Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 21, 1869, Image 4
) TIIK ltKH.M.KWN. -w:- ( I.I-.AIil II Ta WtliNrs'l'At Ni'liMMI. A) I. II. Jl. I'f.n. "FATHER. COME HOME." APEHMkN in a himi ; tiiiui.unu I I I K'T. A rnrrcii'fn Mit pvt-a lip full'itv in noccniit of tlie tiii..'iii!j ) " Fallier, ("onif Homo," in nun (if tho Illicit.' luills in London, mul wo ylnlly triiiin for tlm atone, fir mu h wo term it li ourcolu . It is n i'1!,t luaiililully tmit'liin iipio:il, ami tho rfTert on all veho retid it mint, to wmin extent, he tho unino its that produced on the London audience. I esiir, love, hope, nd reform are nil set forth in tlio mor-l rivid colors : ' Jl ivin reached tho hall, wo paid an udiniion Ceo of nix penco. There was a very mat ftat;e, with a gaudy drop peeiie, ni(lo wind's, and a tolerulily ureliestra. In iho sialU cat the chairman, to keep order over as mot ley an andienco as ever was peon out of the gallery of the Victoria Theatre. "Costers seemed to predominate." All appeared plentifully nupplied with porter, and all werp enjoying their pipes to such an extent as to make tho tdaco almost milToeatin, for their must lave been an audience of nearly five, hundred. A nior "walk around" was just being finished, and the ihouts of encore, whirling and Humping of feet made the hall perfectly bew ilder ing. A nsmo was announced from the chairman, which wo could no', catch, nnd amidst clapping of bunds and (-tamping of feet thero was a buzz of, "This is tho song!" The waiter called loudly, "Any moro or ders?" and these being taken and du ly executed, all seemed to settle down quietly to listen to tho song. There Was the symphony und another buzz of "This is it." and wo began to feel anxious. Presently a female came in front of tho curtain, amid great ap plause, and commenced "Father, dear father," etc. Every word was dis tinct and sho sang the ballad with great feeling. In order, however, to fully describe tho scene which fol lowed each verse, it is necessary to give "Little Mary's" song: "Father, d'-ar fitttier, come h m wh me now, Tbe cloek in Ibe eteeple rtriket one; fronr .1 You promised, dear letber, that Jou wouiii com mime, Ae soon ai your dar'a work wa done. Onr fire ban gnne nut our home if all dark. And mi'ther'e been watctiinr rinee tea. With poor little Benn.T fo aii'k in ber ansa, ' And do one to help her but me. Cuine bome, erme bume, eutue b.ime. Plea., latber, dear father, come home." At the conclusion ot the last line tho drop scene drew up, disclosing the father sitting at the door of a public house, in a drunken bcmuddled state, with a pipo and pot before him. Lit tle Mary was trying to drag him from his seat, at the same time pointing to a curtain behind, us she took up the refrain from the lady, and touchingly jang, "Come Home," etc. The other curtain was now drawn aside, disclos ing a wretched room, in which was the mother, with tim poor, sickly looking boy on her hip, and in the net of feeding him with u spoon. Simul taneously with the drawing of the curtain, the dim light was brought to bear npon tho tableaux, giving them a truly startling effect. After a mo ment or two, the n' t drop came down, and the lady proceeded : "Father, dear father, eome home with me now. The click in the Itrikea two; ffong hi it) The B'jrUt haa rrown coKler. and Bennj it woree, But hr ban l-eni eall.i.z (or you. Imleed he i. wciree. mnthur eay. be will dee, 1'rrhapH lietore Burning .liail dawn ; Arid I tut war Ilia mi':ijre rha eent me to brine, (omi (jiir kly. or be will lie pone. Come bouie, rome borne, pome borne, I'leaae. latber, dear faihrr, rome borne." The net drop rises nuin. and now the child has bold of the pewter pot, trying to take it from tho drunken parent, and, as she continues tho last two lines, "Como Home," etc., the other curtain is drawn aside, and we iwxt see the child stretched out on its mother's lap. as it just raises its liltle head and fulls back with a gasp, with tho lime light reflecting strongly upon it, there was a reality about tho whole (iiiiimvj ii; i.'.' ris imhiu ooniinc from nil parts of the iifiii, from i tho female portion of the nurlionor. ! , ' terrible to view. iohs were beard v iuie tears ini Kica uown many a maic cliwlt. We linve aeon ' Susan Il"p ley," "Tho Strnntrr," ''June Shore," "Kant Ljnne," and other nfliTtive piwea played, l.tit never hefoio diil witnei a neeno (if such pi'tier:il cryinp'CNi.e jiri tici nl fcnlnre culled to mind Tm' picture of the '-Sinter of Merry ," with l)ie clyinjj child in lei lap, nnd Iho dmith wns tearfully nut n rul. Even the lady hnajnj; the "fng vrna nfTected, and vmild acareely jiro ceed with the third verse : "Father, nar tatSrr. fume rn-me irltb me now, Tlie rlor-k in the eterj.le r'.Hkrt tbrre!, (''"?, pout The li"iie i eo liyDi'v, the heiin ara ao lun. Fnr rniir w-cpir m.i ti-r b:..1 me: Y'. we ape,our It, nnY i. rtrad, Anl en. will, t!.e at.p ! W 1'clit. A firt theee are the wry ln! Ltiat ba aaid, I want to 1: i f e urn - oil iji-;,t ! Cf'Wie httree, e'mie tm-rte. etni home, Plttiae, talhc-r. litar lather, enrae horn,', Aenin Iho drop roe, diselosin;'itt!r Jlsry on her kneca appeali ip to her father, who with the put c-levnted, n in the net of tril;inir Iht w ith it. n ahe ainira -romi, Ilotne." and then the HiicK curlnin dt-awa naitle. nliowintlie ttiother praying aver the ell J'a c-ollin. Uut now tha aoha Imrat more frt-elr, and two fctnttlea re carried out faint int:. The Rcene n truly littrrowin);, and we turned pludly our eve uwny. An additional vern was irnng nb tut ''PiM.r Denny" lieinywilh th'nnrela nliovo. The dtop ro-e: Ihe father, now aohrr, t weepinj; over the coffin with the mother, nnd little Mary on lier knet-a ninitir; "Home, home, fa ther, dear father eome home" At this moment the rtirtnir, ia uid, and littl" 15,-rinv i anpeiided over theeofTin with wina antilin,- up on them and pointing bpwarda. The ful Iter fails forward on hi face, the act dr ip ttcacetiiU, and fur a lew min "tea all j hushed avc iie p f)f letnalM. ' There." anid a worliinman l.v our '!, at he heaved a fi'h ot relief. '.Mi. Spurf-cn never preached a bet trr ser:...4 t,at " nn r.tpre-.a.inn 1 whl(., wo, und then lelt tl.c hsll. Were ia a Vl u,t, .Pl)ll,n( , pri,or) with four typ,... W, , our run -in ,-., rj it v. iil.out Kiokin t tuo explanat;,,,, below T 0 rt i). .tmav-ation llcr9 ;, ,. rrnwr rtn-'nol Ihenhnvc. A bule datke '" 'Iji-y) in b.d, with nought ,or tioUiii,, t.V(.r !lim John G. Sax,ail,at " aaua-.pea. eea.c t i,,ep,re re-pect In rrojtori.on u ro kuow bow they re ! I :n,i;!iUMr.M.i:;niVM;iiuiis .looflaml's (icrman Tonic; J Tht llrrat KfetM f"f all fWa-ea of tht j IliHtllaiuri" lltTinnn I.itUTH j Ii fftrapo'r'l of the pore jnlrea (or. ihey ire : mtM..rinellv termed, Kltturfu) if r f t, f t herhi, and birkt. II pr-paraM-m biphly j ' rnntrKtttI ft B d - entirely ''Ire Ut-tm 1 alcubuLic iiitniiture ef uj kiuil" 1 (xillnnd's (I r!!inn Tonic Ti romhinatjon of ftll tht Initrfdiriiii of th Hiliort, witft ih mrtit ot iauia Crut Kiitn, Oram', Ac , makirii( one f th mutl an I and L'rfalil rem lie arer 8re J to IS publio. 'ihnna preferring dlciuft free frum a.oliulie duiiitura, u Iloollanil's (icrman Jlittors. ThiFB who huva po olMPPtiori l the combin. lion of (h Bitters ai aimed, wilt una IIoollaniTtf Gorman Tonic. Tlin am knth fiIlT rood, and roiilnin th cma taaxliAinail lirtiwn I Vt m oknloa Kal a jaan It.- I two hrinf tura matter of Uftte.tbe Tunic being tbo uk'M paUub.a. Tha nomarh, from a rnrty of rmtf, tuch m latigotton, I yupepiia, Nurroii Dibilitv, rc. i trrv apt to har it funtltia daranc- eJ. Tha Liv r. nym II atb i Kin m clyecly ai It diwR with the IStotanrli, thn b- coidpr il.rtfr1, tha ravnltof which i that tbf pxtifnt o(Tri trout aawrul or nor a of tua fol ii.wini: tlifeoten : Constipation, Fletuttneo, Inward Pileir. FotintM vt Uluod u tha Head, Aoiditj ol tha htou. aoh, Naura, lluart Hum, liirifUK fur Food, Ful)nM or Wrifht in tba btonierU, buur Kruptinuf.Smk iup or r iuttariui at tha pit ul lbe rtt'itnuch.Swiui niirijc of tho Head, li u rr i e d or ' lxQifult breath in flutterinr of tha Urt,Cbtkiof oraf fttraung aenifttioni when in a Iving poiture, Oiaine-ui of Timon, dit t webi bfore the ctm, dull paio in tha ,4tHrnrj of per piraiion, yaltewoati of tha ki ad fr, Pain io tha iilt. back, chpt, limba, ate., udden fluchri of beat, burning flerb, eoDatant iinapinlfic of ?vii and great dproaioa of epiii-s. Tha mfferer from tbexa dlrna innuld eirr eisa th irraataat eaation la tbr wloretioti ol remedy fur bii parcbiBf only that whirb be if asrnrrd I I fruis bit ioveil i (ra tion ind innuiri'i fwfMei true tvent, ii fttilirnllr eoinp'randed, If fr fmm 1 jariai ineree'irntt, and baa tbliphd for ittlf a reputntirin fur the cureof tbcM rtUeMti. In thi f tootitm we would lubmit ihoia well Itnuwa remedtef Iloofland's Gorman Bitters, Hoofland's German Tonic, Prepu-ed j Dr. C. H. JACKSON, FLiladrli Li.( Ta. Twenty-two rtnre inpt tbrT ware first intra dnrtd into thu o itntry from tiermany. d urine whih tirfl thry bare ond-ialt-dly performed mora rmrtK end benehtad itiffrritti; humanity to a graaur rttt-ni, tbao any ether remrdiei known to the pui"i. Thwe remediee will effprtnally core Liver Cotrplaiol, Jaunrline, pTppift, Chronic or herroui Iebiiity, Ii C a r o n i e IMarrbra. DtfaPt if tha Kid ne?. and all dieifae iiij from a Disordered Lirer, Siomacb, or InUitiuri. Debility, Revultint from any raaaa whatever ; Pr"trat.oa of the rTitftn Indnefd by er"re Labor. . iiardbijft. tip-'iaro, ftvera, Ac, e. Thr ii no roeairine extant equal to tboee lemedie ia urb eauei. A tune and vigtr it imparled t th whole tytiem, the appetite it trvnftbened. fmd ii enjoyed, the ptomarh di-gt-nt promptly, the h& i pvnfie-i. the eom piexion beeoeaei aoiiad and healthy, ibe ycilow titipe ! eritnatiMl (rum the ejtfi, ft I'loum u iTn U the pheekn. anj the weak and nerrnai intftlid beeomeea auan aod beaithy beioj. Forsons Advanced in Life, and feeling the bartd of time weirhin(t beiily af on them, with ell il alien da ni itlt, will find tlia ue of these liit'Tn r tliB I'-mr, ea fluir that will inmil new life into their veiet. tetr in a meaara tha energy and ardor of wore yontbfal dati. bu.ld ap their thrunkea forma, and give huaitb and bai-pinaw to Uir remaining yeari. Notice. It fa w-11 tabliihe4 fael that ful'y oaa- qu i ot tne irmaie po run i lionnta tieHom m the j anjuyi IZ-n 17 !.?' "D.naf lel well. TtJ a lat., h'f of the frmala po T Tii"n of our ii-ula or (r'"a eiea"ion, they f uid, devoid of all enarjry. extremly aarruut, auj he 10 ap petiti. Iu tb ia rlts of perana the liitten, or tbo Toni!, ia eperiaily recommended. Weak and Delicate Children are made Mrn y tba ae of eithrr of theae retnMte. Ttey will pure ava'y caef mamtmua without fail- 1 baatid f eertiftratee bee aeramalated la trtf haudi of tha proprietor, bat ai see will altw of tb1 puhiiea'two "I but a fw. Thtc, it will be obftTTod, art men of note, aod of taob atanding tttat they mutt be belie r4. Testimonials. lien. Oawpa Wimdwarit, Chief Joetirn of tb. upTeln. l-'.ort ot Pearly leania. write. : Philadelphia, Pa., Varrh It. l-Oit. 'lflnil Hoeri .an a . PiTTae. I. a a"04 l.nie, aaeftil ia A 4 I1., iteel it. orzana, .nd nf g'et benefit in raeea nf dehi.iiT anil want of nerrou arti'.n in th. rjataia. Voora, Iruly, Ga. . Wiwinwaaii." Hen. .Tawei Tbia p.i a, Ju.lge of th Surrenjr Cyurt of Peon) leenia, write. . 'Philaelfhia. Apetl l?(l. ' enn.iitrr ftantl'e tla-man piitr" a ralw- i ah't n.e.ii.ine in rnii f Iriti ee.i ;- n or t'J -J-ep caa eero'y hi fruia ejrer:enee. Yirt, il reipael, nuIniurBi T-rera Hea. Joe, T. Kernarl. t. ., Parlor oflbeTenih Haptirt rhtireh, Philade'cbia : Dr. J ' aana Iaar Sir- 1 aat. bwt" f-aqnanl-y raquened ta eoneect R? nam. with rM-oor-wien-latiiiD of rl'ttrreul klil 1 tnedn tner, hut r..rr.lin tha prae . tieea. nut i.f m.r at fe..nate aph.r.. I IV haaa ia all cae d. oiinad; I'nl with a ' prmif in tanou Instance., and partieu'arlr in ni own launlv, ol the vretulrilk- nl llr, H iK'nand Herman Ili'K rr, 1 depart fur wnea fmra air auat enar., tn ei pre.. my lull eonneli-.n that tnr ireneral daliillt of tha r-vnero, and ete.'iah.T lur Liver Coin i a .-n'e and ralnihle peeparatcn. Ja eolne eaaet it BiiiT fail, hm a.oa'lr. I -?onit nnt, it will tia Trr hanrfleial lothaaawha rtifler troln tha ahuT. tau.a. Voura, vvr.T re.feifailr, J. Jl hraiAttn. Fijrhlh, below Coater Mreete. Prom Pr T Tl. Fenilall, Kdit;r of Chriiuaa "Cl rniiirle," Pl.Oadlcloa : 1 hea derirrd deeided benefit frnia the Q'e r.f Un. (iand a i.erman llittra,awd leel It mt pr l teffa to reieeiiiwief.d ihaoi aa a wio't valoahl. Inpir tu all who are ri ffrmr train general ,tv or lei.ia diearei ari.irg fiurn d-rai ?.-ment n( tbr tirer. oara, Iralj, a. ll. Faanai.i Caution. HonfltnTi Oertnin flitter are e f-nr tefriteti. jiee thul ih aina tare i.f C. M, JA K- 'N te a th na I I pet ,f ea.-h bnitte All oiher ara 'm trftu Prtreifial dtBre at d jMauufaetae. t the iitrmo alfdiral M:re, e Areh tre.t, Philifiel) hia, I'. ( IIRt l. M. I AN. Propr'flor, lFt.rn.arlj C. M. Jarkion 4 t o J rrifc. nsoDati'l'l Oeraaa IlitLrl, mr bntlta 1 Ha " " par half doien. t nor.flandr flerman Tonic, UI B ia (,uart botllet. p katite 1 f e Or ahaH 4iaawfvr ,. T r-Ilo awl t.r,.t ta aiaaalae well tba article yea baa, ia ard.r w a. I tha (ecama. fVIm aaia Ij U aiuutiu acd dealer la fundi h and ' hop. 1 ,!... DOYNTON & YOUNG, rorM)n;s v machinist; MftittrHarrr of TOETABLE ii STATIONARY C'lI' i AT 1 Vaf 1 I WC Coiner of Fourth ard I'me Htrt. ( M AUI 1L1.I, A. J? 11 vi j I y.tz5?7$mk ' nAVIXt emp.iiri'd in the ma nu fact ore of firt vltui MA('llI.M.UV,w rerpeetfully inform tha public that we are now prrpatad to fill ftll ordrn ai cheaply and a promptly ai ean be done in any of the t itiri. Wt uunuidcture and di al in Mulay and Circular Saw-Millc, Head Mocki, Wntcr M'heelf, Fbaftinj? I'ulleyi, nifTonl'a Inject or, Slram (imjcn, tSteam Whiitiea, Oilera, Tallow Cup, Oil Cups, tiaujre Cocka. Air Cockfl, Glebe Vftlvea, Check 'ntve, wroaxht iron Pijx-i, Steam l'uuip. lluiltr Feed I'umpi, Aoli Friction Metres, Knap S'onc I'aokinjr. Gum Fuck injr, and ail kindi of MILL WOIIK; (leather with Plowt. Flexl So1-b, cook as d rA nion sto ves, and other CASTINGS of all kind. "Ordrrt aollcited and filled at city prieei. All letter of inquiry with referenee to machinery of oar manufacture promptly anawereti, by addrca ibf ui at Ciearfieid. Fa. (leclO-tf imYXTMX A Y'H'NG, planing Wills. J. f. Wear.r,; U1 ItJj. Yi.V. IJtlU- u. i.. iti:i:i & Co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! ' TIIE proprletora respectfully inform theeitiicra A tif Dcarfletd eotinty, that they hare er.tir-ly refitted tbii establishment with tba lateat imprnred wood-workira; machinery, and are bow prepared to execute all order ia their line of buiiiiea. Thry will (jire eeria) attention to the mauufao tore of material Un bouae building, enrh ai FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOUS, BLINDS, B R.I CULTS .VOI'lfiM'fc'S, OF ALL STILUS, W. alwriy. hare on hanil a larjr. atork of T'HV Ll'MTEH. and will payoaab fnr all elw Lambw. On. ani a hal inch paoal atuff brrffrrad. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or .xrliatip. ij. to auit cuftnmiri. .5.0Hira iici1i-4, and Lnrotar furoiibed od nliorl notice al od rfarunallf trrma. o. L. r.rr.n t ro. rirarfwiM. Not. 7. 1 SBT. E. It. P.rr.. ,Io PaTTca, E. A. lam J. K. Iawia. E. B. PATTON & CO., Ilatir fitted up a flrtt-clau PLANING MILL Are jm t.areJ to furnih alt kind of Manufactured Lumber, Floorin? Sidintj. Surface Treated lum ber. Buih, Hoori, Blindi. And ewrj deteription of FUIN AKD FANCY KOULDKS. y"Iea'TT will Kfid it lo their nd rant aye to eoiit ar jirirca bef-irr piiri-tiair'p riae wht-re. AddrrB. E. B. 1'A1T'N a n, ('arvei.aviif, Tt. T,, If rirattit-.d eouaiv. l a. lion' lo Save lonoy, rrUR timet are bard: ya'd like te know J. eoa wa? aaee four dollar ( Th waT to da it I will rhnw. If too will read what lullowa. A irn wtin lived nnt far frOI her Htio worked hard at hia trale, & bad a hiueli.ll te funptrt That aq'tandercd al) ba made. I met him one. R-its ne, "Mt friand, I lok thread Wear ind fnef h ; Ie tried to get any naif a auit. But ran't ere np enoaph.' See I, wit friend, a-w tach bare yoa f I'll tell ea where to fo T" pet a a(t that' aond sod cbrtp i To KfclZKNiSTElIli A Co. He took what luTle he bad aeved, And went to Jleiifntein A Ilr-'then, And there ha fnt a bandteme rait. For half be aid to other. N't.w be la home, hr lkt ao wall And their eflrrt i aoeh, That when thee take their lace I, 1ty don't ei.t half aa nacb. Arfl nw hr find' nn Fatnrtlae night, V lib alt their want np.lied. That he ha money left to a)end. And eome to lay amde. IIi (rood aneeett, with cheerful tail, He r'adly tella to all. IT Tnu'd cafe nunfy, g and buy Your eliifhe" at hElltt.NHIKIS'S CLOTnrVfl HAIL. Whore lh rearBt ftreat and beat CInthinf and erid Kamitnri tioortt raa be bad to aat eerry tate and in eeery atylt aprl I, ti a z iT ii ii t:. f li-caraaTaiTtn latntm. Tor Iht l.nutx'ry. It I. waeranteit r.'l ta rtreak, or io any man ner irjur. tr-e flre.t ftibrie. fin I VII.V I F ai.lii ia FIVK cents, TEN eeeta. a I 1 w r. VTY eente tin tea. I- arl. If tMV en hei, he.iH,, kaTint vr tinn at mireh li'it. a. Ihe tlVe eeeta hoa, rtintalnf a packet ria earWiaa wr .mor.r b.. far ili.lel and large Laurt'try nae, il ta ul aa a 1 1 a" n-ari. 1 ea earh llox baa ieaile Mark. Far aal r Tiebll.Jlna IU li I I CK I R IS. I tt M A MI .K. Tl,e .eH-rmtt.eil will w the a,rli.-t rA"H I'ltlt K lur all kindi M Ik and UlllbKllil K.raneaeall, L L. tEUEhliltJI. ?iji o'.ords. C.i oi rt ir. (Tic Down I Down 11 Till: LAST AUH1YA1, AMI ll (til IK 1 II K I III. K I I i-l I A Prortamation npamst High Prices! I' ii"W ' ji-ii'f f; a l"l tif hr Vrfl ar I ni it n . i...i'.' i " in at J rtri !ii-n t Mi tnn k -t . Utt 1 itt inirri (hat r-iiiiH'l ' 'f I iit't ( rill.'' 1 l.K -. 1 t. e- (iition nip iCii-n , tm-a lui C.I I.I. .IT Ol It STOItC, ' 1'itriier Krx-nl and Market Mm-ta, A htrr tlf-y inn r, frel, b r atnl kiiiiw f r ihrm- a lvra. '! fnll untruirl what an-rhenp e"1"!. line tii u t ii- iiiuf. d nut m it in-.-efMfj t riiinnrntie nn-l it' tniie our twk. It ia enough lor ut lo ilatc that Wo have Everything that is Needed an.t con -ii in ill in tin market, anil at rir-i lliat afti'inli lii.lli olJ and vi.nnp. d.-..:'it .ll'l. I'll FlfAW 1 fi'N. Ti:V KTOKK AM) XKW GOODS OODS JUS. SHAW &: SON llav jutt oprneil a Ntr 8ioki, ou Main St., Ci.cAHritLD, I'i., lklelv oooupieJ by Wnl. F. IK WIN. 1 lioir stock conaitti of LULU 'JT C23-CDCDD3. Gkona'ta of tba bnt quality, Qukk.nswaiie, IJoots nnd Shoes, tou every article neeear for one'a comfort. Call and examinn our Hock brforc pur cliain)j elwhr. Mkjt 9, lHdfi-tf, ItASa;iIS Xcv Store In Mulsonburg! In the room formerly occupied by P. T. llrgarty. L. M. C0UTI1IET rilAKKS tht method of iafnmiinr th-eltlaena X t l'oiii(tton, Kertbmtic, (iirard and the ur ruuutlinr rr. that he ha )ut ftj-ne4 a larire atufta al fcl M M Mt (.ll', which he f dftrr tninrd to at II TLS I'KK CI.M I'll K A I KK than the aanie tjuahtv f tiK'd" rutt br fitirrtiaxfd for it anr other rture ia tha neighborhood, iliaatock conmti of Dry Goods of all Kinds, Pueh at Fatint'i. Cwalmtvea, Mnriina, TflaiDet, Lmea, IriJ! t'C. Calieora, Tnaitnuigfl, hibholifl, Laee, READV-M APE CI.OTniNO. BOOTS al MJOhS, 1JATS i CATS, GEOCEEIES OF ALL HSDS. Coffee, Tra, Purar. Hire. M"larir, Kith, Fait, Linseed Oil. rih Ctl, tarboa Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Caitinp- IMowa ard Tnm rM intra, Ppikea, lorn Colttfatore. vWt I'r'-ii'rf. ar.d all aioda of Axea. a Wr Plowa are of the CarwenaTilla and Centre runtr make, at.d are warrauud ta b of Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paint, Varni-h. (.), and a genrral aJorttnent of MatMHiery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different Vimnl. elarara on har d, and will be aold at Ibe loweal puifihle figure. Parh aa PRXItT, WINE. GIN k W1II.KT ,'.f0 ftoiitid if Woi'l wuLtt J fur which the liiphrat tnee will be paid. M,ovi:nPri:n, On band and fur mW at the lownat market prir-a. S'.Tall and T'lomclvea. Vo will find evervihmg uua!!T k-it in a retml tnrr. I.. M. Ct-VTRIET, Frent-hvillf P. O., Jan. 7, lM.ii. U W STO K li Cor. Second St and II. II Road. 11. MITCHELL HAS Jimt reeei-ed and .ipened, at the aoTe named flare, an entire new pick of b Sl tiMiUt-i, vhirh he will r.11 VKllY CHEAP Fult CArH. Hit atnek ronatMa of Dry . liood, rorrrIoH. II A R D W A n E. Q V E ENS W A Ii E, Iff)tt and c1io. , Hat and Cant, r.eadT-Made ( l"tliiiig, elf. Ilr aiao ket jif cfaoio FLOUR, CORS MEAL, FEED, ihopy Baron, tft, and Drifd MYtiitn. Pernnna rlenirotn nf f.or-hainf cf.rt-lt ftt fair rati are rraertf ul'r rrurt'd lo cie him a ra 1 1. .rr AT'i'naed rtmntrr n.ducewill te taken, at fhe h'het rn, in fi haiaige fcr fjooJa. Cleartield. Jana IK. ltfW.f LlTHERSlllRCrOTTERIES I.nlhrrabar;, ( leardeld On,, Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look Here! fPHF nnderficned la y..,f,red to fmi-h rw 1 w,th the h-M SToM.VS A HE manufartiire i in thin pountrT. lie haa never vet failed to -l.-a the aenat fatideo, aa to quality r durahilliy. Hit ware eonMut in part ui CREAM rCTS OF ALL SIZES! mii k crock n r. Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, An in aWt EVriiTTIlIN't. naually nadr and k'-ft in aa etatilitiaifni of lint, ku.ti. MERCHANTS Can have their ware drlii-ered hy ma, at ANY Tl MK and In AM I'l.At k d.r.- l. i'ldt ri for ware aolioited, aid nromf'tly filltd. T Ftt cenerul as.'irtment. t"e Catalofue and Tri'-e, tit ill led free lo applicnta, A liheral diarount aiU be g em to the wh"leali' hade. ill. C. KIRK. Lntltrr-hurg, Pa., Ilee. ,V lt.,S-if Mcknight & jasnot, mid MnKrrs, (Imaaediatelr la rear nf I'laninf Mill.) t Cl.EAIi FIELD. I'i. 1MIK aa.rriKera wnalil reaneetrHrr infrrm tne rltiienx I t'lrarne'd.and Ihe fiihliein tenerl that tnet ara firepared lo duali work cn WAfiONS, CAKRIACKS, SLEKHIS. tc , aa abart nolle, and i reaer.nat.le lerrnl, and la a wnrkmanlibe mannar. A nw .'..lura ia lira te th-t we 1-i.n our own wnrk. VAII orden frunirtly at'enited t at. atrkMtiHl. !,. CJUUI.iOtA0I. A. W. VV ALTE R6, A1T"llMY AT IAW, I li atllelrl, I'a. na in tlie I r,n Ij ISRAEL TEST, A T'li UN KV AT LAW, ( Irarlli 1.1. I'a. O-Offl-a In the l oan lli.uee, Jw 1 1 ,"f T JOHN H. FULFORD, AIM' UN IV A T I. AW, t IrathrM, I'a. Offlc. wltb J. II. Mi'Kiml'r, Kiij., uvar Firit Ka tMinal Hark, fre-Promrt attenlioa (iren to ttia aecurtng ef li'iunlr, I'laiina Ac, and lo all legal bunoaaa. March If, In7.jr. WALTER BARRETT, ATI" i UN KV AT I VV. Offiea on Beeond rt., Clearfield, Pa. nneJltn H ia. A. Wallace. J. Make Waller,. Win. II. Midler I'nii.k Fiililinie WALLACE, EIGLER & FIELDING Al ItiliN KVS AT LAW, Icirlicld. Pa. arLeaal kuineaa o( all kioda promp'Jr and accuratalr attended to. trayloy f HO S . J . M c C U LL O U G H, ATIOUNKY AT J,AV. OUce adjoining tha Bank, furmerly or copied by J. II. MrKnatljr, (Second it., Clearlield. rWill attend protnptlj to collection, tale of'landi, Ao. declT,C2 JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT I.AV And Ileal l-atatr Aijf-iit, tlfarfleld, la. (tfneton Market ttreet, onpoalte tha jail. JeV-Heapeetfully oflern hia aervirea in eellinr and bin, n landa in UleartUld and adjominft count la ; and with an eiperience nf orer twenty reara at a aurreynr. flatten hi mm If tiat be ean render mtiitaction. febSA.' WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTUIi N EV AT LAW, Irarllclil. Pa. Offioa od Market etreet one door eaat of th Clear Held Count; liank. mavt.'JI Juhn II. Orvlr. c. T. Alexander. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER, ATTOIWEYS AT LA M' llrllrloute. I'a. mplJ.'di-Y D R . f. JE F FERSON BO YER, rHYSIClAX ANT) SCKGEOX, Foo'Jnd llrtet. riearfiold. Pa. i.-UaTinp perniaii'-i.t-i locited, he now offer. hi. Iirntceeional Mr inna to ih. milmh,,! i 1..1 A and eieiinty. aud tlie public gcunajlr. All eallt F. B. REED, M. D., rilYSICIAN AXl 8L'UiE0N', taTll.tinr remored lo TV illiam.frora, Pa., offera bit pn faitional aarvicaa to the people ot Uia aurrouaduif coaatry. ljyll87 DR. J. P. BURCHfTeLdT LaleSarjeoa oftbSd He ami. pennerlvama Volanteera, barinf returned fronj IL Army, tflen hi. pTofeeaional a.rricaa lo tba citiaena f t'learfield reanrj. -Profer.ional call, promptly alien ted lo. nae. on gaeoad atreat, lormerly oecnpied by Pr. Woodt. (apr4, U DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN A Sl'KOEO.V. Uaiinjr n tnoreil to An.ijariM. Pa., offer t hit pri.l-.n,itBl ten ir-ee to the people ,1 that place and tha eummnint; couutrjr. Ml call, promptly attended tu. lice 3 tai pd. DR. S. J. HAYES, SUROEOX DENTIST. Office oa Main SL, CurwciiFvillc, Pa., AILL aaaVe roftiunaI eiiita, for liieeoa y vemenee of the (Mthlie. tomneaeinf ia April, I- l,. follow, via : Luthrrp.'ur Firat Fridaj of ererr nunth. Aaatinriile Firt Monday of evry aumth. Lunber City Pirat Thareday of arer? amnth. Snrndme two dnyi in eiiber f.laee. All ordrra lor wnrk ahbuld he prttentrd ta tte 4m y of hit arriral at aaea place. Jfrv leeth eiir acted by tha applicatloa of loral an-v'thetia roierm lively without fain. All kindf of 1 rental work (aaranteed. V B. The pal hr will ilraee nMice. that Dr. n., whta not irfmH in tba abore ritita, at ay he '-niftd tn hli in Curwenreilla. Pa. CarwfDMTiilr, l"eb 4, 1 ffltt. 4.45 dental" partnershi p. n- A. M. HILLS, I?r2f Itetiret to Inform bir patrnnl, and the pul.ui (ener.l'r.'l al he haiaaeotiattd with bl in th. practice of llmtirtr, S. P. SHAW, IX I). S., WhrtUt raduata of tha riiilaieibia Dental Collrpa. ar.d therefore haa the bicheat attrma tloa of profeMional ak.ul. Alt wrk dmt in the i)Tira I miV. bu.d on -f pareoaally raanoaai tie fur heinjr dune ia tba utoet aaiia(et4rj man ner and htpheat order ( tbt profeaaton. An eatabiuhfrd practice of twenty-twa year in thia plane rnihlet Bit to tpeak to my paiienta wi'h eoefldene. t.n-airinieat. froai a diitanee ahnnld be made by letter a few tiuyi betor th patient deirot cniitift. Jane 4, le ly. MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMBER CO., CSl TOLA HTI'AM MILLS, aairrai ri nr.1 LUMBER, LATH, AND riCKF.TS II. II. FIlII.UNliFonil, I're.i.lcnt, Office FecM Vtrr, No. I2i P. 4lh It.. PhilV JhIIN I.AW t-IIK. (iiiperii.lrn.lent. jeC'f.7 I've. .la Mill., I'laarlield enantr. I'a. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper dinger, t'lrarlitltl, I'rnn'a. .Will eMirutejoha in hii line promptlT and ia a wurkmala wiannar. af r4 a7 J. BLAKE WALTERS, (i;ivr.VKi: axi conyeyaN'. 1.15. Agent for tbe rutch.'e a-il Sala of Lania. lrarth-.. I'a. r-Prnmi4 att.otioa aleea to a'l durlnen eonaeeted with the eountj ofticet. tlffiee WHb Hon. am. A. Hallaee. janl,'IW'.-lf SURVEYOR. rlllK anderaiirnrd oflera hia er ieea a a Por- wynr, mu4 may be Hund at hia remdenee, in Irtawrrnfe towimhip. I,rttrrt will r.arb faiai dt rerted In rierheld, I'a, way 7-tf. JAMI- MlTt'.n;i,L. THOS. W. MOORE, Lmd Surveyor and Cocvejancer, IjAVINtl rweetilly lnented in thr imn.njh of 1 l.tinihnr i. ilr, and rfium-il tha practice ( I. no. I fanrvetinc- reapeetCiilly Tend-r hia pmfee. t..ti mt u-.' to the owner f nnd pern)fttort in lan ia iu t"leaitit add aljmn iiip eft.nttea. leei f crtnTevanr onattT eseuied. ('tlict' atn reiiliMire nnd d xir ei f Kirk A it...n.'er amU pHm. DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. BAKEIR & HAIR DRESSER, ar.'-uND HTI1I.IT, CI. II A B FIT. Ill, PA. if THOMAS H. FORCEE, rr ai ra i G UN F R A Ia MKRniANMSE, (.It U iMTi, Pa. A! vi. cxtrnive maniifar-tnrrr ati.l dealer In Square Tini'wr ttid !awcd l.untltrrol )! kiinia. Order elicited and all In He fttfrptly filled. f ii la ly FRANCIS COUTFIIET, MKItnUNT. Frmrhlllc. 4lratfidd 1 ounty. Pa. Kerpa eontnrit1e on hand a full aaetnient nf !'v UtHtda, Hanlaare. tniaiir. and eve-nthinc ii-iia.ii ke. in a reiil aiire, wtiirh will he aild, dr mati, v rtit ajt . . l(.rr tBa ohiiij, I ren-hvilie. June IT, It. am. Ai.arBT nwar Ai.rnT.m w. a lbf bt W. ALBERT &. BROS., Manafalaeert i eaten. tve licalerein Sawed Lunilxr, Square Timber, 4o., V tit 1 1 1 L A N fi , rns'A, "Ordart a..llciPd. pMtr !led on abort aoti( and rea.t nahle ternir. Addreaa Woodland P. 0., rie-nr'd Co., Pa Je?.'. ly W. A1.UKHT DUt'S. B LAS a, tONaTABiE KAIX mi nla at Uul caw. at . More nnd r tiOtK. v. v. v n OM M, MERCHANT TAILOR, VUKaT H, I l.l, I'A. HAVIXfl evened up a Merchant Tallorii. tietahliahinenl, on Maret meet,"lnirK il, r Hi li'iice it lie. Ilarti.aick, I wnuid i.ij.e. t iully annnnn.-e to tha emren. of t learllfld and mcihiiv, tliat I liara )uM WHint Irow tit ea.t. em tinea a tail a0ftuie1 ef Cloths, CusBimcres, Vesting, &c, tir the Lent iialilr and lnletl Hile, wlii.k I ara ireian-d to mnki: up on fh'irt notice, aow-i itinf ti, the lateat la-lnuni, arid al prlcri warranted to t anra''iry. Trp aia ooce, and I aw aaea oa will come attain. F. C. CKilMM. l l.-arli.M, Jan. Jl, IM tf WM), Coin- it Mono. 1809. J?. R L. STOUGUTOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market htreet, Clearfield, Pa., nAVINfl opened hu'inen on any own book, at the old timid in Miaw'a How, I therefore aanouoee to tha public that I hare now on baud a well ae lee led and large atiortment tf Cloths, Caasimcres, Vostingg, Dearen.and all kioda nf Qowlt for men and bnra' wear, and am now prepared to make up to order CLOTH I NO. from a tin frit article to a full aoit, fn the latent ttylei and moat workmanlike manner, special attention given to c a atom work aud cuumf-out fur men and boya. I ofler great barjraina to enttomert, and wa'raet enrite aatiilanion. A liharel ahara of public petrunajfo it aolioited. Call and aee me. janT-tf K. K. L. bTOUOUTON. II. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door eaat of Clearfield lipase, Market fctreet, Clearfield, Pa. KEKPS nn band a full aaaortmantg of Gout Kuril, ibing oodi, tueh aa Shirt. Linen and Woolen L ndertbiru. Urnwera and Boeka, Neck tiri, Hoebet Handktrcbieta, Olovea, Halt, I nihrellnt, ., ia great Tarietjr. Of Ftaae ttooda ha keept tba Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Suefa aa Blatk Doeskin of tha vary beat make: Fancy f aain.ere, in (Treat ranety , also, French Coating?, bearer, I Hot. Chinrbilla, and Frleott overeiiatin. All of whirh will be told ebeap for Caab, and made up according to iht lateat ttylei by etperieoeed workmen. Ainu, A sent for Clear 6 eld ooanrr for I. M Sinter A Co'i. celebrated Sewitf Maehinea. OT. I, lt65-tf. U. BRIDOE. yiisrcUanrous. SEWING MACHINES. CfHE RinyeT Mannfactarina; Coaipany't New 1 Family rVwinjr MarLinee, and tht adebratod riurence, fur tale at tbe KEYSTONE STORE. Perermt in want of ws'-hinep will do weft to eal! and examine the (" I N b II K and FLOliENVE tM'fore pun haiiij. tvery teaehit.e warranted to ICie ajttiprartir.n. Machine and machine findingi alwavt ob band. XIVMNfl 4 FHOWERS. ClearPelrJ Pa.. Feb. 2t. Apetita. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MARKET J?T., CLEARFIELD. FA. 1)KF.50NR dr-irinit COOP riCTl'RES.of any at vie and price, with all the modern i mpm re tire nta wf the art. ean he accoiauodaied by ealliag at my roomt ia I tearticld. Negatives made in Cloudy as well as in Clear Weather. Cim.DRKVg PICTtRES ukea aecnrately, in a U w arena d t. The TONE and FINISH of my Photnrrapht foaranteed lo euuai tLat of any maOa ia t'Utia dilf bia or New York. LVualantly on baud, a large anppiy af FromeB, Albums and Stereoscopes, Of all aitei. it j lea and pricet. and of tba beat ttmiah. A la a, STEKCOSCOl'lC VIEWS. of tbe Buutt tntereatrnf AMKKK A eV ItlKfc.IGN iiC i:l:KY, for tale at reajunal.e ratca. TRABIES OF ALL PIKES. From anr at tie of moulding, made io order an thurt notice. J. K. BOTTORF. Clearfield. Dae. 10. El. ISOIIISOX V CO., PORK PACKERS, .To 2.VJ Liberty SI., Pittsburgh, Hare oa ku-.d a large etwa el Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, I'LAIX AND Pl'UAR-Cl RED HAMS, Meat P.itk. tlrie.1 Beef, and Uaf l.aH, all of aar etD I'araiii, Curni(5 anil .''niokieg. Lard Oil, Flour, Chee?e, Dried Apples and Teaches, Wilh a pene-al!ment of lirtiyrie, at the lewe.t market (trieea. fjune l. fs le:,d. ORGAN S& PIANOS" ESTY'S AND MASON f HAMLlN S, roa lata ar 8. J. HAYES, CarweoiTlila, Pa. TIIK "(LEiRFIELD REPIBLICW." I. STAIII.IVIIl:!) IK l(tt. The largest circulation of any News paper in North Central Pennsylvania. aa . ai Terms of Subscription. if fiaid ia adeanee, or within $ Binnthf....t 4 M If aid after S aad bejerv (I mnatlia Sit if paid after tbe rxj-iraUun of 0 inoullis... 3 1)0 Kates of Advertising, Tran.leat advertisement., per equarenf 10 leae, S lime, vr leaa. Tor each autieruent ineertia Administrator and Kieeatnre' neti'ea AaditurV nutiee Caution and E.traya lioeao if .. alt .. i 6a .. 1 ill .. 1 id .. 1 (to IS Iti.atilulina Dutieea Iioal antieea. per tin. Ohitnary ftitieea, aeer Ira linae, per lina... It rrofcramnal Carla, 1 Tear , YFA11I.Y AliVl rtii:mexts. .. i ( I ainare OP 3 anareeM la aa I aquare .n TO 01 ) eotuma 1 rcluma 1 cnluDia .. 41 0(1 .. 0 00 Job Work. It LA N K A. finale qnire S W 0 Ti 3 qutrea. pr, quire, S 00 Orer ft, par qaira, 1 it II AN' Ml 1 1.1.8. 1 ehet.K or lee.. 5 00 .beet, or leae-i Of 1 .tieet.JS ar leaa, II 0 I aheM. ar taa.l a O'ar 15 of each of ahoea al prepnrtienate ratea a) SO. B. OOOPLA.N'DKR, kiiM aad rrppuMot. nil mi a aaiaia . 1 aa.aia A V II A . la. J.B. GRAHAM & SONS, UARiirT in kin, CLE A It FIELD, Pa. THE mhaerlber. haelnaeateead lata aartnae. hip for tha purpoaa of earrlnc oa th. buaia.u of Marchandiliaf, aotr offar A (..OOtl And rare onportanlty to tbt eltfieni of Clear, laid aod adjolniufc countlet la ttn Mora goo-fa atwboletali or reuil prices, that will aatoniih tba anfnatruetad. Tbetr goodi will ha particu larly aa tee ted to aoit tbia market. Bear ladj will, therefore, oall tha attentloa of her If usbaiid To tbia faot,beeaote tbia brancb of anr boiae will raeeWa apeeial attantieo, and Tartbiag needed lo a wet) regulated bouaehold will at all timet be found in oar (tore. Oar ttoek of DRY ;i H)Itt tball not ba tarpaaied, either lo qual ity or prioe, and will embraee. in part. P riata of wry ttyle, Giogbana and Lewnt ef ertry quality, Wual'int of aeery grade, Ia Laiuet adapted to the taetee of tbe aid and yonng ; and very article of any bind of goudi they tell it CjJuaranlced To be ae repretented.aod warraatrd to gire tat iafaetion. At to DHLM G4NtlMwt bart a tplcnded atjortncot of Alptoar, blaok, while, and ta colon; Xnaurea, fiilka, and is abort all tba aeweet ttylei in tbt market. Wt detirt tbit fact ta ketone koowa To Every Ptrton man, woataa, ehlld, pbriielaa. b abaaia, farmer, lawyer, barber, woaiaa't-righU cnea, ar aaj other in la tbt aoanrj Young: Or oH, rici or poor, high ar low, wba will favor ua wiib call. With oar new and axtenaiet atork any gen I leaa en can flc nee tba mo it fat tidiovj Indy, Tf juit droppiaf la aad faltia( a Biea draat pattern, lar. aett, kid florae or hj doijf that ahirh ia better: jie. aar a well. filled puree, aad the will lad (nod and peji&f laraatmeata la ambrDidarlM, If toga, ribbona, gloraa. aoai.rj, or aa; altar boaaekuid aaaeaailiaa. And In additioa ta what wa hare alraalj anomtra tad,wa keep all kiada of CliNTI.l:MEN' M bAB tach aa Clotha, Gaaaimeraa, Eatiaaita, Data, Boot, aad Ehoaa, de baaidea, A Xlce Attortment of Mada-ap CLOTHING for Hea and Boy a, nanuTeetared oat of tba vary bett a atari at, whirb wt wilt tell for eaih or eipbange for country pmduoa at price-wbieh wUlattaaiah both btnband aad lVlfe IT. ara aow largely anjraeed ia kmjlaf aad eelling rQl'ABl: TIMIII H and aiaaafae lared tl'MDER, aad will five thia kraaeh al barinaaa ipeeia attenlioa, and Kale il aa To livery ne who bat Lam ber ta tell to deal with at, Wa tball alee beep eeattaatly oa band a roneral aaenrtment of iltK HRIi;' and H . Mm AH R, which wt will tell at txeeed. itigtjr low prieee. Wa alto keep a fall aiton neat efU EEKW ARB. Ttia wepartaieBt willaa kept fall aad rasnpleta. aad arery Young Mtin Or BiaideB who oontemplatet honeekeeping. will And it adrantageout to eeaat aad trade uk aa. a irtan tituated, aad, fro a. long experienea io tbe baainee, aa wall arqaainted with tbt want and Beeeatiiiat ef tbia enaauaity, (bat we feel fatUfiea 11 aear? aaa and wotaaa In t'lenrfield County naket tt a point ta bay tbetr goedt fraa at, t oaa pleaaa tbe a both aa ta quality and priee. Therefore, eaat aiong aad buy yoar DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Quecnsunrr, Hardwaro, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CATS, Eeady-Made Clothing, dad .TartthiBK yea weed ta r tadar yaamlrM and faailiH eoatfortabJ., (roa JAS. B. GRAIIAM k SON'S.. ,uu tf CLEARFIELD, Ta. N'OTIf Ka The fi.nnttten of the partnereb'p o( Jitmee B. (ire lie u. at Ivo dfr mt prevent oe eeiilmirnt of th a"i and hook aeoflrit ef the 'ate ftrwt of hhowere A Urahaa or K W Or haan. Thne tnowing tbeaeolvra tndrbted to fithrr are refnrted to eoskt fumard at oaoe and cl(c thrlr ttTi'imii ft. 0 R A II A M A fiOSS. Clrarflrld, Pepirtcber 10 tf. 'l'rVTI't-.ll(t.lIKI 1.0X5 FIIIMil.r?. tl Tlie tinileiirned heretiy r'o niitiea, Ibal friar wil pat tbe k'eli'et aiarkat peine for a "d oaalnrol LUM) FIIIMil.l.i and Ibuee ba m( eb lor aaJa. will (ed It le tkelr luteratt ta give tbtaa a aall badora aellin eleewtieeB. . '" iifiW A Sail, .l.VAMi numo Opening of the Tyrone 4 Cltir.f Branch to Clearfield. I 'orl y-ONf ania-o north mt TVraJ OV and aOer W,.edajr, F.i,ru.rt llu I'aaeenajar Irami wall ma ia it T Sunuaei) batweea lirnu an.t I . i. Iu- one F.M-nper Traia Wtweau Jirain al7! l flcl.l, aa Ivllvwit l.farc oDth. Ulatloua. j, P. M. Cleardeld J.6S, " Ph'li'burt;..,.., Oaoala.. l.J, " Ivruae.., a, a III a ()KCTIttN. PaatMftara IftirfritF CmrHA at e . f - - aa ai. a v CPU1 . H Phil pttinrg at p tn., On-er, u . airiee a TTf.nai 5 p. m.( wakm- taiaj,' Willi V, iiiUMtiitlal aWfrvaa 4kll B1 Ij.lj 1 Willi M ui W eat at 0 41 p. tn , o MMir. ..Ik Il.lrt Rivlar'nifrti l.... T lf e- - a,' rout f- Lm., imrme at Hiietonte at y k (i rk Harm at If.TIU p. m , eoriDrrhrg t,' j klnil Laat on the Philadelphia and krt bM ll.lil p. ai.,arriTing at Wiliiaiaaffrt at 1! 4Tt Itetuining. peeenrra (eanos Wiln. 9.16 a. m.t on trie Mail Waal, arrivt at Uhtt J wwu an a i . in., f-nnn-iiiia wp hj . kxpraat .ee.ii. lA:k llaren at l(j H . riving at Bellelonte at 11. . m hM. l Vdl 4 V.ala HI., IIKI I rtMie BT I H h aa tlWAl:"D if. U ILL j ut General Kopainriail, I flVnl.iL i' fa .T .... iab4 liDpeiioutfkxt rhiladt'ljilila & Eric Eailros? SUAtilJiK TIME TABLE. Thronfb and diraet rente bele.i PhilaaWU J t.-11 ... u.i, " i niuiaaiiban and Uia Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT 8LKRHSG CAE ua all Mbt Train. OS aad aftar HON DAY, NOV, 134, iw J treine oa th. Philad.lpliia En la) avaa win ran aa i"iioir: M eat ward. Hall Traia, bilejatnbia.w.Ml Do . do ft. Mare tff Io arrira at Erie. w Kria klpraaa leavaa PhilaaelthiaH.J,a Do... do Ut. alarj'l Jeti Pa -arrir. at Eria..MMH.H,n.a)A. l-alw atd. Hall Traia leaeee Kria I la. a. Bt- Mare 1 . 1M1 ia . arriea aa Phtladalaia....llai, Eri. Ivxpraaa leaeaa ri. If Do di..-1! alarj'l lo.....rrira at Philadelphia IMF liail and fiipreaa eoaaa with Oil Cmt J Allerbea Mirer atail Koad. Bafno eW Uraaaa ALFHall L.TILilt I Uaaaral Siaanraan Clearfield County Bank rpUS Clearfield Coanty Bank ai il l.tan X tied ipetitafiua bat gaat tat of tiiaittf the rnrreo'ler of iu ahartor, aa lay U, All Itt tloek It one4 by tha eaaeeriatn. will eon U una tba banking buninru at tea place, aa tviete flank era, andrr tie tm of tbe "Clearoeld Coanty Bank." W tr aponaiblefor the deati el tba jiaak.auwa. itt nott on demand at tbt tcaater. ltj receired and interett paid whea aoay it a a fixed time, rape aiteowBted at tis art at hrrrtfora. Oar aertoaal rtfioa.aii plcl;td fur all lvoaiU reerierd ana m Irani eted. A cenunoaaca of tat haenv root re af tbe baatneat aea af tbt eenn Tnecuully aolicie4. At Preaideat, Cai.4 uSoarj of tr-a lata Clear be 14 Coanty but reaairt tbt aolci of lata Bank at arexi for red ea mi on. JAS. T. LKokaED. SICEABD PHj1 WM. PORTER, JAS. B. (iRifiil A. E. WRIGHT. e. L. HEKD, WM. A. WALLACK. Tbe baalneat of tbt Bank will he eat.irf John M. Adaaa Xat) aa Catbiar. J. I. M O irk. K Jwardf. BASKING 4 COLLECTIOK HO Of McGirk & perks Suoceaeora U Foater, Parka, I Oa. Pitillpabarfr, lBLrw Caoaatj, Pal T II F K E all the horineaa of a Baatia will ! traaeaeted prampUr and a Boat favorable term a. County National Bar,, TK. THIS Dank ia n"w ojiea and rad;f aeea. 'ifr.ra oa farod atrHL la th' iag foraaerly aeoopted by Laoaard. FiaM; Maarmaa aJin orrtrtaa JAS. B. GRAHAM, P.ICHAMI ff! WM. A. WALLACE, X. PtiRTn A. K. WRIUUT, GEO. L D.W.MOORE, JA8.T.LS0SA )u:.'e Caabiar. n Iartsmithiitg. Xew!t Kl PKCOXD FT., CLKARTIELD, Il rX n K andar.irae Vera to lafona a aad tba inbahitaata of ta. aoraafl id aad ertrroandint netrfaaoraKia, eow readj ta aaaoata ail ardara aitoar atMU HORB 6H0EIN0 aa tba Beat oitT atele. ALL K IV IIS OF RAW MILL ih K'i'.SH work, lofBua'alaoli.aaBtaael graha. a a. t-teel nf all kinda Bade af ae ar AonrHraa Meal. I-euMI ait work Ii warraarad U fael.i.n. or But eharaea for. am trt ch lll..rks.nith iniRn FTREET, CLKARFI TRKeBWiVerrawrwetrall; iaforn aad tk. pub lie ta aeB.raL that t tea ia ike Burvmib of ILkAKHtl ahp raeautlr aacaipiod bt daaob whera ba ia Bow read ta perfora lewat bit rettaaere ia a workaiaa Sle..81eirha, awattiw ud Waf.iai U.aa-aheeinr doo. at raaaeneel. raiaaeKa'lr aika a abara ad work f"H aa ba lataada to f ira kia wbnl. atteol kaeiaeea. XUU3A Miu-ci It, IJo;g;sTownslilA ortEaT rvctTturvT J THOMAS BEE! TVrRTtinPT trrina t.igeltneTe I j vi w .op; rreeof. obi inie lap II oa want tnod KKneinir dnna. I If Too w ant oar Slee'eimordhctu If tea Waal rood Hill Iroaa. ra la Ifoawaal tour wa roa ironed In t-i atria ana wnraroan.hip, ro to ltaaa wiakaa the ben fsutup V State, and doe all rtadl ol r LAf J aj eb.ep a. ean a. done ia the eei. My Poat Dlip addr.u It Tlearf THUS!.' Bocci Tp.. ne. It. If)-lf. Democratic Alms THIS tntaluaMe puMteatHM) i I i port nftV It KkoBrd ne m lbf I I'umiacrat. It contain full elrcti J tvrrr enntT in the Vnlted Stfci a a u a. ber lur isftft rontamt a com) f aamennf all (br ne wpnrrrnpprffl dunnt Lm-rnin p adnnn'tnition . eftnTatnt the namee of til thoat impnaoned dunnc th1 attic p' f titt, ftr fotore rrfertnr. r the pnre ol the pl.liciu-n. Tbf I ti aim tun ot raitiftM iauur M rent t the l'.it Ma'er, atll t an nil a eej y fr aach rear, free of Crape Vines fo A1 I.L tbr rpadier bardT Tr' ilT. OHI CI TT11 ire.i. CoNLOail VIMS--' der aoltf itpd ae tova at earner rr tat ton. bt t learn.. Ta AuoM I, 1 111 ' iu. IVailira. H .1 V H.Krflaad I UarBaa.Maateli tiairanotad Bituea I aeaa para kiada far altataal aarw. 11 AiAibw L