t fioiilj .mil .Vcftl.nir.intt. THE ALLEGHENY MOTEL MAftkfil Pi-, t I.UM K.i.K I . 11 HI lT a"1. fMninMdit, rt' rt.il.l hi. ..-n f"v"M f.'r lb ncf'i'fmodfcMon nf lb pikt'if, oh it tt'f fr.-pi-li.l.-r wilt Hp pUt t-i tniHtt 4 fctn.i. aft t'h I I dnw -'I u'lf M-frtrift- Fr -,. p-i-.-ir..,! ntt'iitl-'ti In the dp I; Hi 1 lin ou'iif-, he hnpe te I'p n'1' t rm-lrr Mfc-tinii in liii ptimi.i, Tn TAUM1" will !'' tc b nt,tifu")' Inpp'ir 1 with thr t,Mt thnt tn r'ur ' In 'h marM, end (tir ft H W1,i C"ntin a full. t. .a of l.lgl itlH, BR Ml, Ac. Ig.i lAi'Uilf UatJ.d. flearfivM, Mrb 3, IM.V-Ij- Pi-.prlitor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN 1ST., Cl'KVKXi.YJM.E, PA. HAVTMfl Uiifrl for t term nf tnrf the tfcovt well known end popular htel, (Vppt frierty by Mr. Mtn, end lately by Mr. Rranp.) the prenpiii proprietor ha r-ftttrd it with the obi nf render nf hti guest eomffirt bl while Vftfnurninff with him. A fine, large gtahle and Yard la attached, fof the eare and protection of hnraea. carrief n and wagoni. A hbrnl hare of public patr-.oaire it lolirtiied, ( frb2 If JOUN FOUTS, I'rup'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curne.ievlllc, Clearfield county I'a T BIS old and wet! enuWished lintel, Wiitl full lituated no the fcanki of the Suiqwe tanna, io the boroiyh of Curoon ri lie, bat been 1td for a, torm of yran by the uuderaifned It bai been entirety re AtteJ, an J i now open to .be public jneTMjf an J the travelling coram -titty ia particular. Ko paint will be epurod to Tnitr pieite comfortable wbile tarrying at Uii iaie. Ample tabling rooai for the acoouttao en of te-io. l'bart!ii muderatn. Jnm 1, ''J tf 1 WM. II. JEFFRIES, J THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Cttrwenavlllc, Clcnrfirld county, la. I ITMIE undnnigned bat leant this old and It i X ettablikbod hotel, (furraerly kept by Major I .mac Hforn.) lUuate. in a centr-l purtiwn of tli 1 tcn,and hai eutirely re-fitted and re (iirimbe'l it, aid ra-tuodeUd the elaollug, i aa to ranks it $ n oSject, hereafter, fur the traveling public to i patron lie thia larne tut ocmmodiouf biue. dee 8,'05-u , , ,. JOUS J. K fc A D. THE MANSION 'HOUSE, I Corner of hwndanH Mnrkfit Htreett, .... cLftARrir.tn, pa. I rpnTB old aad eomnodioua Hotel baa. dorlog X the paat year, been in larked tu double its 1 furrier oapaeity fur toe enLertaLOueni oi itran- gen aoi gueata. The whule buiUmg baa beeu refuroiabod, and the proprietor will epar no ' paini U render hit gueata eumlorlabU vhUe : auyinf with him. 4r-rbe ''Mnoeion Bouae'' Onotboe rune to -!. from the leputoo tbe arriral and departure I of eah train, t.f , ,rAVH JW1QN, nori tf ; FroDrianr. pEESTERNHOTEL; I CI-EARFIELD, FA. y ' ( fpnB atfbeeriber haeiBa leaaed for a tern of I 1 ftvn ibt wil-kiHTWw Hetel, (kept for tnawy ;toare by Mr. LaaiohJ ea4 re-fitted and refar- cubed ti tbreacbeut, la new prepared to enur fuia tr are lore and the public generally a poo fttmvto H boed aMke rreeMee berti fatrvwe aDd proprietor. Hit TAIJLB and BAR will be eap-lied with tbe Vat the market afforda; land at paina will be jparrd on hie part to add to It be convenience and ertmort of bii rnoet. VW-J0H1 DOUUHKHTVl 1 tll u ' Proprietor. THE EXCHANGE. HOTEL, THIS (U e-t&HfthmcDt baviog te'D leaaed by j. MORRISON, formerly proprietor ef t tba "Morriaot Huuefbaa been thoroughly reo f rrated end refurnmhed. and aupplied with ftll I tbt mod era improTfoionti and coDveoieacea ce cenary to a Brat data Hotel. Tne dining room Jt.aa beea reraurei to the fimt floor, and 7a sow if'aeiuat and airy. The chambera are well ven t.Uted, ard the proprietor will en dear or to make yln gaetta perfectly at heme. 1 Je:i ... J. MORRISON, Proprietor. ! j. w. Wallace ....Tfiot. aifiw. THE AMERICAN ; HOUSE, I,utherbuTg, Clearfield Co. Pa. THIS well i ax. we and InnF eilabUihed IIo.eU formerly kept by ft. W Moore, and lattetly Wai. fiebwean, ea, bae beea leaaed for a tern f yeexe by tbe indefinite i. to wbtob the aiten Jtit'B ol tbe trarelina; putlie ia now called, and a H.Mral eh are f public patronage fa eoli cited, ft htrlC,'08-ly.pd tllAW A WALLACE. 1 7H ER A1LR 0 A D H 0 USE I MAfX ST.' PlIILIPsHl'AO. PA. , PHR vadcrtirne4 Itrpi fomtuntlj oa bind with the bftt tfa. aarkat afford. Th .ft?.tMR will d well to ri. hint catL. Bal,'. lHIDKKI LLOVD. Restaurant :iud lonfcclioncrj, (Oa Kwd wlraM. near the Hailroad Drp.t.) i "t r rtFARFIKLI, PA. ( i IREPn OTTFRS nl ICR TT1KAM In ttm. Tatarr. Cirtf.. Oaftdf., Noli. trr. alwarW44iatHl.' T. onlf IIAHATKI.LK IACIK is o, ao r lnr .1 thia Mli na. MoGAUGHEY'S REST.il CAM & ilEFRESIIMEH I Ltarj'a Vaw UuUJin. fnrtr oooupied tj JJr. i;uji-,) FC9ND St, CUlEEitLU, 1'A. f C(15 .TAlfTT V fit flnr rt.-tl.m nf t" A Zt'IK". M'T1.. ri.lAR. TflliA'TO, Alia. t'RWH .V.TRKS M.irrd .Jallr, and Hrrvd up to cott thr ta.tr. of rufttiiarrf . fioot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEAKF1EL0, Vk. HAS jat main atua IX a( riwrk CAIF &kt.S. aad ia Bnw pr.farrd to minnfao- mi. ..or;thii( .a hi, Una at tt lawaM lur.. H aill warrant oil wurk ta ba aa rir.Mpta. rfia.elfully andcila a eall, at bia .nup oa Miriioc ttrrt. .arnnd d. or wp.laf thr rntiaSi, brrt h. will dn all lit hi, .rwr to rrridrriatl 'tili'tfi. Koaw Do taii.r l"T fl hrd. ' ' DA.VIKI. OINNELLT. TEACE rSOjlAlSCD. THE WAR OVER 15 CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET! .'ory ni fif Cvhtrafian it $"i'g t uk to tirir old tnnlrrt; lift 'nary onr qning to old Mmmrhusctt, where lAcy wvr Inrci tin long and so irri. IJran.rqo.ana oTth. aS. frt. t. FHotT, .r tb. tild "Miort fbn. Fliu." wi.uid an "r.. t?i!ii nanrm. p.tron. and tbe pvupl, ' i.'ltarfiH4 rotmt. at l.rpr, that ha ha. now a 'rat. ..t or fNid m.trij.1, Jt Mwrivrd frtirw K.pt. and i. prrparrd n mnrf notirr t wa. ( 0)4 Uota and Hhnr,. at nia nrw ahop in ' '.b.n'f rr.w, H. ia .ati.fl.d tlmt h ran plraaa 4!l irM t anirhl h aoraa int.n.rtr Inral ai.T " ""we a.triota.) He i. prepared lo .ell Inw for or Tnonirv PrAdor.. I.'t firret th. 'fae,t dor tn Khower. A Oran.m'a ator., (.ike. .treet, Clearl.id, Pa., and kept kj a ' e-amoai. eallod J".'T., "SHORTT." EW BOUT AM) SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK. i VAkKKT A An St... C UKAHKIKI.D, Ti. TUF amr.ri.tn kaa.awroal Iota tk. BOOT A H')K ooaia.e at th. aoora .tand. and lwaaad Bo. to bo ontdma oilb.r ia .foal ' prieo lot k. wnrk. Snoo.al attention t faid to aaaaafartarinc H.d work. He M "a kand a i.rra iot of Krettek K.p and af tba a.rr heot qoallt. Tka olii 1 dmrn.ld and .ieta.'f aea roopoelfollr 'a t. tie. kiaai trial, Ka okarfa tor walla ".' If KO!)T AMlMlOE SHOP, I H I.NM IM K. THR auharrllr havii.f Ute'f .tart.d anew "ot and hbo ,b .p tn f ummi llle. oa ' ".. epf ,4u Jinarb h. Jrl a Ptnit r.(..rtl ,lt aor,one- tr tk. puhMe ill. I tooBnr.d' to mann'atar.att .tvl.aof Boot. " ,,," and .r.rptblt ,nort II. ala. beaw an kaad a rood a-.ort-' of run. nod. work. hi-b k. will tell ' oaok ar onaatn wrr.-"..". y.mnfil, VUdrtibrrQrr 1 Co. "DEST GOODS" . . . j . , , AT LOWEST PRICES! HEWITT, BLATTEXBERGIR, & CO., SOW OFFER AT T1IE1H , . r, M u mmotlt Htore, IS !( i:ola, PA., J- i LARGE k WELIj-SELECTEI) ' ' trorjK ar . . ! ..... .M , . . . Spring & Summer Goods, PURCHASED AT THE LOWEST MAR KET RATES, AND TO BE BOLD AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE ON COST. QONSISTIXG OF DKT GOODS, !GflOCERIES,' IIARDWAIIE, iCZESSWARK. WOODi WILLOW I'lAnE, KOTIOXS, CtOTULVG, ,. :'" HATS AND CAr?; BOOTS ' AND SUOES. JpUJlXIICHE & MATTHESSES, FLOUR AND FEED, ASD EVERVTUiNQ APPERTAINING TO WELL - REGULATED HOUSE HOLDS. AS WELL A3 TO MILLS, MINES. AND CAMPS. QRDERS RECEIVED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. HIGHEST MARKET RATES PAID FOR ' ' COUNTRY PRODUCE ' ' I. "'I i u. . . . -I SALESMEN ARE ATTENTIVE, PO LITE AND OBLIGING. ALL, SEE, EXAMINE, AND BE ; CONVINCED. BEXXETT, : " . ' BLATTKNBERGER, . & CO. Oaceola Mill., Pa., April 21, l!6. a 42 THE CLEARFIELD STORE RECONSTRUCTED.' " " Oenrirr h. Reod William Powell, John F. Wearer. .u.. Will lata W. 3.1U. GEO L HEED & CO, Two doora aortb of tbe Court IIoum, ' CrEARFIEl.D, PA. HAVING irturnrd to our old buinM atand, we herehy noufy the altiifna of Clearfield and tbe poMie preoerally, that wa have entered upon, end intend to proaeut, a viforoue eam- tipn airaintt hih priora and inferior (rmidi, and a ow oa bmd a lull eupplr of ail bmda of I'jtdi used in thu maxktL( lu lb line qf Dry tjiooda, We claim to hare a full ewortinent, cnnflUtlng1 la part of MutliM. bleached aad unhleachrd ; I'riota of 11 gradri and atylee; and Spring & Smniucr Dress Goods, fttwdi ae Alpame of all riiftdre, Ie !inea. Mo . tinae aud Ir tiuinelai beetdea, fall aoeoiV; nent of (eullriuon'a wear, oonfcutitig - . .. .ii:Vl,ofw . Cloths, Cassimeres, f atiaaua auj a fill aaaortmarl of READY-MADE CLOTIIIXG. Xotions, Hosiery, Trimmings, B 0 S N K T T R, AC, Hflts and Caps, Boots and Bhori. GROCERIES. , We bae. a fall aopnlT of Toffoo, Tea, Snar, Kioa llilaeart, 0,il..vn. Fi.h. Halt, llnaeod, i ' cnaiand a.a I at. . a - - FLOUR, BACON, DRIED FRDIT, Bear-earad Ham. trk and a fall auppiy ofl'roTiiiona. Hardwarr and' Queensfiarc, Wooden A niUote H'nrt. All the f"ifoing ariirloa will he nchaered for I CAMf, HMHKIl. or t'OI NTHY I'lllHU't 'K, : and at pr.ee. to whiob there caw ho no eirepttna. Ihote in need of Uooda in oar tinb, will leaea ttX-CALL ASD SEE US."U ' ' GEO. T..' liEED i CO. riaainelil, Prpt. 17, lhf.s.tf. R. r- TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (NVar the Hailrntd Irpit,) lM.4ltKli;l.l, PKnN A, IEMrKAri: thia methtvi nf lnft-rra(nf 4b paMie. Ittat I bare upwnrff tifi a rard fur tbe tiiie nf erond or mal burnt 1.1 M K end Anfhrarilp CVAIj. tn Ine bm.nrb nf ClrerftVId, vnd hmr pmnpltid arranfft-mfnie iMa mefcem ir alert hf . whirl. I fan tierp a fetl etrpptr nrnv-tantlT n hatttd, 1 wbtfb Will he drpeawd at ai ewnneMe retea. try ; ihf tew. tH4 r ear kad, lit eutt f nTehatM-re. i 1 bene t n diatanne een addree me b letter, nnd ) nblain all nwt-aeary tnfonaatir h? return al. Vhiladrliht.i Xdmflifmrnt,. At hit IS . v bankers; No.35 South Trd Street. PHILADELPHIA. ENE!UiTENTS, (OR C0r PENNSYLVANIA a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Th Nriotrai. Lira lareAfOW 0mpaht la a nrporai.Q i ciwr-pr.-.i hY . ttaiAtl of Coi.:reu, an pr.ff.j July .i.imH, nti a . CASH CaTIX AX, tl,OO0,0t)O,' FULL PAID, Lihrral fertna offrn d (n Arf-nti aud BDllclton. Who ai- tnvitefl t tpfilrnloarofflor. FhUd -Mleaiarwt hehnl on ainre'lrtn at oaroffle, lPC.ti-o In ihr iffl)nJ xturv 9( Mir lUnamK Huu-t. hfr(.iruia- atii IMmt-lileta folly .n ribttilbe aOTaBiafriuDvre i hy Cnii.pn , iDl. ia had. i A.. U. flJiaAMii ic 4'4.. ... . . ' . , Ai ye Hmuk lhv4 Ji . H. fa. RI Mm.L, Manager. J. C. THOMAP, Ageot for Centre aod Clearfield count!, l'a. aujrltf.iitly ' , 4, VuLLDM BLaii K. J14V1M CAUai. HOLLOWBUSH t CAREY, ; , BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND 8TATICNKI18, SIS Market St., Philadelphia. , -l'.nor floor Farka .nil Itaga, P.iol.p. Letter, ote, trapping, Curlaiu ami Wall I'aparl. fol24-lr. JOHN M. rVELLOY, - m rrTt ira or . Plain, Japanned & Stamped Tinware AND DRALBR lit Houac Purul.liiiig Cooia, Tin KooDiig aud , t'uiiductur I'ljiea. t No. 123 Market Btnot, r-'7 PHILADELPHIA. " DREXEL 1 CO., No, 34 Houth Third S(rU PhlUdelpa And Dealers tn Govfrnment Securities, Application by ami I eriB reoeive prompt atten tion, and all inlorniatUn cheerfully fumiahed. Order aolioited, , , , -, , f apri -X ; " REIZENSTE IN Manufacturers of end WholeaaU lUelere in MEN AND BOYS' ClOTMNG, 4t Market at 419 Merchant Htrret, aofVeT P1IILAKBLPIIIA, P.. 1869 spring. 1869 james, kent, santee 4 co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Not. 53J, 537. 239 t ?4I N. Third St, i 1 1H1I.AJ1.I.PUIA. W. ara now prepared with our uaual extenaiva and wrll-af..rt-d stock to olTer aitra iDdueemenu to CA8I1 UL YtKS. , aprll-tf STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., . .' i Ifcuwreaauro tol'etrr T. Wrieht A Co, '. IMTORTatRIi OP ASD PFAIIN1 IV DRUGS AND MEDICINES, A I. SO. Brandies 4 Wines for Medical purposes. jols f,TJ o. I1V Market ft., l'hllad a. BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., No. 17 N. Fifth 8L and 424 Comaanoa, rnii.ADELPniA, r , WHOLESALE CROCERS, And Commission Merchants, rot tii a A LR OP Wfol, OiniAtf, Far Skin-, Featbere, Leather, FJai 8eed. lried Frwiia, OiOTr 8eed, RooU, , Deer bkina. Butter, Ueoawax, bbeep a Skiaa, ltr, do., 4e. 4e. ' CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price current forwarded 00 requeet. Juot I). I806 ly.pd DF.Af-SF:f A CATAP.HH trrafH with tbe utmoct aurcru .y Jr. J. IaAAC. M. D., and Proft-exor of I'iaeaw of the Kyti and V.ar io the Modicai Cuilege of Prnnl Tania, It Tear experience, (Inrmerlr of Lepydcw, lloilaad,) No. Arcb Htreet, Phil a. teett. moniala can be eeen at b.a fl)re. Ibemedioal faculty are lnrited tn aeoawipnT their patiema, at he baa m ercret in Itn irofcition. Artificial trie inserted wubeat pain. Mo cberjre for ex amtujinon. , . , . r ijelS-ly. .3ratBf.fuwo85.-:c'T M f C H aTlBO K , MASON AND STONE-CUTTER, Xrw W alilhpton, I a. it.Afl bind of Maannry done, In tbe moat worltinajiM 'i nuuiner. Urdera oliriid4and con tract taken in any part of the county. apiSitf. .,nrBKr..,.,. HUBERT Hi YOUNG, Stone-fullers & Slono-Masons, Tlf ItC aentall work In their Mna a nid. If .rata price, and in K1KST I LASd tljla. Architectural Ornaments In AM f-TVLES, fiiona trwiln( of ar.rr deacrlotinn, and all kind, of ana.oa work eon trancd lor in oroutof ibt ooonty. Any peraora wirhiot; to hare rep.'-t.bla ma.oQ work and ftoK -wullins 'Kne. will ttt It t, tnrir lal.reat to .all upon iib W'e wnald al.o Inform th. pub lie that w. eau dt-llver ali.T quanlit, or rlaat af rlona dsalrad, aa wa are ilia owner, af ft FIRST-CLAPS STONE QUA CRY. Ordrr for wrk ean bo addreaaed either to Clrnld at Loibefiharif. -BiarSltf . HI BERX A TorSfl. LITIIEESBI BG T0TTER1CS l.allirr.hiirf;, t lrarflrld t o.. Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS & DAIRYMEN Look H erel rpnK end-H-ifor l rrrrnrl to fnmlrt ton X w.th U.e heel STONhW.ARK inaiwftured tn una cuinipr. llr Mac nrter yrt railrrl tn ptfaaa the moat lat'dioa, ae t -qnalitr or dnratiilifv. lit warr eonniFt ia pari of cream rcrs or all sizes: MII.K C'POt'KS ASD PA, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit.) Safety J Tubes, : And in abort EVI-'RYTII! V uraallv made and kept In aa enatihfbairnt ol th.e kind. urncit ants f'a have tbrir trt d-liemd lv ala, at ANT TI MK and to ANY P1.M K drind. Ordrra f"T aarf ertlirited. and proupUv filled. --Fnr pnrBl afnrtmrnt. ere Paralcf 11 aft1" Price Liat mailed free to appticatnt. ffA littoral diaoount will be given to the whok-'alc trade. Or-o. C; VTRlT. I,nt.irrptnr(f. Pa., Tw X, Ur tf DI'MH Pt. iHtWjhirft, HuMeH'e. Dreke'e, 1 Moonenila ?erwtan. HnwtKf er'e and Hreene'e liUrrnH-H Bittoret ieo pre Llfiore, of nll'rpnfi t'EMOrBATlC A1MANAT for IMf k.ndfforeedleiiinlrarpr..... foreelebv J 17 end frr ra'e at the Pnit Offioa. I, !4itmitS JUvTr-V IpriotUotvt. -Waited e utrj addreea. fJ't MKKHUd & BKil.KU, retip tw II A II 11 A It i:, AUn, W afinfaetnreri nf , Tin and Shccl Iron Ware. c 1. r 4 n ri it l t, pa. Y L)T OF isADDLLs' r.UIIH.KS, IlarD.ti, Collars ale., f ,aU 1 MKKRRI.L A ni', I.Kit. j A I.M K K'S l'A I'K NT UN I.O A D In j liar Porkt, for a. la hj M KHKEM. 4 IllGI.F.n. jyi LP A 1 N 'f , 1' U T T Y GLAS.S, Kallt, .to., for aalt by MKItKELL A BIOI.EK. JlAliNlissl'IUM MINGS A sTToii ' Vlndln;., for aalt by r j MEURF.LI. AJIIOLEK. CUNS, lUSTOLsTs WOIii) CANES : 'J..- " I. , i For tala by , MF.KHEt.T. A niOI.ER. yruVKS, OF ALL KOliTS AND Suet, for aala by ' .UERUELT. A B10IER. JRON ! IKON! IKON ! IRON ! For tala by MERHEI.T. A T.IGLER. JJOKSE SHOES & HOUSE SUOE . :.' .' r KAILS, Tor aala by ' ' " MERRELL A BIOLER. pULLEY HLOCKS, ALlTslZES And bait Manufacture, for aklt by X',Y2 7 ' ' A MERRKXLv IHUJ-En-, THIM BLE tKEINS AND I'lI'E X BOXES, for aala by , - MERRELL A RIGLER- puDDEIi CUTTEKS for eulo by V MERRELL A B1GLER. SAWS! SAWS I SAWS I u ) , .. t .1 ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN ! . HEt'OLVTio.r ijt 8.1 nst ,C EMERSON'S PATENT PERFORARATKD Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL GUMallXa AVOIDED.) . ALSO, . Emerson's" Patent Adjustable ' Swage, For Spreading. Sharpening, and Shaping th. T.eth of all Splitting Stwt. Bnafora DeeerlptlT.Cirrnler and Prlra LI.U MERRELL A UIOLER, jant-tf . Geaeral Aeeati ClaateVId, Pa STOVES AM HOLLOW-WARE, AND MAltlTACTCRER OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, . Pblllpabiirg, Centre com P.. THR anderelf led reepeetfully unouneee 1e tbe public that he baa on band n care, fuiir-eelerted nd well aeeorted eteck of florae 11U f arietjr eunaieti ef 7 HE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Whieh have never filled to (five perfect aatii fac tion Io ine moat faetidlune of III nurebaeere. Continental, Lebljra. Fnrtner, Davltarht. Bneari' L Anli-Daet, Niagara, Charm. HeraJd. te.t with every variety of tbe beet JfiltaWrg Mao ttiac tare. V-The Tin end Sheet Iran ware f Iveo with the Moral ia made of the beav'eet and beat material, end warranted to fife perfect anU. faction. Hi etock ef rAKLOR AND HEAT1S0 STOVES Ia tercr, hotter int cheeper than ever before ei bibued to the public He defk-ft oompotitiot either in variety, quality er price, He le alee prepared to fnrnteh a complete aieortMieftt ' ; j 'J "j ; Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and .Willow Ware, VTheleeale or retail, nennfaetured neatly nnd with tbe eole vtw to eorvlce, (rum the beat ma terial in the aarteL . w rLOWS, fLW POINT, A cnrPKR, DBA?? AND III u.N ttlf LKS, Of ovary deeeriptloa oooatantly on band. LIGUTN1X0 HOUS, Superior point, put tip ntt almrl notice. The Point be affen to tbe public li tbe eame aa la nw uaed by tbe i'tnuaj Waaia Kailroad Co, vn their ttHiiUingi. ORDERS FUR SroiJTINO, JlOOFINd Ane olherwnrk bMorping tn bit euetneri will be promptly filled n eiperienced nnd akillil werkattvn. brass, a-rrEii and old mettle : Taken In etch an ye for fnode. SdrTIe eupcda.ly Invitee the ettantl" of fhal ifhlnR l porch a an at wh.,b-..lr. ae I ireT w,n " -rr uTamin io niaimt Lit aior-a oeiore pnrruo.mg r-.rwncr. U, 8. tLEOAL. rhillp.h.rg, A op A, mi. j. 1117 SbTKW PTOUB ANPXEW GUOUS. JOS. SHAW & SON Hat just nprnnl a Niw 8toi, on Main St..CLirinn, Ti., Utelr occupied l.j Wm. F. IK WIN. : Thf it ttork con.iiti ol Ohorii'c. nf tb bwt qunlilf, QuccNswAne, Boots nnd Sliocs nd rry rticl ttrar for eno'a comfurl. Gall n J nam io our .took bfm pur- el.a.ing lttwht. May 9. lif.fi-lf. rprnara and abdominal aopportre of arery I kind of tb. latex Ir.pmr.ia.nta, f-.r -ale a tee Drug Store ef II AnTSWlCli A IhI.H, GOOD RtALTK I. trw.e.B la ...I t, If tta (t.leta I. hti itfler f'f nnl In. H. rvo..,r ai,4 te...ta Willi h..t,..'a IHe.d I'll!., a.d i il, t.i.rr.al O'raaa .tl-irmmir thai, r, aa, fun. ll... ara tor. in order, krep the to b) th. d.il) a., nf rUhxk't Ptonarh bitl.rt. BYSPETSIA. Th.r. It, prM.ablT. no on. dlte... wlih whirh mankind ar. afllivted wHirb I. tli. aoure. of .o many ailment, aa I'j , .pel., and Iher. la no nor. eertaia ear. tbaat ll.batk'a Slouiaek Hit l.ra. A REMAEKABLE FACT 'fbal not a tlngl. Inttanra ka. tout ta th. kaxwl.ilga of th. proprietor!, of tba failare ol Hohaok't Medloinr. to give entire tatietaetiua in the huodridl of tbooa.ndt nf ea.at In which they have bean need I thia i. worthy of r.oiark OJ andemabl. .rideae. of their intnn.ic uitritt. LOUD Ti the praiie In the mouth i of evarrbod? In faror of Kubaak'a Btonaeb liiltan, ltlyod i'illi and blood Purifier. IS IT EIGHT That too ehonld bid defiance to all natural lawa and the eeienee of medical nan, and infer with Ltyapepa.a er Indireetiun when Kobaek'a Htitta aob itinera can be procure d at eo drug etore f THEY WILL CURE YOU Of Fcrntule. Er Tilpelaa, Eiek or Kerroni Bead ache, .JiVtiouaofpf, Liver Complaint, byryytli ar IndiiteeUon, Contumptlon. Pain In the Back or Lome, Goal. Plaariat, Leurrrbaa er Whitaa, Erupttona end all dteraMa ariaina: from a dior drred etatr t the ittnarti, Kobark'e Blood fill a, stomach Bitten and blood PuriOtr. AS A PREVENTIVE Agalnet Malaria, Farer and Agoa, and all rlit. eaaaa, ariaing Iron a torpid atale of tb. llaer, there it no an.dicin. to highly r.coatn.Dded at llobaek'i buiniack Uittera. ' ' ' ' GRATIFYING To know that a reliable remedy it wnhia tba rearh of ararvbody lot tin radical ear. of Dyt pep.ta or Indignation, oeh a remedy ia Ko back't Stomach Jiittert. bold by all Diuggitta. EVERYBODY Should k..peon.taatlrwlthla tbeir rearh, tboaa iaealuahle remrdtoe to ti.r-ewe.ru I ly eniobat die. eaan. Kubaet'a Blood Pill., Itoh.rk't Stoaaarb blttera.aod rloha-k't Ulood Puriller, Ihry ara inftllih.. in tba diteaaet for which tbey ara reeotaaaaded. - - t - . KOBODY ' Can afford to k. witbnat tueb valaabl. taedieinee it R.-i.i-k e Rlood Pillt, Stomach Bitter and Blood Pari See. TEMPERANCE. There It. perhept, r. ana thing that bat Aon. to eaach tr. p-oof. tb. eao.a of teaiperaroa at hat grntl. tllmulaltng lonie, Rnharli'a Ftomaeh Itinera, tb.? tlreorthea and iorlgorate without producing the ill effect, of aleobulie etimnl.nte. T T 5 ," .1 . ; ! ' - t . , . ' i . BENOVATE. . Taring tb. Fprlm nontha it ia ana af tha regular b.uaebold doli.a ta renova., and. ia Ik. aiultliiliritr of other dntira nne'a own .elf la, i a groat atratura. a.orlonk.d i tboaa.adt of alu.lil. lie. a icl.l ba pri.,-nred. and ai.ny dootilea. tared from prem.fur. rrarea he thor. "oghl, rcnot.tinj the ay.tem wilh Hr Bnh.ck't Ulood fills matnaoh Bitten tad Blood Puriller. WHO SELLS THEXt The AgawM for tha aalo of Rnb.rh'. rtlood rilla. Rfom.rti littler, and Hlond Parifler aro 11ARTSW ICK A IRWIN, Clea.flrld, Pa. aprSI THE (TREAT ZINCARI BITTERS. A safe Dlood Porifier, n eplendid Tonlo, 0 pieaa ant Peverefe, certain cure and Preventive of Diseases. T"-T" .""V." we -advise you to go ,d Cong.es fmtn this Iistne,,-servihg pb,.H... l.arc..o.;.i a. .b.. atter year. lluv J 0.,r BuoU, SlloeS) 1J,U tUli Caps, . "P of trial and elperiment. dlHro.rred th. Zmg.rl , , . . . t , j pointed Marshal Of the CSterll Jls- llerh-lhe aio't rrm.rk.Me pridaetion, th. eorth.perh.pt ha. e yieldrd-rrrlainly tbe mom -an '.-lira in . vuim viit. j, in f fpmMnaltrB with h other ralaable propartiee nf whirb tbe 7.1NUAM lUTl bHSU ouiapoaed, will pyre ljptrr.ie, Tever ei Aoo, Bi'lionr Fever, Cbohr, Cntd. llr itirhitia, Cfmmmptiua tn Iti firvt etar, Flatu.enrr. Ner viina Itcbihtr. Female Com plaint, Hhrumataa, ITvatf ry. Arete end (hmnie Ihari't.ra, Cbolfra Mornoe, Cbulra. Trvht.id d Tiphue Fever, Ttllnw Vfvrr, crfula, lieea ece nf li e Kiineji, Hahittial Ooe Uena. In the Preventlnn nnd are of the nhove die rare, it Lea neror barn knuwn lo fail, ae tboa. eandir of onr rooet prummrnt riliaena lb,-nnf bnot II parte nf tb onantrv, will twiifv. Let tb affnifd aend fur eiirular enntaininjr teaiitnont ala end rettiltraire ot thoee whn have been cored alter th lr t$ have teen prunoeneod bopeleee r nor brat phvtir.ana. Prtaripal lep F. ttAHTKtt f CO., No, A X. Front M., -biladelpbia KernBTende'. ny Fx-iinv- I'arid R. Porter, of PeenfyWania. II. .a. Hohe:t J. Mber, linn. Fdwrd MrPlerenti, Hon. Jn. H. Ianner, Hon. Wm. Meterr, end ninrr. wvnd fr.r riirolar fcbll ly- T A TI-.e HHMMWHtON'- r-HINQLRS. f 1 he ontlfrtiirned nrretiy give ntMr, that thev wll pat the hrbrl maHirt rrtfe for n ir! r.lilT0t LONOFIIINiaF.Si.nd tho bavin, nrh for ls. will And It to th.-lr Intrreat to give ihrat eall befor, trlltng rlsrahere. . jos. su n k roK. ritwrtall, Mtrrb , ts tf Tin; HF.rtnu.Kwx. ci.ri;rn.i i Ta KKInmi'U till llMMI, MAY I. I'1. Tprnii nf Siihr nnluin. fp.Mlo..tvine.,.h,nll., m..n II ..id alte. .h,.,l l.f..rv... wionlh. I tQ If paid aer (lie e.pi.ati of til w-nilia... i 1 Mr. T. II. Wna.n.TuT n.rrn.tn. la ..m,;,rd ' to rompl I,r monr. pm.l into il,e i.fi.e -.n arrount i nf enl.cnptloii, t'lwni.i, f 1. 1. ...... In our .i . ......t.i . v it..-ti . IM't-t ami l'.;.n.l.r- , Gi'iirfc W. SnyiU-r wus ro-.locl. d 1 )'ecj wIhti lliey touid with mfi'iy I roii..lySi,pprinl,ndcntl.y lliScl,...l!nll-'l'd"T '"l - indowa of thf.r i llireelitv'cotitPiition. .,.d in ,.,i -HI-g- -uad .,n,ated d,igtLU; pliucycNtordiiy. Tl.t ('onvcntitm nlt-0 j nio''- paKw-d a ronolulion loininR his aliiry Hiirnlar, tliiove and Ttiinhond fr im 11,1100 to (1 200. Tho full pro- 'of u" tl-oif umuilly follow ruilrouda, I eucdins will bo pnlilishfd text week. i text week. Advkrtiskmknts. Tho treditnrs of Mr. Tlionipson nnd Mr. SlioflT, il will bo noticed, will Imve a hearing before tho Hc'Rinteron tho 13th. Mr. Forcey ndvertiseit fur a miller to run bin grir-linill. Mies Ityndcr, aent for and teneher of inatrtinientnl and vucnl music, will (urniiih nil ncceskary inlormation on 1 npplicntion. 1 Mr. McPherson will have a vendue on the 21t. Beo odvertiecnient nnd handbills. JlesisrH. IlarUwick A Irwin give notice thnt they aro well supplied with paint, oil and varnish. tiamiiel U'idoiniro offers Rome choice timber landafomule, u will be noticed by nti advertinement in thia puper. Mesnr. Tliompaon & Co., of Cur wenxvillo, again cull tho attention of their cuKtomcrg and the public gener ally to their now block of good. Go and exuminc them. Speciul attention of the readers is called to advertisement of "Barlow's Indigo Blue," Wiltberger's, in this ibSUC. Ladies For the nit-eft polish Boots and Gailcrs, go to tho Banner Shoe Store of J. C. Lighterip A Son, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Coum. Tho regular session of a Court of Common Pleas will com mence on the fourth Monday (24th) of ilay. Tho trial list for the term nnd tho jury list for June term will be found in this issuo. We neglected at the time to'call attention to the fact that Messrs. Josiali It. Reed k Co., had opened a Feed and Provision Sloro at Wallace ton. whero they are determined to sell as cheap as any where along tho lire i of tho railroad. This firm is inlirely responsible for all they agree to do, and eau therefore be relied on. Information Wanted. William Thannon Irlt Ncwry, Ireland, in June, ,ieonfe f0 t0 d linJ paJ.ing llu.r,Tor 1 Soft, and when last heard from was to the treasurer of said county, for the somewhere in Pennsylvania. lli use of tho cimnonwenltfi, tho sum of family and friends would gladly hear; ltt 1'unJ"1'! dollars, which license the r . . i ,-r t-.. . . r.. ... i treasurer of the county is hercbv au irom turn, jralive. or from an pcrsoD I ,, . . . . ' . , . .. . . . , i'.tiorinea to grant upon the payment knowing him. Any information fur- f 8aj,, ,um rovi,iflli l Biiu' not be iiislied to ilbum .Marshall, Ueartie.u, Pa., will be properly reciprocated. aarExchanire p'.ense copy. Go and see the nice assortment of Hats and Cups cheap for cash nt tho Banner Hat Store ot J. C. Light can A Son, Alarket Street. SuiiDKK Death. An elderly gentle man, named Sturdevant, who lormcr ly resided at Osceola, arrived at the Clearfield House, in this place, on the 25lh ultimo, feeling somewhat unwell. He soon aflcr took worse, when physi cians were called in and found him very sick. He kept getting worse . . ;i .1 . i.i .. v .... i.. t i tv until the 1st inst., when he died, llis . , , ,, . bodywns taken to W illismsport by Messrs. Flynn, for interment. Just received a nice assortment of men's aud b.;)V Jioots and Shoes at the Banner Shoe Store of J. C. Light en n & Son, Market street. Sign of tho Ting. , Bonr Foino. The body of Waller O'Brien, who was drowned in tho river near tho mouth of the Moshan non, about fivo week ago, was found on the 2Glh till., at Buttermilk Fulls eddy. Panic! Moore, Esq., of Karl hutts, acting as Coroner, summoned a Jury; who, after exnmining the pn. pcrs found rn hi person, and hesrinrj witnesses, rendered a verdict in cordanco with the foregoing farts. llis pocket-book c-onlninerl ta l', in n.oney, and a silver watch was found in hi pocket. We tinderslsnd he belonged to western New York, and j , . , . , , , I was about returning homo when be, wns drowned. iho heft is alwnys the chenprrt. ! This is a truth putcnt In every one. irom .1. v. Llgmcni, a. nni, ju a. n.-v J Blree, Clearfield, P. Tim Spanish Attornft. Wonder Treasurer, and once as Canal Com nnd humbugery, it seems, will never , inisnoner." onase, as the following adverliseinent, which appealed in the Philadelphia vpyr ol ho i-orl of m,.w Orleans by paper, clearly indicates : President Grant, will receive salary TllKVolNO M.KNNKltrnon HAS KINI- f ten thousand per year, while the It rolanleered to aing a cran l laherty ('no- f p,.,(,r(1 ,0ldi(T who lost hi leg rn., 10 eoalnme, at the t'uiia Mwline. lo he hi Id I . , , .. "theAradrmVof Mii.ie.on rn l IMV K vtx j in t ho M i Iderness contronlingLong IN.l. Th. tlormani. Wood ia eng.fd. i street's "rebel" legions, will continue In .d.lilion lothe Spoekrra alre.Sy ennonowd, e lolloaingdi.tingoi, bed gentleman will ail. Ire.. the lolloa th meeting : II HITIIKM SWOOPF. F-q FFNofS 1'iiNCK I'K I KON, UShr JosFI'H VAMRNTH, SENOH FSHIOI F PINKV'tO. And the oolehraled Fren-h Irai-eler i Afnoa. J'Al L llL CIIAII.I.l!. Il is said thai Swoops has frequent ly trnllifd Spanish, but whwii he learned to talk so, wo cannot conjecture, un less he has learned il since ho com menced running after an office. The Spaniards had better keep a sharp look ont for this modern hero Hi Bloody I!un campaign, during our b(,1)ion hn, Wfhcted his Appetite for 1 11 more blooJ, and he may cspUru the Island 0t mm Ill KOI T. Tliih liolni rtiiti. rei In ! pn t Inr-rwRat) lSrotl(h otii Hi M'tiMir, Rnil f ai.pi iniir in cur i tm.li. Williin fow rl no lrati limn I m r I uijjliti r a, Im.kIi-. aovrinl lliiiil, Imv bfpn coin ni lit im in,ii n ' luiiiliH ," in trial T'" lliia Hfijtlilxii-tioi.fi. The prirjif I 'ii.l,ii.i;ii.ti -(.rrrrliiUlil t'l ll'f Nt-'W ,11,,r' ,.., ,,(m .1, 'a, 1 ' "l'l"' r,,J 1 """';h' : Mr. tjeo. II Hull, limit I lie (hhhIIVIIoW j Hri.lir, .M n.lPif.l one l.iiilit Inat tind mlihed of tlnlllill", hoilai'- 1 ; hi, lil I.,., nf. itn.l tilnnov I Mil- r.ttzrn . tl(mi, n n. .'If I ll ml (lull ll.f linio I'" e nef,i n,lt bo di'P'OinU'tl, tl ; dimippoiti we let our doors n'.and open, to find that wo have entertained fctrutiori unuwnre, and pei haps to our aoiaze ment, if not to our borrow. Citir.enhould properly secure their tore, olliceg nnd dwelling!. ni:ainl llio iiilrusinn ol theso vagabonds. It heeotne the dntv of the ullivcr of lliu law, alt-o, to liKik nfler theso fellow then if the depredation, continue, shoot every pineal who attempts to breulc into your buildings. Thin nd vice, wo know, i not ueeunling to the ai t of Asuonibly, but wo will guaran tee it will stop housebreaking nnd robbery. One bttrglnr (rtf in tlii way will frighten a dozen more, ni.J will can so them to abandon their busi- j ness, or go elsewhere to ply their vocation nnd risk an Act of Assembly, officers and pardons. List or Letteka remaining un claimed in the Clearfield l'ostofliec, May 1st, 1m;i. A-kec. Mini Mattia, liarrun, William, Hurur. Nicbiila.. Iluk. Mrlrboir, Bn,wn. Horry, runiiirii;haai, Ilanict, 1'aJr. AI. A. ii) liftmen. A Kllmgcr, Miaa Mary J. Prank., (ioorgf, (iilli. Bernard, Oilman, AllNirt J. , Hamilton, Wm, T. Habn Mr. Andrew, Hoorar, Miaa Clean en t, lluol r Allen, HiCcbinFun, Jamra T. ilockmburr.Mi.. Ilattie, tJaoM'., Kohcrt, Mr. jjobnefon, I'. I'. iKeniirdr, P. ILm iiigelun, A. P. ' Mcrin lifurpc J. -Mill., Wilmo II. jWi liciiu.nl, Mia. Kneaa, 11 r.OlljrTB, Fun, 0. H.idgera, T. T.., M. D. Stewart. . r-oiilh, klite Lacy, S-huIlt, Mre. IloM, Thotnp.on, W. W alkar, klitt Uannab, Weatbroor, Julia A. Wharton, 8. A. W'bite, Janca. P. A. OAL'LIX, P. M. The following act, relating lo hawk ing, peddling, and huckstering, in Clearfield nnd Indiana counties, pas sed the Legislature at its recent ses sion, was upproved by tho Governor, nnd is therefore a law : Hi. it. enacli.il Are Tli.it Trnm and ar,cr tlP of t)li, Ilt.ti p,,,, ahall sell or expose forsnle, within the limits of Indiana and Clearfield coun tics, ns a liawkc-r, or peddler, or traveling merchant, nny made up clothiisg, hats, foreign or domestic goods, jewelry, etc., or do business as a l.tw-blnp' n illitiiit tirot nlilitininrr n 1 law ful for tho treasurer to grant a license for any less period thnn one year nor for tiny less sum than two hundred dollars. And proviirf further, that no more than ono person shall be permitted to sell under the same license. Sec. 2. That if any persons or per son, shull'so cngngo, or be concerned in hawking, peddling or huckstering within the limits of said sounlios with out first obtaining such license as aforesaid, he or they shall forfeit nnd pay tho sum of tHM, one half for tbe use of the commonwealth, the other hull' lor theiisoof the person wboshall prosecnlc lor tho same, the said penal ! ty to bo recovered by action of debt j M"rc "' justiceof the peaeo, n debts ' of bke amount are by law recoverable, . . ... J , ., . and every repetition ol said .iflcnce ; hIin bp t.0I,(.,,t.1-0 j u a new otTenco, and every poison bo employed who upon demand shall refuse to exhibit , his or their license, shall forfeit and pay tbe sum of fifty dollars, to be re covered in the eamo manner and for the Kanm uso as aforesaid, VrcvtJrl, that this act shall not apply ta de crepit person or persons woundid in the military servico of the United Stales, nnd who mav be reaidenls of the county, or to peddlers of drugs, notions, etc., who sell to merchants nnd to them only. Provided further, that this net shall lnl apply to person known as butler and egg peddlers. Hon. Arnold Pli mer This veter nn Democrat, died at bis home in j rrnnklin, on tho 28tli nil., in thCth j-Car of his age. ' The Venango Spec ' taior tllvg . ..Arru,j piumer was no ordinary j nisn. While yel a boy, his neighbor 1 called him to tho responsible olli.-e of Sheriff of Venango County, and lie entered upon il dulic a lew months ull:Iinin,, llie ..... Ho n ,,v,;i,i.iii iVi.ilimioiiii-. oi,, Pl.-i-L -i i - -j - of the Court by (iovemor Wolf, in 1829, nnd served in that capacity six years. In lSod, li was elceled I.) . ., .- Ienn.v vania bv l'residont Van Buren. Subsequently, he wus 'twice elected lo llio oflico of Slate Hnnnrnl I inn irl p.,,t anwiintod Snr. ,rjJ 0rgtl On Broadway, after , r. , , , ,i,.l 'n, mi; - lars per year for tbe privilege. It is remarknhlo hof qt ick the taint of "rebel" i removed by getting loyal, and how it pay to be a prominent man. X. Y. Drmorreit. Anothm Victoiit mn IU'Ti.r A hort time since, a General Butler wn riding in tbe Pennsylvania Avenue car, a hi.ly who was leaving the car remarked a she pnsed him. "Look out for your spoons." Tho General prompt I v followed her, nnd ascertained that she was e tnpinyea in tne i rrssu ry. She ha now obtained a perma nent leave of absenre. and the General has bad hor place tilled ly a colored woman. Wwaai n an H k ia I'n aaat aai I.rwtiril eWrtrfA aVM.. f.nn It it.r.l 'at tr-ti'-'lr, Vi'l'T t' ,tl iluvirii I ai I 1 1 '1 ullnr Mil I J ..In a .n, hai iimiw "IV II l"nl en- Itii-i'V nh rt'i'V '"'I Si-n tt.'i IM O inker llnlinn I'.iIk V In." I" l,n "H"'"" OtMni'lot al .1 ill r.-rllll,' nil. Hi; 1 1 1 . I . rl t " I MI.'I lll.'lll ll'l flOlll rKHi'lliO NorlllM.-Hl III Slll' ul.iil th IVotidulil' iipmitm.-nt t'f 'l, I ml HIM tlfTi-lltit ill llltinu SUlK-H. i ul'lietn. I Ural 11,0 S.-imliJI H Itnrt l.i'l)- ' I .... ri nt'iiliilivi'n tioiit Kiiiikui. and Nehru. L,. In,,..,,,,,,, i.f l .. P..... I 'a in!, -ri. tiun tn mhiiI tlm (jtiuUi-in, citlloJ .n bim ..-d exir... i.d pnimitw e"V'r "u,e I nu ZX iliuir rciffiivu ISimIuh. Ho Jmllier atrn.c, tu low tltrm to cl. t.a the inn hunt lliey wiolmd lo hiivu appointed. n huh uiiitr.iuiiuinK, nun iiTt I in tho belief that whoever ctc might sutler Kaiiou and ebraka would not bo indicted with tho tuukurs, llie lieprewnlativea of the two Slates lelt the Exeeulivo prenento. That ' between ten and eleven o'clock in llie moining. About two o'ejock in tho afternoon ot tliut njinieday t:ie 1'rei.i denl' private neetct.iry biougbl to tho Senate u balch of iioin i n u t ii us, nmong w hich werct llio l'inki-r Indian aueiits. To tho ultor rut ptiso of the Kansas and Mclira-kn incii, tho list included appoiiilinent lor all tho Indian agon-, eiev in Ihoao two Slulen. In nclf (Jelencc, if not out of retaliation, llieno agents were promptly rejected by thr Seriate. U ho injured Ki'tisaa nnd Ne hrahkfl men aguin called upon tho l'rcnideut.iiiid remotislrated with him, at the baruo limu reminding him of bit) pi online, (.rant, however, wus mini ho ucn incxoialde. mid said lie would appoint oilier IjuuUuiv) tor thore rejec ted, and the Scnnlo milit reject liieni again if it chose. He wauled lo curry out bis own policy about Indian mut ters, and be thoiighl it would succeed best in the bands ol Quukers. Whut especially provoked ll.u .Nebraska men" was tbe fact that one of the parlies removed to make room for the. y uakers wusa man w ho had been coinnnb-ioncd by President Grunt ouly a few weeks before. Thus fur the Kansas and Nebraska .Senators have been unablv to make the I'rcsidcnt relent." Another correspondent sluies thai the Iuna Senators bitched on wilh those above nunicd, and that I'.cv. Senator Harlan is the bead of the ring. Ho, while Secretary of the Interior under Lincoln, sold to himself and tv few friend eight hundred thousand arm of land belonging to tho Indians, which transaction has for some time been undergoing an investigation by order of President Johnson, lleneo Harlan A Co., want no interference with their plundering schemes by Quakers, or anybody clso who may refuse to cover up their robberies. "Hottest .TJrii." The Harrisburg State Gunrdficttry'g organ, gives the following list of '"lion esl men" in the bite Legislature, via : Senator,: Wilmer Worlhington, of Chester county ; C. II. Stinson, of Montgomery county ; II. S. Brown, of Northampton county; A. G. Olmsted, of Potter county; G. Dawson Coleman, of Lebanon county; K. Billinglc.lt, of Lancaster county; C. T. Mclutire, of Perry oounly; W. A. Wallace, of Clearfield ; James L. Graham, of l'itt burir; James Kerr, of Butler; aod M. B. Lowry, of Erio. ncprcsonlulivcg : Speaker Clark, of Phiiudelitbia ; J. F. Chamberlain, of Bradford county; R. It. Brown, of Clarion county; F. W. Ames, of Crawford county ; Goorge F. Boa and John D. Stmnaham, of Erie county; W. 11. rinylbrd, ol Fayette county ; S. B. Brown, of Huntingdon county; John 11. Walker, of Franklin county ; John 11. Longenccker, of ' Bedford county, and tho veteran Thomas Nicholson, of Beaver county. In speaking of tho meeting in aid of Cuba to bo held in Philadelphia, thtf Daily AiM'g suy : "There can be no doubt, we presume, of the success of tho rebels in Cuba. Butcher Swoope, of Clearfield, and the illustrious Golorth.i of l'hiludrlphiar have taken tho matter in baud, ajid will undertake lo show how the thiujj is to bo done, to morrow night. Swoopo will show how ho got out of the scrape in lilu, when tbe lamented Coffey approached him with a huge stick lor purpose of flagellation ; nnd Gotorlh will perhaps rehearse n chap ter lrom the case of Hester Vaughn, who is stilj pining In r life away in Moyflmonsiiig prison. With such ad vocates Cuba is bound to bs freo or badly whipped, probably the latter." On Sunday !u.t, five children be longing lo the lanuocs of James Cresswcll and John Wuinscoit, living near Gratr., Ky., were poisoned ly enting wild carrots. The son of Mr. Wnitiscolt, aged iwelre, died after having omo forty hard convulsion. The remaining four. Mr. Cresswcll'a children, are still alive, though in tv critical tondi'ion. . , Klmira bus rt genins in tire shane of a saloon kecprr, who has trained n iitimber of rats to run across tbe floor nf.H o.L.n Ilia .-ill nm,.r m l.n .(...in .nbont pn tr, t,ujrg. Tho slartled drinker see the rsts ; the bar keeper declares thero arc no rat there ; and tho former, thinking delirium iromcns. approaching, quickly start for home. A Western journal teM tis thtt ar whole herd of ollice beggars have re turned from Washington ilh faces as long as bog' snouts. One of them swore that Johnson's' administration could yet be considered respectable in comparison with Grant's.'" Governor Hoffman of New York is rivalling President Join son. Tho Governor bus reached hi twelfth veto. And tho samo corrupt men who clamored ngninst l'rrndeut Jobnsen't vetoes urc nbuing Governor Hoffman. Twenty one Senator recom mended a man named Fifo for nn oflico. lie w as nominated ; then ho wns rejected. Some Senators, it seems, w ould not vote for a mail of their own recom mending. dismissing while women, tho vtid. ows of soldier, und appointing ne groes lo office in Washington, is tho chief business of the bends of depart mentsunder the ft rant administration. A London paper has advertise! that "two sister want washing." "We hope thnt tbey may pet it," wns tho disrespectful remark of all who rend the notice. Twenty-five bank have already been stnrtcd in the White Pine silvor mininfilir-triet in Nevada, twon.tr. four c-f wbiih ar drctd to Java. a