.Dclrls nl'r.rl.iHianli. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. V tfktl pi, I 1.1 Mil l II. I' VI., I la.". ai.-, i I mu.m , h,,,t ha. p. a. I ip e-. n .n-H'iift el th. t ' l, ao.r. toe p, ,m... , mil hr C' I I ' Hi' I rt eld for., I., ae I ri.en e . .l,.rc ol pal. h p.i reaage Rl .'riot p-eeooal e1lrilin It. lite de tain of kit nneineta, he k I t te t-.let e.ti.rtelioa It kit pelrooa. Tbe TAM K will BlotM be hoaMifnlly ertpi,"d Wilt, the l,e.t that eat be praHatrd la th market, n, Hie tlAR will leaia.o a tick el Llyl .Oh. llah'K, Ac. 0ot4 nettiae alia.hr. I. a frKR LEirot.nt. Clnr.U. March I, It Pn.prlet.ea. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST., CI lt TXKVII.IE. I'A. nAVINU tooted for tern of yetr tb abort ml bnnoa anil popular hotel, kept foarn.rly l.y Mr. Maa.ta, and lately by lit. Fetal. 1 tht pretenl proprietor bet re (tied II with h olijiel ol reod.r'ng bli gueail euiaforl able wbil Houralag wiik hia. A (ae, largo Stable al lard U attached, fur tht eare aed pretertiea tf horee.. aarrieget and warona. A tikcrel ehere af pablia patronage ti t.ilirited. febJI tf JOHN FOLTS, Prepr. SUSQUEHANNA. HOUSE, Car curt I lie, CI ra rile 14 tetiDty, Pa. rpRToUand well eataltiahed Hntel, beauti.. 1 fully aituated en the hanke of lb uetue btnaa, la tht boraifb vl Curweo ville, ha bran .eed Tit a term of jmrt bft.it andcre.jae4 Tt feat beee entirely renued, and la now open to tba frtiValie feaerally tad th travelling eeeua.1. tty la particular. No peine will be apered to render f ueati comfortable while tarryUif at Uii m. Ainpla Bublinif toom fur ta aooaumt. n( of utni. Cbarjrt mudrat. Jan. 1, tf WM. M. JKKPRIF.A, THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Carweoivllle, ClearlleU toaoly, fa. TUB aaaaraitaad hai laaixt thif ala! and lot.. aataaliaaai hauL (fariaarly katx ty MaJ.it laaa bioam,) aitaata io a aanlnl f artino or tbt aaa.aod kaa aaliraly r-Sttaa anJra farniibi l II, tit ra.adalal Ua au-ilina;. o aa to alalia It aaalfaot, aaraalMr, far taa travail pablio to pilroaiic tkil larfa u aaanaodlaaa baaaa. dao ,'3-lf JOHN J. KKAD. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner if Second inrl Market treU, Cjtr.AUKir.I.D, PA. TTTTS nld ud om modi out Hotel bat. during tH ftat year. hea nlar(rJ ti duubla iti lortaar tapaetty for tbo enlcrttlnineot of trio, ftrf aad fuaiu. Tht wklc buHJing baa beta Mfuraiiaa4, and tht proprietor will nar o a.n td rndtr bit Xau aomforubla wbil Uy.af with htn. f h Maaiot, Hovm Omniboa runi to ad fmtn tht ItpX the arrival and dpt"urt arf aaehtraia. VAViD JOHNSJTON. Pmpritur. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLEAHFIEI.D. PA. lnB rafcarrWar tim Iraaad fur a tarn of X jaart taiaf1-4uaro Hotel, (kapt f'if maaj aaari bj Mr. LaoirbJ and ra ltlad and rafur olihad it taroajifaoiit, U caw prepared ia eolr tala traeelarf and tba publie ita.narally apnn umi il U hoped alike araeabla U kali pmlraaa aad praariator. Nit TAUI.K and BAH will be tap ilied with laa kaet tbe market afforda : aad aa paiat will he pared aa bit part ta add to. taa aaaveaiaakce ad "Virort nf hie raeta. , JDtU KOCHHERTV. tld , frapiiatar. tieTchange HOfl ntKTICir(V PA rptllf aid trtaMWhaDtnt limf bata letttd 1 a? J. M'tKKfSON. fnrmtrtj fropri'tor of tta "MtrriiiOB Hont,"ha fcaaa rtitpotjhl ren or tad tad ra(urr..bd an4 nm wiita all fctottrB ittara-rf'aieMJ aad canvanianaaa aa atttary to a 4Wac mwii MtKft. Tat dicing room bat beta raaiavaA Wa irtt f oor, aad ii Dot apaaiaai aad airy. 1a dhtafctrt art wall va ilaUd, ad tbt propriavoraMI tadtavar ta aiaka hi fMfti parftatl at krm. )U J. MtjKKfSOV, Proprietor. J. V. OAI4.ACK... ,w.M.Tnna. a. Ha'. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, I.aOierawf.C lca0e!d Ca Pa. ' THIS well lupiivj) and '"t, aMabliibad llo!el, forairrit Iwvpt K. W. Murt, ted Lattttt Wa. Scbwaatu arA i been leafd fori taria jrf year i y therdvirneJ, ta which tht at ten -tWa at tba trartflitr t It now called, and a 1 VWil tb art nf ftfbhc f atrontft ! follcited. aprlvGfl-ryd r H AW WALL ACS. THE RAILROAD HOUSE", MitX ST, tHILIPSBURQ. PA. TIH aaaeretfiaad keape ranetantljr at baad taa keel at biqaara. Ilia labia It alw.y. applied wltk tht nt toe market tfnrda. Tba areli( pablie will da well In girr him a salt 0'1,'oJ. KODKRT LL0VU. SHSACER t GALER'S Restaurant and (onferllonrry, (On Rcd Stmt, near the Kailraad Depot,) CLlAliriELD, PA. Ijwn erTERs ..j ice cream it eatxw. Tutiaxra, Ciare, Candiee, Kuta, aad aeoi', laaun ueaallj f'.uad in a Cmfr-tn. art. al'a.Tt oa head. Tbe only HAUATLLLE TtiLB ia towa.'aaa na ftnind al th!t talnon. avert Olaipd SIIHAUER A tiALER. McGAUGHEY'S EESTAIRT& i.EFRESHMEM -' a a loo w, - . la Leaej'i "ew BaiMinc, (formerly eeenpird hy ilr. lluloj PEC0SD ST., CLEAR EIELO, P. ' COSTAyTl.Tonliandaflnee.rvt,onf.rCAX.L at. M T. rroAiif". touaoco, a. Snrlnffl Summer Dress Goods. Hrfwl op to anil the tavtea of cnatomera. aVniLLl 4I I 00 on iw-ijiiii'i "tory. drald-tr . liAVll) MrUAlliliEY. Jootjs and bors. DANIEL COXNELT.Y, Boot and Shoe Manufaclarer, CLtARFiELD, I'A. HA at raoaived a ana lot of French CALF SKINS, aad ia now prepared to aiannfta tirt terrythiag: te hit Una al tht lowtat a rare. Ha aill warrant bia work to bt at rpreaartae. Ut rafaaeUully vnlieua a at fau tbop a Manei tretaatroi.d dtor wtaial tht ptuft;te, "ira at will aa ail in bit power La reader tatia fattioa. ft.ni liia Gaiter topt n bund. yV.47 1UMKL CONNKLLV. PEACE rROdAlMED. tEX WAR OVBRlij" CLEARFIELD KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Xmrly all th Cmtrab.inlf going Inch to tlitir old niytrrt ; but 'nary one yomy to old Maxsahurttit tchcrc thty vert loved to long and to v eil. It taataqaenet of the ahore faatt. F, SHORT, af ika old "Short fthoa Shop." would at "teat la bit aawteroat patron., and tba people "TOetrBtld ononty at larffa, that he bat now a ltl rat. lotaf food B)eUril, jqt reeelred frntt 'k Xmi, and It prepared on toort notion to raakt u Mead Bnata and flbnee. at hi. a.w .bun in trek..,', row. He h tati.fied that be ran pluaat k'Lfleel it mlftil beeonte lolentrly loral tut- l aeai. patneti.) He t. prepared U .all low far "k or Cooatry Pmdaca. Kon't forjrt the kl aett dnor ta "hower. A Urahtm'e ttnra, Buket .treat, f I.erBeld, Pa., and kept by a W"n eonat,y aalled I )'J,-I7 y "RnORTT." wwliooT a V ' siidf siiiir. edwarcTmack. ' IIAIIKET A Jn T... n.EAIIFIi:I.li, Pa. TMlf proprlitnr bar entered Into lha BOOT J 0MOR baeiaen at the ahoee tland, and VArteraiined not In he nntdnne tiibar In qnal. Jj " p'let for bit work. Kpee al atleolion paid la ataaofeetnrinit F-wrd wnrk. lie J" band a larre lot of French Kin and tf Skla., af the eery be.l quality. Ihteltl "f Clearteld and alclnllT are raepeetlally "M ta lr. aiai a trial. Ko ebarga for aalll ,WB(MT A irsil OlTiSllOP. IU t TRW KtVIIXE. TBS aabHrikar baelag lately ttarted a aaw I beat aad Mbaa el.ap la l arw.ae.llle, aa traat, eaaeetu jaaapk U. Irwla't iirw( ,lkt. rehM)i,.n. n (k. naklie tkal rreparad aa a.aa'a'lare all etylae af Bnale " 'kaet. ,ad eeerythtef la bit Iip, aa than Ha alee beepl aa band a road aeaorl- f rtady.aiada wo-k, wblek fca will aell 5 .1" " tnaatry proa... a J. at, . W.118 . ROff. j Vrnnrlf. Viatic nVri per (To. BEST GOODS" AT Lowest prices! KEWKTT, IILATTKMIKRGKK, & (()., NOW OiVlK AT TI1KIB ?I ii ill 111 o t h Store, IN f)HC KOI. A, PA., LARGE &-WKLL-SKM:CTED ror tr Spring & Summer Goods, PURCUASKU AT THE LOWEST MAR KET RATES, AND TO BE 601.D AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE ON' COST. QOXS1STIXG OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, qceknsware, wood i willow vai;'e, notions, clotiiiko, - Hats and caps, boots and shoes. J7Ubxitui:b 4 mattukssics, FLOUR AND FEED, AND SVERYTHINQ APPERTAIX1NO TO WELL-REGULATED HOUSE HOLDS, AS WELL AS TO MILLS, MINES. AND CAMPS. QKDERS RECEIVED AN'D PROMPTLY FILLED. HIGHEST MARKET RATES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. SALESMEN ARB ATTENTIVE, PO LITE AND OBLIGING. (JALL, SEE, EXAMINE, AND BE ' ' ' CONVINCED. BENNETT, BkUTEXBEIlGEI., & co Oaoeola Millt, l'a April 31, 139. THE CLEARFIELD STORE IIECOXSTRUCTEI). Orarce I.. Read William Puwell. Joha f. Weaver... William W. Bella. GEO L HEED & CO, Two doort aortli of the Court Haute, CI K.ARFII.M), PA. HAVINU ret urn fM. to nur old boiin(i it and, t berfty nutifj tlja rttitan of Clearfield and tba ftuhlie genriitlly, that wt hava entered apna. ad Intend to iroaernte, a vtcoroui earn iiAiyn titainat btcb price- and inferior from,, and Lava anir aa band a full tupplv of all kip da of foedi OM'd .q thu Diarkat. lu tbc lipt ttf Dry Jooclv Wt eUim to have a full ap(irtmrtit, eoniting ia hart of Jdatliat, bteaohed and wnMeaohed f 1'rinU wf all grade, and ftrlet, and Faah aa Alparna of all ttindftf le Idtinet, Ma ripoa and I taaanjat hnuk, full aaaort . meat pf friitletnon't wear, eontiPling iu j.art of Cloths, Cassimeres, Salllwttt and a full aaaarlBlent of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Xotions, Hosiery, Trlmiulnfrs, . i B 0 X S E T T 8, AC, Hats and Caps, Boots and Sloes. groceries: We htee a full ffnpply of Coffee. Toa, Pofar, Ttioa Jdoiaaara, aocto. n-h. fait, imaeod, . aval arxJ tiab ifiH, FWUE, BACON, DRIED FEUIT, Fugar-eured flaiai Wt Park and a fall tupply of I'mvirioDa. Hardware ond QueensMore, All the f.,ep.ilii(( artirlea will he eharnr'i for CAll. LIMItKK. or CO I'M RY IMIt'lH t'K, and at pri.Ti to a lurli there can be o rxreptioa. Thoea in need of l.ondf in our line, aill plana tKfCALL A XI) SEE T.S.'-w HO. L. r.EEI) CO. Claarfiaid. fVpL 17, tt. R. H. TAYIetlR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Sear the llallrnnd Iifot,) , CLKAaUJM I), fKVB'A. IrVHKACK thl. niathnd af lofarralar Ike enhlia, that 1 hare aiitnd aa a ?rd tar lha ea'a of wood ar anal-Kutat i,IAll and AnthraAite COAU In the bnroo,li at laaHleld, and hare enenplHerl arraagiitaia) aitk altera) dnaiTt Br whKh 1 ran beep a (all iipplraonetantlye haai, wbiab trill ha diepaeed of at raaaonebta ratea, by lha ana, ku.het or ear load, to eit parrhaaara. Taoaa at a dniawr aaa addrar aaa br h-tuir.aed abtajn all a re. Mary lalraiatira far t'am mail. R. h. 3AVI4R. flrteld. -.. a.4. IKMf I Vlil..i1flihi,t Mirili'tmrtiU. O BANKERS, CQ No. 35 South Thiro STREtr i PHILADELPHIA. I ENERAf AGENTS, rLIilioTLVANIA 4. Law . a. M . aa w r v . . - av r or THE .4 " l.rrl... UNITED STATES OFAMERICA. Tn NtnnvAi, Lira lx.rrn.AAa (.'ohi-awt It a CASH CAPITAL, 81.000.000. fCLt PAID. Pulitioillonl. Inevlni In uir .rfl hftmi on trpliraMna it Aarnfflra, lihipin, tui.y d-tiriMuffiUa aAafantauftaugfre i uy ii. liipei'il ,1UIT ! f'aVO, H. H. HIJNHI J., Manager. J. C. THOMAH, Aj.-Dt for t'eotra and Claarfield oountiat, Fa. , au(2V.ialy j. NoLLowamit a. davii cAHrr. HOLLOWBUSH & CAEET, BOOKSELLERS, Clank Hook Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, SIS Market til., i'hiladtlphla. atjul'arer Flour Banki aad bag.. FoolM.p, ltlar, XiHa. Urapptn, Curtain anil Wail Paprrt. feli'A-lr. JOHN M. MELLOY, aTAavracriiBXB or Plain, Japanuod & Stamped Tinware 1 mo dkaIiKr m ' I llouac Kumlkliluj Uuoda. Tin Kuofliij and l ondurlnr Pipes. , No. TS3 MlrVrt Ftreot, aut6 lr I'lllLAllia.l'llIA. DREXEL & CO., N. 34 Moult. Third treat, PbiUdelpa Jf.fa.taK f,'fC H, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application br mtil will rfceive prompt atten tion, and all io format ton cheerfully fumnhed. OrnVri tuliciUd. aprl 1-tf lRLETr7sfEIN BROS., Manufaoiurera of and Wboletala Iaalere la MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 121 Market V 419 Morckaut Street, antr7; PllII.AHEI.l'ILIA, Pi. 1869 . spring. 1S69 JAMES, KENT, SAKTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Nut. 2.V, Mr. A 2.1 N. Tkird Sl PlilLADKLPUlA. , Wa air new rtrepared with our aauai eltrneive and wrll-airertcd atcick to offer a. Ira iudaRciuenu toCAlli 1HVKRH. aprl 1-tf STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (Sucrcttnri tol'ctor T. WritM k Co., ' larottTivM or ana r it 11 " DRUGS AND MEDICIXES, At.ln, Brandies k Wines for Medical purposes. jel.V67 J.o. 6I'V Market Ft, PUilad a. BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., 4n. i i. riiia c, ana z voaiaiaraa. ruiLAPELI'UIA, Pa WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Mordants, roa faa lata or Wool, Gluten r, For Skint, Featbeee, Laail.tr, laa alaad. Ilritd Fratla, Uloaer Baad, Haota, iMar fktna, Hotter, Iteetwal, bbeap flkina, Kpre, at., ae., Aa. CONSIGNMENTS HOLICITED. Watkljr Prict autre ot fortrardad an rqit. Jun U. laei ty.pd DF.A.'M, BI.IVUiK.S8 A CATAIIItH treated Willi tlio utrooet loocfee be llr. .1. l.-AACS, M. Il and Prolruor or Liu f ol it"' Kre ainl Kar in the Aledli-al (ollce of 1'rnti.yl 2 eeara ekprrienae, llomierlr of tardea, Holland.) No. Arrh Mn-et, I'hil a. TeMi laoittala tan be aera at hie o(&nr. The medical farollT aro Inriled to arroiopanj their palirnl., at be bat no trarrt. in Lit prof-e.lon, Arlitflial erat Inter led without pain. Xo rbarfe fw ei aroinatit,n ijrln-ljr. jrtonf irttasons. MICHAEL BOKE, MASON AND STONE - CUTTER, hen Waalilng-tnii, Pa. ta.ATI Mimlt of M.wnrt dnna. In tba moat wnrktoaolikr manner. Ordi'n toitriled, and en trart. taken fa any part ol the enunty. apr2ltf. HUBERT & YOUNG, jStonr-Cuttors & Stone-Masons, AY TILL e lean lea II wnrk In their lina at mod- rait priraa aad in ri lt r iLAb ityio. jldxlutectural Ornaments la ALL fiTVLER, Ftnnt rretinr or trary datnriMina, and all kinda of toaaon wnrk oa traoied tar ia arti of iba aoaaly. Any peraor wiahing to bare rfpeetanla naaoa work aad ttonr-euttltiK dona, will And it t tneir Inter eat ta ealt upon at Wa would tlra Infftraj the pah tie that tet aa drllvar any aoaattty or tlaat af float deairad, aa aa art Uit aw nan af a FIIWT-CI.ASS RTO.NPd yUAIlRY. OrSera for work ran t addreaaed altbtr to Clearfield at Late. ere .. BiarSltf m ilKHT A VOUNG. LlTITERSm RG TOTTERIES I.utlirrabufff, Clrarflrld Ta FARM FRS. M FHH A IV Ri Ti RYMrW Look H erel IIIK nnderaltraod la prrpsred tit fnrnlah Tn J with the rwat rT'KH AUK tnanofttetitrod in thia ronnlrT. lit-haa nrrwr vet failrd to plaae the mot fntlHoa, aa to qaality or dnrahility. lln ware conaiata ia part af CJlEAM rCTS OF ALL SIZES: MII.K ( H(( K ASO FAX, Fruit Cans, '.for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, Amlinthnrt rvKKVTIIIMl aaually aitde and krpt in an etalji.bm.-tit ol tbit kind. MI:R('H.XTS fan hare Ihrir ware drltrfrd, hy ate, at AXT TIME and to AW I'l.Al K detirol. Ordart for ararr nalirited, aud promptly fille4. T"For rnneral aaanrtnienl, ana Calaiofat aal Prion LiM, niaiiod frre ta applmaula. a?r-A liheral dianpuntaill bo given tp the whohraale trade. .K(. a EIRK. Latherenwra. Pa, I'oa. 1. IW.--.if Rl ft. Irorutliro, HaMaell't, Irrmko'e, llooriand'i Oarpian.HotteUer't aad Orwant'l 0 1 rent led Rilam t alao port Lrnaarg, af all bisda far cadielaal rrroeee. for aalt he !titln.nf, Unuaif, f tf. imkhiu'.m, & inm.r.H. ham aaa ta ii it n w i it r. A 1-1. MatiaiVftiirtra nf Tin and Shccl Iron Ware. l irabl in. n, pa lot of SAi)ii.i;.Jj!iuiw.i:s, llaraeta, Pell art, ale., for tale by MKIittKI.I, llIiiI KU p A LM b.Ci V A t KNT I'N U A 1) Inj Hay Forha, for tail hy MKHRKLL 4 nifit.KK. qTi 7 r I N T VV VI V'7 G LASS, Kaili, elf., far tale by MKIiHKI.I. I BIOLEU. jyAl:Ni;ssTi:niMiNG"s&noK Flndlaga, tala by MEiaiKLL A RJOl.Elt Q U N H, VI STOLS, H W O UUC A N ES For aalt MEKItRI.L t RIGLER. gTOVES, OF ALL KOltTS AND 8iitt, for tala by MERRELL 4 BIGLEH. TUOS i IRON I IKON ! IKON A For tala hy MKRRELL t RIGLER. JJOKSE SHOES A IIOIl.SE BUOE RAIXB, for tala by MERRELL RIGLER. ULLEY BLOCKS, ALL BIZES And belt Manafaotura, for aalt by 2LERRELr j ' '"1 MUMBLE SKEINS ANd'TYFe U0XEB, for aalt by MERRELL t RIGLER. pODDEIl CUTTEUS for alo by MERRELL I BIGLER. SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! ATTENTION', LUMBERMEN! a itEi'OLVTio.r . s.itrs: EMERSON'S PATENT PEBFORAKATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL OrMMINQ AVOIDED.) A LIO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spraading. 8hnrpeafog, and bapiag lha Tetlb of all Splitting Saw.. tan-Sand fur a Daeertptirt Ciroatar aad Print Litk HEKRELL BIOLER, janl.tf General AyenU, Clearfield, Pa KKALKR IS STOVES AD HOLLOW-WAKE, AND MA'.IL'FACTVRrR OF Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Pklllpabarg, Centra to Pa THE aaderttgned rorpaetfnlly anaoaaeae to lha public that ha bat na hand a eara-fully-eetectad aad wall attortod ttock of 6loTea. 11 it rariaty aonattta of IHE CELKBIZATtD IIEOXSIDES, Which bim aarar fallad to (Wo fiarfaot aatlafaa Uoe ta tbt uoat faatldioua af iU parrhaaara. Cotstinantal, LahUh, Farmer, Daylight 5pari' Atatl l'sat, Kiafara, Charm, Herald, do.. With every TaH'ty of tba baat rittabarf Mutufaatara VvuTb Tla aad Sheet Iron vara f Iraa with tbt Moral ia fcada af lha haarloat aad boat ataterial, ao4 warraBtad to fiva pari eat aaua. raetto. Hta a took al PARLOR AND UEAT1N0 STOVES li larper, better aaJ abaanat thaa avar bafnra avbtbitod to the pallia, ila deftai aoaipatitioa aitbar ia variety, quaiiiy ar priaa. lit ti ala prepared te faro I ah a eetapltU aeeorttnenl of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden nnd Willow Ware, Wfaoif-aalt or ratall, aanofarturad aatllT aad a-lth tbe aole via ta eerrlea, from the beat -notarial in tbe Market. . PLOWg, PLOW FOTXTW. A f OPFKR, BRASS AND 1U0N KKTTtRS. Of ttry daacHptioo rontantly on hind. L.GHTXING R01S, fiu parlor plnt, put ap an abort aolioe. The Potat be oflare to Ike p-vhlie ia the aaene aa b bo aaad hy the Voi.nayiraDia Kailraad Ca wa their boildiage. ORPERS TOR .SroCTINO, ROOFINii Aad atbar work beloafloff ta bia heal nee will ho promptly nlled hy axparieneed aad tkUllul workmen. brass, ajrrER AND olu mettle Taken la airbanp for foodt. aanarlally Invitee tbe ottentloa at Marnhafite withion to parnhaa at vbaraeala. aa they will tod It in their advantage to atkwine tie aloek bafure purahaaing elievhera. ti. B. FLEO Al.. PhII1pharr, Aof . I'M. Jv2H7 EW KTOKK A'D NEW GOODS. JUS. SHAW A: SON Ilav. jutt opened a Niw 8to, on Alain Su, CLtitniLti, T., lal.lr ooeupied hy Wa, F. I It WIN. Their sleek eontitlt .1 UDUU'T CE3-CDXLD33. Oiorti-n of lb beat quality, QlIEF.SSWARC, IeOOtS 011(1 SllOCft, and rrrry artiola nnriMoiarr Tor on' romrort. Call aad .lamio. our stonk befnr. pur eliaainr eltatrhnre. Mar D. ffifi-lf. Trueaea aad ahdoeaiaal tnpparlrt ararery kind of tba lateat ttapeaoamaala, for .ala a Ih.Drag !lor of BARTtiWICK A UWIN. TIIF. DEMOrftATTO AMA'A(, fw "," HAT i 1SI for nla at the Tart Prtas M saws. UaUtw t try addraat faeynr Urtii-nl, t (iOr Rf Al.TH t. l.M'oal la Weal h lt .i.l-o. Ii r ha otri.r 1ly. oat tl. .I t h.....,. a, 4 r.. lerarera anh h.t...!1. II I f. :, ,,, tti..taal et.-nr,. p., , a.),, the e r.rii'.r f.;,-e It"., aed noe in rod... brep ih.ai te by tb. dally a.t of Huhaeb'l (tome.k Riliert BTsPEPSIA. Thtrt It, prnl .klT no ont diietit with whleb ankmd are effllotej aSirb I. Ihe eearee ( te tny atlmenlt at !.( ei.l., and there I. no "ere enaia tara tbaa Rubaek't Blumaeb Hit Itrt. A EEMABKABLE FACT That aot a tlnglt Ullanee kae rorao lo tbe knowledge of tba proprieton, of tba fallere ol Hohaek't Medlelnr. to gire entire eatiafaetioa la tht bnadredt of thon..nd of ra.e. In wriieb Ibee bava baea need ; t.i. i. -r l and aadealable tridtaoa of their intna.i itritt. LOUD Il tbt praiet la the aiootbt af aeeryhndy In faeor of Kobaab't Nto.aek in.... l.i. . out. aad Blood Partner. IS IT EIGHT That you ehould bid deSanee to all naloral lawt aad Ika eoleoee of medieal men, and tnflrr with uytpepeia ar indlgeelloa when Bobaek'e dlojt ach Uiuara can be prooared at any drag iiore t THEY WILL CTM YOU Of fterolal.. Rrv.lnalaa Kik V I 1 aoba, Bllltoutne.a, Llrtr Compltint. Pyrpepait ar IndigaiUoa, lloneampUoa. P. ia la the llaek or Uiint.Uoot, Pleuney, Leaoarrhoea ar White., eruption, and all dtteaaet ariatng frnoj a dmo. dered tlttt of tbt ttomarh, Hohaek't Blood Pillt, htereaoh Hi lure and Blaod Purifirr. AS A PEEVESTIVE Agaiaet Malaria, Ferer aad Agaa, aad alt Ait. ea.ee, ari,io( traea a torpid elate of Iba llrer. tbara ta aa aatdielna to highly recommended at Kebaeb'l eiamack llittert. OEATirYISO To know that a reliahlt ramely It wilhla Ike reach ofarar.body lor Iba radieal eare af Uya pep.la ar ladige.tioa. Snob a remedy It Ho. back't Stomach Uitlart. Sold by all llraggiita. EVERYBODY honld heap aan.taatly witbia Ibalr reach, thoao rnralaekle remedies to raoreeonillT oon.hal die eaao. Hnhaek'e Ulood Pill., Rohe'rb'. ftomnrk Hitter., and Hohaek't Hkaod Parther, Ihey are tafelllb.e In tba direa.ee for which they era rarommeajdad. KOBOSY Caa afford ta hawitkowt taek falaahtt medielaee it Rahark't Blaod Pi 111, Stomach Hi Here aad Blaod Ponder. TEMPEBAKCE. There Ie, parhapt, so oat thing that bat dona ao mncb ta promora the aaatt af Ie woe ra.ee ae that geatle tllmalaling loale. Kohaek o fatomaeb Biltare, tber ttenartbea aad iaelgoraia witbawl pradtcing tbt III effect, af aleobolie ttimalanu. SE&TOYATE. Tiering lha Fprlng month. It It not af lha rtgalar baneebold dntlet lo rraera'a, and. la Iht mallipltrily of other dotletoae'l onaeeir la, ia a groat meaeara. oeerlooked, Ihoaeaada af r.io.i.l. neat michl ha proloared. and wiany donltlatt tared from prematara trace, he Ihor nghle renoeallng Iba eyetem with tr Hoharb'e Blood Pill., htoBiaek Bllltrt tad Blood Parihtr. WHO SELLS THEM? Tho A rent, for lha tara wf Roh.ek't ftlood Pillt. Btomeeh Rltieee and Hload PariSar aro UARTStMCK A IRWIN, Clearfield. Pa. arr:l THE GRF.AT ZINCARI BITTERS. A taft Blood Pariior, a tpleadtd Toa Is, a plaaa aal Borerafa, a eert.ia core aad Preventive of Diseases. rpnR IIXGARI BITTER" tTf eompnaaded X from a preeeriptioa ( f Ihe celebrated Kgrp. tiaa phyiletan. Da. Caaortt I, who. titer yeare of trial and anperimant, diecoeered the Ziogert Herb the mart remarkehle preduoiion, the earth, perhapa, bat aeai yielded eertatnly the moel eBectlra In lha oara al diroaea. It, ia rnmVlnalloa wllh tha alboe e.lnahle propertiee of which tbt XlKtlAt-.I HITTKHs It ao.poMd, will rare - Pyepep.la, Ferar and Agua, BiHIooe Feter, Cholie. Colda. Ilroacbitit, Coi.eamptl.ot la lit Srri .l.f;., Flalaleaey. her eon, llekillte. Female Com plaiate, Rhramaueta, r.aalrr, Aeote and C bronla inarrhma. Cholera kf orhaa, Cholera, Teahoid and Trphne rarer. Yellow Peer. Srrofela. Mean tat of lha RMnr;s, Ilahilaal Cot. livtDeaa. la lha PrtTention aad Curt af the abort dlt eare. it baa aaeer beea kaowo to fail, at Ihoa taade af our moat prominent cillrenr ia.ifhnut .1, parti af lha aonnlry, will teelify. 11 lha affieled aead for rlranler aontolnlng leatimeni ale and coTtllcetee af ibooawbo kaet boon eared altar ihi 'r eaae. bare hoe a praaooaosd kopalaaa he ear heel pbraieiaaa. Principal lpot, F. BAIITEll f n Ne. V. Front tL, rhiladalpbia. rteeomtnended hy ' Ft-Uoe. Iiarld R. rorrer, nf Paaarylala. How. Rohan t. Flehor, " Itoa Fdward MePtertna, " " Hon. o. R Manner, " " Hon. Wm. MrSneerr, " and nthtre. tr-Scad far Clrealart. pJohll lj. SM AIIS p AH At r.A, Kennedy 'l hltd ad BlrooTary, Htlmhald'l Baoha, llakar't Coa Lieor Oil, Jaaa't aad A'tr'i tardiciaot uf tears kind, far sals bt HART-S" h K A IRS I.N. ET tbo IiEMK:r.ATlC AI.VAHAC, Only aiaita. Bear fwier ahrald ha ea. tf in;iMin,!cN, s i if ii i i, k j ttni't'iut M"HMNii, Arrit , ifii Tfrmt of Sulwription, If fail It' a'li aoee.oi a. ..hie lI'Mi nnitlie If p.M .O.r tlini .'rl tit.nr i. te.,ni... Il paid efior Iti: I'tturaiinn ol .it month. ..ti .. J Mi ,. Vr T II. Wl.aoa, w'for.a.aa. It aalhl,rdlft',,m ,,"', "' l I" to raretpt Tor ner-ne. paid ihlo tin a -r on Brrilit nf .,il,ii.tiiin, aK rtl.ln,. i-r. aiwk. d . in oar aWnoe. (IICii. :i. i1iiiii.AMi.H, K'lili r tn1 Pri'i'Mi l if III I.K. lorn Mini l a, Melhodlat rplwopal I liarrlt Bfr. tVa. II. tlll I'aMur. I'u'.lic hornet e.err raita(b. I at li ( A M . and 7! I', t!. j KaliUlh K. h.ml at A. M. Hrayrt Moating e.ery TliartJar, al Tt P. M. Cimmun!n F.-mci-, br.t h.hhalb of erery aiunlk. al ln A. HI. hit. Kratirle' ( hurrh M- al III) o'rloib I A. M , ua lha eraoad aad lourtb ttandavt of ra-b month. For the burt alvlen, tit price Ivatiit the times, "o to Willimn Jiccd & C'u.'h. Welearn thnt loeal Normal Sihool will open in Curwcnavillo,on Monduy, tho fluili of May next, by I'rof. W. W. Wuteun. Goods ordered by telegraph, receiv ed by exprean, and sold very low for eunh or country produce at William I Joed 'o. Thu proprieton of the Keyatone Store again remind tho public of their biihincaa, and of tho rn ro baruins they aro offering to their cntlomcr. mm a. For a nice hat fur tiny or gent., cull at William Heed 4 Co.'. Mr. John Mclntire offers bia real l cnlato at privnto hale. This is a desi rable property for any one w ho is din poeted to farm and lumber. Head the advertisement in another column. An efficient agent wanted for Clear field county, by one of the most popu lar Life Inanraneo Companies in tho country. Addrcas Daniel Shelley A Son., General Agent Manhattan Life Insurance Company, llarrinburg, Pa. aw a. Buy your fancy goods ut William Reed & Co.'a. The Railroad. The now time ta ble for tho Tyrsno i Cl-arficiJ IUil road went into effect on Monday. The passenger train will hereafter ls . I " 1 b ' . ' a contrary, from tlie 2d of May to the i every land whoro the English. iongua arrive at our depot at l.:o0, p. m, j 8th or August, last year, no rain fell, j i slwU0n, and in branding as "glvcn and depart at 2:30, thus giving pas- and tho mm in or tront were scorched , turous for jiiunder and robleryt wh laengerstwo hours to transact their up. Bread can now bo scarcely got, j must meet the condemnation wf lit business and return : bcaidca, the mail will bo delivered onch.lf hour earlier along the lino and west of this place than bcictofoic. It also gives passen - "era Irom tho llr-l more time. A i person cat. leave Pennvillo, Lumber ..... , . ,. ... City, il.llpor'.l'eniificld and uilcrme- , dikte j.laoes after dinner and make I the train. Wc hope it will not be long until tho tr-.in from the Eitst .;!?. -in i,. ii ii an . will am re liere at 11 or II;oii, s. m. i , ! This would shovo the mail and f"" - Jsengem westward in good style. I " aa a RuKCTtn The Ti-esidcnt has, be- causo of the corrupt practices that have front inlo tha Hurra a of Im'.inn AfTairs, determined to hand tho Indi - , , ana oter to mo vuaaers, w no nave nevor hud an ojiportunity thus far, I night and lny." mndition. Sinaloa is torn by rival under any administration, to treat and I The inhabitants of St. Petersburg , tactions, and a general roign oi' disor cheat tho red-skins. i and Mocow, its well as tho govern-, der marks the period. Th. .Ma tat Ian. Last week ho sent the names of! ment, ar doing what they can to sNjcii.tom house is in the haudh of a sea , . , . , jliviato this distress; but the difficulty of hungry ofticinls, who are filling about twenty Fnends mto the Senate L, aching tho sufTcre rs i, po great,! their poetcts al the expo,.. of th for eonfirmalion, about equally divi-1 and tbe trunspottalion ol supplies lo , public trcasnry and credit. Tama rile- 1 ded between the Orthodox and Hick - site winrrs or that denomination An.n. , v. . . , mom? the names sent in wits that ol our oiq ana cow-emeu inena, .tunan- ah -Mi a ul, of Curwonsvillo, w ho was I to have taken care of the Sac and Fox Indians, but be failed to draw a prue. IIo was rejected, together wllh nearly the half of the list sent in. No reason haa been assigned by the Senators for (hi. mark of disrespect toward. ., ,, . .' . . . . the "government and tho rejected : -' - j Friends. Oily-g amnion Scofield and bis cabal must do better than thut. I There must be ro split between them and the L'CvernmenL no different , how I t -t . j j:... low nirv mum gei uonn uuo vno out ! . Kr.n.i,. .oar. mme ,,, pan. Hetler luck nrxt time, Zac,' 00)3 - a little miMinderslanding some whore. j Tin Nrw Law or TrsTiMosr. Ye have already slated that a new law, permitting parlies interested to tea, tily in civil niaca, has been passed. Tho art is as follows : Pl C. 1. Tit t' eeoeferf. ac., Thai no Internet or policy of raw eh.iie.oinde a party or per.nfrcm lb::: an.,," "ZTSr and prafti-fvil In thrirta rf Ihia rommonwriiltii, I fn aa to aMw hNahand and wifa to tr-iif,- ernnt etwli othrr, aor iwiqnaol to tr-rfT lo tht mr,Mi"B i tlal eiana.omr'ina of hta elirnt ; and Ihia a-rt I ahall at apply lo efti"- hyor ar'0"l epmni. I adntirii"trinr or piardien, nr hrrt th ltrn. j mt t thr thing or fHintrart la ai-ttoa aat ftr-ed. 1 end nthrra, mpfitir tbr ripht of anrh dr--aH i fRwiwr. rrHwrTi narttne claim in(t aarh Tipht by rotation on Iho doatb of anrh ownrr. Hrr. I. Thai a pant l lite raced or anr olrll I .... ...'.,,,. , . , . c .1 ' immediate hencst ouch pmeee-d.nr n proeeooted : mt defended, mar he oteaainH ae if ander reoee-1 ':r.:;nn.tr -rllffl .11 thaaaitieaiianreT.aBd aaht- ta tlw mnr mlra for naminetioo aa anr atbar witBoaa. to toa- tif: hot tho partr OftHin; mr aaea oaaaitaatton I ehaM ot W rirludrd thrrrhy, hat may .yrtntithy aoontor te--atnoy. tvr.l That tbe tltonritefaa aatbor ! IrM hT M. an aiay re h.d hr drpoetilon ..rraj miaeioa iued, a. ihe eaae met miiiire, with ei.cn . ntic io ihe pane to be ri.mined. and to thr I alvee'r parte, aa ie now or mar ne-nanar na pre ..rlhed h, the rule, of the proper ronrt. tonchie. the taking of dpoillon and lce.tmnriT nod oom a,i,.,on. J"... risas. Rpeoor of llae llonaeot Brpeeaenialleee, ika ,,.i,,ni-hj.i,, Ppeaker of IKr fVnale. i Arrmeed the ftnoenlh dee of April. Anno lion.tni ana ihonaana eigni noonrcn ana amy. ; aina. Jo . tiraBT. rarker, the raw t ommissioner ol 'Indian Afimrs, ha commrneed to i brandish Ins tomahaw k and sciilpine j knife will, great vigor Ho has just Jtnkcn off tbc head of Mr. ,Mix,whoha 1 been chief i lerk of tho Indian Boreau i f" t1l,ir,-vrr- 50 raixing wi,h tw hibnlons Parker. ITon. I. B. Gara, IVputy ecaclary of the Commonwealth, hits bean nomi nated and confirmed as I'nstmnster of the city of Erie. Thia i the man who issued the com mission in the celebra ted Fort Dclowaro e'eution fraud care "Verily, be hath fcia rewartj - ..lft. y.aIH. frt Ar ft f i latetrrif, i j Inn I l , I i i ii ( j 1 1 -i I-, i. . l.,m in r ' p. I, i. llir -. .-.-rt nl Itl lltr I ohiil tea rc,M 1 1 r l tt l nl n'1 Ii 1 !i tie l,;it at'.' iMi'V te j 1'Oilni.', atil lltv i i I'liMil liplifant'M i)f Ilia man ilnl '-t II tlmil.ty ilitlrt'iiiiiii' t'l-u t'lld lb l'llilillill t hit t ttl l l.' IkI.I I:l.lill lot mm mil auit i n'ii r J inn, llinl . t ir in ihv interior wrrr tkinrf tut tllllrlivot hv t'lllaUtliilat tvcill.ini' tllllWII. lVC'fi lilt" Imik Ol lif.", N ltJ Ihul iiniilliiT l.nl tiitr ol' t-rnfiu vi i,u, (. lite ullor ruin nl lliiitistiiJa. Wf find in t lie U'urld a aliilrinvnl tli.it lliu (iil .aTa ii ro in ail u rent, ainl ilitc In in i no, uitli all in liorrtips, U rnvv riMi;iiiiii; llirri. Thu aiimo rcptirt loiiira Ironi FinlnntI, Livonia, Kitlio it iu mill t'oiirland, frum the nhnrei ol ihv (iulf ol lViilmia ainl Iiku l'uiua, Irom thu lowlandt of Pulnml, mid l.-uiii the ileiibely jienplod towiu utoiig llio lialtic count. Tliero i no need-i . i . . . - .i - . corn to be had for I ho crop of thia yeur; bread, barm'' lung been obtain able nt luiniiie priucH, lia now be come unobtainable at any price ; pea lilenrw linn madu ila appearance, anil in adding lis horror, to the overflow ug cup of misery jireaacd to the lipa of the alricken poople ol those unhap py landri. Here ia a picture of the M-ciie b tlescribetl by a writer at St Petersburg: 'Kidds lyinj; waato ; villuaca depopulated; private hounci turned into hoapitula ; lever purched akeletoim tottering from tho doom ol overcrowded places ot rofugo; chil dron wanderinir over the country in irauiit and aqutilid nnkeduoaa ; crowda of men, driven to denperalion by long mtrtery and ripe lor any outrage, ! roaming tbe ati-ects night und day. I Thero ia no exuggcruliou in thia fear. ful deneription : it is only too well supported hy official accounts trans-, tho viewi of Spanioni colonial depot mitted to SL 1'otersburg from the I inm ; alllic'.cd region. In Kalhonia, Livonia and Coiirland, three provinccsof vast cxtcnt.thore in a population ol l,rjl4,435 souls; in Finland, where there are immense tracts of barren and irrecluimableaoil, there is a population of IJGG.Ul'O. Tbcne couutriu are reached but by a prew-uiation to aniucc our oai. cniu-nt, e.partaMy singlo lino of railroad, and the greater "? ?m t ,"J '"""'--- ' l'"" K' r. ' . e . : tchemea an noarateful retara for tho heaefla portions Of them tiro almost aa IllaO- i oonlerred open tk ui hy tbil people ia Tierulttlat CChbible BR arc tho mountain Of Abyh- I them to make our e.Mintr an asylum tr'i opprea sinnia. Tho soil is thin and rocky I ' ' r h"" ' l";pi'iiiy that . ,, , . , . ..a' i attended to tlrem : and whereat each expediliont and wretchedly cultivated, and the iM . p, n,,, at adnatarea for plunder people arc never Secure Irom tbo tor- ' and roblnry, and uiiet moot tbe eoaatemaauoa tt rible evils that are now exterminating ' '" Jciie.tory to , .... .i the aharacter of our eonntrr. ia rinlalion of tba them. A letter from one of tbe con- u., nUH, M4 eapeiv prob.biiad by ar tml district of Kslbon.a says that jona: aow, Iherelora, Ao. the distress this year iorcr than J This documont ia tie lost that kaa ever. The harvest of 1867 was a bad ( emanated from an Amoricau Aduiir one : but thero was a little corn stored i istrution. Itschief Dea-aliaritritonsisU "P. nd tlu'ro uoi,e OI re"UI '" - .. . evcn l 11,0 ,u,'hl cxoru.iani j-nces, ! ""J' ? 1 1 nZlZ reason of thu extraordinary wot win - lcri no help from abroad cam-each the ! pcii.lo. The debilitated condition of i . .i - I .... l : . . i me peopic,anu tnuii ni-ruiug wkiwct i aro at li.is lime witn retcrence to tin 1 iu the larger vilUg, in tl.u hope oll.llion is not definitely knew.. , getting food anJ alienor, has unscu-1 Una period. vnd ;w.USOt w L it h is making fearful ' -...,, . , ravages. "AH heart lor work : gone tlttoluliou and Mtotlennrn tm out of the peasants," says this letter ; j .Wurtrcr. , "tlicir onco fresh and hopeful farce, It will be seen, that the report w !' only tho blaiikiicss of despair. . gave, soma time since of aft intention. ... .. , J . . . . . r . , , . , ... , i C hildrcn are ocsorting their parents, . to onlablikh the new rcjiublic of the. 1 parent their children j aomo wander , Occident in Northwestern .Mexico is. juhoul the country, begging and plun-i continued. (Jen. Yet;a has declared j dcring ) others flock inlo tho town to j tho independence of Snura. dihmisseoV t.he aggregate of want and mi- the custom house officerfi of the pon- cry alreadv gallieretl there, and iicriah I in scores bv famino and disoasu. 1 Crowd" huv t0 be lurn,td want of means lo supply their need, ! a, . iht-ir imnlarii:!- laces haunt me 1 (hem is uUcndeJ with so much lossol i '""e, msv n irn-u mrj .u o. n- i neveu uy ucuin ocioid iuo siBaii.ia.iivv . . J. - , I nrnvi'liul l-.r hem e.in nrrire A I j (jjJ(.n.rr Too .Witch of the ,i(rrrr. Clny, the firislocratice ''gemmen oft color- of New Orlean. i.ppointed j Minister to Liberia, and Professor j lissaptt, (colored) of Philadelphia, an- pointed Minister to Hnyti, have each ; det-lincd tha honor. Thi is so very curious, that most people will ask ,k ii.J- j!.,.i;...i . i.. a in ui. ? .in-i... .'.in n. uvi miiuh ...vnv ! official distinctions T We I that the true reason aro that they ' rM'ftr 10 M"r ""' 5 "'e po'I,,e ! "a-.iney roc... iron, u.r iurs v. ... . r. .w in iMimntiinit.' where there is "K a- v ''pi '' V : ,,,.,: i,,,, :-.-. . . i..,t n,r f'lnv nothing nut niggers; u.ai tor t m Here IS IOO niUCII Ol I lie lllggl'r 1 11 j.l- , beria, ard for Bassott lo" much of tho nig;er In Ilsyti t.ven In the old slavery limes, between slavery with all its drawhscks In tho Vliitcd ; Stales, and frvednm ulth all its ad- ; vantages in Liberia, there were many ; Wnclt, d,Pi()p(i Litlp,.U ,or xhh simple reaon : "Ilnn't t iu t to go, , masaa.wheredoro snuriin but mgern. . Hesides, in sending the black man xiav, for instance, to the Macs: gov - r'. "f Clay may think. alter all it is only putting me on a . shield member of t'oiigrens from a level with the nigger. Tbe mission i.roces of smmvn in a civil t.ui, in Lngland would be a different thing j but the word "hitcsi" merolv mean Tbo I'nlted Stales nigger Is as good 1 f .yx iblu detention with a view to int. a a white man, and must not, thero-1 prisonmenU This is rigliteous de fore. to picked out as a nigger lor , cijon. t'tniicrcssmen like oilier tieoo'a I Hayti Td iJberitt. Kxchnnft. j my aa ja Jt; :. a.- . Tli X. Y. lndrnffrArht how &Mrtft ... . r ,, p. ., ... . . ' "'t. the friends of the I liiUdeliihia , - 1 negro, Bassett, cheated Fred. long- The got uriinient priming buivao ia r,nt 0f the nomination to lUvti, in a hobble. Clark epiietly paten led "" tm,,tintmry in tl.. ..rk. daring hi. or tf)T?T mm in OTiifT 19 orcM" mr Qflrmment." It it hw plain tlit WO i ' h . k., k-ir., .rM.A ' hinc by pome ovcrnoa ! hv nrrrrom ; thov tr hrt brtttT tlifln : - j " r r ! nrrrora : tnov nr hrt hrtttT tlifln i whilo mrn. jitMiftP lo OUT l it" Uiiol- hj rerirc(l . to R(t that tbr ! I authority for the above statement IS a, i lollop M-ntten rr Jfinc;la lo tno cm f h fntdrnt, "not intended i ' , ,. . ',. ,. . i . for ptiblicatinn ; ' of touase not ; let PP jo editors IICVOT are. AJf. 1 Let T HaVK Piach" lister; i tvmtii., liar iiif nia imiiiinra .m .... in ...o nomination, and np to the tinar nf hi' inanjnrstion, wound np his laconic I lu i.fc etM ..-.l.li J ...lo. , ppeeches wilh tho siiblime iieroration, , i.i... , i.,vfl p..c 1'he truth and , p ,-;i v of this prayer may ho inferred , wUri" it k knnwa ,hal .tnoo he b, fiviply sestsd him!f in tba W hitc I Il01,0, his poliliotl bsikcr. bav.plot- i i ud it'' RnKland tjr"'' ' with Hnain : bnt tiinnirs nM mntr have are beard from Mialer (.rant of let is have peace." On the eontmrr ! , , .... . . . . . nis pontic" sows sgw og ins rnw are, ''1st lit have war.' "A man can't bulp what is dona be hind In baak." a tha acamp Hid wbNl if Hod no, of !r r in urn lean i naiMM. i amiaXi 'ia, tefc..Viltfallef ! attMiteat rint kf .tkof fiav Tit hl Ulifi-Mlt rajl-r, hktlngj, I. .Hi In lint raiinir) nl l l''S alucli Vi'lllM fiirr, t ' ilmiillr it . , . f 't.-l,l. 1 1 iitk' l at an Mrly In) a pnii ilium ut ttf ata'ra tin IhuOai an ajn,.iti)n. 'I ha I" omll IB Culm id loo f'ttMit and tht rnova. n It ul tm frirmU In IliU tvunl.T nre iki hciin o rohdrf ili'i-cei nmcK t;jr j. latihla. In llii conilillun of thiiit it ia tw-H f r ua In lonli t tl rei'ui.l. Tim rxpi'iifiica of th pan. Mill, il lightly nco'i'ied, a do itl ua fa), tiitlili) 1 1 u 1 t lor our lut ui- nuiiae, I'roclanmtiuti nllci lii.ij Ihe' Cuban (uenlinn hnv been ia:iJ by two ur. vinlia adiiiiniatralimiia thai nf linn. Taylor on thu Mth of Apiil, 1849, mid that of Mr. Ftllmora on thu 'J.b:U of April, Mil. Thu Ural ol thuao a ianuud a abort time previous to the vailing of the firl Lopet expodilion, and in a culm mid tli.'iiiu'ud Slate) ilociiineia Cuba ai al lint tun in iie.ti eliil ni'lijuction to the Crown of ; . . i rr i ... .... r... u Spain, and ln-iicral Taylor' acta forth in moderate term thu luct that per aons uiidci Uh.ing to inako waragainat tbe territory of a friendly Power will "nubject thenmelvei to the heavy pen alty denounced agninhl them by our acta of Congreiw, and will forfeit, their cluiina to the protection of their coun try." Tho proclamation of Mr. Fillmoro u uk irtniiml on the occaoion of the pre parntionri for lxM7. second expedi tion to Cuba, and in remarkable lor tbe uiitiigoiiinliu fouling hich ii breatbea agiiinot tho general tone of Amorivao. thought, and which at tho time caaaod, univera:;l ceiiuro in publ ennri in pri. vale circle. We give tba iulroducto- . ry portion of thia curioua document a laluiidmaik in Htalccraft. If it had I been prepared by a Spuninh salrau kl I could not have echoed more perlautiT 1 Whoroal lhrr It raaeon to hrliaee that a millttv I ry rxprditton ie about lo he fitted out in the L'ui j li-.l hlalct with iuU'tition to intade the irland of , Cnba, a rolonr of Hpain, wtlb which tint enanlry ie at peooe ; and wiierrat it ia beiiered that thia expedition it intlieatod aad m-i oo fiut clurllT by lomrnera bo dare to make oui sl.oo II.. aeena , ot tlmr uniltr and ho'llh- preperatina. aratnat a t triendly tiewrr, and took l,y leuaelioua and I l . r : . j ,u lU rejection of that political iiosptr civilmed world," ot that glonwia lit! f 'n ' J F'T 1 includes a llundonald and a l urvr,a , 0 lliggins and a lie I.acy Jivans. I What tho views ol I'lesideiit Grant ...... . . .. ... eral government, and the revolutton. i reported to be spreading. Our City of Mexico txinvapotxienco istothe2!ithof March It rriireeienU ; the nonntrv to lie .till in . A .t,,rh 1 pas is in its nsual state of commoiion. j ei iso meauroa i vuv uuioiier at osn jnciiito r.?c"ocao. cb a way lie. ' J . . ' r-r.i.iili.il nn.n a-l,rt. than, ia hell broth" brewing. General Caulo. who shot Governor Patoni in cold blood, it at largo enjoying himself in Iurangx trtinlv Meniico must be tho parsv. diao of ushassina. febtillo, who o i.,iP rjonnnitted the wholesi.ln bntr h. erv at .Monda, in i uenutn, is to ha replaced by a civilized Monioan. It, is staled that after loi.g set.n l. tb. gorerr.ment has lound ui-li a man. General ierega ia this Mexican Aga memnon. An indignant Coitgrms. ol' virtuous men is to demand very soon a history of tho Met ids massacre, Iglcsiat, th. Minister of Golv-rnacion, , is verv III. is very ill. M ere he to die his powers r j . .1 ,. 0f deception are so great that lie will . j., j.f, J,c n inl. hn.vnn nnl.M K. Tl...ne. im i verv ,.nreful. So tbe countrr moves on. Hud ; Wo,,,! .lowlv works lo the surface a j kind nf rerolntionarr nrmfula. So it will coniinuo. JIoxico Ua sample of what .Mongrelism drslgns to imrvowe upon this country, by ' tho races. " a blending of . a Prcinsn In tho Kimberlv-Bntler 'r - ascin Baltimore Chief Ju-lice Chaaa derided that the constiimion d.re. not I. ... .. .l.r should be compelled lopar their debts. imperially Butler, who has stolen all . k- i- MW If TIIHUI. , uiiihimit.iuo. 1 uo iiwrvni is .tcr. fofO ClnrUo'. The Lancaster Kxprm nroncly oph. pfsc IhO MOlitlmg I'Ulk Ol (Hit) ol tut liicmboP IiamrJ Uatt hell. Siv bolott to the IIIIC Clearfield Markets, Ref-orted werklr for the t'l.t.aaeeri.a BawraitOtw Ked. P. biaarrrji, Itealer ia lry Uooda, l.rwa eerie., Pioai.i.ina, dc.. Market r,ert.r!d. C'!;''J"', r Arpirt.g'Iifa,i . jl-. rirled.fa- ti 11,1- Ani'l il, ! d reared lb greon . Apple batter Vial. I on liana. ne a) n Rottot . ,. 4" 'nw tS. ,-li"idnr) Mi, a Hoane sa 1 m i S d.t is,a 11 n- J J n dried fi i.n.. .., t, Hei, firth ii(- it noior.... : 6 5' r.: .-it?' 2 ,. . am. :., i'ii,. u s ti o tai. -v, t T1- l;yo i ,r'," TU ' ,,( ' " rioetrteeel- II an Salt. tank CWav. - 5"' bk..nglas.tsin.tf rWeiries, lb. sett, l. kbiBoaa,:inil'g,il a Cbiakaaa, dr. A. , II Tiaioihj aaod... ,., I S.,-! I." Tallaw. 1H nueaad J Kl Wkowu. .. I Floar... J s t a Wal t Bat l Waad, f aar...,. I af
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers