A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clrartrld. Pa. oa. u tin Cctrt teMy ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I learnrld. P. aerose la the can Hawse. (jTii.y; I JOHN H. FULFORD, I ATTOUXEY at law, C'Irnroeld. Pa. CSt with M'So'l'T. i ever First na tional Buh, earTro-sM attention gieea to tbo eecarlr-g i ,f Botatr, Cle'tne. Ac, aad to ail legal baeineit. ! Vsrcb 18. Is?-ly. ! WALTER BARRETT, f ATTORNEY AT LAW. '('it geeond r-L. Cleartojd, Pa. aovjl.ft j '. A. Wallace, ta D. Biglot ! J Hint Waiters. frank Flelditg ; WALLACE, BIGLEE & FIELDING ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cleeraeld, Pa. J ay-Legal businees of all kinds promptly and i ftrcerately attended to. acayle-y ? THOS. J. McCTjLLOUGH", ATTORNEY AT LAW. tde adjoining ifco Bask, formerly occupied by J, B. Mcfcnally, second au, Clearfield, if ev-WIIl aiuod promptly to eolleelions. aala ;(laade, Ae. ldeelT.65 i JOHN L. CUTTLE, i ATTORNEY AT LAW And Real Mate Ageut, Clearfield, Pa. OCa oa Market street, opposite Ifco jail. ' e-Heepehilly otere hie eorvicee ia selling and. buying Uada ia Claartald and adjoining eoeattae ; aad with ea einerieaeo of over twenty oaan aa a eerveyer, tatters himself tkat ka eaa evader aatufaouaa. lebJo.'M-tf I WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ? ATTORNEY AT LAW, I ' Clearfield. Pa. i OSo o Xarfcat etreel aao door east of the Clear- i aWld Caaota Baak. 'aj J-ha H. Orria. C. T. Alexander. jORVIS 4 ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAK'. Belleloat. Pa. aepll.'ei-y DR.T.JEFFERSONBOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I fieeoad Street, Claartald. Pa. f YnuIIaving nermaaaatly located. b sew offer, is profeeeieaal aomoaa to tao eitiaena of Clearteld mad vieiaily, and tao public fwaorally. All ealll 'promptly aueaded la. acton-y F. B. REED, M. D., " THYSICIAN AND SCEGEOX, JeaV-Haviag fwmovew to ITiUiamegtwco. Fa '3ra kia prclaaaioaal aamaoa la the peoole of ;itaa oarroaadiag aoaatrr. Ijylltf DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Loots Sarjrooo of tho &Sd Ref oat PtnDirtTMiia Voteawen, aofiiif roa.rs.od fros. to Amy, oiors taw profMiaa. nmoM to Um cttiMoa f C.oortold Moots. aW-Profcjioiial mIIi proMpt.? attonJod to. "1fi on 6oooo4 fltrMtt lorairl; oecopitxl by W. Woods. opr4,'06-U DR. J. F. WOODS, I PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. Ilawiaj rcBuTwl to AoiwiirHia, offers bit ' f rv(tti9Bvi tferrioM be lite poopk of that pimem t bA ib nrfoaainf eountrj. Ail etlli pronptlr attcoiotl to. 1C. S Am pd. DR. S. J. HAYES, SURGEON tSClJl PENTIST. Ofieo o iloi 8L, CarowtMrilto. Ptv, T ILL mako profoooioaal Ttiits, for taoooa y onieeeo of tbo poo-he, ooaiaioaeiof ia April. 19 W, ai follows, vn : Lataoroknrf Firtt Friday of orory ojoatk. Ao son rill First Moadoj of rwr? aioata. Laaibtr CttT First Toursdsj of tvsrr aionta. fwadiop two days ia oitboT plaeo. All ardors tot work shoo Id bo prasooud oa tkt day of an L imnl al oarh alteo. f Tooth oitrortod by tbo applicatioa of JsMd aawstbosia ooaiparatiroly vithoat pain, ii. kiads of Ieat4l work (uarojiuod. V B. Tfas pobi.c will ploaoo aotieo.that Dr. H, vhoe aot oa?tpsd ta tho ahors tisiu, atoy t foaad in his ofhos, ia Carwoasvillo. Pa. CarwoDSTillo, Fob. 4, lKotf. S-dl DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. gr p. a. m. hills, J! pyioairao is luforai bis patroBS, and tbo psbiu (OBoraily. fcai ho has assocuUd wita biai tao f raoueo of iHatrstry, S. P. SHAW, D. P. S.. Wiom a rradoato of tbo Philodstphia Ioatal Coliso, asd ibortforo bos the aijrbost oitosta tisat of profoionl skilL All wnrk doao in tb oCioo 2 will hold mvsolf psrsooslly rospoBti his for bv.Bf doas io tho anost saiisfootor; ataa aor aad faig hoot order of tho profosrioo. Aa ostablkfhod praetieo of twsaty-two yosrs la H ptoeo arvablos m to ipoak to my patiosu h eoofidsaeo. Eocadrfoaoafcs frooj a distaaeo shoo Id bo aoado by toiur a foor aayt boforo tbo potion t dosif as coattaf- Joao 4, 1M-Iy. MOSHANNON LAND L LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM 11 ILLS, aMrracrt-aaa LUMBER, LATH, AXD TICKETS n. H. BHTLLIXOrORD, Proa.dent, OBoo ronol Plaee. No. i:i B. 4lb Pbil'a. Joil.S" LAM flit. Firuiiradaat. H'dT tromola Milla, Clairt.ld orantr. Pa. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Pena'a. .WiU oaceate oba ia kia Uac proaifttlr aad Mta oorkoMalika aiaanor. ar'4.17 J. B L A K E WALTE R S, SCRIVENER ANT) CONVEYANCER. Afoal tar tkt Paiakaao and Bala af Laada. flearneld. Pa. ayProaaat aueatiea ciran to aTl kafinaat rasafted orith tbo aoaatj offieaa. Offiro wild Bo. . A. Waller. jarl.' t( SURVEYOR. IHE andrrfnod ffts bis orrri as a for Toror. oad aisy b toand ot his rtdneo. in lToaoo t'-wmhip. Lttrrr will rroyh bioi di iortd to rfWrbo.d, Pa. atay T-tf. JAMES MITCHELL. davidToung, STOXE-CUTTEC AND MASOX, P. O. Boi IIH. Clrarfleld. Pa. oVPaoosoJ oitoaimB aaid to lminr toao ad skffioitrBdioc Joho. All kKios of WoAkoorr onn. to tno Oavosi wkmstiliks ssaaiior. Urdrs oni4, aad eoBtraou takca ia any port of tbo noty. jl-U. DANIEL W. DOUGHERTY. 4 HilS EEESSEE, SfVUiD ftTRtLT, TLKAUFIF. Ll, PA. tf THOMAS H7 FOR CEE, pcalbb to GENERAL MERCHANDISE, f.R IIAMTt). Pa. 4 . HSiit,, KinnSrtarrr and flo-r la Fqoaro T narr aad tard Loaaaoraf all kiada. 'Virra aalitlud aad all k.lll prnwiptly Tl I? -i FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERC!! ANT, rrtartKllle. tlearheld Coajnt). Pa. -eaiitrf on hand a fall aaaortsaeeit af '-'-M. Harilwarv. I.rnrerres. and errryUing s--T ta a retail eenre, a hire, will be aold, a rfeean aa elaew Here In lao ouaaty. ma.a.ill. Jsr.. ;. Ie7-lt. iseeT..... aaar i sear e. aLaarr W. ALBERT L BROS., klaaulaetarera A as tear r. Iears a Sacd Luaber, Square Timber, Lc, "ol LAND. PES' ft 'A. "'rrdare a-Viied. Rills tiled aa abort aetiee aai rwaeoaebte terms, dtiree. Wandaa P a. CWo'teld Co.. P. Vl2l W ALHKKT A PR" (''" - laelBra. HaKhell a. Drake's, """ Herman. Healetter aad llrnati "'reaased d, tiers : ease pare LMoora, af all " or e-odinaal rerroee. far ears bv aUaiT.K A JBWI5, CL GEO. B. GOODLANDER, Proprietor. PRINCIPLES; NOT MEN, TERMS-$2 per annum, in Advanoe. VOL. 41-WIIOLE XO. 2110. CLEAltFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, I8C9. NEW SE1UES-V0L 9, NO. 33 5rg tSoodj, rowlcs, (?tf. It E 31 0 V A L ! REMOVAL! C. KRATZER & SONS, To tho lariro and eltrant room, on SECOND STREET, adjoininf Marroll A Bielar a hardware au.ro, wbtbarwll, b. u a- tkai, old and i Citiiena of tba county riiitinf CLEARFIELD, aad wishing to make pnrchaeea, will tnd it id their adraatafo to exam in a their alack. Sooda at CASH PRICES eichaaied for a kiadi of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Jai A BEYOLITIOX IX LISIXES AT CI FVIEXSVILI.E, IIAKTSOCK & G00DWI TlfK andorsffnod bsTiof so tors d fDtoooirt aortbM is tbo aiorcouitilo baiiaoss. sopt tats bis ( bod of Botifyios; tbo pvblie roaelly, aad tbo si ti soos of CarwoasTillo aad vieiar id aortitalar, that soorchandioo of oil kindoriJl bo oold by as as eboap as tbo saaio quahtyiso wboro la tbo ooaaty. Wo baro a fall supy of DRY GOODSt Coastitin ia part of troM Goods, Hubs, ' Fnato af all ibodo aad stylos ; tof otaor th a fall aotortmsnt of , NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS 4 CS, Boo to, ilhoea, Hardvrara, Q,uecuawai As wII o Tin wars, Codarwaro, Willowiro, baeltou aad Brooms ; torottoor with a iorro mi of tiroconoo : aad always a tall stock of FLOUIt, FISH, SALT, Ac la abort, wa keep a fall (aptly of arerytcf aad ia thie market. Wa want all oar old eaetomera aad aa amy aaw onoa aa eae make It convenient, ta gira.a a anil before parol aaiag eleewkore. PAMEt HARTPOCK EDWIN flOODWIN. Carweaerilla. Pbraa.y It, 1X1. GREAT EXCITEMENT ' NEW GOODS AT LOW rHICB. TBI wadereigaed roevoetfally Invito the a, teattoa of the pablie generally ta the? apieadid aesortmeat af aserebaadiao, wkiek Ibe are aaw eel 1 tag AT VERY LOW PRICtt. Their steak consists la part af Dry Goods of the Bert Quality, Saekaa Prima. Da Lalaea, Alneeeae. Meriae, 0ingbaces.Muilius.!bl.aebed aad aablaoak- I,) Drillings, Ticking,, ootlan aad wool Floaoelt.6atiaeus,Caasimeroa, Cotteaades. Ladies' ribawle, hnbiaa A Hoods. Balmoral and fioop Skirts, e Alao, a tno assortmeat af Use's Drawers aad Skirls, Hats A Cape, Boon, A Sheee. all af which WILL EK BOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. INSUORTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT Ofevcrything araally kepi la a retail etore, all CtKAP FOBCAU or approved eoaatry pre. data. A. K. WRIGHT A SONS. Ooarteld, Kov.T , ll7. KEYNTOXE NTOI.E KCOKD rJr, CLEARFIELD, Pa. SEW GOODS! Shawls I Shawls! Shawls I BLANKETS! BLANKETS ! loods! Kubias! BreakaBt SLIwU! I AS II 6' TTJES! anrETs axd oil cloths: Ladies' Coats! LAKES' AND CHILDREN'S KflOES! ail Wool Rrptl FIESCH AND ENOLIFU kfOEIFOB! Sill Finisk VKLVET for saita Aiaaadrr POPLINS ! AIIWool PkAIDS! k ..a. bee Rspeliaat ! Chnaeleoa Poplla ! Tapa Cloth for Wrappers! Lajiae' Cloakiop ! Waor Proof blaek aad browa ! Caaimsrei for aaea aad beys ! Boanet Velvet. Ribboai Flowers, Feelkers ! Laie's aad Children 'a Data ' Woe aad Couoa Da La; nee ! Maaias. Flaaaela, PrinU ! Zerkrs, worsted aad weal T ire. ! Dree, Ttimmings, fader. Clothing. Hats, Cape, Hotterj, Ulovee, and a aompleto aeaortaeat of all kieos of K0TI0K3, at vary moderate priree XIVLIXG k S1IOWEILS. Clearleld, Oct. I a, USltf (t-K C. KRATZER &. SONS, Ai E It C H A N T S , aiALies in Dry 3oods, Clothing, Hardware, Calkry, auoeasware. Oroeoriee, roviaioas aad eiainglea, Clrarfleal, Pena'a. eAt heir aew a tore room, oa Reeiead atreet. , aaar Memll A lligler'a Hardware store (janlt "I reTI F.er ex tTBl.l ja- EI.. a I aa. l . .s, ... ' llw titii '.... ... ... .. Haw orietefl a mrao anmner ot tao Bee M.i.s.waaiigm an receipt ai twoaiv. truenii, mat . aoyy to say aadreaa. atyU 171 JJJJ & tfdirittts. KIM O V A Id. HARTSMCK & IRWIN, DUGGISTS, Jlarkrt &ftl, lUarfild, Pa. TK hrg loaiia inform oar old and ne 1 T eaalomaraJi.. . k... liabliihmant Io th.p.ciooi bow buildme jolt SUTL'S M,r,trat. nearly adjoinine tba .TaSS ... mi pgmie niooia and buy tbair Drugs, ChemicaB, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAIXIi ASD VARNISHES. Oar ttoek of Drnriand Hadirinai eoniiau of oreryuiinf aied, aakeud with the groatoat eara, aad WAHEAHTJU ETEICTLY PTJEE! We alio keep fi.ll ftoek of Dyef. Perfumrriea, loilat articlaa feoapf. Tooth Hroibea. Hair Braihea, Whitara.b bruabea, and erery other unianaa. a Bare a urge lot or WHITE LEAP, TCKI'EXTIXE, Flaiaaod Oil, PainU, and ia faet everything taod in the printmit baatnaii, which wa oner at City prieea to oaah kayora. TOBACW AND SEGARS, Confeetioaery, firjroi, and the largoat atoek of .mri.im aver oowoa in tme place, and Warrant. on io no OI Ibe belt tba Herk.t cRnrda J. . HAKTCWICK, Kar. , 18g. . JOHK I. IRWIN. NEW ARRANGEMENT. . A if .4 If. Mint G a 1ST, (Seeoad street, oppoalto the Court Bouse,) C ILEA K ft ELD, Pena'a. 'piIE raoaeribers respectfully announces to tao X eitlsensof ClearAeld and eirmily, tkat ke da now ea hand a full supply of MUGS, I" A TEXT MEDICINES Dyt bluffs, Tobacco, Cigars, Confectioneries Matioaerv, Ae. rHY.-IC'IAXS Wil find his stock ef Drugs FI LL and COM PLETK, and atarery slight advance on Lai urn prices. SCHOOL HOOKS. "here will be fumi.hed with elaemal and miacellaneoos books by expresa,at STATIOXETtT, Coniirlinrof Cap. Flat Cap, Foolscap. Letter and rerfumod oU papora ; al.o. a very aeat atoek bt Mourning Note Paper and bnvel'-peoonaand. 'ens, rem lis. ink, e. IlOUSEKEEFETiS VIII tnd a full atoek of PURE PPICKS, SODA, ODA ASM, Coo-entrated I VE. S(.A P. e. LAIUKS AXJ) UEXTLEMEX .rereqaaeted toexamine his stork of Perfumery, lair fliles Fine Toilet boaps, Bruabea, Combs, Xiial Sett. Ac Ae. SMOKEK.S AND CHEW Ens will tod a full supply of prims Chewing and CUAk, Bnuff. Fin-' rul. Ac, Ae. CAKiUlN OIL, Of the best hrard. alwsrs on hand. Llyruiw. TV host enalltT of Liquors always on hand, for mdieal parnoaea. aav-Phy.ician.- Pr, comnounded. Phv.ieians' Prescriptions promptly and A. I. SHAW. XaTii:i;.s gkeat j:estokei:. i II I tTI'H rrloViroforl Bitter Cordial. fll' medical preparation is now offered to ; t -he puKho as a reliable 'peranon I. now onervu 10 : reliable eubstitate for the I uanj wortbleaa compounds which now tod the : uertot. Il is purely vegetable, eompo.ed ol -erms herbs, gathered from the great etnre- ouseof nature, and eel.rted with the utmost I are. II is not recommended ae a Ci-ur-All, nl kr its direct and salutary inflnenee npon tie lliart. Liver, Kidneys, Lungs. Ptnmach and towcb.it acta both as a prerentlTO and cure it many of the diaoaaas to ahirb those organs re eLu.ieel It is a reliable Family Medicine, od eao be taken by either infant or aduit with )a eaae benctifial results. It is a eertata, rompt nod ereedy remedy for Diarrho-a. Dya ntary.Powel complaint. Dyspepsia, Lowneee f Spirits, Paintinfs, hirkhesilarhe, arc. Per 'hill and fevers of all hinds, II is far better and fer than any quinine, wilbont any of its per ilous effecta. It creates an appetite, proves a owerful digester, ed will counteract the effeei. f li'iuor in a few mimitee. Prepared by JA'MiH ! CUKEIZ, r-ule Proprietor, N. . cor. Fifth ad kaee streets., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by II Dniggisla. novll-ly Attention, Afflicted 1 rHB oaksi-ribsr piros notiro that ho bas rounfi the prod'tiro of Mrtlirins in ILtitb tbur(, whoro ho aten'ts to riroto hif otifrt tin tu tho trootmont of CHHO.MC MKAK. bs?onorsl- It w iil hrcp nn band rhniro so le. iob of Mil lis and MEIilCINES orfupid to bo trrotmsBt of chronic ditoAsoa, ind nay bo fin suited at bit otbco at any hour of tho rimy. N. h.A word to thoso a(Tliftvd with chronic dooaxo snoy bo to tnrib adronfair. Wam t ptiThs awaro that ror tbt Phtiirions who & tnita firaftipdk hat not Tiua Ia mliMrl to lo manur difssos. and ponso- Benny P flLin in ; tiri(-v tin cia hi - requrrs ilct-rsira attention. UKH1IIK WILPOS, U Lalharsinrg. Feb. 17. laaa.tf TEN EYCK & THOMPSON ClllWESi-VILLl:, PA. T T AyiS lust received from New York one of II the Irrreet and beat selected stocks of Hoods, we aw now ready tooger theeame toeur eld enstnotea. ftn whom we return thanks for part favors, land tho eittseas of tho eeoaty gea eraliy, at Trices thai will Bender Satisfaction. Wive as a ea befere purchasing elsewhere, end thereby eave torn a to 2ti per cent on your goods. Onr stork eoniists of a great variety, each ae D R Y G 0 O I) S, NOT 1 0 N S, CLOTniNO, tiltot'ERIES, IIAHDWARE, QUEKSSWAnE, EAIXTS, OILS. IKI ., I HI IT OF AIX klMrsi. Fi.h. Salt. Leather. Phae Findinffa. BOOT. and M1"KS (eastern and home maile) in greet va rle'v. and at reduced figures ; TINWARE, Fl.Ot'R, Ae., Ac TP. EVCK THOMPSON. Hoeing re aeaocuited H. R. Tkompson with me In the above trarte, 1 de.ire all persons in debted to ma, bv Finte or Rook account, to eall and settle Ike name without delav. WM. TEX ETCK. Cerweasvilla, May, 7, I sit. tf. c Wine and liquor Slorr. I. L. REIZENSTEIN &. Co WBOl.RtAl.a MAIKBO !H WINES & LIQUORS, MARKET FT, CI.EAPFIELD. PA. StuFnll stock of Wine. Bras').. Oln, Whi.kr and Alcibol.fslweTs on haml. f-erisl atlenticn paid to securing a pure article lur Sacram-ftal and meltcal nurfinsea. laii?l-lf . a a aiTwi'X.u .ll Ami M.mlle R.,..e .1 ir " -" ' . nilla Itupeo! an s.aa Mewl Polo Aaa-Aar-ea vere rseap. at 4. I', fcHAI ZIP'S, 11 D THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAI2FIFLD, FA. WT.DNE.-nAY MORNINU, MARrll l, 1S0. A STORY OFTHE LOBBY. Frm the Vafliincton corre.pon'lence of Col. Don Piatt, in Ibe Cincinnati Commercial, Radical. There aro two rsorts if protoss tlirouj;h wliieli frrtiiduli'nt lfginlation is iMTlut'tcd. )na is called the "ring," which means a combination of rogues for Home one jmrposo ; and tho other is called the 'lobhy," and designates agents living here, and employed by rings and individuals to push their evil Bchemes through Congress. I was turning this over in my mind the other day, vhile I sat on a sofa iu tho House of Itepresontutives and lis tened to the winds that blow to and fro about me, when I happened to cant my eyes into the ladies' gallery above, and out of the gloom aaw a memory come, in the shape of a fair laec. I was so disturbed and haunted by my memory, that I left my scat and sauntered into the gallery and seated myself near my fair friend, and with out rudely staring I found vny memo ry gradually gathering up the dis jointed fragments of the past, until the lair face was framed in and located. It was a very sweet fuse, not no young as it once was , but with a prevailing expression of child like innocence. Add to this a manner of great refine ment set off and adorned in the extreme of the fahhion, but subdued to the best taste, and the motit artistic harmoni- ting of coloia, and we have our old acquaintance before us. Although I looked my fair friend in the fat e, 1 saw that either she iiad forgotten me, or was not disposed to renew the ac quaintance. Hho waB talking in a quiet, citfy maimer, to a well known member of Congress, and I consider atelv withdrew, as if I had been look ing in the face of an litter stranger, inxteud of one well know n to mu in times gone by. An hour after 1 hap pened to be upon the Senate Chamber, where the multitude of marble steps seemed to run out and flmv down, when my fair friend came out, accom panied by her Congressional escort, Lte of the gallery, and almost brush ing me with her dress as she. passed, tho two descended. 1 aaw a neat private carriage, drawn by a hand some pair of bays, and driven by a coachman in liven-, roll up. .My friend of the law-making power helped the lady in with a bow, tlio door BWiing to with a bang, and the fair uiv drove away, while the Solon came up the slept. Humming a tune to himself and Knapping his law making fingers, as if especially pleased with himself. Having a speaking ac quaintance, 1 bogged pardon lor my curiosity, and nnked Solon the name of his friend. "Mrs , of Xcw York," was the quiet response. J he whole ol the siirronmnngs were so entirely tliflerent, and apparently so lifu longand respectable from those that I believed formerly hedged in the latlv. that I was in doubt. But, no, - ' , . the longer I thought upon the matter tlie niore 1 fell Hlltir'hl'd of the identity, A , m hrtt 11( 0 Was singular. , . ,,. , . . W bile detained in V a-ditngton, during the war, awaiting orders, 1 was invi ted by a brother officer to a wine supper. The people giving tho enter laniment were strangers, hut, taking mv friend's word for il that I should I be welcome, 1 went with him. The house was a plain, unpretending; af fair, but oflcrod a display of uphol stery rather nnrommon about Wash ington, and 1 learned that the bouse and furniture bolonged to a "secesli" funiilv, that had hastily left the t itv before tho buttle ot Bull Lun, putting their property in the hands ol trieniU. Tho friends assembled on this occa sion wero questionable. The parlors were in a blaze of light, and under the plnss Holies rtliout the ens jets were some very pretty women, and u number o( voting men iu and out of iinilorm. 'The bare necks and arms of the women indicated a party ; but my friend informed mo that this sort ol thing went on every night. We had a rich repast, carnislied with choice wines and the lively flow of talk the last named generally brings out. I wns particularly struck with two of tho puests ono a slender youth, with dnrk, large ryes, and broad, thoughtful forehead, whom I took for an Italian or Frenchman; the other a beautiful woman of twenty, in fact, but much younger in appear ance. 1 found this young lady rx- ; ceedinglv charming, as she was not I i.. l.iv'inrr in nnranli. but liv..!v in ...... .......f. ... . - , - ...... ... mind. We broke up at a lute hour of the night or rather an early hour in the ill,,! Mini;, hiiu it; txi.i-ivti ei( w lew nights after, the wine., supper and tlte merry people there assembled. soon passed from my mind in the ! hnrried, eventful lifo of the ramp. They were destined to return. Could 1 f ti A fit t tl ten li M tf Ita-WI tl nil I lit! iii, I ! death would have sal at onr board that night, nnd phantom Tisions ol dreadtiil events dimmed the glittering lights, and settled in horrible glo tV-.i on the countenances of the assembled guests. To one Ienlh would have said : "I will claim you at CfianeelloTsville." T: another: "I will come to your ...t.,,1 in 1,M t.nc.iiful nt P. ,.i,l. ..-!.... I To another: " We w.ll meet al n.gbt. and 1 Will save you from the gallows." Of that littlo assembly in Umt sup - , , 1 , per room, two only survive, 1 and ' n.i .r H"' ""r' It wns shortly after the asasinn- tion that a friend aer.t me the photo- graph of Wilkes lloolh, and I reeog- nir.ed in it the young man I had mistaken that night lor a loreigner. When we were in command at Hal- timore. nnd after Col Kisk e-ot into lns dillicultv wilh Raker, so that had, for a time, immediate control of! the I'rovost .Miirsliiil's nflir-n. I ci eiveil 1 a card, at the White House, front lady waiting to see mo in the liublic .1' , l.artor. till retmirmrr In that ruem. .,.,,. , . , . ,, 1 i r- t tion room I lound my fair friend IP the wine supper in Washington. So far as beauty went she remained the same, but her wardrobe evidenced straitened circumstances, if not pov erty. She gave me a long account of her troubles, and wound up by offer ing to go to Richmond, in tho employ ol tho Government, and return with all the information tho could rather up, lor the ubo of tho AVar Iiepart mcnt in Washington. I at oncu en gaged her, but did not send so suspi cious an ngont into tho enemy's country, until I had given her a fair trial in Baltimore. She proved the most adroit, self possessed, cunning detective I ever snw or read of. She afterwards mado two successful trips to Itichmond, returning with valuable information; although Jlr. Stanton had no question but that sbo carried to the confederates as much as she brought a'vay. I lull the army, and saw and heard no moro of my pretty littlo detective until tho day I saw her in the ladies' .gallery so eleganlly gotten up and surrounded. That is, if it wcro really the same. All doubt on this subject was re moved the-next day by a nolo 1 received inviting me to an interview al the lair woman's lodgings. 1 lound her framed in by elegant upholstery, and yet more fascinating iu the deli cate morning robe thai so adorns a beautiful woman by the concealed ef fort to adorn. A tall, square built, iron-gray man, of an intensely respec table look, was introduced as her hus band, and so long as ho was present no (.Huston whatever was made to the past, other than the few words of in troduction as au old and valued friend. boon as he fell, however, she, turned and said : "How kiud of you not to recognize me yesterday, ily poor heart was in my moulh when 1 saw you approach. But you have such a tuct you have such a kind bearl. I was relieved in a minute when 1 saw that you slared as if only attracted by my charms." "Why, wouldn't your husband put up w ith ihe part you arc, I suppose, concealing from him ?" "My busbaud" and sho gave a sil very little laugh "my husband, that fellow '. Why, he isn't my husband. We only make believe. But if the Hon. you saw me with yesterday were to suspect lor a moment 1 w ould be ruined." "Come, now, this is interesting ; tell nip about it. What btllo game are you np to ? Believe me, I won't be tray you." "That's clever, you never have, and I don't add to Ihe risk by telling you. Well, I am no longer a detective a spy ; 1 am a lobby agent. It is my business to purstiade honorable mem bers to vole for our bill." "What is your hill 1" "The ono I am employed to woiry through." "Well, does it require a sham hus band, a handsomo carriago, and all this sort of thing to set up a lobby agon I f" "Certainly, without a husband I would not be respectable : without a carriage and all this evidence of wealth, II would not be attractive. It tinvs. I however. 1 could retire now on a ' ' hundred thousand. But I am horribly ambitious. 1 want a million only think of it, 1 mut have a million, "l i have sold nivseif for money, and 1 want a good n ice." "And do none of the honorable lie preseiitatives know who you are " "Why, you goiiie ! I thoaght you knew better than that. M" bv, the ring always renibes into the House u:nl Semite, and some of our directors are the most pious and respectable men in Congress. There is one the most benevolent, pious, philanthropic indi vidual in the world. He is sn intense Iv pious that be never speaks to nie nevertheless he pays im- heavily. Here is another, a most respectable gentle man, who bows to me most profoundly, in the gallery and on the avenue, and presents me to his family with a lofty air, who would look nt me with intense astonishment if I were to thank him fur my clolln-. carriages and servants. Yet be contributes." "Why, this ia so damnable I can scarcely credit it " "Yes, it's very wicked, and I'd rather you wouldn't believe it. Hut after the schooling you gave me in deceiving. you ought not to wonder. "You mean that for a hit forget ting that that service was in behalf ot your beloved country, and this" "lti behalf of my beloved self." "l!ut tin you mean to say that men in high position connive at this wick edness : "Look about you ; see the enormous in wlin h the ting s or lite queen s ia fortunes realized bv tifliciiils, and you ! vor makes the grealneos of a Mainte w ill find that inine' is not theonlv car l ncn or a Marlon. Hitherlo, great Haw rolling about Washiiigton that is a fraud, and 1 am but among the sentative men together in a i resi host of the wicked. Yon are too much ' denfs Cabinet. It was not Washing- n . 1 1 I I . . I . ! Lit.'. IkitPuittinl 1 1 rv. mith J,'fT,-rsi,in or a man oi me worm, i oiotict. to oe t . . . ., . ', ,lt limll,,P a good deal of gi mi a ,..,i , itiiii.iiiiiii roKitet ! i.t, 1 1 il v rr.verilirr ...... ..lit.- ti I. il.e ,il,i,iii,.i i. . in li i tl.o .,,i,nn.i . h.i.I.- 1.. I . r- -. ' . ... ,. get. nnd the easiest to wear. And how do you influence these siiiliins r "Sontetimes ".ni. timt-a one way, sometimeo !amillier; Olll iiivhs hi ni'ini; hi i 1 quiet nnd exclusive The game we plnyfor.iscautiousaiidcunniog The men bought cheaply arc the men not worth buying. Jly business is among the higher sort, that will not stmip to common carrion, and carry w ith litem great moral character that not only i covers themselves, hut all llto lime rog- ho vole wVb them. "And you oflen la, T 1 . "S;"'"""''"- miM' 1 ber t ie tetnti ution of St. Anthony : -Of atl the dr.ils under the skies tleeil. wicked, or deuls Wiae, .e.,i. .hn, or de.ii. tn. ,,eettv woman with aj.arkling eye sT""' " " "My mission is to rapture the lead era. The lesser lights are left to courser means Some surrender to delicious little stirrers others to pT 1' suasion others again to love. There is General . proud, sensitive, and sunicious be comes to me with all a his grid's, and I listen. Yon d tie a tornelicrl to L-tinw how little the lull -tie i . . - j ' I . rr a. of I business. Then there is Mr alio mil cn t tip ear nan to tl began life with a homely, unrefined wife, and is now ai-hained of her. Poor man, ha is really in love with mo." "And will all the money you make pay yon for the degradation you suf fer in return f You are a woman of fino intellect an intellect that ap proaches genius; yon can command admiration, respect even wealth, by devoting your gills to au honorable pursuit." Her faco flushed for a second, and then started to her feet and pacing the floor io tome excitement, the ex claimed : "I learned my power when it was too late. But you aro the la-it man to upbraid me. Do you know when I discovered my powers as an actress ? 1 will tell you. Under your tuitioa while in Baltimore. I came to you starving, and you sent me into private families to worm out their Becrels and betray their intentions." "There you go again. That was in the service of your country, and the people possessed of thoso secrets wcie our enemies. "What is the difference, so far as my character Went ? But 1 do not regret 1 have nothing to regret I have no friends, no relatives, no country. I never knew a man who did not either insult me or cheat me. J never knew a woman who had net a stony heart and claws like a cat. I bale them all. 1 despise them all. They would hunt me down, and so I hunt them down, when I can." "But you have made monev enough, why not leave the horrible business, and" from this out trr and possess rour soul in lieace. 1 ou are voun yet you can have many years ofliap- piness before you. "You want me to desist," she said, interrapting me. "I have two good reasons tor going on. It isnot avarice, allhouirh, having sold myself to the devil, 1 am right in getting the best price for my pour B"ul. Hut let nit show you mr two reasons for goin on." Sbo walked into nn arched recess, and pulling aside a heavy curtain, showed tne, playing ou the floor, two beautiful children. "There," she continued, dropping the curtain again, "these are niv two reasons ; 1 cannot give my children a good name, but I will give them that whi:h is more precious than a good name in this mean, wicked world of ours 1 will give them wealth, and 1 will try to teach them to be anything on earth but what their unfortunate mother was ; so, now, if you betray ine, you betray them." '1 left the detective business when I quit Baltimore. I try mora! suasion now." And so I took mr leave, and I give this imperfect sketch us a specimen of the way laws are madu, through the lobby, in our beloved capital, n. P. AY it v Mu. Chase was not Xomiisa teii. Iiuring the debate on the suf frage amendment, Senator Ikxilillle contributed the following bit of polit ical history: "I believe that if the Sntirenie l (iltrL had held, in the case M'furilln nn l,s hah. ennuis which brought it before tnem, that your military reconstruction law wa unconstitutional, Jl'Cardie would have been discharged from imprisonment ... nd arrest, and Uiat decision would have been sustained by all the de- partments of the government. There would have been complaint about it in Congress undoubtedly, but if the Court had decided the case, its decision would have been acquiesced in. 1 be lieve another thing, and 1 may as well sieak my mind freely about it. I believe that il Chief Justice Chase tiad not hesitated lo deliver the opin ion which the Court was ready to pronounce, as all the world under stands if he had joined in that opin ion, as 1 have no doubt he would be would have been nominated at the eily of Xcw York last summer for ('resident ; and another thing 1 he - lieve he would have been elected just as certain as he is a living man. Hut lie failed to make the decision he hesitated ; bo let Congress steal his jurisdiction away, ll was too late." Flrsos ai. Favoritism. People ere trying to find some clue to Grant's nomination. Some say be wants to exclude this class of men, or to include that clics. The clue to Ihe whole matter is easily found. It is personal favoritism, a motive never before man ifest in high politics in this conn try. We regret to see its apjwsr.nee among lis. ll is a symptom ot decay It is the vice ol decaying monarchies. , political consulerafons i.niiigin reprr- - ! - - Hamilton, nor -i on ror s personal ieei- towards Craw ford and John . iocs Utitncy Adams, inal nrougni tnee uuinc ! :....... ...aniline in tliM mil, lie eminent .,...- , , service. Great public considerations. I iii v. nn ii j.. ir.. i : ,......rl r..e 'tir-l.stin li SIO tteterininea the t noire oi toe mrni'trs of a new government. ; personal obligations, personal prefer cures, that Hie puimc ltnerest ,s ' merged The re:gn of " rsial bt - j vorilism" bas been inaugurated W ashington. A writer benntilnlly remarks that a man's mother i ibe rrpresentatitT of bis Maker. Misfortune and mere crime sol no barriers bet wren ber and ber son. While Ins mother lives, a man has one friend on earth w lm mil not desert b'tii when be is needy Her affection fbws tr.m a pure foun tain, snd cears only tl the ocean ol eternity. "What have yon about mv oratory ? to remark, sir. once asked a vain T.nbhrpekcr of John liamlnlnh. ..v.i.i.ine. ..r it n..t Te-markahl.. - 'quietly replied the merciless wil , I CavtioJC. "'see - ' said an Iri-h lad of seven summer. Ilifli'll.lIP Wlllias" UM.rii tij' m . s",r o with thisj"if too don't take U.at dogaway.l r , who I eat ip all your spjilea " who wa driven np a tre hv tlog. iCAN. M INTERESTING CEREMONY. t'onrrralon af a f hrl.tlaa Ma idea la Jada- lam Marriage of the leane; Lady to aa laraeilie. From the Chicago Tribune. The conversion of a Christian to Judaism is nearly, if not quite as on- usual an occurrence as the conversion of a.lew to Christianity. The tenacity with which e.'tch t lings to the peculiar tener.ls of tbo Church to a hich be or sho is connected, having from child hood been accustomed to worship ac cording to a prescribed form laid down by their ancestors, renders the laek of training the mind to run in a totally different and contrary channel to which it has been habituated, one of extreme difficulty, almos-t invari ably I exa-1 I Of-UlklHU 111 uiob 'irjiiimirii. auu . a- ' . . 1 1 ... ' Hon. ihe strontrest arguments tall-' ing. as it were, upon unwilling hearers, fail to produce any itr.presi.ion what ever, and, if any one in induced to re nounce bis faith, it is generally due to outside influences. The converts to Judaism thus far, at least in this city, have been women, and the f."t that there was a man ready to receive then, and call them wife as soon as they crossed the line, bas induced them to abjure Christianity, desert Christ and depart from the patht in which they had been instructed to walk. They probably feel justified in so doing, evi- l..nl. irifammtir.. f Ia Mrinn. . ,f tVtm I i. P ,l .1... . . .,l.r..,M I leave her father and mother and cling to ber husband, as including Christ .......... ..... , ......... . ..... , SIPV. . , I I V. 1UIIIU SO ful, and w hen a woman devotedly i T W'JZ love, a man she will aacnfit her-self " PZ. for his sake, for it matter, not with :-? mrob'r our cotifrrera what .Articular religious sect she be- ttt. in which 1 cxgr.t.lt to., comes identified, so long as ber belief j . . . . The second instance of a Cb;igo Christian adopting the Jewish faith. d, . j . , ,- , i being admitted to memtsrhip of that church, is that of Hiss Jlarr Gil- -p a-:. more, formerly of Letroiu Michigan. ? tbIxrtl bft ep Hi. eoanle-nanc I'articular iuteUt atutchad to Utt ".f""' JT t"Z ?l" case, from the fact that she was J Tbe lbU tbeo shook hanu. wuU Catholic, it lK-ing generally conceded . ci lUt f"Tnl-v, m ,M r the LomisU Church ha. a stronger! At one o ciexk the tr.de ar.i groom hold on its member, than anv oiber.r" tLerr.ot,ve. ttre the a.tar U(j ll 1.1 LJ 1 1 1 1 AA a- s vr il vi V til .nttsiii ae a c a m airv i .w.v ,a i"Vv, i.r,m A a: it t Va Ullliaiiuuuj V uiie.iaiiB. a.is uir r instance, a rrositecLive husband ., . 4 J the paramonnt reason lor dea-itg ' 6 other i was 1 (invcrr.iou. The ceremonies were held in the t, . ,. ,, c , Brothers of 1 eace Synagogue, located . v - ii iuc vui mi v. auiiu .hi... situ Harrison slreet, yesterday morn'ng -e. ,:rf ,i..;.,w.r. a a aru uif uiier ui aiiw siuc aisire. sm.& . j i - , -, . u in hand, being ci.lani iiar with the .11 i . t . L . l i . . customs of the Israelites. As be ap proached the altar several gentlemen requested hirn to don his cnapean. as it was contrary to the Jew b law tor a man to nncovcr in a place ol wor ship. The head covering was restored to its place, and he scaled L. nisi If to await developments. There were no j , i, i.- rv interest was man.iesierd on lb pari of those prevent in the rare event which was to take place. Anout ten m,nut.- after eleven the ,, . u panied bv Mr. Jul.a LameU u,4 Mr. i -I..-!. C.t.. ..L i., - ....... a h I . r . i. .. 1. ... c. ... j Kit ui uir aiiiu. , us aa. auiiri m a ncat-fimrc. white tarictan dreJr --pnncaria iwic a, rr,r,y with no ornament except a white silk , olJ f scarf, which enrin-U-J lUncak. She ; nt-da, d Ibe roads ... over loan wore a "Grecian Bond" bat, tr.mmed ! er P- w f"'m with blue, with a laige wl bite feather in front. Miss Gilmora is decidedly j good liMeking. and unquestionably will ; make Mr. licrney ller'yn, the g-cLtie-; man w hom she bas circled as a Lie punncr, happy. ; The advent" of tie Rabbi, lb Rev j Dr. Mesning, was looked f.or with anxi- j etv. He entered the t hurch dressed i" -- inhis rol-s. in a short lime, and took 'l ' per to bar. good a position in front of the alur. There r"d 1tk",Hr.,',m IV,,sftt"' were no-r al-out Sm" prraoiia rrweisk ! roi Te'' M f"7 kT " M.ss Gllmore was CM.ndncW lo lb. Tir' A, " rt P"iim 14 altar by the sexton. Mr. Lout. R.cb- OT WPP ta a poor arach, n hen the follow ing colioqcT , horse took place, ihe yourig lady answering ' the questions in a cirar and disvincl 1 rniee lb audience maintaininc- the j stri,.lfui, f;rnpe during ibe titrnwe : jtohi.iMiss Mary i.ilmore, as von present yourself with the ii.tcr, Uon of joining the Jewish faith.areyon ready lo answer me. in the presence of lte peoiile, Ihe following questions? Mis. Gilroore I am. Rubhi Then plrise answer them. Do yoa freely and of venrown aeiird j tin the Jewish faith ? MissGilmorsj I do. in the presence " W ,n lD otnJ lD- iomcurnes, as ia cave r a Toang gen- Urd. and in the pre-ene of t!,f Al td Ujt m be l kt J., mighty, declare my purpeae to j,.,n ' lhT ,rpr,,4.h j,., f.Xjir jUt marl.t the Jewish nation and TTCogn;e ihtn ,,mM u. they blab unity of God. irr ,,uJe t-.ker of familiarly and Rabbi-Ar yrm arejua nted w-ah a.Uon wfcico xtrr rU-rre " p t the artic.lt of fa.ih of cur nattoa : ' Mr Ferrmsoo kiss Aant Marr sou jli,st,,imore-iam weuarsjt.air.iev. wish then, and hereby da dec:a-e f (b(,m rshe then declared the Ihir- teen arnclt of faith of the Jrw.sk nation, as f.il'pws : 1. 1 Ix'iieve, with a jwrfc'l la th, that God ibi.-.ed I Hi name is ihe Creator and Governor ol all created le:nc. and that lie alone ba n-.ade. ar.d ever will make, erery prjii-tcn 2. 1 Iwneve, wtth a laerle-et ta ia ' , . , ,, , . ii Ullli mt i realgar lueseiea r-e n;s name the on y God, and thai tlirrt is nr. ' umlv W'liatever l.ke ot.lo 11 m : and . j,f ,.r , hn a. mi) Jn(, mn if r ; t 1 M.eve. with a r-"rh--t lank, that ; Crcawr, tb.caaed 1 His aamei is J iiicorpnre.i ; that be is ovl sb! t lo anv t . the cJ.anrc meijetl lo mal ter. and that lie bat ixl ary atini.i lude whatever. 4. I bciieve with perfect fatth. that ibf Creat ir ;hie,tMi U R, rtaaic is Isr'th ibe f.rsl and last cf a I br,f 5 I tsiuvr. wuh a rt i:. :h. that the Cvato- t lrr-a be HrsT.aTTie yra, lo Hub only, is i; projirr U ad dress our prayers, aad laal u it not proper to pray to any other bt :t g. 6 I lar-iicve. wi.h a perfevl faith, thai the pr .id.ev-T of M.scs, otr in 4mclr, iw..y t.t oui tTi in tjauti was irae issj,hce-r B4 that t.t n- or hit n.ay suc.-essi Lira. here, misther."! s- 1 lieve. with a prrt'e i . fV th. Ihatlhe law mntck we nv now in - - . l' eT','f,n f j V tottl p ' 'r r-r...n i tne--ame- ... i jciocei our tastrac4s.ir rest in ware ) S I liolirv., with r-r-rtw, Hurt, thai 'ba law ill tirvf ''"iK tndlhal Ibe , Veals t be. A F natiiM at:.i rrvr-r p -v arr r-tber law I ft. t believe, with a pcrfr't (Vtb, thai in Cn-aUr. tbleeu-ed be Ilia nsnie known ail Ibe tlior ai -1 tlioujl is of men, H is staled: " their henna, and a folly ai-ijuaiftUsd with all their works. 11. I believe, wiih a frrWt faith, that' the Creator, (hlcwed t 11 .s rme rewards Ihrase who obaf-rej Hit rommsndmenis, and pabisaet Uo bo transgress ihenv 12. I believe, aith a perfrrt faith, that the Mc-'.ah will (ne, at. 4 al though Hit evoiiug be Uebyii, 1 w..l still, in daily bojo.-, piitet.i y attaui. His sppearane. 13. I tdieve, wilh a perfect kith, that there will be a iwurreclifu of Ihe dead al a lime taten :'t shall plea-e Ibe Creator (blessed and exalud lew His name forever and forever. The lULli 'hen took Mis (iJioor by the hand, led ber into lie altar, oeened a door and t xio-td ibe Tsurah to view, at the same time aekiog tbo queat too. Do you know the nuauirjg of this, and lie origin thereof! ilisa Gilmore li in ibeTaurth, tba holy law of Ooi, given onto Mo on MoulI Sinai fur the cUiUIren of Israel. Rabbi Can yo inform tne the r words a kul' I law! Mis-s Gilmore I can. The iuvt . , , . . irrjt.nar.t aror.ia are iLoae lr. iLft ' ' . . .... ond Book, chapter 1?, tixth Terse; : "And God said unto larael.yeaball b of my kingdom of jd-icala and an koly nation." They thee resuneed tbelr forTneT po.' sibon in trvnt of lb a, tar, and lb coiioqay was continued as follows; LaObi As yon have joined onr na tion, il now become, you to cast off your old name and Lake a name among Israel, therefor please tut which came yoa thoo- Miss Giimore I choose-the name of Leah, being the hum bieat of the moth er! of our cation, and who never J- tared ber fait in Ood- liabbi I declare yon then, sister Leah, here in the btsuscj of the Lord onr Gird, and in th presence) of the . . . l" lue m m naltfin ea sr. 4 tk s.rw.t frVirn Wt a O taf. tmrajt ' the blessxp of Ue Id our God. fhM m,T tun AJuru iiiaaw aa rs un wui.rw " ' , , . ' w 1 ' v ' " j , . . it , l!cn.l'Kr OF J.OAi'S os Hot?. . . ... , .. . . , I Pr. Holland, ed:tor ot the Tingtjria A.'ruiVa.travtlirrinIjir.i-;vwr.ie. . . , . , .tVjL.j to his journal a letter at.'ut horse and . . .... r-TMirla in arhir-h beaays: The point hich I wish to ircpresa "foil my American reader, w t mpy n reader is i.mpx . this : h hrrtse, err.ploTed in , - , - ' the treeu ofa c:tv,rTon the rvaas ib , ' ' . , , the country, does twice as inoch work, as the American borse rnilarly em ployed in America. This i the pat enC nndeniable lart Xo man can a:! to see it who has hit eyes abcol tim. How d e be do it! Thene are most important tjaeaiums to aa American. Is the Ecg'.ioh horse be'.ter than lLa American j ot at tuL Jt be over- ! 'a ? 1 ThTe tT,etlf9 ! h? I Uv. san bat on. Urn, J bt" 4"l JT v"r-" '", tU U' Fg! sbmaa ha. m- Tt-sled ia perierl and irtnaDeiit roaoa ! Amtrica. expends ie pensb. - V. : a nr. ir.l pe.ll! to I fed. i We are using to-dav in the miic town - ! r "Ty vo v m. " v arc .u, us. ounarcsaa 01 norses io crag Lbrongh boles that ongbt to be tiKed, ovr sand that tbonid be baric r.ed, through mnd that oagbt not to b penrjitiei to tx-st- We bve th. rtisery of bad mad, arid areaaually or practica :y ca iea upon to pay It l'rrtjii os Ctari wsTAtcis. Cbiidned are qua .iied biexsitp ; but whether altogether or only part y so, tbey are ae(-eary. What sort tf a p!:gV,t should we rea.-h in a (vrtory or ss wttboat themT Fitialle, no d 'u'd. Thea let nt be kind ta Lb. your.g f-.tita Let bs rfs-v.;ct that j we were once sach, and l.kely eogh, were nisi as tk-.st, frvi. tklni non- senaicau, r.Kih as ary that art sc. about c, an wi-m we are ap to reBsnre as a rntsance. l.-riarTn trt) -p-'v" nrvr-r a nnieance, tboagh ,,ie ,r , Aon, ,trT b,j her arm around Mr Fercuon't net k," and kindred c xpreeAiorta, thatch tnis enoagh. ars foi p'casanl to be nrtyuej abroad by erterfw-tan It r-v Si ghtly a ntusance iben. p wa-i-ty, but rarely otherwise. ryTTfjnio Ilh sTtano Tba Wasiitrctoa rorrrp.-crl of teas Cincintia'i C'm.m.rri-,tl i hVpublicaa i pek she the I.Hiowinf rxouant skttrh of lire prvhK '.toi il ant htsdapc.: Iet me L.iostral. I arc hate an asa. ' islo tic axe h.r.d.. baetneaa. 1 find t U.at it w,n pT. Axe ban dies car. b b..r!.t rbc-ajir in Canada than I raa mak tbem. sol hasten p to Caarrtes ard stale mv rr.evaDf-.. ll i a rreal iriere , Ult , pmckral lv cany-, and niBst l protected, ll is a crral ir.terest, exeror. MiXirbead, W;..-n, Shfrmark, Wale A Co ll ia a irreat inirret, si neks the r-.l" rt u. ; and iurvLarub a law is paael f rer, every man pi.rhaing as axes Lar.j.r to jjy me fc ly cer.ts r.suad of iwenty.fve.. TLrs rs called a protec tion ta American itioalrv. Ttat i. it jrfv.locte B.y industry at tki. etprc of the wod-brn per. Hot thra be i no bjainesa t j be a wooai-Alcritier nty dt bs mak. axebar.uWI Srrvn bm r'-tt L:uie G.r! -)h. n.rr,tra! ia that a'" Manrwa "Xa a-.T rbikl that is B beal" Fa'hrr "No, my u'i art ihir' t, r. l. st ' tKither a 'en I nor a b ,.',. .l it it a hea. t, ltj ibeaobeeio of iv. t la-sled aoatitry ."