I $ntrfU.inrf. H. F. N AUQLI, Cl.OfK AD HATCH MUM, in mi mn rpilR tahnrlber rorrwcttaliy lafermi hit aid I utrae aad the publie rlly, that be ini bend, lead Ii evn.tantly rring ee aeditl.nl Iberet,) Urc; iuee af Clocks, Watches and Jewolry, txrl keep Jeerelry la til lit forms aad f diterent velnel, tlhr by lb pl.ee or eel W ATCH ES-A full aaeorla tnl of either Hold gr film, made by Ihe bill Aa ericas aad for. , tuanufeniurere, iaeludluf a sue lot of r old end eilver burning ecu, lull Jeoeled, fuut Lrrl. fLoCKS Of all d.a!...!.. nAnil.it... r.l.l.l day and thlrt.hoor, of (ither w.tjoi, iprinf or . J k...k .... L - j - i leTora, wMi mu aia.ro.. RKPAtKINO All kinda of Watches and Clock tOpaiiad, and warranted. In addition to whit I have enumerated, I keep a full eMortwentof MPRCTATLKH. colored end nuia k .. . uuiiii rrnoina rib vl LO. Ldaiik,' Pnifwa niTTTvu truit'vj j prv" " .t ej v i a u ntui no, i feet erer-thing in ihe Jewclrjline. If fail to hire an una just wnn e eusLoaner nay need, I itl ordsr Her Aral evi.rt.iA. lthnuta.i,. Kir A liberal fliare of public patronegr it solicited. mj 1 1009-7 AAUULiJI. BOOTITS IMPROVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. Me.ra. Booth J Kurabarjrcr, Proprletore of the lmproe.d r'TUMI' Ki. traclnr.wleb It j, dtalinctly ao J d.relood that 'J they warrant -: ibit machine to dojuitahat I it la rcom 'f mended x 'l celline; otbar j machines bjr p r ita being 000 1 ftruotad on I true pbilnoo- phiaal prioel ; pita. It Hill i axtraot lb i iargat pioa atump, aia pod It abova (rouad par Bittiog tba aoiltofallback In tba aula and will pull iinia -- .. tan aaaa ama i lha dirt frota tba rooU tftar aitractad. It will null (owing to tba aiaa af tba atompa) fnira fort- ta oat kaadrod aw day. It wUI altbar '.ara tbata orar. ar aaapaad tbaaj la ba propprd up, aa d.alrad. Tba Krapriatora build tba KitrMlor, dalirar it. and laat it an tba t farm of tba psrabaaar 1 and If it daaa aot raadar , eomplata aaliafactiaa, aajdo Jaalal raeaaiai.nd ad, tbaj will uka it awajr and tbarga aot.lng lor tbair tranbla. Prioa r Maablna, IIM to. 1 lawatblp and aaantyri.bu far aala. Wt I'bara aa traraling araau. Addraaa BUOTU RDafBAROKR, Jalaraoa Lisa P. 0, Claarlald C, fa CERTIflCATB. Wa, lha andanlgnad, baring wltsaaaad lb I trial af T. I. Bootk'i Improrad gtsaip Eitraatw i! oa tba farm of H. H. Moora, aaar Latbaraborg. f oa Saturday aad Monday, tba Ttb aad lib of I Karanbarr taba plaaaara la aaying ta tba pab lis. tbat wa boliara It ta ba tba baat aaaabiaa I aowia aaa foraatracllag itaanpa, II iiaf limpla I'eoaitruetion, eaally managed, aot liabla ta gal I out of order, and Tarj durable. Foar Men took tba eaaubioe froai tba wagoa, wbaa antiraiy 1' lart, put it tngetber, aad pulled a large piaa I ituoip ia leea tbaa ona boar. Wa aaw two aaaa I full a large (tamp with aaaa. Tbey aaa a haraa, I nut ba doaa hia work la taking aut Ika largeet I Mumpa, witbout a bard pulL Mr. Iloatb, tba I Patentee, fully aodariunda patting ap aad I handling tba vaaobina. Wa would adviaa tboaa I in want of tonap extra flora to eea tbia ona teeud before purcbaatog aleawbara, wkieb tbay aaa d free of charge by ealliag oa tba Prnprielora. .1. C. Barreu, J. W. Xtrkard, R.V. bpackoaan. John Noldtr, John Kirk. J. W. Uakagaa, IL II. :oore, J. W. Wallaea, W.B. Alexander, ilea. Klllnger, D. Beak, Andrew Wilaoa, S. J. Horn, Wa. K. Irrin, E. J. Kirk, Jaaiel Moora, L. B. Carlila, 6eo.Wilaoa. a. Urar Flegal, Frod'k Eailey, aorll ly The Lightning Tamer. rpHB ndtriijrefd ara lha tola AfrnH la tali 1 ftantv for tba "North American (Ulrnlif(i i.JHTM.ViJ RODS." Tjaaaara tba only mft tvdi tow ia aaa. and ara oaduraad by all tha (cicBtifto naa ia th oountry. M o harabv aotifr tba oitisana of lha oouaty Ik at vo will pal thea op a hattor rod. and tor aia aioaay. tbaa ia eharrad b tha furairn grata wbu onnnally travaraa tha ooantr aad carry off ovr liitla caah. navar to raiara. ENCOUAAGE HOME LABOR. Tfanaa withlof 1 fhtnlnr Roda ortod oa thair batldioa aad bat addraaa at by latter, or aall ia paraoa. Wa will pal tbaa p any wb ara ia tbaenaoty, and warrant tbaa. Tba Hodaaad flitnrai en a ba aaaa at any timo by enllinp; at aaratora. MKIIRKLL HlGLfca. Clearfield, Jnaa 11, l'8 U Cheap Furniture. JOHN GULICII DVFIPES to Inform bU old frloada aad aaa tomara, that haring oalaritad hia abop aad tacraaaad hia faeilitira for atanaifterarinjr. ha ia bow praptrad to aoaha Urdorpaeh Faraitaroaa ay ba daairad, la food atyla aad t abaap rataa farCASU. Ua tvaarally ha a ha a J. at hia Fnraiiuro roomi, a rariad ajaortoaaat of raady aiada furaitara, aaoag whioh ara BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobeaaod Book-CaMa; Cantro. 8ofa Parlor, Breakfast and Dininn Kitaialoa TaMea; Coai aion. Franch-port, CotUfra.Jaiioy- Llnd and othar Rfdatoadi; 8nfaa of alt kinda, Wark-alaada, HkU-racka, Waab-alaadai Rooking aad Ar Cbaira aprihr-aoat, aaaa hottvt, par!vrteoai anoaudotharChalrai Looking-Ulaawa of arary daarriptioa oa hand ( aad aaw glasaaa for old franaa, wbleh wili ba pat la oa vary raaaoaabla taroaa oa ahortaat aotka. Ha alao haapa oa band or fornlabe to order, Corn-hash. Hair aad Cot toa tp Ifattrasaoa. Coffins or Evkrt Kind Mada to ordar, and fuaarala attaadad with a, lUaraa wbaftarar dnirod. Also. Hoaaa Paiatina; mi to order. Tba aubaribor alao aiaaafao. taraa and hat eonatoaily oa hand C-oaiait'a Pauat H'ashiaa; Machiao, lha host aow ta aao ! Thosa afing tbia wiachiaa aarar aaod ho with aat alaaa cloihoal Ho atao baa Flyar'a Pa at Cbara. a aaparior article. A family aatng tbia Chuu aoror aaod ha without hattor I All, lha aUra aad maay otbar arUrlaa aralar- if had to customers obaap for Caaa or asebanfrd for approved ooanlrj prod nee. Cherry, Mtpte. Piplsr, Li a wood aad otaor Leaaber wlubla for Cabiaat work, tahaa la iscbana for laraitaa aSUaHBoer tha shop ta oa Market alreat, Clwftald, a?a, aad aoarl oppoti u tha "Old Jw fttora." John ilkh. Novaabar 1. 19(1) y llvery Stable. THK andtxfif nd Iwjr Irara tw Inform t)a pah He liiia itn ia aow fully prfparrd to avaimuo all iu tbf jrar of furaitttiinx II orar, Un(K' Catdlr and Hsrnw, oa lha ermrtrst aotioe nd rrtionahie trma. Residence va Loaust street. twrt?a Third tud Fonrih. HKO, W. GEAR HART. learflrM, April II, Ir. Clearfield Nursery. EN'COUKAGK 1T0ME INDUSTRY. TH K aaderalgned, baring oaubllabad a War eery oa Ike 'Pike, about ball way belwooa C'.arflald end Curwene.tile, I prepared ta for ' ell kind, of FHL'IT TH EES, (alaodard aad 'arf.l K.ergreena. bbral-bery, Qrapo Vinaa, floM.berrtee, Lawtoa Blaekbarry, hlrawberry, l Kaiberry Vlnea. Alao, Sibarlaa Crab Treoa, rini., and early rciriet hhabarb, Aa. Ordara fawptly alteadad to, Addraaa, J. l. WRIOHT. enjaM., Carwea.llla. Pa READINGFOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS f STATlOXEItY. Jlirkr, St., learflrld. (at tl Po Offira.) HK nadereigned bega leara to anoooaaa la 1 the rlli.ene i.f Clrarteld aad aloialty. bat bee titea ap a room and baa J art relarned ''a the rltr with a large aamaiut of reading . nuiating ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, i Armani and PaM Bonki of mrj da wipiloa t paper aad Enfl"ra, Fraaeb proceed "l plaint Peaa and I'rnail. I Blank. Legal '"f. I'ard., Mwg.gee) Ja.lgiaeol, Exeaap and I'roaa iaaory antee , H bite and I'areb; Brief, Uftl C.p.Krnird Cap. aad Bill Cap, "t. Mii.it ,r either 1'iaxio, Hole ar Vioila "uatlyen band. Any hooka or atatloaerr "j that I aiay ant bare oa band, will ho or "wed by nt .lprere. aad aold at wholawlo "I ewlt ee.lni.rre. t will aleo keep '"diaal liioratara, each ar Mager'nee, Newe. rr"- p. a. uai'u. Hrlel4 M.o T, WHI-K , 2 CLEA GEO. B. GOODLANDER, Proprietor. VOL.4I-WIIOLENO.21IC. R E MOYALI REMOVAL,! C. KRATZER & SONS, To the large and elegant room, on SECOND 6TREKT. adioinlnt- Merrall t Birler'a hardware atora ; where tbey will bo ptaaiad to aaa all their old and new auatoiaara. Cltlaeni of the county Tiiitlng CLEARFIELD, and wiabing lo aaaka purcbaaaa, will lad it to their adrantage to Mauine their etook. Ooodi at CASH PRICES axohangad for all kinda of COUNTRY PRODUCE. janT A mOLUM 15 BCSHESS AT ct'awtnaviLi.E, ar IIARTSOCK & GOODWIN. I tiorfhi ii tho Marreiuitii katiRH, adopt Una Motbod of DotifyiBf tba poblie p;nrallj, Md ibt aitiMM of Corw villa ud Tieinltj Id p&rtieaUr, tbt morobudioo of oil kinda will ba aold by u ebttp m tba lona aualitv alio whort in Uta oonntj. Wa hara 'uli aupplj of DRY GOODS, Coaalallng la part af Dreaa Good a. Muillna. Prlata af all ihadaa aad aljl.a togethar with a tail aaaortniont of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HAT5 ii CAPS, noota, Moea, Hardware), Queeaaware. Aa weD aa Tinware. Cederware, Willoawara, bookete aad Broome ; tot-ether with a harm alook of tiroceriei aad alwaya a lull elock af FLOUR, FISH, SALT, &o. fa abort, we baoa a full topple af ererrthloa aaod ia tbia market. Wa want all onr old enetoaiera and aa man aaw oaae al aaa aaaka it ooneeaient, to giro (a a oaii before para axing alaewbera. DANIEL HAKTSOCK. EDWIN OO0DW1.V. Curwaoae.,!!.. PeKrna, j It, . GREAT EXCITEMENT On Second btriit, Clkarpieid. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. THE nedertlgned roepeotfally Inrlta Ika at Wntloa af tha pablla generally u their aplendid aamrtaiaal af axankaadiea, wkick they ara aaw ealliag AT YKBY LOW rEICE8. Their atoek eonaiau la part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such aa Prlnta, Da Lalaee, Alpeeeaa. Mcrinoa, Uioghena,Mneliae,(nlarbed aad anblaarb ad.) Drllllnga, Tiekiega, eoltoa aad wool Flanneie,6etinttu,CaaaiBieroa, Cottoned.., Ladiee' Hbawla, Kubiaa A flood.. Balmoral and Hoop Pklrte, 4e., lUo, a ana aaenrtmeat or Mea l Drawer, aad ftkirtc, liau A Cap, Boota A Sheee. all of wkick TILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, QneenBware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. INSUOKTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of ererrtblng anally kepi la a retail atora, all CHEAP roBCA'H ar apprured eoaatry pro daco. A. K. WRIGUT A 0N8. Cleeraeld, Nor T , HUT. U69 ew orEMvc 1869 SrilIXG AND SUMMER Ferelfa aad Domeitia Dry Goods, Shawls, Hosiery GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, Ladies and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,- 4c, 4o. IS QUALITY and FTTI.K wa cannot ho car peaaed, baring aaleeted oar rtoeb with the grealeat ear, and we will cell at a eloeo e.h priea, aa that pnrch.eera will Ind it ta their ad rantage ia oalllng oa ae. We have alao Itted up a cepareta room for HAT8 A CAPS aad HTRAW tilKlilf, and will keep aeboiaa liae of tboec good.. WILLIAM REED A CO., ear PoatoBee, Market Htrret, prU CLEARFIELD, PA. STEW FIdOIJlI,FEEI AM) PROVISION STORE. rllR anderalgaod hero jnl mneired at their new etaad ia Wallaoetoa, a fall eupply of lour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bicon, to., COAL OIL, (at rcdaoed raJea,) A good artlela of TOBACCO, CIOAR". AN'D SlllEINU TOBACCO, aon.tanlly en hand. til a whieh will ba aold at LOW RATES tr CM ar giro la axekaag far (SHINaLEs'aad LlllBER, Te raepoatfully aek lha paMic to giro aa a tria befor pareboalng olacabcro. 1. S, READ A CO. Tellarotoa. April 7, MM. w Hine qnd Liquor Slorr. I. L REIZENSTEIN a, Co., waotriALi MALsna it WINES & LIQUORS, MARKET FT CLEARFIELD, PA. ttvPull ttork of Wine, Rrandr, Oln, Wbirby and aleohol, alwayl aa head. Pi,eeiai atlmtioa paid fa eoearing a pur arlajke tor PaaretaetieaJ MdojeoUcad aaii, iiaaxi fmti-tt 1' IJiJuJ ItEMOTAL. HARTSWICK c IRWIN, DRUGGETS, .Tlarkrt Strttt, ClarOtld, Pa. YTE keg I oar. to lafoa oar old and aow 1 eaataexara. tbat we keo roaaeeed ear oa- ubllahaient to the anacioa aaw building juet er.eted on Harked etreet, early adjoining tba Manaioai Hnuu am ika ... . .J u Ii ran am A Bona' atora i wire we reapeeifully iu.,1. taie puoiio to aome aa any taoir Drugs, Chemioalfl, Ptent Medicbes, OILS, PAINTS ARIVARNISHE8. Our rtnak of Drag aad dodleinai ooailita of ee-eryuilnf seed, aaloetat with tbo greateat care, aad WAniAHTED BTIICTLT PTTEE! W alio keap a full etoekif Dye., Perfumerlee, Toilet artielaa, Boapa, aotk Braibee, Hair Broabea. Wbitawaih Brahce, and ereay other kiad Braabea. Wa bare , large lot of ' WHITE LEAD, tURl'ENTIXE, Flaieaed Oil, Palnta. an la fact everything , Urf it. Ik. A.l.ll.. k....... M.k .... -. City prioai to oaah kuyara TOBACCO AN) 6EGARS, Confectionery, fplnoa, ana the largeet atook af rariauea arar oioraa in tbi place, and warrant ad to ba of the beat the Wrket alforda J O. HARTSWICK, Hot. tl,UM. ' JOUN t. IRWIN. NEW ARRNCEMENT. .f. i. a it An tt h vo a 1st, (Second atroot, oppvlta the Court Beao,) CLEARFIELD, Peaa'a. THE rahaeribere rnpaetfally aaaouaoaa to the oitlieae or Clcarleld and Tltinily, that be baa aow aa kaad a full aupply of DKUGS, PATJST MEDICINES Da State, Toouom, Cigar. CoafeeUoacrie Htatnaery Ac. niVSJCIANS Will Bnd hlaatack of Druge FULL and COM HLEIB.end alarer; iligbl advance oa KaaUrn priaaa. SCHOOL BOOKS. Taacberl aad aih.ra will ha fbmlib.d with claealcaland axiacoilaieoaa hooka by txpreee.al STATIONERY, Coaalrtlng of Cap, Plat Cap, Foolac.p, Letter aad renamed Bote Panerai aire, a rerr neat atock of Moaralng Nola Paaer and hnralopaeoa hand. reaa. reaon.. ina. e. II0USEKEEPEH8 Will led a fall clock af PURR SPICKS. SODA. cuva AMH. Coaeenlrated I.YrT. OAP, c LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Are reqoeated teelamlne kla tlock of Perfumery, Heir UilK fine Toilet Boast. Braabea. Comba. Toilet etM. Ae. Ao. SMOKEU3 AND CH EWERS Will lad a full aapply af prime Chewing aad (smoking TOBACCO, Imported aad Doateatie CIUAKS, Sear, rin.-rot. Ac, do. CARDON 01 L, Of lha' heat brand., aay oa baad. LIQUORS. Tha hat awality af Liquors at ay a oa haad, for medleal purpoaea. tMaPhiaioiaaa Preaeriptloaa promptlj Aad aaratuii mtpoeaiaa. Apri 9. lBba. A. t. PfTAW. NATURE'S GREAT 1.EST0RER. ICIIKKTt'9 Celebrated Bitter Cordial THIS mrdleal preparallea la now atTrred fa tha pobMa aa a reliable aabatitate fur tha many worth law mmpoaad which now lod tba market It la purely refetable, eompoaod al rarloat hrrha. a;atharad from tha (real atoro house of nature, and aeleettd with tha a ( mast ftara. It ia not rwammaadod aaa Cpki-Ali. but by It direct and aolutary Inflarnro apa tbo Heart. Lis or, Kidarjt. Lunfra, Stomach aad Bo wait. It arte hoth aa a praeaUv aad oara fur many of the di leases lo wbtrb those rrna ara aarj It la a reliable Fatally Medicine, aad raa bo takaa by either laFaat or adult with tbo samo benrfiaial remits. It la a certain, prompt aad speedy remedy for Diarrhoea, Dya entarr, Pw-l complaint, Dypipta, Loaneaa of Ppirita, Filnttogji, Fiehbeadarba. 4t. Fir CfaitU and favaraof all klada. It ta far belter aad aefer tbaa any qalaloe, witboal any rf iu per air loua effect a. It eraMa aa appstita. pmvea a powerful digeater, a-d will oountarart the effete of (iqoor In a few mfautea. Prepared by JACOB 4CHKKTZ. Hole Proprietor, N. H. eor. Fifth and Race aUoaU. Philadalphla, Pa. Sold by all DruEgiatJ. aovll-ly Attention, Afflicted I TBI aubaeribar glvea aoKra that ha has reamed tha praetleo of Medlaine la Luth enbarf, where ha tnteadn to devote hia ottea tka to tha troatmeol of CHRONIC IIEASK8 taaaaeral. He will keep oa herd a choice oo looiioaof DRUOKaad MBDIC1NKK adapted to tha treatment af ehroaia disoosea, and may ho eon tal ted at hit eee al any hour of tbo day. N. B. A word to those affileted with chroala diieeeoe may le la vaaia advantage. Mr ar nor be aware that con arar Phiatctane who do a amino practice hare aot tine te attend te tba treetoMBt nf caaoaic dieeaees, and eoaee ajaaatly aaoLacr them t banco tbia class of dia eaaaa roqaine ascLrPtwa attendee. 0 K'tRuR W I LP Off, If. D. Latherabarc, Fab. ST, I Ml-If FOUTZ'8 CIi.tnaATEO i nil lymrmvcm, Hanaj prrai m-ran, knnwn. iM Umrfaf hly rte-irorete bmkft 4nn sn4 Inv ffHrtVrtJ ,aMr, hT HP-TtpTtl.nttnf spmi careaaiag ua aiwierh srnt hiloatirrrs. II t wmn fw-Traiirww n n--wi larttldfit ta thai ntM-l. aaaak LL Mi r r. w . if i. a ip.k". i r.i.i." wtkr. Hr:vi.a. iin tiiiH, i l,(it if A PPrTNTIC AND VITAL F T, Its imirrnw-e kaa aattlaal . - - - a)-. IH,-iIa pier eirsasritl, ena fT sbrn na) annnrrrmjii in, aajiaap-na r parew-ievn is is S'leoauaa p( mi ww Ts itt ef Vnwt Hits 9rTr, linn If IntdlnsMt 11 t r pro- mlewt k;Aint Rlitonl, Hrtllow Hnrti.rtr It bm pffrti hw avrttjat riF1fnnt te itvrm ttia 1 qastilily of milk a 14 tm twrtlf igrretfit mn4 mtk tte ttttar hrm snot svroH, 1st tettralnf enttlf, tl ftres rMa an anr". tmsos their feioe, aa4 auk tseai Xhnr mcb faster. la all da- t awin. erft m Ovihi rwrs ta the I.aert Uvot ft. , thtf arttrt--rts M ft trawarlAr. tl Mtt.tif fpai tS hslf aepxr fof-xr In s hortl nf will thr row-4itt will rw- rrA eMl er eotlrvlr pnrmt4 Ifirlvea la it . a rawrut fr-fUrs aad eere far the He CMtre. DAVID Ei FOrTZ, Prepriflor, BALTIMORE. Mai. a-rwp ktk he tHtrrlH arttl niHrrwn hfifheut he tmuj 8UtdM, (Ma4au SbSrS rVnUh Amertc. For sale by llartcwich A Frwia, ('learfisM, and hr drtiftrcisita and store hera thronftbTnt the laited Malrs, (rri.l ly Vegetables and Fish. UAVIMe made the nereeaarr arraaremfnu, the anderairned wnntd notify the ciliaenaaf t i. arfleld and Tleinlty, that oa and after Mareb 4, Ilt9, he will hare oa hand and for aale, at hia abp oa tbe Market Int, IHKSII FISH. Pw-et and lbit POTATOES, and all VRtlF.TARLE ia eeaana, at aa low rate, aa they eon he hr-nght a, thenar. D. R. Fl'LLERTON. Clraraadd, March 1, lc If t.AJIw. lU.NMrABI.li) HA 1,101 FOR aao aa nut . Horse aw-pviiu V CYKSF 7 mm ar- Hairi '. PRINCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, I8G9. JrM ttoods, ftrorif, tftr. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AXD OF COURSE THR CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices! VTK are now opening ap a lot of tha beat and tf moat aeaaonabla (ioda and Wim ever offered in tbia market, aad at pneca that remind one of tha good old dayi of chosp thingi. Timsc who tack faith upon tbia point, or docm our alle ftOioDa auperfluoui, aced but CmMltK T OVR HTOREf Corner Front and Market at roots, Where they can aoc, foci, hoar and know for them SfHrea. To fully understand wbat areeheap goda, thla mntt be dune. We do not deem it hceeasary to enumerate and item its our stock. It ia enough for aa to state thai We have Everything that ia Needed and oonaumed la this auu-ket, aad at prices that aatoniih both old and roung. dco2(l J Oh K I'll BITAW k l0w. SO.UI-TIIIXCal NEW I New Store in Madera. MESSJtS. J. FORREST & S0. TT0ULD reepectfully Inform the pahllc that they have J.at opened, ia MADKKA. Claarteld aoaaty, Pa., aa eollre aaw atock af FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they ara prepared ta aall aj cheap aa tha ebeapeat. Their atock ooarltia la part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Sack aa Alpaooax, Deteaee. Priata, Uaaliaa, Caaalaeroa, Sella au, aad flaaaela, EeaJy - Made Clothing, Or the baat quality, tack aa Coata, PaaU, Vaett, Orarooata, Oreralle, SblrU, Cellara, Aa. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Ale ( the rery beat Quality. A complete stock of Groceries. In abort everything aeually kept la a country tore. Consumers, Look to Your Interests I Cell aad examine oar it oak aad prlcea before parcbaeiag leewher. t LUMBER AND GRAIN Of all klade takaa ia exebange for good. 17-Remember lha place, Madera, Clcarleld eoualy, Fena'a. J. FORREST A SON'. October Si, lMf lf. (gilt EAT JlAltUAlXa Sicw Store In Mulsonburg! Ia the room formarl oooapied by P. T, Hccoriy. L. M. C0UTHIET fPAKES thia method of informing theciliuaa X of Cofingtoe, kartheua, Uirard and tbe sar ruunding oountrr. thai he baa jost npenot a largo tork ol 81' M ,M Kit tO0lH, which he Is drier mmrd to aril TKN PKR CENT CIIKAPKR than tbe aame quality of Good can be purchased for in any other atora la the acighberbood. H' lock constats of Dry Goods of oil kinds, Bach aa Saline tit, Caatlmerca, Muslim, lVlainea, Linen. Urilhrtga, Calicoes, Trimmings, Kibboai, Lace, READY-VADK CLOTH ISO. BOOTS A 8UCIS.S, UATS A CAPS, GEOCEEIES OF ALL KINDS. ColTeo, Tea, Sugar. Rice, Molaaeea, Flab, Sail, Lineecd Oil, Fiab Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queenswaro, Tinware. Carting. Plow', and Plow Caatlnge, Kalll, Ppikel, Cora Cultivator, Cider Praa.ee, aad ill kiadi of Axae. tt-hiy Plow, ar of the CnrwetiiTllle and Centre county make, aad ara warraatad ta aa f good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Pain If, Vamiab, Glasa, aad a genera, aaaortmcal af Statioaery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different hrenda, alwaya on hand, aad wili be aold at tha loweet pocible flgurra. LlqtOKS, Serb, aa BRANDY, WINE, OIX A WHISKY A009 poundi of Wool wanted for whlek the blgbeal fine will b paid. ci.ovr.R Ki j-.n, 0. hand and for aale at the loweet market price. Vm. Call and aeafnr TftwrMlrea. Too will lad erorylhing aaually kept la a retail atnre. j. m. ivi luiai, FroaebTille P. 0., jaa. 7, IK69. 3tfI.1V KTO It K. Cor. Scennd 81. aad Hill Road. II. MITCHELL nAH jost rcrciTed and opened, at the ahore neinH plafp, an entire new ptorh of PC M -Mi.H tl'idlih. whlrb he will sell VKKY CIIKAP FOR C AtS it. ilia atock eonaiats of Dry ChooiIk, Cirocrrlci, 1!ARDWARE,QrEEXSWARE, Root i and 8hHm. Hat" and Capa, Rrailr-Madc Clothing, eta. Ha alao acrparboioa FLOCK, UOnXXEAl, FEED, (hop, llaco, riAA ei riff Vrifd iYvitB. Pcraons dfilmna f purrhaaing arnod at fair rftte are reapeeifully requested lo gire him a call. Approved eoantry produce will betaken, at the highest price, im eirbange for goodi, CliMrtield. Jnne (S, 1fi-lf EmvAunrEUKsico, Flour JlnniifiirlurrrH, And Dealer, la GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, piiiLiPSBURo, ;rA. Vri i.L ju ppi.t f ri.orn, wheat, fOHN aad CII"P oonrtanlly on ban I. and lor rale at rate, rcmarhal.1 loar. (ftbt-ll j SW AIM"' FA ACF.A, Ranaody'l Med ed Dleeorery, Helmnnld'a Baeba, Rebar'e Coa Ll.af Oil, Jaa ' and Arer'l medicinal nf ery bind, far aale br HARTS POP A IRWIN. 1) tT tha DEMOCRATIC ALVATf AC. Pwlt P wal. aTtfJ "tog toJd 9T ap. If "nmmia,. NOT MEN. THE REPUBLICAN WEDNESDAY MORNING MAT , 1169. I. O. OF O. F. FRIENDSHIP, LOVE AND TRUTH. The Semi-Ceutflnnial Anniversary. Grand Parade of the Fraternity in Philadelphia. Over Twenty Thouaand Odd Fellowa In Mho Crand Dlaplay ar the Order. ruiLADELPtiiA, April 20, 1809. The grand nationul oommomnralion in lit in city today of the fil'lietb Hiini rervary of ihe establishment of the Order tifOdJ Foliownhip in the United States hn closed, and haa been one of the moat imposing displays, as well in point of the numerical assemblage n in the arrangements and detail of the pageant, and the influence and stand ing in the community of the perionnel ol the various orgitnir.ntioiis wliicii participated in the jubilee. As early as 7riduy of last week: delegations from the grand lodges and lodges of various Mutes and jurisdictions began to arrive in lurtre numbers, and during the whole of Saturday and Snndiy, well as by the early trains this morn ing from the less remote sections of the country, rresh acquisitions to the general concourse were pouring in. It is estimated that not less than 20,000 members of the Order took part in tho processional demonstra tions in the streets to-day. This scmi-centenniul celebration was held under tha direction of the Grand Lodge of Hi. United States, at its meeting in September, 18GH, and Past (iraml Sire Kennedy, of New York; ; Punt Grand Sire Nicholson, of Pcnn sylv'ania ; Past Grand Sire Veitch, of Missouri; Past Grnnd Siro Terkins, of PennHylvania ; Grand Sire E. D. rurnsworth, of Tennessee, and repre sentatives Ford, of Massachusetts; Garcy, of Maryland; Read, of Now Jersey, and Maris, of Delaware, were appointed a cotnmitteo, with authority to inuko the requisilo arrangement to ensure a successful consummation of the commemoration. On Suturday evening lust every preliminary hud been completed and ponilions assigned to the various organizations. Tho celebration, it was ordored, should embrace a matinul reception at the Acxdctn v of Music, a grand parade of all tho delrgutions at noon, an even ing entertainment also at tho Acade my of Music, und a grand ball at the Philadelphia, Skating Kink, Twenty first and Itace streets As early as seven o'clock this morning the streets were thronged by members of the Order making preparations for the festivities of tliu day, tho hour fi.xod for t he com m eneem en t of t h e exercises at the Academy of M uaiu (nine o'clock) requiring that the delegations to bo present thorcat should bo "up and doing." Tho timo was curlier, how ever, than was advisublo for a full attendance, and it was nearly ten o'clock bcliire the various bodies had arrived, and even then the auditorium wits but more than hull filled. The slago was occupied by the Grand lxdgo til the United States, tho offi cers of the Grand Lodgo of Pennsyl vania, the officer of the Grand J'n catnpnient of Pennsylvania, and a chorus of HO male Mngers; Mayor Fox,ol Philadelphia; John VV. Stokes, Past Grand Muvler ot Pennsylvania, and K. D. Furnsivorlh, Most Worthy Grnnd Sito. In the front cenlro of the pnrquct were the Grand Lodgo of Maryland, and at the rear centre tho Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The Grand Lodgo of New Jersey occupied the right ol the parquet and the Grand Ixxlgcof the District t Columbia the left. , The remainder of this space was devoted to visiting ofllcirs of grand lodges of various jurisdictions. The Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania was located in the parquet circle on the left. All these bodies were ntti red in full regalia of tho richest descrip tion, the various-colors of the decora tions, in crimson, violet, purple and blue velvets and silks, with henry trimmings of silverund bullion friniresj the staves ol office and the jewels and j decoration of the offlcers presenting a brilliant and imposing rop tfirU. The parquet circle, the galleries and portions of the pnrqnel were occupied by Isrgo and highly decorous audi ence, though tho attendance was by no means numerous until marly an hour after the opening of the exercises, prohubly on account of the rBlher curly hour named. A selected orchestra of about forty exTllent performers open ed the exercises with tho overture from ?,um pn, aft cy which the om lined chorus and orchestra rendered the "Anniversary Jlvmn," written bv J. T. Shillaber, ("Mrs. Purtin(,'lon,'') of Siloam Lodge, Poaton, MussahuNftts, and aduptcdln the air "America." Itev. J. W. Venable, It. W. Grand Chaplain, then oflered up an appropri ate prayer, tl0 entire audience rising, and reniuiiiing in that position till its cloe. Punt (.rami Master S'.okes then de livered an address uf welcome lo the Grand Lodge of Ike United Slates, in tho course of whid) lie cxpiessed the pleasure he fell at their presence, and aid that (he Grand Lodge of the l'nile; States having resolved npon R national observance of the day under their aupict , a number of the broth erhood bad a.m'ttibli'd to bid them a cordial welcome. Tho brethren of ibis jurisdiction fully appreciated Ihe compliment paid to them by the seleo. lion f this city as llio place of observ ance of the festival Soon after tho order was founded in the United Slates it becamo successfully established in this city nnd Sl-ate, and although not unopposed by prejudice, it progress had betn reinsrkublc, and h Imped they ld attained a position entitling them to rank as, perhsps, the peep of any benevolent institution of the timo Uelerring to the means and revenue at their command f said tbfff were 3 J in this city alono 119 lodges, having an aggregate membership of over iU.UOU, besides lwocne;impincnts,witli a membership of 4,0X). 'f hero were in tho Stule a total of f20 lodges, aggregating noarly 70,000 members, and 13!) rucninpiiients, with a mem bership of 10,00(1. Tho totul revenue for the past year wns t''i04,00 01, and tho distributions for relief were $2'.'7, 21 for tho same period, while ihe prospects for tho present year were still more cheering. Tho people here had exhibited a belter appreciation of the order than in any other localit), arising, he believed, from tho close resemblance of its principle! and aims with tliObo of William Punn, whose groat treaty with tho Indians enunci uled tho present principles of Friend ship, Ijovo and Truth a treaty not lop land, but to settlo friendships and renew covenants of peace and amity oonstituting a brotherhood never to be broken :" and to this day it had not been broken. After eulogizing Iho numerous and mugnineont chan ties with which tbe "City of Brotherly Lovo" abounded, and hoping for fra ternal and united counsels in I be future as in the past, ho welcomed the Grand Lodge on behalf of the brethren of this jurisdiction and of the good people of tbis greut metropolis. Moat Worthy Grand Sire Fsrne wnrlh then, on behalf of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the United States and of the brethren ol the other jurisdictions, especially those of Phil adelphia, said that 1'ennsylvania and Philadelphia la this magnificent dis play had enhanced the interest which every Odd Fellow felt in tho occasion. Ho congratulated the Grand Lodge ol tho United States npon their selec tion of ao appropriate a scene for the commemoration of this event, and felt assured thut all that had just been said of Pennsylvania Odd Fellowship, its influence, its members and its pow er hud not been exaggerated. The cycle of fitly years since the founda tion of the order was now complete and its patriarchs hud now gono to their rest. Within that time wonder ful developments had been made. From the handful that gathered under Thomas Wildey, half a million were now enlisted under the standard they set us; other continents and the islands of the sea owned their frater nity and acknowledged their laws and principles aa the guide. Amid all the retrogressive or advancing fluctuations of that period, Odd Fellonbip had preserved its unity and maintained the steadfastness of a single purpose. To those stricken by providential ca lamities, lo the widow in bor grief and need, and to tho orphan in its helplessness it bad, with inviolnblo fidelity, performed its lofty task. The schisms and dissensions about it had not marred its proportions, and discord had not moved it from tho even tonor of its way. Commending all who heard him to the work, and that they should yield profound gratitude to tho Almighty Disposer of events for Hi. hitherto signal approval of their lubors, be concluded by Introducing lo thu audienco James L Ridgcly, Past Grand Maxtor of Maryland and Secretary of the ltight Worthy Grand Lodge of the United States, wlio had been designa ted as the orator of the duy. After eulogizing in highly appropriate and cloquont language the occasion which had culled them together hero to-day, and dwelling at considerable length upon tho magnitude nf the order, iu objects and influence, he proceedod to Diitrato the history of the orgnnita lion of the brotherhood. It had, ho said, been ascribed to ihe time of Nero and tho I'omun Camp, A. D. 65, spreading thence to Spain, France and Kngland. To lorato its origin, bow ever, he aaid, to the licentious follow em of Nero and tho 1 toman soldiery, would be a fact which, it well support ed even, it would be better to conceal than to promulgate, but tho theory was, in any event, a fabulous one. He aoxt proceeded by historical de duction, to trace tho origin of Odd Fellowship to the establishment of "guilds' among the ancient Saxons, a sort of trades' union or co-operative society, dating as fur back as the tenth century. Hnllum reoognir.es their antiquity ns fur back as the Norman conquest. By amiso these degenera ted into "five and easy clubs;" and out of these camo workingmen't bene ficial societies, and among others the Order or Odd Fellows. A permanent institution was created from one of these in the early part of the present century, and subsequently found its way to the United Stales with the tide of emigration that followed the peace of Ghent. He then reviewed al greut length the foundation and early history of the Order in t)iis country, giving a minulo and graphic account of iu riso and progress trout the time when Wildey, Welch, Duncan, Cheat ham fHid l,'nbwortl formed Washing ton Lodge No. 1 in nn npjier room of tho tavern ''Seven Stars" ut Baltimore, to the present day. In 1HS4 it was introduced to Missouri in lMfl to Mississippi ant) Illinois; in 1'87 to Alabama and Texas, thoq an indepen dent republic; in IH.iO to Arkansas and Connecticut ; in 1S40 to Tennnes seo nnd South Carolina: in 141 to North Carolina and Florida; In 1942! to Georgia; in ImS to Maine, New Hampshire slid IJplish North Ameri ca ; in 144 lo Vermont, South W ales, Great Britain, Michigan and Iowa; in 1S4Q lo the Sandwich Islands; in 1 !-!! to Minnesota and California; in 1851 it was pstnblinhed in New Mexico; in S)2 in Oregon; in 1855 in Nebraska and Washington Terri tory ; in I S57 in Knnsae and Nevada ; in 11 1 iti Colorado ; in lHo.S in Utah ; in 167 in Montana; in 108 in the continent nf Auslralju. Theso splen did nchicvempnls were the work of the Grand I.odgenf tho United Males, the supreme hand of the Order. The prator closed an address, occu pying an hour and a half in delivery, with ft most elaborate peroration, amidf, great applause. An interesting fact, in connection with this discourse waa that the orator had been an intimate personal friend of Thqmas Wildey. Tba exercise qpeclodexj wltb, lb P 11 11111 "'I1 1 1 'H" 'iiiifipWliii CAN TERMS-S2 per annum, in Adrance. NEWSE1UESY0I, 9, NO. 11. singing of the "Jubilee Hymn" to the air of "Old Hundred," and tho uudi ence then departed to witness tho grnnd parade. It hud been announced that the line would bo formed on If road street ut eleven o'clock, tho procession to move at noon, but it wns noiir meridian bo fbro tho various lodges commenced to tnko np the posi lions assigned lo them. Tho lino of march was as follow : Up llroud street to Columbia avenue, counter marching to Christian street, thence to Third, up Third to Walnut, up Walnut to Filth, up Fifth to Girurd avenue, Hp Girurd avunno to Twellth street.down Twelfth toChcstnut,down Chestnut to Sixth, up Sixth to iUco, and thence dismissed. About hrilf past twelve tho line was fairly on the move, tho subordinate lodge having been in perfect readiness to Uke po sition, and the Kingston battery thun dered out a suluto of one hundred gun at the cornor of Broad nnd Market slreeU, The scene waa now highly interesting, and the people wbo thronged the streets became enthusi astic in the extreme. From almost every housetop along tha routo flugs were flung to the breeze, which, by the way, was exceedingly vigorous, and bevies of boautif'ul ladies thronged the windows, portico, sloops and bal conies, waving handkerchiefs and smiling their approval and welcome. The air was blatant with the crash of drums and the bray of brass instru menu, us, in addition lo the two bands provided by the committee, many ol the lodges bad also appropriate music ou their corporative account and re sponsibility. Tbe Grand Lodge of the I nited Suites and the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, each in lull regalia and with fluttering 'flags, occupied scats in carriage in the centra ot Broad street, the Lapicrr House being tbo reviewing point. A the column marched pusl in review the members of the various lodges saluted the reviewing officer by the lifting of bat and dropping the color. The prooossion occupied about three Lour in passingagiven point Rlid the parade was dismissed about six o'clock. In the ovening the reception at the Academy of Musio wa attended by a rather small audienco, the exercises being somewhat similar to those at the morning entertainment, and compri sing orations, singing by the chorus ana instrumenul music. The reason of this small gathering was undoubt edly to be found in the fact that the march had been very long and fa tiguing, for though the wind was strong and fresh ihe sun shono very warmly and only rendered the clonds ol dust more parching and disa greeuble. Besides this many of tho delegates left the city by early evening trains for their homes, and to those who re mained the lull at tho rink offered sufficient inducements of pleasure. The great impromptu bull room was prolusely decorated witb bunting and at the rear was the motto, in large ornumcnul letters, ''Friendship, Love nnd Truth," surmounted by the triple links. At the opposite end were also approprinlo emblems, and the immente array of flags and peniiion used in the procession were draped pendant Irom the walls and roof. A double orchestra of about seventy-five piece discoursed the terpsichorean measures, and at eleven o'clock the scene was of the most enlivening discription, and fit tingly appropriate aa a termination of tho greut anniversary. Dams'. O'Connkll In wit and raillery O'Connoil hud but few rivals. I' pon ono occasion be was attacked in the Houso of Common by the thon members for Lincoln, Armagh, and Sligo successively. Karh of those members was a Colonel. - One wa distinguished by along, flowing beard, while the other two were remarkably cloan shaven. O'Connoil, in reply, made these characteristics tho bull of bis ready and daring wit. He (aid the attack of the honorable and gallant gentlemen somewhat brought lo his mind Dryden's line upon Milton: "Three sote ia three diatant are. born, llreroe, Italy, aad Kerjand did aiiora. The tret ia lonineaa ol thought earaaae'd ; The aexl la majeelyi ia hot a ta laaL Tli. fore of Naiae an. Id a farther fn. To ai.k.a third ahe Joined the former two." With the permission of the house, he would slightly alter those noble lines, and dedicate them to the three last speakers t "Thr eolonela la three dietent coanliM bora, Liacola, Armefh and Sit did adorst Tbe I rat la eiatebka impadeae earaeaeod, ?he ewxt la Iraeraaee t la both tbe lt. be fore f N.lar could ao furlbor so. To heard Ihe tr.1, ihr lhaved the ether IV." A poop farmer askej bow I kept my plough so bright, 1 told him whenever I got through using thorn in the fall 1 cleaned them and gave them a good coating of grease. He said tho practii-e "didn't pay." Ter verso person, does he not know that the oil and labor cost less than the waste of motal by rust, and doc ho not peinembef that mv spring plough ing I ball done before hi ploughs hre in working order f His hens roost in tree during the winter, and bo complain that they ' lay noeegs; his cows ahiver by the' ida of the leneo, and he complain thut thp children cat too much butler ; he goe to tb grocery with jug in , one end of ihe suck and a stone iu tbo other, and ho wipe hi nose on bisj coat-sleeve. j What a Bot n.-Mr. lUrriet! Prescolt aipofford uy. in a) recentj mngaxine urticle t ''There is a corUin i species of young animals held by I many motliurs as, at beat, a doubtful ( blessing; by msnt' sister of slightly i superior year as an irrepressible nui-j sanee i nv son ca sninsiers ami con-' tcmnluting old Udie a a aort of (mall Apache skirmishing npon the ontnnala of civilisation, and specimens of which these good people would vol- Uniaruy invito ov ma w ,njti win flower-garden no sooner than wild horse. Thi creature i boy." An Irishman complained to hi physician that h stuffed him (omuub with t'ruK that he w lick t loog time rr got wIJ. IV"K V"" 11111 a wcjio iti mm. U It tlm tbst tha llntlia f American people sHntiM h most rt. ouly directed It ! lendenrle visible In lha politico em ls manag" ment of th country. VV leach onr children that they have heen Iwtrn Miidt-r a I red Bfpwblicsn government and Ihsl all har tqnJ right, and an equsl disnee n acquire wswlth, and tlin honots nf th Ktat. Wt flatter the masse by continually telling them that In them, and them alone, rcnl !ks the sovereignty of the govern, mciil, and tlint no mutter what evil may betide, they have it in their power to np ly toe immediate correc tive. Wo proclaim lo the world that this system of our is the best ever duviscd by mnn, since it secure liber, ly, happiness, and prosperity, In tranquility, and tbat, 'M;" aIu. intrreil, it is the chrap, m well a tho most porfectly balanced form of government. I'ropfrly admiiilertd t the proviso uggosted in the last sentence applies to ull. That granted, tho real is plainly a matter of conrac, Tho excellence of our written system cannot be contested, am! tho univer. sal prospority enjoyed until tht period, of our civil war wu a guarantee ol what could have been perpetuated, bv wiso admiui-'trstion, conducted on the principlos ttoit inspirod and ani mated the futhor of the Kepublio. But wo buvo fuller) upon evil duy in this respect. Clique, "rings," knola and sellout circle of men by the weight of capiul, audscity, and what U termed "influence," (which tneana a species of social and businewa terror ism,) do as absolutely control the country a ever did the combination of feudal baron bold eway in the Old World, during the growing year of the Middle Ago There is nu intel ligent observer who fuils to seo, or attempt seriously to deny this; and, more than that, tho toiling masaos of tbe people loci it in every loaf of bread, or ell of cloth they have ta purchase. Tbey are not, indeed, ni crifitm fUUe bound over witb tht oil iu parchment deeds, or royal re scripts, transferring small domain or mighty province with equal coolness, but they are subjected by tbe eircum... Unues of Ufa that assimilate th necessities of their condition to the serfdom of yore, and tbey know wbat pinches them. Tbe community ia not, then, ant wart of the bare-faced disregard of every other consideration but elf intercst, which is tbe animus of train actions occurring daily before our eyca. Tbey know that office and privilege art bought and old ; thst the popular preference and the public welfare are denied ; that even the crednestof th ballot box i ibamefully invaded, and that remonstrance is treated with silent derision. The consequences they have beheld in tht stagnation of trade, and tht impover isbment of tht multitodo, in lot raiast of a smiling land, teeming with atn-t-oultural and mineral wealth. Tht future they foresee like a great blacdl cloud overspreading a fair boriion, and slowly, but surely, creeping ta the icnilh. Yet, by the effect of a moral phenomenon, peculiar and won derful in the history of the world, tht nation, like a man drugged and stu pefied, lie prono and motionless, ru unresisting, ir not a willing prey ,q those who despoil it Ami it there to be no rescue from, this do'.-line? We have been so woo. derfully favored as a peopls, by Prov idence ; wo have seen so accustomed, in former periods of our national life, to see "thing set themselves right;" we have been, in fine, such petted children of fortune, thut most of ua have wrapt tbo mantle of indifference around us, and slept on, trusting to the good gonius of America, or some other vngue abstraction not reongnlred, in the divine arrangement of cause and effect. But, already has this dream of false security been rudely brokon. Psnio and nullification were the first shock it received, nnd, at last, came tht tolling, long and loud, of that terrrblt "fiiebcll in Ihe night," wlrtch sum moned the pcoplo of the North and the South to mutual slaughcr. Did our greatest dangers close bore Are they buried in tho graves, still green, that stretch from the Potomao to the Gulf Have all tho evil vapor been disprllod by that long sho. ef of blood and fire T Those are solemn questions for each patriot ciliren to ask himself, a well as hia noighbor, and tht sooner they are answered satisfactorily, the bettcp for our generation. It i the high privilege of the jour nalist to stand on n watch tower, whence the field of opinion as well at offset, art nil open to hi view; and it is hi duty, with all the ability that; is in him, to give ol her the benefit ol hi information. With such a con sciousnes upon us, to-day, we express the firm conviction that, unless th year now passing be signalised by lha dawning of A new spirit of inquiry on tht part of tht American people, and a wide-spread general agiution of opinion against tht abuse that art clogging oup wholt machinery af government, and thenrt descending into all th dotail of business life, wt hsvo close before us a period of na tional and individual trial, of which no man can act tbe end X. Y. Mer cantile JovrnM. Nothing on earth can (mile but hu, man beings. Gem may fiVh re flee-, ted light, but what i n diamond flush and mirth flush f A face that cannot, mile is like bud that cannot bloswom and dries up on the stalk- Laughter is day and sobriety i night, and a smile is twilight that hover prntly between both and I snor bewitching tbtn eilher. A Nashville druggist ha invented A rat paint mad of a preparation of phosphorus. You first en ten the rat then yon paint him. After dark ht looks likt a ball of Art, and going among hia fellow rat they get scared to death at "the light of his connte. liancn," and vacate the premise, tht "bright particular" rat following and hurrying np ht rear. Hydrophobia hn been nccessftilly treated with Iodine by Dr. Mussey, of Chicago. Of the tight cases promptly treated wih iodine, not one resulted fatally, were any decisive symptom of hydrophobia subsequently mani fested. In four of the rasa it waa probable that the wound wtr from animal really rabid, and rot in tbe other four. Mist Susan B. Anthony asys in ber paper t Tht women of tht Anniafioii canvassed Kansas. Illinois Uiaainnrl Ntw York and tho District of Colum bia, ana never kissed on eon of Adam, over two year old." Mis Anthony should rtoolltet Inert art two par lie AO iM tht fajMt trud. tOf lutHft