X1 '.i.-'.'tl VVv Xttayj, -y- ", ; " ' Otonot P. (Jooiii.akiii r, Kditor. . CLE A R n FLP, r. WFDNE.TAT MOIlXIX.l, APRIL Hon. C. R. Ilucknlew, I.Ui L. S. u. s. RenVor. Im rwrnmed the pniclii of h ic Bloomtlmrj., ("olambiii eounty. We notice ty o.u- exclmngu. that ... . . . . Sen. llartranft, nt present Auditor General, likely to deleat Goury for renominaiion. This would merely be "dog eating deg," which iaaniJ nevor to ooear, but v looks to now. Tae "brcal and-butler briRadV ii about all that is row It ft at Waidiinj lon. The President lian been corn polled to issue a proclamation against thoirimpudent intrusions. Tho "bri gade" while training under President Jehnson', was not hulf as ill-mannered asunder the retrench. The mem- ton, behave more like Digger Indian ... " tban whito people. Mr. Jno. A ndrew Jackson Cresswell, Postmaster General, has had a serious quarrel with bis wet nurse, the val orous Col. John V. Forney. Forney lifted Cresswell oot of tho mud, and for this ho has been snubbed. Cam eron or Forney were presented to I ho Postmuetor General. He chose the former. It is said Buchanan's ghost ow haunts the "dead duck" A Faili bi Tho Johnaon-Seward ! 7 TrnH "f ,r."m l?a reu'T om trout.- i.i. v u4u.i . . i there would bo just that amount fVsx treat with Kng,,nd bus been rejetted loniim, ulor Kn own onn ky tUo I niled States Senate. The benefit when he would take possession "Alabama tfciims" are therefore on f the office. It hi churned that bv aand again, aad the dn?ul;en Senator ! ,t,e rrki!it"nt efforts of backer this (CLandlev) who was ao full of bUod f"jr."f hmt rl""Uion was defeat, i. tort l. . r -i j . f in tho conference oonimittoo on the in 18C1, bt failrd to get it spilt, how j appropriation bin. ar-esa warwith England. Just rh j In addition to all this, be is charged cowards and enenks prccirHated us'''10 liavint; atrenuouslj labored lo into a war in 1861, and if sober and I B0C"re lue I'usgaj: of the infamous bill ensible men do not look after theoe ' '' ';1 l-roleum, , , . j whicli,woiild have bronchi moi than caliwa;. they will cause a rupture nf.third of a million of dollars into Vlth OIIF'i'rMAi rrn PnUttnm A II t lo t I,- tM..,H a - 4. . I 4- t. . . t-t't rw rascals want to rob and plunder. SpTTfiftn. kiM City, hare been amicably arranged. fir. Boyntcn has resigned, and about ' 125 members have taken letters to a Mtr 1'nr.U1. ri u :.u r. ' . . ..in i ii, n ilii iree Ktu, , of which Dr. Boynton will be pastor, j Tho other, remain in the present! ehnrch building with General How- j ard. Satisfucton- arrangements were made regarding the property. The Sght between those two first claw negro lovcra and semi -religionist- is, therefore, qnietod for tho present. The Xcw York Sun. eaya that Mr Sandford, now named for Spain, keeps in office ly making small presents, to lnnttential people. But the dav of ia" thmps, in the way of presents, kas gone by. Ton must come now with, at least, a house in your huad Vide General Grant's appointments. Kith luce and veils c,losod to Sena tor and labeled "Stat affairs" the postage paid by I'liclc S.irn and the revenus dpfpnnrlo1 ..... ,j i --"-"" tnuuoitnus ui dollars ha, boweviir, kept Minister Sandford M Jia.p4H in Brussel Brunei iaoe aeem to be as potent with Senator .. house, and loi with ,,raBL ... " CnANOt or Tl-RC Tbe Xcs York Tribune, and other loading Tjdioa I journal, admit that Gen. Grant lias1 "j It appointed mora mm nun official since he assumed tho ditties of hi office than wss ever known bo-1 for. Senator Cameron sayt Pena-; tylvania hts credited to her a ennmi I totional drunkard -,, . r:.. . - .".tiii eion, ann a constitutional thief for a consulate." Toor Pennsylvania I It must be rough indecdwhen Cameron pukes in this wv. . Graiit'spremisoofrotrenchmentand ... renrm will end n bankraptcy and natmnsl tlitgrapt" i( ti! jirrsent tiro- gramme is o,(Jl fcrokoo un t, . ,. cnougn ldat ll,e Hump Congrrss hns anjournHil. . An Exi-LASATio-f.A Vasningto., spwial to llio Tiltobiirg Commtrctal inns attempt, to etpUta Graaf ttu -rV-Hmifl v , -.j wZ7?zz::ir:z. r ,! ,"l,on rt,Bd ar baviii) no f lain to tb.in. tkal b. bar drl.rannod tn rano. all .unb oaort n. b. ...Mrwrd aad iia. i-l ta. i 1, - , , , . il is a nnlorioua (nrt thai kalr k. ..... ,,,, pointmont mndr, .j- Grant's special orffcr, prove pntirt-ly unfit and nmnv miell of corruption: licnce tliR iii'i mw rrieriion ly the S. nato A lar-n ,.m'i, . ' , lrs r.mher wore not etmsidorrd at Psrttue of tltnr known Tillainy t "cry puMIc mnn rxCrptpcrliaps, to Grant l,lm..ir . t . , ' r n8 mtrt-n, har ml uJ- a, 4 ard had a prtiti-.n f..r tl.r 1 W"n.l in thr roliltxry of a man in in the Prill ,- , " h " r'iOffltA .icnotl y rUMtl.- lr in thnt !n 't ', (rrl. fiflern ""ocnlml r-,mlr! j, . j,,. ( n,.iKt,lK.i-ln.d. Cut in rain The one-1 3'rnr ,n l,,e Prison, and the man oea rctrwhing to hrr rutin dcclsim , -'Si'l vclttran was turned out, and'!'" k'"od llon frMV "gsinst the oorrnption, of Johnson' ' ",s '" Wdblo-bodiod and sl.aii.P- ! TLh", "r ruffi"". " Untrht thai, from Adr,,ii,i,tratiun1wl,i...f:,.,..v I.ss fated 'tnv at l.oni,." was nul in ! . '""nt r v,c"' ,l lHU'r 10 ki" ttrO Innhll.. . t I ; 1 i,....; V 3 . "vm " K'glily fiayorad tai nsniPtitur n. 1,1. ,.-i . ""'""'" prrideeessor s at il,c end of throe years I ARMHO Tlir. T.A..wtt-l. .1. r hLrar, or -.a.,.!. ',. . . " r tk, trade, and a. ib0 befri,nT, ' Iu ; rw'' ttiemaeilres hy hrenkinR the aeredihpy were tw.t M(. n(i i-r i 'lr,dnws, danring around tho ult.-nt, omert lm,fited hy tbeir iT,i !"n,"h,M't c,,",p beatinrj Ono an .i.r.t wat, fortauitri. for him .l!rlt,thor with tlit'h" Kvmn Woks. . In Inlff rnwwm f- nm 1 , 1 -a, mm n 1 plittre be ha. w U.ni Z. 11 n"""" r - our PO'-ning .hoplirier bare been but tho Hitler.,,,, k irrL - 1 ' "rT8lod A ibtny- Thir tiilimssre aast4id lur. Manii" hc nnt be epion At tboir lodfrBg, hOM , vftht jibec 1.4- four vcara" l ," ,Ud C a, ' - J ' UOTc. Ki . .. -a 1 .Vtr f TWettwiTt , If h I s'l r urn i-ilin it) nliSl eorert In tit fii'm 11 mi tabul is. ironne. tine aim ins iim,v nprtat inn. '(if ItolM W. MniktyjUrxaJr rin I ) f-H rttle Tiin t-M-.' be i'P i a enll.n ,,na' .num. I i .i.lil ii i. n. mill Ins i , ... i i- i ' In nil w'n fre rommitd in it. ll,i !iicw l u oMnmiiitf lb position Mi . . ' . . i ntM.r ..f very sre.U mii pnse, h.I , Wile) It W kllllW V thl llfl W In- nVhteil lor il In I he Cameron influent i . .... i. A ...1 .urn. i .ti.,1 eT. ..... ., I II I 111 . Ill roil)? Hlirt Ills election ihss removed ill doubts as to his true lolmniclrr. Iiuriiiff the wiKMnn Mr. allnre in. ' trndiicvil a hill in t lie Sei.ntc requirnir I the State TreiiKiiriT, after the first I U..J.,..,rl .1 ... !. r,,..,l. I . ,,,-''r.,.','.;,..,Jim in ,i, j ircniiirv nl llnrrinhure. Thinwu.to! prevent thnt offlccr from loninj the i VJrrni', written liyAlexmulerlluiii I public money to the hank end put-1 ikon, in luvor of thai iluuxo in the I n intererteeired from them ! for the use of it into hia own pocket. ,oi(t , that wna on upright and honest bill, and nnrht to met with uni versal approval. Tho bill was referred to the appropriutoeommittee. Muckey knew thnt ilapaane:e would diminish the profit of his nltien as it has here tofore been conducted, and although ho will not enter iiioii its duties until the first week in May, yet he suddenly appeared at the capital and by some peculiar prooes familiar to Pennsyl vania legislation, firrtuntled tho coin mi ttco to report tho bill iriA a ntjn tim 'recommendation. At a subsequent period of tho acs- llon r' uiumuicit, a radical Senator, I T'T. ",ondm,,nt 7" adopted to the appropriation bill, dt- nelw the Statu Treasurer to pay off rtqhl hundred itiomand dollart ot the public debt. The annual interest on this sum would amount to forty-right thouMnd dolLirt. The money is itoir in the trnnsiirv and io not riwinirnrl tn I - - j i--- meet any demands npon it. The efl'eet of the amend ment would be to anve this amount of interest nnd to extin guish the Htate debt to tho extent of tho larjro atim above named, is there an honest mun in tho Slate who will not admit that tho propiiKtiion was wise and judicious t ilackej- knew vcrr well that it this amount of mon- ' . .Vj ivL, ; t i 1 1 - i. i j i. pnv.te benefit. In this he a,l,.d, but nt? wan rpinnruuit v tinotMiiii t.tr m r , ii .. . . vnntntT in litA otlrfr dinrvjHiUlt.u ii mot i r i,.v.... ir i ovitr liiw operations in the treasnry department we rlln on'y ""T that bis antecedent I 'j" ra.r " nr " index ofj CDararter. ( ambrm Frrrnan. t - m ,ln night. ' i annonnced that a negro worn h smed Ketcham, belonging to the city of l'1,i'n,l'P.'. h" been appointed lo a clerkship in the United States Trens nry nt vVahing!nn. The public prints are parading this fact over tho land, as though it was a moot extraordinary affair. We see nothing extraordinary, or inconsistent, or from the Mongrel parly stand-pointing, improper abonl It. They hold that women generally should share in the blessings of office, and as there are plenty of w hite wo men in the United Slates Treasury department, why should not black women be there also f If this party, which has the appointing power, in tend to be logical and truly eonsiotcnt, inssmm h as they profess thnt niggers and w hites are all of one family physi cully and mcntatlv, ihev must cro on and appoint niggers, male and female. tn nftir.M nnnn r.iinr.i tiln ...4 - . ta... ,:.ll , 1 'it 1 as possiuiu, irom now on. 1 tie grand j erime of tho w hole political gang of Scw i-ni;land Abolitionists hat been, i '"J,M'U rtl,a "''J five U.e lie daily I appo (post of Treasury Clerk, but will Boutwcir eon, or any of tho male w hito clerk, whoso sire keen uti this Mongrel lie of "oqualiy," marry ibis i mien ; .in, 4 ii ui incv never niiena shall lake place, because truly they i knna sl,e is physicullv and nieiiUllv I iimiri,. in h-. .. n:. grades below them "in tl. w.-i lH ,r.i'o hundred cronti"n l''"y that the it .if , 1 n orUl!r of """K- ti ... ,i J ,"1 !"S8cr 0,u b !,V,B,n innri r'''1 tint-iinsi.lv n npun social caualitv with her l leuow cierka, male and Itiumle ; and sbi) has a right to lay matrimonial tra, and catch ono of Jioiitwvll I sons if she can, nnd we trust she will doit. Go ahead, Iinah, and make the h.L matf-h nnnimV tl.n .-l.lid ..1. 1 ii. iv .1 anil tliatt the Or)tortunity nffers. Force i M" erntnr!S w ho cnnsisu.nl, Thry ;sT J" their equal ; trrnkn tl.nm nmroit, hr Riving you all ilio prir iliL'.. acrHnriling lo a wliitn sltin. .V. 1 . Ji.ry Jinnli. IlAI'ICALIhW Iu.lSTKATr.P. iLuui- caiiKiu iian n'rl n llllliillHi.Lail na ir.t-.. . laorllnOa-iUtHr. i. r,nvi.P f, i...! . . . " "ts t In.onv. lPor fpminK uttke. our . .CoKl - lk.nR and c.m.,,t..,.,,t trielul , 21 Zi0; - Vs ,,,e 1 ! "h- """T ""i. a now lie rcU . ' l""" "1 hting romoVftl from an In.; .; i. .. r laiutint - ai irot-aom-shnrkpr and slnv- i ... , .. t.i- i. , . .. an.i.uii. - wirioi, nunitiu Kumi ill. J ij' ia tbe wMj- tl,,, nol,.m are lovml by i 'd lis minions, w hen tlicy I 'doMl ''I'lH,n be or llio sort tliat i V"m ' h',,B- , Mr W arl- "ntl"T s.,1, ir who hrst j a K nndcr t.rant, and who ,a bt-rn lli" pM.tmaslor at Huilmoon, Ims also 1 1)'C" t-"iovi1 to make a plu- r fur un-! oilier "nrt lamb" niLin Oil Tlllllnilann ! i.w.oaft ir..f4. Tlie Ilrrarl snyn: A rquad ol ladies in IIulK.knn w(-n. arres- ynun ted on Tuesday tiirM for deeraling ' liio M. ll,!h-!ii rind Swederihurgian ' 11,0 -I"'..'".!"' .ehunhes In ttipt town. Tl ,tim to) IVMnfnn. TIC I III .'Ihn.lfi ',, ll,r.- p.nl ii, 0-r inmliiif tun in W saliinpinn es lite j "; Ii ( F. ," that is, "tires! Limit I ' I"ntp, pi r flriiml lli.t.t. a. PraaM' I J" . at Pwimft.'fi at . iv.....,.. kaniatt p,..,!,. m I. a l.m, ini,- S l 1 I (M ! ...I .rd .i ' - Pir..lt,.-r In I.O Sliatr.. I ',IU-l"r alawl I... lAiton H.IHMI I p,,h.r in I.. I ram... .'.m-tH li.'ani rriatit. m H.r .mi. Iiiin SarrMiir, ah..oll T,M" b ()w M N kr, hnahned u a,,,int.f lirnvral ilranl ' Tbero are oilier who ou'lit to he in tlii liet. wIhmo nHinet we do not, nl I thin wrilini. recollect j The h'.nnvirer Illustrate the nhovc I k,. C.ll. ....,.. n,,,,l .!,,.., r. i m.L. , In the evontv fixth niimhcr of the reoitrul t oiihlilntion wliicli HnwH iulcfi the l'rcniiloni and Semite together in the power of appointment to office, Mr. Hamilton uul : MTn irh.l ffifliiMt'F, llwn, rillllr tli. ao-ifwir- tloa of tho Srn.l. f I .n.wnr I Th. smIit of i . Ili.ir floor arrrnnft woiilil h.ir. o noo.rrul, thftUEh iH-nl. ojMT.iton. It o.i.M t on hm.ImiI rb.vk opon .plrtt o fowirlllmo In tli. lrfiilenl, inl ...inn .rn . i nr..n. .... .pp.Mi.mpnt alii i .onsIom fr.a Molo mo .. ttnmt frntm. riw tn popnlanlr. lt (ih Prrf knl) would K tfkwti nd tfntitl to tori up forward 1ur the mit rfitrtinjfoifbfd mn4 liifratire iitttav4crti 4atM m iv Uti no (hfr merit than that of ovming front thr damn Htnia t whkh b K4nf xl. r W ittj in muni hmi y r uthtr prtmtllj nUaektH t Aim. or of tifiifinr the aviar imtffnifiaajir anH phanrr tn render tliem obtwquioui iDtftraiueuts f hii power," So M-rote tho lending author of the Fedtrahtt. how fonrfnlly misUiken he was, the event of the proHent time prove. Jle thought, very naturally, i that the .'resilient, with a Renuto who miht check him, would be axhitmed In oniwiint hia fiimik ti iniiitct inno ti !m 1 nnL;n,.l.-.. r,r future, ho did not perceive thnt we should ever have a tireut it firant Gift Enterprise in 0Mration . If it was, ! he snpiiosvd the Senate would stop it Alas! he pare llmt body credit for more honesty and independence than it possesses, and lie misunderstood the 1 violence and vehemence of its personal! attachments. We have a President I press, lie is amnion mat a newspa who is not ashamed to appoint his j per should associate his name with kith and kin, down to the lowest de- j any words but those of fulsome lauda-Si-ee of oousinshm. lo lucrative plows, i tion ; for to that style be bat kept all and w e have a Senate that consents in all this nepotism. his neighborhood, whose editors bo m mm m i has made postmasters. Ordinarily, l:iisinr Law. The Jladical ma- therefore, such things may be par iority of tho Pennsylvania Legislature !Jrl to ,ue vanity of small cgotir.lt; have liassed. ar.d the Governor siirned. a l!t ;;istry Law, something similar in its provisions to the law passed lat winter, whifh was declared uneonitli tutionnl. Jf the Supremo Court had not become a kind of political machine, this law would also be net aside. Hut that is waieelytobe expected : and therefore we will publir.li the law as ,opn ffi - . and our nalurulir.cd eitiie.is are labor- ling clashes ponerally can then see ! w lint an amount of delav and trouble 1 ibey are subject to, before they can I exercise their lights as freemen at the ' i it . . i i... . i i u ,lleml(tlve, to fulm le requircmonts I of the law, in order that they may help voto down and crush out a party which places obstructions in tho way of the poor white man, and at the same time ptes unrotrirted suffrage to ignorant negroes . Cfarioa JVou Oiii-Fi.m.owship. Philadelphia. April 26 Tho Odd Fellow of this Stale celebrated their semi-centennial iniiarnuirv to day by impresnive ex ercises at the Academy of Manic in lite mortiinir till noon, when tho nro- eession was formed, composed of ovur tlx hundred lodges, in regalia of the order, with splendid bannors, flags, etc., besides the t.ruud and Subordi nate Lt.dgcs of Maryland, Ielaware, New Jerney, Listrict of Columbia ana others. The procession was over two hour passing a given point, and wus one of tho finest displays ever made in thi city. The ceremonies closo to-night with a prand bull at the Luce street rink, wbirh has been arranged to accominodule liireo hundred eel of dinners. ' Mr. Williwn ('horcb, of Seymour. Conn., ib engaged in pisciculture, and estimates that hi ureaont stock in trade consists of lira hundred trout which w ill weigh from one and a , quarter to one ami a half pound each ; i five thousand wlucii wul weigh one lK,"nd -en,y l'1 0,;11 rom Kiutunu which will to ten ounces, and thousand from two to f"r ounces In throe years' time he ibiiik lie will tu able to send to mar . . : . i i i . . . It. vn. OttW .1 U I til ' . A VU.IB j 'C I annum. Ora .':; Mimstkr. Our new Minister lo France Washburn ) is I studying lh art of politcneiit and ! elegance of diction prior to his advent ! into Parisian aocirty. Ho calls our Worl II V Si-eretiirr i.f Klnl A n ..i,..ili..rl j -- - - . - - . ... lunkhead." The term "lunkhead" is usiiiiiiy appueu or sporting men to a very sorry style of horso, but never, we believe, to a horse mnckorcl. - On last Sunday as two rlilMren of Mr. Martin, ot KhrnatiBrc, Untlor ro , ! . ' "'fit "l" t ., tore t.lnj iiiir loifflhcr, tlio tildcr Oni-. i i 3 " ntn ilia v.innmtr nim nrrt.,t ,!., t ' fiv. vearatolJbim lo irfft.rT. win. h I l ,.f,wJ u. d... wl,u l,c ,-ot.nrsr wo"nJ '-""0 bi , & two ,our. - . - - - - Snd out the IVunkur commision(trs j mounted on rolooipctios. Tho dnvs of warrior and fiery stetnls arc psi. Il j tlio wavnees are not qiiieled hylhisi means, send a (lutai liment of Slinkers1 10 siiiiko inn lights ol tho Miakir ffosinl into them. That would fix them. Il.tsoKmn-s. Brrnnan, who was ' An Kpint-opalclerrn-man of Indian has haen pontfpted of thu terrible of- fei,rnrwHnr - o.iri;ttp'Blaek Crook," "nl n" B'shop has reprimanded him itcorainpiy. A lares portion fftbe villnje called fherrr Valley, Winnehapo eoimty, III., was bnrnnr) nn Mnndav, inrolTinff loo of SWl.OOO. An 'd Indiin hun inrj pmnnd has beendtuir into br inmia WMtrkmen in IJh. Ijonia. A Urt aamber of bona Tax Asscssmonl in ClOorficU County for 1869. MMl I Mi.ml CM. Ii. 4 It.wt j .... k.f f llnil'i wl fw i tM A NFTlUri.. COU.IiTTiiri ,XAMK Bferla nfr H WHtM. Jnmi-a Mehaflr Jainv H. Turxrr.. .IntiM F. HmII R.loiNlid hak rtintia korwH J..I.0 ft. try sin ma Mr Kir ii , John H I'lf.rti John MrOlellftiR J arnr Tbonpana Rucaell StiwftltTM tieorire Williami H. H. fiuari Aarun II. hbirrv !avid MrH.wril Wilhfcin llaitrrty. Charlr-a Itruwn It. M. Juhnrnm (ii.HlrrT Klftirr I. K. Mokel t'fnrlt rtrvRu Jamff Jt. 1'applra. Peter Mom , Nathan Palmer- John Lawiht- Jatare B. CUrkH...H Hubert Rom Henry H hitehes4 ! K-ll m ' I Hr..l(..rJ . I RrwlT ..... I liurn.ll I ( Im iI ruvitiKi'.s ' Clarfild httruMnli..... CarwcMitillr tMiruugh.. It(mlur KergUMiu Ilr.nl II.. !... Or.hurM (luluL Il.x.'u.. Jord.D.H,., .,., K.rlhu- i ,wron'i nmWt r'll'y 'boreii-li (orrl- N w h borough . - m Pena. Pik t'nioD Waodwanl . Total John Jf'lin .f liemomstretHtm in Iht Hrnatt. Wo are uccustomod to the injured! Innocence of the Senute. It is toi common for the "most remarkable I men of the nee" the Illustrious off tho land and the dominant intellects of: the earth to rise in their places in the Senate Chamber and, with one hand on the Scnutoriul hear', and the other hand in the Senatorial breeches pocket, to hurl anathemas at i news- paper report, that we heed but little all thnt t omes ne"pnvi!egc and "pcr- snnul explniiation." Generally such an explanation is an cxprcsi-inn ofj the t'oiibternution and disiiuKtof tome Senator on the first occasion ho comes i under the view of nn independent tbe small bugles and tho clarionets of but Jlr. Host' demonstration in the Senate on Tuesday is quite out of the wimmon line. It is distinguished for its shameless impudence. This man arose in bis place to correct our re port. He eharpod as laUe our state ment that he had used certain words , un3 """n u"ptca ana juslitiru lliesc woras ov usin inrin airuin. jic tncr. showed that we were only his pro- text, and, usn us as his stalking horse, foisted into the proceedings of the Senulo a disgraceful onslaught on the administration, Jf. Y. Herald. WoNnrari'L Crars. An affidavit has just been mado I fore the Mayor in regard to the practices of a knot of those city shsiiKTt who perform won derful cures. These sharpers all be long to the '-New York Medical Uni versity an institution not yet incor porated, but the name of w hich sounds well in the country, l-ounlrymcn should understand tint this is a dodge in great uso here for imposition, and that wo are not half so rich in medical school u we would seem in the medi cal advertisement. Herald. It i reported in Columbus, Missis :'l'l''. that young Egglcaton, recently apjiointed wlmastcr, desire that his predeceosor shall remain and run the machine for him he feeling incompe tent to do so himself. The Columbus Srntirul boe that Mr. Iillahunty will do no such thing. Gen. Grant say that tho lxt way lo have obnox ious laws changed is lo enforce them rigidly, to that pu'uiic opinion will de mand their repeal. The same princi ple, the Sentinel thinks, should apply to appointments. Kloi'Xmama Grant ha just re moved one of his own officials Air being possessed wjth thai weakness. If stealing among'public official is tn P thus punished the President will llvo bi b"d ,ul' remainder of hi present term. The Illinoit Stato Asylum for the blind, at Jacksonville, was burned on the 2!uh instant. No lives were brut. The loss to tho Stale is about ;0,0(i0, with no insurance. in Tyronr, Po.. oa tbo Hot of April, IMID. h. J. M. r.MiKaatmn. Km,. Mr. II. R Kl Ll.l.U TUX ard Alia. Ll'CY tl HI U 1IKKTV, tnvth of Ckarfiold. 'BncM koow. bow tn planar nnd abot l do. tbr printrr. and will tharoforr know bow In kaop ban... n. bit prownt morrmrnt ialirolca. 5 fir drrrtisrrcrnts. CllT10iAII prmm or. b.rrr.y rantionod ' or.mM puri-ltarinfi or in any way mllitir. 1 wuh TWO MA HIS. (an. Ann an4 nn.wni.,i in bopnrmnof Jll I.KiNs. of firo4t i L"?i,"i'"''" ,"" "T """: W)tB U1 n i-. 0Djv Bun,., , B, wl- . S' P.. l.nprH rtll. , Brady tri., April latt-Atipd. j Choice Seed PolatoesT ! 1)KliSilS dMimBi of alitatn.ng tli.clrliratad , F..rlr tinrrirb. nnd alKar a.w and ralnaiit. tarirlio. of Fntalnrw, will ho am.mntndal.d br eallinr "n lb. niidi.iKBd- bt l-rimkr fur. Fa, onrts.Jt-pd JO.'KPH K IRK. J. K. BOTTORF'S rilOTOGRAl'Il GALLERY M.rkat Plrarl, n..rBrld, Pn. "VTATlVrS mad. ia rlon.lt, o wall M in rlrnr wralhrr. ('..n.fnrtf 't nn hand n ( and 1 nMiitntml of Fh A V KV. STr'R KUSfiPMi nn.l f-TI.I;l;,lSni'IC Vli:F. framn, fit. ar.T rtt I. of nmiildin.. atoii. lo i.rdri. onrSS tf I 1 K Till, f III RT Of I IIMStON fl.t.AS I a , i.orn... enowy, ro ttritor W. Snivri ) o S7. Jormary Torwi, ... 1SS7. af tnr Ja.r Sniwru ) SnKpa.no onr rii.orr.. I Tbr nndrrtitrnd rnmairi.nor, npparn.M, Irr ' tb. Crtiii ta tat. t..fintniy In th. nha oaar. f Sarahy pttn. anliro thnt h. will nrtrnd r th. 4n-l tit of b. arpnintatrnt ni ra. nffiM. nf J antra II. j T.nwr. fa llar Inwarbin. near tl altarr!. nn Thnr-d... In. t !t h i.r of Mar. ins. n taVnwtk.1 p. m., tan nil pnr.tr. tn..-aMH4 rnn nornd. j Jt ' II V llill.T, ronioimioaar. ; Wallnrotrni. ApHI JS-Al. KI -Ai IN 1 141 It it ITM VASotnjo a arrnh. ! pirrn that tho fiilktwiut aanaaat. oar. nana .laniiiHH nnd pa.ard by ato. nnd piojqi. la4 of rranrd .0 Una ortino fitr Ih. iof,taitu..n of btr., Irpati., arrllfir. and nil nllnar. in nnr ollnrr w.t tnlTt-H, and alb ho pnaanord oa Ih. mm Or- rhnn't Tonrt at f'htarsot.1 ationly, tn hr krwj at tbo owrt Ho.at, In Ik. bomotb of l'lrarSM. oooi-! airnrini; on lb. funrlh ntnonta. af Ma., loot. Final naoaont af I. II. l.yUo. adatlntolrnlnr af tb. rotatr of Iaanarl M. Wooan. bow af Cm nam-; .ill. barnatrh. aonrnard. rtnai nooiiant iti itaviil lahorda. otnjiniolroto. af Rliaaltaih .an.y, 4aaraar4. who wo. odaiinla. tram, af Mahaan. Daaty.labl.r I Oloo omohtp, aoraaaod. t inn, aaronol Jxkn array. n4mlnlrtr.lor nf Jama. M.l oy. Inranf Poaoari. Htornabrp.dreraaMl.1 Final aamml if AS.ht Malay. .traaior nl Mor-I (rot Powon. Iota al ttaraartt towaabip, ik-taoad.! araiiTit. Orrtcc, 1 H. LFS. 'K'i a - r--a,. - iwi-n iwi rr tni K'fllMi h h m' ltrtfci l. I" ' r ! fsi t ?ss w ! t ! 17 I r is i !.- 14 j ),H7.. l ' n r I,l'.4 h I n j J,t" TJ ' ..... ... H ... .., ... ... .... ... l! JO S7 H 4 VJ I IS n.'-r ll-S it 4 8 IS .1J J07 4-11 l.s.so 70 SIS 4 M5 4 ?JI II ISO SI ins 1 lis It IV 74 17 t;t la l 41 S 14 4 .4 40 ill 4: SIS 71 SI St iir so jjj j 4 21 152 J IU tl 7T l.M t ?0 17 II ' w 111 " 41 00 0 jj J(p 7t 50 21 It (it 2 110 l 4l 13. t!l 4t 44 10 4S S 4 is :.T 410 DO Mi 44 37? 10 .".4 jn is so ri is sr - 4.M 473 (III Wi SI S4 Si 414 SI 20 0 24 oo It M 41 Oil II ,0 Is 40 W sr m ;c :2 I 2 40 31 37 71 ' IS ) : ii , SI 10 I It 4i 47 tl I It 14 ! IS S3 It II j 70 6 . ' J 25 H 71 I 17 it, s oo , II Ml 28 00 4 00 ; oo s oo U 00 I i i ..l.I4.i S2 SH.S37 HI 11.17 OS I SI lli 00 jflfir dwtisrarnts. W""" a-7 wwav ua m mm AND LOW PRICES!! NEW SPRING STOCK AT THE KEYSTONE STORE! D bUKSS GOODS, TEIMMIXGS 1 MOTION'S IK UUEaT VABiETTJ White Goods! Stompd6oods!jT I niitv.T brtwrrn Cl..rrld ond Cnraui rill., on. Dnwr tad Okrroil Crpot. and Skiru! rurwu oud Flint! Ladle. Sk.nl. ond CwoU, 1 or MtIc. ! Straw Goods, Flowers, Ribbons, t'Bbrollo. and Faraaul., Wind.. fl.oaVa, LaJirt and Cbildron't f IK'E, W ol Fapn, Carpal, and Oil Ctotko, not. A Capo. Prints. Muslins, Ginghams, . , 7ioklo(a, rottonnaro, TooliaiMM, Trr4t, Ar Aii CHEATER than tht CHEAPEST i KIVI.IKO tHonuit, rWrSdd, Aril n. 1 St. List or Retailers OF Forrlrn ond lMtoaiU MarrlnUKtrta In tbr nnantr of ClrarAoid. onl.nM to tbo poTVjoal ot LicMtor for too ycor IKSt: TowMsilIPd. I Mnrrlo. lortcsrta. !2toaard knrt 1 Onn. Lirm. I) J. I . llrrnnorACo. It II t-imon V F.rUod.Jlj 14 Ji.hnOdrll . 7 1.". Wb. S. M.krr.... 10' 14 Ftrvor. A Mnaa... I 11J. O. r.lo.jiw. tnl Pntn. 14 A. JWonip-tBtwry... t'll Jtittinonoi KaffrrtT it 14 H,C. Mrtf ....... 7 llrlT. ? C. ti.tSphH19i 12 I. M. C'vlilr l?j U . T.t..tv. 1.1 0. 4)iTier-... 1' 13 R. 11. 1 14 J. Kuiiti t 9-nm... 14 ( tiHttr A 7 14 irmm hrhnnck H T 14 tl. HrKrrti. idl J 14 r-mnM'orr Co. T IWlHsldtS 13 X'W.rrtiii. swiff )?1 15 W. C. lrvi ....13j 14 Joooth.n W all.... f 14 Jnoan Frtan.. 1 litaa. 14 P. K A J. H Bra- aobw... J tanolwnra. I! Soamrl Ha(rt.r.l; I I? Frrroi 4 St.... It rhn 4 t 14 T. Hmderann. 14 J-nSn M. t haat. .. llf'lllit IIIIS. t Irartteld. la Jot-kmo Pali-bin. n (i i. L Kord a To 7 14 Mottaow lrrn. 14 llarnaa I'olrlun.. 14 a. J. N.r'iti Ilrll. 14 F.Wt Monaffr.T. 14 ('. A. IUr.baUb 14 l'.t.H Ilrll. Ha go. 1) Ji.bn II..IL.. nrodl.ira. It t. V. ltraloor... Jt I 11 m. l.d A Co. til tl Wrn.tl A j;itr III IKKiamlSmv 111 Jt VT. Iinrll..w.l.l I ,12 llwia 4V rl..o.l?i tl ): ruhi A S.Hit...r4 1.1 lUuort Niira.ll It IKiil lloru.Kk t Itwm It It Atri. Imn... I AlWn 4 H.atnor 1" 14 1. U llrwanrlMn. II i. a . liroV. It'll, R. lHlufR. It Id. W ilium.. Tl II IT. lUrrr 4 fh.o I'M It M JifW. IH Murd 4 M krc. 14 Wm. HnnltY II J. C l,(Slrap 14 A. S bi.lnp 14 U.K. Saiicn- 14 lln. U.l.k 4 IV. II Mm, t-araa liml. It I. lfc Krt.raal.in. Ti ll i 14 A. F. riant..... tl 4 avIntrtiHu 14 F. londri.... Ill N. odrM4 14 S. It. 4'roo.ioo 14 lurl in l'loarll Itrrolar. 14 O.M ll.i.Kn.... r"lo". not I tin I v C'oraaaat llir. t . A. In in St tjlt rtortOm-b A Uaad C.sllrh. 1! I A A Flvnn....l wio.. ..IN 15 Thiin,p.n A t'....l.'i i: J.-ra Irt-Mt.....l3l I H .1. R. Iro.M. ....... 7 1 14 N.J T..n.i.ktn. .. T II II.AIIaa. .. (.Ir.ra. 14 It . Hlra.rl.... 14 Aup Lornnla...... (rnh.au 1J T II f-orn...., (Jaatieta, 14 Imin 4 Haatow. It F r. Ib-waiaa 14 Wm. M aiiito . t 14 Jtho J-itiM T 14 iootab li.ifr T 14 Ifajirt A llanl... f l.atanrr t lit. It J. torrnaoa 4 i'a.iri jl kirk 4 Pra-ar-r. It 13 Janir. Pront.lU.. I 14 llmrr II-. wn.. inr4.a. 14 V orfoio llnrn t ira M aohlntrtaa. t ki Mnrrt.Miirnall ti II rtanry Swan.... IM 1 J hoaro-l M ("war. karih.no. I (aarwala. Ki 19 MTlnah 4 patlar lt ItlmiHI, lllnllni. I IS K.J. II. .tor Iti Wrrrr 4 t At 14 W. K. r.ankr ;l f Omtp S. Prrrr... 41 , Kant. S. H,li.....; IS) Wiar4fUn t'ltl. A nnrraa4...r-'i law rrnra. ' 1 4 ('. Sw.iinar j 13 Jnarnj Pnrraot.... IS. It I'r. It. fc, tri-td... J : Retail Ibr.ier. la Patetil strdfrlnea. j f-aMa 4 Hart AMvaar. k A Irwin, n.artrld Wtmorb 4 ftr.r A h.w da 4n. 4 tl. R li-nd. Oatanht.. 4a 4 Jna.pt K- Irwin, Corwonrillr....4o.... 4 I. H. f'ta-rar, ttrahom ttiwn.htp . C'"aTllntoTrle and 4. 1 art into. t. H l.ao.krt. I bortotd bm-nh. . t W'. F.n.rt. da. ........ 4o t O. V.lla'n 4a ri.' Jahn A Klo4lnr...4n 4o 5 W F I -am 4t. 4a Nr4liolhnr..Crwra-ill. 4n. faikanaaflir an 4n S ri,natnbnrVai.ln,Oaranhl 4"....... Alfred Ktartitt, Bmdj twntliij.. It Tarnor latipnidt, Clmr.M b-a.n. It W. I.ndrno. a. 4a millarol S.loaa. oad Tm Pla Allrvo. J t1 4. ' i; 'j I " I H. M 1tanrlMT. OartrM baraafH, .1 tahlooi. t do a da .l lalh-TI I. 1 koalmk, (ala . 4o ( I alley At noakera, ,rtt'd Tnanly rank. ...... ...,.. t Jtsy-An Altntal win kr brM ot In. ritw.aiHt.too- er otjm. in harSrtd, oa Mmda.. In. tub ... af Moy, a. Ii. IMHt. warn and abere aS aartta. Hlin Ofrrlnrd will pk allrrd. arardin. kt. a ft 1,1 AM Ti t k k K, apiXI at klaraoolila A para, oar. . T I TI C 4. I tli-T A Bl l.at r KlJl. tl W, h.t pnnlad I hire. of tbo orw tr IIU.ial.ol oa tka ooaotM of toap-tr. i ..f., ioaTna44, .c ..p. READ J nnADii VsJnuMe Bftl r.H. it rtirf.t S1. . I -t i r. t. .p-tic" "--.t.OP.i .ft it "i" w i 1 ii. TINS nl OAK. of lh Woi o,ii.lHr. oil ( : whub on. k. hirj oo 4ow (mo. to ollbol I (qo.ro lln.ltrt or Imonlt, tkrro l til. lot t I oow ox.il I oa lb. orrojiort, wllb okooOoM of I .. r IRuN USE. Ta. Iiom I'.iol ptiiif.." 4rioila ot "8uf 0l." or. Inrlailod hi Ibu trorl, ' "n,(l t. It o obort Uoic, bo s ooorco of f rool ' P'' b,tr lat.uoat ooM W Mod., ted oo ! trvct f lB to1? OS iroour foetllllot j 'r ""''" SiOB. rrrnim wiiDino. I. i.om nor. p.rtir.i.r. in I riror4 lo nroi, 4... mi roll o Iht proni.., or , oadrt-i. too oodrtt;nod, ol llromi'lon Hill., P. 0. I JOHN McINTVkS. Pooo In,, April IS, lf. Jl (,i Printing Ink. From N.tionol lolcllifuc.r, W&abtBgtoa, II.C (10OD I RIXTIMI INK. W. or. olprro.nl J oiinf priotlof ink mooulottored bjr Mr. C. K. Hmouimio, ot loo Un.'i frorry Priniio imk Wuro.. Pb.lotlolpbio. Tbi. lob wo firol . .u oriur to oo. prioiiof inb w. bovoooMforo o. bor . roor. llu.korondelooa.ood flowifrly. W o ... aoJrlr MioiQioniod II. no. to oU brintort. f From Philo. Kurtb Awikti and I'nluj lutli UotMU.j W. poUi.k in oootbrr ploo too nooaatndo- lioni nf th. priotinK tub Oi.nafoelarrd br Mr. I'. E. Habiowo, ot loo tiror'o PorrT Ink Worbf. W'o or. onof lb. iok from Mr. Hobmoonlvorbt. kuotreod. mcn.od. Tb. MA" aliNWBttW laf I ink fieolloot ooliir, elcor, sad work. fro.lT. oprli-ll RKPOrlT OP TUB COfHTi NATIONAL HANK of Clr.rtold. ot tb. tloo of boii 001 00 th. I7lb dor t April, -tioopncct. Ixtoa. nod Dltoonou ..lt.2 t7 Or.r drofu lMO 41 U.lt. Uundi depooiwd with TrOMoror of D. 8 . to orcoro rlrrolalioo. TS.MI to IH. frooi Binbi ood Bnnbm K.itr lo Corrmt upoooro nod Ul HI ii Fornilnro ood limr., 3 16 Lvn Toodor, book Koto., Cub ltom, 4c I7.4M M I UASlLmta. I CopOol .took nnid l......lo.0 00 I Olmlotio o.moodi. ti f 4i It I tro. d.poiln ... 44 SI4IS Sorpl.l fntd tad ftvbto. li.tM t T.Ul m 044 141 222.S40 M 1 korsb. osrtlf. I hoi tb. .bono ttot.mrot II o tm. m of tbo orifiool ora. to tb. CooopfoUor of tb. Cnrmcj tbi. I4ib 4.t of April. I.St. . W. MOO UK. Cojk.or. . PUBLIC VENDUE. boll mil. nnrtb of tb. rtad Irodinf froa Cicorficld to CornoonUlo, On fVitfay, .tprit SO, IV69, tb. fnlnrviiig peraoaal prwprtr, ONE HOUSE AND ONE MAKE, One ChefttFT Lll Pr, ,rimtm thrtw CATf iti.) M rkrttf bi KatX, (Will kTf ftp fttwit IIm ftiftof M7.) f .(, 14 t9 i trk 1 ttTM pmit BntiiiM Ur mi, tNirMck.) l"p bufX, 1 lao-bort ff(m, 1 dvt'Jitrm S rt hi utl httTtw. m( toil ftiuw, iron ttwwH pU'W. rsltitMr, wind mi 11, jttib( W. ihtiretf r.ij furks lil-r 9nl &oi elutK. fif twit tledi, bnrr tird. 1 tmi cut, 1 nddtt Mtt4 t M of brarA. mn ib4 4r, tra-p'ste Mfv mt.4 1rmmm' bo'ltr, 4 e',l 1 vrr 4-j.rattr). Ihx4 tr viti. r4 I kUrtMai i nh. iaUc, wuml rlvMC. mmt Imut4s )Vfr eattc J itufff, lMtrri erf .ir r.m, I ri4M, mrraai tuUt, ibm Trrmtk mtnuy for wim,i tvi tintw ottter article mimrm$ to TEKMS.iowif mf $ h mm 4. tuk, rtf lurr lift Xwt kr tfc inmfi frvai $U I H. thirty tUrt orrddi trvm (vZO lo l, tkr Mfratlt trrWit; mm4 mil mmmam mrwr ., tit loath rjii. tr& it rirvn, it with prwrt4 ttcraritT will b n-qaitvtl i all m. p-r-fmto to mmm mt i-ti. A M. UfcolttiE ItivhS. Bee HivesI Bee HivesI HAVIN.I mi KaiiI n4 for iK AWFKI CAN MOVAHLE-COVS BKK HIVES. .4Mti Itwiisvc H ivifwmbi to tvnplr th 4m4 iUt t.m hirM. tkr u4ervtrni k mvk-I I ti f XtmK at II 4-mi4rr vllirh 1hy CtoftTrtt-M mJ parti mf Cratn b4 Cm i tma rfttii. TH bftw tvrr&iCTtorl ! ! urnr the totrt. lur thm mir et tonrder. I'rr j m 4tfrmm f fjnt W W tW hiw Mil at lit ttnr of Mithftg A t-tMvan, ('laar. 1 trio. Moo-ram. iH tad at to thmr adiaoto. I to oar. tnor paoral biaoo. IVrouaa labia I. a .ilaor biro, ar brrmary, ooa aadrroa at, at wora uaa, uomraoal ooootr. la. apr;-t A. 4 H, A. KlVI.IXd. I TMR I ll BT tK IIIMMU Pl.fc.AVH af Ciaart.id aaani., i'a It i ttaroa. koirro . No . It . Splailair Tana. IStl. , j Arn ksirra. ) haonamn .ar airorar. j Ta. andciirnod CwnrmtMioaor. a,.paialr-4 by j Iba Caart ta toko brolinmay in taa okxraia, I b.i.l y iit-a. aouoa tknt b. will allond to la. , w ..-..r - in .1 im .(? tn .lift i...-t tr 1 1,,. . it.r.ok.-.l ll Kl'. .04 I. .110 I J 4t t II I Ol.il orlwl. ! I t IHr-iiil. .1 ,1v rj ti.ni aw, niiHtv a. km -r nry Goods, Shawls. Hos ery , i"....-,, .r.! .,. I..4I. rWr..l,,Wr,.,.,.o,...r,r,1 W' J V.J , ,, ,f.,K... .. 4 Z lib . T0 ..smi.lt. 4 HM-li. TURK 1 1 .i i.o i ih. ... l t.,.,. .. , 1 I rAKM.irwiiiit)Ub...,.,.. OLOYtS, V'HITF. GOODS, : l..o.4.i. rw .b. ib 4.ii,,, onS jo-li i-..ofrbnl kind. I tA J,rl.s. oT . mht ,.,ol ol oonmoill.o itt lk( l..ll won MOT lb. boiUmii. T.j; ...I n.i..t. ri.VI,,,r I dl'fr '' ...,.?' Tb. nioiM. of lb. tro4 hi boo.il. tiotbod I IsuUvl suiu uouueoicu a uiuiAmiift (- u.,,,,,, p-i. ,k I I Rn-aord Mx-f Si I dolna of tit oppo.atnt.nl. nt nt. .Atoa, tn Claor II J.rkao A r...a... t ; I4. a FrtAar. lb. Illb 4a af Jan.. litot, ot i o oloob. p. au aaoto nil porlw. in'rrrr4 oa. attand. i. fcLAkk AUHa aar3l-St Uaonaawt. ' UJI tT ATuRIk T1Ct St r. a. n barokr oi.aa. I bal l-ll.r. af Aaautro "" ao tb. oalou af I'r TI R A RXnL . 4r 4. af llrndy atoraokin. CWarCoid ooaoir. ' , on. in Won wrlj frootad to tbo aodomrnod. Poaa laaoauol la nam ootot. otll pi, t,aka i.di.l. pararoal. t.d tboo. b.rlo. f j Ola. at. or t.ojoow. will prrnrnt Ibrai prnpari f f oatko.tioaUd lor a.!tlra.n. witkoat dof. F. K. Ak0Lb, AJaioi.lrmlor. j, Lau.ir.barf. April SlSt.pd. it o.nrT .irra I Mai Ic-llorr of odtniniotrolir.o I t I "O lb nttatn of U.UA'I hklKAL. aorwan T rato f Boct. MM ftwrtrld aannly. Pa., I Sarin, bona dolt craolrd la la. andnraiaord. nil , priaorit la tratad to oaid natal, wall pla.a. taok. paynjaat. oad Inoar battnf olaiaM or aVanaa. oill aranoat lira nrr-r-rlr ootkratirau4 lor aol- lK-BM-nl. ktliV K.MUIUAila'i. npr:i-tt:p4 tl Akl IL1.IAWS, Adm'r. ollMrR ATtllfW KOTtClw KathM I V 01 t oo. tkv lotion f nrint-atratin. oa .ar oi o' .. m IH A. Il F f K LT1 Ii. d- d. ttf Uro.ly I.WB.t,;p. flaornVd raonTr. I'a., rlltfmf toil dt-'T prsaitwl . tb m4wrtvtmilt aTl pr-pn9 itlt'' l n4 tfVr wtil fifxi auk irrtM, at,, 1 hot- tikilnc risiai ar i-inJ .H prmmmt mm r. ,. mTK. KliratM for mH- :iiL K 1. 1 t at. It A!! FFI TrTR, aprl? fLfl Ahinijtrtr-, BEST FAMILY FLOUR. TT. KTsATZKR ha. ta W alia with La e 4r atTaf-aiit la Ii-rrr-t IVrrai tkr UV: tul Hariri; th atavantaf mf pyx ml rat. raffr ma rr-)r mpm nhrin rttmp Ih HVT I Lot K at th nvlr4 j jT'T rVnar 4rltt-ttf4 lr mnj rrt mf tk ! kmv .vnirrERKs t co.. Flour ITI a n n f ar 1 1 1 rr im. Ami fooajjtaaj GRAIN OF all Kixris, riiiMPsur g, pa. a mx u rnr f ri.oi n, wmT. aV t Kb oad trHtir aaaotnnUy at kttt and lot not. m rain rrntark.Mr hw. Ifrbl tl Beale's Embrocation, - i ATt row in s.i For oil ttnoi'-i Inahtaat ta Hnrooo. CnMlo, oad Uaaana Phut, ro.ina tht aa. nl aa , .Moraal apploratann. Tm a Kaibranntiaa wo. .zntaar.iy a. ad by tk. Ojnovanooat 4artat tk. war. Par nolo hp Hnrtoan-k 4 Irwit. Ckwrla'd, Irwkv CamwarUla. irajual wd of I pi R WTl:IUTV. oaaw.irar4 arlfl 1 oa. tho hteo-al U PRII K lar all kiad. or Fl Aea4 H H kklft ... at. o ra'l a-Vo-o,Aa, ti, nr. Um. smaa tmikiiniiiiii S ft rM" or mUSC AND ft'MMKll 1 N Ol'ALITT nl ST TIE . oa.o bo ... 1 i.hI. botiK orlot.od nnt dork .lb Ih. ... .i ..II 11 i . oo.b priro, M3 t bo I poreboorri oill tod It to lb.il o4 Tootof. In Miituf m no. boro 0I09 Itlrd on o .potot. nva for rat j a laps tod PTRAir UooiJd, tod ui kern s tbviw lis. of lbo.0 foudo. WILLIAM REED A CO., PJrsr PooluOico, Market tiel. prlt CLKARFIKLD. PA MOSSOP 18 SELLING OFF AT COST TJROll am noUi too trat 405 of Joao Mil, I ' t"t u U oij oodr. Mock of Rlor. Ooodt AT COST! Tbooo 4olrio borasiot will oV moll to toll ooua, nnd bar. tb. od.aOUfe of a lorfo Monk U m. First toau Int onrrod. BICUARIl AtOfiMJOP. OWrt.ld. April 7, 1S6I. AMI PROVISION STORE. Till tnder.ifnW boro jntt rtetirod ot Iboir orw ftood la WolloeMoi, t foil tnppl. of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, 4c, COAL OIL, (ol irdocri roiti,) . . Tnoirtr-n ni-.t. . vr. ' - SMOEINO T0SACC0,MiUal. aa Ltvai. All f Lr4 wiD W M at UW R ATFJ for CA6H ar ftrea ta ticking fnf SHINGLES and LrBBEIt V irpcfat1r ak tb la firm mm trial Wfur janhf ibf brwhr. i. R. EE..I A CO. WaiUtta, Aartl 7. !. SPRING GOOD3I jrFT opcxtxa a sple3tiii etoce. at Mmrr IT tf C. E ATZER A SONS'. QLOVF.H, TIMOTHI ind ORCO " AID ORAfS SEED, AT Mxrr V if C. KEATZER A fvSf. Voots. bors, 5ats and traps. ANNOUNCE JIEXT EXTRA ORDIXA 11 17 " SOMETHING NEW IN CLEARFIELD I Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes I Crrat Canrains la lists and Taps!! THE GHECIAX BEXD HIT; THE VELOCIPEDE HAT! THE ALriNE hat: SILK HATS OF THE LATEST STYLUS ! ' 1 f , j All IVinQS Hid StjiBa tsd CleaD ! I ' j BOOTS I SHOES IX raOKUSIOX. Ladioa. Uok It root inUroat. ltd c.ll aad ir. Ik. lolaot and nan fa.kHtn.ht. ttjlM 4 PLAIN AP FASCV Uli'ES. Parpla, Ilea, Braaat, nd tn.wark JHCtS, for Ml.oo. and Ckildroa, af C 1" S T 0 M -M A D E M 0 R K ' al.d. t Speri.lty I. tk' I ..r. ! . C. Mr. HIT Af HO waahj ro.pt. folly ataaoor. to tfo rilii.o. af ri.orl.ld nnd o.rtuity. that tk.y bar. .praod t lore, ood i .It.arlr. .a, rlm.nt of Ih. nW. aaatod rtada. i k j in Ikotter. rooai oa al.rkoi rtrro ,tpp.ii. lb. ro.ld.ara of B. B. Fapa. Km, . motT, ill b. k.epy t watt ta, .11 .Sou l.pate.. uta f lKnl-CLASS MtOE A BAT SIOAK. Children" thoei ia Abnadanc. niitrntvs n ANivMirE srrnFA fixe hoots: coa roots: wa TEn psoor boo ts : TiiryKfi,c.,c. .,.. . , . . trTaa. ..4 oa. U fmn, nkol wt tar f4 fmr mtm. a. awi war own. , T- ItMnhn Ik. prar,- VmrkM ttraat. . , , ' aar.u. optvi. B. . ttwoopt'trtiaWtat.' aWMH. A.. A C. WiKCAX 4)P0JT, i i.mi. --.. m ...t, i' i."v ...... - i . . . ... j a at t t.t..ik ooooo 1 1 . si a taf ... I .r ' "4 UOoat.OEO., C uto...xtn. I ' " . ' Ci I n . . C:l'Ttji (i r'V'Htvm , ,,,, H 1.4 o .4 .1.. rl It i4. .... or Oi.if. . a,. tl.o ol .S- r.wrt iti l k,.,. Lr I MltJO TT O RnTlv., I . w, w .. a. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLlAHflELD, PA. Itll R LAST HALF of th. pr,,. TKKJI of tot.-l. work. .,L oa Mn4o., April 76, 116V. TERMS OF TCITIuN. Roodlof . Ortbooropb v, Writiu,;'! Jt una, Frinor; Antnm.lw ti.d Wiaurt .1 ... .... I. . tr . . . . ' titcrjitiT, p.r a.u tt-rn., (i wreak)...,. 1: i lliftorr, Locol tud drf.ripilv. Ooni,),, ilb Map 1'ran-ing, Oronuiu, AtoLiil and WriUou AiUbm.Ue.......... AI(bro tnd lb. ciaon ( tot fuR portlbnlort tond for Clrc.lt. ClMXHrld, Xut. 12, ISSf-loo, CLEARFIELDACrDTS, Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M., Principal, THI POl'tlTH eKSSIOi'.fib.orw,, tn.ll. y.or of tbi. ln.tilotiut niUoMmo, on ilONUAT.tb. Ilk d.jol frfcr..,,,,H Fnpil. ona onur ol 00 tlni.. 1 .,,, (koraod Wllb tnitiot frooi tbt lia. tbi; own, tb. tloo. of tbo i.opjon. Tbt oonrooof inotrMtiwa oojbrmeM nrrikoi l M.IK..0 ! t .ooroorfli, pro.uc.1 0.4 omo j nu.b.4 .dartilot lor botb miii, j Tbt Prlnclp.l, bo.iof bod tb. od.ukt.r 1 oio.n oiporwnoo in ni. proi.Mntn, wmi , I ront. nnd curd on. IS. I bl. .ntlr. .ti... onorriM trill bo dovoted to tb. orol .of mi Uti trnttill.s tf tb. jroolb plond o.rrbnttorr TKHNs) IV Tl'ITIOX. Ortkotnpbj. Rotdtsi;, Wriimf. nod hw Arllbm.tic. por 8..ioo 1 1 Mh . , Orsoiaiar, Uoofrtpb, ArlUoMUr, u HUtory - - - - -US A If. nr., uootn.rrr, inrMonnrr. an. .oration. SnrrrTinn, pallo.itby, Pb,,. olor.T. Ckamlitry, Buok kMpin, Bltit, tnd Ptiylol rap . . I, Lofin, tiro.k not franca, vita or.; sf (k. abt. BrnncPM . i, , atTBIC flono (SO lo.aon.l . - tit t jgms9 .ooeTiooj win . not. lor taana Strftt furtbrf nortimronrooolr. of H... P. L. H A RKtBOlf . A I F.k. 4. tf. S:2J Tritriptl SELECT SCHOOL. THE Atisaor Ikit.ioo of tb. Soninrbnioi bwt S-hool. lkat. tf LomporU'. Carm. brll Uoobrti.lwitl ctMnomtr un tbr U4 Ha M"1 M.odor.l fcr th. im -I tro mc-M. . rorollun jf Ihrr wi-kt in idiiimiot. Tri ptraino lorweiM will bt toitoSit, ti m tW Mtovttnr Airvar-S Msirv, I'lktt Itfv BsmMr. alrafMa, Sarvortbf. Vk. Una. i b prira of tviUM bH mm U fur tm, nm mi 6 wt wMitii i mmd tot Wm ilwaafiJMi at ta rate af H fmr touata. AU p ttoJd i.U tbe radof ta lirm. wiian iaauat a. I Itr ti r.r uf aatnr, mmtu :ut intto J mu. aimrl or paid tn adraar. Tli rL iS-t.(j t (ital ia a tirwbt mt aua a fiiiirttMil m-im ao ttarn tAwai, j iUt-tvrdit.j fan m .-orH f-.w fm tarn. Anv lantn tafswa.ia aa W to- U miirn i iat unm rrvt hi ui u.t Iwa. m t aii i . .u Orcmf ml 4Vr4r. mi -t4 riaith.at Ci J A lira I Seal tfrtatf lor aU. Xew Cabinet! MlallANiN 1JIND ANDL1MDEU0I4 14 M otirr 4t.r oal. Taw. Lw n tb. at aab at Otor. in. t M-arOla aoanty, 1.. .at ia. nr.. oo oau purrhaarro oalowbt tbe lum't 1mm auroog-n. oatU tr rrraal.4 n taa Jta Croak, ta la. nobrat aanroa (So romud CHtaravlti, ah tb. Imi. t4 1U lyraor 4 tHnuwi. Ka.Lruao, ali.ro tbo Jd.Uonaial Obd Vra.cna bratrdi rand, iatororft. It m a.-, io tbt Won. :bo kf-li.nnon naat bo.au. ood lor. Uida. . out. un. at ia mm. , aak. aad tm tuntar oo- roatiA it. Uavwl tar Urgrol l.atWtr MuValr Mi. oautliiiooutB .a lb. 5;aI. u IwwW in Un loan, wli.lr tatro nro nrony otbar tubir at liiorlr mill, around at. .Taa town nl not a. th .lu, ond ououuu. . pupalataoi of oot nV. mad inbanrtojiN. 'r-Fr furtorr iofonaotioa apply ot tk.oV f In. nb... aoitrnoor. JilHN LAWSIII, oar 1 4 Paptrntni tra Valuable Prcpe.-ty for Sale IX LUM ISR flTY. TIIC aaurrrtfurj ni.w t mtT9 t'W mW to. I.' n.nmj TalaoM. TOWN I glipkkTV. on 01. la th. banamk at" l.ootWr City. Clrvtrl. coont, la, m: . , , . OKK BWILL1NU HOt rl AK Ll. I TILArKeVITIMHi.P AND LOT. OXE TACAST LOT, Far trrmi. 4w-, mf ff in 0. l!wl.n Lrth. apr7-l.p4 JAAlunt-IUioSH House. n1 Lots for Si). TOI'H U'll fta ond LuTS llouttal. h JL mi. on tnoiulo lomo. Parrmit fitr-- in Ikirly d.j a A loo, n pint of 1 0 1 1: i' Tt li.. c-nirt of Fuortk and Uarn lrr.;t,.'0. 1...2I- f.t, Il.rr. of t.at lo., aliior .wl f..r rilatr loajhoi r.,d, cunt r.rd. at lt nail. :it pnrpttrr. , Dinl'l, ba nc num. J.t foM af Uoj raiir'at drput. "r.c bad toraj. mnu'k PP'y ta otOUlili TIH'KX. IcMl.U CkarBrnlW Valuable Farm FOR SALE. OR RENT 'Pill oWHimifma aowafcf at mfvar mi r- 4! WW.MWAAilrTlbr I' a-. nennoM k? Orro. Nab! ora aod anbia H a. la. u( who ratltaad 4apnt 4 vaarooto oorttagn-w hvtaimsk:i ki, ArttRss Ihaot T arrr. af b:-b I. eiawrd. l.r'rf T tlT. IllU NFS, I.Oll HAHS. aril otbrta-i onihlii.ro. with nror 1IM. Worin. (Volt trr.ov aaaar iaiH(( rvrtnf of Waor. orar lb. baoot. .' o. Mat t.atttor ao tbo e.aar. H oraw aaaopr4. ot wtH oar far tl. 1 no what ta rat. n,ok ol. tfcof n. kowaaj aw knaerd u.rao y.r.or ll aat, la a tad oontpar,. o ui( la pci rani ll,. naj. at up. efaltli. M.Sta. ,a r..y n.rr-r'r.. I' rrr A... .Pl.ly t. ll.UAkl ll'RILa. Ihorsrid. ia, t. J4, Its. llAI.GAlXS! nAROAlXS: rarms Timber Iind & Xlorsn FOR SALE! T'TIK nV.t. -n... a 4-rrB. Aa. af atad 1 .-ot o.4 p.r. : f- r-ty.oion taloi Of rorr one,ianny far korioiit; ?r. rrM .-... ,. - trt ....J ar-own a. .im " I too, DaMla " ad Awt La.aiior and o(b.ra trarnai rea. I'm ; ;.. v , , . it - r h.a. t.rn 4 ...-, r.Mrd Dtatol ink KH k-KI M tARM, eornir' ItMt Arras, ...tr af abi.h ro rUoroa, dn.ll, a. Ina, horn, and o.h.r oalhrildiac. I IPtlhor wl.k Inothnrmi yoonf anrbant- tbaajat SFVr.R L iiTlirn FAKaIS oad uo, of IlMbER LA.NUf forMio. tt'l rT.Th.AW.fH.LpWfl.' tN.I Wolf pa M rbr ato., I, .f w, Crt. rtra), tr tot Ki im by tbr thto.oad, t. ' --pn'R iifaIif w.t;K nfr?Ef.a. n l,M--, h. m.'d on nsnaonai k A aarpai. hi rSrrod In r-k f tar -f I ft'n promitiiiuD.. Tt.t.n.aitl haaioira." ' PariLrr In'nrw.i :vn .an hrtthtrinrd hi ral'nj n. tb. proaaio... or hr td4inr tb. nnrrllfO- n. FittnU, p f, , t Imrartd rann.. Pa. I fro.t tf .. t -0I tnlfT Valuable Town Property FOR SALE! C' ATt .n Ib. R ntb-wrrt -mr of PW O t4 TS.rd Hlrort. (hainj lUilma.! i oil: A Lf'l, nilk t fe4 lao-alitry pktnk ha I ir.1 Uareita. .1 h U frol. bmmm an oath I , taitabk) fur . t.. r. wr oilirr h-.io.ta. Aioa ' iKti.it LOT. ilb o two .try d.rli.4 Uerr-aCiad a-i.-al u TOW N LOTS. M . . ani.-c ,,. . fa- ooaortavtiat af SlrM:Ar.K. .art M Craot. Jf- '"'rt "' ,' ''T'.L'Th Tor fBrtkor latoraittiao Inn. "t 01 tbr re '. - .rirWf r Ll.iTriM.sR- yll ' US'Ti'M. J S.io,,, s