ytlsfrllanrflH. ,. Sheriff's Sale, t)T rlrtee writ ef icrl f.cee, le I seed eel f Ibe Cert af Oaimee Pleas ef coil?, end In directed, Iters ll be ll( le ri Hi ll' SAI K at ibe Celt N..a.e I thebernaeb nf Cle.rselri oa ThuraS.e. ,ae 1Mb day of April. '". I o'clock, f. H , lbs following property, te oil i All tbat l,.cete. end paillallT graded end until. Iitied railway of Hit Madera Cat and Improve. airal Compear, situate la hecaMrend Woodward tnwa.Hir, Clearfield 00111)15, re., beginning III tewnehip al the hue of and Junction with Ik ea.lroed ef the M,,rnennon Coal mnariT thenee by tbe relley f reer Hun eoalawariily tar'1"?!) tari.l. of Morhanuon Coal Company, Hee- nr nreera w company, a. B. long u4 Dr. I) Musts, illy feet la wiatb as loeateil, graded and eavf'nea, ana two bum U4 owehoir to elation Ke, 13. tbcre located, aiora fully described as fellowe: Beginning at a fvunt eh the Mosbannon braarh of toe Tyrone end 1'l.eraeld Railway, two end three quarter Boles west of Oscertai thence eostn ti ii"(i ana it esinutee vmi ft,r liiu fret ( tbenee ay a degree eurse to right fur 1263 feet : theaos south 81 degrees M uinutee mil for JUS faetf tbenee by a I degree aad DO aaiuule earn to Irft fur 151 faal 1 thenoo by a 1 degree and n bibum nrn Bp 17MI feet ; lienor south 47 d frees west for MiO feet 1 thence by a 3 de gree earre (a riarhit for I out feet ; thence by a I degree and la minute cere, to right for 140 feat; taeree aorta 62 degrees and all saiuutaa waat fur UOli feat ; leaking la aad My-eight one-hun-dreJtb miles, Ibe aaata being unfinished and without rail upon it and yielding ao not, iaaaaa orewlte. Betssd, lakes inexeeutiofl and to ba soli u Uia property of the Madera Coal aad lm proramaat Company. VBIddari will taka aatioa tkat 15 par aanL af Iba parahaaa money Boil ba paid Khan Iba property in knoekod down, or it will ba pat ap aaia for aala. CYUKNIUS HOWK, 6aaairr'a Omen, ribariff. Claariald, Pa, March II, !. I BOOTH'S IMPROVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. Mettn. boatb A Kunibaricer, Proprietor of the Iipprovad ETtar E traetnr.wiah It diatinetly nn deratood tbat tbay warrant tail aiaeblna tedojuatwbal it la raeoai aadad ai allinf otbor araobinal by 1U Ming ao. atraoted an traa philoae pfaiaal arinol plot. It will I tract the largaat pioa itump, cua. pand it above ground par Bitting the aoil tafall back ia tba hole end will pall tbaaaafaataa taa aaa aaa dig Iba dirt from tie root after itract.d. It will anil (owing to the aiia of tht " tony to one haodrad par day. It iU either -are Uiem over, or enapesd thaa to i,,!"?'''!.4 ' "in- T Proprietor. ..... .u. .uior, oeiirtr it. and teat it oa the Itb af the parobaaer ( and If it doea not render ooapleta eetiifection, an J do Jolt af raoooiBend. d, they will uke it away and charge nothing lor their troabla. Price of Machine, (Iflt M. Tawaehip and eooaiyri.bte for aala. We aara an irareung aranta. Addreei BUOTU a Rl'MBARGER, Jeff.reoa Liaa P. 0 Claarleld Co, Pa CERTIt-'ICATE. We, the atideriigned, baring wltnetead tk trial of 1. 1. Booth i Improeed Stamp Kitrnetor o the frB of K. H. Moore, nrar Lnthartbnrg, aa Mtaraay and Monday, the 7th and th of nererabor, toka plaaaara ia laying ta the poe na, Ibet we baliore it to be the boat aaaehine aw ia aae for ei trading atumpa, . It ia of eiaple tonitraotion, fully Baaared, not liable ta get oat of order, end tery durable. Ponr man took iba aachine from the wagan, when entirely apart, pnt It together, and pulled a large pine name ia loaa thaa one hoar. We raw two aaa Kali a large itamp with eaee. They aaa a borae, et he doea hit work ia taking out the (orgeat wawpa, without a bard poll. Mr. Booth, the Patentee, felly andentandi pitting ap aad aidling tbe aachine. We would adriae Ihoee il Bant of itamp extractor! to aaa thie one tatted aifere punhaaing eleowbere, which they eaa do free of charge by calling oa the Prnprieton. J C.Parrau, 1. W. Hirkard. R.V. lievli... ' fJtaalioldor, Joha Kirk. J. W. Qahaiea E. H. Ktrore, J. W. Wallace, W.B.AIo.ander. fn. imager, Wa D. Back. Andrew Wilaea, f Hora, Wm. E. Irala, E. J. Kirk, lean Moore, t. B. Carllle, Qeo.Wileoa.B.a. kerartiegal, Fred'k Smiley, noyli.lg Cheap Furniture. JOHN GULICH T8iRR8 ta Inform hit eld M.nJ. ..i ... IJ toaora, that hiring enlarged hie abop and .created bil fadlltiei for manolactu inj, he la ew prepared to make to order each Fumitore aa aay be doaired, la good stylo and at ebeap rateo erCABU. He generally hai aa head, at bia laratiara rooai, a aned aaaortaiaat af ready. BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. ardrobeeaad Book-Ca.ei; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfeet and Dining Eiteiaioa Tablaai Con. FreBcb.poat,Coataga,Jenny-Lind and otbor oeotieaaa) Bciae or all kinda. Work atanda, nu-raoaa, waaa-auaaii Mocking and Ara Ohalrat epringteat. aaae botloa. narlor. raa. aoa aad other Chain ; Looking-Ulaaaei ofarery ieerription aa band j and new glaaaoi for old ramea, which will be pat ia oa very reasonable :raa oa ehorteet notice. He alao kaepa oa head irfaraiehoa to order, Cora-haak, Hair aad Cot- ta nop Martreaeea. CoyriNg of Evmt Kind Vede to order, aad fanerala attended with wa.n.Ter aeeiroa. Aleo, noBee fetaung ioee u order. Tbe euheeriber alia Baoafaa. ;irea, and bu ooneuntly on bead, Cleaeot'e .iant naaamg Machine, the beat bow ia aae .ooe aatng ton aacbiae Barer need be with- eleaa clothes! He alee baa Flyor'a Patent lira, a mperior article. A family aiing mil e ...w ,i ee wiinoit nnttor l All the aboro aad moor other artialea ar. for iiaed laonitoBera cheap for Caan or eiebaaged wapprorad ooantry prodace. Cherry. Maple, rnplu, Lin wood aad other Law. fear suitable for eetaet work, takea la ticbange for furniture fOrUmeajtMir the abop le en M artel street, neid, Pa, and nearly oppoaita tbe'-Old iew JOUli QILK'H. leraaberil, 1 861 j ZtU ery S.nblc. TBI undertignad bags lea rate Inform tbe pub- ( all ia the way of farni'.hing lloraee, Barriaa, ur uum aa u now lu r nrenaid In uvwm mn "Hies and Haroeaa, oa the ehort.rt aotioe aad reaacna bie lemia. Raid.nM Imm.. .m f .nw jBtre ana rourtn. tIKO. W. eiARHART. art)ald. April 11, IW. Clearfield Nursery. JN'COURAGK IIOMK INHIISTRV ;TBI andenigoed, baring eitabliahed a Nur I Mry Ba the 'Pike, a host half way betweea f "arteld aad Corwcnerllle, il prepared ta fcr. r till kinda of PKJJJT TKKK8, ( eta.dard and J'"-.! ErHgreeaa. rihrabbery. Grape Vlnea, Fueberriaa, Lawtoa Blickbarrr htrawberry J" Kaiberrj V ioea. Alio, riibariaa Crab Treoa, '. aad early lewlat khubarh, Aa. Orders J "r'-iy atuaded U. Adareaa, J 1. D. WRIOHT. I "T" .y Cwrwennilla. Pa Reading for allii i HOOKS t STATIOXEltT. , ' rirarOrld, (at the Poai OfJra.) i ' unoenigned keri leara to anaoanoe to A the elti.eni of ri..rA.M .nd kat ald ap a room and baa Jut re'taraed city win a large eaeaal of reading f "er, ronai.tin. la uh of 1 B;bles and Miscellaneous Books, r uk, Accoaat and P... hMl. r ... J. J'Woa Paper M Earelopea, French preeeod 4 P'" '"d Peneila; blank, Legal ""u4t, Mortgage; Jndgwent. Esaap. I'rvaiiMiiry nntea bite Bad Parch: " Brief. Lcfal Cap. Becord Cap. aad Bill Cap, " ,or "' '''a. Flute or Vlolia ZZ '''. Any books or eutteaary tree that I m.. ... k l. . - j in a',r,4.k' ,rrt einreaa, and sold al wbolaaale l- T " cuetcBiars. I will alee beep ! llwrMre, seek as Magaaiaee. News. erteld May r, 1 ''IVlKTHAToR-i HHTlfF-N(itlca i " "reby fiien that Irttereof administratis -.ruu MARTIN S J LKUAL, deccaed, a""1" tp-, Clrartrld ooonly, Pa., bar. 2, TJ " rnld an the nndVraigncd. all per- a a ' '' P1- ' fF" Var a """" ""'ifg elilrne or oVomnde will . ,'' '" Properly awtknUoaled for aetOearat , "lewanea Without dclar. RUBRltl K. Pl.KOAL A4taB4alntef.' iBCyrnj-n m mini tmmf 1 , i CLEARFIELD GEO. B. QOODLANDER, Proprietor., VOL. 4J-WH0LE NO. 2113. fPrB 5oofls, (TAOttxiti, U. ' 11 E M OVAL ItEMOVAI,! C. IRATZER & SONS, Ta the large and alegint room, on SECOND STREET, adjoining Merrall A Uigler ' hardware tore i where tbay will ba pleated to aae all their old aad aaw uatouan. . Cltiaena of the eoaaty rleltiog CLEARFIELD, aad wiahing to make porohaaea, "will lad It to their advantage to examine their etook. Goodi at CASH PRICES exchanged for ill kiada of COUNTRY PRODUCE. ii7 l iiEYOLnioy n bcsiiess AT CUBWUNSVILI.E, BT IIAItTSOCK & GOODWIN rpBB indonlgned biTing entered intooo-part- X Berehi,! IB the Barcantiie bnaineaa, adopt ibib anetooa 01 aotiryioK tne nanite cenera v. and tbe oitiaeni af Carwenarille and vicinity in particalar, tkat nenbandiae of all kinda will no Bold by ai ai ebeap aa aba lama quality elae where 1b the eoaaty. We have a full lupply of .DRY GOODS i CenaHeting la part of Dreei Ooodi, MoiHna, Print af all ahadoi aad itylai i together with a lull aj.ortfl.ent of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS Si CAPS, noote, 8ri oca, Hardware, (iueenaware, Al wtU aa Tinware, Cedarware, Willowware, bneketi and Broosa ,- together with a large lUok ei vrocenei ana Biwayl a lull Itock of FLO UK, FISH, SALT, 4o. ta ihort, we keep a tall fnpcly of tyerytbinr aaed In till market. We want all our old eaetomora. aad aa many ew oea aa eaa mate it oonrenieut, to (lye ai wm ovivre puroiaaing eieewnero. DANIEL HARTS0CK. EDWIN flOODWIN. CarweniTlIla. Februa-y U, not. GREAT EXCITEMENT Os Eecon!) btbeit, Clzarpiilo. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. rpHB nndortlgned rirpectfolly lnrite the at- X wntioa of the public aenerallT Lo their rpienaia uiortaant of aarchudiae, which they . . nw leiiing AT, VEJY 10 W PRICES. Tbslr stock loaiiels la part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Suck as Print,, D. 1,1,,,, Alpaceas, Marinas, ,iiarDoa ana annieach d.) Drillinga, Tichiaga, sottaa and , wool Flenaelt.BatiBitte.CuaiBerea. Cottenadee, Ladies. Bbawls, Kubias A Hoods, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Ac., Also, alne assortment of Mea's Drawers aad shirts, Hats A Caps, Boots A bhoea. all af which WILL EE BOLD LOW FOB CASH Hardware, QueenBware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. IN6U0RTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of ererythlng utually kept la i stare, all CHEAP FOB CASH er approred oouatry pro duoa. A. K. WRIGHT i EOSS. Clearileld, Kor.T , 1BCT. KEYSTONE KTOIIE SECOND St., CLEARFIELD, Pa. NEW GOODS! Shawls I Shawls I Shawls I BLANKETS! BLANKETS I Hoods! Kubias I Breakfast Shawls I LADIES' VTJ&SI CAHrETS AND OIL CLOTHS I Ladles' CoatsI LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES! ail Wool Kept l FRENOH AND SNOLISH M0RIN08I Silk Flaiak VtLVET-for silu I Alesander POPLINS 1 All Wool PLAIDS I Kennebec Rapellantt Cbaaeleoa Porfiu t ' Tappa Cloth for Wrappers! Led lie' Cloaking. I Water-Proof black aad brown I Caeeira.ree for Ben aid leys I Bosun Telret, Ribbon Flowers, Faetharsl Ladie'i and Children's Hats ! Wool aad CoUoa Da Lai a as I Maallns, Flannels, Prints I topkrs, wonted aad wool Taras f Ureas Triaalngs, Under. aolhlng, Bats. Cara. Hoeiery, aiorae, aad a aoapleta aasortineat wf all kinds of NOTIONS, at Tory a od irate prices. XIVLLXG A SUOWERS. Cleartsld, Octli, (ijj C, KRATZER &. SONS. MERCHANTS, CliUSM II Dry Goods, Clothing, HRrdware, Callary, Qaeouaware, Oroeeriee. roriaiens aad fibioglaa, ClrarBrd, Pria. At their new i lore roaa.oa laaend ntrawL BtH'w'' Hardware etore. aal4 TI'aTICK' dk (tlPtTAHl.M' fit. We hare printed a large aanber of the aew raS BILL, aad will oa lie receipt ai,eSB,a(s4n(ai .-H 5r()3 & IRrdiriiiri. 1IE3IOVAL. WW as wana. ' nAHTSWICK &- IRWIN ,. DRUGGISTS, - Market Slrtrt, Clearfield, Pa. W" 1 to Inform onr old and aew oaatomere, tbat we hare roaored onr ei Ublianment to the ipacloui new building juit erected on Marked itreet, nearly adjoining the ManaloB House on the wast, and Me.srs. lib "r" w rP.fuliT i w ovale aoia Buy ineir Drags, Chemicals, Patent Medioines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our stock of Drags aad Uadiofaei eoirliu nf ""'""I bioo, leieoted with the care, aad greateit WARRANTED STEICTLT PTHS! We also keep a full stook of Kye, Perfuaerl .oiiei articles, eoapa. Tooth, H,ir u.u.u.., nuitcwnin llruabca, and erery other bind Itraakaa U' - I ... H . n . .... . iKrge 10 0 WniTE LEAD, TDUPENTINB, Flaxseed Oil, Palnte, aal In fact OMrytblng ised in the painting business, which we eller at v.. fi.vr. w shd Buyers. TOBACCO AND SEGAR3, Confeetlonery, Rplcei, and the target 'stock of .rf k. -r . w... TlT .T. ...MW . . D I nn.n. 1 n tf... ..I .-a . hu wn we mariel adorda. w .. .... - "ARTRWICK, Nor. J6, 1UI, JOHN F. IRWIN. NEW ARRANGEMENT. I. S 111 H. IlIrriirjlcT (Second street, epposlu the Court Bouse,) CLEARFIELD, Pean'a. a ruoiorioers nspectfully aanonaces to tbs eitnen. of Clearfield and rlcinity, that ke bas now ea hand a full aupply of m XI f. i .a . . JJKUGS. PATENT MRnTPTWcj vj tmn., TobMco, Cigars. Confoclion.rl.. rtanoaery, Ac. PUYSJCIAXS W,iL'i;4 ki' ,Uck ' D Mil and COM r lets, and ata rery slight oa EUUn SCHOOL BOOKS. Weal mi. Blactltuieou bowU by faart Hell lite ' a wbvcu vn ua etnn will k. i.t. STATIOXKTIT ConilstlBg of Cap, Flat Cap. PooUeap, Letter and Perfumed .Note Panera i .l. . .... .... ...... of Mourning Note Paper aad Envelopes on hand. a orawar, wsiLl.B, Ulg, dir. HOUSEKEEPERS Will Ind a full stock of PURE SPICES, SODA, r . V . i, """""rl.a LI K, KtAr, 0. LADIES A.ND GENTLEMEX Are requested to examine bis stock of Perfumery, i- m'.0.' Fi; To", 'P'- ". Combs, Toilet Pctu, Ac, Ac. SMOKERS AND CUV.WF.m will lad a full supply of prime Chewier ..d raokiag TO b A Coo, Iaportoel aad Doaoetie uivjano, onnn, rine-t ut, Ac, As. CAKBON OIL, Of the beet brandt, always aa band. UQVOIIA. The kart quality of Liquors always on band, for nodical purposes. "Phjeicians' Presorlntions brnmrtf lt ga.j .Mr..n. . .... . ' ' r- wwiwiai irt'inflUCBUlO, Apn I. icon. A. I. SHAW. NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. SCIIEKTZ'i Celebrated Bitter Cordial. THIS Brdicml wrepararloa Is bow offered to the public as a reliable nbetitnta far tb. many wortbleas aonpounds which now tuod the Barket. It is purely vegetable, eoBpoaed ol rarioea berba, gathered fro a the great store bouss of nature, and selected with the utmost care. It Ii aot reooBBended aaa Cis.-All, but by Its direct nsd salutary intnence apon the i.e.rt, Lirar, Kidneys, Langs, gtoaorh aad lloweli, it acts both as a prerentlre and aura for many of tbe diseases te which thoa. r.. are subject It Is a reliable Paaily Medicine, and eaa bs takea by either Infant or adult with the same beneficial roeulu. It Is a certain, prompt and speedy remedy for Diarrhoea. Dys entary, Bowel complaint, Dyipepein, Lowoea of Ppirils, Faintioga, Hickheadaehe, arc Far Chills and freer, of all kinda, Il ia far better end safer then aay quinine, withnat any of Its per. niclons sfreota. It creates aa appetite, prores a powerful digester, l-d will counteract the effect, of liquor In a few minutes. Prepared by JACOB SCHKKTZ, Sole Proprietor, N. W. cor. Fifth na Keen streets., Philadelphia, Pa. Bold by II Drug, ilia. Attention, Afflicted I rpnE subscriber glres notice that ke baa 1 reaumrn tne nr act lee af Medielna I. I..ik "burg, where be intend, to der.te hi. ..... Ucn to the treatment of CHRONIC DIEArKS in general. He will keep on band a choice ae leetiouof DRUflSand MEMC1NKS adapted to the treatment of rhronte diaea.ei, and Bay ba oonaulted at hiioSce al any hour of the day. N. B. A word lo tboee afflicted with chronic dieeaaee may be to tatta adrantaga. Maar Bar Boy be aware that col arar l'hjaiciani who do a ntniaa pmctieo hare not tini to sitend te the treatment of ranosic diaeaaea, and conse- quenuy aai.-T mem i benoa this alias of dis. eases requires atcinetri attention. UKtiHdR WILSON, It. D. Lutksrsbarg, Feb. ?, letll-tf FOUTZ'S Cr.l.KPUATkll Horse aiijattle Pcwflers. trnovn, itt Uiitf-augMw- i rrvtunmu broken dtiri mtitl kiar anit-itrtl hajtmax hf trri.tflht-miiit ayM Um LODimCh mild Intr-lttilirt. Ii i ft urr .r- fil.F of til I IfrTirlcnt U, (fiia Bi.imal tarti mm I ft.ll P. P. R. liLK lt tin, rt.ij.ow wti k hfavk. ri'i nnx ph. TKMir:R n- vrm riu vht n i.Msr ai'ittite ash vital "fcrv '".KliT, lu iRprnrn uW wiim, IBrrrAf taw ii;BM)t4p rii .minh i.d il- nT.ii, nrl lOaoftBor lookinjtftiirl dj.iiitcl tiorf Tn t-rprr- r-f Con thb f 'rjmr. lifiO (- 1lVBk,nih.f. It Hi rurt pt. T.tllVainit Rlllrtrn-t, HnlloW llnn,lc. l h bsatjo prnrro h Btt-itiMi ipr-trr-e-nt In iih-mf Uh I" i wa.i.m snrn i,i oaaari iwrpir ln-rVTlt fit) BUkp tlar butrerr B.m and IWedfi. In (mlUntalaT Mll1a II flri thin Bit uprr-i!!-, loitwriji ll,fir ,u,J mitiH Unm ihri rt (aucfa taVJier. In ftll d of ?wif,., pttrh 111 Can)i, Tlr-! ta irrf i.urjf i, uivr-, o , n it aWlirif na-TAi t tinc nr putUng frfrfn Tt sS'f rutrvf' tr tv.i-T In hmrryl nf tvill th Arw.r rtirtawe) will Iw e-ftrii lf---V V If Urn, m rfrtJiiri rirwvtjntlr nsi for U llujc Cholwa. et DUID C. FOrTZ, rroprlflor, haltimorb, nidi. ?f- ertiii. hr Trrrit lnT" UmitlMrtit ht ( Blind filsiev, i.mmIu and KouLb Aaenaa. Pot tW hf lUrtMrirk k IrwiB. riiH.U- and ivBiir oiatrt. Iiebll-lr Vegetables and Fish. . nAVINfl mads fhs niiewrrary arranremnits, tbe aadersisned would aotilr the ei of t i.arfleld and rlemitr, lhal oa and after March 4. 1M, be will hare ew band and for lele, al his ab..p an the Market lot. FRKSII FISH, Rwret and White POT. TORS, and aU YKUKTADLK in scam, at aa lew ralca as they caw be bought at tbo car. ti. R P'rl.LKHTON. ClearHald, Marca I, IRnv-tf BI.Alal rowMTABLEt M1C PtR wm at bait ttirn. - tf mi 3 PRINCIPLESj NOT MEN. CLEAKFIELD, PA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, ?ru floods, Crorrrlrs, (lf. SPRIXQ AXD SIMMER GOODS! William Kmm1 A Co., Near Puatoflire, Market Htreet. CLEARFIELD, PA. n AVISO just opened a larro and eompleti etoch trom Now Vork and Phila.leli.hia, w, cau oiler eilrn induoemenU to CASH BUYERS, Wa hare a splendid selection of Drees Goodi, Bilks, FliswIeK, Cloakirgi, Flannels, Dal. morals. Blanket., Hoop ekirts, , Coracu, Thompson's filore-nttinr. Trimmings of erary dercription, F.ephyr, Worsted Yarn, and one ot the mestoumplete ueortmeau at Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Under.wear, Hosiery. H lores of all kind.. Al. ander's bad and Jlarrli' celebrated baaralaaa Kid. (Ibe bcit ercr aide,) Neoklica, DutterOio., Collar., Cuffi, Handkerchiefs, Laoes, Edging, Krahroidariea, Aa.: alio, a large aeaortment of r ums, with URAY 8 PATENT MUFF, the beet wing utani togctasr with a lull line of staple 1. A.I . ' e"uu.. ah ui which we oner at tae .. VSEY. LOWEST CASH TRICE I Call and aae bs. No trouble to show roods. Re- uonauar we piaoe Kaar Postufflce, Market Street, oc CLEARFIELD, PA. JhTEW KTOKE AXDKEW OOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hue) jusi opened Ktw Srot,oa iliin SU.CLiirnu, Pa., UMf oocupiod l Wm. F. IHWIN. Their stock; consul! of . ' Gkoccim of Lb beat qualil, Qdeensyvarc, Boots and Shoes, od erery arlicla oeceaaarT for one's oomfort. Call And examine our stock before pur dialing eluwhere. May S, 18CC-lf. SEW STOCKS SEW STYLES!! FALL AND WISTER MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN HEED'S, MAAKhT BT, CLEARFIELD, PA. Haying Jast reeeired all the noroltiee of tbe la the Millinery line, reuneet the kadlet to oall and examine them. Cloarleld, Pa.. Kor. 4, ISot. Aew Store In Mulsonburg! a tbe room formerly occupied by P. T. Hegarty. L. M. COUTRIET TAKES tliii pi ft hod wt iaforuiiiif tb citiwni of CoriHRton, Kmlhaut, (jirftrJ and tht hit round in jt foumrT, thai h bu iuat on-ned a lire took of 6 I'M M hit i01, wh.rh h it drler--nmpti to acll TKX PLR CKKT C1IKAPKR thu tb Mint oualitT of (iiitMli ran b purchased fur in nr other More in lh urichborhoosL iiu Mock eoniiitt of Dry Goods of all kinds Saab is Satinet!., raxlmcrce, V inline, Delainad Luiea, Drill. nr., CalicaM, TriBminga, - Ribeona, Lara, , ( BEADY-MA PE ClOTMNO. BOOTS BUOES, HATS I CAPS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. 'ofTca, Tea, Purer, Rice. Malaea, Fi.b, Salt, ijinerni uu, i isa nil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Casting.. Plow, and Plow Castings, Naila. Ppikei, wra vuii.T.iore, v iaer rrcasel, and all kiadi sf Axes. VVr Plowi are of the Curwenarllle and Centre county make, and are warranted ta be af good quality. .Drugs and Medicines, P erf u miry, PainU, Varni-ri. Gtau. and faanvl uioriinvDi 9i cuuionary, O00D FLOUR, Of differeat brands, always on band, and will be aold at the leweot pcaeibie tguraa. Bach as BRANDT, WIKE, OIX A WHISKY MM pounds nf Wool wanted for which tbe L ; 1 , - : : n L . 1 ir win b. paiia. CLivi;Rp.Kr), Oa band and for sale at tbe loweat market price. ?B. Tall and acefnr yonmelrca. Tea will Ind ercrjtuing usually kept ia a retail store. L. M. COLIRIbT. Freiichrllla P. 0, Jan. T, !. IEW NT OR E. Cor. Pecond 8t and II ill Road. R. MITCHELL HAS Jail recwlred and opened, nt the shore namrd place, an entire new etork rtf M M Hl IlltlUlti, which he will aril VKIIT CHEAP FOU CAcll. Uia stock sonants of Iry Goods, CJroorrle, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, Boots and Fhom, lists and Capi, Drady.Made Clothing, etc. He also kewps choice FLOUR, COUX MEAL, FEED, Chop, Baron, nh, ni Drtrei fVeilla. Persoas eVftrcua of parrhaelng gends al fair ralee are rcpectiullrreanrrted to gire hia a eal!. ..""Apprnrsal country prodnce will be takea, at the highest prices, in rsrhuge for foods. Clearfield, June II, lft-tf Trans! aad abdominal sappertrt ef erery kind of tbe lateit ta.prr.rera .ate. Per .lie a. the Drug Store af BA HTcWICK A IKWIM. SW AIMW !. Vlf I A. Kennedy's Med d Dl.orery, Hslmbold's Bucha. Baker's Con Lirer Oil, Jane's and Ar.f, men, cine, of srsrj kiaa. far Bale hw BikTsaair a. r ... r - n ra waain as.. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAUFIFLD, PA. WEDNESDAY MOUNINtl, APRIL II, 1S6. SWINDLING IN NEW YORK. Ko sooner does one iiiL'onioun trick forswindlinL' tho cullublo public bciriu to show signs ui giving out, oilhcr inrougii mo exposures lu tlio pupors, tho action of tho police, or the nuturiil exhaiiBlution of tbe muteriul on which Ud authors feed, limn another is do vised ; and forthwith the j'eeso who ought to be tuken out on burum I'luin and driven cacklinir homo to Cumclot are onco moro plucked, and tbe lund iBUculcncu with their indignant hisses. Time was when the victiaig annealed to tbe law. Then, when that abstract power wag found to bo impotent to iiunibb or lo save, they wrote to the Jayor, the Sheriff, tbo Coroner, tit Jailor at tho Tombs, tbe Chief of Po lice, the Sexton of Grace Church, or even to the street Commissioner, tn tbe vain hope of obtaining redress through mysterious agencies, supposed to be known only to those dignitaries. At last tbey invoked tbe press. As fust as new bubbles were blown and burst, bushels of complaining letters were sent to the daily papors of ew York, and time after lime the deluded victims of tbe swindlers creed and tbeir own ignorance wore cautioned against placing confidence in tbe in- ventors oi" schemes, which, according T--I. tvii. . ..i .. .. n w juan innings, -nave ail uie pre monitory symptoms of a dead beat" The warnings of tbe press were of no lurtber avail than to break up a few rascally firms for tbe timo being. These began to operate anain. before long, under new names, and with new plane. Tbe same victims were trap ped, more letter were written, the old caution reiterated, but again and again the Kellys, the Clark k Web ster, and tbo dozen and one other adventurers to whom tbe commission of fraud was legitimate business, flood ed tho country with thoir circulars- cost their bread upon the waters as it were and the return was all their fancy reckoned it. Mayor Hall has recently Issued k proclamation warn ing people in tbe rural districts scuinsl the legion of sn indlors wbo operate wun circulars, on it is vain to hope that even this official caution will be heeded. Many are apt to think that none but young and inoxperionced people are lanen in oy these sharpers. "In the morn and liquid dew or youth conta gious vices are most imminent," and an epidemic of thiovery of the baser sort is sure to prove fatal to the thin purses of yoing rustics of moro cre duli'y than judgment. But tho dan ger is not conQnod to them. Old peo ple of both sexes, who have lived through generations of all kinds of swindles are hooked by overy rogue tbat throws out a printed lino of, glit tering promics, ana their lamenta tions are sad to bear. They read tbo warnings of the papers, but listen at tbe same time to the honeyed words of the tempter, and again invest their money in his schoiucs, only to loso it rorever. now rut swiNDi.rRs opekate. Thero are one or two nondcs. riit firms in New York whoso main busi ness consists in collecting the names anu addresses ol obscure people throughout the country, and renting the list to adventurers at so much per thousand names. One, of these firms on Nassau street ia reputed to have a genuine, list numbering 3(111,000 names confined to the Northern, Kastcrn and Western Stales alone. When a gift enterprise adventurer desires to sow his circulars broadcast over tbe land, he makes an arrangomont with the list holder, and at a given price copies ss many names as he may wish to use, and for many dnys the owners of these names keep themselves in a alato of bewilderment. in attempting to dis cover by whut ini'una they are known by the single-hearted capitalist of the great metropolis. A large proportion of them feel flattered at the attention puid them, and full incontinently into the net of tho snnrcr. To them tho si initio fuct of bis having put bis pro misee in print is suflicieril evidence of ins lionebty. Others are not captured till they read the recommendations purporting to come from the Tribune and other .Now lork journals; and others, still, refuso to bo entntnncd until Ihey find their country paper indorsing the twindlo; whereupon tbey loso no time in tuking stock in tbe brilliant enterprise with wbat result let the half million of regular guns tcsiuy. tut mrr sktirprimi. "I bare always found that whea any man offers me $10 fi.r 0 rente he lice. I soar think he meat., tn dn It. nut he vnr think so ; hnt I mar ciree within ti.MI of it once : and if I liti. hare well a great deal better thaa I will ttie neat time. d..ia Hiluwcs. Whether Shakespeare meant what he said when lio wrote, "there is boundless theft in limited professions," must remain a question with students of bumun nature und human events for a long time toeomo. Had ho written for our diy oud generation, he mist have used a word less contradicted in its meaning than "limited," or render ed himself liable to the imputation of being litllo versed in tho poetry of humbug a charge winch would seem to be well founded when we remem ber his assertion that "Griefs cry louder than ndvertisement." Ke this as it may, the "overwhelm ing rogues" who live by a system of petty plunder, make pood use of print er's ink, und are literally limitless in their pledges and promises. One of the most successful in the business of gulling; the innocents of the rural dis tricts was the notorious Kcllv, whose profits are supposed to have reached I . L - .. I II 11 . I I the sum of $500,000. He was arrested two or three limes here and in Chica go, on charges preferred by a few of bis victims, but was never punished. Clark k Webster, a bogus firm, sup posed to be Kelly under a double name, were also extensively engaged in tho gift business, and alter inuking t for- June, having never peon punished an SI 3 j. B Jul 18C9. beyond the infliction of tho nominal tine, are now, doubtless, plying their vocation under a new title. The plan pursued by theso scamps and others wnoimiiuto them has been so often exposed in theso columns that it is not considered nocessary to say any more aoout it except that their victims in variably gave thoir good arid lawful currency lor nothing. Till BAItOAIN SWINDLE. "Though I be aaid to be a tattering hon art man, it must not be denied that I am a plain dealing rillam." riuasr.irr.iBS. A set of rascals calling themselves J. ii Hamilton & Co." have mailed to all pnrts of the ?ountry. thousands of circulars in which they promise to sena "a yards ol poplin (like sample inclosed,') or any other colordesired." forlS. For $1 theso liberal merchants "will send 12 yards of prints (like samplo inclosed,") or 10 yards of mus lin tor tbe sumo price; or a piece of ou yarus ior m do. They have taken advantage of the state of the markets, tboy say, and are thereby enabled to purchase largo quantities or goods at fur less than wholesale urices. Thov send single patterns by mail, paying luBuige, ate., etc. dui oi course can not make any reduction from their prices. Ibese thieves unhung do not tall where tbey do business, but direct tbeir patrons lo address all communi cations to "Williamsburgh, N. Y." a. muy wnis lo uie j rwunc Irom Uock Falls, Illinois, to the effect that on the 1st of January she sent II to "J. B. Hamilton 4 Co., Willinmsburgh, N. Y." with an order for goods. In reply she received tbe following note : "W ii LiausaiiaoB, Jan. is, !.(!. . Msa. I Madam Your order waa dale m. oeired. Tbe Puatulboe Department hare recently refused to saail our packages, unless we pay letter postage, which amuunu te orer a dollar oa 12 yards. We make yon, therefore, the fallowing uBer, as we would like to bare yua aot aa our agent. We are oouAdcnt tbat when our goods are seen you eaa scad us snaay and barge orders. On gcoaipt of in more we will send by express any goods ordered to that assouut. and nreeent you with 12 yarde of Enpreei olutb, like theaam pie, or any other color do.ircd. If yoa do not wiab to accept Uiis offer wo will return yon the naouey sent. Aa early answer wiU oblige. . ery re.pectfully, J. B. Haan.Tos A Co. The indignant matron continues : "In answer to this, I sent 15 In pres ence of (he postmaster ol Hock Falls, giving nil necessary directions for the goods to be sen t by express. Although more limn lour weeks fcuve passed. and I have written repeatedly, I r an get no answer. Can you not expose incm, or nana ineso letters to the no- lice 1 That is all tbo satisfai.-tion left for a victim nf misplaced confidence." Weareieally very sorry for this victim ol miMiiarcd confidence, and ould, without delay place her letters in the hands of the police, if we thought tbat the police could or would help ber to recover her 10, or its equivalent in "chene poplin" or other woven material. Jiut they cannot. Should they ever arrest "J. B. Hamil ton &j('o., it is doubtful whether i .ow lork Judge would mcto out minishment lo tho thieving villains, We can only recommend to our un fortunate correspondent a careful perusal of the paragraph quoted above irom the philosophic Billings, and bee or ner neper to order dry goods Irom Hhamnburg merchants who send printed circulars to tho fertile prairie lands ol Illinois. TIU SEWING MACniSE PWlUCI.t. Ono ol the crudest swindles ever practiced in this country is that of the "Family Sewing Machine Company," whoso principaioflice is said lo be at iso. 102 -Nassau si., New lork. These hardened villains, a hundred limes meaner than ho w ho "plundered the impoverished Africans of their very girdles" tho only garments which the dusky Elhiops are supposed to have worn in very early times pub lish a circular which is never seen within a hundred miles of New York, except in their own den, but is mailed to country towns far away from tho city. In this it is set forth tbat they miiko and sell tho most wonderful sewing machine in tbe market at the low price ol 15 ; that it can hem, run up, luck, shirr, gather, and perform all those other operations without which the seamstress could never make so much as a cutty sack ; that, in addition, it sews with a straight needle, makes the hand stich, never pots out of order, is warranted for a lifetime, and is delivered without risk or fail to carh purchaser. Hundreds of poor girls in all parts of the conn trp havo been shamefully robbed by tho issuers of that circular, and it is to be hoped that, if il bo not an abso lute impossibility to bring any of the myriad of swindlers of tho oountry to jusnce, these it iiows may ere long be made to suffer for their unpardonable villainy. Should the Vigilance Com mitter) ever stsrt out fairly on a tour of lustration through tbo infected dis tricts of Manhattan, it would be well for them lo cull first at No. 102 Nas sau st., or wherever clso the "Family Sowing Mat hino Company" may bo found, and swing the members of that organitntion by tho heels to the high est trees in the City Hall Park. Another of these swindles is the Franklin Sewing Machine Company, whose oflleo is st 67 Broadway. The circlrlnr of this concern is lithograph ed, and the copy in our possession is signed Jhomas Meyer, who, we be lieve, is the husband of tho notorious Sophia Meyer. This woman, il will bo remembered, was prosecuted by the Working-women s Protective Union about a year ago, sent to pris on lor 12 months, and pardoned by Gov. Fenton. Sho has once been tried on a criminal charge. Til It t.XrRESS SWlNM.g. Of the Express swindle there are many varieties. Sometimes a well dressed man stops at tbe house of a during his absence, and pre tend to bo tbe bearer of an express package containing a draft for 11,000 on which there are charges amounting to $0 80 or $7 90. He opens tbe pack sgo ann snows to the unsuspecting lady of the mansion as honest a look ing draft as one would wish to see, collects the expressage.and disappears Tho draft, staance to aay, is always a bngub ono. There are many modi firnlions of this trick, but as they are all practiced in the cities, and at city people always read tbe papers io ... . .. - CAN. TEEMS $2 per annum, in Advance. NEWSERIES-VOI, 9, NO. 38 which tbo operations are exposed henr but seldom of their success. Mr. h. 11. Tttllmnn, of Jlnndari Duval county, Floridu, writes to t JTibune, under ditto of tho Mth ult. asking for information totichinir th "Now York Central Express Compa ny, ana ono it. w. juuloclc, ngen thoroof. Sir. Tallmun has received i printed circular from this Company in winch he ia ....v.! no ia iiniiriiieu tnuL, i your add ress havo been received I our Express ono package, upon which more are a au charges. 1'leaso sem lor tho sanio without delay. Unless tho charges be paid within 20 dtiv tho goods will bo sold at public auc lion. Write your instructions on tin back ol this sheet and return, with the amount of churges inclosed to the agent, lours truly, 2. W. Mulock Agent for tho Company. New York As the circular bears no definite ml dress, and as there is no such Express Company as the New York Central, Mr. Tallmun may feel perfectly easy tu uuowiiig jur. juuiock to Sell th package which "have been leceivod.' ior wubi ii win onng. r.. ..... :. .mi i.. ' THC WATCH BWIMDr.f. How many industrious ,-aAca's tliere may be engaged in the watch business in New York, it would be hard to enumerate. Circulars of all kinds are sent to the Tribune office every day by "victims of misplaced confidence." who wish to have tbeir grievances redressed; but the schemes of the watch people are all old. Among th boldest of the watch smindlers are liallett, Moore k Co.," who ca themselves "Bankers," and date their circulars from 57a Broadway. They offer to send a $200 watch for 110. and forward, instead, round brass box with three or four wheels in it. Tbe victim writes an indiirnant letter to -Mianeu, juoore S Oo., Hankers No. 6i5 Broadway, fwbo. bv tb way, "Pay the hitrhest price for Gold and Government Securities,") and re ceives tbe following (stereotyped) re- Dla Sta l We are lorry Ui inform yon tbat our ciprees sharer ass Beea snaking us trouble br send ing out braca watches, and kreniu the r .id one himself. We caught him in the aot of sending out a ore waicn not worm so, aaa bs then acknowl edged that he had aent out aereral, one of which ne ecu! to yoa. Wa are writing to all of the par- Mr., ami w wi.u yoa in reiura tne watcB at enee, ao that we wiar uss it aa eridrnoe against him. Ar sooa aa we receire it, we will send yua a eolid gold bunling eaae watch, patent lerer saoreaarata, and warranted fully worth $2110. Wa .merely regret Una difappointmrnt ; but as it waa through bo fault of ears, we bone by making rcnaratioa at oaoe, to reecire tbe enaction and eBoourageraeut of jour community, isr ftorruilterdrawiug is doer a. nnq. out lucre la still lime lor you to sell many tickets If you return yoarwaiek at owes aad get in gold one. lours respect lull r, UiLxarr, Alooai A Co, A lew months ago, a very shrewd young man from the rural districts camo down to cw York, after receiv ing a copy of the above letter, and, by iiircuienihg me "liaukers," succeeded in bearing away in triumph a cold watch worth at least 1150, but this is tne only case ol the kind we have ever heard ol. It bas generally been found very difficult to catch any ol these gentry at home when visitars desired to transact important business with them. We have neither time or patience to exposo each "little gaino"'of rascal ity concocted in our city. If you send money to any of these cift swindlers. you will lose it, as you will Lave richly deserved to do. If you imagine that any ono can or will give you $10 worth or goods for $1, you cannot know enough to co in whon it rains. and ought to be provided with a guar- uiau. j. i. ridMne, A Washington correspondent tells of an old, gnty hairod department ciera, wno tne oilier day sought out the Congressman from bis distriet and begged bim to use bis influence for bis retention in office. "O, no," lie says, "tney will not spare you. You havo never done anything to hurt anybody's feelings. IIow lone: have you been in the depart ment,any.h3w f A was appointed in IH31, thirty years ago "i es, away back in Jack son s administration, and you'll not be oisiurnedj tney ll neod your ser vice. Now, tell me how much you itBvej tnauo irom uie rovernment. uuw inueu more are yoa worth in this worlds goods than you Were when you went in there f" "Not ono dollar, judge; and it 1 go out now I don't know whero I'll go, or what I ahull do." Yet these clerkahips,which yield Homing oeyono a present Hung to honest men, are sought after wiih an energy that would mako a fortune in productive industry. "A Fals Ipea." No idea is more erroneous than this, that all fiimnU were created for man, and not for their own enjoyment of life. Myriads of them exist that do not appear to nave ever oecn intended to be subser vient to man's use, except as constitu ting a part of the universal plan of wnicii man is uimseii a part. Whole generations of tho insect, the mollu scuous and crustareous tribes, and of the higher orders ol animals, too, of turns, Leasts and Dshes, live and pro pogate their kinds, and die to give piaeo to new generations age alter nge, uninjured and unknown by man, some in the profound depths of the sea which plummet never fathomed some on rocks and islands of the ocean . here sail was never spread, and some in lonely savannahs or wildernesses of sand whero the foot of the traveler has never trod. A Fl'NNT I.l.lllSLATt ri The Leg. islature of Illinois, which recently, by way of a "joke," ceded Chieogo to Indiana,, has passed a bill vesting all political, civil and social po rer in tbe Sisle in "the femalo portion of the population above the age or sixteen years." It is made unlawful for any male over twelve years old to bo out after dark, unless protected by a woman qualified to vote. This, ;t is supposed, is another legislative joke. A boy relating how his father had just come In from h'nnting, and brair . A -r I :l:iij i-ii ui unking Hiiieu nine nunareil and ninety-nine pigeons at one shot. "Why didn't he call it a thousand V asked a bys'ander. "Good gracious," said the boy, "doyoo think my father would tell lio Jut for ooe pigeon." TIib TolilicO itii Material Cflnup" Hon of ih$ODtnitrr. 4 " - Ther Is a ms.ri.,t iliff ropre be tween t lie present tianeand th period just prcviiua to our war. In IHC.0, the man wbo hcram marked in fotrti. cat or business Immorality was held up lo public scorn and obltMpiy. Not so to day, lie wbo defrauds thegnsr. eminent, his business associates, or disgraces his constituents in Congress, is looked at with admiration and ss a bright oxomplur worthy of imituliot . The man wbo a few yours since stolo a few hundred dollars) lroni our City Council and called down tho wroth of every citizen, may now plunder tho nation of millions and boast of tbe honor which bo wins in tho exercise of his peculiar ability. Tho Union Credit Paciflo Mobilier Company, whose dirty lace we tried to wash a littlo yestorduy, is among tho first of the gigantic swindling combinations whose acta are now hav. ing their natural rebound. The stag nant mass ol corruption which always, follows in tho wake of war, came upon us in the ratio of the L'iL'antic materiul we hurled upon tho rebellion. Tho wholo evil elements of the country found full pluy and plenty to feed upon. IJow well it fed. let two thou sand six hundred millions of national bt answer. How well it still saps. our prosperity, lot threo hundred mil- 10ns oi annual expenditure demon. strate. Our great struggle for national pre servation was undertaken ia the lofti est sentiment of patriotism. The first year of the war the people shouldered nruis irom urincin e. IV o rmirt nrv bounty, and patriotism had not fixed its price. Two years had scarcHly passed before the demoralization nrn.' duced by the prodigal outpouring of national treasure extended from Con gressmen, government contractors, and tho leading plunderers, to tho oner jtruuesor Bocreiy.and the nation became one vast whirlpool of immor ality. With the inoculation of tho masses, the leading brains grew bolder and felt surer of their power to inaueu- rate a gigantic system of plunder which depended, in great part, for success upon a public opinion thus prepared. So education went on, re flected from low to bitrb. until the country could take, as a well Dlavod jest, the betrayal of its political and imieriut prosperity, congress natu rally, in our system of government, represented our eeneral condition. and consequently was ripe for all measures tbat aimed at tbe tapping of tho fountain head of wealth tbo publio treasury. , The country was ready then were) launched in rapid successsion the schemes for plunder which have since staggered us and brought as to our senses. Then came the Union Facilio liuilroad, with its tens of millions of plunder, and, following this, tbo hun gry financial wolves, ecenting the national blood, rushed in and Facifio railroad charters lrotn all sides from ttshini'ton and from every State- flooded the market and filled the wholo space from Texas, lo British America with imaginary parallel lines of iron. Tho wolves toro the nation al domain into shreds and parcelled out the land spoils to their followers. il the Indian residents stood in their ' way a convenient war destroyed their titles to consideration and despoiled thorn of their possessions. This fail ing, a trumped-up treaty of peace be- ween me plunderers and tbe tribe gave the lormer the courage and shamelessnesa to present a claim to me property lor the confirmation of tbe Senate, as witness tbo Cborokca laud spoliation stilt awaiting its turn to prove the corruption of our legis- ii orniieu oi me government the tide flows on and tbe vast ocean of corruption begins to feel a purifying pressure. Ibe bubbles are coming to tho surface, and the air is tilled with the stench of eitrht years of financial and pulitical rottenness. Slowly but surely npwards tbo people again move. Now and then some elear-beaded, bold man, like Mr. Sprague, steps to the front and de nounces the men who bead tbe demor alization we have pictured. The mass moves, and out of tbe mire on to firm ground again. Of the two branches of Congress the .Representatives lead : n .' r ,i . . i i re iii, mr mcy icei me touch or epeoplomore quickly. The Senate. glutted with po-er, dictatorial and rresponsiblo, yield only to force. round Ihem, In defence, stands a all of wealth, handled by the relent- ess, unscrupulous plunderers. They rena ineir iseiiale with tbe same aring energy which bas character. lie its acquisitions ; for tho United Stale Senate is tbeir citadel. Whis- ey, tobacco, petroleum, tbe tariff. - milling, the Custom House. inside and outside, frontier smuggling, tho Indi- ii i urea a ana indian land stealers, Anting, gold speculating, govern ment bonds and the I'niu-d Siatna reasury all have their representative rings, which allow nolhino- t.. in. fringe upon the patent right which gin years oi skillul invention baa ven them lo rulo the country. But all this must have an end. Tn any other country it would terminate in a revolution, ol which the French tragedy ol 170 is tbe type. Here, however, tbe people have too mn, l good sense and education to call in itch a drastio but uncertain remedy. Ve have a new element for the eor rcction of such evi la, which no other anon ever had and but ono other von try now posocsiies. and that iannw free press. This is to day the govern, ment, the mouthpiece of the people, the national purilvor. It carried us safely through our war. It should now array itself against all legislative or executive usurpations of authoriiv - nd against the "rinirs" which havA threatened to destroy us. iHiing this the country may airaio be restomd tn both material and political prosperity, X. Y. IlerM- Jones lias been doinp? homam in a pair of bright eyes, and talking ten der things by moonlight lately. A few evenings since. Jones roanlrrl ir. "make bis destiny sure." Accordingly he fell on his knees before the luir Ihilcina, and mado bis passion known. She retdscd bim out flat. Jumping to hi leet he informed her in cho c terms that there was as good fish in Ihoeea as cvor was caught. Judgoof the exasperation or our worthy swain when she coolly replied : "Yes but they don't bite at toads f Jones bad learned lesson. Teraonalities are a dangerous gme to play with Prentice. Thurlow Weed s paper having ventured to ar that the "Louisville Journal bas chin on its shoulder which it dares an vbodr to knock off rrpr),ire "The editor of tbe New York Com meroial has a bluet on his sl.otiWar btcli ought to b knocked oSl" n- BWrjj