JQcrtfl and jTtfStanrattU. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL market t, ntxnriF.LP, r. t ... . . M . I.... otr koto! he I raini ,rrw " I ,pened for the eceoianiod.tioa el the ? ,, tWMM proprfeior III ' U .Id frle.J., end rorelt. fb.re of Pkll 5 ,..ife. P I'lH p-retal atlrnlio to lo - l,teU- - hi. patron.. Th. TAME .ill ,.ti be boattlitutly .applied with the norl that b ftrnurvd la lh wicket, and the MAR Til MBlara " LIBORS, PEER, Aa. lined .tabling attached. CASPER LEIPOLt'T, I Clrrcld,Marthl, llly Proprietor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, 1 MAIK 6T.ftTMt ENSVll.Ut, PA. nAVINS l..i.d for a Urn of oori tbo abort w.ll knowa and popular hotel, (k.pt t,lfm.rty It Mr. Muan, and lalely hy Mr. VrftM.) the preeent proprietor hu ralue' It !b lb o)ecl of mdir i bit gue.t. .uufert oil. wbii. .otouroing with him. A fine, larg. fuel, ui f erd i. all, bod, for tho ear. rotesUoa of boree., carriagee and wagoa.. A hbir.l there of public perroa.ra eoli.ited. f.bJttf JOHN FOLIS, Prop. j SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, ! Crweuillle. tlearflald taunt, Pa. fpUn oU fttid wall UblibJ HoUl, aaaatt. '1 fatly ittoatad on tha bank a of tha Saaqaa to tb boroigh of CarwenTilU. hu aaaa tt.wi f-f farm of yaari by tho udri.jco4 Ii ki naan ntlrely raflttad, and it now opaa to taa nablie j-ennrnlljr m4 tho travailing eomni ill la pariicnlar. No paint will bo apartd to randtr umi ootnforiablt while Urrjitf at thif w. Atajla ti tabling room for ina Moonni - aflaaina. Cbargai modarata. Jan. 1, W-tf WM. M. JKFFRTE8. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, CorwtuvUl, Clearfield county. Pa. TBI nndaraiffnad ku laaaad thta old and long aitnbl.ahad botal, (formorly kopt ty Major laaao Btooa.) tttafttola a oontral fwrtto of tho tB,atd has oatiroly ro-nttod and ra furwiaho'l Ji aad roaaodolad tho taultng, oo aa to asaka It aa obdoot, haraafior, far tho travoltog pabUa U jpatraatM tata larjt mac aoaajodiovt aoja. aa t-tf , JOBM J. KKAO I THE- MANSION HOUSE, I Carmarof baooodaad Market Btraola, I CLEARFIELD, r A. , fTH ITT I all aad aonaodtoua Hatal hu. d aria a; fl Ui aat yaar. baaa nlara:ad la doabla iu lwnaar aapaelty for tht aauruioaii)t oi ftraa frt as it foattc. Tba whota baUJiaf kaa aaa rWaraiahtd, and tha proprietor will ipara aa palaa t raadar a la g uaata toIortbla whtla tavior with hi a. a-rb Manlaa Room" Oaalhoi mai to aad fraa tha Dapotaa tho arriraJ aod departnra ar aaob traia. VAVIU iUiiwsiun, - ao5 tf Proprietor. THE-WESTERN HOTEL, ' CLEARFIELD. PA. 1 HpBI tabarrlhar hariag laaaad far a tars af junwiivtiMivwi nvivi, ,p nv mmmj vaart hy Mr. Laalab.) aad ra-fltud anal rafar awha4 ii taraufhout. la aww araparad aa aator uia traralari aad tha publia iatrallt apaa tarai It ia hapad alika ajrraaabla to both patraat aad praprlator. Uti TABLB aad B4R will ba lapihod with tha bat tha aarkat afordi; aad ao palat wlr! Ve tparad aa hit part to add to taa loafoatanoa aad aooi'ort ar an awoati. JOHN DOUUHERTT.- tU Propflatoi. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, UUNTJHf;DOM PA. . , . npniS aid taMiihajent haTtnt baaa laaaad JL br J. MUKRISON. for marly proprietor of taa "Jiorriioa uoaaa, naa baaa tboroogbiy raw avatad aa4 rafarnubed. aad tappliad with all tha aodara tanproveaaDta and eoaraniaaaaa aa aaaaary to a Irtt claaa Hotal, Tna dining rooa hu baaa tenor a 4 ta tha ftrat flnof. and ii aaw apaalona and airy. Tboabambert ara wall ven tilated, ad tba proprietor will aadearor to aaka hta gaaau perfeetly at hoaa. ati - J. MORRISON, Praprlator. i. W. WALLA CS H ..H..raoa. aaaw. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Luthenburf , Clcirfleld Co.. Pa. fTAHIS .ll bor Old lour ukllib.d Ho:. I. ' 1. fora.ri; kopt if H. W. Moor, mai lot toll; 1 . BcbwoH, trH B b.en lou.d Tor s ura .tTMrt bj th. odrii(n.d, u wbicb tbo atlos .1 tbo troT.llof piibll. ii aallod, ad iiktral .haro of pabli. patroaag. U aolleiud. aprlt. evi j-pd 11AW WALLACB. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIS ST., PUILirSBUBO, TA. Tit and.rilfn.d k.rpt oontaatlj an baod tbo b.tr Liquor a HI. tabla i. alwaji jp.ll.l with tha boit tba aark.t .Iirda. Th. .avallnft publU will do ll to fir. kirn a oall. orl.'oJ. KOIIKRT LLOYD. SHRADEE & CALEB'S Restaurant and Confectionery, (Oa Hood Stro.1, Boar tbo Kailroad Dopo,) . CLEARFIELD, PA. IBIHH Or "TERS aad ICE CREAM la oo. Tobacoa, Cifara, Caadiw, Nata. aad .torytkini aaaallr fnaad ia Coarortioa- trj, aUaja bud. Tba aolj BAUATELLI lAitk ta town, oaa bo foand at ih.i aalona, Mailt) tai pd 61IRADta A OALEK. McGAUGHEY'S BESTALBAXT & REFRCSIIMEXT IAIOOI, r , ll Loarj'i K. Sniliiiaf, (fonaarl ooa.pi.d br 'f . oar. nio,j flCOM) ST., CLEABEIILO, tk. imOKKTANTI.T aa kand a InoiotoFtioa if CA!f NUTS, C'lOARrJ, TOBACCO, Ao. AIM, IKKSIl OKTKKS nooir.4 dail, aod P m oii ia ton, oi euiioaier.. VtvDILLI ARD RAI CH) Noa nvond Mora, ' do.IO.tf DAVID Jd.UAUUUSY. Hoots and luff. DANIEL CONSELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufactnrer, CLEARFIELD, FA. - TT Al Jan rtooloool a laa lot of Froack CALF 11 kklNJ, aad la a.w prop.rod to Baoafaa tar. ...rrthlof la kia Uo. at laa loo.it l(aroa. Ha am arro.t kia work la ao a. roproooolo. Hi roipootfall aoliolu a aall, at bu .hop oo Mari.t ttro.i, aacoad dror woot of tho poitoSoa, k.io ao wall do all In kia pow.r to rondorMtio toaa.a. S.. laa ttaitor mp. baod VI7- DANIEL COMNRLLT. . TEACE rCOfLAIMED. TEX WAS OVEE IS CLEARFIELD KXOX TOW'SIIIP QUIET. ytarlj alt the Contraband going bad . to their old tnattr$t but 'nary one going to old Jfattachunttlt, when ivy ttrrt lovtd so long and to lew. I'toaaooaoaoo af tha abor. faeU.F. 8T10RT, af tka old "Sbort Shoo Bbop." woold aa. 'ao. to bit aameroao palroaa, aod lb. pooplo J1 Cl'irl.ld ooaaty at lar(., tkat ka ka. aow a raw lot of food aiatoriai, Jat roooirod froai k. Eon, aad it prparod ontaart aotic. to aiaha aiad Boot, and fbooi, at bit n. ahp la V'tkta rov, 11 a ia aatiii.d that ho .aa ploaaa "Ua'iloM it aiiirhtboaoai. louni.lr lor. I it.y. " ". ptuiota.) H. I. pr.parad to aoil low for Jk ar Coaatro Froda... Ioo'l for((rt tho ,klP-ait door to .bo.n A Urabaai'. .lora, Mtrb.t Mr..t, Cl.arl.ld, Pa, aad k.pt by a '"low enaaoalr aaJlod , J',' T "EHORTT." JEW BOOT AJD SHOE SUOP. , EDWARD MACK. i- Market a 3d firstLEAfiriKLn, r. 3'II proprietor ka. .ownd Into tka BOOT A - SIKig ba.in.n at tbo abora ataai, aad "Uraiaod aot to bo a.tdoaa oiibor ia qaai. Prlaa for kia work. Spool) atioatioa U a. pud to MaaorartarinK S.w.d work. Uo V aa hind a Urea lot of Croaak Kip aad "Mla,af thatory Writ aualiif. Ih. elil "af Ciaarlal and ricinity ara r.ip.clfallj Hnud a j.t, kia a trial, fca akarfa for aall. ",' If UV LOOT ADMIOE SUOP. l RWF.NBVII.Lt- j' T'' ".rih.r karlai Utolr .tart.4 aw "v oaa raoa .bop a fjarw.ni.tlla, aa VZ. "' PPa.lta ooiapk B. Irwla't Drat a mrwfn mm nvnrj iota PBtw- "adr-aiada work, wbi.k ha will aU ' I" aaaa ar ooaotr aro'taia. , Pr4 to aanu'aataro af! it)at af Rneta aad eaarythiai U hta lina, aa abort 'a. If. .1. a. " a t J I ! ! lO 171 SOS f ! !! READ CAREFULLY!! Your; Best Interests De mand It It -.1 " 8' a tat H ta R w pi i o B a S ? w w M to K : O o c f o d f f w C3 W H e o B w K- fl K a. H o o c ' o : im ... O to v f o o w ' tt o . o a j& H w M H o 2- 01 I '3 M o 03 H O W r H H M 2 ft s ? s At O 2 ? a- e 2 m 09 -1 8 o 1 a. ,. -. .. rj o n o M -! B S 3 w H H M P3 H C b3 H o a to . tf O r o 1111 Pw IATO1I3HY0 (LYM 1 1 6-898lf-Zl 01 II ll-M-tf .j ., ; so5Ii:tjiia new i New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST & SOS OCLD raapartfa!! iafora tka rabll. that th.y kara Ja.t apn.d, ia MADERA, Cl.arl.ld ooaotr, Fa aa an lira aaw atoak af FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Wbi.k Uaa ara pr. pared ta aall aa akaap al tka abaap.it. Th.lr Itock aoailiu la part af Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Each aa Alpaaaaa, Dalaaaa, Friau, Ifailiaa, Caa.lB.raa, Batlaiu, aad flaaa.la, . Ready Mode Clothing, Of tha kaat aaallty, tack aa Caatt, PaoU, TaaU, OrarooaU, Or.ralli, Bkirta, C.llara, Aa. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Ala al tka T.rj kaat Qaalllj. A complete stock of Groceries. Ia abort orarjlhlaf aia.ll k.pl la a aaaotrj atora. Consumers, Look to Your Interests! Call aad aiaaiaa oar itoak aad prlc.i kafora par.ka.laf .li.ohoro. LCUBES AND GRAIN Of all klada Ukoa ia aaakaaga for fooda. -R.cD.abor tba plaaa, Madara, Cl.arl.ld ooaalo, F.aa'a. i. FORREST A SOX, October n. 1117 If. triafhiag. IX oh' to Save Jlonoj. rHI tla.. ara bard: oa'd Ilka ta koaw How poa ao aaoa oar dollan I Tha wa lo da II I will .how, If ia will road what followa. A aaa who II. ad aot far froa kora, Wha worbod hard at kit Irada, But kad a koaaehnld to aapport That aqaaad.rod all ka a ado. I aot kia oaoo. S.l ka. "M ftUad, I look tkroad koar aad raagk I'ra tried ta got aolf a aait. Bat eaa'l aa.a ap aaoagh.M Sari t, a frioal, kow aaek kara aa f I'll toll oa wb.r. to ffo To aot a tit tbai'i aoand aad aheap l Ta REIIKN8TEIS A Ca. Ra tank what littl. ka had aaoed, Aad wrat to R.lwaw.ia A Brotkart', Aod thoro hi got a kaadooaw aall, Far kalf ka pal athara. Kow ho It hoao, h. iookf aa wall, Aad tkair effeel 1. park, That whaa tho lata tbolr d.ll aaat, Tbo doa'l oat kalf aa aaek. Aad aaw ha lada aa Satarda alf ht, With all lh.tr waata .applied, Thot ho haa aoaoy i.fl to (poad, Aad aoaa to la aetde. HU faod .aooaai. with ahoorfol aallo, Hocladl toll, to ail. Xfpoa d aa.a ao.., go aad ka tonr olnthoa .1 EIZKNSTEIK'S CLOTniNO BALL. Wkora the akoepeet, laoet' aod koat Clotkiag aad good Farniabiag ttood. aaa ha had to aall r.rr laata aad ia aoor atla aprl 1,17 ITimil WA"TF.n,-Tho aodmignrd will 4 p.. tho hifh.il CAH I'BK'E for all kind, at 'Fl'BSaad CtKR klKS. Air. aaa rail Claarlold.Daa.Il. I. L. BEIZS.NKTK1K. Idtvcry. IStnblc. TRI aadonigaad aa:. UaraU iafora tka pah li. taat ao a ooor rUr arofarad la aaooaao dau all ta tka waaf farai.biag Uoraoa, Bur, tin, rJaddlea and itarnaaa, oa th. aaorloat r4ao aad oa raaeoaehle lorai. rUridoaaa aa Looart ataaot, katwaoa Ibiad aad Faurth. . "i A X i t . , . a. oa . .RO. W4IARBARZ. 'OtowtaM, Aprtl 'i a!."- i oa..l, I'hll.ndrlplili drrtticrmmH. ! Sco s7 Sm C . r"V8 c 0. Opoalagar ftVt pll.R.a, 0'oalagaf Mi al(AW, Ojieaia of XKW I'HINTfR'i. " I Oi.lnt af M.( 1'01'l.lNS. Fall alack ofTAFLlt aad FANCY SPRING GOODS. KVRR A LANIiKl.L. , aarlldt Foarth A A rob Hu., Ihllad.l,kia. 1TB. JOBS f.-om ATCTION d.ll roo.lr.4. No. 35 South Third Street PHILADELPHIA. xENERAlTAaENTS, FOR PENNSYLVANIA X, i&L 6 OF THE "HI D UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tba H.TmirAt. Lira twsttitArtoa ?oitf?T ! a artort'0 icnir'-Toti br aaaui Acl af C-uicreM. af pruvrd Jtiir H. anil a CASH CAPITAL, 11,000,000, tJLL PAID. Ltar) ttrma otTcrrd io Avaia and aoUcllora wba ai-iimifi to ivany aioar ofllcr. f 1 1 at tico tftr t' he b a! on anftitca la at ar otloa. Ineatea In ifif acouit atury t our Uuikiaf Haa, wiKTa Chcoiti aud Pmophtett, fully Unu-ibluf iua atiiaaiacaa lliai by tti- CuuipanT,nir ua hmtl. dt. W . I i. 4 It 14. 4t '0., Au. oW iiumik 2'Atrd JL B. . RUMEL. Manager. J. C. THOMAS, Ajtant for Centra and Claarfiald cowotira. ra. aug2fl-il7 j aoixowauaa a. aavia ciaar, EOLLOWBUSEi CAEEY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AUD STATIONERS, 31 a Market St Philadelphia. . to-P.pcr Flour Back, and Bag., Foolioap, LaUer, Koto, Wrauuinf, CurUia and Wail Papara. . fb24-l JOHN M. MELLOY, aaaracTnua ar Flain, Japanned dc Stamped Tinware aaa uun ih Baaa Faralahlaf Cooda, Tta Rooflnf and Conductor Plpca. No. T23 alarkot Blmt, aag-l FBILADBLPHIA. DREXEL & CO., Ha. Si South Tblrw II tract, Phlladtlpa And Dealers in Government Securities. Application br anil will racaira proapt a(Un tico, aod all information chearfuil furniabad. urdara loueitad. aprll-tf REIZENSTEIN BROS., Manvfaeaarara af aad Wnalaaala laalara ii MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 42 Market At 419 Merchant hHrcet, aagl'17 PIIII.ADELPHTA, Pa. 1869 spring. 18G9 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Koa. ISi, 137. M t HI N. Third 6U, riliLAKKLl'lilA. Va ara aaw prepared with our aiual aitoaaira and wolUaoaortod .took to offer oltra Induoomenta MCAHIl HIYEKH. j aprll-tf tee"tch7besnett16 Co., . (baoraaora to fctar T. Wrirht A Ca., iMi-aantRR or afh hkai ita i DltUGS AND MJdDICINES, ii.ao, Brandies Sl Wines for Medical purposes. J.1S I7J N". 0) M.rkot St., Philad'a. BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., Ka. 17 N. Fifth St. and 414 Coaaaroa, rniLADELPOlA, Fa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, roa taa i.La or Wool, Olaeeng, Fur Skim. Peatb.ra, Leather, Flat Seed. Dried Fruita, Ciorer Ried, Roota, Dear rkmi. Buti.r, Botiwar, Kkaap pbiaa, Eca, Aa., ae., Ao. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Watklj Prlaa aarrant forward ad an raqvait. Jant J. mt ty.pi DEAPKbM, SLIVDNKS A CATARRH IraatH with Iba tttmoit tur-M fcw lr. J. liSAACH. M. P, and Prafaaaor of liaaaaaof tba Era and Bar in Iba Mrdital Collatraaf Pannwrl- rnaia, II yaaiw aaparwnaa, (foraarlr of Laydan, Hollaad,) N. i Arrh mroai, i'hil a. Taati- naniaia aaa ba aaaa at hta ofcea. Tha aadial facnii ara invitd to waipany their patianta, ba baa no aaarata ia nil proiwoii. AnnmJ afra Inaartrd withaat pain, hia aharpa far a- aminatimt, ()?1R-It. DOBBINS' KLKCTRIO ROOT 1 () L I N II MAKES A LAITISO HH1SK. TBOFB wha klark Ih.lr hoota oa Satarda Bight with ordiear blarkiac. don't ka. aaek .bin. oa Saoda, aa tha poliah fadoa off , kat the akina of DOBBINS' BLACKING Last Siiturdcy and all day Sunday ! ' It laeata aa othar Itlackliif Made! ataaala.tarad oal h J. t. DohSlaa, at kia la. aenae Koop and Blarbii'f Worki, Siith tro.t aad Oara.atowa a.aauei, Philadelphia. Pa. For aala br P. KRATZRII and IIAKT.S. WICK A IRWIN, Claatlold, Pa. ao.I-4oi H. F. N AUGLE, CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, arromataa ..PltMr, aaaaar .raaar POST OFHCEaJ-kiScLEARFIELD Tilt rahmihor ra rpwttully larorrai kia aid patrana aad Iba pablio g.aarall, that ha hu aa head, (aad la ooa.iaatl rereitief a.w additiaaa thereto.) a large l look af Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. CI keep Jewelry la all ll. fora. aad af dil.renl Tain. a, either h tha pi.ra ar aaL WATCHES A fall araorta.nt of olthor Oold or Silver, aad. b tha hr.t Aa.rloaa and tor etpa wiiaufaotarera, ierlading a Ina lot af gold and aii.ar .huatiug eaea, fall jeweled, Faieal Lerera. CLOCKS Of all deilgne, (..lining af eight- da aod tblrla hoar, of either weight, apriag ar l.r.ri, aad aoia atriaa aaa aiara. RRPIIRIMO-AII klada af Watekaa aad Cloak. Repaired, aod warraatod. Ia addltioa ta what t hara .namaralrd, T b..p a fall uaorta.alof SPITACLRS, o.lorod and plain gl.a. AIo, OOl.p PFNS.nd PKNCILS. 8P00N8, FfRK, BI'TTFIl KNIVKS, end ia 'it ar.rtklng la lb. J.w.lrliaa. If I fail to kara oa band Jail what a eaitoa.r aa aard, 1 will order per Brat a.preei, wlthnnt aura rh.rg.. A lib.r.l ih.ra of puhlie patron.gr I. .nhoit.d. May t, IMI H. F WAUaLR. II.OL'M ANI PKKn Ratra Faal , Flour .I'M Cora Mral Burlwhoat Flo.r Kra Uhon Miioa rooaaiwar. on a.nd, at' J. P. kHAT.KR'N. 1)R((VISIt)Nt fiugw Carrd llama Drird Prof lliua FeuMjr. Fhoaldrr. SIHo. Mre. fork bard nit, ao.-.iuit rronrm, by J. P. K RATZKR. (Tt ALT I HALT II WIIOLRSALB AND OUaTAIU IMalara will be ropplM at inarial . raiM,h J. P. KRATIK ar la oprailta the iM. WAXTI l 10().(HM)LnN'( IIINJI,l:s. The aadamgnrd h.mly giro notioo, thot Iba wil pay the hlgSnrt market prion for a good inJM01 nili.lll.oni ana inooo eo.iua ,.k for ul. will And it to their internet to aira to .a a aall kaiar aailiac aiambora. . . i n Duar iw.1. OaerloU, Martk,lrrW - Cduriitisnat. m MKS H. B. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, FA. TilR KPRINU TERM, of l.-nlv-I.e wo.ks III onaa.aoo oa Moailay, Kobiaar I, l. TERMS OFTUITKIK. Roa.ltag, Ortborrailir. Writing, OMiot L ai.ai, Pmaai Arlil.ni.lt. aad Primary U,ara.bT, par half U-roj, (of .l.i.n w,k. .) ...... TTIitorr, l.oo.l and J.irri.tlra Oeograph with M.p rtrawlng. (iiaaaar, Mrnl.l aad Wriiua Arttbartio ..fl II Algrbra and Ih. Scieacv. m...m.. 9 0 For full partl.alara aand for Clnnlar. Claarfirlu, Nor. 11, 1884m. augt'M CLEARFIELD): ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M., Principal. TITB THIRD SESSION af theprea.at aaho. Ma.tte year of thia la.tilotloa willooaooao. oo MONDAY, tba aih darof F.hraary, U6. Pupil, aaa anterat any tlaa. They will h. ehargtd with taitioa from tba tlaa the enter te th.elo.. of tho S.aiioo. 1 be eourao of la.truotloa aahraooa er.ry thing Inolud.d in a tboroafb, praotioal aad aoooa. nliihad edeeatiee for botb aaxoa. Tbo Principal, baring bad tha adraatagaof aaoh eip.rieaoo la at. proto.ioa, aaaaraa pa rant, and guard'ana that hi. entire aoility aad anargia. will b. d.roted to tbo norol and n.n. Ul training of th. oulb pl.nrd under h). charge, 1 KKMM OF TUITION. Orthography, Heading, Writing, and Primary Aritbmelio, par bVeeioo f 11 week.) - $ 00 Oramnar, Ueograpby, Aritkueli., and Hiitor . - . - - - $9 00 Algebra, Oeoaatr, Trigoaeaetry, M.a auratloa, Surr.yiag, Pbiloaophy, Phyat olory. Cbovlftry, Boob Keeping, fiotanr and Phaieal Orography . . . 9 II Latin, Oreak and rreaeh, with aa of tha abora Braa.be. w - -111 01 ay-Na d.doetioa will ba Bade for abeeaea, JSa'Por further partirolare inquire of Rot. F. L. HARRISON. A. M., Feb. I, ItMir. . Prlaeipal. oundrj and jillarhinf hcp. a. r. aoraroa...... mxo. a. tot aa BOYNTON L YOUNG, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS If anafhetaran at aa) POETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Cora ir af Foarth aad Fine Slroata, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING engaged in the aanafartura af trat alaa. M AC U I S K R Y, we roipaetfull inform the puhlie that wa ara aow prepared ta III all ardera aa cheaply aad aa proaptlee oaa be done ia an or tha eitlea. Wa aianuiaotare and deal ia Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Read Bloeke, Water Whaela, Shafllng Pallorl, Oilford't Injector, Stoaa O.ugri, Strain Wbi.tle., Oil.ra, Tallow Copa, Oil Co pi, flange Cocki, Air Coeka, Globe Yalrea, Chock Valrea, wrought iron Pipee, 8l.aai Panpa, Boiler Feed Putnpa, Anti. Frietioa M.traa, Soap Slona Parking, Oaa Park ing, aad all kloda of MILL WORK ; logothtr with Plowi, Sled Bol.a, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kiada. aF-Ordera aoll.ltod and tiled at olty prion. All letter, af Inquiry with rofarcnee to aechinery of oar auaafacture aronptly an.worad, b addraa. lag aa al Clearteld, Pa. droll if BOYNTON A YOlNO. Jlanfng $tiltt. tfeWU)NOTICE.wrs owatl- l.ua. . Ia. RD A CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! Till proprietor. mpoatfally Inform tha aitlarna af Clearleld ooaotr, that the hara aatirely rrlUad thii eatabliahaeat with tho lateal inprorad wood working aarhinary, aad ara aow prepared to ajooete all ardara ia their liaa af baaiaaaa. They will fire arpooial attantioa la Ih. man. Tar tare of anuria! for hooaa building, each aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOBS, BLINDS, brackets k jnoiLnt.ros, of all STTLIS, We alwat hara oa hand a large .took af DRY Ll'MRIR, aad will pay eaea for all clear Lamber. Oao-aad-a-kalf Inek panel ataff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or elrhaogrd, to .ail auitomera. 'raOrdrre eoliritrd, an j Lumbar fumifhed oa ahort notice and on rrMonaM. term.. 0. L. REED A CO. Clearfield, Xo. 7, W. V. B. P.rroa.... K. A. larta iona rirroa, ....J. It. lawia. E. B. PATTON 4 CO., Ilaalng Ittad np a ir el-tram PLANING MILL Are preparei to faral.k all kladi af Manufactured Lumber, nab aa Flooring. Siding, Burfactmied Lum ber, 8uh, Doora, Slindi, And aawrj dcaerlpUan af FLAIN AND FANCY' MOULDING. -Dootn will Ind It to their edrantag. ta aoa.ull oar ariera brforr par,.iiiring rtarwhara. Addraet, E. B. FATTON A CO, Curwea.rill, Doe. i, 1M if Claariald aoant. Pa. SVTAIVI.i PANACEA. K.na.dy't Med od Di.oorrry, H.iahold'e Barba, Bak.r'a Ooa Llrar Oil, Jaa.t aad Arer't aedifllao of every klat, far rajoby- liRISWICI IRI1. . UsrrlUBfttii. VX STOCK! m STYLES!! FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN KEED'S, MARKKT ST., CLKARFIFLD, FA. Ilaringjaat recrirodallthaaareltieaof tho la tha Milliaory Una, roquo.1 tho laJi.i lo call and aiamina tbea. ClearleM, Pa.. Ncr 5, 1H0S. The Great External Remedy. Far Mia and Baaat. ITWILL CURE RHEUMATISM Tfw rrrmtntfrinArtlill prrrMraUon Ii aa writ aaUb- liit.wt, tti.i' little D9t bj Mil In Hi to ennorftlnn t KAN It ha Mff WM in er- I'AJNFt'L VFfiVlH' AFKKCTHVS. COVTItAtTINO II TH- I KS er.rTNE'M AMI PAIV IVTHK JOINTS, urm'iiks inthpsinRorn'ra trnuv- mn-isF.. iiritri,.'i:i.uv(H,cu)iysKi.d f bosttu kktt, I'rf-tnu ndocu-d wiiri IVieumatltm cttn tw rffi-etaally ami jrefrnnnrritif eurait uinf till vn4rfiil prer rwtniri : u trtiintU lo Uiv aerva aud twava .t-dlaUel oa lielnr appliril. On 11 lliti it 1H (MiraflrRATTTri T.rr,T, Toll fvil. i isti la. old m nvivo nohCfi, (M)I r.-rCni.I.Mt OA 1. 1. 4 RI'UAIKF.D JOIN M, TIF'F' OK Ttlf:HTin.r.H,e. Itarilltir-vi-nt Idtn.oW 11 OK aad W LAk HACK IX WILCll CWH. I t.arc mi with rrat -ace la brlDprlna nr M latin r wittila ttta raa?li of Ut I'abMc I ara d.ily la rr-ittf itiarofrim f hvaitrtana, Ummiiaia, aUaraitaau and l'artDrr, U-.tif)tnic to lit curative iowm, DAVID E. FODTZ, &U Propruior, BALTIaTOnC, Ma. Fonale hy Ilartawiok A Irwin, Clearl.ld, aaa ky drugalau aod atora karpora throughout to. Lnitod btatoa. ileal l l It. I?r TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL "YARD, (Near th. Railroad Drpot,) CLEARI'IELD, PKJiK'A. IEMRRACE thia ni.tbrd of iuforaing the public, that I hare opened ap a yard for the al. of wood or coal-burnt LI MI and aelhraclta COAL, in tba borough of Clearleld, aad hara completed arrangrnrnta With aartora dealer, hy wnuin i can a rep . tun mppiy oooiutoiiyoo om, wbiah will ba diinoard of at rcaaonabl. rate., by th. tiaa, hu.hol or ear load, to aait puroaaaor. Tboeo at a dialaooe oaa addraa. aa by latter, and eblata all aooaaiar ialoriaatioa br return aati. It. 0. I1ILUU. Clearl.ld, Fa., Feb. 14, l if SEWING MACHINES. THE Singer afannf.ctarlng Ooapany'e Kew Faaily ao-ing Machine., and tht anlobratod FlorobC., for aala at the KEVSTOXE STORK. Peraoaf ia want of marhinoa will da well to call aad aaaama tha felNUIH aad FLORENCR beroee pur"haaing. I.v.rr uacuitio w.rrantr'l to giro aatiifaetton. alachinu acd machine finding, alwa. oa hand. MVLI.MJ HllilrlMtx, Clrar1ol.!.Pa, Fob. U. Agent.. A Z U It T X 13, reaoaaraarBD nruiao. For tht Laundry. It la warranted aot to .rr.ak, ar la an aaa- aor injure the Ineet fabii.a ror FAMILY i hc aoid la iiVaaoata, Ta!t c.ntl, and TM KN'TT ceota boaea. Earh TWRNTT era a hoi, he.Htl baring Ira tiaoa a. anr h blue ai the FIVE cent, boa, coataio. a pocket pla enihloa or aaory bag. For Hotel and large Lauadry uia, It ll put ap In $1 00 bote., fee that each Boi ha. proper Traile Mark. For file tr f.MI-ara HARtmriCK IRWIH. . J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. 1)KRlN! drilring (00D PICTCRES.of any trie .ud prio., with all the motl.rn improve m.nt. of the arl, ran Ha acooiamodaud b Balling at my room, in Cl..rfleld. Negatives made in Cloudy as well as in Clear Weather. CIlILtiRBN 8 PICTI RE3 Ukia accurate!, la a few aocoaJa. Tha TONE and riN'IPII of my Pholographi guarantoed to Mual that af an made la Phila delphia ar New York. Cun.tanlly aa hand a large enpply af Frames, Albums and Stereoscopes, Of all aiaee, atle. aad priori, and af tba bad Ini.h. Alio, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, of tka aoat iatoraiUng AMERICAN a. POREICN CENERV, for aala at roaaoaahla rataa. ' FRAMES OF ALL SUES, Froa any atla of nnalding, Bade to ardor oa abort aoUoa. J. E. BOTTORT. Clearl.ld, Ioa. 1. IM tf LlTHEItSBtSG TOTTERIES I.othrraburf, ClaarBeld Ca., Fa. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look H erel . TIIK nndaraiirnad la irfTavxJ ta faraiah yaw aith tha best PTOKKWARI Maaaratarad in thia conntry. 11a haa narar yea faiM ia tlaaa tba mnai fMUdloaa, aa la ajaality ar alaraailHy. H if ara aonatala ta part af CREAM TOTS OF ALL SIZES! Mil K CHOCKS ABO PANH, Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety Tubes, And la abort EVERTTI1IND a.ually aadiand kept in aa aitaultthmrat of thia kind. MERCHANTS Can hara tbrir ware oVIr.rrd by ao, al ANT TI MR aad to ANY PLACE dlro.l. Oid.r. fur ware aolicitod, aad pramptl tiled. aay-For grnaral aiiortm.al, are Cata!?g la Fnoe Liil, rolled free to applicable. Mr-A liberal dtenount will ba giroa la the wboletala trade. t in. u. a in a. Latharal,arg. Pa, I)eo. I, IIAI-tf EDWARD PERKS CO., Flour Jlnnufncliircrr, And Daaler. la GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, FBlllFSBCEO, IF. 4 FFLL rFFLT af FLOCK, WfftAT. j CORN aad CHOP onartaaUy oa kaad. aad rWrataatrarwraaarkahrloa. (rM THE nKPODUCAN. CI,I.AKHl:l.i, r." WEIM'.!liAT MnRMIIii. MARCH 17. laal. Terms of Subscription. Tf paid la adranra.er althla ttr anaih....i M If paid after thmead baforo .it aoaibi I II II paid aner the piratloa of .it avatbi... I 01 Mr. T. II. Witaoa, aar foramaa. la aathoriiod ta receipt for noaer paid into lb. oftjee oa aooooat af rabeerlptloa, adreHillng. nb work, eV. ia aur abaaaoo. IlKO. .1. UOUlil.AKllKH, Rdiwrarid l"ro,riooa- I'koikrtt for Sale Mrs. Cth. rine Kline ofTora tor mile a valuable property in Osceola borough. Mr. Win. S. Wright wishei to tell x blaukimith stand in Glon Hope. Bee advertisements. Going Fast. We unduntand that Mesira. Reed & Co., one day last week, loaded and shipped eait one hundred tlionaand foot of boards at Wnllaceton Station." If this kind of work is con tinued along the railroad, the eastern portion of tho county will aoon be cleaned out in the board line. Tho celebrated quack who styles himself Lr. Juckson is around again, fur the purpose of relieving our citi zens of their greenbacks. Beware of him ; be ia an impostor of the meanest typo. He knows no more about medi cine than a kangaroo. Keep your stamps in your pocket, and you will feel much better than by giving tbem to him. Fatal Accident. On Friday last, Wm. Babcock, an employee on Me.irf. Big!er ' steam sawmill, in thia bor ough, in attempting to adjust the chain on the "bull wheel" whllo draw ing up a aawlog, was caught by the baod aod drawn on tho wbeol, and before the other employees got the wheel stoppod, the chain passed four timet around him over the hand, arm, nock and chest. He was taken to the residence of Got. Biglcr, where everything in the shape of medical skill and attention was employed, but all proved in vtin. . The external and internal injuries were so nerijui, that deai.li ensued at about 4 o'clock, on Sunday afternoon. His parents, resi ding nt Altoona, were tolegtpbed for, and the father arrived just in time to see bis son expire. From to Death On Thursday last, as Mr. Z. Oden was crossing through Mr. Shnw's field, on the op poiite sido of the rivnr, lie accident! observed the body of a man lying on the ground, and upon examination soon found he was dead. Mr. Ogdcn at once proceeded lo inform tho prop er oflicers of his discovery. District Attorney McCullough and Coroner Moure, with Dr. Boyer and a jury, at once repaired to tho spot, and there found the body of a etrangor. The testimony belore tho Coroner's in qtioat elicited the fact that his name was Arthur Mooney, a collier, who had beon but a short lime in this place. It appears that previous to coming here be bad been working at Brook ville and Key nolda villa, and that be has a brother (Daniel) residing some where in Union county. Forty one dollars were found in his pocket. He is supposed to have been 35 yoars ot age, black hair, chin whiskers and moustache. The last seen of him was on tlio 2'.'d of February. Ho was properly buried on Friday. The fol lowing is the verdict of the jury: " He bad no marks of violence ap " pea ring about his body sufficient to " have caused doalh. - It is the opin " ion of the jury thut the auid Arthur " Monney came lo his death by ex " posure and freezing, and not in any " other manner." - Social Festivities. The burghers of our quiet town were somewhat surprised, on Friday evening last, by tho arrival of a special train at the depot. On repairing thither we found "nobody hurl," nor anything "going wrong;" but wt did find the "jolliest crew" we ever met on the "border of the woods." Hon. L. A. Mac key, President of the Bald Euglo Valley Railroad, it appears, had ordered a apeeiul train to be run through from Lock Haven to Clearfield, in order to test tht ca pacity of the Bald Kagle Valley and Clearfield railroads, and the social qualities of our ciliteoa. Xha party consisted of Hob. L. A. Haekey, Hon. C. A. Mayer, lloa. A. H. Bo j ewe, Hon. Wa. Paiauaa, Hob. A. UraSiaa. R. H. nigene, Col. P. Jarrrtl, Maj. Jno. Wynne, Maj. Foiater, OI. W. II. Meore, Jooa. Iiadio, Ilea. A. Aucboaback, S. K. Peale, Wa. A. tfiapeaa, C. A. Lyaaa, 1). M. Perk, Jacob Rrowa, K. J. Flramf, I Jm. W.K-h, W. P. Aarhanharh, C. Ii. M.Corairk, ol Loch 11 area. J. 11. Omt, 11. I'. ,.-n, O llonalfliun, Wa. II. Browa. it. 0. barker, J. M. lteua, Siaoa Seott, Ore. hi. T.aor, E. W. lligoricT, Oaa, O. Onto, Oarid Cerikaddea, Ii W . )lrheltor, W. W. Rankin, Iir. W. F. Hot brock, Pr. R. Arniitrong, Dr. L. Adaai, .i.mr. Lipton, it. Hounl.ol BriieroBl. This party of gentleman, together with a number of our ciliaens, were magnificently entertained in the even ing at tho reaidence ol Fonator Yt al- luce, where "Copperhoad" and "Blaik Republican" alike enjoyed the hospi tality of their host and hostess, aud (uch other's company, lo tho satisfac tion of both soul and body. The apeechoa made by Messrs. Mackey, Walloon, Scott, Lyman, Orvia, and Boyer, will do more to cement and trcngthon the political and social re lation! between the citiicnt of Lock Haven and this place, than a eoore of bnsinrs meetings. The party ad journed at a seasonable hour. Daring the forenoon of the neit day tbey en joyed lbs hospitalities of Mr. (iraham, Judge Leonard, and Gov. Bigler; and al 2 o'clock took lbs train for home. The results flowing from this sooial and fttlivt occasion will no doubt be long remmbrs! try ail tht rrtioi pnt t .. warr"'!' lf,w4dfaT!a(a''al?''' rVnint Intra pfini Ws tgalr at spoil tits Roronpk (ituil llir I m pot-lanes of ImntrdUts Sot ion in regard lo our slrrrta. The "t arnital of mud" is juat I'OBimeni iiirr, ami we especl In s ahort time to aas the teainalrs (iillowlng their wagons with mils on llioir shoulders, jm parvd lo pry them out of the niud holes on our priucipul streets. It it a matter of astonishment that a people so toted for their snterpriso in other respects, should be so fur behind in "street Im provemcnt." We pride ourselves In our stately church edifices, and tho number pf our fine private residences. while the streets in front of thorn lor one-half the year are almost impassa ble. It is not only a matter of orna ment aud taats to have solid, well paved strssts, but It is a matter ol economy. The amount of taxes col lected (or street purposes in the bor ough for the Inst ten years would, it properly applied, put the most of them in a good permanent condition. Wt now expend annually nbout $1,260 for street repairs, and the benefit, of Uiir expenditure is not visible six monthr after, because the repairs are not oi a permanent character. The borough authorities took a step in the right direction when they had a survey made and grade lines established on all the ttreolt. Let them move for ward in the good work. The engineer has completed his work, made hit report, and submitted bis profiles showing the easiest and most natural channels to carry off the water, the elorstions ind depressions, and the necessary cutting and filling oo each street to have them well graded. We do not expect all tbs streets to be graded at once. Let them commence with tbs main thoroughfares say Second and Market streets, on which the most of the heavy hauling is done to and f-om the depot where private onterpriae has already commenced the work which ahould have beon done by tbo borough long ago. Ws propose in a'futurs issue to show the estimated cost of the differ ent kinds of ktreet pavements now in use. And ws bops that the Council or tbt oitisent will not let another season go by without adopting some plan of action that will give us good solid streets. To erect a costly pri vste residence on the border of a mud hols nay paas for economy here at boms, but it looks ngly to strangers. rcRCUASE O.vlt the Best In a majority of advertised bitters impor tant ingredients, tho necessity of whic h are plainly indicated, are omit ted, because of their high prices; in others, the proportions nnd combina tions of the ingredients are in defiunce of all settled principles of pharmaceuti cal chemistry; others, are mere shams, made up of poor whiskey alightly Littered with aloes and colored in such a manner as to deceive tho unwary, and, are so nauseating as to be unwor thy of criticism, nnd to tho patient the remedy is worse than the disease, while years of experience snd trial have proved Dr. Eoback'i Stomach Bitter to be, just as recommended, one of the best remedies extant where nitomachie tonic and stimulant aro re quired. They ncvor fail to strengthen the weak, impart vigor lo the strong, aud are, in every particular, just what a stomach bitters ought to be. If yon have symptoms of Dyspepsia, take them freely to aid digealion. If yon reside in bilious districts, they should be tuken as a euro prevention of Bilious Fever and Fever and Ague, Livsr Complaint, Jaundice, and in all that class of diseases where there is a gencrsl depression of the nervous system, loaa of muscular energy, weak ness, lassitude, want of appetite, faint, ness, chilly sensations and aching of tha bones, 4o As a remedy for female weakness, Mack's Bitters have no equal. They are prepared with speciat reference to tbit oomplaint.snd act like a charm. A few days' trial will satisfy ths most sceptical of the real merits of this really valuable medicine. Musical. A brass band from Don bar Mills, ander the supervision of Prof Humphries, gave a ooncert in thii borough on Friday evening. It was not our privilege lo bear thorn,' but those of our citizens who wars prssentand undoreland music, unhes itatingly speak of them as first clsss Instrumental and vocal musicians. ?or ths compliment they paid ua In our absence, we thank them. Ws un derstand they propose to return soon, if s proper room ran be secured. We are pleased to lesro that tbs frwrpisnt vigils of neighboring bands to our town it beginning to tlir np and disentomb some of tho mnairal talent so long buried in our midst, frapsr rtcps have been taken to form a brass band, which, if properly euaUuoed by the citizens, will be a credit to the town and themselves. Ibices for Firs. t will interest our farmer boy buulers snd trappers to know what art ths recnlar priors paid for their priiet in Philadelphia. Wt therefore copy the following, de- rived from reliable information : Penn sylvania mink skins, 3a7 00 ; rod fox, I1.60a2.00; gray foi, ROaSl.OO ; d.trk beaver, $150a4.00; rAoooon,S0a$1.00; Otter, (3a9. 00; ofpaaoram, 10c; bluck skunk, eOsSl.OO) wild eat, 40a75c; houss cat, I0a20c; rabbits, Za3o. "i i , Read Ths. Young men, do yos x-ish to obtain a thorough business education f Then send to tht Wil. liartiaport Commercial College, fur spe cimen! cf penmanship, terms, 4 a. If yon doa't wish to go to a Commercial Collage send for specimens of penman ship anyhow. Special indqoemsnts offered. Address, J- F. Davis, 41 WillisSSJKTTa, P. aaoko, ma 'a a Saiaar lav oj.waiw. Tm Kf im t s f;ttt irt .4 I i,rcnprt it ' .View nnJ ih 'tr, th .Vy.'in4, ,Wrir4 tnf fripri of .V'h "'" O'jf "-This in the liile of a tawi!rKot tolnme, plat leinrni If JoMM BsoTSlSS & (V, riiihidrlpl.U, I'm It tells how fortunes are mih n J lot In a day j how ihrwd mon aro ruinsd In Wall street ; how countrymen art iwlnJIs 1 hy sharpers; how ministers and nc chaots art black mailed ; bow dance liallsiiml concert iuloons are in nn aged ; how gambling hnnacs and lotteries art) conducted ; bow stock and oil compa nies originate, and bow ths bubbles bunt ; aud treats of New York, Us people, its society, its rich, its poor, tboir life, their habits, their haunts and their poculir.nliei ; of churches, theatres, palaces, hovels, tenement houses snd publio buildinjs; of edi tors, judges, lawyers, U-iiera, mer chant, mechanics and sewing girls; of policomen, detectives, sailors, fire- men, news-boys, beggars, tuievea, oeaa Deals, swindlers, (rmnWlers and ths demi rnordo ; of hotebj, hoarding houses, saloons, beer cardana, club and dance houses; of Fifth Avenuo, Broadway, tho Bowery, Wall btreot, the Five Points, and the Central Park; of pawnbrokers, 'roughs, fortune tol lers, quacks, gut enterprises, hu humbugs; of all that U freut, nobis, lenr-rous, vicious, mysterious, bril liant, startling, genteel or shabby. and of all thut is interesting and worthy of record in tho ereat city. As the Metropolitan Centra of tbit United Suus,Jow York City reflect all the good snd evil of tbo land iu their most intense forms. There is no man, however ofien he may have visited .New York, who cannot loam, from this work, ranch regarding that great city and Its many and mighty interests. Tbia very Interesting work ts sold only by subscription, and the publish, era, wo understand, have secured II. J. Sloppy, Esq , of New Millport, at their aiienl in this eounty, wools now engaged in canvassing tor ths work. "A Baftis' Preacher, with a Lou a Pare of Whiskies all ovr.s bis Fase," Ryus Away with "Mi Wife." Many quaint communications, says ths. Louisville Courier-Journal, art mtrds to our Superintendent of Police, but the following la a little ahead of anything of recent date. It appears that a Baptist preacher named J. J. Shorthill, Mrs. M. E. Colkitt, and four hundred dollars, elopod from Punxsn tawney, Jefferson county, Pa , about the 19th of January, and came in thia direction. Lteio is the letter, with its model orthography and punctosJion unimpaired : PoniiutawBcy JeffinoB CO PrnnrrlT.nlc feburr tha 23 le to tbo .brie of polio luuxeiile Ky Sir I want on to take thia fa haa and aarcb tba eyt and are if tbii part haa bene thare and a ret th.m and I will reward you with one tuoJrrd aod aerrn'r fire dolrrl It .oun a. I git to let them and haro tlirm ahore tha left pittrbnrg oa tha ana toeutb of Jeuury fur that aity tha had tbara tninka check cd to thai plaae tlio wet 2 Bow trutjkl tbrord their oal worn a war pot oew w,cl in Pittsburgh ha M a bapu. preacher by tba name i J pihonhill and mi wile U lb. otbw h.r name i. H. p. Colkitt tba Eloped and robed mcf lore bunred dolera in oalh be ha. ben precben fur 1& rean he i. about I fot 8 iorhe. hi and he! a loox parr of whiikera all vrer hi. law aud aandy ooiurod with aunara eye. berry fored red acm and rliicly ba.d head ha warra black clothe he ba. a hat ai.d a rap with hia aad ba iaa bout fortr-Sro roan oald aad i. a little .loop ihotdrrad tha lady in bit eumpcB ia Id. E. Culkit Hi- I. mi wife She ii a bout lira Icet I inchro hi with black bare and hl.v-k ever and dark aoaploatioB .tim bill Irene and he. Sir rLa .holder ol place if oo find thea roa can eiamrn bir eb'jldor tha i. a lump .ticka forcd .he i. St year, oald thar. trunk, be. bii book, in tha wa a bout hoa mamy to a hundred pound, ana eh bad a carpet rack end a baikct with hir aad war whea she left homo a water dies and raper aaw if yon a reel thoir party nd bold them till i eua I will pay oa a hundred aod fl doler. inward fur tbrm and if on dat folow thoa thea fiade aut which caraa'ha went frum that plan. and let ma o IMrect to Panxrutawoe jeflenoa oo Fa to 0 F Colkitt tho telegraph it hraokrill JeftVrmn aa Pa. nt. lo ma a. Son a. roa can aad rat ma a lb. aoot which eorae tha heded fir. Cocrt. The repular Man-h term of Court commenced on Monday, at ten o'clocE. The murder eases were adjourned to next term. Tbeviolalora of ths liquor law are being severely dealt with. Up to tho lime we go to press, two parties havo been each fined fifty dollars and costs nnd com mitted to jail for thirty days; and another, for selling lager beer without license, was fined fifty dollars and coats. Ths Court, on Monday, granted Licenses to the following parlies. Thoss not appearing in this list were bold over, or refused : aorai ureas. I. J. Williams . ..BridfhrI, bh.w A W.luwe .. Urady. Joba B. Brrgey Coringtoa. W. hi. JJlnai. Carwua.villo. John Docgh.rt Clearfield K. J. Ilirno... hartb.M, J. A. Dlllna. Jordaa, RolMTt Boyd ..alarri.. John Foul. ..Ctwen.rtlle' 0. X. Coibara. ...Clearleld. W'ar. SVhwea ..MH...Hen.M,WH.,NU Brady T. F. Bo.li.h Oaaaola' Darid OopliB. fc Deoelar Dartd John.loB Cnarteld latsaa uaata , Edward Oalloa.y.....,. ...,... arwannillr VtacaPTILS. L. II. Co.trit.... ...Ooriaglaa. W. 6. onk.y.........,,.M ..hauuaaa. The parties interested will please bear iu mind, that if their licenses ara not lifted within fifteen days they will be, forfeited. "Xo Room for Ixialr. "An ex change say : "Thcao words recently met our eyes as ws pasnca a work shop. '.No room for loalor.' Sure suough, there is nrf room for loafers anywheis in this working world. Ihry are not wanted in lbs tuny workshop, nor in the editor's sanctum ; they sro a nuisnnne in the store, "spitting" and spewing about the store, and al the post ollioe and street corners are in everybody's way 1 hey are lorcver out oi piuco except when iu the almshouse or a dead weight npon society, liicv are a hin drance and a buro. They form r.o part of nature's plan : It abhors them, as it docs a vacuum. Whilf sl! tk.s world nronnd them is going forward, they are standing anil, or rather gliding imperceptibly backward into accdy vaitbondism. A loui'cf soon grows rusty. It is only uo whicu keeps our faculties bright, and idls men get dull, stupid, stolid, ana muddy." Miss Liztio Bornton, of Crawford. ville, Ind., hating lectured on the tub- jct, "After Suffrage, Whatf" received snswer tho otber day In ths thsps of ao old pair oi trowoera, a jacket sua dull rator. Ths fiillnt snow thia winter has betn S$ '.so4 ia sh-csM oi bo ts. tcrrssr yssrs, i