ahc$c)uMu;tu. ,-. iv -rs GicnauK B.Uooiiianbkr, Editor. CLEAUl'lELD, Ta. WEDXKSDAY MfiRXIMI. MAIIC1! 11. 1M. Gpn. Pierce is the only surviving President elect. Fillmore and John ion, the Vices who becamo Presidents, also survive lion. Edward liatos, Attorney Gen eral durinc Lincoln's first term, died at St. Louis on Friday last, in the 70th yenr of his ago. Another of the Wnshburns has got an office: Israol, Jr., has been up pointod Collector of Customs at Tort, land, Muino. Still a few more loft. It is rumored that if the Itadical Senate doeB not repeal the Tennre-of- Offlce bill, Grant will got the "sulks;" and then, like Baalam's horse, ho will speak a piece. J. W. Douglas, of Erio, (Collector of this District,) has been appointed As sistant Commissioner of Internal Rev enue, in room of Horland, who was caned a few days ago by Bincklcy. Tho "Bread-and-butter Brigade," so much talked about in the days of Johnson, is making daily raids on Jen. Grant. It is far more boorish than heretofore, besides being speckled black and white. Gen. Stoneman, now in command in Virginia, lias removed Gov. 'Wells, and has assumed the executive duties bimsolf. This sounds very strange in this free Republic. What despot ever usurped moro power f Our broad-brim and shad-belliod Friends, since the announcement of the President thht he would appoint none but Quakers to be Indian Agents, have became as clamorous for office as the Methodist Bishops. The negro amendment has passed our State Legislature by a strict party voto. Every Republican Senator and member voted to fjree negro suffrago upon this State Go on, white scalla wagsl your days will soon be num bered. 11om On. It will bo impossible for Gen. Grant to appoint all bis relations and those who subscribed to bis two houses, until tho repeal of the Tenure-tf-Oflice bill. This is from a reliable source Patience ! subscribers and relations ! President Grant was pronounced sick on Saturday. Ko one but bis family were allowed to see him worn out by excessive labor. Whenever Prcsidont Johnson would get sick the godly portion of Washington pro nounced him drunk. Going to Stat. It was hoped that Tennessee would loso her devil when Parson Brownlow was elected Sena tor; but be told a brother member tho other day, that ho would stick to her "till hell freezes over." He is evidently going to stay a good while Appointed. Moses II. Grinncll lias lieen appointed to the afat office of Collector of the port of New York -and Alonzo B. Council, Surveyor of Customs. They are both millionares, and were heavy subscribera to Gen. Grant's 800,000 (not log cubin) man sion fund. Goino In. A squad of Washington "nigs" have in-mod a .prospectus for the publication of a "first class litera ry" newspaper in that city. Two of the "colored brethron" had a set-to in tho White Houso one day lust week. They both want to be Ministers Plen ipotentiary to Hayti. Basscttol Phil adelphia and Dumas of New Orleans, are the gentlemen who seek din favor. The latest reports from Washington go lo show that ex-ad interim Grant is wondorlully troubled with his rela tives, and those friends who presented "iim with from 81,0(10 to 810,000, bo aides the Quakers, Methodist Bishops and niggers, who all want offico. II is California squaws and pappoosca have not yet arrived. Whether their wants are the snmo as they wore when "the greatest captain of the age" was dom iciled on the Golden Coast, will not be loarncd until their arrival. That clerical buffoon, and political toady and lobbyist, Biabop Simpson, lias written a letter to General Grant, apologising for the mnnncr in which ho was treated in tho Methodist Church, at Washington, a few Sun lnvs ngo. Had tho Bishop been wise enough to have paid 810,000 towards,' buying tho General a houso, he too might have been transformed into a Cabinet Minister, which evidently would have suited his taste and incli nations much belter than that of a minister ol the (lorpel. Forney's Prmf, and other carpet bag organs, declare it an outrage for the littlo Slato of Delaware to have two votes In tho United States Senate and one in the House. Tho voto of this S'jito is about 20,000; while that or Rhode Island in about 11,000, and she has two SenuUirs and two mem bers in the House. JvWi f lne tl!ng is wrong in the former Slnlo, why is it not in the latter f We will answer : Bocfiiiso Delaware is Demoeratio. If an outrage exists, Rhode Inland bears it off Urn I rt. The) t'tiilm inn (ViiiiTfiii n in araiioii St nliniL'Hn WPi'K, nrariv unin ininiie'v n-i rrwilnlioiis millioriiriji (lie prolotn and tomlurs f lliil Theological mltiioll lo open HiO Jinn-a to the iH'grm-s. It appears that llio Seminary at Month illr rniio time since nilmtlleil several blacks to eniinl privileges wilh lhe"whito trash " A loalons brother, (Chile,) upon learning this, nt once introduced a resolution thanking the professors for this advance movement. But tho brother was soon horned out of place by a brother, (I'lignnnc,) a littlo moro toalous, introducing a reso lution declaring that the tbunks of tho Christian world were duo to the negroes for this sacrifice J!cv. Mr. Ware doubted the expediency of pa5 ing the resolution, and sugfstcd that the Boston school bo included. Rev. Mr. Israel said that he would voto against tho resolution, beeauso it was unnecessary, as tho denomination had committed itso'.f to tho rights of the colorod raco and the rights of woman Ho did not like either to say that tho Moadvillo school had just become a Christian school. We supposo tho next Conference will declare all negroes, apes, bob boons, and monkeys Christians and themselves asses. The Amendment. We call tho at tention of our readers to the speoch of Mr. Wallace, on our first page when the negro suffrago amendment infamy was up in tho State Scnnlo. Let all white men and women, who intend to defend their raco against the dehauchories of mongrelism which renegades, scalawags and dev ils are trying to foist upon the coun try post themselves upon this ques tion. If not met and defeated at the ballot box, it must and will be met and overthrown on the battle field Which remedy do you propose to apply? is tho qucstiun to settle at this time. To thoso who neither fear Godnor regard white men, but sock an alliance with negroes, we have nothing to say. They, like water, will soon find their level. A Modern Invention. If we be licvo what transpires in the prison cells and on the scaffold, nearly every murderer that has paid the penalty of a violated law, has gone straight to Heaven. An exchange says a negro recently executed in Georgia for mur dor, screamed to tho audience : "Good byo I's off for Jesus." And the min ister who instructed him in his "last moments," cxultingly tolcgraphs this speoch over tho country as an evi dence of the negro's superior religious nature. If the officers of the law and the clergy continue to send that class of criminals to Heaven, what restraint will there be on wicked men if tho gallows is mado tho short-cut to the abodo of the blessed ? Rather Tbctufi'l tor Ben. Bon. Butlor, on tho floor of the Rump, while denouncing the Tenurc-of-Oflice bill, said : "Tb 1'nllfd RtulM Solute U sn irrnpnnnililt bodr, anil an trrpnpnniihlfl body l alwayfl dan freron. Thm were many thin? which wa bad hwh Intliflulion aannot b l.mnj in the Canili- Iniion. There were manjr tbinfi which we bad , la do .nder Andrew Jot"" "birb bad belter lieeer be done again (laughter) nnd had better I be got rid of ai aoon a pi.tnible. Air. Holler went , on lo cbararterite the Penat amendment ai a declaration of want ofeonftdenre In Ihe President. What good had the law arer done 1" Democrats have uttered these same truths a thousand times, but they were always, denounced as "Copper bead lies" by tbe "lcil" scalawags. Fenced Oct. No ono of tho old politicians of the "loil" persuasion seems to be so completely fenced out of General Grant's kitchen as John W. Forney. The lack of the infor mation flowing from this source has ruined "Oeeasionnl." Not knowing what is transpiring in tbe political gutters around the White House, bo has nothing to write about ; hence his occupation is gono. The "Dead Duck" is muchly in need of sonic crumbs. How 'NVocld it ATonK ? President Grant baring issued his command to'posod negro sufliago aiiinndinont could us in Pennsylvania to adopt negro he luliiiiilted lot he people. The gains , , . . i j made in tho different districts show suffrage, should now turn around and thnt wou(, bo d(,fiulcJ b mnj()ri v order our Borough Fathers to grade, of Bl oust i,renty-1ii-c thousand. In and repair the streets. There arc j one county which gavo Grunt five also some sidewalks in the town of i hundred majority last full the Demo Gulcna which he should order repair ed. He has just as much light to superintend and order theso things to be done as to order Pennsylvania and Iliiuuis to adopt negro suffrago. Can't Vn.m their Fom.t. Sage Senators, wise Congressmen nnd vir tuous Legislators, have talked glibly fur years about renuming or bringing about specio payment; but still a a fuilure. Why not try it by a Proc lamation ? This "loil" flanking pro- wns Tcry cneruve in mo anys 01 hoi (.((I)V -y, hlTC p, inl0 lhe "llio Into lumontcd;" wly nii(;lit it natural liuhilof sli-nling ii;m, i-liii-kciin. not bo mndo potent for pood, as wilhiiiul roimnittiiif' riipfm, whicli rntiscd m for evil f 'lllc liropii' to "piirncoulo" f lime m m a i linrlutrinns. SVIioroupoii (icn. Sinnc- Uatiikr J'tuxTFli. The Chambers- man seiuli. 1111 order lo tho aulhorilieR burr; Repository, the nepuhliean orenn 1 1 Ibo w t'"'1 if I hey (In "not of Franklin county, has an nrtie'e 1 prevent the ocetirrenee of snt h out, charcins (iovernor lienrv with lyiiiR j rjes in fuliiro, he will nend a detach in reference to Ihe appointment of' ex-1 nient of nioiinled men lo thut reirinn, (iovernor t'littin to a Jiosition inl" he siiliainted nt the exrienne of the (irant'i Cabinet, and not only chart;- i citir.er.a, until firmd order is re-ealiil. inRitbutprovinrrit. (ieary is rcrjnrd-1 Khtd " That in, if the peoplo do not ed bva lrj;e number of the prominont allow the nefrroes the luxury t.r theft men orhia psrly ns uttnily nnworthv'n''d rape, Stoneman will send his of Jielief, nnd we have no doubt more 'soldiers in there to plunder and ninr thon the requisite, number ncccsaury J dr nnlil they consent to allow tbe lo diered;t a witness could be Rot to I darkies full swinir. On Unit errand swear that they would not believe j Stoncmaii ought to pn himself. And him on his oath, l.iko tho bovs nnd tho people or "llmt region" ought to tho frogs in tho fable, Mich a charge hang him up like a dog by tho side of mar lie fun for tho Repository. Imt it,uis rnpo coiniiiiuing negroes. is certainly damaging to the .State Government, hfil ft aornliili-liAt k dininlntrntlnii it ia. Yon llt klo m arid I'll ticklo 3"0ii. You f-lvo mo 110,01111 for A hnuao nnd I'll give von a fut office. Well is lie named V. fi. It pclU VS me ""liny friends. .t-nflonn Honor ffpnfftf I Tim Nrw Yntlt '" vetysp II . I . - 1 nmlirinlr V n: ho in'iir ii. . . .. i . I. ul ill ' iiiitiniml liutim iinnv r"iu. ml it is Biv'iini'fiiiu il I V tlisl nllirl cxpri'MM 0 Infill on III ups HI i-ycij iilicnl si nlliiwni. "!yllv." wlml iln llicse wonls im-nn f Mo well rr meinlH'r imo eiii-fiinrll i-l "loyalty, wliiuii we m a diiy or two alter the "laic lamented" was suddenly ciil in his lotii'lionie, wearing a blin k nwlte on tho breantorhisc-oiil as big ns a sun flower. We met this "loyal mourner in the street, and bis tunes were lull ofprii t; bis eyes stiMuned villi tears; and in liunky, liroken neanen sous, no alluded to tho loss of tho "second Washington," und the dreadful blow "at tho best government the world ever saw." This devoted loyalist, whose heart was "hustin," with na tional honor, had oil his property seir.ed in less than thirty duys alter this tcrriblo exhibition ol patriotic sor row, for swearing falsely as to tho number of hides ho turned out of bis tannery per year, lie had thus robbed "tho best government under the sun" of thirty thousand dollars of revenue, by lying as to his business, lie wiib "loyal." His soul was brim full, und slopping over, with "nnliouul honor." They are all of that kind, theso brar.cn faced, loudmouthed blatherskites, who howl "national honor," "loyally," Ac. They have shackled the poor white working man with throo thou sand millions of debt, and an eternal poverty for him and his, and will grind him and his children to the lowest grade of pauperism if thoy can that this nigger freedom debt be paid. This is "national honor," this is "loyalty."' Four millions of happy, honest, indiistrons blacks were in the South ; thirty millions of happy, in telligent, progressive and prosperous whites were in the South and North. A horde of fanatical Abolitionists, fiends from bell, or from New England, debauching tho country with lies, poisoning it with lalso doctrines, got up a political, anti-slavery war, crush ed out the prosperity of South and North, killed trade und commerce, slaughtered and maimed two millions of human beings, ruined the blacks by taking away the white man's guidance, plunged the country into social and Jiolitical anarchy, ana aucr creating a ttirec uiuunmiu uuummi jfn.-i uwn,, debt, this horde of fanatics declare it ihall be paid in gold ; and that the white bone and sinew, ond muscle, shall be worked till it is so paid. This is "nutional honor." The poor man ahull bo made to wear the ball and chain of eternal taxation upon bis limbs, and soe also these clogs riveted to the limbs of his children, that the great Abolition war debt shall be worked out. This is "national honor." The non-producing bond holders, who paid lortv cents on a dollar lor the nalion's obligations, and who now claim a hundred cents in gold on the dollar, swear tho debt shall po dis charged in full ; the jKiund of fleh rhull come; this is "lovalty. Nigger ism is a synonym of licentiousness ond abject misery. To bring about this state of things, to dostroy the great labor system of the South, to ruin both orlh and Ninth, to keep a husc nnd costly Btnndini; army win pins down nhe millions of the people with the bnyonet ull Una is the worn ol the party which prates ol "nationa honor, on whose tongues tbe word "loyalty" is constantly being rolled over like a sweet morsel. Cun history furnish another so shocking a picture of social and political prostitution I Clean oit Tin Harems. A Radi cal lady, who is employed in the Treasury Department at ashington has written a letter to the Jinii-jten- dent, in which she makes serious com plaints in regard to the morals of many Of the lemnlO Cll'I'lCS Mie con eludes with this indignant appeal : . . f nof (o , ,,,,, fiy fia,.;ng , J inr yurumuui s unu ujiir 17 mrm firrA Congress fnreed vpin us, an J be obliged to tolerate their society day by day." Tlint tlicre are manysut h eroaluren oocapj'iiif' the pimition und receiving the salaries of clerks without doing any work is well known in Wunliing ton. ICatlieuI Jlcmbcrs of Cangrew have converted the departments into harems, and their dehuuehed and pot ted lieaulies ore supported at the expense of the taxpayers of the coun try. To such a eondirion has tho party of great moral ideas brought us. Won't some loyal preacher give us a t i a I . . i. : e j T,ry b(,ow iI1(Jy rnous, when i there is no occasion for it, but arc like dumb dogs which cannot bark when they should speak out. Jct the pub lic harems bo cleaned out. Exchange. All Hail Indiana. Tho npcciul election for members of the Indiana Lcgitiliiture gives a clour indication cl' wliu t tho result would bo il the pro cratic candidate now receives a niujor- j.'' ,lHewhero. Muliitudes ol lit of i-itit 1. Illu KitH II til I f i IT 1 K ii.l mr !0publicans turned out and voted tho Dciiincralic ticket opcnli-. Tho lines lion will como before the people ol Pennsylvania in October, and no one can doubt but that thoy will equally rebuke tho duplicity of tho liadicnlr. who have attempted to change tbe constitution of this Stato willmut allowing tho peoplo a voice in the mutter. Lancaster Intelligencer. "Cor.oKF.1. Ixyai.tt.m The N. Y )tii Ihifil an ri ('Sdiinn tini-rrw in Opncnil Ilorntio Tortor, uf Genorfil Klitinnuii'i Huff', lini tioiui (1c.lulu( f,if (Inly tit Hip Kxeoutivo .Munainn, ychec lie coiitinuo (o get aa prirntp Hpcrnluty to llio rrcidoiit. lltiliort M. Iioiiglnf), aon (if the lute Hcrmlor JougliiH, Iiub hoon oiiointed aBSinUnt jwivaiaj ocreUry, A Mmm or Ti'tr- The fliioi .I lli 7.iAn iioii, i a liti'lit lirf I'l the lui'lxnl fttilli The Inllnwlitg mum la are lrin a sermon ol Ins piililo-lu il ill the nri prtiilml His llii'ius ia, "Amerirs its psM, pieelit mid 1'u I nrr." Ilis specially, of nuirsp, Is the negro : "I iirt'i eliii(;ol'nn'i "ion will change to leelings ol regard. The coitiplexion nl whii h wo now profess to revolt we flial! look upon -villi pleasure. We shall see 'Helen's beauty in the brow of r.tfypt.' We shall say: What a rich complexion in that brown skin ' It is Italian, (i reck, Oricntul perfect ! Mow fur it excels our chalky hue! Tho hour is not far off when tho white baud husband shall boast of the dusky beamy ol bis wile, and tho Caucasian with shall admire the sun kissed countenance ot her husband as deeply and as unconscious of the pres ent ruling abhorrence as is his admi ration ot her lighter tint." If that editor has a white wife, she had better keep a look-out (or her husband, or some Miss Dinah will cer tainly scduco him if he should happen to full in her way. e Mins Mary Grant, ol'Kichmnnd, was married in that city, on Thursday last, to a Mr. Ford, of Goochland co., Va. it will bo remembered thut they were the subjects of the article in tho Southern Opinion which resulted in the killing of U. Rives Pollurd. Tho peoplo ol Cincinr.uti nro in ocslacics of delight over the action of the Council in taxing doirs hve dollars each, and giving one dollar reward for every unmuzzled dog delivered to lne pound. On Thareda;, March 2Mb, Wit, by Bee. J. R. William, Mr. JOHN MAbDY, of Lawrence townibifi, lo tin. HOI'HIA KTKOl'P, of Fergu eon townhi, Clcarneld eountr. Pa. Qtxc dvfrtisrturnts. IMMOM'TIOW (If FAHTM:HWIIIP. Tbe liartnerihiii hetetulore Milling be tween tbe undrriipned in thb mercantile buiinen at Pennrille, wan dtnotved br mittael eoneent on tbe lJlh ilar of March, 11.9. The kooki and paper! at the firm will be left with William t. Johnaon, nl the old aland, who ia authonted lo make collection! and pav all claims agamM the Srm. M. y. JOIINSOX. HM JOHN 11Ul.tV. IN Till': 111 I'M IT KU f IIKTMIt'T ( (II HT OK THC A'l KS for the Waiters Diitrict nl Pennivlvanii In the matter of Thohai Hi mmiirt, bankrupt. ' In Bankruptcy. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKRN : Tbe ander ligncd berehy flvoi notice of hlr- appointment a anmraee of Tbomai Hutnphrv, of Pike lowmhip, in the county of Clearfield, and State of Penneyl rania.withiu aaid llntrict. who haa been adjudged a bankrupt upon bit own petition, b)- tbo biitriel Court of aaid lliilnet. baled tbe 2Mb day of March, A. D. ISM. niJl M A'. A. AliAMK. Amgnea, Ac. IK TMI-. IHOTKM-T C'OI'KT OK THK t!M1 Kb MATES for the Ueitern blltrict ul l'ennylvania. In the matter of T , Jon, Jtraa, bankrupt. J In n"W- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKRN : The under signed hereby gieei notioe of bii appointment an AfMirnee of Julin Hyan, of Hell tiwrndiip, in the eonuty of (Vartield and State of I'ennrylrania, within aaid butrirt, who baa been adjudged a bankrupt upon hn own petition, by the biitrict Court ol paid blalricL - baled tbe Ji'th day of Marrh. A. II. lKIS. niarai t A. A. ADAMS, Aeiignee, Ac. T lTlll-1 Kl A V Kit Mb J I HOKKbllAWN X J for May Term. 1 ntiu : J. 11. billon. ..beccaria. .lona- Kephart-.beeatur. T. II. Iavii....KerguiHm. H. Anurtrnag. M J. Henry Franeji buyer. ..Oirard. Inntm lie John H. Jurv.-.lteaham. .loho Cree we.J..Oiilieh. J. B. Ilewm Ilunton. .iohn Tyler lleorgr HIom Knnlt. band tiniitb Hreen. Il. ll - U.HickenUorn. karlhaul l. L. llonrer..Lawrence. 1'humaa Nomi....l'ike. J. l'orneliuiWoodwaj-d. J. ('. Forenu. " W. C. Werla .. A. II. Ta J. W . llell Milei llaney Kdward Allien. ....Bill. '.Il'oggl. Klijah pineal John I). llra.T..llradiord. J01. Helieriilig....brady S. C 1iuii1n leaac f"llcy. Cheat b. l'.Ht.C'lair,('orington. I. Johneon...Clearhcld. H. Mitchell I'. Kraleef-... u liieh'd llug)ieabeeatur. b. liearharu.... " J. I. Tbompeon M BEST FAMILY FLOUR. T P. ERATZER hai made arrangement! to ' ha aupplied with the eelehraled c AMniiiA t)m: ixoi n. Direct from the mill; and having the advantagr of epecial ratea, eurtomere ean role upon alwayr, Kelting the BKST FLOCK at the loweet market priee. jWFlnar deliferod to any part of the town free of eharfe. inarM-lm TO RAFTMEN. 'IfTK taki Jiknure In tnfann.njt yon that wr " bar )uft rrac.Trd q iinmtBM ttork of DIIY liOOItS, whicb w mrm iwHling rry aheap. Bent yard Muilin pcr.taril. CavlicoM, frxm An. to pr ytrnl. IlMt ll-wol bctvjr CaimiBfn 9 Sc. pm ymrd. Alio, Urjr itork of Ticking, Ginfrb&tnt, PIiuimU, DnM (londi, tuhr Linrat, Twrli, Handkorohieft, Stockinet. Hickory Btrip, niiirtinirt. te Ao., t fMtogifb.ngty low priom. Aim, rntt for lh Amriru Botton-faolr and Prwiiig Mftnhlno oninhinod. Poo 'I Uil to eall and tx Uf hofiirp pureliaotog elirwltera. J. J. 1U8KL. t CO hrotfi Hi mar. Main it., lv k Jtaren, Pa. Pipn of (hf in thf winrlnw. mar!t m. nrnRiiT n. rot-io. HUBERT 4. YOUNG, Stonc-Cutlors & Stono-Masons L neeutrall work In their line al mid- er.te pnrea aad In Ullt-T ( LABS itjU. Architectural Ornamonts In ALL FTYLF.R, 8u.ne Drawing or arerr demriptinn, and all kindi of ajaeou work oon traeted for in nrnntof tbo noantr. Any perenn wuhing to hove reepeetahle maeoa wurk and fine. cutting done, will Snd it to their intereet lo eall npno ua Wa would alee Inform the pub lie that we ean delirar any quantity or elaei af atone deairad, aa wa ara the awnera of a FIRST-CLASS STONE yl'AItRY. Order! for work wan be addreeeed aitbar to Clearfield or Lotheribnrg . wiarXltf III RFKT A VOl'Nfl. Sheriff's Sale. rlrtoo of a writ of I'ieW r, . lUn ruad out of tbo Court of Com moo Plaaa of tiearfield rnonty, ond to ai dirorted, there will ba eiii"d l I'l HUC HA1.K, at tho Cuart II oo He in the bomuirh of Clearfield, on Tbrdav. the liih day of April. lnj, at 1 o'clock, P. M.t the fulliiwing property, to wit : All Utat lona tiit and partially irrailed and ariflo lhrd railway of the Uiutora 1 miI and Impmre otent f ompHnr. uittiate In I'eratnrand U-xxltrard townhi, (?trarhrlil eoanly. Pa., b-ririBinf in I'rraMu townhip at the hue ul and juiirlina with the ntilmail nf ihe 1M 'liannoti ('-ml Compiny, thenee by the vtilb-r of ,avrr Hub roulhaar.lit tbmnrh landi nf N-tt-hannmi (ml Unmparty, Itea ver Itranfh foal Coinpan. , A. 11. Long, and J'r. It. Hmitt, filly frrt in witttb a b-ratfN, frradfd and rhoppeit, and two mile and one. bait to tatuia No. 1.15, titer b-ratml, mre fully rt--wriHfd ar loltiiwa : lie-Tinning at a p-onl on the Mihantioa hmn-h ol tltf Tvr-inf and ("l- atli-lti Itatlway, twv and three quarter mii wrtt of (r--ila: thenee eouth 4: degree and IA mi no tre wrl for fei-t ; thriine by a 3 di r;ree Curve Ui right for Ufi.t feet : Ih-'Nee -MiHlh CJ degree 'M Biintile wml (or 2i:i0 faet tbrnee by a I decree and .in mnule enrve ta kft fl 2S ft- : thnee by a I di-gn-e ond 15 minute eariv tr I7.-m tfrt ; lher onutfa AT deffrer wwt for Jr.. f--t ; tlieiif by a de-gn-e flun-o to ripht for 1IW0 ff-et : ibertrr by a 1 ilegrer and l. nnnatc mrt to rijrbt fr 1 &v feet : tbrnne nnrth 412 d greeo aid bO annute wrat for I4'i0 r-at ; aaakmg two and Gft-f -eight nna-han-dredth milf. Tlie tame being annninbed anil without rail upon It and yielding no renin, ine or proof, elled taken in eirraiion aad to be uld m h propertT ol tbo Madera Cal and 1 proTrnifiit (uuapany. "IliddeTP will Uka nnttc that H ner of tba ourfhaao money moat ha paid when tbo aronortr i fcnookod dowa. or it will he not a again for aala. CVKEKIV'S liOWK. biBRirr Ornra, I bktnf. jClaarAeld, Pa, Uareb t), HM., i KXTliAORMXAliYl SOMETHING NEW IN CLEARFIELD 1 Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes I Great Bargains in Hats and Caps!! THE GRECIAN BEND HAT I THE VELOCIPEDE riAT: THE ALPIXE HAT! SILK HATS OF THE LATEST STYLES ! AH Kinds and Styles and Cheap 1 1 BOOTS k SHOES IN PROFUSION. Ladiai, Look ta your iataraitj, and call and sea the lateit and mail fmihlonabW atylaa of I'LAIN AND FANCY 6110ES. Purple, Bloe, Sronie, and Diiaark 6H0ES, far Mine! and Children, af HIGH CVT! CUSTOM-MADE WORK Made a Specialty la tbia Sura 1 J. C. l.K.IITl AP dk HON woald respect fully anneunee to tta citliem af Cleari eld and rieinity, that thej bava opened a large and estanilre aaarrUnent of tb a abora-aaniad gooda, ia tbe atora-rooaj an Maritat atraa , oppoiite tbe reiideaoa af H. B. Bwoopa, Eeq where they will be happy to wait on all wha wiib to palrow Uaa FIE.-I-CLASS 8I10E A BAT EIORK. Chiliren'i Ehoei in Abundance. CHIUiKEX'S HAND MADE SnOES. FiyEliOOTS! COARSEBOOTS: TEl'yKS,SrC,lC. er-Come and aaa for woaraaleat wbat va bare fot fur aala. JaBamambar tbe plana- Market atreet, Claarftold. oppoaiu U. B. 8waona'a raaldenca. marll-tf J. 0. MUBTCAP A SON. BOOTH'S IMPROVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. (m mtm eaa Jiff tbo dirt froai th rooti aflat iiraIxl. It will Mil (nwinf tola ait al ta tnnpil from firtr to on koodrad par day. It ill aitbar turn thon orer, or ntpiid toaai to j pmppfd ap, aa iMtrad. Tot frapiiaton hai id to Kx if art or, drlivor it and taat it on tbo farta of tba pnrhanar : ond if tt doac oi rcnCar eomptott fatiifaotion, a&0 do )aatai woaitactid- I ad, iaey will tako it away and rkarf anthioy fur thair trooMa. Triro of Jdaehlno, $1M tMi. Towathip and ooonty rihia for aala. Wt i bar ao travahnp - Artdriw BOOTH A RrMIIARuKR. Jaffarioa Lie a P. 0H Cloarboid Co Pa CF.RTIMCATK, Wa. tbo aodorrtgnod, boring witneeaed ta trial of T J. ilnoib laiprorod btonp RstraMwr oa tba farai of K. H. Monro, near Latbernborg. I on HiUirday aad Monday, tho 7th and tta of j Nov-pmhor, lake fitea-wro la onymg ta tba aab- lie, that wo beliaro it to bo th baat aiacbraa now in for oitraettng tump, lt irof aiaipl I c on utrar tioa, eaily managed, not habla ta got j not of order, and very d arable, four man took j tho marhtno from tho wagon . wboa ootiroly apart, pat it to gather, aad pulled a Urg piao I nomp in Iom than one boar. V aow iwa men i nail a tar attn-aan artlh MM. TbV aiaa a kina. i bot be doe. hi work in taking out ib largaat taanpa, with oat a bard pulL Mr. booth, lb Pate a tea. folly andarrundi parting ap aad handling tbo machine. V e would ad via tboaa in want of tnmp evtrartort lo aae tbia ana teetad before punhamng elaewhera. wbirb they eaa do ' free of choree by railing on tha Proprielora. ' J. C. Harn.lt. J- VY. K-ekard, It V. hparkmaa, Ijobahalder, John Kirk, J, "T. Uabagaa. H. li. M-ora, J. W. Vallaeo, lT.tt.AteianUar. (eo. Klhnger, I. Jteek, Andrew a ilaaa, 8. J. Horn, VYm. K Irrin, K. J Kirk, I Jam Moore. 1,. 11. Carlila. Uao.W ilaan.a a : bavar Fiegal, Fred k Km i ley. aorlv It SPRING GOODS1 JifT (in:.MNu a r-rLrxnm FToric, at March IMf C. KftATZIT. A fifiSS'. Dloitll.l'l IOK llr1 PAHTM.KWIIir. Th rMiMnrahlfi herelol.ire etietiar helweew j llu- atiderMpned in the Hotel haineea al rh:lir I hngr. wa dieeolred br Mntool ennent no Ibe 2d I dae of Jolt e.t. JAMH II lllll K j narli 4t:pd JOHN MrLAl l.liUN. Jr. : ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'8 AKD MASON af HAMLIN'S, R. J. T1AYK1, rnrweneeille, Ta. Ijlver NtJible. THE andrreiawed Wp leave to infona tlie rab lie that be t, lne tullv rirrtared to aeomroo lele all ia Ihe war of fommhinr llorere. Hamee. Heddlee anil llarweaa. ww tho iheneel nliee and no reaeimehle Irrme. lteeider.ee oa iewet atrrat, between Tliird and Fourth. iKii. W. GrAKflAKT. "leerdeH. AriHI 11. I7. THK liKMot RATIC ALMANAC for lf IMT and for aala a the 1001 Orhee, l uee li aente. Mailetj le an? adtlrroe. leJS-U rpraaaea and ahdoatlaal lernerm af weary X bud af tba laaeat iajaroeoaiewia, lor eale a. uelrn ftaora fUiitKl Meeiri. Booth f-S. k A Kumbanrer, t'S-Jv 3 Proprielora af A the Iainrnrad f STIMP Ki- NN. -'& traolnr.wl ib II vI,I4a diiiinetly an- r ja- -- , "j darilood Ibat tbay warrant i'-'ll , ' ZLPtZ i LaJded-".-: r-zZXsJ 1 1 eellinr elber naebinea by tj lu brier eon- r' Z trnrled an true pbileee- .. . phioal pnnal v. v plea. It will "N?S. 5' aitraet tba a fbj largeat piaa ' r- ! alump, laa-1 aiwa m iw :, j -" -T I pend It above I mmHtmiyMj' . J gmnnd par- alittinK the I aoil lolal bank j in the hole I and will poll f tbaajaefaalail jprp f.t'ifiif, ft'. THE CLEARFIELD STORE II FCONSTIlfCTKP. .. William 1'"en. ...Williaia , llell! Deorge 1. K"ed . Joha r. Wri.rw. GEO L HEED & CO, Twa doon alortb of Ibe Court Iluuer, CI r.ABi ir.i.n, TK. II AVI NO retnmed to onr old tiunneei nam. i. l.. ..i,r. the oiliaeni of Clearbeld aiid tbe pobtia fni. Iba we bare entered upon, and intend lo pmiecute, a tiaerooi eaa l.aian acalnil hl(h prieei and lulertor wondi. and L... now oa band a lull .upplr of all k.ndi of (oodl naed in thii aaarkaU la the line of Dry Wood. Wm elalm to haa a full aeeorliaent, eoiielitlnf In part of Mutliui, bleaahed and anhleached ; Print! of all f radea and etylej; and Spring & Summer Dress Goods, Such aa Alpaeaa of all ibaeu lie Lalnel, Mo nnol and Flannel! : beaidei, a fall aeeoll nent of (antleman'! wear, aoniiitln( In part of Cloths, Cassimeres, BatlnatU and a full aaeartment af READY-MADE CLOTHING. otions, Hosiery, Trimmings, BOKNETTS, AC, Eats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. Wa baTe a fuU eopply of Cee. Tea. raar, Riea. Molaaeea, lobaaao, Fuk. halt, liaeeed, owl and Aib Oili, FLOUR, BACON, DEIED FEUTT, fucar -eared liana. Meal fork, and full avpply of ProTiaiona. Hardware and Queensvare, Woodm If Willow Ware All the forer;oinj articlee will be exrband for CASH, Lt Mlll.K, or COI KTHV l'KOlil CE, and al pneee to which there ean be Bo exmrplioa. Tboaa in need af Uoodi ia eur line, wil' iaaaa M&-CA L L AXD SEE US." GEO. L. HEED Jt CO. Clearteld. dept. 17, 1SCS tf. Xew Store in Mulsonburg! In the rooai formerly aeeopied by P. T. llegarty. L. M. COUTRIET TAKY.S thii method of iafortainir tW eitiavoi f CoTiiaftun, kartsaaa, liirard aad tW aar rvundtng fwiuntrr. that kt bat )ot opead a larfc fork u( fil M M KK 4iO(lHS. abirh kf i drlcr bidmI to aril TLN PKK ( tNT C'U EAPtK than tba aana ijaahty ol Good eaa W parcbaard for in any ulnar atoro to tbt acif hborbuod- U atiMk OOOf ItlM of Dry Goods of all kinds, F.eh ai fiatinetn. Caaeiajierea. Uailina, Dalainaa, Linen, lirillmra. C alienee, Inaaaiinga, llibbon, Laea, READY-MA TIE CLOTRISG. BOITS 4 FHOES, HATS CAPS, GROCERIES OF ALL USDS. Cofff, Tra. Fopar, Hiee, Momm, Ti-h, Salt, Linarrd Oil, Fub Oil, Cartmn OiL. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. CatibfTi, Ttowf and Plow Caat inr . N'oiU. Fpiket, Cora CnltiTatora. Cidw riaaaa, and all kiadi of A tea. t'fc.k'T Plowi ara af tba Carwanrilla aad Cantr covnty aiaka. and ara w arras ted la bo af food quality. Drugs and Medicines, rerfaaicrj. Paints, Vara tub. fllaaa, aad a fcnoral aaortBal of htdUioaorj. GOOD FLOUR, Of diffctvnt brands, alvars ae baad, aad will to old at tbo kwat MatiUa tgurra. LiQiORS, Pach a IlUAKl'V, WINE, MIS 4 WHI6KT bmf amaad of Wool oraatad for wbtrb tbe bifboft prtoo will to paid. ciovi:r;.ki:d, Ob band and for aalt at tbe towast aiarkot prioa. YL fall and oar for yitwrat-lrea. Toi will lad everything aoaally bent ia a retail etnre. L. M. Ct'l TRIET. Froarbrille P. Jaa. ?, Iv. 3 E IV ST O It E. Tor. feml St- and Hill Read. It. MITCHELL I TT A!" reeiv.J and opeaei al tbe ahnv j 1 X aawied plaee. an ontm arw rtot-i of 1 ' M - IIML (HKil.h.-abiebbewitleell VI RY t IIKAT Fi-U CAH. Hi toek eaamta af "Dry iIood CSrowric, II ARDWARE.QrEENSWAnE, pontf and Fhoea, llnto and Cv, Tldy-Made I'iothmf , Ola. Be alro berp eboiea fl o vr, cony meal, feed, Chop, Barmn fVak, fVM. tVrrewe deeirew f fwrr'ia'inr wood at fair rale are rertullr reqweteii lt rrr hiia a eall. JteT-A nnrwved aatuntrr predare will ba tabea. I at the biraeet rrerve, to rirhenew lor (ewda. Clrarand, Jane lb, lse-h-ll Down I Down ! I THE LAST ARRIVAL AKD OF COt P.SE TT1E rHEAPET! A Proclamation against High Prices! 'T T. are aow oienine wr a lot af tH- Wat and 1 rao-1 aroannehle t.nnd, aad area owr offered in Ihit market, and at rim-ee that remind owe of the rd old dnee of eheaf. Ihiejra. Tooee who laok faitb awoa tbie worat, ar daeaa aar allo cation, perto.ws arrd hut ctt.c .ir ot B itronr, Corwer Front and Marbot rrreete, w here Iner eaa aee, leei, near ana aaow I it I new.- i aeteea. T follr wnarretanil wau arorbeap fwii. tbii aiaet bo Ann, We do ao deeea at noeeeaarr to enaaierate and lleaiiae oar aloek. t u aaoafb fn a, to Hale that We haTe EverTthiri(- that IB Kfded . , , . . v aad eo.ea.od la thi, ark aad at pneoa Uat T"aI 'ItBlTAnr MEHKELL & nK.LEK, 11 a ii iV Wa it i:. Alio, Maaafeelarwraaf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. ci.tA ri rt. n, ta. A LOT OK MI'PI.V.S, HRIlU.ir, II art era, Collar, ate, for aala Yj MEKRF.I.L A Bid LEU. IJALMEUS I'ATCM UNLOAD- 1 Uf Hey Fork!, for aala by MERREI.L k BIGLEit. OlL- P K INT, rUTTY, GLASS, Killa, eu., fo aala j MEURELL 4 EIGEEll. II aRNESS TRIMMINGS k SHOE Fadiati, for aala by , MEuKELL 4; BIGLEU. Q.UNS, PISTOLS, SWOltD CANES For aaU by MERKEf.L B10LER. gTOVES, OF ALL SOIIT3 AND filial, for aala by MERRELL at BIGLER. JIION! IEON'TlliON! IRON Far aala by MERREIX BIGLER. JOHS SHOES k UOKSE SHOE KAILS, for aala by MERRELL BIGLER- pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bait bUaafactara, for aala by MERP.EIX BIGLER- hTmblsk.elnsand PIPE BOXJS, for aala by JiERRELL BIGLER. J70DDEK CUTTEP-S for sale by MERRELL t BIGLER. SAWS! SAWS1 SAWS1 ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN! a REfonTio.r .r suit's! EMERSON'S f A 1 1 X T P EErOE AEAIED CroES-Cnt, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL 0CMMIB9 AVOIDED.) A LSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, Far Epnadiag, Sharpening, aad Sbapiaf Uka Taatb of all Splitting Sawa. SVBawd for a llaeerfptfre Ctrewlar and Ptiea LIil ldKl'.RELL A BIULER, nl-tf General AfenU Ciawrleid, Pa The Lightning Tamer. TBS aadmiroad ara lb aula Arot tbia nontT for tb "North asericai tialaaiaed LJiinTNI.VG RODS." Tom an Ua odI? oaf rod bw ia aaa. and ara an dor aad by all tbo eieotifte tvoa ia tbt eaantnr. W i bo raby antiff tbt citueci af tba eoacty that wo will pa- tboai op a beitar rod. aad for lat aaaaey, tbaa li e bar (fad by tbo fora.ffe apaatt who aaaaalty travaraa tba aoaaty aad earry off aar littlo raab, aorar to rotara. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Tboaa wirbiof Lifbtatnc Kod arortod oa tbair botlditift od bat addroa at by tottor. or aall la pom. Wa will pot tboai op avywbar ia tboowaaty, aad warraat laoan. To kiyd aad Ftitaraa aaa to aoaa at a tit tiaia by oalhrit at oarttoro. bltKKELL 4 BiuLLK. Cfartrld. Joao II, IttfU tt G. S. FLEG AL, MilU IX STOVES AXD HOLLOW -WARE, AND MAnCFACTVltEl OF Tin, Copper L Sheet Iron Ware, rhlllpabwrg, C eatr re, Pa TTJE aadeTrigBad ratpoetfnlly" aaaoaaeat to tbo pablic that bo baa aa aa&d a aara fu.tyalactad and wall aaeartad staab of bio raa Ui vanaty ovaiiati af ZJlt CELEBRATED 1RONS1PES. Wbirk kavo awror failed ta f'v aerfeet eatiifae iioa la tbo aaoat faatidioao af ita partbaaora, CoatiaoBtal, Lehigb, Farm or, Tavligbt Ppaart AlU-Hiit, Niagara, Charm, Herald. dVa witb ovary variety af tba boat Fitubarg Maaafaetara. tefjuTba Tin aad Fbeot Iran ware givaa witb tbt Movaa ia mad of tba haar(t aad boat atatanai, and warraatod to (tr porfoot aaua- faeuaa. um itacK ai TARLOR AKD HEATING STOVES Ii tar gar, b-Mter and aboapor taa aver be face ibihiiad ta the pablia. Ho daft i BOUbOB aitbor ia vartoly, oaality ar arioa. Be la alee prepared ta furalib a aoaplete aseertaeat af Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Wore, Wbnleeale or retail, aMBafaetwred waatl aad witb the aole view to eerriee, fraaa the beat aaa tarial la tha aaarkat. rLOWS, TLOW PfilKT. A COPriR, BRA"? AM ll.t.S kCTTl.CS, Of erery deeeriBtloa aoajitaatW ea baad. L1GUTXIXQ IKMt-i, I hoMTiar woiat, pat aa aa ibert aotleej. The I Poiat be eCera lo tba pwhlie le tba earn ae w j aow weed be Ul i'eaarrlraaia aUiirwad Ca, a loeir hailitiafa. ORDERS FiR sroCTiNG, ROOFING Aad ether work beloaaiat to bie baaiaeee will ba arwaiBtlT kilad be eirerleaeod aad Bbilllal eirkan. T.r. ..- n d , J r.T.rT t i n fti n s 1 1 . . . laaea ta aieaaarefor reoda. aadflaia: feai ard PeaeiU; Bla I I'epore. f'eo4i, bJorer : Jefeet ! jra-He aeneeia:ie ineitaa tba attaatloa af "n aad I'rooiiKonr aotee : a hue aeo Merebanta wi.lnnr ao wnrebaee at wboarnla. ae "eat Bewf. Loral Car.tleivd ( "rr aad thee will (ad tt to their adraatace to eaawjiae nheoU Mane h ailbee 1'ieoe. I" fate er tta alarb bafera rarcbaaiaf alee w hare i eoaetoatly oa baad. Aa? . nr n U, . LE8AI,. 1 deetrod that I Bay aaa bar oa band, wi PMIifhorf. Aay . ' l?lt' j arderad by ret aapraoa. aad eoMate: m. c. retail to awit rweteaeTe. 1 will e' Clearfield Nursery. FJS'COUUAGE HOME IXUl STKT. THE aadoreirned. barla aetahli,bed a Kor- aore aa the Fike, ahoal ball wat botwoea i C.earHeld aad CarweneeiHe. I, nrerorad le far. aieh all h'ade af PRl IT TKKKS, ( eraoda.d aad dw.rf.l Beorrwoaa. Kheahhore. Urana Vtaee. weweeharrtoa. Lawtaa Plarbborre. airowhorre ' K,WT" " ' blhaeWa Crab Tree., ! VHaiaeo, aad aar oevlet Pbaaarb. Aa. Order, i praaiatlj atiaadad la, Addrw. 1 J L tiiaue I e. oo . " " - n fMt fcr fair, Orphans' Court Sale, ' ' an I f 1 .tin of rb,a l M eele, al p., ' t "it- Oii PntonJu, Arnl 17, isC9 M I !. r U . Ikr f... .n,. ,1T ot MM I I I, m., All lor lftlttt ul ea'-l d..eeera ""n, 1 A CKITAIN rJECC OF I-.VN n Pit..lr in Kn..t t..n.l,,p. ( U,r.K 1 I. ..I..1.-.1 i,i lv. ..l I'. !.,. fc-lu ll,.Mnp.n. 1. , tre aa4 uk, u, With al.nt FEVKVTV Arf.K, I- 1 1 1 . . in f.d Male of Fiillii.i.u. . , . " - ... .. ... , riovrr ; a e. it(1. 11'iLrX wtaiheil.,d.., t,i , Vl erecled tleer.a t tbrv ere fwn r.H.i , . . ..,r.-..lnu,v ifuaauitol ri.NLaod nu 1 ;!-. oa inn land, and it i. .,.1,,, 3! ThllMl One bait mLn...i and lb baJanre in one eear Ibareelm to L"' eared be aal and mortr.re m rb arJt-it M. A. Blacksmith Stand for Sa'e IN GLEN HOPE, "10NMSTI X'J of Iwe LOTS, a t., n,i V IIWKMilNII HHK. i new ,i a uhed.) Ill.ACK.-Jimi r-IIOK MMlLE other eaibwildtnge. A; ; It aw the pr-iri-f. w marll.tf Wit. h. KI.,uj Valuable Town Property IN OSCEOLA FOR SALE. THK anderrirjird propoeii to eel! , Tt, erected a To-TOKY HnlfE. tni t, " papered, with .. . aad aa wat klteben i an OH H E, I t wen wi nirr, iMerner wrin an Ihe ether eeaearr oniDaiiaina-i. ror lertker pert,., , (ttira af Uarre Gwei, or at the ofr. of h . CATHAK1XE KuiL Oaeeola Killa, JdarcL 17, lMa.lt Houses and liOls for Sale. T-'OfR HOl-fES and LOTS in Clnrt.y. ( X eale on reaaonable teruii. Puiennut r in thirty djre. A lao, a plot of Fo L k LO j the corner of ronrth and Hed urert. u, ITSilaolewC Tbmof tin loti arewelih fur either laiaber yard, coal rard, or lor baniv pnrpoeei generally, beiog witliia Sill kM al Z railroad depot. Friae and termi rtWMt. Apple to OtOklit le.t3-tX Cleartriih. Valuable Farm FOR SALE OR RENT. THE andenipitd aow oflVrt at pritau avM, farm. ettnat t Lawrmeo U'uhi), Cicaria, cdtaoty, Fa bounded by Orrv, alcJMuiua M4 tit. rrt. aad aitbiti 2 ailai af tbo nuWd atMt a Canraeid ooraaSb-. tOMAIMSG fOS ACM. About tO arrfl of wbicb ia ckaartxL LariuTV) FARM liUl Kt, Lvi bAHS, aad rM batJdior. witb otct luv toarta I nut trw ui aevei-laiiioir iprtaa: of acar ta araat. mi wita oa mnrk t aibar on tbe pl, if ftvn oiaaapd. at will pox fr it Tbe wbuie u sirwi laid witb eoal. On of ar bnawt aow mm hr tbrao year for l.wow. ia o cxrd eon pan;. inf to poo antll tho tiato op.) 2&l'LlVy. K,dW, ia ear? TiTiniti r tra ap, It "WILLfA Jl'POETEl CWldt 1'a-, Feb. Ua. IMtt. HAIiGALN'S! BARGAINS.' 1 Farms, Timber Land & Horses FOR SALE! rMlE aubtf'ribaT. droa of d 'j jct af mm X reai aaa yerunal prntrty. uxttn Ue ivlwo if rar ofurtaaMy fur brf.B: ONE I AKW tfiuate ia Girard t.wb.ata a row a aa tue ". lauiiiiff i:awkt fana, autj lt'f landt of A nr. LaroTtr and otbtr. eoetauaaitj nr Arrra, ntty at which are e'tarrd, w;ri an dweilitt' rVrt. ham ard rt orrhard tbrrm Aiao. T!!F lilHK P.I 5 -Ak.V1. cvatinet ItMt Arrra, auty wf wnh arv Hrt-rt. ru dwviiiur h'. aara, and orbrr oathaiiaiiifi.tt ftbar with twa tiinrtkf yeucf arebard; ltarm I r.n-rir 1 lan. fFVEKAL OTHER FAKMri of TIMULU LAM-S fur otvia. rtR RETa Tb8AW..MILL.irU TNi JU'l iwri at tba tauatb ol ltr iron otl ba reatod, or art ta raa by too tbrtMsa'. ta am aaTauaa. pTOVW HEAD OF WORK n- KiEi aa. IlAh.NL::, aiU bo aulii oa roab&abie arm. o"A barf aia b) offarod ir-rh if tbfcr fuiof pnfMiiiioBa. Tho trna wilj be bavo far ortbrr inforaiatioa eaa be aMaiaed by aaUia; an tbepmaiaea. ar br aiidreiar tb aDderitjaa; at Kmn-hTUU p. O Clearftfld eoworr. Pa. Vbla-tt U II. Ct'lTHfTT. House & Lot Tor Sale or Ron: f IJIE nadTiifwd aw offera for oaVc.or rraL. X "L ad I.UT, adjoin uf tb tUmti Ifutberaharf. The boaae iaew aad wet. fecaOM 16 kil? tank kitiikM 15 h 11. aati alaMt .a ' rrthrr aitii Ikrar ai I bk'l i.t rraual ia MT-nr af water. 7bt w aa eiLATO-ieBi aaraiia. a a taaaory. iLdrk..aii'to. eabinoi-aaber or ovi tor ibutt. The bruiwrtr will b oa nii tervta. wr farther artH-aiar. uau tM proaiiora or addrroa tbt auoarriber. LaiberaKarg. Jaa. 31. UfiV-.im Valuable Town Property FOR SALE! CHIT ATE on the Mlfc eno euraer ef Car O aed Third rirreeta. (hem; Ra-.rwd wne; wit: A LOT. witb a tw.-et..rr fUat In inf thereoa. If- he le feet, one rvMtvt as evil amiable ror a atore. or otber wwroeea. Atw. adjoiainf IXiT. with a two-,tore aweii.ttt a. taereen. and arreral otber TH K LliTS. Alee, a Hit of well.t.arwt MIll'K. aaa a f aeeortniewt of TuNK AKK. ewrb a! ir Jorx Jar. 1 rait tent. aw:., n re-tared ar'aa Fflr fnrtber infuraaatiiHi. funtil at f ! ware Potlery of LKiTHVi-tK. WirU-Kai t'kerdeie. H Town Property for Sale TM1E prnr-erty aeenpird bv T. ItO'- 1 X of Heed aad Foanb ttfwt-a, Cle-tli i eH)a1Tin; of a good. ewWuiitiM I'LA S Hi afl tba LOT, i about tbjee linni uf aa The ituaiti-a n ci-a tt the Haitr-nad drynt ir aa aaeeltent enratHtn for bnpTneev parpeae For ttrrmt. arf'T ow tbe peeint-. Kisrrllaurous. CAl'TlOX All pcrooa ara here-y r' aroma, parrbaeiac or aa any way attd with Ihe IflU-aUiX pntparty : 7wa errl a two irarrnl oolia, iiw 'tear old tj vpni-4. wa-roa. oa tbrebiiig asarhinc. one liav a and ehamm, aad twa eat nf baraea, a- ' I poaei-a ot any bnbtber, HuMwa liram.- I lotmchip, ar tbo iouwc tx ldma: to aa. aj- I with bias oa loaa ottfT, a I t- itit AT TIX PEAT W1' iMwn.b.p, Manb K, l.-'V-i:p4. Vegetables and Fish TTA VIS el wi vie the a ere, ware arrears XL the ut,4ereirned wnald WMltti the cm 1 irerhold ei'il vi. a.tr. that oa ana alter N1 be will !'-1 oa h.nil and for "V. b. wa tba MarVee bit. IChMl M-n anJ V Kile I'nl 4TuL.-. and all V KublA ia eeaaoo, at aa kw raaee a th 1 esa W at the ear. Ii. K 1 1.1 H ' riearweld, Wan-li J. Im.h if READING FOR Ai-H ROOKS d STA TI0?r.Y larbM "it.. Clrartlrld. lal 1hr roetO : 'I'lrV, aaderairaed beri loera e areee I I the eilueae of Cloarbeld and rieia he bee ailed ar. a room aad bae jau rei '" 'heeite wiib a lerre aaivoal af ! Bauer, laar-etmi ia aart of EibleB and Miscellaneons B(b , i !llar.k. Arecont aaa rm Pooki f ; orrit'tixe ; Perer and Fee, l.ret. Freeze I ardieal Itteralare.-eaeh aa Maraii-e-aaawe, Aa P. A. ' cimnd 7. if i A IMlM.TaTtll" 1TI'KH i, aerehe fiiew that (rttert of e. " hii.hi.i. I!llill ILl.i'fll" late of Cvhea In.. riear.rid -.." ' n, t-ea dalr rraMl w ibe wn.h'-'r'1 uj ... w,li rir " i ,nt. and thi .mt ele.in. er dew' atwowl theaa frorelT aaiher.tir.lrJ , I17Idl.aaea a.a.t a.l.r im i it E FI Tr'' I "-..... 't- - i swnrrw; Tt 1 aa..-aj a -