1 EhfjrtcpuMican. ' I ' (tF.illldlC H. (ionH1.ANIll.lt, I'llilor. Cl.KAKKiri.D, I'A. WKPXE.MUY MollMNli, MAY !:, IMS. Wo havo ininsoil tlio UriHikvillr Jltmlil fnrVoii-.o time. What in the mutter, "Pat?" Don't cut us without assigning a cause. Mis .Mnry McCovJ received "even votes for County Superintendent ol' Milllin county, Ht the, Into School Con vention at Lawiritown. (inint's Indiitrm aro on tlio war path again. They aro robbing and murdering in western KaiiRua. The Quaker spirit has evidently not moved llicm yet. Abolisiiku. The new Jlegintry luw abolishes the Spring KlectioiiB throu eh out tho State, and nil borough nnd township officers will hereafter be elected on tho second Tuocday of Oc tober. General George li. iicClellan, and Governor liandolph, of Now Jersey, had a long interview with Gen. Grant on Thumluy last. This was the first meeting of these two military chiefs sinco the former was ordered to report at Trenton by "the luto lamented'' in 1SC4. 3Lt jnBHT. 1110 .v i. irioune ltlC Mates the antral of the. tuffraijrjwHl then we cau find a meutis to get directory have discharged Mr. J. litis-1 queMion, was introduced and passed i at the exact debt, and a mount to dis koII Youn". nana"in editor, und ahol-1 by the dominant party iu Congress. ' poso of it. Till the present ndminis- iahed the office. TbTa inovcnicnl indi- i il ul Jl'r tl,!,t l,coI,le. mUt ,,u" i trilti""' "!' V'" '""'l,y "l'l'l'"'"K . T , 1 1111 opportunity to snv whether or not , are siiuclched out, the poople must catcs o victory for .Vr. Dana, w ho 1 lh(,yv0 wilM1;; l0 ylM ,liB right, ! put conlideneo iu anything e.naua evidently told porno truth when ho it as jiroposod by Senator liuckuicw, ! ting from public olliciu'is. A corrupt detailed Young's rascality through tho 1 and other Democrats in Congress, ! pnrtr,us ire know the dominant power iSiiii, a short tinio ago. lion. Revordy Johnson, our minister to Englaud.lias packed his trunks nnd f. . . ! 19 on hipwny home. This was a nice j trip, $lT,flOt) salary, SI",0(IU outfit, , nnd flT'HO infit : just 801,0110 for a 1 trip to England and back. Who: J "cy must, penorce, heep iu in 01 1 ciiies Collect t jc t'lxes and stamps ' hands of tho tnassi-s, tor well they . ' . , ' I knew that it would be lost if left to off the poor louls to pay it. I the popular .hoiee to accept or lejecl aw. - . j( lnmfore llin; Uf, U U) the Ulle 1 Cien. George 11. Tliomus wiis oflercd l,ei 'tdatire alremly rhonrn. These ! n silver ten set by his army comrades , corrupt and infamous bodies had been j at Louisville last week but he refused elected 011 the non-intervention Chi- to accept that or any 'other present, j Vorm, but tlicy merel.v re-1 ... 1 ..... 1 iihlorua tlic di'ireo of Uie Jaflical f ulvi ,11WM a will find an individual there who will take tiny present, fiom a hundred thousand dollars down to a twenty- live cent picture. J'uiMAur Kliotion. lly referring to Hiiother column to-day, it will lie noticed that the IViinai v Klcctlon will bo held on Saturday, tho 10th day of i i , ., , , , i . 1 t ,l , 1 i- l uu7,miu tuii.i,i;,i:iatt.,iii.iiuuii:niiiL ' nnnoiinccd in this issue. Tho rules, together with the committees of vig- ilance, will bo published as soon us prepared by the Counfy Committee. . . Wc obscrvo by tho l'laiiul ealer that Punxsntawncy suffered another elope ment last week. This time a married man runs off with a young girl. The former leaves n wife nnd several chil dren to mourn their loss. No names aro given. "Punxcy" certainly nocds reconstruction ; but tho inhabitants being nearly all white, Congress may give it no attention. Cam.inu for Jltl.i'. Tho "loir newspapers of Xew York call loudly upon (iov. Hoffman to save the people of that State from the corrupt grasp nf their Legislature. The lloston 1'ost thinks it strange that tho Trib mm should have to appeal to a Pcmo crntic (inventor to save the Stnto from the acts ol a llepubliean Legis- Inttlfo 'nl ..I .,11 .1 ., ,nr. ..-K.. ,t... o. iiarues is cun-pho lllorol' " Sr.TTl.rD. After tho close of the war, n large mimncr of suits were lirnnirlii .i.Tniimi niigtmnainr. ' 1 I , . - . . , A n, KhalH, und othert n.totl .StutcH oflu-vn. : . i u ,t f .... . i , ii in ine oitiiii rn nunes n no niiiiueo tho fun. Is in tlit-ir hnml over to the; ('ontciloraor, nl the brcakinir out of i " I tlie war. A num'.ier woro tried. aiidIT'.-,. . . . 1 11 ' ! ilKl.-liutil. lPn.l..f,.l ,r,.'..t il...... ' ,,-.... '" i Tlicotntutcof limitation wjh put in no I For tin- ptvsont thu tinio for rnnninj; tho party tho lijo oI'b voinr, its well us ft pica, and nn appeal taken to the " ill be rather "low or ; in tlio trai l; ir f man und n brothi r." Supremo Court of tlic I'liiled Slatos; I nl'w lu"' "eeds Imllant in. The I'liinii I und Chief Justice Cli.ie bidt woid;' ' ''"npniiy. an alio the Central, have They had itiilo a fine hnrii'-whip-,,,-, , , ,, , '; eatdt.it Is dated, over LMKIU Ireii'lit , piliil Inaltdt belvvt'on two ''honorable" uUnehmond, reversed all the low or ;(.r,, Iln(1 the )init hn, V(.r m u-um, at Cnneil I'llufl. lovv, u Courts, hvorycami id therefore Kot-j loeoniotiven tint laller KiihiIn l!H). lew dy n'i. Theo wehtern people tied by the p-latulo ol l'imitation. I nro j,reiit fellows. When they have i - . A Tnnoi'tni Km rr The telegraph ' minntincei. the eo.iipletion of the Pa-! : jia; n - . rr-. . . , . . p-emoct aeliievcmeiitof the iuo, and 1 ...t.ii.ii.i. ....A m im in. 1. 1 inv , one that will bo hailed with i,vhv,uni' "l0 ntteranee of liiiraninie ealcti every Americ.in. oe.in hardly real ir.call that this aiiiioiitir-omeiit implies. " 1 iLiseoitiinoiitlnmitho.,,,,,.,!,:,, gll.ui ,.ri.,.t. Atlanta Atlautii: to the I'mific is j;irdoi w ith is full ol t ons ii'iteo ntrii ken agitators- bind of iron that there is n eon-1 w'"' lr" Ht'iaid to leave torvn. Their tiniiouH (vaelt for the railrond etvine i from Ni. , j . l- -xo;" i"c to San I'l'iincifcr. , W e have an. imn band m ross the 'onliiioril.finin east to nest, it is true : '. yet, linaiici,,v ono ( ,1(J ,(,,), .fauns ever pori.tirated on any iii'.nilo ls been awar,l,,l f,, ...'.;.. 1 y ti.e cmKinm z. ii !resion.il rin and their i .unuuiniieH in u,e eoiistrnelion of thin road. Great tttwla aro bein Made to ( onecul this 4at-t, but il ia hound to r.e daylight ere long. "ov. (ir-ary dnritii; the recent aen. I"? , V-'e L,,eil,l!,i"it aifrned I.O'.Ki .1 in. J IT ),or k Uvr Hoffman aiftned f.n MU. ih0 ,)r0(Juct of ,ho LsRisluture of U)Ml .s,wt(1 , Goy heary a hands aenty bills atill re- main unacted on, nnd in Uov. Hoff iinui'd lc i.Uiaji thirty art. in abevanco r. , i. hi i ii mm iaaat ainn t A Mrtmilt tfitiynl tr IrW ' af'rl Iht Hit n tor Itttt Vvp Pratt Ir. . Willi k'I tluif ki'i't i."im n tul I Tl" iif"iiiitit nl In I ii'tml ruiinnni t nt , rittili.li)', tMP I'liiln'lll nil 1 1 il'l II rnllli.'t j ln.i Iniin llm .nli!it i, ihi willul Inii'l ili'liln'tnio IuhhI tin V urn trrf lining Hi I'hi inr iinti tin" i '0'!i' llir W ill Am. niliiu'til. Tlio t.win.lln in Inn nnki'il ii ii. I Imlil hut In I"' H'l'ii In all . Im run-tn irlimTva il. Unit il lllrn lv II IVll'lil I'M lliC lli'llrl'IT.tln, It aimiM I'P t:ikrti n it mmiiT ft rtiiivnv '1'linl in H rutiitiinii plum ni'i unrnie mill Mili'tli'" milioiiy. I itit UiO iiiukko" ol' Hit? "ri'iMililu iiii" p.'ir'.v, lire, Kin'- cinllv, I lie vicliniN ( tliP rlu'iil. TlifV villi il tlio niilu al ti( lii t. la-t lull, mum ' tin nH.Hii i nine con mined in tlio Cliitao T'l.il 1 1 1 1 it nl their l'urlv, that in Iheiliavo taken a iriosH id iiiiniiu-H. J lie "loyal Statt'H" tho ulii-age j iio.Htitui would he loll to the control of the people. Tlio seeond nection of that pliiUorin in here reproduced, an IoIIoh h: The snaraiilv liv I'linn a of equal anffrnf to alt luyal mm at tim Siuitii. waa iliiuiimli-il by t.-v. pi V onttiiiiliirnliiili of utlin ali'ty, i.f frrntiluili aivl nf tulicr, anil milh-t tn mainlinnM : ir-atl Ikr If naafioil nf aujfmy fa iiii tiu i"ifi .Vlul puiptrljf i.eoNia Iv lAa pettpln 11 lMm .Vlnlra." (iraiit and Colfux accepted this doctrine in writing, over their own proper nignatnreH, and tho rank and tilo of tho "republicans" of the "loyal Stules," thus assured tiuit they would bo perinittvd to settle the mil - frago question in their own wuy, and not dreaming that tho very men who stood on this non-intervention plat- lorm, would rob the people ot the1 present dominant party is out ot privilege guurantood in such platform, 1 powei. To-day gold is Hi!) or 7 per voted and eleciod the Radical ticket. I emit, holier t! an ou tho 1st of April. Tho solemn pledge of the convention j The groat debt is thus much larger nt Chiungo, to tlio efl'act that Ac ico-1 limit it was on that ditto, niuusured pie, of the. loyal Uttitet iouW cuiifro'jbya paper medium. The quotations nnl reiulate the suffrage question ;ur,ol gold at tins moment carry tho debt theiiwlres, endorsed by Grunt and of the United .States 8170,000,01)0 Colfax in their letters of acceptance, ! higher than it was on April 1st, and 'proclaimed from every stump and ; Jiij, 000, 000 higher than it was ou May heralded in ovory radical ncwnpaier, j 1st. Tho higher goes gi ld tho more has been deliberately and ruthlessly , we owe. i)o not tie deceived by ofli broken by the very men who gave il. jciul statements put forth at a period Scarcely had tho telegraph wiivg con-1 like the present, when the paper dol veyed the intelligence o( (i rani's 1 1m- is fluctuating hourly. We shall election, nnd the return of a Kadicul j never know what wo owe till tho ma maiorily to Congress and most of the 1 terial with which wo mcusuro our State legislatures, until an Amend-j indebtedness ceases to contract and ment to tho Federal Const ilution ! expund. Koute this accursed party propo.-ing to take from the pi oplc of out of pow er, horse, foot, nnd dragoons. that tho liropiiscH Ameimiuctit oc j fciibniil led to I lonvciitinns chosen by ' tile otern ui liiu si; eiui i.iiiiivn. a hip proposition -v .. j- u . the Kadicul niuontv, lor it was not t,R.ir )11ITS0 to co,;n, i10 ptM.j.lo in ri.irjird to n measure which was designed to itbridgo popular rights. ... ...:.......! I... lonucnsut Washiinrton. Sunnier. Llut- i,.,. Wade, liiniihiim and Grant, cast tho vote of 1 eniisylvitum for the A Vll Amendment. Tho Hadicnl members of tho legislature simpiy recorded tho ' will of the Washington'cnbal. Was thero erer n more shamnful j betrayal of popular conliilcnco than n,j, cold-blooded and blusbloss fraud on the pai l of the Jiadienl leaders "i,on lliu people generally, und tho I 'republican" masses in particular ? I epll out till lllltssen in pnriie . , u .- i .,. a ml ,-f.t I tn iiwn tvl.n iirni-tiu,.il llnu infamous deception, who betrayed their own political friends with malice prepense, who ought to bo usliamed l" look nn, U',nw1 m?n U'e, ,aco tht so men brazenly ask to be endorsed at the coming election by the people whom they hsvedeccivedaiidjiihttlted '. It thero lingers tho smallest spark of self respect in the heiti ls of this out raged people, if civil liberty litis not lost all its value with tho citir.ens. nuy, if the intelligence of the masses, regards this unholy and hell Porn tjchcino to destroy popular liberty, with the loathing il should inspire, the authors of the XYlh Amendment swindle, and tho knaves who are now j engaged in fraudulently forcing it on , Stales nnd people, will bo speedily hurled from power and branded with i tho ignominy they have so richly earned. Jlown with the traitors '. I Down with the political dcsH'rndocs who rock not whether they betray friend or foe ! Jlarrithurij Patriot. Fa ub liv tii k Patiuc Haii.iidaii.- III expectation of the consummation , of their connection, the Central and Union Pacific liuilrmids had made ' Iduo arrangement to accommodate tradn and travel arms tlio ennti- incut. The first thing upon which they had to r.grce was, of course, the ' rate of passage. Tho respective ofll- cersof theconipany, uflcreonsultation, i have cuiiic loa Icmpornrv uiidcrstaiid- j J I... I l, r...a (. V-...I. i '"' It I (1 I I t ' I 1 1 jtt'H Il'IK III ., yrnn(.U,t for t.mi rarll Hnj H,(.., . . ... i mi t.MII paaHongfTrt ulioulil bo $75, 1 ami for first rlnss paonir'n ("17."), ! for first rlnss riaonir'ri fJIT.'i. ! Concern in;; livilit noilmur (Icfiiiilo ; ral l. - ,.A I,:;. .1 i . . 'li' j no innilo in lroin fix to kovoii i nn JiAli For AiilTATOBn. Thrj linvcn 'lni'er eiiKtnm down South jtmt now. : w)'mnr. " m",n ""'j"" ''i":'"'"-; untiMiiiiis in n inlrii.t l.t? In'in.r t.. ! j 1 s ,.,,wi. i.. .... ,i ,.' ..i .1 j...r - ,.in j....,.,., i. i mm-:, I'lvJ pensoot the noi-liborliond bynpliition lated to ilemoRtlixn labor and niako ' 1. . - i . . i .. , property uiiMife, miniebody fullowa him out on tho punt and nlmnis linn. l itis reeoitrwetod nerves arc eviileiitly very miii n (leinoralir.e'I. The Si.tle Temperanro Alliance in M naiad, uh.mIs is in a in-i k of trouble jalioiit it president, Mr. Ppooimr. who ... "Ml"1' l" restjrn, ntU nas "I"." not,.."' l",n,r'y the t:.":?;. A!rr:: ,'rri!',,NB m wnne point fonneeied with '-intoler ance and "prosepipi inn." It oniH, then, that the New JXuijIund taniitifs aro beiriniiinrr to appreeiuto tho fuel that them is audi a word an "intoler ance," and that its definition can be found in N'onh Wrhster'l Dictionary. The viilnnoe eommittee of llryan, WyomiitR Territory, ealled tipon a desperate eharaeter a ahort time ainoc and tjavo him HOoen minuted to leare town. 11a mounted hia mule and aaid : "Gentlemen, if thia d 1 mulo don't balit, I Uon'l want but five." i w w m . m - u till" llllirti I l lll I'llllllV i lilt' l" i" lioral ili l. Tlid li 'iin linn ot tlinl mi i vit in . ii ever Imil.'d n It iciiii; In I he in I, iti) 1 ' I"" at ! IK pat "'t id' tlit" lull lit IV ; ami wlieit the tif'W S.'i rel.irv uirkiu vtrillv iimn'iinr,"! a dri I t'll"!' lit till' ' di'ilillil Hill I M.iv. ruunl In tin' Mini nl ?'i.! till" In mi iiii.i tlio luicfil ctiiKr-'l tiinltittiiW" cried "Allali lie I'lain'.l I'lKvi'thil is lli new lynum. llul lnnv All l.iul, lion-well:" . olinwn TlnHy Wo Imvo Nwnpimt ; oil' tlic nuinanri' nl II !i li II tl lakrn tit J)Uuch in c.vaIi.iu ; liny, wo i nominal reduction in ti,2uu,(l(it), hut 'tho uetiinl iiifitilxi wan, mi -May 1st, J7-r IU(,OtK. On April lut tho psper dollar w an quoted MJ lor It'll in golil. On .May 1st it stood Mil puper dollars lor 1UU 111 gold, or thrco dollars on each one hundred advance It would, therefore, linvo taken, on the 1st of .May, 75,."ilj;!,OJ 1 more dollars to pay our national debt than on the 1st of April. We had 11 nominal reduction in the 8li,2mi,O(10- big dog, but we actually im reused the nuisanc e in the score ofpuppics, which the ST j,i')0LI,(JJl brought upon us. iSow, let every tux-payer give his attention to this grave faeU Wo shall never have a gold currency till the to I.e. will have corrupt olllce-liolders. and no department of this government ! ueiiiniiuH ouiser wnLciniig ioan t-llal Ol .. .. ' . T , th r, , .in..,-.,. j,y j,oli. . Minister llalc.latoof Madrid, Spain, where !u has been misrepresenting Americans for a salarv id gold from 1 no i..iiicu riaies 1 reasury, turns oui : to have been ull the time only a com- j missioned stnuggly, w ho lias bet 11 for j years riolm ii.. Spanish law. and I KTOwilut rit., ,, hllllucu nJ sennduioui misconduct. We are now almost nt the point, whero wo can ' salelv challenge the world, heaven, and i 11-i.lilax, to name a smglo man who j itas nllt'd a JCimbMrnn ollu-o. tint linn j not disgraced himself und his country '. When Lord i'ackenhum visited New Orleans, "onco upon n time," iu company with tome J'.nglishincn in red jackets, wilh a view ol dining with Gen. Jackson, he issued a proclamation to bis soldiers, that they should bo treated W hut to "Booty nn. I Beauty." he Pilled to socuru, however, lien- Lutlcr succeeded in getting at a later period, mid the famous order ol the latter against tin ladies, makes "IJeauty nnd tho lleast," ttioro than a stage exlravaganso. Lmr.i, Suit. John W. Pittock, pro prietor, and Joseph Mills, editor ol lhc Pittsburg, Ltadtt, were held to bail to anawer a charge of libel, preferred by Mr. Kord, n nicmbi rof tho Pennsylva nia. Legislature. The suit is based on a charge ol the hea ler that M. Ford vote was in the market when he was in llarrisbttrg The Spanish Cotte havo rojeetcd tho amendnipnl to the constitution in favor nf making Spain n Federal I'cpuhhc. The vole stood lh2 against 04 for amendment. A proposition for the crcut ion of n triennial directory, to be appointed by the Corte, has been introduced and is now under discussion. "Tiis Coi.ouun Tiiooi's Foioiit Nom.y.'- It is stated that the colored troops of (,orgeton, J. (!., have i lemlered their services to President lirunl for tho purpose of n.-sihlii.g him in running the government, .ohlo- hcarlod fellows : (let out of the war. "white trash" Fish, Cox and Hour's. . ' 7nr.O lhll'OI.ASK ANIl TIIK Co.VSTlTf. Tiox. Wo notice that Fred Jlotiglass, the negro, propose" to strikeout the word "white wherever il ocenrsin tho Constitution. Will Fred slato ll'l,...M .1 .l.a.aa. .. - ' - ...... I..-.- - -. " HII V Ik UIM1 'H.1 U I Ml 11 Jill IIJH HID I'll I in lhc Mn,o ho upplir, to it ? 11 ('rant miht. to call (irniit ouht to call Ooniv-n to senior mum dialfly, to piins nomo klriti. .,.! 1..... . ,. . " ,. . V.i . . . ! - ', "" ' I '" ni'.ir il lit n root at .Mlmiiii im. linn rout i no cieinv to dim Ihov iiroteod to llirahh one iiholher - A 1111.-. I ivi.i lw ic. It in irivi'll - ;.. .v--i.:..... . ... - . i . i " ' l Iff l nnillll;tlPII lllllt 0 lll'W r'y II I II l f tho old rnw "An the twi'- i lull I inn irees inclineii is nnw current there. In wit: ''Ah the twi; ib Dent thu Chief inelined." lien WMiie, of Ohio, it appears, has been appointed by President (iiant, a ' iriivennii.'iit (lini t.ir ol" tho Pacific j l.ailwav. About as (nuid an ofliee pecuniarily as thai of i'lcsidcnt, with I :iJ, . ii, ' j OUt lUresponsdnllHes. - - - o aa... at - ; The town of Moutvi.lo, Maine, one ol tho most highly ierliiined Alonnrel j towns in thai .Sint,i. has repudiated thdr "war dobl," and lelu-od to raise w v" ii:tereit. We havo had at the court at .Madrid, a Viiir and hourly two lejjed amuj; slernaMinialvr. Now w o arc to have thero a ono le.'.fd villian. A negro has been hanged at Pi it a burn, l'i f,r uiurdoriiiff hia wife. Thia is another of the Trihune't "outrages upon black men." Thoaafo of tho Douglas Ax 11 anil fuctory at KAt Donj-lasa, Maaa., waa robbo'l of ttOfihQ Friday night. Tot- ;Advi i iu i ttubift, nil tc si r. or YnhiaMo llniisHinhl 1 urnUiiro At ,t'i.r'i V.'K nf ri,lli lirf . p'll: tlM-lrn,. II I I Till its I V. st v ul JlliUlt llnill I lilllllMIl,! i-ff'-f nl l iil'lip H'. nn '7. ln.MiiHM.i"-k ..iiKi.MUX iu arl 41 UNt .-UUAVt IfMIOKtKIKU VWW, (Ilill'(Hll ',) H ffi, ..f ctmiti. Utir' nml prut'i arm iaiM. .in t.tmii n t mnritic ftimni.r t, (wiiii mat trfwO one r n-in'li murlilr cIiiiiIk i mt iit ui'- Blrailr, one B4iul b'ki'Ai ml w rUry, An Elegant Walnut Wardrolo, WmIiiuI tiitiiiK'1 In rrp, rani and oral UUrf. fidr board, rtrt urn ii dining U'lf, UiniiAf roi and oiltn oli aim, iiifftkin aui lift carpeting, wndow fihadrv, )(liHi4ii' aitil titrt-ii wait-, rAH LOU A.l (XXI K STUVKS. T'lpftl'iT Willi liuuien.u" tlu'l' rti.'l'i iwimarv for houiii'kiiii;. Th aliovti furiilturs hat nut Wii long li nir, ami having been well ki'fit, U nearly an giud ai qi'W. Alio, a ' It'tlminxlon-marir tarritigt, Narly Jicw, anj a wirvwiat dcublx-birralr-d allot gun. TI0I1M4 OP HAI.El lnur $ll, a)i : orir (10 and iDdfrfMl, tlxty darn; war $.'i0, lour montha. Nutra to b with apiruved aeciirltr, and mailr iava)ilo at the bank ing hour of Mpliiik A Pvrka. l'biiijiaburf, Pa. CiSalr Ui cooimriii'e at 1 1 o'uluuk, A. U. . II. KKI.l.KU. J. II. (Ul.sti, Auotioneflr. dr. t. ai. aorca A, 1. IB1W B0YER & SHAW, (tars A. 1. saaw,) KBIT AND FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE, Market St., t Uarfttltl, ia.f - Adolniof atore of R. Moiaop.) HAVINO porrTia'pd ha Slnra-Room. and r httfd it aiitlralv, niakinr H in a1! r.t.ct a at'IKFT-CLAHS IHU1 bKhE. wt compi.iTb.' nniR. to oil, r to ln puh!ir. a Fl LL, , and PTItinXY Pi RK iMo t- ment, of brajra, rbeiairati, Painu. fry Htoffi, at., A., ooaicting of Oila, Patau, Varaitbea. Dlil'GH, I'ATKXT MKDICIXKS Dj9 Ctuffi, Xubar?(i, Ciara, Cu&fettKaerlta rMati'tficr. Ar. riiysii IANS Will And llieir atnrk of Ilrura FI LL and rOV. Fl.fcTB, aid ataaara .l.,ht adrancaon Kaawrn pneta. ' SCHOOL HOOKS, Taaohtri ed th.r am b. furni.had witk l' "'' ' STATION KKY Ciwalatinrnf Cap. Flat Cap, Foolaa'ap, litrand Pf"i Frrai ia, a rtrj aaai auk ' ."l.p.....d. HOl'KK KKPFR? HOl'SKKKKPKR.S Will Ind a futlatMk of PPRR I'CKR, F0D, HUUs AMI. Oonifntaatad I.V K. SOS V, a. LAD1KS AM) (iKNTLK.MKX Are rfquattxd tuaiamina (hit atwk of Parfuoarrj, Hair Oil. Fina Tuilrt rt iirusbf. toinbi, Toilet Krttn, Ac, An. SMOKKKS AND CIIKWEIIS Will And a full fopplf of prima Chawinf and StDdkin? TOUA'iJ, ltnp'Tttd aod luvaUr CliAh.3, buuiT, Fine Tut, A" , Ac. CAItllOlV OIL, Of tht bant Viranda, alwaTt en band. Herons'. The (teat ioa.it? of Liquor alwaji an band, for Badina) purpoaa. rbjilciaoi 1'rtaeriptiooa pronptjj and oartwiij rompountiaa. May 19, lRf9. T. J. BntKP, A. I. HI1AW. ATTENTION, FARMERS I (Woo'l'a w Jiiintsd liar Muwarl. 8 tbla la an t "f ImprnTamcnt. aad knaw inx that Claardrld enaata will nut ramaln lima; bahirid har liatar euunliaa, tka osdaraiyo.d haa aaailad bimaalf of tha aptiortriBltv to fur nlih farmer wilh all Ilia impratad Inplamonu of faraaing. WOOD'S rKI.KnRSTKD AfOWFlt W'l) HKtPPnS1 ' ,J',ki3 itiVAll.no. "'"" rl-.nd 04d Malsa '"''lui inniuinm urn avifutq m laip mm- abica nt tka l'aria Kiririaitliia. W!, wkara s taatuf liitaan of tka boat laaohniaaia Iba world waa bald. Warrcntrd to Cut from 10 to 12 Acres of Grass per Day If, after a trial of on-balf dav, anTthtsa ahi.uld prova dafaatiro. aottoa .ball ba iiran to ma airant, and una allowed lor a aooond trial ; whan, if tha marh.na doaa not work aa rapra aantad, it aliall baratnmad. Contiooad poaaaaainn af tba anaobiao will ba vidan-a of aatiafaation. Price nf Mower la I3. Alao, Lurhan Rnjara' Harpo'.n Horaa HAY . F0KK 1IIHKMIIMI M A ill 1 V IS ; (..ata.1 l.oik i.avar H A V and hTaii hakRi filniN :.Kll.l..i uala. .orp-rrmprhhl.l'lllTKR MII.To,N tl. HHl ttN. AaoiL CiaarHaH 1'. II., Mar Id, lltf.' lf runaiiTitnri . as 11 L. t v runixiiuiiL blUnL IS I I hn i:m II. I.I'. 1. DAUJIAN Dr.r tl.b to Infirm tba ritliani of Torwan. ail. a and m-lmtjr, Ibal b baa opanad a , .ra on Front Flr.rt, ..poiait. tha Tan jrard. in Ih. koroub of Curwanavlllr, wbrra ba will kaap I aon.tantlr on hai l, aad fur aala rara rbaap for i ami, a larga anil rarffd aaa.irtniant of raady niada Kumittire, ain mu whirl will ba ii i-1' r . i.f . .,..,i it.....,.-. I'lllLrtU.I o .' If Ol 1 1 I. 1)11 A li w.rdrol,.a aod liookc.aa.. Tabl.. B,d.ta.d. R'.lai.Manda.llal rai-LkLack nil Ulanoa.llb M'ittrr, it., wtiich he will aril nn rr'T raa anal.le terma f.-r Cah or avrr,"d rnnntrT Prnduca. CherrT, Mafila. Papiar, Llawnod and (Him Iutn1r smtabla t"f ent ioei work, taken ia ei aanga (nr wwrK. mylV liai pd JEFFERSON LITZ, P II Y S 1 C I A N & S U J I, ; ( ) X , rT ivivn i . j .n . r. . L. I I At IMl loaotad at O.raola, Pa., offara bia H pr(pl.,o aarttaa. ,. ,h. paopi, .( ,h., ,'! and snrroun'ltnf P"untrr. MVcr b Hr. Klma. nam i, Selllemenl Notice. Vl.l. pntanna baiina; nnarlllrd araonnla wilb lhc iin.lor.iiii, I. ,.r an in anr wai nH.-llrd to tntn, aro hrral.T nuaati.1 tn Pali aii. arllla thr aama without drlar, aa ha wiaboa to hava kia boba artlbsl np at Ika oarltaat poaailila pono.i. Thuaa who fail to utia thia notiia prompt allan lion, will find tbalr ai.aonnta Id tha hand of a propar oflloer for oollortMin with toata. I.. M. Oil TKIKT. Mulannlurf. Mar IB, lt!.loi N. M. HOOVER, Wbolraala 4 Rrlail Daalrr in Tobacco, Cigars and SnulT, Two doora aaat of Iha P.iat Ofnea, JdARKKT FIRir.T, rLKAKFIKLD, TA. Wa.A larraaaiortataol of ripaa, Cigar ra..., Aa, alwara an kand. ntTlB.v -. t , , . r' a rC" T.ftf' (4oiIirmi'tiU. T, C. M Y E n S , with . . rt 1 a I tnas. WM. . PA I la X CO., WIIOI.IHAtE HOOT A X I Nil Oil TIM It I' IO I VI.', , f?S Markpl (. Sll rnmmaxa t knra Sink, Biylll I'llll AI'KI.PIIIA. ly rESYLVAI KUL-ROm TYHONE A a.EAKKIKLl) URASCIT. aii.l Ur VoniTty, A IMU I, ?, two f l'nf( tii;ir liami will run d:iilr (ficrpt hunriara) bvtirMii Trron Mid book iU and onp Pa-tcn'r Train bvlwrrn Tvrnnu and Clonr ftt lil, at fnllnwp 1.KAVB WIl'TII. l.KAVK N011TH. riaard.'U 5 5". p. M.I Ttrona .uii,a.. I'hiliji.l.ii.-lj.arS.fill, " I -i-n.l HMH. '' l,S.5fi. " i I'hlhiiab'ri-.arll.lS, '' Oanaiiitt Tvnii' .. ..t.li. .. Ml. I 1 1. in. " l-l-m-Si-M ... I'.'..s-.ti rAllIv AMI D1.STANCKS FROM CI.UAIIFIian.! FROM TVUOXg. StHtiun. ttationl. I."naril 2 Wooillaod 0 Biitltr 8 WalliMftno II 111111- Hall Ill Plilllliaburg IT Hlmnara' IS Ilunl r Til If' Intei-Bfction 4 2i' 1 VanaiwrM 7 iijUardnar I as I Ml. Flsaaant....ll III Summit 14 SO Sau.lv Kiiltrn... I A M 1 Fowrllton H Mi Oariw.la . HO It TO s;. 40 4h 5U B S TO so 8J (Isreols PoWflltnn S.n.lT lli.ljr.-. tiutninit Ml. Flraaanl. taanlncr VanatniTiK!.... 1tilerai'lion... Tronf. il lift liunhar 21 U VUHlnnar'a Tit Til HI. l-lllllpmliurp 114 '27 Si Hlua Ball - T Sll til Wallarvton t SO Hirl-r S4 I I'lWumlland.... .a.i s .35 H 00 ..37 .41 1 Id 1 Lxinanl . .. jiu 1 10 .4 1 1 no I Kit ( Icartlrld.. FAKE 1-KOM CI.KAUF1KLD, TO Be.rVfr.ntfj, Pa tl ' I Middlrtown fb 00 Wk Harm 2 TOjMariPtia- 6 50 Willtainanort .1 50 I.anfrajrti'r 6 P5 HuDt.nKiun 1 t0 .PHILADELPHIA 7 t4 Lw.ttuwn I tfO Altouna 1 05 Marytml.p 4 fid, Jnhnftown 3 60 ilARHIHBrHU... 4 TMPriTHHrHtJ 5 li lOFwiNKClKIMt, Pasprnf(cri (Waving Cluarneld at 2.30 p. m., Phil )iburit at 3-65 p. Otero la at 4.15 p. m., arrive at Tnm at b.iv . ru., aakinf; oonneotioa with Cinoiiniati Kxpraia fkaat at 0.17 p. aod witb Mail West at 0.41 p. m., on Main Lina: alo wita liai'i haia Kxrea, learinj; Irroua at 7-00 Libh arriving at )lr liffunte at 8.4 p. m.f and at to k lJavua at lt-.."(i p. m., cuiineetinir with Kne .Mail Kaai oa itic Ptnlm lf Iphia and Krir Knad, al 11.21 p. m..arriyiiijcat W illiKmajtort ai 12.4Ua. in. lUiurniaj.v pnwenf n Iikvidjc M lianspoii at 8.15 a. m., uo Lna Mail Hat, arrira at Lick 11 a Ton at W HI a. at., conti(Mting wilh HalJ Kajtle ElurtM Jnarme LtxH Har.Q t 1H.2U a. W ar rmuc at Ittlklunta at 11.55 a, m, (Sua aboc Citj at p. m.. and Trmnt at l.'M p. m. tJfWAKIt H. WILLIAMS, ner.il VuimotcBif nt. (.KOKuH C. WILklNS tnjlll-tsf HufmtiBtPDdpn irLLrhTi W. It. MCI'I.E.10!f. F1K3I. FULLEETON & McPHERSON, KRLP oouatantW on hand and (or tala, Frnb aat-ata, aucb aa BF.KF, YEAL, MUTTON, Ac, Frrh Fih, and at! Ve;HaWrj in ia(in : Canned Fniit, Hotter, Lard, A..t which tby will ffll a tht lfwrdt itiafkot prtf-M. ( a-h paid f .r t ATTLK. Bl'TTKR, . Uoota on Mnrkft Hu4. oppiU' tba O-urt Uouh, Clrarlidd, la. Mat 'W-tL FOUND, Markt t Ptrwt, nrarlv oppuiitr th Jail, tlte Cllt'lJ.PIt pli ata to buj, (u'lctaia vr irtail,) Iry iixAi, Flour, (IrurirB, Chop, N'tH'Ili, ItNCOtl. CUit'inf , Kib, Hardware, alt, Tinwar. 1'lMtcr. Qf-ad-niwart, Naila, WiK.drnwara, (ila, f7ft.tiur.xrT. I'tttit", Muiirnl tiOilt til, h ha ( Kiniltiip. Hiurrm, Cmif((t:oncrj, I.raiiirr, f'fuj;, Carpfi. Mfdirinra, Oil Clotlii., Wtioti and Phwa, tVBH I'apar. Ham and Capa, Tfhao ar. 1 P'cr, llm At J. P. KKAIXKKS. EUMABKIDcf.KomOir , (.it rnr. nr.sr. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. SiMKI l'.ri;rairnpi IMlo Parra Quarto. I'rlre III.IKKI n'aroa tuit Mrhp lot im aJaar iii-fioanrtaa. Vlawad aa a whnla, ai am mnliilant thai no ntbr lliinr lanraacr baa a .lioUiMiarr whirk ao fiillt and faltkfiillr aat. frrlh ila firaaainl ontlitltlrm aa thia laat r.ilia of WaL.Irr d..aa tbal of oar written and aijokon Kngli.b tunaoa arnar'a Af'.ifitaiaa. Tlifaa tlira bonba a- tba aaaa al( or" anal tihrmnmt l BM; .VUl-aamir.. and M-oM.r', "t VlI" l,aia Jimtmnl. Tna Naw WaaaTan la (rlortoua it la pot-fart il diatanoraand daSi-aaom. lnin it li,aranih. in to ha dcairad. J. H. A'vai.arf, ., ., '; nw I i.f.ya. rL.M, ' , , . ... . - I ha moat n.i4ol aad rrmarkabla m-yrl; nf a awoajarfoa in oar lnrn.. w. S. Clort, 'nwirfraf Mm. Atrtirmltmrnt IWU?. Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary. M1U PagraOrtaro. MKI -.n,rrnlnca I'rlre fc "Tlia- W'k Ja ITallT a oa nf n fttrttnnnr 1 ,n,nH for ,B njillnm." A Jl..rlJ,. -In manr raapaata. IM. MrtlnnarT ia lb m,..l eanraiiifMevar pohll.liod.-' rV.raraaT Ittrntu-,,. " Aa a Rian.ii-1 nf mtamita, it ia orrtinaritlv ftllad for oat in faiailira an, I arbnola." ,V. I" friknm. "Il ia aHoraihar iha Iwat lraiirr of wor.l. il. ataa akirk Ika Hr.rli.k lanriiaea kaa aver for- aa d. ononl 'ra.. Pahli.hod by . A J. MKHRIAM, priOrnaM, Maaa..l.uaoB. martial. P UBLICJ EN D U E riAnit fnLwribrr will ofTar for aala at pul.llo X otitorr", f.n his reidro. in Laari-n.1 L.wn atnp, (al M.'1'hora..n'a aa mill. I On Friday, May 21st, 1869. Ida ontlra M of I'aranaal I'mpart.r. oonaialmt in pan of I omik atoTaaniloiMikltic nLaaaila. I parlor 1 waab luha. I karaM H1,.r ,tna, 1 Iron kalil. o IKKSII COW, , b.,raa b.if,., I art l orer karnoa), 1.4 of oarpat, 1 rornor oopboard I atnk. I art dl.haa. lot of rrooka aod i,a...a' I hroaklaat tahla. 1 alaoil, I rloik, I doiifh tlar, I bara.o, and man ulnar arllalna loo nnnrrona to mention. jM-ala to romnrnaa at 1 oVLa'k, V. N.. af aaid ilay, whan Iha lanm will W n-,f known. 1 IIOS. W.,l'HKllMiX. l.awrrnoa lowoahip. Mnr i, ISlt.,n J. K. BOTTORF'S PIlOTlHillAPIl iA hh V. II Y, Market f Iraal, I'la.rhal.l, Ta. NFii ATl I S ma.la in rlnaidr. aa w. II aa in rli-ar woathrr. Cii'iaoili on hand a aood a-aoriramt ol FHAMkS f 1 I I'. bl 'St ol'l S and Sn.llKnM'i'l'IU VIKWS. Kramaa, fn.rn ana trio l nviiii.j.tiff. maa to onlar. apr-tl i:dwai;d I'KiiK.s & co., Flour Miiinifnr.iirrrK, And tlaalara ia (JKAIN OP ALL KINDS, P II I I.I fl-ll 11 HO, JA. Vrri.i. 8t rii.Y of rtnru, wiikat, COKN and ,1 ll"l' oonatantlr oa kand. and for aala nl ratoa ramarkal.lr low. toha-tl "ir-TI'.l)ltM).lIMU.ON. 8IIINill.FR. 1 T Tha nn.lar.pnd heri-l-t Kiro ntlra, that that wil par iha bir;hat market prior for a rn"d quality of I.ONll 8IIINUI.FS ; atel Ikoar hai inc amh for aala. will find It to tbrir intarr.t to firr than a oall bofura aallmt alowharo. .lot. Mil'W I SON. ClosrlMd, March .1, lnna ir JMtn I.UWhlta Und, ElroTFaTnT LltT ad Oi, Torpanttna. Vamlakaa of all blndl, irtdora in Uil and lr Paint, Varniah Jlmahoa. JIABTcWICK JfiWI. (ip PifliuU, Ciipiriif. fflr. I NEW SPRING GOODS. 'IH. im It'Ii.I .j 1 ll..a s atk 4 Vfi''' in,' lb (.nl llr tna"tr, anS ilia it s "t t itr tn.lla ! I'iMl i.lat. Il.it Ihi-f; l.atn Ji.'l lf tiirtia-il fim ttia F1 trilli, an t arti" o.i'ieit. (In tlirl nr t ilurt ti.'-lii, i.no .iinir salt i.f IIIih.iu'i 11. .Ii. t.. a laifr" ati'l "ill nl'i'lf l aKi.knf lli-.ila, aahi.-h Kill l a. ll I v tliain aa r1iaai aa Ilia aauir qnalil; ar a.il.l llarwhart In tlia rfiint.r. Tliit lnk r. i.i.ta In prt of lK V (.Olllm, of atarr ilrari(Tii.ri, ti.pa'lirr wilh a full aaai.rt. aunt of Notioip, 4 lollilnR, lists and t a, ll.M.ta and Wura, Hardware, ln-euaare, aa wrll aa Tin wara, t,lap-ar, Willow wara, P.urki'ta and Ilrw Hnfthar wilh a larfr alook of ;lll)l'l;ltll;H, and a full anp.lv..f FLOl'R, Fl.sil. f ALT, in. In ah.irt, thrT kn a fall iijUjIv o( eierjtlilug used Iu tlila market. Tlii-y raapnolfjlly raqufat all lliaii old euatotn. era, ami aa nana- new ouea aa can mivke U eunrr- int, to giva tlria a call btifure purcLuiog alaa whore. j DANIKL HARTSOCK, KDWIN 0O0DWIN. Curwrnat ilia, Mar U, 1S(.4t ew Store iu MulsonburR! Id tti room forun'rl ocoujiied bj P. T. UgartT. L. M. COUTRIET riiAKKS thia method of ioforniing the ritixona X nf Ct-vinfflon, KarUiaan, Oirard and the lur ruundmjr fountrv.tliat hf baa jtint oiruH a large nirn-k of Sr.VMKit (IOOIr, which lie l dctr oni.rti m -oil TKN VER C'KNT t'HEA PKR than tba aama quality if istMtdn oaa be pim-haiwd fur in anr ottifr store in tba neighborhood. Jiii stock couaisti of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Haeh a Satinetls. Caasimares, Maslins, Dclaioet, Linen, Ltnlhug, Calicora, Trioiuiingii, READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS k bliULS, HATS k CAPS, GEOCEEES OF ALL KDfDS. Coffe. Tea. Piipar. MolaimrP, Fifh, Fait, Li '( Uil, Fiih Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware. Tinware, CaatinpP. PIowp and IMow rdlnpa. KaiJi, Ppikcs, torn ('ultivatamtCidr IVcsavs, and all kind i of Axes. "E-OiT Plows ar cf tba Carwan-UMa tnd Centra aountT make, and ara warranted to ba of food qnalitv. Drugs and Medicines, Fcrfmnrrr, Pawn, Varciih. Olaff. and a gancra. asaurtmi'Dt of Stationer-, G 0 01) FLOUR, Of diffrrrnt pran'l, alwara on hand, anj will fcc sold at tlif lowt-st poi-fikle figures. LiqVOKS, Suoli aa r.HASIiY, inXK, GIN 1 WHIllKT ..(lli jcun la of Wo.. wantad fur wbirh tlio bighatt ijriea will ba paid. ri.OVRIt sKED, On haud aod for aale at tho lowaat aaarkat priea. Alao, Agrat for M'tlauoa Straltooville T HUES II IN G MACHINES. irall and wr for yourwl pa. Yob will 2nd pvrrjthins; uruaMj krjit id a rvtil wfnrr. I.. M. aLTRIF.T. Frnfrivinp P. 0.. Jan. 7, lsflfl. iho.hi:tiiia; xewi New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORRIJSTit SO. Aro,,'-I r'T"'""'1'! tofortn tba t.oM!p Ibat 1 thajr bara jaat oponad. In MAUEUA. Clrarficld eoniitr, I'a., an anUra now stock of FALL AX1 WINTKU (iOODS, Whlck tkat art rraparod to aa 11 as ebaap aa tba ehaapeat. Tbatr itork ronalata In part of l)ry Goiidrt of tlio Ucst Quality, fork ai Alpaccar, Dalanoa, Prlnta. . Maaliaa, Caaaltaaraa, Satfnata, and Flannela, lon(y Made Clothing, Of lh baal quality, tuck aa Cnatl. Pacta, Vaata, OTtrooaU, Otaralla, Sbirta, Collara, At. Boots, Sliot'K nntl fiaitors, Alao ol tba vary baat Qoalita. . vimiL'ii iv riw.r via vi i in iu.". I 1 ' In anorl atarjtkinf aiuallr kapl in a coontry Consumers, Look to Your Interests! Oall and ra amino om atoak nod priori bef .ra purrhaalnR alaawbara. U'MUKU IX D OKA IN Of all kindi tak.n in airtanga far (ooda. artrKataantUr tha plaaa, Madara, Claarteld oonnty, Paan'a. J. rORRK5T A 60N. Oalnhar SI, lfi7 lf. Down 1 Down II THE LAbT ARRIVAL and of rornsn tiik r.iFArEsT! A Proclamation against High Prices! "VXK Hit now o)rnirf up a lt.( of tha Wtt and v I muM araoiiHiiifi uimui and titi avrr nfrrt-rl in (tii mnrltrl, and at nrf that rr'niod onr or lhc iv-nrl nlil rlnp of chp I hint;. Th'i lio la k faith upmi thm point, or dtvm our aiia gationf anpt-rflaoua, nemi hal ii.L wr om STORE, CarnT Frt'lit anrl MarVct utrrrtu, Whrra thfy ran pre, feci, hrar nn.' Vnon ftr tliTn aclrra. Tf fmly unHr"-tarirl wlmT arr rhrap pfttJa, thiii mint hr finite. W do nnt leirn it nei'i-'-arT t wuuiicratr anil Urmiac pur ftm lv. Il ti nnnj;t. it uu i "i.ir inai We have Everything that is Neodfd n.l ron.umrd In tnia ma.rk.-t, and at prii-ra thai w,,. iiipii own on. aim T,,uip. di-.-.'" Jli.-l.l'II FIIAW A fnV. A la IV H T O II Z'a. Cor. fv.irl St. and Hill lUad. R. MITC1IKI.L I I A Jurt rri'diM anil oprnf I. at thr .not. 1 I ' nomad plnra, an anlira naw atork of Mill til mil!!, whirk ho will aril VF.liT TII FAT Foil (.'ASH. ,a atork pon.i.ia of lr,v (.(kmN, f i roevrlen. It A R II W A n E, JV EEXS W A li E, Itoota and Fhora. Ilata aod t'apa, Ita-lt-Madr I'l.iUiiax, rta. Ho a!ao katp. ohcioa FI. O VR, COllX .Vi'.t L, FEED, Chop, tlneou. a"f. and Ihtrd lYKil. rnraon. daairona nf purahaainf food, at fair rata aro raapaolfullt rrttnoatrd to fit. kiwi a oall. re-Appnirod Foantrt prodo-a will WUkan. al tha Klf liaal pp-oa. In athang. for food., Clrartrld, Juna I, )M tf 1 l f.POtU, 0'ilCffllfl. Ctf. 1 (.(ton (.units! (.oon sti.is!!! AMI iTi.i: ''- a 1 tj noirtpcifi .lr..i..c...t.... UWVW r I a I V t xP a a XKW SriUNG STOCK at im: KEYSTONE STORE! jyiKSS - GOODS, THIMMINC'S 4111 NOTION'S IX GREAT VARIETY ! While Goods ! Stamped Goods ! Hoiicry and Glovcf! Coracti and Hkirti! Ladiea HhawJa and Cuata, , ' (new ttrler! Straw GoodB, Flowers, Ribbons, &c, t'lnbrallaa and Paranoia, tViudow Eliadra, Ladira nnd Chlldran'a KIIOES, Wall I'apar, Carpata and Oil Clotha, ilata A Cap.. Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Tirkir.s, Cottonadar, Caaaiinerca, Twoedi, Ac, Ac, CJiEAVKR than the CHEAPEST! ' xtv Msg siiotvr.im. Ciaarfiald, April 28, 1BGII. . THE CLEARFIELD STORE RECONSTRUCTED. ; Grorpa I,. Road John Y. WrtTer..... ...William Powall. ...WilhumW.Datu. GEO L REED & CO, Two doora ortb of the Coart Hemic, ( I. i:rhi.i. I), PA. AViNtJ rctarntd to nur old hurirteat Kat. l. ire hMfiif Ant. I tb citirena of Ourlitld and Hi iiu'ilie Reueriiily, tuat wa hvc ri.tcrna upin, and intend In prnn-tu'f, a tijioioi; cam- Iuii;n apaint h'.ph priff and mft-rior and iaie now fn hatid a full au'lv f all kiLd ul fT(Hdi uard in thu uiarktL In tiia line 6f Wry aoods, Wc claim tn bar a full awortiocnt. eonci'tinf iit pari nf MuUaa, bleactird and onbkucbi'd ; 1 ri ula tii ait gradea and itt; and Sjirin?? & Summer Dress Goods, Fucb aa Alpacat of all f-hadr: Te T.ainei, Mo ricoi and Hatinela : iMiidea, a lull amrl mcnt of (entit-tncn'i wear, oonaniitig in part uf Cloths, Cassimeres, Hattnatu and fu'1 ataortincut of READY - MADE CLOTHING. olions, Hosiery, Trimmings, IIOSS KTT8, 4C, Hata and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. We bftve a, full up ply of r,,tTe, Tea, Sugar, Rice Molaaara, jtihatirn. Fifh. Salt, liniord, ooal and fi-b Oils, FLOUR, SACON, DRIED FRUIT, Fu ear-cured llama. Mcaa Pnrk and ft full aupplj of rroTiiiom. Hardware and Queensware, irootlcnS Willotc HVirr. All (he fi rec'nj; arlirlrn will he . hanrM for CASH, tl'MUKK, or COfXTRY l'litil'tTF, and at prir tii which thera eati he nn asreptmn. 1 boat in Dord of tiood in our line, wit) plaaaa ttTCALL AXT SEE US!- ;ko. l. rekd a co. I'laarfirld. Sopt. 17, lSlid.tf. e'(ltiraiiou;il. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ri.KAKriKLD, PA. rMm i, as 1 H:k.4 i T HALF of tli prornt HT.IN'r. of Iwantr-two work., will ooniDiatira 1 on Mnd.iT, April i'ti, I.M,. i rr.RMe; or Trinos-. I Koa l,r,t. Onhoirraph.T. Wrilinr.OhJtrtLoa. a.'M. Prim.rr Arithmolir and I'rimanr tlaorraphr, par naif Irrtu, (of rlrvr'n k wraka.l ) pc llia'orr. t and .loairipilt r Ofop-aphy I With Map Ilrawitif, llraminar, l,ntl I andWriltan Arilniaalio I .so! Alralira and Ilia 8'li'nooa f ao I I 'ir full partiaiilnra land fM t'irvular. j f'lcnTh. 1,1. So. 15. IRf m. favanya i CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. j Dili aaan j "cv V L ".alnionjAM:1 pj,ncil)aI' fpilK rnrilTH SKSSIONof thapraaantaaho- I 1 la.itr jaar of thia Inatilullon will romtnrnra ; I KiiMiiv iuii.l j.... ....i iu. Pup. la can .ntar at ant tim. llirj mil na t anarcd wilb la.Uon fra:a tha tim tbay enter to ) , , . v 1 1. l,.., of mti,,,,,., ,, .,, tb,a( IriMudad In a t,roo,-h. pr.rliral and nrr.,ni- pii-na. .oo...t,.n "r oolh aa,, ina l-rinrlpal. naama Had tha a,lrnl...a of ' ... J T ...Fr ' !'"7 j ' 1.imi. j . . , ""'J .oar, ,, o.rm.n w. tn. moral ard nan. tal training of iha tonth plar. nndr h'a rbarfa, lllli OK Tl iritiv 0rtoa,;rapkTl Baadinj, Writin. and rritnart nriinniatla, pw Maw.on (II waak.l . ts 00 Or.roninr, Uaogrnph;, Arllkniatil, and j It vol Alpakra, (TannialrT, THronowiatrr, Van. I"rT."n.nJ'rV.V..BK ! and Pktataal l).o,rapn . . . aa fi. Lnaln. (Iraok and Frtarh, witk nnv af Ika ahota Itranahot .... ft) an Ml SIC Piano (SO laaaona) . . .fit fin -Na dadnrtian will ka raada for akaaaoa. ff(,T forthar paniralart Inaoira nf Bat. P. L. H A R RISUN, A. r.k. I, lf tf. (f.js) Prl..lp.l. AIT a'iT.lw.A WIl.l.kH-Iornn"n""rial-H will), witk (ooirwa wf anatoaa. Pnamotoa Jlran nt anon, (a.d rarwrcmi-ndaTtnria rootiirad. F'J T- 11. F"H( KY, ej-aH flrakaaitan. Pa. V,(;il tT Mnlf (o, j vahmup I HEAL EST AT r. SALt On S.iKirtbT, May ,. l-r il o ,.,..r- ! f a in l i.xi.i ,if mi n II ,, , al.'l 1 4. IT I V a, r. , at,-l h . , ''I t., rilnic TIM lllllt 1 ,N;,S Mti:ni I In IV. ''I I'd., Iv'r S WHl'in OnrltHd rrrU, ol a I a I j v .'nr,iria ' rrrn, or,', wan n..,....! i'k ; .imb, ..a. ,.... a ,tii.. ' rut ,i !... i a a. ,n lo a. .li. y. I nn I ia II aa,., nir nun., i... or lorfu'ior. ILaraar. He roal rniiiia wpt ne.l on Ui;ta ,, i'ainlnjf tha hum'. 'I Ik- uliuvt t.ir 't I' Mrt a Ittkeu out ul, thr hi ml l',m:,-i:y i,;,.,. ' V illmiii I'm v. Aim pit Will rtn well tu po .w,d Pit- tl, I tie rfiii'Int"iii" H flu Pnir a:e f. . ( half tn ha paid dwn nn '"nrirnirtti n , ' Piitwr iin-ii nn im- nri-i any n ,ft (, -tn hwi nteenrnxl hv bdiitrl utiil tn,.r-i. .... ' ' ' from dav nf uln Tha owner rf"'rTeB nna hid. I'oiae.Kit'n will bo (firen imr-viiif.tr! Uramptftn Itilla, May 6, IMiM-. 1 R E A D ! R E A D ! r Valuable Eeal Estate at Private TIIK underi'ifne'l haa ftmvyi-ii tn A hit FA KM and 1 1MIiMl LASha'1 in HIooh townahip, Tlearlield ennft ' I' trat -tontaini about QfiO ACHt jt.' mt ated on Bvll't run. About tltiillY At H i thr land if eleared and nmler cul'imti,,n y thriH.n TWO DWKLM.NtJ 3Uj I HI-. I l. a ,.f .1...; a. : i 1,1 never lulling tratar near tba builaiLri. pntp Tba balanoa of tin trart ii hearilTtinw t.l. I) I t- J f 1 1" ' win. i i.i. idu niv, ui ine oeM qtiaitir ( wbioh can bp hauled oo down ijrradfl jD ti iquare timber or hoardi, a4 thera itili aaw mill ou tha premii'ei, with abntiri. waier power. Tha tract it alw ULiarlain with CO l IRON ORE. Tb faiuoua "I'aint rJepf fUl- of "Bo r ore." are Ineluded n, wmrii mui, in n. muuri nine, le a Iwirtt of Ao ht-tter inreattncot could 1 ttad-.u traoi of land in tha cuuutj oiivr peaici lac. for tn a kin if wioney. 1'eraona wiahing to leam more pariiriiiifi rer-vrd to lermi, Ar., ean call on the firenma. add real the underaigntd. at (irtnji.im, Uu, c renn ip., tpru 2, ict v Jit.pi 3iew Cabinet! TOPHANNON LAM) AND M'JIEER aT 1 rAM onfr Tor rale lown ,t ia , OCitU of Uaoeia, Llearlield cnuXr. p. ., Iota to auit purchuara tai it tt.e limit of boroofh. 0if5ln I oimati on tH IrloffaMf reek, in the ricuert tt.trtKMi of the (.'learneld. on the line of tut X Trout 4 Cleirif Kailffrad, where tba JdoahaBDoa and BTrrv braucfc roada intarat- tt. It ia atan ia it- btrt ttta Mttabanaou cotd ha to. ai.i lar?e bfWiw white piLo. hemlock, oaic, asd tnr iimtm round it One of the larr; himter a.tjjitifi,. inir aatabiiabmeDla a Hit Mat ia looatM ta town, while thn are manr other lumwr ihinIe tnill around it. The town U bat .r reara old, mnd oontaina a popuhitKt u( etttW win inhal itanta. jHr-r'ttr further informal on ft ph at tut Y ot tua above oon. pant. JOHN LAVSHi t)''l4 rurtiBt(ini Houses find Lo!s for Sale, IUI'K IIOf.-'LS aul LOTS ia Oaarfald, aa!r i. r.ai, liable taiujl. r,r'an,a r .u thirty ila'.. Alay, a plot of 1 ul K Lul; lli oorucr of ti-urtli awl Il.t-J ilrtti,. r.. l:;-.;u(i loot. TlilTuf tli-ar lw, ara wall Im. Tor rillirr luiuWr yard, coal ard, or lor beii purpa.a ftticra,!. baiuir w.;h:n till frrt a! ra'.uoad drpuL 1'rica and t'ttna naona'la. Aj,p;j' lo OL01H.E 1II"I..V. ItbJI-lf Claarta Id, I Valuable Farm FOR SALE OR REM THE un!eMi'rned now offtr at pnraio fkl furui, tituatf in awren? tr-t,a fa :p, Clti-i ew-iity. I'a.. Uurd d by Orr?, h Ml ha aim era. and w.thin li miiti of tha r-iivad tip :. Cltarrtrld honmifh - tTAIM(i S03 ACRV Abf-ot lO acn-i of which fa e! eared. lrinrTtf AHM iU'lrKS. 1,-Mi HA UK, anrj athei w huildirc. with over 1PI Warm; frail treeiui. oe rsr-ljiltnt artrinr of water near the boafcat wtth a mu?b timl-er on the j hve, if biwt managed, a will nay for it. Tha whole I an4f laid ith col. One of be hfiaf now taiared I three reara fr $1 .hoO, in a n-d compiay, not. injj tti pT tint il the tine i up.) T rkR'K. t t.ilMi, in eaT Tarentr. f tertaia, sc., apply t w J hLI AM I'-tniLa. Clr.rtield. I'a., Feb. il, IH9. BAIIGAIXSI BARGAINS7 Farms, Timber Land & Hor run BALK! fIIB (THrrihrr. dnrtrmta of dipo'-ur f wa i reaj and peraxtnaJ proiwrtf , ofler tb folio ii'U rmr opportouiiT lor bargain: OXB FAitM aitanta in (lirard toaofbif. u known ft the "t'laudtua Runn lot Fna. " in land of Anc Lai-onte and other, containm 1M A err a, blir ot wbu ar rh-ared, wu t dweitinjt hniv, Karn ard rone reaard theiwi Ale... llii. lack Rl N A k M . eoataii UM Arrra antv v( whifh art ckared. dwelling hu?e, bam, aad other ooibuiiiiirif.i jtrthrr with two thri inf oung on hard Item' Uo, M'VEn A L OTHKK FAK.MS anJ trav of Tl.MBKK LAM'S for ala. I OK R K Tar-Tbe SAW..SI I LL a 1'WEl 1NU JlOl t"K: at tho a nih of -t freak be rriitcd, or let to ran by tb thoaaoa, t peraona. -.-F'n'Il TIF AD OF work Htr.! HA HN KSS, will aold on nati:ahit tfraiN Ar-A bftrtrajft ia offered in eeb f the fr feniiif tr p4i!iitiima. 1 be trrnir will be n4e further intuitu) ion ran be obtained fc v eait on ihepmnien, or hy addren.-iri: lue underaifi at m,:vTtlI . 0.. t loarf.! .d .-mht. IV feh1 tf. i,. m. O'l TBIFT Valuable Town Property FOR SALE! SITt. ATK oa the rvuth wrt eorner of Cb and Third Strati, (taeinff lUtiid atreai, Mil: A 1.0 T, niib a Rind two-tim) piaiiC , ile''le for a r"f..T, nr (I'her hi.irej-. Aiw. V"inii'p I "T. wuh a iwrt. dn.-l.'nj tberecin. an 1 wrml oM.( r It ' Ij'TS. A a lt of -r!l 1'RICK, ai.i- t aortment of PTON MV . TV. :i-h Jttff, ,tr. Kri:lt ain. at-., at rednetd pr r For furth'-t (nlnrmation. ir"ilf al tf ware .'oti.TT wf F. I.K IT 1 Ni.I'R. m 14 Una C,'-Td, Fa .Stonr W;f5cns. MICHAEL SOKE, MASON ,-T STONE-Cl'TTI W nalilngion. r.. 'A'O.All kind- wf lluir'l .Ion", in tha r w,,r . inarliVa tr.nt.ar. th lara a..l:r :al, ar.a f trarla lakon in an part of Iha oon;, IT. af" n. ni art.T... n. toi HUBERT &. YOUNG, ' i w . - Slonr-f Ultrrs & Woiir-Mnnn a.arntrall ark In tl-air 'Ina a' ' " arala fr:aai nnd in FIRT t U. 'V Archil ictural Ornaxeats 'In ALL FTYlr, F.n. Prrnln: - f" daaarioaion. ,ni ., k,H, , work r ia,.t,d fo, o,,.t of in. oo.ntt. Ar. .'wlakint to , ,a.r,.! i. .'.. w t. 1 ' . ... ..... !" !' "" " W ' 'w l""- lie ll.a' wa ran d.lirar ant oitanlllt or n" ., a,a . .,., ,f a ; VI RHTri . TMYIf lll'ARI ! f Ordara fnt wark awa ba ad lrad ailkar O.rtl.H ar L.tharakur, wara; if IUHKRT Vol 'r' mm. Dcmocralic Almanac. rilll IS in. .In, I . a nnl li-atino ia lor aala I I noiooVo. it .konld twin ikohamlaaf f1 lrmoomt. It oootain full alilirn rrlnma I .'art roonl in tha I nitil Hlataai hf.iaa. namlr tor isnn ronlama n oomnaMa 1'at l namaaof alllhaaawapapaiaanppraaaoil aodBiof 'J narinc iinooln a adiuint.lmtion : ana ma. i," ronlaina tha nania. of all tl.oar oirilianl wha w innriaiM.1 nn., ih.... nari..d. I haa. ' 11.:'. f.t.r. ..LmML .r worth 'ra tr4t Ika prim of tho pnM'rwtton. lbt nnmoar lor I' it alao lull of Tala.hla atal. .lira. Ant onaarwl' M oriitr lo tha r.-t Ma-tar. w ll raoonw l-T 'm ait a aapr for rack toar, fri-rof por'afw. It'-'