TE.llwri Oiie-tfaird aaeh oa aonflrmatWn
of aala, one-third in one year, and the balance at
tba death ( Mary Muck, widow of sa d deaaaeed
tba latter payment to ba eecured b? hood and
niorifta on tba premise!.
JU11.N L. WIL80V, Adm'r.
"I Y virtue ef an order leaned out of tba Orphan '
t Court ef I'laarlield eonnfy, there will ba ex
poatjd to Pablia Hsle, at tbe Court llouea, in tba
beroupb or l Uartlcld, on TTEflDAY, tbe 22dday
of J CNB, IHOV, at I o'clock, p. m.,
A Lot of Fin Timber Land,
Hituated In Bell township, Clearfield county. Pa.,
late the property of 18AAU ItLOOJa. deoeaed,
And bounded by lands of 1!. W. Mott, William
Brady, B. L. Miller, and others: well timbered
with good quality of Piue and ii em lock timber,
aad located near the buiunehenoa Hirer, to that
timber can ba with little exeneeeonreyad thereto.
One-half cash on eonflrmation of tale, and the
balance in one year thereafter, o be eeewred by
bond and mortgage.
Je2:Jt Administratrix.
Rr,(;WTi:R NOTICKs Notice it hereby
given thai the following amounts hare been
examined and passed by me, and remain filed of
record in thia omoe for the Inspection of be ire,
legatees, oreditore, and all ethers in anyother way
tnUrreeted. and will ba preeeoted to the next Or
phan's Court ol Clearfield oounty, to be held at the
Court Houte, in tbe borough of Clearfield, com
mencing on tbe third Monday of June, lefitt..
The trustee and distribution account of John
Rorabaii(h, trustee, Ae., of real aetata of Jonathan
Pierwa, late of Cheat towatbip, Clear held count j,
Pinal account ef James B. Clark, administrator
of Patrick Wuion, late of Penn township, drcaoeed.
Final account of Thomae H Brewer, ad minis
traior of Daniel Crowd, lata of B roc aria township,
KaoitTBR'a Ornra, 1 A. W. LEE,
Clearneld, Pa., Jure 3, 1869 3t f Hegitter.
To Land Owners I
VNY gentlemen who desire to have their land
explored for COAL, I HON OHE, FIHB
CLAY, ar ajiy otiiar MINK HAL, apply to thii
ulfiee, WILLIAM wlLIAM3,
lm pd
Practical Miaer.
Bugles uud M asons for Snip.
riHK enbai-rlber haa an hand and for eale SIX
i lU'KilKS.Inorl'AUKUOKS.ili 1,1 MIIKR
wAllO.$l and two heara tO'KINU WAOO.N8.
Caa be aaea at any time br railing at hi, liver
itabla. JAMW L. LKAVV.
ClrnrneM. Ma; 34 If.
VFI'I.I. anpply of Clothe, ('aeiimcrri an I
Veiling. Ofu.tantly on han't, which Will be
mode up according to the lelret faehiona, in a
eubetantial manner, and at low rate mylt
DisrnirT court of tii k i iti:ii
KTATKS for the Wc.tcra Ilillriot of 1'enn
lrania. In Ilaukmptcy.
In the matter of II ivtn Panateo. Rankrupt.
H'eir. rn Pietrtef e '.eaeneaata, SS t
A Warrant ia Bankruptcy haa been leaned
hr eaid Court agalnet tha KrUla of DAVID
P ( It 81 N J, of the eouity ef Cleerfleld. and KUta
of Penaiylranla, ia Hid llialriet, adjudged
a Bankrupt anoa petition of bia areditore.
anal the payment of any debta and the delivery
of any preperty behnginff to aaid Bankrupt,
t him. or to hia aea, and tha tranafer of any
property by him, ar forbidden by law. A
m.ning ol tha Creditor, af tha aaid Baakrupt,
ta preee their Debta, aad to ehooea ana ar more
Aiiigneei al hi, XiUte, will ba held al a Court
of tiankruptey, to be beldca at Cle.rfl.ld, la
etld Di.triet, oa the iflarnth day of Jane, A. D.
man, at i e clock, p. a., at the a sice or H. a.
Woodruff, K.e, , ana of Ike Begietera Id Bank
ruptcy la laid DlnrlcU
my2l It C. 8. Merahel far aaid Dlttrtot
Miss E. A. P. Rynder,
aoaer roa
Chlrkering'l, Stein wav'i and Rmarana', Plaao
Doiilh l, Maeoa A Hamlia 1 and PeloubeCe
Organ, and Melaeon,, nnd Qmror it
Baker , Sewing Meeblnee.
aueo vaacaia ar
Piano, Oulur, Organ, Harmony aad Vocal Ma
ale. ho pupil taken for lee, than hnlf term.
tr-Rootni nelt door ta Piral Kalioaal Bank.
Cleerteld, May 5, H68.f.
Flour 9Iniiiifnrturrn,
And Pealert la
Vri'l.l, RI PPI.T af TLOI R, WIIRAT,
CORN end ,1'HOP ocnitantly oa hand, and
tor at rale remarhabl low. Ifrbt-tl
Settlement Notice.
LL parwrnt baring anartti-4 areoaatt with
the uiidcrninn-4, or are in anr war fn1rhtH
to him, are brrelf mjurttrad ta rail tod eettle tba
tana without dHay, aa be wihet to bare hit
rtimltt trtlb-d np at the earliret pnfihla friod.
Tbnte who fail to f'rr thii aotioc firompt atlrn
tion, will Irnl thoir aomxiatt In tba baad f a
projxir uAcer for collrction with tihtft.
Multonborf, Mar 19, S.M
ch Mine and Liquor Store.
ueoLem.u pitLini t
.Fu11 ttnrtt ef Wine Rran., Oitt, WhUIr
and Almhnl, alwart oa hanrl. Hpacial attantia
paid to tecahnff a para article for tSaeramrniaJ
and airdical pnrpoara. )anl-tf
1IIK Finger
' Mamifaeturin. r.umnv'1
Family Sewing Maehtnee. and tha oelel
Ploreuoa, for tale at tha
Pereona In want of ma-binea will do well In eel!
and eieoilne the HINGKK and Fl.ORF.Nl'E
before piirrhaalng. Kvery markina warranted lo
giv eeliifaetioa. Marhinee and marhin lading
alway, oa hand.
HIV1.150 A fllOWKRH,
Clearleld, Pa., FeU 14. Agent,.
".T AJTI'.llm),olet LON.I nltlNDLR.
I T Tha nnderrigned hereby give aotten, that
Ihev Wll pay Ihe hi(hrt market prlee for a good
quality of LONH R1IIX(M,K". and thonr hating
inch for aala, will Ind II to their In tare, t to glv
them call before eelllng elerwhere.
.If F0 ' W A
Cla.rtleld, Btrh , law if
yitutji tfdlrlnf.
H ill 1. I. lilt,)
fnrfcr St., VlrarHtld, !
(Ad)olnlti (tore of R. Muaaop )
HAVINd farehaKd the abera 8lir.rteom.
and ra Stied II entlrelv, mafetnr It In a'l
re.perl, a PIHST-CI.AS8 UHUU KTOHR, wa
are now opening, tooff.r to the nubile, a PULL.
I'UMfLKTK, aad vTllltri V IM KK aaeo.t
nant of lrot(., Chotnioal, Paint,, Dva Stuff,,
Ae., A., owetafiaa; of oils, Palnu, Varniibat,
Dye Buff. Tobacco, Clgart, ConfecUoaeriee
Ftatlnaery. Ac.
Will nd their auek of UruK, PULL aad COM
PLKTK, and el. rare difbt advance oa Kaaura
Taaehera and etbera will be furnish ed with
elaaaleaJand miteeUaaeona beokt by tipreaa,at
thert aotict .
Conelatincof Cap, Pint Cap, Poelaeap, LatUrand
Perfuaied Mote Penera oIm, a vary neat otoek
of hlouminff Note Papar aad knralupaaaa haad.
Peaa. Pencil.. Ink. tr.
Will and a fallitoek of PURR SPICKS, SODA,
SODA AKH. Concentrated I.YK, HOAP, t.
Ara reqoe.trd toeiaaitne thl, atoek of Perfoojery,
Hair Ot Fine Toilet aoapa, Braabaa, Cuaika,
Toilet NetU. Ae, As.
Will flad a fnll enpply of prima Chawiaff aad
timokina TORAO'.'O, Imported aad lloataatia
CIUAKB, Baaf, Pine-Cut, Ao , A a.
Of the bait brand., alway, ea hand.
The belt qaality of Liijaore alway. aa hand, for
aaedieal purpoeea.
ay-Pbyateiaoi' Praaorlptloa, prooaptlp and
aarofully eomponnded.
May 1, 180.
BEMtTv A Id.
.Varkri hired, Clearfield, I'a.
VT bag leave to la form ar aid and new
1 T cuatonaar,, that wa hee removed ear -
Uhll.hmeot ta the ipeeloui new building Ju.t
erected on Mnrhed eueet, nearly adjoining tbe
Maaatoa Hunaaon tha weat, andoppoaiu Meair..
Graham A Son,' Here! where wa re.peetfully
iavit th pttblie to om and buy their
Drugs, ChemicalB, Patent Medicines,
Our ataek af Drag, aad Medleloe eoiilili of
vervthln. weed, eeleefced wllk Ihe
aar. and
W. ale ke.p full Hock of Dye., Perfumeriel,
Toilet nrtiel... Tooth Braahee, Hnir
Rruihee, Whilawaih Bruibea, and every ether
iuu uru.uee. vt e nnv a urge lot or
Flaieud Oil, P.InU, aad ia faot everything
teed ia lha painting hmineea, which w eter at
City piiee, to cath huyara.
ConfeatUaary, Spice,, and tho largaet jtoch of
v.nviir. ever ouereu in tnie place, and warrant,
ed le be of th heel th Market efforde.
J. fl. llARTaWICK,
c ii niiTn
Celebrated Biller Cordial.
''pilIS medical preparatloa I, new offered to
tha publia ai a reliable eabitltute for tba
maay worlhleee nmpounda which now tood the
market. It ia purely eegelahle, eoeapoeed nl
varies, her be, gathered from tha groat ator..
hoa..f natur. and aelected with the atmott
ear. It , not recommended a, Cvan-Aix
but hy It direct aad aalutary InDocnr apon
"a Heart, Livar, Kidaeyt, Langa, gtomaeh and
Bowel,, It acta both aa preventive and cure
for many af th to which thoee oriani
ar eabject It It a reliable Family Mediema,
and can ba lake by either infant or adult with
lb ,ama heneflclal malta. It I, a certain,
prompt aad epeedy remedy for Diarrhoea, Pre.
emery, Bowel complaint,, Lewneee
of Pplrlte, Painting., rickheadacha. at. Fir
Chilli aad fever, of ell i, far better end
ealer than any qulniaa, wiihoat any cf Iu par.
aielon, efocte. Il ere. let appetite, prove, a
powerful dlg..tcr,e-d will counteract Ibe effect,
of liquor In a few mtaotee. Prepared hy JACOB
SCIIKRTZ, 8.1 Proprietor, N. W. PiftS
and Rnna etreeU., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold hy
all DraggUla, a.vll-ly
Attention, Afflicted I
TMU auhierlber give, nolle tint he ha.
j nenmew tba practlra of Madlcin la Lath
areburg, where he Intend, lei dee., kl. .....
tlta to tha treatment of CHRONIC DISEASES
a general Me will keep ea herd a choir ...
leetioi of IlRLOSand M KDICI N E8 adupted to
lha treatment af ehroalc diieaee,, and may ha
aoneulted at hli ofl., . ,,,Br .f ,ha d. v.
N. B. A word to thoe afflirted with chronic
dieeaaea may be t vaitn ndi-aniaga. MauT
aar gor ha that cotuvnr Phyeiclan, who
do a aimaa prartica bar ant tin lo attend t
th Iraatmeat nf raa..atc diaaaae,, and eea.e-
uoeu.iy eeoi.acv tin I hare thi, loo ef die
nee, requiree ikrir.ivi ntlenllon.
UKtlROR WILeO!f, M. D.
Lettenburg, Peh. 17, Ifttt Lf
"FjTJ""'. firrn 1 1 tit or hmiithiko paiV
and WggNrj.g in T, CIlWT.TKt'l Birso.l
r!V!il, ifc." r"'y rJk'Vi H le..and
KIT ' vmplralevy erej., e. m.iue af
aow long etanenog, or wherever Ui. areef Ihepereew.
n arta ae a eperiDe, ll purely end le plneaul
" """"" l..lng Ike vk
irrrkrr ,,i,u-
Mothers, Save Your Children!
"'' 1 dew,e.ermll t, .emen.
dleeaee. fltnl r . eeaaee like a thief In tbe, ee
i ta'aCawT' " Wh" o4"1"4
ipareel enlyer
For aala he II.rl.wlek A t..i. ri a.i.t .
k,y and .tore keeper thruughoui tba lebll-lV
Beale's Embrocation,
For all dlaeaee, laeident la Horace, Celtic, aad
u.wea rieeu. requiring tna le an.
niternal applicetloa.
Thia Knheneelinm we. -.1 --I - J L
.......ii vy
th durlag th war.
Jna.tih R. trwle P, ill. f . i I . ,
... . , - u vroow-
laader. La'.heribnra1 f
Ut H,' Kt. IVnmlnga, riuhhell'a. Preke'e, flarman.llo.letter', and Oreene'i
Oxygenated liittera t ale e Llouera, f all
kind, for rsadieinal nurpoeee. for eale he
I -OR RAI.I-.Whlle Iad. Zinc, Paint, Lin
eeed (Ml, Turpentine, Vnrnl.hee of all hindi,
C.-lora in Oil and Irv Paint, Vami.h Rm.bee.
a. n rnmroi w. a. wernaaaou.
RRP con tutu I- ea hood aad for talo, Froib
at, i, oorh oo
Fiwh T ood oil Vnr(obro la o-4w j
Cmaod KroU, putlrr. lord. ., which lao will
aoll M the Iowm. ri.ort(-t ntirtn.
Coh pid fT CATTtiK, BI TTKR, Ao.
noon tn Morb4 Rtiwt. ojipmitto tbo Cooii
Hnnoo, ClfurflrM, o. (Moo II, If.
rrwaan and bdomlal aapportre ef every
kind af th lareel Itanmrevaant. fer .ale a
Jlrjl reett, tr.rcrfrld. Cftf.
White Goods ! Stamped Goods !
lloeiery aad Gloveel CoraeU and Bklrtal
Ladiu 8hawl, aad Coali,
(aw ty.aal
Straw Goods, Flowers, EibbonB, &c,
Umbrella aad Paranoia, Window Shade, Ladiaa
aad Children BII0E8, Wall Papar,
Carpet, aad Oil Cloth,,
11 elj A Cap.
Prints, Muslins, Ginghams,
Ticking,, Cottonadee, Caoeimoree,
Twoede, Ae., Ac,
Clearteld, April II, 169.
Oeorge I.. Reed William Powell.
John f. Weaver....... William
Two doort north of tb Court IIouo.
TTAVING iwUrntMl to oor old bottootv $tn&.
X I o b.-rrt Dullfj tho eitisctit of Clearfield
ftud tbo pablit gAncrfcl.T, thot o hovo eatcred
Hrj, ona iti(tfid to prtrHfato, o viorom emm )f-.inu btrfc pnco ond inferior roods, tvod
nov sow oo bond m full lappW of oil kiodi of
(vwuv wq in lUll BimH. in LOO UDO 01
Dry CJooUs,
Wt elotm to bT0 tv full ortmoit oooalit.a( la
port of Mui lint, blabd ood onbloochod j
PriuU uf oJl r'Ut ood otLstj ood
Spring & Summer Dress Goods,
Sorb u AlpcM of oil obodn ; D Loiooo 2do
nnofl oud FloanoU; biidoa, o foil ort
Btont of (onilrmto'i wtvr, oooiittiDg
ta port of
Cloths, Cassimeres,
Batlnella and a fall aeeortment af
Xollons, Hosiery, Trimiulnrjs,
Hata and Caps, Boots and Shoes.
W have a full eupp'y uf Cuflee, Tea, rtugar, Bica
Molaeeea, lubarro, nek, Halt, iineeed,
coal aad Aaa Oil,
6u(or-rod Hoaii, Mooi Pork, ood a foil
Tr'T f -PntviiioDO.
Hardware nnd Queonswarc,
ll'ootfm X Htllotc HYtr.
AH the foregoing artielee will 1. ekehanred for
CASH, Ll atUEU, r ColMRY PHulircE.
and at price, to whieh ther can be ao .teeptioa.
Thoe ia iced of Uoodi ia cur line, will pleaea
rlearneld, Sept. 17, lMMf.
t durational.
11 HE l.APT HALF ef the grRISO
. TERM of twenty. twa weeka, will commence
on Monday, April IA, IM.
Reading, Orthography, Writing. Object Le.
ton. Primary Aritbuteti and Primary
Ueography, per half term, (of alevoa
aka.) i 0
Ilirtory, Local and deaeriptlv tivography
with Mop Drawing, U rammer, Jdenlal
and Vt til tea Aritbmella I tl
Algebra aad the Reieace H
For full particular, eeed for Ciraular.
Clearfield, Nov. II, ! Jr.. augt'M
Rev. P, L. Harrison, A. M., Principal,
rpilt FOVRTIl dRSHIORorthepreetBleeha
l haetic yearef thle Inelilullo willeowimea
ea MONDAY, the Ifith day af April, lid.
Pupil, caa enter at nnv lima. Thet will ha
charged with tuition from th time Ihej enter ta
neei.ieenrtne B.lllou.
Tha aouraa of laitrarllea mhracr every thing
Included la a therwagh, practical aad aceem.
pilihed education for both act.,,
Th Prineip.l. having had th adv.ntege ef
mark ipra la hia prafeeaioa, aruree pa
rent and guardian, that hia eatire ability and
energiee will h derated In tha moral aad me.
UI training af the yonth placed under hi, charge, Met Obf I I ITION.
Orthography, Reading. Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per Heaeioa (II week) . e M
Grammar, Ueography, Arithmetll, aad
Hirlory . . . . . . 1 1 ,
Algebra, Geometry, Trignaametry, Mea.
aeration, Sarreylag, Phlleanphy, Phyel.
elegy, Cbemietry, booh Keeping, Bouay
and Phyeieal Oengraphy II II
Let la, 8reek and Preach, with nay af ik
ahov Breach, ... eie
Ml'SIO-Plaao (,) . . . f
ar-M dedactlca will ha made far aaeaae.
T"Ft farthrprtir!.rt laqulr of
Bar. p. L. HARRISON, A. et.f
rah. 4. I.l tf. t.n Prla.lp.L
IMUm WARTKIX-Th. anderatgaed will
cf rlR..d I'll I HKIIIB. Arw, a amli
CkMrM4,P..i. j i. ttntfixny.
P V iu, I o 8 A 1,1;
o r
f PI1K unilrriigned, having determm.. ,
1 to Ihe We.t, will od.r .1 l' ,,K, .'
hie, ia Carweneville: oa "-'ill
Oa Wednesday, Jane 9, 18C9
The following valuable Real K,uu. '
In raid borough. The Houaa ia a TWO utr...
FRANK, well tn.ihed. with ar, rlom. J lT
Door, w.l.r In Ihe kitchen, and all the n-."
awlbuildmgi and modern impreiM.!.!!"'
iaalaoalergetiTAHLBoathelet. "
y-TKRMH Ona-third oaeh, and th,
la two equal aaaaal naymenU, with intona."
t -
Personal Properly.
Tha follow.!, Paraw.n.1 D- .
bold Wood. Will U OOld Bt tbo taM
plMO, flit
Two Prlor Stov.a, one Cook glove, Centre J.u
Dining Table, Brtakfaat Table, thri. J?JtS
(uom furniture, What-not, Sofa, Lou Ck
large copper and iron Kettle, and a larg. '.J?
of kouehold good, and PuruiUn? '
. II Im. f n n. ... , l,.n I W
M9 Bale to aommona. .1 ten -'---l .
aaid day, whea tbe teruia (which will be hlHu
will be full, made known.
CtwmvIII,, liny it, 1 le. Ju v-
fpiIE andenigaed will aeU, at public aJ. -X
the premiere, ia Bloom townjuin. Cu.rt.i3
ounty, Pa., " "mn
On Saturday, June 19, 1869.
That valuable tract of land eitaeUin Bloom una.
thip aforeeaid, oo the laropike, half bet.Il.
Carweaewille and Lutleeraburg, being ran ef Z
old bomootead of tha lata lion. Jauee hlooln,
About aitgy of which ar Cleared and under ,,1,1
vetieo. wnbetwe elorr plank frame liWILLIVB
IIOtSB a two-Kory LOO HOUSK, one hiku
tw. BTABLKM, aad MbOT ntb.ildiog, trme"
together with twa good ORCHARDS, , .7J
end tw esoellent apnnga of watet: alee. eo
PINK, WlilTKOAK, and a large ouMlitTrf
II KM LOCK timber, withia onhilf iul. of iJ.
neam aaw-milU.
Tbi, property u hell auiled for bnsiag ud
hotel purpoae,.
Bale to commenca at oa o'clock, p. m. ee mid
day, when the term, will be t.liy mii, knowT
vTu. u. Bloom, Aaetionaer. uyle-ti4
Valuable Town Properly
SITCATE on th Bonth-weet comer ef Cherry
and Third Street., (being Kiiro.d etrM ) to
wit: A LOT, with good two-etory pluk hav
ing thereon. 31 by la feet, an room ea earb loer,
vuitable for a itore, or other bnaineii. Alee, laa
eiljuining LOT, with a Iwo-etorv duelling hoaa,
thereon, nnd eeraral other TOWN L0I6.
Aim, a lot of well-burnt UKICK, ud feed
aeeortment of 81 ON tW A UK, ,u-b a, Cmu,
Jug., Jure, Fruit Cane, etc., al reduced prieei.
for further information, inquire at the bi
war Pottery of , I. LLITZlNtiER,
Clearteld, Pa.
Hew Cabinet!
PANY offer for eale Town Lou ia the ear.
oub of Oeceola, Ciearteld county, Pe., and alw
Iota to luit pureliaaera oaleida lha Mantle cf mi
borough.' Oeceola ia lituaud a th Moibeaae
Creek, in the richeet pertio af the cou.ty ef
Clcarlvld, on the line of th. Tyrone t Cleartild
Reilroad, where the Moahanaoa aad Beavertea
Iraaeh made intoraact. It ia alao ia the heart ef
th Muthanaon aoej haaia, aad large hodiet af
while piae, hemlock, oak, and ether limber eer
eouad it. On cf ta. larfeet leeubnv maaafaalar
ing aelabliehmeata .a the Stale ia ieeeted ia th,
tuwa, while lh.r ar many .thai laaieer aad
hingle mill amend it. Tha town ta hat rnna
year, old, and eoutaiaa a populatioa of eoe the,
and inhabitant.
pfx farther iufermalioa apply at th ale,
of la abov aompany.
. PrM :
Houses and lols for Sale.
IOI R BOl'SKS and LOTS la Cleargd, hr
aa'a on reaaonabla termi. Poaeeuioa gitea
in thirty day,. Alao, a plot of FOl'R LOTS .a
the corner af Fourth and Read rt recti, im,
I'llluO feat. Three of thee lot, are well ioeeled
for either lamber yard, ooej yard, or for bailtiag
parpoee generally, being within tit met f tha
railroad depot. Pne aad term, reaeoeeKla.
. "b tf Cleerteld, Pa,
Valuable Farm
THE onder.irr.ed aow after tt privet, eale hi,
farm, aituate in Lewrrac town.hip. ClearAeld
oounty. Pa., hounded by Orra, MrMullta ud elk
era. and within I, milre af th rulroad depot la
Clearneld harvagh
About TO acre, of wh'eh I, cleared. Laving TWO
FARM H0I-8RS, LOU BARN, aad ether eat
halldtnge, with ever 100 hearing fruit (reel eat a
never-failing cpring of water aear the honee, and
with aa much timber oa the place, if properly
managed, aa will pay for it. Tba whole I, under.
Inld wlth coal, lie, of -he hooee aew luured for
three year for 11.000, 1b a good company, (note
ing to pay antil the Hme ia ap.h
.rhr-PRICK, ll.ltw, In ee.y permed.. For
terme, Ac, apply lo WILLIAM PuRTKR.
Clearteld, I'a., Feb. Id, lf.6.
Farms Timber Land tt Horses
TUB luhacriber, dealrona af dlinoeiag cf eema
real aad pereon al preperty. oner tha follow.
ing rare opponuntty for b.rg.ini;
ONE FARM aituate In Oirard rown.hlp. ae
known e the "( laudiua Ru.eelett F.r .Hl.
ing land! of Aug. Laconic and etbera, eoatai'niag
IIMI Arrra, Ifly ef whirh ara cleared, with twe
dwelling boueea, barn and voung orchard Ibercan
Alec, TUB HHK RI N FARM, wntaiainr
l(M Arrca, hut of whirh ar cleered, with
dwelling honee, bam. nod other ntbuildinga, I,,
gather with two thriving young orrhard, thereoa.
Alee, FFVERAL OTHKR FARM! and l.l.
afTIMBKR LAS08 for aala.
KOR lt!eT.The8AW..MlI.l A rwKLL.
INO H0lLA al th mouth of Deer Creek will
be rented, or let to rua hy th Ihouaand. I nil
pereon i.
BAKNKSS, will ba nld aa reaaoaabla lame,
nargnla I, offered ia eeek f the for.
ffing propoeitiona. The term, will be wadeeair.
orther inforwiutioa can be nhieined k e.lhrr
on the rnmieea, or hy Bilrctiing the nndereigaed,
at Frenchvilla P. 0., Clrarteld eountv. fa.
nin-u. L. M. COl'TRIFT.
Stonf Ittasonj.
Mrw ivaehlngion. Pa.
fet-AII kinll of Xeeonrv dnna. In Die meet
workmanlike manner, tinier anlieited. aad ca-
tracti takea la any part of tba coanty. apitltf.
a. araraT. ........
..!. Tore.
Slonc-Cutters & SlonMaion
ILL eiersteill work ia their line al
rete price aad ia FIRrI CLASS nybx
Architectnral Oraameiitii
la ALL RTYLRrl, Rtna Drmlng ef eery
deecriplloB, aad all kind af meeee work -treet.d
rr la er outer the euat v. Aay pereeM
wieklng to keve revperuhl maaea week ae
etoa.jiutllag dune, will Ind il re tkelr lltereel
t call upon aa. W, weald air lalbrm Ike pae
lla that wa eao deliver any qaaallty er cleat f
atoa detired, a wa ara th ewaera f
Order Far w.rk caa h addrcated llhef w)
Clearteld at Lathanbarg.
arlr HI BKRT A TOrjti
' tt kll n