Ehc $c publican. Gtomii B., Editor. err CLEABFFL1t yX WEPXEJDAT MORMNtl, APRIL II. W. A number ol negro clergymen called on President Grant, on Fridny. Hit Excellency thanked them rery kindly fur their condcaceniion. ? Irll'fiitinT, K Im'mi i r, on l it IsV InM i lirl ol tlir tnpn pr llip tVnimiifirvmlth. Viii'lic j.lninn thi ltt it tlit rnot ronnpt lmly tlit ever oemMrd t lUrrial'nri,' Every at heme to rlmnler mid vl tin- v mlv sntnin. (.( Hie Kn.l Trei.i.u.vh.M,llydvo,Me.!lTtl.e rnr,v- V.'io ,l "' '"'''I" , , . , ! I" i itirctin o( llie Suiimnnv tuirly UnriM.n.. the corrupt r,n,t formed j dt.r,.al , ,,.,, i,lrilm,n;L,,own more the member vir foully con-1 "riiiimitmion," tliat lire M he trolled nil lejiilntion. A few mnonp ' ulmiuod, or itny putlu no thereof, in them Cien. llnrrv While who rnnd trip Prrrasmf t flrt -ref. 1 lie Mvttv ol lion ullolled M thr rii.irol V .ipi, 'IVii nitil n K""", under the Inn, ret onti in t ion im-nanr, i .imply HO lilei ly t .s.11 ; however llieir Volt niAV l-e f.i.r, tSere in lu nne nv in stliirh lliey he rviittff (, nd ihnl to the tlitvt'l A Good Move. Tho everlasting Congrest hsi Adjourned, and the mem bers have returned to their homes for tho purpose of enjoying more fully their robberies. Clay, the New Orleans negro, ap pointed minister to Liberia by Gen. Grant, declines the honor, and Dumas, ft Philadelphia nigger, has been ap pointed in his stead. Dr. Benjamin Ayer, a new member of the Georgia Legislature from Jef ferson county, was found on Fridny morning dead by the roadside near Louisville, Georgia, shot between the eyes. A vory destructive fire occurred at Bbippensburg, Cumberland county, on Saturday night. Among the property destroyed were the printing offices of the Valley Sentinel and Kcvci and the Cumberland Valley depot. m A bill passed both branches ofj our Legislature allowing tho plaintiff nod defendant In any suit to testify in their own behalf. The door for first class perjury ia therefore open, unless tbo Governor interjOKes bis veto. lit AKtw DRtss.The Philadelphia Age has donned an entire new auit, and now looks as respectablo and en terprising as any of the dailies. May it prosper in its new pirh, and become a power for good In the State and cation. Ex-Gor. Curtin has been confirmed Minister Plenipotentiary to Russia. T. J. Coffee as Secretary ol Legation. Tbo old Winnebago Chief Cameron fought theso appointments vehe mently, but Aleck McClure and his forces were too much lor him. A huge robbery has just been brought to light at New York in the produce exchange. The managers of the iron levator are reported as de faulters to the extent of two hundred thousand dollars. The defalcations were made in wheat There is much excitement at the Exchange. loud profession of reform, "caved" the Inst dny ol tho session, and swal lowed nil the corrupt measures they previously denounced. The presenta tion of silverware, wat"bcH,cane,,to., previous to adjournment, whs highly disgraceful to legislative halls, and wo hope will never be repented. Such transaction!) might pnes current in a hotel or privato parlor, but to nuilto tho hull of the llouso of JJcpreseiiU tives a resort to palm off cheap jewel ry and tncrtbandiie in it wholesale style, is unpardonable. Wo wcro greatly disappointed in one thing : A committee was op pointed to investigate tho State Print er's account, but it failed to make a report of its proceedings. We never expected more than a iciite-icashing report, but to be cheated even out of that is too bad. Tho expenses of this department tho Inst tew years are largely in excess of "war times," and should havo been stopped. Thot tho taxpayers have been for several yeurs robbed of SjO.OOO annually by the "loil" printers of Hnrrisburg, there can be no question and why this com mitteo failed to report tho facts, is remarkably strange to tbo outside I world. I'crhaps tho members can explain. We do not recollect the names of tbnt"committoc,or we might be more pointed, but we will endeavor to ferret them out. , To allow the printing fraud at Har riuburg to go unexposed, is one of the many iniquities perpetrated on the people that needs probing. It is true, the committee ia not guilty of a sin of commission, but one of amission in this instance is equally as heinous, and at this particular time unpardonable General Grant had a quarrel with Senator Ross, of Kansas, a few days go, about the appointments in that Stale. The President ordered the Senator out of the Whito House, bo thereupon ordered the "government'' to go to h 1. WbeHier tbo General will accept tho situation has cot beon settled. The United States Senate is still in ff ssion, confirming and rejecting such nominations as the President may seo fit to send in. Soveral of Gen. Grant's nominees have been unanimously re jected and relations at tint because of their corrupt characters and gen eral utiLUiie Tor which they were appointed. Latctt from Cuba. The rebellion on this island is still progressing. We clip the following from Monday's Pittsburg Commercial: "Telegrams from Savannah lead the friends of Ihe Cuban revolution here to believe thai Gen. J. 11. Sleedman has been succes.ful in landing in Cuba with a picked force of men. The ex pedition has been in preparation for a number of months. General Stced man himself spent two weeks in 11a- vunna, and during the latter part of the timo waseo far under arrest as to bo ordered quietly bv the Cantain General to report to him daily. " The first rendezvous of his party was on one of tho islands near ?New Orleans ; when Admiral lloff received his first orders, the headquarters of the expe dition were changed to a point on the Florida coast. A bloikado runner captured from the rebels in the luta nr was obtained, and, the belief is that nearly a thousand men, well sup plied with arms and thoroughly accus tomed lo them, are landing. The Cu ban lenders have been fully acquainted with Steedman's movements fur some ene of a divided submission ; nor do o ny but that they may fairly elect any liovernor, I.cifihlalurvs, State of liters, or Federal lieprvsentatives that they may nominate. Indeed, wp tin believe that by iheir superior political skill thev will carry their policy whatover it may be, in the polla. Hut what of thntf Tho second section ol this reconstruction fraud reads Amd K it fmrtlitr mmrtrd. That thr proomltnKl Id ftuv ul I lie Mid rMatra khitil mil 1m lrrmt niiiil, or oprtatr a. a rfniilita ri-atoratiun thrrisif, until tktir attum rmtprvtietly tkall h approved by Com- Now, ax nothing is to bo final, or operuto us a complete restoration, un til approved by Congress, it is to bo tho Congressional approval, and not the popular act in any or all of theso three States, that is lo do tho work. Will Congress approve tho defeat of tho so called constitutions in wholo or in part, or the election of a Con servative Governor, or of a Legisla ture that will not ratify the negro equulity amendment, or of Democratic Representatives, United States Sena torn, or Stnte officers f Wo trow not. lie who thinks so is wilfully blind to the temper und stupidly ignorant of the record of that body. Alabama and Arkansas defoated their bogus constitutions, nnd J'et those instruments were iinblushmgly declared carried. Georgiu elected two persons of respoctubility to bo United States Senators, and their admission was, nnd is, shamelessly und. fraudu lently denied. J.oumiuna elected a full Democratic delegation to the forty- first Congress, and not one of the number has been, or will be, admitted. South Carolina presented a mixed delegation, and the misrcprescntalivcs were taken, and the representatives left. Mississippi, Texas nnd Virginia have, within theso few weeks past, seen every single ono of their Stale officers ejocted by an act of Congress which bases the right to hold Suite office on a pledged adherence to Radi cal interests. These are things that are of record and not to bo denied. The Times daro not for Its reputation deny them, or any of them ; and yet it would persuade the citizens of these three outlying States that their will, as expressed at the ballot-box, is to be tho la sr. Why, this very seventh sec lion we have quoted cives a point blank contradiction to sneb a view, ll is expressly stated that not the tallot-tox, but tho Congressional ap proval, is to decide all that there is to be decided. Let tho voto go as it will, nothiso is to stand until Con be willing to have it sUind. What the citizens of these States may do nnder these circnrnslances is for them to suy j but this abominublo system of fraud shall not go before them with out at least ono voice of protestation, exposure and warning. It is the fixed purpose of tho Radi cal majority in Congress to aiimil no; Senator or Jicprcsentativo fiom tho South that will not vote und act mith the jnujnrity. In every single ense where n seat is now contested, the imuicai conirsiani is to no sworn in 1'ht ) rt I'teitntv fit jt'rm lh lUrtWtMtf Fsi, !!, 4 e fliriUt t I "losli'i.lay i ti le o'i ..t k, Vmh l.rsin be ol lbs I .lyisialnre d;"l ned .nr lit fVr whst is popularly np posej io have been a ecumn of tbns month and sixteen l, but what was really mm of not mot than smly da), counting right hours as a da's Wot It. Adjournment over, from l'ri day to Monday or Tuesday, and short sessions, wore always in order, pi cions tnno baring been wssicd in useless debute, so that wo Will bsve another ponderous volume of the A'ci-c.r.r when the r to hinsli it ul his leisiiro during the summer und fall of this year, nhicli will cost tho State foi l y or tilt y ihous- nuu uonars lor pnr.tin an equal amount for postage, Mn rwrfitlrw tt,rmm ts ftyHitml fin mnrtr rtott. A unovni, Apnl A .-V, I.'', ol hansa. bearded Pic il.n lil lion in l.'S den this nmtnmr "I come, Mr I'rvsidenl, to t k with you atintii the appointment for my State, having heard thst J oe Intend to make certain tominatinns that may tint harmonise with my desire, il you deem it worth while to consult them in the least." Grant "Well, sir." This ('residential response was not in Ihe true manner to ho relished by tho Kansas Senator. "Am I lo under. tit raelor chooses ltand lhat I im rightly informed as to your stated intentions to disregard my preferences in tho matter of n Dointmciil. Mr. I'rutidenl. r" innuirmi . , ... nun ui leusi , mo N'nutor. packing und j "Thai ia a question hardly stiseep- tihlo of an answer, sir. To what ap- iu an sines, uy men ot all parties nointmeni ,n vwi n!l.i t ir., and in all circles, it is freely admitted j III A II ll ft thiol I fun trotilt- " f.iirii'iin.t teo .1 . "rvi ,,J"""-J titul tho Legislature of iMi'J was tho most venal and corrupt body of men that ever wit in deliberation in the Slate Capitol. U'o do not protend to say mere uro no iMinulur and licpre. Grant. Senator Him liked tho second an swer as little as the first ; but, having come tor enlightenment he was deter mined not to go away in a fog. The sentnlive v. ho are ubovo and bevond Nmint nr I linrofV tra villi nnnHBaal ... ...I...WO.O oi unues tor ininy anu j ingc, explained the appointments to dishonest legislation, but we do assert il, leeitng it to bo our solemn duty to givo tho people warning on tho dan gers of sending ignorant and dishonest men to the Legislature, and it will not require five years of repeated ses sions like the ono just closed, to bank rupt mo Commonwealth, bind its laboring energy at tho feet of tyran nical corporations, invest individuals with special privileges to hold and control tho resources of tho Common wcul'h against iho wolfuro and inter ests of iho great muss. Anything that hud money in it, however unliiir. disgraceful nnd destructive it might bo, could be embodied in the shape of a bill und passed, while anything which could not uo manipulated and money mudo out of it, however fuir or absolutely necessary it u for the establishment of justice and the vin dication ot right, was ignored and treated with contempt, unless, indeed, the ring w Inch controlled both Houses, condescended to let it become a luw. Divorce bills wero openly si Id in tho lobbies and tho rotunda. Divorce bills onco killed could be revived, although the proceeding was in direct opposition to positive rule, just when ever the parlies were willing to pay. For tiro thousnnd dollar any man could divorce, bis wile; for a pretext, any voluptuous wife of easy virtue could fling her husband away by the aid of the Divorce Committee 01 the House, which committuo was fiercely accused, in open session of the House, of tuking bribes. The tax on petro leum and coal was brought through the House, and when it reached the Senate, tS.WO a vote wa ifi..riH f..s its passage Tho money to buv the cattle bill through was exposed as fully, in both branches, us are the which ho had reference "Frankly, sir," said Grant, 'I in tend not to make those appoint ments." "What, sir 1 You scorn to accom modate mo in tho least?" exclaimed Itos", boiling over with rage. "Sir, I believe I have given you my answer," firmly, but sternly, re plied Grant. "This is not treating me fairly, Mr. President, nor as one gentleman should another," uttered .Senator Itosa. "1 havo no intention lo be dictated to, sir," said Grant, sharply. "Nor havo 1 to bo insulted. oven by you, sir, wcro you twenty times the rresiueiil, exclaimed lloss. "I must decline to bo annoyed any further on the subject," muttered Grunt between bis teeth, "and desire that the interview should termitiulo." "i ou and your desires may go to hell '." roared out Ross. "Leave the room, air ! Leave the room, or I shall force you. out," thun dered Grant Ross took his departure accordingly. Women as Ornci Seekers. -The Louisville Courier-Journal says olliee seeking seems likely to become very soon aa prevalent a vice among wom en as it boa long been among men. Tho office modest and virtuous women seek is that of becoming angels of morcy una charily and bestowing good upon suffering humanity. Tnat is woman s proper mission, and a uh. lime one it ia. LtAN 1'oBKiHs The farmer whose pigs were so lean that i took two of them to make a shadow, baa lw beaten by another, who had several fnnftt, flutlfiifftffr f. "DEST GOODS" LOWEST PRICESI BEWETT, BLATTEXBERGER, & CO. NOW OFFER AT TUEIR Hn 111 moth Ntore, IM OttCI.OLA, PA., LARGE & WELL-SKLECTED s. frocK Spring & Summer Goods, PURCHASED AT TUB LOWEST UAll KET BATES, AND TO BE BOLD AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE ON COST. QONSISTIN'G OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QCZENBWARE, WOOD I WILLOW WAKE, KOTIOKS, CLOTHIXO, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOKS. jPi-f fHi, .t cf rt lr, (fir. 18G9 .RDortM(i 18G9 rr SmiNU AND SUMMER Ftnif MS Dsirarit Dry Goods, Shawls, Hosiery GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, Ladies and Qc&t'unen'i Furnishing Goods, &c, Sio. IN QrAMTV m STTl.g Mnntt km fiiMrd, taring tletH our tlurh vltb tl (rUrt re, aS mm will Hll t (ton ub n, so tbtt rarebri trill tod il to 4 VkttUfl I ullinf M . Wi b alio Itts4 np trr Mrnt rooa for HATS a CAPri ud BTItAW tjoobB, ud mil bej a eholM liai of iiim food. WII.LMM REED A CO., Rear PtMtofflce, Market llreet, aprll CI.KABKIKII), PA. MOSSOP IS SELLING OFF AT COST JRfrt I'lUlf for iii,. w CnMncTP"" IM ..r,l.T.. u,;',,''' ss t4 Ofst. larSi awlfc,,i fc lni ts nil is, i .14. n, 'i,,.,1? tsirss. i tttaat w ia a JL1 r.k. la lb. rifS-M s.m.a M , " riM-SsM, w tba hn ol tba Tt c" aallra. bst tb Ma.bu.M ai1 br-b rai latarMsH. It w iM lkTV' tba Mntbaaaa anal aula, a brm b- hit. pian b.i.lik, aab. as Mk uJH'" raa4 IL 0 af tba lanrat laaur aftlT la, aitahliabaisait i tba Slala l Uiwa. abila tbir ara aias n ifcJ old, aal aoalaial s pop.l.nin at .?'' ud Inhal.ilaati. "!, f- Par fattbar laforaiatla app. u ,v . af tb abair aotupaa. JOBS tnWsBl Prl "llwa. Valuable Properly for Sale IS LUMBER CITY. THB aaij.rttfiisil Bow off.rt tor aal tl, i k,.,s,,1. TOWN FROPLETT au la ih. tMiMugb f Lainbat Cit;, ClairtH aoaoty, Pa., Tii: "wia ONI DH KLUNQ HOl'EI AND LOT ONE ltLAt kS.MITHSUOP A.SU LOT ONI VACANT LOT. For Un, A-, appl; u 0. H., prf-li;pd JAKKg CUOSgl.T JIObt www utll ti. ant Uy Jaaa Mil, I propew ts Mil my an lira atoek of Etara Qoadi AT COST! Tboa airlDf baifaiDi will wait u aail ton, ad ban Um adrMlatr. of s largo Hack to aalaet no. Fiiat aoaia Int oarTad. EICUARD MOSSOP. ClMrs.ld, April T, tiSt. pURXITURE 4 MATTRESSES, FLOUR AND FEED, AND EVERYTHING APPERTAINING TO WELL REGULATED TlOUSE D0LD8, A3 WELL AS TO MILLS, VINES, AND CA1IPS. fun Jt of a slioep drover he., lie is in tl'l 1 "7 '"'' T .1.. i.. ' . " J tlironeh the crut ks in their nen 11 noli., - 1 .1.... t . ' Hie market to pureliaso sttHk. Of conrso our declarations excite rancor and resentment among tho guilty, and wo disregard their hute and indication if wo tan convince the pcojiltt of the nooessity of electing houest men lo the Lepislature. Whal finally , topped thut fun by lying knots iu ineir laus. A Straw. Woodhnry, S.J., pare Grant a majority of 800 at the Novem ber election. On the 17th ult.. tha 01 Soil voles months. in a litllo change over four and to any future -election the same rule is to apply. The five contested Louisiona seats, the one in South Cur olina, and the six sent to bo filled time. Information has been received m f1""""" uie seven irom l.eor- ttmt bodies o! men are nijflitly drilled ' c'a' '1" nre ,mm 'l,ipP. the four in New York, whose dotination j, i f"m Texas, and the eight from Vir i 1. .1 1 lrmia. are to be ai-ltli-il nn tlm uimrlA v.uu... .,..(. ok-v prooaoiy win not 7 ,, , . , -."V.- ,:r-,r" outmco on the fart of corrunt le.ri,. U.n," nm,lr V Y Wnrhl latnrn. 'I ' ... . , . , . . ..v iir:U. I'm ut-iiuruiiun mat n more dishonest and corrupt legislative body, than thut just adjourned, never occupied the Capitol 01 Pennsylvania. we thus make t.ublit, is but tho remli- .Vl'mocraU ,o,,T'01 11,8 MT' ''t'"g tioti of what w as daily avowed in this r " "'"J or lT z majority, city uy men 01 character and by legis lators of honest reputation. No two intelligent men ever attempted to utnvass tho merits of bills without agreeing in the main fret that cor- " iiuption ruled the hour; the journal 'in! I'.;l,.,l..l,.l.;0 .n.l I;,....' j..:i Divonrra. A Weatcrn papr snys when a Georgia negro wants a divorce from bis wil'o be poisons Iter sweet potatoes. In Chicago divorrfs are charged dilionesty in connection with j!,e('"r'1 "T. roioniig the minds of measures before both honsi-t, and now Juugana jurors. the public have tho facts that reform ol Philadelphia and l'ittfburg daily ORDERS RECEIVED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. UIGII EST MAEKET RATES PAID FOR COUKTKV PRODUCE. SALESMEN ARE ATTENTIVE, PO LITE AND OBLIGING. anew Fiiorn, Fi AND QALL, SEE, EIAVIINE, AND BE CONVINCED. BENNETT, BLVTTENBERGEU, Owxita Milta, Iv, April 11, Utt. Si CO. I 41 (? durational. is necessary to save not only tho honor of Pennsylvania, but to protect the ordinary rights of even tho humblest citizen from usurpation by some act of leave directly from that city, be stated in this connection tint' the Navy Department lias just added five vessels lo Ibe squadron in the South Atlantic, so that it now consists of eleven vessels, wiih an aggregate of one Lunarod and eight guu. An Instance or Pittt Swte We observe thut Grant has removed from a small land office in Greenville, Ten ths Dositions to Anarew Johnson, Jr.. son of me lute president, i lus ( t ol oettv spito toward his predeeeswir this absence of magnanimity, which almost every other poraon in the country would havo observed is characteris tic of the present President. JIow j poorly and meanly this con trusts with t tic example ol Genera! Taylor. John XI. Read, Jr., of Philadelphia, bas been nominated as Consul General to Paris. We do not know that he is a relative of Grant's, but be is the on of Judge Read, of the Supreme Court, who last fall descended from the bench to play the partisan in the interest ol Grant. Whoever gave money to buy bouses, nr disgraced official position last full, by way of! guilty ol an act which might appear i'uiiiniig vote tor urant, or is a rcl- inueucaie wmcn miglit uheel Ins fttive, is sure to get an oSiee. If the ; con . 't 10 """c-onstruclion, and place Here is the character of a man just turned out of office in iiosion : General McCartney, of Ronton, who participated in twenty-five of the princiiml battles of the war, was badly wounded twice, was mentioned in general orders for gulinritry twice by licncral I ranklin, twice by General Sedgwick, once by Geiicral iirooks was mentioned by the rebel General Lee lor "great gallantry and skill" at the firnt Fredericksburg light was complimented for bis prowess and gal lantry by Ihe rebel General Rarksdale at Siilcm lleiglits was mentioned in general orders by Major-General Wright for gallantry at the battles of Win. hesler and Fisher Hill, under When be became President, in IMS, be found a sou of bis opponent. General Lewis ( Sheridan ; in whose battery General Caaa.the Minister of'the United Slates I Sedgwick and Russell were killed the at Rome. General Ta lor continued , former at Spoltsylvanin" and the him there during the whole term. Uo declared that be would not be latter at Winchester." and whom President Lincoln complimented as the "Savior of Washington" in July, lt4 lois gentleman has, we aro told (wo truNl iho report is incorrect). father is too old (a in this instance) ' 1 "e "l ,luue 11 "K Cveincd re neu irom a coiicciorslup in Ih ann la n ,j j itthiui-ih personal jceiitiff and '-"", ninur mr me eoiuir Ol Uonorahls. It it seldom iadical ticwspapera render proper niead to Iemotratie officials. The following from the Pitlsburg Commer cial, is a case in point : "GoTwior Huftaaa, af New Tark. ti wiaalni fsldrti opinion, ht TMoinf th. railroad ;tl houlit tbronrh tbt UfKlatara. aot tka nM of wbicb il Oia till iaoorK.raun tb BrnaOwar CewparT. alas auiiialiim u ,w ,f,i10, without ajarfT. and hit nanpla. ia thii rr.n-t. i aaln. Iai a s. tar p. ,,., .f oihw Siatan wnb that iidi a axTrattrtiT taitlmtc. rebcnlmciiU lie therefore lell the ""all paper in that city, w ho never son of bis compelil.ornridisturbed in a "nellod powder in bis li:c. Will the thst' most important office. There Was in country commend such action on ihe tins action magnanimity and delicacy mn 01 powers tlat be J 1 he par worthy of General Taylor. Grant BKr8l'n. which gives but a faint idea has none of it. There appear t0 oc ol the son ices of General McCartney, nothing high minded or honorable in Mtl educated gentlemen and most his composition, buleverylliing which competent officer of the civil servico, i exuetly tbo reverse. Cineuiuati ' should go through the press wherever Enquirer. j their aic people who imagine thnt the rewards of pe.tce should bo riven in A Keformfr The Rev. J. Jnaner thoso wh't made ticacc worth iiavinir Monlove, formerly of Pontiae. Illinois 'and kept the government together j after preaching against Ihe evil of 'but it might give its offices not lo swindling tor several years, has taken IW mos :liunt defenders, but to the harmless ttcnbb'ers of til.scure and weekly papers. lYaxhinrfon Express. "V- - . ow, u iuo Commercial ... Democrau lo elect a Governor in V '?t h'"'- I'mrnring tliia Ct.t. r-if " ; lot ol letter heads that rend "Office of thii State Ins fall, cormption and E. N. Fargo's F.xt.res, nnd Commis special legislation will soon be at an ' sion Forwarding Houe," he addressed BtL them to parties throughout the Suite. T . , informing them tbut be bud rxpreiw i.LAD It On r,,,, . tit i.- i I "(. lor mem A correspondent of the Hera!,1 recently bad an interview wilh Sena tor Stirague on the subiect of hi luie and would send ( starlling eeche. 'J tie Sonn'.or savs KtooNRTBtCTloM. ThoX Y. World says: ''The supremacy of the la" is one of the pleasing things which reconstruction promiae to the South ern Stales. Here is the lutest sample. A mob of sixteen negroes at lirenham, Texas, took a whito man out of his house and hung him. Tho negroes were caught and tried before tho dis trict court. Tho report saj-s : "The negroes wcro dufended by eminent lawyers, and ten of the prisoners wore discharged, in order to bo used as witness!' In other words, ten of the lynchers were to be usod to con vict the remaining six. The facetious ness of this liirce is immensely height ened by the statement of a local newspaper thnt the soldiers were ar resting the discharged negroes "in order to try them by a military com- j mission." That is, after the court An exchange asks, "Why don't Grant apHiint Heaureirard aa well as Longstrcet to seine office f" Answer Because he is not a relation to Grunt's wife. girt. At tba nidrn of hit dautrhtar. arar Krlatlowa. oa the 4th of April, 1 1611, ,. DAVID LOGAN, K'. ( ag4 10 ytmrt mi S datt. Ia IlradT towaship, oa tbt 15tb Imlaot, DAVID WALL, ia tba H6lb )aarafki ag. Ia BrailT,,, 00 tba 11th iaitaxt, Ft'PASNAH, rrlin of Prrr A(ilb, aflar s linprinj illoem, trminalin( la drapij j mfri 7.1 (Tara. I month and 8 data Vork paprr pleaaf Bopy. rir gUrfrtlsfmrnlfc MICHAEL BOKE, MASON AM) STONE-CUTTER, Krw M'ahhttoti, Pa. Vft.An kirrlt of MaMtnrr dnoe, in th mori wnrkminliif muiiitr. Ortirri liriti, un4 trtvU uktn in vnT prt of ttit wioiitT. prlitf. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. Tni LAST UALP af tka piwant FPRIKO TERM af twratr twa watka, wiU aoHaaoa ua Moaday, April 16, ISM. TKRJIS OF TITTIOS. Rmitinf, OrtboirrapbT.Wrlttrit.Ot'jartLaa. aBi, Primary Arithinrtie and Primary tirorrapb, par Li'f Una, (of tlta k.J $i SO Hiftorr, Lanal and deaariptira Oorrapby wit Map Draw,. . lirammar, M ratal o w ntta Anthawtia M I (a Alfabra and tka Scieacf I M Far full partiaalar aaad for Clrnolaf. PROVISION STORE. THE ndarilfaad kara jaat raoeWad at tkalr aaw ataad la Wailaoataa, fall npplj of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, 4c, COAL OIL, (at radaoad rate,) A (ood artiela af TOBACCO, CIGARS ASD SktOklNQ TOBACCO, soaitutlr kut AH f wkick will U aold at LOW KATES for CASH ar gira i atekuga for SHINGLES ud LlktliEIL W faijKetfallj aak tb pabli t fir u trial kafar parcLaalna alarwkar. t. B. BEAD A CO. Wallaettra, April T, IfSt. Houses nnd Lots for Sale, IOl'R B0CSK8 d LOTS la Clnrltid k aaia on nuooabla tarml. Iw ' i thlrtjr dayi. Alao, plot of FOLK LOIaw tba Mrnar f Fourtk and Raid ttm " I Tltlutl faat. Tbra of tbaa ton an atU imxm lot aitbar laabar yard, aoal yard, or lor kaiWiZ parpoM rantrallj, baing witkia lit hat 2 railroad depot- JVriM ud tana mxraatilt PP't OEORUZ TUt,hK, K fabl.U Valuable Farm FOR SALE OR RENT. TBI udmiftiad aow off art at prima mtk mm farm, iitriau in Lawrama towaikip, Ckaiiui t, Pa., boaadad by Orra, MeMiiiiia utmZ mn, and withi H milM of tka railroad atau i. Ciarkld boroafb CONTAIKIKG oa ACRES, A boot TO aem af wkick li elaand, kiriaaTVn FARM UO'JUE, LOU BAK.V, aad at. 1? baUdioci, wttk arar 10 baanur frait trm a a arr-faili( rpriaf of wattr aoar Um kaaai tti witk aj mack titabar d tb plm, if mafd, will paj for H. Tb waola waadW. laid witk aol. On of koaaai aaw in,j tbra mil for It, DOS, in a (od oawaaii (MU7 in( to par antii tka tin i ap.) AT-PRICE, U,.V, ia aarr ptrnw,. fm taraia, Aa., ppl) w WILLlAkt POfcTIi. Ctoarfiald, Pa, Fb. 14, SPRING GOODSI JCST OPEXIKO A SPLENDID STOCK, AT Marck IT tf C. ERATZER A PONS'. Q LOVER, TIMOTHY and ORCH ARD GRASS FEED, AT Vmnm lT-tf C. ERATZER A tOSS Xools, Shors, Jiau and Caps. CltvdrlJ, Nor. 11, lfM-lm. A 1MI ATttR'rl fTI( FwOTulie illi katebr tiraa. that Irttrr at Artaiinitrra tioa a tha aut of Pl'TKH ARNilL'l. lata af Rraila fwnbln. ClrarSald aoanta. I. karlaa baa duly rranlfd ta tha andarnrnad all ptraoa indrktrd la raid ratal will plaaa Wmkm imnfliala mimmi. b iim. k . 1. . J j .... . ., .... , - - , -.-, ... - " uau utu me mnjnrtij oi ino negroes 1 "' m " win praaant turn prnparl) as witnesses, the nnlitiiry mean to i - witat onay. step in and hnnrr tliem as criminals Thus do the civil and military powers work in delightful nnion, and the ends ol justice and of sixteen halters secured. F. K. A h SOLD. Aim Latkmharf. April H ot pd. Thk Miseus' Strike The miners' strike still continues in the coul regions across the mountain. On Friday Inst 1(14 miner Imm the Tow elton coal mines marched from that i DI.MTR ATttRa tJTITE. Nnti A V M barrbr (Ivan tbat lrttrr nf admml.tratlon m tba arlata tf I t 1.1 AH FMKAL. ilimaa. lata of tnwnnbip. t'laarliild ronntr. Pa.. bu m, baan duly jr.nlrd to tha andrraifnad. all p-rannf iodi-blrd to raid rttat will plraar maka t payinant. and tbnaa baring rlaima ar tir'niaailt will prrKflt tbam pmpr-rl aotbntiralrd lor aat lllrm.ot. Ml:V K. fMKAI.. Aai'. ajirll-Std EDWARD KILLIAMS. Ailotr. found ih .T.ttr,. l . r- . j mi iii tiiin me receipt ol onck ctinrge 1 Unit !io intt'ods to keep at his work Wo't iji'"l ""namr usually amounting from a and and not to 1..I.I hi. rm and set-the "a.iaee, i,n the Appropriation hill, a fjusrtor to fivo tlollnrs. A Chicago j country go to the devil, lie confesses ""ful reading or this official docu-, "(,,r''"ve was put on the track of the j to l.cing trnry in the sense thai all ment will convinco the moat i.-.r, ;windlrr, and arrestirl him nt the I crent rtrormer are crarv. Hn ia n,.t "loilit- of the awful Hlf,r.,L.. ! Am(,ri.''n offloc. firat having ' hidd. rig f,.r the Presidency, and would and corrontinn tint ' llr" l"'nt ,llm of u,c arrival of ; not take it unless he w..a permitted to r,"ZT, tUl n0W "'? .imoner from him. lie ran he set appoitit whom he chose to ofTce. n . - ... me oepnrtinctiU at llarn. l"wn n ono or the clergymen who 'a l.ig hundle of letter a-kir.g for ourg. Ser.ator riiite atlamrtted in 'd to stick to their text. i of ' hi lain il,.. " came trom Khodo llnnd. where hi 1 ho rwrrrn ...l... 1. f .1 . . twuii'i.-u to "ply to thm.tioa.l, .a .1 .u-. i.., l",ru "M The negro appointed hr (.rant fr,U,.i.l .1 ..,. .1 "l Mar. would be r 77 ' i bf tn,.or of far- j monopoly ... onHuUhl. ' W0Ua e saved to the State It! '!'"". ..! tu I a very hlnck n-gro -- m-Lm. Hie late I.r;.i.,i,... ...... . i.i....r ,. . . . cot in two davs " '"inirriy a waiter in a gam- after hi. speech appear, in tho Tjr hnne in ihnt cit v. Prohuhlr graph ho grve tho lie to il, whriJ"" ''"',' th,! ' "it'd State is thing hy.Ln, ar' .! 1 "" ,hn" h -f Clnnth,. for th ir,r., 7 H, '"vpr"Tiiimeru nT anegroa Piwt. point to Philipshurg, driving all thejhti men who wore at work in the mines between those two points, hcfoi-e them, compelling them to slop work. On Saturday they resumed their march, nnd proceeded to the Derby hank, where they wero met by a force of miners, and cilir.etts from I'hilliiiKhuri' aiid. mid vicinity, who succeeded in repul- -,pr31 king them. Arrangement are being! PUBLIC mado to have a stronc police force to ! keep them down. "There shall be win nd rumor ot wars." Turone Herald. T Jf TUT. l ot RT OK C'OMMIIS PLkAS 1 l of ClrrSeld -iniy. P. ra. V Srplawihcr Tan, lf,T. Axi ltlirra. J PaUpirna tar diroraa. Tbf ondrrvirnad Cnmwiiiiriotiar, appeintad rT lha Coort ta taba trttitnotiy in tba abnv tia.a, brr(ii tiitior tbat ka will attaad to tha riutlr of hit appointmi'nt, at hi. offtoa, ia t'laar-Si-Id. oa Fndat. tb 1 lib day of June. IKSI. at 1 o'rlork, p. V. wh(ra all nartir intrrwtad eB J. BLAkK A1,1RHS, fnlnniiMronar. VENDUE. e inftmons Appropriati inn bill.Jmti.ter in fuch a place M.ows (irant lent hnsiastit!, and indulges in the lol Color ko JIar to Political An Vanchmcnt. Tl.C l'liiladell.hill .Unrit mtf J'oxt says il purls with Cm tin i t'ou,1try lias come without regret, but in aMuding to the necro ilii.itcr to Ilavii it irrow Tnr Pinnrlt ..t ;. r.. - THE roVwiribar will Sr for aala at pablia oolrry. aa ho fan I Lawrwara tnwntbip. niilwr Imlwrrn ClaarBold and rarwmirill, oa ball in 1 1 ortb af tba road laadint fraia Claarnald lo Carwaurilla, Oh iYiday, mipril SO, liS, tha fnllnwinK prraonal pro part., rit: OXK HORSE AND ONE MARK, Ona CkrMar whlla Boar, fnatwar two and Ibraa yrari ohl.i ona rb.'M whita h,w, (will I. 1, . j n ' I " . .1.. -I main, it rmr. ... mm., minim .re in rOVI- ! 3 mrrri. I trio Brahma ft.wlt. I pumlnrk. I tience. I,ct tho "gulled judo" all 'T h""?-1 u kwwatr. i d-rimi war", wince. Senator Snrague's disclosures ! ? "" h? ldHrr P1'"" " karr..w.aoai.iipi,.w, nt.tienl. I,e,.r I ,n iinorr... r.1 k. , L '. .l. 'T. :'"- -'". Senator Sprague's last speech in the so-called Senate of tho I'nited Stales, is another run i oat nppenl to the sr-min-drolly party he trains with, to pause in its destructive cnreer.sets the khm. pre lire to flnttennir nnrl n..r.,.i,.M,. I ' ("'I k.r hi(h contains all the robberies f ! o be the dog he the former one r..;,i. I . . .'ii,vo ninny TiptT r t- linuuitie. What ,,i .... , ieore Franci Train says: "We t I. " ',0, rr-!,,,',P m' will d it." Th.t J o ay, but rtrn t,Bt .5001, Train should rove after this fashion l "rrru r" head for Senators '""nr,""""", lt that a . 100 Appropriation I: ":: " ,"" OT 1 mj tnrcncti ttt bol iy....uKn w mien to ucn sturris aston ,uhing singlo IS tool It I orni.riffiinllc. nr,n,ti,h..,wl t. o,ng exnmng tiingtiiige: "Jhis a- Washington thnt the great reitic l-timiincm, nnn inai 01 ot Her colored Railway opening, which was to come men to important poaitions in the off in Jlay, is not to take place. Will South, mut increase the confidence of the jrcople in the Radicalism ol (.rant's adminiatration. Color it no Innrjrr a bar to ndranremrnt in American pnli lies. This is what the nomination of Mr. Bauett means " The millonium see-tof to ha approach ipj. hoi. almrrlf and fork., timtwr lt est horror at the pass to which ouril'" nnr-hnr-.M, 1 hand ran, 1 hii wi narnriw. mam ana wanrra, vraia mdla, arind.tnnr,. rook flora, parlor miira, Im-p air atnva aad famiara' koilar, 14 rUnr,, I r..rnw ruphoarrl. knob.aaaa wilk dr-k. I kiti-haa ink. taliK tnntl ahaat. aamu Uarrrl., anaac i.llar and atufiir, I narralnt ridarTinxrar, I arw. In laarhina, a lol of I onmrd and ( linu.a frapa tiuaa. rarrant awahaa, (haat Prnirk vanaly Inr wmra.) and varioo. olbor artiolai ta Balaaroaat ,. noon. TERMS. Aojoantl ef fit and dr, CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M., Principal. THE PorRTH FESSIOXaf lartlf yaarot thii Ioititalioa willaoranrao. a MONDAY, tb. Slk dayaf Prhraary, !. Papiliaa ntr at any tin. Tbty WiU k eharj.d witk taitio fro tba tb.j niar u tba rimaftk. S.aaioa. Tka aoara af laatrootlo anbra .r.ry lklb larladrd 1 tbom.b. prarlioal aad . pli.h.d adaraUa for balk , Tka PriBrlpal, karlng had tba adraataf. f wara aipanaao i nil pmtanir, aarar. pa rant aad raaH aai tbat kit aatlr abiltta and anarln will k daaotad la tba moral and San ta i trunlnf af tha ynatb plaaad andar kil tbarra. Tlr It MM OK 11 IHII si. Orttinrrapky, R.adi. WHt!n(. ard Priraary ArlthMUe, par Baaio (II waak.) . t M Orar, Gxifmpfcy, Arithnatit, aad Minwp II II Algabra, Ornai.try, Trlfnnoainry. Mr. aaratio. Rarrayiav, Philoaophy, Phyai- loay, Cbawntry. Book Eaaping, BuUny and Phyrtral Oanirraphy - . tl SI La'l, Uraak nnd r ranch, witk any af th. ahora Rranrba. - 1 M MI'S IC Plana (S laranna) . . .tilt drdartioa will ka wada far abaaaoa. aTPcr rartkrrpftrtiral.r Inaair af Baa. P. L. HARRISON. A. Pak. 4, IIS tf. S IS PrialpL SELECT SCHOOL. rpMF Sarawar Famion af tba FoMnahann Ra. j. iwi prnnoi. i inoaust i:aiptirt Chnrr-h. t urn Irainif,' will romnrnoa aa Ik 3d of Mar, libird Monday.) for tha tarn af Ira moaibt, witk a Ol mrna waatl la lraiar. Tba mnian hrm-haa will ha taoitht. and aln tha followinfi Alrahra, Oanraatry, Plain Tha. nimatry, Mrnaaratioa, Rarrarin. Fbiloanphy, Pbrrlokirj, PhynaaJ Oooaraj.hy, Rkoln aad Lr;i. Th prlo af tnitln .hall ka 111 for tha fall tana of Ira wiowlhi: and for hsw tha a fall tarn, nt tka rata af 1.1 par Bonlk. AU .ball ka kald till tba awd of tka Una. wuhaal .pwial rra. ant at tba lima nf awtry, nod tka prm at tailio hall ha paid in adranoa. Tba frlact fVhnol tl Inoatad I n pkssanat aalrb Wrbood.and n noaipatmt taaalm kaa bar aarstrrd. UoMinf ran ka prnrarrd lor M par waak. Anr lanbai inlurmatii aaa ha had hr mAltrmmm. Ina tka Prraidrnt af tba Roar, at Ca.h P. O, tka rarraury at Bum.ida. or Pn,( Smith, at Carwana. rilla. JOHN p. LhK. Prasidant. JACOB W. ( AMPHKI.L. TrrwaV Jian. Pawta. (t'y. wiarl4-tf AXXOUXCE 31 EXT EXTRA ORDIXAlt T! SOMETHING NEW IN CLEARFIELD! Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes I Crrat BarfTtlns In Hats and Caps!! TEE GRECIAN BEND HAT I THE VELOCIPEDE HAT THE ALriNE 1TAT ! SILK EATS OF THE LATEST STYLES ! All Kinds and Stylet and Cheap!! BOOTS 4 SHOES IN PROFUSION. Udiaa, Look la yo,t Intaraiu, d call ul aaa Ua lalaa) aad aaaal faabiaaakta Ityiaa f PLA1H AKD PASCT EilOKA. BAKGALNS! BAEGALN'S!! rarms, Timber Land k Horses FOB BALE! TBI mWrlVar, dawiran of dirpoaia af a rJ d paraooaj property, otari tka folia. if rsr opportanity for barjaioi : ONE FARM litaata i Oirard aawaibin. aad know a tb "Claadiua Raualat farm." i2,o.. ina land, af An. Laawnta aad atanm, aaauiniac IO Acre, tfty af wktak ara alaarad, witk Mi drlhn koMra, kr ad yuui.f arekard tbaiaai. Alao. IliK ILCk blN f ARM, aantaunar IUO Arraa, amy af wkiak ara alaarad, wis daalllnf koaa. ban, nd at bar aatbailajan. u gatur wilk twa tknrisf ymmmg aavk ikaram. AIm. SEVERAL OTHER PARKS ul tnat f TIMBER LANDS for aala. "" RKKT Tba 8AWMILL A DWILL. IMU UOlbKrJ nt tba Boat W Daar Ciaak wiM a ran tad. r it I ru ky tba t aut pamou. T-POIR BEAD OP WOK! H0RiE3,na BAKNKkS, will ka aold oa rwnaoaabia larmt, P9A Wrgat i offarad i nark if tba far. ran propoiuiou. Tba kru will ka Bad nay. an bar infarautio eaa aa aktainad kr nllia'a tkapranaaa.r kyddruitbdiaira, at FiwBckrilla P. 0, Clauf all aonatr, Pn. fakla-tf. L. M. CUITRIKT. Valuable Town Property FOB SALE 1 SnrATE on tha 8vuk-wt arwr af Cnarry and Third PlraaM, ( kaing Hailraad Kraal, ta wit: A LOT, witk a good tw-atary plank baiia. ing tbrrao. 1 by li (art, ona rooa a ark lam, auitabla for atvr. r tbr kaaincn. Alan, la dotning LOT, with tw-trr daalhar kau tkarwm, and wrraral otbrr TOl X LOTS. Alaa, lotvf wrll-harnt BRICK, Bad S road aaaorunant ar T0NLWAR, IUch aa Craaka, Jata. Jan. Prwit Can., r, at radarad nnra. For fwrthar kaforatio, inquirr at tot Btan. wni Patury f P. LITZIKGIK, n.r 14-Si Cltaraald. Pn. affga!. Isl THE tU RT OF COMMtOS PLKJU af Claartaid aaanty, Pa. "il tn ) No. U, iaxaipr Tern, lata, ra. Sohpaian ai Il'irorc. Jwtri M. Sim. J Murk 1?, JaM D. I. Iu wailar. Ka.. appoint CoaimiaiiiiBar ta tana taatwony i tkia enaa. Br nu Cam. CartiBid front tb raeorw. A. C TATS, PrU. I will attaad n tk dnrir of tka abort arpaiat. "rat. at tkaaSoa ef Wallaor, M:l A Folding, ia Ciaaraald, aa Fridar. ba IM dar f April. 1S6I, I a'rlerk, A. k, wkara tkgw iauraatad ay aitawd, tf tka aaa prrar. prT-Jt II. f. EtlWEILER. Cow'r. IM THK IHSTRICT COIRTOF THB t'NUFJD SIAlte for tba Waura Piatna at Peanaylranl. I tka aattar ac 1 Srcr u. Iananoa, ll Baakrvfitay. TO Vt UuVlT MAT CONCERH-TV. aadar ignad karatiy giraa atta af kia nppoiataaMt a aaaignr of Buoy W. TtMtmpaa. ( Bogg an. hip, la tka manly of ClrarSald. aad Cute af Paanaylraaia, witkia aaid Dirtnrt. wka ka. kaaa djadgad a kaakrapt apoa kia ow paaUaa, ky ta 1'i.tnot Coart oi aaid liiatraat, Datrat tka 17tk day af Marck. A. D. 1MI. prT St W. ALMcCl'LLOltiH, Aangnaa.. 1 THK DISTRICT COfBT OF TUB I'NITED STATES for ta (mn DiatnM af t'cwaaylraai. I tba aiattar of 1 Caaiana J. S.orr, I Baakrapuy. Paaknrnt. j ' TO Hoki IT MAT CONTFR!f.-Tka nsar. irwad harahy giraa aolioa f kia appointnrffit mm waign af I bnatla J. tibot. f Waodward ww. ahip. ia tha aanty ml Clrartald. aid 8ur ml Pmo.ilraaia. witkia aaid DiatrioL wba kaa l A)grd a hanknipt poa kia wa pabttaa. kr tiir li.anrt Coart of aaii biatrial. retad Ibr ITlk day af Murk. A. II. pr..U .M. MoCl LLOlOH. Aa.iaa.AW tlto t.tx-piij crs just stick a pin there? l nc niij;'" inille will not lipttr even the Piitirrfifinl exiiminntion of trv. clinp; fommittpo. Tho officials have put off tho (THir; they rlnro not tlrw puhho intention to "lb conditian of tbwir TRtcftllj job. aa. To the School Directors of Clearfield County : "I FVTLEMEX i I annum af tha fo-ty- a loir aarnn at taa aot af tha VI h af May, Is 4. yoa ar karrhy notldad to rnaat In Ono ran. Um. at tka Coart Hnaea. I ChwriMd. a tha tlrat Toaeitay la May, A. It. ISM. Ikamg th 4tb dar f tha aiolk.) at l a'olork in tba afion.a. and arlaat. ris aaaa, hy a aaionlr wf tha wkola aamhar nl lliraator. praaant. una parM of lltnrary and ariaatiaa aoqniraraaalh aad af ah ill aad mrt prrirao in tka rt of taaohmg. aa tirpar. Intandanl, for tka Ihrr aoaraading aaarai d.trr. aiina tka taraal af aoeanaaaaitM l , . Dd aartify tka mall la tha Plat fanmai.ndrat Prpl, Bin. Br.,, nd Blaaark EB0ES, aiiaaaa aa Child ran, ml BII3H CIT! CUSTOM-MADE WORK M4 a BpMlalt , ttlt ur , Wtnra Ikr good, taara tha pratnim: Iron Ibhjtl Harri.barg. aa raqairad hy tka thirty -eieib ud IIII, Ikirly day. srrdit i from 110 ta l.i. Ibraa Bionlha eradilj nd all araoaat. rar lol, at innlha .rvdit. It ban flradit ia air, netea witk appmrrd Wsiarlty will ha rrnalrad ia nil near. 4P-ril ta anaan at . a oloi k, A. M Lawrwaatp GEOlaiafi lUOaJ. April il t forUMk Mruon. f aH art. 6Ei. W. SXTPER, aprld lt C'oaoty raparinlaaat. Tnmmn d akdoailnnl .nppwirn r rrrry kiad af tka lalaat iBpraraaianta, ffr ala a. k.T4 Sprt af 8ARW-KS4IUI, c EJCHTTAP )W a,, rally aanaaaaa ta tra .Itiaaaa f ClHrlald aad lllty, tbat tkay kara apaaad a l.rg. d it.ntlr. Ba.Tt.rat f th.abora naaad gaoda, ia Ika .tare rooa . Mark at .iraa , tk. rwidana. f H. B. Fweop.. Ekj , &tJ will ka kappy ta wait all wk wl.k to ,!.. U a IlaWT-CLASR H110E BAT STORI. Children' SheM ia Abcadine. CHILPREX-S HAKD UADE SHOES. FIXE BOOTS! tOARSE BOOTS! KA TER-TXOOF BOOTS! TKUXKS,t,C dfrsfC ftfti M for MMftlVM ..v.. I 1.4. iM fur Ml. MrRMnkr th pier- Market trL Claarl.ld. rpMlt B. B. flw.a', rll-V i. . UQaiOAP BQJt. A DsllNlKTKATtllll NttTirr v-. i V at karatry gi. r thai Vrnannf ndninlnratloa aa Ik. mala ot MARTIN S. FLE UAL, amurA laia of tp, ( arar aid otr, p, bar ing hraa dalr gran tad ta tk ndaraig'ned. all par. oa Indrhtrd to aaid Mtat will aleeee mat. a... aal, and tboa. kariag elaiaia or drtraada win praaant the. pm-rrlt nntkeaUonteat for lllllawa.t and liowa withaal aVaa. RuhLRT E. FLEOAL. r'0- AdaammraH. DlHsMtLl'TlUN F PABTNtRkHIP. Tk panaankip kantofran niag ka twar tk narignad i tk awmuilii. kaiaaaa at Prnnrilla, wa. dinolred kr naaraal eaaaaat aa tka Silk day af Marrk. I Ml. Tha rk. and naper. af tka Ira. wiU ka left witk WiIIim P. Johaaoa. at tka aid naad. who h titnanrd ta make olhaatioB. aad pay all tlaiat. raini tk P. JOHN50K. JOHIf BAILET. VIMI.latTKTt)lt1l Simrii-Sotir. in heron alrra that Irtlara of admmiatratloa oa tba aetata at PFTER ASHEVPELTER,d'd, f Rrty lowaahiti. Claarlald roaatr. Pa. baring ka daly granlrd lo tka endneiritad. all rraan indahtrd I aaid aetata will plrear make p.rment. and tboa baring elaiai. ar aVaa will praaaat taea properly eathentipetrd fnr at. Urnl. ELIJAH A'HKN FBI TKR, DAVID ASUK.NFKLTKR. rrlTrlfp"! Administrator. IXS STOrK! lf STYLES!! PALL AX6 MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN UEED'S, MAREBT IT, CLEARFIELD, PA. Baring et rewired all iWwtraeltl af tka lea ta a. Mil!l.ary lie, resjaaat th avdral to call aad iaitn) thaw falrtila, Pe Br. e im. a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers