Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 07, 1869, Image 1

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SherilTs Sale.
rt lr-ot of atH. tf "w-i ra, a
I aai-a rat cf tt (W1 at (Wtw Mm af
v -fe- t Twaat. art ta a,r-tr4. taart
,.l w art-aaJ ta KHIC Ftl lll t O-art
B.., ,a tW a"acfc af aa TBarata.
.),, IMt a.t at Aanl, IMS. at I a'alaat, r.
j lit ffMfi fnnfn. a a H l
ti itai loraivJ tW rai' i-a al bb-
,M -:'' f t llaarra Ml laa-a.a-
pr.. rpa'. r:tll 1 Itataiaraaa waeaaara
.. ..!. OaarBai aBBtt. fa. t"fraia( la
U-aaif Bl 1. tBt W U )1W0 aitk
a nii-tatl af laa NHtuM Coal (Wjan,
ILII rT V aa Ta'lar af ataavar Its aaarawaraiy
tt-vra M ntuM Cal Caaiaa. Ba-
. arai-a M Caaaaa. A. . Laa( w4 lr. 0.
jih'i t",j feat vi aiaia lacaiaa. tiaata1 aa4
III .! BlW aa Nlktll I MBltta
y li. -arTa bwri, Start fwlW tiauiaat ai
.aaa : Bafiaataa, at a aotat aa taa M mIuih
BTtaca af IM TTraaa aaa Cawraala' fcatiaay, laa
aai m ill Btka aaat af Oho la : Itim
ti atefrtaa Bat 1 Biaatal Mat far I ill
im: tkaM till fefraaaanaa ta rtf hr lt4
: itiia aaatt It Imm M Biaatal aaat far
J.M fan: taiaal kf I I aaaraa u4 M Biaata
aa nUlaUt fart: taaaaa a 1 atfraa
ui 1 tBa am fa, 7i faat; taaaaa aval
: a in aaat for fH faal ; Itna ay 1 4a
pa) taraa W nfM far ! faat ; taaaet by a I
rt- aat It tarr, la nfbt far IVMfaMl
aMMli at Arfrara aa4 M ajiaataa aaat fur
It taM : arakiaf m Ba4 ftftr-aiBBt aaa-aaa-a-tia
MiMja laa aama aaiaf naai aad
aaaaat rail am il aa4 TtaUiaf aa raau, Haaai
tr into. Baiaai, taaaa ia azanuaa aa4 la ha
MKIM araaarty af Ua Maaara Caal aa4 lm
1 I Caaaaaay.
Ttijin ukt Mtiaa tbal It htkiI.
T at aartaaaa Baaay ajaat ka aai4 ahN Ifct
mraiiy to kaaaka4 ar ft tll ka at ia
ala. IIUJ1UI Utiai,
Biirift'i Omn, I Baarlff.
Cairi.l. Pa. Mart IU IMI. (
i; sooxn-s IJIPROVED
a aaa i-t rW 4irl fraa tka raata aflar
aiaalaa. unUMI(iatHtklMa5li
arsaaa; fraa farty aa ka4ra4 aar aiy. Il
i aukar ' liwa aaar. ar aaaaat4 tkaa B
anipia aa. aa 4aira4. Tka flufrtaBu
a..4 Ika Kxtractar, alrar Laa4 taM aa tka
btb af Ba aarekaaar ; aaa if it aaa aat raaar
raylaaaaua!actiaa,aaja)aatai raaiBBaa.
K. taay wifl Bka il any aa4 akaraa akia(
tr- tkair traahia. Inaa a( Mark laa, flM N.
f Tavaaxia aa4 far mu. ft
fcaraaa maaiiaa araaia. rai
!kvxtn a ErKBHSIR.
Jtfaraaa lata P. 0, Claaraaai Ca, fa
Ta. Ba aAaraifaaaV ka'iaf sitaaaaai tk
ial af 1. J. Baatk'i iaiaraaat litmaa Kttraarar
m OM farm af B. H Maara. aar Utkaraaart.
a taarvay aa4 Maa4ay. tka Ttk aa4 U ai
1 1 1 ir, uka aaaira ia iayta B tka aaa
lat. Ba kaiaaaa NUN tka kaat Baaktaa
rv a aaa faraiuaatia; naapa. Itiaafaiaau
laiuiuaa. aaai 7 aMaaa4. aat kakal B fat
u al araaa. aa4 aara aaiilla. Faar an Bat
aa Baeaiaa fraa tka aiaa, aaa aatiraiy
afa-T. aat U taatkat, aa4 1hmI larga aiaa
iai a kaa tkaa aaa kaaa. "a aa laa aaa
at. a avaa Kama auk aaaa. Tkay aaa a karaa.
kv: aa Aaaa kw aark ia Bkiaj aat tka lafgrat
aaaa, ailkaat a kar4 pan. Mr. Bulk, tka
ttaraw. faity aaaarataaa aa'tiaf aa aaa1
aiiiat tat aaakiaa aa!4 atrial tkaaa
a aaat af Maaa aauailaii B aaa tkia aaa tatted
liiai aaifcaatf aHavkara, aktek Ikay aaa Aa
a tf akarfa ky aaiaaf aa tka Piaaiiataa.
t C larraa, J. . fivrkar. .V. fpackaaa.
km Kaiaaa, J tka Kirk. 1. W. klakaaaa,
I. I Kaara. i. W. Wallast, W.B.Alaiaaaar.
m bafar, Wa D Back. AaAraa Wiaaa.
i Bara. Wa. K. I ma. B. J. Cirk.
laaM Maara. U B. Caritla. aa.lTilaaa.a .
t rtafal, frafk katiay. aaa It-la
Chaap Furniture.
UlBU a tafara kit aM Maa4t aai taa.
Ikat kaaai aaBrra4 kia tkaa aaa
o 11 lint kit faaihoaa far Baaataetanac. ka M
aaa araaafW at aaaa taaraaraaak Faraitara aa
aai aa aaaraa. m ra4 sty la aaa at akaaa ntaa
frCLSB. lit (aaaraily kaa aa kaa a. at ka
aira mat, a aanaA tamiaiat af rtafy.
aaaaa taraatara. aarag akiak ar
Vtrtroaaaaaa Baik-CasMc Caaoa. Safa, ftrlar,
JaaakBat aa4 Diaiaf Eltntaaa Takltt : Caa-aa.rraaak-aaat.Caa(Jtaay-Lia4
aat atkar
Jaknaaaa; fetal af ail kiaat. Wart in aaa.
Sit raaaaj Vaak-ataa4a; Baakitf aa4 Ara
.aaaa ; aariaaaat, aaaa-kiBiB. aarfar, aaa
aia aai takar Ckaast Laakaf-aiataat af aaary
iiaiiatiia aa Wa4 ; a4 aaa g vault far a!4
saa. atiek aill kiBthn Ta-y raataaakia
uraa aa akartaat aMiaa. Ba aaa kaaaa aa kaa4
a faraiaat w araar. Can kaat. Ball tat Cat
Ma laa Mutual at.
Corrut or Erur Kin
I 1
aaa la araar. aa4 faaarala attaa4a4 aitk a
rkiaini 4taai4. Ataa. Baaaa faiana(
ar4ar. Taa aaaaarlkar aiaa aaaakaa-
-rta. at kaa iumtdy aa aaaa. Cliaiaft
Waakia Maakiaa. ka kaat aaa a aaa!
aaaf Ik if taaakiaa aaatt aia4 ka ank-
aaat! Ua aiaa kal FlyST'l Pataat
an, a laianw artirM. A faaiy att( fckit
II tka ai 1 at aa4 asaay atkar artitlti art far.
aaa4 B raaTraart ckaaa ime Cat ar txakaara4
'waraa4 lull ) an aai a. Ckarry. Maala,
'ta. Laaaa4 aa4 ataar La a aar aaitaata far
aivaat aark, okaa ia ilekaaaa far faraita-a
aa-liaaalar tka tkaa ia a Mirtat html
f a.-t.4. fa, aa4 aaariy aaaaa la tka -Olt Jaa
, lo y
I TV'! aaaM raaaittat y aaH tk attaatiaa af
' ' f PnaaiaaJa af atkaaa. Saaiaanaa. aa4
'arkanaf tgf to aat Bta kakaal Baa(
By C. . ALLXX.
fait 1 hat aaltaiaa
fra A srarcfa.ttr ataaiai atria af ri-
k7 aaa Ltinaa.
1 aat.y A kaaa laa aar af aaa a4 laaatt-
aal kaaf.
I TVira't aaart Caatata Tk Bckaal Fat
aaa-faat ria'w'l tar aaa at gafctll
' iliiiaa. Caia u I at Kikiaitiaaa.
taa faaoaaara. t araaaatiaf tka aark la
""aaa aat Trarkara. aaaat aall tfarial
aaaa ta ut laainir airai at a rkatl Soa t
f " Taa aatW kaa aaaa aary aarafal ailka
y''aa af k;a aarta. akiek it ataaaat aattrsly
aat ra a4trfa( la It tparaaaiat "arta
P a aiaanaiiaaaala aaatiBvaa. akk aill
'at ib 4afa ia all aar Stkaaia aat
f-a aarva.
Cit-arr kaa Vara i4-atr4 ky tkt
J af tra!. at tka tall aoak fat tk
Sia!t ta tka tity af Sra lark.
I " aar fears.
r I rnatai a-at W Bail ! aoat aai4.1 aa
f aflft. aaaia.
aab ty al taxk a4 Mar)
''B' -aky I1.LI BLL A !,
ta ktl Biaa4aay, 5. T
Livrrj .Stable.
FJE a4ra4aa4 kaat laart B iafara tha aaa-
a- ia taa aar at fararaatai Harart. Ba(f aa.
. aat Bin ail, aa taa aaar-at aatira aat
J "aaja.aa taraaa. kaaitoiraaa Luaat attaat,
r tan aa4 fwa.
a'i. W. 6EAB0AKT.
Atil 11. It;.
! Clearfield Nursery.
'f-aaaa. hti-aaaarf. Drara
Laara Brtaarry. Siraatarry.
rV.aat. Atra. Sikaria Crak Traaa,
tar t atviat kt.kart, Aa OrAart
t4a4 to. A44raM.
s 1. D. WtlORT.
J Caraaaaaillt. fa
?'a KlUtltm ULU 'OR
-aWtatVa. - af
Maan. Uaatfc Tn fc
i taaiaar, '"11111" 1 1
i ma law mt il
B Iaarara4 VV I
stcmp rrv.
mcwr.aiaalt Vyw-B.
iiiilai taal cEJ iniamaiaiji jaaj.
Bay JCZL,'
.jaakw ''rij
ll'-a vjZik
M hauf aaa. iT
raaaa4 a
uaaal Mm S
- " 1 ' i iltLjS
B ta k-a
ia ariS ai- J
lamaaii V
I llftvlmraaa. kar a( aataklitkaa ITar
r 7 aa it p.aa. a-at kaif aty kataaaa
T- .,..,,.. ta yraaaraA la far
" 1 ataaf fl IT T kt r. I Itaa4ar4 t4
1 art-aaa. a. lirara Viaaa.
GEO. B. QOODLAirorB, Proprietor.
Jry 5oofls, tomtits, (?tr.
Ta tk Brf u4 laaaat room, an BKCOSD
(TBEET, adjoiaiaf MarrtU A Bijlar'l hardaart
tear ; tkm tkay aill k pUaaad u taa all tktir
ali aad a aajtaatn.
Citiaaat f tk taaaty Tltitltig CLEARFIELD,
aad aitkiBf I Baka pvrthaaal, aill flsd It U
tkair adTaattfa ta tumint tktir alack.
Otadt at CASH PRICES xkuiad far all
kiadt af COCJfTKT PRODUCE. Jant
X Mrt4ij m U BtrufiUi boiiotM, adopt
mi lb tiliuu of CarwasflviU ud vieiaity t
pwtiettlar, that KarebaadiM af all kinda will
W aaM b?Mu akaap at tha laau quaJitv !-
vkara ia tka aaaatj. Wa kava a fall rapply af
Caasiatlai la Bart af Draaa Osada, Maillot,
Pnalt af all akadat aad ttylt : tagatktr ailk s
fall aaaartaaat af
Baata, Bhaa, Hard wars, (aaanrAra.
At vQ at Ttaaara, Cadaraara. Willoaaara,
BaakM aat Braaat i tafatkar aitk larf ttaek
af wracana j a4 aiaayl A tall ttack af
Is akart, a kaaa a fall nplj af ararytiln
ttd ia 111 aarkat.
W aaat B aar aid evttoaan aad at aaiy
aaa aaaa at aaa a at a it aaaaaaiaat, I ritt at
A aall kafart parai aaiaf altaaktr.
Caraaairni. F.araa.y 11. 1IU
Ox Secobd (TBirr, Clbabfiiid.
THE aadartTaaad rtaaattfkny Inrlta tkt ti
Vatiaa af tk aaUia aaarrally ta tkair
aalaadid aaaartaaat f atrekasdiaa, akitk Ikty
ara aaa talliaf
Tkair ttack aaaiiaa ia part af
Drj Good, of the Bert Qualitj,
8aak at Priiu, T ttmat, Arpaaeat. Marl I at,
"-a.iaaiuai,(aiaara am aaslaaek.
4.) IMUisa, Tickiaca, aataa aat
a aai Flaaaalt.(atiBriu,CaHiBraa,
Cattaaadat, Lati.i' Skaalt,
Kakitt A Baadt. Balmaral
aad Haoy fikirtt. A,
Aiaa, a la antrtBtat af Mta't IVrsaan aid
SkbTta, Baa A Capa, BoaM A Skaaa,
all af akick
Hivrdwe, Queenrware, Glassware,
Groceries and Epioes,
Of aitrytkisf; ataally kapt 1b a ratall tttra, all
CHEAP 04 CASH ar acpraaaA aaaa try pra
CUartald, Baa.T, l7.
Shawls! Shawls! Shawls!
Hoods! Kabi&st Breakfast SiCwIs!
LAD IB 8' F XT a 8 1 v
Ladies' CoatsI
Uff IT-fcatf Rrpit
fes:h axd ehqliso morikosi
Silk ri.iik VELVET far ralu
Alriaadar POPLIKB !
All Waal PkAIDS!
Kiiatkat Braallaai I
Ckia.laaa Poi'il t
Tapp riath far Wrappan
Lad ar' Oaakiap I
Watar-Praof kavk tad kraat !
C aaaia. rat fu aa aad aoyi
Baaaat, Bibkaat Flaatrt, Ftatkan I
Ladt.'t aad Clildraa't Eati I
Waal aad Cattaa Dt LallM I
Unlit FlaaatU, Priatt I
tapkn, aantad aad a aai Tim I
traat Triaaiaf, radar Clalklnf , Ball; Caps
Rati try, Swraa, aad A aaapltt saaartBaat af
ail kiadt f KOTIOKS, at vara aadtrua pnaaa
CaaHaid. OatlS, H tf (-
Dry Goods, Clotting, Hardware,
Catlary, Qaaaataara, vraaantt, raritiaat aad
Clrtrflrd, PB'
aa At tkair aaaatararaaa.aA Saraad ttraat.
aar Marrsli A "iftar i Haraaar ftar. (Jaald
TlaTICFJt tk mFnTABI.E1 fl
fj Wt bara priatad a karaa Baahar af tha ara RILL, aaj aill aa laa laiialiit a laantr.
liaaan,taaaaaTataayaraat, ay id
Jrugs & tlfflifinrj.
JTtarkrt Slrttt, Clearfield, Pa.
WE bn to iBfarm car aid sod ita
tattoBtrt, that aa bar riBsr.d oar at
UbliihBtnl to tha tpaeioai aaa building Jail
traetad sa.Mtrktd tlrart, atarly idjoipm tkt
Maniioa Houmob Ibt wait, aadoppoiiu Minn.
Orsbaa A Bobi' tlorti abtr at raiptttully
IbtIu tk pablit ta aaaa aad bay tktir
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines,
Oar tuck tl Drtifi aad Mtdielatt toatiiu of
tTarytbing attd, ttlttttd with tht frtatatt
tar, aad
Wa alto kttp A full (lock of Drat, PtrfBBtrlat,
Toilat artielat, fcoipi, Taolk Brarbes, Hair
Bniikai, Wbitaaaik Bruibaa, And tvtry atbtr
kiaa nnuAtl. w km A larga let 01
a.xau Oil. faiou, BBS In fact tvarytblog
i tad ia tka palatini aaiin.u, wkick wo tltr at
City prioM B oaja bayart.
CoBfae'lootry, Rplnti, And tho ltrgttt 'ttoek f
raiittltt (tar anaraa to tnu piaot.aaA limit.
ad ts k of tk btit tkt Mark at affordi.
Kit. It, 1181. JOHH P. I&WIN.
.f. . BHaw. nni GGMST,
(Saooad ttrott, oppotiu tk Court Boat,)
TBE tabiorlban rripactfally anaoaBott t tk.
aitittBi af Cltarkald and ri.nity, tkal kt
kat aoa ra kaad t fall tapply of
Dy Suit, Tobaeco, Cifin, Ctaf.euoa.riai
htttioaary. A a.
Wilt dad kit ttoek of Drsgt FULL and COM
PLETE, sad ala f try ilifiit Adraaetaa Eaitara
Taaakart tad atbart will ba fornlibtd aitk
aUttioal aad BitotiUataBi baokt by tiprttt,at
an aouot.
CnarirtiBf of Cap. Flat Cap, Fooltrip, and
Psrfaaad Nnia Piptn; airo. a .rr Boat a tort
of Moaraiar Molt I ipar and Enrtlopat ta baad.
rail raaci'i. jnt, ar.
Will tod a fall ttark of PI RE SI'ICFS, SODA,
SODA AStl. CoaatntrtUd I.VR. SOAP. 4-b.
Ara raoaattrd to tiaaiat k it ttork of Ptrfaaary,
Hair OiiK Fia Taiitt Boapa, Bratbai, Coabl,
Toiitt fttii. A., A.
Will dad a fall tapply of print Cbiwinf and
rManklnf TOBACCO, Inportad ltd DoKottit
CIuAHS, Bouff. Fins-Cat. At., do.
Of tkt kott braada, alatyt kaad.
Tka Vott tjaality af Llqaan alatyt oa kaad, far
Bat leal parpotat.
AVW'Pbyaieiaat' PrtaeriptlaAt praaptl aai
tarafslly toBpoaaJod.
Apri . IKS. A. I. SHAW.
Celebrated Bitter Cordial.
THIS Mfdie&l itreparitioi ! now otTor) to
tbt pablit m a reliabl nbftital for tbt
kuT orilli eotnpoBBdi wbick mow food th
Mivrktt, It U par If Tfftbi, OBipo8-4 (
tiobi hvrbc, fttbrtd froa tb grt Mart.
bM f lart nd MltcUd villi lh atoiott
or. It It net momBtadml m Crki-ALL.
hmt hf itf dirwl attd MluUt7 InBneiir apoi
ib litart, Ltvtr, Kidcewf, Laari. bloaaek ud act both ai a frarffnUrff and vara
for iibmi f tbt didUU-i to wbtrb lb oritur,
ara tab; ret- It it a rtliablt Family Medicint,
aad aaa ba Ukta by titbor iaftat ar adalt wtta
tho aaaia boaeftelal rotoltt. It fi a eorUia.
prompt aad tptod- rtntdj for I)iarrhcra. Il-t-alary.
Bowel coaplttni, Iypptia. LoirntM
of Hfiritj, Fioiio)r, 8ibboadcbt. f-e. Ftr
Chilli aad fortnof all kiadi, it it far bettor aad
to for thaa aay oiaiao, aritboat any of iu por
aieioat offoota. It erovtoi aa appotiio. provtt a
powerful dift-ttor. "4 will eonatcrari tbo offrta
of Kqmor la a fw a-iaatM. Proparod by JACOB
SCHKKTZ, 8oto Fr-notor, iS. W. cor. Fifth
aad Rim trot to. Fhaa4olpbia, Pa. fold by
all DmjticiiU. norU-ly
Attention, Afflicted I
THI nbarribar plwoa aotfre tfcat ht haa
rotaatod tat prmctiea of Mrdlcieo la Latb
rtbarf, wfatro ha iatoadi to devote hie
Uca to tba UMtaMfil of CUKOMC PIKEASKS
laiteaeral. Re will fceepoa hand a chofre a
loeuoaaf PRIGS aad MEDICINES adapted t
tha trtment of ohronie dfteaaei and nay ba
toatalted at hit oUra at aay hoar of tbo day.
V. B. A word to tboea afflicted with cbroni
dieoaeoa a-ar bo ta raata adranraro. Mavt
at tor ba awaro that cti im Pbitietaai who
da aaiaiaa prartiee hara aot Tina ta attend ta
tfaa troataiaatof raaoaio diitaeot, aad eoaee
qaestly aaaLCcr tbeai ; hear thlt claaa of dia-
beat roqairai axctrtiwa elt-nHoa.
Latbtrabarg, Feb. 17. HM-tf
Ths Great Eiterual Remedy.
Far Mas aad Baaat,
Tha raaatlUnn af ttila arararttina II M aatt MUB
lithMl. Uiat liula aaat a. aaid In thll eaoartln
I. HAM It liar l-r BUM tn far. rtlMTl.
KtkTot s ArrtcTiovd, ciivtsiTIno Mrs
n rt uTirrvrst tvn rtiNt ixruit jniNTt,
T!Tl'HKlnlirSinKarnri SI'RAIXt BRI'IIF",
riaai akrrlft aiia Rhnmatm eaa be ffrto.aUr
ant pr'Ban'al'y hy atnt Hit aaaarrr.1 tfra
asltnft. llnan'ataaBUrtaarraairtaoatlaaMtialal
Ba arlna api'iirA.
O, HuRiKt It aIIIartrRATInFS PWtrvrT,
Poll rvil.. riRTfLA. CI.D PI VM1I) umit,
Pinni f m mt.i. ir on i t ai RAiNFn jinvTt,
PTirrvtt or thr T!ri.its,r niiipit
Hl M)W BOUf aat WEAK BACK IN 111 Lett
I hat fart aitk fraal raepaaf fa krlntlni By
Ulnar, wllhla tha fvarh af tha rnhlla I am tally IB
frtptarirtlrt.rrfHB rhnlrtina. Urarrlata. UrrebaaB
Bat faraarl. laalirlaf to II raraUr. aawrn.
DATID Z. FOCTZ, Wt rnpn,
BALTlmiRt, a.
Far taM ky riirtaairk A (rata, ( laarkaia, ahd
by drorrxlt Bad tiara ktrport Ihroachoat tbt
l aitad miih. (.bil ly
A Z IT 11 K X K.
coca anuria tanrao.
For tht IiMWtfry.
tl It wtrrsatad let ta rtreak, ar ta any att-
tr iajart Ibt laan fakrirt
TO' FAVII.T CF told la FIVE etttt, TEN
raata, aad T ENTT rtau bain.
Bara i n an i i ra. , oo, I tu, nd.r.i(nrd in lb. Uoltl haiinrat at rhllira
lt tisiai at aark hlat ai tka FH K tan It hoi,, . , ... 'j
aontaiaa t parktl pin raahloB ar taory baf.
F"T Haiti tad larf. Laaadry itt. Il il pat an
t II btiat. f aa tbal aaah Bai hat praeir
Trad. Mark. Far aala k
ftl-9 IAtTlCK a IiriX.
5ru oods, tBrorrriftf, ftr.
WHIIniu Iteed & (Jon
Near Poatofflre, Market fltraet
HAVING just opened a larpe and complete
lock from New York and Fbiladflphia, wt
cau oiler extra induoatatnu to CA.SU Itt'VKKS.
Wt haro a tplcndid lee Hon of DrM Ocodt,
Silki, Sbawlti, Cloaiiriri, FlanneU, BU
aiorali, lilanketR, Hoop Skint,
Corta, Thonpaoo'i
Triaiming! of erery deecripiion, Zephyr, Worrted
Yarn, and one af the at oat oompUte ataortaiantt ol
Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods,
Coder -wear, Hot! err, fllirrea of all kind, Alei
andor't Kid and Uarrit' eeieb rated hoamleat Kid,
(the best ever made,)
Keek tie, Untterflirt, Collar,
Cuffi, Uandkercbitfa, Liwot, Kdrintr,
Embrotderioa, aliro, a larfo a wort men t of
FtHb, with GRAY 8 PATENT M I FF, the beat
Uung extant to jrether with a fall line al" ataple
gooda. All af wbieh wa offer at the
Call and aaa at. No trouble to ihow fooda.
member tha plaoa
Scar Poatuffice, Market Street,
HiTt jutt opened a
Nib; Stobe, oa Mia St.,CLiiiriilD, Ft.,
lttely occupied by Wm. F. IEWIS.
Their itock coniitlt of
Gnocn:u of Iho beat quality,
Ql'eenswarc, Boots and Shoes,
od erery article yjeceattrr for
ona'i oomfort.
Call tod tzmmine our ttock beforo pur
elating elttwbere. Mty 9. ISCG tf.
Bariaf Jutt rtealrad all IbtaaTrltiM af tha teaaoa
Ib tht MilliBtry Hat, rrqattttht ladita.
ta call and txaniat thta.
Clnrn.ld. Pa.. Not. , lstS.
Xcw Store In Mulsonborg!
Ia thi roaa fona.rly aorapitA by P. T. Ilijarty.
rpAKKS tfait welbod of Informinc theeitiaeai
1 of Covi&fftoa, Kartbaaa, Uirard and the aar
rounding roontr-. that he baa Jant opened a lar(fe
took of 8 1 M M r K (MOI!. wbtrh he l aeier
mined to tell TL.S ft NT C1IKAPI.K titan
the tame quality of Unod ean be parchated for ia
any uther it ore la the aeiebborbvod. tin atoek
aonaiatt of
Dry Goods of all Kinds,
Sack aa Batinttti, Caaaiineret Madias, Delaioat,
Linen, Irilllnr, Calieoea, Trmnittft,
Uibboni, Laea,
Coffee, Tea Fnrar, Riee, Molaaaee, Fiah, Salt,
Linaeod Oil, t iah Oil, Carbon Oil
Hardwarep Queensware, Tinware.
Caatinira, Ploerv and Plow Cattinst, N'aiU, Fpiket,
Cora t ulhratore, I ider rreiaea, ana
all kiadt of Axtf.
"fcafclrfT Plowi ara of the Carwrnrt11e and
Centrw eoonty make, aad ara warranted ta be of
go;d qaalitj.
Drugs and Medicines,
Perfumery, Palate, Vami-h, flreee. aad a faweral
aaMrunrnt of Stationery,
Of diflrrvnt Kranta, alaiyt aa hand, and aiH ha
told at Ibt lowttt namhlt bgurat.
ponBda af Wool aaatad for abteh tbt
kifbatt priea aill ha paiA
Oa hind tnd fnr "It at tbt aarktt arirt.
V4L.C.II aad aar for yoartrlm. Toa aill lad
irarylhiht aaatlly fcrpt In t rrtail ttnrt.
Frearhrillt P. 0, Jaa. 1, Iff".
131V NTOlKll
Cor. fdenad St. and II ill Rotd.
HAC jntt raorirad and npanrd. al tha tlwra
aam'Hl plaf. aa tntirr aa fnrt of
M t. K II
MlS.ahirt kt am aril hill I HKAI'
Hii ttoek eoaiiitt of
Dry Good. Oroeerlcs
Booll and Phnaa. fill! and Cap. Itaadr-Madl
ClolbiDg, tta. Ut aito karpicboira
. fl o vn, cony me a l, feed,
Chop, Baron, Flnh, and Dried
Prraont drilront af parrhninif eoodt at fair
rata art rarprrirnlty rrqatalad to f 'tt him a rail.
TtrApprvrad aoiatry prodert aill ba taktn,
at Jha htfttrat priora. in rtrhinf for food.
Clrarlrld, Jaaa II, Iff If
Tttri.rTio" of pART.r.ri!nip.
f Tk ptrtnrrtkip harrtolort cxiittnc nali
day af Jaly lirt.
art? ll pd
eaBi. I aary Tatar thnid bara aaa w
The True Policy of the Commonwealth.
Delivered In the Penaivlvaula Henate on
Marrta H4th, IMt, iu Hupport of the
lllll fnr Aid ta the Allegheny Vallcj
Hallroad t.'oaipany, and to Provide fur
the Conatraetkin of a lwa;rade HbII
road through kjorthweateru Penuayl
vaula. Jlr. WALLACE. Mr. Bpenker, the
act of 1H;'H uulliorizi'd tlio Sunbury
and Ki io Huili-oad Company to mort
pue iu rond to tlio Coiuinonwculili
lor $3,500,0(10, furnished to it by the
Stuto to aid in its completion. Thirty-fire
bonds of tlOO,UOU each were
issued by the company and panned to
the Slato as tlio evidences of the debt
aecurcd by the niorlgno. These
bonds commenco to mature on the
first day of January, 1875, and bear
intercut at the rate of fivo per cent,
from May 19, 185.
The act of 1HG1 changed the form of
the security of the btale fur this debt,
and authorized the l'hiladelphia and
Erie Kailroad Company, the successor
of the Bunbury and Erie Railroad
Company, to give iu mortgage for
$1,000,000, with four bonds of $1,000,
000 euch, bearing interest at the rate
of sis per cent., maturing in April,
1001, as collateral security for the
original debt of the Sunhury and Erie
Railroad Company. The interest upon
these begins to run on the first day of
January, A. V. Ibii.
This is tho only security held by
the Slate for the indebtedness of the
Philadelphia and Erio Railroad Com
pany, and all tbe previous arrange
ments culminate in the simple propo
sition of payment of this mortgage in
forty years flora its date, fur the orig
inal mortgnge was given up when this
one was taken. Tho pro vino in the
4 lb section Of the act of 1M01, that the
whole of the principal and interest ol
the original debt should be paid by
the Company is in direct conflict with
the immediately preceding provisions
oi the same section, and the actual
fact exists that tit only fecuritj now
held by us id fi four million mortgage.
Tho clauso of covonant in the mort
gage, referred to by tho (Senator from
T'otter, is not a lion on the road, nor is
it tnado such by iu terms, and it can
only bo collected by suit on the cov
enant, which suit cannot bo brought
until the maturity of the whole of the
debt Ihirty-two years hence, and w hen
it docs become duo sho will find her
self met by tho positivo provisions of
the 4th fei:lion that tho four million
mortgage hhall be full satisfaction of
her debt.
Mr. OLMSTED. Does not the Sen
ator believo that the Railway Com pa
ny is liable to pay the full amount of
the bonds lor three million live hun
dred thousand dollars f
Mr. WALLACE. If I concede for
the of argument, the truth ot the
question propounded by the Senator
from Poller, let us see w hat w ill be
the effect. When can that covenant
be enforced f Not until the lorty
rears shall have expired There can
be no suit brought, by tho vcty terms
ol the proviso, until the lorly years
have expired. When that lime is up,
you will still be met by tho question
of whether you can or cannot collect
the amount, irue, sir, incro is ah
express covenant in the mortgage, by
which the Philadelphia aud Erie Rail
way Company agree to pay the uifler
enco between the four million mort
gage and the three millions five hun
dred thouxand dollars at the timo the
whole shall mature. Rut for that we
have no security. Thero is not a dol
lar of security for that; and if you
take tho report of tho Philadelphia
and Erie Railway Company and exam
ine us condition, you will learn that,
after its floating debt, its funded debt
and the three million live luindred
thousand dollars mortgago are paid,
the covenant to pay is valueless and
the debt lost. So much for the propo
sition thut the Senator from Potter
(Mr. Olmsted) makes to me in refer
ence to the proviso in the bill and the
nltimato liuoihty of the Company.
Now 1 will answer him with my opin
ion as to what the decision of the court
would be npon the naked legal ques
tion of the liability of the Company to
pay anything more than tho lour mil
lion mortgage anu us intcrvni.
I do not believe there could bo a
recovery upon tho covenant, for it is
in direct conflict witn tho express
terms of the act under which the
mnrttrace w as taken, and in pusuance
of that law the original morigagowas
civen up.
It seems to me thai any business
man looking at the condition of our
security, will understand that we have
an insolvent debtor and thut tins is a
propesition to us to make our debt
cnod. It is an offer of three millions
live hundred thousand dollars, the
payment to commenco on the first of
Aptil, 175, with interest from 1S72,
1 . I .1 I.I ! J I. 1 - J
(o fie seciireil ty llie i nimoeipiiia ana
Erie Railroad truarantee, the 1 ennsy
vanin Central lUilroad giinranlee, and
the Northern Contrul Railroad cunr
anteo. Il is an absolute, unqualified
cnarnntec of the debt to us. It makes
our debt good beyond petadventure.
For doing this they ak an abatement
of $500,000 on the debt, and a reduc
tion of the interest from six per cent.
to five per cent. Tho payment of the
money is secured and it is to come
into the trrr.sury of tho Common
wealth thirtr vears sooner than it
would otherwise come. To such an
offer what would a business man say f
1 now come to the main question in
the crise. The only security we have
for our debt is the $4,000,000 mort
gage The interest on that begins to
run in 1S72, and there is not a dollsr
of the principal to be paid ontil 1PP1.
Now suppoto the first instalment of
interest is not paid, we lore-cios me
inortraee. we obtain a decree of sale,
we advertise the road, and thon what
fnllowi ! We bav got to boy 1b
road, or lose the debt. We hovo no
power to buy, nay, are forbidden to do
so, and even it we would buy it, we
would havo an elephant on our bands;
and I do not believe the road is worth
tho mortgages upon it before ours.
Kailroaus do not combine to snvo the
money duo the Commonwealth, but
to obtain the advantage of it. Their
policy is to get all they can lor them
selves, and when they cannot succeed
in a largo oporntion in any other way
Uicy coinbino themselves to make the
best bargain possible out of the Com
We are to regard this proposition as
business men, and tho first inquiry
nuturally is, what is our present secu
rity worth 7 The mortgago wo hold
is a third mortgago upon the Philadel
phia and Erie Railroad. Six millions
of money are prior liens to our debt.
Ihe actual condition ot the road is
bud, it ia struggling for existence, il
does not pay. If it wore put np to
public sale, it would not sell for the
liens that are opon record in advance
of ua, and at such sale we would be
oompellcd to be the purchaser or lose
our debt. Wo do not wish to buy the
road, nor do we wish to lose our debt.
A business men, owning such secu
rity, wo would promptly accept an
offer of compromise at fifty per cent.
1 am convinced that the security lor
this debt is bad, and it is for us as the
guardians of the interests of the Slate
to do that winch seems advantageous
for her. The fuult of the actual con
dition of tho doht does not lie at our
door, but is to be placed where it be
longs upon tbe legislature of 1801.
The bill before u authorize the
change of those securities and the
substitution of the bonds of the Alle
gheny Valley Railroad Company for
those of the Philadelphia and Erie
Railroad Company, giving to us
$M,500,000 In thirty-five bonds of
$100,000 each, commencing to mature
January 1st, 1875, with interest at
nve per cent., commencing January
1st, 1872. These bonds are to be
guaranteed by three railroad compa
nies: The Pennsylvania Railroad, the
Northern Central IUiilroad, and the
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, thus
making morally certain tho payment
of the principal and interest, accord
ing to the terms ot the law.
The offer that comes to us is, we
will cive you full and perfect socurily
for your debt, and will commenco to
pay it twenty-six years sooner man
wo are bound to do so, if you will
abato 121 por cent, on tho principal
and so reduce the rate of interest
from six per cent, to five per cent.
In my opinion there ran ne but one
answer to this question, that of prompt
acceptance. Thus much of this ques
tion in a business point of view.
Senators seem to fear that this mon
ey may eventually bo taken away
from the purposo to which it is devo
ted by the Constitution and lost to
tho people. I do not fear such
result. Neither this legislature nor
any aubscqnent ono bus any such
power. If wo will not protect the
Suite and her interests, tho Supreme
Cour upon this subject, can and will
control us. We havo the power to
improve the value of the securities
we hold in trust for payment of the
debt, but we dare not divert them to
any othor purpose. We cannot do
what the Constitution forbids, at the
command even nf all the railroads in
the Stato. Hy the acceptance of this
proposition we secure earlier payment
and muke our debt good. Let us give
these companies all of the aid wo can,
consistent with tho intercuts of the
State. We arc now annually receiv
ing $100,0110 from the Pennsylvania
railroad upon her bonds given in pay
ment for the main lino. Five millions
and a half of these remain unpaid,
and we hear of no attempt to evade
their payment, I regard this in the
light of asimilar annuity, and Idonot
fear its loss, for we havo no powor to
throw it away.
Beyond and beneath this question,
in a business view, lies the much
greater question of our true policy as
legislators. Our geographical posi
tion makes us tho thoroughfare of na
tions, and the grand highway from
the commercial marts on the Atlanlio
by the commercial centre of the wost
to tho commercial marts on the Pacif
ic lies through our borders. The
eommerco of the world found npon
the shores of cither sea in passing
from ono to the other w ill enrich all
it touches. If we enrich one part of
the State we benefit tho whole, taxa
tion is lessened, wealth increased, our
cities prosper and our railways flour
ish. Our true mission is thai of ma
terial progress, and in the line of thut
mission, free transit and aid to devel
opments bo co mo imperative duties.
In my place hero in 18(57, and often
beforo,! said that this roule was tho
great national thoroughfare from the
seaboard to the west, and I affirmed
that it was our duty to open the door
anil permit lis occupation, x men
suid :
'Standing npon one of the hilli of
my ow n county, I can cast a stone,
with my left hand, into waters that
flow into the Gulf of Mexico, and with
my right hand, into those that flow
into the Cbesapeuko Ray. At that
point ihe summit between tho East
ern nnd Western waters can be passed
with gradients not exceeding fifty feet
to tho mile, and tho valleys of these
water courses run almost beneath the
line of a direct air-lino route belwcen
New York and the great centre of
railroads in the west.
Hero lies the great natural thor
onghfaro from the seaboard to tbe
West. In advocating ita adoption, I
am actuated by what I believe to be
the simplest principle in our ordinary
affairs. It is thai which dictate to
our common sense tho selection of tho
most direct means for the end of the
attainment desired. Here are the
easy grades, the direct line. Trade
and travel seek and invariably find
them. Thoir early adoption brings
early development. Refusal to open
the door now but postpones tha inevi
table future.
From Second Fork, in Cameron
county, on tho Philadelphia and Erie
Railroad, by the valleys of the Si one
rnshoning and Snsqnsbanoa, to Lock
TERMS $2 per annum, in Advance.
Haven, thence by a straight linn to
Milton, and thence by the Cntawitsa,
I.eliiL'h Valley nnd Central New Jer
sey routes, New York is reached by
direct lines.
From Second Fork, tho summit of
which I have spoken is reached by
tho valley of Bennett's branch'of the
Sinnemniioiiing Creek, and connecting
with hiindy Lick Creek, a branch ol
tho Redhank, which is a tributary of
the Allegheny, llesconding the Sandy
by very low gradients, the town of
Brookvillo is reached, and thence
stretching westward by tho valley of
ono of tho tributaries of Red bunk, a
bronch of tho Clarion is attained,
which ia descended, that stream is
crossed, and one of its western branch
es again asconded to the summit, be
tween tho Clarion nnd tho Allegheny,
where the head of Eust Sandy Creek
is reached, and that stream descended
to the Allegheny, whence easy gradi
ents and direct lines connect with
Franklin, and Warren. Ohio. If we
will take a mup and lay upon it a line
from the centre of the ruilway sys
tems of Ohio and Indiana to New
York, it will be found that by this
route, the deflection from thut line is
vastly less than any existing line.
Its distance i shorter by ninety
mile ; its curvature are lighter, and
its gradients are one-half easier than
any other existing railway. It i the
direct and natural route from New
York to the groat West. If to this
we add tbo fact that, diverging from
this line at tho mouth of Sandy Lick,
in Jefferson county, nnd following the
Redhank to the Allegheny, and thence
connecting with the Allegheny Valley
Railroad, Pittsburg is reached and
connected by easy gradients with the
line, we find that undreamed of capa
city for development exists in North
western Pennsylvania. These lines,
traversing tho counties of Cameron,
Elk, Clearfield, Jefferson, Clarion,
Venango, Mercer, Armstrong and
Butler, will stimulate enterprise,
bring forth their dormant treasures,
and add enormously to the wealth of
the State. In Clarion county there
exist immense deposits of iron ore
and Other minerals awaiting means of
transit and capital for their develop
ment Up to this time sho has re
ceived no benefit from public improve
ments, and tho enterprise of her citi
zens has been repressed and d'sour
aged by their inability to compcto
with those more favored with facilities
for rapid transit and easy production.
They ask you that you shall but give
them the right to add to your wealth
in nourishing and invigorating their
own. The counties of Elk, Clarion,
Clearfield and Jefferson bristle with
forest of pine and hemlock and oak
timber- Annual freshets upon the
streams of tho localities ara tbe only
moan they possess for bringing to
your doors tho product of their for
est. I liey can reach you but once a
year, and then our hardy sons of toil
must grapple with all the difficulties
of navigation amid natural obstruc
tions and artificial impediments crea
ted for the benefit of other communi
ties. Tbey too, ask that you will per
mit lucm to invest their capital and
invite other capital to come in and
provide the means by which they may
be able daily to place in your market
the lumber so essential to everything
that make your home inhabitable
Upon the routo I have described, and
bedded in the hills w hich border the
vulleys of Bennett's Branch and Sandy
Lick, in tho counties of Clearfield and
Jefferson, easily attainable and most
desirable in its qualities, exists the
finest body of bituminous coal within
the Stale. The vein are of immense
thickness, so large that a man stand
ing erect in his wagon may diive into
tho coal openings, load it, and return.
1 In vast deposit stretches northward
through Elk and M Kcan counties
alto. Urproductiveand undeveloped,
they wait the mogio touch that vou
can give them, to lio al your feet
shining with the colors of the rainbow,
or to glow and melt in driving the
mighty engine, or in reducing the
stubborn ore. I-rom the heart of tins
immense deposit of coal at Sandy
a ' f- . i ftt a x j f.
i.ita summit, in icsrneiu county, it
can be placed on the wharves at Ruf
fulo with a transportation of less than
one hundred and sixty miles, by a line
nf railroad traversing tho coumiea of
Elk and M'Kean, with easy grades
and light curves, a part of which is
already in prorres
Tho struggling Philadelphia and
hne is completed, the aid the Lorn
monwealth trave her placed her in a
position to go forwurd, and the forests
of iho Northwestern part of the State
are now moving on in career ot de
velopment. If we had never received
a dollar of the debt secured by the
mortgage of 1861, the State is the
gainer. jow come to ti a repetition
of tbo proposition. The Allegheny
Valley Ru-lrond, located upon the
ground I havo described, is struggling
to complete its lino. Wo can aid its
exertions, wo can ensure it com
pletion ; in doing so, we benefit the
State by securing its debt, as well as
by increasing its wealth, iu population
and its industrial interests and devel
op its hidden resources. The coun
ties of Cameron, Elk, Clearfield, Jeffer
son and Clarion have never received
from the Commonwealth one dollar
for their internal improvement. The
debt that now presses upon the Com
monwealth, and for which all of her
citizens are equallr bound and towaid
the payment of which my constituents
must and do contribute, was conlrac
ted for internal improvements tlmt
benefitted the eastern, central, north
err. and western portion of the State,
but not one dollar thereof was ever
expended In tho district I have the
honor to represent. If this bill were
an absolute gilt by the Common weahl
to these people for the pnrposo of in
ternal improvements, it would be but
simple equity and even handed justice
Much more, t it iut when it is in the
form of security for doubtful debt, and
in project that will pour the wealth
of nations through natural thorough
fare and enrich tho Slate by causing
hamlets, town and citio to dot its
surface. A teeming population will
follow in ita wake, branch railroad
will spring from it through all tbe
nstursl rnt,'r! art! ,',) b-nr rr fih.
ml titirthwiitd mOnls'iJ "! I-'ie,
and opi'ii arenuet t-f c.nninet'!'atl"n
from the rent re In lht'iilhci n loriltr.
Actus! survey show thst I i'lr.
stated the grades upo the line, and
the fart Is proved that the summit is
erori between Urn Alle'heey and
the Susquehanna al twenty d el per
mile. uter rrfl'!e communication
y this line will coinnienca lit Pitta
urg and reach the valley of Ihe Snt-
qtichanna wherever il may bedismd,
and the heavy articles of the wel can
lunl down nt cheaper rates upon
the sctilioaid by this line than by at y
other now in or j'ot coiilcin-
luted. Sirs, if it wero tlio appropri
ation of ft sum of money equal to ll"
whole ol this (loot to the opening and
occupancy ot tins greni national
avenno, the Stuto would ho hciieCltcd
by such action lor in its truck would
co mo wealth, ii nd population; material
development and tho advancement of
every clement that brings national
llns proposition is lor the tni
iitoresta of Cio Commonwealth;
w hether wo regard it in tho light of a
mplo business iirrungcmfiit, iu tiio
blonder light of .State development or
n the light ot just no to a portion ot
Ihe Stato heretofore deprived of aid
for its internal improvements.
Senna Tea a Care for "Calf-Lcve."
I have a friend nt London, n dear
old ludy, who ko?ps n school whet
young ladies uro '-finiblicd." 'iho
ages ol theeo damsels rung! from
ourtecn to eighteen, "sweet sixteen
being tho avernco. Having n confi
dential chat with my liiend liming
tlio calm quiet ot liur Christmas holi
days, I asked her if she was often
troubled by her pupils lull'mi; in love.
Sho answered mo unreservedly. "I
have to contend nirainst no tri-calcr
difficulty, in a ton n liko this, where
we cannot walk in any direction with
out meetinc hull' a dozen boys' s-hoola
to say nothing of tho loiterers and
flineun, who seem to think that u
girl s boarding school is fair gnmo for
their sport il seems altogether im
possible to prevent flirtation from
arising, and note and love token
being clandestinely exchanged, i
pare no pains or art to guard
against and counteract luia ; but the
thing exists: and will continue to
exist, so long as girls are sixteen and
foolish, and young men and ladies are
bold and adventurous. My only plan,
when 1 see that tho tender passion
haa boen developed, is to crush it in
the bud." "What doyou dor" "You
will smile when I tell ycu ; for my
receipt i the antithesis of romance.
It is a doso or benna tea. "
tea?" "Yes, Senna tea. Whenovcr
I perceive as I very frequently do-
that one of my young ladies ha fallen
(us alio fancies) into love, I at once
take her in band. I never hint al any
thing connected with tho tender pas
sion, but I treat her as an invalid who
is suffering from impaired digestion.
keep her closely to the house and
doso ncr liberally with Senna tea,
studding by tq sco that she drains tho
dose to the dregs. This plan isulf nys
attended with success. Sometimes
she gives in after the Crst few doncs;
but usually it take two or three dnvs
to complete the cure. I had ono ob
stinate and protracted case that lasted
a whole woek : but I was firm to my
plan, and in tho end it succeeded.
Vou may depend upon it. that n a
cure for school girl's calf-love, ther
i nothing liko Senna tea." Vnce a
Beautiful Smile.
An Alpine hunter, ascending Mount
Blanc, in passing over tho Mer de
Glace, lost his hold and slipped into
ono of thoso frightful cruse by
which the lea of ice is cleft to its
foundation. By catching himself in
bis swift descent against iho points of
rock and projecting spurs of ice, ho
hroko his tall, to thut ho readied ihe
bottom alive, but only to face denth
in a more lernblo form, on cither
hand the icy wnlls rose up lj heaven,
above which ho law only a strip of
bine sky. Al Lis feet trit kJ a little
stream formed from the slowly melting
glacier. There wa but oi.e po-sil.lo
chance of cscapo to follow lint rivulet
which might lead to some unknown
cervice or passage. In nienco ana
terror he picked his way, down the
mountain side, till his further advuncn
was stopped by a giant cliff that rose
up before him, while the river rolled
darkly below. Ho heard tho roaring
of the waters which seemed to wuil
for him. What should h do f Heath
was besido him and behind him, and
he might fear, before him. There
was no time for reflection or delay.
He paused but an instant and plunged
into the scream. One minute of
breathless suspense a scnc of dark
ness and coldness, and yet of ewi;
motion, as if he were guiding through
the shades below, r.nd then a. light
began to glimmor fuintlv in ths wat
ers, and the next instant ho wns amid
the green fields and flowers and the
summer sunshine of the valo of
So it Is when bolievers die. They
come to the bank of tho river, and it
is cold and dark. Nature shrinks
from the fatal plunge. Y'et one chill
ing moment, and all tear is ,lcll behind
and tho Christian is amid the field of
the paradiso of God.
. Climax. "My on," said an affoo
tionato father at the loot of the stuira
"arise and see the newly-riseu lumi
nary of day, and hear tho sweat bird
singing their matin song of prsiso to
their great Creator conic, wbilo the
dew is on the grass, and tender Ian b
are bleating tin tho hill side ; come, I
say, or I'll be up there with a switch,
and give y3u tho soundest thrashing
that ever you bad in all vour born
Ono of the latest gilts to tho Tresi
dent is a pair of psient leather boots
trimmed at the lop with gold fringo
snd tassels, the American coal of aims
on tho leg, and a pair of Solid gold
spurs attached. The bonis ate tintdo
of tho fincsl quality of leather and in
the latest style, and lined in the insida
with yellow kid. They are valued at
$200. The shrewd donor w ill proba
hly be mado Postmsolrr at Buffalo.
A Western reporter produced tho
fellowing as hi maiden effort : "We
are informed that the gentleman boo
stood on his head under a spile driver
for a porpos of having a light pair of
botes drove on, shortly afierwsrdi
found hissclf in Chiny, perfectly na
ked, without a cent in his pocket. He
write that it is bisintenshun of re
turning by way uv the Tari expo
sition. Mr. Funny Morse, of N. II., is over
100, and attribute her longovily fo
the fart that 'it latu marriid
thro time.
it i