THK r -- " " (1 UN! il l l, 1 V I liVKM'tV M"I.M, APRIL H, lf Wlsom do Great Mon M.utt? Womon, of e.ittrno. Hut tlicy aliow t!io mim- tiitrreily "I lnti- ll t ia neon in Inwor rank a, en.t on tl.i w Ix.lo make worw nnM;.kv Tli.'V, however, hflw the nnine cenw ill rlnxtsins wivea itml llioyhliow in manniiijj oilier ihoiIc'k aflmrit, wliciluT iv lo pomi or Jloin rl Hums married farm pirl with whom lie foil in lore while (iicy worked tiipellior in tlio plow field, lie, loo, wan irregular in li in life, and committed the mott auriotia militates in rnntluelinr? liin domestic afl'uir?. Millon inarric.l llio daughter of a country Kjuirc, but lived wilh her but a cliort time. 1K was an aiiKtcrc, iactin, litorary recluse ; while she was a rot-y, romping country lass that could not endure tho restraint imposed upon her, M thoy separated. Subse quently, however, ho returned, and they lived tolerably happy. Queen Victoria and i'nnco Albert wero couniim, and about tho only 3taniple in tbo long lino of English monarchs wherein the marital vows were sacredly observed and sincere affection existed. Shakripeare loved and wed a farm er's daughter. She was faithful to her vows, but we could hardly say the same for the great bard himself. Like most of the great poets, he show ed too little discrimination in bestow ing bis affection on the other sex. Byron married Miss Millbank to get money to pay hie debts. It turned out a bad Bliitt. Bonjamin Franklin married the girl who stood in her father's door and laughed at him as he wandered through the streets ot Philadelphia, with rolls of bread under his arms and bis pock ets filled with dirty clothes. She had occasion to be happy when she found herself tho wile of such a great and ijood man. Washington married a widow with two children. It is enough to say of her that she was worthy or him, and that tbey lived as married folks Bhould, in perfect harmony. John Adams married the daughter of Presbyterian clergyman. Her father objected, on account of John's being a lawyer ; he had a bad opinion of the morals of the profession. Thomas Jefferson married Mrs. Mar tha Skelton, a childless widow, but she brought him a large fortune in real estate. AfWtheceremonyshetnount d the horso behind him and they rode home together. It was late in the evening, aud they found the fire out But the greatstatesman bustled around and rebuilt it, while she seized the broom and soon put things in order. It is needless to wiy that they were happy, though Jefferson died a poor man, on account of his extreme liber ality and hospitality. John Howard, the great philanthro pist, married his nurse. She was alto pother beneath him in social life and intellectual capacity, and besides this, was fifty-two years old whilo he was iut twenty-five. Ho would not take "So" for an answer, and they were married, and lived happily together until ber death, which occurred two rears afterward. Peter the Great, of Ilussia, married a peasant girl. She made an excel lent wife and sagacious empress. Humboldt married a poor girl be cause he loved her. Of course they were happy. It is not generally known i'uat Ao drew Jackson married a lady whose Lufehand was still living. She was an uneducated but amiable woman, and was devotedly attached to the old warrior and statesman. John C. Calhonn married his cousin, nd their children fortunately were neither diseased nor idiotic, but they do not evince, the talent of the gnat "States' RiehU" advocate. Edward Lytton Bulwer, the English novelist, married a girl r.nch his infe rior in position, and got a shrew for a wife. She is now insane. A young roan, poor and dejected, stood watching some anglers on the hank of a stream. At length, ap proaching a basket well filled with tiUh. he sighed, "If I now had these I would he happy. I could sell them at a fair price and buy me food and lodging." "I will give yon a good," said the owner, who chanced to overhear . bis words, 'if von will do me a triflinc favor." 6 "And what h that!" asked the other eagoxlr. "Only tend" this line till I come back, I wish to go on a short errand." The prvpnal was gladly accepted. The old, fisherman was gone so long thnt the young man began to be im patient. Meanwhile, however, the hungry fih snapped greedily at the failed hoik, and the young man lost his depression in the excitement pull ing them in, and when the owner of the line returned he bad caught a large Dumber. Counting out from them as many as were in the basket and pre senting them to the young man, the old fisherman said, "1 fulfil my promise for Ibc fish you nave caught, to teach you that when ever you see others earning what you need, to waste no time in fruitless wishes, but to cast a line forysursclf." "We can always tell what sort of a woman a man marries by the way he treats the printer. If he pets a com mon wife he forgets the printer alto gether. If he gels a tolerably good wife, he will send in the notice of his riurringe. If he gets a verv good one, he will s.-nd the printer a alii-e of cake accompanying the notice. If ho get an extra cn,d one, he will send a greenback with the notice. And if be g'-ts a glorious angelic creature aii !!'' lion and goodness be it sure to end the printers gold or silver dollar w 'lb the t)tT 0f luppin yy good ,fe allows her busLand to owe y '" PT,lr, and if their worse hall O'K-s not Mttnd to these things, it is a clear case of deception; because a matnhat r,.'f pliv . , rjU deceive his wife, ,,d we have our opin '" ofsuch.-for.Bjfa, ( ya.) T,!(S A Straxui Mltakr A couple in t JWii in Massachusetts rccenl'y bad sn anniversary weddingpartv with .i h s laige gatherin2 of tlicir'friends V'St the t-.n hall had to be nsed for ; .", .M?-.rB- KvfT?",,lin IT. - I "f ,be r0".'le hsppen d " t ..... l.,M day Vv were 7n ; C c i''vf,,n-v w" i" b annnersaryof,.,,,,, , agednH.l,er,d.a..h: Tbev i.aj co.-,tikiioili-v-jc ni,s , V W. , f . e--.ifci al v. I f. mi A wit, $ H 1. 1.. s4 ,1'tt.i . V oh rt.t ., S.n t tt..M . f ill Im.cH .'I4 ll -'04 n lr. ! II ln4'li lit f-"''- '1 lit- Uuiii Kt Miltif , if Isefli. lmws Wili n tv.p. : V lnui;. Ml Am : wiftnorj Imiv, rnf fsr, tK Imitirh ni IV ftilnr ,l t A Jm Nnritk nnr hfttrt U 4i l luru. Ol ! Ihsl t( IV.. r..iai lr SI f'-r .! Hf fur,. ,.r nnihii f h. sthI 111. Fri m lit 'ul f th frsrtnl : Sil iti.wn. F'i'Ml lillnw; bit lirt in lliine. Fur I liwd mlrtin. rr4 nur lit) I rsrr lor ttulbinK I trr Ml. In rrrrr cilr my en I qnaff. And over oiy injunr 1 riui anil l.uj;h. I lnfh lik in nil and wst; I lau-h ia Ih rharrb anil 1 UuD at tl.e grarrs I lanh at jnr, and tl I kt.ow Thai I nrri!v, nrrrtlj lauf;h at woe. T terriM latich, vilh an oath and nr, Wht-a I lb. nk that the bour of d.'alh . nrar. For I know that drath ia a tiiat dirin. Who ball drink mj blood aa 1 drink thif wind And ba rarr fnr nothinir : a kinj ii h! Ouma on, old M!i-w, and dnnk with nc With tho I will drink tn th fotrmn, Though tlia rup thai I draia will be the ImC I will drink to tbe phantom of lore and faith I To rw.oed Manhood and wa'tod yoalh. I will drink lo the woman who wrought fay woa, Io th dtaotond morning of long ago. To a heavenl faee in aweet reno, T.) the U1U ' imow and the blood of tbe rote. To tba irilendor caught from orient even, Tlial thrilled ia the dark of ber bazei erea. Her largo area wild with the fire of the Month, And tba dew wine of ber warm red taoaLb, I will drink to tba abadow of coming doom ; To tbe fibantomt that watt in my lonely tomb t I will drink my aoal in IU terrible mood. Dimly aud aormwtglly wodcratood. And lat of all to the monarch of vin. W bo baa conquered that palaoe and reigni witbia- My aong I pairing it diea away I I eannot teli ia it eight or day I My heart i barnt and blackened with paiu, And a horrible darkneca enubea my brain. I eannot aee yon th end ic nigh Bat we'll magh together before we dia. Through awful ehama I plunge and fall; Your band, good fellow ; I die ; tbat'i all ! Nebraska Life, A citizen of Nebraska thus answers an Eastern correspondent who wrote a variety of questions as to the terri tory and life there : , " bat kind of a country do you live in J" Mixed and extensive. It is maile up principally of and and water. " hat kind ol weather f Lon?siellsoi weather are freonenL Our sunshine comes off principally in the day time. "Have too plenty of water; and bow got J1' A rood deal of water scattered about, and got principally in pails and whisky. "Is it bardr Rather bo. when vou'va trot to 10 half a mile and then wade in mud knee deep to get it. "What kind of buildings ?" Allegoric, Ionic, ami baloric, log and slabs. Tbe buildings are i l.ieflv out of doors, and so low between joints tl. at the chimneys all stick out through the roof. "What kind of society f" Good, bad. hateful, indifferent, and mixed. "Any aristocracy V Nary one. "What do your people do for a liv ing mostly V .Some work, some lare around, one's a shrewd business manager, and sev eral drink whisky. "Is it cheap living there V Only five cents a gUss and the wa ter thrown in. "Any taste for music V Strong. Buzz and buck saws in the day time, and wolf-howling and cat fighting at night. Any pianos there f" .'o, but we have several cow-bclls, and a tin pan in every family. "What could a genteel lamily in moderate circumstances do for a liv ing!" Work, share notes, fish, hnnt, steal, or, if pinched, buy and sell town pro perty. A burly-looking female, of unmis takably Celtic, origin, wss recently arraigned before a New Orleans magistrate for some ordinary offence. While nature had munificently en dowed her wilh health and physical strength, tbs question of good'looks had been neglected in the hatte with which she had been prepared for the world. "What are yon up here for f inquired the maimrate. "My beauty, 1 reckon." "Your what ?" ".My beauty !" "Aie you certain f" H h ! bedad, there's no mistake P "Then I discharge too yon ain't guilty j" and the acquitted lady took ber departure. Two lawyers in Lowell were re turning from court when the one said to the other, "1'vea notion lo join Bev. Mr 's church lcen debating the matter for some time. What do yob think of it r ' Wouldn't do it," said the other. "Well, whyr "Becane it could do you no poil le gol, while it might be a great injury lo the church." Wishes of Lamks. First, a bus land ; second a fortune; third, a ba by ; f,.urth, a trip to France ; fifth, a belter looking tlresa than bet neigh bor; sixth, to be well buttered with flattery ; seventh, to have nothing lo do in particular; eighth, to be hand some; ninth to be thought well of; tenth, to make a sensation ; eleventh, to attend weddings; twelfth, to be always considered under thirty. At a negro baptisinc in Crawford county, Georgia, or Sunday last, the colored preacher pulled u!f his coat, vet and pant, in order to keep them from getting w et. and while officiating in the water they were appropriated by a member of the congregation on the bar.k. The disconsolate minister wa left to make his way home in this plight, a distance of seven or cij-ht rr.i.cs. A gentleman writing from Africa and describing a lot of ostriches which he had on hand, says : "They are cheap birds to keep'. They live on gun flirts and rusty nails. A fresh spike is a delicious morsel, while an old hinge, with a!e oil on it, ia fought fur wi'b as much eagerness as a pir of alderman would exhibit over a bowl of green turtle." An Irish guide told a tonrist, who isl.ed a rea-Hon why echo was always of the feminine order, "ihat it was he cause the always Lad tbe lat word-" ii()omns(.inMir.ini.ns llon.intli (.fnnnn Tonic; Th, Ore.) RewieillM ft alt Im-... f the i.iver, r'm,rn, or l'gia I.'", llix.fltnurs Gorman Hit tor T e.mrnd of tba para JnUe (or, aa they are aiel.i many termed, aitraett) or roott, herb,, and bark,, I I a preparation highly er.rnlr,td a a 4 - - entirely "lies trom aleoaul.e adatiitare af any kind IloollumrH Gorman Tonic t a tomtilnatioa af all lha Ingredlenta of tbe t.o.ria. in ,.'irri ni, oi rIDII njM, uranr) ate., making ana oi rn mori piea aant aad arreeablo avar oflared to lha panne, mm mtfieina tree trom alawholie admiitura, wiU ale Holland's Gcnnan Bitters. Thora who hava aa objection to tho eoubins- lion of tba Biuere aa ilaled, will aia IIoolland'8 German Tonic. They ar both equally good, and contain the a medtelaal virtnea, the ebotoa between tba two being a mere mailer of taata, the Tonlo being lha meat palatable. Th atontaeh, from a variety of eauea. auch ma Indigtion, Lyapapaia, Narvoua liibility, ate., vct apt w ii lunei.ona aerang- ad. The Luer, aym I I pathiaing aa eloaaly af It doe with the eltomacb, than ba- eome affected, Uia raeult of which la that the patient uf era from several or more of tba fol lowing diaeaaea : Conitipition, Flatulence, Inward Pile, Follnera of Blood to tba Head, Acidity of the Stom ach, Kaurea, Heart Hum, liirguat for food, Fullnef or Weight in tba btomaeb, Hour Erwpt.ona,Sinli log or Fluttering al tba pit of tbe Stomach. Swim ming of the Uead, il a rria d or llilfirult breathing, fluttering of lha aanaationa whan la a lying peetare, Dimneaa of laion, dot or wefaa before the eyet, eJwll pain la tba head.defleieney of par apiratioa, yellewneeeof tba ak.a aad avaa. Pain in th aide, back, eheat,limbf, eta., euddea Baane or beat, bnrning Beah, noactaat imaginlnga of aeil and great deproMioa of apihta. Th aufrr from these direaaea should eier- eisa the greateet eaut.oa in the Mloeetion al a reanarly for kia eaaa, pureheoing only that whtek he ia aaenred I I from bla InTealiga tion and Inqo.riea poaeaaaas traa merit, is akillfnlly eompoanded, I free from ti.jurious ingrodient, and baa aatablisheet for itlf a repuution for tbe eara of theaa diseaaes. In tbia eonaectioa wa woold submit the wall knows remedies Iloofland's German Bittors, a a Iloofland's German Tonic, Prapared b Pr. C. M. JACKS05, Philadelphia, To. Twenty-twa rears alnea tbey wan Brat Intra- daeod into this eocatry from Oermaay. daring wb.tb thy baa undoubtedly performed mora eares, and benefited Buffering banian. ty te a groatar eitent, tbaa any atbar rooaediee kaowa to tba pobl.a. Tbeea remediaa will affeetnall cure Liver Comjlaiat, Jaurdtea, Ir,pepia. Cbroaie ar herrea liability, 1-4 CbroaieDiarrbva, Ditaasee of tba Kid rtavcaadalldieeaie aiing from a Diarder4 Lifar, Btemseh, ar Iutaetines. Debility, Bra.t iBi: from ny emi whtUTr ; Prottrtiw Hanttbip, Exporar, Ftvtrt, sic, Ae. Then l bo MotwaPibo txunt muI to tbf lomvdiM ia uek cuh. A tout mni rljror it lk(ftr4 to tbo wholo ijium, tbo oppouu it troafthcotd, 1oo4 ii oojojod, tho lotaavett 01 ffnt prnnptly, tbo blw4 nrifioi. tbo eoa. pi tile Worosoo oonBd tl k4vltbjr tbo yoilo Udko ii ormtJicotod froa tho ova ft bloon i gim to tbo cbookt, tad tho vook ood ftorrova iaravlid hoeoBott auong u. botvlthy boisg. Persona Advanced in Life, ud fooliog tho band or tiso voigtiitig koaTUy foa tiitm, with oil Ito ftttendtnt tHi, will lod tfto in of tbooo Hit tort or th Tome, olitir tbst will In til tw iifo iita Uoir ., fottor la a aioaworo tho OBorrv ana ardor of man voathful dovo, baild op ibotr bnint.ta fori aad giv boaltft aad hpf iaoos to tfattr roauiaiaf yotvro. Notice. It Ii wfll tMMibtd hrt tbat fully on ba If oi th foaialo po rtloa of ar popala hoe oro trldoaia tbo I oajuyaitat of good boa lift, or, to bio thior owa oiprottioa, tbj otTor fool woll." They ar luftuid, dtvoid of alt oaorrr, ottromtir Brrnt, aad bav oo ap pot it. To tbia elato of porooaa tbo Bitter, or tb Toftic. u poculij roaMeado4. Weak and IX'Iicate CLiMrt'n ar a.d rtrotig by th at f eKh'-rof tbi rooiotii. Tfay will car fry eft-f iroMt WMhoat fail. Thomudt of eni&rU tor acranalatad ia tfco handt of th proprietor, hat apaeo will allow of tb pablieatioft of bat a fow. Tbooo, it will bo obtwrT4, ar bob of aoto, aad of aacft itaadiag tatH laoy aian a oeuovoa. Testimonials. Unw. 6rjr W. Woodwird. Cbif Jaitiot of ta 6 a pro a ObH of roa oar traa ia, writ t Pbilodolpbia, Pa-, Marrh U, "Ifiad Hoon.4p' . binsAt Birraaa la a rood ttae, atoful ia . diaoaMtofttdifoH it-o erraaa, and of groot boarflt ia com of debility aad waul of atrvoat art inn ia th tyatvaa. Yoara, traly, Oao. , Wqvbwabb," Boa. Jano ThnaapanB, Jadg of th FaprM( Uowrt M faaatyivnaia, wnto. -Philmrttlphio, April IMA. "I eoinnfJt nru taod't Mortaaa Bittcrt a rala bio anodiciat ta aa of Indirtotit.a or lytpep. aia. I Cava certify tbia froa oiperioae. Your, with rotpoct, Jabbi Taoarao. FrBi Het. Jtfb T. KoaBaM. D. Paator of tie To ib Baptiit Chorfb, Pbilodotpbiat l-T. J iraena t'ear 8ir : 1 hor bon fqat.t ly raqo-f id to rroat tay atai with roeoai. BioB'iatinaa of different kiadi of BoUtrinoa, bat retarding tb pro . tie a oat of ai a propnote tphere. V ho ia all (e do. eitBodj bat with ft door proof ia varloaa inrtaaeo. aad pirticolarlv la my own family, of tbo atefalnoatof Lr. Hoolaad' tioraaa Hitttr, I depart for oar froa By ataal ear, to ex proet bv fall eoiruoa that for garral debility of tbo yttem, aad peetilty for Lie or Cob plaint, tt it a Mf and valaabl prtporatioa. Ia owie e-ee it may foil, bat ataally, I 4oabt aot, H will bo very bcafttl lo tbato who tuff or froa th ftboT taat. Your. rry retponfulty. I. 1. Kno.fto. tightfa. Velow Coatoi tiimu. Trom Re I D. P-adal!, Edil.r of ChriiUftft Tt.r.taiele,' Pbilodftphia : I heo derirrd dovided beaCt tmm tfaeano af lit fland a Ufrtaan t i Here, and loe4 ti my pr i ley e roenoiiBend tlitn aa a ant !bie tonic ta all who aro auffmng fn-m goaeraJ debi itv ar 1nm dieaa arttu.g (fu drmn renew t of 'to liT.r. Yura,trBiy, I. tkidalu Caution. Ilooflaart't CtrBaa Sitter ar fBBterft-1vl. ee that lh tiffna T tar of C. M. J M'tf. MiN i oa Uawrap I 1 pr of aarh hotito. AM other aro otia terfeiu Priaeipal -'eiroed MtBirteiory, at th tirtBaa MeiooJ Store. Ko. t.U Area itrttl, Ph.loJsjij.bia, Pa. ( IIHI ( m. r.VAH rraprletor, (Furnier! C. U. Jarkioa A Co.) Price, Hoodnad't 0 traa a Bitter, per WotHo nft n m per half dttoa. t f HoAflaed (.enotii Tnaio, pat Bp ia wjaart hvtUet, ptr bottle Or a half de- for ... aj r-D bm farget t aala wU U anitl yoa bay. la ordrr to g- tho geoaiaa. e-ftr aaJ by u iragg-rt, Ua imUn la lHfflit.ll, MARKUO Lorflet, ftbi dntff e"a.T ftHndt,fte- yAoanrh IfwMed with t'natlM e """imiMi, r find reritill rvl)! ia H '' flnf ptU. ab( b ea be tab darlrg all itM of pregaariry ttb iriret aatiyt SCROFULA Aad all diaeatet of th bloid, antt all oroptlr dioeaaet of th iltla, (ld tiniea, 'J tiotnrt and I I- ir'at "iiptgiTi r't-r, ran it pr iff neatly rured by th at of tt. hobick'i Hlood jiiaoi nil muuu m mi UNPRIKCIPLED Dealer oftB reeommeBd other bitter beeauc thee her not Hnbaek'a. Wo detir to caution taaniicted ar"inat purrhatlng any of them: buy Kohark't tftfltaacb bitter and aon othar, it yoa weald combat diu taeou(ully. WASTED. All par mb troaMod with Coatiroaet and Con ttipatioa of tb Howell to buy Kobaek a Hlood Fill i ther onntaia no Brcary, ar paralv vet- etabl aad work lik a eharn; can b takao with aalaty by peraoa of all uti, aad ia all eoadiuODt of lif. IADIE3 Of aedentary habits who require a gentle purga lira will Ind Kobaek's Blood Pill Jail the med icine they want i they are perteetly aafe and aan be taken at all times ; tbey contain no mereury or mineral poisea, bat are purely Tegetabl. LIVER C0MPLAI5T3, Jaaadieo aad all affeetlon of lb LWr ar loan romoTod by th ate of Roback'i Stomarh bitter aad Blood Pillt, they areorapotd of redout I Bdieinal z tract with otpoeial refareooo to tbir direct aciioa ob tb iiror and digoitir apporaioj. SICK HEADACHE Arises frost a disorder! Stat of tb itomarb and bowla, and billions derangement of tba Hear, and eaa be permanently eured by the use of KKbaek's Biood Partner and Blood Pills. Fall d.racuaas accompany each bottle aad box. DYSPEPSIA. "n.... J. it.. i sr.- . a ytntsHivii wi i uwj w VI ra aucraira IHlll ID II IWT rthi gnawing diaa bar boea cured by th www m su ,- i-iunaca piiisyr. m Ul leilimo Biala bow la oar hand fall pro. C05VALESCEKTS Fheold ass Rokack's BtomaeV Bitters to itreorlh en the proitratioa which always follows acute aiWMi : It will bs found far superior aeaati ulatiog tonic to any of tba wine and bark prepa- rauoaa vi ma present as J. KEUBAIGIA Can he effoe tually eored by taking Tr. Robark's Blood Puhftsr and Blood Pills, and bathing the affected pain with Tincture of Aoeait or Chl- rutorm. PILES. There It a madirin in aa a effli-aeieua aa Hr. Koback e Blood Puriteraad Blood Pill for the Mrwsciat ewre af I I ind or Bleeding Pilea ; taey strike al taa root ol disease, Ibereby rem tng the ase. KIGHT MAKE Is ana of the many diaei of which Dyrpeprle aeoid hearty food at eight, ard take a w me glaia fa II af Roback'i Stomach Bitters aa retiring to bed. WHO SELLS THEM, TV. !.... tn iv. ..u .r w.v.-i... ni. -J Pilli. St'iroach Bluer and Blood Pnriler are uah i.-n it. a a ii., t.iearSeid, Pa. Jaall THE CHEAT ZINCARI BITTERS. A aafs Blood Pnriler, a apleadid Tonie, a pleas ant Beteraf , a eertaia rare and Preventive of Diseases. TT1B nXQAKl BITTERS ai eompoanded from a ftroerripilnft ( f th celebrated a'gyp tiaa phyiiriaa. Da. Catoeei'i, who, after yean of trial aad oxpcriBoat, dierovorod th Kingari Herb th BOft riaarkabl produatiua tba earth, perbap. haa mm yielded -ceriaialy th Boot eff-m la th euro of ditoaa. It, ta eoRtStaatioB with th oihee ealaahl pmperliaa et which th ZLNUAtU blllkKtf ia cotapoaod, will rare Dyepep-ia, Fecr aad A pas, Rillinai Pertr, Cbollc. Cnldt, Br achitit, CmmpUoa In It flrtt ttr, Flatultacy, Ntr rova liebiiity, Foaial Cob plaiott, kbruBatifmi l?eatery( A cat and fbronte iiarrbaca. Cholera Marbai, Cholera. Trehoid and Tplaa Prr, Vellow Kerer, trnfola, li ea se of th KHntya, Habitual Co. tt.ena. Ta th Prevention and Cor of th aheve dlt fare., it ba never been known to fail, at thou sand or oar aot pnoaineat citisen throurbout alt part of tb country, will tettify. ).t the amieted ad lor eirealar anntaimng tettiwioai lt and certificate! f thott who her been rurrd otter thi'r eaee bore been pronoaneed bopeiet y ear net paytietaa. Priaeipal P. RAHTFP. f CO., ho. i ft. Front bt., rhiUdelf bta. ReaoBmended by 1 1 tie. lortd R. Porter, af PaaBtyleaala, Hon. PeKort J, Puher, " Hob. Kdwerd Mcptereoo, M M Hna. J l H. l inner, M Horn. W?a. MrNberry, and otbr. -bad for Circular, lebll-ly. Beale's Embrocalion. (L A Tl O W K L L H. . x - For all dlaaaeew taeldent to Ho net, Caula, aad U.m.. fl..k u 1 .L .mjeaBM frrea, rrt) BITIT1 f om W9 Ol Oft x tern ol oppiieatia. .... ...... - earn wmvwuwivwij WOOB By tb (JoTtraBeai daring tb war. w mj itatiawiri irwir, VtOarflold. Joveph V Irwla, CnrtariUft. lbBil (ioed- A. W, WALTE l 8 , ATTtillNF.V AT LAW, I lea.neld.ra. V.rif tbe Cnrt II .., il. ly ISRAEL TEST, A T TO 11 N f Y AT LAW, I Ifaifl.'M, la. e-OrSca I tbe rrt lloa.. (.'yll.'fJ " 'JOHN H. FULFORD. ATTOHNKY AT I.AW, l lrarllrld. Pa. OBoe with J. D. MrKnelly, K.q , orer First Na. llonal li.i.k. Prompt attention glren to the aecurlng of Bounty. CUIma. Ae., and to alt legal bueiuees. March ZK, 15a7-ly. WA LTER. BARRE f f 7 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlea on Seeoad Kt., Clearteld, Pa. noelld . A. Wallace. H a. II. Higlcr J. matte nailers. frank Kielil.og WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING ArlOIIN KYS AT LAW, t Icartlild. Pa. 09-Legal huflneaa of ail kinds promptly and aoeurately attended to. u:ayld-y THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OSoe adioining the Bank, formerly occupied by J. B. MoEnally, (jocund St., Clearlield. X"WIII attend promptly to eolleotiona. sale of lands, Ao. IdeolT.M JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Aad Keal Relate Accal, t'learfleld, Pa. CIHio oa Market street, oppcalte tba Jail. -Ke)iectfuUy ollera h.a aervicea in lelllne and buying lands In Cletrfield and ailjuining counties and with aa eiperlenee of orer twenty years aa a aureeyor, faturs If that he eaa render aatiilactlon. lfeb28.' WM. M. McCULLOUGH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, rieiarnlit t. OfSe on Market street one door eaatof the C'.sar- aald Uounty Bank. (maysas John H. Orria. C. T. Aleiander. ORVIS &, ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Hcllelontej, Fa. acpl3,'5-y DR. T.JEFFERSON BOYER, rUYolCIAN AND SURGEON, Second Street, Clearlold. Pa. feaa.IlKVitt MMIHMll. I I 1 L- hie professional errioe to tbe eil.sena of Clearlield and yicinity, and tbe publ.e generally. All call, promptly attended to. oottU-y F. B. REED, M. D., PIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SNs-Relne mnil ta IT 1 1 K. n. offers his pnreisional serrlces to tb people of tbe surrouadmg country. jyll,'I DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD. Lata Surgeoi of the aid Keg nent, Pennsyleani Volontaars, baring ralurnad front th Amy, efr.n hi. professional aerrlces to th eitisans or uiearaeld eennty. JdrProfeisional ealla ttroasntlY attend,! sm Office on bcond street, formerly occupied b irr. "nooa. laprt.'eS U DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN t 8URGE0N. IlaTing reraoTed to Aneonrlll, Pa., offers his professional acrvioes to tbe pipla of that place uu ine BurTouuiag country. All nails prouiplly attended to. lire. 3 em p,j DR. S. J. HAYES, SURGEON DENTIST. Offioa on Main St., Carwensrille, Pa., "I1.I wiaka profeaaionsl elsiu. for theeoa- eenienea of lb public, anining la April, lgl.a, a, followa. Tia : Luthersburg First Friday of rry saonlh. ABeonrilla First M"tdap f srery ssoatb. Laaiber City Firet Tbursday of eeery ssonth. Spending two daya la either plaea. All ordera fur work ebould be pruented aa tbt day sf hie arrival at each place. Teeth ettraeted by tb appllratioa of .oral anwsinsa.a eomparsttrely without paia. All kindi of Dfatal work guaraateed- h. B. The public will please notice, that Dr. II., when aot engaged ia tha aboee rialta, Bay ba found la bia olho, ia Curwenat ille, Pa. Carwaaseills, Feb. 4, 1D6I, 1.42 DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. Tn. A. M. HILLS, Desires t Infnrm bla natrons, and lb pubi.e generally..-at he has associated with hiss ia tb practice of LlentJitry, S. T. SHAW, D. D. a, Who la a gradual of tba Philadelphia Dental College, ar d therefor has tha highest atte.ta lioaa of profenioaal .kill. All work done in tbe offloe 1 will hold mtlf personally responil hle for being done In the moat sati.faclory mea ner and b.gbeat order af tba profession. Aa tbished prartiea of twenty. lei yaars la tbia place enable mo to speak to my patient with nonfideno. Engagements from a diatanre should b made by letter a few ileyc before the patient deeigos "I". June 4, ISOS-ly. MOSHANNON LAND i LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, aArricrrattit LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS II. n. F1IILLINUFUKD, Preaadenl, Omoe Feret Vtrr, No. 1 2i g. 4th st., Phil's. J11IIS LAW8IIK, hnii-rinlen.lcnt. Je'7 Oceola Mill., Clearfield eouaty. Pa. REUBEN HACKMAN. Housa and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Pcnn'a. tWiTI eiecnle johe ia bis line promptly nnd ia a workmanlike manner. aj ri,67 J. BLAKE WALTERS. SCRIVENER AND CONVEYANCER. Agent for the Puirheee and Sale of Lands. Irartirld. Pa. -rrompt attentioa gieea to all bn.lneii eonnected with the county ofHca. One with 110a. naa, a. nallaea. janl.' SURVEYOR. TIIE nnderrigned offers bia aervicea aa a Pur veyor, ami may be luund at h.a retiiienoe. in lwrence townaluli. Letters will reach him di rected to ( learbeld. Pa. ". 1-it. JAMES MITCHELL. DAVID YOUNG, STONE-CUTTER AND MASON, P.O. IV11 I let, (Irarllrld, Pa. .wi.l attrntion neid to IlrrMin Knr,. and Siip.nnlen.ling Jobs. All kind, of Jrlwonry door, in the mo.t wurkmanhke manner. Orders . .ted. and contracts takca ia an part of tbe T- ' JyJ-tf. DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, tEC-OXD BTRKf T, JyM ClIURHF.lll, PA. If THOMAS H. FORCEE, GENERAL MEUCHAXMSE, .IHII IT(i, Ph. A'eW, rttt-Mii tinif(iiirpr mil dtmlfr in Fqnarr j iniurr ana fiwm leUnitH-r n all kinJt. tCOr(lrr thtlirltcd ni &II kills. MM. riL.. 1' ' 1 . FRANCIS COUTRIETl Mr.KI 11AM, Prrnrbvlllr, Ira. fit Id t' Pa. Kevli. on k.tkil rll .....m -r I.ry OiMwi( Hardware, tlrmerir. and ererrthing ai in a mini ior, wni.-n Will n ania. . m pm,i m ni-wnfr in ine ennn.y, Frenchi .lie, Jane 7, I so: It. o. ALaT nrsar ai.ainT w. at.aaaT W. ALBERT & BROS., MftnartrMiirrrf k Mtmpirr TValirtln Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c, tt A fill 1 1 V I1. wa w. ..... . ' vvi'nn.Tif, r H i a A. Ordr kwlirilM. Bill fl!l-J on abort Dotir n rTmiojnnni" TrriTlR. A'HpfM Woodlaad P. 0.. rio.rfiM r 1. AUtr.BT A !(KfR, K mh it. Iloailiieti. lUbball i. I.fmh-. Hooflnnd i 0-rB.M(i.t4itir' J uu . OiTrfofctd Hitwr i a I mi fart Ltinra( af all aUBW vox mWlhm pnrpntft. inr Bal br Jailors. ft More nI (ioodv f. c. c HUM Mt MERCHANT TAILOR, MAhKKT CKRAnir-lKl.n, I A. HAVlVfl if-nH Pf JM-tvhant ianoiiii fiitaluhntrtit, or MdiVK imtL, ai)miiig m. -ir(i'lro4 ol Ir. H-nnli, I ouM rriK fiilh annniiaof tn tha ntismt f ('larflitl and TtniiHr, that I hava JhiI rtxtvrtj nm tbt aal am ciiu t full atM)iituDt ul Cloths, Cofisimofes, Vostings, 4c, Of Ilia Kfal quality and lalnt tl.vlc, which I l.r ifiarftl to Rmku up on thmt nvxiet, mitrin to lb la t fit fa-ltiuna, anl at prit warrantMl lo l aatuUetory. Trp ncat and 1 am fur y will foma (p.ln. F. C. t lU'XlM. Clfiartiftld, Jan. 71, 1MI9 tf 13G9. (ioin It Alone. 18G9. E. Ii L. STOUGIITON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market fttreet, Clearlield, Fa., nAVINO openad tuftlneu on my awe hook, at tha old itand In Hhaw'a Kuw. I tharafora annunnca to tha putilie that X kawa bow oo baod a well aelofltad and larga aaiortroaat of Cloths, Cacsimeres, Vestings, BaaTara, and all kindi of Good for man and bori' waar, and am now prapared io maka ap to ordar CLOTHINO, froa a it 01 a art i el a to a Cull milt, in tha latait atylaa and moat workmaalika man Dir. fipaeial attantioo gtvan to aaitoa work and emtlng-out for man and boyi. I offer great bargain! to euitomeri, and wa-raat antlra aatiifaction. A littoral bar of publie patronara ii lolieited. Call and ea in. ianT-tf . H. L. BIOlKiHTON. H. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door out of Clearfield Honae,) Market fctreet, Clearfield, Ha. KEEPS on kand a fall aaoortmenti of Gent Ptirniihiaf tiooda, aueb aa tibirtf, Linen aod Woolen LndemhirU, lrawera and Bocke, Naok-tiaa, Pookot llandkarebiafa. Glovea, liau, Umbrellaa, t., la great varletj. Of Piooa Gowiia be keeps tha Best Cloths of ill "Shades and Colors," Rneh aa Black Doeskin af th awry bast make; Faaey Cer.lmere. In great variety , alto, French Coating. Bearer, Pilot, Cfalnekllla, and Frleott oeerooating. All of which will be en Id ebeanfor Cash, and made Dp aeeording lo tha latat atyl, by xn4hBoad workaaa. A l.o, Agent far Clearteld eonnty for L M. Singer a Co's. ealebrated Mnrhinea. Kot. 1, lMS-tf. H. BKIllGE. SJUsffUanfous. SEWING MACHINES. rpHK Binjrer Manufacturing Company! Naw J. Family 8ewog Macbinea, and tba celebrated F.uranoe, for aala at tba KEYSTONE STORE. Pereoai In want of tnarhinra will do welt ti eat! and alanine tba HINGKK and PLORKNtB before purrbaaing. Kr?ry uachina warranted to giro eatisfaetion. Jdaobiuea and machine fiodinp alwnya on hand MVLING A FHOWERS, ClaarftrldJPa., Feb. lit. AgMita. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MARKET BT, CLEARFIELD, PA." I)ER30N-8 desiring OOOD riCTrRES.of any stvle and jiriee, with all the modern improTo ments af ttie art, ran he accommodated by ealling at my rooms in Clearlield. Negatives mnde in Cloudy as well as in Clear Weather. rnil.PRKX-S I'ICILRES taken accurately, ia a few seconds. The TOXK and FTXISiT of my Photographs go .rani red tn eousl that of uy made ia Vhiia delia.a or New York. Constantly oa hand a large supply of Frames, Albums and Stereoscopes, Or all sins, styles and prices, aad of th best (.nub.. Also, STEBEOSCOriC VIEWS, f tas most Interesting AMERICAN d rottLllCl SCENERY, for aala at reasonable rata. FRAMES OF ALL EIZE8, Prom any style of moulding, aaada to order an short Botiee. J. K. BOTTORF. Clearfield Da. 1(1, HM tf It. ltOISIKOX & CO., PORK PACKERS, .To .V lAbrrly St., FUlnburfh, Bar on hand a large etork ol Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, PLAIS AND 81UAR-CI RED HAMS, Meat Pork, Dried Brr, and Leaf Lard, all of our own I'atkilig, Curing and 8mokiag. Lard Oil, Flour, Cheese, Dried Apples and Peaches, With a general assortment of llroceriea, at the lowest market prieea, fjn lft.' ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MASON' d- HAMLIN'S, rna aata it 8. t. HAYES, Curwenarllla, Pa, THE "CLEARFIELD REPrBLICAX." i:8TARLIDHF.I) IN IH8t. The largest circulation of anj News paper in North Central Pennsylvania. Terms of .Subscription. If paid in a lt-ance, or within 3 months.... t (HI If paid after S and hcfore 6 months ft &o If paid after the nipiralion of 6 months... 3 (Ml Rates of Advertising, Tranrient advertisement, per square of 10 lines o lees, t times or lees For each saheenuent lneHionu Adminivtrat.irs' and Executors' notices-.... SO .. SO .. 1 10 .. 1 to .. 1 0 .. I 00 .. IS .. 10 .. t 00 .m oo , it oo , "o oo Aad. tors' notlres Cautions and K.trars. Dissolution notices Local notice, per line Oliituary noticea, oecr tre lines, per lino.. Profesaional Cards, I year ., VKARI.V ADVEIlTLShMKNTS. I square., t- Oil i square 5 00 1 s.uars ?0 00 column i colama 1 eolnmiu Job Work. BLANKR. Single sjnlre- U M I t qnliwa,pr.qalre,l fl S quire, pr, quire, I 00 Orer 0, par qulra, 1 &0 IIAM.BILLS. t sheet, J or lest, I J 00 I i sheet, ii ar Vaesli 00 1 sheet, JS or les, 00 I sheet, SI or Veea.10 00 Over ii of earn of ahor at proportionate rate. 0E0. B. OtMDLASPEH, tutor m4 f roprwieew. m t ian .. a m. iia i. a. eiiaia A 411 A i:. J. B.riJAHAM&S0XS, MARKET PTRF.KT, CLEARFIELD, Ta. THE subscribers Bating sntered Into partner ship for th parpaa of earryingaoa tb kualneaaof Mtrehaadislac, now offer A Cslood And ear opportunity to tb eltliens of Clear. Held and adjoining oounties ta boy store goads at wholeaali or retail prices, that will astonish iLs unlnitructed. Their good, will be partieti- larly aelecUd te nit thif msrk.U Every lady will, tharafora, call lb aUsatlun of bar IIiisImiikI To this ftwi.becaosa this branch of oar baainess will neelre special atlentlen, and everything Beaded is a well regulated houiehold wll! at all times b found In oar stor. Our stock of DRY G(Mla shall not be snrpassed, either ia qual ity or price, and will embrace, in part, P rlntt of srery style. Ginghams and Lawns of rery quality. Muslins of every grade, Is Lainei adapted to tb tastes of the old and young; and every artiel af any kind of goods they aell is Guaranteed To b as represented, and warranted to fly aet lifaeUon. Aa to UR !'.! CtMIDH we bays a eplsnded assortment of Alpacas, black, erhiu, aad ia colors; Armurae, Silks, and la short all lbs nsweat styles la tb market. W desir this fact to b scums kaewa To Every Parson man. woman, child. nhtU ckaaic, farmer, lawyer, barber, womea's-rlght maa, or any otn at ail La tb oaaty Young Or eld. rlca er noor. hirh or low. wba will r.vnr as with a eall. With our new and eitensire stock uy gollaea eaa please tha mast fas. ddioo IdaIy, By Jnst dropping la and retting a air dress pattern, lace salt, kid gloves or by doing that which ii bettor t glv. her awell-nlled pars, and sbs will tod good and pay In.' investment ia mbrolderies, edging., ribboBs, gloves, hosiery, or any tber household acactslliaa. And la addltloB to what we bar eaemera ted,we keep all kinds of CKSTLF.IHEN'K W EAR such as Cloths, Casaimsrea, Batiastta, Bats, Boots aad Shoes, la, beside., A XIoo Assorlrnsnl f Made-up t I.OTIIIXG for Mea aad Boys, msnufacUrsd out of tha vary boat material, which wa will sell for cash ar Mcbana-a for country produce at prloea which will aataaisb botb husband and lVIfo We ar new largely e a gaged la baying and selling MUUARK TIMHI.R and manufac tared Lt'MBER, and will gir tbia branch al business spatial attention, and awkt it aa object To Every One wba has Lumber to sell to deal with us, W shall aleo keep wonataatly oa hand a general assortment af OKttCCIIIl:' aad IIAHIIW A HIv, which wa will sell at etceed Ingly low prieea. We also keep a fall assort meat of ttUEESSW ARI-i. Tbia departmsat will he kept full aad eomplele, and every I Young 31 nn Or raaidea who contemplat boaaekseplng. will And It advantageous to com and trad with as. Wa ar so situated, and, from long eiperieace In lha basincsa, ao well arquaialed with th want and aeeeesitiea of this community, that w feel satisfied if arery maa and womaa 111 Clearfield County makes It a point to buy their goods from as, w esa' pleas them both as ta quality aad prlo. Tharafora, com along and buy you DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Quccnswnre, Ilardware, BOOTS & SIIOES, HATS 4 CAPS, EeadyMade Clothing, Aid everything yoa aeed to rmder yoer.elve and families comfortable, from JAS. .. GRAHAM & SONS., .ugiMf CLKARF1KLD, Ta. "JbTOTirP The fornntlen of the partnerehlp X 1 of Jam B. tlraham A fcon. d nut tin. settlement of the Bote, and hook eroant. of the late Orm of Showers A tlrwhm or K. W. lira- ham. i ho hnowtng themelve Indebted to el. her are eeqne.led to cone forward at once and elose their acronnta. JaMKS b oraiiam a pons. Clearteld, fVptrmner Id tt. ".irAl)l'.llt().(HKLONi PH1NGLFS. The nnder.igned hereby give notice, that the wil nav the hiehe.l inirb.l . .,. - . j qnalilyol LONU SI1IMII.KS, and tboaehaving eiien iw ir. win nrin 11 10 rae.r tntcreat to five them a call before calling rlwhere. JOS. OH AW SOS. Ciewield, Uanb I, Urn - . .. :nlir,ii. Oponinp of tb Tyrone 4 q,. Branch U Clearfield. torly.otu nifri north of Tr 0 kV and nft,r Monday, rl, , . bunrfeve) hetw-o lyron and hKk'lL'"1 on IWngrr Tmia beiwcea I,r.. . ' le d. a lohow., 'Jr.. sa, I.ea South. Btatloaa. 100, P. M. ClesrdelJ .J5, " Ph.lipahnrg " 4.1A, Oeccola....". i.50, ' " Tyroae. '' aerti, 11.10, . lu.tii, ktll, e CON SECTION. Passengers leaving Clearteld at S o'eloek a Phil.psl.urg at 1.66 p. m., Ueceela at 4 u '' ' arrive at Tyrone at 4.60 p. m., making eo,tL' will. Cncmati btpreaa Hast al 0 I; 6 with Mail Heat at 6.41 p. m, on il.m i..M wilh bald Kacle Hiprees, leaving Tyrone.; tZ tm., arriving al bellelonte al .4i p. a J ork llavea at III. Ill p. m., eonneet.ti. Mail bast on tl.e Philadelphia and line klr 11.21 p.m.,arri?mgat Willi. ,,, j,j7 Kaluraug, pamog.ra H1U,wnJ: .l a- m.. on Kris mail Waal. arri.. ..TTM ven at 9 Itl a. tn.. aonnecuoc w.ih k.u l Elprcaa leaving Lock llaren at ltU a. m riling at belleiunte at ll.ii a. m., r.uwt i City at s.JJ f. m., and Tvrone at I.2U n BHWAltb II. MILLUHi, (.eneral foperuiteaa.. C. HlLklAo, bapenntesittat riiUatlclphia & Erie Kallroail. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Through and dirct route between Philad.lali iialtimora. Willi r.a, , . lll, and the Great Oil Region of Pennsvlvanii. ELEXiANT SLEEPING CAEs Oa all Hlght Train. 0!f and after MONDAY, HOT. tii, tll a. traine a the Phil.delnhia A E.u . :! itoad will ran a follow : Heat ward. Mail Train leave Philadelphia 10 4JP a ll. A .. o. a. - Do... am v. .t Kria . . Kris Kinross loaves PhilMelnhi."" i. .. . la. J. P. u ....-. r.v. mary a. W A. K -arrive i I t . w Mail Train learH Erie 10.54 av no a a...... . .. : rr. lie arrive ai Philajt.lnai. na, . Iria Eipress leave Erie J1 Jj P a T . j. I-. . . - "r -a. ofc mery s....MM 1.1BA. M. "o ..amv ai raiiaalp&.a... 4.21P.M. Mail and Kxrjreaa cinnaM m,ih Hit , l ... Allegheny Eiver Bail Hoed, baggage cttaes tJeasral Snpsrtaiettait Clearfield County Bank. THE Clearlield County Bank as aa laeorpea, ted institatioa has gon out of existeoes w th surrender of its charter, wa Mar 11. Ilak All its stock Is owned by tie subteriben, whs w.ll eonttuuo ta banking Baaiaeeeat tbe a place, as privat Beakers, ender the trw i of tbo "Clearteld County Bank." er. re. apona.olclor the debta.l the bank, and will pay lu notea on demand at tho eoonter.' lie.,, received and interest paid whsa moasy la leltlar a tied tim. Paper dieeouatod at ail ner east. aa heretofore, (mr personal re.pon.ib.lity at pledged for all Deposits reeetrod and baiisea trans icted. A eohtiaaene of the liberal ati ronage of the business men af tha eoanty Is n apecttullr olicid. As Preaideat, Cashier sad officers of the larc Clearlield Coanle bank. as rtquire tbe aotea of laid Beak ta be praeeilad lor reaemptiou. JAS. T. I.Fns ARD, BICHARD 8HAW, WM. PORTKR, JAB. B. GRAB. AM. A. K. WRIGHT, ft. L. BEID, WM. A. WALLACK. The bo.iness of lb Bask w.ll k oaltad kv Joha M. Adama., Keq as Cashier, jaatiyM J. I. M'Oirfc. Edward Perks. I B ASKING Sl COLLECTIOH HOUSE or McGirk & perks Bocceesors to Foster, Perks, A Co Pulllabrfr, tea trw Cooauty, Pa. THERE all tbe business of a Banking Beam w w.ll he traweacted pnimptly and upea tas mart favomlilc torutt. marl -a County National Bank. CLEARflELD, PA." THIS Bank Is aow open and ready forbesi neve. Offics oa Second street. 1b tbe beiH ing formerly occupied by Lecaerd. Fiaaey A Cs. Mnairveis axu nrrtran. JAS. B. ORAUAM, RICHARD PHAW WM. A. WALLACK, WM. PtIRTKH, A. K. WRIGHT, eKO. L. RKED. D.W.MOORE. JAS. T. LEONARD: ja?','e Cashier. lartsmillting. New Illacksmith Shop. PECOXD 6T, CLEARFIELD, Pa. THE andcrsigned begs Ic Inform his friesJl, Bad tha iohaoiuels af the borough of Clear aid and surrounding neighborhood, that ha Is new ready to eiceute all orders either ia Iroa a) ttseL HORSE enOEIKQ a th most arpmi' city style. ALL KINDS OF SAW.MILL IRONS aal RUINB work, logmen's tools. eanthooks,sprass, grsha, Ac Steel tool of all kinds made of best Kngluk r Amriraa tel. aVm.AU my work Is warranted te glr satis. faction, or aot cbargad for. New IlIncIaMiilth IShop. THIRD STREET, CLEARFIELD. fT HB aobscrlherrsapectfully Informs bit frlenis I and tbe puhlir in general, that he has local trd in tha borough of CLKARFIKLD, la the shop recently oceupied by Jacob Sbnnkweiler, when he la now ready to perform all da'xi towards bia;r in a workmanlike manner Rleda. Sleigh, Bacgics aad W agoaa ironed, aal HorM-boelof done at reaaenahle rates. B. respectluiiy asks a share of work from the peblii, as ha Intends to glee bia whole attention re Ik. bu.mess. THOMAS RILEY. March It, mi. I-oggsTow mlilp Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT TIIOiMAS BEEltS'S t IVERTUODY trying u gl tbar.rtt, for fear i of being crowded out into the cold, ll yoa want good choeing dona, go to Bsaaa. If you want your Piers ironed right, goto Bsaaa If you want good Mill Irons, go to Btaas. If you want your wagon ironed ia tbe beat stvle and workman.h.p, go to Bias. F.acct makes ihe beat Stoma Machine is th. State, and done all kinds of IlLACKr:HlTlilNf aa cheep as can be done ia the eouaty for Cask my rost address Is Claariirld pnire. THOMAS BEk'HS Rorgs Tp., Pee. 1, 1 (! T -tl . Democratic Almanac. fl'Milf iiiTlitKl pultlimtinD Ii for th X po ofiir.. it hoall I-J.1H thf bsndfoi r; lU'inorntt. it ( full ftltytiun rfliml fr1 txrry unv in th I'tiiM PttMi hen. nnmWr lor ixffi omuini m tomyWf lirt lh' nnmrinf H ih Awiiis?riaiiptTTd iBt'J dunnf Lincoln' nimuutnitiin ; nnd tbt Mr I!1" flollllllil th rteniBB nf mil I h nasi ilts.i.1 lit) W1" itnpn-onfHi 4h Mti ril. Thr t.U, fr rpffrMiM, n worth men Ui frir f tlir puKlimlifln. Th nmt-?r foTl' i tint) full f i N'tiM.I- Ftmiittm. Anronf tli'' fiO rrntu to hr Pot Mnta?r, witt Tw'ir hj rrt-' nil it tv lur wch Tr. fr- of ott- ( JtJ Grape Vines for Sale. 1.1. tha l...(:ni, varieties of ? JY H. tOMHIIK CI'TTlNtlS. IIM H hundred. CONCORD VINES onlj If erntJ. (lrJ drra solicited as soon a convenient, aod cllw! W rotetion. hy A. M. Clearlield. Pa., Angnet . lattr. T11R DFtVRTlC ALMANAC for J. IT and lh'. Bt sale af the Pert I'.ice IS een.s. Wailed lo any ad.lree. pri; a 1I1Y the Ilk Will RSTIf ALMANAC. Osl' I Jj Mau. aierj TOearskeuid b . I