CT.l'AKriF.LO, i Ti'm Mit Mimhi i l('i.u'!i.',iiii. Jen IIM: On .Tift Ie at, e Wcv, J. Arrhrr. ef Clearfield, la aerrrrrru v wt Rtrn tni seance 10 wirg. r and t nt there In ra'fh lit Ut onrtiilaift breath , 1 Ij. b I ! and 1 iHt there to ace Hw ilfar eTMrI in Heath? Ileal! and 1 no nor may hear Hit genUe Im nip oiw Id Uir.ler atvente breath the words 1 h . made mit heart rejmre? Dead ! and 1 ne nira uia.r feel Ht fiTonf arm 'round hit form, To shield me on hi noble breaet Jt.ru.igh every e.ieteB.Bg atora.f 1 Mdhyuitl ihe earth mot lair htrf grown, 1 That, from my Y. Irn't boweri, "Tbe erpent'r' trace bed penahed, And eleinltM ffN tbute ttowera. Thai lore bad airetvu along my path, And fmdkM too thT aevum. : Ala. Mil heart! ate! poor brain ( How vein.) have ye tlreamcd ! Mr little on, come here and lift Tour brljrM erri up to mine ; fimile, that utto ray aadtiened heart Homrn ray of light mar hint. Perch a not tutntt gleam my eve may catch Of Papa' id your fare : Perchance, in thou infantile line bowl dear reetmhlance trace; Pur you are all that s left me, pet, Of the holy, happy pan Taoee day. of tunny gladneat far, lar toe bright to but. And, now, my widowed heart muit bleed, My eyre look all in vnin For the eomiiig of iir e.'rtacfj form That may rcnf eume again. He raonut eame ; but booaunini atandt Withm Heaven 'a penrh jrie, Waiting to groat bin wife nnd child An, bow lung rami he wait? ( rtbr. my bottrt i very tad, Muther. your faithful breast MirM now my pi are of refuge be Till death a halt bring a real. Bear g&nily with at iu my grief, ,; Chile Hot my falling trara ; t Mivhip a calm nay rotne to me ' With the future, weary yearaf . A calm born urn the tiue of etnaa. That wait me to that ill ore, "hore I may meet ! cfrar erne eeee, And part b, never an ore I 6t. Louis, Ha Jan. 1, UOtf. C. W. M. - The MaaMillintjr. The tory of Uie man milliniT io p.'.rio it no myth. He is an Eogliili . man nanied Worili, nnd with ,tbe sol; exception of llie Emporor, lie probably ' wields more arbitinry power than any man io France. He in not a milliner, At we uso the term in this country. . but a dress-maker.. iLs peciai tui- ness, that which lie doc witli hie ovn ' lands, is fitting dresses to the forms .of the mot wealthy and aristocratic - Jadiesoft he pay capital. ; ileaUi tells each one uliut oilier garments and orniimcnts elio must wear, and how her hair must be arranged to produce a harmonious effect ; and his word it law. He has a splendid chateau nt . Kureonoss, a village which overlooks the Buis (ie Boulnt'iio. Jt consists of five buildings, and around it are ter races. suiMticr -houses, bridges, and pnsrodus, plentifully fprinkled and decked wi:h stiitae, rasn, old armor, &c. Jn the house the most expensive Cashmere shawls are used lor the taMe ppreiifi, and the chair arms are ivercJ with tho rarest laces. Every ufternoon and erening be has tea served in a private drawing-room ndjoinine the trying en room. Xothi repast he invites none but his most aristocratic customers ; and the honor is eagerly sought. A few years ago it was announced that Worth would retire from trade, and that his successor would immedi ately demand paymontof all outstand ing hills. Th s caused s serious flut tering in fahionablo circles. About iSOU,'J00 was due him, of which the Princess 31 etternich owed ?50,(M'and the Princess Clotildo, about 20,000. Won.li did not retire, however, and, he alill reigns, the arbiter of all that is elegant and recherche in female attire. .Recently ho pave an enter tainment at his cheatcuu, to which be invited tie Fume ladies wh hai been invited to Uio imperial fete at Com peigne. They all accepted tho intit.v . tion, as they dared not do otherwise. Had one offended him by declining he might have refused to receive her orders thereafter; and for a fashiona ble 'ady to go into society without having her garments fitted by Worth, would bo equivalent to aotiai suicide. Remahkabij: JlrTr.iBcnoN Re ffTitly the trenenrer of a town in the West was shot dead while attempting to rob his own house. It appears that be had collected some twoive or fifteen thousand dollars of the town taxes, and left homo in the forenoon, telling his wife he would be gone all night. Towards night a travelling peddler applied at the houso for a night's lodging. The wife at first re. fused to admit him but linally yielded, with much reluctance, to iis request. Pome time in the night the peddler Was awakened by the noiso of men breaking into his room. Taking them fr robbers, he drew a piftol and fired at them. One fell and two fled. Lights were nr.M-iirfH il,,. bty'y of tlie man wtth blnckcncd face, j and otherwise dic.-iii-r, I u c.j; spon tLc floor. Upon lurthcr eiami nation, it proved to be the proprietor ef the house himself, who had resorted to this stratagem to steal the lax motiey collected, and tiad met with this terrible retribution. ?T.Tcn-n.r rx tnornATr.D An low csthsKce, in order to be even wilh a cortcmp ,r:ir.v who told a marrellous p r. story, Tners 4rr the trtith of a laleint'ht that a ladv in that villa te, wben rjnitc a child, arc-id. ntallv run a fplintet in the thovibmf her loft hand, and ttiis aatniiritbd the oiher day hy hnring a Mwln, i,.n fwt lone and Iwentv three inciw-s In eircnmfvrcnw. ;Tip fr.m I er IishJ. This ia liko the atone of ninny Western st nmp spm k ers an atom of fact and a larfe amount of exsrrersrion but 1 hey are -eworn to wilh such pcrtinaeitv' that Iheandirm-e is bound to believe" tbem. G"?t V.nr, r,,, Alt. rr.fane swennriri. abominable A ul -ar lan guage "d:Ving. liond lanchinc is impolite. In-psisitireneas) is (.ff.-n ve Tafl.rg i tnean. Tellinr. lies Ke-.r.ten.pt ;.:. ?l.1n-hr-ngis,leT lM, IiTinrance i, d.rn,,,,,!. d laiines, i shatneftil. Avoid all tb. above ices; and aim at usefulness. at sfH Ha -I d.tVt like our minister's normon pt m!:iy.w ai j n rf0a(.nn wll0 lg(J .H l,r,rmnn t:..o a rm,t1,rr l.ai,U,t LroihrrA.! i' 1 vt joq rKHMitvt; URstnt to (rn.Ulup JarUiL- It ia a Grcfk id Lfttm cotrpou!)J, Yatny enaJir.w ?Mfrt.ral HOOI'LIU h tlRM U BIT TLRS ! noofland's firrman Tonlr; Tha Ureal tttmdiea ff a'l TMfea of Li vet, gtcmevh, r PtftMtve Oraftft, Iluolliind'" Geruittii IJitUrs I pipftM of lh sr jate (r. ss lk.T rt mrtlicisatlT ItriBd, k'ltrsru) rf rnwt. Iirhi, mil hrka. I I I pre-rtiUn bi(hl ponpBtnltl and entirely "(res Irusi aJrobuUe tdiuiitur of mny kitid" Hctullnnd'H (iernmti .Tonic It eomkinalloo of 1l lnre4lmH of tti Hilton, with tb parrat quollrr of ktil Crui Hum, Gringo, ie , mkin( ono of thi moil ploo nt snd ovrootblo renodio over olferoi to too sublio. Ikon profomnf s Boaioias (m ( sloobo'.io sdauuiro, wiU use 1 lloofland's Clennan Bitten". Thoo who duto no ohjertton to tho coniblov Uon of tht Bitter as luioii, will ue lloofland'a German Tonic. They art both totally rood, mud eoststs tl.e not medicinal eirtuee, tbo cholco between the two seinla mere natterof taate, the nioiein tbo noit palatable. The etooach, from a variety of nun, nhj a innigevttoD, L-yepepiia, norruw iriDimj, sue., ii very apt to bare Its funetuioa doraog. ed. The Liver, eym II pathiemi; ai elore!y ai it doet with tba htoiaach, then he eomee affettod, tho reealt of wkieb ie that the petient eufleri from several or aiort of the fol lowing dUeaeea : Oonitifation, Fletulenee, Inward Pilee, Fullneri sf Bloed w tho Head, Acidity of the stom ach, Naneea, Heart Burn, lliagutt fur food, Fullneee or Weight in tht 6t4iaiaok, our Kraptient, Sink ing or FlutteriBeT at the pit ofthe Stoniarh.Sirim ssing tf the Uead, liurriedor ' BilBruH ' t krealhinf, . Battering of the - Beart,ChckiDgovBaf fooating aeDeallonl whta 1b b I.Titig peture. Dianeei of viein,detetirweba betort tht eyta, dull pain in tbe head,de6oieneT of ptr tpiretton, ytllewneeeof tbe ekiB tad tyei. Pain in tbe eide, bafk,obett,liab,ett.,aa4deB flusbee of beat, burning flefh. eooitant - 1 iBafiaiage of tvil aod grant ilepreMiua f epitiu Tht MfTerar fro re thett diaaaaea akovtd tatr- eiee th? greateit canuoa in tbe eeleeefioa ol a reme'y fur bit tate, parekeeing oaly that which he ie aseured I I Jrorn hie inrekliga tione end inquiries poeaeaeee true merit, ii ekillfnlly toajpeuadtd, ie tree frost kiirinai iBgreeieote, and hae eetabliebed for iteelf t reputerloBfur tbe euroof theee dlseatee. 1b thil eoaaeMtta wa woe id tabiait thott wtll kaown remediue Ilooflaud i i German Litters, lloofland's German Tonic, Prepared by Dr. 0. M.JACKS.OR, ' Pbilae1t b1a, Ta. " Twenty-lwe veers etBre tli'-y were first intre doced into thieaoaatr frosa ttermaay, duriet wbirk time they hart auduMdl? pertormed a greater ei tent, tbaa a?y vthtr ramedies kauwa u ttit putilie. These rrtnediee will effectually eare Livr Cea laiat, J suudipe, Prspepsia. Ckmaie er Krrroos Iiebilitjr, Vi C h r OB i r riterrliiee, Ureases of tbe Kid Bevs.aadalidietaeee arising from a Disordered laver, Stomach, or Intestines. Debility, Raaoltinf from any eaua whaterer ; frottrmtioa of the ryatem led need by aevare Leber. Uardahipa, fcxpitmre, dVarera, Ac , Ae. There la to medicine extant equal te iheae ltmediea in inch eae. A tone aed ifr ia imparted te tbe whole vyttem, the appetite ia atrenpthened. food ia enjoyed, the atumarh dU pefta prtmptly. tbe bld ia purified, tba eom pieilon beeomea annnd and healthy, the yeilow tinge ia eradicated from the eyea, e llom u gives to the ebeetu, and the weak ana eirvoui invalid heeoaec a auoof and heailhj being. Persons Advanced in Life, ant. feeling tht hand of tine weighing heavily of. on them, wtth all iu attendant ilia, will fine the e f Iheee hi Here ee the lotrie, aa elixir that wiY imittl new life into their veina, ietora ia a measure tbe eatrgy end ardor ef mere youthful daa. build up ibair ahronhea forma, and give hualih and happtnau W Ibtir rtmaiteiug yeara. Notice. It fa well eitalliihed fact that fnDy ce half of tbe female po -m- rtin of our pajiula lionare eel iLmte the I . enjoyment of grd health, ot to uie thier own eipTentloB, Uey "vever feel well." They ere lanpnd. devoid oV all energy, extremely ear vans, mad bare Be ap point. To thia data of pereooa the Bitten, or tbe Tonic, la eeeeeallj reeoca mended. Weak and Delicate Children are made atroeg by the ate mt either el tbeee remedied. They will cure every caaeof aartMW wiieotit fail. TnBade of eertifiratea have aeewmelated la the handa of the proprietor, but vpaee will illow f in auhlieatioB ot be a few. Tneee, h will be ebaerved, are men ef note, aod uf eucb tat.dixg Uat they mult be believed. .Jei-timonialg. Tlfn. Cwrpe v7. vtor.dwtrd. Chief Jtnlice of tbe bvpreme Court f Pesy 'vB-ma, writev i PhilaJelpbia, Pa, kiarcb 16. I .'. '! find TlrtrT.nt a . f.eei gwj teeie, eaefui in daea ire of!n, and of g'ea1 ! l!nd TlrtrT.n. a - (tv(i ptTTm fa a lie digeat- at uenef'i in caaca er etb.litv end waea of areot aetoe Ie the ayflea. Voura, truly, Gia. IVoonwaitti." Doe. Jamea ThempteB, Jud;e of Ion fcupremt Court ef Penaoyivania. wnten . Hhiladelpbia, ApHI ?S, lSgg. "I eentideT Hooflaod'a (iermen Bittara a valfl. ab'e medieiee in cava of Indigeatton or Iyapep .. I eaa errWy hia fiem expervenee. 'Ttera, with respect, Jiuea 1 mention." From Rev. Jofeph I. Kenaard. D. D- raator o' 'ia Tetih llap.ni Choree, Pni'de'pna : U. Jircvoa Bet-lvr : I have been f extHtftt 'v reouMied to ennneci my oame ni reroa.. meitrta.ioni oT d Cedent aiada 4 reedir-nej, nut 'vadM g tea pa I ee m bui ef my ep-p-.'f." i r iV hvo in a'l cte do- e'-feil; nut i'e a e'ear wnmf naioui iniirj-t. and p'i rti'ir'iv itt my own lam1', o.' tie Df e'st1 c n' ll". Ho4and'f trmnv liutr, f depar onee db my eual course. t ex-p-ei Bjy 'a' roov-r;.t)u tr.t ror perval UebM-iy n the Mum, attd e-P'-rialiy .'r Liter Cut' pH'iu, it i a te'e aad va'uibte (fep ei ,ob. In torn t3 tt il may fal hui Bua". I "it-uiit nm, vl ib vert nenetif'al to tbw wio iitftr from ue a not e date. I eurt, ve-y Tepecljiiy, ... I' Kvniapn. Eiptha weHrw Coatea bireeia. Tm P.ev E. I FenduM, Eflitrr of Cbriniab "Ckmaie1," pBladelibta : I hrve ()"itd dertrifrl tifttfttt frnm the ua cf Huoftane'v 8tmaB l.ittVrn.aad led it mv pr i lege to recommrnri tbem at a mo t valua t tonie ti al) v-br- are f .Ttit j f-i.m jenerat dbi iy tr frra diava anvitig from dtwreatret ol the livtr. "ouri, trely, 1. FteBAi-L. ('aulitin. lIocflnnH'a 6etnt,n bitten re e-vcnter'el'ed. 5ee tnat the aiiiua tore vf C. M. JAt'el- ioN it on fit rup I I pr of erb bottl. all etbert are eeua ' terfcla Frlaeipal t-flirt atd 1 auufaetufy, al th iirraiB Mn cal iure, No Ml Arch ureet, PhilBdelphiB, Pa. i innr rr.w. rn)prirtor, (ForaJtrty C. M. Jefaeer A Ce h trice. Booftaad'i Utrman Bitter, per Settle $ CO M m per half d w-n. 5 ffl i1n-ni1l flrrtottl T"b Ie. ut ttf i U hot (it, pr h.)ttf tf i.r a naif 4m lee. fc ...,. f al) jB-Il&Bot ferget at txamtae wtM the artioie fo toy, ia erdssr to get the gDuinf, rrm tuie hj al. druggfat Aad a.eaVra'U etfieiaeB, fc3 Jy KAKR1FD .dte tU, dtitnp e-irtuffi itiA. at e nu ll i vnHit-tj nt, (ViuvrhMr fk vsi r,iae). th Mt.d eeriiiii (MM IB h bic-li'a Ko- 4 PiU, whtrfc run t talre ilurii g ail tajfi rtgntnry ta wfe ftmlety. 8CK0FULA Aad all dieeaeee of the blood, ead all traptive diseases ol the skin. Old Sires, Tumors aod tl ee re, ansrnf Ir'Ha wketsver cause, een be per eeaaewtly aarsMS ktahaaeaal In. Hakaek a liMsed i'uriber and liioid l'siia. USPRIXCIPLED Deal era oftta reeem mend ether bitter became they bare not Kobacae. H e deaire Ie cautioa tVie afflieted erxinat purehaiing any of theui: bey Rel'aelr'B tjlomach Kutera aad dob other, if yoe wcuJd eon-bat diaeaae aueetaaluily. WANTED. All peraoni troubled with Coitlveneaa and Con Mi pat ion of the liowe la to buy Kubaek'a blood Hi Ue ; they oootain bo mercury, are partly veg. etable and work like a obarm t eaa be taken with aafely by perauoa ef all age a, and in all eoodttioua of life. LADIES Of eedentery hablti who require a gentle pmrga (ive will find Koback a Blood Pill. ut tbe med icine they want : tbey are perfectly aafe and can ha takau at aJI timaa : th pnnisin nn ntrenri er mineral poteen, bttt are partly vegetable. ' IIVE2 C01CPI.AI5TSS Jaundire atd all affeetient of the tlvev ere eoen retnered by the aaa of Itobeek'a Ptuma-b Bitter and Blood Pi Hi. they are eorupoatd ol vegetal la medicinal extmcta with eapeeiaj reforeeee te their tlireet aeuea OB the liver and digeatite apparatua. 1 ' . BICK KEADACHB Arlvee from a dlaordered itate of the ttomeeh and how eli, and e btllioue derangement ef the liver, a id eaa re pcrmnently eurtd by the ae of r) "back a Blood Punier Bo 4 HW Pi 11 a. rail directpca axeooipaay each battle and box. DYSPEPSIA. Thonrandf ef the wnrat tuffererv from thia tor- riMe gnawing diieate bare beea cored by the set el Kuback a btomarb bittera. ai tbe te.timo Biala new in eur haAda fitity prove. COVALESCESTS Should nee Koberh 'a Stomach EitteratoatreBglh. en tbe prettta'tnn whirb alaaya followa acute d'eeaeee ; M will be found far a a peri or at a aHm lating to a it te any ef tbe wine and bark prepa ration, of the preaent day. KZUBAtOIA Can be eftVtualiy eord bv taking Tr, KoWrV'i Blood Puv&ev end Rived Pilla, and bethlag the a fleeted parti with Tincture of Aconite ttt Chlo rtsfornu FILES. There la Be medirine 1b nae ee tffl reel oni aa lr. Hohack'e Ulood Purtfter and Blood Ptlla for the aermaienl eure ef Blind or Bleeding Pilta ; tbey athke at th root ef diteaae, thereby remo ving; tbe eante. XIGHT KARK Te ene ef the many diieaaei of which Dyepepefe ie tbe pace-ot, Twevgeei ewre ptttowe ahoald avoid hearty food ai sight, and Uhe aw me gliae full of kobatrk'i btomarh Bitten ob retiring te bed. . WHO SILLS THEM! he Aevnt for the eelt of Rtrk'e Ulead Pills. Stomach Bitre-e end Blond Puriiier are HAKT.-W1CK IKWIN.CIsarteld, Pa. jat.II T1IE GUEAT ZlfJCARI BITTERS. i A aafe Bload raritar, a tpltadid Toeie, pleas, aat Beveraf a, s eartaia ear. aol Preventive of Diseases. Tntt 7IT0AT! TlTTTrrS eve eompeuBded from B preverlptioB f the eeitbraitd Kgypi j dan phyrirlan, I I'BK'.rn a, b. after ypr i of trial end experiment, discovered tbe ingri Herb the mo1 remark a tie ruduenQn, tht earth, perhapa, baa evet yielded certainly the moat effvtive in the core of diieate. It, in 1 fnmMnati'-n witn tho nth talnable propertiee I of wbtrh the lliSUAM BITTKHS1 li eompuaed. j will cure Dytpepia, Fetr aod Agne. BiHinna Fever, tbelir, Culiio. lir.nrbin, CutivumptioB in it firt nre, Flatulency, h'er vova IMHltty, 1 em alt Com plaint. libouiBBiiam, Itv-eate-ry, Aent and fbronle Itarrhm. Cholera If or bui. Cholera, 1 , vojfsiii and Tji phm Peter, lellnw Fever, 8rr"fuia, Uleea tea of the ktdneya. Ilalutual Cue liverrtta In the PrerentioB awd Cure ef the above die-ea-ctu it ha never been known te full, aa thuu nd ff uur nml pruroinent ritttant tb,'ongiirul all parta ef the Country, will testify. Let tbe Irlirtcd lend fur circular cntitiing tertimoni aJ and cert ii rate ef t bote who have Hcew emred alter h :r cae hare beea pronuunced hope le if bv our beat phyir mn. Pri-eipal Iiejot, f. FlAHTFR af CO, No. N. Front tu, Pbiladelpbia. T rc-m mended hy B-,-0"-. imvid B. 1'. rter, of Paoniylvii. Hon. H s t.ct J. rifher, ile. Fdwavd M-l'teVaon, Ilea. Joel B Utnntr, v Hun. m. Wrherry, " and other. JShtnd for t'lrvulare, (.all iy. Beale's Embrocation, tLATt i'UIILL ,) For ell dieaa.ea ioeideal te Hxrees. Ctttla, aad Hutnea Fkid, requiring 1 1, a aee ol aa asternal epplieetioS. This Embrvf.tiun tu eivensirelj ai.d fcy the llvernre.ai dnhnp the wer. " . For wait by Uartewtck ek Irwit, OleerSeld Jorrpk K Irw.e. barweasTilla, Deaiel Hed iaader. U:btsba ef, fia Cierfli, CVrecrrire. Clf. THE CLEARFIELD STORE! nKrtNsTiu:t"Tr.i. r,,f 1 tteid - Willi, IW't. Julie F. Aeaer williasa tt'.bells. GEO. L HEED k CO., Tau di-ors Borlh of the iVr! Ilouer, C I.KARI-H I ". P. H AVISO returned to eur eld Winces sterd. we hcrcriy notify the eitisens af C'learteld ud the sal,lia generally, thet wa has. entered upon, and intend to proeecole, a rigorous ruun ttmien eeeiiist hifh lirice, and inferior gfMds, end Ls, now oa hand a full supply of all kinds of guiJ used in this Rierk.L Ju the line ul Dry dlooda, We elsiro to bavt a full asaortmcBt, aonsistlng ia part of MusUus, bleaobod and ankleaohed -t Piintt ui all grade, and tlvtae; and Tall and Winter Dress Goods, Suci as Alpacas of all shades; Do I.sln.s. Mu rines and Flannels; besides, a full assort ment of geutlemea's wear, tonsistmg io part of Cloths, Cassimeres, FatiatUa and a full aaaortment ef KEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Xotlons, Hosiery, Trimmings, BONKETTS, AC, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. Wt hire a fall .apply of Coffee. Tea. fugar, Kici' atoiessi'S, olru'co, 1'i.b. r-.lt, linseed, coal and lik Oils, FLOUE, BACON, DEKD FEUIT, fugar-caved) llama, Mae Purk. and a full aupp) of Pj-wvusiuna. Kurd ware and Queens are, BMH e lWtiow Wart. AH the forffng articlee wtll be exchanged far t AMI, U kJbLJt, er (UlMKl' PKobl CK, and at pnere tu m tiich there eaa be at exception. Iboee to bed of Ooodi iu our line, will pleat trCALL A X D SEE US!- GEO. L. KEKD Jt CO. nearlltld, BepL 17, lbS-U. GIIIL1T IIAItt.AIXH Xew Store In Mulsonlurg! la the room formerly occupied by P. T. 11 eg arty. L. M. COUTHIET rpAKF.S Uia method ef informing the elttacna A of Covington, K art ha us tiirard and tbe ear rounding omntrv. thai be baa jut opne4 a Urgt aiorh ol 61" M M TK t.orii-, ni-h be it drtrr mined tu aril TKN I'KH ( tKT CHEAPER than the eetne quality of fjooda can It porcbaaed for in any wtber atore ia tbe nvigbborhoud. Uia eierk cvnatata of Dry Goods of all kinds 9ueh aa eat I net it, CaFt.iv.eTee, Mnalina, Ddainef, Lints, i'rillittg. Calico, Trimming, Uihbont, Lace, REAIY-M APE CLOTniXO. HOOTS t fcUUfcS, II ATS A CAl'aS, GROCERIES OF AIL KINDS, Coffee, Tea, Pttrar. Tire, M.iUiim, Ti-h, Fall, Lmaocd Oil, Ftab Oil. Carbon OiL Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Caitttir- Plow- and Plow ratinga. Nail", f p.kea, Corn Cultivatnra, Cilfr Preiaea, and all kuda of Axei. anMv Plowa are ef tbe Cnrwentvitle and Centra coonty snake, and are warranted te bo of god quality. Drugs and Medicines, e Ptrfaanery, Paint, Varniah. Cllav. and a general aaenrtanetit of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, alwaye on hand, and will be told at (he lowcet poaeillt ft g urea, rtqtoRs, Sneh aa BRA5DY, WISE, GIN A WHISKY .roe pounde ef Won! wanted for which tbe big beet price will he paid, CLovi.w;r.r.n, T On hand and for aale at the loweit market price, iuCail and tecfor ynureelrea. Ton will Cod CTcrvthlng utnaily kept in a retail etore. - t -i I. M. COUTRIBT. FeeTH-heitle P. O., Jan. 7. IH.V. xinv st oki:. Cor. Second Ft. tad Hill lUad. K MITCHELL II K9 Jest reeeired and opened, et tbe abrtre 1 1. remed plaee, ea entire sew slock of M M MkK li'll'll.J, which he will selt VKRY C11KAP HIR CAM1. His st k roii.nl. r.f Ir,v tiools diroccrlc, IIAUDWARE.QTJEENSWARE, Bfiofl and Flioe". lists and Cups, Readr-Msde I lollui.g, etc. He also ke-picboir. fl o ur, cony mea l, feed, Chop, ttaro. fVht nnd Uri4 Per aon a dealroua of pnrha-lre tnrw.n at f.iir rat- are rerppetf ullv t,iquettd Io gic htm a roll. T--4ppritM countiy pr.ii.acv; will betaken, at the b.clict pria. to eti-hange) for gooda. v irnrii' iu. a)Uie IB, tPii-II Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AU (F COCnsK THE CllLAPESTl A Proclamation against High Prices I AlK are now opening np a lot of the hcut nnd V V DiOi BMbwmaltle Utxade and Wim errr ofltrcd tn tine market, and at price that remind on of Ihe f.-td old dava of cheap thing. 1 h"r hn le-k fttiih upon thi point, ur detis oar alle gatinna euperflwm, nod but 1LL .IT OI K STOKE, Corner Frinl aad Market, etrwte, Where tbey tun eev. fl. bet- and knew for them trot. To f-'lly i!rtrUcd bl arecbeoa) gtota, I hie meat be done. do ant dem it Becetigtrv to m win train and itomiae eur eionk, Jt t enough fr ua to elate tnat We have Irerythicg that ii Needed and msurrted la tins res-ket, and st prstat thai aatnaiek bttk ttd aad wsnr.. warM jtPH MAW A tot. I Vij frnit, frrnirf, f t. I UH'IIAIU sissoi;rw.Mirc and Xcw foods. n v v t a a I FOREIGN k TOMESTIO GOODS. M l'Sl.1 N ? al rVmatinit tirieel ll'KI.SlNKS at fnratinn ' priexa (lllll'KliS t .Keatlnn prior. ALTAI AS at Sensation lines' .'ust received at MtlSMil'S'. 0 1 NT! IT A MS rrnastioa hrntaliu. Scusstirin iansatiea bnuti(n i his ri rid NTs Ol.dVUS' CUAYATS jsnrrs pi ices ific ftritvs ai AlUSSOl'S SriAW!." at HflNNKTS al Sensation iri( Hesitation price. IHLOKKI) 1 MCSUNSi at rSejtisstion prioes All lo b bstl si MOSSOrs1 LIN , at CK ASH " at (.TWAIN'S at Sensation Sensation Kensalion KansstioB priors prim. prices prices rADI.KCIXfTllS al FU1NGE at (wtiialmn Jinoe, st MOSSOrS'. LACK al ' Pemation pneet prices price. HOS1KRY" at Fensalion RIPIHtNS at Sensstion HIIMMINO'51 ol all kioJ. i V at Ssnsstion priota msnyquau'iy ) Alseavson nana at AlUhSUl'S'. CASSlMKIirX at SArriNKTM at TWKRDS at JKANS at VESTINOS at SUlHIINoS at f-nsalion Krnsation Sentstioa Sensation Sensation Sensation frtcet prioes prices price, prices prices at MOSSO'. CLOTHING such as Coals, Pants, v eatt, Under Shirts, Flannel Fbirts, Boots, Shoes, at sensation prices Haw soil Cans, j hom for sal. at UOBSOP'S. U A B I) W A K K I aucb as tes,nalls Forks, Knives, "nikes, Umgns, LIQUORS, sneb at Wins, Brandy, (Jin, YV bluest, Connie, etc., etc.. Hit ITS, tucb sa Frunet, , lUisms, Fig., Filberu, Ac. GROCEHTKS, tat Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Mupsr, Molsaaet, Co flee, Tea, Cracker., Siire, Candle., Coal Oil, etc., .to. at sensation prices at MOSSfTTS; t- , at sensation prices st tsMiaaljoBs " prices at MOSSOP'8. at sensstion prices ... . Jalwsys ai MOPSOP'S., Bl.clU " at tarnation ; bHcm KIIPKS sensalion prices sensstion prices Sensation prices sensation prices aeoeatinn Ttriri I'OWUEB LRAD CATS At in. ttors 01 JULUAIiU H)i&JP. M001 Alwsvt keeps on hand a full aeanslment of all kintli of goods requiisd lor lb. socomtnodalirobf llie pulilic. , Jult. If ST JICUAIiD MOsS-SOl' " IS NOW Selling, at half tkeir araal pritt, DRF.3 GOODS, ' CLOAKS AND SIIAWL9, BROWN SUEETINGS, FLANNELS AND ELAXKET3, WOOLEN GOODS, ; . HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING, OENTLtMES'S FURNISHING Ooodt LADIES' BOOTS AND 8I10E3, . GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, BOYS' ' ' do '' do, TJOOP 8KIRTS, BALMORALS, ' LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, ' ItAlSINS AND CURRANTS, , BROOMS AND TUBS, , CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND roRK, FLOUR AND FEED, ' As. A.. ' Ao, WW FALl A VI.TER GOODS! AVIIIiaiu Hoed fc Co Near Poalsfflr., Market atrrel. ' CLBARFIELD, TA. nAVINU Jaat otwrwd a lare and oomplrte stock frntn .e Voik end I'liilsiirlphis. we cau elfer extra iadocemtnl. to CASH lit 1 tKS. . v . r - y - - i t.t V. Bert s (l.lenaid sele. tk n ef Drees "l. ini,, SilSS, Sh.wles, 'l.,klrt. Flannels, Bsl. snoralm lllenke., lliiop Miirui, I Onrsets, Tk .mr-eu'l , ' nii.ve-fitti,,,, T'isntnilifs of teery deseriptin, fenlitr, Worsted Yarn, and one ef the saott eoailete aisortmtiits ot Ladles and Gcnh Furnishing Goods, rnder wcer, llnrlerv. fTV.Tc, of all kind', Alcl. tssdtr't Kid end Herns' eeletiniied Scentless kid, tthe host otce nsadc.l . . erktice, lintlrtOs. Collars, . r,."s. Il.n iier l icTs, l.t, es, I..iE i.g. Fmhreidcrles, Ae.r also, a lerpe eiserlaici,! of H "IIS, ailh t.BAVh I' AT L.N I M I 1 r, the best thin, ellanl local her with a full lite tf staple Iteodi. All of ab.ck at ofler at tho VERY LOWEST CASH TRICE 1 Call and set as. !o tronklt to show (nods. Kte uacniher tht place. Kcar PostofTire, Market Rtieet, eciA Cl.tAkHkl.li, PA. V . LW tiToiiK AM.NLV (.OOUS JOS. SHAW 4: .SON Have just opened a , ' Saw Stosi, on llsin St.,Ci.iaricin, r., lately occupietl by Wm. F. IRWIN. Their slock consist! .( GkrHH ts of lbs best quality, Qi'EEnswarf.j Roots and Shoos, ,- j t.' - ' i .' ' i ' snj .very articls nereusrr Tor one's comfort. Call and examine our stork bclcre pur- cbsin( elsewhere. Msy 9, 1SCC If. K. I.OI1IKOX fc CO., PORK PACKERS, .Vo TV, I.ihrrly St PUInbirgh, Bare ob band a larre stock ot Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, mn axi fi oar. n hep bam?, Mess Pork, l't'r.l Beef, ana Uf l.erd. tn ef ear ses Peckin, Caring aod rnnokttg. Lard Oil, Hour, Cheese, Dried Applea and Peaches, W.ik s reaeral aeeortateat at taraoe-iee, st Use krwaM Baiket arrest, . (Jams H, .47ft. Mtfuhant Jail on. V. C. CKOil il, MERCHANT TAILOR, hUnkCT kT.. ( LaAEFHLD, PA- HAV1KH fp-B-d Bp a Marci.aat Tailoring ttubh)bmeat, en Mrkrf ttrwl, aMtmBg ti. aranietioe ol lr. llartvaiek. I would eepei ftiiiv aiiy.'Uitcc tu the cititeni of Ciaarfttld aad icinity, tht I hare JuH reomed from the eaat tra tUn a lali aterteuent of Cloths, CaKsiniores, VestingB, ale., Of Uie teat qualltv and lat'-at atjle. wiiirh t am pvenwred VAenakewp an abort avotice, Bcoerdiog tti'itie latti laebiona, and t prtoea warranted to be rttirfacJur). ' 'frp sue uttct, and I am cure yo will coine ngaui.- h. C. CROM.U. Cleartield, Jan. 31, lKn0-tf M'X Coin- it Alone. IstiO. E. Ii Ia SlOL'tillTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Mnrkrt Street, Cleariitltl, Pa., n AVINO opened faailneea n my own eok, at the old aland in 6 haw 'a How. I therefore aa nun nee to the public that 1 have bow ea hand a well eelected and large eeaortiaeot of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestinp, Be avert, and all kinda of Oooda for men and boya' wear, and am now prepared to make Bp to order CLOTU INli, from a aiogte article te a full an it, in tbe laieat etylee and moat workmanlike manner. Special attention gives to eaatom work and entting oat for men and boya. I offer great bargaina te euitomqre, and warat stiie eattaUoteon. A liberal ah are ef public patronage ia lolielted. Call Bod eee me. jaD;.tf . K. U blOUUUIOK. H.t B JUDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door eaat of Clearfield Hiiiee,) Msvhel wireet, Clesrlield, Pa. KFKP8 ee head a fall aeeortmente of Oeat' Karrwiahing aieode, eucb at hbirte, Linen and Weolea Ctidtrebirta, i raw art and oeke, rvock-tiea, foekot Uaodkerckiafa, Ulovtf, HaU, Dmbrellae, Ae., In great variety. Of Pivoe tiooda he keapf tie , . Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors," Sorh as Black DoeskiB of tbe very best Bitbt( Kao.y Caesisatst. in gswat variety, .Ua, Fraach Coatina. lioav.r, Pilot, Chinchilla, aad Fneott tvareoetiBi;. All of which will be sold eheap for Cash, and made a, aeordin to tht latest it lei by experienced workos.n. Also, Aeot or Cleertrld tonnty for L 11. ioi:sr A Ooa.eeleijr.ted 6wisf lleobraes. hov. I, lSSk.tf. , . . U. bRIDGI. 1 1 - nrnlturr. " ' Chaap Furnltnrc. 1 JOHN GULICH DtSlEES to inferos bit old friends and tns. toas.ra. that bsviof tnlarred kis tho, aad increased at facilities svr mastartarins;. he it aow prepared to stake teenier eack Farnitnrt a. aiay kt desired, ia (oed liy es etd at ebeap rates for CASU. lit froerailj u oa hand, at kit Furniture ro'aas, a Varied t'sortsaenl of ready, seats fivtlluee, aesea which sr. . BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS, Wsrdmbes and Tlnck Coses; Cenut, Sofa, Parlor, breisfsrt tod liinins; kxtetsioa T.Vlts; Cos.. soon. Create port, Cttiaie,Jetiay-Lind aad other rledtitadai Sefet ef alt kinds, Work stsadt, llat-raekt, Waea-sunJsi hoekinf aad Arm chairs apritr.al, raoa bottoai, perluT, eost B?on and othsr Chairf ; Lookiut -tllasset tf trtry deecrtptlea ea Isaad aad saw flaaset for eld frames, which wtll k. pat la ta vary rtaeoaafcle terror oa shortest antlee. Ue also keeps on kaad or f amiehet to order, Corn. bask, Hair sad Cel-toa-tep Maitroetet. ' Corn.ta or Evt-rt Kino : Made to order, and funerals at tended with a Hears whenever desired. Alee, Boat. Palatini dost tt trder. The tubteriber alto taaoafao raraa. aed bat enattanUy oa kaad, CleoseBt't Pstenl Wesbinr Maehiat, Ihe best bow ia asa ! Tkoet asina thi. machine sjtear seed he with awt .leaa clothes I Ue alee hat Flyer's Pattat Cbera, a superior article. A family atief tkU Chart aertr need he withoat bmwr 1 All tht above aad essay other articles are far. Kicked te eettosnara .heap for Csea er eiehaiiped for approved eoaatry produce. C berry. Maple, rVplw, Llawuod tod other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, ukeo i, txchauft for f.rnila-t tVer-loBiaaibtr thtehap It e. Herkat erreet, ClearSeld, la, ted Busily oppositt tht "Old Jt Stort." JOUS GILICH. Hovsmbsr 51, 1S1 y . i . - - , jRlaftsiuitliing. Xctv lllacksmith IShop. ' FEC0J5D FT, CLEARFIELD, Pi. TUB oederHeied berv lo Inform kit friends, and tb. inheoiteets ol lbs hnmorh of Clear tld tnd tnrroimdlnf ntif bborbood. that kt Ie bow ready ta exeeutt all orders titbtr ia iros tr tleaL I10RSK FUOELNQ ea Ik. as oat appravsd I tv st.le. A 1,1. KINDS op RAW. MILL IRON'S aad EUlkil work, terraea e lock, eaBlkaoksrssdi, grabe, Ae, - i Steel tools of all kisdt Bade al best Injlisk tr AsitrieaB ttael. - e.AII any work st warraated tt firt lent. feeti. e.or Bet shargid for. . eeils AMOS kKNNAAD. Xcw IIlacLiiiuKIi Khop. IU1R1) BTBKKT, CLEARFIELD. Ill K sabarribrrrrtpeetfally In for ess kit friends srd tks pulilic in renersi, thet he has lucii la 'kt boronrk ef L'LKAKKIRl.O. In tb. shop recently occupied bv J.cot Bhankweiler, where he to new ready ho perform all dn'iei tnwanls kis customers tn a workmanlike maaaar. teds, Ptelrhs, Buffies and WsRoni ironed, arid Unr.e.shecine done at reasrnshle rates, lit respenni'ly asks a shirt of work from tht pvbllt, as h. intends to f iva his wh"le .itention te tht badness. 1H0KAS HILKV. March II, 18fil. lio;HTov.iisIii Awake 1 queat i xcitemknt at ' 1 THOMAS BEERS'S!! J EVERYBODY trying to got tbtrt Brit, Tor fear J of being nrowded oat into the eold. Ii yoa wast good hhoting dona, go ta Betas. If yoaesnt youl rtlei's Ironed tihl, go It Beaet. If yoa want good Mill Irene, go te - Btsas. If yoe weal yoar wt goa Ironed ia the best stylo and workman. hip, fit to Butt. Btset makes tbe best Btump Machine in the fltlc, sr. d does til kiadi of ilLACK.vWlTllIN'll as ehen as cen be dn.e In tht county for Cark. Mj l'olt Offiit address Is CleerOeld Urictee, , THOMAS llbhllH, BofSt Tp., ftte. ), lss-ti. , S(Il()OLS0G liOOK. E would reapectfoll oall the attention ef yy Principal of Srhofl". f-tmin net, and T acher ef bmging to eur Stm School Sung ISm-k- UIE SONG CABINET, By C. 0. ALLEN. " " Thil t.Bcfc eentaiae fir-oA eery carefelly pretrtred aerie ef JM mary King Leteont, eeendy-A large nnmher ef sew nnd haaatl- ful Sohonl nnga. - Thirdly A ahort Canlata Tbe Srhwl Pea ti,.-kj dt-rifraed expreaaly tor uie at, SchooJ Eeeeptione, Cunceru and Kihihitiona. The PebUahera, in preeentieg tka work te Principala and Tearhera, would call aptiial attention to iu euperior merita aa a Si hool Song H-st-k. The authur haa hten very eartlul ta tht aeteclioD ef hia mimic, Bhich la almoat entirely new, and in adapting to It appropriate word a iila anotijecti-nat.e tea ti mania, which will commend itt adoption is il ear HeHoola sad fntnanoa. ; The fl n Caninn hat been adopted by the Roard of Adirraiton, aa the teat book foe tht PaMie Mchoote in the city of New York. . Price, fluy cenlt each. To Brhoola, Ae., alt d fit era pT dves, ' Famile mpiae tent by mall (pott paid,) es tectriit of lift w eema. JWr fw aale by alt Poek anl Maait Storea, , PnMtihed by W1LUAM H-vLL A HON, eecKMia U Broadway, H. Y. Grapo Vines for Sale. ; VLL the leering herdy eerlrtics of fret Real ity. tOM'ur.I) Cl'TTlNHfS, 11 00 per uiii.ircd. CONt OKti MX Kb only IS cents. Or ders k, hoicd a. tea. ea eaaveaient, aad tiled le reutssa. by A. at. lUU. CWaall, Fa., Aat-aat t, IfVr. H . V. ftiaiam st acM' fnlsmit. sat aaaata a. w. sajes... a. easass ai tiiAx.i:, J. B.GHAIIAM&SONS, M.tP.tll (TAEET, 'CLEARFIELD, Pa. TUB tubes ribers baring tatered late partner thip for the perpote of tarrying es tht batistes ef Mereaeadisiag, aew .for A Good And rare opportunity te tbe tltiiens ef Clear Seld aad adjoiolsf eoBBtLt to bay ttort goods st wholotali tr retail prices, that will astonish tho BniBltraetad. Tbtir good, will bt partite, iarly tetaeted te nit this market. Every lady will, therefore, tall tkt attentiea tf her Iluabund Te this fact, bees ass this breach of ear bdsln.es will reeeirt special attentiea, aad everytblag needed I. s well-regulated boaeehold win at all timet be feflBd Isoar ttort. Oer tteek of DR Y COOD8 thtll sot bt tarpatttd, titbtr ta qoa!- ity or prtet, and will tmbraet, ia part, P rtnu of every ttylt, Oieibamt aad Lewes ef every quality, klusiint.ef every gradt, I). Laisrs sdapt.d te tht lattea ef tkt eld ead yoengi aed tf try attlrlt of say kiad of eeeda Uey tell it Guaranteed To bt at stprattnttd, and warranted ft five tat. tsfaetioa. , At t) DHESS GOODS wt have a eplended tseortaent ef Alpaeaa, sleek, whits, asd la eel ore; aVnaartt, Silks, sad la sb.rtall tkt a.eett style, ta tkt market.- Wt dttlrt tail faot tt eteeett kaewa " .. To Every Parma maa, womas, thlld, pbyalslasj, m. rhaais, farmer, lawytr, barber, womaa't-righu maa, at any ether eta a la tkt eeaaty '' Younjp- ( Or tld, rita er poor, kljk er low, wkt wifl favor et wltk a tall. Wlta ear at aad litttiWe stack any gsnllsmta ess pltate tke meet he- tidieue - - idady,;; r-f " ; 'tf .;t- - By jasl dropping la sad getting a alee dress patters, lace sett, kid gloves or ky doisg that ekiek It better i (let Iter sw.TI.nUed pant, sad tht will lad good sod payiB.' iasetlmsnu is tmbroidtritt, tdgisgt, ribbons, lores, hotisry, Ky .UWk..h.ld.M,.ui ! J. I And la addltloa tt what wt have slresly tsaiaera ted. we keep sll kinds ef GENTLEMEN' M EAR wok it Cloths, Casiimerea, latiBettt, Bttt, Boett aad Shots, Aa, btildet, i ' "t A Xlce Atwrtmtat ef Mtdt ap CLOTHING ftr Mea tad Boys, mannfeotared est tf tbk vtry belt matarial. wht.h wi will sell fer eask er axebaaet Cor eoaatry product at prieti eklsh will sttucisk kola kashaad sat , , . w t. :::: Wife " fl art aew largely ia gaged I. buying ead selling RCU'ARE TIMBER asd maaafat. tared LCMBER, and will gtvt tklt branch ef busintes tpetial attutloa, sad mak. It a. object ' ! " - -.- I To Every : 1 Cat wkt kai Lambtr te nil to deal wilk as, Wt thall also ktep lontuntly. oa kaad a general assortojeel ef fSROCERIE aad H ARDWARE, which vt will tall at txseaa Ingly low priees. Wt also ktep a full aMort ment ef Q.I EENHW ARE. ,Ttit departmtat will kt kept full asd sempltte, and every ' ! - - " - - Young 3Inn Or maldes who eoatomplatei boastkeepinf . will tad it advantageous to eoma aad trade witk at, Wt are to situated, and, from long exptrieaee la th. b.iiness, sa well acquainted wltk tht waat. end aecsssities of this community, tkst wa ftel satisted if trtry maa and wemaa In Clearfield County makes it s point It buy their goods from at, wt rts please tbem both as to quality and price. Tbsrtfort, oomt along and buj your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Quccnsuarf, Hardware, ' s 1 BOOTS k SIIOK.S, II ATS CATS, " a ' Rca3y-Maae Clothir', ' Aad everrtbing yoa seed te riudir yourselrti and familial eonjforlabla, from . , JAS. B. GRAHAM-A SONS., MRii tf CLEAIiriFXD, Ta. - OTirr. The formallon or (be partnenhip X ef James B. firah.m A PleRt docs nr. pretest Ibe lettlrmeat of the notes and hook areonnts ef Uie ln arm of Showers A tlrab.m er K. W. fire bars. Those knwrnt tbemeelvev Indebted lo either are reeneeted to oome forward Bt onot Snd close tkeir secousis. JAMES p. nRAIIAM A "OS. ' ClearSeld, September IS.tf. Trweaww and shdoa.laa.1 twviportre ef eeerv kind ef tba lauei imrmw.-nm, (Sr ee a'i thelftrwr d- H A H TAW 1CI A lh IW. rUI D1M0C1UT10 ALMANAC e- 1V 1MT aad AAAA tor amia BA the fan Off a rrdftliBenB). ksU m an ejeia rtnsumiA EAlLloJ Ojwiine of th Tyrone 4 C!te,, Erauch to Clear;i, "M rorly-osM SMlre ssorlA oi'r.tr 0" and eiW Monday. Fobr, Pwns-rr lreios r.a in!, Boad.Tst belereee Trroo. aod L". hs.'''1 one Patsenaer Traus kvtwee. Iireu, .,';' tald.a. sollewt, """iC.. -i Leave oalb.l tetteut. ilaeIl4 I I oe, p. st. !., " lt, " t, es ClearSeld I Phillpeberg Oteeoia.... Tvroae I CONMECTIOka. Paattiigen leering Clearteld at J o'clock . Pkil psburg at I ii p. m., Oeueoit u t.ij'J" arrive at Tyrone at a.iu p. ai., mai,ii with Cioetnuatt Kxprsis fcsst at if j, with ktsti Wast al t 41 p. m ,.n il.,, i'lhl' with Held La;!, tiprr.o. leerinr Iytous J. p. w., arriving sf ItcJKlout. at e 46 p . u, Loth Ila.eL at IS 311 p. a, , eoiiLectug ,i'u J" Mnil Kstt on the PhileHciphia and l, nUlj' 11.21 p. a , erririiif at W Mitiaspun it IJJ Keturumfc pesei.iirers leetu,g W il,,' , 8 li a. in., oa trie il.il VV e.t, arrir. u t u een at til a. oi., eoni,ecting with tii sj! kipreee leaTlns: Lock lluicn al ll.ro . rtring at Btllefoate it II i . m.. 6,,'. j? City at t.li f. m., and Tvrone at l.:o'e tUWAKU 11. W1I.LU.J Ucneral r-'uperitMeaseei OKOitug c. wiLkins f,D Hupeiiannam Philadelphia & Erie Ballroal BUMMER TIME TABLE. Ikreegk aad direct reeueetweee Philtdslskk. Jseiumere, Uerrtsberg, Ww.aai,eri, ead Use Great Oil Region of PennsylvanLi. ELEGAKT KLEETIXG Cl Oa sll Mgbt Irsins. 0 and after MONDAY, KOV. li, fc tralni on U.s Philadtlpkia A Irit aaL Road will run si follow. : i ; vv'i-.tvrsrd. Mall Trsin l.arta PLil.asrphie It (j t Vc do...8t. Slerj 'l I.liy. e Do arrivt al Eria.M .lfilL Irtt Exprtss leavtl Pbi).delpLun...l.ett.t Do -de.... Bi, Mary's I ot A ft lo......arrire et Erit -..-lMIA.ft EsttHartt. Mall Trsis leave. Int.. .11 1! A ft no ao at. Mary a HM s m p. ft I- arrive at l'h,lilslpbu....ll H 1 ft arte Biprese leave. rrie... Its P ft. ft ..ei nr. eitry'l I II t ft. I'. arnet at rklladslpbla t.2tP ft, ' Mail jos ikxpreet eoneeet with Oil Creek eel aHet-keay Hirer Kail Hoed. R.gt.rs ebeetet threagk .- ALFKftO L. II LIH, - - ' Uea.ral Superituseitt Clearfield County Bank. THI CleerBeld Conaty Bank aa an FtterrefB. ted AMiitaUoa Am gen eat of eiinteee er tht titrraader of iu charier, ea May It, 1IU, All ita atock i$ oaaed by tbe aiebembtn, eke will een ti awe tht bantu at huaiBeae at tba tarn place, Bt ptivaie banhora, Bnder tie Ira) eamt el the 'C;asrQeld County ban It, We are ie apooaiblelor the debte ef the Hack, ai4eij; iu ftoua an demand at tbe ewaster. lepen rertivod and Uurtat paidwbea axon e v. ia left tar a b tea lime, raper BiariMABUi at aii per eeat at hereu.fre. Our perional rtipeatibiiity h pledgod itr all loie4U reorived end eaaiayaw Crane teted. A eenuaaaaee ef the liberal aat ronare of the bo i neat Beta ef the enwaty iin aptcuaUy aiUeied. Ae t'roideat, Caitier ae4 oaoerj ef the iate Clearfteid Ceoaty baak.ee etaire toe woua iaT aaid aa.K to be prteaattd ter reeemprieB. JAU T. LBOSAEDp RICHARD SHAW, WM. iVOHTftCR, , JAS. B. GRmX, A. be. -rium r, u. let. HttU, Wl A. WALLACSe 4 The boalneaa of the Bank will be ton doe ted John M. Adams. aq., aa Caahiar. jaste, 1. D. H'Oirk. EJward Psrks. EimSG &, COLLECTION EOUSi or McGirk &, perks ' Sarettaon to Fotter, Perks, A Ce, Phlllpebarj, Centre Coouuty, Pa. TTTHEtE all tht business of a tanking Bet y I will be transected promptly and apoe ue most favorable terms merle County National Bank. CLEARFIELD. PA. THIS Bank la Bow opes and ready forbad eaa. On.ee aa Becend Btreet, is the haiid ifif fonaerly oeeopved by Leaard. Finntyd Oa. IIBBCTOIta ABB ortirtRt. JAS Be CHAUAM, . K1CHARD RHAW, MM. A. VTaLLACjI, vm. poktkv A, K.. WKIwUT. OhO. L. KtKD. D. W. MOOBR, a JA. T. LKOIf AR1X juJI.dlj Oaahier. Prv4aet BOOTfl'S IMPKOVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. MESSRS. ffOOTU A RrMBAfGIL AV Proprittore of tbe Improved hunt It-u-acmr, With It diitinct'y enderftood that thay warrant thia macdeine to de)uat what It ttreeem-neendtd-tactHing ethor etttmp meekiaea by being coBftreeted on Iran phtknaenhical enta plea. It veil! eliraot the ir(rei4 paae a-taajp.aae-pend it abovt prouod ptrnntiittg the tail te tali hack In the hole end will pall them aa feat ai ten men can dig the dirt from the root aft r eirrarted It will mil tewing te the tiat ef etBmpa) fnsm fwrty lo eae haadred pa; day. It will either urn tbem war, or auisecd tkw he propped p. ea desired. The hreprittoraj Daiit tbe tu roc tor, deliver It. and teat it ea farm of the purcha-er ; and ii it dite not raeii eemplete aatiafaetien, asf de jontai rereeaatea en, tnry iu tnke it sway and charge a-taiv for their troable- Friee of Mar Dint, ftlM t Towsabip asd conaty ri hna fur aale. T hare ae tta-elieg aretsta. Addreae UOOIU A KlMHAKaRR, JtfferaoB Lite P. 0 Clearleld Ce 1 C KMTIMCATIw We, the BBBtraigned, heting wltneeeed trial of T. J. Booih'e Improved binnn Katraf on the farm of H. H. At eure. aear lt(iior?eeTf ea eeterday and Monday, tb Tih and fth oi November, lake plaafe re 1b tay Wi j te tb r f lie, that we believe it IB be the brat i now it nee for ex tree ting ttumpa It ieoi iibb BonttrncUoB, eaaily maaagtd, :H liable te V out of order, aod eery ovrable. roar tata t the machine frx m the wagna, whea eatirt ; apart, pot il together, and pulled a large i ei at nmp in left tbaa eae hoar, a'i eaw tea pull a larre tinmr eviah eaae. Tbey uie akanai hot he d.t hit work In tekirg o.t ihe largeai etnmpe, wiihwit a hatd pulL Mr. Boetk, tr j 1'aUutea, (uliy urider.iaritii puuieg f a4 handling the marhine. H wou,d a.ltiea tkref ia want of atmup extra d ra to aee th: -una before f nrtbaing eNewhere, which Ibey ea '-j free of charce bv calling (n ihe Prntnlettirib 1 J. f r-.iTen, si W. h.'fktvd, R.V. r-(.arkaa JobnWMaeT, John Kiilt, J W. Uakipat R. H. Moore, J W. Wa'lire. W.R.AIetaaf eo Kltlrger, m l. Ilerk, Andrew Wilteal P. J. Hiun, rsm. h. Irvtn, h. J. MHi I Jam. i Moore, L B. Carlile, Uvo.Wlla.l Lovtr Flrgal, FredTt Fmilrj, novif Democralic Almanac. "PIUS lnvB.saMe pu'ii itutff if I i aale at tf X pjt offi -c. It ih-niid lc in thr ban 1 ef t'j 1 mtKTBt. It cort'aint full election rfterni tm ivery county in the ( ml'd hUite ; bendc. 'M rnmlirr ftr iNflii coiittuiie a com.pleie lt et f'f tiamri'ti i iUr nen pwrf iipm'c1 anl ww" during ljncrn a aliiiiiiiMroiion; and that far C'lOiftim the nnnira of ail thtme ci iIiaii ebc impiiaoned during the aame petiod. Tbeea 'J Hits, for luturt retcrence, are worth mora the pri. ef itiepuhltoMtion. The numler lar irT tn a)M fall .f ra util.le aietiatlea. Anv matte! eenta te Ihe peel .Vnetcr. will receire by ftl ttaail b eapy for each rear, f roe f pontage, i J1- Mcknight a jakkot, WaRon and Sleigh MakfrJ (Immtdlattly ta rear of risniag MilU CLEAR HELP. Vx. . Till eakeeribtre weald eettieetful'v Irftru ilj eltliens U ClearSeld. and ihe public II e"J tb.l thte are rrrard to do ill kmdi of eark si W AC0N9, CA R RI AG ES, SLEIGHS, a aberi aollea eel ea eaueaekl. leesM. tl la a workmanlike auaaar. A are faateie ' oar line I. ik I we t'oa eat eea work. .JseT-AU etdeis prompi'v anerded lej? .... WM. McKKIOHV reel,'. . CaVAaiAlrll. '. ll.lt, . IMS, a HI. e