if) i ;"7.,: i 'iv.'' "t, ...... n'mi;r 1! (.'nuPl.ANM P., 1'ilitnr. Cl.KAlU'IlM.I), PA. VF.liM"..-IAY Mnll.MNiJ MAY , IH. "J he Malt I'rlnHnr" fit fl .Tfrinbrr of fAr l.ifllnt ttrr. Two works uo, in referring to tho cloeini; sconus of tho J,rilnturo, wo Blliidod to tho Sltilo Printing job as now conJiuti'd. In doing in, wo havo uncartlii'd a member of the com mit ire Appointed to iiivoaligute Unit Irak in the Treasury, in tho person ol Mr. Meek, editor of tlio Dellcf'onte Watchman, who intimates tliut Mr. M'Cullougli talked tbe minority report of ll'o committee to death ; mid further vtntos thnt wo wcro on tbe floor of tho IIoiibo flt tho timo. Wo coiifc thnt wo were caught in bad company that duy, but, instead of watching legisla tion, we wore, at the loliciution of a member, with several other onuideri, examining u basketful of gold wutehe, chains, silver jiitchern, and a bundle of golJ-hcaded euiiuH, which several members of the "mutual admiration society" hud brought into the House for tho purpose of Bturting a gift en terprise, as we supposed. TVo never dreamed that legislation km going on, been there- wus moro noise and confusion in Iho House than there vv.is nt Marietta iluring tho riot sev eral days previoun. YbutMr. M'Cul lougli said or done in Iho premises, we know not; but wil proceed to give Mr. Meek's version, as we find it In tho Watchman of last week; ''After giving- ita o inidn and a very poor one it ii ti'O of tbr Legislature in general terms, the CltHtfirtA Rrpullica save : " 'We were gn-atiy disappointed In ene tiling. A eomtaitlaewa appointed to innaetigaiathoHtnle Wintere aeooant, bn't it (tailed to enebe a rtor of its proui-rdiuxs. W e never eipected Mora then a vhilt N-niAifiy rtporl, but lo be ebeated even out of that ii too bait That the la xparere have bora lor aeverel .Ti ara robbed of bjv.oou annually by the 'U'd' priuu-re of lJsrrisourg, then) cau be no question, and nliy thit corarnitLe tailrtl to report too faete ta rosnarkatily rtratige to the outside world. Perhape tho nieeiuere earn explains lie Jo net recollect tho naoare of that oouiBiittee, or e might be more pointed, but we will rndi-e.or ta ferrtt tlii-m out. ":hPor the lament of cor (rood friend Ooodlandrr, awd the 'reel of mankind,' aa on of that commit tee, Ibe writer of thia article, will attempt ta ei plaia. The reeoiuiirra instructing tbe eotamlttee n Printing to examine the Htate Printer'a account, teea offered in the Uoiiie on the itb of February t soder the ruki, it waa reqnirod to lie aver one day, and although repeated efforle were oia'le ta hare it considered, yet it waa not until tbe 34th of March that it Waa arted upon and passed finally. Tbia was at kite in the eeasion and Just at the time that incmbtre are kept busy trying to get tWir lui-aJ leislelion attended to, that the onoi fuittre hud little bopre of pcrf. rating thoroughly thedalira imposed upon tbem by the paaaaf a of the revolution. Yet it wrnt to work in good earn, ell. Electing! were held alwoat arerj dej aj tin minutca will r-huv, pa)era, and billa, and pcrenrie cuunectrd with tiie riate printing were examined, but ao ehort aw the tiaia, and ao great the work to be accuinpli'lied, that the committee elVr latmr 1ug a.,iduuualy until within twenty-four houra of the ctote f the ?cr-cion, and finding it itnpoMihle to make rueh an in vc-atigatiim, and repert ar- du: to themselri a autl tbe public required, concluded to nk authority of the linaic to flnieh the Invetti Kitioo and (lie their report with the rnident clerk to be acted upon by the next Legialatnro. "No otic for a moment believed oraven dreamed hat the lloaae would rrfitue to grant tbeeiteneioD of time asked for, ta complete the work, inaewiorb a the tame auUionty had been granted almoat every aeaaion to other caiomtttec, and ta a aia aaittoe f the rteiiate at the labs aeaaion, iorcatiga tiag the euklier'a orplian aehodla. But Judge of the aurprtee of the ootauttttfe, when, upon the prr aentation of tbe reaolatlon, granting mere time, it aa tigorouelr opMaod by air, Strang and aerer al atlier memlters on the Kcpabliean aide, and tla eided by the hpeaker tliat the Hoaae bad na power toaxJend tbe time and that any report tbe eom nittce bad to nuke aiioald be prreentod before 1 o'clock of that day leaving but aboat forty m;u. utca in wbicb to write out aud make the report. "Alter thia deciaioo the majority of the commit tee absolutely refused to take any further aotion in the matWr. The member from the 11th district of Philadelphia, Mr. Biilio, and the writer of thia, dissenting ftou the decision of the majority, aon tlii led to make such report at the facts ascertain ed and tbe limited time would permit. This waa done, and a few minutes before twelve o'clock the earliest possible moment offered that report on behalf of the minority of the eommittee. Dut fcere ejrnin waa opposition anal that opposition e from trie Representative of ClearDeht oounty, Mr. Merullonjh, who, purposely and with tbede aipa of preventing the lliag or that report, roue to point of order and by dilatory acltc-u occupied the time of tbe House milt a few moments after 12 o'etook when he raised the peiat of order that it being past twelra o'clock the boar af Saai djuaraauat the Tajpert eould not ba nneivtd. hirb point toe Speaker dacided well taken, and the report waa not permitted to go npoa the reoord. These facta the editar of the Kepa('aaa ia aware of, for be waa upon the l'ior of the House at the time of their oncurrv-oae. , 1U' fa-la eat forth in that report were about aa follow. : "In IS5I1 the Slata prtaling and paper amounted to V.rt tS.i,i til ; in I$fl it reached nieaihorbi. tant eom of 8l.'l7,2M ?- incmaaa of lol,. BIO SX.aad $KiU ii mora lhaa in 1M wbea the war waa heiag waged, Mid almnat deal :a the amount of printuwt being dune. That nuinaroua vareharget were uiade aa inalanoe ia found ia tbe legislative Jlira try, a email pxmpblet, cna Uiuiiiji 16 pagn, with about 1 2fU cms brcrirr to t'ie pnjje, waa charged at the rata of flit per thoa-i- pie Ibertnt furn.shing the paper. The actual cost of this directory could aeareelr exceed l.'t pertbouaatid. Caids, containing nothing hut tlic naior of. and courtl's rrprcarnlcd by, the dif ferent members, printed in the plainest style, were t uiid rharg- d at the rati of fl per pak-statin -y at f,.l cents per quire, aud envelopes and other Is'ters In proportion. Iii'tead of the SI'J p -nt. di-onai hi ii g Inkm fln all ofl'.a punting and b.ntir a as the niiaority of the Committee he. V"t,-. ib, v tnf ,he cntra.-t rrqitired. It ,a 1ikef-m vi orj,.n,ird cf lhawnik'only. lb, remain.l-r Wink. .i,rpe,l at nr above refitlar trade rai- s. The rej.ort eln.ee fMowt: "fnder ll,e X, f A,.,mt ,j. of 1 ST. tbe heads' or Ht.pirtninls are autbariied ocler s-h nrlnt tng aa they may wc. n i.arv and in eueh issn r a. lloy uia.v pio-enU-. Uie law unler which Ibe Male prinln.g eot,.;, ,r- T;aP, bw a err'.m ela- of work ,)t K, ,n- f,. traot Siea Hat rate pre mmrn Wlow rarilat Irarte ja at wouh tj.e proe.al ,-u- prmtrr bus agroed '" ', ' '"'' '''' na. it is ar.rt.d, have ei.-.-l-d ttit a1 wn-k , rm in ,,r,ar.a iah the apm ogeatii u. in the ant of l;S ta not ""' 'b 'lu-tion ol th, per cnluai taail ut the contract pile,. ,n, tr , ,,.,, i he,, nokn... t tb, nfrr,..rrTJ of Tonr eorrmi toe, the ewa-ta f liMim,,, torM M,aW f. last nl, ,u j,, k r!ea..W , ia, ,. orrorV,.r. 1 ,, pw,,,, ,, eharce av ra.es l, , , ,b,,, YT '"""' .tHH.-.i. rv- .ommand th i repeal A,t , H ,, In, tbe headi .or Hepartm,, , ."Jf , Wh llxuaea Murder eooti aaark slawaaa Wy stoeaVewi WBS.M "-)' llaaj- may prearrraa. ni en I t'V' I.. I. .Mi e "'"i t. -ol. ..-I I le. ,i -nl eian,,4 ta t , e- , rt..., , l,r Weil I, .V. lt,, ad tyv'' tr I 'a a Hot n ! a ft a) tn ' ' ol the rt ut al I'a K l i.si. lie V ) be I hsie thf e.iitcsl I" i l.e n l as whs tl e "o In rr in Vis H'tpel aele 1 In Ibe loaiinei be 4 d In I to lbi HIM.' j With nil iluei ivapcrl fur I ho c.1 i l.r , of t!i. irtf.7,i.iit, wo will Mate thnt' we did nut tt'itke tho inquiry fur nui' own benefit, in wo had not itit'p invcsl- j fd in thul tiurstinn mote than other' ' , , . ., , I taxpayers; nor rnn wo "explain lo I, I in "hr tho tuembor fttim Ida (thia) ! district tictetl" us he states. YVo have' no dotiht Mr. M Cullonuh can do that himself in a more inlellii'ent und sut iiucliiry inatiiier than we can. Our conjectures with reference l lite Stale I'lintini;, Hccordinp; to Mr Meek's statement, nro fully realized. I'nder Democratic rulo it cost f XV-8'- "9 ; under ' loil" rulo it costs nearly four limes thnt sum, and lust year Slid, 574 4S moro than in 18G4, tho lust year of tho war. A Goon Jokk (irnut hits r'emo7ed tho Governor of Now Mexico, Gen.' Mitcitull, a prominent Union officer, and appointed the l.'onfedorAte Gon. Crowo In his stead, who was confirmed by tho Semite. Crowo packed bis traps and started for bis now office, but when confronted by the District Judge with the iron-chid onth, he refused to tako it. Congress hnving adjourned, the "rebel General" is out in the cold, lie must cither petjuru himsiilf or wuit until Congress moots in Iieecmber. This is the second time Gen. Mitchell has captured this; Crowe.. Hecaptured liim'in a Jlissis sippi swsntn with 1.6UU "rebels," in lMtUi. Grant und bis Crowe must do better in tho future, or Gen. Mitchell will capturo both next time.' ! Header, suppose President Johnson should have appointed a number of rebel Generals to office, os Grant lias. What then ? Why, ho would have been inipeuchcd, if not assassinated ; Unit's all. Uhat was siu io Johnson is godliness in G runt. . . ''I.ft V Have Pf.ac k." Such wn Grant's first fpeeeh, and the people of tho United States supposed ho uttered tho sentiment of bis heart when ho said so. The curtailment of expenses and reduction of tho Army was another freak of economy promised to tho tT but broken to tho hope. Tbe General of tho Army last week issued an order to re-open roiruitinrj offices for the purpose of inrrtnsing, in stead of reducing tho expenses of tbe Govcrnui(yit. The Government rob bers seem to be more potent for evil tinder Giant than under Johnson fir Lincoln. If the same number of men were in the employ of the government now thnt there wcro under Lincoln, tho "machine" would be turned upside down and tho bottom knoekod out of the Treasury. Of such is Grant peace economy reform. A Hovr.Mr.NT. Tho Philadelphia Evfning Telrgrnjili, in view of the corruption which prevailed in the) last Legislature, opposes returning any member from that city, who held a seat at either tho last or previous session, and calls upon tho people, without distinction of pnrty, to defeat every ono of thnt class who may have tho impudenco to presont himself for re election. This is a step in lbs right dirsclion. As tho KatU. hud thirteen out of the eighteen members elected from tho City, tbey can do a pood work by lending honest men to the next House i Will they do it T Kan Off. The President, Secreta ry of Slnte, Secretary of tbe N'uvy, Attorney General and Postmaster owns a borso, he must pay tei'cnty (toncrul, all eloped from Washington ' two emit county 1ux, and school, last week, in order to escape tbe Slate, road and poor taxes in propor ravages of tho "bread-and-butter j lion. If, buwever, ho . resides in brigade," which now holds Washing. I Jordan township, ho only pays a ton and tho officers or the Government eounty lux of urfy firo ernie, or sev under complete aurveiilance. Whon only prr cent less. Now, if a horse will men "controlled by grand monil i ideas" learn manners? ltisstiid that the bureau officers cannot turn around in their own private offices without being elbowed in tho stomach by a score of ''bresd-and-buttcr" put riots. Later news from Washington in form us that General Mitchell, whom Grant has superceded, as Governor of New Mexico, by the rebel Gen. Crowe, has informed the President thnt lie would vacate his office on tho 1st instant; thus making it vacant, be causo the new appointee can't take the oath. We understand llrtit Grant has concluded to send out an all inte rim, until Congress pardons his Crowo for him. Who will now play the ad intrrim fool fur seven months? Don't all speak At onro. . P.iiode Island This "truck patch" containing two Scualors and two Congressmen is in a stulo of insur rection. The two families who own this so-called Stale arc Mm kgnanling each other in .regular fi"h market; style. The two Senators, Sprsguc i and Anthony, with General Hurnside j thrown in, nro the ring-masters. If; they tell tho truth, they ure a drunk-1 en, cowardly, set of scalawags, but ! ' bill to thecoroi" so let them bang nwny nt each other. "M oCs dellelit lo hark and bile," an. JOI'KNAUSTIC SCAMDAL. Jollfl Jius- ell Young, ono of (vrecley's liictfcn itt'.ts on tlio Triune. stnIT, hit's drought suits for slaoilui in 5'ew York fitrniiist Cliiirli'S A. Dfliin, editor of tlio iSkji, and In IMilladdphia gsinst th ll- --... .. " '- . '" J 1 rets. He puts his dnmacos al 1301). OdO, ono hundred ifiousitnd ia each esse, for tvllint iba 4uth shout the) Tribune establishment. If Yonnj vrlns this sum he will be able to build iiplui character on a solid baali.' . Assessment of Personal Properly for 1869. Mirt if-" Hi i,r lMU(T' J7 li-u Hiaofrnd K-a.lr u,nMdc i,r:'- t irartieid borough f7 I . 41 tr.n JOT Ivj l".'l Ita l"l r,i M 1;: lSj na t t-t J If Mill ..i S HI5 j M t .SMI ! H f : , n a.'tl j 40 Iv.i4 u tut yir 1 f XI nt i 317 ; M7 !' 1M I i IS ojll i 71 I hi,:i sti .s,;oii I .sn 4 10) ?.7lla aSTIO 5 '"II S.VHJ r. r cra-oaon t, Irani d ns hen . ttrnliau I.nli-h Huston Jirdau. kmhaue K nox Lawrence Lumber t'lty bor.... Mnrria N ea M'aehinloti boi Osceola borough ' I'cnn ...I I'.ke t'nion i Woodward ! T"ll 117 Ml KM 6.UI i ilS I arts ' is T.4S1 I 70 ion l.'j fl i.1411 i,Jri M1 17,Bilt I.4U4 lo,7..(l 1 .015 l,el;i 8,5'JO H.H'1 4,1711 i.iCO HI 11 'J 4U7 Kj 271 Ml 1 1 i J 54ii n v JUS is Zoo 511 Wl 210 Sll 1(10 S.shii JIT.M" 67 .fssrsxtnrtifs and Taxation. I It wns decreed moro thnn eighteen I hundred years uo thnt all tho world 1 should he taxed, Tho juBlness of this edict has boon fully cstahlishcd ny its adoption ty every eivilircd nation The designs of tho tax laws In this, country nro supposed lo bo just; and pie by gunrdinjv, with a watchful ?ye, such thoy are, if properly uudorstood the scoundrels w ho wercunsenibled on and ! ministered. It is as much tho ( tlie Hill to niulie laws for ourprosperi dnly of the citir.cn to contribute his ty 0r destruction, liy its timely due share or tax towards the support j interference sccral obnoxious bills of the State und municipal affair of, were defeated, and tho scoring M'Mil liis counlr', us to support himself and . ler, a roereimt Democrat, received at family ; and tho only difficulty in tlio j Us bunds for bis vote in tho Comniil war, is. to nee that the burthen of tee Koom on tho infamous bill of l'ote taxation is equally Imposed upon tbe citizens; that each pays bis duo proportion ; and that none escape. Wa propoto to point out some of the vaparios prevailing among Assessors in tins county, wun reierence io uiv assessment ol personal property. Tho above table shows the number of horses and mules, cows, oxen, bug gies and carriages, and their "Value, in each borough and township in the county, as well as their aggregate value . Tho number of horses returned by tho Assessors at tho last triennial as sessment was 3.S30, valued nt This is about $iii for each horse. Tbe average valuo for cows wus about $12, each toko of oxen $Kfi, and buggies and carriages t"5. Tho per sonal property in this county, by this showing, is assessed entirely too low. . . , 1 lltj V Ollllt T V irilllllienivll r., hi ,- -, . . to meet me siaio tax oemanuen on tho county by the State authorities, are compelled to tako out of the county Treasnry, annually, about $400 to pay the Statotax; thus ig noring tho net of Assembly which exempts real ustnto from paying a Slnto tux, just becauso the personal properly is not assessed at what it should be. An examination shows that horses, cows, oxen, buggies, carriages and watches are assessed too low by at least - per cent. Tho table alluded to shows tliat by the assessment horses are valued at 8."i7, w-hilo they should be put at 175, in order to raise tho neccsury State tax. The inequality of assessments is also demonstrated in other particulars. While no township or borough has assessed horses high enough, it w ill be observed that in Burnsido, (tho high est) they are assessed at $72, while in I Jordan, (tho lowest,) they are valued at but $12. This is certainly not equality j becauso if a person happens lo reside, in Biirnside township, and is worth $72 in Hurnside, or 870 in Huston, what is to hinder It fioru being worth the sumo in Jordan or Bradford ? This is a question that interests Assessors and tax payers especially tho former, ns they act under oath; and it is ono for tliem to solve What we state in reference to hor ses, is also applicable to lands, and oxen, cows and other personal prop erly. Low assessments do not dimin ish taxation ; because if fr.e mi lie will not yield cnoagh rovenne, the Commissioners and Supervisors put on fen, nnd tho School Directors twenty-six millt, in order to raiso the nocessary money. It must be. very evident to every . a . a hum t.rata mnn nhrl tia rl mil In i 1 nmn .., ........ H,,u ..... I.VI.M...J ,,IUB' j who afuro to the uuiif (if AsaeNsnr, that in cverj borough and townhliip in (he connly tliora tiro horooi worth from 25 to f 2(K), n mnjorit of whom nro n-nrth nt !at $100. 'hy, tlicrc- furo.cunnnt hnrma In ll. i-firlt . ' or mo ,v. in iiohen, ue mauu to vor- sgo JTS, inMed of g.'i.'i end S.'iO ! The sumo rule will njiply to rows: While sonie nrc worth hut f 10, others nro worth from $0 tu fOO, whilo the! ' , uvvrni;" sliouKI bi inf st IcuhI (15 in1 Tcrv distriot in tu cnnniy. with joxen: Thev, liotrovpr, liV tho talile. Sl'l'in tohe aiar-sacrl l.i.rlior ll.oi. asiilinw t? borp,cowHoranjotlioitcrMnm iiron ITtV. ThttrAlurhfif hi.tr. riranml rurria . , , ,s, . m m grciiuy npgioctea. wimo mm o! WfU' liea in nlmoat Ignored, llOt OIIO in or. I . Uliy UCtn rPllll'IICU. , ... ' e nronnae. at some lulttre time, to pnblish lnl.u'..r ststrmenl similar to ' tne rinn irtuictlll'tt, SnOWtlllt 1110 ntlin-l I f i I . t berl SITOS of improved nd UllUll - proved land in oath townsliip in the ' ... eOUtlly, torrether SUtll HlO TsIiio thcro- i .u ,i i-. o . ... .,n. v.io Micjiiiuii ui Kr.cio,.. ments will bo as fully dovoloped as in persoDl property, ' Ml HUM sa j I .-, feu I lo ' :' . i 7JJI f . 1 1' J 4 ! 144 i .11.3 ! i;i I r, I lad V I I .M'S l,tp I Ml lm S.2.1,1 1,1 W l.JJl 'J 1 II si ii i ii i ' i n ji i j (.: ' dl 1 ' 22 I I I 2,51(1 .5 1.7'.' 2.; 4.7C4 f.J.'iJ !.! M 1.I7S To 1.12 I.HJ.S 1 ,1'VJ l.r.oa 1. '.'I.S 1.7n I.I-' i.i.i 4 :.'! S52 2, tls 404 444 1.77(1 S.K4S 1,11118 1,(64 1.111 ia.i I i,So4 ! till lij 100 IJ4 .t':0 1 IV 1-1 l fU l: l!:t llii H;i yt Ul Si.n 4(1 2114 42 a? 1 IS 2..) S4 K'2 12 4 (.11 a ISO ! (II w l.oiir in it) il'i l.:0 an yd ;t20 l.n l.,i t.o 1,'ioi 2i 4 lJ , 4 i S ' ! "i'i" I 10 I to 70 24(1 1,112 474 40 ti-u mo S5 335 37 ! 1.1 1 i sun sort i in. sin .wi 0.77'.' A Good Br.oisNiNa. Wa fully concur with sn cxehnngo, that tho llnrrishurg Patriot is deei- dedly tlio test Itotnouiatic daily paper ptihlishcu in tho State. , )urin the punt winter it porforntod effective service for the party and for the poo Ilerdic, was particularly refreshing. The Patriot is in good hands and it should receive all the favors the Demo cratic party throughout tbe Skate are able to bestow. The only mistake that it ms.de, was in not opening its batteries on the corruption ring two months earlier, and posting a few other leoiocrts besides tbe gentleman of Maryland. a) aw a. TltEtrOVERXMfcNT IN MARKET. TIlO Treasury Department Is now in the market selling gold. This is the last of Secretary Botitwcll, llo will soon be manipulated by the "bulls aud bears" of Wall streot to suit their own ends, or tbey will take him into part nership and all go at cheating the Government, as tbey have dono for eight years -past. As long as the Government carries on an illegitimate i...ut.. .I a .i,:n l,. nn..t. ,.r tiB ouei iiveis, oir o ill I'W i-noui:ii ji lie , . , , , ,, cttir.ens found to do the samo thing. Tbe result is that both go al cheating, and the biggest cheat will have the most of that which they call money. Let the Government pay out gold and. silver set an example for its citizens lo follow, iustoad of cntur'ng the champion ring to see who can cheat the most, and thon- come out second best. Monit "Ixji'nj" Wanted. The Delaware triho of Indians, in Kansas, becamo extinct over two years ago, nearly ull having been merged into tbe Cherokecs, while thoso remaining were naturalized as citizens of that Slate ; yet Senator Pomcroy has had a brother in law in odico as Agent ever since; drawing full pay for himself, besides lots of things firthe"Injuns," who aro not in existence. This is retrenchment under Grant. Wo won der if tho tinkers can be drawn on in this manner. Wo presume not, or Zachariuh would not havo been re jected. Room roil SroriEi.D. Gen. -Grant, having apHinted an Agent for the defunct Delawaro Indian tribe in Kansas, should now turn around and appoint our Congressman, or some of hid relnl.iona. over tbe Pnrnnlatitnra in ..... . n arren county, ll it is right to rob In Kansas, why not plunder a little more in Pennsylvania? Has Granl or Scofiold no Pennsylvania) relations to nurso tho Cornplantcrs ? In Clearfield town, on the ?!h of April. l'SH, by Jose 1I.ii T, Esq., Mr. (5EOP10R MALI, t Miss KI.IZAHFTII Ht'Bl.TR; both of (Iraham township, ('learleld eoonly. 3 rw adrrrttsfmrnis. Atf AM I IU A MILIAR To m unrt II ntitl, with ffonJ run or riiMoin. Poi(,nn t'wm ( dc. ..Jftod rcrMnmrnrlitironii rfquirt). Apflt to T. II. Ft'lH'KT, -Jl 4trr.hntii.nii. IV " PUBLIC VENDUE. ' 1IK tttbnprtWw.il nflnr for ml Rt fittMlf vntrrr, n titu rtidnot in Lawrence Miwa itip, (at 1r ThviiuiT m mill,) 0a Friday, May 21st, 18G9, Hit nte Int of I'vrnoaal Pmprrtr. cnniitin)f In imri o! I otiofc tnv anil rooking u lcniti, 1 t-wiur - . ? . '. ' ntnrr ami p1pt, J trfp ?n urn, 3 tt-.1 ml ltia I wh tii'i. I hnrtefl ridff Tinfjar, 1 iron fct'ttl, ONK FKK.-i. .o.V, I rniO'tmrN bnjrjrv, 1 ict HufrtcT hriwii, Int ff rurptt, 1 oorotr cupboard, 1 Pink, I tel iihw, lot of fiwkl ani linwar, hrrnkran tilr, I utanl, I dork, 1 dnnh imy, I hammi. and man othr art.rtoi too numrrou to MfQlloa. - - Salt tn j'-mcnw t 1 V1n-V, P. Al., af i "y, hn the torn. will U nm. known TIIOS. Mol'IIKKSON I.RWnnn town-hip. Hit S, ISdii-.it VALL'AHLK REAL ESTATE SALE! ,r... , . , ., . . ,. 'rllK follewmr valuatla property will be aold - at public outcry, On Saturday, May 29th, 1869, ' between the boors of It M. and I o'clock P.M.. ,n ,n lown ", "l ' r bandrad and thirty four aerea aad iirty four aerea aad allowance of CHOICE TIMBER LANDS, tuA in T.-rvri t(wnh'p, rVurflfM r-ontt P , .HI... m iml a h.lf milrt 0f ll, t'lr"l,"'l njj Pvered wuh choice !l "-... -..-. r.,. w ...v l-aar Wanipole aurvw.l and ia well calculated I for llmlierinif or Injrflntt. There are aUo valna- hie coat mn... nn.....t i,.j, i.,i,.i.i. a J".' ',.,,?7I;. V" kT V,'" ".'t iniam ioiy. Anypetsnn wirninn tn purebaae, 1 win am wen io bjo wan. ace .lie eama. j The eondilions of this are as follows.- One h" ,.l'M J',J ow"0" ""I'""" t aia,and I 1h elber half on the flrat dar of Mbt, lT0. and n be eeenrod by bold and ortare, with mlarast : from dav of aale. . ..w re-rrea one bid. Poaaeailos will be given IromedialalT fiA M I' K b vTlUBMIRE. ttraaaia BiUa, Mar , ISM-is. I'M V. rni' ?Vrt tri Sir rmrt)!. n (!!, Ol,., ,ad tine tale! t-'a a-e4 I1 t, 1 ,i.wtle,. t a.etsbea el all eilida. t, 1 ,i.w.e.l-ee. I a.e H and 1H I'l'sl, I I all I'tnl Uroshea. olera I Was S Htht'n k S 'ltH Miss E. A. P. Ryndcr, nT re rMfli'Hnf Y 'ip a t ? I fiwer Pl"l ( Idnitli Mftiffi 4 Hanilin'l in 4 rI.Vfl'i Ortn inrl Mciftrffni. ml ltiMr A Hkkrr'i Frftlrf Nttchlnn. alio TPi''HKR or Piwn. tlittliir. Orittfi, lUrmohy and Vnrat Mu us. No lti)i U)tn (nt m itian hmU t Xrttm. 0-Hota in it itonr lo Kttil National biok. i lar (It-Itl, Mnj 5, MiV If. Spring Goods! Spring (ioods! ii AVIXU Just returned from KTW YORK and rillLADRI.FIIU, we take thia mtthod of nolifinf all oar old uilotnart and van; otliari houi w deilr b- euilou r, tbwvt we art rcriivipj t Tar; Urga itock of Goods; of all Kinds!, Which wa will sail at very low flfurea. Aire na a oall and examine our HOODS and l'lUCLj reforo purrliaaiaf elatwbere. and ahareby j Save From Five to Twenty Per Cent. on your ftooda. r T1I0.MP30X t CO.' ' Ruceeasora of Tan Eyrk 4 Tbompion. Curwaosvllla, May 4, l(t'J-4t. AIMI XIsTR AT(llt't ()1lt l Notice ia hereby fri i en that letteraof adsainistration on the aetata of TliOMAri Huns, ateoeasod, late of Uogg-a township, t'learlield eounty. Pa., bav. iag been duly granted lo the undereiRned. all per sona indebted to said ealale will pleaao make pay ment, and thoae buviiiir elaima or dciuunde will present litem properly authenticated foraetUcment and allowance without drier. inya-SI MAHUABVT 1IOS3, Adm'l. obaapeat and best article in tba market for lll.l r.lMJ CLUIIIha. . ll does Dot eoalaib any aoid. - . . b alii not injara Ike tneel fasraev - It i pot op at wiLTHKHORIt'fl PRtJO STORE, No. 2:i3 North Second Street, l'biladelpols, and far aale by axoat of tbe tlraeers or UruKKtata. Tbe genuine baa both Barluw'a and W iltber fer'a namee on the label; all olhere are eoun-lerieit- BArtLOW'S BU.'B will eolor more water thao fuur timee the same welf of lndiira. mayj-ly IN THK IHHTKICT COUNT OK THE IMTEll STAltd fur the Western District ut Peaoaylvartia. -' 8rarr W. Tnoapaos.a Bankrupt oudertheaet of Conirreas of Marrb 2d, 1S67, having applied for a diacherye from all his debta, and other claima provable andor aaid aot, by order of the Court, notion ia hereby giveo, to all peraona who have firoved their debla, and elber peraona tntereated, lo appear on Ue Mlb dar of Mar. leftu, at 1 o'clock P. M., before . E. Woodruff, Esq., ltocie ter in Jxanknifrtoy, at bia offioe, ia C'learf aid. Pa., to at.ow eauee, if any they bave. why a diacbarge abouid aot be granted to the aaid Bankrupt. And furtber.'notioe ia hereby given, that the aecond and third meetings of ereoitors of tbe aaid Bank rupt, required I y tha 27th and 2Hla aeetiona of aaid act, will he held before tha aaid Hegialcr, at the aatae time and plaor. myi-Jt 8. C. McCA.VDt.ESS, Clerk. IN THE DIKTRICT COt'RT OK TIIE t'N 1TKD hTATbn lor tha Westers District of 1'cunsylvania. Csristus J. Psorr, a Ttankntpt wnder the act of Congreae of March 2d, 1SS7, baring applied for a diaebarge from all bis debls, and oilier elaime provable ander aaid act, by order of the Court, notvea la bardie given, lo all pereene wba have proved their debts, and other peraona interested, lo ai-pear on tbe l;ilh dar of May, lMlu, at I o'clock. P. M ., before M. R. Wood,. a, Ksn.. Hauls, ter io aiaakruptey, al bia iict, in C'loartield, Pa., to show eauae, if any tbey hale, why a discharge should noi he granted to the aaid Bankrupt. And further, notice ia hereby given, that tbe eeeond and third meetings of creditore of tbe eaid Bank rupt, required by the 27th and 2Slh aeetiona of said act. will be held before tha aaid Uegiater, at tbe same lime and place. mya 2l - o. U loCAMI.ESS, Clark. L IWT DP t'AISlllsi PET DOWN POH trial at May Irrtn, last CH-oit v vs. Scott'a hrlre. Krister., re, llantatauger. I.eavy M va. Moore. Mev'rarfcen va. Ionard. Campbells. va. WilliamaA Kooaer. Morgan- va. Fhoff. Ardcry va. rtuwlea,et al. Mrs. Smith va. Tdnrer s llillburD. Ooss vs. l.ang-ba a Diran, England Ta. Du Boit. t lb wilt Ta. Tiler, e4 a' Ned, et al Ta. Ilrcnneraan. Patton vs. Maya. I'altnn.... va. Maya. Albort Ta. Hreeor A Hllemaa. Patton k liamitloa Ta. tang, at al. Osceola Coal Company va. llosa. Firming va. Dillen'a axecutora. Randall, for arc- Ta. Derby, llrokcrhnr.f. ' va. Rydi r. ' ' Itlanchard va. lud. Fllger Tl. P. a H. Tarnpike. Setiownover va. French, al al. Fitch A lloynton. Ta. Porter k Head. Knydrr .'. Ta. Cook A Bell. Conrad A Walton va. Hegerty's esrcalora. Krv ......... TB. PrceeeutL . Caldwell va. J. k A M. Murray. llagarty aa. Butlor A Aakey. . . Bowmaa ta. Uoaa. 111 jTe, 1T OP JI BOKS) DRAWN roR JfXE 1S0- nasan jrnosa. rbarlr Thrtrp Hall. 1( Thonip'n..niHia. . T. JUi.ll'n...llrd7. John J. IJraUl.w " ,lnn.(irVrntrrt?, Cht, JinM Holt.,.r(ivinn'i'B. Curtu Ha4ii...bruatue. J 11. A van M Hrprv i iwf-na..LawrrD6. M.K.Vaii,, J. ft, Cuirttlaa...L.Citr. Un-in KuV- " II. W. hptac-rr... M. 7.imntrnian.Mrr.f. tir(rs I'mwiwr... Anirw Hunter- 44 H. M. HnslJln...OfjruIa. Uvm alilNrll Pika. J. 11. lir! kT,..t itnn. AistinKliDe,Votidwvi. i John Shaw Vicot I' luMl...MGirard. .l"bn R-ena....M.Unhr. Itaiie P. Canwa ,.taui. TRATKRita jrnons riRAT wkk. Thoi. MuMfa...Biwaria. ; B. PpirvTman...OriSm Jnmrf HainM. MfohaH Htf.rrr...Ulich. W. H. l-iokfy... ) 1(. II. W right..' 11 . C. Patrhsn... M It (it ii4 Ataiafc, jr..BKir.' S. P. il.n...braiUrU. N. P. WiNoa... Henrr Albrrt. M , Jnn. iVm.trida I Mnrfc Kjlrr... " W'm. Rrnrkhank.-lamilT.1 B. II. M.r. " " AlMnan Kllnifcr, " .T. W. Wallara ' " Tho. Young.., llorimilQ. T. M Hhophrrti Jn. M' Motto w It.W l.an)td.n J. U. BT(('V(.,orinjrton. J. P. MlllMlt)H John Brirl.... J.H Hilll.urn..riearflfW. -f. T. laponar.l., " W.C l -.lej... M. Shirk W m. H. lUrtuhoro. Cmr wrntit)c, Wm. A rwp...,If!painr. AlfXMiitJrr Itrain, ' . WitlUai hfaft..Huton. Robert Sullivan, II. Vo.twitri1.. Uwti b- ril. L. " llrnrv Swmd Jordan. Wag. Cut? H Thnrnti 8triijt.. " 0. Hfhnnrn.... Karthtut. .T. W. Pottrr... " I. J. Cth(.art....Knni. .1. 11. lli(t'fir..LawrTtnc. J. Mclaughlin " J. M tptieind.. " .l4'k"n ll(HiT0r..Mirriii. Jnn. M. Cumailngn, New Wasl.irigtnn. Flijh Vrton...OioMla. 1. fr. Linjc " AhrhiD UnWw. Klnh J'th niton Pcnn. M. S. hprnpsT J. It. lUnKk..,.Pika. JcRtah iUiiriH'k " KHinutiriildwrll.... M .Michael HulicrtarnioB. John l.ihorda. Jr. A. II. Shaw.. .itohn.l I.. R. tmiMr " (Inhani. K.AIrxaijdr,Wood wartl jranat roa rcoid wei:k. J. W. raldwrH.fwwarii. H. C. KftnHt bom loaac W i bon .Urallirtl. f ni Furiffiaa M W.iraT.nm,Jr. W. (I. Akaan.lrr..Ilra-tT. C. H. K)U74...Hurnii(lr. JarotiVinKling " V. Itomhauxh, ' U tonn"llv...Clr(n(TrW Win. Morfan., " Sainl. Spanaffla. Graham. Patrick tttllttraii Jordaa. It r ii .? n llunior- " U. K. Mkcl Ka. ba A. M lw . Jinii'i Fulton. Lawrfnc. T. W. IV.plM " 4,11 I.Ttlr. Lnml-frCltT. William Tdtirn.... lMtirri. A.J J ark win, Nrw W ah tnrton. J.J. Pickm., t'oTinpton !. U. Mood.. ..Of-cola. Wm Irvin, t urwrnnvtllc. j Jnwph (i. KtiftpiLl'tnn A. Illnoin... " lltirharil Pamrr.,, ' II W Ktoi I All-i. MMl.nalH... " W. 1. Moorf ...Frrfnttm, I Aifml lnn Pik. M. L. t ouiriPl ...ifirard.i Atimhum liaikj-..,, B. Urpfn " iMnnoi Wine. " (J. W. II nil lirahi.ni. I nui5 J. K. BOTTORF'S P HOT Ofi H A V H GALLERY, Market Rlreei, Clearfield, Pa. "V' 1(1 .TI K made lb elondy. aa anil aa In clear weather. Cnnstantls on hand a food a.aortnvrnt af r RAMIiS. 8TKKK"bl Ul'tS and pTi- n itiki'hi'Ic vinrl -r.k... r.nM j ,,,r f agdlll, n,,, lo order. ' apt!" it A LTI O ''Al peraoas are berehy eauillaned V. e;ain"t pun-hnsmit or in any way wicildline. w.;n lll MAttr.rs, (one Han ann one wliite.i now in the possrssla-n or JOHN LYONS, of llra.lv lewnsliip, as the same helona to me, and are left witb btaa on loan aaly, autynol Ui my order, S. R. LUUOLIIU. Brady In., April IS, lo9 St.pd. Choice Seed Potatoes, PF.Rw-ONH deslroa. of ohtalnlp the eelehralad Early (loodrich, and other nrw rnd Talnahle varietlaa of rntatoes, will be aoenmtnndated by aallinr aa ibe anderaipaU, al Lanibcr Put, Pv siIm.-h i"fcia xii. CfliatltMMt. MISS 11 R. SWAN'S , SCHOOL FOR i Gin US ' 1 1 a i fit In. r. i 'IMl 1 iD-r allf -.f W ,..e. ol It 1 1 41 1 "It.UM "f lam wi, aa.lt, will eaa-aai-a- in, S o.n.r, It r.i ;t 1 i n. , lUMiiir Tt mN, Itraiflnp. Or it,., jf. sj I Writing. " J. el ls a. ns, riimary Arliuivtia aud I'l.wety. Ileoerai hy, per al( temi, (of eleven Weela....! t H 'I History, Local and ls-ri tlie (leoarn.ir with Hup I'raejRt. (liammar, Menial and VI ritlrn Antmettc f II Algebra and tha S.-heei I For full partiauls aend for Circular. i Clrerhvld, Nov. , 1st. Jin. aueH'Ol CLEARFIE-D ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harison, A. M., Principal. rpHB rOVHTM'KSSIOS or thepresent scho X lastie yearoftiialnatitullon . ill comlaeaee on MONDAY, thetotb day of April, IHoV. Fupila eaa anlaat aoy tiaie. Vktj will be ebargeat with tuitfc frau tba Uiaa tha eater la the oluae of tbe Hojioo. The oourse of tri ruction arabraeei erary thing Included In a ibiouab, practical and acoooa nlished education Ir both seiea. Th Prlnelpat. tTiat; d adantafa4if much axperteoea I bia prufeselnn, aasurea pa ranta and guard-as (hat bia entire ability and anerglea will be dioted to the moral and men tal training of the path placed wnder bie ebarfe. U:KM OK 1UITION. Orthography, Healer. Writing, aad Primary Arithmetic, ajar bssios ( 11 weobe) i Grammar, Ueograhy, Arllbmalia, aad History - .... 0 Algebra, Oenmerr Trigonometry, Men. auratlon. barreylf, Pniloaophy, Phval. ologr. Chemiatryib Keeping, Bouny and fhysloal Ueeraihy . . . f 9 II Latin, Greek and bench, with any af the above Branobee i - 11 SO Ml SIC Piano Mli-arons) - . I0 lilt jtaw-No drductio will be made far easeaea Jaw-e'er further prticnlava inquire of ' - Her, PL. HARRISON, A. M., . Feb. 4. Uo9 If. .! Principal. SELECT SCHOOL. TIIE Pumtrcr fion of th HucufbnBt. B Wt hcboul, (trfMl Cfttapbrll Charrta, ill Hell tnwnihip,) will tomenoe on the 3d of Uny. ( t bird Monday,) fur Le teno of tv moniht, with t tncIi' of tbrrc wfki In midouniroer. Thfrnmtnon brtntfici will b tauftit, tnd alto the (Vlowinr : Alpflr, Ooometry, )'ltn Tri fo rt 'tract ry, Mfnaumtiip, Surveying, l'bilooihy. I'hyiKjiogy, iVbyiiaaj Oeofrapby. Ilhoiarie mad Lojie. Tlie pricft of tuit.n .hull b 912 for tbt full term of n v monf bi ;ud for m than full term, t tbe rate of $3 per month, Alt pupilr ball I bHd till tbeendof tltnB,witboutipcialirc mrnt it tin time of mly, and the price of tuition h nil h paid fo adnno'. Tbr lel'tf Hrbol if beatod m plauanl tfrb Hofii4,ra4Mi aoatttfwtait tewkerbai bran mewed. fioardinK eaa be p roc and for $S par week. - aAoyfurthtt inloraiaUai eaa b had by adirrte Ing tha J'rMi'lrot of tba tnard. at C'utb V. 0., tbe KsrraUrf nA Uurtnidr, ofJ'niOontb.at Cnrwetia. Tillc. , JitlLN f. l.l.k. l'rviaat. JACOB t A M I' b K L L. Trpaa'r. .Tr" TtnwTrn. Ht'v. tnar24-lf - List of Retailers OF Foreign and llowerlo Mrrrheadiee ta fbe eoanly of Clearfield, aibjeel ki tha paymeat ol License for the year 11.61: T'lVrXRHIPS. ' Uecrarta. Clntt. ii'ceaer, 11 Simon M'Farland.116 lit Win. 8. IlkhcT.... Ill 13 J. (1. Ulasgow le 14 A. Montg-.tnerv... 7 14 W. C Metl 1 llrady. 1 C. A (I. fcchwem...1?l II I, 11. farllle 1, 1.1 J. A. Terra l . Jslurrla. I! Ionard Kvler...lll i; J. C. UrennerAOo. It ll John Odrll T 1, Htesmtl k Woo.... 7 Prutu Tt Johnsond Hajerly 1(1 II Jonathaa alls,.. 7 U Jataee Flrnn 7 Inliiti. II D. B.AJ. II Bre- h.ker t brood warel. Ilesotanl llagerli.,.1?, 13 Forreat A cho 10 U C oha A Cui 10 14 Tbua. Ilaadorsou. 7 14 J .hn M. I haw... 7 RiiKoriillS. C'learflrld. f Richard bosaop.a iti IS 1). lloodlanuor.n Id 13 K. II. Moore In 14 J. hunt! A Son .. 7 14 Cerlile A roa..... 7 11 J. liiih. hun. b...... 7 14 J. ll.lsrrling A fo. 7 14 Smilh.Corrv A Co. 7 llurnaidc. IJ WMarrvirtouipal!! 12 W. ('. Inin.. Hi II Jackson Pale-bin.- I" 14 Matthew Irrin " 14 Horace i'atrhia... 7 14 W. J. Nugent 7 Bell. 14 Robert Mehan"ey ' 14 ('. A. Rorabaugh., 7 II lland Hell 7 HolX tea. 1.1 John Holt 10 Bradford. 15 Albert A Brother- 1 13 J V. f'unh in 14 Kd. W illiams 7 rhat. 1?. Ilurd A M kee 1" 14 IVm. HunlarM.... . II A. P. Pierce f laTtliKtoej. II F. Too dril l ' 7 14 L M. Coudriet.... 7 14 H. o. Cranston..... T 14 Justin I'.u'.iil.-... 7 Drcalur. 14 0. M. Ilrisl.cn 7 t;uiicli. 10 J.Hhaw A Son.... I . I.. Heed aV Co.. ?" 10 J. P. Kralscr. 10 1 1 Wm. Hoed A Ca... lb II Merrell A i. Icier., la II C. brat ler A Kona, 15 12 Niv)iiigA.bowers,124 12 llrahain d Kons...l4 li Wright A Sons....:j 1.1 llol.ert Mitchell... IS 13 llartswiek Irwin 10 14 Aleg. Irvin 1-4 I. t. Reiaenalcin. 14 II. Prldge 14 I'r. Hover A Knew 1 4 3L Net rt. 14 J. C. l.ightcap.... 14 A ri bo'pp 14 II. F. Naugle ll Mra. Itel-h AL'a 14 Misl ,(usan Rce.1. 10 I. I.. Rciicoatcia, liuuor mcreh't... t'umcuaitllr. 10 F.. A. In,., 30 12 llartsorb A liood- win II) 11 Thomtisoa A (.V..1J1 U P. A. A. Flyui 13 li. Alln.aa ..Kl 10!l2 John Iritn......i:j ClrarJ. 14 R. 8. rilewart 7 14 Aug. Leconte 7 Graham. 13 I. II. t orccc I Ciialieit. It Irwin A boas 7 llufttini. IDF. C. llowaiaa..... 20 13 .lauies 1'cartoli,.... Ill 14 llLnry Uruwn 7 Jorvlaii. .. 11 lit-nry Kaan..... to Kavrlhaua. 13 M'Cloi-kovA Patter 10 II W.J. II. ler IK 14 W. S. Cankcy 7 Klini. 14 Wise A Sttn.An... 7 J rrnee. i , 13 Jaraea Forrest , In It J. R. Irwin 7 14 M. J. Tonipklna... 7 14 Wm. M Bride , 7 1 4 John Jrnkina 7 14 Jacob Bilger , 7 14 Flcaiing I 11... I... ? Lumber t ill. 11 J. Fe-giiaoa A fa ir) 13 Kirk A r'peneer... 10 14 Fcig.'"n Hrolhera 7 rw 33 aaliliifrtou. M Murr.vaMiUhcll ii 12 taniuel M Tunc.. .12) llstrrula. I Brntull, lllallca- licrper A Co..., 5(1 7 Oeo ge S Perry.,. 40 11 YY. P. Welle 15 It !.. A. Stoncrad...l2( ll C farrlmer..,.... 7 14 Hr. 1). R. Hood... I Helall leealrra lu Palciit Jlcdlrltira. Coea. Xiceaaa. 4 Uartawirb A Irwia, Cb-ar&eld boroucb.,.., 4 Hover A bhaw. to do.:...,...., 5 4 ll. V.. Hood, Oaovela ......do. ... 5 4 Joseph It. ham, Ctirwcnsill4i....do...MM.k 5 4 T. 11. Force, lirahaia toaaahlf 0 4 onfrcliniirrlra and Grsarerlca. I I. M liaughnv. ClearheJd boraogb...MwMn I W. Knlrea.....M....do.....M..atoMM A n I). P. (later ...to. to 5 Joha A. rtadler....do ....do..... I W. F. Irwin ...do lo ... A 0 Ned llalloney, I'urwensville do.. A 9 CalbarlaeUraA .......do. do.. I 0 Christ'.!. her Vackla,isceola do. .... ; a 8 Allced Preacott. Brady township A .' " Hrwer. 10 Carrier I-ipoldl, Cleartlcld boroupb ,. 15 10 W. ndrca do .d.. i5 ' TtllllarA Malianna ami Tel. Pin Alleya. it. M'lia.uflaay.Cliajrtlold ban. ugh. (.'I tablriV. 50 do do do ( 1 allrvl . 30 t. F. Uoalieb, Osceola do (I alley !... 30 Hanker. . rieaHleld Cnnnly Rank SO g?-4TAa Appeal will be held at (hi Ccmsaieaioa era' Offlee. in Heard. 4.1. oa Mnndav, tbe I4lb day of May, A. I. 1109, when and where all parties feelinc aggrieved will please attend, according lo law. W 1.1,1 AM TICKKlt. ajirl'Mt Mrmuiltla Appraiser. IS Till! t'Ot'KT OF OvlM)l ri lvAM f CIsarBeld coucty, Pa. It curtiic IV. hihcl) No. 67, January Term, Ta. lalW. M snr .laaa etntwri.. I buhparna aur Divorce. Tbe undersigned Commisionet, appointed fy the Court to lake testimony in the above esse, berehy givee notice that be will attend 1 1 the dn. tire of h'S appninlment at therfflcw of Jamel H. Turner, in l'..-er township, near Wallaceloii, oa Thnraday, the lllh dav of Mat, l(v. at i o'eloeb. p. m.. where all parlies interested eai. atlend. JullN HOLT, Commissioaer. WaHarwton, April 21 lu Beale's Embrocalion, (l ATI I'OWUL'H.) For all difavfn tnririrnt t H'rao, Tattla, and lluiau Fltih, rqQirit)ff th uaa at ap aitrraal application. Thii Erahrveatlnn a axtrnaivelt iad by tha O 'mm meat Hnrtnt tha war. For lata by Harttirk A Irwir, Claarfifld. Jovh K. lrtn, Cnrirrnif Ula. Panta! Good landar. La:Harphnr tf s p iTn ggood si Ji JfPT OrEXno A PPLKNniD BTOCK, AT March 17-U C. KAmn A SONS'. Ill ll AM IIIThe and.raignod will ' pav tba highest CASH PRICK lor ail kind. H Ftilci aad libhR bblNS. tin e . a call Ptaaaald, Ow. tl. He. lUIiiU(, iliil f.ppfls, CfcrrMf. f !f. COO!) I.OOPSt (.000 MM.ISJI AVD f LOW PRICES!! t NEW SPHINCS STOCK " AT THK KEYSTOp: ST0HK! JRESS . GOODS, TKIJIillXGS f f I Soti6n's ix k eat varietyi White Goodi ! Stamped Goods ! Tloaiery and Olovesl Coraetj and b'kirta! i-ajisi Sbawta and : Caata ' I " (new tylel ,,,4 II Straw Goods,. Flowers, Eibbons, &c, Umbrellaa and Parasol I, Window Shade, Ladies aad Children'! WIOES, Wall Paper, ' Carpels and Oil Cloths, IlalaACapa. Prints, Jiluslins, Ginghams, Ticking!, CoUopadei, Caaiimerei, -'! '; ;";Twe.,0.,c. i-AH CHEATER than the CI1EAPEST, ! KIVLIMG ak hlO EBS. . ClearMd, April 21, ISO. MO S SO Pi IS I'I I (. "l H .ti, .1 .' j 'i I, "AT -. , . ii - SE1UNG OFF AT COST JrtOU now no Lit tbt Crat day of Juaa next, piapoM te ten ny entire itock of Store Coodj AT COST! : i'::it.:jk.: i uhj Those desiring, bargaina will do well to call aoon, aad bave the advantage of a large Itock ta aelect rota. First oome llrat eevTH. . . , r r UCIIARD- MORSOP. ClcarficlJ. April 7. Wt. QI.OVEU, TIMOTHY und OUC1I- AUU URASg ISKED, AT ' i March 17 tf C. KRAT7.Ka A FOKc". Hoots, ihofs, Juts and raps. A X X O U 3f C K 31 E 3T T EXTRAORDINARY! SOMETHING NEW IN CLEARFIELD! Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes I , ( Great Bargains In Hats and ' Caps'! , THE GRECIAN BEXD IIAT ! , - . f THE VELOCIPEDE IIAT' - - i I . i . t - i i t w . C V v-' 4 SILK HATS OF THE LATEsT STYLES ! i I ...... i t , . . ,'.i. - .'. iv dill Kinds and Styles and Cheap 1 1 i -i i BOOTS snoKs IX rROFVSIOl Ladiea. Look ta your Interaata, and call aad aei the laleat and enoat faabionabla Itylel er TLA IN AND FAXCV f-lKiES. Parpla, Blae. Iroaae, aad Biasnark BIIOEI ., , far Jlitsaa aad Children, af . v -- ' ' hioh rett CUSTO M-M A D E WORK Vada a Specialty la this Store 1 .. . I, J. C. l.ltaiTC'AP A HONwonld rssprt fully annennca ta tba rltiiena cr f learBald aid Tielnity, thai they bava opened large tad enenalve aaer rtraent or thaahora-Bamed givda, ia theeiore room an Market etree .nppositiihe reseaea er It. B. Vwonrje, Bin , where key ill be happy watt a all wtV wis tn pafoa. Uaa FIRST-CLASS F1I0B A UAT 8TntE. . Children'! Ehoei in Abnndtnci I CHILDREN'S HAND-SI APE Snop. . - -- : i I ,j i FIXE BOOTS! COA USE B00S! WA TER TE OOF, BOOTS! Co m end for younctrei wbtl wa iiti fox ni irhs , r et ireet r Fataaoibar Iba alaee- Market (treat, Clearfield, oppetlle U. n. waopa's resldrtra. anarltl-tr J. 0. IiIUHTCAP PtlS. IT lha MMOCIUTIC ALMANAC. Only 1 tata. Krvry voraj ahoaid Isara aM, lift! Ttn!f fpr ,i't j head, mump j Wunblefv 1 rMalctit rilvt'fl;. 'I'Mlb e,e.d-M ,r-4 ha e- If... . 1 rnw ta D i t etUip, ! -t'lif t t. . t t.t j. in 1 1 .i liftd A M .'iM N it! on Hi i mo. .U-.il I iltll ai i-'A lt-p lh ) ( i truer I n'- I lfi"tif fU!' , ,,,,k . ItW.'i, TWO I'WH I IVI h. h; , 't HH, ( il JKH,ABM.,( "E U.l ribtrri..e.f(-b..c r ri..H IH-m- 1-li?if lKf lfr ffcr- boll-i ?f Fm TM Vf'tr.-e ft IV trit i fc. . . , . : IMMT t - HAK. nt th fer.i qu,i' ! buf "a lw ha.ftV't down r).(e i. m. filar lin,hor i bwanti. a tlur t l tt (,T m mill an tbe prtiM, w.tb a'uiIM J nor iocr. Tba traM ff alto notlarfi.iT, vie), (nt IKOt uRK. Tl.a tWiii "I'a.eit jr d'ltMMI.of Utcar." mt .roluit, :aii,-, iii 'U uim;. in brt turn, U t prout. No liT'irr inTTii.i .t;d bf tnt.lt m j w triet nf Uml lu tba eoatity oflvi rt Utr iiciiiUti for o alt! I.I mfmy, . rer-'.iii WiAvjin? ta Irani mora an;euJWi idrvf the ab'JtriiiCi'.r'I, Rt Oramii Ai, if,' , I ? tun v u .tvt, ; Pcnn .) A,-U 2, 1W 3t;pi ' MOFJUNM'X LAKH ANii Li MT-t'R C(lj, uni M lilll MfToifwCT. Vavt'rrrsj uz IlliWtl q birough. Oiccoln ia lituutf it. ilivn,, ( re k, in the rtcht pr(i'H of iht ruor- y CltarfiaH, on tba linr of tho Tyraae A Clfiriwii liailriawJ, where the Mut-bannon an Unvn, braocb roadl iuirrt-p-'t. it ia bImi in th ittf,j ttia iNdoftiaonon aoat baid, and lare bi.Jio. white pine. brtn!'-k, k, and Vt-r timeytr ns. raaid it. Ooa of (be larffrai 4umlkr skuiufMtir. ing artattliabwDla io tbe htato in local i-j )a town, woilo thin ara mnnv otbrr lomtitt hinle in ill around it. 1 be towi ti bat m,ftt year oii, aud cuij taint ft (topnlatiaa of ent and mhaiiitanii. pBYnr fori ttrr tftloriaatioo ftly at firiftrf of tue above aoniMj. JOHX LAW Sift, prl 4 HiiiTii!tnji Valuable Property for Sale a IS LUlIBjin CITY. THI nnderaigued now ntTcra ror eal. fa m lowing valualle TOWN Plllipf HTT. ri ale 4n lhe borough u( Lutuler C'tr, Catarbtli couaty, Pa., via: ONE IjWELLINU IIOCSE AKD UT ONE BLACKSMITllfllOP JINU Lul. ONE VACANT LOT. For terms, Ac, apply to (J. Ho-lsen I.T;if nnrT-lrn pd AMES fI0BLT. Houses and Lots for Sale. UUlhKS avud LOTS ia ClrarteM. Iw eala an raaautuvUe laraaa. l'asaessioa gnaa ia ajiirty d.ya. A leu, a plot of bOLK Lola ai the ooraer of fourth aetd Heed at recti, atw. l;2lioll led. lbrta) at theaa lou are willaeaut for either laiabar yard, eoal yard, or ier eaula arpoara fraerallv, heiag wilbia 30 feel el tas railroed depuU 1'raea and leruts reasaesUa. Aiiy ta ... :.- m IsEOHliE HKiKX, IrUJA-U Chmritd, K , , Valuable Farm FOR SALE OR KENT. TIIE uodf-raiKned Daw nTTi at prirala takb farm, umait ia La wren Lawiith.p, CtearM auatj, I'a bowadefd by (.rrv aWcuitia aad . trt, ut wiitun li atiJca f Uta railroad itfoi Ckatfttld lyortHi(ii , COftTAIJiINO H3 ACRkH. Atvmi-1 1J fTt ft whirh li ilearpd, .itt "Pr" TfikM HtISEf. LOO BARS, tni etbtt atl 1 hniHtTtp. w.ih over Warirg fruit trmkii Afvtr-taiHff tTr(n)t of water nur thr honw. ui will, a? much iiaidi-r on tlie 1a, IT n-iwh nmairV. at wilt pr f--t It. Thr if V. Wd wirti 04 1. fW nf h hnnw ortw fm tftrtr vvart f..r f'.Td. (? a pn4 com pan t, m4. tnt t fr until tt, time l of ) I IMT PHITK, n,StWf It, ra-y wvU. F retina, a ('1r t VIM.lAM"rItTKE. rtfarfietil, l't., peb. U, lffi. BABGAIl?PBAIiGllXsr : Farms, Timber Land Dorset FOR SAIE TUE mbnyiWr, tlrfiroui f diipoattf af mm r aJ and pcrmmal prvytrty, oUer lUt toln wg rare o-)uitunilv fur blu-gaina: 0K FARM vitaata In (iirard tovnbif. ( knowti a th "CUtvtina Hartut t mm." vm frn( laa1a of Atir. Laxai.te and other. onBiifj UM A err. tiiiT whirb ara etftrra. it lt dwell in T ht.Bfoa, tat-a and vounp Taan. Tttftfaft. A:. THK lllL'K-Ki N tAHM. fAt.tiiair 1(M Acres, lift ol which ara etVa, wtta dw9ilinf luue, burn, and other oa'huiMin;, In f rtLrr with two ihrix log joun; orrbardi tbtrasa. ileo, f KVEKAL OTHKR FAIIAIS and tn f TlJwUl.H tANUsfuraaia. TOR RFT Tic S.MT. MITX I DUEIi TMJ 1101 SK at tba aioutfa of Ier Cmke2 he tf rtteii. or let to jud hy tha thMitand, tuKi perfubt. ,rFOUR HliADOF WORK lIOA5Bf,a II AllNE&i, will be mM on reaeMnatil- Urmt. VarKain ii ofTrrtd ia each cf ta for- K'Mng prnptFittotii. Tha tmni will be iridrnw;. rorihar tnfcruiRtinn ran he obtaini-d Vrrtiii oo (lie prrmi-M.or braddriin)rthicn1'riif(ttar mt Krnfhnlle P. 0., t'lewrfiMd eflon'r. fa fehlH-tl. I,. M. ot "TRI IT. Valuable Town Properly FOR BALK! SITrATK on the &.nlb-wef. eorer af 0r? ud 1 h:-d atreati, (hc.n( Ka;lruaU Hntt.i it; A LOT, with a (tcd tw-u rj y-ti bu :a iiig Uhtcud, ty H litt, ona roio oa cart tU-ur, tuilablcfura rturr, or othar buaiutft. Alsi, tiw adjuinuij LOT. with a tw(. ft,rV dwfl!!t 1wm tbtrriin, i)d icverat othct TOWN I.t'TS. a:, a lot or wr;i iH"Tt iikick, ui i MMtrttiiaiit of 8T0NLW AI'K, autl Cre-K Jugi, Jari, Frail Cru, etc., at rcdiK-od urirrt. l or further information, inquirr tt the St ware r-'Urry of F. LLlTZINuKR. nyMTuu CUaxfielJ. Tt. I'liilaili liliia Erie CaHroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Throe rh and dlreet rente batwara Pbiladelpbia - . UaJtiaiara, Harriabnir, A Uliaaispert, aad tba Great Oil Region of Pennsylvani. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS Oa all Kljbt Traint. (X and after MONDAY, KOV. 2nd. I'll, lbs V tra.na aa the Philadelphia A Kris bai. lveed w ill run aa f-dlow : eat ward. Hail Trail loavea Fiiiladel, bia. IM.tf I Do .. da L Mary't J It f U. l. arrive at Krie. J 1". U- Erie b i prase leavea i ailadelbia Illa.a Do .do Ft. Mary e-.... . A U Do. -arrive it Iria.....M...CIA X laatward. Mall Traia leavae Kne 10 .'d A Do do tl Marv't 4 S PH ' Do arrive al Philadelphia ...It1 Krie Kaprel leavea Krie 1 ' Do di Pt Mery'e 1 1M Tin arrive al Philadelphia. ... 4 It t Mail and bi.r, eonnerl with Oil I'reel ai Allrghrny lliver Hail Koad. Kagigv rhI tbrouhb ALbKED U IU-K". sieneral bunr rle'r',, 1 Printing Ink. Krorn alioiutl Intrlli.K-, r, v asbinctoa. T C C'lOllll rKlNTIXll 1XK. Weareatl'tv 1 us.iiji (Mintiac ink maautartarnl by Mr-( 1.. liobinon. at tba lira 'i rerry 1'rairir la) Works. 'hila,lrl.iia. 1 his ink vie regard as as porinv lo any ini.ting inl wr ha. e un-o lore ana lor of year, li larhar and el.an. su.i(liwlrrt V a nan sal.ly rvooiouirnd Ita use lo a!! :.: From Thila. North Aiorrioan and ruled Uaaottr.j We riiiMt.h In anothrr fla-e thr rarniet""' liunt t' the nriutmg ink aianuie-lnrrel av a' ". K. K.d.ina in, a-' Iho Hiav a Fi rry lab Wo are using the ink Iron .Mr. Ito .iBfoo'sei'ts' and are p'raard ad I onr a.proval el M " many en.loraemrnts he has already m-nvrd. ink ia of eiifllrnl onalitv, riiar, and "'' rroely. " ap-f " BEST FAMILY FLOUR. T P KKAin R ba. n ale arranft"'"'1' "i t a e asipplu-1 wuh tin- eelv'Ta'e'l ('AMPKI. UTOSil"."' Kl.orK, Direct (Voir. Ibe mills; and baling th-el.aar of apoeial rates, ciislomere eaa rvly yea alast' I (telling the BEST FUlL'R al tbe leaeat atari'' J prlc. -e. ... a ...e f Ibe Is" U i tour or.iTvrro iv p-- freeafeharg ejarJl-'" T I b7tiI'I.!' A rtllbXrAHI.I:' '' a I U.S. . l.r.. n..alr of lha r bE HILL, and will ow the m-eipt et twsa'Jj Ireowte, mti I tfy h aa a4VOT. W