Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 21, 1869, Image 1
"' H. F. N AUGLC, (UMh AM) MAIM M TM1I k.enr.fT reT-eetiuity Morml ale 'J paWoa. enl Ike i-aHtc .mllMkni .wee k.eV iea4 U raaliy rrowt.iBf Bow ,Miuhi lkr.U. larfe elevk af Cloiii Vatchei and Jewelry. yyl keep Jewel.. Hi .11 lit rrnl ana of 4iirrent Te'oea. eltker le tke I'lrre tTATCflKS-A Ml a-eorlaeot of eltker Gold It Silv.r, oiade by lb. ne.t AbHoii ana for oicn taieulee.urere, toeleo'iaf a fiao loi f fold ml "I'" .buBtinf tut, lull jeweled, i' 41 lit CLOCKS -Of .11 ae.lrne. tot.i.linj f ljli. Jit and iblrtr hoof, of either weight, .priii. or .rer. Bed k"tk strike aad alalia. REPAtlUNlV All kiodt of Watcbea aod Cloekl Repotted, aftd warranted. Jo ad jitino to wkat I bee eno-nerated, I I.! a full aeiirtoeBlof bl'1'CTACLE..S. colored and leiatlaea. Al.o.GOLD i'KSS.nd FKXCILS. fpOO.NS, FORKS, BUTTER KKIVKS, audio feet eTerylhine; fl tb Jewelry boo. If I fill to It. .on bond joit whet t fu.totner nay need, 1 pill order par fcret aipreea, wi.kout oitra oh.rf . A llb.ral ibara of publie patronegr il .ol.ei.d. W.j 7, 1S60-7 , 11. t. NAlULb. BOOT1TS I IMPROVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. jf,Hri. Booth PO. A Eatobirtvr. f rfyrirtor of fTCMP Ex trrtnr..h it iniiofUr on , dentood that tfctj wirrani tbii maeh'ti 4o if f uti wfaat' it if recon-i OfOthd IB celling oibwrfV Iti bfing on rtructed on trnt pbitnvo fhioal pnnri pift. U itmt Uo Md U Kiv il tin hot ud will pull ton am oan 4ir thi dirt froa th rti I'tiT Kiraetd. It will Mil wtay lathi iti of tb Hinpti frv lrtf t fa and re 4 per dy. It Ml lirbtr ur tbioi orir. or 4 tha li h proppi p, u dtMfi. Tht Froprieton bail 4 the titreior, dellriT it,ind tt it on tb itb tbi nribuir n4 if tt dtt sot tmnt SonpltfU ktiitetioii u! do juatai rteeninend dt tbey will tftka it y snd rfaarg nothing for tboir tronbl. Fnei uf Maeblne, M . Towoibip and aoaatyrt-bu fur aaia. Wi Itrt bi trariliog ariu. Andrea BOOTH a RUif b AKGER, Jtffirtoa Litt P. O., Cliarfiild Co., Fa . CtWTIHCATE. Wi, tbl vwdarairwed, havinff witttf- ta triad af T. J. Boata'i Inprovad Stamp RvtniTof a tbi farai af R. H. Moara, aar Latbarvharf. Batnrday aad Mnaday, tbi 7th ind Vib of Jimabtr. Uha aiaora ta aayiartatba pab ke,thaiwa biliiva it ta ba tha bwt aiarbim awia wi rornrraeiiitj itoaipa. it ior iinpia eoaitnitrtioa, ai'y iaoaird, not Imbia ta ;t at af order, and verr darabla. fSur naea took tba aiabina frota lb vigop. when entirely apart, put U tciratbir, and paM4 a large pine ataaip ia teat than aa baor, W ni aira patl a larira itaaip with aaaa. Tby ana a hor, but hi doat bn work ia Ukirj nut tbi tar pert tuaipa, wiiboat a bard palL Yt. Booib, the pitearee, fully uodentantii pottiog ap a ad baadllnt tbi Barb in a. W Would adriie tbove B waataf itamp eitraetari ta en tfatenna tavwd bafora prrbaiirtr alwwbcra. wairh tbay caa do frea of ("barge by eeliing on tba Proprieinra. J. C. Bkwreu, i. W. hfikard, K.V. Sphaiaa. Jofaa N elder, Joba Kirk. J. iahat:ia, R. H. Veare, J. W. W allace, W.B Atei-n ter ttea. KM infer, W D. Berk. Andre WiUoa, 6. 4. Mora, I n. K. Ima, t, J. Kirk. Jai Moara, ' L H. Cariile. Geo.WiUon . Lever Flefal. Frad k Smiley, noll 1 The Lightning Tamer. TBK DDdenifioed are l he lull Ageati Id thie 0'iaotT for tbe "North American iiait-aaiaed iiGflTKiXQ RuDS." Tjeae an tba aoly aafi rcdi now ia an, and are endvried by all tin aeientifte asen ia the euotry. We hereby aolify taa eiUieni of tha caoaty that wa will rut tbata ap a better rod, and lur I eat iwooey, ibaa ia charged by tha fmigt. ageau wbo aaaaally traTerea tbi mmnty aad daarry of aar little rath, aiTcr to retura. KSCUURAR HOMK LABOR Tkooo wtikiof Lifbtotnr Koda crrrtod oo tbair baildicf. od bat addre.i oa by Itiior. or call i porroo. Wa will pot tben p on) wboro la rbormrticy, and warrant tbm. Tba lu-d. aod Filturoa caw bo aeon 01 any timo by fliina; at oarttoiw. MKKRKLL ItlULER. Cleubald, Jna. 11, !' tr ' Cheap Furniture. 1 joiin cuLion DESIRE3 u iaforn kia old friradi and oua toaaara. tbat ba? int; oolaritad kia abop aod looroaaod kia faoilitioo lor ouauioctorio. ka ia aw praporod to aako to order .oek Fornitoraaa naor b deairad, io food a.yio and otahoow r..oa for CAShV. Ho rtworally kaa oo k.o I. at kit Forwitaro roooia, variod a.ortaaout of awado, forBitira, oatoaf whtob ara BCKEAl'S ASD SIDE-BOARDS. Wardroboaand Book Caioa; Cpntro. -ofo. Parlor. tmir.K ud D.aiaf til.inM TaMrar 0rw. aaow. FrBck-poit,Cnttfefra,Jonof-L.d aod olbor Bv.odo : f"fM of alt kind.. Work tado. Dwl-aaefco, Waoo-ataadas Knckinir and Arm Cbwira i oprtOf-aoM. osao botbiwr, par'or. rowi wwaoadoikori'ko.ra; LokinK-tilaaaoa ofarory woorrtpuoa oa bu ; and aaw (Ioomo fr old frwaoo, wkMk will ko pal rn oa Tory rooMoahlo (arm oa akortoal aotloo. lla al korro tiand r forairba. to ordar, ira-kaak, Ualr and Cot-toa-top Matlroaaaa. Cojtinu np Evert Kind ; Mada ta ordor, aad faaoyola altoadod witk a floor wbaoaror dr.irad. Alao. H'aoo Palntta. doaa ta ordor. Tbo oubaerlbor aloa ataoafae taroa, and baa aoaauMtly oa kaad, Claaioat'a Pataot W aakiOK Viarbioo, tko bo.t aov ra ar. ! Tao. aaiaa tkio aiaeblBO aavor nood ko witk at alaaa clotkoo I Ho aloa kaa Flyor'a Paloat Ckara, a aaporior articlo. A family aaiof till Ckora aoyor aood ka witkoal kouor 1 All tko abooa aad atony otbor ortirV. ara for lakod oaoaaKwaonokrap for Caaa or airh.ocrd for approrod rmjatry pmdoa. Ckorry. Mp'o, Pn,.ior, Uawood attd ota.r Laatbor auitablo for Caklaot work, takaa ia .irkanfa for lurnl'o-o tT-S.BOoabor tko okop ia on MarkM otrooU Claariald, Pa, aad aoarly oppoaiu Ika "(H4 Jaw Atoro." JUUM ULL1CU. MoToaioor 1, 1M1 j lilrery Ntnble. THE ondcralipird rc kwrota lofnna to pab lie that ko ia BOW tally proparri In eccmino d.ia ail ia tao wayof furoi.hinic llurw Bnnnre, taddloa aad UamMa. oa too attrtct ootic. and oa I aa.aai.iahl. toratf. Irndonoo ua Loro.t etrrwt, ketwora laird aad Foortk. HE... W. OKARHART. d. April II. 17. Clearfield Nursery. IX CUl' BAG E HOME INDUSTRY. TI1E BaJcrtifBrd. karinp o.tabliabwl a Kr. aery oa tk. Tike, about kalf way bciwora C.oararld aad Carwor.rllle. ! prepared aa for. Bi.k ailkiada of f BLlf THEEs. I.taadardond dwarf.) Kroricrooao. ro,bry. Uraoo V.aoo. )oo.h.rnra, Lawloa Hiookk.rry, Strowkcrry. aad haaberry V uiea. AIo. biborl.a Orak Traoa. tjoiaco. aad early aeulol Hkubarb, Aa. Order, proaifd; attaadod to. Addro.a, M .p C""1'''S REAblNfjFOR ALLi I BOOKS t STA TIOXER Y. wlarkft t ClMrtrlal. (at tha Po MRre ) fPHR an-Urntned kro to aaooance to 1 the riti.ene a deariWId aod Ttotoily. Ibat k. k.. tit.d .r a ma and hae la.t rotornod f'aai iberiiywiib a larce amuonl of roadiei aiaiior, (AB.iatiag h. part uf Bibles and Miscellanocas Books, Ilaai. m.i Pom of orery it "ipiia i Papor aad Eorclopoa, rrenck prcaod aodpiotat Paaa aad Peaotle: Pl.nk, 1 .al Papon. Itocdi, Mmw! JudmrBt. Ef . p t.a and Prooia.nrr aotro i 'le and I'.rcbi meal r)r, L,p Cap. Rwnrd Cap. aad IiH t ap , ke.t, fr oitkrr Piooo, Hato or '.una aoartaaily oa kaaa. Aay kooka ooaMooery danrod u... t not karo oa bond, will k or. j t . ,,i uli .1 okakMb I arrl.i!to luil eullniarre. 1 will aieoka-p aorlodicl II,...,... ..rk aa M.faaino.. !- 1. 1 papera. Ao. - P. A. tJAl'HII. blaartai4 IMM( . jEAR GEO. B. GOOBLANDER. Proprietor. VOL4MVIIOLEN0.2IM. H E M O Y A L ! KEMOVALl C. KRATZEH & SONS, ; To tk. larijr tdd ojlpnl room, on SBCON't TTJtrtT, 'IJoif.log WmeTt k Bijlofi hardwon .tore ; (bare Uirjr will bo plautd to ato oil theii uld ood n.w entour. Ciliieni of tbo counl.T Tiailing CLEARFIELD, ud to sak. porobtaoo, aU Ind ft It :bir adrooup to oiamioo tbeir atook. Ooodt at CASH PRICES nchaojpd for !' kindiof corxTBV PKODVCE. Jan; A UEYOLITIO IX LISIXESS AT CLunUKHUl.l.E, BT HAETSOCK & GOODWIN. TLB ondaraiatod kaio( aowrod lolo u pirt Mr.hi i in tbo eaorcftcttlo kociooaf, adopt thunathod of notlftlnt tba pnblio marmlljr. ood ibo eititrna of CurweD.villa and Tieintly in nortirular. tbat narebandiao of .11 bind, will bo aold t)T na u ehoap a. tha .am. quality olio wboro in Ibo owuty. Wo booo fait aopoly of DRY GOODSi roo.i.tini in part of Drt.o Ooodi, Mo.lini, Printa of oil abadra and .lyl.a ; togalbar wilb foil oatortoaeot of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS 4 CAPS, Bouia iQiaca, Hardware, Q.ueenaarar. Ai well at Tinware, Cederware, Willowwara, bofleu and Bmont ; tether with a large stock uf Uroeenei ; and always a full itock of FLOCIa, FISH, SALT, 4c. to abort, wo kaep full lj of ororytking o.rd Id Una mark.t. Wi want oil our old eoitoni.rf and u maoy a.w onoa aa cso nako it oonrooiaftt, to firo Ul a call beforo puro. aiiof .laavhero. IiAMKL l!ARTOCK. EUWIX OOODWIN. CarwonniMo. F.kroo,, y li, 166S. GREAT EXCITEMENI Os Second street, Clearfieid. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. HE oadrr.if"d rarpootfally larito tka at trntioa of tbo poblio Knrrally to tbrlr liilondid aa.nrtmant of arcbaodiao wbicb tbay ara bow oolling AT VKRY LOW PRICES. Tbolr itook ooaaiau Ib part of Dry Goofo of the Best Quality, Soeb at Printa. Po Lalora, Alpanea. Marinoa, Uiophaia..Mu.liDi,'hlrarbad aad aobloaeh od.l Drilling;., Tirkinft. eotloo aod wol Flanool.Sot.n. tu,Caia.aroo, C'rttoowloi, Ladioa Hkawla, hub... A Il.d.. IJalmoral and Hoop bkirta, Ao., Aloo, a fino o.'nrtmrnt of Man'f Drawara and bbirta, UaU A Capa, Rota A bbooa. . j .' all af wkick - ' ' ' WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Haj-dware, Queensware, Glaseware, Groceries - and Spices. IX SlIORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT orororrtbinr o.u.l'y kept in a retail atora, all CHEAP rOrlCAlI ar approrad avaotry pro duco. A. K. WRIGHT oV SONS. Clratl.'d, Kor.J , !?. ffECOSD 8t CLEARFIELD, Pa, NEW GOODS! Shawls I Shawls! Shawls I ; , BLANKETS! DLAKKETS! Hoods! Nubias! Breakfast Shlwls! LADIES' FTJESI CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS! Ladies' Coatsl LAMES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES! .Ill Wool Hepit FREN'rii AND F.NULISH M0RIX0SI Eilk Fini.k VELVET for aaiu I Alriandrr POrLINa ! All Wool Pi.AlbS! Krnebre Rrprllaot ! Ckamoiroa Poplla 1 . ' , Tappa Clotk for Wrapper! '. Ladiee' Cloikinjl ! W ater-Proof black and brrwn t Caafimerea f'ir men aod boy. I D .on.l Voir. l, K.bknai Flewm, Faalbart Ud.a a aod Cbildraa'a llata I Wowl and Catioa Da L.inra ! Ma.l'.aa, Flannela, PrinU ! Zrpbra, wortlrd aad woul Taraa 1 Dreu TriBwimi, i'tder-Clotkln.. Hala, Cap., Ilo.iory, uloraa, and a enmpi.te aaonrtaaaal af all kiada of NOTION'S, at oery modi rote prlcea. NIVL1NG k fciUUWEILS. Clearfield, Uot 14. 1 Hi If (S 17 C. KRATZER L SONS, il t It U il A N T S , aabakil Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Callery, Queeaawara. Urocorieo, rartriaaa and rDingiaa, tlrarflrd, Prnn'a. -At Ibrlt new .lore room, oo Scoood atrert, aoor M.rrrll A Uiijler'a Hardware itura. jaol4 , kj !!' PAJ( Kennedy a Med.od iioycry, ftrimoiHd. nucha, uaaer. iua inn tnl. Jaaw, aad Arer'e m-dirioea nf roery jkkd,pMk7 '. JUa.lDWJrUJaXJalS j Jlruqs i rtlftliriiifi$. It iniOVAL. HARTS WICK & IRWIN, . iduuggists,; ; Market Street, Cteartteltl, fa. 7E bg laaro to Inform our old and sew outlamari, tbat we bavf re nnoveH oar e tablinhment to the cparioui new ImiMinr. juHt ertcttd on Marked itroet, oeirlv adjiiainx the Maniioa Huute on the wet, and opposite Sleitrr. (ireJiam 4 bVtnit' lion ; where w reopattfully inrite the public t come and buy tbeir Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS. PAINTS AND VAUN13UE3. Our etoek of Drug and Medirioei eonaiitaof Ttrything used, lelacled with Uia graateit ean, aod WAHANTED STRICTLY PURE! We alio keep a full itock of Dye, Parfuaiariee, To i ll art-rlee, lioape. Tooth li-u'hfi, Jioir It ruth ei. Whitewaih Bronhea, and erery otter kind urainaa. wi ban a urge lot of WI1ITE LEAD, TUKPENTIXE, FUmeed Oil. Painta. and In faot every thing tied ib the painting bunneia. wticb wo afier at City prieai to eaab buyera. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. Confeoticitory, Ppi(tM, and tbe largest 'ttoek of r arte t lea evar onerea la thie plan, and warrant ed to ba of tba beat tbi Market afiordn. J. . HAKTSWTPK. Nor. 28. 18C6. JOHN F. IK WIN. NEWARRANCEMENT. 1. & Mi A1t M n t O G 1ST, (Second atreet, oppoiita tba Coort Hooee,) CLI.ARni:L, Penna. rilHB ruheeriberi refpeet fully anpoinori to tht X eititeoi of Clearfield and i(irjity( that ba ha bow tn band a full supply of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Da Etuffa, Tobacco, Cigar., ConfecUoneriea Hlatinnorv. Ao. rilYSJCIANS Will find hie itock of I'ron FI LL and COM PLETE, and at a very alight ad ranee on Eat tern prieai. SCHOOL BOOKS. Tearhen attd nhire will be furaiihed with rlareical and mieceltamooabooki by abort aotiee. STATIONERY, Connintinn of Cjp, Flat Cap, Foiihcap, Letter ind Perfumed Bote Papers; ala, a very seat itock nf Mourning Note Paper and EnvalopeioD hand feat, renci". Init, r. HOUSEKEEPERS Will find a full itork of PI KE SPICE";, SODA SODA ASH. Conrrntrttrd I.YK. Sf.AP. n. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Ara roqoa.trd tooiaaaiaa bia atork of Perfumery, noir .Mia, rmo Tnilet boapa, llru.baa, Comba, luUal t-otl.. An, Ae. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will Bod a full auppty of prime Chewinf and Smukinir TOBACCO, Imported and DoBOatie OlwAkg, boolt. Pino-Cot. Ao., Ao. CARIION OIL, Of tba belt brand, alwaya ob band. LI(.L()RS. Tba boat quality af Liquon alwayi ta band, for medical iroTPbylrUni' rretcriptiona proraptiy and earorollv rcmpouo.led. Apri t. 1S. A. I. 6I1AW. NATCEE'S (.'RE AT RESTOREIL SCII I-. ET Z'fd Celebrated Bitter Cordial. rilHTfl TftfllrBl prrpumM'-o li inw piTt-rJ to X Iwif fiihlit s flU hi it urtitntt (uT lh mntiy worth!! rnmpondii wbirh no flod th nTkt. It it puraly Tfftl)l, eop4 of voriaua bur 1m, catborvd frnn tb ernmt tloro- boo no of DRtur, nd feletfd with tho at moot roro. It ii nut rwoimn-lc I n i Cine Ai l bat y t direct and Mltitiry inftu-nro npon iho lOort, Uvor, Kidntv, huag$, Ku)inrh oad or it Imth a preventno and cure for Ban? of the dineaiet to whirh tbfpo rrjrm aro ul'jeet It a reliahl Family Medtrino. and eaa be Uk by eithor to ton or ia)l itb the iao.0 biaotienl reraltt. Jt tt a oerUin, prtitnpt aod ppoed remedy for l-iirrhoa, tyi ontarv, P owl cotrtplgir-t, I'T'pfptia, Lnonea of Hpiriti. Fainttop", Htcktieadauihr. f-. r ChVt and frrpnf nil kinri. It li fnf Wttft and nfrr tli an any qninioo. wilhnnt any t it per niricna f fleet . It ereius aa appetito. provoo a p-.iwerful tl ir far, I'd will rounlerurt lliO efferfl of li. iti i r- w minutfi. Preparid b jAt on ftCllKKTZ, Solo rr.priet..r. N. H. ci-r. Fif'b and Rare HreeU., 1'biUdt Ijbia, Pa. vA by 11 Drurgitti. rioviz.ij Attention, AlTIicledl 1R ubtTirer gWei ft o tire ko bar ro'umcd tli nracttro of Jlfdiclr.e In Lutb- ombnrg. wtiero be Intrude) to devote hii attrn tic o to the trrMtnent of Ml it.. ML UJ.Arts to feneral Me will VeD bti lhnntl a choice ao rorilftD of TRl GSn M tl'IClNtS adnptod to the trratneat of fhronie direa'rt, and nay bo ton Malted at hit nco at any hour of the dny. K. B. A word to tbope afiliftrd with chf-mc diaeaaoa maybe to thrih attrnntnf . Mart at pfiy be aware that col BTiiT vioiana who do a ammo prartlre bare not tiwie to attend to tho treatment of ( Rn atr ditrara, ana rite qaeotly aFomrt Uetn ; berre tbii c)ai ol dil iao rtaairea ixn vnxt attention. OKoKflK M. D. tortbar(t. Feb. 27, lbPJ-U FOUTZ'S H.l.ttllAlKO Horse ni Cattle Fus,' Thi- trajratiri, Wr tuft fkWWiNf 7 bi okrii rt'.wrn airf liMttMl I' trrarihrniiii a tt cleanemK Ut atooiMt aikd lauvimr. giiVVi Jt I a plir- pi vrnn.rei -it 'n- rrt-!, (nr.,! tit t iM, nirti a 11 N(i f K V KB. ll.4Ht It1 VF1 !"W & TfcOl hi., t v ttMHi-r.., .tt I'i'J I il . A .' It M1AL tret tintvktk ami Uht ak in nwt 7, loioa&ae aiiJ n-tu-i uwm ttBW To kr-fp"" f rn! t' ii t'rrPr' It t. Mo. It ha- m '"o f r Bt",'iT"-iit l tiii-Eate t' e It i.f ip k and fr:ttn letilf it and mil" it "1 ta-r ti m anil re4i n fatfr'nf tmltrf. it firM th-m an er?-i'- Ioomb Ulr btoe, and aakra ti.aaUwltr awitii (ftbUf. Tn all dit"M ol -jIb. atirH at fonia ricr. la trH-,Hf.--.I.tT-r ke a--ti-f'i a a iirift Pr f i I i ftw hlf a i-r ot h"m-1 ' fir-H tkf rf ill -- iH t" rdt eul". ir rniirflr prMiu-d If jttrn tn ttaik. a r lin pTTe-ntive ai d cure twr M"? 'luirrtv, frfi PVriD C. lorTZ, Proprietor, RALTINOHB. Md Fnr .'. s. proaain. ao4 Slowkwoer. tftecaakowt tha t oio4 Mat., cabala, and SoulU Aatone for aale ky Hart.w.ek A Irwin, CleorfleM. anil V-y ftroretrta and akore keepere tliroucScnt the I nilcol state.. li-Ml -It Vegetables and Fish. T T AVIXtl ma le the "r", a a 'nf oTi'fvr-'BTTw.., ... .... , ... :jt::..u i m, .,ie... hl: .1-. .... a-iivll Flsll Se. Jlki. Pol T,,I'S. and all VMlkTAtll.l: In ao lew rate, a they ran ke Ii.,hbIi1 (t tho ear. P. R. t I rieartleld, Marcn J. 10 tf LI.KRTt'N. 13 CT the bHVOCRATIC ALMANAC. Only Maeatav Ktwfyovw aiold kare anec if ) la, . -. . . PRINCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2I, ISCO. THE ItEPUIJIdlCAN. CI.EARKIFI.I), PA. WKUNK.-DAT IIIIU.MMI, APRIL 51, ln btra usance in Expenditures. JOES IN THE STATE TREASURY. Expenses Greater Now than During the War. Radical Administration Dissected. Wprrrh of lion. Win. A. Wallace, In flic Heiiats of PriinaylTania, March H5lli, IKIIU, upon tbe Approprlatluti Hill. Tbe Senate beliiR in Commitleo of the Whole upon the Appropriation bill, aod tbo question heiiiit npon the aalarie.of the State Troaaurer and beaile or Do artmrnti Mr. WALLACE aaid : Mr. Chair- man, I lmve given pome examination tn. tind f ropurod Bomo figurcH upon thin qtifslion, as well lis upon tlio oilier prominent items of cxtruvujjant expenditure of the Sute governinent, and I tuny as well occupy tlm ntton- tion of t ho Semito now upon them, tib at ny other time. In my opinion, a reduction ol me current fxpcnucH of the Stntc govern ment is imperatively ueiniinueu, atiu as in order to do so, we must com mence aomewhere. 1 regard this as gond a point ufi ary other. 1 take up the Auilitor uencrni nun Sute Treaaurer's repot to fop 1Ho9 and iml), the three year prcee- dinrr the war, and contrast tho expen ditureH of the several deptirtmei.ts ao there shown, with the expenses or tho departments in 1X00,107 and IStiS, the three years since the war. Tho following Pxhtbit shows the contrast in the Slato Department : Tintr.R tears Bi:roRE Tne wah. iss. ins. isf,n. Gorornor SiMreiaryol t' uniiioiiw I.epul.. Clerk., A..... Contingent txpciiaia .. kt.imo l.rnn $1,00(1 raitli. I.7UU 1.TII0 1.700 7, tnO 7, Mill r.lUO ,r,"0 S.V.'i 1. 7WI Total 15.7110 lBJVk IS..MM Total three vear. before the Bur I7.IW.1 TIIRI.K YEARS bl.NCK T II K WAR. 1 SCC. IH17. lSf. OoTcmor t.'..4iKI f.'.oio f.' Sooretery of Uomtaonweallh.. S,!0 S.SOS I.M'O i '!.. L. I, tui la lul',0 Contingent eipuiacal'"!.'.'..." 1.124 Mi do' -1 Total 10.779 Bl,,1 37. ..II .1. I.. .... BUI Cta Miowing an a pgregato increase of $4;l,fctf0, or over UU per cent., in less thaii'tcn years. In lh.VJ and IStiO, there were seven clerks in this department, whilst in 100 there wcro ten clerks, and in 1G7 and 180S, thirteen clerks in each year. We next contrast the fignret in tho Auditor General's Department : TUItl-E TEAKS Bll'OItt Tilt WAR. lsis. i5. issn. Au.litor (leneral VI. mm fi'.oiio 12 .100 I'liik. anil Mrrarngrrs. 6,51 0 tin'O S.ll'O CnntinRenteip.Ba. 075 OoO 000 Tt.l 1 1.475 11,61'S 1 1 -t.iti Total throe yoara koluro tko war- $3l,K7.1 THIIER 1CAR8 fcl.NCE TIIR W AR. I'SS. 1"7, 1oS Auditor (Irneral 52.000 :.:I00 aj,;oo t'lerka and Mea.eiiK -rfc. Coutiugeut exico.ea IS. '.'00 in, too lIU.Iiil 1.SIKI 1.S00 1,000 Totnl 20,400 2I,.10S 21.400 Total three year, since the war., $li:l,ltMI Showing an increato of 8-8,835, or over KO per cent. In ISjS, lSdl) and IsOl), tliore were eight clerks in this department, whilst in liili there wore eleven, nnd in 1807 and !. there wero twelve. tie next contrast the flu urea in the Surveyor tieiioral's Dcnirlineiit. TIIUEK VkARS llLrtlllE TUK WAR. W,a. lrr,H. Sorrernr (leneral ..$1 BOO $1,(1110 fl,00 .. S,7oO S,7i0 7,1100 .. SI5 S12 7j6 Clerk and Mcairnper. Cniitmeent expen.ei Total 11.145 11,112 00.6 Total throe year, before the war Vl?.'1!? Til It IE Tk-ARS S1NCI Tilt WAR. sn. 1H07. ISA. Piirveror tle.neral f2.ll'0 12.5.0 f2.6nO I'lerka and Mean-aitor. 1V.500 20.000 2,0UU Contingeat eipeu.aa 1.200 1,300 1,700 Total 22,i'0 24.7HO 25.100 Total three ytare .itioe tbe war VTw.tHK) Showing an aggregato incrcaso of $ IO,:?"1. or over lj per cent. In I8;i8, ls.'.il and 18I(1, llmre were eight clerks in this department, whilst in 1 M(10 there wero fourteen, and in ISCiT and 108, there wore lilleen. Mr. I'osisri.l.. Was not a larce pail of that increase made while Mr l'urr, a Democrat, was at the bend of the oflb f f Mr Wai.I.acf.. I am looking to ml mil expenditures of the last three j'enrs when .Mr Hitrr was not in office. I do not desire to look nl theso figures as a partisan, but to on - svor lo attain the true standard of tHfinomy by tho contrast " 6 ll',tt contrast the figures in thei Attorney t.enerul s olliee : TflUt.K VkAHS Hl.roRI TDK WAR S,S. l5. ISM. Attorney Oeneral...t.'t.'10t 00 $.1,000 CO .',.0i,0 00 t'lerka 000 00 SOS Oil soo 00 776 00 87 50 476 On T-tal 4,7 00 s,HT Ml 4 ?7 5 on I Total three year. Oefore the war tl'i.StlT ftO THREE VtAltS SINCE THE WAR. ISM l-r.7. 1r,. Altorner Ocneral...f.M'0 on 500 no 3 6na 00 'Icka.. 1.6I' an J. 450 00 t.700 00 Cont i (re itev."l,c. ;odoo 2, ,02 00 2110 00 Ti.j A.7IM. 00 8.452 oo 6 4m. 00 Total Ikrne yaare e.neo ihe war eWLnAil IH Show ing nn increaso of 87,73't 50, or over 00 per cent. Wo next contrt the figures in the Adjutant (isneritl's Department: TIJRl.E TKARS III four. THE WAR. ls;,a. s ,w, 1800. A Ijutant llearrol '00 8o0 I811O I'lerka t ouLineal ripruae... 3..0 a.M.' Total 6' I lotal titree year. Ih-Ioo. the war... 800 ...1.1,111 j yrA,, ttsrt Tr WAp !'. . ." ? 50.1 C!erk y.stn 6 ono 8 ono t ! '"-""rent etp.o.c 1,86(1 Ll.SnS 1 Ili.hnrment. a El-oftSeio 1'aya.aator... 1 5,888 a..... .... . ... i ,o,a mi . Total U.IM yeara eiae tbe war n.i!!; Showing ao aggrtigatfl' lucmse I V NOT MEN. ?71,.fil!l. The cniitinirenl oxieiirs ol 1sil7 ami lsi'.K ineludu tlio cxpoiihes ol the Slato llistorinii. This is nn t'lioriiiiiiis Increiiso, rind is en'.ircly iitiwnrriintcd by tho neees. silii s of tlio ofliiHi. Tho result of these figures is shown by the following RECAPITt'LATION. Il.'.ll. ISfiO. Tolol. Hlatr Urp't flS.Tufl tlS.r.'i JH.wm 47.KI:i Auclilor'a 11.47;. II.jOU II. null IU.L,7.'i Suncvur-. 11,11') 11.112 .MJ 3.?l? Allorm-TOrncrnl l.lU.I S.H7 i.'.'li 12. "17 Adjutant t.tneiul k0 b S"0 1.760 ISSft. IMI7. l'l. Total. Stale Ilcp't tilt,S7S .H75 S5.4i.i tf.'J 1,17ft Auditor'. ao.ioo 21.MII Sl.ldll 11.1,100 Snrvrvor'. -''" 21.7011") 7?.H0(i AlKirnovOenoral 6.7H0 S.4.'i2 S.ton sii.JM A'ljuUlil Urncrul J(i,ultl 2j.6ll(l Stl,S:i'J tu.i'JII tlranil T..lul lift" and I Rllll...l'JH.3,7tt " lvin. inland isns... ajti.ivti lncrB"ed oo.l to tlm pruplo IHM,3'it 1 now come to the snhjrct of the specific amendment offered to this Bcclinn. 'J'ho Rtuto Treasurer, instoad of needing nn increase of salary, should ho required to account liir his Ill-gotten gains. He has held the best office in the State. The use of tho funds of tho Treasury has grown to no un uhuse, and common lame tells us Unit largo sums change hands in securing the pluco and tho perquisites of this poorly salaried office. In tho light of that common fame as to the use of tho moneys of the State, let us look at the fuels shown by tho report for tho past two years : By the report of the Slate Treasur er for tho year ending Dcccnihar 1st, 1SC7, it is demonstrated that the worthy gentleman who occupied tho place hud in his hands, (luring nil of that veer, nn avtrngt monthly balance o t?M"f 8.J14. With tho natural ca pacity of a smart financier it is rea sonable to suppose that at least one half of this could be r?i,ii" to pay, and if it was, at the moderate rule of six per cent., tho net profits for that year would bo about jjR'i ,""o. Jui por cent, would net satisfy ono who could as readily command ten, and it is lair to presume that that year net ted to the incumbent of the Treasury at lent $175,000. This, too, upou one-half of the actual average balance, whilst the remaining hall could be conveniently left on deposit with fa vorite banks, or banks controlled by men who helped to elect the Treas urer. Last year was not bo lucrative in its iiick'inL's, for by the report laid npon our desks for the year ending December 1 fft. 1 Ht;,Di is found that the average monthly balance in the hands . ,. c. . r..- .,.. . ; at 111 IIIU i-tillO lll-4rilivi low """J - - ; " ' Y " IQ lltl lit l M 'II H HO". "V .....v half thereof, at six per cent., yields a nett revenue of about 80!i,0(l, whilst at ten per cent, it will only yield ?ll.rV'l50. These things nnd their financial de tails are well understood by the poli ticians who seek and enjoy this otlieo, and it is time a remedy was applied to stop tho two evils consequent upon l the present system ; the one the loss ! to the State artl gain to her oflicers i from a contraband source; the other tlio inevitable corruption conse. I rjuciil npon a scramble lor su lucrative a place. 1 now propose to examine a subject directly connected with tho pickings of the Treasury and ad'ecling the public debt and the yearly expendi tures of the government. I mean, sir, the subject of thejlonn of 1107 to fund the debt of the Commonwealth. That loan originated in tho Treasury. Il was proposed under the specious pre textof lilting our overdue debt and of fixing it so its to meet it at malurity. The net fortbot pnrjiose was approved February 2, 1807, and r'f increased the rate rf ivt,rent upon the v hole of our delit from fire to sir per ernt. Let its look us look nt it in its practical re sults and as bearing upon the finances ol the Commonwealth and the interest she must pav nnd the loss she has already sustained : . ,r. .r whole debt waa.. ..J.15,8:l.O.',J rpon tin. an annual wal tiay- ,1,1c o! 1,I07,1.H On the lint of Ilcceu ber, lsol, our whole deht w J,J8.4 toon thi. an anaiial intereat wm nay. ahleof 1.001,100 Thus showing that under this ar rangement, alter wo have paid 82,. .";!."), 1 1 ifi.of the Stulo debt, the State it compelled to pity 8'14,0(',3 more inter est than alio did the year beloro ils passage, w hich is equal to an increase in the debt ol neatly two millions. In the year ending December 1 ft , sr,0, being ihe yenr preceding the change nf the law, the amount of in teres! actually paid upon the debt was 81,M'2,li.r. In 1MG7, the year niter Iht' change, th.i whole amount of in terest paid was 82,257 .(HIS. In 1801, the whole amount ol interest paid was j el ,,- . ,L ;n totnl of interest 1 j'. ,' nn" 1S(;s f f t.v'i r,j:( wore than we w ould have had tn pay i .' tt,e In if hmt tiof hern rh tinned. num ,li)f ir, ,,,f jrh1 in (,,rr vrr W (, ,)1T0 arf,a,,v ,een tl nit we paid in those years 82.11:15.11111 of public debt If one-half of this w as paid in D'07 and the temiiitidcr in ls08, the inter est thereon is equal to 8175,05", which is to be added to the former sum. To these ilems is lo be ndiled the cost nf placing tho new loan, viz : Sundry of Slate Trea.nror ",700 Lngr.f ine; and printma: homt. .,,, l.r.ner.' and Meclianina' .eriice. Rank lor 12.000 Admitting paid 71 .'.104 Totnl coat of l.t.eiriK new loan... -O.'Of Inteie.t paid in 15117 anil ls8S more tlinn In isf.ii , II.'.I.SH I nlere.1 no delit paid In IboM year. Io.l lo tlio Stale at tive per cent 176.050 Total o..k paid by Rtato hy teaaon f the new loan 1717,18V To this sum total of cash paid is to be added the nrniial increuse of inter est of ono per ft lit., and the amount Ihcrcol may be csHmaled by lemem benii" thai lor litis year It w iiiatuouiii I to aiore than thie hundred and thirty ' thousand dollars. It will bo seen from these figures .. . . .1 l.nd l...nn n,...ln Ilk till.' mio i tiiat tne .-line m.a . i v f unity largely, m orner to na.r in mods of her Treasurer (or 1M17 an averacd monllilv bah. nee ol SI!,.') ''2 .214 - o , .r I 1 Oc and in thoso ol the I reasurcr lor leu of! 82,307,000.' Over f 71,000 wore paid for adveriising this loan as 1 have already said, ami the sums paiti and papers employed aro given in tho fol lowing statement ; Advertising new State, Loan as thown til State Treasurer! Jte'Orts of ls(i7-H. 18C7 Total. London Timet New York llernl.l .... New 1 nrk 'I itne. New York World New York Triliuiic... tVn.liiligtoli Clirnn.. Philu. 1'reM I'hila. Lel?er I'llllu. llullelin I'hila. lti'i'iiier I'hila. N. AniericMn. $739 8' il.xsl fill: 1. 11112 M.: l.ll.'.S (I'l su i; 4t.S Oo' $7- IIS l.ssl (Id 1 ,0.',2 ."? l,o;.s C7 Sit 4'l tn.'i oo 4.1 Tl J,'."lll 7H2.SI" U. 1,1,011 nn Ji:i eul S.l.i: 7o i.iuu Hi : 1,7 io o .1,750 00 2.1) I n 90 l,S2 Ol 2,:t2" W l.(.'l II I.C'l Oil S.0I2 00 i.:iti:i 75 4.S00 50 377 00 1 ,f,;o oo 737 20 Mill 0(1 12U 30 lll'll 11(1 S5 00 PI, Ku. Ilcrolit. i. si 1 sos I'liila. l'.vo. Tclrirrapl I 3,200 loi.l.fiPW lit I'hilu. Krruiug Mur.. S77 00 IMiiln. l'ot ft. i in. City (to I'hila. Lx. A Review.. !'hilu. l.(;:il Intel I'hilu. Com. Li.t I'hila. H. II. ( i'liila. 11. K. (.ui,le.. I'hilu. Nco. I'hilu. Free l'rc" I'liila. Mima? ReK-.-I'hilu. DullnrWeeklv I'liila. Suii-Trniiccilp! I'hila. Sua'li'V Tilm. Phil. Hun. Mercury.. I'liila. hun. Lil.ialcb.. I'liila. Asrc SolilierVW.Mci..eiif5ei (icrtnatl Democrat-.... r''e Friend.... !l,fl'o in 241 M in 0 Veil Oil' 400 in 43 Jo! .' 51 Sin ooj 570 01 Ki on! H 01 j ' I" JOS SO 2.2V7 It S.i.'l 01 2.2SI SI 670 00 630 00 07S U'J 63S 50 005 61 702 0 3,000 0 .110 05 (1.14 60 3s2 60 252 00 107 CO 926 00 10 20 00 00 (iS2 60 I .ft'.tu 31 67Oi I 6.10 01 Ifll M'j SI7 4! 107 Hi 429 01 4S2 b I 611 OH 270 SO l,4l 4('il,i(i7 60; .1111 f.:l4 oj JS2 611! 2i2 00, - Hume Woekly ... Oermant'n Telegraph 67 60 140 00 I 925 On . otterlnnil. Irfibieh Patriot Irauklin Itepii.ilur.r.. Ilurri.h'i Ti.eiriiph.. It So on (ill .. .'.:i(l 00 7.2IS 40 7,540 10 Hurrirl,'ft P. A t'nion 7 HO 00 I, SHI 41' ! ll 40 llarri.b'g Stototluanl l'lltfburg tiaaetU'.... I'itt.bur); I'o.t Pltl.liurjE I'i.pateh... i'ltt.liurg Commercial Pitt. burg Chronicle... Pittxliurg Leader Pitt.hurit Republic. .. Volkrhhu... Pitt .burs Sat. NiahL. , I1.S40 Ooj 1,640 00 775 Oil! 050 0o 1,715 Oil C3) 00! 635 60 100 Ollj 471 45l 714 On S5I OH Jlill 00 S31 60 112 Ooj 550 OO S01 Oil! 144 50 1S6 00 2co on...... , 25 I'O l.lk0 50 SOS 45 1.0116 00 Cl 60 SiiO 00 1,03J 60 2-6 00 200 00 2-5 00 I'ltteh'g Kepublieuuer Total 171.004 4 I now address myself to an exami nation of the debt as it stood in 8(i0, and as it stands now ; to the amounts received in the Treasury during tho years since, aod to the expenses of the government lor mo same iimo. Our investigation into tho subject of our liabilities then and nowjot our expenditures in the process of time, nnd of the total assets received, will show us whither wo aro tending and the necessity for stopping tha leaks. Tho official statement shows tho debt now to bo ?;iJ,2sti,K4G. On the 1st of Decoinbcr,180il,it wss8n7,!fi7,. 847. show int: a decrease of 11,070,001 in nino years. Now let us seo whnt money has irono into the Treasury during those years, and how the ex. iienseM have increased year by year This statement shows the whole debt, commencing Dec. 1st, 1800, and end Dec. 1st, IHOS: Whole amount received in Troaaury in 1SI 7,424.051 isnj 5,211,747 ism 4.VS0.451 1M,I - 4.7X.1..1I.1 iiij .:io.oo I son 6,s2,f.r, 1807 12J.3H looS "... 6.210,040 Total receipt, from 1S81 to lfic 4.y,46,506 By it we sec that ro have received $45,a4C,MJf. Tie next question is, where have theso millions gone'. What hits become of these vast reuources T Mr. ErtRKT?. Does the amount of the puli'ic debt which the Senator has given for 1 SGI , include the three mil lion wnr loon ? Mr Wallace. No st. It did not come into the report of tho debt until 18f,, and I gave tbe amount of the debt on Dec. 1st, fliO. Mr. Ehrvtt. Tho Senator takes tho siatement ol tho debt before the wnr loan Jwns concluded, leaving out of the calculation tho war loan which w added to the debt in 100. Mr. Wallace.. No, it was added in 1X01. I will treat this subject fairly. 1 It will not answer my purpose ta treat j it unfairly, nnd therelorc I have pre I pared this Mntemcnt which I think Hie senator win auom puowo ion .mm ns they exist, and fully accounts for the military loan ho speaks of. Vfirff Debt from 101 to 10(1, irith the amounts of Interest paid thereon. Year. ISfO..., 101.... W,2.. lss:i., 184..., IS0.S..., Illli.... 1S',7.... ISCS.,.. Ain't oMcnt Intore.tpd. , . 7,0'i7.47 l.0.'7.l.r.:' 40.iMi.OA 40.44S.2U S9,toi',:'06 .19..17r.Bi'J J7.4To.25S S...l',22.l...3 M4.7SS4.11 .1,2S,!I4 1.017 808 2.2i ,8. ..05 i 2.or,7.74S j f.4:t:..o78 1,004, 80 1. SO.'. 105 2.2.-7,"8:i 1,7B.8H0 Whul. amoonl of intereat paid Ms,878,3jO Piir,rrneo between debt ia IStlt and In li-SS t4,7O,O0i Add net proceed, of military loan of IS6I...... I.820.T60 Whole amount of deht paid 17.401,061 From tht. aura mti.t lie deducted tho amount, raeeired from the t. fi. Oo. rerninent. : lhn la IS'.l .... 1SC2 .... itrt .... ,. 805.740 ,. 887,074 1.878.S14 Net amonnt of deld paid Add aaniont of inlere.t paid.... . .'.,8t2. ls.CTS, !.. R hole am i n." debt and intereat paid, a4.S'..l , 1 VC Deduct this sum from the whole sum received, and we find that 821, 055,::;'l' have gono in those veins to somo other purpose's than payment ol debt and interest. I now trace tho expenses of the Slate government throtmh the same years, lind them as billows : For the Tear endint Peeemhor 1, last, Ihcy were S02, " 4is.so4 4.8.4 i-f. I, I s.15, IS88; sil7, lsilv 800.021 , r.ii .ie.a Si'.s.Oi'O SH7.'-7S S46,5.'I0 Total rtpen.e. of (Internment For the year endiny Percnber 1 sr.s, they were 1 '" 188 1, " ...4.942,868 .. .."!!'. " .... 40H.01'7 .... 4 ''1.883 Now Senators, il is to the last three years, 100, 1-07 and 1808, J spotia ly "desire to call attention ; theso expen ses have increacd cnorinoualy and nre increasing. AH admit thai during the war these expenses wutild necessarily increase, but can there be any reason w hy ihey should ba nearly lilty pet cent, greater now, wnen gold is iaj than they were in 1864, when it was CAN. TERMS-$2 per annum, in Advance. NEWSEUIES-YOL. O.NO. 80. over "I 0, This is one of tho Icadiu f.iels to which I liavo desired to tall tho attention of Senators. These ex penes aro greater for tho past I h roe years than they wero tlurini; three years of tho war, and they increase from year to year continually. Thty arc greater in than they wore in sii7, prealcr in than they were in l8liii, and greater in l"(itl than they were in 1 80.'. This is a startling truth, and to its reform il is our iiniative duly to address ourselves, not as par tisans, but ns tho guardians of the interests of tho Stale. Can there he any reason for it. save tho truth of the assertion that men who once obtain pow or will not relinquish it f Democrats- as well as ltepublicutts seek for power, and will maintain it when possessed of it. I reeognizo the dif ficulty that surrounds the dominant party in cITecling this retrenchment, hut tha responsibility is upon thorn nnd to this they must devote them selves, nnd in every legitimate effort in that direction they shall have, my aid find my vote. This is an enor mous excrescence and it 6hould bo re moved. There is no reason why the expenses of 1808 bbould bo II45.G51 moro than in 18'8. It is an increaso of moro than 1 10 per cent. Our Legislative expenses have more than doubled since 100. The expen ses ol the Senate exclusive of the pay of Senators and Committees in the last year were 800,500, whilst in 1800 they wero $25,1)83, shewing an in crease of more than 133 per cent, or 834.517- Tho expenses of the house exclusive of thcpity of members and committees lust j ear were tizu.uiH, wiiiisi in ibou they were 844,700, ahowingan increase of moro than H80 percent, or 870,089 The aggregate increase npoD these two items alone, is 8115,810. These expenses have grown to be frightlul, and I have carefully item ised the whole subject as for.nd in the Treasurer's report since 1858. It shows the following state of facts: SENATE. s 5 1 .1 hi w a ? - - - ir t i ; ! 'S! i. .1? I a A, n E ? TEAR- li ? ? i! rif 1S5S IS6 isno lBl. 1SC2 IsM 1SC4 Ifi5 S(1S 1SS7 Isrts 14' 7,0J il lij 11.105 S3 151 10.010 10 70 II, ISO 70 30 l'.'.07S 58 is! I0.25T 65 II 18.114 75 14 .26! l'.'.osl f.5 in .20' zn... io aa is :,.5:4 14 is mj 4,7s so By this it will bo neen tbat the to tal number of officers of the Senate have doubled, and that their coot to the Stato is five fold what it was 4in 185. The Tlonse is much worse: UOISK OF REPR THEN S ATI VKS. IT -4 i ; . .a. a- . si 5 . ' e. s , 5 V m n ; 1 ! t il i j I k, 4i t'.J 6 , 1... ! 2 ... IS.'.S! Si lSi; I 1K0II J i 1S021 S sf,4 .1 iss.s1 s! 11116 lso;J .t lir.i s 26(13,611 SO. i4 I4.s:il 05 is.: s' !h t0.5SS S6 41 Sl.lioks. 140 J:l.2IS0o !52 J1.JS7 7 ;:i7' SS.470 I 0 S120.701 51 s '4 40 mm 15 I 15 1 l 2 22, i 'j . , 1 is 2 21, 2 HI 2 48 i,no7 68 Ii'!m 1" ' 2.66 85 80,473 SO 4.804 05 ll,045 10 Ik 164 M.7-tS 45 10 ISA, 01.1 10 01 22 0j! 81.575 70 From this it is seen that tho total number of officers have neurly quad rupled, and tho cost thereof to the Slato has increased nioro than six times in ton years. Jn 185R, 1859 and 1800 these officers cost tho Slate 875,801, whilst in 1806, 1X07 and 18011 they cost it 1294,112, showing a tolal increase to the people of 8218,811. Here wo find an alarming increase si ice tho war. In tho last year of the war, thirty-seven employees were enongh for tho House, whilst in 18G8 it required ninety-two to serve them. Theso fuels are deduced from the Hreord, and I lay Ihcm bare that we mny apply the necessary remedy and lop off tne extravagance. These cur rent expenses fun be reduced, and it only requires a face of flint by the party in power againFt these increas es, and they tci7 bp reduced. An inquiry into the subject of the eost of the public printing develops a frightful increase in its proportions : In 1"0 ite total coat waa fSf.841 ts8i - - ;.s isnj " lif,S " " 14 " " " S8S w " . .. i.i.a 8f7 14 ,.......... 1X88 " " The cost of this item to the in 1S0S is nearly 450 per cent I?'??. S8.0H3 0H.305 101.704 13..13S State more than it was in 1800, and its aggregate iiiciease is 8104,827. Here, too, wc tind a rapid increaso since the years ol tho war. To meet these constantlyincrensing expenses, it has been heretofore lotind necesmry to attempt to divert the re sources which now go into tho Sink ing Fund from the payment of the public debt, and apply a portion of them to tho payment of current ex- penses. i comnuiicu tm j.-.'nnnn... in two past sessions with sutd-ss, and lmn elnd to know that tho I inun;c Commillee have coneiuueu inai 11, is not necessary Uj nltempt at this ses sion to take any of these funds from the titirnose to w hieh thev have been PMiicssly pledged. The Jtevonuvs of 1 I... re,. e . tho Comiiinnwettlth that flow into vour hands with such an uneciisirig stream, are given to us in trust to de vote1 Ihein to the reltof of the proplc fiorn their indeblodiicss. Whilst il is true vhot no direct tax is placed upon their real estate t meet these enor mous outlays, il is also trim that every industrial nnd manufacturing intete-it in tho Slato complains of tho oppressive taxation we aro ootnpellvd to iniposo. This interest ought lo be the prido of the Commonwealth, and we should foster it by every tnoaqs in i pn i - i r.ltHM lihrqrrlt'it bo pt l P'lt fekl p ttl"K U In l' ' an f! Iti ' frisrinr'f"'rii ft t (! 1 tnon. and to ntia t "! " I'l.C lhfn ft '1 tn oil tliO I er h its wo t on L f. ff eslt llirt ihnin, ttr rntial j.n j- lb rb l t rf lbs t 'i. minnow enlih. We fsn tidy f'V ilin! nrbl by cunldinu cnrnaets w nn j. olotia raff, by applying !' kmle to liir rim i tiinne. bitn lint 'one lirtpert eptib'y rrepl tipon na, and by devoting ttu-v avail tbi dob 1 ir to iia ttrtm loin. cnllis ahull .1 loci 111 enlllplialx 'I. the C'flerS ol the bliile will lie filled by sir sdy sire-tin of revenue, jiehltd by its. mnnili ll soiircis wilb tsac nnd cotiir fori, and not as now, with r,ha.itipu. or compulsion. It will then be Ia our power to aid, wilh free hand, in tho Uevelopmniil of the wonderful re. ourc(s of our great CotnmonwcMllli to as-ist, wMli niuiiificcnt gi'ls, the vducn'icn and inte'ileitual advanco tntstit of our peoiilc. and to endow with liberality tho charities of the State. TLut Slate is best govorned wliiuli is least trovcrpcd Local self-rule ia tho very essence of freedom. It can l.esl bo attained by tho machinery of tho State being so uri.ingcd ns to dis pense with tht. necessity for its rule iieing felt. Thai etui not bo done wh'jn tt largo debt exists and the rie ceshity for its payment and for prto ving for mooting its interest ia contin ually present. To be enabled to gov ern w ith bencficontiulti, we must pay our debt. Via can only dt so by econoutir-ing our resources and by relicnching our expenditures. Tbo Slato i9 not created for the fcOlo pur. poso of finding places lor paiti-ana either of tho ono political party or the other: its truo mission is a fup higher and more ennobling one. To Unit mission il should ho oar. consuiiit aim to turn its course., and one ol tho first steps in that direction is to concentrate our efforts to stop tho shnmeful increase of our expendi tures, as shown by the accounts of tho lust three years. Josh Billings a Eeal Estate Agent I can sell for eighteen hundred and thirty nine dollars, a pullas, a neet and pensive retirement, lokulcd on the virgin bunks of the Hudson, contain-, ing 85 nkers. Tho land is luxuriantly divided by tbo hand of nalur and art into pustur nnd tillage, into plane nnd deklivity, into stern abruptness, and the bally anee of moss-turfted medder; stream ofsiii-iklinguladnossfthick with trout) danso thro this wilderness of buty ta the low music of tho kricket and grn hopper. The evergreen sighs as the, evening rcpliyr flirts thro ils shadowy buzznm, and ihe serpent trembles like trie luv smittcn hart of a damsel. Fruits of the tropiks iu gulden bu'y melt on 'he bows, and the beze go heavy and sweet front tho fields tq their garnering hives. The manshun is of Tarian marblo, the pouch is a singcl diinond set with rubier and mother of jtenrhs ; the Soars aro of rosewood, and the ccllins aro more butiful than the Horry vault of heaven. Hot and cold water squirts arid bubbles in every apartment, and nothing is wanting that a poet cud pn fur or art cud ourtra. Tbe slablcsiirc worthy of the steeds of Nimrod or ihe studs of Akilles, and I . , .... 1 c , - l. i ( nciicrv won tnii c.ij.reon.j . binds uf rarodisc, w bilo eotnlior in the distance, liko tho kave of & hermit, glimpses are caught of tliedorg-heuse. Here poets have cum and warbled their lays ; here bkulptor have fckulpl; hero painters robbed tho Scene of dreary landscapes, and here tho fil . sofer dikkorered Ihe studdy which) outdo hira the alcbimist of nalur. Next northward tf this thing of butv sleeps the reoidence and domaia of riike John Smith; while south ward, and nearer ibe spice breathing tropil;, may bu seen the villy nf the Fail Browp and Duchess Widdy Bet sey Stevens. Walls of primitiff rock, luid in To man semcnt, bound the estate, whilo ,lnW,rd and downward the eye ctitcbcs ' ''"r wav the mtigcsty ami grandcaur lof the rttidson. As tho young morn j hangs like a cnrlen of silver from tha ' breast of the ski, nn angel may I . . .--. : :.l. I.J.. e seen eacn tine uausin,; wuu uiuet, tiptoes on the green. N. B. This angel goes with the place. Gtn.7r!tms ran be seen at the pffiss of the broker. Turms flotlerinf;. 'ltn but prinsipeis deHlt with. Title as pure as the breath of a while mail infant, nnd posscssioa given wilb the lark. For more fu'l desoriplion, read Ovid's art of luv.or kali tin yenr car. rig)on Jotth. Billings, real oslalo agent. "Sam, did did you (bio) see any thing of my wife V "I havs not tbo honor of knowing your wife, air." Don't apologize, Sam, dont apo apo hie! litrir.e. I-i-it's no honor, w hatever. Didn't see ber T" "1 did not." 'How yer know yrr didn't! Bhe she's as tall as a (hit ) mcetin' house and broad ns a lamp post, a and sbe wears a ginuum umhcrrellcr and one ryo out, and (,hic) her nose was done up in apsir of specs. Didn't seo her!" "No, sir!" (emphatically.) "That's all right, Sam. that' al) right. M-m-mercly asked frinfamay Miun She, (bic) she said she wa goin' t. join a Sory-ory-sia, and if she docs I mean to get slavia' blind drank. Wouldn't J014 f Nothing Is more easy than to rrow rich. It is only to trust nnhody j to bclriend none j to get everything and save all we gel ; to stint ourselves and everybody belonging to us 1 to be the friend of no man, and have no man tor our friend ; to heap interest, cent upon cent ; to be moan, miserable and despised, for some twenty or thirty yemw riches will come as sure as dis ease and disappointment. 'Tray, excuse mo," said tt well dressed young man to a young lady in the second tier of boxes tit the theatre, "I wish to go up stairs and get some refreshments, don't leave your scat." A sailor scaled in the box near his sweetheart, and disposed to do tbe same thing, rose and said ; , . . tf -fc. t..ll f 1 .. ft . - . 4 liars..', -.inn, i in iro't'K ,,mli u va my whistle ; don't full ovprboard when l in gone." Prefer solid souse to wit: never study to be diverting without being useful ; let no jest Intrude upon your good manners, nor soy anytbinc that may offend modesty or heedlessly hurl the feelings of uiol)ier. Tnis M.n "Hoy, what's that bnn. gry looking dog following nie for !" Insulting Bov "He LbiDaU you are iJ Wt; I recoQ f