flotfU and ttfjlaurauli. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL mark it t., r Mumrn, r. .-a, lh ftrtrtfr itl f 14 t kit 'd frtndt. nd twwrtj fhnrm ( paMir U': of hit raiuM, b t.yt t" ft hi t ri.r Mtiifftrtiun I bit rttrit. Th T.4IM.K will tlwftTH b houBtkfull lui)lirit wilb lh ht h Mit b rcyri in the ipt li . und th.,- UaR tnntftin ft lulltoki.r l.I(J!"iRS1 TtKKK, Ac. CASPER LKiroUvr," CtrAlJ, March I, lM'.y-lj PrtyrtoUr. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN 61.. CVBTENSVILLS, P A. H AVISO leeeed for s term of yean tb ebors w.ll knows sod ponulsr hotel, (kept formerly by Mr. Him, sod Isrtly by Mr. grata. I tht prttsnt proprletsr hH re-flued It with tht obltcl or rndtrttf hit futttt torsfort- tblt while tojoornlng with him. A Ana, large Stable sod Ysrd tl attached, for tht nn tnd protection of bortet, esrrisgtt and wagons.. A liberal tbsro of pubiio pebronsro (a solicited. MU-M JOHN roVTS, Prop'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curwentvlllc, Clearfield eoouly. Pa, THI8oM.naw.il eetahlleherl Hotel, beeatl Islly attested o tae booh, of (bo Sueque hanoa, to tbo boroegb of Owwea tot Ik. koo boon Itteod for o tar of peart by tko oaderalraed It has bass entirely rootled, and it now onei u lb. pubiio generally and tko Iraeelllag mn. ity in particular. No fain, will ko tpared to ereoder luoiii eomfortebie whilo tarrying M thit fc-eae. Ample Stabling room for tbo aooomma eoa of teams. Charges moderate. Joe. 1,'W.bT WM. M. JEFFRIES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Carwenarllle, Clearfield county. Pa. THE sndtnlgntd haa letted thit old and long oaubliibod hotel, (formerly k.pt by Malar law Bloom.) tituale In a etntral portion of tho Iowa, and bat antiroly re-tited aadreferoiehed it, aid rs-modsled tho ttt oling, to at to msks U a object, hereafter, far the ut ellnj pnblle to atroafto thia largo an oommodloaa b'ua. d.-3,'68 tf JOHN 1. HEAD. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of sooondand Market Stroota, tXIiAHFIULU, PA. THIS old and eommodton. Hotel haa. taring tho paat year, boon inlarj-od to doable iu loraor eapaelty for tbo ontortainmont of atran f.ra and (ueau. Tbo waolo koiUini kaa kaoa fofurniabod, and tbo proprietor will iparo no alna to reoder bia guoau ooealonablo wbllo uyioit witfa bin. 0TTae "Maoaion HeaaoM Onoiboi roaa to and from tbo llepet on tbo nrriral and departure 01 eacb treia. . .. UA IU J0UN610N, aa tf proprietor. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLEARFIELD. Tk. " ' rjBI anbierlbor balnf loaoad fno torn of a. J9mim iuif wcii-anown noiei, ( aejn ror many yoaro wy nr. A.oniro.1 ana ro-nttee) and refnr. atahed it tbrouphnot, ia now prepared to ontw. tain traveler! and the pubiio jcener.Ily upon terna it ia hoped alike agreeable to ooUi peareni aaa proprietor. Ilia 1AULK and UAH will be iappliedwith tbo beat tbo market afford. and ae pain, will be apared oq bia part to add to tae eenronionoo ana enrn'ort or bin jrueeta. JBHN DoroHKHTT, " will " - Propiietor. VhiUtlftphia flvnliumrms. !!tIO-.l7lHs..!!!M,s(;o SPRINT. KAO HEAD CAREFULLY!! Your Best Interests De mand It 1 1 8 a to K H O t5 - 05 a a n o 15 R to 1 a m R o C : w 2" t c V. ' o M M O '.05 Z w H H k- THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, MlaYTlNCDOW, PA. rpntS old e.uMlehment baring keen leased X "T J. MClftRISON, formerly proprietor of ue "jaornaon tinuae, baa been thoroughly ren. orated and refurniabed, and aupplied with all to. aiodern Itnprurementa and euneenienooo no oeaaary to a Bret-cle.. Hotel. Toe dining room aaa ooeo romovea to tne nr.t floor, and ia now paeiouj and airy. The chamber, art well ren ttlated, and the proprietor will .ndaaror to make bia raefti porfeotljr at heme. : J. MORRISON, Proprietor. i. w. W4t.Lc.... TOiit, a. taiv. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Lulberthurg, Clearfield (o Pa. THIS wall known and long ertaklitbel Hotel, formerly kept by H. V. Men re, and latterly aj Waa. fiobwoai, er ko. boon leoeod for a tern at jeert by tbo uoderaigned. to which tbo allen el the traveling pubiio ia now oallad, and a liberal there of public patronage it tolioitod. prietiO-Jy-pd EHAW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN 8T.," PUILIPKBURO. PA, THI nndareigned keep. conaUntly on band the boot of Liqunra. Hia table it alwaya applied with tht beat tho market a Horde. The aoeling puhlio will da well to give him a oalL aeVoo. KOHkRI LLOYD. r K pi 'Z h. H H P! !4 H O r i- I w to f S W w 1 I w m O Q !) ' ' tl t-i as to S to "J o 93 ... O r ... . ... H " H ' H :.o..g . SI'S .... K?a. - w 1 o w W H r. o c w nH o S3 II U piiwin Oiiening or M Fll K s. to.f .r M 1 ' l'i'iiin HMD Nl'i.1 Full eii- V of vl Al'l.K ai.d I AN, V SPRING (SlIOHS, KVIlE i lAMinLL, ..no a. I ruj A Arrh rile., rb.l.delpija. t BANKERS;? No. 35 South Third Street phi 1 Ann dhijj V FOR PENNSYLVANIA iL forT.HE UNITED STATES OF AiMERICA. CASH CAPITAL, tl.000,000, FULL PAID. Literal lerme nffrro to Arenta end aoucttora.wto ai-lu.iieow, oor w.",ii!';'.Uc.'"" '" "" .plleaif a. oor one. Mateo I rh. Mogl ii. r. i f our ilulina Ho.PT enrr t4reaiare ao rauj..liteie, foil o,rioue 1A10 Ml4a.l... ,,, IL.1.,,,,.., .,.. Ot HM. V. . (LAktla o!r - - iwa r,rf jl It. . RrfeitX, Manager. J. TTH')MA5, Agent tar Centre and ClearSeld oounlie., l'a. aurla-i.lT -' .... o a. BOYNTON tt YOUNG, IXU'MiKHs MAOIUMSTS afcuiiiifavclyrbr f FOKTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM EXGIXES Cnniflr of Furtli ia. I'im gtiu. I EARKIM.U, PA J. RUl.LU1.liI U . . . - 1A il lAkiT. EOLLOWBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLER Blank Book Mannfacturers. AKD ETATI0SIR8, I Sl .Wnj-Arf M., PhUadrtphia. Paper Floor rioek. and Itae. PhiImj, LeUcx. JSuLo. Wnu'Vlae- Curtain a,.i U lapora. fcnla-le. JOHN M. MELLOY, AarrAcrrkai or Plain, JajtannwJ It Stamped Tinware , AW MlLft i Houae FaruibUliig Cuoda. Tu Kaofiaif and - - t snuarttar Plnoa. t "Ko. TI Market tJtroet, ' i" mi aiiaii". I" nAVINO engtr-d lathe ataaafaotlre 0 tnt Uu M A I ' II i. h K V. we rreneolfully inform tho pabiie that ore art a prreard ko ill all erdrrt aa eoeaply and ae proapTly ao eon he doa ia any of the citiea. We manalartore aai deal in Malay and Circnkr S2w-Mills, Head Blookj, Water Vhetla, fhofoteg rellera. Gtffonre In;e-t'.r,5am Gaurea. roaa Whiataea. Oilert, Tallow Cupi. Oil Ce... Gauge Corti, Air Coeka, tiloU Vejee, Check alrra, wroogal iraa 'f. -'"' rawpa. Bwlar Feed f-ampa, Ann Fnotwa Mearre. ieop rlone Parking. Unx Paik- ing. end all kind, of KILL VOKE ; t ge-Lrr wit llowt, Kod Soiet, COOK AS D PA J?Z OR STO VES, ant other CAJTISCS of a& kinds. er-Onitre ainlaal and ild at city prino. MlllfUllCtjl. KIRS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL VOW GIRLS 1 1 tt 1 ', r. r. I"":? M'MMi )l I V 1., Oil.' r.'ir.iMoe,. nei M.da. . I Trnvr. or Trni.n-. Read.i.'r rVthorre. I , Wntire ollenl. .-I.. I'i n.ei. AMilnerie aae rnwie'T tr,r-kT.I,t, aei tarwt, M e4e.ee ti 0 Hreteer. end deerl;ee t.onamM he Wiia Ma lrav.r.g. tirammar, Meeital aud l ntieea AmtimHae . g A'rrhra ai. j the fv irorre f 04 For foil partrealart oeoi for Cirralar. Hrarf rM, Nee. 1$, 1K. J:a. aor tl CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M., Principal. nBS THII.D e'liSSIOX ol Ike 1 "Uue aroI tt iBMiitatiaa sill emmtnt 1 tt cirN iiitnetioa tiWret Trj thing Tti Pnanpftl. iTtuy hmd lh ft4rsatr of rcu d uriui tkt hi.vBttr abiiitj ud Bcrgto atvoxi to Ia Brrl m4 tAi UtuftiBf f tb plaei ndr kj Cftftrf t. tr.HNn OF Tl mW. Ortaernptof, Keadief. Wnucf, tu4 Priury AntlBid?. ptr ttti (II ) . fi 0 GraiBar, Owfnrb, dlhtaMUc, Mi Hirtftry U Abra, Oa-mtrr, THrOMtry, Vea. rkUa. ErrTir, PaihMopb-, PttiU tTT.Citir7, bMk KatiBf, Boubj 4 Pkrwai f--jrpby - . . $9 90 Lfttta. Urk aa) f raawfc, whit ajiy f tba bKot Brafea - fij frS aJeti W made fr ftbitaea. ptfftt frtbTprtirnUn inqotrt of RfT. P. L. flARP.ISOy. A. M.p fafcul. 1Pttf. .; PriaciMl. the HKnnu.ir.vx. i i.kai:i n:u Ta. ri'iitT v nMii. Amu. , SELECT SCHOOL. nag no el ClearaeW, Pa. aw if BOrjrrnx A TOVSC aagtJy PHILADELPHIA DREXEL & CO., ha. St HouUi l'nird nilrret, Pbiladalpa And Dea'ers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive awwujon anew, tion. aad all inlormauus eherrfuily funnrtied. Orojera eoticitd. aairlli RE3ZENSTE1N BROS., Hanulacturere of aad Wboleealo IleaJrre ia ME ' AXD IlOTiV CLOTH I XG. t Markrt ak 4m Mrrrhaat Nmt, angr7J PHILAliELPIllA. Pa. i soy spring, isno J AMIS, KELT, SAmi & Co., rPHE rent er reeeioa of the Faaqaehaana a- J. am !vrhool.!l'vated a' Caatphell a Charrh. in l"'l le.waop.: will rreamene oo the id of alae. tared Mead...! for Oai term of are taeniae, with a rotation ol thre weaa ia nieo.mn.er. Tae oamxa eraachoe will ho laagat. aad aloo too loUaiii:: Aireoea, Inoeeotni. fva Inea. Aii ititrt o: taoiurr with reareaoc to aUKStaerrT ' aaaetry. atraearoAMea, parrejiog. Philooi pby, ofeaarmaaalaclanarreooUta. k.i.. i PayaMai Gwot'aoO'. Kbotorwj aad I no pre of ton.oa ehall be (13 foe the fail term of ae mnotae; and tor lee toas a full term the raw of J pee muoth. All penile .hall he I'.-l tst eei u the t. ro, OLt.'it ut .peolal agreo-aer-t at r!.o f lue of eo'.ri, aad toe price of u.uoa ess i ee pa a ia aaian. The .eert S h-jel 1. brand is a fleaaast neigh Uvs.md.aad a rvtteat teacher has Dew eeeared. Iard eg 'a oe OJeeeaeeel ler S3 per week. Ar,Tlr-a ia!. ma:ioe eas he had r.T a.1 lrea- wx the P e- i-t of the P ad. at fneh P. K the '"-7 st rr f- t -'..:h. at Curwena- i!V. Jl'Hf F UK Prr. ent. i ACB W, tAMPLELL, Tres.'r. Jaoae Peanis. Ser y. msrl't tf Terms of Subscription, I pai ia ail i anre.ee tlnm tlire,. moniha .. f? P( li y4 etter three and tlorv ail ttionlhe...,. Z .'.( If feid aflei the eeirali. nf en enonthe ... I Op Sir, T. II. W'ii eeir foreman, It su'boriied to mei.t fi neari paid into the uAro on occ.Mtiit of awlacri.lian, o.ertifiiig. ,.b work, ir., in out aboeoce. t.t'l. P litHll'1. A Ml i:il, F..ltlur aad Prcpnetor' RI.LK.IIH S MlTK IJa. Mrthodl.t -plarapal horrh lUr. W. H I'm. Haator. par) lir Serrico erery babliath, n., aoo it r. M. .cabllb rioul St A M. IVarer Neetisg e.erj Thorflar, tl 71 P. Jl. I mraunin berrica, are! batibalh of orery ..in, ai in, a. it. t-ranrl.' t hurrh Ma.t .1 0J oVIix-k A. hf., on the teoood and fourth Hundart ol each Cui Rcu Notice. A nieotin of tho Presbyterian Conrjresation of Clear field and vicinity, will be hold in tho Baptict Church, Saturday evening next, for the purpose of acting on the report of the Committee heretofore appointed to telcct a propor pernon to fill the office of pastor to the congre gation. The Committee have agreed upon a parson, whose name they will present, and it is desirable that the meeting should be as lull as practica ble. A. M. HILLS, Chairman Committee. I, i'taning tilts. J.-fe.JXOTICE.f a P:-w, W. W.tf SPRING GOODSI 1 1 6 898IZT--01 1 1 Third f.r rnjLAi'j. t,iii ia. Wear now prrfsrrd with oor wma meaairo and well-oeeoned etrMb to offer ettra mdooemeaito toCAU lilihKS. aiirllf a. L. iti:ri a co. CLEARFIELD PLAXIXG riLL ALL RIGHTI rpEE n'frV.nrawf,-, itr. ,u. t -1 erf t wrteld ooassy. taat tier haro ex-ure:. ret:l.-d tta tataii lierwto.UtloOeel aerml wd worktrg mahaere. at I frl j to "Tele aB orders m IW h,. ae. 'a rT "trael arteeteea to the maaxfae- ''Tr-t frm the or .Til weooe t n.a ae l e eparral mAao. rarlemere ras rely spoa slwaye JCST 0PI.VI.V3 A FFLEVMD aT0CK, AT llarxi ir u- C KRATZER 1 ,0X3- BEST FAY FLOUR. T P. KaUTZCft has aaa. arena gotaanto W o ho nrrbrd with the eeletratej -CAHDRIt TO Piori, and harir!? the airsstage FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, 1 Z tirt BB-T FLrR st thrkweot market STRETCH, EEKXETT & Co., DIJUG S AXI) SHEADEB b QALEE'S .' Eeslauralit and Confertionerr, (Oa Bead Street, near tbo Bailroad Depot,) ' OLLARHiLD, PA. PRKPH OTHSU aad ICB CREAM ia -a aeaaiiw. Aoasera, uigtn, L'sndiet, Piuta. end oeerytbtng naually found tn a Crnifootioa ire, alwsyi on head. The only BASATELLE iAui.a in town, ons be fmnd at tkit oalnoa. ailO 8m pd BliHAllEU A UALLE. ill. in IILDICIXES, SO ni:TII I XCi XEW I ' Brandies i Wines for Mpdica! i ye! :(: jka. any MarkM 9u, PhiM a McGAUGHEY'S I TA lEAXT & HErREII!IIET IllflOI, ia iMary , hn Building, (formerly eoonpiod by sr. nntt,; EECOXO ST, CLLAKEIELL, PA. PI0KST A KTLT nn hond a fine teteetirm of C A W. VV illFS, UTH, CIOAIW, TOBACCO, Ae Alto, maHH 0VSTKK6 rweleed daily, and "frai op mi ion ine taateo ol enetoDers. Vs. BILLIARD ftm oomm aoennrletnry. deoio.u DATIB MeUAl UHBV Soots ntttl jf Jtorj, DANIEL OOXNELLV, Boot and Shoe Manufacfurrr, CLEARFIELD, PA. TT A" net reeeleed Snt lot of Preach CALF A A tat a 3. and it now prepared to mannfao- -r. eeerwtnug in hit lino at tho lowest ngaree "a will warrant hu work to ho aa roproientos. nt rtlSOOtullv anlioit. a Mil. mt k.. .Wm. mm "rket ltreel,tecond dcor weal of lb. poatoboo, h.ra ho will do all in hie power to reader aatie- "uen. norae nne Waiter topt on bond. yt,1T y liAKILL CO.N'JtELLT. TElfE PR(K'LAIMEI).. TEI WAS OTOE IS CLEASJTXLli. ENOI TOsniP QUIET.'.. Xtarly all the Contral-andr onino lad to ti'r old mnxtcrs ; but 'nary one !"iny to on M assarbwittt, vhrrt they were lmcijto lung and to wtll. IS eeneeqnenee of the those fasti, T. EFVIRT, f the old "Short bboe Kh.ip." would sn- pairont. sad ths people ClearS.id oonary at large, thai he bat now a ""rate lot of good material, J net received from '" Seat, and i rrreparert onan irl nntlre to make "a "end Boou and fthna., at bia now tbup in "'w.m'amw. lie It aatiaSed that be eon pieaae ".'e-il.et It might he soma intonaely lorsi tur- patnota.) No it prepared loaell low for or Cnontry Prodooe. llon'l forgM the "ooieit door to Shower. A Oraham a tloro. " lerket ttroot, nioarheld, Pa aad kept by a "new eoemenly sailed PJ.'aT.y "JIIORTT." toff DooYTViFsnoE snar. EDWARD MACK. ' HALkhT A In Srt, CLKAKFJKU", Pa. THP propri,tw ,M .nMwj Uto ti,, ijooiar A E1I0E huainoot at the abort stand, and fera.tei not to ho aoldoao either to ual .., rlM far hie work, rlooclal attention ... r4 " manofaetnring Pawed work, iit ... T" 'aad a Urge lot af Rreaoh Kn aad i.ii j l"m,,"1d aad rlrinity are t-oepoatlally ' ! trti- aharge far oalm. BOOT JUD S1I0E MIOP, New Store in Madera. MESSES. J. FORREST d S0. TITOULD reapaetfnUy inform the puhlio that M they bare jaat opened, in JdAlltl'.A, Cleariald eoontr, Pa, aa enure now nook of FALL AKD WINTER GOODS, Whiok they are prepared to sell as aheap sa the nbespett. Their itook oonalan la part af Dry GoodB of the Bent Qualitj,, hsch aa Alpaeoat, Delaase, Prints, Maaliaa, CaathBoeaa, Satinets, aad Paasaele, Beadj - Made Clothing, Or tbo boot quality, eaah as Ceota, Pants, Vaeta, Ororooata, Orsrallt, Shirts, Collars, At. Boots, Shoes and Gaitem, Area of fit eery beat Quality. A complete stock of Gpcicerien.i la abort ererylhing a anally kept it's country ' " ; - J Consumers, Look to Your Interests I Call and examine oar ttoek and prices before POFT OFFICE parobatlng oltewbora. LCMRER AJID GRAl.V Of all kinds takes is eichscga for goods. ts-Ktmomber tbo plaoo, Madera, Cleart.ld oottnty, Penn'a. 3. TOLkE'I t f 05. Oetoher U ll7-t. BENSON, CAMPBELL L Co., Ka 1? K. Firth S. aad trt Commorra, . , THILAIiELrHlA, Ts, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And CosnniEsion MercLaste, poa rat eALS tr Wont, Olnaenr. Tor fkina. Feathers. Leather, Flsz Seed, l'rird Froits. Cioror fseed. kaes. Door fkina. Butaer, heee.ai. tmoep Fkina, Frga. At, ae, ae. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Priro rarrrat forwarded oa rrrjaeal. JimO li. Hit .,T, FASH, DOOK?, BLIXDS, BKmlCMmETS k ."OIXI).rC, Or ALL IIIIH, e a'wsra haneea hand n targe tCark of PET Lrn kER.aa-l.fll nyrarh fee si rlrar Lamho. Oar-aad a aaJf hirk j.mvfi stf s.rctorrad. Umber Ki"uraured to Crier, Ut as oasagad. to too oasti f-f Feiat detirered to aay part of tko Iowa free of ekarge. marjl-lm Down I Down 1 1 THE USTAKRIVaL A.B OF COIRSB THE CHEAPAVIl ilosscp ia aeiling at cost. II r. James Crossly offers for anlo some valuable property in Lumber City. See advertisement. For a neat and nice fitting hat or cap cheapest in town go to the Banner Hat Store of J. C. Ligbtcap i Son, Markot street, Clearfield, Pa. All dtvles and colors. Moasop is determined to sell goods at cost. The cheapest and the best boots and shoes to La had in CleurfiulJ, are nt the Banner Shoe Store of J. C. Lighteap A Son, Market street, op. poeite H. B. Swoopcs residence. llossop is selling off his largo stock at cost. See his proclamation else where. Allibose's Dictionary of Authors. J. B. Lippincott A Co . of Philadel- phia, are about to iiwue the completion of Dr. AUiborie's ' Dictionary ot ng lih Literature, and British and Amer ican Authors" tho first volume of which was published some years since by Mr. G. W. Childs. Persons desi ring Vols. II. and IIL uniform with the original edition or ol. I., to com plete their sets, are Invited to send their names to the publishers. lft f.e 1.la tHnri.l t Jrtartloet tn llmtAcfaf. On 1 riilnr.lli Ktlt unl lini Jui.area Uv.'r, left tk llsven In ClfSififl.l, ID hull the rrrulnr lens ol fniiri A fi W rlsva previous lo Ins having nt n Ail inMinl a mitniuT '! Ills pen tntiul friends to snnii.riii v liim mid iiniie in (entlorinre his roapH: to hi int'iiils in t IcarfU'lil wlm bad so gen tTuU'.ly rui'purU'd Liin lit the lu.il uIim 11,111. The party, cohhlatlnir of about (orlv, left on Vti.hty inorningal hall' past ten o't lot k. Tho tliiy was one ol ruiishine and siiuleo. Auluro soenind to be throwing olTtltu iiiv ft ttors ot winter. ana appearing n'uiii In tho verdant r'ibes of spriiiji. All licarU were buoyant with the proxneet of a pleas. ant excursion, Rnd the toils and cares of b.'isinens lifu wero forgotten in the general desire to hftve a "good linio." Georjo C. Willtiiis, tho popular and enieieiil iuperintaindtiulof llie Tyrone division vt' tho J'unna,. liuilroud. had tendered L. A. MacUey, Esq., Presi- dtmtof the Bald l'kgld alley ltuilroad Company, a special train to Clearfield, winch was niaccd at the Uinpcsnl of tho party. Tho kindness o m r. Wil kins, in providing' for them one of the most elegant and comfortable cars in tho service of tho rt.'nd, was duly ap preciated by tho eutiro party, and ho will be loni and eratefu.'ly remember. ed by those who were the recipiontg of his trenoroaitv. At Slile.tbun? the party was joined by a few ciiiiens of xiullulonlc, and without anvtlnnir to I , - rriit,(. f,.f alrra n cii-.na . f link IlkVin sis oh biaUd, llmnka to Ihn libovivliiy il S' Hia i.ia nf ths iiaily, e i tc tskrn to t Imrlii ld and bin k tailluillt t(i,it. Li'tij Uisv bo lit lii enjoy tla c iiindiMiee av es teem td hit li'ilo aiiitU'iio. Itirontm." Local Normal Si iiooI.s -e-A stboiil, expryftly fur sdvauniJ pupUt aqd tenches, will b opcovd i CurwciM, villo, on iKo Ud day of May, for term of fit months, hv W Cook, a grndiinto of ihu Mmto Normal School of Alillersviilo, who w highly recoininoiided by Pnif. Brooks an4. Prof. Witkersliam, Slate Superintend cnt. Tuition, for the full term of five months, (common brunches.) $12, and, tho higher branches, for tho taiao timo, fiorq 113 to 114. Boarding, from $3 to $3 50 per week, For par ticulare, address . AfcNuul, Esj., Cu,l"i wensvillo. Also, a looal Normal School estab lished in Luthersborg, by Prof. W, Cornell, to open tho 10'h, cf May, for term of five i,cntL, fur advanced pupils and tcachors. Prof. Cornell is nlbo a gradual of the Stato Normal School of Millorsville, and, is recom. monded by Prof's. Brooks, Wicker. sham, (ieist and others. Tuition, fur tho full term of five months, (commo, it 1 1 . -. mar the pleasure or disturb tho har- D rsl;,'eMt-', nd tho higher branok- mor.y and good tecling which prevail-1 ,op tam "no, from 12 to I4, a.Ordrrt er.!ri!d. aad Lamher faoaiaAed oa short aour aad oa laonimo la terms. . l rrrrt a co. rvwrfTd. y-r. t. irr. DEAF . !. BLI.Mi.VES? A CATAF.ER treated win tlrf stmoet aoi-erM tr Ir. J. .-AA(.. hi ll.. and J'roteaew ieianaee of tare Le and tar aa the hfadinal f ..lir of rvnn raoia. 12 year. eipeiMtrr. 'fin-ene-tT of ly-ora. Hi.lland.l No i . ATh .-rroit, lb-la. ffttt- mrmiale can be ai-en at hi. ..Shy. The mrfl.rai ' - anra aa feeeltr asm stnrated ta aeiriore.aer tbeir e,arwn-e t aa ha has ae orrrrta in i,.r K-d.,oa. Artjimi rjooritr Siiirf t.Tt-Trttfi Ie ,le1r, j br, gasi, Tkjort, 2 lied. E B. Parma L A. lau E. Be J-wt Parre, -J. Ik. La wis. Thompson k Co. This is tho title of the new mercantile firm at Cur wensville. The dissolution of tho old and the proclamation of the new firm will be found in another column. We recognize tiia senior partner as our old friend Judge Thompson, who has been well and favorably known to the citizen of Curweuaville for many Vmmmm , . . 1 m m A 1 I . 1 a n i .- . ....... . j-'7- -l iriiiuiih biiu uiiriut h (Vxfmipjrgfi Prices! usineM man, b has made a repqta- are e op . U sf the brrt sad 1,0,1 01 tUt 0WD flg his neighbors, ' at,v teaeuasMo tiia sad Waret nor and needs nn nntT In hn'ne him Int.. -d !.,..: :;- uih.ctj iu ma. i(xmiiTj. LiaT of letter retuuiuing uoclaiincd in the rostoffir. at rimrfiAM Ai.t-.ll , rr4 tn U. BMrkrL 4 Bt prvfM thkU rr i ri 4 irif f fbsrmp thtmgu Tb-na, w i-w- U.t mpm ttvrt pmt, r dttr. mmg ftJk. C.ttt .r OIR STORE, Vrt tV fn ffrL Wr ftc i kne fur lhm- f 1i J cjr(:i,l mint sVTwCroVp KvkOsimV I U tm.S.anraVl kVB I (!. ear .raa.-b T, ... .k 1 M ie amjaur (DM PATTON & CO.. 1 h A aNl (jr Jl I L L V EreryaUng that ia Needed Aeo Irerarel ae faraiah aS kiad. af Manufactured Lumber, Well fii 4wi rnr. . Ttrr.. rn inMTffd With.'Ol j-miia. o H. F. NAUGLE, lrl "" ii-f (UKTi AD WAUH M IkER. FLATS AiD FAi'CV H0ULTIJ.G. arpotrrs tna (j- , ttainf tnttri ..aiiiCL EAETIELIt TfiE twhooHher roieperifsTlr tr frine lie tOl; patroaia and the per-iie geaora Ire. that he ' hoe oa hand, isrd ts 011netaaLyre.rej.4ag ae a addiUant ti er. k, 1 s large ttoet sf ; OP-Iwa'e-e el f-l h t rr ai'aa'u roarer) ran prases hafr eser.rr teeeani AAoraea, . E. illli A ( M. Fht. . jae.ef Or-1,U , ; x:r. TO RAFTMEN. Clociis, Walciet sn& Jcwtlry. T-I keep Jeaalr, m ail it a fwrmt aad af difleroat Taioes, ouber by Ue j rrt ear oeft. WATCBF.S ftT fenrtneol f oilher Cold or f-tlrrr. made r-T the heet Aceras and for. 1 eijrs manofscioTOTA. tnt'od-nc s ftnr let erf gr-.d I ar,S eilrer tniM,, n .,,i . J a. . TC ..1.. 1 1- i-r ---- - - . , .... j."-, ...r. Ill - f 1 mr Mir iu uiiiimiii yoo loau we lienors. ' nsr. .ton row end an tmmenae noek 0r CLOCKS Of aTl de.rna. n-a:pHt, ofeirai. DRY GtX IlS, which we are tolling rear obeaa. I sat and thtrrr hnwe. nf e l' -r .i- iLl e, -n j ar Beet yard M ualin ... lie. er nrd. Calicoes, from .....Ajo. to ..lZe- per yard. Bast all wool hoary (aeatmtre.. ths. per yard. Arm, large stock of Ticking, Ornrbama, Fhnraert. ll rear Gondt, Tohle Linena Towers, HsndaerrAjiefA, 1 f Iclhiaa. How to Save Jlonrv. i a. rorsa. HUBERT 4. YOUNG, Slonc-mttcrs 4 Stone-Baon.s, XT'" ILL eierotron work ia their lino at mod II erets pneea aad la FIR.-T CLASS ttyla ArcLitectural Oraamenta la ALL STTLE. fteno rreearia. .1 M.e. dearnreiea. aad aU knit af maasa work ooa- irarreaier la oreastof laoeeasry. Any pereoca wiehiag to hso rroeetabie maaaa work aad te-ettr.g do.. will tnd it ts taeir intereat i ' " at W. ,id .i,, in form the pah I raw we ran delieor ssy ossarlty or elaat tf atone desired, aa we art the ewaors af a 'FIRST-CLASS STONE ilARRY. I Ordera far w.rk aao ho adJroaaed alth.e a. i C.arierf er Larctnbtrg HI all BERT A YorSiJ. I - tresri, and heia.es at at d aeaytv KKPAIRIS1 ail 11.4. nf Watrhss al ' Ciocsa heNiired, snt .krrat u-i. j Ja audi-two t, srt at I hire werwejeateA I two, I a foil oe.mner.l .f J i J ( I ts. t, li-d a.c rla.e rl.a. l (.01 l PI f t. H PlhC iL. ' tPHIlK rlkt tl lltli AV.-li Slocking., Hickory Stripe, Shirtings, Ac, Ac, nt j f.M ,rer.ihir a tho J-weirsia :.' 1 f:; a, " aatoniahinrly low j-rice... i hero oa hand ,iaet wtal s rtei. art may ree-d. I j Will nrdor per Lrrt ea -t-e.. w i Uinvl etirt etMgo I Alto, ngnalf for the Amartcaai BaUtm-btlt and Sewing machine oomhinod. Ilont fail to call and aeo aa before purchasing slsrwhera. I 1 PIS! L A CO. Soott'a Bataar, af sis at. Look Bores, Ia. Pigs ol the re?" in the window. anarXl A liberal ahere al poalK petenrtre w ai.1. Way f, lf.r y B T. flVuLt. LITF1 for May 1 IBtl r.RMidl RIIRMMiAH h Term, ! : II. Iiillon beoraria. .lona Kefhart. .Tlaralar. W. C. Worts .. " T R. Iaria....larrirana A. B. Tate M....BelI. j II. Armetrong. M J. W. Bell J. Hetirr Miloe Hanny Boges .; Ianer Hneer ...flirard. Krtward Albert. Kiiieb Smoal J..0n (1 Urae. llrailford Jna. rietierling.Beady S. C. Iranian " loaar Soller- Cheet II. P.HlCleir.Cnringtrm. .loetir Pie .lobs S. JorT...4eahora. .Inhn f'reo.weli..t.olirh. J. S hlewill Uael.ia. I. Jin 7let.... " George Floee. Enna. "and rmith 1. JohtiavmM.Clearrteld.'Oreon. P-ell S. hlnrbell - '0 Hickendm-n. Karfhaae t'. K rarier L. L Hnror..Laweenea, Rich d llughoa..lirratar, .Tbaanae Norrta..-1'ike. It. (iearbaru.... - ij. Onrnrhua.W nwdward- 1. L rhiwi.e.ia " U f roreet. - n. 11. TAVLr irs LIME AND COAL YARD,! (inARHiui, rr.Ktrc. IrT-nAT tin mr:h-4 f itWr -V f uhiir. Ua4 1 u,t tmvmn trr T-dJ m W .f wcj t ti hurnl I 1 V I st i Al..b'vi 0"A1o, In Iii 1.iiriit i.' ,r1 a. -i mm) )rtrj mmutrrmr-r vul t-mmrr StmUf wtuf'i, pun fc-i tiii'in-T '" ""It:.! . v ' turn, hu'hfl lit rtM ,no t ptnt ymrrmtn. Tutmr t i. iLt rtrr -.d- v -t r'f-r..t. M' kii ifff in, in my rrr-f tt:tiL k. K 3aU-pL THF wt lri: til l S i kuvr h -Mif, yrav y-Mtr 4t ,kn i If irm rr4 ! A - W ? tl t. U IV. tr, f if ktF-' j u A4 j rt aTtVU tf UXBtrtsi aki: fc amVAV AtX, I Bar L b tr. fdri IvtxMt tri4, t t fr.NamL h-m m krt rm? I'J spU - - 1 , . At-1 mi t Mr, A SrNffktri", oir.i tar k 4-tj 4yea4o-?B. p:ta St- Vf MBM. h -f"a Axi aasje ---J Saaai Tt. mvI. 1 " toW aMisT tat ammnTKa. V I k J tlf : - mai. As 4 ksM It j aw If m -t. f . I VtT ki.jii.Ti;irg5 ctrTH:?T4 mtu aw. p lrrr-V,t f-4 Mft W It4 t m t iLITIIEBSCIRG POTTERIES Lathrrabari-, C lrarAeld ( a. Pa. A lama. Calela. An, Albert. Allieaa. I'.'ld. Ai-bo..kle. Thomas. Paird. Jnpber. II. em, A. fVnreet. Chrirtisn. P k. Chartet B. BraH. K l.ard. Bl. W. W. Brig,.. M. Y. Carry, J..h. I'ru.ell. Kehr. IW.ilt. J. 1'iem. Charles. aalap. Mrs. Mary A. Kra:U. (.. W. Fahr, Tb-.mae. I.irard. Miat Jaao, Hall. Koht, llunetagor, ilea, ti.odof era, Ltrey, J'.hoeoa, S. Kennedy. Iiaeid A. Liu, Raadol.h. iLeocblin. R. H. Le'.oard. Lara. Miller. Uraffin. .McAllone, SamoeL Mcllown, A. C. L. Ritienatien, Joeeph. ieed, lMhert A Co. Smilh, J.tnea S. Smith, John F. Smith, R. W. Smith. Mra. Mary W. r-oullt, ie. at. Straw, Mt.a Ana. Sharer, John. Smtad, Cslrin Vf. ciphers, II. hi. . Snider, 1. f. Suifriiige, Mrs. Martha Aaa. Suthorlon, Sareael J. Vsmer, Newel k. waller, J. C, M tight. klMoe, Ziglar, Thomas. P. A. OAI LIX.P.M. FARMERS, VECHAMCSi DAIRYMEN Look Herel t en 'er. fa.l '. r--.l to femi.h yoa r ! the h-.l TiitfltlC r...J t o tseeoaarry. Ha haa rieeer Jet failr.1 to rl-aac I iho ata-t fa-ti Unaa, aa to Reality or dsrahility. e .are ..allele la ran .1 CEEiM PCTS OF ALL sizes: MII.K t K kit Alia rA, Fr.'t Ci:s, ' for Csrairg Frut, . Salty tuoet, i'luaVt FrritTnifVil ..T'r made aad k'pt m sa eetsNia-ot of th t kind. Tue SrioiAt Traih. Through a mlsunderstaDdiug last week, in com mon with others, wo felt somewhat Indignant at the railroad arrangement between this place and Lock Haven. Through the furlienrnnce of raftmon, and the withdrawal of tho offensive ileatnreof collecting fifty cents eitru at Philiiwburg, after selling through tickets to this place, everything pas ed off well enough alter Saturday. The officers of these roads, we have no dmibt, have learned that their course was impolitic, and by this time know a littlo more than they did a month ayo, and as they grow older will learn that the sehtwjl of expcrlcuco imparts far better lessons than theor ists imagine. juHiinen mat lull this place on Fridsy at noon returned from Lock Haven at 4 o'ulock on Sunday evening, (52 hours,) highly pleased with the river and th railroad. ed. they orrived nt Tvrono at li o'clock, p. m., whoro a sumptuous din ner was awaiting them, to which "Gallintec," tho Chiel Burgess, and the Court did ample juslioa. . At 2:15 p. m. tho excursion ifls Jell Tyrone, in the special truiu, under the control of 1. 1). Woods, ., who has the repu tation of being one of the most rehuble Train Mas tors in the Sute. Tho rido across the mountnins was interesting and instructive. I many places the gradient was 151 foot to the milo, with curves equal to tho sharp est oa the C&tawibbu Road. As the iron horse gradually wound liis way j along the sido ot the mountain, now I passing over deep ravines, then reach ing the summit, conneclitii; valley and i mountain and affording speedy and pleasant intercourse with our friends of Clearfield, we wero forced to the conclusion that brain and enterprise couiu not oo oa tiled oy superstition, or aeieitea ny liio violent opposition of uncharitable men. The road has been so carciullr and successfully managed, that no acci dents iiavo occurred since it has buon in operation. WearrivedatClearfieldal5:10p. m., and the entire party were formed In line under tho command of ilajor jonn wynnc, i'esriatchcr of the V. Si K. R. R.,at Lock Iluveii, a guntluinan who contributed lareelv to the com fort and pleasure of the party during uiu vacui-rtiirn. iiiajnr ityniio was a urave and emcicnt othcer in the Union nrmr during tho rebellion, and served his country thore as faithfully an he does his employees now. Tho party were ma,rclicd to the Mansion House, kept by ft Prince of a landlord, trot up on the K.tlstaff style, in imitation of "Lew lloucal. oiiilorulilo rooms wero obtained, and soon an excellent upper waa prepared, to which the parly paid thuir respects with a Jceen relish. After supper the party repair ed to tho parlor, wheru a number of prominent citizens ot Clcarlield were awaiting to extend us a cordial wel come to their beautiful town, among whom were lion. Wm. A. Wallace, Judge Graham, Gov. Bigler, Judgo McKnallv, Judgo Leonard, Judge Wright, 'ilr.W eavcr, Air. Goodlander, Mr. AlcCullough, Air. Walters, Mr. Boynton, Dr. Uoyor, Walter Barrett. and a largo number of others, w hose names ar not remembered bv our reporter. At 8 o'clock in tho evening, the en tire party, bv special invitation, pro ceeded to tho elegant residence or Senator Wallace, where an enter tainment was furnished to Ihcni, in style and prolusion, which was the subject of comment by all present. After partaking of the fjood things which liad been provided in bountiful abundance by Mr. Wallace and ti cslimablo lady, tho party retired to an adjoining room, w hero Hon. L. A. JIackey, in behalf Of the excursionists, expressed their thanks lor tho cordial manner in which they had been receiv ed bv tho citizens of Clearfield : con gratulating them upon the completion of tho Railroad, tu w hich enterprise ho knew Jlr. t ulluco had largely oon. ICtOIGaT A JAXK'T, ei Wine and Liquor Store. I. L. REIZENSTEIN Co. I tar .I . ..i, e . -aJ I -iris. j T 'i TI IUT,. waron ana Mfirli AriJzxZTVttt 1 IsBsMsia&aWi'T i 1hdk (hrf Piamira tf r . . CLtA KFJELD. fa. I EDWAUD TEKKS i CO , TBtoalTnrwoilreToTto!HieTort mer r a rttieeere td Clrarheld.aT i the rust, ires geiafer-) ; ,OBr ainil If I air?!"". that they are proymrad as A) all aiaee nf .art aa ' J WlfeOKS. CAKKUwif. UtES. ! waoLMAi.t niALcaa m ' I "a ahott aatioo aa4ea taaithio eaeeaa. aad ) WINES & UQUORS.VwV.rV"; t taT-AlJ sraort ptresw-irr ee-ew-a ae. -aj j MABKFT BT- CLT.AP rTEI.at rA ' I " -t'l-HI , - , ar k. "HI. I J "F. eobeerlher baring lately started a nt J Beet sod Shoe shop la Corwonteillo, ot a. ""1eetta doeeph K Irwln't Iirug 10, "raclluily annoaneos U tho aablie thai a, to aaa. '.r tort all atylMof Boota e:im t ui "orythiag la kit hns. an ebon a,,, s.opooa aona s goo asanas, mmrsn nrt or wins. PramW, Gin, Wnl.kj , je !"!; p. a; ,f r ttTT(e. lte ed for T!'""- "hist be will eel! land ah-ohnl.'.laeor. nn ba-rl Sr.erwJ altontmn O Bioore Hrlmhelcr .-tti. Bitwe Ca , .. " - . rr F . 1 Ii.Irt lr eaeneinr a n- Mlek l ,.l 1 . I ,u 1 - . i - r-.ae i ten -r Rnaas i - - ui. -. k . i . .... . .. . , . . r - v , ,eaat a,ar,aa. emoj SJ SSg: r. a . tf-. ri itll'lt"'? 4 TL tfTTiT ( e".g is , Tm RAi-riNti Skasoij. The lum bermen's ISnrvest.in this section, com menced aUout two weeks g). Altho' the weather was very disagreeable the latter part of last week, a great Jfrp.fn ".XT )uaiitity ot tnuter and manufactured iliinilwr nncuiil . ! ,M- n ,, . . I . Ca. lar. their .ar. d-l rered hy ma. at A5T I fill. lor T!l sa t t, AST placi d-eireL the Itiwer market. About 200 rnfts lTler.f..r.w..,U,ited,s.d prompUyjaed. L-aa-.t lliia nlnra nn .:,!. tftn . r - at I lUUJ , -' M II Saturday, Inn on Sundnj, and nhnut th earn numlmr on Alondsv. Th casualties and loss of life hff'vo Lcen mor nnmerous than formerly. The first was thai of a yoa n; man, named Marion Maradoo, ho was drowned in . I. - mmmm .1 . OTI. L. I . . ... Dil l-Tini P rRTmiup.; " t" --in mt., at .peq. -th- ei.-t.er.i . b.u.'-.r. eiwnnc he-1 ccr's old mill, ahovt) Lnmbor Cit V. A ater'ar.rilo hiteirw 1 , ' . 1 i ... er. .e-i he moeaal e..n-.t on "su a;iivu nt JiObtiannOO af Mir-b Tie h.. end Falls anil anntlmr sr.. hlll.. .a , I yean tf Ka eo a Ml .,r w,.,,,, p I ' Jen.. at row .id want. wb re earrvieraed to ! S1"1"1 I'Un 1 While B number of BCCi- VtZ;, Zl j " ''V;-.' I dt'"tt ooru,ml on lhf f innenishoning ".nVrttM -m a I aUi JoHMPAii.FT ana I learflcld creeks. The names of , gaW-Fer f W"i al O" .rfiweeit. aer CataJagat and ; Pwe Lrt. sai ad f --. m epr.-anta. gap-l KK-1 d eroasts.il he g Tea to the I wh iieeahr traae. r?:1). C. KIBK. Ls 'w-hs-g. Pa, Per. , 1 - tf Aid raVee a GRAIN OT ALL KIND?, pitrpri. pa. I ' e the otters: reed rs tht m. I at P-err S-k IHt'k orBI rrn mklc gn I 'MI oae a- oBoa I l.rT tho t j I) W re. Fyof BATIP At)AAC. f)s!r th parties, or th extent 0f teiy ). t-ery rreef eftoVd kart ewe. rjria. or djJ pot eam. tribnted, not only his means, but per sonal influence and exurtiuns, ,JIr. Mackey's spuoch was neat, well-timed aud appropriate, and ruflettej credit on lumsoil, the party, und the county who loves to claim him as ono of ber most liberal and distiiigiiished citizens. Mr. Wallaeo repliod in an ckvunt speech, thanking tho iarty for their visit, trusting that in ths futuro Our intercourse with each other might prove uenent'iui ana pleasant. Speeches were then made lay Houl Win. Parsons. Hon. A. II. Bovnton. Dr. T. J. Botcr, Ilmi. C. A. Mayer, t . A. i.yman, lr. u. J'cisc, 8. J. l'cal Simon Scott, and others, . . , Tho noxt morning, the psrlr visited the public building and churches of tho town. Xho J'resbyteriitn and Methodist congregations are Uiilding new churches tJiat will, whan finished, be unsurpassed by any church edifices in th Stato. lo the perseverance, energy and liuerul contributions ol (iov. lllglcrond lion. Jonathan Boyn ton, these ttongrcgnliont nro largely indebted in this behalf. Gov, Uiglor on the part of the Presbyterians, and Judge Boynton, for tho Methodists. After partaking of an excellent din ner, prepared by "Hand Spike," the parly wero oidcrcd to tho depot, to which plate they were escorted by a large delegation of tho prominent cit izens of tho town. Lett t'luai'Cfld at 2 p. m. Every body wrll pleased with the" people and town of Clcarfmld. A band ot music accompanied tht) party as lur as rhilipsburg. Through the exertions of Col. W. A. Simpson, who s a bs drum player, is not excelled in the Union, tho parly was indebted for tho elegant tausiu discoursed by the band. . V arrived at Tyrone at 5 n. m..! where supper bad bean engaged at tho Ward House. Alter partaking of ths food thing prepared by th gen,, llem.inlv landlord, tho eacursionUts loft for Lock Hivvcn, under the si cial charge of James A. Stevens, n , who, without flattery, is one, of the most lT;iblo, careful mid accommoda ting conductors in this portion of the Stole- The entire party arrived safe ly at Lock Haven al 10.30, p. m., fjrntificd and refreshed by tho trip. Ata ejuursion turoiigiiQu. as a Suo- ( It was on of those orisl Boarding, from $2 75 to $3,50 per week. i'or particulars, addrosa Mi ll. Luther, Esq., Luthorsburg. - . . IIow to Bkrao; vp Citf Swindles, It is well knowfl that every eorfl munity is robfed of tbousfinrls uf do. Inrs annually tbrougb JToy York, swindlers and newspaper jiublisb ers who advortise for them uch a Bible Iloubo Inman, Rev. Wilson, of Brooklyn, and other quack vllliaus who ply their calling in New urfc and other ciilies,. Mayor Hail bia taken the proper step, and if properly sustained by the public will rid the community ol thopo scoundrels. ' ' . . Maroa'a Ornrr, S. Y, .March 17, JSCs, ', To trie 'reea 0 the Vvitrii Slutet . 1 beg to oajtioo alrangera aainal VeW Vert cirrulsra, tii-kets, ebsrea cksjioes sad prortieetxltep iu ou-iiperotiTo uoiona, tir gill rnterpriort, or dul ler ttont, or in any other pmiihle .theme where by properly er rilor it pnimitod gresHr tbas lbs price .eked to be paid. .. Krery tittl) in sdirrtiiod testate It ncccturily a swindle and a faiee pretence; there iloee not and eaDoot tangibly exist any in -h achemte ro tbiatily c;tninry newtpaprst wbiob advertiss thvnj sua. ply n4 ia the swindle, I." til qewat.tpcn iu tb,c Tnion would r.p mska s point of puMiehing tnd mterattng tbia informa tion they will ehsrltaUy and, I Hunk, eJSovteally counteract tht twimiliug intynUont of tUoae wba ore the mailt fur the fslre prctenct-e, gnd will aleo tare to the anwary hsadriii. of ili'mnnd' of dol lara, A. OAK Y II ALL, Mayor of the oily of New VoiA, , Zell's EscicLortoiA. No. 12 of this excellent work is before us. We, have horetofore referred to this invul. uable publication, When completed it will form, as its name indicates, a universal dic tionary of language, law, medicine, geography, biography, arti science and trade, and will make lw large volumes. It is also published, in weekly and monthly numbers, and. sent to any address free of postugo on, the receipt of 10 conta for the forme and 60 cents for tbo liUler, containing nvo qnmoers. pna rur a spocmien, (lumber to T. EHwopi Zell, N'o. ft and 19 South Sixth St., riiiladclpl,i; Serixs of Sclkct SciiooLt.-r-A Son loct School is established in the upper end Of Boll township, by Prof. J. R. Smith ; Luthorsburg, by ProT. W, Cornell; Curwensville, by Prof, V W, Cook ; Lumber City, by Mr. V, E, Raffcrtyj Pleasant Hill, Mortis town, ship, by Mr. E. E. Huttoit. Said schools all to open the Sd or 10th of May, A number of similar ones are to be established at other points of the couaty during the early part cf the summer, " . "With the advent of tho "month of, roses" we bavo been oucc more thrown into the season of hay making, pic nics and pleasure exouraionsgciiurallr. Tho furmors aro busily engaged la. securing their esrly Cay crops, .in; order that this branch of the husband-' man labor may be completed before the grniu harvest set in. The young folks sugk rucroalion in the woods, or in fishing parties, or in berrying excur sioihs.- I'lii is also the season when early vegotables are thrown into tho market, causing a gcnornl derange ment of the "intornul improvements' of mankind, and rendering medtrut bid B necessity. Juat ut ibis tliuo the Great Zingari Bitters step in as art antidote for the various diseases aria, ing from the too free osaof vcgetabln, or the numerous ills to which Ihrmors are exposed during their excessive field labor, or to which pleasoro par-' ties are sulijuotod by their eftoru tn obtain enjoyment in the country. .A snpply nt the Hitter should bo kapf on bund for usn at thi particular period whea all aro expoaod tQ sick-' ness. . t. . . I ... . r . Mr. Jacob iSciimTB Sirt I cannot ' refrain from expressing my entire con tidenefi in the curative powers of your 1 "Celehrsted Bitter Cordial," 1 ad ministered it to my child eighteen months old, for Bowel Complaint ; to ' my neighbor' children tor pains in the stomnrh and other ailment; to my adult friends for Oiurrhfra, w's. astonishing turn. 1 was ureivi'.fuliy paralysed, and for two yonvs .unere'd' severely with llhoiiiniit:,rr.. After nsinp; all tho talked of etics. without relief, nnt becoming Satisfied that the kidnnys Is tho c ntio from which Rheumatism cmr.im'.cs. T made a firm stand against nil liquor, particularly ninlt, and used conn renowned Herb or BilterCorvVml exclusively; the re sult is i f-.nvo bd no Rhenmatism ' during th-. WiiUur last nast. notwith. stanrtim: lis SPVeritv anti t liaiu'cs. ' Yours triiljt P. Hinki.e, Jr. aTA'Mf SJirtiz'B Flnndtnq fifivr- fifmriif in flnufAcr column. Loyally manifests itself by apnlaud Ina the romovul of the gallant t'nion soldisr, (jcnernl 1'iutiW ISUlr, from one oflU, and th appointment of tho . rebel tiincrsl LonstrceV q aputhen, i4 us save poace, Romb Grit It is arinouncod that x-Preidenl Johnson is to take the stump immedisttly in Tonnese. J his sliOM j jt s..Ia1 grit, ROd UQ mistake.