I i h( Y --- (rnlnmn.l Till: REPUBLICAN. CT.E.vnPIKI.n, I'A. wEDxt.'P.iT MoitNisd, rrn. i, ic. Tho CurwensviT.e Teachers' Institute MV.VP. WIU.IAM''l.TArPr.AIIA!rs" Oil Tile. riBI.IO STAG-. HIS LKTTKH8 AND "CAKD," AND "TIIK UNMANLY DOPOE " 'Erervtbing considered, we nereelve toil ntv en'tee, n.ee. nd err(.oeri need leer fro libarly of tin pre. a. t?r.e.e repels like eeS..ld ; Lmw. like a landmark j ud e.erf,e-v.. like Hjht." CaaTeanetaxo. All ! nnuijhtv cdilors! You should not l.ave l.ecn "uiJoJ by r.y cpipropli, ns jou cerlninly were. You should Imve renicmlVred liev. Mr. V.'nmild "monition," in i.is tiii-t lottcr. "Whilst we favor 'frco spvecii.' ic, we cannot inbinittnHiicli iiotme;tinnr;lci Ihrtisls, and attempt to itiliinidulo and bind conscii'iiee." Tftis plainly meunt, tlmt allowinn mo to dispute Lis assertions vns an ttuuse, perhaps a profanity, of "frco speech," &.O. You no doubt imagined that lie was "spoiling for ft fight" controversial, as ho said : "If necessitated, be could speak yot more plainly and fearlessly in tho future;" and then ho docs not "biota his own trumpet," ns malice might say, but only modest'y describes himself us follows : "As a lover of truth and justice, and ns a good citizen, I will not yield without u struggle." Jlessrs. Editors, fhis bluster was merely meant ns a scarecrow, to frighten tho enemy. You understood liim too literally ; hence, your inipartiulity hus placed him in u difgracel'ul unci inextricuble difficulty. For this dishonorable posi tion, he cannot bliinie you or me. II is '-Curd" com phii ns that the ques tion has not been yet fairly slated, anil that he has not been properly answered. I will again adjust my argument and review hinlnbors. Every re-statement, every udditional refutation, will add to his disgrace. I. Tho question wn not fairly sta ted in my socond article. Yon cast the first niono, Rov.Sir; and when tho record of your crime appeared in our county papers, I cluimed the right to protest in the next issue; and after twenty-one days appeared your first letter in the Jiepubltcan ana Journal. Why did you publish in tho former, if you did not know that my protest was inserted in it also ? Ia my last I cited the very words of your hrst letter, (they arc not no ticed in 3-our "Card,") in which you asserted tbut the Constitutions pro fessed to bo founded on King James' Bible, and that yourself and ''thoother men or prayer, and the precocious juveniles ol Airie Millport Academy, could read the iiihlo and pruy ichcn ever, wherever, and ns "Ivul" as you pleased. And yot you claim thut I have violated tho well-known laws of Jionorublo debate, because I refuted your crude and untenable opinions. I followed you in your "wandering mazes loit," arid you call this -'an uu muiily dodgo." Webster suys this wor.l 1s never used "in elegant com- Ecsition" It is you, I!ev. Sir, have ad to cat your own words, or. ns your iceond "counter-blast"' esprosses it, ' forsaken and disowned your own first, real, true-burn, and culled it bas tard." This is not Blair's Rhotorie, Rev. Sir; it is yours. It is of t..a Bime stamp with "llcsnsn and Jlier," "Tuking the Belt," "Pugilistic style," "Cloven-foot," "UnmaskeJ," "Unman ly dodge," &c, &o. '-With odioo atheist names to load your foes; Tuur Itbrrvl Institute why did expose? It never foils In t'Aor its. like those." Your ruse will do you no good Her. Sir. My accusation wus correctly stated and amply proved. It is this: Tho Insiitnto, in compellingCat'nolics to listen to prayer, not only violated a plain eonimund of their own version ot tho Bible, tho Constitutions (IJ. S. and l'a.) but even claimed higher au thority than the Redeemer, for llo compelled no one to hear Hi in pray or MOrnilip. II. Objections answered : 1. Hcv. Mr. W. is not a regular reader of the county ptipcrfl. Not pi ous enough for "these men of prayer." 2- "By the merest accident ho saw my protest in tho Republican." Vorv grand, ar.d of course equally trno of 'mo otuerinenol prajcr at luo Insti tute. 3. "My reply was based on tho pro tcstin tho Republican." Very innocent and truthlut. If so, why did you in troduce tho Biblound common schools slander Catholics and 'heir Church ? And because I have Muted vour "twico told tales," I havo violated the laws oUebale 1 This throud-barc pre text blinds no one. The question was fairly stuled in my second article. You should be Ashamed to deny vour own words in your first letter. Even if my protest mentioned nothing of BiMo or common schools, I still bad an undoubted light to refuto your stale uluuiDios, as I did ia my second article. 4. ' Both version) of the protest are his." Yes, sir, and you cannot show any thing wrong in cither, as to ideas Or expression). 5. "It is my prerogative, not his, to choose" about tho version of the pro test. Oh ! of course yon are the inno cent wolf, and I am tho lawless lamb, muddying the sources of justice as you horoically asserted in your first letter, n hen you boasted (in your giaphiu Drama "Sceno in School") lout "Prof. Shi'cm.ikor, Kuv. Messrs Gruy, JJttys, Buckley, (iiiyer, lit:. ' and everybody may road t lie Bible ami pr.iy whenever, wherever, and as Loun as they pleaso " In the face of i these words, (quoted in my last, and MnnoUrri in your"Cird.") you are not atruid nor ashamed, to say you must discontinue the diseu-sioii, because 1 do not comply with tho "rales of lion oral.icUel.ate." Js this the action of a lover of truth and justice r" 0- 'Ptayer was not Uini.'litnt the Institute, iherefro l.nvfal." If so can Catholics s-iy their prayers aloud, or read their ll.l.le, in common scIi.k.I, or Institutes! .No answer, tho' asked repeiicrily 7. "Tho Constitutions say nothing nhout prayer." fan you "worship" without pn.yer! 8- "Tho la says "it can and dares havo no prelcrcitco," &c. And yet vou daro not say Caiholic worship is Icirul in ciimnirm s, I ..,!,.... - "The Constitution. nn foot note." An rgl,,l.,ll j,, ...mi.ei, u nol,jn t ll.iss.l,.i1i, i.cv. la. "Will i. Kei.tieinat. claim prsy or to bo seela,,ll?' Uu wi, BmJ KninelMie ,,r. ,Uo , tiot.s in your first ,-lter, "Ilcnr o' en rth and givo ear, O 1 heavein!"' for my chaigo was not iiieonsisient" or 'selfish." 11. "If he makes tho law refer only to place, 1 urn prepared to prove Ihut all plaieis nentrul as well as iUoat Ur 1 -I,- .- s." Grsnd, sir; this . , . , v, , a v i a 'in 1 1 1 it v vti. lis rmir f,,it Viiir"lireruativf " A llani. l has come 10 judgment ; J en, a laniel " VI The masses In this country acknowledge tho power ol prayer, in theory or practice" A very poor compliment lo said masses. 13. "Xo law prohibits prayer ; then no l.i w was disobeyed; consequently no disobedience. 'iio . education must have been lieneliled by pravor." tiinnd logic 1 pretty like this: What walks on two led is a goose ; but man walks on two feel, therefore man is a goose. I asked, more than once, how you know that "IJod'a benediction" would not bo uivon lor each individu- ,.1'a l.rnvnr oil hit DH'O pr0IIIU.es, US u.U i,.r il.a heteroLfonoous iiicty of the Institute f You have not "condo rcnlv as vet. 14. "No man, or society of men, Hare nssumo to control conscience Kxcent "these men of prayer," Kov. Messrs. Williums, Buckley, Gray, ; nver. Ac. Iii. Tho liberty of conscience of tho men in nuostion. sanctioned by the Sainted Paul." So, sir; ho, like his ninine Master, forced uo one. 10. "Ho promised to answer my ob jections. " let, ana 1 navo acpuny iiromtse. li. ' tJliriSfc IUUIIUUU H'w vMmv.iv r'hm-rh i men mado voora." What is "unwarranted" iu this reply f Could I sav Christ mado your creed nnd mine, then He would bo the author of contradictions a tlasi':cmy. in vour "svstem." vou dure not condemn thoso who say Christ is not God ; therefore, if you say lie mado your religion Protestantism yon mauo Him tho author of contradictions a blasphemy. You will not need, I hopo, to ask ne-ain "whr it is inconsistant for Cnth olict to join in any worship except their own ;" nor will you be in a bnt rv to show their "inequality." The advico of an nblo nnd humorous Pro testant paper in this connoclion.niight be safclv followed by you, llev. Sir: "The mere bug bear hue and cry js found now a-uays to a snoso neonio in favor of the Homunists, when they are actually proved, on acquaintance, 10 bo quite a decent sort of persons, wearing shoes and stockings liko the rest of us. instead ol ho t aim norns, and reatly to argue, discuss, and give reasons." (Uotpel Metienjrr, tp.) It is no wonder that many teachers still think thev havo a right lo compel Catholic children in tho common schools to listen to tho reading of the Protestant Bible, orlo their prayers, when men claiming lobe Ministers of God coiismre with the blato buperin tendent to pervert the school laws Kov. Mr. W. attempted to palm one nerversion on tho public, and ho is r.ot ashamed of it. "A large Biblo part of the anparatusof tho school "tho Hi bio us a text-hook" nro two more perversions found in Mr. CoLurn's "Common School Laws of Pa ," pp. 75. 53. 81. nd thisis the manual.tlio cimlo, for school-directors, leathers Ac : a most daniieioos one, for it lend even the learned Mr. V. into trouble and disgrace. How cruel and how bigoted this conspiracy is, any ono can' know, when ho remembers tho difference in religion and in the ver sions of tho Bible ; nnrt that Dotn ver sions say he who adds to, or takes from, the sacred volume, "his part shall bo taken from the Book of Lite. (Rev . 2213. 19.) Tcrriblo rcspon ibilitv. God's Law gives man "Freo will." lie who says the Constitutions (V. a and Pa.) nre not framed in the same spirit, ntlors a "libel and a lie" on our "Brave ratuers .Legacy. K. O Buamoan, B, U. P. Feb. 13, 1SC0. Prepare for the ".falloual ISlrs- Jhe assistant Asscsor has com menceti making tho assessment of income for tho year ending Dec. olst, 08. We would advise persons to make their returns while, their income for tho year is fresh in thoir minds. Make out your returns. 11, after bav in paid State tax, couu'.y tax, township lax, special tax, direct tax, indirect tax, tax on your clothes, tux on your food, tax on everything yon have and cat and wcur, you havo anything left of your year's earnings, over one thou sand dollars, prepare to hand in your lax on that. What blessed things tuxes, national debt, bondholders and radical rule nre, lo be sure. For the information of tax payers under the Internal ltevenuo laws of tho I'nited .States, wo below publish the following statement of the sources from which mcoino returns nro to be made up, with the deductions allowed : Income. From profits in any trade, businoss or vocation, from which in come is actually derived, or any in terest therein whenever carried on ; from the payment of debts in a former year considered lost, and which have not paid previous income tux ; from rents; from farming operations amount oflivo stock sold ; from firm ing operations amount of agriciillur nl products sold ; from profits reulir.ed by sales of real estuto purchased since December 31st, lUii ; from interest on any bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of railroad, canal, turn piko, cnnal navigation or slack-walor company ; or interest or dividends on slock t:..iisl, or dcnsits in any bank, trust company, saving institutions, insurance, railrond, canal, turntke, canal naiigation, or slack-water com pany from dividends of any torpor ntcd company other than those above mentioned ; from gains and profit of any incorporated company not divi (ltd; from interest on notes. bontU or securities of tho United Suites; fiom interest on notes, bonds, mortgages, or securities other than thoso enumer ated above; from salary other than otflccr or omployco of tiio United suites; from salary or pay as an otn cer ol the United Stales; from profits or Sales of gold or stocks, whenever pun based ; from all sources not above enumerated. Deductions. Exempt by law.8l.090; nationul, Slate, county, and municipal taxes paid within the year; Iosms ac tually sustained during tho year from lire, shipwreck, or incurred in trade, and not already deducled in ascertain ing profits; looses on sales of real cs talu purchased since December 81, 1SI&; amount paid for hired labor to cultivate land from which inoome it derived ; amount paid for the lire stock which wus sold within the year amount actually paid for the rent of home stead ; amount paid for uuul or ordinary repair, excluding payments fr t,clT building, perma nent improvuinonts or bolturnicnts ; Interest paid out or falling due within tho year; salary or py as an otHcer or employee of ihe United Slates Iron, which a tax hut been withhold : inteiott or dividends from corporations enumerated above ; ail returns to bo made by 1st of March. Rixcirn ami npEMiiTiRis Wfl.t.fAM K. Wfttnl.rV, K.., Tns.ie.rw .1, ClreitWd eooslf, In Ihe CBinBlih ', rrssiyleenit, in servant with ouunle fro", the Tlh d. of Jrnusrj, A. P. I'", "1 ' ISth d7 of Jaauery, A. P. ISSS ttreroR. T sn.out.1 due rount.T Thy Treeturer Mmrr. leal eettletncul S-Ul 1 To smnunl dur srhttvl end n,ed refund In Woudnsrd , To enii.un li.r limn c.tllrrtnrs on omiu- It f, IBS; end (.retinae tern 13V 04 s emnant due from ctlleotors on Ktete lor 18117 and previous Tears S3 61 To smoanl due Iron, unseated lands for 1M', 7,153 40 To amount due from unsealed lands for 1S.I7 T,S SS To amonnl due front oolleclore' returns for lHod JOS S3 Tn nmonnt due from oolleetors' retnrnl for lC7 176 M To amount rroeived from J. H. (Imhtm in Jlradford, tor 1S07 and previous eenr SO To emouut assessed, erated, county for ims i,v X7 To amount aseessed, leated, fiuta for isas l.isj " To atnouut aseesecd unst-alod lands lor 1S6S ,1S IU To smount assessed eollec-turs' retunts for ISliS 73 61 To additional aeees.ment of pooatur and Feriruson for 1KS7 17 To amount received ftom ten-day as- eeisment. 210 a To amount of interest on J. Bartuoy'l dauluiau 28 S3 To amount received on eale of oounty Bam ZS so To amount received from landl sold by Commissioners 3,4 UU To amount received on sale of stove in Treasurer's office.. 17 So To amount received as jury fees 24 00 To am.tunt received on redemption of lands n K To amount reeotvod on fluee and for feitures. I8 60 To amount received en one-half road tax on Yard lands for IKS7,in Goshen tcwn.n.p. ae per act of Assembly of 2d of March. ISA7. 1S4 4S To amount transf'd from utiliti fund, 484 00 Total. . S40.S1S 40 racDtTos. By amount outstanding from oolleet ors. oounty, ISOo and previous years $l,o63 30 ry amount outstanding Iron oolleet ors, State, IKS By amonnt oetutaoding from U. B. lauds, IsdS .... By atnouut onutaad.ng frvHn ool lectori' relume, 1 SG7 and previous years.... By amount outstanding from oolleetors' returns. 1S08 By exonerations to collectors on ecunty, ISSS and previous years By exonerations to collectors on State, IMg, and pretlons year By exoneration on I'. 8. lands, 167 and previous Tears.. By return's on U- B. lands, 1807 and previous years... By percentage u. eolleetoro on eoonty, By percentage to oolleetors on Btate... By rime Treasurer's receipt for Bteto tax By lteliel order redeemed Ily asseseor' weges Ily aaditort and clerk..... Ity clock and dial Ity eourt crier Uy elretion expense Hy book and slatinoery By auditing I'rotaoootAry and ltegi. tee's account Py Agricultural Society.. Ily Counsel fee fly PumsiJe bruise Ily District Attorney Ity express and postage. By constable' cost Py foxe and wildcats Ily IV. S. Pradlev. clerk 146 72 6,046 19 4 45 72 M 471 72 86 53 137 01 05 20 740 23 47 60 CM tl 3 Si 507 li 270 00 1,079 40 S6 OS 1,510 58 li I ill 30 no 100 (0 is oo 305 t'lij 323 00 18 HO 371 15 203 00 Tt.n on AM01NT DIE FROM COLLECTORS rasa. collictom' aaass. stsTaicr. County. Bounty. Elate. Militia. I8A7 Thomas 8. Washburn... Heocaria. $66 69 $.115 SS 14 20 IH1S Adam Brrth Bell 4 SS : lsiiS t. L. Herd t'lenreld l,:i0f, C.l 604 7 K'S 88 ol 17 1(18 J.,.iah Henry I Fergnaon F S.1 S4 47 19 Si in 42 ISfiS William (irai.aia I Uo.lieu 7 SS 13 611 12 4f ld Wm. O. William. I Jordan 18 SS - T 60 twos l..r.. llvrtllu. Ke.lliaue ST S3 1608 W illiam Price. Pike 40 85 112 T8 44 02 .111 JT Ti!al IlliJ ) S1.S2SSS l4S 72 IIM 21 Those marked with a tar (. hav beoa paid ia foil line th aettlement. HO AD FIND. WILLIAM K. WRIOLET, Esq., Treasurer of Cleirfield county, in the Commonwealth of Fenntyl. vania, In aoeonnt with the etrerel township In said ounty for Road lends PKBTUIL To bel. du Town.htpt lest settlement, To bal. du from col. return ia t n.on, To bal. doe from untested toed, lv( To bal. due from aosrsted latid, S7, To bal. due from eol. return for IM.6-7, To bal. due ftom additional aeeesstnrnt To aygregate amount aeesed oa U. fi. lauda fur 15Ct t548 27 2 40 J.JIS 46 i,25S 811 57 25 28 66 8.CS5 21 Total . 621.885 44 ETATEalENT OF ROAD FIND IN HKTA1U Tax of Tax ..... d B'-XlXt-B' l Towa.a.rs. IMS A '67. for 1 80s. Jj eraf... Beccarla. .8 44 :I06 07 'i H If j Bell. 7011 02 4 28 6 ; 16 42 nogs..... 2-4 0! 115 87 f(lll i J62 Bloom 2"2 74 1...1 47 4 00 i I Bradford .. It SS 111 IS 50 2:1 II d 14 I Ilra.lv- 778 IS 475 77 t 34 f ! Burn.i.le ' 4?S 7S 110 15 U US ' 37 S ( heel 60S 77 28 j ! tl 10 Covington. ST 20 305 l I HO 10 Sit Ilecature 701 SS int 47 I 2.1 Si 8 I'd ! 6 76 Ferguson ' 6 4S 44 28 I 3 nn !' Fox i 8.15 30: j 4 32 I , 00 IS (l.rnrd. 6M 00 SHI Si i 100 Xloeben 617 SS Jvl 4.1 4 oo I 14 25 12 00 (Iraham-. 3S4 76 26 77 I..5 44 it 6 66 I (lulich. 1 3M 63 IU2 21 1 I lln.loa 1,421 s 2,0'.i4 2l 1144 Ij 67 76 i Jordan I8 78 J II j T 20 1 Karthaus 802 IS t . M 1050 10 oil 22 50 Knox 4SI 4S 275 s 12 42 Uwrenoe 81144 4.1I 42 IIS I 80 ( Morris 7"0 5 j SV 88 12 6 IVnn !: SS I 1 fli 78 I JS 28 Pike 21.0 20! 150 88 20 M) ij I I'n.on 01S:t2 841 184 IS : i I Woodward j 574 08 4o5 75 2 16 1 . 1 It 28 j Total 11 4.81 85 I t 21 :.l 17 ! 67 JA ! fits 04 ' Note. The is of f?S 6 wa eollee'ei4 t., the Treasurer ae Hneil lav off Units returneU bv tlie owners, vil : llra4ironl, i Vi; I.eeatar, $16 Se ; Fercuimn. 67 6 : .n. $r t'l. Tlie Hrfnnd were a follow., vis : llmaria. IIS 09 ( Ilrad:er4, $116) t4.rard.tl 6t llnston.! " 06; Jordan, t5 eents; Kanhaoe, t:J ;o j al orris, 11 06; l'tnn, $:ill; tlootlwara, f I J loul, rl Si. PCIIOOt FtlSD I'DR 1H4IH AI IW1T. WILLIAM K. TftI(4LEV. K.q., Troaeoree of ClearSelJ eeonlv. la tke reaawionwealtk of Penoeyl Tanla, In aee-,ant with tlie several rVltool districts in aid eoantr, f.,r rtcbool fund, aearnn. To nal. doe front Trrasatwr Moore last eltlrment 1 Tel 6 To aa.'.nnt doe from eolleetors'.et..rn, IS 71 To ain't doe froai ansealed land. 1 , 6..1I1 47 To do do. ar,7, t, SS To .lo ooH'rerrl. iMISa'li), ) Ml Tn .do add. t'l assessment... ea 14 To am I aesesed on I'. B. lands, 1664, 11.4.-1 oil Total 620.H.H SI STATEMENT OP SCHOUL FINI) IV DETAIL. Tex of lltti.6 '67 T.l n...s',l for lf.'.s. I Hal. dnr Jen'rv. I Stl.' ; rtereana Il.li R,-cs. nin,o flra.f..rd Ilra.lr Ilnrn.ide .... flie.t t'.Ol 4.1 71.? 11? 1 iii tl I IIM 4? 171 X 5 I 1.4SI 77 j 7IS H III I'l ' S7t IS I !,? 7t I SJ 37 I J 'l H9 ', 6't .t I 1.147 SS I, elf, n t.nm is 6lt St 64 77 en s mi it 1.H7 4 4 14 tt M 1.1 i 1,I7 ; ts...? II ...7 r.7 74 ! 17.1 li yen n 1 n-in c si sit ! 0 rr, I'l Ai ' tli-l till ! 66 ""sti'tVi! T3 I 617 6 j IIS , 1.67 11 11 (11 SH I 4 1 S SS ! 617 II 4t'l n ; t'O II IKS HI I toS ft I, S?0 14 1 St 71 :. i 4 .. St 411 I . 12 ii I Cf, inctoa... 1 Si ... J" 76 I 6 I., I..a.e- Ferguson ... fox Uirard tl.i.liep tlraftn.a Oolirn.. ...... Hn.tnn Jurdaa . K art hen..... Knox I.awrrnre.... Morris I'enn Pike. t'nl.m v)idward T-t.l 1st! . I l v i 1 n 11 st ', 6 74 6 77 , l lot IS ll SM SS 617 no Neve The additional assessments amounted oatnv. IT IS; Fer.oenn. Si loeretanas amnnoted la Ihe aftrertl to t of niAnrn:uMO.ion stuplleatea. HV ,,.1tm.inefS, OIS,-e, til T. S. Wnrtall, Inl d.ji Ilenrv Some. P d.ts. Olhrlln Sineed, IS dvs ... tn oo tin! t .to es l"7 M . 10 "0 S. II. Hisflner, IS dels Ity jury eouimisl..ners and rle.h lit Innutsli liv janitor's lees l.tts (in 7 Ml I3W HI 07 uu IS t,S 8.1 Ml 10 sno (i int 4.1 4KH t SO ti It jii.t.i- 1,-es tit errand j.m.rs Itv trevr.se furort ..s:s so .J.ITT t Ity I'rn.tentiery Ily Lunatic Asylum Ity House i.f I'.cfune Ily nhyolriene. My jirlnlinc rly ninlinK - Py ritate road. a per act of March, '67 Ily road damages Hy tipstaves Hy prothonotary'e fees By re).ain to jail Jlv rcpuirt to Court House lv fool for Court House Ily fuel lor jail Ily hherin 's feet Hv reward for horse thi.-vee Ily malrrial for Court House and jail, as per bille i J. l Krat.rr- M S4 Merr.ll A Uigler 7 J. I. Kraiiur 2 1 Kichsrd Moasop 17 Merr.ll A Ult;ler " 4-1 Hirhard Mossop..' 6 7 J. F. K reiser 10 SS Py rniect llaneoui- Uy eoet of ttiak.nR Comm're' deeds.-... Ily amount overpaid blate By Commonwealth eoets, vll : Com'lh ve. Hears and Oehall, til 00 TCI" SO SSS 00 313 2) tu 00 114 18 e.si si 411 to SS 05 110 77 Hi 01 1.2IS Stl 40 00 528 73 .10 b US SO II Si IX... Wm. Appleuiu... 12 00 David Miehaela. 1C0 71 Uordou. et al.... 107 38 lu. llo. Ho. Do. llo. llo. Ho. Po. ...John Appleton... 15 AO ....Lena Miller OS 00 ....John t seey. 12 00 ....Thomas trans... 21 78 ....James Loe 27 37 ....George Bh..k.... 82 19 .....Isaac Morrison.. 421 52 Do.. Do John FUmgen... 425 13 Do Jacob Thornton. 1-tO VI Do N. M. farweli.... 78 10 Do John l-'oeny 47 6J Do I'li.li Htecner .. 10 00 Do Ilorton A Irwin. 0 12 Do Hough A Hansel II 01 Do Houghenbury.... 6 00 Do......Wm. Silvia. I t' Do D. Kitchen 87 83 Do Ball and Bear.... 161 33 Do Barber- S 7 lH Calvin bmead.... 80 pi Do I. I. Kitchen... !2 40 By stone lur jail Py road view.. By Court House bond Ily Court llouee coupon By amount paid (1. V. Snyder, County uperinteudrnt, a per act of Assem bly of April 0(h, It'Sr.fnr Incidental expenses of Teachers' Institute for )Rr7 -8, a per bill iled By Treasurer percentage, receiving $11,718 Si Dy Treasurer' proeotage, paying 24.07I 14 - By balanea do eonnty by Treasurer Wngley- 2,057 16 65 70 20 Oo 3,5tin oil 120 00 198 60 473 78 369 67 4,333 CO Total . " 011 50 To amount of Court House bonds out standing To amonnt of Court Hone koads Int. 30 OS To probable ex pen see of oouoly for '69 18,000 00 uy amonnt due from ool- lector. II.S'iJ 89 Bv amount due from returns 112 V6 By amount due frou unscat- eir laoilt. C.049 19 4,335 66 1,079 60 Br atuouu due Irout Coun- IT Treasurer. By deficiency to be raised by taxation Tola's.. . tis.cin ss t is. oio oo FOR 168 AND PREVIOUS VKARf. rntpiton. By argrrgate amount du ftom V. 8. lands for IS68 Hy egK.rrr.eto amount of exonera tions By argrrgate amount of refunds By agj-rci;! amount paid sniervi aore By aggregate amount due towu.hips... e Total.., t8,C85 21 3.885 44 ' 1 " :m it oai. uu cnrnivoo. Itv ommmt du from onseateil land. for lrs 11,.15 60 Pr aaiount of exnnerationa 76 (if) T.v do relumls e.s j It j Trea.orrr's prr rentea,- iii 111' iy o.errtiarfe iti C.llurd 6 6t Ily amount paid erbfrnl trrasnrer li.!1.'! 4'.' Ily balance due dntiivls ...,m 3,163 90 Ti'nt ., ?!SM 61 Col ret IfSS A I Mil. i llveton !n-TTr,''lm"",tnv..l.dne per psid Jan., 'f t. pm !". I lonosaips 7is nit i7S SO in 1 sn s;i ss I 16 4t I . fs; 1 74 II 17 16 Sit 1(1 IIS 6;l Sj , 1211 14 ! I, tie St 1 l T ;i ss 47 71 lin .11 44 6 15 67 a ft I Sn t 1 13 li XI 1 41 SS TJ 16 14 4 6 If. I s.iti Si II 60 II 47 61 II a II li is is SS 4 I 71 S 4 IS it 34 67 a T 19 Ik St So T St 17 4 iii '4 IS in n l.HI tn 7S OS 178 47 Ss OS I.Sel Si. t.nl.S let an 674 M let ss 40 a sot OS 647 si so oa .. 4HS 7 :-4 11 121 I. SOU 0 "I IS St I 1.1 SI I S 6.1 i 14 1.4 ' s 11 1 10 a; 1 .Hj 4 I t ;. 61 S6 4 M I xT'iw S ; ,rs nn l$-,M pe t 0' 10 t,l SS tola of (61 14, v.t: Brady, (It S( I .l IS, Tl It. 11 i.,t. Sla oa . n , a. . 0 . . 845 04 62 85 12.638 88 3,7t2 4C li. 2& tK 44 f f 7 SO ji n i o jit.i fl 8 51 2lt0 R0 25 U A lift 1 2iA 0 11 U 4 4 I ' 1AT U 99 ft j m I un oo i mi ? ! it m 45 1 :i 7 I m ti ?so o I so? ; I I .11 son m fin fo 31 1 '. ! Iii 1 IT 1 T I 1 9 I no on t n ve ions !;7i! ! )ii 17 152 45 1 3M tf i ' 1 II A44 Tl ! S HI I 1 1 84 4.14 27 110 ST 10 4 JU0 00 24 (12 ' 101 A5 t.ftV! .14 8 i 1 5 til .".0 00 46 31 ' 10 K 271 00 V2 46 I 14 44 4't0 00 0U OA 1SXI 41 0J 61 07 ; 2-t 72 : 00 156 62 6 .17 240 00 i 4T 0 2 iiti 00 4 Ofl lft 55 54 16 1 TA 72 17 22 4St4fti 67 41 11.....il't2.(..'t6 9 I 12.702 46 innn norTi it; sis - - . noinTv wm Wltltia K.Wsisist, Kq , Tressorer ef Clenr firlil eosnlv. in the rnmnonerrltli of Pennstl Tenia, In aeeonnt with Bounty fund lor the Tear A. It. 1S- MRVftR. To lislanoe doe r..ed last erillement ... 81 15 02 To helanre dee front enllectors lor 1SS7 and previous yeere.. J.788 el To hnlenee doe from stneealed laodt, Ivnti To arennnt due from uneretrd lands, IMI7 1,M SO To nmou.it due from col lectors' returns, ISI.S .! 00 To eniouot due from eolk-etors' ret erne, IMI7 SST 58 Tn amount due from collectors' returns. additional. 00 Tn amount aseeeeed eealed, 1SSS S.SIS (ill To amount asseserd unseated. ISAS... 4,113 77 To amount assessed oolleetors returns, lt)e 36 84 Total. . 5.2S0 511 cninrro. By bolanoa due from oolleclore, 1868 and pre tone Tear.. Bv bi.lano due from nosoated lands, ' ldS By balance due Irotn oolleetors' returns, IS07 and previous years. By balance due from collector' rotutni, lt6 Br amount of exonerations on unseated land By amount of refunds on unseated lauda. By extrnerationa to eel lector By percentage to collector By exoneration on oollooton' returns, IBM and 1SS7 By amountof bond. redeemed the past year By amount of eoupon By amount of coupons of Bumside and l'lk aohoots. By Treoeurer's percentage on receiving 145.073 Oil. at I per cent... Ily Treasurer' pcreentng on paying I IT.IjI 50, at 1 per cent Bv balanoo doe fund by Treasurer Wngley. $1,120 10 4,341 77 64 90 36 31 1,980 60 402 27 716 So 176 30 253 72 28,073 00 4,707 67 372 00 450 72 371 61 Total . S.-iS.JIIO 20 DETAILED STATEMENT. Whole amount of bonds uuued to this del $270,336 00 Vt bole amount of bond redeemed to Janua.-y, IS08 1184,005 00 Whole amount of bonds redeemed ill Hn8 18,973 00 213,076 00 $57.7(1 Amount of bond over due Due July, 1S0V $10,200 00 Due January, 1B70 5.5110 00 Dire July, IsTO Duo January, 1871 Due July, IKT1 Due January. 1872 Due July, 1812 Due January, 1073 Due July, IS71 Due July, 1878 Amount redeemable during 109 Amount of int. on bond unredeemed. To be provided for during 18(9 $21,709 70 Amount due from oolieetorl lor I SOS end previous y'ra, $1,320 36 Amount duo from unseated landa 4,311 TT Amount dueiroin eulle 't'jre' return 12124 Amount du fnm Treusurer Wngley 1.1,057 37 Amouut to be raised by tax ation 2,058 023 1. T9 TO CERTIFICATE. V, tlie nn'lrril;nci), ('outuiMiuoeri of the fount y of (IpurDrlJ, in tlie (.titninnwcallh ol rnuay!tMiia brinK s?tamin(Kl tht tevtrmi M F'.uDli and Tuur brrt of ilhoVin K. WrijtUr, Fq., Tn'urrr of 101111 ouuutv, for 1 C, du ccrtifjr thai wt flnU tlirra a alsurc tatcl. Hie aruutiTit dur the count t funr) hy liim $ four ttrauuind thrta huniirrd and thlrtr livj dollar and ustj-fU feoiri, HXib M.) tTit only .0 drbt.HnrM of (he oountj fuod U 00c Cwurt liuusc bord, 950U. 1 lif aumunt due and o tut an ding from willect. orn, t 000 thou land lira bundrH and Hfly-tUrt dflian and thirti -liin tfiiln, 1$ I,i5.1 Z'4,t wmnly fundi : one bundrrd and fnriy.ni j dollar ami f?r-n(T-l"io cnt, (.$146 72.) blatr, and on hundml and iii dollar and in.ty Ibrt ocota, (lufl 2.1.) tat'ilia flittii, aiikltjcl to th auol xuntaliun and Troasturer'st and ('idlwittira pmr ernfan. Th amouut due the eounly fam uuerattrd laudu It t iboDBnd nine bundrM and ftirly-eight dollars and nmettN'o et-nt, ((A,V4tt tiM The atfrrffate amonnt of norjotr bondi Hill nrri'f W4-4I t flft,T-fevfp thfruiand t 0 busdrod and ixtT 61 d- liara, (ttt.Wh Th wvunt to h rrdt-rnd during lflO io ri(rhl(t-n tltuiand Bffea handrt-i and Itir ive dollar., ,$18,755 00, ( and the mtfrt for th yw will amonnt to th eta of tbree thnutand and forty-four dollart and TtntT rent, (tS.tM 7t ;) while tbe amount du from mllrrtor. is on thouMnd fhrt hnn rtd and twentr dollart and thirty eenta, (l,.120 .10 :) fnim nna(cd lands fur thousand tbrre hundred and fort.T-twn diitlarii and ri.tT-WTtn enis, ( f 4.341 77 ;) from collretors' returns on humlrrd and twrtali-one dollars and twenty-four rnti. 'fl.l 21:) amount due (mm Trt snurer. thirteen ihouiand nine hnn.lrtd and 11 fly -seven dollart and llttrty-srrrn entt, ($13,1.57.17;) Irarm a dtfl cictiry of two tlmu'eind and fifty fiphl dulUrt and two 04-nts, (12. 05a Oj,) to he raiird ty taxation to Wi-H the eurrtnt pi went! of th year. 1 he airrrrr.t Imlanee due the eereral whool dottnete hy tbe Trewnrer is three tbimsand four hnndrftl nnd ii(y-lau dullars aud thirty nix cents, ($1.41.2 :tfi,l whirh Is respectively set lorth in th tatmlar statement ahnre. 1 he Mdfep-svte balanee due the sareral townhips for road fundi hy the Traurer ii two thnuttand tera hundred and twa dollar and forty -fit rrnli, ($2,70J 4A,) ahw sal forth ia a tabular statement at . Witnet our hands, at Clearfield, this 30 th day of Janaarr, A. 1. (. IIFNRY 8TOM?, OTHKLIiO KMKAD. Attrt: 8. II. hllAl l-M.lt. W. e. ItnAm.tr, Clerk. C.mmii-ioner. We, the undrrtirned. Auditors of the enunty of Clearfield, In the Commonwealth of 4Ter.nsyl.ania, hvin mrt at th Court llouee, in Ihe borough of riearlield,aemlin(t to law, and having examined Ihr ftcvorisl afronnu and vttiwhers of W liltum K. WripWy, Kf., Ttetvnrer of itaid eonnty. for the yesr A. I. du report that we find tbrns tts almre e'atrd. j i ne amount due I rum hm to the eoanty Is roar llousand tbree handrtd and thirty-fire dollars and sixty-sift eents. 1$4.Me 60.) an ltoamy, thir teen tboakeod nine hundred and Aftv-aeren dollars and thirty-eevrn eenta, t$H,57A7:) on Rod fund, two thousand eevf m huodrrd and two dollars and frt y-th ewits, )$2.?2 46 ;l and the fVhool fund, three thousand four hundred and sixty sit dollars and thirty sn iv-ntt, (v.t,4fi6 Stt.) In testimony wherettf wr bav herenntn ( our hands, this 20th day of Jannarr. A. I. !Sfi9, J. A. L, FI KO A!, CLARK IIK11WN, 1RU K A. KOWI.ES, O. R. flfyont swrrR, Clerk. t o. Au.hlors. It E 31 O V A L ! RKJIOVAT.I C. KRATZER & SONS, Tn the largo nod elrjant room, on BE CON I) STKCHT, adjoining Mrrrell A lligler't hardware store; where thry will bo pleased to tee all their old and new customers. Ciiiims of Ihe eonnty visiting CI.EAHFIELU, and wishing to Mike part-hates, will And It to their advantage to etantne their stock. (WIi at ( Ain PRU'KS exchange! for nil hinds of Col' NT It Y PRODUCE. Jan? cw Wine nnd Liquor Slorc I. L. REIZENSTEIN &. Co., wgoLriit.1 mai ran is vYINES &. LIQUORS, MARKET FT., CIXAPT1KLP, P. VsuFoll atook of Win. Krandy, (lln, Wl.l.Vt aad sec4i.l, alwav oa stand. Speeial attrntinn paid 10 eeenriot o par article f"r Sareaiamial and medieal porpnsra. )an2l-tt DlHIl.lTIOJ P PAHTs.ls.Rwmp. pitrtoe. ship heretnttire ex.sl.oe hetneea VAC I IlkMtV I'tSMSUlM ha.inebeei. iii6ioHfi by BDutual et'Barnt on the id day ol Noiini'irr, Im.S, 1 hrreby (in notioa that will nui i re)tnsibie lur any debit of tbe firm oon tracud, after that ante. JIKNRY PENNINGTON. Chfst lpM Jan. II, lSWMt:)d WANTt.nA SALK8al,i..Tholeo lluaiery, Kotlaa aad hite Ueoeli llouee la Phila,lelph.a. One who anderetaoda the Snai aeat aad aaa Inlaeae Irodo. Addroe THOMAS C4RSOW, Jtovll4ai4 It Korta I attrvk K, FtiaU'a itum. .. ... ... . , , . . sa.lloO 00 15,700 00 O.OOOOO , 3,0110 00 ( 6.344 00 J ,0 144 00 I - ,. $I7.'5 so .. 3,014 70 W. WALTERS, A I Toil's EY AT LAW, J lrsrBrld, Ps. 'i..Olt.co ia the Court llouee. de3 ly ISRAEL TEST, ATTOflNKY AT LAW, Irarl.fld. l'a. -0(Be In the Court House. I)"-'" To h isT hTf lTl f o a d , ATTOHNKY AT LAW, 4'leaiBeld, Ps. OOc with J. B. MeKnsliT, a,sq , over rtrw no tional Uach. snt-Promnt attention given lo tho securing of Bounty. Claims Ae , an to sit legal ouineee. March 38. ISf.7 lv. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORN F.Y AT LAW. Offte on Beoond St.. Cleart.ld. Pa. aartl, Win. A. Wallace. Wm. D. Blglor Frank Fielding J. Ulak Walter. WALLACE, BIGLER & FIELDING A Til'HNKVS AT LAW, Clesriirld. Ps. xctr-Lesal busineas of all kind promptly snd accurately attended to. (vsyls y THOS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTOIIN EY AT LAW. Oloe adjoining tb Bank, formerly oeeopled by J. U. MeKnally, Booona it, ciearneia. -WIII attend promptly to ollecttont, sal of lands. Ae. do.l7.SI JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTOKNRY AT LAW And Real Katale Aeeiit, Clearfield, Pa. OAico nn Market itreot. oppeaiio the Jail. ffy- Reepeetfully offers hi vertices In selling and buying land in ClearBald and adjoining enunlte ; and with an oxperleneo of over twenty year a a surveyor, flattors himself that be eaa render alisfaelioa. febJVnl If WM. M. McCULLOUGH, A'nqilNKY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Offieoa Market street one door east of th Clear. laid County Bank. aay4,'64 John II. Orris. C. T. Alexander. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER, ATTIH NKYS AT LA W. llt-llel'oule. Pa. sepl.1.'65-y DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, THYSICIAX AND Sl'KGEoN, BeconJ Stroet, ClearOeld. Fa. Ttaving permanently located, he now offer hi proloee.unaJ eorvioc to the eitiaens of t'learfleld I and vicinity, and the publio generally. All ealll F. B. REED, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, pT'TIavtnf reaoeed lo ItiUlamscrovt. P., effejre bit pn terslonal terviret to tba people f tbe snrrounding Cuootry. jyl l, 07 DR.. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Late Kurs;eoa of tbe 83d Mk meat, Fennsylvanit Volunteers, havltijt re tut ued from tbe Arufy, eCers bis profestiuoal ten ices to the eititent or Ulearfleld eeaniy. lP-Prorrfs.onsl eallt promptly it ten led tn. Office on Second street, furtaerly eeeupled by Dr. Woods. apr46A-U DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN 4V SUHflKOK. HarinR removed to Ansonrillc, Pa., offers his nrofrtstoi.al services to the ieople of that pli and ibe surrouuing country. All cells promptly attended to. (Dfl. 3 Ota pd. DR. S. SUIIOEON J. HAYES, tZ TENTIST Off.e on Main St.. Curwensrilte Pa., "lrILL make proressioDtl visits, for the con If ven le ore of the public, commencing- In April, iftsiw. 11 iomssws. vtt t Lniherebnrg First Friday of every n.nnth. Aneooville Fir-t Mosday ol every tnon'h. Limber City FiriLThuraday of ever) month Pprndrnf two days in either plaee. All ordrm fur wort should be pristnted en the dej of kit arrival at aarh place. Tf Teeth extracted by the application of local anesthesia comparatively lib out fain. All kind nf lnUl work guaranteed. IV U. Tbe puMicwill pirsse notice, that Dr. II.. when not ens-aged in tbe above visits, ma be. found In bit office. In Curwensville, Tn. Curweu'ville, Feb 4, I6tl. 4-43 DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. A. M. HILLS. Defires to Inforai kit natrons, aed Ihe nu'iiio zenr-tlly.lst be hisasstseiated with bin in Ibt ) rallies uf Dretfstry, S. P. SHAW, D. r. s, Whall a (rad.iau of th. Philadelphia Dental louexo. r.d therefore has tn uieKe.t atleela. tla. f professional skill. All w.rk woo ia lb effioe I will bold tatsolf pereonallv rosponri bio for belni done la tbo most Kilisf.eturi maa nor and b.frheet order of the profession. An established praetle of twenty. tw Tear la this plae eneble m to speak lo my patient ai'h eoi-fidonoo. Espp meat from a distane ehnnlsl no mado by letter a fw rlayi kfora the patient drelgns oomtai. Juae 4, IKS ly. MOSHANNON LAND 4 LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM JJtt.t.S, ATt-rACTrnxs LUMBER, 1-ATII, AND PICKETS B. II. KHILLIXOFOIID, Pre.i.lrnt, Ollloe Fere.1 Piece. No. Ill PS. 4th t, Phil'. JOHN LAVi'SIIK. Snnerintendrnl. je6'67 Osceola Mills, Clr.rl.cld eounty, l'a. REUBEN HACKMAN. House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Prnn'a. fJuWill exeente jobs la his line promptly aad n a wwaman.ite reanner. ei r.,7 C. M. cadwalladerT CONVEYANCER JUSTICE OF THE I'LACr! For Drratar Tp., Clearfield Cts. A.Colleotin promptly mad aad leral instrw. reenta exeeuted on shortest aut.ee, let office address, I'd lip. born, l'a- marlS.'SS J riluA K EVV A LT E : R S, SCI! I VK Shit AND CMNVKYANLtH. Agent for th Putrh. and gal of Land. leoruclil. Pa. fre-Pr,,..,,. at'.iit,.r clrm (a i V.. ..I.... eonoerted with the county offices. Otuoe with Hon. Wm. A. Watlac. laal.'SA LEVI F. IRWIN, JCST1CE OF T II R PEACE For Lawrence tiwnliip, Clearfield P.O. C'lrarfleld CoM V .dfvultectluns nnd remittances promptly tnsae. jeZO, e7 SURVEYOR. flMlE nndcrs.ned efl'rr his eerriree a a Sur 1. rernr, ami may Im lond at his residence, in Lawrence t"nhip. Letters mil itach hint di rected In rirorlirld, Ta. may t If. jAMr.S MITCHELL. DAVID YOUNG, STOXE-CTTTER AXI) MA?OXT, P. 41. n,.x llet. f 'lrarflrld, Pa. r-ao-pprrlal attrntinn pa'.J to Ire..inf flon and Saperiatinilinn Jobs. All kinds of Masonry done, io tho most workrfTSnlike manner. Unlet I. cited, and eontraetl lakea ia any part nf th eonnty. Jiltf. JAS. C. BARRETT, JV STICK OK 1 II K PEACE And Liee&eed Coortyaneer. i Htltrrabarij. Cle.rncl! ., Ps. .aXdV'-Colloellen Sn4 eomiltaneo promptly made, and all aladi of leral iastrumenu exeented oa short oi.tiee. ImavV.'S tl DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, skios i stulkt, Jyl.l CLLAnFIELD, PA. (If THOMAS H. FORCEE, asaiaa is OEVERAt, M KKCH A2CD1SK, t-BAIUMTo!, Pa. Ala, evtenalv menofaetarer aad dealer la Aaaae Timber aad Bawod Lauberof all kinds. 0rdert ttditM aad all kills prompt! A. U S oss. ... s. . ss a. a. wm A CHAXE. J. B. GRAHAM & SONS, UARUET STREET, CLEARFIELD, Pa. rrtnl subscribers batlcg Ur Into partner. JL ship for Iks parpoao of aarrying a th bailnaisof MtrcbandUtnf , sew oIr A Cslood And raro opporluntty lo tb dtlten of aar- ld aad adjoining eonntles lo toy tore good atwholonl or null prices, thai will astonlih th unlostroeied. Their good will bo partiea lrly M.eeUd I salt this market. Ev.ry lady will, tberafore, sail th etuulloo of br Husband To tl.ii fact, bsoaoi this bran eh of oar baeto wMI reeelve tpeeial atlenlieO, aad everything add la a welt regulated hoaeehold will at all lleees be fonnd laoar itor. Our atoek of I)!t V C;lMllm shall aot ae esrpaJsed, llber la aoal- Ity or price, and will embrace, la part, P rinu of very tyl. Ologbam aad Lawns of every oualitr. Wusliq of Try grad. Do Lslnrs adp(d to tb taste of tb old and jtta( aad vry arttel of any kind f good tho sll Ir (ttuaranfeed To b at rrpmratool. aad warranted to give at l.raelion. A to I1HI1 G(MIIwe have a splended asjortment of Atpaea, btaek, white, and la rolors; .naures, Silk, aad la abort all th sanest tyll ia th markU W drslt Ihll faot to keom kaowa To Every Person mtn, wovii, ebild, physieiM. me- ehaaie, farmer, lawyer, barber, woaan'a-Hffat van, er any jtb er snen In the eonnty- Young Or M, rlen or poor, liign er low, who will faeor ns with n sail. With our new nnd e ten sire stock any cmtUnen em pleaso the most iVs- tidioni toy jas dropptof In nnd fetttnf a nice dress pattern, tare sett, hid floras or by doing that which ll hotter: flee hor awrll Ailed parte, nd she will lod food and py iDf IneottmoDtt In ooLroideriee, edf infa. ribboktt f lores, hosiery, or noy other heatehotd neeesiltlea. And In addition to what wa hare alma j tnn in era ted, wa keep all hinds of CUKTI.EMKKM W EAR enok es Cloths, Cassi meres, Satinttti. lists, Boots and Shoes, ic, briides, A IVice Assorlmenl of Mado op C I.tTIIl XO for Men sod Beys, atanefaQ tared not of Iho very htit alorisd. whieh wa will Ball for rash or exchange for eonntry produce at prleei which wiUaitonich both husband aad ivir vTa ars bow larrtty ni;(ed la kayinf and elllaa KQ.ll.4m-; TIVtm.H aad mannf.c tered LIMIIER, and will (It this branch ol basiati spatial atteatloa, and make 11 aa abject To Every 0a who kt Lumber to sell t dal witk a. Wa ahall also keep constantly oa kand a reneral astortnient or ;ltliri".nil'.w aad IIARDlVARl whirh we will sell a! exceed Isr'y low prices. W also keep a fall aon meat of Q.V ICtCKSIV Alt F, Tl 1 department will be kept full aad templet, aad arery You n R Jinn Or T'Uea wk eontemplatei koaeekeeplnf. will tnd ll advantageous to com tnd trad wltk a. W ar ao aitnated, aad, from long xperiene lu th ko.leeu, wtll aeaaaiaud with th wait and aeees.lllee e" this commoaity, thai w feel satlaBed 11 arery taaa tad aomaa In Clcnrficld County make It a point to hoy their (nod from tts. w eaa pleaat tha both a to coalite aad prie. Thrfor, com aloof aad kuy your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QncensMnre, Hardware, UOOTS & SIIOF.S, HATS Jt CATS, Ready -Made Clothing, Ad everything joa aeed to ruder year! and families comfortable, freta JAS. n. GRAHAM k SONS., fi-'itf CLEARFIELD. Ta. 1 TOTI('r The fi.rm.iicn of tbe partnership il of Jamee It. ttrahora A Aon. mi the eelllcmenl cf (he .,.. k..k - . , the late Brni crSc,m 4) Urahata ot K IV. ti,. ham. Thoe kooolnt themselree Indebted lo o.r ore Rximn. o eomo forward at one ami cloee their accounts. r, . , tt JAMES It. ORAIIAM A SONS. Clearfield, tVpteniber IS-tf. X l Ihe bro Rh pf Clearnetd. U.,one dZ lf A-wetiMw u Ue, 0lavfta.d. ft. rEWSYLYAMV RAIIHOAD. Oponing of the Tjrono & Cioarfeld Branch to ClcaiGuld, rot ly-onc miles north ofTuront. ON and fler Monday, February 1. Ua, tn Faavengor Train Will ron dary Isxeret Kundsys) between 'lyeone snd Leek Itttessae one Fsaenjrer Tra.a betweeo Tyruue an Clear, field, a follows: Leave Soutb, Htationa. :i.eave North, 2.66, P. M. .5, " 4. IS, 6.60, " Clearfield I'hilipsburg.... Oeeouia. Tyrose CdSNKC'TioxK. renger tearing Clearfield at 2 o'clock. p.xu, Phil nsl.urf at I 54 p n.., Useeola at 4.11 a arrive at Tyrone at 5.50 p. m., makmf eoeotetios with Cincinnati bxpress Last at It. 1 J n. a... with Mail Weet at 6.41 p. ... , on Main Line: slst with Bald Eagle Express, lea. mr Tyrone at ;.M p. a.., arriving at Uelirfonte at 8 45 p m., aad at Uk Haven at I" -t" P- m , eunnectitir silk ins Mail Eaat on the Pli.lndrlphia and, Lne Hoad.il 11.21 p- w.. arriving at H.lliamB)Hirt at 12.4Va.n. HeturninR, passetiger lear.ne, Wiiiunivporiti 6.16 a. m., oo Erie Jhle.i Wet, arrire at Lock 1U. ven at ! a. m., eoi.nect.ng with l;.u L.;l, Kxpreas leaving Lock listen at 111.2s a. ai. si r.ting at Bellelunto at 11.55 a. m.. 1-nen She City at 6.35 p. in., and Tvrone at I SO p. to. EllVYAKU II- WILLIAM.-;, (irneral SuprnrteadtaL OEORUE C. WILKIN'S, feL4 fcupeiioleelcnt. riiiladelphia & Erie Railroad, SUililEB TIME TABLE. Tbrone;h and direct root between Philadelphia, iialtiluore, Har.iibnrx;, Williauiipert, and tbw Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAES C's til M(tt Train., 0! and after MONDAY. KOV. S-J. lift, th, train 00 the I'o.ladolpbia A ti Hii Kuad wilt run fclluws : x e.tuard. Uiil Train liaret Fbil.dalphia 1145 llo .. d.....bt. alary a J 4C t. . Do. arrive at fctie l it p. k Erie Ex,rea leatca 1 hliadell.bla...lU a. a. Po .....do 8t. Uary's IMA. II llo anire at Erie ...... lO.Uti A.M. la at Hard. kiall Train leave, l.ric ItSiA . Uo....... do fci. Nary' 1.M t Io arn.eat Fbiladelphia....! M A H Eri Express leave Erie 4 li P. Do di Rt Wery's I ll A I llo arrira at Pktl.drlpbia 4.1 11. Mail and Exprrr connect with Oil Creek set Allegheny Biver Bail Fond. llif;rr rkida throogh ALKKED L. 1H.KII, lleneral hoperiete4nt Clearfield County Bank. TtltlR Clear" fid Coonty flank ae lirenert J trd icftitution hai gone ool of exittraetkr trie enrrender ef le ehurter. on Mey It, 1N4 All Iti Hack li owned by tho lohtmberi, wh will continue ihe Hanking huloet at tke uai le,ai privete Hanker, under tbe flrw ol the "Clearfleld Counte Uenk." Wearer iDoof i lefur the delta ol the litt k, aaJ will ita notii on drmaod at tbo evurtrr. l)rp,i rereirtd and intrrunt paid when money li iertle. a txd lirne. Taper diMuoted at iii pffrwl at htrfti f ire. Our (vfrtutiel rrponei biliry h iilclirfd fur all Iuto;ti rectivtu t-nd bumf trana cted. A continuance ' ? the librraJ m rontce of tbe bat-iotra aio of tbo et -ptt Uie- fpfcuully t.lici'ed. At llrridDt, Carliie u. offieeri of lie Uie Cleaf6eld County Baak, et require the notei of mid Htxnk to be pretest. fur renenptlnn. JAS. T. t.kONARD, P.TCnARD MI Aw, Wil. POhTKK. JAS. B. ORrlUAd-a A. K. WRIGHT. . L. HERD, WM. A. VTAULACli. Tho bniioeei of tho Back will be eonrleete. Vy Jnho M. Adnwif.. Kpq.. Ca-hier. (jotI.'M J. 1). U Uirk. Edward PerkL BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGIRK &, PERKS Fooceori to Fotler, Perki, A Co riitll-bur(;. Centre CoouiHy. Pa. "l"lr 1IKUK alt the bneinrn of a Bmkinf Hoea I will ho Iran-acted promptly and epoe tb most larorabie tertot- aar.-u County National Bank. CI.EARF1EI.D. PA. THIS Benk li now open nnd reedy fer Kui neei. Oflice on Served eireet, in the beiil in 1 formerly ore u pied by Lonnerd, FiBevyaCe Dinacrtiaa aao orricrae JA. It. OH A 11 A M. WM. A. WAI.I.ACG, A. K. WR1U11T. D. W. M00KR, joCft, M) Caehier. W M. P0KTK GEO. L. RhBD. JAS. T. LEONARD. Prti'dfii BOOTH'S IMPHOVED STUMP EXTRACTOR i'l Prej'Tielort of te Innroevd Pinm Uecmr. wih it dittirtrtly nnderttood that tfc warrant Ih ia marh ne tn do juit ahai it wf tnentirti eeetitr,(r other etOTnr nutphiee t beitij enrtftruried on trne hinropbreal yrin" ftle. It will extraet tbe lrft fine ptarn. rr pead It aoe prwund perniittirp tlie eil te ' hark in ihe hole end will pall ibem tl fett ten men can dr the dirt from the 4 estrartrd It wtll null owirip to the t't ol '4 w am pi) fn m font to ont huodrrd er dor. ill oiiber arn them erer, or eoer.d tktn tf be profifi-d Np. ai denred. Ibe Kropntt build tbe Kit far tor, deliver It, and teet tt ea farm of .jhe purchitrr ; ard If it dpet a tit ret oonipleie iitartii.n. an.1 do juft ai reeem ed. thry wil) take It aw? ard eharye rntt f lur tbetr iroaMe. rnre ot Maraine. ie re TnwnehiD and muni rl kr ..r mU. 1 here no tcateHrj; errt.ip. Addreffe IIOOI II A FI MbAROKR. Je(Teron Lite P. O , llearfleld Ce, cr.wTii-irATn. We. the nodervifrnrd, keim wltnevaed t trial of T J. Booth Imrrotrd Siamp Ktirtf nn ibe farm f K. II. Moort. ner Lmhrnht .Saturday and Monday, tho 7th atd ti- Noermher. take plreore in taring to tke P" lie, that we beliere it to bo tbe beat wt now in one Tur eaireciior atnoiiia. I' leef w ennTtrneTlAn, eiflfy weoipe'i, ant liable tw le tanrhiao fh1l : " obe"'"'1 put, tut It ("cciher. end m!!!' L irnmp in Icm then oae har. V e raw ( - poll a ljr.e nanip with eae. Thry at a ont he doe hu wfrk In iepj -t 'e hr tmnpi, without a herd full. Mr. Iiteik, 1 ruteMfe, fully midritML,' pHft'ri vf handllnit the uiftobine. W e woald adme tr In want of t tump ritrarton to irt tkt oeetrM befure f iri hacinfT tUe where, wbirh thrf rtvi free of eberee br enllint en the Pr"prieti. J. C. Harr-tt, J W. hf.kerd, H V. ."piriaJJ J..hn Mller, J .hn Kirk J. W. (JiI-m R. H. Voure. J W. Wallaret VT.B Aleitoi Ueo. Hlm-rr. Wi I. Itprk, Andrew Wt' H.J. Horn, Wv. K. hin, K.J. kith. Jainre ViKtre, 1. It Cirlile. Uo il'- Le.er r'lrft.l, Fied k Catle.r. I""" NoTur, ix ii nPTll.-Tb" to give notion, ihnt on the l-t ddt of J rv, 1S(, a Warrant tn Km k ruihy we-K rint th-e-fa'e of TAfV W, 1 h.MI,Ji,, rieai field 1tril;o, in the eon my M t rarfdi ' State of .'rnnvvltiisia. wh ban been .:f' 1 binkrupt on la own petit. u : thai the p-" ' of any tlrhti n I drill rrr ol muy proper! i bel- ! tnjt to nurft Tmi.krupt, to li tn or tor a" the tranrfer of any pnpem br hint, arr hr litt tti.l a rneelih. f ll, rrrU.I.n 1 of th ad bank nipt. In pn'Te thrir debli. artd tr fb one or ninre Afwiinet's of hf e'atr, a " b t 4k IV...I -.f ..... I k. k..l,ltt ml lef ' of the K'tiMrr, rn the Will dar of Mereh. A 1P6; at IV o'clock, A. K. - lllt)MAS A. IIOW LET. V. 8. Marehal. at Wrerr By 0. P. V (Tin, Itrpt. L. 8. Mirfhul. )-" Democratic Almanac. flMllS in.eluehle nt.Klir.iina Is far lr I po.lonW. It ilioold he in llw band. d"J lo-oioerat. It e,nta...s full rlTti'-o rrleel 1 ever eoonlv In Ihe 1 tlltrd Slate.l nr'iJr number tnr isrS eontalne a eomlete ltl namteof all tlie newsnaper..nnpreeerd eeitte" durie. 1.,..I.'. ,4ini,iliM 1 and that tot oottle.n Ih name of a.l tbe eivtiieo he ' list, for fotor referrne, are worth wwr Ihe (.nee of the rinMleotii'a. Tb nemoer is aiee fall of valuable te.istlo. An. on see" M aenu to tbe Poet Maerer, w.ll reee.ve b reje ' t. u. 1 1. Ill, ll'.ll, tie. - taaU a sap fat aoa eaai.tt r 1 3