TIN. lU'.rtir.LU'AX. rLEAiirin.h, Ya WtPSfFf-AT MOnMNtl, APRIL !. t. - - JOINING THE MASONS. I mnt t'H J'"" of l!10 ppfiN nnil trinlo 1 had to uiiili'iyo to bocumx mninn. On tlie rvoninu in qiui?ui I proscntpil iiivwlf nt llio iIikif iI' llir lod'o rnom No. (tn.Cilill, fign of (lie ek u II ft n ti iMORH bimos. I wnn l ondiif t(l (o nn ante mom, ivhi'i-u five or six tni'lntiPtioly cliaps in biisIioh nnJ cmbroiitcrod liii)liiis were waiting to receive inc. On niyentriinoe. they cot tip nnd tumcd bnrk eomcr (units, nnd then rcHiinicil their Bents. A big f'lt fellow, who siil in the middle, nd who seemed to do tho proprietor, then said : "Sinner Iroin tho ontt-r world, advance." I ndvunccd. "Will yon t;ive up evervtliinn to join ns f" "Not if I know," said; "there is my wifo and fourteen fine ch " another pnrty here told me to sny "yes," as it was merely a matter of form. So 1 said "yes, I give up everything." The fellows in the towel then groaned and said "'li well." "lo yon nwenr never to reveal anything you may sec or hear this evcnii to any humuii being nor your wife?" 1 Buid "pon mv word 1 will not." ' They then examined my teeth and lelt my muscles and made me put out my tongue, then groaned again. 1 said, "if you don't feel well I have got little bottle hero that-" Tho fat man here took the bottle from me and told me to shut up. llo then, in a voiue of thunder, said, "Bring forth the gnat." Another fellow then came tip with a big cloth to blind me. "So you don't, Mr. Mason," I said ; "no tricks on travelers, if you please ; 1 don't believe in playing blind-man's buff with a goat. I'll ride tho devil if you like, but I dont go in blind. Stand back, or I'll knock you into smithereens." They were too much for me, however, so I had to suh.-nit to be blindfolded. The goat was then led in, and 1 could hear him make nn awful racket among the fiiruilnre. I began to fsel that 1 was urgently wanted at homo, but I was in for it, and could not help myself. Two or three fellows then seized me, and with demoniacal laugh pitched me on tho animal's back, telling mo at the same time to look out for squalls. I have been in a good many lasses, Mr Edi tor; I have been in un election fight; I have been pitched out of a four-story window ; I have gone down In a rail road collision ; but this little goat ex cursion was ahead of them all. The confoundod thing must bo all horns and wings. It bumped me against the tables and chairs, and tho stove and the ceiling, but I hung on like a Trojan. I turned front somersaults nd rolled over until I thought it was all over with me. I was just on the point of giving up, when tho bandage j fell from my eyes, and the goat boun ded through tho window, with n yell like a C.imuiietip Indian giving up the fhost. I was in a lodge of Masons, hey were dancing a war dance around a big skull, and playing leap frog and turning hand springs, and the big fat fellow of the ante-room was landing on his head in tho corner. A New Paper. We publish the following prospec tus, as it is decidedly rich : 1 propose to aturt a newspaper on the gift enterprino plan. It will be devoted to sunctity, sowing ma chines, politics ond patent medicines. The following premiums will be given to subscribers : Subscribers to one copy of the Church Cancer will bo preonloi with a box of patent petroleum paste black ing. This is u superior article ; it will biack boots or stovos, and maybe used as a hair dye. (See testimonials from the leading clergymen, states men and boot-blacks.) Subscribers for two copies will re ceive a box of sardines. Subscribers fur tivo copies will be presented with a pair of ironclad spec tacles with glass eyos, warranted to suit one age as well as another. Subscribers for twelve copies will be entitled to a wooden leg, a patent adjustable boot-jack, which can also ho used as a cork-screw, a colloa mill or an inkstand. Subscribers for twenty copies will be entitled to a pair of false calvoa. a gilt-edged copy of Ann Dickinson's. speeches and writings. Subscribers lor thirty copioa will receive a tilting hoop skirt, and a marble bureau with a mahogany top. Subscribers for fifty copies will re ceive a sot of summer fiirs( and a burial plot with an order for a tomb stone when required. . Subscribers for five hundred copied will receive a nomination for Congress, with a library consisting of a botllo and a puck of cards. Subscribers for a thousand copies will bo presented with a farm in New Jersey fenced and mortgaged. Clergymen acting us agents for tho (,ncrr win oe lurnisneu vntu one oair of brass knuckles, and an unn nf court plastor. -i m Vai.caiii.k Jif.nrrs How to cook bean, dy un olj licnn it : Buy n benn, btttlte it well, put in twulve quarts ol river water, (if yon havn't cot rior, bBttnr tuiv one. n.i tlipv ro bandy to have,) boil it ix bourn by nn avoirdupois clock, take it out and tfipe it thorongbly dry with a soft towel, lay it on its North went side. bont two dogroes Sow-sow-weiiterly bore a bole jrcntly in eaeh end, ab stract tho "iminrdn'' very quietly with out iniiMiurr very much : then smlT one end wuh soft boilel rico and tho ottier end with ne boiled soft ; the "nd thut points toward tho North hnuld, in all instance, except in cnaea vaircnie hcinoiThni;ii, he stuffed first ; then take the Sou III side of the shell o(T Kently ; then Ilia Knot care Till V, then sweeten with salt, nnd it nm uwo snmiu.h rKC Vou (j nov. r dreum it , Asd while we aro on recipes hero is fno for Indian pudding, from Fort Done; ! . First catch your Indians two of them j hoil till their heels come to the top ! let them stand in a cool pla e fur two weeks; then Servo them with orirhiim and vinegar. 'TUn't ollen wo publish recite out when wo do, we K,vt oar lubscrl bcrs the worth or their money. For one of the ofliees in President (.rants tfL, thorn uro, aceordin-r to a irepoiidoi,i, tho following uplica lions : "A Bloomer woman a loral nero, a reconstructed rebel, s Kep'ub Jionn Irishman, a wounded soldier, nnn rea not pontieian " Each of rueca w troaLaoai ol success ,f t.(rf ferity. ! w m nr w nut t 1 ft 4TK .mTH ,., V h -tr i ikt l-n-1 htVt ii"p liftti t ft ft liMIr Wfiiia tr- tn mr at tin I tKt'1 one fwili. An.l n-he f ktm hofti-A ftow C'ercd 11 f I kneei o dimi., Anil pink tid chwM y in". Where' mv be.) I frmi-ml'fr N I -tit i be th-M mrtil, Fepifig tnim hil .irleel dnre, An J hir brifM euHa on hn hral, Or the lit fcrtli ftv pee.lv. And (lii first twffl wor-in he i-l ' Where' tut htit.y ! Id ihe dmr aid ft hnr ilh Plil'ipli I Imtr, Whittling m tii" Irtrd in v.hile, V iih a Mr buy' metitv air ; Willi lu punts nitlii-.i bit hunt top, Hut mv bal-y it an) il,.,,.. Whcra'a mvhahyi Ak that urchin, Let tii hear eilial he Mill cay? "Where i rmr hnhy, ma?" he quentijnul, With r rcpniph took ntid war: "(Jucw be grown to be ft boy, now, llig enough tv work ana play." Where' my hfthy? nhorrN my baby All ! the year lly un apace ! YcMs'id.ir j held and k inner! it. In It lovitlint-M a:id pracp ; Hut to-morrow, ahmly m an timid Takre the lit I iu baby a placi;. Tltl'ST TODH MDTIICIt. Truft your mother I little en ; in hlc jutirat-y jn.t begun, u will flint dinu grief, aoine fuem, Which perhapi may caue you tear; Hut ft luollier'a kii cau hful ' Al .ny gricU thut children fret; Trurt ymir mother ttctk to prove tiraleiul tor her tliouphtlul low. Trust your mother! noble youth ; Turn nut f ruin tti pattis of truth ; ltv temptation ' evil hour, Seek hrt em it guiua new power. Flie will never guide, you wroug; Faith in her will make you trujig; TruM yuur mother aim to prove Worthy of her tondant love. Tnutt your mother! maiden fair ; .Love will guu.e Tour alcpawith oare; Let no aloud mrt oouie between Let ii o nhtdow ere itm aeen Hiding irtim your mother' heart What uftT proa a poiwmed dart ; Trut your motltct ! wrk to prove Worthy of her taithtul lovo. Trut your mother to the end, hh will prove iotir oonttanl friend ; If tii glafineaa winps the hour, Finite with her the joyful ihower ; Or if aorrow would opprt, fcbe will mile and ahu will hlraw ; Obi be trustful, loving, true! What a Gentleman Does and Does Not, He iti above a mcun tiling. IIu onn not t(xij to a mean frnuJ. JIo in- vaden no ncorrt in tho keoping of another. lie betruyt no secivt confi dJ to his own kevpin. II never struts in borrowed plnmago. He never takes selfish advuntugu of 6ur mistakes. He uses no ignoble wenp. ons in c-ontrovers). 11a noverstubn in the durk. lie in ashamed ot inuen doos. lie is not one thing to a man's face and another behind his back. II by autident he comes in pot-session of his neighbor's counsels, ho passes upon them ud art ot instant oblivion. He bears scaled packages without tam pering with tl"o wax. Tnpers not meant for his eje, whether they flut ter nt his window or lio onen hofora biin in unguarded exposure, are sacred 10 mm. no invades no privacy of others, however tho sentry sleeps. Bolts and bars, locks and keys, hedges and pickets, bonds and securities, no tieo to trespassers, aro none of them for him. 11a may be trusted himself out of sight near tho thinnest parti tionanywhere. He buys no olHces, ho sells ncno, ho intrigues fur none. Ho would rather fail of his rights tlinn Win thcin through dishonor. He will eat honest bread. He tramples on no sensitive feeling. Ho insults no man. If bo has rebuko for another, ho is straightforward, open, manly. lie cunnct descend to scurrility. In short whatever he judges honorable he prac tices toward every man. Banks and Antidotes The, banes of domestic life aro littleness, falsity, vulgarity, harshness, scolding, vocife ration, and issuing of superfluous pro hibitions and orders, which ate re garded as impertinent interferences with tho general liberty and repose, and nro provornlive of rankling or exploding resentments. The blessed untidolcs thnt sweeten and enrich domestic life uro refinement, high aims, great interests, aol't voices, quiet and gcnllo manners, magnanimous tempers, forbearanco from all unno ccsswry commands or dictation, and general allowances of mutual freedom. I'Ovo mukes obedience lighter than liberty. Mun wears a noblo allegi ance, not in a collar, but as a garland. Tho Graces aro never so lovely as when seen wailing on tho Virtues; and wliero they dwell loeet her, they mako a heavenly homo. So affection save fi-iendshii), has any sure eternitv in it. Friendship ought, therefore, to be always cultivated in lovo itself, as its only certain guard and prosorva tivo, not loss than as the only sufficient subftituto in ita absence. A couple joined by lovo without friendship, walk on gunpowder with torches in their hands. Vnirr I saw a turtle sunning himself in the shallow WHtcr. I lifted the slick in my hand to kill the harmless reptile; for, (hough I had norcr killed any creat uro, yet J had seen other boys, out of pnrt, do "troy birds, snnirrels, and tho like. I and I had a disposition to follow their wicked example: but. all at once'. Bomotliinn clitstkcd my littlo urm, hmiI s voice within mo said cb'nr and Imid, "It was wrorif;." 1 beheld my uplifted stick in wonder nt tho new emotion tho ctinsciousnoss of un involuntary but inwurd cheek upon my notion till tho turllo hail vanished from mv , siht. 1 baHtened homo and (old the title to my mothor, and asked ylint it was that told me thnt it was wrong. She. wiped a tear from her eye with her apron, and tukinj mo in tier arms said : "Somo men call it conscience, but I prefer lo call it I ho voire of God in tho soul of mun. If you listen nnd obey it, then it w ill speak clearer nnd clearer, and always piijo you rilil; but if you turn a deal ear, or disobey it, then it will fade out, little by li tt lo, and leave you in the dark without a guide Your life depends on heeding this little voice." A. Moment of Tiioroiir Forty years once seemed a lonn nnd woary pilritnniro to tread. It now seems lull a step. And yet along tho way aro broken shiinitn whcrrJ a thousand hopes hsve waneil into ashes j foot printa sacrod tinder their diifiing dust) green mnnnds wh(se f;rass is fresh with tho waterinr u( tears; shadows even which we could nol forget. will garner the sunshine of thoso years, and with chastened step nnd heavenward hope push on toward the evening whose signal lights will soon be seen awitiging where tho waters ar still, and the storms never beat. Whsn Is lawrr like k donksir f Vihw hs it drswing con"fpyance. ( fllti It. iiinnuxim.iniuvr.iTTiUN aS HooflandN German Tonic; 1a UrM !Uff.dla far all fWea vf Liver, Stomach, mr UljiUt Of Rant, lliKillutnl's (icrnmn Hitlers ll fompo'fil Ih part Julr.f (or, ItirT rr mr'lii inftllr Irnn.ti, . kili.cti) f !( tiitf, Anil trki, lis prirftl!n birlil) oii(f nlrM.il a n 4 - -nuri-lr "lr Iruii. iruholio aduiiilur of an kliid" Hoolhirnl'n Ciormtin Tonic tl pomtilrinllnn nt sM tli tfirf itlMOl of tbr llUtrrr. with lh pitrrtt qutlitv nf hinlt ('rut Hunt, Orates, kn , making no. of th urntt plra ant anl aiir.vabU rains-tipl afar nlfera J lo tbc pulilio Thua pralarrinff a nadiitlna frea Iruui aloubiilla adiuUtura, will uu Ilontliuul'ft Gt'iinan Hitters. ThuM ho bave bo li)rfltnn la tha aooiblnv tiua of tba liUttira a. auiad, will uia IIoodand'K Gorman Tonic. Tbry ara both fualljr rikkI, and contain tht uii niedirinnl virtu., lha ehoioa between the two b.lnn a intra wallar of uata, tha Toaie baing fba moat paiatablo. Tha atnmai-h, front a variety of enniei, aucb at iniirenun, L-yauupaia,Narvoui Dibilitr, ata.. ia VtTV apt to bare ita futirttioui ilrranjr- eil. Tba Lirer, irm f I patbittng aa eloaviy as it with tba titoiaacb, than ba- ooiuaa afli'iMoii, tba raeultof wbirb if that the p.iinnt itinera from aevora) or atura of tba fot iowicg dineaiea : Conitiiatioo, Flatulenca, Inward Pilau, Pullnaaf of blood to tha Head, Aoidite of tba Stom ach, hauaaa. Ilaart Hum, Dlagua' fur Food, Fullnen ar Weight in tba btontaeb. Soar Kraptione.aink. Ingor Ftuttarinr at tha pit of tha 8tniarh.8wiin. DtnRof tba Hoad, 11 re ia d ar Difficult breathing , fluttering of lha Hvart.Cbchine; or 6uf. foeallog aanuitiuna whan In a Iving puauira, tintneae of vieion, dtiliorwaba bafura Ibaayaa, dull pain in the bead, deficiency of par eplratioa, yellewoees of tha ekia and ayea. Pain in the nda, back, cbeet, litoba, ata.,eudUeD fluahea of heat, burning fleeh, eoontant iniagininga of aeii nnd great depraealoa af itiirtla, Tha aulfarar front theea diaaaiei ahontd avar oiaa the greateat eaullua In tbo aaleeetinn ol n remedy for bii eaua, purchaeing only that which ba ( naanrad I I tront bia inreetlgn- tlona and inquiri.a fMieeeiiae true merit, ia ekillrnlly eompouoded, le traa frrnn jnrloni ingreatenta, and bat aetabltehed fur itealf n reputation for tha cure of thaaa riieemea. In tbie oooonotiun wo would aubioit those well known rcmediea Ilooflaml'" Gcrmnn Rittors, lloofland'B German Tonio, Prepared by Dr. C. U. JACKSON, Philadelphia, fa. Twentv-twa yeori atnoe tbey ware flrit Intra dnced into tbit country from flarmany, daring which ttma they bora nndnnhtedly parlormad more enree, and benefited auffering humanity to n greater eitent, than nny other remedtet known Lo lha nubltc. Theea remediee will effretnatly enra LiTer Complaint, Janndiea, -w-a Ivpepeia. Chronic or herrooa liability, 14 C b r oni e Diarrhoea, Durance of tba Kid neve, and all diaeaaae nailing from a Disordarad Liver, Stomach, or louitioea. Debility, Reroltlng from any eauaa whatever Proalratioa of the ey.tem induced by eevera Labor, Uardrhipa, Kiptaam, fovere, . Ac, Ac. , There la no medicine axtnnt eqsal lo (baae lemediea in aucb caaea, A tone and vigor ia imparted to the whole ey.tt-tn, tha appetite ia atrengtbened, food ie enjoyed, the etomeeh di. geata protuplly, tbe blovd ia puribad, tba com plexion becoiueo eouna ana noaeay, tue yenow tinge ta eradicated (rom tha eyaa, a bloom l given to tba cheoka, and tba weak and nertona invalid bacomee a etroug and heallby being. Persona Advanced in Life, and feeling tba band of time weighing heavily of on them, with all ita attendant ilia, will Sad tba nae of theaa Hitters or tba Tonic, an aliair that will inatil new life into their vetne, leatorc In a nieneure tha energy and ardor ef mom youthful daye. build up their ahrunkea forma, and give health and liapptuess V. inctr remaining yeara. Notice. It ia a well ealaWl.hcd fact that fully cn. half of the female o -y- rtion of eur nopoln- lionare eeljou in the I , enjoyment of good health, or to ore thier own eipree.lon, they never feci well." Tbey are languid, devoid ef aJl energy, eairemely norvone. nnd bare ao ap. petite. Tu thia claaaof per.one tba Bitlera, or tba Tonic, ia especially reooumended. Weak and Delicate Children are made ttrong by the nae nf either ef theee remediee. Tbey will cure every oaaeof euira.mae without fail. ThonaaLda nf certificate, bava aecamalated in the handa of lha proprietor, hat tneee will ellnw nf the publication ol but s few. Thoes, it will be obaerved, are men of note, nod uf aucb ataading fat tbey mutt be believed. Testimonials. Hon. George W. Wondwerd, Chief Juatiee of the bupreme Conn nf Penaayivania, write, I'biladelpbia, Pa., March Id, let,. "1 And IloorLAnri'a . (Irssas IliTresa la a good Ionic, neuful in A dlaeaeeaanSa dlgeat ive organa, and nf great benefit in caaea of debility and want nf norvour action In tha ayatem. i'onra, truly, Qo. V . WooliwAsn." Hon. Jamea Tbompeon, Judge of tha Snprerar Court of I'ennaylvenia. wrltea . Philadelphia. April J. 1 8A. "I ennaldrr llo'llaod'e Uerman Hlllera a vain able medicine in caae of Indigestion or bjaprp ain. 1 enn certify hie from experience. Yours, with rcapect. Jams, IaDrio." From Rov. Joicph P. Kennard. Tt. P., Paalor of the Tenth llaptiet Churth. I'hilatjeli hla t llr. J traana llear 8ir r I have been f,ei(oenl. ly raouealed to ennneot my name ailh rerom nienilelione of different hlnda ol medicinea, but regarding the prae llceaa oul of my ap propriate sphere, I V have ia all ceaea do. clined) hot with aA" clear proof In varioue Inataneea, nnd particularly in my own family, ol the eeefuloeeeof Or. liooflaod'a lierman Uittera, I depart for once from my nruel courae, to ex. preea my fall eonvirlion that for general debility nf the rytleia, nnd aapecially lor Liver Com plaint, it is a tela and valuahle preparation. In eome raw. it may fail, hut utuaily. I joubt not, it will be very beneficial tothoaewbo auflerlrom the above aaura. Youre, very reapecifully, J. I). Kassaao, Yigbth, below Coale. hlreela. From Pcv P.. It Fendall, Edit:r of Cbrlatlat. "Ciironirla." Pbiladehiliia : 1 heve derived derided benefit front the nae of HooQund'e Herman Hitter., and teel ll my pr vi lege to recommend ih.m aa a mntt valuable tnnic to ell who ara suffering from general dehi ity nr from diaea.ee ari.ing from derangement ol the liver. Your., truly, E, ll. rat. dill. Caution. Iloofland'a Herman Itinera are counterfeited. See that the atitna -. tore nf C. M. JACK SN la on tbe wrap I I per of aark bottle. All other, ara noun terfeit. Principal Office erd W auiifHCturf , al the tiermm Medical Store, No. Arch atreet, Phlladel.hia, Pa. CIIARI I'.H M. I'.VAI. rmprlclnr. (Formerly C. M. Jnrkann 1 Cc.) Trice. rjuonatd'i German Sittera, per bottle tl rtl m per hnlf doten. I 00 tlnoflande Oerwian Tnnln, put np In quart bottlea, pn bottle 1 fO lir n half duiea for. T 10 JCdP-Do net forget Ic examine well tbe article yon bny, In order to get the gennine. pfTot sal b; til drnggltl and dealer. Is edtciaaa, . I'e-l lunrtiji nnd Wnthlnf thep. t pT,r... DOYNTON &. YOUNQ, F0l'M)i:S k MACHINISTS Mf,iifa"t'irti wf PORTABLE k STATIONARY ST ISAM EMJINKS Corner of K iuilh and Pine Plreela, CI i:ariH' l, pa. K AVI Nil fnjfajrM In th manurartnra offlrat claxi MACillM.IlV, we rvnyicctfully inform the pub lio that w art now prepared to All fell orderi as cliraj'Iy and af jrumpdr at can ha done in any of the oitiei. We manufacture and dnal iu Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Head I.lfrk, Water Wheela, Phnftin- rulleyi, OifTord'i Injector, Pteam Oaaef. 8 team Whiitlen. Hilar-, Tallow Cup-, OH Cupn, Gauge Cocka, At Cock i, (ilube Valrcr, Check VaWea, wrought (tab Pi pea, I?rm Pampa, Boiler Feed Puwtpi, Antf- FrietioB Metree, Pap Utone Packing, Gum Peek ing, and fell kin tin of MILL WORK; tgtlber with Plow, Bind Si, COOK AND TA TILOR STO 'FS, and alher CASTINlig nf all kinda. jjr-O-Ordcra joliriled and filled at city prioaa. All lettere of Inquiry with rcferttioa to machinery of our uanofaalnrc prompt ly anawered, by addrra Ing ni at Clcarflrld, l'a. declO tf BOVKToX A VOl'NO. ginning stills. 0. L. Peed, J. r. Weaver, ! NOTICE. V. Win. Powell- W. Bciu- j. i,. iii:ki a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! IHB pmiriptoreif-?lful1rlnfonn theeitiirni X of C'lrerflclJ eonntr, that tbty bave entire) refitted thia eeUbliahiuent with the tatetl Imnrnred wood-working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all ordera in their line of buiine-a. Tbey will gire eepocia) attention to the manufac ture of materia for houie bu;1tin :, aurh aa FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING. SASn, DOORS, BLINDS, Min.iCKETs v .not i.ot.ras, OK ALL STY L EH, We alwayt hare m hand I Tarpe itnrli of IKY Ll'MIlKR.and wilt payewh for all clear Lnmber. One-and-a-half inch panel ilnlT prerftred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or ej.chanffvd, to aait euatiioiert. L-Or'lcrt loli cited, and I.nmW famished on ibort notice and on reanonnhle term. O. I.. It K I'D A ro. nearfield. Not. T. In7. B. Parros... A. Isvis ..JoHS PxTTOS, ,.J. K. lnwix. E. B. PATTON & CO., Having fitted np a flril-elaM PLANING MILL Are prepare! to furnifh al! kind of Manufactured Lumber, Flooring. Siding;, Snrfacs-tresied Lnm ber, Saih, Doom, Blinds. And every deacriptlon of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. f-frDreleni will And it ti their adrantajte to coil u It our priori befrtre purchaitn elae where. Ad.lreaa, t. U. PATTN A CO.. t!iiriiiavill, Dec. 3, 1M -tf Clearfield eounly, Pa. r lotuimn- II on lo Save ?Ionoy. riHK tlmea are bard ; ye'H libe to know X How yo may eafe yonr dot tart ( The way to rle it I will ahnw, If ye will read bat fnlluwa. A man who lived DM far from bera, Who worked bard at bia trade. But had a bonnehold to aupnort That aiuandered all be made. I mat bin etiee, Rnya be, 'My friend, 1 look thread bear and roueh ( I've tried to a;et in t -elf mit. But ean't aare p enougri. Saei T, my friend, bow much bave yon 1 i'lt tell you where to fo To net a PHlt thai' anand and ebeapt To RKI7.KNSTK1N A Co. lie tonV what little he bait Meed, And went to Keirrnu'ein A Hrothen, And there hi got handnome luit, 1 For balf be paid to others. Now he la borne , be Ioka ao wall, And their efieet la aorh. That when thee tatie their daily meal, Xhay don't eat half an much. And now he flnda en Ratnrdiy right, With all their want aoprhed, That be haa money ten lo pend, And loni to lay amde. Ill good anoeeaa, with rheerful imile. He gladly telle to ail. If you'd aare money, go and buy Your elxtVias at IiKIZhNSTEIN'S CLOTIUNO IlAl.L. Where tha ebenpeit, flneat and beat Onthlna and good Furntihing flood can bt bad to emit eeery taale and in every ityle aprl 1,'fl? .1 Z IT It 11 X E. reacKiiTBaren rnmnn. for the I,attnttry. It l warranted tot to atrvak. or in any man ner injure the flneot fabrlea VOl IAMII.V I'HK aold In FIYE oenta, TEN eenia. and T W KNTY canle boxea. Karh TV KNTY een a bm, e-lilfi having Are lime, aa miieh blue as the FI'k eenu boa. entatna a pneket pin eui.loo or eatnry bag. Fr Hotel and larje Lnamlry nae, it la rat nr n 2 0i bn. I ee thnt each Uok haa proper trade Mntk. Tfehll Jtm r or mii ot JUltl'FWICK if IRWIV. 1;na VA!l1t',I.-The undersigned Hi 1 par the highrtu C.APII TRICE (or all kind, ol Ft Hd and It EL It 5KINS. Hit. me a fall Ciearttsjid, Dwa.. L it. KaUahoIbiJ. r-; i A. W. WALTERS, A1 litM.Y Af LAW, t l.arSrld, ra. Hw-Off e in the 1't.art llnnae. (drell It ISRAEL TEST, A TTO It V. Y AT LAW, ( Icarlli M. Pa. rOfttee In lha t'fort llt.uae. t)yll.''T JOHN H. FULFORD, ATl'i'llSFY AT I.AW, C'lrarflrlri, Pa. OBa wllh J. B. MeKnally, Ka) , arer Firat Ka lloiiai l'er.k. rnr-prornpt attention given ta tba lerarlng of Tltiunty. Claiitia Ao., and to all legal buaioeaa. Merrb !. IfST Ir. W ALT ER BARR ETT," ATTtlltNKY AT LAW. Offloa on Second St., Clearfield, Pa. (novII.C V,a A. Wallace. . II. Iligler J. Dlaka H alien. Krank Piehluig WALLACE, BIGLER & TTELDIIIO A Tin It N KYS AT LAW, IcarllHd, Pa. pt-Legal bunineaa of nil kluda promptly end acoeralely attended to. (vaylfr y T H O s7jT M c CULLOU GHt ATTurtNKV AT LAW. OZee adidlnlnf the Dank, furnerly oeonpled hj J. H- MrKntllj, ferand it., Clearfield. lUf-Will iittend protnf t!j to colteettona. eala nf inndi, Ae. decl7,ft JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATToHNKY AT LAW And Ileal I'atate Aeut, Ctetrfletd, Pa. Ofhee ob Murk nt afreet, oppoalte the Jail. op peel full oiler bit inrvirea in aelllng and buying lan.it In Clearfield end adjoining eountiea ( and with aa eiperienee f over twenty year aa a nt-Teyor, flatten bimielf that he can render aatiiffeetion. lfet28,'3-if WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. OAeaon Markatatraat onadooraaatof tha Clear. field County Dank. mej4,'el John II. On ia. C. T. Alriandcr. ORVIS ft, ALEXANDER, AITOHNFYS AT LA H'. Ilcllelonte, Pa. (aeplS,'l-y DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SUKOEUN, Second Street, Clearfield. Pa. "tiL-lIaTiatr ptrnianently located, be new offrrt bin inili-MionaJ tervicea t the cititemef C'learndd and Tirinltr, and the public gcuernJIy, Ail eall prouiptly aiien tied tt. eot2t-y F. B. REED, M. D.( PHYSICIAN AND 8CRGEUN, ap-IUltir remoyed to TTiHiamtrfi'Te. Pa.. oflera bit pnfatiional lorvieaa tu Uie people of the earnmndinj- eoontry. jy l.'Of DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Late 8urpron of the 93d Re mnt( Penniyleania Volunteera, haelnc re tamed from tbe Arm, efTert bii profaiaionat aervieoa to tbe cltiteu f Claarfleld eoanty. IMhPrvfeiaional ealla promptly attanled to. Ottoe on Second atreat, formerly oeeapied by Dr. Woodi. fapr4r'ef1-tf DR. J. F. WOODS, . PHYSICIAN k SURQKON, Ilavine mnuved to Anaontflln, Pa.,olTera hit protrMiiiTiat aerrirea to the peip1e nt that place and tne urroaniof eoantry. All rallf promptlr attended lo. ( Di-c, $ An ..d. DR. 8. J. HAYES, SURGEON DENTIST Office on Main Fl.. Carwenfrille, Pa., AT ILL maka profrailonal vlita, for the eoi- if eerlenee of the public, Mm mentis g In April, lHdtr, aa follow, via : Luthanburg Firat Friday of every month. Anaooville First Monday of every momb. Lumber City Pirat Thareday of ererv month. Bpandtnc two daya In either place. All order for ork ihould ( prjaeuted un tbe day of bn arrival at aaeb Place. Tr Teeth extracted by the application of local en!' em eomoarativaly wittiout pain. All klndi ef Dental work guaranteed. IS. R. -the putilie will pleaae notice, tkat Dr. H., when not an meed in the above vitm, may be found in hit office, in Carwcntville, Pa. Carwennville, Fen 4, 1 kcw. 9.43 DENTAL1ARtWwHIP. Dr. a. m. hills, Depirei to Inform bit natron a. and the l-uoiic generally. tai ne baa auociated vita bii in tbe practice of Drrt'atry, S. P. SlfAW, I). I). S., Who la a graduate f the Philadelphia Denial uouage. at 4 inereTore baa tbe hi(.'hett atterta liom of prorcneional akill. All work done in the oiTea I wil! hold mvelf pereonally reiponfi- oie mr eeing done in tne mint aatiHtaAtcrr aer ana airoett nmer 01 tne pmieMlmt. An etat)lihed practice of twenty-two yearn In 1ha place tnabiea ma to apeak in my paiienta with cni.fldenn. Ktieragrnanu from a dlitanet ahotild ba made by letter a tew day. before the patient drafgna coming. Jne 4, ICflft ly. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCUOLA FTEA.M MILLS, SAKiTAcTrnra. LUMBEK, LATH, and pickets II. 11. F-IIII.LINUFliRn, Preaident, OfScc- Fere.t pljn. Nn. ISJ ft. lh ,t., Phil's. JtUIN I.AWKIIK, Superintendent. jeo'C: , Oeceole Milla. Clearlicld ounly, Pa. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, C Irarflrld, Prnn'a. ia-Will execute JoKe in hi, line jirnmpily and in n workmanlike manner. a rl,67 J. BLAKE WALTERS, St'KIVKSKH ASH CiiNVEYaNCKR. Agent for tbe Purchase and Sale of Land,. Clrarli.-M. Pa. xewTPrnntnt attention given In all bneineaa connected with the county oOicee. Office with Hon. l'a. A. Wallace. ( janl.'SS-ll SURVEYOR." f'fllR nndereigned oftrra hi ecrvlr-ei. an a Ptir A vrynT, and mar be Innnd at hit re-idrnce, in lewrence townptup. Let 1 era will naob hint dt reeled to Clcarlield, Fa. mavT tf. JAMKS MITCHKLL. T H OSTwTm OO PL E , Lud Surveyor and Conveyancer, If" AVINO recently Ineated in the hnrougb or J Lumber City, and reantned the prarhoe of Laud Rurvcvlng. rrfpectfiilly tendnra bia profea pinna) eervi. ee isi the owner of end Fpeniilttorf In land In Clearfield and adjoining count if u. Deeda ofconvcyanoe neatly ei ecu ted. Office and rrtideitoo one door eaal of Kirk A Speneer'p more. aprM pdtm. d anTelmTdo u g he'rty. barber & hair dresser, tiF.roND FTRFET, c 1. 1. a n f 1 r. 1. ii, p a, I" THOMAS H FORCEE, tKAi.n in G UN F. U A I M K, HCHANDIS E, C.ltASIAMT(, Pa. Alio. etenpr nmnufnf tnrer and dealer In Square Timiterand Hhwed LnmHoTofall kind. ffOrdera a.llr-icd filled. and all hill pMiftlptlV livle-lv ' FRANCIS COUTRIET, MKI.CM ANT, lreitrhrllle, 4 Irarfirld I' entity. Pa, Keep- c'Uittitly rn hand a full aortment of I try ImhmIh, Hardware, flrocerie, and even thine hhI1t kept in a retail tra, which will le aold, Tor caali, ax cheap aa rlm whcre In Uie oownly. Frein hville, Junr V, IM.7-I.V. oko. AtniRT nranr ainrnT..n w. atatrji W. ALBERT &. BROS., Msnufaelurer, A exten.ive Icatloraia Sawod Lniiiber, Square Timber, &o.( WOOULANfi, PK.NN'A. etsy-Ordera aolirited. Billa filled na abort notice and rraannahic terms, Addren Woodland P. O., riearfirld Cn.. P. JeM.ly W. ALllKKI AtHOS. TUB PEMnrRATlC ALMANAC for IsSf Ifi7 and lelt for aale at tbe Peal Ofnc I nea 14 eaala. Mailed at an nMiea. Ull4t VWithi.nl yltPi'. j rw Morr nnd Jo (JimuIs. . C. CllOM M, MERCHANT TAILOH, WAHKKT PT, ( LKAftI-1Kl.l, tA. nAVIIO rpenad np a Merrhanl TellaHnf e.l.bll'hmenl, na Market I1rel, adjoining lue reeiilir.oa of lr. lUr'-airh, I would rr.eet fully announce to the ellliena of Oenilleld and vicii.itT. that I have Jnet reoairad Irunt lha anal ara eiiiea a full aeeortmtnt of Clotha, CassimoreB, Vostings, &o., Of the beat qnality and Itl'it title, wLieh I aa prepared to u.nke up nn ehwi nolloe, according to the latrat faahlona, nnd al price! warranted lo be eatiifaclory. Trp ma once, end I ant aure yuu Hill come again. i'. C. I'ltOXbl. Cleartlcld. Jan.il, leSO If 1369. VoiniT It Alone. 18G9. E. R L. STOUGIITON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Strert, l lrarflrld, Pa., HAVINO opened bailneaa on my own book, at the old aland in Hbaw'l How. I therefore announce to the public that I bave now on band well eelecled nnd Urge neiortinant of Cloths, Cassimercs, Vestings, Roavera, nnd nil klnde of Uooda for teen and bova' wear, and am now prepared to wake np lo order CLOTH INU, front a (ingle artiole lo n fall euit, In tba latrat llylaa and moat workmanlike manner, fipeclal attention given to euetom work aud euttiug out for men and boya. I oiler grant bargain, to rnetomera, nnd waerarl antiia aatlafaction. A liberal ehara of public pelronace ia (olkclted. Call and -ee tne. jaa7-tf B. U. L. HTOUlallTOS. n. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door eaat of Clearfield lljuae,) Market .Street, Clearfield, Fa. K" KKPS on hand a full aaaortmenta of (Jant Furniihing Good a, laeb aa fhirU, Linen ii Woolen Lndenhiru, Drawer nod books, See 1 tie, Pocket Handkerehiefa, Qlove. Uata, Umbrllaa, Aa., In great variety. Of liwoe Oooda be keepa the Best ClothB of all "Shades and Colors," Fuch aa Black Doeekln of thw vary b.at make: Fancy Laeetnaere, In great variety, alee, French Coaling, beaver. Pilot, Chinchilla, and Prleolt overeoating. Ail of which will be aold cheap for Cash, and made np according to tbe lateat style, by experienced workmen. Alas, Agent for Clearfield connty for I. St. Singer A tVe. eelobrnted Sewing Mnehinae. KoT. 1, lS6i.tr. 11. UKIDQK. srtUsrfllanrous. SEWING MACHINES. npilE Singer Manufacturing Company' New X Family (Sewing ktaj-binet, and tbe celebrated iV lorenoe, fur aale at tbe KEYSTONE STORE. Pertone In want of marbinee will do well to call and etaraine tbe fMNUfcll and FLORENCE before pnrrbaaing. Kvery marhit.e warranted to give etiefaction. Mac hi aer and machtna finding aJwayi on band. N TV LINO a PnOWER?, Clearfletd.JPa,, Feb. J4. Aginta. EW STOCK ! SEW STYLES ! ! FALL AND TIXTEB MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN REED'S, UARkET UT., CLLAKIIELD, PA. Having juat reoeivd all the novel! ieaaf tbe atasen ia tbc Millinery line, roqucat tbe ladiea lo call nnd examine there. Clearfield. Pa Nov 4, 1SCS. Mcknight & janxot, Wafon nnd Slel?h Makers, (Immediately la rear of Planing Mill,) CLEARFIELD, Ta. v-fHK auhaerihere would fevperlfolly Inform the X eillaeneif Clearfield. and the public in general tliatlhey ara prepared to do all ktndaol' work on WAGONS, t'AHKI A(i E.S, SLEI6 US, ic; on abort aotlcs and on reaecoable terma, and in a workmanlike manner, A nrw feature in our line i. tbt we ieun our own work. wTAll orders nremptlv attended te.-w, WM. M,kM,;llT. KorS.'flS,. . CUAKLKS JA.SNOI. IC. KOISI.SMX V CO., PORK PACKERS, .I'oJM i.ibnly St., ntlibut fh, Have on band a large alock ol Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, PLAI.V AND Fl'OAR-f I'RED IIAM?. Meea Pork, Uried Beef, and Iaf I.ard. allot oar own Parking, Cnring and FmoLing. Lard Oil, Flour, Chceso, Dried Apples and reaches-, With a general aMortmeiit of ttlroeeriea, at the loweat market prtcoa. iJuae la.'al-ly-pd. ORGANS & PIANOS ESTV'S AND MASON tf- HAMLIN'S, ft. J. II AYR, Corwceavllle, Pa. the "CLEARFIELD REPIBLICAX.' i:!TAni.isiirii ij ist. The largest circulation of any News paper in North Central Pennsylvania. - i ai -i Tenns of Subscription! If paid In advance, or wilhin J mnntha..93 OO f f paid after aud before A month t 50 If paid after the expiration ef I month. .. 3 OO Kates of Advertising. T ran itient advertieemcnta, per rquarcof 10 line a lcai. t time or le. fl ht For each aut-eequent ineertioa Adminitratora' and Kiecnlor' notice. I Af Auditor' notice.,...' ... 1 AO Caatiofl and Rtiraya. 50 Pineoletton notiret I DO Local notiiar. per tine , 16 Obituary notice, nrer lire line, per line.-... 10 rrt.icMii.nfcl Cant, 1 year I 00 VF.AUl.Y ADVERTISEMENT.' 1 annar 00 j eolumn $.13 00 i c lumn 4.S 00 1 column FO 00 2 ivruaenH S q n area .. ...15 Oft ...?o on Job Work. eUANKS. Single onlrc 40 I S quires, pr. qutrc.ll 7b I qttirea, pr, quire, t So I Oret fi, pot quire, I oO IIANniUl.l.S. aheet.lt f less, fl 01 I sheet, !b nr Irss.tA S 1 sheet,; or Icae, St I I abeet,I5 or lose.tO 0C Over ti of earb ef above at proportionate ralee. OKn. W OOOM.X.VTIFR. Kdiior and Pr'rietor. T I .TU'lim' tUtSTAItl IJf i'Kt.S. a We have printed a large aaaahrr ef the new FEE PILL, sad will on Ike receipt e( rwntv- t as aerie, aaaal s aayy ve mmr a4ro. my JK. f.ulinm A tens' Cntiimn. tt t aainaa , n. taani a. A. a a ;n a is a r.. J.H.GHAIIAM&SOaNS, tiAMl'I IIRCET, CLEARFIELD, Pa. THE aubacrlbera kavlnr enured into partner ablp for the pnrpeeo ef aarrylcg na Ike baeine.t of Herekandlaisg, now effar A (slood And rare opportonlfy to tbe clti,.,, of CI eur. field and adjoining enontiea to buy atore gooda at wboleaala or retail prieei, that will aalonith the nnlnatrncted. Their good, will be partlcn larly leiected te ault thia aiarhet, Kvery lady will, therefore, enll the att.utlon of her Husband To tb la faet.becanee tbia branoh of onr bneineaa will receive apeolal attention, and everything needed in a well regulated honcebold will at all timet ba found looar store. Oar stock of l!t Y GOODS) .ball act be aurpaaaad, either In qual ity or price, aed will embrace, la part, P rlntl nf every style, Oingbaaii and Lawn, of every quality, MuaUb, ef every grade, lie Lainca ndaptad to tb, taslea of the old and yoong; nnd every artiele of any kind f govda ike eall ia (iinriiiitc'd To be ae repreaeiited.and warvwated to give nat l.facUoo. A, to I)KlS GtMIDH wa bave a iplended aaKtrtaaent of Alpocm,, black, white, and In eolorai Ariaurea, Sllka, and In abort all tbe newest styles in tbe market. We desire this fact te become kaowa To Every Ptrwon man, woman, ah I Id, phyilcian, chaate, farmer, lawyer, barber, woman 'Tlgbu man, ar amy atk nr aaan la tbe aotty Young; Or eld, rfea ar poor, kiga or low, who will favor I with a eall. With onr new and eitaadva atoek any gen (lam an wan pleavee Ut meet t tidioai Indy, By Jnat dropping la and (ettlng a alee dreee pattcra, lace aett, kid glovea or by doing that which ia belter: give ber a well-Ailed parse, snd aba will lad good end paying InveatmeaU la embroideries, edginga, ribbona, gloves, boalcry, or any alber heaaokoui aoecesliios. And In addition tn what we bave alrealy aanmera ted, we beep an klndi of CKTI,l.MEXt VI l:AR euobaa Clothe, Caeeimerea, Satinetu, Uata, BooU and Shoes, A oM beiidea. A Xlee Aatortmevjl of Made np CLOTHING for Men and Boya, mnufeerrd out of tbe very beat material, which we will aell for raah or exchange for eoantry produee at prleea whlob will aatonifb both bmband and Wife art new largely tn;aged la btrrfng and filing .Q,t AKIi TIMB1:r and maeufao. tnred Lt-UllUR, and ar ill giro lb ii branch of bnatneia ipooUl aUoatlon, and maviU It an object To livery One who baa Lumber to aell ta deal with na, W thall also keep eonrtaatly on band a reneral aaaortmont of .K.ri:HIH nod II -.ROW A till, wh'eh we will aell at exceed ingly low price. We nlae keep a full aiaort ment of Ql'KEXS ft' ARC, Ttii department will be kept full and eomplele, and every Young Jinn Or maiden who eoTtteiuplate bonaekeeplng. will Rod It advenUgeoof to eome and trade with na. Wo art eoaituated, and, from long eiperienee lu tba builneaa, ae well acquainted with tbe waa'e and neeeasiiiea of tbte eommariiy, that wt ft el a(i Aed U every man and woman In Cloarficld Connty make It a melat to bay their gowl from na, we ean pleaet them botb aw t qnality and pxico. T hareore, noma aiong and buy your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Quoeiisware, Hardware, BOOTS & S1IOF.S, HATS k CATS, Ready -Made Clothing, And everything yon aeed te rtader yearselvee and familUa ana,foruble, hem JAS. B. GRAHAM k SONS., ssiii.tr CLEARFIELD, Da. SOTIcr Tb termatie of the partnml ip X af Jaaiee R. tlmaaex A eioa. tUn9 net prevwM the settlement nf tbe antes end book noeonnl. ef Ihe laic Arm nf i-howera A Oraham or R. tV. Ura hem. Those knowing tneeneelwea Indebted to either nr. reoneeled to eome forwnrd nt enoa and eloee tb.ir areonnte. JAMKft B OP Ml AW A FOX8. CiesrScld. SeplcntHir 10-tf, lir ANTKIsWM ..Welt LOS). J PiilNtU siS. II The wndereiirned nn-hv give ne.tl.-e, that thev wil ne the blene maHiel price fr a ,xl oaalitya, l.ONil iIINl)LFS and Ihoee having anrh for esle. will Snd tt te their tntereit tn give lliaen a eall before aallng .leowlnww. JOS. BU.'W POX. Cbanrlrid, KsmAmrWwVtt . . ftnUttxAi. rr.nsTi.TAMi nnmi ILJL Opotiinf of tin Tyroti & OlearC aiooiu avr viuiui.t:iu, Forfy-ont-mllti north of rwrsa 05 and after Monday. February nt, fos'f Tr.ie, wiil kuudae betw.eu Tyrone aed I,oe( n,,1 one Pa..i tiger Tram bemeas lvr.o. u. laid, aa 1'iU.wai LeaTC Stimlll., Utallutie. l.on, p. U. ., ' d.li, -., " Clearfield Phihpalurg.. OMewia.. Tveone....... t MICTION Pnaaengera lest ing Clearfield at 2y'crk arrive at Tymne at i.iv p. tn., maltlnr wnLi with Cincinnati Kxprvoe Aa.t at f.17 , m with Moil Win at C.4I p. u.,tm Jl- LL,r"J with Held .eif Kxpre.a, leaving Tvron, ?. tu.t nirivmjr at Hellerontc al b.j', a,. ick llavcii al llVKO p. ui , eoni.n'iie . T11 Moil Put on tha Philj Ii Ijbia aul ba. K,?!! 11 ?l p. nt ...my: tag at W iHiatji.port .t 12.4,1 Kclnriut,.', a-ai-ngcra tearing .i.;ioi,wr,B X.1. a. m , ou Krie Jllail Wc.t, anil, at L,ea L. van al VSl a. ut.. onrirMrcting with Bald l.j. Kxpreae li aviog Lot k Harcn at IP.w et. in JT riving at liellelonle at 11. id a. a. , fcuje' t, Clly at .5 y. ut, en Tyrone at I p " AliU ii. u H.LlAlij, irroeral Superiuuoattj UEOItlib t. WILKl.Ns, '" Vupuinut'lrai. Philadelphia & Erie Itallroafl. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Throogb and direct root between Phileatlfthf. iuhne. tutu.. r and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania, ELtCiANT ST.EEPIXg CAES On all ISigbt Tnvanj. 05 and after MO.N'IiAY. K(V. IU, l!f traiiia ou the 1'hiiadalpbia A iuia ktd huad niti run aa follotv : Weattvarl. Mail Train travel Fbila4elpb!a....K,46 . lo do Bt. ilar a 2.(6 f!)L IoH arrive at trie Erie xprea leavaa Fkila4elphm-..J).aai. Dc.. ..do St. klar '..... l.bstiA.M. Iv arrive at trie, ..l..Hi A.H, V. net w krd. Mail Train lenvea Khe .....lt 5ft A. 1 Do do 5t Mary'i i p. j lo arrire at I'I.iiadil(,bia,...1l lo A Erie Expreaa leavoa Erie I !; p. Do do ht Mary a Ml A.l Io........ arrire at Pailadtlpbia 4nP.K Mail ajd EiprrM emmeet eitb Oil Creti an Allegheny jRtver Hail Hoad. Beggar; et.A tied tbrougb ALFHKD h.J LEU, W antral laptriaUadait Clearfield County Bank. Till Cleatfteld Concty Bask aa an iaeen-wtv ted intitution baa gone ont of eiittnet b Ue furrender of Iu cbarur, on Nay 12, let AM Iu Mock la owned by tbe nWibtrt, wk willoonunoo tbe Banking ba.iaoe at tbe na p)aea,aa private L anker a. tander lb Im aan ol tbe "ClearUeld Cour ty Ia.bK." Wart n fpnnaiblafor tbe debt ot the bbk, and wiiimr iu t.ett on drmotid al the eonater. btynB received aoii iau ret pai l wnau motitt ti wtiv atxed time. Fapor aieeonaue e4 aix per rait aa beretfite. Our pereotial reaowneieilitf pledged for all ttopoiiu received and aaum tratia eted. A continuance ef tbe liberal pat ron aro of tbe bniieaj men of the cnoatj hit rperUnlly eolici'ed. A Preaident, raehter tat officer, f tho laU Clearfield Cvnnty Baak. ei reqnire the noUi of mid Bank to b prteeitti for redemption. 4 A ft. T. LEONARD, ItlCHARD FIIA, HM. I0KTKK, JAS. fi. 6KAUAH, A. C. WRIGHT, O. L. RUl), WM. A. WALLACE. The buinea of (be Dank will be eoson-tad j John M. Adami ?., aa Caabier. 1J M 3. D. M'Oirk. Edward Prrkt BAKKIKG 4 COLLECTION HOVSl og McGIRK 4. PERKS ftoaeeeaon to l oetcr, Perks, A 0... Plilllpaburg. 1'entrw Coewaty, Pa. ' TI1KKE all the bueinca, of a Bankit Hew I T will lc trannctcd promptly alia U'OB (at moat favorable trruta aiarl-tf County National Bank. ci.i:Anrir.i.ti, pa. Till. Bank ia now open and ready for hat rera. Office en Sercd ftrr.1. in tbc SaiU tt, formerly occupied by Leonard. FiBu) A w nieemial ash omrnna. a. B. (iKAHAM. WM. A. S A4.I CK, A. K. T K.i.,1, D. V. J10011S, ju:S,'C0J Cashier. PU'llAHf Vi M. POKTt. 3K0. L. ScED. JAS. T. IKOX.KD. Pnra.it JlnrtsmttUini;. Xcw ItlaflVsmith Shop. 6RC0SU BT, C1.EAP.FIKLB, Pa. Till and.raigned begs Ic I a form kllfrieaii. and Ibe inli.tntnni, cf Ihe horoacbof Clrv- eld end rttrrennding nelghhorbooel. that ke fa row taiiy to eseL-ulo all nrdcrl ettber in tteoa tuL 1KRSE FllOEINQ a tbe moal arprs" CilV ettlc. ALL JMVrtR OP SAW si ILL IRONS tt Eli I N I work, logurn'a toola, tentbeel '.apratsj grib., Ac. Steel tools of all Linda made of b.1! B c;l or Americas et.ei, , a?tvAll try work is wwrrantrd le give as: fMti.n, or But charged for. ncti. AMOS litSSAM 3Tcw Illacksial.Ii Sboj TUUID STEKtT, Cl-KABFIELD. I fTvR Ken beer iber respectfully Inform, bia X snd the punitc ta general, that be sea le; wd la lbs borough f ( LKSRHKLD.lt ' ahnp recently occunrd by Jnoob Sbnr.kri'. where be ia now ready le perform ell ex' towariie bia cuaiomere in a workmanlike at.ar 8leile, fUigha, liargiaaaad vin, aToara'.i ilor.e-abo.iua doh. at renaonibie rates ' reentrlfa'lr a.ka a abare ol work fnara tea art ae be rereads to give bis wh.1. nttentt.e te rial bneineaa. tunas, atu Nsrci 1J, lfSS. Hoggs Township Awak 0RKAT KXC1TKMKXT AT THOMAS BEERS'S rVKRVBOPT trying to get there flrit, fer 'A j of l etnff crew.U d out fnto ibe avid. I ll yon want rood Mmeiur d- ne, en te tu4 If von want vinr Sier irned relL lulf ir.A n wui gncd Mill Iron, cc te Bi4 tf yr u armiit y -i:T e n i,..n, ii h. iafc-t ivle and wirknmnrMp, g to I r.aaa makea tbe beat 8m mb Mnrh 9tne, anddcea all kinJ rf U LACK. "Nil U f ac eheap a ran be d.me in the eennty fr Ci My Puit OAoe atUreia if V'learneid Itr.-ic . THOMAS ELbb-. Ttogga Tp., Dee. Itt, let? tt. Democratic Almanac. rMUH invaluable j nhHeation t ft aale at ' J pt ofPre. Il tiiouid he in Ihe bandri.fr1 ' mocrmU It eoalain full el cot ion retain f ' evary wunty in tbe I nilrd (Male; le number tor I HiVti contain a fMMnpleie IipI el niaiPKil U ihe ne MjicivMipprrwrM1. ami an durinir l-nntln adiiuitintiatiuii ; anJ ' eotilain lha tiinltn a 11 tUtlM ci llnUJr eho tmpripttr A i.uutig the aame penttd. TV liM, for future ifercieoe, are note! ni"re '' the piineot tin-paMiration. The nemler ter I laalao full f valuahle alatiatic. Any one art fit cent to lb r( lV.ajt.er, will noeiw M rr mail a eej.v fur each Tear, tree of poataf . (j' Grape Vines for Sale. A LL tbe leedinft V.ardy vatieliea of si I 2. Its. IllMI'liU t'tl ll.Mic, e" " k.ndred. fDNCOIlll V1NF' ely l"" routior,. bv A. M. lU'.'-l CleerAebl. Pa . Angart ft, IS6I. Txl wx-Sl M. Isnaaliirw. UnhbeH'a Irre J Hoofland S Oermnn.llnat.tter ed ll'T Uaigewamd U'lteni alee ware arajw.i- anwaev. .imw".' ' . .wrM I 1 on, a u I 11 le, . I IK.40 . I let, .