Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 17, 1869, Image 2

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tici'iRai li.OoontANDKn, Kditor.
Gen. Jolm A. Dix, of "spot him on
the shoot" aotoriety, ha been recalled
lrtim Franoe, and Donnelly' accom
plished Clieoterfieldian friend, Wasli
burne, Ultes his place.
! Pro Tim. Tt Cniud Slate Sen
ate, on Friday last, elected Senator
Anthony, of .Rhode Island, President
pro tern., and he will therefore preside
over that body in the absence of Mr.
Colax. . ...
1 Hon. Charles C.'Coburn died at his
home in Nichols, Tioga county, on the
8th instant, after a protracted illness
Mr. Cobnrn was Deputy Superintend
ent of Common Schools at the time of
his death. ' , ,
1 The Hon. James Guthrie, late Uni
ted States Senator from Kentucky,
died at bis residence in Louisville, in
that State, on the 13th. Mr. Guthrie
was Secretary of the Treasury during
President Pierce's term.
Gen. Grant bai been as ingloriously
defeated by Congress, as be was at
Sbiloh by the rebels, liuell rescued
him from the grasp of the latter, but
who save him from .Radical
I, oaean-pi
- Pattoa, the temperance candidate
for Mayor of Bangor, Maine where
the tomperanc reform started, eight
een years ago received only 43 votes,
in a poll of over 2,000, at the recent
election. ' 1 1 '
Massachusetts, we think, need not
growl at Gen. Grant; he has given
her two Cabinet officers Boutwell
and Hoar. To our view, this is treat
ing , reconstructed South Carolina
babbily. . .
n ' a) m m
, The President bas appointed the
rebel General Longstrect Surveyor of
Customs far ' Nw Orfeans. ' Long
ireet's treason Is evidently going to
pay him under Gen. Grant, if it did
not nnder Geo. Lee. .
A Flank Movement. Gen. Grant
has determined to band the Indians
overto tho Quakers, in order to stop
tho Outrage practiced upon themty
the robber bands who have beon and
sow are cheating t'jeru out of their
lands and money, while acting as
agents. ':,
i Rkmarrablo tA correspondent In
China,-In writing" to the New. York
5&rW,rar' that' all the tea and
silks exported from that country,
amounting to hundrods of millions of
dollars, does not pay for the opium
imported from India by the philan
thropic Englishmen. , 'r, '
'Uiad Ir. W call the attention ofi
our reader to the ItcporLof Messrs.
Waltkc and McCandless oa the Negro
Suffrage amendment, presented to the
Stale Senate when that infamous meas
ure was upln that body. Do not fail
o read this document, and hand it to
your neighbor who ha not yitcouclu
ded to put himself as low as the
African barbarian.
' A Failire. The great reformer
who set up in business at Washington
on (bo 4th of March, failed in his first
project to allow ,Mr. A. T. Stewart,
of New York, importer and dry goods
jobber, to make ten million dollar per
year out or his bocretaryship, by re
pealing an act to prevent fraud. Loil
Congressmen did not see things In the
time light that Grant, Stewart k Co.
Grant and Stewart were eomnclled to
eurrender after the first fire in the
sate engagement with the loyalists at
"Washington. The New York Herald,
so referring to Stewart' withdrawal,
s.j.: "The retirement of Mr. Stewart
"was a point gained to the whisky
4Vringnd all the other clique and
" combination of Treasury robbers,
mb nnu ouv w omce, and to all their
epoils-seeking Radical affiliation."
CjaUTLT Appropriated. Wa mu !
iy the Washington correspondent of
our -loyal" exchanges, that the man.
agon of the Inauguration ball cloared
410,000 on their fandango investment,
and that they have handed this sum
over to the Lincoln Monument Asso
ciation. This money Is rightfully applied.
As the "late lamentod" was killed in
a theatre, on Good Friday night, it is
Ut proper thai a monument be raised
10 w memory by ball funds. A
"grand moral idc." ',)f,TRIrTl(,.GencraV"Grnfs
Rb.nct is s.ill nndoroing repairs
1h. boorish Wash bum. had to resign,
the President .Srin to ed him to
ranee a Minister Plenipotentiary.
hcre he will u.flt.. ,j.e French ho
icr mannors, free ,r ch.rgt.
Senator Fish, of N. York, has been
appointed Secretary of Stat. This
Is a decided Improvement, fioorje S.
llpntwell, of Massachusetts, has' got
the place f tU, UnlortunsteUwarV
and tien.MlUwlin ha utwrcedeti
On. Bcbofifld. Rawlins hi a VMlgr
toady of Grant's, and will ,,lay lh.
spy in compote atyU4a iU Vr !)
I srtment - Fish Is an old Whig ;
libntwoll' il a renegade Pombcmp
anil the Afcar Department duLtUiv is
a coxcomb. . ,'.t' i
'l.intil's llrsf .Hmtntf.
Presldrnl (imnt's first weees;; to
rm)re tit! with a Wihlernc tie
leal. For Ignorance and linpudence
Hsxreel J thing ver (Mmitl'3 to
thst hnilv, f very hnoji-bny hne
that a ''joint r,ntliitlin)''i,nnnt repeal
or Ignore an 'act of t'onreM.'? Igno-'
rano and stupidity of this, character
In high places, is an outrage and a
disgrace to the American people. If
Grant A Co. know no more about law
than is hero manifested, they should
follow tho tanning and dry goods
business, or employ clerks to attend to
publio affair who 'posses comruou
sense, viler is order ,Nol -
r l . lAr Vmltd Am ,
6iSM thm uiflsf'oa ftt,4nnflrniilHos nf 'Akl.
uilr T. (! w lh of tanlin f Ua
Tmivry, I Soil tbmt hy lh Slk Mctioo of tbvact
of CoBfr, approved 8eptmbr 2, l'b9t it pro
rldM follooi, t nit:
"And ilurtktr vnaefMl, Tbnt no peraoo ftp
poiotod ta fttT olbn instimttd by tbii et ihtlt,
diroetly or Indiroctlj. bo oootwrood or intoroitnd
in tarrying oal Ibo baitaoio of trade or eomatoror,
or awaar in whole or part of any sea voomI, or
parohaaa by himMlf, or another in trurt fur bim,
any publio landt or otber poblio property, or be
eonoerned in tbe ptirrbaie t r diinfteal of any pab
ite aaettritiol of any rltate or of tbe United Htatei,
or take or apply to bia own net any emolument or
gain for acgutiattnr, or trantarting any buiinrn
in the laid department otber tlian wbet thai) be
ailowad by law ; and if any peraon ahall offend
againet aay of the probibitiene of tbie ael, bo ehall
be deemed guilty of a oigtt luiedemeener, and
forfeit to (tie United Btatee tbe penalty of $:.0u!l,
and ebali,jponeonr8tie.bereai-ed from oftine,
and fererer tbereafter be iaoapabioof holding any
uBioe ander tbe United fttato; 'roridrW, Tbal
any otber and not a public prosecutor ehall give
iafurtnatioa of any auoh efleave npon which a
Eroeeontioa and aonTietien ehall bo had, one.
alt of afuresaid penalty of I.SOO, when reoov
ered, iball be for the ueeof the peraon giving euob
la Tie of tbeee proWeloaa, and the lact that
Mr. Btewart aJw been aaanieaoaaly auoflrnied by
tbe Senate, 1 wonld aek that be he exempted by
)tnt raoolaUon of thatwoboaeeeof Congree, from
the oneratioBi of the aama. V. H. Urast.
W'ubington, I). C., Manh , 1H6S. ,
Tbi document met with a cool re
ception in the Senate. Order No. 1
was laid en the floor, and, after wait
ing throe days, (Stewart in the mean
time resigned and packed his traps for
hi (tore in New York,) be issued tho
following short epistle to the stubborn
Senator: '
T tkt StmmU e tkt Vmiltd Stmt i ' ' "
I hare the boner le reqtteet ta be permitted ta
withdraw from the Senate ef ta tailed gtatee
my manege af tba Sth taitant, raquevttng the
pataage of a joint revolution by tho two houeeeof
Congreea to relieve tbe Secretary of the Troaary
from tho dieabililioa impoaed by aaotioa B of tho
not of CoaeTeaaj apayroved Septeauber t, '709. ,
Xt.. Osavt.
Waihlogton, D. C. Ifurh 1. 1.
It is needles to say that the docu
ment in question wo promptly re
turned and it will no doubt be pre
served in. Washburn' Department a
a loil relic, and, together with the
Bible the Philadelphia Stuart' gave
tbe General, will be handed down to
all the young Grant and the rest of
mankind.' i . , .- I
The fact Is, the Radical loaders have
so long relied upon party platforms
and caucuso In everything, that the
old member have forgotten what
commercial law they know, while the
younger member ' rely wholly uon
loyalty and plunder for success.
Omcrs is Penkstlvania It aji.
pear that, Gen. Grant is determined
to appoint all bis relations and per
sonal friends to office, no matter what
objection Senators and members of
Congress may file against this course.
The Washington correspondent of the
New York Herald, of tbe 11th, tays:
i "Tba Republican delegation la 'Congraei from
Pennaytvania, taking waraing by tbe erperieoee
of the Mieeoariana tbe ether day at tbe White
U crave, held a eaurua lart nigbt for tbe parpoee of
agreeing afien a piaa ei anven mauve to toe red.
oral appoiutmenla la tbe 6lt. It waa dcoidrd ta
allow each member is tbe llooee to control too
eppoiotmenU of bit own diitriet, and in thit mat
ter the Benetton darw not to Interfere. Tbe Rena
tars are to hare the diatrieta represented by tbe
Denoerata la the Houee for a prey, aod all ap
pointments in them moat aone through Mrrare
Cameroa and Beott With regard to the general
appoiatmeate throughout the State, the Senator
and membera are ta agree among tbcmeeteo.
Tbia arrangement doea not iaolude tho appoint
mewte te placea abroad, aueh as Mir.iBura and
Ceneula. The emaeeje apfioioted aooumtttea,aoa
eiating of KeOAtora Cameron and Seott and Repra
eenratlvee Xrlley, Worrell aji O'Neill, lo call apoa
the Preeident and my the action of tho cancel be
fore him. TheeoeamliieaacDordingly appeared at
the Vi bite noun tun morning and had en inter
view with tbe Preeident. Grant oaid be had a
few pereonel friende in Peanaylranla whom be
wwald want ta appoint to placea', bat bevond there
he wonld eonanlt the nlahea of the delegation it
At DiRTr Work. The New York
Chrittian Advocate, the leading oracle
of tho Northern Methodisla, has been
engaged for somo time in justifying
bankrupt. A tbi journal Is the
organ of th church stealers, it course
is not to be wondered at ; because, if
it is right to (teal a bouse of worship,
to which th thieve never cob tributed
a dollar, it is right to cheat your cred
i tort out of their just due. Thitreli
gious newspaper ayi! "The honest
" bankrupt who surrender all bit
' property for th benefit of hi credit-
" or la under no obligation to further
" look after hi indebtedness." That
may be Mcthodislic theology, but it s
very bad moruls and, to our view,
commerciul honesty that needs recon
structing much more then the Southern
States. Tho writer mutt be a visitor
of Allen's dance house.
Change or Tim,-Gen. Grant,
whon interfering with other pooplo's
business, is rather more military ihan
when attending to hi own. While
meddling with some pardons granted
by President Johnson, he ordered
them revoked. The day after the
Senate refused to repeat the Tenuie-
of-Offioe law, h sent in for confirma
tion the following :
"Chief Engineer Jamee W. Kirr. ta be Chief of
tbe llureeu of Kieam Engln'crini. I'mtdrul
Orao! etatee at the Heltore ef tbia, a piece e
ewa, etta a eemca reeieeea.
Why did be not aay order t Because
be fear the Jaoohin club.
TniKMttMSTRl'CTtn raaiNtt Thai
Cabinet difficulty has beon settled, and
aa reconstructed stands as follows:
Secretary of State Hamilton Fish,
New York.
Secretary of the Treaiury George
S. lioutwell, Mansachaaetla.
tiecrrtaryof II at deoeral John A.
Hamlin, .Illinois.
Secreting of th -Vnty Adolph E.
Boris, .Pennsylvania.
Seerda ry of the J itt enor Gen . J act b
D. Cox, Ohio. , . , . ,
PuTmtutrr Griural-rJ. A. J. Crens-
well. Il Arrliinrl-
Attorney general F.hen, 11 Hoar,
Massachusetts. , . ,, , , r,
Lnmartlnc, the Toet and histonan.1
A:a f . ' ! 'I
,rfanco on in ist instant, in
the 79tb year of his age,-. ' . ,
epnemeiiiiiwilleii an waiieoaaeiereieii eeOMweeeiaaeeeeeeei
I o it i am nliut Ad .gf f.
The c)ror'S -f Marjland had
t-rnnd juhllnn at Hal 1 1 mure ovrr thf
s'n,iinlmont of tin Ir vtlille aaaoclata,
t'rirsfll, as Ti'almailiT fit'heral.
lie ai'iwoii'd his tuloinj IretbreO
th usly i . i "' .
( ! raeViirric r itrtrr,
' Wtanie)i, l. fa Ware t. t
- Hr. Ilaoaaa Mrtee Ih-ar Kiti I velse h.ghly
veur oonareliilelorv note of t lie nih Inalent, and
I am kef py to have your aeaaraaea that tbe ealored
mro ol my Mete epprore in my appointment w e
poeition in the t'elunet of our illuatrioua Prrai
dent. In turn 1 rvttgratulele yon, and tbruntb
you the whole of your recc. upon tlie noble aland
learn by I'reaiilenl Urant in hie inaugural in favor
of the ratilioatioa of the pmpoeed eonatitulional
amendment. Very Irulr youra,
June A. fnraaWKLL.
It is rumored that Creaswoll has
made arrnngemonts with thetirgroes
down South whore thoy live in the
Bureau to furnish any number of
them as postmasters for thono "loll
millions In the North" who may pre
fer them to tho white trash who now
fill offices. How many orders will be
got from Clearfield county for "intel
ligent contrubunds V Burnside and
Gulich townships should each bnvo a
fow, ond tho "trooly loil" in Cur
wonsvillo huvo a glorious opportunity
offered '.hem just now to practice what
they preach negro equality. Try a
negro for postmaster; and if it works
well, send to Cresswoll for a cargo,
out of which can be manufactured a
burgess, town councilman, school di
rectors, etc. Ploaso try it, and quit
acting the hypocrite.
Grant' Secretary of the Treasury
offered to give to tbe poor of New
York five million dollar annually
while in office, if Congress would re
peal a certain act. Had the act been
ropoaled he might have done this
thing with propriety, as he could hove
made ten million. It is an easy
matter to pay five dollars, when you
can cheat your neighbor out of ten.
Fariwill. W pub'ish on our
outside this week the farewell address
of Andrew Johnson to the people of
the United State. It is tbe cap-aheaf
to what tbe retiring President has
done within tbe last four years in the
advocacy of constitutional liberty, and
administer a tcrrihlo rebuke to his
enemies and slanderers.
Grant and Tus Indians. The
J'nenate' Review, the organ ot the
orthodox Friends . in Philadelphia,
makes the folowing interesting an
nouncement: "The Presidentelect, U. S. Grant,
impressed with .the integrity of pur
pose and i th earnest friendship for
the Indian and desire to do them
justice evinced by the Society of
t riends tbronert tho delegated mem
her who recently advocated their
claims, has caused letters to be writ
ten to certain r nonds in rhiladclphia.
llisiti.ire is set forth, 'of inaugura
ting some policy to protect the In
dians in their just rights, and enforce
intcirritv in ibo administration of
their affairs, as well as to improve
their genoral oondition.' He requests
a list of names of members of the
Society of Friends who can be en
dorsed a suitable persons for Indian
agents, Uo will eticournire and pro
tect any attempt which Friends ahall
make for the improvement, education
and ChrisliuniKution of this people
H can not be doubled that well-disposed
and patriotio citixens will approve
the determination of the President
elect, and that they will concur in his
judgment that rnends are the true,
disinterested counsellor of the
aborigines." ,
. Tbi BiNNiNonorr iloaiiKar. Last
week a vounir man named J. II. Pierce.
formeily a law student in the office of
A. c. iticnmona, uq.,' oi tins place,
was arrested as a participant in the
BonninghorT robbery. Ilo was arrest
ed at his home in Missouri and brought
to Franklin, in Venango county, when
upon examination ho was discharged,
as nothing appeared to criminate him.
Mr. 1. haa inaLituted Iciriil tirocecdini'S
O f IS
against the parties wbo procured his
arrest, laying nis anmages at tJo,""u.
Wonder if old Mr. lienninghoff would
not have saved monev if ha had never
offered a reward for the $50,000 sto
len from hiro in February, 1G8. Be
tween detectives and lawyers, accord
ing to present indications, be stands a
pretty good chanco of losing the bul
ance of what he possesses, as well as
being barrasecd the remaindor of his
ilo. iratrjora Democrat.
KixsiNd ins Wirs wiiii. c Drimi.
Mr. Eckerson, who died of hydropho
bia at Saddle Itiver, Jf. J., hsd to be
held by five or six men, and during
his lucid intervals begged to kiss his
wire, "who wss tery ill ic another part
of the house. Just beforo his lust
dreadful fit be pleaded so pitconsly to
kiss her once more bclore lie died that,
riskinjr the consequences, they took
her to his bed. The dying man care
fully wiped the froth from Ins face,
and compressing his teeth tightly to
prevent any of tho poisonous saliva
exuding from his mouth, kiseed the
lips which he had so often pressed in
love and affection, and then resolutely
turning away, after bidding her ndicu
forever, relapsed into a dreadful
paroxysm and died.
' Anarchy i.i SIrxico. General
Gibbet and General Execution are
now tho aids of President Juarer. in
Mexico. The heads of many fine
families in Mexico have fallen before
the go abend enarchv policy cf the
present head of the Mexican govern
ment. Tho end of all tho hope, If
Juarez imports enough hemp, or tlie
bullet, if tin haa credit enough to pur
chase more leaden matter. Tho cler
gymen of Philadelphia whonre moving
forth amcliuration cf the punthmeM
of the murderers Twltchell and Eaton
will find an excellent field for their
exertions in Mexico, where Juareg,
like the King of pahoniey, is luxuria
ting in the amount of goro he can
A sad and fatal accident occurred
in the woods at the Y :inl Fork of the
Siiinemnhoning, on Tuesday of last
week. William I.nholl. witli tarn nl li
tre., were working on a Icdir of the
mil. wmie another party were engaged
ahoro them, sliding logs. The lugs
were ene tail to Indira on a lortir
higher np on the hill, bul one of them
In ita dnsewnt acquired i much mo
mentum that it went over tho upper
ledge to that upon which I.ahell and
hfs enrnreaninns werw at work- alrikimr
the former so violently as to occasion
em wenin in a .ry short time, and
SOrioUelv thnnivh Hnt ftaltw ernHnrtiae
, , , r - J ri
John Ball, on of bis is I low-work men.
r-w iiaven JUpuelwm,' ... - .
the Eurnuor, amtsdmest.
BrpoH ef the Mlnntltt " Iks I canmlllea
ea l'reral Hrlellmie rleenmeeUi,g trie
eiHkielaeloM el the I'mimer-a? l-tttinik
Amenitniriit tn Hie 1'rrleial t'otiatftntliHl
" to s ate of liie tri'lr.
J fr ,vHr f Pmtity'ravn :
The Minority ol your Committee on
Ffdtmt lit In ilins, to Whlcll joint re.o
lut io t) f r Ihi) riililicutinn ol tliosmenil
mcntto th Constitution of I he United
States, to he known as nrth lo fifteen
(lTi), Was Tefcrred fur ronsidoratioii,
cannot agree with the coiioluaiun ar
rived at by the mnjfiiity of tbo torn
niillco and respectfully report that, in
their opinion, the question of tho suiil
amendment should pot. now he notod
upon by tho legislature, but sh field bo
siihtuilteil to the people in order thai
their desire 'npon tho Subject mny bo
known slid their instructions obeyed.
We will not enter into a discussion
of tho propriety of the amendment
itself, but waving that, will confine
ourselves to what, in our opinion, is
ol inuniioiy niqro itnportanoe tlie
right of tho people t) delertniue for
themselves who shall, and who shall
not, vote.
That governments derive their lust
powers from the content of the gov
ornod, is s maxim as old as our insti
tutions, and tho violation of tho prin
ciple embodied in it was, moro than
any other, the causo of tho lievolution
and the establishment of our independ
ence. It is as true to-day us it was in
177C, that the peonio ore- to be con
sulted when any of their rights or
privileges are about to be affected or
taken trom them.
Sovereignty is in tbo people; not in
the sense in which this assertion is
ollon lightly mado, but in that sub
stantial and important sense which
makes it the very basis of our system
of government. Our own constitution
explicitly provides in the second sec
tion ot the declaration of rights, "thai
nil power is inherent in tho people."
It was well said by Judge Wilson in
the convention held in this State to
ratify th Federal Constitution, "that
the supreme, absolute and uncontrollu
ble power is in the people before they
make a constitution, and remains in
tbem after il is made. To control the
power and conduct of the legislature
by an overruling constitution was an
improvement iu the science and prac
tice of government reserved to the
American blutes. ben they have
mado a State constitution, tbey bare
bestowed on the government crested
by it a certain portion of their power;
but the fuo-simple of their power re
mains in themselves. It residet in
the people as the fountain of govern
ment; th peoplo have not the peo
ple meant not and tba people ought
not to part with it to any govern
ment whatsoever. In their hands il
remain seeare. They can delegate it
in such proportions, to such bodies, on
such terms, and nnder such limitations
as they t'.iink proper.
'This great power is not vested in
the State, nor in the United States.
Ncithor s legislature nora convention
can possess it. Perhaps some politi
cian, who ha not considered with
sufficient accuracy our political sys
tems, would answer that, in onr gov
ernments, tho supremo power was
vested in the constitutions. This
opinion approaches a step nearer to
the truth, bul does not reach it. The
truth is, thut in our governments, tho
supreme, absolute, and ancontrollablo
povor rrmiiiM in the peoplo. A our
constitutions are superior to our legis
latures, so the peoplo are superior to
our constitutions. Indeed, tho stipe,
riority in this last instance, is much
greater, for the people possess over
our constitution control in act, as i tho peoplo of the Sla'.ca are poscssed
well us right." ' (of all powor over the rule of suffrage,
Under our system the work of a Hoth recognir.e the right of the peo
convention specially delegated to flirm ! pie( and tho Legislators would be
a constitution is inoperative nntil it is
passod upon by the peoplo, and receive
from their hands its vitality. Tho
Const i lotion ol the United Blutes and
that of our own State both passed the
ordeal of tbe people and became opera
tive only under their approval. The
tendency of publio opinion Is more
and more in this direction, for of the
constitution adopted fti the United
Suttee, upwards of eighty have thus
been submitted and approved.
liuving thus seon that the consent
of the people Is a matter ol theory, of
right and of practice, wo now conie to
consider the application of these prin
ciples to tho question before ns.
The proposition contained in the
amendment is a fundamental one. By
this we mean that It was one of those
vital and important right that enter
ed dwcply into tho compromises of the
Constitution, and thai rmtrrr ocer if
M'M gicen neither to the Federal nor the
S'ate government, but that the right to
declare who ahould exercise the power
of election in tho Slate was reserved
tp the peoplo and remain with them.
Judge Wilson, before referred to, in
commenting upon the character of this
right, aay :
"All aatboritv. ef every hind, U eWeed1 iy ns
raraaTno m ite raoett, eeat iae nrno-
cnaTK" nvt'aeoWe ie earpied tare eeery eort a tee
foeeniaiee). Jl orrerra, la lAe erreeyeer ir,
lteri'uAlenin,Te. Monteenulru, bixjk M.ehap.
id. epeakmp; of tba lawa relative ta di-moorerr,
oara: 'In a drmoerary tbe people are In aome re
aporta tbe eovereijrn, and in othera tbe ruhjeot.'
"There ran be aoesereiea of their aoiercirntv
bat by their anflraeee, whieh are Ibeir awn wili.
Now. the ani oroirna will ta Ihe eovereico bimeelf.
The lawa, therer.ire, which eilelih.b the right af
enffrafe, are fondamental to thia fovemmrnt.
And. indeed, it ia ae important to rrrnlale in a
republic, io what manner, by whom, and
etiunemtne, what, auuregna are to be e;iven, ae it u,
ia a monarrhy, to know wbo la tba f nnoe, and
after what manner ke ouvht an govern.
"lo thia ayatem It la declared that the eleetore
tn earn Rtale ahall have throuoJinretinnevequiait
for lie elrelnra of the moat aumemaa branrb of the
Slate lepalalare. Tkia being made the criterion
of rifht of eaftrere. It ia eoneeq orally eeeared,
beoaiiee the aetnr Conatllution guerenleee tu every
Htato in tbe I uinn a repoMioa form o( govern
earnt. The rlflit of niSrage ia fundamental toi
We have no powerover this question.
It belongs to the people, although a
technical reading ol tho Federal Con
stilulion on the subject ol amoiidment
seems to indicate that we have the
power that really belong to the peo
ple. lie are of opinion that (he powerol
m icKiniitiurw in una rMBtn io ratllV
I'k. v hW" iT . ."! """V'1 10
the J edcral Constitute , a to b. n.
strained anil confined lo those matters
over which control has been vested by
mo peopio in vneroaenti anu .Male
Our power cannot rei beyond
this, ;
lor the stream cannot rise higher than J
its source.
Without th consent of the people!
of this State, a right that ia not grant-1 largely contributed to victory. Both
ed by them to either the Federal or! sides have now retired from the con
th Slate government, cannot betaken test, hut the on aoldit-r loft keens
from them, nor can the rigMa or a shoiitimr, raving and seolding a if the
minority of the State be taken away battle still raged, mot h to th amuso-
by tho milloritV. When the Hcht inrn. ment of lha rtaaexr hr- aa-kn w-nnM
ded bas rtnvor been within th control I
oi too renerai itovernmeni. n this
attribute of sovereignty ran he taken
from us by Conerexs and the Legisla
ture then liberty of the press and trial
by Jury ean in "like manner be swept
away, and it i within the power of
amendment to create an twiablinbed
obnrob and oofiueotC4iftroh and Stale,
Th eneti iee of thin power by tact
I.rylelslmv, wtlivf fe f"faf lf"
pel'lf. IS not cinten lmeit, it is ifrndilio
A fin the! WMiai.lemtii.nol the struct
ure of our government sml ol lhe pow-01-
gmnled by th people leads us to
the same t'i'.i"lusi'in.
1 ho IC..'!iitt,rs of th Stale Is
limited and controlled by the previs
ions of th Mnto constitution.' J Its
acts in violation thereof aro void. As
an indepe iidunl body,-every attempt
on its putt to intorfura with the right
of auftniK,' tir m change th rulo
thereof, is or no effect. Il may regis,
lor tho publio will, bul it can never
act with power upon a auhj ict beyond
it control. The Constitution of the
United State is s purt of the consti
tution of, Pennsylvania,, and lue con
stitution of Pennsylvania is a part ol
tho Constitution of the United titles.
Each is supreme within its sphere.
The government of the United Stales
is on i of enumerated power ; all pow
ers not granted to il "are reserved to
tho States and the peOplo." We msy
for the purpose of this report consider
it to oe-etipreine in -its -sontrol -of
doubtful and concurrent powers, yet
beyond those wide fie'dsand outside
of the rango of it authority, is found
the control of this important subject.
It is reserved to the Slates, or the
people, it is a part of the State con
stilulion, and in that reepect the pro
visions thereof are the supreme law.
Being neither an enumerated, a con
current, nor a doubtful power under
tho Federal constitution its control
manifestly is in tho State or the peo
plo. This amendment would be futile
if tho subject of it wero not beyond
the pale of Federal authority. No
ono will argue that its control is in
the State legislature, if the provisions
of the Federal Constitution on the
subject of amendment are not to be
considered, but we have already seen
that it is in do mauner controlled by
Federal authority. If it is, then the
State Constitution, tho eopreme law
upon this subject, is made inferior to
tho power of the State legislature, and
they may by amendment override it.
No such violation of the rights of the
people was ever contemplated by the
framers of our constitutions, but tbe
plain and clear interpretation of tbe
whole subject is, that this right is one
that belongs to tbe pople and oan
only be affected cr controlled by
them. . e
If by the votecf the legislatures of
three lonrth or the State tins amend
ment be ratified, and by the action of
our Slate it is rejected, then our con
trol of suffrsge in Pennsylvania is ta
ken from us by the rotes of the legis
latures of Florida and Oregon. Surely
such a result as this wss never con
templated by tho framr of the
government. ''
' If il had ever been supposed to exist,
the Federal Constitution would never
have been ratified.
For these reasons we conclude that
sovereignty upon this subject is re
served to the people, thai the power
of amendment in this form without
their consent does not exist, but that
it does exist a to all thoso matters in
which power and right are vested
by the Stale or Federal Constitution
in the State or Federal Government.
The people of the State established
this rule and it is their right to be
consulted in its change. We cannot
err in going to them for Instructions.
The Legislature was elected upon
other issues ; one political party In the
lute election maintained thai "The
question of sutTrago in all tho loyal
States properly belongs to the people
of those Stales," whilst tho position
of the other has uniformly been, thut
rocreant to Us duty as well as to the
dictates of common honesty to recant
tho express pledges involved in it
The matter for us to determine is
not, shall this amendment be ratified,
but it is the far graver question, shall
tho people bo deprived of their right
to pass upon the question of il ratifi
cation or rejection.'4 W believe that
they should not, and therefore report
the following resolutions for adoption
by tho Senate ! ' '
Krvolred, That the JudiHery Cnmmtttee of the
Senate be and they are hereby inrtrueted In pre
pare end forthwith report ta tbe Senate a bill lor
Uie eunmiaaion af the ouretion of the replication
of the aaid amendment ta the people at the elee
tion IS Orlebvr, IrdH.
Heevlved, Thai the Senate will aat ael upon IVa
quextiun of the reli&Yaltoa of the aaid eoieadmew!
lo tbe Conatltntion of the foiled Slate, at iu
prevent eeeeioa, bat will await the) aetiew af the
peiiple at the point thereon, e will aevept tbe
rerult there ae Vllidie inetneeUnao for the ratil
eatioa or rejection thereof.
All of which is respectfully submit
ted. William A. Wallace.
William M'Canpless.
Ths Washington correspondent of
the X. T, Herald, of the llah, says :
"Curtin'i name would have gone in to
day for the Russian mission, also
Motley' lor the English mission, and
Kuhby's, editor of the Madison (Wis.)
Journal, for the Swiss mission, but for
a little hitch. Some difficulty oc
curred and Grant determined to post
pone action nntil to-morrow, it is
believed ho will send in all three ol
those nominations to-morrow, and
that they will ho Confirmed. Camer
on, though opposed bitterly toCurtin,
will voto for hit confirmation in order
to get him out of the country. By
this exile of JlcClurc's principal, Cam
eron hopes lo.hsve Pennsylvania' pat
ronage to himsell.
Sad AonnRNT. Jesse Grant, father
of the President, was seriously injured
nt tho Capitol on Inauguration day.
It appears that in passing from the
hall of tho Homo of ltoprwontatives,
in search of the Senate chamber, be
got lost, and, requested a gentleman
whom he found to conduct bim out
of the building. This, of course, was
complied with; but while passing
down a pair of stone steps, leading to
an underground paango tn the west
ern front, he slipped and fell, injuring i"
iiiiiioi:,, no ririi . IIP T. ! VI'lll')VU
to the (.'enoral's private residence and
pl.0porly cared for.
' 1 J , ,
lie was conveyed
Anotiiir Blast. Tho Anti-Slaverv
.standard gives us another blssl on the
I eternal nigger. It is a great pity to
see a man like Wendell I'hillips scold-
lug away, in driblete. Mr. Phillips is
like a solitary soldier left tnwin a bst-
tlfl field where hi own efforts have
consider him great if" he would only
keep bis mouth shut and be contented.
An Orroon Ipsa A newspaper in
Oregon publishes Ite list of birth,
marriage and death under th head
of "Come, Fixed to Stay, and Gone."
In Cblesgo th Soft 1 Com, iN'U for
Stay, C out Up,! ' ' - . ''
4es Oetfrf
TV erww4 IWmilr were tented out
cf the MalHorliet trli at V sailing
Ion, ea the Tih. 'I he rorreapondsiil
of Se N. V Itemld tatr nWos noew th f , !
Prealdi-hl Grant, with his fern!!)',
rrived St the Metropolitan Methodist
chunk shortly alter th service com
menced, this morning. Th church
wss fillod to overflowing, many par
son being compelled to surd in the
aisles. The Preeident, followed by his
family, walked up tbe centre aiaU
towards the pew set apsrt for tho
President of the United Slate. When
he reached it, however, be found It
otenpied. Tho pernor. In it, inlead
of attempting to make way for the
Preeident, looking " at him, in
curious amiiteiiieiit. Grant glanced
around-the tAuuh, In-search of a
vacant pew, but nobody seemed wii
ling todiseommod himsell by helping
him to ono. Finally the President
turned around to hi wife, who, with
hereislersand the ohildren, was stand
ing hsliind him, engaged like himself
In looking lor a eeau luiaeeeoiee
be a signal for retreat. Mrs. Giant,
who was in the rear, immediately
turned and walked down the sisle to
wards the door, followed by the whole
party. This seemed to break th spoil
which had unaccountably for the mo
ment seized upon the congregation.
The preacher, who had manifestly
observed the whole movement from
tho pulpit, suspended his discourse for
a minute. Some of ibe officers of the
church near tho ultar.recoveiing from
tho paralyzing effect, of Grant's pres
ence, rushod down the aisle after the
distinguished party, with a view of
arresting their progress. Others set
about providing chairs io fron. of ibe
altar. The excited individual who
rushed wildly down the aisle succeed
ed in overtaking Mrs Grant and whis
pered something in her ear. She did
not stop, however, but kept straight
on toward the door, followed by the
wholo party. When '.bey had retired,
tbo preacher, tbe lXov. Dr. Uainill,
stopped hi discourse for the purpose
of saying that he regretted very much
tbe unfortunate occurrence which tbey
bad lust witnessed. There was a pew
provided for th President of the Uni
ted Bute, and he hoped in the future
it would be reserved for him, whether
he attendod the church or not. ..Tbi
wa a matter which th trustee of
tbe church should attend to, and be
was very sorry it had been overlooked
to-day. Tbe regular services then
proceeded.",, , ,
Ah Act of ItasTiriiTio". Powers'
statu of Wsshington, which was sto
len by General Butler from tbe State
llonse, at Baton Koupe, Louisiana,
ha been taken from the Patent Office
in Washington, where it had been
placed, and shipped by express to
Governor Warmoih, in order that it
be replaced iu Iu old position at Baton
The Radicals of Virginia have nom
inated II. II. Wells, a disreputable
white man for Governor, and J- 1).
Karris, a negro, for Lieutenant Gov
ernor. Tbey ought to nominsts a
negro for Governor orjudgeoflhe
Supremo Court in this Slate, if they
desire to be consistent. ,
In Ooibem towaikip, oa Tbnraday, Xtarab lib,
lSiil. by Wa. L- haaw, Kea,, Mr. tits. I. Has
and Mr. U. i. Lamtarer ; both af LawrMMie tp.
Oa tbe lltk af Merck, le(.9, ey H. J. Bi-orev,
Eeq., Mr. ILIAS Tf. Cl'IlLY and Mies ARA
BELLA MAXT0H) all.of kaol toemebip.
At th it 1.4 r new of Bo. ltArBOftirB,
in Crw-orrilk, McdU-, Marck lirt, IH9,
KATIE, J mi bur of Uabklla tvt4 L. W. Tu
Kvct ; ia ih 13Ui ji ef Iter ajr.
WAflfH- ft liBcvriDgaUid finiifal Ninety ttr
vitb Cbrifiiu fortitude), wort a tfcogg of tiirttf
Tvr puiffi qatttl; mwajr that liuk aplril lata
mil mi of fndlrw jwT, hr iantaiionc art aver
opoBj far of aaca ia Uia king dua af Umrtm.
Bru? flrfrlisfwfia.s.
The partnerehtti heretofore alietiax between
iae adevetewed ia tbe Hotel baaiwaao at Philtne
harf. wna diaeolved bv mntawl eoaeent on tbe Id
aavefJelr Uet. JAIKKS . OALKS.
marllti-fd JOHN aicLA I UMLi K, Jr.
Al 1 ll)4 All nereooa are bem; aaatloaed
aerainet warenaaing av in aav wav meddliag
with tba fullewinf eieaerly t 1 we nerval naaree.
iwa aorval awlie, tlwo yeara eld tbie aarin. one
wag-rea, atta tbreebing aaaehina, aaaa timber eled
ead naina, aad two eat af barnoea, new ia tba
aeeeeeeioa af my biaabee. Uaeua Heatt.v, af Sell
lewaabm, aa tba aaaae betuw ae aea, aad era left
with him a bean awlr, eabjeet to mv ardvv.
Bell townakiaj, Mareh IT, IS6
Blacksmith Stand for Sale
CWPISTIVtl ef two LOTS, s two atorv frame
J DWKLLINU Hil HK. laew and well le
lenvd.) BLACKSUITU f-UOP, S1ADLK, aad
otber outbnildinga. Apply an the nrvmieea. ta
arli-tf V. at. 8. WHIUUT.
Valuable Town Property
THK enderaiieed pmpnete ta sell a TOWS
LOT in Oeeenla boroarb, ea whieh there are
arreted a TWO-STORY Hot 8K, well lalahed.
plaetered, painted, and panered, with Ott reome
and aaeat hitcbeai aa Ol Hi K, e. ITAIILK
aad well af water, together with all the atbar ee
eeaaary outbaildinf a. for further partieulare In
quire of Harrv Qoea, or al the etnrv of Dr. Kline.
OearolsMilla, ataett IT, 1SSSK . ( T
Mareh lf-tf C. aTATfKK SONS'.
Varrh IT tf fi. A fep'.
' At Ibe FtKra af
Choice Eastern Flour,
from Uia MNi-iot af JoaUt, Ctn m4 11 aa-
Western Flour.
ritielmrg City lillle, San flake. Whits Winter,
and other Selected ftraada.
Sugar-Cured Hamsi
A few Toai af
-. Pure Plaster,- '
Rye Chop, Corn Meal,
MILL riili.
tnvTh abayee meet be eald by tbe FIRST OF
asavtaeM, Kan. V, ltet-K "
5iririrf, Jtairirf, CU.
t e ' seat vet r ' '
ir Alt IIUAll I.,
Alva. Maaafbetwrartaf -;
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.
ttiARf Utr, ,fA.
Baraeat, Ceilare, eta, fee eeje by
' ln Hay Via. far sals a'f ,,1 ' f
Kallt, tu, fat sals by
Ttadinga, for tale by
, : 'ilEURELt A BTOlEK.
for sals by
' Siaea, for ials' by ' ; '
Far aala by
BAILS, for salt by
Aad beet Maaafaetnrs, far sale by
BOXES, far sals by
pODDER CUTTERS fur sale by
CroBB-Cut, Circular and Long Saws,
Emerson't Patent Adjustable Swage,
Far (praadiag. Saarpaalag, and Seeeleg Ue
Tewtk af all SfUtitag Sew a. ..
taVa-Bes4 for s Peeeriptlre Cireatav and Fries
Janf -tf Seneral AfeaU, Clearteid, Fa
'The Lightning Taraer.r
TBI aac.ara.raa4 ara taa aoVa Afantt i Ui
rnastr for taa'Noria Aarieaa Oalrantftft.
LiOHTMNii RgDS." Tuaaa ara Ut only aafa
rodi mom im m, aai art audwratwl kj all tbt
aclfDtite asta ta tba asrsatry.
Wa harafo antlf tba aitiiani af tba taatity
tbal wa will ft taata ap a boirar rt4. aol for
Itai waaT. tbaa ta cbarf! by tba fortifa
axaata who aallt trararva tba aautj aa4
Marry of attr liilla cash, aavar U ratnra.
Thoaa wiabiog Ligbtaina; Rede e reeled aa
their baildiagt aeed bat addreea aa by latter, or
eall i peraon. Wa will pat them vtp anywhere
In tbo eeoaty, and waaraat them. Tba Redeaad
Fiitaraaaa. we teea at any lime by aellieg at
aar tiara. UEHRELL A B1ULIR.
Clearneli, Jnaa II, Ises ti , .
i. - I
Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron
Ware. Ti
FhUlpebnrg, Caatrw ea IV,
TOI aaderelieed ratpeetfally aaaeaaeee to
tba pablia tbal be baa ea band a ware
felly. eelee led aad wall aaevvted ttwek ef gtavee
Uia variety evaaiiu af
VTaleb heve never failed ta give parfeat aatlefaa.
He aa tbe swat fsstidians af iu perebaaera,
CeatlaeaUl, LeMjh, Farmer, Davltgbt. Speara'
AaU lleat, Rlegara, Charm, lier.ld. eta
with every variety af tbo beat
Fittabarg aieaafeelara.
I i d . ' v , ,
ktvTks Tla and (beat Ire were gives with
tba Meveo ta made af tba beer 'eat aad beet
rye aerial, aad warranted ta give perfect antta
faeue. Ilia ataek af
Parlor akd beatiko stoves
It largwr, better aad eheawev Ibaa ever be fere
eihibieed t the pablia. He detee aampatitias
aiabar la variety, f aaiily at pnee.
lie It alee prepare la fan lab a aemplate
aatartmest ef
I , : j : . I '...)!... ,
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and
Willow Ware,'
Whoteaale air retail, meaafertared neatly aad
with the tela view ta aarviaa, from Ut beat me
terial is tbe market.
0f awry deeeriptloa aeaaUaily aa kaad.
Seperlar point, pat np aa abort native. Tt
Polat be efTera ta the pahlle It tbo aema aa to
new need by Ibe Peaatyivaata Railroad Ca, aa
their baildinga.
And ether worb kalawglng aa ble Vnataaaewirl
be promptly tiled by e a per leered aad aSlUlal
e .
Takes is eiehaage fat goada.
Sear-He eweeia.'ly laeltet tba attention, af
Hereheeta wlebin aa awrehaae at wbalaaala, aa
tbey will lad it ta their advaetaaw to eiemiee
hit ataek be Aire parehaaini alaewjieva.'
- - ' - o, a. ruasL.
Pbllipebwrg, Aug , ISAS. JvlltSt
Clearfield Nursery. .
TBI nndeveigned, kaviag eelebllabed a Ker.
aery aa the 'Pike, aboat half way betwaes
ClearSeld aad Cavwanevllle, le ere r red to far
aieb all kind, af FR11T TREES, f.u.dard tad
dwarf.) Evergreen.. Shvabbe.y, (Irene Viede,
eeeebavriea. I avion Pleob Kerry. Slrawberrv,
and Raaaarry Tisaa. Alva, Siberia Crab Treae.
Qelaee. aad e.r'j etitlet Kb a Verb, A a. Order,
yrtmptly auasdet Is. Addreta,
, .... . J-1 tfiirT.
yfl CHati nt fair.
I3tvci end lot-i for Kit
0CH SK a l Lriti i
in ih.rlv dare -Slot.. m l,.re , ,
tba af Peeirtk aad lived wewe,
I ' t a " feel. T li rve ot I bear ).. fcr. a, , f
for either taiebet yarJ. aval -ard, m tw b,
parpoeee gvaeeaiW k.-iai w.tb,a .t t,n '1
rallraad d'J"V. I'rtrv aaxi lvme reen.k,
IT' . 4 I'l'.'llUk Tll'Kv
leeae-u tlrtoM t
Valuable Farm. .
THE andevaignad sew ewert et prkate mklk
farm, ailoalv ia Lew ranee town. hip, Cieutl.
aaawtv, I'a-, hewnded by t'rve, MrMellie .aT-'
aea, aad witkla 14 mileoetf the rallread in. T
Clearteld cereagh
Wirt TO aerea af whlek le rleerrd, taiitr tr
FARM IIOISK8. Iit nItV. eel otbar e?
baildiaga, witfc waar IS beanng frail tram aaU
aevev-failtag epnng of water near tar heaja u
witk ae merh timuer oa the nlaee, if rtnx
mnaaired, am will pay for It. Tbewbele leaaw
laid witbavaal. Nif ha kanax aaw inrito,
threw yaare far ll.SiiS, la a good eontpaay, i
tag to pev nrtil the hma la np.) . f, '
WAT-I-HK'K. S4v. ta aaey tia.t. .
terma. Ac, apply to WILLI Ail PukTiA
. Cnardeid, Pa., Feb. U. le. ...
'!.,- ' i
Farms, Timber Land & Horsci
! '. FOR SALE!- . t
TOE tnkacriber, dettrau of dlipoaing ef hvm
real aad pereonel property, wdera loefuna.
Ug rare opportaaity fur baagaiat : .
ONE f ARM Sftaate fa flirard tewnihip.'mf
knowa ae lbe"Cleodioa heaarlot Ferm," atjoj.
inf land, af Anff. LaoonU and oib.ra, ooataiaiu
ItMa Acre-e, Stlv af wbieh ara aleered, wrtt t,t
dwelling bovaet, barn aad voantr orchard teertei
Alto. THK lil'CK Rt'.V FAR)), avatauui.
1UU Acrwa, uity af wbirk are aleered, el
dwelling boata, barn, and alher antbatldi.i, ..
getaer witk two tkriritig yotuig orcbarda teen...
-Ateo. BFVERAL OTHER FARM aad but,
af TIM BLR LANDB lor aeJe.
IKS HOlibES at tba month of Deer tree, ail
be vented, or let ta ran by Uae tkoaaaad, ta ma
gf-FOUR BEAD OF Vt'Or.K nof.?tsitt
BARKEbs, wUi be aW aa raaaanablc tarau,
r-A Vargaiala effeved aa eark.f awbea.
ftng prwpoeiUoaa, Tba terma will be maeeaw,.
on ber iaforaaattea ena bo obuined bv ea. w
on tbe byaddreeiiagtbeaiidenigaai.
at rrvncariiM r. aaaarneia oobd-t, re.
febU-tt. L. il. COIIRILT
House & Lot for Sale or Sent
ffll E wndertirned now efeia for tale, ar ml i
J. BUlibE aed LOT, adjoining tnevilieriaf
Lutberabnrg Tbe eoaae ie new and well kouaai,
1 by 2. witk kitchen il by J, and kalW, n
getber with tbraa and a-aalf acre, of greaad aad
epnag af water. Tbia ia aa eaoeileot iaeetMe let
a tannery, blaukamitb, cabinat-suAer ar cerLea-
tac Tee prapertjr aiR be sold ckutaad
aa aaey tarma. t or inrtnew ptniceuare, tl-aml
taa bremiaa. ar address tnc anuarrioer.
tntherabarg. Jan. 11, 1S Sm.
Valuable Town Properly
CITTATR on taa fosta-wrrt earner if Qm
O aud Third Street., (utiag Kailraad atrvelj le
wit: A LOT, with a fund two-ry leak buii.
baa tnerwoa, 36 bv 18 feet, owe room ea oat. ever.
eoHable fee a store, or etber bnainwe. Alee, tm
adjoining LOT, with a twe-.twrv dw?rinj kfaai
thereon, and aeverai otaer n a
Aleo, a lot of well-burnt PRICK, and a reel
aeeortinaat r fTliR t n Alia,, aorh ae I recti
Jara, Jam, Frnit Car:a, rtc, et redooed erirra.
I jr farther tnfomatloa. tawatre at tne Slaae
ware Penary f t t. 1A1TZ1SGFR,
mylt-Sm Cleartvtd, Pa
Town Properly for Sale.
TUJE property oocuptsxl lf T. Lidelrl, eeta
of U Md Fwuni. atiwU, Crfartitrsrf-',
irfiai hsvf-',
wiiuiui W a BfaJ.MUaAM,tiftv. FUA K
Tha aituatioa it aloea to tba Aailraaa
4tf. am
ia an akdwoUaai McaUoa for Mtaw4t purr
tor Umi, avplT ea tbo roiavia.
J Member, af Ue Cwaraald Ceeuly Afrtre.
uaral hoeiely are reajweeled to aaavmblo ar the
t oart Ueewe oa Meaday Kveaiag ef eeart eera,
Marek la. 1SS. a law nngang of tbe b.U.1 eat
rhe parpoat af aeaotng afifrr. of aaid Society Sjr
tbe eaeaing year, aad la tnaeaet toeh atber baav
aeee ae may be brongbt bet ure the mannag.
arJ-2l I. ta. BARtlER, See-y.
Vegetables and Fish.
HAVINel made tba aerweearr arraareawatl
the aaoxratnad wwald aetata tbe aitaeeief
caearkald aad viciaity, that aa aad altar Mtrei t,
IS6S, be will bavaoa kaad aad for ele. etlu
abop aa the Maiwat lot, v RbMl HSU. bevel
aad white POIATUKS, aad ail VKukTAnUt
in enaana. at as haw eelee ae awry aaa be boofat
at taa aar. 1). R. PLU.ERIUK.
CtaarAeid Marek E, lSnSf . . '
Market ( . ClearBrld. (at Ui Paeel 0rr-
riMIE aedereigeed bawe Irara raaaaanaeab
1 tbe eiliaeae af ClearSeld aad vieialtr. thai
be ket f iled ap a rwam aad kaa jatt releasee j
from th. ally wiik a large ameeat af reeditri
matter, taaaitting in part of
Bibles and Miscellaneous Boob,
Blaak. Aeeaaai and Peae Baeka af everv d
aariptioa Paper aad Eaeelopee, Frraek preatrl
end plaint Peat and reaeilti Rlaea. Leva
Penora. five da. Martaeawa : dodameat. Fiamt
Haa aad Premieeory ai.tea Wk.W aad Nrra,
meal arvaf, begaj Cap. Reear Can. aa EW F
Sheet, Mane lor either Piaaa, Flaia or Vieln
eoaeuatly aa kaad. Aay boo be ar etatioa.':
deeired that I mav aat bava aa hand, will b. 0'
ordered by drat aapraaa. aad aaid al nkehwaM
or reuil le eait enetxmere. 1 will alee erf
aariedieal ttteraiare, earb ae Magaainee. Keeal
papera. Aa - - P. A. etALbia
Cleartield May T, 1SSS-U
8. J. HAYES, Cer.aar.ille, fa.
All the XotcIIIcs for Sprin?.
la Ladiat'and ferata
FrnxisnnG & turn cook
T APirP Col1ar,CntTiw!tanJk'T-l.lrri.niorJ
I Uobimt. Lo. KAdT.u, UraiwaB. Hfltiaq
laHUooig CwraatOp Triwibitiirt i all h4
U nor,. .tMtwl ark f ali k mi. J4 art. j
ana, a Oimfii atponiaaut 01 1
Ladies, Misics, !i Children's Shof i
Of the FIRfT QI ALITT, o wblrh wt it'
titration; tieat.'l new rtviet UAT A CAl
Rutteidiea. Xvri.-lva. and a rhoipe !itie ef Car
mere and White Shine. V. M. RLKI) d
ClearSeld, Marek . lMiS.IV fill
TWO tit MVPS Ft'R 14.
Portable Revolving DonWe Ka
OF America and Earopa, Aaaeriea aad '
!'mted Flam af Amenea. Caterrd'
v vtBim j
Three great mapa. aow jwet orenpleted. te s
avera peeee of emnereewee, all radenada ra i'J
and Ike lewot aHrraiiona in tbe vannoa Pnr""w
Sieiee lbwe Mene ere nerdrd in every SerSJ
aad family ia tbe kaad taw vwremy tbe taef
eeie map, and by mraae of tba Rerereet. e a
aide aaa ke tbrewe front, nad nay pert bre ?
level u tbe eye. reentry right ana ia-r w
roania g:vea teffendadwata. Api'ir l-w t
earma, and aead areaej rur Sample wapa. w
i. T. LLOVH. J
t CarlUadt etraet.
m berebv gi ea tbal let Vera af edaeiaiette
aa tkeaeuieof MARTIN R. FUtUdeeee'
ing been da It granted to tka aadereigwH. eS 1
nw i . nn wm wm rm ww'wir win p. 1
praeewt tbem prnvwriy aaiheatiraaod tar awitwA
aaa aiiewaaea witwawi ovvev.
BilkkBT 1 FLEwAU
marl SI Admlaiatrav
r-V iL. UrVfta ai lltill All.
jjffsaa, Ewry ewam lawM karri S