Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 26, 1869, Image 2

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    C, it i huh H.Goonl.AKiiKR, Editor.
The murderer cl Tl.ili)) Urtn Key
(Dun Sicklo) lilts been tippointcd rain
inter to Spitin. If tiiu KHnitrd me
in noed of a "loil" compliment, Gen.
Gin it sends tliem tiii'tiiotiible 0110.
ftiMiip.ttrj' (iRAVr.s Saturday, May
EPlli, bus been tleaignated by the
proper authorities as a national ti;e
moriul day, for the purpose of decora
tinf? soldiers' graves find repairing
and beaatifj-ing national cemeteries.
Paiwonkd. liester Vaughn, who
was convicted in Philadelphia and
sentenced to be bung fur the murder
uf Uer child, Das lieon pardoned by
Governor Geary. Mrs. Cady Stanton
has therefore been successful.
We notice that the Secretary of the
Treasury has ordered tTio sule or two
millions of gold per week on Govern
ment security, lie no doubt wants to
run it up to two bund red, so that ho
nnd his cronios can make their round
one hundred per cent, in their usual
patriotic way.
' The General Assembly of the Old
and ICew School Presbyteriaus are
now in session iu Sew York, trying
to reconstruct themselves. They feel
as though tbey had been divorced
long enough, but we doubt thoir re
piarriago soon.
' Folly, ir not Eobbeet. The Jfew
York Mercantile Journal very prop-
f.rlap lllfinrilinir ffl nitr fl-MV lit'
,r,.J.. ., I lKirlcd to pay the interest on tin
thinking, tt is an outrage opo" thj,rettdy il, tha hand, of lore
people lor lua nucreiurj ui niw iicb
try to use the Nation's promises to
pay on demand, for tho purchase of
ihoir promises to pay, that do not
fully mature lor nearly filleen years,
nd pay a premium therefor of about
"17 por cent. Greater folly iiovcr was
known on the part of any man." ,, ,
' It is statd Ibat the rrcnidcnl has
determined ia nominate colored men
fur important positions in New York,
Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago and
other Northern cities, in ordur to stop
tho complaints muU that appoint
ments of colored men are confined to
the South only. Go in, Ulysses !
The colored troops fought bravely,"
and why should not the "loil" blink
.Republicans in the North get office as
.well as the black rubols down South f
Goino Up In iew York on Thurs
day gold was soiling at 144, which is
higher than any previous salos that
have been made since August lssf.
The appearance of tbe market late in
day was panicky, and it would
" 1 '
not surprise us if the premium contin
ued to advance for some time to come.
. Tbe wise man will not baso his busi
ness calculations upon the idea of
any very low rales for gold for many
months to come. We predict that if
the Secretary of the Treasury contim
lies to do business in "cahoot" with
the "bulls and bears" of Wall street,
ho will, like them, become a gambler,
too, and thon the government credit
is bound to suffer in order to advance
their private gains.
' The Registry Law. This Act of
' Assembly will be found on our first
page. Aa it afl'ects the rights and
interests of all, lot it bo attentively
read and studied by every voter.
The Commissioners are now engaged
in sending lists to the several Asses
sors of tbe county for correction and
a complete enrollment of every w hite
male citizen over iwonty-one years of
age. It would be well for every elec
tion officer to procure a copy of thij
law and givo it his undivided atten
tion, because, the changa Is radical,
and there will be trouble enough on
election day without any ignorance
being manifested on the part of those
officers.' Those who desire, to inform
themselves would do well to scours
and file this number of the Jlipublican
for future reference The tomfoolery of
.Congress nd the President with ref
e rente to the eight hour law nnd the
working classes is beyond comprehen
sion to men of common sense. A
Washington correspondent of the lflih
says :
"At t Ctl'inot lin( .Trwrnlnr tWt nt n
full liirrnMion of tho tight hour It . anl ti iri
t lM ootKlndra Ihf i .It intonl of Connrril
ii ,1 inurl bmt brn to ro'tace Uit
or Inlmr will. not r-lu. inj tht fy. Il k ,,.,.
dft. is OT.Icr to pitrrnt .liS-n-nt liiltq.rfftn'ion
of tho Uw hy tl? virion Jp.nrtaitiiii, ibt
I'rwidcnt should i.ruo nn oKO'htivo nrdtr or fro
o'unioiion. mnlin( n full dnj'i work . t (;..
-.ntniit tmploTet iho'l no oijhi houii, nnd thtl
fwlhil IliPT sl.nill oit tho yty of rn S'lOrn'
In secordanco with this programme,
General Grunt has issued a proclama
tion defining what constitutes a full
day's work, which, for regal impu
dence, is a match for that of any
crowned head of Europe. Wben will
statesmen and common sense a,;ain
assume full sway at tha National
capital f
lIPU)VAltr Hil wil.ixri. Il l urn.
kih! lu o;iv MiniM. r Halo i hnnce
lo mnke clcnr l.iw.nt of it obmit Hint
mngKlin lni.i,,r Wfort returninir
Irom tiBiie. Wliv mil. i-irr nil ..h
foreign PfpresfntHlivi-n t clinncplo do
the awm thing boloi-e tl.f-v t;ive lip tlin
rrint I W. nV"K I-ot,.i le it ( l,erfl-r i o million. f Troaanry
IToxL. il?!" Xnh" ,':r,?ir"1 jriKM "''"N " Mr, furllifr
U nol 1 AmBri .'n 'V1 " '" . 1 l,n l, OPiler. innt.,l of one. tlti, mov, will
i- til r 1 ' " i '"il linnnpf-Prinir anil Hpprlif r rot .
ZZ U",0UV in.--!lT-Wmlinjrll,r co.,A li-l" Zl
IMaim f f ' rinmmrlml All ntrl-
llN- llrm krr$ Uhtetd.
.luring the nr, vir lo.l v ho
had ny reputation fur judgment tr
saai-hV if opinion that thw
prodi('ui upeiulitiircs of that jirvioil
of witale and tliMrui timi, would U
follow eil liy ideniirvad financial (lis
nitter and ilintrvM II r. Ilrihl in bi
npi-erhi-s alitvad, Mr. I ht in Inn rr
potls at botno perons as little tlin '
ivooed to bo croakers or Mlarmirta ua
anybody in Kurope or A tin ru n I
cxproi-ed '.liix Opinion With nielli
poNilivt'iifus and eiupliRhiH. We liitvi'
jrone on lour years ince the close of
tlie war. nutl Mpparontir their gloomy
predittimis have been believed ly the
event. The cost of living baa indeed
been high; but tberu bua been no
irrent revulsion in triule, no grout utop-niu-e
ol indubtrv, no panic. We have
kepi the wlioeln of unmntu moving
w ith more or b ss cllieicncy and suc
cess, unlit the country lum ruiicliided
that, althou'jli ue liavf uiiiieed, il la,
alter a'l, no very serioiiM unitlor to pny
the bdillcr. JSul ubumlanl htiriin iiegni.1
to tuicUeu upon us urn i me prcniciuu
evil day has
not heeli nvertoit, but
only postponed. At last, we are ap
parently on the eve ot paying the
heavy peuullies of a gigantic war.
By what means buvo tho conae
rjuences of our prodigal cxpendiluraa
been so long poatponed f The auswor
ia not dithcult ; the evil day has been
pnl oil by the ordinary resource ol
rodigals borromng. The process of
borrowing lias been diiiguiaeu under
the delusive tallaey tlmt in exporting
bonds to Europe to meet our currenl
debts, wo have been exporting real
vuiues exporting piopartr. liul it
is tio obvious lor argument tbul we
buvs been merely exchanging one
form of indebtedness lor another.
The bonds have got to be paid, just
aa much as the heavy debts lor im
ported goods would liavs to be paid if
lbs bond had not been aent out of tbu
country to adjust ths balaucca. The
only difference is, that, by inouns of
ths bonds, the time of payment is
postponed. Besides paying for our
fuluro importations, w have got to
pay to iorcigners the somi-aunual in
terest en the exported bonds, and,
sooner or later, the principal. So
long as the prodigious glut of the bond
market bihlud, wo seemed to go on
swimmingly. Bonds have bceu ex
ported to nieot the balances of our
fureigit trade : bonds havo been ex-
the bonds
Ws have thus bncD accumulating dtihl
upon debt; paying old debts by the
easy method of incurring cow ones.
Il ought to have been evident through
out this pleasaut process, that il could
not lat. As we had censed to maim-
fuclere bonds, at the supply, enormous
ss it was, was limited, Ibis inodo oj
dodging present payment and piling
up future liabilities to foreigners whs
declined to end. Wl.ilu it bus lusted,
we havo beon borrowing of Kurope al
a high rale of interest plusexoi bitunl,
ruiuoiia "nites. i e mutt puy not
only the rciiulaf six per cent., bul
must pay a lull bundled dollars for
cvery hundred dollar bond which we
have sold lo foreigners fur Seventy or
eighty dollurs. And tha current in
terest, is at a much Irgbur rule than
the nominal isix percent. When we
receive only sixty-six dollars fur a
hundred dollar six per cel. I. bond, the
rale of interest which we really pay
is not six per cent, bul nine, besides
tbe bnliUS of tbirty lour Uollnr al Uir
filial settlement. Fur tho lust four
years, we have been incurring heavy
debts lo iviroiic on those ruinous I
terms ; continuing to export bonds to
meet our current debts and to pay tho
1 tF Imm y u iou, V at v i m a- I
We hie ttcutly t ll.o eml of our
let tier in tliM cart'tir ol' debt niul ex
iravagance. Now, when iho supply of,
iMimls avuiiame lor exportation is gel
tingexbausted, Mr. Ihmtwcll comes in
to tho market as a purchaser of bond,
nt the rale of fifty-two millions a year.
Ho thus miens the ebbing exporta
tion, sends up the price of gold, and
spreads anxiety and alarm through
business circles by raising the inquiry
how. we are hereafter to meet the
claims ofourfureigacroditora. . When
lbs exportation ol bonds slops, what
are we to scud abroad 7 'J be semi
annual interest can then be no longer
paid by the exportation ol other bonds.
Then will come tbe gloomy dawning
of pay day. Tho inlorunt on the ex
ported bonds will buvo to bo paid in
something. When the bonds, having
risen to par, are rut 11 rued upon our
market and sold, we mast send back
llieir value in something. What will
that something be? Gold, while our
niul 1 stock ol gold lasts : but that
will soon be exhausted. . ,
What then 1 What then?
We submit the question to thought
ful men who havo suffinieiil discern
mont of the signs in tbe sky lo
forecast the coining storm.
We submit it lo the crazy tariff
men and inflationists who have ren
dered it impossible that we sliou'd
manufacture anything lo export. We
submit it lo Ihe revengolul lisdical
destructives w ho have kept the South
disorganized these four years, and
proventcd the flow of capital into that
section lo revive the cultivation of its
great staples, which are our chief
articles of export. With regard to
this process of paying foreign debts by
the exportation of bonds, we are mani
festly near ul be beginning of the end."
What then? What then f X. V.
A aweotwciiled specimen of the
camel bag irenus, one of ibe TnkuHt't
correspondents frnm Alliima. Georgia,
by the name of John Jlnrr 'o, re
cently shot his negro mistress in a bsd
flttf jealousy, and then very properly
killed himself. His last words lo ths
wench were "Come and hiss me. I
am dying'."" Now hero Is an example
worth) of the wholn narpet-bag
fraternity. So to all-we sny, "go and
do likewise" Among his papers was
found tho following :
Wimxnp.s. April is. In.
Mr Prs Pis I Soto nlrtndy prtwtit, to tho
txu-nt ol n nl-ilitr, n oulor-d nun lor Ocoriiin.
I uould 1.0 gild lo it Mr. '1 ururr mndr M.niftrr
to llnjM. toil n O'.lmrd msr, hnpnlroady boon '"St
llimo, Mr. bninnH, of Niw Orlonnf, on mt
dwik'S. Your trnlt, Ilinj. F. In urn.
J. II. I'oy, bl').. Allnnl.
This is but another ovidome of
the tendoncirs of .New Koirlaml rndi-
oiillsm, and is the iiainrsl resclt of the
trWiiniC of llitrao j-iirnitla t lint mtike
greiit prctPiirnin lo morality find
mnditT. oii'l ave alwitvn ''niotildtnir
tlto ptililic mind" tJ orTw gwial
j ttti-ociiy.
I f
.1 t heeitt f'rppfo.
1 Grant's S.-in'tsry of the Tn'n
rv, Umitxidl, an liiinral ntimf If be
Iio in a Very Iooiimi one, uir, in
mnkiiig una statement of the pronent
publlo debt, be lii-r'H adl the
itiltrvM ti) (lie principal, ti Voir con
idcrnblo Item, mill . hii h l juat a
much a part of the public indel.lcdne
it the prhieipul II MC. The actual
debt on tho hint ol ilarcli as :
Piir.ripal ;,Mfc,M! .- M
liitrnul S.VWI.i'iS US
Ch In Irroiury...
.Mwl SiitiU
Iiuhl tn Ift ol April..
IIS.W.4IIT 0.1
...U .'4,;k7..".l on
... S,12;..t!MM H
Ii..TcM . s:i,ut',: Zi
v..... :,. a. i).,......ii'. .
port, b'e deceive, tho public to the Kul o1' Tbil0 ,!?W':,'e r,"a'
amount of thirty million! ct riillnrs.
Or. shall we churitnbly aav that he
wiim hi in no It' deceived If an, then be
in. on until, man lor his pliimV And if
bia iiiis lcadinrr the public ia intcn-
tioniil, ho U certainly unfit for tho
pout. 1 here is out one ot Iwocoiielu-
moiis to which wo muni conic either
ho ia a fool or a rnsrul. Hut this sys
tem of deceiving the people in relation
to the public indebtcdiicaa bus been
S'rsixtenlly practiced over sinco the
ongrel party came into power. Ev
ery year, without exception, there has !
Iieeii an immense uixpanty between
tho appropriations and tho actual ex
penses, and this difference has always
boon made up by new appropriuliona
in tho gontlo name of tti ficieitnj billa.
There baa always been n head and a
ih. is anmolimai be Bill
tlie people are all the lime cheated, '
with a public reference to tho bead
only. That ia, whenever the expenses
of lbs government have boon referred
to, only the figures of the appmpria
tions are given, while those of the
onormous deficiencies are faruf'ulcy
left in the background. And this
'MioncHt" becretary Bout well begins
his administration with the same sys
tem of cheating which bus marked the
whole career of the party. His very
firs act is un attempt to hide S.'iU.WM!,.
UUU of interest, so as to make the debt
show just so much smaller than it
actually is. And, that the people may
bo tlie inoro tborouglilv looleil, ton-
gross cnnninglvreduced iho nppropriu-
lions uni ty million bolow lioutnell s
estimates. .Now, watch tor the end
of ths fiscal year, and Mil repeated
the old dodge ol bringing up the rear
of this financial "tomlboler " with a
prodigious debcioncy bill. And these
bold rogues treat tho people as though
they were all fools. They buvo been
able to do this through the discipline
of the party rule, 'i'hn'r pspcrs and
their loaders unblusbingly lie to the
people; and thon all the throng of
(.lie party stonily swear to the truth
uf the falsehood. Il has been held
evou "disloyal'' not to lie for tho party.
Nay, to tell tho truth about any pub
lic measure has been to "sympathize
wiili rebellion tortbe last eight years.
Kvery man who has not boen cither a
tool ora scoundrel has had to confront
this sort of persecution. And tho out
look is not much belter for the itiims
dime fbture A dolt sita in tho Presi
dential chair, surroiindid with a Cab
inet of rogues or funat ics, all backod
by a Congress infamous enough to
shame tho devil hi in so It'. And, in the
midst of this woe of our country, the
leaders of the Democrat iu party, in
stead of risinir up to the mngniludit of
the demands of the country, are mis
erably mousi.ig about, like rats in an
old bam, to see il there ia anywhere
left s grain of plunder that hasoecaped
the long reign of universal thievery
(), for a few uctive, brave and honest
men to rush to tho front now, and sny
to iho disgusted, and almost discour
agd, 'masses "Come on, let us have
an end of all this!'' The awakening
ol' the people will be like tho shock of
oiirliupiakcs, whenever tbe truo issues
ai-e boldly jiut bclore them. A. 1.
Day honk.
Senatorial lleprrmnlalin.
It was well planned by the liepulili
can Legislatiiro, when they siarU'd
out on their career ol plunder, to Hide
tlnl will of an bonest tni.tilo. None
but your political Pontius Pilules fear
tho people. Honest men know that
reason is the weapon of tair political ; U is only your willlul, delib
erate and premeditated knave who
will .endeavor to defraud the peuplo.
Si these men, bv the law as it now
stands upon the statute, book of the
Slate, lettering in Us own corruption,
gives to Ihidieal ljtnCBntcr two voices
in tho .Senate for her jM.'ldj voles,
while our Senatorial District, with
over 2;'i.l.Vi voles has but oMt ! Lan
caster is Kndical, we are Dem-K'ratie.
Old reliable Diuioemtin llcrks, with
her iti.KilO votes hns but one Senator.
Lehigh and Norlliampton.Dcmocrslic,
wilh their 2il.H7H votes, have only ono.
Bedford, Somerset and Pulton havo
one (lisdical) with I2, l;U voles. Here
sre two Kadieal Districts, polling
IW.7.1U voles, with thrkk Soualors,
and hare-are three Domocrstic Di
tricts with 70,11- vlos, wilh but
llilir.K Heiinlorsl Had any fairness
beon exhibited bnro, bad an honest
regard for tbe rights of tho people
prevailed in these districts, the Senate
would have been Democratic and the
white man would mil havo been sacri
ficed to tho negro.
It was admirably planned by tho
Hcpublicans and Gov. t.'nrlin. They
were skilful scoundrels, all of them
It remains lo be seen bow long ras
cality sill prosper. How proud an
upright ni:m must feel, who belongs
to the li.idical party, in view of its (jrertitburif l'rmncrut.
AM. Wrono It is reported that
the new .Minister to China is to confer
before bis departure with some
ecclesiastical bodies nboiit thaprotnc
tion of missionaries in the Celestial
Hilintl'V- I lllin MiniHtCP to tTprcfllt
ll.,...,.',.nl ll,, th., -nil,l
, , .....
SiHt.-n? If lie ma out liinit-il with
iiiiaiitnariin lie pooa. to (uil nd tn
(oniplir-nlo nnd pioiudice our Irno in
loronlH in t'liiim. Wo hnv j;ol nntli
Inif lfitcvtr to do M'illt tho ri'liyion
of tho (,'ltinoHc ; nii'l fur our pi fciilcil
rpirtiiilntire to Uika a ponilinn tltnt
ii-nrils them n lit'Hthun it diplo
niMtiu itianlt. lKtliiHupKiinlmntniio
more liliinder? A'nr I ork IltraUi.
Il id rumored tlmt (iranl'n dfitltli in
(ailintr onn ntpoiint in tlmt ti" funic
', tin.oa ait fir honin in kind tifnt iiMir,
front liit li il in with yrcnt tliltii ull v
tlmt liif. wilp ran nmup liim. iS'on-
wcnfM! "h kini ofhtnpnr'' U no of
ill iicnilh I'tr lum. f will l et hia
wifr in not in Uie Imut fngliterwl nt it,
ortrn noon him do.
Whinirtnn'n "linio lintchft" in in
the Alexandria, t t Mucnin. M'anh
inrlon didn't toll a liu utont it, hut
thnit is a linpprinif doubt that tho
prrimon in tioaiwn ta iheeaiMof
Ia!hnnf1 in ll.o Mtltnn ihnxrnmn.
'l b New York '.rrr, In ir of
the lutl thai l ied. Iinn, Ki ,
fi-utiirril.) was to .iiti.k on ths Htli
innttilit, in New oik, on the not Anion !
of Itui anniversary of lbs America')!
Ami Mnvury Hociely, says : J
"Mr. 1ioiidliiH in a bettor orator
than a'c'iod in an v mean while men,
who will pmliahly ho on the aame
platform with him ; and if he will Inn
ue bia powers of speech to help the
cause of -human freedom" on huhulf
of the now down trodden and dmplscd
white line llio Almighty will not
have bestowed llrjce powers upon him
in vain. ' ' .
InliHiniich a there in now no longer
such u thing as iiclto ulavcry in the
United Ktntes Mil in it place a grout
tho L'cntleiiian from Alncu to say a
limelv word or two, not lor ISiiinbo
and I'ntl'eo, who have as much "liber
ty" now us they want, but for the
unhappy Saxons, (Vdric and Wumba,
who are noa- "held to labor' for the
benefit of lords and masters who, after
their tiishioii, are rjuilu as exacting as
the old plantation overseers down in
Georgia, Carolina or Alabama. e
beg Mr. llougluss and Mr. i'hilipn,
therefore, if they wish to keep no un
Ami-Slavery Society, now, w beu there
ia no more negro slavery, 10 ueip us
while laboring men to recover the
e(Util rights and "human freedom"
which have been taken from us in
order that the negro mighl not only
be iiee, but, lu some respects, our
muster und our "boss
We want lo be oiuiincipiiled fruniei
th lhghTa. ill Lords of eW Lnglund
und Pennsylvania
We want lo be let buv in the cheap
est maikcts of tho world, nnd sell
where wc can to tho best advantage
We want to be set free from all.
vassulago to the mere capital that is
represented by millions and millions
of untaxed bonds.
We wunl cquul right, and no special
privileges fur ibis or thut other cluss.
Wo want emancipation from paper
promises lo pay, and have our good
Democrulic currency, gold and silver,
back again.
We want to be rid of a life-Ion
shivery to the Ifag Unrons.,
Wc want when we are puid off
on Saturday night a dollar to muaii a
dollar not sixty or seventy cunts.
We want scH'-govern incut, and espe
cially municipal rights and privileges,
which havo been stolen from ns in the
naino of "human freedom."
Wo trust, therefore, that Mr. Doug
lass and his colored friends will not bo
above lending us poor whitcsa helping
hand to get back ouilVecdincii. If the
Anti Slavery Society is lo bo kept up,
this is Iho proper direction for bis
future energies.
Thero was a time when we could
not help having a sort of pride of r"f
or a feeling akin to that, which would
revolt at an appeal thus, to tho Pluck
man, lo come to our licip, mil wc
have gotten over till that, anJ sre
about settling down in the conviction
that unless the gentlemen from Africa
coiuo lo our rescue, there is to be no
Krnancipation, nothing but Slavery,
for us. Pride, now, is oul of the ques
tion. It is a mere mutter of oncupe
from Pgyptian bondage, and any one
that will volunteer lo bo our Moses
even if it be rrcd Douglass may pass
without any scruples ns lo the color
,.e i.:. -I.:- "
inn Bum.
Walker It Is an ancient observa
lion that the worst of tbe fiends were
the fallen angels, and it is pretty well
known to the police that w hen lovely
woman stoops to folly or vice she car-
r'es that folly or that vice to greater
extremes than man ever does. c
arc evidently to seo Ibis saino feminine
intensity coining Into piny in public
life under tho influence ol the "wom
an's rights" agitation. We arc lo have
public, political, orllce bunting women
more tbaiuelessly Indecorous thun the
most shameless man Such is the in
dicatlon of the scene reported between
Mrs. Pr. Mary Walker nnd tho Post
master General ot the United Slates.
Povcial men lin wrote to tlie Frc!
Avnl in favor W tlie apimiiilmftit of
rrlRinla liavo boon astotiiHlinil at rocciv
iiiR tiiiioli(!itci1 ronimiiitn tlirm
t'lvpa. 'J'ln iiiyntpry aa. nlvcd hy
tht) fact lliatllu-y uloood Ihi-ir ltltol'i
by "living, "I Iwvis I he hnrior fo .t6
crilif"myvT,'' etc., it iH-in iho rtilu
to give all Riitnvrilicr aomotlilng.
Far K.Triit:n To prrrartl aa a n'n
pillar 'oi..f'iden'( tha fad thai, the
flml froif'ht on tho I'nciflo liailroiid
uhould ho lea, and that It should he
convoyed acroas tho Oontinont prin
cipally on tho Trail. Thocoitioidt'ncc
mi;;ht, howovor, pa aa ainiralar, pro
vided tho article itsolfwaa firnt chop.
T. Itiflmnnn Iton.l la pointing bia Fhrridno'a
Ridf. ArrnnNor.
Tho torch of tho incendiary will
eertninly oclipxe pveryililiijj eloo.
Prcritieo aaya the ofTicc hoMcra
down hia way are greatly exeniaeil
with Ihe appndienaion that they mny
ho awindlrd out of tho right lo atoal.
Jiitnoa K. Ililcy, on trial at Tliilti
mafo fur tho murder of Daniel Har
rington, wan acquitU-d on Saturday.
A firo lit riuttnliurnh. Now York.
Satunlur morning, liurti(l tJO.OOO
worth of properly.
tlTICI". AMI I Al'l !). All i.-r-.n.
ara bamliy notiflft not tn tabf nny UH 1CK
anav fnim my vard withoiil my irwra or nr-lrr :
and tho. whn har, Ultan any, will do wrll tn
rail tlpn mn nt nnra aud anttln for thn tnma. and
tbwl.y aat, nii.l. P.O. HMhbV.
Mar f, isnu Si.
', i hwby gitan Hint IrlHr. of n.lmini.ltalion
l" "'' A " 1 V A NT. d-.'..l,
Iitr ol t'Ulirh lowniliip. I l-artrid -onnlr, ra..
hating Imi-n tlulv grami-il lu Ilia nndrr.ifrn.-d. nil initililn. u aaid r'inlf mil ila-a winlta
pnvmant, and tii'm having claiina or drmnmia
will prrirnt them prupirly niitl-rnlii-ntr-t for aat JA.WKH I I.VNN,
w2A At Admiaiatmttira.
nwi Ttm' Kuril i-'. soiwi.b.r,.
Iy givm tiiat lri-tlara 1 nartMnmitarr having
l-li (fvnnlr I tn Ihr au'iriocr, an lh Litntr ol
M ATI 111 " t'Al.llW I 1,1., d-r..,.d. latnol
luwnahip, t'icnrtirld ntmnlr, Pina Ivaia. nil
pfr.ona in lrlitit t anid K-tntc nrn nsftn-atrd tu
roaka initiit"lialo piyinint. and Itioaa hnv ing
rl.nn. mr.iin.1 tlir rnima mil prcai-iil thtmduly
iuririitl,'iilfH4 lr K'ttlMnmt.
myS'. l;pd II. II. t At.liM l.l.t. F.t'r.
1 n thk coriiT uv com mo pi. kh
I o i.hAitKiM.i c'trrv, pa.
Abctiiiica I. Kuxic,
No. lriit. J Ml. T IHiiU.
I'luri'-im alias mbjifrna
rur diviirwp.
p, IT,4-(tVi j. Ki
Tn K .,r nhril. J. Kline. lta)itilenl In ilia abort
You ar b rtlT niilid Ibat a libel In HtTnrw
baa bi-r-n fil d in tl nirl br Alfiamltr I, klinr.
arint thh, prainjt 'b fwart t grant him
a lirtinf a vinrnlo Matrimonii nt, y n onteroH
into. Vim a- ihTrffir iHiminan trJ and rr-uin"!
Ifi aiiMr at the nrt Court of 4'otntann Ptfaa, U
I h-H at f.eartlald. in and for an Id to-nittT, ca
ih third Mondar of June writ, and abw rantr,
i j- utc, wnj n pit:i wi aaio iinriitii
almulti ph b- granwd.
aar:3t t YltK.vir nrWf, Kbailf,
21fir flvrrtlifttifnU.
( a'T's Alt firM r fcrrM et (!
Vttll iUt Irt'lnmnf rfiMlT. ?tW IB ifcr feitstt1
,4 Umtt V. in..!, ! .tiNM .itktit, t ml :
I brown lWr. m pw. I t-n, 7 itn f bt-
nf,. I "'((i I" iMiri wpb..iM.
1 4f ottmi. t lioui, I lisunn-. ftfi't 1 ritx-fci, fW
ih Mat blffr . Ui)ri t mt rW.
1 f.WU I. BU)OM.
riHK nmlrrfif nit, having d-lsrrainrS to more
1 u tk Wl, iS ilns fllULlO JALk, u
tiu rna.lrncw, m Corwsnivlltr, od
Oa Wednesday, June 9, 1069,
TIm ISIkxntg nlusbls lUsI F.itaK;
In il Urinoili. Th" II "u ti TWO PTOItY
! UAM It. wvli fiiiinlii J. wilb .'vrn rimoii ou ssch
Stior, wttr in tlif kiirlirn ii.t nil llir rtrrrry
ulbuililiupr snl lutitlem iiupoiTpniintft. ISnru
l ilu t lnir STAlll.K ou IU Int.
STTKRMK (Ih lhirdeh, uit IW rnlnaoe
In Ino eifUkl nnuual psuicoti, wtlb Intvrtit.
Personal Properly.
Tift lull'isnir femisnl Proper!? nnil Itnatr
buld (luod will tm Mitd st Ibn isme tiun ud
tc, vis ;( ,
Twn I'artor Slovrj, onr Cook Hnnrr, Onlr. Tnlil,
lunlnj Tnlilr, UrmlifMl 1 bU. thru nru or BkI
Hnoin t iiritilurr. bMf - nil. Sols, Loanfr, Clisirn,
L 1 1 .,,,1 lap.r n,infitV
too., hoia (imi.u nnd kiicben humiiurc, tw
uumiroor to ao-nllus.
jesresle tv oomineucr St ton o'eUx-k, A M. of
toid tln', wlien Hit loruit (wbitib sill Ini Ubornl)
will bo Inlif mlc Ssona.
Csrwraltillo, U; It, ioCk 2 1.
or "
rpilt niriilimJ wi'l at jiuMir u!a, on
Xh l'ttwiwHi, u ilioutu towuiiiip, Crt.vrf.elil
CvUDtJ, I'.,
: On Saturday, June 19, 1869., ; J
That ? aluablc irmci of Id1 ntot in Blooa town
tUip tfurttmiil, m th (Mr it pike, hf tray bl won
Corweniwillr and Lutbnrilur(, iof art uf Ul
IJ hvvifMta J tb laic Uou. Jaiaci Ulooa, .
Abonl tttir uf mhch mi elrard anl untirr eulti
valimi, wittta two ulurT Uttk fram 1W tfLl.I NU
(wo hlAULKH stii uitarr vatltmitlinci thereon.
ti(rrihr with two ifiHscJ UHCHAHU, iwu will
ani fwti eKfriii-ni tpTing or atr( alto, xtiae
l'lK, W HiTKOAh, and a irm quaatHr a.
ItKMMM'K limber, within ona-balf mil ! two
trim faw-aiilf.
Tbii roprtr U wtll ialu-4 for fartulnc an J
Dotal -purjt'
8ak to eonimeiioa at oaa oVluck, n. at. oa aaid
day, wheo tha lerma will b fully mad ktiuaa.
W. If. Blooih, AqrtimiMr. uivI6.ta:pd
Itu-rsiei and Wagons for Kale.
MINK auhtvrilwr baa ou hand and f-.r aatt FIX
1 H rUi I h."i,foar I'A II Kl A. K6.tii LI AlHKH
A'iO.Nrt an-l to baavy M'lU.NU Ali(.ftS.
Can bo .tu al a&y Uac by rmllitij al hn IWpry J A M r. I,. LI-AW.
OlrarlloM, May H it
(Icarfield Count) iiond Lost.
ON tlit- t.iAt of (ho 17th of Mar, tha aafa in
ho f.ntnitn btwtt of R. KMpna A Co.,
!. I'mt, Fiittbttrpb, wh brt.ka into
and tabbed of inonoy, bosdi atnl otbor ralaaMra,
aiaouK wbicb aa a touuty Poud of l lraifteld
C'janiy, fur :tut, 4a4od Utti Jdarcb,
bia lat July, 1S72, No. I4.
All ruDa aro bvrly cauliiaod aKniaat tht
purvbato of aaid buud, M pajmn.t baa brrti
atopM. 11. II. fcUOfU'K,
aiyltO al Attoruty for II. Rtiuaou A Co.
EitUorwaa. 0. KiUina;ar. - 11. iS;lbruaa.
, S. StLBERMAN &. Co.,
, It! .VorlH fourth Street,
mri Pllll A1M I.PIIM.
Ft'I.L tofply ( Cloibf, CarimrM and
retinaii rontantly -mi band, wtiirh will b
mulo aa aontarding to tha lairal faabinwa, ia ft
fibttantial manner, and at h m ralr-a. mr2n
TATKS tor ih M't-itom Matrict of I'ton
ivania, Jn Itaiikmptcr.
In th matiir of ! id Pmt.isa, II auk nipt.
Hrtfatro J'titrirt Penyinm', SS f
A Wan an I in Baaknifitry baa brca vatd
bv aaid Court atfaii.H tha Kfiato of DAVID
I'K bhlh ').( iba hiatal of CUarbaJd.aad Ktato
of PraattTlvouiar Iu aaid bitnM.adj4t'ad
a Uaaaruiai wpoa potltina of bia trodliwrf.
acd the pajaiaot of any dcbla aud lb dHory
of any aarupariy brltniD( la aaid Danbrupi,
to hiiu. or tu bia iio ai4 tl.a trancfor uf any i
propvtty by biaa. aro futliiddra by law. A
tt.ftirj of tbo Craditflft of tha aaid bankrupt,
In prova tbrir Dftitf, and (u cIiimim ont or mor I
Aiif rrra o bia XiUta, will bo ld at a C wrt
if llankrupiry, to ba boMtn at I'loarRcld ia
aid Divtrifft, oa tht Bftoeaih day of Jnna, A. !
I.f, at t n'elurh, . a tha offico of 9. t.
Wjodrtfl. t , oro of tbt Hrglattra ia Baab
rtibtcy in aaid DiiTieU . ,
a. Krpborti,
a.y2A t V. A. Marahal tt raid bi-trioi.
Valuable Town Properly
FOR SALE! t f ,
SITTATK nr. lh fiotifh-witt mrnrr f Chan-y
and Tinrd htria, ( tiomj ltailMad itrf!t.i lo
wit: A LOT, villi a tw-"1ory (ilatik build-
inn Ibrrt-oti, '.tt tu IS fe-l. one nora on raoli Dour,
auiiablf fur a alorv ur otlirr baainrra. AIm, Hi
adjoining l.-T. vitb a lwt-tory dwll'in houao
tbrrvin, and arwiwl ithr N LoTS.
AIo, a lot uf wrll burnt HR1 K. and a rod
a-wirlmrnt f FT(NKW AKK, aah ai Cr-Ackt,
JiiKS J Kroit ( ant, tr., at tTdurrd nrif.
rur IiitiIht itifiirtuatiiMi. inquirv at Iha Slot
war lttrry of V. Lhl J .INiKK.
anS Am llttarllctd. I'a.
Setllement Notice.
VM, r.'ina hating nnartlli-d n.-annta wilh
thn anJria;ried. or nrr in nny wny Indrhtrd
t bin, nra bwhy rruaatnt Ut rail nd aattia the
ain wiltiout delay, na ha wihta to hava hia
twwiba nrlllrtl tip at thn nnrlieat poa.ilila parin I.
I hoan who fnii lo giva thia nolict triuipt nttnn
tiun, will find thur nrnounta in tha hand of n
propvr ofttaer fur eollrntion with tnata.
I.. At. cut. TR1KT.
Mutannlinrg. Mny IH, lna Irn
ci M ine nnd Liquor Store.
"ill Full ittvrV of Winr, ttrart'Ir. lin, Uky
and Alrnbul, alwaia oa hand. - Pprfinl altonlion
nii'l tit atvarinv innra ar1ila lor Karramontal
ikr I nd ajodiral purpia, jau-I tt
'IIIK Sitittrr Mahnfarinrin f'omnant'a S"aw
PtwiiW winjt Mfhina, and iho lbratwd
t lorenca, fot al l.a
IVraona in want of marHin will d wfl l eall
and t lamina tha and H.'HtN K
brfora tnrfliatnf . f'-Ti-rr Barbii.a warrant, ttt
a' aaiirfaHH-n. alarbiae and atatbiDc lindtnft
aiwart on hand.
rifarflvM, Pa., Vb. t4. Agwita.
"TATI.IU-KM) (MMMiON i HlllNul K
1 ? Tha wndaiiffii4 brbT fira kntirn. that
lbT wit na tbo hirtrt aarat arir for a fnod
ttalilrof Lost) PHINftl FS; and tKnaa having
fph for aala. will and to to th. tnlnroat tn. a4r
i inai a eaii aira aalitnf ia--whtr.
i JM. HH'V gOK
. fiaarltli. Mara I, UO tf
Prntji A JMffl.rlitff.
tn t i. sons
i. I. Mil,)
4... - - - - -
Wnrftrl M., tltarHeM, fa.,
(Sillolalni (tor nf R. Moiisp )
HAVINO pnrobn tho ntwro Slorn tlinn,
nnS r, 0orS It oottrrlT, liimlnir It in ft I
lr,ot FIHH-t-'l.hS DHIi'l HlllrlK. wo
nrn now onnlotf. lo i,lr to thn pulilio. n I'LL.
COMHI.KrK, nnit slKICTI.Y H'HK l. l
mBt of Uiur, Choralrnll, Hnlnl,. llnSluffi,
So., S., mnoiling or Oil,, I'oinn. Vrni-ni,
Dvo Bluff., Tobnroo, Citr, Cofcuoiitrl
. Sutionorr .
Will tod thoir (took of loofi Fl't.I. and COM
FLR1K, nnd ntn vntj iIikIu advnno, on KMtsrn
M IIiiul nuua. r-.
Tonohnn nnd nlkori will So furntahnd with
! inl and lulcollnoon, oookl bj ozprwi, nl
Sort nonet ,
Conntotlnra' 0'l. Vint Cap, PooUrop, Lottar nnd
Corfaniod Nolo Pari nl, n Tory nant atock
of Mourning Nolo papal and fcnralupoa an band.
Fanl, Pancila, Ink. So.
Wilt Ind 1 full atook of Pt'KB HIMCKS. 80PA,
SOD ASM. Conoonltntcd I.YK. SOAf. o.
Areroqnaatodtoaanaiina tbiaaloakof Porfumarx,
Hnir Oils. Kioo Toilat Soapa, llruibai, Combi,
Tvtlot Sotta. do, Aa,
Will Snd a full napplo ot prima Chowtnj nnd
Smoklo, TOHAlM'O, Inportad and low.allo
CIUAKB, Hsu. Kloo Cot. Ac , An.
Of tka bast hrando. nlwava band,
( MyL'OIW. . '
Tha hft qmllij of Ln"or siwajri on band, far
Bodirnl pnrpoiaa.
4r-haiciani' Praanrtptlom pramptjo and
enro'olly cownoun'lad.
Mat tt. Its.
"it k"1T vXiTT
.Varkrl Street, Clear field, Pa.
TE b, laava to Inform onr nld and new
tabllaliBont to tht tpaciom w bui'dlnt Joat
rafted on Markrd atrot, aoarly adjoimox tbt
Maoalna Ilunaaoa tbt woaU tad aftpoMta Maara.
Grahata A Bona' ttoro; wbro w rpetfully
iaftta tbt publM ta ruatt aod buy tbair , t
Drugs, Cliomicalfl, Patent Medicinea,
Oar aloek tf Draft and MadMncs eoaaiaU of
traryibtng aaad, atlorttd vitb tbt grtataat
aar, and
Wa nlaa ka an full atoea nf Pra, Parfnnja ret.
Toilat an Id. a. Kinia. Toolh bmtbra, linlr
RruattMa, Whitawaali llruab.a, antl ararT attar
nlnal Brnahaa. Wa fear, n larra hi of
Fl.irt Oil, Pnlnta, nnd In fart arnrrthirt
tatd In tha painlina; bnaiaaai, wbich wn a&ar nl
City ptUna lo raa bujara.
Cnnfnottcnarr, tia, nnil the larfatt atnclt of
ttarintaa aaar ttStni In thta plnra. and warrant
ad la ba uf tba baat lha Unrkat a..nja
J. a. BitT.wrrf,
Vjtr. 5a, is's. jou r. lawis.
X A T U K:8 tiItEATilESToiB K.
H'HKKTI' - '
Celebrated BUler Cordial.
rrVtlft ardienl raparattrw la nw nnVrad tn
1 tba pnhlla na n rrlinbla anbatitntn fir lha
anaar wortbt,aa annnnwnda whlvh an wood tha
nrkac II ta wnralr vrainhln, ananrmad ol
rarluna barha, fatnrml from tha grrat alum
bow., nf nntnm, ntd alatrd with tha titint
rnra. It ta nnt riiww I nan C'ennAtL
but Ij it dlmal knd anlatarj Inflaanr aiv
tba II. art. U.rr, hl tr, Luma, Honjach and, It nma both aa n frnaatlra nnd cura
for ntfi.r nf tba iti.eaaca tu nhirb thota ornna
ara ant'jfct It Ian rt-ltakln tainllt M.licina,
and aan ba lakaa ba ,ilhr Inlanl ar lull with
tba anna btnaflalal raaulta. It ia eattain,
prompt nnd apaady raulady (or iJiarrbfra, Vr
antnra, Pnwai M.aaplnilil. Djrrprpain, Lownt'a
nl Spirit,. Faintinna, Klr-bhoailarba, at a. tir
Cbllla nnd faiarauf all bin -la. il ia far hrtlar nnd
aalar tban nut qnlntnc, w'tuuul any r f tta par.
nicinua aflata. It arnntaa aw npjtiila. pmtaa a
powarfnl diatar, a-d will ennnlarart ihnalTMta
of liquor In afaw ntinntaa. Prrparrd byJACOH
SCIIRKTZ, Sola I'n.prirtor, M. . car. FiPh
nnd Kao atrrart., Chiladclphln, Pa. Fnld hy
all lra(flati.
Attention, AfDicted!
MMm anbarrlrwf flva ntl that ka haa
.1 raniifiFd thn pmntlra of Madlrlnn In Lnth
aiaharf, whtra hn Inmnda to dannta hia altan
ttcn tn lha Ira.tmnnt nf CHHJNI0
In ranaral Ha will harp an hand a rhoira aa
Ixtionnf Dlll'liSnnd M MUCINS ndn.rd lo
lha Imrmiai nf nhronlr diaanaaa, and may ba
aonavttad nt hia opa nt nny hour nf rha day.
N D. A ward lo Iho.a tBIvtad with thmnla
dlmaia may ha t ynmn ndvantajta. hla'iy
wit nny ha anarn that rni'STWT Phvaiotnna who
do ninin prartlra haat wot Tim tn aiund tn
thn Irnntmantof rnnnntc dianntM, and eonaa
qaantly nnulnrr than I hanrt thtt nlnaa of dia
anana rav(Uiru csctraivn nttanliog.
Intrarthurf, Krh 17, Ixnt tf
Win nira IKa atwva, Punyrnms. BLOOD
rolOIIINO AT NIOIIT, Il will rlfrcln.llr r
u Oaatk that frni'MBrty MmMm. nnd
nny nnwtlnn of tha mr-irftlnrr aramna. na aaaltr nf
hnw Inn, aiamtln,. na nh.apvrr th Ih, nrranw.
II acta na a ann-inc. I. pnrrty .iwnnM. and aa a-Uaaaal
a IW Uala lu aWt la, n, , ajlavinn tha in
BnMW of in, mnffh. faUHnun, iMK-mrnliaw, natatunl
Uw aorraa nnd xnlllr.Un Un ajaua.
Mothers, Save Your Children!
Ka rMU nMI dia nf rorP. rf IM. Krran la nnrd
In lint tt n ftn OnniMM h trrtrrnn.
Mn faaiily al,nnld be wttltnnt Una aiymp, na that ratal
aiaram. t Km r. fna llta n thlrf In tnt mint, u
aval away ynnr Hula awnn, wktn ntliilnr madloal nld
annnot aa abiunni.
- PrtjatfW tmly
DAVID k. rorTZ,
anthawn, JM.
TT Mia hy Uarl.wirk 1 Irmt. rVanrwrld, and
hy dmriri.u and .lira koe,mni rlnoiii;h-oit tha
I'nitat Stati-i.
I tnh 1 1 It
Beale's Embrocation.
(LT POUIll'l,)
Pot all diaaaaai Inrldanl tn II., raaa, Cattta, nnd
Unanan l lnth, moairinf inn nan ol na
attnmnl application.
Thia KmhrmatloB wna nttaoiivaly wand by
tha tanyarnnant during thn wnr.
Por anin hy Hnrtanirh t Irwin, Claartald.
Jnraph H. Irnln, I'nrwrn.villa. ttnninl Uod.
Inndar. Ln'.harahnrw if
U ! ait, IfoMllliro, lluhMI'a. Ilraka'a
Itaofl.nd'i Garffinn.Hnati-Urr'a nnd Oraana'a
tliyranntnd Rltlnra t al.o para l.i ra, nf nil
kinda for ntadieinnJ wnrymana. for aala hy
MI.K.-Ahltf M. f.lnn. Palm,
lard 'l l, rnri-nnUrrr. VnrnUhM nl all kinda,
I'olora in Oil and lrv Paint. A'arni.h P-n.lir.
wia Il tTlT.-itVU K IUW .
ON Mnrknl Ktrrat, nanrly nppuaila tha Jail, lha
thrapnat nlaoa lo bu', lrflioloala nr mtail.)
Pry ft'wtdf.
TA oodnnnra,
Mnairnl Oooda,
Fhoa plndlna,
Pnota nnd ffbaa,
H art nnd flnpa,
rrll laj At
thf n,
O.I OMha,
Vail Papar,
To"tna ard C'ttrt.
Pi I f.nofls, f.roffil(, tftt.
(iOOD (iOODS! 1.0011 STVM1S!!
While Goods ! Stunipod Goods !
UvtUry and Ulot-ci! Coraru aud Pkirtt!
(bew livid !
Straw Goods, Flowers, Ribbons, ttc, '
Unibrollnl and Paranoia, Window Bbadaa, Lmdim
and CbitJran'f SFI0ER, Tfall Pupor,
Ctrpota nnd Oil Clotba,
i . BnU t Cnpa,
e u j , : 1 ' -Prints,
Muslins, Ginghams,
Tickli.ji, Cuttouitoi, Cnaaimirta,
Twoeda, Ao., An.,
. . -' .'''. . ( b
ClaarfialJ AprU 28, llCtf.
Grorfa L. Rard...
John T. ITanTar..
William W.Bait.
Ts doori aonfa of tUt Court Huat
AVINll rrlamM to oar old bualntn atand.
wt btrtly polify Iho eituena of Clearfield
aud tba v nblio frrncrallr. tbat wt haro antrrvd
upon, and Inftnd tu ruat-cuta, a Tigoroua eaia-
Eii(a afloit Lifb piir anl infrrior 1. and
aia aow ta ban J a full aaprir t.f all kind of
goodt d ia tbit market la the lint of
Dry !ooiIh,
Wa plaits (a hart fall aftartment, eootlninjt ia
art ot Motlina, blraehed and aublraohed f
PribU of all fradit aud a'j Wa; aod
Spring & Summer Dress Goods,
Sack at Alpaca of all ahadra; Do Lain, Ho
riaoa and FLannlv; brida, a fall aatwrt
aotnt of g eutlmm'a wrar, evua.atiuj
in jjatt f
Cloths, Cassimeres,
Baliaett and a foil aiaorttoctit ef
potions, Hosiery, Trimmings,
' 1 B 0 2f N E T T S, I C,
Hats and Caps, EootB and Shops.
Wa baa a fnll tnf ply of Toff, Tea. Sucar, Rict
Udlaaaea, 7oLaeo, Fih. ftalt, linaod,
uftl and fib Uila,
Pufar-con-4 Ilnma, hff-aa Pnrk nnd w full
.apply of Proviiionk
'' I
IIardarp and Qucensvurc,
Woolen K ntllotr lftirt. -
All tbt frai:nf ntttel.a wilt 1 aiebajitad for
and nt ptiova tv which tbrra cau bn no clorplion
lkoaa in nacd oi tooda in our line, will plaaaa
toirCA I I
A -VZ SEE t"5.'M
rianrtald. 17. I KM If. -
? dutatlonal.
rpilR I. APT HALF of taa praaaat FPH1NQ
X I'lir.M f twrntr two Bcrka will euiatacnro
ou Moo J;, April 36, 6tl.
RfdinK,frlkofraiiT. Writlrt,0Vj(ft Lot
opoa, IVirnary AnthinMfo and Vrlaiary ,
(l'.'Hra'hTy par half lorni, (nf alrran
ti C
niitp-rr, and dp-acfiptira OfprnpST
with Map lrawhf. Umwitnar, Mrntal
ao lWhoit AHthuitrtie ... it
Aljbra and tha f irawi. 9 Of
Fr full partifuUr ad-nd tvt Citralar.
rart.oll, Nut. II, ISO Sm. anff'69
Rev. P, L. Harrison, A. M., Principal.
'PIIK FOl'ltTII 8KSSI0M nf tk.rrai.nt arko-
I la-lie yanrnf thia Inatllulioa willromrn.naa
on .wU.UAT.IIm Ii-tk day nf April, IF-nt.
Pui ilannn antarni any II ma. Tbay will ka
eharpad with tmtlot frnaa Ik. limn tbay nnlar In
tha nloaa nf tha ri.aaion.
lha aour.nnf Inatrurtiot arabrarat aaary thln
nviuoao tn n tnnrv0(h, prnaticnl nnd ncr-ant
pliahad adn,-atlon fur both a. a .a.
Tht Prinrlpnl. bntlr had thn drantur nl
mnrk ttpariaeaa In kia rnfaatiow, naanma pn
ranta and (uard an. th.t kia tntita nbility nnd
nnarciaa will ka darnlrd tn tht winral nnd aa.n.
I tnl tra.nirj of tha yonlh plard nndrr hia ahnrrn.
Orlhofraphy, ttandlna;, Atttlnf. nnd Primary
Arilhwiatin. par Prp.ion ( II warkt) 1 1
; uramnar, Mairaphy, Ariihnrli., nnd
I Ml'" l, u.oni.lry, Trl.-onomMry, Mia.
.iiratlon. nrTayin, Philo.npky, Pk.ti
olofy.rk.miatry, Knnning, Botnn
aw.1 rhy.irai H'rnphj . . $t 01
ua-in, tiraan nnn rrrncn, witb nny nf lha
ahnrn Pranakna . . . , g,) n
JII'SIO Pinna ( Iramn.) . . . i( (,
! dr dnriiow wl, ba nad. for intanra
Sn-frrfiirtharpartli.nlnrannnlra nf
Ka. p. I,, IIAPKIS0K. A. M.,
PaV 4. ltd tl. (.., Pnn.ip.t
W'"1!'-' WIL1.P.R-T. mn . frriat-
mill, will, ennirannf nna'om. poawri.-on
TTnn nt nnot.
i5d mcnromandailoy. mqniiad.
rtktmttn, P.
,i nprly
i nr t (f9t.i1f Tor ,t.
IV(K M'ftaf f valnaMt f.r,(,(r,y
1 at I'til.Sr utnrr.
Ou Saturday, May 29th, lBf.9,
in tha th of HWm II pc. 1, luailj
and thirty feat acrct and atlowanc ,,(
(uai'l in Tlrafia lown-hiji, ('Varltsjid P,
1 1 .' " ! wi'iiin ooa ana a t.t.ii
l.arLrtd ('(, and Hi-li oovirsd
Uk .a,.
lilllf, Uit It at.i lift. I
.1 att'i in j eau.
"i " - t lltl
) Rutira n,iii n lanla tiiitnuiai)
joii.intf tti mina. Tbna.Mjf traet m ,rt
(uWji out of, tiia (
W ill iau Ijumi.v. Any fMH.n tltiii(( to i,urtt
wjII tin wall tA go aaU (Lt auma. '
1 i,t eun'iitlona ol Una ! ar a fi.'lo, :
'A ti Ih mi id dnwa on atinaiwniit.i. ,.t i.
" tha otbrr half on ti rt day ol alar )? !L
t fet wruwl li boud and mjrigtt with imtr((,
tr'Jiu of lair.
'i ii owoor rarvet on bid.
nVoaaraiiaa will bo frivt-n iinmHiittlr
HA .Ml WlliLMIRt
tirajnptaQ ili'.U, mj it, If tiS ti.
Mu-HilANM'.N LAM AM) J,c MBRR c,,
PAiS i nit it tor aic Iowa Lou ia utbw.
ouu of laoc(ja, Cltwrlirlii eouniv, I'a., tmi
IvI lo ait tiurcliaaura vntPiU tbt limit ef
)Krou(b. OaMula M ittiMWl oo liic Jh.ittuUkf4
Cra-rk, ia Um rtebeal jurtHia of itia coumi
Clcarfiultl, ou lb itna uf im Tvrontj A Citartt
najiruwwUt muvrv wv numtaiiuu aiiu Domnoi
branch mada iBtari-rct. tt it alio ia tbt autttf
tha Moibinnoo ooal baain, actl livrgt UxImi 4
itb.te fiu, brmlouk, oai. aa.I other Umber .
ruuti il. Ono of tbo larguat iamirr txanulattn.
iug eatatiliiboianta in tba Stale ia located u
loan, wiula tbtra aro Diany o'hrr lumo
biuift uilla around iL Hie tufn ia but
vrara old, and auouuu a j-opulatiyi. uf btt u,
and iuhabitfVDta.
JBriTfvi further icfonnauOQ Aly at t&tvtUi
of tbo alfOtt Poa.)ai.j.
ions LAWEOt
p f Pip nm f adnt
Housw and Lots foTiiT
1WH J10CSE3 an.1 L0T6 in Cltarfcii, W
at oa Unas. Poateiubii
iu thirty daya. Aiau. a btoief Ful K U Je n
tuc avruar of Founb and Kitd airtc!, urn,
i73a2wU .eat. Throo oi fltete tola an well ioeat
ft cithar Jawbor yard, ooaJ jard, or fwr batidiaf
porpotea corrallr, bci-uf within 2 0 Itti of tta
railroad dtpot. Pnct and term rtacjuibt
AVVf to GtOKoE IhutLS,
cbI4-tf ..... Pa.
Valuable Farm
THE undirilgnri now olTtra u prirala n', U
farm, aituntr in l.awrm'n tonfb:p. Cirfwl
ouuntj, I'a.. bouu4rd hy Orrf, M' Muli in axa Ma
fia, and witbtn 2i milaa nf lha railroad drpot n
r. r . i. i . -l '
About TO aorfi of which la elantnd, Lartni TWO
PAHM liors-h-, LOU BAB.N, nnd olkrr ait.
bailJint, with uv I DO living ftwlt trmiaii
snrcr-railtLi; rpTlrjf of wau-r neur tha bouu.aai'
with na niuoh riBibaY on thn plnca, if proytri;
managvd, al will pay lr)t. laa wlu it uaain.
laid n ith coal. Ona uf 'ha h 'aift nan infant (
thr yean for fl.Otitl. ia a food eoBipaiir, (natt.
tug tn pay until lha tiana ia np.)
'-ar l'i;Itt. S.1,tvu, in rnay paiwatla. It
laiiaa, dc, apply lo WILLIAM huSIilK.
Citnrtitld, Paw, lab. it, 16.
Farms, Timber land & Horsrs
r tti. mu
1 real nnd paraonnl pmparly. oflrra tbt feliaa.
nj mm opportunity for barf tiny:
ONE 1ARM attnata ia (lirarj ronDitip. ul
kbuwn a. tha "Claudiua Kntaalot Faj m," wl.ioit
ivr land, nf Atif. t.aeonta- nnd othrrf. mDtiiaii
IIMI Acral, kn v nf which un c:aamd. witk tai
dwalhug houara, lrw naid Tnnnt orroard tlirrtat
Alao. tIK llt'CK-Kl'.V I'AHM. avataiaiaf,
1(H Arrr-a, tiny of nhirh ara rlntrl, wai
dwallipf henae, barn, nnd other nctbQ:.?dittt.t-
gtlbtr with twothririn; yoonf orrtinrli tarwt.
Atao, fKVEKAI. OTHKIl tAKMrj'udBan
of 11.MULR LANlifc fur ul.
INU ll'it.-l:? nt the muuth of !rr Cml i
ba ranKd, nt kt t run kj lUa thouaai tt out
-FulB UK AD OF WOhK l!uP.5E3,aW, will va aoid un ranionahlt trrau.
ffirTA bnrnin la -ifferad in r ack i f 0v fern
ft.ina; prupuaitiony. J lia Irrnia will h nadrrtn
rurtUfr tntormat.on ran ba oL-taitn-d ly rni.-tf
on lha prrrniioa.yr by a'l'rajiingthe uul?ntti
at rranonTiiin r. u., v.Kr.rnil. rountv, ra.
fa-hit tf. 1.. M. Cu'UTl'.in
- - - ; . a. . - I
tiiuf Vitasens.
New tVnnliliiKlon, Pa.
"SWA.AM kin ji of JI.ioj.TT d.Lt, in Ik. w r
workinanliVa maniirr. Oi.icia i. li.-ilril,and to.
trncta ttkan In nny part of tha rinnty. aprliti
Stone-Cutlers & Stone-Masons
WTItL asaaatal work ia their liota-wd
I ? trata pnait and ia HHpT CLASS rtjli
iLrchitectural Omamecti
In ALL STYLES, Stiwa Draarinr tt ar
dtarniftoD. and all kiada of aafoaorkM
trartad for Id wr oat of ba routatT. Any hw
w I iiinf to bar rwafwiabia a"a mt'i (
aioar.rutttof duo, will find it to intr it.!
to call upia ua. a would alo In for a !h pn
Ho ttat wa em delnar any quaaiity or riaii
tuna dpiirad, a wa ara tba orra uf a
Ordan fr.r work ran ha nddr.aaid eltkrl
Clrarfi-ll or Lutbcrrbur.
f.f.r nia f'r.
Webster's Unabridfred Dicticaarr
3MIO F'ligrnTlnc" ! Idlt Pajri ftaii
rrtr tln.
in ixmi w-j. mA v;.. .j ii a
Vlrw.d na n wbala. wa nra '" 1
othrr lit inn: lanennfa baa n dictionary abK'
fnll. and laithlnll. M-ta r.rlh il. nrv..nt ft"'"
n. thi. -laat ndilion of t rli.trr dtta tbnt t
wnttnn and Hkrn Engii.h tonjiia. "T
IbeM tkma hooka nrn tha aaw r'l '."'
I.'lrw.i.. . fa II II., H.l.,,.!.
tinil Qfi.t,,, t 'AiVfion frfii, Jnit
1nn Nrw Wannyn, i, (lHona-it PrM.
H diatanraa arili-fi. c-moatilipn it lr"I'
inf tn ha dc.rtd J. II. aYnjinnad, Ll Pr"
I'.irMr (nttrtfe.
1 ha ntiai tiapfu! nnd wna-' r,",,.' (
at,Mian knuir'rrfoa tn our Innunaf- "
f'aa.naal JV.iaa. Aftntt'twrni i v.!';".
Wobstcr's National Pittorial Dirt"1!
IIUO I'nun ttrtttyo. HtHt ritgr'''
-Tt work I. rtaliy a " Z1 '""''jr
tt.allnnc fr.r til. mi'llrft. A -arnraa
in tu ny r-tvret. Ih1. t'irt'nary
oun.-.-ni!tir pui.:i?hr-t."A,.rlr.'.r '
'Ala airinual of it il armr-''1'
for ii tr hm.'! and ..-h-..'"-.V P '
"It II ll.'frlhi.r tha Wat trra.ur.T at
'... nhidi ih rtifll.k l0(:nr ra.r"T
.a.i."--ar'r'..pal t'rf. , .
IMbMbwl hy O. ) O. Mf'rilMAM. r
..mii-Iihi it. '
i:dwaui n:nKs co
Flour JlniuiaHctHrrr1
And t)ra wi in
pnittTf-BCP.. T
C0KS and .( HOI oonMt-J at
j .
J) tl. 'V
Bunr .Uf