, mi i ' THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL NUBf Pv, 1 RAM Ul.1i, Ik IHIA ere and t rmiim n, o-tei ho rr opm-d M ihe (! iH'.ttH-ri ( Of f,, Ii, whsit Ihr r11( nr i t'l br lfd t ltiH ,. !rl ffnl. an. I rit a tir . I puUtr t tnt,'. l mtrt peraonat ntis-nt.'!, 1 1 1, r- lilt ef Mtinp, It Hii i rf-o-ict ..M.uotw 10 hit it !..) Ih 1AM1.K will nil be bonttliil!y at pliitl with Ih lft tltnt i. A it. . k . I . .. i iL. ti U fin w riwin'1 i ' "i ' inn ,ilMutiifl a fHilMrtrkof Llgt uliS, lifcK K, i. .i.ulin dtllan. Iii-d rts-rrn luh'olpt, Oar.l.l, M.rck J, !(. I, ri...rlfHr THE EAGLE HOTEL, tIS ST., ClItWENSVII.LE, PA. HaVINfl leased for term of jeari tbo above well known arid p.ipulir hotel, (kept ,.iuierlj bj Hr. Maion, and Utile l.y Mr. g.sni.l the pr..enl proprietor hi re flitott ll viik the onjiol nr rentier' nr; hit g ueili eomfort atile wklle eejouruine; with bin. A tot, large pubic ,ad Yard ta attached, for th, rare tod peeteelioa of koroea, earriares and wee-om. A fck.rsl staar, of publie patrtinare If solicited. febJt tf JOIIS JOITS, Prop'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Cnrweiiavllle, ( Irtrfield count. Pa. THIS old end well eatabli.bed Hotel, beautl fully situated on the bask of the Suaque. ! kanne, in tbe boroigh of Curwen'Ville, bat been for term of year bj tbe nndereifrned ' It hit been entirely refitted, and ii oow upon to i tbapiiblie generally aatl tb travelling eonmu . mi j ii pnrtiosler. No pain will ba spared fit 7tDrr gueit eornfortable wbila tarrying at tbii k: Aaaple 8 tabling room for lb aooommo- n of twMi. Cbaryoi modorala. Jta. I, 'M-tf WM. M. J KC FRIES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Carwenarllle, Clearfield county, Fa. TUB andaniirned bai leued tbia old and long lUbliihud hotel, (formarl; klpt bjr Major luae Btoaia,) tttoata in a central portion of th toan.aad ha entiraty re-flttad aadra farniibad It. acd ra-taodaled Ue ilaolioir. lo a to maka it aaajH, boraaftar, far tha trarHnr public to pilroeiia tbii tarf aji anmndioai hoara. i da4,'-tf JOUN J. HEAD. JHE MANSION HOUSE, ; Conmof beoond and Market Straeti. f crtAuru.LD, PA. THIS old and commodioui Hotel baa, during th pait year, bean alarged to double iu Wrmar eapaelty for tba onteruintaeDt of etrao frrt and f ueeu. Tbo whole builJing bae baea jfurniibed. and tba proprietor will epara no aimi ( render faU fueet eomfurtabla wbile ajviae; b hira. Iflr-rbe "Manfioo IJouee Omnibm rani to aiit from tbt Depot on tba arrival lad departure eteb train. . . DAVID JOHNSTON, anrMf Froprtetor. HE WESTERN HOTEL, . CLEARFIELD. PA. rBI aaSKribar baTlaf Iraaad for a lam of yaara tbii vall kiawa Uatai.fkapt foraaoy f by Mr. Laairb.) ul ra-Buad and rafar oted It tbroaf boat, ia now prepared ta antr. ih ttar.l.re aad tha poblte atnerally apon vnl it ia bopad alike agreeable to both patrena ai proprlator. Hii TAOLB and BAK will np-li.d with tba bait tha aiarkat affordi; ad a. pain, will be ipared en bit part to add t ai eanTovianea and eotn'ort of hie roeiti. f J0U5 DOCiiHKHTY. wtl ' ' Propiletor. WE EXCHANGE HOTEL, UL. TIMiKON, PA. 511 TS f)4 etteMthment harinir been teaied J. MORHISOV. formerlj prupri'tcr of "Morrtian HiaFte,"lbae been thorouhlr ran Hfi end refurnubed. and tupplied witb all modern iesprornieoU and ennTeniencoi ne trr to a tret cliff Hotel. Tne dining room i teen mnoTed to tha 8 ret floor, and n now nnae and airy. Tha eh em he re art well ren-li-d. ad the proprietor will endeavor to make arietta parfeetJ at h ma. pi J. MORRISON, Proprietor. f wallacb. , Tuoa. n. atiaw. HE AMERICAN HOUSE, t Lathenburif, Clcarflrld Co.. Pa, 15 well known end Jnng eMab'.iihed Hoel, l f'Ttnerly kept ay H. . Moure, and latterly ta. Scbweni, wn baa been laaaed for a tern n by tba andtr.iirnei, to which th aim It. th traveling put.lte I now raided, and a W ta-e nf public patronage i eolieited. rl: (8-ly-pd 1SUAW A WALLACE. II RAILROAD HOUSE, J!AIX ST.. PHILII'SBCBG. PA. frB nndartifited kaepa eontUntTy on band hna baM ef Uqnara. flu table la alw.yi pici with the beet tba market eflorda. Tbe t n pablio will do welt to (ire bira a Rail. frl.'iJ. ROBtKT LLOVD. BHfiADEE & GALER'S Maurant ana lonreetionerj, Reed Street, near the Kn road Depot,) CLEARFIELD, PA. ttm t)TeTERS and ICS CREAM in ! lobarea, Ci(rara, Candie.. KnU, trything amally found la a Coofe"t'in. !'a?a aa band. Tba onlr BAGATELLE E ia town, ean he found it thia lalooo. "Itapd 6URADKR A OAL1.K. McGAUGHEY'S MAIBAM S. REFRESHMEM IAIOOI, k"j'a Kew Buildinr. (formerly oeettpied by FKCOSD ST., CLEAREIELD, TA. lvTAKTLVaa band a floe (election of CAN- MTU. t IclAKri, TOBACCO, do. I f Kh.811 0VS1EKH reeeired daily, and b if to lull toe taatei of curtomera. 1 Mil LIARU HKHIH.n aernnditory. u HA V ill McUAl UUKY. goots and Shots. Daniel coxxellt, 1 and Shoe Manufacturer, i CLEARFIELD, FA. iaet rreelrad a ina lot of 'ranch CALF ;HtN,. and if now prepared to naonrie "'rthlaf in hie lioa at U, low.it niuri. a.rrant bie work to be aa reprantee. -etfolly aollclti a oall, at hii ihop on I'rret, mead dior wan of tbe portaGee, w ili do all in hie power ta render eatw- 8ama tne Waiter tun aa hand. '" t DAMbL CO.NMhLLT. J'EllE PROCLAIMED. TAR 07E 19 CIEAEFIELD hi TOviSIIIP QUIET. ill the Contrabands going back it ow marten ; but ary citf to old Mattachusftfs. vhrrt (re lored to long and so tcell. iiee af tbe atmrr facta, t. 8II0RT, ' tld ' Pho-t fboa 8bop." woaid an Rvmrron, p.trooa. and the people v-i.i f.H,d nairi.l. ja.t rao.tred from f."4 n prepared onieort notiea to niabe 1u and Shoea, at hii new ehp la Fa. lie ia utno.d that be ean pleaee it anbt be eome inteneely lojel nay. at tri.-.i.. He prepared toe.ll low for t Mry Pr.ia.e. Don't foriret tha f" '"a' o Sbowen A Orahaia'a (tore, HTMt, Cl.ara.ld, Pa., aad keft by a f aall !' "SUORTT." r iBMT AXD SHOE SHOP. PWARD MACK. 1 EI A ia 8ra, CLEARFIELD, Pi. I' H.tw h entered lata tha BOOT ! b.a.n ,t ,hf Itaad, and not to he otdea rlibor ia qua), f f"T hie work, 8pciel aiteaiio " '"'lo'inoriot; S wed work. II. ''larra lot of trat-rk Kip end . t tLe.r, beHuallty. Tbe el'l ' -' and ririaily era reipactlally , J hi. a trial. Ka charge M walla fAM, KUUE SHOP. ' tl A.VILI E. "' w'F "arted a ew 4 fbaa ebop la CnrwraeTllle. a "Jiw) daaeph K. Irwla'e D-ag aaaoanoa, lo tha pabll, that la mann'aj.iBn I) .tvll. .f llMt. aryiking ta bl, Una. n ibart lie btapi aa band goad a.e.rt- '-ma4. verk. wbi-k ka will ll ar anaatra WW. J..IKaV - jPip fccfli, f.iPfrilrs, fflr. THE CLEARFIELD STORE K V. C O N 8 T n t OTTIV ilrr" t. Ha-A .Wii'.am J -ha y. Wmrrr Wilhem W , Jfeilr, GEO LHKKI) & CO, Two do re north of tha Oonrt llonee, ri l ABMl l l, PA. HAVTNll reinrned to our old huitnree it and, we hfrety mulfy Ih ritiicni of Clearfield and the pullio generally, that we bvu eulerrd upon, and inffnd to provecute, a rigomui cam rico aeainet hk'h prinei and inferior rmdi, end aaa wow an hind a full tupplv of all kindiof gouUi used m ton niailtvL. In tba line of Iry Joods. Weelaim to hare a full aaeortmrnt, conslMing in part of Muilinn, hlearhvd and unbleached j Frinta of ail grade, and ityleij and Spring & Summer Dress Goods, Such a Alpaca, of all ehadei; Do Lalneff. Mo no oe an J Flannelei bee idee, a full aaeort ment cf gentlemen' wnar, conetiting in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Eatinetti and a full aitortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Xotions, Hosiery, Trimmings, B0N5KTTB, AC, Eats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. Ce bare a full fopply of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice Molaaaei. Tobacco, rub. halt, hnieed, eoaJ and Bib Oils, FLOUR, BACON, DRIED FEUIT, Eugar-cared Ifatni, Meet Pork, and full uppljr of Provitiona. Hardware and Queensware. JTooOtn aV HWoir Ware. AH thf foreroing artirtra will b eirhanred for CA&H, Ll'MUEK. or COUNTUY PHOUliCli, and at pneee to which there can be no eiception. inoea in need of Uoodi in our itue, will pleaee tcfCALL AND SEE US!nn GEO. L. IiEED 4 CO. ClaarSeM, Sept. 17, 1868 tf. SO?IKTIIIVG XEW! New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST & S02 "IITOULD reipeotfnlly inform tha pnblle that they have Joit opened, ii JtADKIlA, Clear&eld oountr, ia., an antira new atock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they are prepared to eell aa cheap aj tha ebeapeit. Their itockr eoniiati In part of Dry Goods of tlie Best Quality, Such aa Alpaocai, Delanet, Print,, Muillni, Caaiimiraa, 6atineta, and Flanaela, Ready - Made ClotLing, Of th, bait quality, each Coati, Panti, Teata, Orereoati, Oreralll, Shirta, Collar,, Aa. Boots, Slioos and Gaiters, Alio ol tha vary beet Quality. A complete stock of Groceries. In abort OTarytblnf amally kept lna country atoro. Consumers, Look to Your Interests I Call and examine our itoek and price! before purehaaing eliewbere. LUMBER AND GRAIN Of all kindi taken In exchange for food,. Remember tha place, Aladera, Clearleld eounty, Pena'a. J. FORREST A SON. Orlobcr 31, 16r tf. TO RAFTMEN. VTE pleuure ia informing yon that we " have Jurt reeeired an immenea tock of DRY GOOUS. which wa are tolling very eheap. Beat yard Mulin. loo. per jard. Calieoea. froni.H tin. to 12fo. par yard. Drat all-wool heavy Case inure per yard. Alao, large ttoek of Ticking, Oingfaami, Flannel, Dreet (l(odi, Table Linen, Towel, Handkerehiefa, Stocking, Hiffcory 8 trip, Ghirtlng, Ac, Aa., at aatoniabingty low price. Aro, agent for th American Button-bole and 8ewu.g Machine aoniblned. Poo't fell to eall and a n brfore purrhwlng elMwber. J. J. I1IFEL A CO., Scott'i Davaar, Main at., Lock llarnt Pa. Sifw of th jMP1- In th window. mar 8 1 Dissolution of Partnership AND NEW FIRM! TIIR partnerebip beretnfor eiinllnf between Tmi hri'k A Tbonpaon, In tbe Merrbandie trade at Curweneville, wu di'"olrrd by mafual eoneent on tbo let da of April, 1 The book Kvonntu, notes. jutlrtnenM, and all Kminete of tbo tale firm, are in the haade of Ww). Ten Pro It, who deeirei all that are indfhlfd to (he late Ana to kettle the aoie a aoon al pueeible, aa be pronnee leartng tbe eoanty aa aoon aa hi bexnr' natter ran be arrangi'd. 4jt,ne take thii method of returning thank to our many eat'tnrr fnr tbe lioeral patronadre attended to u during the eoniinoatioD of our firm. Th arm of lhnnnon A Company will now take our place, and offer you goi irtdure aienta. Ilnping that you will gtre them the eam libcrai tuppuri yen ei tended ti at, We remain retire Mr., ' WM. 1V.S TCK. H. B. TUOMPiUJi. CurwftlTHla, April 1, .M9. Tbo wnrlmirned hare Oii dy formed a eo partnerebip nnder the firm name of THOMPSON i COMPANY, And will be pleated to arret the ratomr of tbe eld Arm, and alt Albert, at tbe lame piece, (one doer ewet of the Bank,) where they will endeavor to eell at prtcee to euit the timee. Our itek eon eiet of all auea gowdi a are krpt in n country tore, including DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES, 50TI05J, HARDWARE, Ql'EENSWARR, Beta and Cap., Drag. Floar. Fiih, Frnlt, Baoti and Shore. Carp.t., Oil Clolha. leather and Sboa Fir.4irgi. Sat. Pi.'"r, r.inu and Oil, of all kinda, A a. An. Wa arill eoatinue tha mianfactara of Boot, and Shoa. Oira , a oall befora nurrbajiag aiaa. wber and axamiaa onr itock and priori. j. I). TMOMPn. aprT-Jt H. B. THCMP'oN. TnK rEVrif RATIO ALMANAC for 1M 1 r-J end IrAft for aale at tha Poet Off.ee. l'ta a MaaMk) a-t4ireoa, faio-eiJIJ aaAt M Mm ajfjaa. ef VhH.iflttpbln ilmtlirmrntt. I SCO. SPRING. S(!l), tening l M.W HI h', l..nng of M n Kllltl a. I'l'tilor of M IV ill u ( Ki .Mi.K of ,N I1 1,1 M S. Foil Hork of PTAPI K aod FANfV S Pit INC (i(H)DS. tans a UNiiKi.i., maiH It Koarlb A Arrb St.., Phitadrlpkia. N .11 --lllfrotn K CTItlN daily rewitod. No. 35 South Third Street PHILADELPHIA. ENEIUf ENTS, fo, rLNNSYLVANIA X, it ,orT" t5i UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Natiowax Lira liftnteAwon Cowpavt If a enrnnrat.oie'tmr'-PtMi Iit iiwji-i Act 01 CtiiaitreM, an BtovmJ Julrto.imw.wutie CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, 5TJLL PAID. LibMt ttrmp offprffl to Arcnti and aoltdton. who at f invlwfii to epoly Mtnorotllce. FuMp -ittcalrt .loU-fli,aiiplraMnn at rcaroffloe. nelt?0 tr the M"Ctttil HtrT nf our H.iikiCK Hou n, h'rr Ciiroier. etia P-iinibiet. lull ffn ri'ti c ue aUTaaiag te uflre-i Uy i itm ,;t,iii().ri-, m.v n Ited. W . ( L4KK eV o!T Au. a6 Oouih 'Ihtrd SL II. 8. RIHKI'I,, Manager. J. C. THOMAS, Agent for Cenln and Clearfield oouutiee. Pa. aug2U-iily J. HOtLOWBI'SH n. iAvi cAKir. HOLLOWBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, 218 Market St., Philadelphia. OA-Pipor Flour Sack, and Baga, Foolaoap, Tttrr, Note, U'rapping, Curtain and Wall Paper,. febM-ly. JOHN M. MELLOY, aMtriCTt.ia or Plain, Japanned dt Stamped Tinware ABD PCALKB IH Houa. Furulelilno; Gooda, Tin Rooflnc; and C'ondurtor Plpea. ; ' " No. 123 Market Street, aaf6-ly PUILADELPBIA DREXEL & CO., So. 34 Ctouth Third Nlrret, Pbllndelpa And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all information cheerfully furnished. Orders eolictted. anrll-tf REIZENSTEIN BROS., Manufacturer! of and Wholeeale Dcal.n ia MEN AXD DOYS CLOTHING, 421 Market aV 4IH Merchant Htrett, Vt; PIIILADIXPHIA, Pa. 1869 spring. 18C9 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Noa. Kj. 2.17. 2:i A 21 N. Third St., 1'lULAIltLl'lllA. Wa are now prepared with onr orual exteniive and w.i.e.ertri itook Ui alter extra inducement! to CASH HI VtKS. aprll tl STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., " (8ueoer to l'cter T. Wripht A Co., mronTrae fir Ann Tr t wn in DRUGS AND MEDICINES, A LRU, Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. j.l:;'t;j No. ei. M.rkt St., Pbilad'a. BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., Ka. 17 N. Fifth St. and 424 Commerce, ' PHILADELPHIA, Pa., WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, roa Tai ralb or Wool, Oioienr, Far PVlnt, Feather. Leather, flaxseed. Uried Kruiu, Hover Seed, .toot, JJeer bkioa. Butter, Beeewax, bheep Skine, Ktrfi, Aa. aa., Ae. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price currant forwarded on request. Jon 11. IMS Ijrpd Di;afm:nh, buxuness a catariui treated with the utuioet eucrrni hy r. J. ISAACS, M. !., and Pnifr-.or of lMeeae of tbe Eye and bar in the Medina. College of l'rnnvl vania, ii year eiperience. fformerly of Lerdrn,' linlland,) .No. CL'j Aroh Mret, Fhila. Truti- nniali ean h eeen at bn office. The medical faculty are invited to aoernipanT their patirnt. M be ha no eorreta in hi prute Min. Artifirte.j eye ineerted without pain. No cbare for ex- m inn ion, tein-iv. II. It. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tbe It ai rot 4 Prpot.) t'LEARFI r,l-I), PKNN'A. IFMBRArn thia method of informing the pnblif, that I have opened up a yard for the ete of wood or coal burnt LI M K and Anthrarite CO A I., in the boroujrh of Clearfield, and have completed arrang-mrtitfl with Miism dmler by wbu b 1 ran keep a full mpply conitaiitlv on baod, WtMeb will ha diiHwd ol at rea'nalle ratea, hy the tun, bunhel or ear lfad, to euit purchaeer. Thoee at a distance een addre me by letter, and obtain all neoeeeary informatmn by return mail. K. B. TAYLOR. Clearneld, Pa., Feb. 54, lHr.tt-tf BEST FAMILY FLOUR. TP. KRAT7.ER haa made aireagftnents to o b supplied witb the eelehra4ed CAMBRIA UTOXE' FLOtTll, Direct from the mill; and having the advantage of peeial ralee, enetomera can rely upon alwnye getting the BEST FLOI'R at the leweat market price. y Flour delirered to any part of the town free of charge, mar.11-lm HUBERT & YOUNG, Slono-CuUcrs & SlonMIasons, TItt exeenteallwoTk In their line at wrd If arat prieea and in irlhT CLAiSS itjla. Architectural Ornamenta Tn At.I FTYLEfl, Ftono Prewitig of every deerirtinB, and all kindi of me ion work con tracted for in or oat of tbe eounty. Any pernor wiehing to have reepectnble man work and atone ewttlng done, will find it te tnelr Intereet to call upon ai We woutd aire Inform the pub lie thet we ean deliver any quantity or clan of none deeired, a w are Ih owner ef a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. Order for work can ha addreiicd either to Cl.arS.ld er Latberiburr. arAltf 111 BERT A TOrSO. EDWAKD rERKS & CO., Flour 3Iaiuifnciirorm, And Daalers ia GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, PBILIPSBr so, ;pa. Vrrtt m-ppi.T of rrorn, witk.at, CORN and .CHOP oontttanUy ea hand, and lor aala at rate, remarkehl low. f.h-U IT) I. A "si tOTADLC'S RALUSi FOR "aaM nit flu ni f, 9 Inn nit, fu, ti a u ti w a ii i:, Alee, Mannfaetnrer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. i i r a r i n, n, pa. Y K SAIMH.EH, 'r.UIDLES, Baraaia, Collar,, ,lc , for ! hy MKKRKM. A IIHIMK. JuT.M I'il'Sl,AT EN Fl'NLOAD. loj Bay Forki, for iala hy JIEUHIiU & IIIGI.KR. qTlTi" i 1 N T,r U f i'V, G LASS, Nails, etc., for iala hy MERRELLA MGLER. J jAltN EsiTTRIM Ml N "GS &SU0H Findinfi, fur aala by e MERREI.tj & WG1.ER. Q.UNS, 1'IMIULS, SWORD CANES For ,ul, by MEKREf.I, t H10I.ER. gTOVES, OK ALL SORTS AND fiixai, for iala by MERRELI. A BIGLER. JRON! IRON I IRON! IRON ! For aala by MERHELL k BIGLER. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for nil by MF.RRELL A IU0r.F.R. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bait Manufaetara, for aala hy ' MERRELI. A BIGLER- rjil MBL E "s K E IN SN D r II'E BOXES, for aala by MERHELL A BIGLER. RODDER CUTTEltS for bu!o bj MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS I SAWS I SAWS I . ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I .f nci'OLiTio.r i.r s.ms! EMERSON'S PATENT PERF0H ABATED Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL GUMMING AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreadiof, Pharpanine;. nnd Fbaping tba Teeth of all Splitting BX,Send for a Deicriptira Circular and Priea Llil. MLItKKLL A BIOLER, jant-tr General Aycnu Claarneid, Pa G. S. FLEGAL, IlEALER IN STOVES AD HOLLOW-MARE, AND MAHUFACTURER OF Tin, topper & Sheet Iron Ware, riilllpiburg. Centre co Pa rjiriE naderalgned reepeetfully announce to I tbe publie that be ba on hand a care fully teloeted and well aasortad stock of Store. Ui variety eonaiau of THE CELEBRATED IR0XSIDD5, Which hare never failed to give perfect Mtia fac tion to tht mot faitidloui of It porcbaaera. Continental, Lehlph, Former, Davlight. Ppear' JHUaV'wa; A" I aa m en I wa, VUI1IH, tuiaiu. V.f with every variety of tb beat , Pittabarf Mannfactvr. uTha Tin and Pheet Iron ware given witb tb trtove i mad of tha hear1 eel and beat material, and warranted to give perfect aaii faction. Hi alock of PAULOR ASD BEATING STOVES I larger, batter and cheaper tr.an ever before exhibited to th publie. H dene competition either In variety, quality er price. II 1 aleo prepared ta furnlah ft com pi eta aacorlment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, Wholeeale ar retail, enennfactared neatly and with tbe ,ol, view to eerrioe, from tba bast an a terial ia the market. PLOWS, PLOW P01ICT". A TOPPER, BRASS AND IKON KETTLES, Of arery dcicriptioa aonetaatly aa hand. LIGHTNING liODS, Rupcrior point, put np a ehort notice. Tbe Poial he often aa tha pablic tl the nine a ! now u,.d by the Panniyl.aaia Railroad Ca., on their buildinfa. ORDERS FOR SfOUTINO, R00FIS0 And other work h.lontlna t hi, hailaece will ba promptly filled by experienced aad aklillal work man. BRASS, COITER AND OLD METTLE Taken In exchange for gooda. frie especially Invite, tb, attention of Merrhenu wirbina to purcha. at wtiilcaale, a. ttey will And It to their edrantere to examiae tia Hock befure porcbaeing alicwtiera.' , S. FLEOAT.. Pblllp.borir. Aug. . IH. jylltdf cw Wine and Liquor Slore. I. L. REIZENSTEIN 4. Co., wnoiKBAi t PRii.r.ni tn WINES & LIQUORS, market ft, cleapfield, pa. "taj-Fnll .Inch of Win., ItrandT. (lis. Whl-kv and Alrohnl.'elwsTi on hand. H.ecihl attention paid la securing a pore article for Sacramental and mcdieal purpoat. Janlfl-tf Bee Hives I Bee Hives I n JIVING fn han and for aale ih A M Vti T fiV litiV A III R-.-n U II till- uiiTk' ar.d flniilne: It lmpn(-iiht to mpply tb riemfsnrt H'l iiiTanr a, --, ana- aa 11 ta r i -i K irmj nst Tr rfiTir I (It-J le !) nne half nf th trrntorr trhirh tbrr own in wit ; Cli-arnrlrl and part of Centre and ('am htia Miuntira. Tbre hare mad arranrranenta te bare the anaterial lor the hive ml tnordcr. Frr pnn deiron of ftrwf: a tomrlr- of tbr hire will nail at the t're of Nnljnjt i htwera, in l'lar- Ami A IIM MiSvmm. will SeJ it a. .k... J . "rtM 1 ' - " iH'-ir q T atn I a ara. te her, thew patrnt hlri. P-rnonR Wmhtn-r U bur ei'her hla nr rmiiorT, ran addrea a, ai tlen H"pe, Cieaj-flaid rnnrt. Pa. fiTT A. A W. A. KIVU3W. Urrtint. OOOD HEALTH I. ( ...,. .,M ,,! ,. If Ibi ...tea, , ,n .4 Mlrr i.e. .( ih, m, hem .r, .. rti. tm p.r. uh rtl...t, ll..d ',,. ard ,, , In'. trial aix.n, p.itnrmin, Ib.lr r.,alai a. tli.i.1. and err. In order, kr.p th.m ay by Ih. daily an ef h.ha.k, hloma.b llitttn. EYSPEPSIA. There I,, probably, no on, dli.aie witb which mankind are elUi.t.d wSirb le the lource of lo many atlmenu ai I y. ...l., and there ie no mora coitaia aura lhaa Kobaik'a Stomach Kit ten. A EEMABKABLE FACT Ybat not a linfle IniUnea bai noma to tha hnxwlodc, of Die proprietor,, of ike I, Hare at Kohack'a Medlcinri to glra antira eatlilaction In the hundred! of tbonr.ndi of caiei In which th.. have Iimii uikiI .ki. i. ... an.l audenlabia aeidenea of their intrimio lu.riup. I0UD Ii tha pralee in tha mouth, of ermbodT In fa.or of Kobaek'a Stomach Bitten, Iiluod Pilli ana uioca fonder. IS IT EIGHT That yoa ihould bid defiance to all n.i.l I... .in. ,i .ci.no. oi medical men. and aufl.. wl.k Dyipepiia or Indigeelion when Kobaek a bloji. ach Bitliri ean ba prooored ataay drug atoref THET WILL CTTEE YOU Of Scrofula, Erydpelae, Sick or Kerroae Bead ache. fJilliouan.w, Llr.r Complaint, Dyepepaia ar lndigeition, Coneamptioa. Pain In lb. Daek or Loini.Uout, Plaari.y, Laucorrboa or Whltea, Eruption, and all diaeace arnlcr from a di.or. drred aula of th, atomarh, Roback', Illood Pill, btomach Ditten and lilood Punter. ' AS A rHEVESTIVB Agalnit Malaria. FeTer and Aaaa. and .n di.. aaiea, ariaing from a torpid etaia af tba Hear, there ll ao medicine ao highly reeommondew aa GEATIFTINO To know that a reliable remedy ! witbia the reach of e.or. body for the rndieal cur. or Dye pcp.ia or lndle...tioa. S-nch a remedy ie Ho. back', Etomarb ilitlera. Sold by all Druggiita. EVEEYBODY Fhonld beapeonitantly wltbla Ibelr reach, tbnaa Inraluahla rem.die, lo loecanfully combat die e.eo. Roback'i Blond filial. Ilr.b.rk , Etomarb Hitter., and Bobacb'e Blood Purifier, they are inralllh.a in iha ditouea for which they ara recommeaded. 50B0DY Can afford to ba without nuch Talnable madlclnai i, Riitark', Blood Pilli, Stomaih Utter, and Blood Purifier. TEMPEBAlfCE. There la. parhape, no on, thing that ka, doa, ,o much to promote tha eaare of leaipcranee aa that gentle ilimulating Ionic. Rohaeb'l Stomach Hitler., tbe? elrenrlbra and in.igoreia witboat producing tba ill effect, of alcobolie ilimuUala. EE50TATE. Tiering the Fprln, monthi It Ii ana of tha raful.r haurehold dutlei ta reacra'a. and In the multiplied, af other dull., on,', own e.lf le. in rreel mrarnre. orerloi.ked i Ikon.ande of va uetil. II... M.lk. k. . i j i n ...i.a,H,,,g niBT dnuttleM ea.cd fn.m prrmalara rre.ee by thor- 1....H1H1 me .yriem wim jr rtnharh e uioci riiii,Momach Bitten ltd Dlood Purifier. WHO SELLS THE ? TheAgenti for tha iile of RUch-e Pl.od Pilli. Binm.cb Blllera and Rlomd Pnritar are HARTl-WICK A IRWIN, Cleartild, Pa. aprll TI1E GREAT ZINCARI BITTERS. A aafe Bload Pariler, a aplendid Toala, a pleaa aat Borer.ro, a eartaia ear, and Preventive of Diseases. fTHR fINOAni PITTKR8 are eoanpoanded I frrtn a tire-,'riptlin 1 1 the raUr-f,.M K-rp. ian t.hyici.n, 1 Cnaorn a. who. after of trial and eipt-rimrnt. dtM-ererea Uie Uftpnn srh the tnt't renarkahlt irdul i'n. ih earth, p'rhan. haa et yirldrd crrtaittly the annal mrT..,tia in iha, fur of asla. Jl. in ! a..i-t.t.li.,Bi aarilh t Ii a fllhst a- ! I) S. t, I at tlt-nttahrl it fit ofwhtrh iheKINUAM UlTTKhSie c..n.t ..rd. wilJ rure Drupfp'la, Ff-rer and Afrne, Tlilllnna Fever, ' Cltolip, Cold-. Itmnfrtiti. Consumption in it firat ttar, Flatulrnr-y, fr vona 1 h i J u . FrniNt Cua plainta, K heuaiatlaM, Iiyoeatrry, Arat and fhronie .Marrfra. Chetfm Vnrhna, Chulrre. Tvhoid and Typbn Feter, Yel' iw lrart tSrrnfeia. iviiea aea of tha K iJneja, Habitual Co lirenea. Tn tl1, Prevenfinn end Cure of the ahoTe dlt eafeu, it haa never been known te fail, aa th and of ent moat prominent filiieni thmnf hoot aM pr:n of (he eonntrv, will teMifr. Let the affirted eend f-r rirpular fontaintrit teatitnonl- aU and ee!tlnate nf thoaewhohave been rnred BTicr tm r rasr nwv oven prt'ouaarvi. 'ittM br oar beat phraieian. Frineipal Irpoi, P. RatlTKR f CO., h'n. A K. Front PL, t-biladelphia. Rff-onifnanrted hv Fi Uov. Itavid Ft. Porter, af Peoaiylvaaia, Hon. Hohert J. Fiaher, " Hon. Edward Mr.'teraea, lion. Joel B Uenner. H Hon. VYin. MrSherry, and ether. jr-r-8-ad lor Circalara. frbll lj. 11TI( I ' t'OftTAIII.fc KEIJ. We have printed a lr$ nnmher of the new FKK Ml, K. and will n ibe reffipt of twenty. nvwtit. mil a eopr to anv addresn. anvin J3 I'V Iha DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC. Only M aaata. Caarf wwMr luantld aara aara. if TIIR HLTtmi.irAN. t i,i:aiii ii:i,), r VI FtiNK.'tiAT M'tllMMI, APRIL Term, of Subscription. If p.ld In a'liani-a.or wilhln llirw ni'Oithi ...tf nn It paid alt.r Dire end tifiir. nx mnnlha..... t 5t 11 paid alter th. extitiaf ion of ail nniiitli, ... 4 vf Wr. T. II. Winn,, our fnrcmin. Ii anlhorlrrd to receipt for mnnevp.id intolli.flIMI,,B account of luliiv.'lptlou, ad.ertt.irtg. Job work. Ac., in our abieuca. ul.l). :t l)ifii.4Mil.ll, Kditor end l'r.prielor Itl'.l.K.KIl "1 MITICI.M. MrtlKHllat I'.plwnpal tin rch Iter. Wa. II. Imlu Paitor. Pulillo Service every Hehuath, at H'i A M .and 7) I. M. Sabhath School at A. M. t Pravcr Meeting every Thuraday, at 74 P. M. Communion Servioe, first Saiibath of every month, et Jul A. M. m. Kranrla' Churrh-Maei at l) o'clock A. M., on the aeoond and fourth Sunday, oi each month. An extensive sulo of pfrsonul prop erty by Mr. Georgo Tliom is adver tised in unother column, to take place on the 80tli. Read the Advcrtieer.-.otit nd Imnilbills. Cabinet Cuangeh Cuban Insur rection New Spanish JIimstky Thene annotincetnotits are all attended with nioro or lefs excitement of the publio mind not ao the arrival of a cheap, choico and varied asuortmenl of Irenlt Spring and Summer goods at llio mammoth store of Dennett, Blat tonbergcr ti Co., in Osceola, wliono system of business, as inaugurated eighteen months ago, has become as agreeublo and common us "household words," and is taken as a mutter of course. "Bent goods at lowcnt prices,' is their trade murk and motto. Purify the Blood. It is conceded by the most eminent medical men, that the blood is the fruitful parent of disease, by serving as a vehicle through which noxious substances contaminate the flesh by absorption. Tbe firtid contents of the bowels, it long retained by constipation, are often taken up by tbe veins or absorb ents. Various morbid products, such as pas and saines of unhealthy ulcers, occasionally find their way into tbe blood vessels, which result in seated cases of Scrofula or King's Evil, Ery. Bipelus, Suit Kheom, Ulcers, Eruptive and Cutaneous diseases of the Skin, Enlargement of the Glands, Tains in the Iliad, Sitica and Back, St. Vitus' Dance, .Pleurisy, Dizziness, Tumors, Griping and Cbolio Pains, Ao., all ol which diseases readily yield to the powerful influence of Dr. Itoback's Blood Purifier, which searches out all the vile humors and distempers, leav ing the blood in a pure and healthy condition. The many valuable ingredients of which the Blood Purifier is composed being adapted to each other strictly according to the laws of chemical sci ence, niuk?s it one of the moKt valua ble alteratives and system renovators of tbe present ego, and its success as a great medicino must increase so long as disease continues to vex tho soul of man. School St pERiNTENniNT A notice elsewhere In this issue designates Tuesday, May 4th, as tbe day for the tricnniul meeting of the School Direct ors for tho purpose of electing a County Superintendent of Common Schools. This is one of tho most im portant duties devolving upon Direct ors, and should receive their individu al and joinr attention. If the right person is selected for Superintendent, he is the most potent otlicer for good tho system embraces ; but if the wrong one is chosen, he can do the schools more harm than all the other officers combined. This office is one of tho most precarious known to our political system. It is true, the law confers but few and plain duties upon the Superintendent, but his association with Directors, teachers and parents sre so frequent and various, and ho is compelled to listen to such a variety of opinions and prejudices, that his way of successful escape from entan gling alliances is often a miracle. Vi't hope, therefore, to see a large majority of tbe Directors of this county at their posts on tho 4th of May next. Wo arc well aware thai the office of School Director is rulher a thankless affair, but when any one assumes the duties thereof let him discharge them or resign. In referring to '.bis matter ono of our exchangee aays : "The law crea ting tho office atilhorizea the School Directors of the various districts to meet at the county seat and elect the Superintendent, and fix the amount of bis salary. There is nothing in the law to compel a Director to attend. and no compensation allowed for his time or his services as a Director. It is, therefore, optional with hira as to whether he attends or not. In conse quence of this, many Directors fail tn attend the meeting al all, and some, it is to br fi-arod, are induced to vote for tho candidate who will pay their ex penses regardless of the intellectual qnslificntion or moral character of tlie candidate. 'Tho office of County Superintend ent is one that, in view of its relation to tho cstiso of education, should engage the attention and excite the active interest of every citizen. "If tho cause of education ia to be benefited und promoted through the agency of the County Superintendent, it is absolutely necessary that the men elected to the office should bo chosen with a view to their merits and quali fications alone. No other inflnnncos, such as personal friendship, prids of locality , or any other side issue, should bo permitted to control the vote of a Director." The present Secretary of War, Gen. oral liuwlins. began lii career Ma cbarooal baioer. Wfvvf nl .Wrarvrfff,. V Ii nt it fn.m a Miin n r.f (h;. plai o, In) w n an M mult mm t.i t I.r nriiti rrni l!n l"linw irm putiu ulnti nl a 1 1"! liii h I imk pill' at Mm w in, l.mn n.lnf t'litiiilv, j otfrilny alti'mmm lirtitivn tins sill Uo o'll.iiki Tlir plnie was (illi'.l with a la rgn inimber ol rallmin wlio bail sinppcil there lo (liapnaniil ihi lr liimbrr, one of whom while under llin Influence of lirjimr. gut into a dinptils with thruc ol the roughs nf the town iibnut llic anpcrinr akill of the "Yanks" in piloting their rafts through ilm nn ks mi'l rapids ul the river. Ono oflhe roughs Hlin'kcd tho rivermnn, and finding him ton much lo handle, tulk-d to his nit ante severnl of his companions. Thti consequence was that the rivermnn wits severely pitniahed. llo wits ta ken into a barber shop to have hie wounds dressed, when somo of the Yankees hearing of the ill-treatment of their friend became boisterous, and a general mrtVe ensued between them and tho roughs, in which brickbats, stones, railroad ballast and snelt missiles as they could lay their hands on were brought into requisition, the ruflsmcn using their pole axes, augers, hand spikes and knivos. During the fracai a man named "Len Leeds" was out in tho stomal h by a knife in the bunds of one of the rivermon, and a serious, if not mortal wound inflicted. Another Mariotlian named Jonathan Luzuleur, who, with the peaceably disposed citizens, was endeavoring t i quell the riot, was s'.ruck on the head with a stone and a serious contusion produced. One of the rivermen was struck on the head with an axu in the hands of a rioter und aeriously injured A number of tbe vitizons of the place, in their endeavors to quell tho disturb ance, were severely pelted with stones receiving aomo slight und others seri ous injuries. The riot was then quieted for a time, until the approach of the Ilurrisburg accommodation train, at 6:41, when a regular raid was made upon the rivermen ubout entering the train for this city. Stones were burled promiscuously at the truin,' breaking windows; ono of a large size flowing through tho window struck a merman on the head, iuflio ting serious injuries. Tbe train was in churge of Mr. Thomas Miller, con ductor, who hurried it out of reach of danger. Our informant states that the train was atoned ly the enraged Mariellians. 'o arrests had been mado up to a late Lour lust evening. We learn that the employees of Hie train were in imminent danger of their lives. Such outrages as the above should be frowned down by every gooa citizen, ana enorts made lo pre vent a similar occurrence in the future. Tho ring leaders should be appre hended, and promptly punished, llod the rivermen been disposed to make a band to hand fight with the roughs tney coma nnve ni things tlicir own wny, and perhaps destroyed a number of lives. They however, with a few exceptions, endeavored to qu et the disturbance at its commencement. Self defense prompted many of ll em to change their tactics when the at tack was made on iho train. JIarrit burg Telegraph, hth: Tn. AcAiiiMV. Ecferenco to our advertising columns will show that the fourth session of this institution will commence on Monday, tho 2flth day of April. Trof. Harrison lias in troduced a new and permanent fea ture in his course of inslruction, that of music on the piano. He seems de termined to comply with the ants and necessities of tbe community, and will no doubt bo liberally patronized for bis enterprise and talent in keep ing op a first -class school. An ritEcosTroTr.D Rkbil Nom inated roa GovtaNoa or Nsw Mix ice. Grant has removed one of the most gallant Union Generals from tbe Governorship of New Mexico, and appointed V. V. Crow, an unrecon structed rebel, in bis place. General' Mitchell, who is displaced, bears on hia body the scare of no less than six teen wounds received in the service, of hit country. In one of the battles of the West, General Mitchell defeated rebel foreo onder Crow, capturing a largo number of bis men. Now Crow bss captured Mitchell, in the campaign which is being carried on under Grant. General Mitcboll is a gentleman of high intelligence and the strictest integrity. He has made a most excellent Governor, nnd the affairs of New Mexico have prospered greatly under bis control. Lancaster Jntelltjencer. Grant, we believe, is considering the expediency ol Appointing a commis sion of eleven intelligent gentlemen to mist the Secrelarr of the Interior in managing the Indians. The Digger tribe ought to be docile enough, con sidering the number of offshoots the President ia said to have among them. Miss Clara Barton (white) wants Congress to asst her in "raising" negroes "for ('oncressional and Presi dential duties." She had better marry Menard, tho darkey Congressman, from Louisiana. In this way she might succeed in "raising" somo half breeds. Chsrles A. Dana, nf the New York Svn, hss been excoriating Grant se verely of lute. Notwithstanding bis severo criticisms he hss been appoint ed appraiser of the port of New York vt e are anxious to see what effect this will have upon the columns of bis newspnper. A dog is counted mad when he won't take something to drink, and a mnn when be takes too much. A fi nancier remains respectable with a fortune thai don't belong to him. while a beggar becomes a criminal for purloining a piece of meat. 'If there is a man w ho can eat his bread in Peace with God and man, it is that man who bss brought thai htend out of the earth, or won it by his honest industry. It is cankered by no fraud j ii ia wet by no tears ; ii is stained bv no blood." A wise old gentleman, who knew all artout It, on reluming from busi ness gave the following sage advice to bis son and successor: "Common sense, itij eon, is valuable in all kimls of business except love marking.". A man named W. I.. Valentine, wss assaulted on the highway, within a mile or MeConnellshurg Pa., nn Saturday nighl, drngrred Irons his horse arid robbed of Id 50. A nrgro charged with mnrdorand ripe was taken fmm the jail in iHwlcy county, Ga., on Thursday night fry a disgoieod attob atod bnxaed to UeUi. Tht ,raarl,f.'' lntt J "in nnl ts nh lbs Srx- a til'.! bat Jnl s pnnisd In firm Yill Jt r 'ptiiliiiie I'.'miw rsi v a I i nil n,;, ami nd vwatTfi timnnnliV. As i tl pivkriitatii.il nf am b ulno nn lh!s ai !.l ul the Atlantic Is aoarthlti( lint el, ti u pitlili.b what the Inprnalist nnuuii ( i i its "platform." " llriiiili qnsnnotinreil, this journal is not unekpecled. ll Is llm f n c pressinn id' opinions long In id nnd chi't iabrd by thousands ol iutulliiM'lJl tn en and vtoinrn, in all j. nils ol the cniintty, v. ho will hail Its advent an the beginning of u new eta iu the po litical history of America. "The plittlorm of the ImpcTialut Is rcvcliitionaiy ; its object is to prepare the American pwple f.jr.a revolutiou that is as desirable as it is inevitable. "We belicvo Democracy to be a fail. uro. Though theoreiitally jilausiblo, in its practical workings it has been lound totally inadequttto lo tbo wants of tho American people "We believe the national faith, if loft iu tho keeping of the populace, will bo sullied by llio sure repudiation of tho national debt; andlhul an Ini pcriul Government can alone secure and protect llio rights of national creditors. "We believe that an Imperial Gov eminent, in its prtternal relation to the people, will rare equally for its citizens, and, while guaranteeing security to tho rights of capital, will jealously protect the interests of the indusliik,! clufwtcs. "Wo believe, in short, that Doroo cracy means lawlessness, corruption, insecurity to person and pioperty, robbery of the publio creditors und civil war; that the Empire means law, ordor, security, public laith and peace. "This creed the Imperialist Wul ud-' vocato earnestly, fearlessly and with out compromiso, thereby expressing the honest convictions not only of those who contribute to its columns, but of an intelligent and powerful constituency. In tho discussion of political ajd social questions now agi tating the mind of tho American people, the Jmptrialist will nnite the high tune and through culture of the British woekly presej, with the lighter and more popular features of tbe best current literature of the day, and ila '.-olamtts will be free from the tow uud commonplace vulgarisms that have heretofore disgraced American journ alism Among the Appointments made fcy President Grant, und confirmed by tbe St nate, is that of one Pinch beck, a Louisiana nrgro, as Land Register for that State. This negro, on the 3d of September, 18GS, in the Senate Cham ber of that Stave, rose to a question of Co riviiego, and delivered himsclt as kl- i 'ow's "I want to toll them (tbe whites) to- beicare. I want to tell them thai they have nearly reached the end of their string. The next outrage of the kind which they commit will be tho signal lor tbe dawn of retribution a retri bution of which they huvo not dream ed ; a signal that will cause ten thou sand torches to be applied lo this city, for patience will then have ceased to be a virtue, and this city will be re duced to ashes." What the outrage rorcplaiued of realty was we do not now remember, but suppose that they (tbo whites) preferred mon of their own color to legislate for thorn, instead of lazy, ignorint, and indolent negroes. Sun day Mtrcurj). K Joke. The lemon joke is tba latest thing from Ilarrisburg. A Democratic moniber speaking against tho suffrage amendment waa using lemon to refresh bis voice, as is the custom with many great orators. A brother Democrat, thinking to play a practical joke, emptied unpereeived the contents of bis inkstand into the orifice of the lemon on which tbe speaker was employing his powers of suction. The result was a boisterous roar of laughter when toe lemon was next nsod. An exposuro of this little game in a Philadelphia paper was tbe csune of Strang's Jonnnciation of the newspapers, io the Legislature, last week. An English court has had to cocide what a velocipeda is. A gentleman erossod a birycle and was stopped at the toll-bouse. The oollector examined the machine and then pored over his list of rates, but could not find any thing relating to such vehicle. At last be decided that it must be a wheel barrow, and compelled iho rider to pay twopence toll. The latter wag indignant, and brought 'a euit against the toll-collector. We cannot give the result of tbo trial, as tbe magis trate required timo to consider ihe momentous question. Michigan is the State for ladies. The Senate nl that State has passed a bill providing that if any person shall hereafter wiilully insult or wilfully or indecently annoy any female by any obscene or indecent word or words, ret or acts, such person shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in die county jail not more than six months, or by a biie not exceding I1WI. A singular case is reported in one of our exchanges : Forty rears airo a blooming young girl of 10 married nn old man of 6U lor his money, expect ing that he would sodd Die and leave her a wealthy young widow. "Hope deferred mnkelh the heart sick," and last week the lady died at the respect able age of 00, leaving a husband aged 100 and fuur children to count her lose." Singapore br.s a boa constrictor thai has swallowed a young lady, who wore at the time a glo.Ot'O diamond necklace. The young la.iy in of no value now, but the necklace ia so about thirty thousand natives are diligently searching for the anake. inrkfts. Clearfield Markets. Rwnwrted srwkly for tbe CLBiaricLa P. tcraLrraw bv J. P. knsTtas, Denier ia Iiry UpM,, Urc aeries. Provision., Aa., Market .1., I rears. la. Cinsnrinn. Pa., Ap-ril tl, lr,e. Apples recn.SH.aH al ll.irs, Unused 15 Inad, S 1 llidiw, C 0 Anple bwllar.lsral, 1 So Hem. S( i IS lr !uk do, Ssnuldara.ISr N Henna SI at'taj I St" 6idee :o(i e Bank wheal . 1 Sti I.erd ( liBmfcwbeat Soar tt, d klm pork y bbl...S k Baal, dried. Be.i, fraeb ll'ig x.i , oat, . 75 1 On.ona J J Reams, al It ,0(0.1(1 S'l Patre I O0(e)l t Corn, ibjelmd.. 1 So Pearbva.drMd.rb (a Corn, ear Sti'a, ti Plaster, y bbl.... I 7i Cera meaL awe k. 1 "5 Hv. al Chop. cwti l't.v a Bsre. V B I Clovwreeed II SO Sell, VI eack I t heeee ShlnfWlSIji SJfSSeS CHerrles, fc. i(j S Sblrfe.ji InlSW IS SO Cbiekana, Area, B, IS lim.ibj eeeA. ...... S e Rjtri 8b T.llcw t JJ V iueaeeL. I an weal.......... I as r kmr... s(4 S St i Wool 4a Bar 1 fjji M Waa, M aawaV... I at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers