i ' ! t i ; t i. HKPlilH.ICAN. ( n:!;ni . v. w FI'M-I'AY MM). l VV II. l-it. Gen. Loe's Visit to Orput. The inli'ivicw j( I ivn. li'ilxrt !). I.tf, nl' Yiriniii, with llie l'ltr-i'li'iit ul llio l"iiil' il Mali', lian Ihm'Ii t lie I'Vcut ul llie dny, mi l linn m l nil tin' ; uidtiuiit'H la inlkinj:, iinil tin1 trimly )"il to Kwcanii' in the imit jtoi.inu i manner. Tliu limirral uriivi'ii tit the j li.tltiiiuiro 'li'i.ut in llio curly liaiii in : 'iiiiiany v i 1 1 1 Mi-, und Mis Sainini Tiigart, ill' Jlullimmv, In) liud t lie luniur of ttiilvrluiiiing lii") in Hie inoiiiimi'iilal city. il :t. the olijftt 1' much iiltontion and oyc pining i" tliu i-urn, but, lio M't very tini'tly, und f-Oll tilioi IlilllKl'll W itll Ida liiuuds till r i n if thu ninety iiiiiiiitcn between llio two cilk'N. ' lit) (lenoral was dlVMed in u gray I'11'1' ' iantuU)iiH, vest (it a Miuih.r color, and a plain 1 la k emit, wearing u lilac!; rlimili lint and II birin overcoat, w itli kid gloves id' a dark brown. His appearance in III licit tlio km mo us indicated ill tile port raits which have iradc liim laiuiliar to tliu country, lii.i licuid bcin;; el nil iron pray colot. Wln-it the lionenil Plopped Iruiu Um carii, there were several wliu inotanlly recognized liim mill pressed iorwuid to nliuko Ids bund. Only u lew of the iniiro for ward succeeded, US the (ielieral pro ceeded rapidly to a carriage, in waiting, uinl was liiirnu at once to the collude of bio old Iriend, .Mrs. Kernon, id'! lieorjjftown, villi w bom tin will re nuiin while here. Jieaehing .M.8. JvernotiH at aliiuit ID o'clock, the Cieneral remained in iindinturbed re tirement lor fihoul liulf un hour, mid then proceeded in a carriage, in com pany wiilijlr. and -Mrs. i'n'urt, to llio Kxecutivo .Mansion. .Meantime, there had gathered ut the White JIouso twenty persoiiH, principally otliceholderii of t Liu Jlihtriet, yet iimum? them one or two Senators, including Thayer, of Nebraska. Some of these, all of hum bud been admit ted by card, Were w ith the I'resident nt the lime. At 11 o'clock, the car riage in which lion. Lee had came arrived, and by previous arrjiiemenl. llio (ielieral was quietly bhown into the' Led I'arlor, whence be bent up his curd to the President. The bitter lit oiiio excused himself to those with liim, und to those wailing for him, faying, merely, that ho had a private. interview arranged which would oc cupy us much time as ho bad to spare during the day. Accordingly they all withdrew, and the l'resident received lieu. Leo, whom tho former hail spe cially solicited to come. Tliu inter view took place in the ordinary private, l'ccptioii room of the Mansion, mid lasted just halt mi hour. 11 was Htrictly private, lint it has Ik. omo known that llio l'u'sideiil desired to liud out exactly what were the (senti ments of lieu. Lee, generally, us regards the condition of thu South, and especially as to tho condition ot n tlu in in his own .Slate, of Virginia, lien. Leo, it has transpired, pretty much reiterated tho sentiinentstof bis letter of lust year to Gen. Jlosecrans ; briefly declraed that thu people of Virginia accepted tho obligation of tliu reconstruction nets in good lailh, und were conscientiously desirous of cultivating and maintaining friendly relations between tho races und to wards all well disposed incomers. Furthermore, that every condition laid down by Congress had been complied with by Virginia, and that tho larger landholders had succeeded In retaining the confidence of llio late slave class, whom they treated equi tably und kindly, lie believed that tho two things Virginia needed und desired most, was, tirst,a full restora tion to tho Union, and second, a thorough development of the internal nesoun tts and works of tho Slate. In regard to the present constitution, ien. Leo said llicro were parts of it on w liich und for which the best men of tho State would be glad to vole, but. that if they had, or were to have anything to say as to tha mode f submission, ho hoped that tho pro periplion und disfranchising clauses miL'ht be referred separately. If this j wus dune, he believed that tlicy would I ho roit't ted, whilo tho remainder ol wlnit, tfu llie whole, wim not tin nnoh jtvtional doi'itmcnt, wuuM be iitlojitcii mill Stuto olIlfiTrt and C'tin;ii-SHiiicii clmttiil tln-ri?tiiitlor nliocouM, in rwoni and oat li, futiiily witli tlio lawn of Oiii;rresn. llo ti fi'i rcil to tho Com-1 niitu-ti of ciiiiiii'iit ViriuiiiiiH who! mine on hint winter, uinl to the recent Riii-reinler til' their litlua n ml the i mloption of tho ( nnservnlive liepuh-li'-nn tieket on the juii't of llio iiich-! moii'J (.'oriveiitiiin. J'his nelion 'met liin npiiroviil, mid it met tho approval I of tail whom ho eon'-iilereii thu most niiii.'ious uinl nnsi'llish men of the frlale. ink-eil, except as to pn lui rini; oho Mi of men lo u net of nilvenlurerrt, uinl oxecpl. to winhin not to ho pro cenlieil, there wim Miltnnii;i!lv no tlilloieiicc between the pni'tiei iii Vir gin in, if, indeed, there were lU'opiirliiH. 'J'liin plHli iiii'iil wiisdniwn out ol'ljen. J.ee by it aerie ol ipir-lions-eorrehited v., i-.iv i n.i u IIUIIIIH oi L ie niier- tinco. llio interview was cordial and full, and the 1're siUent is nnderstooJ to hnvo txprensi'il hi intention ol nitiinittin' tho iliofritiiehiHiii tlnnse mid olher olijtr.itionnl clauses of t;,o Virginia Cuiihtitiition to a aepnrnu vote. Jo g:iid that he lind iniended to do so lrom tho lirst, und further promised that n perfectly luir election hould bo held, lie concluded by cxprcstin the hopo that Virginia would noon be ready for lull rcntoni lion to her practical r-lalinus lo the Vnii n, and with m it mil terms of sat-i-l.iclion lit tho interview, the two io icrals parted. To niyht there is a tJill.T feeinijf, w hii h Inula words too v'liull lor piihlication, lrom s.indry loyal led-ueiutlieil fools, who are aniiereil ut u10 IVcnitlPiil'a having Hvlicited an iuleniew with llio UiZ niorlal ir-inian. i i ho first time that l,ee d ,;,, liivc ,,,, biiico each part,,! ,,,,,1,.,. ,10 1,.11ll. ire . April !l, I-,;;, (W,i (,.r,r Jinn Ji ul. I-IU'CATION. Smie snpposp thai every learned man is lin e,lueated man. N,, I, x,lh,, T)l.a ni.ln jM eilucRled wl,o k,kW, ,;,ns,,; ,! t-i'cs accurate t- mm sense view. ' ""'niindtliinpafourid him. Some very hiuneil men tiro tho I'leatest loolsin the world; the reason iMhey aro not. r,liw.....i J.earninir Is only .he meMis.notthoend: ilsvSluc ft.iiMMs in Kivin8 it,,, ,,,, ,.f ,.; i-in;r. tl o of win. 1, r,,,.,.i ji'red i i , . , i ' - i,v j until ed rnliohtona t'.e mind . Bciulifnl cxtraeiA hnndsomr younj; liulyju.il helped out of a ruin'-hole. Tin: l-HOl im I I" VT IIKI- t ll'i n .1 M" H tt l.iOl pm, M r I l t- . it, . Sir p. t ' si., I ... III n I ll iih I'., t-.' s.t tt.nt 11. p-r...l I- p-. ..t t"t'J a And m 'hat Il-.-fc " ""I I""1' l in. Ii .! III. In... r l'll I'f lilt-tl, A tiirt- fi' I li t I" " t'l II .l-.t linl HI Mltli'- Olt'ivtl." I .1 . ti t Mi- In lifr Km 'ty itii l.t n.i-.l knt ' n l"'ir( . r t iM'" I" S'l turlil li. Jav, W iiu kiin't hi tiri,;iii tir tin ftimr ; 1,1 Cll In I lif 111 IM K'" l 10 1 1 1. Ami lull llif liii'hlr- linitli'l l'rvMil. Anil n o III t'lnlilrrn pil thi-lr till. Ami Imifh Wm-Mlli tiit-T IiuiiiUip tittl. I ilu n '! likf It lirsr vi irr 11 Itlt-nnu'i. un Hit hi. luti If." Whii nt t tr mil li.r bumf I" mi.v "M w.inl u'trlskip tun ri.iiti' to llif.'' I h.tl ' llif ray r 'i imul mi'l l"HK. 'I llnl'n iiIIi-m .I li.r llif or.li to tii.l, Hv liim wliu t-t Inm eru-lH'l Willi wronj, Aii'l o:il with ln lifJ" ilutU ItsL 1 iiu mil liki- tti lii nr tipr irny. V illi ji'Wi'liil rata uli.l mlkril tlrt'aa, Wlti'c wa."tiprwiMiiuli toilaall fl.iy, Ami llu-ii ip ankr I In work IVir Irai !" Hu.-li Jiioiii tltavt-a 1 ili ij,.i,,iav, V itli li.l.tfl Imii'li. rent l't ilelliurr-, Tli. y litl t litan-u Iltt-ir untf.-l t'.vna," A ml alfnl llif arumt;a ul Ilia iuur. 1 iti mil like "iii'll anu'lt-ap irnvi-rH I II wruiii;, 1 If'tif lu Uu nugivL'ii i Jt'i unic 1 wiiik llli-ia Uiwar. Iti-ara 1 li.'i' i'f lu'l ik inillii'n iniii'i Irum litavrn. Imperialism. Wo notice soiiio qui to contradictory speculation us to tho intlueiico thut has started u jiiiirnul in New York to advocate the esttililisbnient of nil lin periul goverinneiit in this coniitry like thut which exists in Franco. The I'm.i of this city, on thu '.'(Jtli, speaks ot t lie JmftriKittxt hh a liuiiiouralie f journal . Oil tlto OtlltT hand, tilt) I .Nt'wjo k Jhitlij Adrtrttui the hainu ili.te. kivh thu Jtiuictiulist H t'ditcti undi'l- llio ausii(;t'S and at tho cunt ol' llu-Sot rotary of the Navy, Mr. Aduljdi Doric ; while, according to tlio Svw York Democrat i HupKrtud hy "the hrothor of a iroiiiiiit'ht niom.K'r of (.rant's I'aliiiM t." J iio tone of the papor in qmutiiuri is one of doprotriution ol the workings ol pnpulariiistituliotiB, and it um'H tliu noioriuui l'ucU of the proNont time to hithtain itH preference for the government tat a single denpot. Hut there i no lgie in itHeoncluhion. If tho American people are, indeed, hopelessly eormpt, ihey will not pro dtieo or tind a man eminently good ;md wiso to govern litem. It is not Iron, a class of wnper human hoi ngn , thut the despot comes; it i common- j liuiv I . i i ly Iroin a victorious purly ot which llO is the must Unscrupulous n'ent. j In times of civil commotion, when anarchy threatens society, it some times Keeks shelter under a strong hutnl, ami the j;ripo ot' it is seldom relaxed al ter the dungcr is over. The history of the world bus nothing in it to recommend despotism as a durable tbrui of novernnieiit. i a tempo rary maUeshia. To dny, no man run conjecture the fate of France on the dentil of the present "government," which is a man of infirm health, well stricken in years. Jlo owed his first elevution rather to an ungry mid blind protest of the French people in favor of self-government. Foreign bayon ets overthrew the first Dniiupurtu and put a Bourbon on tho throne, and this tho people of Franco passionately resented by lecling tho second Itonu parto as President, after the expulsion of botli branches of tho Bourbon stock. The daz.ling genius of tho first Napo leon proved Unit even tlio must bril liant ul despots could bring Ins country only to degrading subjugation, alter years of exhausting ctlorls to subject other nations to his sivnj'. There is on earth iio bettor, wiser government possible than the self government nl' an intelligent penpie. JcUVrson, writing to Washington, and expressing a sentiment common to both, said : "It is an axiom in my mind that our liberty can never be safe but in llio hands of tho peoplo themselves, and that, too, of the peo ple with soino degree of instruction." Those great American statesmen bo lieved that the ceneral common sense ol llio people wus tho highest human giiiduuco this truth, indeed, in earlier timc-t, had prompted men to say, the voice of the people is '. be vnico of God !' .r pnpuli, ro.r 1 i. Tho people informed and exercised in political nlbiirn, lire the best depository of power. Wo know there is danger from the ignorant chistes Jefferson i -.. i ii- i. . ...I I ...I.. : "".nine., u. """S ' """""J 0,,r l"!111"" tTU'm ,"'",,"!' J""1 enianeiputed Afrioun sliiveswould have apalleJ Jefliirson though he was the m ist anient ol the oppoueiiU of vla very. Hero wo aro threatened wilh the invasion of :i new tdeineiil of the most degraded ignorance. There is, t in, among H , another most danger ous chisM. For, if the "poor unci igno rant" are danneroiis, how much more potent fur nii-i hief are tho rich and ignorant? This class has increased alartninu'ly within tlio lat few years. Tho nioney-fretters who Save had no t i mo to think of anylhinj else; tho class who, us they say, "never took any interest in politics" among them w o find a (niss and Mnpid iiioruncc of tho nature mid history of govern incut, its aims and limits and its proper means of action. This is the very opposite of the trim character of an American citi.-.en, ol w hom the best type is ollcn a man ol plain exlerior and mall means, but versed in the best political knowlcd 'e the Unowl- i 1 11 ".' , . f""'"' meiit of his country. This knowledge was oihc L'cnernl niiiimt; us. The American was bred in it; the foreigner made haste loociiuiru il. Indeed, we know many a lorcin-born citizen whoso wealth is the product of his daily toil, who knows moro of the I otistitulioii ani laws ol tins country than many a millionaire. 1 ho for eigner who comes to livo hero does take an interest in politics ;" ho is a itinen by choice, not by tint accident of birth : ho iimuircs into tho Consti tution ol the novel iimeiil he is to live under, mil is attracted lo its support and ranges liim-ell' Willi its defender. On tho other hand, tin- puny domi nant in llus country for nine vcars past has openly taught a contempt of mo t onsiii uiinn nnu 01 too grvni political principles it embodies. This parly bus carried favor wilh the "rich nnd ignorant" classes of society. These lavor sui li pnpeiK us the m; miH.yt, credit its notions, supply its means, and write, to il the "letters of approval from nil parts of tho coun try" of which it boa-t. It is the ignorant at both ends id tho social ladder, who kaotv neither the Hlreiie;Ui nor I bo wisdom ol popular govern menl, who aro captivated with the Ulitler of monarchy or imperialism. 7o7((i(7iiu Ayr.. , Knowi.kihik It a man empties his mrso into bis heud, no ono can take it awny lrom him. An invostmenl in knowledge always pays tho best intercut.. F.i,oonr.NCK True eloquence consist in snyinp. alt that is necessary, and Homing out wnal is neccsiury. imnllr.it. noori.iMrs(ii;nMniTn:us tan lloodiunrs (Icrmaii Tonic; Tht Urf. ttrmnliM for all TMi'kiri of t l.lvrr, huim'-h( or llfhv Urfitii, I IiMtl!, tii'Tn (irrnuui Hitters It rompd nf tho piro jnlrM (nf. thty or mfllrinallT tvrvivtl, Kltrorti) rf rot it, hert.t. om. hrfc. II pff prt.nii hifbly tutncentrato'I ind A niirelr "Iroo lrio Icuhutio admiiiaro of ny kind" JIcH)lhunl'H (iorinan Tonic I o fK-mhlntion of !1 tbo Inffrcdlrnti of tht Hitter, with tho purfHt quality of Kant a Crm Hum, Ortiiiirfl, An., making one of tha mul pla ant and ngrasenhla rotnintioi over (Tore J U tht public. Thuto proferring a nodlcino frta frum a:jhoiio atimixtura. will uia HooflaiurM GcMni;ui Bittors. Thnna who havo no ohjrllon to tho oombin tioo of llio Hitter a staled, will mo loollund's Gt-num. Tonic. They a.re hnth equally frood, and oontain tho miuio tiioilirinat Tirtuon, ttie cholc 1. twffn tho two bvinir a taore m alter of Uto. tho Tonio boing tho ni'iit paiatAbio. The tomanh, from a variety of au-i, inch at Iri(tigot)oo, Lyipvpiia, Nervum Uibiiity, oto., is vi-ry apt to havo it funoiiuua dorann- ed. Tho Liver, oym 11 patbitinK at cioo!y as it di with tbo r'tomaoli, then ba- oomea afli'Pti'ii, the result of wbtrh i that tho paiiont tuffori truiu lovorol or Mora of tbo ful- b Conti.ation, Flatulfnco. Inwrd Piloa, FuUnen tit Itlm.il to tho lU-a.l, Aridity if tbo Hlotu oh, Naui-ra, Heart burn, liiiut fur 'od, Fuiluaaa r Weight in tbo b'uinaob, Sour Kruptiuui,6mk ingor Fluttvriiifr at tho pit ul tbo Stomach, 8wm ninKof tho Head, ii u rr i o d or UiQiflult braatbinff, fluttorinff of tho Ileart,Cbc.kinK or Sof fuoatinf aanaatiuno wbao in a lyiojf poatura, Dtfnneaa of vision, doit or wo in befuro tbo oyoa, dull pain in tho boad.defirienuy of per rpirolion, yflluwnes uf tho akin and oyai. Pain ia tht itiia, biick, obait, liiobi, oto., tuddaa flualieaof brat, biunin floh, oonitant itna)(infrifa of ovil nd treat diritin of pinta. Tha lufTerar from thete dlxeaiei should a J or oiao the ffreateit eautioa ia th telenet. on ol a remedy fr hia com, purchasing only that hifh h 'li .M"r6d U from hil , lnv!i tlt'Tia and inijiltriaa pnaaaatea trua marlt, lf ,iiinlr tuul,,uun,laJ, I. ir.a from ii.juri.ai ionrrJif nil. ami baa aaUbhahad for lllf reputation. or ibacureof these disesieo. In this conniption wo would sab rait those well known retnedii'O IIoo.lai.rs Gorman KiUors, lIoofluiHrs German Tonic. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia. 'i Twntr-twe venra slno thT were 1lrt Intro- dnrd iniit this country from floruiany. during whi'-h time they novo nndtu)todty performed aiore rars, and benefited su ferine b a inanity to a (r,ratr extant, than any other remedies known to tho puttofl. 1 he remedies will eiTeetoally curt Liver Complain t, Janndiro. nvKpepsia. CbrVaie or NfTvoue Debility, li Cb r onl e Diarrhosa, btseaim of the Kid neva. and all disaasaa aiiing from a Disordered Liver, tHomacb, or Intcitinea. IX'bility, Rau1ltn( from any eaua. wriaUv.r t rrnatralioB of tli. ir,t.Dl ifiduoed by aver. Labor, llardkhij-l, Uapiaur ll'averi, Ac, Ae. Theri ii no modicina cxUnt aiual to tbeaa temediee in audi can.a. A ton. and virof la imparled l tbe wbole ayatcm, tha appetiut ii trerii'lhaned, food ia .ujnyed, tha atouacb dl eeta promptly, th. bl'Ktd ia par. fled, tha eon pleaiou beouroea iound and bealttiy, tb. yellow tinge li .radicated frooa th. .yea, a blonai i given lo tho rhaeke, and the weak aod aarvoua invalid berumeia at.-ong and b.allby being. lYrsoiiH Advanccil in Lifo, and feeling tha band nf time weighing heavily utoa thaw, with all ile attendant ilia, will find lit, u.-i nf thee Pilleri or tb. Tonio, an elixir tbiit will Inatil new life int. Ibeir Tame, raauira in a uieaura th. energy and irdur of aiore youthful dot, .build up Ibeir ahrunkea (urate, and give bc.ttb and bappinea, to their laaaming yt-ara. iStiticu. It ia a well r,tabli!ied fact thai fully one half of lha female po - rlion of our pupula hon nr Ki liltito in the I . anjuymcnt of good health, or to uae tbi.r - own .xpreaalon, they "never fee! wall." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely oervoua. and bar. ao ap petite, to thl, data of periuna th. Bitter,, or the Tonic, la apcially reoumaiended. Woiik and Pflicnte Children are tuailo atriing by ih. nr-a of either of the,, rcmeiliea. Tliry will cure every eaeeof muraaiaiia wilhnut tell. Tlitiurande nf certificate, bar. accumulated In the hand, ot ll , p 'i.prietnr, hut apace will allow of the public, loa 'I but a few. Tbo., It will b. obecrved, ae at ta of note, and of aucb ataading tnat tbay o a,t b, believed. ' Testimonial:. linn. George VT. Woodward, Chief Jnatic. of tha rjupreuie i nurl of Ponnpyltania, write, i Philadelphia, Pa., March IS, lsa. "I And lloori.Asn'a . tiaauas IliTva.a i, a good tonio. u.clitl in A dtaeaeeiof tsa digaet Iv. organ,, and of greet benefit in oaeei of de'uillty at.d want of nervnui action In th. ,ylem. Your,, truly, (Jao. U, Wooiiwanu." Hon. lame, Thonpenn. Ju'lg ' Supreme Court of reon.ylviinia, writca, -riniarielpbie, April ?, ISSS. "I eiin.idcr Ilooilaod', liarman Hater, a valu able medicine in caa ol I ijtligeiH inn or Pyrpep ia, 1 can cerlity tbii from experience. Youra, with re, peel, Jaaa, 1 Il3ru." From Rot. Jonph fl. Kannartl. D. D., Pailor of the Tentb llaptiat Church. Philadelphia I pr. Jicaaos pearfitri 1 batr. batn fteqnenU ly requested to connect uiy n.rna ailb reooin nicnlationa t.f didcrrnt kind, ot medicine,, but regarding tha Bra. tlcea, out of my ap propriate aphere. I V hav. in all caaae de clined ; but with a- clear proof in varioua inrtancea, and particutarlv in my own l.mily, of the onclulnerf ol pr. llnonand', Uerinan Uittera, I depart for one. from any u,ual ooaraa, to ai pree, my full conviction tliat fur general debility of the eyatera, and arpecially for Liver Com plaint, It ie a tafe and vitlnehle prcp,ratein. In aome caaee il may tail, but ur-u.lly, 1 doubt not, it will be very oenetiriei to lh,. who eufier Iron it,, .bora eau.e. Youra, very re, peelfuily, J. P kaaaaat.. a-igUth, below Coatee blreeu. From Hev K. D Fcndall, EJit.r of Clirliliat "ChllOlele,, Philadeltihia : 1 have derived decided benefit from the a,i of Ho-.IUtiil', llerioan hittern, and leel il mv pr vi- lege to recomuteod them aa a molt valuable tonio to all who are autlcrtng from general dcht.ily or frura dUraeei arieing from derangement of th, liver, koura, truly, u. tMlik. Cunt ion. llnnflitnd'i Qermaa Uittera are enenterffited. Ree that the ftitftia -. ture of C. M. JAt K SiiN it on the wnp I 1 per of eaob '"ttle. AH etheM are iun - t-rfcti. Principal OQh'O aod Meaufeotory, at ttie OrrmKit I1dical iStcru, No. fl-il Arch itreet, l'bilailplpbia. Pa. lUKt.i:. M. Pmprlrtor. (Formerl C. M. Jackion I Co.) Trice. Tlonfland'a Oermen Bittera, per noltle t 00 per hairdnt-a. a 00 Hnflflaada Ot raien Tonio, put ap in quart bmtl-i, p-r httle 1 fO Or a balf dot. a for t 0 Jthtt nM fir(t to eienitne well the artlrle you bay, is order to get tbe geamine. rfot nit y all driggiitt a&4 dealer li 000D HEALTH It f aramaunl i. aaal'a. K Ihi lfia I, la hail mdar rare, on I Iha vital tinmura n4 liarr alls & 'i lllrn.4 1111.. sstl j.l ilia Istarnat otfn, fatlnrmmt Ihatr ratalar Tnaa. Itnna, ind anri la arilar, ha that. j lii dailt a. a i f Huhark , Sloniatb ilillara. DYSPEPSIA. There It, firntnbly, ao one disease with which mankind aro eittiated which la tha source of ao many allmente aa I'ysf epsia, and there Is no mora certain euro than Kobark's Stomach Bit tera. A HEMAEKABLE FACT That not a lnule Inn tun re hue enme tn the knowledge nf the iroiirittors, of the failure ol Kohai'k's Medicine to (five entire satisl'artion in the hundreds of ibonawDils of cares in which they have been used : tbie ia worthy of remark an I ondeniuble avidtrfioe of their Intrinsic merits. LOUD I the praise In the months of everybody in favor of Hubk'a IStomaoh Biltera, blood ii)Ii and blood PuriHer. IS IT EIGHT That you ihontd bid deflanoo to all natural laws and the science of meilioai men, and sutler with Dyspepsia or Indigestion when Koback'a Btoui acb Ultters can bo procured at any drug atoro THEY WILL CUBE YOff Of Pcrnlola, Etysipelai. Pick or Norvoua ITead ache, BillinuantM, Liver Comi'laint, Dyspepsia or I mil pent ion, Consumption. Tain in the Dark rr Loins, Uout, Pleurisy, Leueorrbi-a or Whites, Eruptions and all diteaaea arisinir from a disor dered stat ol the atoniarb, Kohack a Hlood Fills btotnach Bitters and Blood fun bar. AS A PREVENTIVE Againat Malaria. Favar and Ago., and all dii aaaaa, triting Iron torpid itau of tha IWar. thar. la ao madicina to .Ighl Mcommandad aj htiback'i titoaiack Bitlari. GSATIFYINO To know that a reliable remedy il witbia tae re.cb of er.rtbody for lb. radieal .nr. of !ye pepeia or InJigcetina. "urb a remedy la Ko. back i blomacb Hllterl. bold by all brug-giete. EVEETBODT Should kfltp oontiitly witfatt their rcrh. thou tnt-alutM rrmdiii tn UMPPeMfullj' tiomhst dl tuf, Hubark't Blood Pi 11a. Kobk' IStonarb Btttsri.and Hrbk'a Ulood J ui.firt, thy r infillib. in the (lifetuea fur whUh tb ar recommended. NOBODY Can .fiord lo be without each valuabli m.dlcine, ii Rohack't Blood Pill,, Ftomath Billcra and lllood Purifier. TEMPERANCE. There ii, perhtpe, no one thing that ha don o much to pnmote tb ol tB,er,Dce m that ft atle itlmBlaliott loo if, Robaek'i Stomach ltittrre, tbey eirenjtitieD and inrisoraie wttbout producing tb ill efTcrt. of alcohulie etimulanta. RENOVATE. pyrin; the Prrtof men t hi it It en of the rfgroiar bewebold dutteo te renorat. and, ia ttie multiphrit- of other dm tee one'i own t)f ie, ia a freit infanre, oTirlno)ied t thooMnde of TRlueble IItoi mie;ht be proli nred, and mtny dont tleii eared from prmtore ? rave by thor. oughl rnoTarini; tb p?iim wlrh Dr. Rnkftrlt'i L luod I'llln, 8toa.aob Bitlere ttd Blood Puriflr r. WHO SELLS THEM! Th. Areola for the tela of K .back'. Blood Pllle. Rt'irnach Ilillara and lllood Purifier are HAUTSW1CK A 1HVTIN, Clearfield, Pa, aprJl THE (iKKAT ZiNCARI BITTERS. A eafo Blood Parifler, a aplendid Toale, a pleaa ant Beverepe. a oeriaia care and Preventive of Diseases. fpHK 7.IN0AHI BITTFRH are eomponadid X from a prnprript.no f the relrbratcd r.g)p tin ph-ielan, Da. CaiKorat:, who, after year of trial and esperinioat, dipntTered tbe Kiopaii Herb I be nopt remarbahte product loo, the earth, prbapa, liap ever y ir'dcit rertaiolT the moat eflstt.ve in the rnre of dipeaae. It, ia eiraine11na vHb the nihr Tlnhloproperttea of obirb the .1MJ AM BITTLHa? la oompoaed. will core l-rVflP1. Feer and Apn, MiMlnui Fer, Chohr, Colli, llrotirhitta, Cnnnumptioa ia lie flrat etare. Fietolenry, Nrr Toua licbility, F-anale Con pleiote, Klipumetifni, Iyelrrj. Acute end fhronlo iharrba a. Cholera Morbaa, Cbolera. Tyboid and Tphai Fever, Yellow Fever, Hrrofiile, Iileea aea of the Kftfneya, llahitual Cob livenem. Tn the Prerentlon and Cure of the ehore dia ranee. It oae never been known to fall, ae thna- aantie of our noil prnmineM rilltena tbrooarbnai ell porta of the enuotry, will testify. Let ihe affitrted eend fur rit-eular oontainlng teatltaont el and reriinoatea nf thoae w bo hare haen cured alter i tit 'r caar have hern pronnutioed hopeleaa hy oar he-t phTilrinna. Priaelpai lfpt, F. RallTRR f CO., No. a N, Fm at bt,, rhiladelpbla. Recommended by Ei-Uov. Ltavid R. Porter, of Feaneylvaaia. H..n. Pfihert J. Fmher, " Hon. Kdwerd Mel'borun. M Hon. Jel H. Ianner, Hon. Wm. McSh-rry, M end other. erhiiid for Cirealara. febll ly, OW AIM' PAN At I. A. KennedtTMedl Cj lienovcry, llalnihold'e Barha, Haker'e Coa Liver Oil, Jane'a and Avm'e rocdieinea of e-ry ktai, tor aaie iv hakimifk inn in, fpraooea and abdominal aopportre of every X klod of tbe late lexpeovem-atot for eale , the Drug b(ore of HAHTbWK'k IRWIN, owndti and VLichlnr f hop. , r. "vol .- "vi. t" DOYNTON 4. YOUNQ, FOUNDKUS ( MACHINISTS Mannfai liitrr of r-ORTABLE & STATIONARY STILVMKMHXES t'orrrK of Fourth and Pino Slri-ets, ( I.T-.AHKII I D, PA. fT iv . ' ."".,'.'' i - :, HA VINO cngagril in lha namifacttin of Srt clau MACllINKRY.wa ronjiMlfully inform Uia publio that we ar. Boar prt-parad to All all ordrrii ai clu-aply and aa promptly ia van be tionr in any of Die oitiea. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Htad lllockn, -Valor Wbeell, Fhaftinp; PullrTi, (lifford', Injector, Bteam Oau-xt-ii, Slaam Wbiitlei, Often, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupa, Oaug. Cika, Air Cocka, (llobe Valrta, Check Valvea, wrought iron Pipea, Rteam Vumpa, Boiler Feed Pump,, Antl Frlctioa Uetrea, Poap fttone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kind, of MILL WORK; logalber with Plow,, Hei Bnlei, COOKAXD r.lTtLOIl STOl'ES, and other CASTINli? of ill kind,. f.-H'-dri'rt aolicitrd and filled at city price,. All Irtteri nf inquiry with rffercne to machinery of our manufacture promplly an,weredt byaddre, ing u, at Cloarlrld, Pa. dec i v iiorKT'ix t vorxo. ginning ttills. fl. L. It-ed, ,jNOTICE.wmw' Powell- J. F. Weaver, Betla- u. id. iti:i: a co. CLA HFl BLD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! 1"M!B proprietors rrrptHtfu.lj-inform thee'iinem of Clearfield eountT, that ther bar eatirelT rr(ltlc4 tbii fctabliihment with the Iatrt linprored wodH. working marhincry. and ar now prtparrd to exM-ote ell order in their lin of tninei. They will gWt eirptviavl attrniioa to th maaulae tare of material fur bone builiHrj, each a FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BlUH kLTS .VOIXnf.l'tVa, OF ALL STYLES, We alwaya h.r. on hand a large Block of PRY l.rl!H:H, and will pay eaab for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half Inch pan.1 atuff prrferrvd. Lumber Manufactured to Order,. Or .xohangetl, lo iuit ouetomera. -0rderi iollritcd, and Lumber furniihed on ahurt notice and on reaaonable tenni. (1. L. ItKKD 1 CO. ricaHleld, Nov. ?. lf.T. R. B. Patvii... 1C. A. lnviN.... .. Jotta I'ATToa, ..J. K. lawta. E. B. PATTON & CO., Helving fitted up a flrt-claa PLANING MILL Are prrpartj to furnirh tU kind of Manufactured Lumber, pucb at Flooring. Siding". 6arfaoe-rreed Lum ber, Saih. Poori, Blinds. And every tlrecriptiOD of FLAIN AND FAKCY MOULDING. -IT'Pt'alerf will find it to th-ir advantaff to roni-uK ir priori bftnre parrhe-ini; -lewlirr. Addrep, K. . TAT TON A 0., t'urwftivillr, Iwi, . IhM-tf ("leerfirtd county, I'a. fftOtlUttfl. How lo Save ?Boihv. aft THE tinea art fcard : yo'd like to know il.w yna may aave your dollar j Tbe way to do tt I will ahow, If yoo will read what fnllowa. A man who livod not far from her. w bo worked bard at hi trade. But had a boaaehold to ujprt Tbet aquandered all he Biade. I met him ono. Bay ha, "My friend, 1 look thread hoar and rough ( I've tried lo get aeyaalf ft enit, Bat eaa't ave ap anough." Pay t, my friend, how mach hve yoa t I'll tell yna where to go To gfl anit that' enand and cheap i To RK1 ZEN 1ST KIN A Co. He took what littl ha had saved. And went to heiKenatcia A Brothers', And there be got a handeom salt, For half he paid to other. Kn hp la home , he look ao well, And their effect le each. That when they take their daily meal, They don't eat half ae mnrh. And now he flada on Fatardey night, With ill their wenta supplied, That he he money left te spend, And om to lay aeide. HI good auoceta, with cheerful smite, . lie gladly tolls to all. If you'd a re money, go and buy Vonr elrtthee at RKIZKNSTKIN'8 CLOTIIINQ HALL. Whert th eheapeal, finest and beet Clothing and good Famishing ftnod can be had to rot 1 every taste and in ever style aprl I, 67 a z i. it ia i:. f nai tMTRiTtn tamoo. for tht isaundry. It Is warranted act to elreah, ar la any a.aa aer injur the Bnest fabrin FOt FAMILY I PF oold la FIYK eats, TKN cent, nd T KNTV cents boies. Kaeh TKNTY con a hna, beside having five time as much bin a th F1VK cenU boa, eon tains a pocket pin ruehioa or eiaory bag. Fir Hotel sod large Laundry ae, It le pat ap In It On boxes. I thai each Hot has proper Trade Mark. For sale hv feblUHm HAHTSWICK r fPHK DKMtM'KATIO ALMANAC .r 1M I 1KT and lntl for eale at the Pout OtW I'rtee 3N cents. Mailed to any addrea ( lelfr-tf 1)1 Y tbe DSMiltHATlO ALMANAC. Only 11 SO oonu Kvcrr vglv iheaid have eua. U tfatflt. A. W. WALTERS, A1TM1M.Y AT LAW, I Irtiflrld, ra. on -c In Ilia d iirt I I".! Ij ISRAEL TEST, ' ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Icarflt ld. I'a. WOfrle. la lb. Court lloua JOHN H. FULFORD, A'noHNF.Y AT LAW, Irarfirlit, I'a. Oflea wilk J. P. McKnally, Ktq , oa.r Flrit Na rional Heck. (Mr Prompt attention gmen to tk aacuring of KeuntT. Clalma. Ac, and to all legal boilnan. Mareb'lil, IHA7-ly. WA LTER BARRETT, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. Oltli-e on Bwiond ra., Claarteld, Pa. noa,fl4 Win. A. Wallace. Wm. T. Dicier J. Illake W altera. Frank Fielding WALLACE, BIGLES & FIELDING ATTOHNKYS AT LAW, Clcarttcld, Pa. fflv Legal buaiaaas of a.l kind, promptly and accurately attanded to. (najll y TH OS. J. M cC U LLO UGH , ATTUHNFA' AT J.AW. OfTre adlnlnlnir the Hank, furmerly occupied by J. B. McKnally, Noeoad at,, Clearfield. jtWill aLtond promptly to collections, lata of lands, tkc. declT.fli JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTOHNKY AT LAW And Heal ltate A cent, Mrarllrld, Pa. Office on Markol etreet, oppoeite th Jail. 4T,aKefpetfully1fflerfl bit eervioee in eelline; ad buying landi in ClearReli aod adjoining oountiee and with ea xprieno of over twenty Tear a a eureeTor. fiatteri hitneelr that be oan rander aatiefactloar (cbSS.'AJ-tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH. ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Offioe on Market etreat on. door .aatof tb. Clear field County Bank. mayd.'ti Joha H. Orti,. C.T.Alexander. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER, ATroKNKYS AT LA W, Mcllcfnntc, Pa. ,ipl!.'i y DR. T.TeFfE iRSO N BO YER. riiYSIClAX AND SURGEUX, ' Second Strrti. Cleertleld. Fa. "l.tt-IIivlnjf ptrmanently lorate-J, be n"W olTeni bin prurrMiunaJ Mrriroetn tbe cititni f CleejUrM and virinitv, and tb pibhc (rncrallv. AM civile prompt Jj tttuiifd Ui. oct2V-7 F, B. REED, M. D., THYSICIAN AKU 6U11GE0X, Mlatirn reruoTad to Williannirrtiia, Pa., offer, hii irt f.ealuaal airvle.. t. la. ,.opl. of th. aurroaadiac eoBBtrj, ( jy I l.'CT DR. J. P. BURcThIFIELd7 Late fiargeoa of tb 83d Reg meat, Pennsylvania Volunteer, having re tamed from tha Army, often hia profeeatonei serrlee to th eitisens f Clearflald eeanty. TPrufceaional call promptly attended to, 0Dite on Second street, friorly occupied by Ir. Wood. apr4,x6-t( DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN k SURGEON. JUiiag removed to 'Aunvitte, Pa., offer his prufcMKiDol acrviccs to the people of that plarc and tbe siftrouning country. All ealls prompt ry attended to. I if. 3 6 in pi. DR. S. 8UR0E0S J. HAYES, DENTIST. Offioe on Main Pi., Cur wensi ille, Fa, make profeasloaal visiu, for theaoo M venieoca of the pa b lie, commencing in April, Ufiii, a follow, vis ? Lathsrsbarg First Friday of avery month. Anennvilte Firt Monday of every month. Lumber City Fint Thursday of every month, spending two daya in either place. All ordera for work aboold be prssented on th day f h i arrival at each place. Teth exuaeud by tha appHoatioa of local anesthesia romparaurely without pain. All kindi of Dental work guaranteed. N. B. Th public will pleas notice, that Dr. H., when not engaged la tbe above visits, may b found In hi ctne, la CurwnviU. Pa. J?urwensville, Feb. 4, 1fi9. D ENTAL P A RTNERSH I P. Pa. A. M. HILLS. Deelre to Inform hii ralrnn,. ana1 th. ral.lie .Beral!.ral he haatnociatad ullhhlm IB Ike praetie. of Lentl,trj, s. r. SIIAAV, D. I), s., Whn la a gradoata of the Phita-lelphia Pental College, ar.d therefore hae the highest atteata tloas of professional skill. All work don in the offrPt 1 will bold myoelf personally responsi ble fur being done in the annet mtiifaetory men nar aed higheet order ef the profession. An ettabJibed praetire of twenty-twn years in this place enable me to (peak to my pat teat with confidence. Fngagi'tnont from a distance should he mad by letter a few dayi bsfor th patient deaiga doming. June 4, lf.S-ly. MOSHANNON LAND it LUMBER CO., OPCEOLA PTKAM WILLS, ataafrarrriira LUMBEI5, LATH, AND TICKETS II. n. FHII.LIXCFOni), Preaidrot, OScae-r.re.1 Pla... So. 15S 8. 41k at., l'hil'a, . JOHN I.AWHIK. HttrerriBlrBilrnt. Jer,'7 Oeonola Mill", Clearfield eimniT, Pa. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sipn Painter and Paper Hanger, tlcarflrld, Ptnn'a. execute j,iW lu hie liur promptlT and ID a atiirkmanlikr rraiiiier. are. ft? J. BLAKE WALTERS, SCH1VKSKK A N H (UN VEYaXCKK. Af.nl for th. Paieh.a. and flal. af Laada. Irartlt ld. I'a. T-e-Pmmpt atteniina iriTeB la all ha, lrj.ee ennnrrted with the coualj office, (iftn ilh Ilea. Wm. A. Wallae.. Janl.'dH-U SURVEYOR. 1 1 K oiulerngnrd ('ffrrs hi scrvires as a Piir- ernr, end war be Imind at his revidenee. in liwrtiaee twannltip. Letters will reach him di rected to Orartit Id, Pa. mayT tf. JAMKg MlTniKIX. TH0S7W. MOORE, " Land Surveyor and Conveyancer, If AVINH rorentlv located In the boroi.f;h of Lninbef t'ilv, end veoumed the practice of I, aod Hurveving, reepectfully tenders his profi S sional sen tr t tht owners of and specular ,rs in lan-li in t Uarfield end ali'initig counties. I'ofnii of convcTainoe neatly eiccnted. Othoe and residonce one dour east of Kirk A Pjtcnoer'p ptr. aprl4 pd4m. DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, BEOOND FTKKrr, jjM til' ah nr. id. pa. ir THOMAS H. FORCEE, BRAI.KB IB GENF.KAt MKKOIiANPISK, ;RAHtMT,. Pa. Alao. ettennlre manufaelaror ard dwtler la Poaar. Timlier and tiaarwl Lumlwor .11 kiada. JtWOrder, Killrltrd and all bill, eimmptlt filled. '.ivII'T FRANCIS COUTRIET, MKUCHANT, FrcnrhvlllB, I Irarlield Count). Pa. Keep, eonatantW PB hand a full aaeorttnent of ltrT tlooda, Hardware, tlnwriea, and aT.rTthmf aeunllv kept In a retail etora, whieh will h. aold, for oaeh. a. olieap aa elaewher. la Ih. eoantj. I iwbobvIII., Jan. Ii, ittoi ijr. aro. l.a,T aaaat ai.aaar.. w, aikiar W. ALBERT A. BROS., Maniifaetarri A extra. ire Ilealeriiin Sawed Lumber. Square Timbor, fio., W 0 li U L A . I , P K N N ' A- ff-T-Order, anlirilt-d. Ililla filled ob abort Bolie. and mawmalde lorme. Addm, Voodlaad P. O., riearfl-ld C. Pa. JeJi-ly ' W. AI.UhliT A lllttlg. II'rlH W A rSTr.t, The Bodetaitt.l will 1 par th. rnrriet CArtH I'HIl B for all kind. d f I rift ana UbM OMrtr. ..it. nte a nan Cltaraald, Hoc 11. 1. 1. fcElZE5Ttili. WftiLinl ?.tllDi. rw Slurr nnd c (Jomls. F. (". cliOM M, MERCHANT TAILOR, N AHKKT T, rl.K UiUKI.It, I'A. II AVIVfl openi-l p a Merchant Tailoring Mlaliliahmcnt, on Market itrvel. a.l.niiniiig llie nrlitcne.ol I'r. Ilari.wica, I a . . fully announce to the citueli of Clearfield and vicinity, that I have ju.t rcccltnl trout llie real era cilic . full ae'iirlmcnl of Cloths, CasBimerea, Vestings, ftc, Of (he beat quality and lalret atvle, which I am prepared lo uiiike up on ,hnrt nollee, according lo the laleal la.lii.il.,, and at p'li ce warrante.1 to be aalnfactory. Trp uta once, and I am ro you ill cine again. F. C t'KnMM. I'lcarfield, Jan. 51, lnV-tf ro7oiiT it um mi K. 15 L. KTOL'dHTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Ml reel, Clearfield, Pa.. nAVlHO opened buain.ae on my own book, at th. old (land in Mbaw', How. 1 therefore aaaouaea to tha publie Ibat I have now on bind a well aelected and large aaaortmenl of Cloths, Cassiiueres, Vestings, Beavere, and all kinda of Qoodi for man and bova' weer. and am now prepared to make up to ord.r CLOTHINti, from a aingl. article u a full auil, in the lateat ityla, and moat workmanlike manner, bpecial attention gtr.n lo ouaiom work aud euuing-oat for men and boyi. 1 offer great bargutna to eoatomera, and warrant entii. aatiafaelion. A liberal ahar. of pablie patronage il iolicit.d. Call and ae. me. jan7-tf E. K. L. BTOUUHTOX. II. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, (".tor one dour east of Clmrfield Hause,) Market hirvet, Cleartield, Pa. KEKPS on hand a fall asemttnente of Gent-' Furnishing Gimda, such a Sbirts, Linen and Woolen Lnderebirta, lrawr and Bucks, Neck-ties, Pocket Handkercbtafa, Gloves, Hat. I'mhrellej, Ae., in great variety. Of Piece Goods he keeps tb Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Fork a Blk Doeskin of the very best make; Fancy Caeaiiiiere, in great variety, also, French Coating, beaver. Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frieott overcoating. Ail of which will be Bold ebeap for Cash, and made up aeeording to tae latest styles by expeh-need workmen. Also, Agent fr Clearfield county for I. M. hinger Co e. celebrated bewing Machine. .Nov. l, IHfJi-tf. u. UKI DUB. SEWIN GM ACH I NES. r"HF Pinjrr Manufacturing Company' New 1 Family hting Mat bines, and tb aelebratcd Fiurence, for talc at the KKYSTOXE STORE. Persona In want of marhinoe will do wrll to e1i and eia mi no tL 8INUEK and FLOHKNcK before punhaeing. Kvery maebiL warrautcd tu give aatiafartion. .Vacbiue ani aoahine findm;i always on band. NTVLIXG A FHOWERP, ClearfitM. Pa., Fch. 24. AgfnU. MW STOCK! SEW STYLES U FALL AND WIXTER MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN REED'S, i MARKET BT., CLF.AKFIELD, PA. Uarinr; Just reelred all theBorelttr, of th. aeaaok ia th. MilliB.17 HrM, requeet lha ladief to call aod eiaiuinc Ihem. Clearteld. I'a.. Not I, lIK. McOiGHTJANKOT, Wagon and Slfigh Makers, (Immediately ia rear of riaaing Will,) CLEARFIELD. Pa. TT1 C moacrthan wo. Id rMrietfBPT Inform the rltiienaof Clearfield. and the pobllrin reoeraJ Ui.t the ar. prepared t. do all kiadaof work oa WAGON'S, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, Ac, oa ihort aotle. and ob reaacBahl. tarota, and la a workmanlike aianB.r. A Of w fealar. 1b our tine ia th.t w. iron our oa, work. M0AU Older, promptlT attended 10.-74 WM. MeKMOHT. NotS.'SK. CHAKLEs JANK0T. It. 1COII1KOX A COl, PORK PACKERS, .10 IM.l.tbrrty SI., PUInburgh, Have oa hand larpe atork of Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, PLAIN ASD 8V0AB CIIIEI) HAMS, Meai Pork. Pried Beef, ani Leaf Lard, all of our owa Fat-kinf , Curing and SaaokiBa. Lord Oil, Flour, Cheese, Dried Apples and Peaches, With a reneral aaaortment of llrocrle,. at the ro.eet marki't prica. fjun. I a.'lVH.lT-pd. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S AKD MASON rf- HAMLIN'S, ro iALI BT R. J. HAYES, Curwen.tille, Pa, t k "CLEARFIKLD REnnUfW." ati 4 i i:ht A II M r. n 1 lrT. The largest circulation of any News paper in North Central Pennsylvania. Terms of Subscription. If paid in adranoe, or withio S eannthe....9? OO If paid after 3 and before a aoontha t ftO lf paid after the espiratir.B of 6 Btnnth,... 3 Nl Bates of Advertising. Tranaient advorliaementa, per eqtiartof II tinea. leaa, 3 ttatee or lea, $1 iti For ea-h auliaeuent InatTtion 0 Adminietretore' and Eaoeutora' aolicea.. I Ml Aadtlora' Bottea. 3 ! Caution, and F.atrar, 1 50 Diaaolulion Botiioa 5 Ho Loral Boti,. per line 16 Obituary Botioaa, over fife linra, per hnr..... Ill Profeaatonal Carda, I Jvar ... k (0 YEARLY APVKRTISLMrXTS. 1 atjuare S tiarra 2 aquarra, !l 0(1 15 00 ..-..: on eolumn..... ) rttlumn 1 rolumu JS Pa .... 4S l ... ft 00 Job Work. BUNkS. Finfle quire....... .12 M j qnirea. pr. quire .11 "J S quIrM.pr.tjuins t Bd i Orw 6, Mr Bir, I 60 iiANnnii.L. t aheot.Jior ara,3 M I alieot. li or lew.S 00 1 .beet, I.1. or rt-aa, J 00 I ihret.S or Irae.lO M t)v.r Si of eatji of anore at proportionate rate. BO. P. tidOlil.AMiER, K.tit. and Pmprtetur. Grape Vines Tor Sale. VLL the lea-ling hanlr rarietie, of fint qual ItT. rtlM-iilib I'l'TlINtlS, (100 per hundred. (VM'ORII VINE? onlt 10 rente. Ir der, eohelled a. aooa aa wjTnient. and 0114 B rotation, h. A. M. HILLS, Claaikeld, Pa, Auuat 8, mi. 11 1 oru i a .Mil tt t M'- f- t(.-tna ,1 t.t , a.,H f iwi'fi in tp ' ir in ir'pi''!i. ll.li tnti'l, it I II I f f t, ,,il, ,) ,., n iv , t han ' "ll'i M I i. a"it.i, rimni ,- u t h,u I'niltl H"Me"', IH lilt t"tUttfil of (1, nrh,t1 aneneing on 0,t f.iiitfh MtiO'lav M Mnv, ivp 1-ii.ul --.w.'Si t,r i. II. litt'e, mlin.Biii. tlie f ttt nt lannl M Hmitr, la.- i.f ( ltT bi.pHtth, dfyo"cd. F:til afimnt ol I'avid l.ah-m. e'lui(M,lri of iv t iaitr ri I'niiey, tlw-aw-d, wtt., M sh-jh treirn of Mch'i)a Inii.ey.lstc ut I n,,.,, t d'fca'H'd. ' ruin, arc'ium oi ii'mn mr ht, e'lmimn,,,,. j Jamri Met iiv, !( rot H-c -ntia it.nliii ti,. -T ir.H.i . , ,.r i,.iia w..r Tt gant t'owrn, Inte of itrccana townlun, riNu." Hi:tjirr.tt' Orfur, t A. W LLt nearlW-M, Pa., April SH. )nr,9 M , Vimimhthathkk sum Is fa era by gircn, that lcttr of Aitirinm tT Ui.o oa the estate of PUTKH AKN'jLU.e.y. late of )tr:nly township, Clear&eld eoati'y, having been duly granted to the oieitr,,, all person Indehted to eaid estaia ul vake immediate payment, tnd tbute k.m. ehitios or deniaoda will prevvnt tbeia (tmi' autbeotieatcd lor settlement without dtU. Lutlieriburg, April 21-61. pJ. A1 is hen-hv gifn that Ictterti of a.imiiii-,-.,, on tlio ritatc tf KIJ.IAJI h M K A L, (ter lat of l.ogire toonbip( Ctearfifld eoum?, having beep iltilv prntiled to the ur'lereiifnd, pcre'ina inilebtcl to eaid evtate will pl-M aau payment, and those bavmg eUima ur dt-ottaaj will prtw ot them properlv aMthi-ntieati-d for K t lenient . M A KY K. KM HAL. A-IbVi aprX I -t l KlWAhl WI LLI A M.S. Ai . A 1 M I M TH A Ti H fc'OTI f h-)iM ie here by piven tht Irtti-rp a'tmini-'ni uu tbo esuteof PETKR ASH KN FKL 1 1 .k,fr late or Hnnlv townehip, ('leartie'nl roimtr, Pt. hat ii, g bcn (inly granlt-U lo tiie nnderiiruM.' persons mdeUrd lo atiid et:e will pteuf mu pevwent, and those hating eUium ot (i.n1M( Mill prtiavflt tbem propcrlv anthpntitraifil ff m. tleinonU LLI J All AMIK.NfLLUa, aprl7:Ckpd AtLanLitiman, IN THE IITKI(T Cft'KT iiVTHi I N 11 tl bTAlt.- for Uie Wisitm LiKrictef i'nnaylvania. CnitiefiAir .1. Hnorr, a Bankrupt otidrr tktact of Cunrrest of .Varch Zd, I r-07. having a(;,e41 a discharge from all hi debta, and oiiitrcuuaj. provHible antler said act, by order of tkt loan, notice li Imreriy given, to all perMJtit who ktn proved their d lu, and otbur prw.-Li ilitwi to appear on the ltb tUy ol Mm v. u j o'clwk, P. M-, btiore fc?. E. W oodruff. Ej.. Kepw t-r in Buiikruptcv, at bis offioe, in Clearttij, p to show eaua., il any tby have, whradLarn ibou Id not fa granted to the said BaijkrnyL A&4 further, notice is ben-liy i;iaen. tiut tit ewvM and third me'titgn of creditvrr of ttie said huh nipt, rcajnin-d by the 2"th and 3S:U ctiuiia iiid act, aill bo hold before tb aatd lUtiter.i, the same tiue and plare. my-It R. i MoAN'DLK. (1rk. 1 TIIR IHHTHKT COLHT iV THE IM II.li iSTAThS for tue Wctlcra liutria ul J'enoiTlTanta. Btact W. THotfreo?r, a Bankrupt omicrtkiet vf Conjcreeeof Marefa 2d, I K67. having RppliMfv a diecfaarice from all hi debte, and other neiat provable nnder eaid act, by order of tbtUcn. nuttoe ie kerehj fiven, ta all pcrvonv aba am pruvrd their debit, and other perigee ttlm4, ta appear on tbe 16th dav of Mt, Irei. l o'clock V. M.f betore 6. K. Wuwlruf '. Em.. ht tcr in Haokruptce, at hia ofiut, in Cu-ertuld, K, to el.ow caaw, tf any thcr have. br a difciurp h4.uid not he granted to the eatd Biokntpt. Am further 'notice it hereby firea, lust the eeeoDt and tuird meet in p of creditor of to- taid ltk nipt, required try the STth ant) ttok eetiueir tt.J act, mil be beld before the ui'l Kjut, v tbe eaine time and plaoe. mj5.Jt t. C. M-rAXrLi:s, Clert A IIMIKIKTRATOR'M OTlC T li hereby Cin thtt Mtemof edminirtnt.n on the eeute of THOMAS KSS, dcceed, Ua of hofft townihip, t'leartield connty, Pl. Int inf be n duW groeteil lo tb undcrired. eJ per eoni indeeited ta tni celale will pleae nuktpit. ment, arid tltooo herinje oleiine or dmini aill preeent tbetn property antbenticaled fur ertllrMflt and allowence without deltT. tnyi flt 1IAKUARET R0PP,A(1bl CAl TlONw All pereonr are beret Tcautionel ajfuin-t purriiD(t or in any wj eUlii( with lWu MAKK, (one dun and outwent,) now tn tbeponiei(n of JuHN l.VuNt?, elCniy townrhtp. ae tbe eaina Ih tonf to e. and w kft wab bint oa loan only, eat-jret to bit order. K. h. LOButtiB. Brady tn.. April S. lM-St pd. Clearfield County Bank. rpilK Cl.ait.ld CooBtj Baak ai aa laeerren X. led iaeutatioB ha. f oae aul .f .xiateaairi tli. eurreader af iu eharUr, on Ma. 13. IMi All iu etock ii .WB.d b. th. eabecribert, r. will eoolinu. tha Banking httatBati at th, aa plaee.a. prirat. Bank.ra, ander th. firmBaa ot tbe Cle.ro.ld Coontj Bank." Weer, a, apon.ikla for Ih. debt! of th. Bank, an J will nt, It. Bof, on deaiand at th. euunter. I,aviB iweeirea aad tntereet paid wh.a Boa.y it left I a filed time. P.p.r diecount.d at atx per real, ae her.tolor. Oar B.raoaal rerpon.iliili? k pledged for all D.po.iti r.ecir.d and aarieaM tranatct.d. A conuuoaar. of tk. liberal pat rnae:. of lha buein.ai at.a of thi contr la re-,)ie.-ttullT iolieited. Ai Preaident, Ctir aaa oie.r, of 0. let Clearfield IVonlj Baak.m require th. aotea of raid Bank to be praMtu, for r.de,BptioB. JAS. T. LEONARD. KKIHRP FHAW, WM. PORTKR. JAS. B. HRAHAM, A. K. W H1UHT. . L. RKKD, WM. A. WALLACE. The haelneaaof th. D.nk will b. daelW bj Joha M. Adawi,., Kq.. aa Caahier. ;,,.'' J. I. M tlirk. F lward Pnlit BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGIRK &, PERKS fuocaaori to Fttater, Porki, A Co., Phlllpaburf, t'entrc t oounly. Pa. TtrHKKE all the buaineae of a Bankint h" 1 1 w ill b. traaaacld prontpU; and .pita antut faroralile terata. auarMX County National Bank. t'LtARFIELP, TA. THI9 Bank ti Bow open and ready for r nee. Offiee OB Second atreet. in thrln;!c log formerl. ooeopied hj Lewtnard. FtBneJ 4 C- ni.Bt-Toni ana o.riraaa. JAft. B. flHAHAM. KK'IIAKI) I-Hi WM. A. WAl.l.MK, WM. PuKTKA, A. K. WKlilHT, UEU. L. RKK1). r. W. VOORF, JAS. T. LE.rNr.! .!.?. I Ca.hior. Pr,r, V.lattstuUUinci. 'ow ItWliMiiIth Micp. FKOON Tl FT., CLKAKFIFI I. Tt. tlHB anderalrned U(p t. Inform hi, r'' L and tha Inhabitant, of Ih. horo.;b ofl'ieai id and iurroandtnt aeibhorhood, Ibat be -wow iwad. t. itaoal. ail ard.ri either ia trea t llORaK SHOEING .a th aioit arr"" ltT atrle. ALL KINKS OP HAW MILL IRON? ' OI N R wark, loero.a'i tooli, eantheok.,paJ' ra Ao. .Steel tool, of alt kindi n.d. of he,t tn'" ar Anaeriean eteel. ,AII at. work I. warrant. o ptt faelinn, or Bet Bharred for. Hi AMOS BltNNAnl1 Xrw ItliiekKiiiilh Miop TIllRIi FTRKLT, Cl.EAP.FlF.Ln. f pH E aaheerihrrreapertfullT Infer, ',f' and the pubite ta ener.l. that be ba !"" led ia th. horor of t LbArvFIKl.il.', " .hop re.nllT oeoupiew Jacob th.r wh.r. h i, bow read. t. perform .11 towar.l, hi eueioutera iti a workBiaelik. wa11' Hede.Fl.ishe, 1'ur'iea ard ."n, i"''"'.' Horea-ahoeinf dune at roa,enahle relet rerpertfuMT a.ka a ,lar of work treat theer ae he Inteade t. fir. kia whole ettent'"" " t-u.laeaa. IHOJIAS BUbL Mere II, m. I .oKTow iimli i .1 ',l,,j tir.FAT FXCITFMFNT AT THOMAS I! EERS'S ! IVFRYIIOPT trrins lo ret therel-at-14 .f b.iair wwded .at ml. IBi Bold. Il oa want rood r-hoein da r t J " re . . .r..n. -1 r K l n. te I ' tr w..i aJ 11,11 Irona. re I. tr - -. I r..i. .d in tii b. ,.l. ,.J ..k....lin. .n t III'1 ) ceee BtakM the b.l Morep W""" ",v State, aaddu.a all kicda of HLAfk:-! 1 II. I ae ebeap a, epa he don. ta lb. eounir for ta" Ut Port Ofbo. addraaa la rie.reld HeiJf THOMAS i-LkteN