i ana Vitst.Mii.iuts. THFALLEGHrNYMOTEL fTVt.S 'l r mi'oriiml ' w h1'" J Nrfl wt"w-'l f'-r tt cf-l.rr.m"i,i- n 1 ? p,t wwr ilt wi'iwlor mil m""' jvfMtft T "'W J'!!! ill.Mli.in .t lht tni bit -.... be ti"i" 1 I tn rrml. r 4litfciii'H i i(rDt. Thr. TAl'l-t will lir bf l.niiittt.nl't fljWfJ wlh trip Wl l.int !'- u. .i in tlx1 ntnl the R , K wtii t iruiik4 i.iroRs. iki:k, w. 0ti it'1!'!' l-i'l. . SPKIt LriPOl.IiT, r'if,M, Minh 1, ? ly lVf.rit.ir. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIS ST CtRWKNSVILLK. PA. TTAVIM1 Ifiiird for Ifrm vt Ttr tht J 2. or w"' ttnnw n and pnpuUr hotel, (kpi formerly vy Mr. Mmnn, nil lniijr 1T 11 r. Krmj tht prttent Trnrltnr hm r llttrd U with tht ohj'tn of rfn ler nf hit gucilt turn fort whilt "j iuminf with hu. A flnc, .trjtt gub.t tn.iY.trd it attached, fur iba ear a add rimttction of birvvi, earruf ea and wagoni, A ibrn 'hr of publie patronupe U tnlifitttl. UbU it JullN FOCI'S, Vuty-T. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CurwemvlUe, Clearfield coiiiit;, Pa. THMalaanJ well fahlii.boi Hntal, bttntl fulljr fitnatetl on the batkt ot the Buf)u. Lauoa, in tht huroigb of CurwfO'Tilla, bai btn lttd fur a (arm of yrari bj tha undtrtiitntt. It bai baan tntirt-.T refitted, and if now ufao to lb vu'e F'i'raily and the trareHlna; eonm alt y to firUrutar. No ptint will ba tpartxl to reader faeit eutcfoi'table wbtln tarrjing at tbii aaa. Amfla Stabling rooji fr tba accommo aof(etos. Charjfi'i mttdrat. Jan. 1, 'V tf WM. M. JEFFRIES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, tnrt.entv.nc, Clearfield county. Fa. rpilE aadeniit;ned bat lrard tbtt old ani In tic X lebltbed bntel. (fornterljr kept Mjr Imm tinom,( uuata in a central portion of tht Iowa. end fan entirely re fitted and re foroiibed it. a&d re-modaled Uta ftaultng, fo t make it ao oSject, bareafiar, St tba traveling publie to petroQir.e t Urjjt anc aoaitnudioua bou. ee-B,'6:-tf JOHN J. HEAD, THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of bet-ondand Market Street, CLCAKI 1ULD, PA. THM U aed enmuodioue Jdrtel baa. during lb pat year. Wen utred to double tu furtaer eapmiiy fur fbe entvMNinment of itmn geraod gueeta. Tha ble buil.ilrg baa been rfurDiibedf and tba pnpniotnr will ppara no pa tot to render J)i fueita ootafurtabla while atayiAg with him. -fbe "Manvian ITonte'' Omnibni mm to ahd from iba lf(ton ibe arrival and departure of eirb treia. ilAA'lD JuHNSlON, nor tf Prnpnetor'. THE V ESTER NH0TELi CM.KARFIELD. V. rjlOB aabicxihar having leased for tarn nf jmfi un wni iduwn rnuri, i nrpi i"r wwnj t yea re by Mr. Lanich.) and ra-nited aid refur- aiebed It tbrooijhouU fi now prepared tn etitr Uta trarelere and tha puttlie gtrivrally upon , terme M Tt wwpad ahlra agreeable tn both patreni nd proprietor. Hit TABI.B and 1IAK will be rap lied with tha hett the n.arket nffordi; aad nn pains will ba ipared an bit part to add to I be eoavottianct nod emfort of hi rnepft. . y JOUS DOUdHKKTY. QftU 1 Prr.pietr.. I THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, - HUXTIKGDOX. PA -fpnT3 rM eiaH'ihmeT t hntiric hern lens 1 X J. MORBPON. f-M-merly proprl'tr of tbe "Morrinn iltue. but been thnrnj;hiv Ten ertied and refurtttflied. and supplied with all tht tnodtnf iinproVmenti and inenir ncrt tie. ceriary ( a firet rUK llt-l. Tne dining rotn bat ieen removed to tha first fl-tor. and t row iptcirtut aud aly. The rhamhert are well ren tilitrd. ad the pr.tprirtor will tudearur to nakt kU poem perfectly at h ma. Jrli . J. ;OHlirOS. ProprU(fr. J. W. WAtLACr tdoi. . anjtw. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, I uthertburt;, Clearfield Co.. Pa. THIS wall known and tng etab:ihed llo'el. firroerly kept by K. W, Miora, and latterly ky Wm. Feb warn, tr., baa been Jreaed for a term t yewre by tha ande raigne 1, to which the alien tSoi o tbe traveling puMio it now rail d. and a Utrt ehare "f pubiie patronage la ailintel. apri'AS-ly.pd KllAW 4 WALLACB. 'THE;. RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN bT.( PUlLITaiBUBG. V. FT Tilt nndereigned keeps eonatantly on tiaod App:ialwih tha bent tba market aff trda. The awel.'rti. HOHKKT U.OY. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, COXKSIO.VN. DAUPHIN CO., Ta. t TUB inderairnd takt thti vi.ttind or ii t'tmtmt id Wtenii nf tlf.rbcl.l tnunly, tiiatfa. bai rtfl'uil td r-pn(.4 to bol.l fur. jrl kfpt bf B. Hhrtin.r, at Cot.b.n. hr fll uk ap.ri.1 pain. t render .alipfat'tino ta all ao farur bioi i(h th.ir patrnn.a;.. la kat klawa all lha rurk. nar nf lha river anit alaatad asubbittf pA.u for faalT a mila ahtiae hi. ifrbl B.-7J UEOKllg FALK. McGAUGHEY'S KESTAIBWT & HEFKESIIMEM , , , . SALOON, In Lwrj'a Kew BtiiMin;. (formcrtj oecaped by Mr. llotr,) fETOXD ST., CLEAREIELD, PA. CIONilTAXTI.V on bd fln wlnrtiimof PA ? J biK. NUTS, ('IHAItS, TilHAOCO, o. AM, MtKSU 0TKK8 nmivaj dail;, and araad ap to aait tha ta.lr. uf euttumf rt. t.nil.I.IAFD S I.OOVon arn.nd.tnrr. 'Mllltf DAV10 MollAllillKV. ioots - DANIEL CONWELT.V, Boot and Shop Manufacturer, CLEAHFiELD, l'A. nASia.l rttalrrd an. l.ti.f Fremh CALF KiN9 and it a w prrp.rad In tnannt.o vrrrtthifla: i. bit lint, at tna luw.r-l figure. U jl varratit hi. wnrb tn ha a. rnpr- .antao Ha ra.prcifull) filirit. a rail, at hi. ihop nn f "rk.t ftrrrt.aan.ad 4' nr wet .if th p.. t-'lnra. rhara 04 iil dw all ia hi. lr lu rtn.l.r.uti. fnii.a. fioiM tea ti.ttrr !.!. nn h.tnd y DMKl. I'li.N.NKLLT. PEVIE PROCLAIMED. THS WAR OTEsTs CLEARFIELD ksox Towinip qujet. I.Wry til tht Vohtrnhanilt fjninj iW ro Ifieir el l miisrcrs ; but nary onr 9'iing to old .Matniichv.etln, uhae they iirc Imi,1 to mny and ,o well. I'enn.aqa.nrt of tin .horr ranta. F. "IIORT, af lb. ..Id "ShoM tbna Shot. " ri,a!d an tn hl rumrrnn. p.trnna. and th p.lfplr I'n.artl.ld emjiitf at Urjf.. that ha ha nn a rata t.it.if r-Md aiatrij.l. Ju t rar.-ivj.ii from 'nr and it prrpamd n.m rt nntic. t makr ..a I n .ta nn.l Sh -r.. at hi. nra ih ,p in ! '. rn. Ma i. nanrnt'd that ha ran plnare ? '-'a Ira. it mtjrlit hr.i-m. ii.tmrrlT .t.r ''' axtrmt. ) r i. prrparad tlirlll.. flit a. O.tnirr Pr .dura. l..n-t fotcrl thr finna i mt I 1 .Kh(.tr llt.ho.i M..rn, ! XtikM tr.rt. 'lrar6IJ, Ta., aud kapt ij a ''' .iaan!r aallrd I f SIIOflTV." Hw niioT am) snoE mm EDWARD MACK. f, "AKKFT Sr. fr... CI.T.AHFIEI.I), Pa. T!!f p-nrr,tnr b.i antrrrd Inln lha 1)00 r ''ilOP, hu.ina.. at thr ah.iva il.nl. and ..t.rajin.d n .t ., b. nm I' na rlilar in t4.il J. f fira f.r bt. rnrk, hp-rlal aitroii .n ' " 10 mnnuNrtwrinf ft-w.i1 wr " hand a tify (.t of Kre.rh Kl 1(l,f,liM. f iYWf bft quality. Th f Cie.rUcH and rifin't? are reape nip and Thr ei'l- d .n.t riri-it r mnrr I tttl 1 1 'rrd lo fi., fciai . U., yt cbar for rail. ". if iV 1KM)T AAD shoe shop, I ' .U 1 1 itn 1 t 11,1 1.. I j8 ' abwrtbrr tirink- latalf atartad a nf ' 4 lUal aad rihna ahp la rarrn.1lla. el Jt ""'' 'P""ritt Jotaik K. Iiio'. It I ra.pMii.ny ,., ,ba not.ll. ihat r kr. uAr 1 1 . a 1," ,; ,', "rrjthinj ia klo lino, nn rbrrt . " k.rpa na hand a fnod aart- f.t 1 wan, a.Bir. aa vill aati ;:. m.trr prolan.. HEAD CAREFULLY I! Your Best Interests De mand It 1 1 3 a 'A H W 1 X M fi c u - a -J r; m o M H C9 o o 0) o c rl o o f t-t z z w H H H M Z w w rXl r n o H CI o C3 73 H O c o w o H ta w O O r; o n - 7. 1"! SC Si -t H rr. 'A H pg O r in C H r- d y. o H n 5! O pumn 0(1 k)iOJj)iif s,q Jiio .ATIM3HY0 ami 1 1 6 8981 il 01 1 1 oijll t$ tf ' SOMKTIIIXG NEW! New Store in Madera. MESSJtS. J. FORREST & S0 "TT0ni,n rwpartrullt Inform tha fuMla tbat tkr kava ju.l oprnr.1. ia MAbKHA. Cirarfiaid couotr, aa antiro now ttock vl FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which Ibijr art prrp.rrd 10 11 aa ehaap aa tha cl.aap.rt. Tbair itock coo.iiti la part of Dry Goods of the Bost Quality, Sucb M Alpaarar, D.lanai, Prlnli, Mu.linl, Ca.ilm.roi, Satioctr. and Flanaali. Heady - JIade Clothing, Or tba bait qaalilr, inch al Coati, F.nti, Vn.u, Orarmata, Oreralli, Ebirta, Collar., do. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, All al tba .rj boat Qaalitr. A complete Btock of Groceries. Ia ihart arar;tbin( aiuall kept In a aoaatrr itora. Consumers, Look to Your Interests! Call and rxaniina our stock and pricei bafori parcba.ing olaewbara. I.UMHEIl AND GRAIN Of all kinda takan In earbango for gooda. J-R.it,rrol..r lha pltca, Madara, Clearlald c(.a 117, Faoa'a, 1. FORREST i SOS. Ortobarll, 1BT If. (Tlotlilnrj. Hon to Save Money, TIIK timea art rard: y.o'd like tn know lrw ynq may mw yoar dllart The way tn do tt I will rhow, If y will read hat foHuwg. . A men wha ltd net far freta Hera, W hi worked hard at hit trade, Bo' had a h''Ueehd tn auppnrl That tvandered all ha made. I Bint bim onre. Siya he, ".My friend, ( I lot-k thretd hear and rftiifh I've tried tn jret ttiyt1f a rult. But ean't tare up ennnh." ityt I, my friend, how mark yo t I'll tell ya ?hre 10 t n To Rt a flit 11 n'd nd cbf ap t To KKIZENSIKIN A Co. lie lnfk whit little ha had aaeed, And went to Hrirrn't ein 4 Trothera', And there ht ft t handtnma tuit, for half hi paid to othen. Kdw ha la home, be !onki to well, And their effect fa aurh, That when they tafce their dHy meal, They doa'I eat half aa morb. And ina he Itndt on Saturday night, W ith all tbair want rupplied, Tbat ba hat money Irft to aptnd, And toaua to lay aiide. Ill food aoeeeft. with fheerful amilt, He r'adly telia to all. If yna d tare nnry, go and hay Yoor elotbet at hEl?.KNtItl.N'S CLOmiNO n At.L. Where tha rheepeat, flceat and bent Clothinf and (tood Furninhinft Ondt can ba kad to tnt aeery Ueta and in every ttjle aprl I, "7 1I Pa V 1 Ml I'll Th. H,i,nr.l Bill .... .k. k..t.ki I'lHH I'lllfi: In. ll kind. rTKa and HtKK rMS.t. Mivr tar a ami Clar5nld. I)r. 81, I. I.. REIZENKTK1N. Idivery Stable. nnilK an1-rtind brr. Irarata Inform tba pob- X Hr that ha l now lull. pr.'prwi to ornpimo dtF all la tha rarof farai.hiog llnma, llu(;ira, had'lla. and Karnrta, nn tha .lir.rt.ft nntuia and na raaannanla trrma. Rraidsooa oa toouat atract, belwM lhtrd aad Foarth. bt). W. OBARDART. Tlowlaii, AprU 11, IH1. hil.nltliilil.l ;(Urili;fi''ni,s. No. 35 SouthThito Street. PHILADELPHIA. xENERAiT Agents, fi,, PENNSYLVANIA a, &L ,""c UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Ktrtnffit. l,pn frsr?Ayfla CnMrA"T tt a eorporm ii i cmf-rm t iiki An or Cji.rwt.ai piM-i Julv .'. iNCi, wnit a CASH CAPITAL, 61,000,000. FULL PAID. L be'iHrrnm rT-rt d o Aecntt and Solkitort, Who ai 1 0 vlirt i i bp(ly lour ofll.-f. Fu)lt i tic i ir-1 oba'l tin Hi'pMra'InB ll nqr ofltee. nefi I 'i ibt mo m i attirv nr onr Mria.nir Hi-u tcrfCtifiiia , -i r.tuti-ti'otri, (ut.'y it - i r' t ilia a4.iMB(iaM(,aiit it ' i -i'iif v.)IJ(.r t iiMt. Ii l. 4 1, A UK A' ID.. A" w .mu Trnd SL II. H. HUKL, Manager. J. C. TftOM AH, Agent for Centre and Clearfield count i er, Ha. tviR'-ialy 628 Jioi akirt 528 And COIZSET3, COKSET3. W MTT7HO P K I N S, 30. 6H arch Street, iMVa. MAntiracTi'Ran or ihb Celebrated "Chauipioa" Eoop Skirts FOB. LADIES, MIKSKH AND ClllM-IlK. Tha Urgent aaaortiaent, and beat quaiity nnd ttylet In the Aitieridan Mitrket. Kvery Imly abnuld try them, at thev raomaiand tt-emaelvea by wearing lonrer retmnmn their ahapo laaoti bt'ter, bt'injf hffhter and mure eUettc than otb era warranted ia every re 1 pert, and told at terr low irieea. Afek lor iiupkin't "C1IAM FION" hKIKT Superior Hand madt halt Hunt Cora eta In flfieen itiflerent fadft. incl'idinf tht ' luivert al" and 1hnmnn A Unftdon't "lil.OVK KIT TING" POBSKTS. 7ani;inir in pricea fremiti eenta to 15 40 together ee 4th Joneph teckel't eelebried t'HENCH WOVKN CoHKKT.. aupe rior ahapet and quality, ten d I fit rent f;radea, frura $ 10 to $b bo. they are tue flneat tnd bet j Midt for the priret, ever Imported. Tba Trad inpplied with 11 wop Skint and Corttti at tht lotfit rnti. Thot wiattma tha city thould not fail to tall tnd ffiitnino our ovdt and price, aa we defy all conreiiron. Htirrh S. 1 HS If j. Bui.Lowai:au ' a. via ( Rt r. HOLLO WBDSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, . AXD STATIONERS, 21 .Varkrl SI., Philadelphia. tCTiiprr Floor 6aoka and liar.. J-'oolsnnp, I.etler. Nwla, Wruppiuf, Curta.a and Wall 1'aprrl. fab24-lr. , JOHN M. MELLOY, aaiirictt atn or Plain, Japanned & Stamped Tinware AD DKA1.IR I loute Kurlilshlii j Cnuda. Tin llooflug and Cundurtor I'lpca. No. 123 Market Klrrct, anr8.tr PHIL A I)EI.P1IIA. DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South Third Hlrret. IMillitdrljtii And Dealers in Government Securities. Application i.y ni:ul will rercivo prnuipt alien Hon. and all information cheerfully furniatied. Ordora loliciicd. aprll -tf REIZENSTEIN BROS., Manafacturert of and WftultMla Deal era In MEN AND JSOYS CLOTHING, I'll Market 410 Mrrrliaut Ktrcct, aiirVMI I'HIT.AIIKI.IMIIA, Ta. 1869 spring: i860 JAMES, KEFT, SANTEE & Co., Importers aad Jobbers of Dry Goods, . !ioa. 13.'., KT. A Jll N. Third St, I'lIlLAPKLl'lUA. Wa ara now prrpnrrd with ottr n.uat axtrn.ira and wrll-ai..arrrd .lock to offer extra indorrmrnfa to CASH IH YKltS. aprll.lf STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (Succenaorn (o 1'rter T. Wrirht A Co., ivrortTrrtt or am pnun ti DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Atao. Brandies St Wines for Medical purposes. ,Hro7 No. " Mrkrt fl.. Pbilail'a. BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., No. 17 N. Fifih St. and 47 i Coanaree, rUILAPEI.rillA, Pa., WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, . rot to a ali or Wool, Oinaenf, Fur Skin. Feather, t.eather, I'll i Heed, lined Kraita, Ctovr heed, huott, lieer Pkina. flutter, Itteawax, fcber-p 8 kin. Ktrira, At., aa.. An. CO N S I G N M E N TS SOLICITED. Wtfklj I'rice enrrent forwarded on rrqueit. Juno II. 18S yrrpd DKAl-MH. hU NUN I.SS A CATARKII irrat, l with the utmo-t auccri ly r. J. J-AACf. M. t., mid lroleii"or nf biaenw- nf the Kye and Ear in the JMe-iif-al Cilipe of Vnnyl vania, l'i Tcart epnrirnoe, (fnrmrth of I.rvdt-n, Hulland.) No. bOi Arch Stroei. Thil a. Teati ntdiiiiila ran be reen at bte office. The mnlienl lapuily art Inrtted to BreutnpHny their pit i nit a, ta he baa no teoreta in hia pri-t-nMon. Artificial eyna inaerted without ain. No charpa for I atninatmn. 1 ft 1 t. DOB BINS' " ELKCTMC It O O T 1 Ia I S II MAKI.H A I.AHTIVC; KIIIM-. rpilOSK ho bl.rk Ibrir hoota on Faturd.ia X night with nrdtnarr biaramir. d.m't bavr murn rhina on Sundaj, aa tba puluh fadaa od ; but tba abtna vl DOIJ BINS' II LAC KING Lonls StttiinLiy and all diiy Bnnd,iy '. It llrala any other marking Made 1 M.nufarturad onl br 2. 0. DtMna, a hia iro torn.O Ki.ap aid Hlarki Work., S i a I h .tree! anl lla'trntnioan aranur., I'liilM.l.lpliia. Pa F.r rale hr .1. p. hltAI.i:l aud llAHT Itll'K A IIHVIN.LIr,..n.M. pa. nnt'jiM.n H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKER, crronTB Till c'.'fNwbjw awKttr iit.eit POST OFFIF-SiiCLEAnnELD rilllR tuberiber repeettn1ly In'orma hit old 1 pfitruna and tha pihlie genera My. that ha bianii hand, (and la eortplantly rrf vUinf new addttient thereto.) a large atnrR af Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. JMPT I keen Jewelry In all It a forma and of dliierrnt valui-a, eillirr ly tbe piece or tel. WATCHES A full a'Mirtnent of either Or-H r Mler, made by the Im at An erloaa arid for eiyn miiiulaetiirart, Inrlud'nf a ftna lot of aj.ild and tilvor bunting caao, lull Je are led, latent Ltrere. ri.OrKf Of all decant, eemttatlni of aUhl- day and thlrte hour, nf either weigbt, rprtng or lerera. and both rrike and alarm. RKPA.KTM1. All Mndi nf Watcbtt and Cloeki Kepaiied, and wtirranttd. In addition to what t have enumerated. I keen a full aaeortipent of M'KrtM.KS. rolnred and plain lm. "l.) PFNSand 'KVCll.S KPUO.NS, FOHK-. HCfTKR KMVKf. and In fnrt rverything tn the Jewelrv lint. If I fail to ). re on hand )u.t what a rv'irtntr ay reed, I will nrder par liat eiprerr, wtibotii eitra rharg A liberal ehara af paaliff petronagr la eoitriteo. Hay T, UM ; U- I AULB. (f iHif.t'.iciial. MISS Hi B. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ci.E.ArriniTr, fa. rpiiK M'nivi. Trnn. f t-rt.u.iwo we-va, X mil aoltttnenee im M mUv, braaty I. Ihf-i. t..nH t.F.Tl'ITIo.N. Heidii7. Orthocaj hr, Wiiting, (H jet Lea. eoiif, 1'niiit.i.v .Aintionni. mi I'moatr itiorftai hy, er ta'f Una, (of tkvro kf.j OC Htlturv, I,tKal and d,r"'ptiee tlecyraphr wuh Mtip lrnMiii. tiiauitnil, Annul aud IV niun Aiuhturt.i' &0 Alijelra and tSa Hrkncea 00 For full pirtitulare tend for rircular. Clearfield, Nor. 1J, 1 HC-Soi. faugo'M CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M,, Principal. rpitE THIRD SKKION of tbe preaent echo X laatie yen r of till InMiimlon will coiomeoet ou MONDAY, the aih day of February , litti. Pupila eao enter at anytime. They will be charged with tuition frota tba time they enter to the elute of the beaaion. 1 he eoumt of inHtruction emhraept erery thing Included in thorough, practieal and aoeuu pltihed edueatton for both aexex. The Prinripal. baring had tfat ad ran tap of murn txperienre. in nia protuivinn, offurei pa rentt and uard ant that faia entire ability and nergiea will ba deyottui to the moral and tnen la I training of the youth pUoed under ba charge. Ortherraphy, HeadinK. W-ritinj. and Primary Ariit.i.nttir. per Siion fll wekaj - go 00 Grammar, Ueography, Aritbroetie, and HUtory $0 00 Alpehra, Oenti?'. Tripnnometry. Men euratiun. Jiureetina;, Phllotophy, Pbvtl oloay. Chemittry. Book Keeping, BoUny and Physical Uenkraphy - . . g9 00 Latin. (Jrerk and hreocn, wttn any of tba almve Uranche - gTI 00 pit So deduction will be made for abaenot JfftfrFcr further partiulara Inrtuira of Hot. p. L. II A HH 1801. A. M., Feb. 4. ISnil tf. B;2K frinoipal. rfountlrit md latliiitf hop. A. F. KITJITOW ..OCO. . lOt Ru BOYNTON &, YOUNG, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS U an u facta rare of rORTAELE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Cornor of Foarth and Plna Btraata, CLEARI IF.LD, PA. n AVISO anraircd In tha manufaotura of nr.t oloaa MACUIMiltV'.arrr.poctfully inform 'tha publio that wa ara now prrpaicd to fill all order a. chraply aud a. pruuritly aa can be door In any of tba eitiea. Vit uanulafltuta and dval in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Una! Bln;k, Watar Whrala, Bhnflinr Pull.ri, Giffnrd'a Injrrlnr, Steam tlau;i-,, Ktrara Whi.tlr., Oilara, Tallnw Cupa, Oil Cup., (lanrr Cock., Air Click., Ulobo V.h.1, Chnrk Valrrs, wrought iron Pipri, Strain Pumpi, Ooilrr Frril Pumpf, Anti Friction Mctrrr, Pn.p Slone Parkinjt. Uura Pack inr, and all kinda of MILL WORK; togatber with Plowa, Bled Snlra, COOK AXD rARLOR STO I'ES, and otlur CASTlMi? of all kioji. -Ordrra anikitrd and S 1 lard at city pricra. All Irtlrra of inquiry witb rcferriioo to ajarhioary of our manufactora pr.iin;41; an.warcj, Ly addrra in, ui at Clrarfl.ld, Pa. dorm tf novNTON a votso. Planing stilts. 0. I.. Rrrd. ,N0TICE.vr Powell. J. F. Wearer, llrtta. (.'. Ia. isi:i:i it; co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIG H T ! nHK proprletortrerTpoetranylnrnrni theeitiirna A of Clearfield eounty, that they hnra entirely refitted tbii eRtahliehment with the lateat improved wood working machinery, and am now ptvpared to exeeuta all onl rn in thir line of burineat. They will give crperial attention to tba manufao tura of material for huuao building, tur-h at FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, IILINDS, tin.tviiUTs tf .tioi j.iii.rc.;, OF ALL 8TYLKS, Wa alwayi bare on hand a lera .lock of DRY LVMIinit. and will poy ra.b fur all clrar Luutbrr. Ona-and a half inrb panel Huff im-fcrred. Lumber Manufacturod to Order, Or cxrhanrn, to mil cu.tninrri. iuttrdrra aoliritrd, and Lumlirr furni.hrd on abort notinc and on rra.onal.ir trrmi. o. L. ni:n t co. ClrarflrM, Vor. t. Ili7. R. P. P.TTn Inlt Patios, K. A. Invti J. K. Unit. E. B. PATTON & CO., Hating fitted up a flrat-flnat PLANING MILL Ara prepare i to fnrnish all kinda of Manufactured Lumber, tnr-h u Flooring Siding. Sarfae-treiir)!l Lum ber, Bith, Doori, B'.indi. Aad arnry drarription nf rLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. JMTrValerf will find It In thrlr adranlare to oonrutl tmr prloea hfurr purrbainf rlarwhara. AddrtM, F.. b. rATTtt V A ( (1.. rurwrn.rilla. Dar. S, lf. If Clearfield noonty, Pa. SWAIM' PAJAC I.A. Krnn.d.1. Mrd ed Ui.ooTiry, H.lBhi.ld'. kurbe. Ilakrr'a Coa Lirar ftti, Jann'a and Atar. nrdtrlnra of rrary kiai, for ia) b, liKTICt' Jl. -'i i aamii ninaliiaii lataia n t laa SEWING MACIUNnS. MIIK F. rr M.n.if.tntr I tTrv.. i I I'.nnlj t.Xii M.-liin't, and Ibtwia! I.ar'nrr, a.v mt ,h. ralrl KtYslOXt: MOHK. Pr.lm.l in aaut nf tn.t.in- all! .In a. II tn c.i; and riamlnr lir MM.lH and H.'i;.lh nrfi'r t-nrrlia.in. b.rrv m.rln'.a wnrtant'. tn ftra ..ti.iMrti'.n. .Ma' i.ii r and fnahuir nirim. alWLivi on hnttil. MVI.INd 4 HPHVPIIS. Cir.l ii ld.J'a , .b, VI. AirnU. a z ii s; K X K. Vor Ihe t.anndru. it I. warr.ntrd mt to atra.k, or In aoy nan- orr Injitra thr flnr.l fnbrirl 10 IAV1I.V PSr' aold In FIVE oanta, TEN nt. and T KVTY rant, bnxra. K.h TVKNIY ran a b.,,, bn.l Ira Ur,,K lira lime a. iounh blua a. tha HVK r.nu boi, etintain. a pncaM pin rn.hton or atnnrf bar. Fr dotal and laraa Laundry n.a, it i put up In 12 on h.ii.i. t an that oaub Hoi bai protor Trail. Mnrk. For .lr hy fobll.Jin IIAIUSWICK IRWIN'. XEW STOCK! IEV STALLS!! FALL AND WIXTEIl MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN REED'S, MARKET FT., CLEARFIELD, PA. Ilaring jnit rrreivrd all thenorrltiei of the araaoo in tbo Millinery linr, rrqurvt tbe ladira to call and examine tbcia. Clearfield, Pa.. Nrr 4, IMS. SHRINER'S Will run do ASTITVA. MnNTHTTTP. IJLOnn 8PITTIVU, MI FH 11 1 Y OK I.J.tATJUNfi PAIV tnrt KAKN'KSd 1 . 1 UK C lil I'. 1 UI.V.HOUE (wH.HINO AT MUin', ke It alii rfitctunlly rr move the (.'oufh Uiat frmfntly iVillowa Mrlr. tnd any atT-'ctioD of tho rrrpiruto Oftuni, on aiaiier af how long ttandinv.ar fc hatever i'te ag-jof tVperaen. It arUaaaairrcioo, h pnrely vefreun.'r ant ia 1i atnnt Jo tlie tnete. lu eC'-et it rootl inp. lla Ing tl vte lenca of tlie enurh. firiliutinc -rrtorauon. lUatUjij Uit nerrat and exhilarating He i;aUaL Mothers, Save Your Children! Ho child need die of nWrp, If thfa "ynip ta nted In tim.-: flii ii fart dtmitnlrrt ly rrptrinrr Kef imily aoutd l wittoiit t!m Fr-iip. tt at ftaj t'Rol'p, onraea like a thief in tlie niW i aial away ronr llttla ooct, wca regular aetlieaJ &1J cuooi bj elttaincd. Prrpartd tmJy hy TAVI0 E. FOCTZ, Xiwee, 1U For Bale tr ITartiwicV A Irwin. (Jiuu-ut.j. mi, J ly druffiita aud ttorcketperi lhroi))liut the I'nited &Litea. Ubll ly READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS t- ST A TlOyFKY. Mark1 t , C learfield, (at the Poat Office ) p II K undereijci.ed hep leave to announre to I the eititena of C'learfit and vteinitr. thai he hi fitted up a room aud hat jut retnrned trnto tbeefiTwtrb a .erge auituutuf rtadirg nailer, uanatint; in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Hlank, .count and (aa Rook of e?trv dt- acnpilun I'aper and Envelopea, Franeh preaaed anu piain; rent ana reneiin: uiana. Legal Paper, Ifeedt. Mortaaeea; Jndtieent. Fieinn tion and Pronitaory n.tea t White and I'areh, tnent Itrief, Le(cl Cnp.ltrenrd Cap. and Bill Cap , Sheet, Mmie .r either 1'iano, Fiu'e or Violin eonpuntlron hand. Any boukt or ttatlonery deired that ma? not have on hand, wil) ht of ordered hy Arat tiprevt, and told at wholesale or nuil t tuit euatoiuert. 1 will alvo keep ireriodical literature, auah at Mrtrnrinta. Newa- pnpera. de. p. A. UAULIM. Cl.arflflJ May J, lSr" tf J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOCRAPH GALLERY, MARKET BT., CLEARFIELD, PA. 1) EH SONS dnirin OQOJ riCTCRFfl.of any at vie and price, with all fbt modem improve- uirnte of (lit art, cn be aocoumodatad ty callinc at y ruoua in Clearfield. Negatives made in Cbudy as well as in wear weatner. in a lew tecundt. The T0XE and FINISH of my rbotnrranhi irtiaranteed to enuil that of anv uailai In I'luit. Utlphia or New lurk. tunaiaauy on Dun a a large auppiy oi Frames, Albums and Stereoscopes, Of all iiea, at v lee and priret, and of tha btit nnau. Alio, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, of tbe moit ioterftLiog , AMHRICAN eV IORt:lC SCENXnY, for tale at rtatanalla ratea. FRAMES OF ALL SIZES. From any ttyle of monldinr, made to order on abort notice. J. K. B0TTOHF. Clearflold, Pee. IP, IMS-tf LlTHERSBl'RG TOTTERIES I.ttlhcrpburf, C Irarfleld Co., Pa. FARMERS, MECHANICS 4 DAIRYMEN Look H erel rilllR nndrrpijrneil la prepnred to furnish yon J. with the hcit HTttN Y.W A KF. manofaetiired in thia onitniry. lie hii nerer yet failed to pi raw the mod fartidioua, aa to quality or darai-ilifT. If i w ware cn.mM iu p.irt of Cf.EAM FCTS OF ALL SIZES! miik rnocks Atn pan. Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety lubes, And in ahort EVERYTHING n.oally made and erpt in ao e.tanli.liiovnt ol thil kind. MERCHANTS T.n bare their w.-n dr'irrrrd br Tae, at ANY Tl MR and to ANY Pl.At K dr.ired. Order, for ware anilcilr, and promptly filled. JTnFrrr rrneral a.rortmrnl. .re Calalrgne and Prina l.i,t, mailed free to afipliranta. Jlr A literal diacount will ba girea to lha holt.ulc trade. C1E1. c KII1K. I.uthrr.barg, Pa., Dm. J, If..if EDWAKD TERKS k CO., Flour ?Iainifacturrri, And Ilealem la GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, rUILIPfBCRO, ;pa. a rri.i, srpriT or floir, wniAT. : i. i tut: CClKN aed CHOP nnn.ianliv oa band, and raJa at rale, rtnerkn'oly lr. Mir M J f i octHTatrD lamoo TIIK KOTNLICAN. C l.r.AHl II 1,1), V. irr.rMt r'AT moiimmi, MtntH i, Tfrms of Subscription. Tf p. id in ad.-.nrr.or within ttirer month. ,,.f 9 Co II p.i-1 .lln ttite. ar'l I . f'ir.. .it io.ntli...... t .'0 ll p. id n tier tbe exniret.on of i,i tnnnlti. ... I I'll Mr. T. It. Witnor, cur fnrriiian, Ii anthomrd to rrrripl tor mnm-y i.at'l inin Ih. nftirr on a?rouiit of .uli.i ription, adrrrli.inr. l ib ..ie do.. In out .bnM. oho. :i iiO.,l-l,,jN.i:K. h htorarttl rro,ntt.r SiMtisd tioui!. C. Kraircr V 8on are)uatf.pnirgaprlendidatoikofuewt(0oaa. m CI.OVKII, Timothy (Irnr. Herd, at ntid OrolmrJ KniTrrn A Sott',, Hy ft notieo clsewhero it will bo found that Metira. Phrader A Oiler hare bocome projiHctora of thu anloon near the depot. Mr. Alexander Irvin is about clou- ib out hit itock i( floar, fred, banon, Ao. lie olTert good bargain a. Bee hia advertiarment. Special attention of purchasers is in riled to the a Irertirrmont of Mara. K.vro A Landell, Fourth and Arch tt recti, Philadelphia, in tbn Issue. Of the well eaUhlialttd ohatwjtor of tltit old and reliable dry gooda home, It it unne eeiary fur na to apeak. (lira them a eall. A Con veniknck. -The ncnt of the Adnma Ktpreaa Company, Jlr. (Jeorge V. Kheni, from this time forward will delirrr all paRkai or food received ly Exprera and nddreaaed to parliea reairling in thin borough, immediately after tht arrival of the train. Our eititena will tbua tare many naclrta tript to the Lxprc-aa office. The I'fTTsTiVRuii Female College. M o clip tba ful lowing eonipliuieiitary uotioe of thit inititution from tho Pitnljurgh Vkrimt'ci : "The Pitttlar(h Fcruaio College ia enjoying maili'd prosperity, cnpccially in thi boarding ilfpartuinnt, Thrre is tut a ainglc vacancy. Philaiklphia, in the EufI, and St. Paul, Omaha, and Indt-petidt'iioe, Mim-uri, in tbe Wcat, and iutertntidiute poind, bare aetit rp ream (ati vet to our Inititution. A moor, tho Humbert are the daughter! of Pihopa impntm and Kinglfy. rnuauoJ facilitin art afTorded in all the tohd and ornamental branches, and the Collt-ge Faculty rnnka among tbt very beat In tha land. The Spring term will eoitmrnce March geud to Dr. I. C. Perilling, Prviidtut of the Colh'iro, for oatIo)Cu. Thr New Vohk Mkhcantiix Joun- tt Tbn very iuccer'iit,l paper, ptiblnhed every 1 Ttiuraduy, by the New York Mercantile Journal Company, ia devoted exclunirely to. mattcri of ISoance and trade (without regard to party poli tier.) It contaioa very full liitti of Job jcri' pritet in all kinda of good, carer. illy corrected for each iaaae, up to tht time of going to preat. The lead ing qautaliona are, tbe Xcw York Stuck Filet, Dry Uoodt, 10ruff, L)ya tStufft, Paiuit aud Oila, Hardware, Inm, tUtl, Hvtalt, Tin Tliile, tiroccr lea, Cauntry Produce, Liquura, llidea aod Lealhi r, Tobacco, Wool, Fruiti, Ye pRtablei, Putter, Cheese, In fact, almo.t orcry kind j Fih, i-nJt, Ootne, Ac, of Mcrrhandiit It qiioU l. giving the wboltialc price, witb an citrndtd review of tbe maikett in each number. A peculiar feature of tbe Juumal ia Ui vtry telect advertiaing patronnge, of firrt etaat boufCt only, It it juit tbe paper for all hiitineai oicu. fiubtoription price, (j. AdJrrtt Iht S'tm York MtrcunfU Jvrnaf, P.O. box 1919, New York City. A LlUF-tlAI. Of FFR FROM Till A PPI.lt Tota KuKK Fot'HOATioKa roa LrstiAiitEa avaitr arRasr.. Tito erlaljlirhmrnt of HKrartat by aliari tabla rnilowtrjrot.or the oo-oprratioo of iutcllirnt putlio .plriu-d ciliirn., ia a luljrct tbat ibuuld rroeiva rneral attantioa. Al apurifirrof moiala. a means of popular rrluratlon, a relief of erowdctl priaonl and alm.bou.r., a illrret proraotar of tbe pracr, bappirteit, and wealth of ootnmuliitirc, tba publio library rankl with Ihe eburch and tha arhool. It apprara, front airni eroppior out hero and therr. erprcially in tha tVc.t, aa if tha timea cra propiliou. for tha furlhrranoa of thia great work. uch,ot lra.t,ia thr aunrielion entertained hy D A pplrtun a. Co., who bare rcocirad, recently, many imtuiriel from dilfrrent 8tea, a.kinr to ba informed aa to the beat mrtbud of founding libra ries, and arltrtinr bookt. In mfionaa to tbe wide-rprca.1 fetling tbua abotrn to exiat upon tbe .ulijrct, and to giro it a powrrfu! ilnpulae, they have determined to ofrr a direct and substantial encouragement for the formation of publie libra ries in all parts of tbo I'niUd States. Tha plan which .tbry proposa 1., in asupe, liberality, aod preoiae adaptation to the lnottirmt and sought to ba accocopli.hed, unparnllclid ia the hi.tory of public enterprises. It is as follows : Tba Applctona oCor to giro free, what may la nailed tba fviumlation for lilirartrs everywhere. Tbry will present to rarh club of persons desirous of forming a publio library a ooinplcta set, in 1G volumes, of I belt standard Kew American Cyclo paedia. This great national woik.tbe ouly publ. cation of the kind, is oue which organisers of libraries arually buy first of nil books, hcranse it is tha one moil oftrn cnraltrj by pcrsous of all claisrs and rocations, in search of rcltial.lv iufor mAtmn on all kinds of topios. Pixtceo large octavo rolomra, containing trany thousand pares of the mint raluxl.le rrading-iuutter, for the purchase of which Ibcy would ordinal ily iprnd their money, they thareliira receirc fur nutlnng. In one sense, Iba L'yelupirdia is In Itself a library ; so tltst from the start, tha t'luha will hara tho bettor part of what tbry wanted for nothing. The only return a.krd by tbe donors for thi, tnsgnil'iccnt gift is, that tbe Club shall proceed to raise and expend not Irss than Cre hundred dollars to boy other books. In other words, that the Club shall buiM the suprrrtructurr on tbe foundation laid bribe Applelun., In Ihe scire 1 1, of suitable bonks by hands exprrirncc! for many years in the makifg of libraries, tbo Applctona will render all tbe as sijtaocc rrquiro.1, and supply the books, with tbe usual discount. Tha Cyclopaedia thua becomes literally a gift. This extraordinary plan, so far as it baa brrn su'iroittid to thr judgtnrnt of Individuals, meets with unanimous approval. When it norors to be groerally known, it eanuot fail to rlint prompt recognition and thankful acceptance from the in habitant, ol hundreds of cilic, towns, and villages ia tho I'nited Htwlrs. For fu'I particulars of p'an, address I). ArrLs roa a Co., New Y"lt. Head This. Younu men. do yon :i-ih to obtain a tborotili lniM'u-sia eilucntion ? Then send to tbo Wil. linmsporl Commercial ("ollt-jro fur spiv t inieiis of petiuitinbip, terms, Ac. If you don't wih to fo to n Cotnnercial Collf;;e send lor spot itnens of penman, ship nnyhow. Special imliiceinciils olTcred. Address. .1. V. Davis, 4t. Williamsporl, Pa. Mennnl, tbe neirro biiiiinnt for 0 sent in Conyreos, in bi speet h, said ' betbiimed no special privileges on "iii-counl of bis color." X-igoaminous Mellaril ! Soutbvi-nrl tbo wnve of IJadienl nrtlee-seekers is rollinir, nnd iis f ml lips are alrently pio, upon the national Capitol. There is pnion. pestilence ami death in that sniuto. A Inrpe wbito lbitrnin cnmel In Cincinnnii has given binh tnnbenuli ftil little cnmel, ns pure in cnlur n itself. Tho young camel is n little lurgerthnnn yenrlinr calf. It is nn interesting 1 i 1 1 In creature, nntl is tbe first of its kind born on this continent. The municipal election in George, toivn, P. C., has resulted in ft Iemt. era tie victory, tbe Dctn'Hrnts carr irg tbe city by 37 nmjoiiiv Last you th nerro voto (faro the city to tbe Pdicl ly a large majority. rrtjAirt r. rtO-lofffm. Of n'l t !...(. ruiimt l'..it t wl-ii I, n g tiin'o ninniin oniiini, tinnti tru a fit it in riiiti.iiB It, flu. tic a .,ti r im it, rt IfliiJiT lna imiilmt ti , . 1 1 .1 iniinii ii lii;lit Mini jnl irf," I luin ilm-n I' nl til pi t jinliiT ; Iiiii I n i i. u!.n iiinji.atj lilniiiliitiin lilliilinty nvisy nvnr till tin mi ui and iiitHlriitiitl vtniliilii :i-o til ourrtito; puot.iiii Willi din vtimin onl lioiilli, ivory i"iirt)ui libra if tin' Mini, mill bulling rrn"n li'iin ha rxnllrtl tltrotio Ailvciec Iru'li, it hlilli'H: niitl (1,0 instil" that wutlfil I OlllllllPt'llt'l it, nlirinltK but Ii brfnlO il intperi.iiiit frown. Tbo Iran-cci dmil 1 ,. . . ., , , 1 hjut ot this ruli nrr inn(lilo niorl I "triKinly MluMrult ! (y the ptititiml CVf,"tft -ll;t liat'e within the fMft (i'W I )'o:irn triifiirod in lliift country, ll lias Ktflmpoti its blijrlilinir htittim no fiirmlly iiptin our nuiiunul rei-orJ't. Knit iioiliin hut a prolotucd rciu ol nJitson cun eMiico it. So mtivfrHully truo in tliiH, thnt u disinteropitcfi looker on rnih t well concludo thnt thin gov ernment ih run ujmmi the jiiint-ipltt of iMrjmi.rc. in vuin u) lliO jUtlieitlr. fiiiJt-avr to hido thin under tho pita of ncecHtjiiy. For t hoith it be true na they contend, the Southern SliUos havo toileited nil their rihtfl under tho general overmiiont ; 3 ct renon and jiiHtico, itided by tho cxuinplcit ol hiHtory, would dictuto n courno of for giving kindlier towurdi tho van ((iiirilitid. lint tlial bruliil prrjudico, and fiendiHh intolerunco which nctmito tho I.udiuul ItiidcrH, dehanea in their view nil tolerance und huinnniiv to wards n fallen foo; nnd cautcM them to I'OVtl over the WreikH of jtl'ticc, unci Kbit their vengennfe, not upon tbe ntron, liinolciit, and tlufiatil, but upon t lie t'lile, Uutenfelens, unci Rubminnive. A I1 tliiH in dune in tbu tuiineof loyally. Cut, iilnul fur tb:it country wlione rulern aro influenct-d by no higher Kenne of piitriolisni tluin lliin ! In tbut piitiiiilinin, wbitb, WOillJ projwj.'filo jmi tiHun dtipinuH, mid pci'iu'tuuii) lbe Kiiprcinaey of a pnrty, nl tbo corltiin k of emailing it perpetual setlionul ili-u3ra upon tbo 11 1, lion. U exhibit u low nrlfisli prt'judic-e, initiiital to pi tri'itism, and iiution:il pence. A pri-jndice that bUnda turn to tbo best inlrrots Of tlmir cuiintrv, niitl Icadn tlicin to purnuo tbo t.c-lfi!i ends of party, rt'ijiirdlifa of tbe loiieoqiienfen tbat miiy til tend their triumph. Of Kucb id lbiJicnlinm J rivelinj; over tbo wrecks' of civil War, and irrilitlitif; tboo glntsily mitinnal w ounds, which it tolerant and tt mpot ininjr policy ulouc can bcal York Gazette. Tbo Age f.iy : Everybody who boa Kuid unytbin about tbo Into liadicul mess lias helped to inako it worse. Wo Mrting together yenterday tbo conlrudit tions mid rccriniinution of tho rnrioiis parti's. Tbe Mornivj l'ust addd the t l.it i-lto that tbu whole ig " l'1"' to destroy Geary. Tbo cuiiciuxioii oi a ion); miu uuiu article in tbe I'wst inm, foliown: "'l'liin iabultt limpso of tbe inrlde working i if Penufvlvania polilieians, tbo "intellii'iit and reprcru'tilativo pol'ticiann," whom Mr. ilc-Clure to eloquently eulogizes. Tbo politics of thin Stute are rotten. Tho Jfepublican lender, nrc divitied into ftutionK, nnd lbe whole evil is the result of the six year udminUt ration ( f liovcrnor Cur tin, which, though fi.ir nnd patrioiic outnide, was selfish and corrupt w ithin. Nothinr; keeps tbo party trntinpbiinl but tbo honesty und the lidelity of the peoitrf, whoso devotion to principles mnst in tbo end drive out these lube leaders, spurgo tbo Lrrrir.ln'.tire and destroy all sellish, and umbilious fuctions. Last week's businos was it disi;race to tbe Stnto, nnd we have co mo to the conclusion that no don't care whom Q rant appoints from Penn sylvania, so thai ho don't uppointu professional poliiiuan." IIeavt Faii.coe. Sainuel Hess, a hunber merchant, of this citv, who has n largo lumber jardut (Jracffs landing on tbe Conestoga, failed yes terday. Mr. Hess' liabilities aro esti mated at 8123,0'JOj wo learn tbat S'J.UUO of Ibis amount is in tbo shape of notes discounted at tho various hanking institutions of this city. Thco notes nro endorsed in about equal proportions by Mr. Hess' father, Henry Ilcxsand by Christian I.inincr. bis father-in law. These endorsers being men of ample moans it is sup posed that the banking institution arc protected. Tbo other creditors w ill likely lose heavily. In connection with tbo foregoing wo regret to anniuiiico tbo death ol Henry Hess, father of tho above Samuel JIcss, w ho died suddenly thit. morning, it is supposed from tut ttttack of nploplcry superinduced by tbe excitement cioatud by tbe news of tbt above failure. Lancaster Intelligencer. Drkakihs Aiifao In bis attempt to shnmo the Senato into ideas of con sitoncv, says tbo Auguwta Ccnttitu tinnatttt, if not of juMico, .Senator Trumbull, in bis minority report nn tbo euro of Joshua llil 1, concludes with an appeal to w,,'lcsomo bars ol fultiro retribution. IIo says "it will nut do to ignore the cxi. lento of the powerful political parly that lost thr last great election," and adds : "A few- years hence they may, by a rovo Itilicin of pow er, be in the ascendancy, and following the example sought to be established in the case nl this licor gitl Senator, there would bo no incoti sislcncy in tbcirrejectingtbecniitorr from Illinois or any other Slates whose political nflilintirns were not in bar mony wil b their own." The Penstot tears that tbe snme rod bo and hi loyal cohur'.s have been using on tbcit neighbors, niny in tbo future bo use! on thorn. Ho conjectures correctly "Gone IKAf." Tbo ndmiiers ol Governor Curtin will bear with regret of his death. Wo presume there ran be imilniibl about it, as bo admits it bintell, according tt the statement ot a Hadiral paper, tlie Philadelphia .V..riin"!7 V-'t, which snys : "There " is a rtiiiitir about town that cx-tluv ' rrnor Ctirl'ti thinks that Colunel "Forney killed bim" Is this so! The inquiry is as important its thnt in tbo nursery ballad: "Who killeo Cmk ilobiti f" Tbo remocrats tarried Portland Maine on lbs 1st inat. for lbe first time sinee ISliO. electing William . I'tunnm (or Mayor. The role stands Putnam, 2207 Drtimmond, 2.77 I.nst yenrt he rotesldod Putnam, 22T7 : Mt llallam, 247. Grant bud 1.312 r-.njority in Port land in November last. Her. Mr Baltfly, of tbe Ix'wiatown L itbemn cbnrch, (apt week received a barrel from Wnoster. Ohio, and fin opening it found inaido tbo barrel i In of apples, among the apples a lfi lb olecnel turkey, nnd lnid the turkey j-wDbtk. Staasiari TV t'nlrr tit t tntr,ntr A ' nisIit'S t tl J'iJiIi sts tititi, o the iiblin debt lliom .s brrn lb tn ie .f ru sily lten milllotis into J'cl itiBty I l ul It niurt ba I'liri e in Inlnd theiii H is a Isign In. iienao tl.c nii.titb plliii. lulatl, wn cnnniit git at it crret t ritntsof our (iiiHtii 'nl siiMsiioi, Iriioi st y nno inoiilh's or two inoulli'i exhibit. We nittat tako ayritror several years, and i ben may know where we aland. Well, llteli, (he iinlMiilil iltbt has beer, increased aineo March I, I HO, ov.ss nveiity lii e millions. True, there bnvo I treu bonds issued to tho PaeilTo Hail road Ckiutniuy to more ll an that tiinount, which nre regarded in lbe light of a loan; but tiey constitute, nevertheless, n pai tol tho publie dobt nnd aro a )iomiivo ttdJiiion to it. Thcso bonds may never bo paid by the company; but wlioibtt they b or not, it is tbo duty of our gasern mnnt to sea that our enormous debt shall not be augmented in uny way whatever. With thu vast revenud of tbo government in time of pence, and now in tbo fourth year nfler tho war, tho debt ougl t to havo been consider ably diminielieil insieud ol increased. Tho lowest point tho debt reached was in .November, 1 SU7, w hen it stood -'.401..r.04,4.W. It is now ?2,45,S38,. 9U4. Tbo inctoaso in sixteen months has been $6,'i,8j2,4,')4. Uut tho htirdmi has been still more augmented tbiongii tho manipulation ol Mr. McCulloth in converting tbe non-interest Ircarin" and tbe currency interest dolt Into gold interost securities. Tb wliolo scope of Mr. McL'uIloch's policy has been to make the debt as heavy ns possiblo and to favor the bondholders ut tho expenso of the taxpayers ; and mat, too. scenis now to bo the policy of Congress. It is, us wo havo Ire- qttently said, beginning ut tho wrong end, und may create in tho publio mind a revulsion tbat will weaken iiiBlead of stiv ngihn tbo national credit Let us hopo that under the new adiiiiiiirtrtition, a new Congress and another .Secretary of the Treasury, the debt may bo diminished nnd tho burdens of tbu looplo lessened- Xeo York Herald. A Tale of Love. Ono quiet day in leafy June, when bees and bird wcro wil in tune, two lovers walked beneutli tho nmoti. Tho night was fair so was tbo maid; they walked arid talked beneuth the shade, with none to harm or make afraid. Her name, was Sue and his name w as Jim, and bo was fat, und she was slim ; ba took to her and she to biiu. Says Jim to Sue ; "15y all the 6iiakcs that squirm among tho bush nnd brakes, I lovo you better'n buckwheat cakes." Saya Sue to Jim : ''Since you've begun it. t liko you ne.t to u new bonnit." Says Jim to Pue : "My heart you'to busted ; but I bi.Tj nhvas lha g:.l n ji trusted." Says Sue to 'Jim : I will bo true; if you lovo mo as I love you, no kn if o can cut our love in two." Says Jim to Sue: 'Though thielt and Ibis, lor your true lover count ino in; I"ll court no other gal agin." Jim leaned to Sue ; Sue leaned to Jim; his nose just touched her jocky brim ; four bps met went ahetn ! nbcm ! And then and then utnl THEN nnd Til EN! Oh I galsl bewaro of mon in June, and underneath the silver moon, wbon frogs and crickets are in tuno, lest you get your names iu papers. Four negroes, Wm. Wilson, Frank Hounds, Win. Wells nnd George Ilailcy were bunged at Princess Anne, Md , lor tho murder of 11. F, Johnson and Uonry Cannon, caplain and mate of an oyster sloop, in March, ISGS. Each prisoner confessed his guilt, l.ounds und Wolls died instantly, llnllcy in a few seconds. Wilson's necii did not break, and be groaned and struggled horribly, lie got tbo ropn off bis bands and legs, nnd caught bold of tbo shroud of Hounds, and then of bis own rope, by which bo drew I iinsclf up on the scaffold again. Tbo jailor ascen ded nnd tightened the noose, nnd ugaitt pushed tbo wretched man off, jerltinrj the ropo violently as bo fell. The prisoner continued to etruiyle for five minutes, somo of tho crowd yelling, "that's right, you ou-bt to suffer." Tbo execution occupied forty fivt minutes. Towards the Inst four or five thousand spectators were present. Tin Cabinet. It is no wonder Grant kept the names of his Cabinet a profound oecret. Had ho announced them beforehand, there would have been a grand rising in mutiny through, out tbo f!adical tamp. Never in tho hitnry of any nation wore such no bodies called to exercise the office of State. Tbcro is not a man among them who possesses any proper fitness fur the position whii h be is chosen to till. Contrary to the custom of all his predecessors, Grant has completely ignored all tbo prominent public men of his party. The men of mind nnd culture, who have nunlo llio Hepubli. an party w hat it is, havo all been set aside to nrnko room lor tho tbscuro personal favorites and private betid factors of General Grant. Goon I Tbo Uadicals in tbo Indi ana Legislature undertaking to loreo tho suilriigo ttmcmlinei.t tlin.tigb that body, the Dttuttrratic menders vf I.., Houses at once retiyncd! This action of the Democrats leaves tlie Legisla ture without a quorum und detents action upon the amendment. This will probubly kill il. The Democrats of lbe Indlutia Legislature aro mud of the right kind of materia!. The Tacit'io I.ailroad ia snowed tip, and not a binghi train has passed ihrnugh tho ill ills i-inco tho 12lh nf February. This shows that tbo Southern rottto is the truo one, and o may expect tuSto that lino built very speedily. Capital Punishment Ten thousand .t year and noihin to do. Srttarttts. Clearfield Markets. Rrportrd ekty for the l'i rsrtrtri n ntpraueil hy J. P. Kai.raa. ItaaK-r la Irr tiooda, Ursa aariar, Provisions, Ac, .Mnrk't si., t laarueld. Ciraarins. Pi., March Id, I It I. p.i. grnl. tltlnU 41- T7.ixlsTl.seii. IS i;r:cl.yi- U U..I.L, groan f pple buitor,V ''I. 1 " Hams. t'tir JJ ni.tter 4ii4 4;.' fhi.uldtri...si.a H lleans 2itl(j,li Sides :a(5 t Buckwheat lit .lr lliickwheatfiourlb, S tc. potk.'a) btl AS OS Beef, dried- !s!ots a.e Braf, fte.h,. ..Il'4 14 Onions.... J oa Boards, M IS Boutin i Pn:aines I CtHj 1 i Corn,ahlle4 1 4S Paau-h-s, dririt, lb.. om, rar tttfa) T.v l'iaai.r, 1 I W I t rorn wiaal, S ei, I I. Bra J (ft bop. V '"U I JI Kags, V ta . I Clo.ersecd 10 00. 6ii,y so. k i-'harnn. J3 .Sluog.es lMn. K rS, OS brrrias tk. Mfa) 8t;ngles,l(.inli(lt 0 'hiiskena, drsj, fa, IS 1 imolhy aeld. ..,... h "!: l.Tllow I Fiaxsrad. , I en , WV.eat J ofl 'lour StifrllO S Wjol V. alay H aM fi Waarl, sssS.is., I M