THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAtS IT.. CtltwmVIU.1, t A. HAVlXri leaeea f. a tt of mi the eWn, el kn aad .rler lurt, ( r' ,...eft Ie Mr., "d y Mr. Iren.,1 Ihe (ireern. Tiprlel.e haa relitrd ll iia tha .KJ.el fii,t'i til hmii omfer. ,Me while e.'1'O.rnlnf wilh hi. A , lerj-e Ft.He end Verd If Mlarkrd. fr Ihe eare eod nmleetioa of hereee. nriiM and waont. A U.r.l roar mt aeelio pir..n Ie ii. Ii. tied. f.1,2. tf JOHN FuUT.S, Fro.'r. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curirtntvllle, f IcarlieM couuty, Pa. TNI eld end well ettabllthtd Hotel, beaatl laity ettaeted oa the batt of the Sueaae beeoo, la lb boroig h of Carwea ), be bt-en ,eeed fof terea f yeare by the undrati(Bed JlbM Won entirely refitted, and It now opea to ike public generally and tbe trtvelliof eomaa .ty its parlienler. No palm will b eparad hi ttadtr petti eomfortabU while tarrjlog at thit laae. Ample eta on n j roojn lur ine acceua.0 ob nf runi, Cbarga moderate. Jan. 1, W if WM. M. JEFFRIES. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, CarweaefUle, ClaarfleU county. Fa. TpH I vnitertirnad hat looted tbia eld and long J etta'bltabed bete), (furmerty kept fcy Major ttaae Bloom.) aitoato ia oeatral portion of tht town. and hat entirely re-ntred and re lornitbed It, aad re-aiudeled tbe itaflinr, ao at to make It ae atytct, hereafter, far tba traveling public tu Aatromto tan urge anc oomaiodioui bnute. dn-e.'Stf JOHN JT. KKAD. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corntrof becomtand Market Streela, CLEARFIL.LD, PA. TfTH old aad eomnodloui Hotel bai. daring tba pat year, been enlarged to doubla iia fvroaer eapaetty tor tba entertainment of atria ere an 4 goetti. Tba whole boilJlng baa been reforaiibed, and tba proprietor will bo paini to render hia f uU eooafortabie while etayiog with hint. pf Tba "Maneioa TToum Oianlboi rum to and froai tba Depot oa lb a arrival and departure or aaen (raia. DAYiU JOilNblON, aTi tf fropriator. THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLEARFIELD. PA. fTBI tabaeribor naving laaaad for a tana of Jt yra on wvii-kdowb uomi, (p iw bidj yaara by Mr. LantehJ and ra-uttad and refur aiabad it tbroachoat, la aow praparad to aoir laia travalart and tba publia rtnerally upon tarasi It ia hop ad alika ajrraaabla to both patron f and proprlator. Mia TABLK aad R will ba aap- liad wltb tba boat tba aiarkat afforda : aad ao paini will bo aparad oa bii part to add to aa ooBTaataaoa aad com 'ort of bit rooitt. JOUS DOUUHKKTT, oatU Prop iatnr. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, HCSTIN.IXt PA, TflHIS old ettaMiihaant havinf boon laaaod X hy J. J40RRIS0V. formerly proprietor of iao aorriioa tiooia, haa bean thoronibly roa oratad aad rafbrniabad. and auppliad witb all tba asodara iaiprovaaonta aad eonranianeai ao aaaaary to a irat claca IJvtcl. Tna dmtof rooai baa baaa ramovod to tba firat loor, and ii row opaeioaa and airy. Tba eliambera ara well ran ttlatad. ard tba proprictorwill andaaror to maka nil faaiti parfeetly at bcraa. Ja2 J. WOKBISON, Proprlator i. w. WALtica ...,TBoa. a. maw. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Ltttherabar, Clearfield Ca Pa. TniS wall known and loop tab!irhed, for marly kapt by R. W. Moora, and lattorly by Wai. Scbwaai, ar bai bean Iraaed fur a terta af yaan by tba andenigna J. to whicb tba atiaa ttaa at tba traallnjr pubtie ia now oallad, and a liairal ihara f pabho patronaga ii aniicitad Bpr16,'6B-ly-pd HI SHAW 4 WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST., FUlLirsBURO, PA. TH1 andaraitmadl kaepa aomuntly oa band tba boat of Liquura. Hia tabla tl always applialwltta tha bat tba aiarkat affnrda. Tba ara h nit publie will do wall to giva b im a eall. aoal.'na. RODKRT LI.OYU. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, COXKSTOW.V, DAUPIIISCO., Pa. TUB iod.riftinl ukn Ikti w.tbod of In. fomiot; Ik. WftUra.B of Ctr.rk.ld rouolj, U.Ik. kM nkilod m4 M-oponM tk. kotol for irlj kepi bf E. Shrolmr, u Coi.rtoo.. wkrt k. ill ukt .porl.l (Mini to r.ndtr .otiifoctim U til k. f.rur kioi with lit ku klooo all iko rook, oal of 10. rl.rr ood ol.oUd ualikin( pmu for h.lf . ail. .hot. kli loo. (f.blt,'7j UL0I1UK FALK. GEO. C. PASSMORE'S Grocery and Saloon, (Ol Kool Biroot, Boor th. R.ilrood Dopot,) CLEARFIELD, PA. I WOULD rornootfolly lofono tb. jtoblle tb.l I now Brvvorod to op Cnffoo, Paror, It, Tuboooo, Afc, m well w Ojttcro, utl, Coodi.1, ond io ohort .T.rtbiog oloolly found ifl loJooa ood (roeorioo. A .bora of pabiio potron f. i. ntlollod. doril -ly:J OEOC. PAS8MORB. ... McGAUGHEY'S RESTAIRAXT& BEFEESnilEXT lAlonx, ! Lutj'i K.w Bulliliof. (fona.rlr oooupied kj Itr. Kou,) ICOKD ST, CLEAREIELD, PA. C10NKT AXTt.Y on bond oflncioln-tinn of CAN- DIRS. KUTS, riliAKH, TOBAOIM), Ae. Alio, FRESH OYSTERS ronoirod doilj, ood orrod op to toit lb. Uoto. of coftou.rt. V,BILLIARD "AI.(MXn. omindnor. d.eld tf DAVID MotlALUHKV. ?oot$ and ihofs. DAML CONNELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAK jo nooirod t In. lot of Frrnrb CALF CKINS. ood I. to prepared to oianaf.o lor. tr.rjtninf lo bi. lin. ot too looroal l(uro. H. il ororrant bit work lo bo Of reproaeote. H. roopoolfolly oolfrlu oall. ot bla .bop oa Mortal .irrrl, orrood d'or coal of tba po-toff oo, h.r. ko will do oil Ii hit pr to render eotu forlloo. Soojo Ino (Jailor tp on band. .'; DAKIkL CO.VNELLr. PEACE PROCLAIMED. TX WAR 0VE1 IV CLEARFIELD KXOX TOWNSUIP QUJET. Utarly all the Contraband! going lack to their old maxtcrt; but 'nary one going to old Ma$achunrtt, where thty were loped so long and to well. IXeoneeqernoe of tbo ahnro facia. P. BtlORT, f lb. old "Short frhoo t-b..p,'- oold no. "oaw In kla Bamaroo. patron., and the people o'Cla.rteld coon I r at lorf., tbot be boa no a 'm rot lot nf fnod BUoriol. Ju-t roeoirod lima tk. Root, and la preporod onanort notion to moke ouid B.k.u and Rbnra, at bia nan ah .p la Vnhooj'a row. II. ia aoilafird tbot b. cot plena. oft,'a-ileea It Biif lit b. loor lnton.lj amy. -kao (..trlota.) He i prepared to Mil loa for Jwk or Coenlry Pnidnae. Don't f.irrat tbe "up aetl door to Snooer. A Orakeio'i .tore, 7 M'ket rtroot, Clearteld, Po, nod kept bj a filloo enaia.Bi, Mll.d Jyl.'kr "linORTT." sew Loot avdThoe shop. . edwarlTmack. MABKET A Ib 8r, CLEARFIELD, P. Till proprietor kae eatered Into tbe BOOT if I Mlolt baainera at Ibr aboro eund, aad 'uraiin.d aot t. b. aotdone olikor la qoal. , w r,rt'l ' ork. aporloj otwall'in be aid u oloniiforinrinc Krwrd work. II. on k.nd lUrr. lot of Frenoh Kip end -"rain, or the rerr beet ooallir. Tbe rlil of ei.arkold and eo.pectliMi re.pertfiMf i trial. Urn eborge for oalla JEW BOOT AM) Ml (IE SHOP. F T" tol,aorih.r baring etarted a aoo 1 loot aad fkoe ebop la Carereneeille, na " etroel. Joaet.h K. Irarln'e Drag r reipeeifallr apaonaoe to tb pat.ll (hoi f'Vored u ojoo. ortora ell atrloa of tloola aati "4 ''Tlblng In bit liao, on abort la krp oa kood a good aoort ,. , r aido work, wblrk k. will Mil I" lJ LEWIS ?. ROSS. AIM PANACEA, Eeanedr'i Med rd ,,,'."". Helmbold'a bnrho, Uokrr'e Oa ".alokT QARTSW10K . IIWfK. on fliji P'.ocflt, C.iSffilfs, (Mr, ttllO 17 INOSl)!!! READ CAREFULLY!! Your Best Interests De mand It X I o o a u to K E o u M R K to O O "S H K K g 3 . 2 s M td n O w !5 i tl 9 CO - o 5 O o a 5 w 2 O g Q S H C kaJ t3 K s n C5 J H O CI r" O o On a 0 0 r w o 'S. o M M n o a v. -i SO o o n c n 4 H II O 4 n a w f a M 05 H O o O 9 Q tl S3 09 f e a A m 'a f O r H H fc- X D B . to o H B Ok II II puma lAiiniaavo avail 1 1 68981 Zl-OI 1 1 KOMETIIIXG NEW! New Store in Madera. MESSRS. J. FORREST & SOS "1IT0CL0 reapertfnlljr Inform tbe pnllle tbot IT tb.r bore juat opened, in MAllKUA. Clearleld eoootr, fa., aa aatire ao nook ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Wbick Ibej are pr. pared to aell ao ckeap aa tb. Tboir (lock ooailale ia part ef Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Bach aa Alpaeeoe, Delaaea, Priata, alaalini, Caailta.rei, fiatiaata, aad Flaaaela, Ready - Made Clothing, Of tba beet qoelltr, aaek at Cool., PanU, VnaU, Orarooata, Oreralli, Shirt. Collart, Ae. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Ale al tbe Tory bait Quality. A complete stock of Groceries. Ia abort ererjlhinf oeuallj kept la a eoontrj tor. Consumers, Look to Your Interests! Call aad eianiae ear itoek and prioea befor pnrcbaeing aleenher. LUMBER AND GRAIN" Of all klndi takes la icbaat for f oodi. r-fteanember U plane, a) adore, Clearleld rcajlj, Peoa'a. J. FORREST SOS. Ootoberl, Itl7 If. Clothing. How to Save Jlonoj. TFIE tliaee ara bardi oa'd like to know How eon nay aoee roar dollar. Tbo war to do it 1 will ahow. If job will read what follow, A man who lived not for front bora. W ho worked bard ol hi trade, Bat bad a hoeeeholrf lo auppnrt That .qnaaderad all h ainde. t not bin oar. Bar. ka, "Mr friend, I lonfc Ikreod bear .ad roogk j -I've tried to got mraelf e auit. Bet ean't aoro ap enoegh." Sere (, my friend, how ajerh bare 70a J I'll tell yon where lo go To got a anil thai', enond aad ebeap t T RE1ZENSTKIN A Co. D look what llitle be hod aortd. And went to Heltrn.iein A Brother!, And there be got a hendenroe euit, For half be paid to (there. Kow be la homo, he ieoki well. And their effect ie .orb, That wbea Ib.t tab their doily aaoal, Tbey doa't ant half at laaok. And now be And. na Satard.y night. VHth .11 theic wanta ropplied, That be bo. money Irft to apend, Aad aow, I ley ald. Bla good eneoeae, witb cheerful emtio, II gladly telle lo nil. - If you'd ear money, ge anil boy Yoor plotbe. al HEIZK.V6TEIN J ci.oTniso iiall. kTber tba ehaopeat. treat and beat Clolhing and good Furnishing Uuoili eoa be bad to aait very taat and in every alyle nprll, AT IHM WAHTIJ.Thp noderaifrnrd will ..a the h rht I'ASH I'KK I for nil hind. Ft RA nnd ltRr.R HalnS. Mire me a roll CloarBoid, Deo. SI. I. L. REIZIKSTKIK. IjI very Ntablc TIIK nndertipnei! hgt (rare to inf'na the pob te taml be ie now lolly pr-arfd to aoooeamo date all ia (he way of furnithing U'traea, Buggiea, bad dlee and Jlarneai. na tbe ahorieet not in oad roaaonatiU teraat. Keaidanoa oa Loco at atfwet, between Xbrrd aad Fonrlh. , F0. W. OKAWIART. "htaarteJo, April llftf. ' t'hil.uUI))jU dailitrmfiil. 7 bankers; cq No. 35 South Third Street PHILADELPHIA. ENERAf ENTS, PENNSYLVANIA A fo;rT.HE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tha K.Ttrnut. Lira IvvrtAvitoa Cowf-t ta a oorpor.t o o ir rrj 1 hr tp. cut Act at Cii-araM, ap protm Jai-F.i i-s.ttaa CAHH CAPITAL, 81,000,000, FULL FAID. t'Onraltftrai.nfftdio Air-ou ana bollcliort.oko ai"inTlir1 Ii apotf st nnr nfflrit Faito it.cji.r-t lflh'l(ii1ttplraMoaaimirofll'ia, l-rir-i 'i trie tc iu i i"t t rnir UnM'lia ihm kr('tica)ar ui Pttaiphitu,'t-Uitiia auttbBiaaMt'Alarc i by 'lin l,'...ii,a' . ..1(iiT be liaii. t. . XAIIK V O.. A. AmUt tktrd ML B. ta. RLHSCl. Ma ii a per. J. C. THOMAS Agent for Centre auJ Claarfleld Muaiirs, I'a. oo(F.V-itl.r 628 Hoop Skirl And CORSETS, COKSETS. 628 WM. T. HOPKINS, o. 2H .frrft Sireei, M'hil'a. MAarrACTiTaRa or tin Celebrated "Champion" Hoop Skirts FUR LADIES, MIHStS AND CIlII-hltKN. Tha largaat aaaortaioDt, and bait quality and atjloc In tha Amartaaa Mark at. fcrrrjr lady ahonld try thatn,aa tbar racotntmrid tl aanal va by wearing lonjrar. rataioing tHali thapa nana batter, bain f lijthtar and mure -Utile tbaa oth ora warrantrd ia every rvrpart. and aold at r-rr !w rrirea. Atk for lloj,kin'a WCUAM P1US" tSKIRT Hurir llandmada Wbala Dona Cortrti In Iftaao dtffaroat ffrad-t. Inrturtinf tf.a ''Impiri al"and Tbompnna A Langdea'a "tiLOVB FIT UNO" C0KSKT3. rangiuf ia priooe froaa M eatt to f i t-.felbcr with Jo h backet'i ealebratad FttKNOll WOVKN CuKsETo, aone rior and quality, lea diflrrent gradtt, from! I 10 to $i Jf. Xbay ara tba and bt goudi for the pricea, ever imprid, '1 t.a Trade eapfihed witS ileop Skirtt od Curaete at tha lowaat ratoa. Tbo.e vinticK tba eity hould not fall to rail and titmne our oodi and prirM, at we defy all eomretfiloB. March. 1, 19 ly t JOHN M. MELLOY, a.nricTi aia or Plab, Japanned & Stamped Tinware AIB pbolbb 1 lloate Furnl.liliig Coode. Tia Roofing; and Cundurtor Pipe. Ko. 123 Market Street, angoly riULADELrHIA. DREXEL & CO., Na, 34 Houtb Third Sdfct, Pliiladelpo And Dealers in Government Securities. Application I v ittnil will rruelva rrotnpr atten tion, and all iufuiuiuUuti t'l.cerrul'y lurniilifj. Order aolicitcd, atirll tf REIZENSTEIN BROS., Manulacturen of and Wnvleaale Dralera ia MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING. A7i Market dm Mrrrhaut Hlrrrt, aogl 71 l'UILADELPIIIA, I'i. 1868 winter. . 1808 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Koe. ISJ, tn. M A J4I V Tninl St, 1'HILAIIKI.l'lllA. We are now prepared with our ufital rxtrr.iiro and well a-aertrd atek to ofier extra Indurrmrntt , to CA8H BIYEH3. aprll-tf j 1 " i blKLTUll, fl UO., (rjoeoeaeoro Ujl'rtor I. Wnrhl A Co, inronrrira or lap mhih i. DRUGS AND .MEDICINES, Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. jU 87) No. UV Harkrt Si., I'bilad a. BENSON, CAMPBELL &, Co., Ka. 17 N. Filth Si. ana 424 Commerce, rnlLAPELPIITA, P, WHOLESALE GROCERS, kni Commission Merchants. roa twb alb or Olntertff. Far Fkioi, Foatbara, tealber, Flax Seed. Irird Fruitt, Cmver 8erd. Houta. Doer Fkina. Putter, Ueetwax, hheep Skint, Ejrg, Ae., , Aa. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price entrant forwarded oa reqoeaL. Jan 11. lf8 ty:pd Df ;;afm:h4. hlinonkss a cajakhii treated with the at mot t aacrea by ir. J. AA("H, M. V., and PrnfeaMtr tf bitena of tbe Kye and Ear in the Medical Toilrire of lVnnvl vania, IX yara etperienee, (fnrtarrly of Leydn, H olland.) No. M., Arrb Street, ph l a. trti- innnimla ean be aeen at btt oflice. ThotHi -at fa co It t are invitrd to arnoipanr their patientt. at be baa tin ewrvti ia hm pr1etn. Art i Petal eyea In-erted without pain. No charca for e aminatioo. je!S-1y. DOBBINS' KLHCTKIC BOOT P O b I S II MAatl A LASTING fpiln.-g who kl.rk tbelr hoola on Palurdnj X nijlht wnb orilioar blark i n ff. dr.n't bare m.rb .bin. ea ri.ndaj, ae Ibe poliBb faiioa off ; but tbe abiu of DOBBINS' BLACKING Latts Saturday and all day Sunday ! It neala any other marking Ned I M.naUtare4 onle tio 1. B Pilllna, ni hia im mena Snap aid Hlarki'-ir Work, siaih .treet anrt Ueimoniown nrenne., riiil.oelibia. Pa. For eale Or i. P. RkVltKH and II A K TV WICK A IHWIN.ClearA.-M, Po. n.? loi H. F. N AUGLE, CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, orrorrTB THl wamkct atnictT I post oprrcE CLEARFIELD ! fTIIB tabtrriber re'peettolly Inormt '' old potront and tbe public vnoril'v. that be bt oa bend, (and ia ct.ntieM'y rarritina aew additiDi thereto,) a large etork of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. tw I fctMp Jewelrt In all im for ait and of d.flerenl raluet, ailhrr by tbe pier or aeL WATCHES A fti'l a-t'-rtaent nf either C.ld or ileer. wiade be? the b-t An eri.iaa and t ir- eiira annofariorert, tnrladtrn a Ana lot t f''d and eilrer bunting eate, lull Jcwaied, Paieat Laeera. CLOCK Of all defipna, eontieting nf f'fbt ' j day ail thlrtv boar, of either weight, rprlng lerora, and bo'b a'rike and alarm. HKPAIBTXU All kin-U of W atrbei aaa , Cloaks H-paiied, aad wnrrauted. Ia addit-oa ta what ! bare enittnetated. I keep a foil ateortoweM of M'K'TM eolord an1 plain fl-M. rltnt l.-il I f KN and rkM.ll bruOAft, FOH h lit I Tha KMVKS. and in fort ererrlliint ib ihe Jewrlr line. JT I t. her .n hand lo.t what en.i. mer mar nerd. 1 will nrdf r er fiiel eirr... withoBi ealra ehariro. A liberal .her f anlilie neironej.. ie e..lirited. Met 7, l J U. f. MAt liUk. Grape Vines for Sale. VLL tbe leadirtf bardr Triiit nf fir-t anaJ itT. CttNt ultn ( TTTIUS, f I 00 pe hundred. C0( Oltll VINE, only 0 nent. Or dera anlteited aa aoon aa eonrenient. and ftllrd in rotation, by A. M. HILLS. Meorfleld. Pa.. Aopl 1f7. 1raoea and abdoaatnal aoppvrtra of erery fciad af tba .ateet itopreveaaetiu for ai UaDrag 84re af BAT8VICK IRWJX. -Irdiral. MARIIED t.Blaa, 4m$ foitain j a (!. ata t" ia-rk f r.,ti hit tl lth C. HltHn ft t'MMiiiii, fhl' roia r:., ii J l r...O f tlU, hia ran ha Uia daitif alt lUgta ii nattu) atih nfatt aaraij. SCHOFUlA And all d ntft ( tha llnod. anj all aroptlT do-atr ,( tt.a V in, M J hmap, V mo..r and I'l aara, anirf fr-na whatrvar reut, ran t-a par mananily eur-d by tba ma of Ajf. Hobmk't llivod l-kjnft.r aud Uloud FiDi. TJNPEINCIPirD Uaalera oftaa rammmtnd other bll tore beeaute ihar hare not Hubaeh'a. H e deire to raut.un tie atHietad BfHioPt purohaaing any of itifiti : buy Kohaik'a htomavh Uitiera and none other, if you wtuld coaibat diaeaae tucorttlully. WANTED. All perpona troubled with Coitivanetf and Con rtipation of the bowaU to buy atubaeb'a Ulooii I'ilU i tbry eontain do mercury, ara purely reg atabla and work like a charm; aao be taken with aafety bf per to at of all a got, aad ia all eoodtuooa ol life. LADIES Of eedtntarv babitt whn require a grntlft purga tive will find Hobark'a l;lMd Pills jail the aied irina tbey want : tiny are periectly aafe and can be taken at all I i uio ; ihry onntaio no meraury or aimrral poiioa, but ara purely fegetuvble. LIVES COMPLAINTS, Jaundice ar,d alt alTrctina of tha l!rer ar toon r:o'tvd bv tie nf Hnbtir.' Ktiuia h l)iltr and l)!od I'illp, (hey are coinpuied ol vfgliitla medicinal ai'racit with eppf?fint rrfcranca to iti r uirect acuwa ea tbe liter and digestive apparatus. SICK HEADACHE Aumi (rem a ditnrdrrad itnte nf tha ft n ma eh and buw!s, and a hillioui dentre mant f tbe i ttr, and ran I a rrrtnt-rifnily cured b tba oa r H-buCr't l!l"f.d Punflrr and ftl.-'ud Pilla. Fail dirtctivm aceotnpaay each bollie and bux. DYSPErSIA. Thoweandf of the rort ruffcreri froaa thle ter. rible gnawing diMae have beea etirrd by tbe o ol hubttrk'a Fuimaih tbe letiimo biali aow io our bandt futly prove. C0SVALESCENT3 Fhnnld ate Rnbark'l Ftmaeb Ttittert tn ttreng'h en tbo proftnttfun wbirb alwate f'dbiwa a'-nta d itt ; it will be fituud far aup"rmr m i'ia Blatira; tnie to any of the wine aad bark prrpa ratioea of tba preteat day. KEUEALGIA paT, to tg9mt9,f rn-td b? taVinf r. Hobapk'i Wmtm purifier in4 HUcd FiHa. and bathinc the affected rarta wiia Tioeiura of Aeoaito or Cblo- PILES. There la no mHicttie In ae ao effl-ocloot aa Dr. lioback'a Illnod P-r r and I'l.M.d fill for the pertnetent cure of I'lir d or l!leedi? f Piira ; thry tlnke at tba root uf dieae, thereby reoiv Tinf the eauta. SIGHT MAEE Ta eae af tba vany diteaet of wbirb Dytpp-ia ia Ibe parent. To affect a en re peraotia ahnald eid heart y f.tnd at ni bt. ard take a w toe Rlaae fall of Koback'i Btonach Bittera aa re ti ring to bed. WHO SILLS THEMt The Afente fnr the a.l. n' Rnhark'a Clood rilla. Stm.rh llltlrra ond llli-od PnriCrr nre 1IART.SWICK A III WIN, Clearfield, Fa. )ant THE CHEAT ZINCARI BITTERS. A iafe Blood Pari liar, a apleodid Tonie.a pleaa ant fiereraf at a eertaia car aad Preventive of Diseases. rVHR KING A RI PITTFnS are eompr.onded X front a prerripiin f tbe neirbrated l-jc f tiMO pb,itirin, la i'na'iPtta, bn. aftir yeart nf trial and experiment, tiier-ovcrrd tbe Ziogari Kerh the ennt rentaikabt prvduri.oB. ibe earth, prhepe, haa eai yieldrl efriainie the ointt efl.'t'tieo in tbe enre cif dltrrtte. It ia enmifiatitn wh tbe oih-f hmiifa prop-rile of wbiea tae &iUAi.i i;i 1 1 t.U U eoa.poacd, will core Dttpepia, Fet-or and Af oa, Billlona Feeer, tbolir. CoM., Mr nrMtit, Cofntunptiua ia ita nrvt e'tpe, rtetatenre, Ner i'f-hthty. Female Com. plaiott, -Ithrumatirai. I'T-eatrry, Acute and ( iiarr!iw. Ohnlera Worbut, Cfaolrre. Trvbid and T plmt Ferer, Vellnw Freer, hrr-fma. Ihtea era of tba Kidnera, Ilabittial Coa tivenfM. In the Prerention and Core tf ibr anre dir eatea. i baa nerrr been known u fail, at th aandt nf enr mott prominent rilitent lb.oiiATb.fUt all parti nf the eountry, will temfy. l.ct ibe afll.eted tend fir eiteular eontsnnina; tettiafioni- alt and reitiuratrt I tboae wbn bava b"rl rnrrd a'ter tb. 'r caft bnva beea foaouocrd hupelett or oar beat pnr.iriaaa. Pnaripal J'-pu r. IITFH f ro . n. N. Front f-l , t Madelpbia. F.eeon:tnand-d ly Fi tin. Iaei t It. Porttr, of reon'yWaoia. lio. P die t .1. Efehrr. j lion. Fdwird Mt t'l er.n, lioa. Joel H Dnnor, lien M re. Mrherty, jlMf'Sf ad for Uircolarn. ' and otbrra. Ifrbll ly. Beale's Embrocation, (uri Powell's.) Far all dleea-ee tneid-nt to I1.rtrr, Catlra, aad 11a Baa Fieeb, reqeirinr tha ate ai an external appiirttion. Tbil Rmtinea'nn wai eiieotlrety need by tbe o?ernaeat iturlaa the wr. For tala by Hartt-irk A trwlr, Clearfield Joatph K. Irwin, CarweaiTilla. I'aalel Oood-b-ader, tej:Waawr af iiooiMns(;rKiin mnuis lloofland's termor. Tonic; Iba Orrat HrmrdlM for all Mfee af tba l.ikfr, tmb1 or PigtiilkO Uigana, HtHjAan'Trt Connuii Dittcrs la foif)poa of tha pure Jul n't (or. al tbry ara!a irrmr4, v Kitraot) if rmip. herb, and larkt. II praparaiin higbty eorrantri l and anttrly "free Iruu. alcohulto aduiiture of any kind" IltMiflni.tTf German Tonic T a ewibination of all the Ingredlr ntt of tha Ititirrt, wnb iht pitrpn quality of hania ('rut Uum, Orange, An , miking one of the urnM plra tani and AreiA a ratnciia orer nnarea iu ma, T hu a nr.r.rrin. . .n.Ji,,... tri Irutu aleuholie adtaiitura, wih uta jioiniium h ouniuiu xiLicrs. Thore who have ao objection to tba onbin lion of tbe Uiiten at tiaied, will use Ilooflandb German; Tonic. Thry ara both equally (-ood. and rontaln tbe tame mpdicinnt vlrtuea, the ehoiee betwepa tbe iwobnin-a mre laattorof taau.tba Ionia being tba tnoit palatable. The i'otnaph, from a arlety of nuat, aorfa at lndigptiin, t yapppiia, Nervnua Dibility, ate., it Tcrv apt to have y-v lea fiindttoua derang ed. Tbe Liver, tym 11 patltiaing at elotely at It doen with the toianoh, than he- entnea arT(td, tba ratult of which ia tbot the paiieot pulTera from aovoral or aiore of the fol lowioa; diteiuie : Constipation, Ftatulrnoa, Inward Pllai, Fullaer of UwhI to tbe Hoad, Acidity of tbe 8 torn ach, Nautea. Heart burn. .Uiffcut fur food, FuIIopm or VVfijeht io tba bioniacb, Hour Eruplions,Sink ing or 1- luttenuft at tba pit of tbe Ptninat-h.Switn-mtK "t the Head, ilurriedor lllffirult breatbinf, flutteririK of the HpartrCbtking or Bof foeatinj rniatiunt when In a lyinjf pture, Iflmneaa of T,noo,dottTwb before tbeeyet, dull pat in tbe beod,de.aieiicy of par ipiraiion, yellewnaat uf the akin and eyea. Pain io the tide, back, chett. limb, etc.. auddco flu.tiea nf brat, buramK flenh, eonttaot imagining" of evil and great depittatioa of apirita. Tbe mtfrrrr from lb pee dliteatei rboultl exer. eiaa tb- KTaiett eautiua in tbe aelerPtiun fit a rttmtli fur hia caa, porcbating only that ahirh be ia atrurcd I I from bia inretti (ra tion and inquiriee porpeniei true merit, ia akilifnily ootopounded, U free from i jurti.ui iDcre-timts. and haa eUbliebd for it a If a rrpuutn-n fr tbe cut a of theaa ttUeaiea. lo tbia nntiioii we would mount tbote well know a reined ice Iloofland s German Bitters, Hoofland's German Tonic, Prepared by Pr. C. M. JACKSON, PbMidtlf hia, la. Twetty twe reart ainca tbry were fint Intrw- duped into th ia o-itntry frm (tormany. during U'rh time thev have wnfl'tattfilf per'f-ru.eil more rrr, and b rue tiled tufftrint biitnanity ii a pratAT extent, tbat any other rtoat diti kuowo io tbe poblte. Tbre renirdiea will effVrtually rure Lirer rotrplatiit. i nurnttpa, -r-- Drtppptla. Cbr i ie or rrTnt lability, i Chtotif Dii'iliet, Iilpraaei of the kid aera. and all ditoatee a-ttig from a Xii'jrdareJ Llrer, touiaeb, or latituoea. Debility, He.ulllo fHm enr eanae wli.ler.ri rroltratloa of tb. ryeteta inoiioed br Hmi Labor, Uardkbti'., Kip-iaure, e'er. re, Ao., Ae. There Ie no mdieia eilant oqaal ta tbeae trmrdire In eoob eaaoa. A tune nod vigor Ii imparled to the nbule aritrm, the enpeiito la atrrnrtbened, food la eiijtijed, tbe etumeea dl fr.ta prooafiily, tbe bl'iod la r.tlf;od iho com plexion henoinre eimud and k..ltlir, tbo yellow tinir. ia ero.luatrd lrm the err., a ai,Mm ti r imn to the rbr-eli.. an th. .. nod nervoai inraltd beiomoa n et;oo( and bealibv beiag. Persons Advanced in Life, end frelinf Iho band of limn weighing nex'l. uim wilb nil it. al' ill., will Cnl th. ne f three Uiltera or the Ton'n. ea elitir that will iaatil aew lile into tbeir reina, in a me.'ure the enerr.r nnd ardor of mora roothfol data, botld np tbeir ihruokrn fonor, and giro health and bappioeaa to their rooaaiDing jeare. Notice. It Ie a well e.tahltahri f.el thai ful'r on ba.f of the female po T rlioa of nor t-opula- llunare acldom in the I , er)',Tmrnt of -im bpalih.r.t uaethier -J owa expreioa. .hey "neier tret wen. i ney are unguia, nevoia ai ell enerjT. rstretnly arrtt, and bava ao ap petite. To tbia eiae of peranna the ilittert, or tbe l onir, te pc.ailljr recusiaieDded. Weak and Delicate Children are made ttrorijf by the ae of either of theaa rrmetltea. They will tore every eateof aauweM wiihnut fH il. Tli'uatda of eertifiralea have arruntolated ta tbe band of the priprietcr, bat tpaea w ill allow of tbe publication ol but a few. Tboae, it will be ubaerrrd, are atea of aote, aad of aarb euvadiag tiat they a oil be believed. Testimonials. ITon, flenrce W. Woodward, Chief Juittea a! tbe tSuprf me Court nf Pf onty'rinia, write- Pfailaeiphia, Pa , March In. 1h. "I find HooPLaan a . Oikmn HittuRi Ii a food tome. apfnl in A diaametof tSe diett ire ntftnu. and of graat beni-lil in cavea of dtbuiry and want of rerroot action In the tyttets. Voura, truly, Oao, t. Moodwahh " linn. -Tatnrt Thnwptnn, Ju Jgoof the fopremr Cuurt of Ponoiylt-nnta, wriirB. Pbilade.pbin. April l. ISM. "I eontidrr Ilo-f)and' t.arman bitterea rala- able ntedinifte in eae uf lodirrfitina ur lJypep. la. I ran certify 'bip fruta experienro. Voura, witb rtupert, Jmmcu la varaoa. Frrm Ree. Jo'-pb T. Kennaed, D, ft.. Parlor of the Tenth B-pittt Cburrh, Philadrbia : Ir. J ra I'ear tr ? I haeebeen feqieot ly reqitetted tn ennrot wit name it h refoa tneniiatiwnt nf diflerrnt biodt ef enedu-iiiee, tint re'jr-rdtnf tbf ptae T tieea wot ad nty ap propriate tphera. I jV bare ia all rut-tt do plineil; bat with a" clear proif in -ariout inttatipea, and p irtiru'arle in mj nwn fnnntr, i( the utt-lulne!., tr. o "flunrtV t.rr en Miirrt, I il.e..rl fiaf friiraa In W Utilfil fntm t pi-f.t m lull eonvirtton tit'-t f'-r K-iiir-.l Jfbility ' r . v. ......... . w.4 ......... i , i..i....r...i plaint, it ,....1. and, I.M. p-rr.rall..n. Fn me rt.ei n aniiy ku. nut nnai'j, i -ronoi mt, i ill t. rftr'-Lt to th jir oho enffrr Irom the abore route. Voura, very rre.iifunr. J. l Krn.ait.n, Eipblh, below Coataa Mreetr. From Krr T, T) Frndall, Edit r of "Chri.nirl.," l'hi:H-l,i,ia ; 1 hn.e dorirrd derided heneflt from the n of tli.odnnd'a iLrman l.iltrr., and terl it tnr Pr ti. tec. I., rer.'irn'rod th. .0 a. a mo t tonir tn all oho are ei'fl. rine Irvn. cmtrnl H.hi itr rr fri'tn ari-ing fniia deronfemnt of th. liear. Yuura, lrn!r, t. 1). ll.titL, 1 Caution. HwlUoVe German Hitter, ar eonntereld. See thai tho oitfna tnra of C. Al. JACK- pH.N i. oa the ar.. I I tier of earn botlle til other, are t"un J'rineifa (ilTiie n-d Maiiur-rtuv. Ihe llrrmm Udioal Mom, No. S.11 Arrb atreet, rhiledvlj bia, I'a. CHAR I l.w M. -.Vwi. Prnprlrtor. (Foraorlt C. M. A Co) Price. lloonaad Oorman Bitter., per hotile fl 0" " H-r hair Aoarn. A 0 Iloonnnd. nrrman Tnnle, bus a la e,aart bvlilo,, tor hnttle 1 .'ft Or a half do. en for ' I e.k...i ..i .ii ,i. I . T... . 7' . .v. v To Sue, iawrd.r ! ft tb geaniD. pr for eale tj al: 4r0fl. aad dealer la edirrae. )tt If. Till HKliniJCAN. t LEAK FIFI. D, VA. WrPVJ.UAY MoHMNO, vm.ii . nt Terms of Subscription, If paid In adranee .or wtihto tbr-a irmntht ...f 1 n If alc alltV Ihn-C nnd .h 1or' t otolith .... It pud alar tba tipiiaU'i f i metiiha. t uo I 60 Mr. T. H. Hii.aoi, our fonmin, Ii eat lioriii-J to rrcript lor motiry paid into tliauffiraon arv-omil of tubKit-tpuou, adrt rliaitig, Job work. Ao.. in iur abtuirr. 0 LO, It. U(li I. Sli h It, Klitor and fro-trtPtur M. II. Jolly, Eq., Of Tyrone IiUH been npm)iiiled ticket aiycnt ot Did or n " St al ion . on tbo Ckurfiold railroud. r- , . , I aw vii xji j-iuiua tni UDiroqiieniiyi . 1,1,nV t"C tH'C'd Of 0 blltunt O Wheel tO I rC(rll1atO tlicir conduct Lord livrnn I with all hin advutitntfeaof birth, ntnk,j( wealth nna cultuie made himself pro rvtl V Hill 'iy L"',jM'M' nwi-o.lwuiti.1 Mossru. Wm. Reed k Oo. Invito the nttcniior. of Judiot mid gentlemen to their card in our advertising column Drop In nnd ace them. Mr. Fullerton gives notice olae where that ho has perfected arrange ments to supply this market with freah fish, vegetables, elo. Joseph Shaw &, Son want one hun dred thousand long shingles, for which they will pay the highest price in the market. Bee their advertisement. Azuhknk. -This colebrnted article ibr blueing is for Bale by Ilurtswick k Irwin, in this place. It is four limes as strong as ordinary Indigo, and ireo from dirt. We understand that Iho attorneys have agreed to adjourn the trial )f all civil causes set down for March term, in order lo enable Iho Court lo clear np the Commonwealth cases. The friends of tbe cuurc of agricul ture will take notice that an election for officers of the Agricultural Society for tho ctiMiing year will to held in the Court House, on Monday evening, March 15th, (Court week.) Our advertising columns contain ,t. r..u ti.,.i' : r. ' ' ..ill- !l lilt LHllO J1UII.I, H Vl "vun.iiiv. . . B , I,, is in every sense a Iundlord, and a .,, . , "stop" with him will no doult prove itisfuetory lo thoso wbo may lavor iim willi n nll MoNinLT JlEtriNu. Tho rcKilar monllily meeting of tin) "Youn-r Men' Pcmoeratic Assocuitinn" will be lield at tlicir rooma, in ClearSclJ, on thin (Wednt-silay) evening, at 7 o'clock P. M. A full attendance in requested A. W. Walter, Scc'y. Wo call tlio attention of '.ho travel ing jiulilio to tlio card of Mr. Ivelpold, tirniirietor of tlio Allegheny Hotel, in tliia place TT1. AnlAii,pi.A ilnc.n-ii. public atronngo. . A hotel in tbat portion t-f the borough has long been needed. Wear jour learning, like yonr watch, in a privalo pocket, and don't j pull it out to khow that you havo ono ; but if you arc nsked what o'clock it is, tell it. So if you are asked what tho grc nlest tonic in the world is, you enn with confidence ray, tho Zingari Bitters. It is recommended by some 1 of tho mnnt eminent men in this conn. try, as well as in Eumpo. Kiad Tills. Young men, do yon irish to obtain a thorough business education? Then send lo the Wil linmeport Commercial Colh-go fir spe cimens of penmanship, terms, 4e. If 'OU dofl t Wlih tO CO tO a Commercial College send forsjiecimensof penman ship anyhow. Special inducements offered. AdJress, J. F. Davis, 4t. Williamsport, Pa. Mr. Srnrm: I nave nd tl.o Pit- tcrs I olitiined from jou nnd 6nd tliem to bo till they nre recommended j put oft tlio cars. For lliis, suit xc to be. I found ono botllo to afford I instituted npiinat tlie condiietnr. and mo considemlilo relief. I feel ,,!be case w tried before Judtjo Tron. .iir . ,, -., . 1 key. Tho tlmnto of tbe Jmliie, in tliongh I cannot do very well w.tlioat ' Jordanco wilhVhk.h . terdiet ;, them under my present slate ol health. wud0rrd for defundant, vrns in sub- D. Mr.sitir, No. 144 South Sixth St., rhilndelphia, Pastor naptit rasf.yuiik Cliurth. &&I!ead Schccfi'i standing adver tisement in another column. As Exrr.i.nxT Book A pul.liis lion emitled "Crimes of tlie Lnle War, and the Curse of (he FundinfrSyslem," by Ileniy Clsy Denn, is before ns. This is an able exposition of the "crimes of the civii war" ns Indicatod by its tMo, and no mioisko. Mr. Iean is one of the clearest nnd most pnngeiit writer ol the ne, nnd A po rusnl of his work will open the politi cal eyes and oars of the blind and deaf, and sluilio Ihc "loil faith hi otry and prijiidite of tho most skrp- tit til Upon tho0 quotation A. Any-1 . . ... U""J. w "u uuuu" lu "I1" i-ii i ivcui liieiu lite uriter inati ov buying this nook. Sir. William Tinker and Sir. raviJ Huck, we nndorstand, havo the jjcn ( V fur this woi k, and will call upon the citixensof thi county in due time. Sold only by subscription. IIorsF fliUNin tin Iho night of Tliorl:ty Inst, the dwelling Mr. Jacob Siiilh, of il Calmont tntrnship, lojfelhor with nil it conlciits, wun fXiiiMimrtl by (ire, the fami'y being nroutod irom llieir slumbers, barely in lime loevape the (lame. Air. Smith, , tliitikingol a paekagcnf money in the lione, suciecilej in secr.iing it; lutillv,0. "nu lnc iiiunauuiin .o ...n in going after on of Iter ihildien, 1 ahoulone hall the patron of tho affmr which crawled back into the burn., will bo of African Venl. A gentle, ing building, whilo in a bew Idercd i mar " '' ""V inlonnrd mo this slate. shedroiM.ed it. and tha nuinrr. ! morning that his Ha. k cook has made amoiiniinii lo oventl hundrod dollars. I was also lest. Punnyitawncu ifffiH- dealcr. JudifO Pearson docides that iho lvr of lGd. coniPtllini? the JV lia'lmad Pnmnanv to nnnn fili alnii oa in lha ' ,-v -- i -" ; ''". '" T- . - i dams ol IU buiquulianntt inl Juiimi j rive i, is anonnstitu joral. yoa.fmh abtil IIow ar flVfWWBwwaNaaa Ft iaref fWf fttlmtirr f f ri(noii rtt, rin tk T1 roiMi-itlfe ft pointi i l y ihr WcWfn Lfltivi StK.i'ty jf I Kin'n Coltrt?, fur tlto j-urpo-fl T pvopai inj; hm nppmprl.ito nu'titorinl nH rrtulu lions upon tlit) dt-nlh of Rev. Jamta Gl.tow Arther, rcpcilfully report the rolliming : In ib ftl uf If-i., tbe late Nr. AwSrr, at tbr age ff ,il-rn irar, rn-errd tba fc"hom-r rlaw in i):ckihn Co ! g, al (riitlr, wiprt be 'H afr wl'li tha fi i gin tt h -rt'tti nf lug r!i. lie early ennft(d btraarlf ,lti our iwi'lt, and dtirui; h i riiti'v cultgiata oourte proJ bimarlf a wi-'S ao-J bwD"rrd mrmbpr of b: m kpmir m Irinct,ton,N-J.lwhrrohppurfUail "p b.tthaoiogtpai atudiea. I 1I mm klf1 tn lhr n-iir.rji nf t ha I nau cbutch at CtraHiold, Px. ta Jotio. Iftflx I Aa a pat tor bit karmnr. real and piHr, r - yhi.hh.waaaocaiiiiroUydiitiBfObpdwh ' active mrmticr of our body, won lur him a plorimr I ,"w,i- " Arohrr, brlorrd and ctr-inod Im .11, met with a aad and uneipte oVatb io a ra Iroed accident, a frw wiica weat of PiUburg, Oi January I2(h, tCJ. la eommemoratioa of tbe lore aad eateem wbirb we bava ever felt lur the eialted virion and hipli abilitipt which cbvaetrriied tbe ibort life of our dppaard fneod and brother, lie it reaolved. That we do hereby eiprett oar arnte of tbe grea loee wbirb we frel bat been aut tained by the Chureb, tbe btate, and tba world. Kea.dved, That we tender oar beeirtfelt eyoipt tbiee to bit bereaved relatium and tncodi in thit tbir tort? dttra. Itetoleed, That, at Indicative of oar feelings. the hall of tbe lteliea Let tret Soeiety be draped with the uiual baige of mouruuvg for tbe period ol thirty dayj). Hi aoired, Tbat a eopy of the abore raaolotioni be printed in ibeHarturd Itommerat, Clearfield Jit public, aad tbe pa pert of Carlitle. O. W. Lt, Cbairaaa. - .Ixo. T. Willi AHf W. It Fiaaca. E V. fcaCARER. J. II era tax liaoia, Committee. Tho undisputed superiority of the medicinal virtues of Roback's Blocd Pills, Stomach Bitters and Blood Pu rifier over all other remedies prepared to relieve suffering humanity, is shown in ninny ways, but especially is it evinced in this important fuct ; That responsible druggists and merchants all over tho country take) active inter est in introducing them to their bobt customers and fri-nd, while, at the ha mo time, it is quite as much to their peenniary interest to rpcoinmcnd oth er medicines. The reason for this is obvious. Tbey are tn positions to sec the pre-eminent efficacy of the pills in cases of Liver Complaint ood all ob structions of tho bowels, and, in fact in all caes whuro a cathartic medi cine can be employed. While the EiUcr"' l' tl,eir Sentle to,,it' ,lima : , . , . , I iH"t find laxative nroiiorlicg, and aa , . , ! r wife and certain remedy in Dvpria. have won tbo admiration of every one who Ims given them a trial, and the Biniid 1'uriScr is nclitioMlc-direJ lobe ono of tlio best rcmctlka to 6e:ircli out disease, cure Scrofula, Old So'ro, Eruptions nnd Skin Pii-ciscs and to i purify t It blood eitant; Lento tbe peopla muht nutunilly givo their Toicc in Invor of rcinediea wbich effect to much good in tlie world. ' Govmsmint bt Co.fsrmACT The (nut uH on the Tenure ol'-UQRo law Iwm prevented its repeal thi sennion, and tfins wu nnu iinti Knot oi men more ! I'..!) I,ft f.i lh,.n Ar.nfif.i ir.n ....... , ....... acl.i. r ii. cnnapiracy, r.. n.oredrcn ,h of ,Uo w,)itc Xou. aal 4 at- mt 1 1 llkMioailioliaottIinftr. . .... powerful (or evil than is the legitimate machinery ol tlie government tor irood. Thit caneut was a eon.piracy. Senators were corripclled lo enter by terrorism the threul of cxpulaiou from the party and, oneo in, wore committed to tho conclusion oi the bo.!y by an understood pledge. Tho mischievous point in the caucus sys tem is that in this way the fiction ol 1 1 jl0 Senate is determined otherwise ! than br a majority In the Senate a majority can make or unmalto laws ; UBl " vaae .. ronjorny .nw another placn nnd bind every member by a pledge analagoua ta a conspira tor's oath to net as this caucus uc'.s, and then the majority of.this caucus j Jolenninet uliat etinfl bo .1... , Ba h l.n, l.nll h- i An. i, ...1 lows that tho Senate tnny lo really acting on dit tntc tf the minnrily. The caucus it unrcpublicaa uud tlia honest toward the pcoplu. Akotuee Railroad DECiftiox.-A case haa recently boeo decided in Ve nanfjoevnnty which i of some import ance to both railroud travelers and conductor. HovhI A I water, a pas- i f:ra.i. I a ii i , . nv , - ,rab.lli 1 demanded by tlie conducMr .and was stsnco s follow s : A pso'enger w ho refuses to pay his fare and res-ists the conductor, cannot recover dumnpes for injuries ho may receive while being put off ; and when the con Jut tor of it train demand fare and nlkius a nun rousoiialile time to prodiK'C bis ticket or pay his faro, auJ lh pussenxer refuses, and the condui tor stops the train, the conductor is nut then obliged to take ticket or fare, and thai Iho ringino; of lli belt by iho conductor is the stopping of tho train. Srorrino NtwsPArtBs. Ono of our exchanges lias tho following nllcijorv, which wo commend lo careful consid eration: A certain man hit his toe against a pebble, and foil headlong to the ground, lie was vexed, and un der the influence of nnriT nnd self 't-iifficieficv. ho killed mnilirr enrth ! .1.. tc:n. I. . i.l.. Illllb ettH.ll.. l.llll lll'vl III I IILflv gravity, ho looked to eo Iho ninth CiltllC 10 nau-l.t. lJut tllO Ciirtll TO- miiineu, ana only ins piior Iihii an. injured in the encounter. This is the way with man An articlo in a news paper touches him in a we.ik spit, and straight way ho scnJs to stop his pa per. With great self-complacency he looks lo see tlio trash, when hoiinda ho has only hit his own t"C iiainnl world that doe not perceptibly feel tho hhiK-k, "d injures no one but himself. r.oi Nn to oo to ins Ball. A late Valiiiigl"n diopatch suye : "Tho no grocs of this city aro in high spirits over tn approaching inauguration ll"y ro purchasing lukets ample preparntions fir It becoming Jhiltitr, and rxprcsfod hr iniontion lo go at allhazanis. hynotf Toca Littlb Utsat Wiiaom This person who i. very pf.eai man in j M asai:hnsett. is nfhud lo rrnenl Ihe'rk,,. 1 a,. a k lenuro 01 Udoe law iUr teat ot th sooldinr tlist Andy Johnson would I g'vsMb 5tt for iu "ineonsisttT" Tt ri-Vnt HyfrtNnatW NfelropH'inn r'-m Ml. tti H Ap p-tmaiiii In ttii !lni friinle, on Iho JIIiIihI. ll if-I' A'cd bf k ou nl Hviiiiy ny to wlrrn ) ", nd million to TvC'iinaiitaT met tiro pnmo di-nciTid fnto. It pnrn trle.1 r) "cry fiTim I'lf mor.Ier. A virMif rftt"' Oclnlior rloclitin," ftoil mol tom b albi-inn 10 eMih,t tomelxwly' "birllilibt fur A ltro (il pnlhtrjo," o nienm of ojivinrr hi ottprii'j, bt:'. I lira SiPAlnni en riVnf ff. Xhfl uro '-. of tin! 1'inir," ni. J Ihe nxc fell. l'bi. was a iiio.t just nnd rii:lifoti do.i' ion, lur n muro uncalled Jorand iniqni ton nlPanro was never (.reiwetl ujni ibo attention of a IcikIhi ivo body Tho pwopU ilid not petition for tnch i.' luw. No citizen culled upon u repn: entnl'io to interf'TO with tho polN- arrurtemenla tf Iho city. Th vroik inj; ot ii rimilut y6tcui in New Yorf. Iius been moot diaUMtrou to th be.i interi-ota ol llmt metropolis Ant'.' yet, becAuoe tho people cliono to clow Duniel M Fox Mayor, i nut cud of Hoc tor Tyndnlo, a "Umn" of disappointeil nnd diiwolut politician attempted I turn the police; rtito yariioitn mn-i-hine, and eniiniT tho live an't property of th eilicn in this lot-air-ly. Dnt thev have been delouted ni I rebuked. Honest Kudiculd Uiiitvl nith the DenouruU mi Uie Senate-, and slaughtered thi Calibdn tf thu 'itinjT." .All wh aided in thit wori: ol juotico are ontitled lo and will rc ceive the thank of tbe people r Philadelphia. Wo fcoe the matter i now ended and that Mayor i'ux wilt be allowed to perfect Ihote reform t t the polico a) mem, necerwury to miloi it eflectivo in all particulars. Alreaiby the result of watchfalne and dis cipline on the part of the head of the forcocan be een in the increased vig ilance of the Polico, and if tho "Rinij" i kept in check by such action ait thai of yeaterday, we will toon hare a po lice fore in tbi tity of w'jich tlm poojile may jnstly feel proud. Phila delphia Age.. Want or Labob is th Socth DECAnrrcr or the Nioto. Plnntoi complain nflbc ureal scarcity of hantN nnd anticipate much loos during tb year in eonacqtieneo. A great mrmv neproeo last year made money afri are trying to larm on a small scale lot themlves. Four or BvO will pel together and use one mule. Any man of nense will know bow tliia will result. The tame amount of cotton land Can not be used thi year n there w;, last year, from tho simple fact tLvt the labor i not in the country to rtr' tivale it. Il i a lamentablo commoiit ary on th great boon of freedom, conferred by the United State upon the negroes, that the race i gradually dwindling away. A gentleman living near ?! iniotui iT oavt that on a plan tation near this city, wlu to belore II u war there wero about thirty wDnie.t. at Ieal fil'teen thildrou were boi each year, and that out of tho sair numlr of women last year on tl nuroo place ono child was born. Th ia not an isolated instanco. - Tl mother seem to have no remorse conscience, and rcort to every men; lo destroy their offspring. Even U young children of lour and five yea of ago are dying out rnuidlv. In tl. j olden timo tho whites looked aftci ,,:. t,i,i, ,,H i,,.t:,.;n. '. ' '. toot us much caro ol the Llaclc tho negroes look alter their children. in Iheirown way, and is a fearful mortality among them The ono great fact that standi out prominently is that year by year the number of negro laborer in this rouii try grows smaller and smaller. Mo' gomery (Alabama) Mail, February 11. SrDrcr.rt bt a Negbo. Thomris Dowden, a colored man, was tried at Cadiz, Harrison county, Ohio, o. Thursday ln.t,on a charge of sedocipg a young whito girl by iho name ol I.ydia M Amos, daughter of a wealthy farmer of Harrison county. He wu foiind guilty and sentenced to the milt1 pUr,j,m,ni of hard labor in the pen . tenliarv lor n e years, iu the cour., of the trial Miss Amos, w ho is Cm ihirieon years old, being bnt a few feet from the prisoner, in thepresen i of judge nnd. jury, rushed upon bi'u willi a loaded revolver and attempted to 6re it, but through ome misman agement on ber pari il failed logo off. Extravaoanck. Among Ihe item-, mentioned in tho general appropria tion bill we find the following: Sla'.i Historian ti.OuO; llislorian Clerk'. $7.200 about tea Ihmivand dollai ft" one year' work on a book thai pri vate individuals more oomttent wouM hsve completed for half tho sum. Tin. publishing of thi book will notcr-t less than 660,000. Huntingdon itor. A white girl, fourteen year oM, . daughter of a scnlluwtig at Alomphi-. i-eecntly stole Irorh lit-r father Sli'". and emped "villi a negro. Thi I' Mongrels would say, w as the "liber; . of li"ice," which it so dear lo tliu strong-minded. A young licrmnn ' farmer in Erie. County, named Andrew linker, com. mitten suicido on Wodnetdiiy of hit week, b?caune a young (ady, to wlion. he bad been paying his address soinb titno refused lo marry bun. roorfclluh! A negro girl in Louisville, Ivy., Ir revenge for chas'.iemnt at her r.i. tress' bands, yesterday, poured down th throat of the lady's oai a child of two year of age, and iauii hm death. y James Cnrdin lemmtt has given IUI.0U0 to the Herald Club, coiopoei '. of mini heeh of that oflice, to be Rt , in tho event of sii kncss or disability . II. II. Hamilton has boon aiiuc-lit-kct ngont and nperator at Tyron fir J. M Albright. Clearfield Markets. Referred we.41r fi.rlhe C. rinrtiL l:rt'll.l he 1. T. Kaarirn, ia llrr Uowle.'.. c.riee, frcrtvioaa, Ac Alarkot .1 Cleertieid Ci.aanrtst.0. Pa. Mereh X. MS A, lr (rrr.$l(tAl u II..;., droearil..,.. ' UneU. V lb 1 UiUea. green.- Ap,.ll.sUrr.yc.l, 1 I'l' Uud. HOC Il4tten..-....4i(4 r:i jitl-lerfv.lS'4 flrana S V'o) W' Ridr Berhwbeu 1 ' l.ard l:-hnbt ImQT lb, 5 Mrt notk.y bbl,..l . DMl.Ar.ra,... '.- Beef, fre.a,...IJ II On. ! B arda, M l l)(iM Pota'? - .l$l Cfra..helleJ.. IS Pear e., ar'esj, lb Cora, ear oi Ti Ha ear, V ! T C.rutor.eJ,VIatl.. 1 rsllre 1 Chin. T rati n(j I ? K.jv 1 lh Cloiereeod. ,.H Sfi S,lt, y wk rn:TVvi' nirV?i i.'ilj V. IS Tiito-he need... , K.-te . t Tali aaoewd. 1W," heat. Flosr ....... S SI a ! C 1 t oo If ,irJwiA4,