2)Jtcte sitd $fstJtttiiittL "SUSQUEHANNA HOUsT CvrweniTlltA, r imr floltt county, Pa, TnTfloUftTid will eblih(d lloinl, futl fall? ii tinted oo the bent of the .Sur- iu. hanra, In the hnrojsh ff Curt-en tyi,,. tvt, load for term of yore bribe undnii:t(d It hoi bn eMirely robin I, ami it m.w nio k. the public jraneralljr in I tho trat silling eommu ally Id ptr'icoUr. No peine nil, be iirtd ti riiiJer g iimii fomfnrmtile while tarrying at thin fjwe. Atuf le huiihntf rrm.a f r the acuiuuio- tfo of t"4iin, Cbark;fi tr.ii..rattv Jan. IClt tf WM. M. JKKFRIK. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Curwrniviilc, Clcarlluld county, I'a. THE onilerslgned ha: lea.ci lliia old nil I long e.tablinhed hotel, (formerly keut ty Major lae Bloom.) aituute in a central portion of thfl town. Mid linn entirely re lltteil in, I re lurniilio-i la, a:d re-modeled the eta-,ling. ro to mike it tli object, hereafter, for the tripling pubitu to patronise this Urge anil eutntnoilious bou.e. 4o-, (iS-tf JOHN J. READ. jRirdo-arr, Jlmrarr, rtr. n A IC I) w a it i:, AUti, Manufaclurrrtof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware , ' r l k a n r i c l it, i a. i LOT OK HADDLKS, WHOLES, Uarnsss, Collars, ate, for sals by MKURELb A BIG LEH. ALMKU'S I'ATHNT UNLOAD inf II. j Forks, for sale by MEKHELL A HIGI.ER, Prj ttMdi, CNroicrirs, fftr. I ttiladrtphla AArrtlirmrnt. ! ! ! 1 0 1 7 NCH ! !1J THE MANSION-HOUSE, Comer ot becoudand Market iStreot, CLEARFIELD, PA. TTIH old ami cu mm odium Hotel bai, during lb put year, been cnlareed to Juh. in iWiBtr capacity fur tba entfriainmant of itran Kri ani jrueat. The whole builJtmt hu beau rofuroiibtd, and tha proprininr will rpare no pair, i to mid it bit guanta ooufortnble while fiaviaf with him. jr-The "Maniion I Inure" Omoilui rum to am. from tb Depot on ib arrWal and dopartura o( each fain. 1MV1D JOHNaTON, twrb tf I'ropritiCiir THE WESTERN HOTEL, CLEARFIELD. VA. rpim subscriber having leased fur a term of J. y.iri thil well known Hotel, (kept forniany yuan by Mr. Lanich.) and ro. fitted and refur- aimed It throughout, ii now prepared to ent -tale Irar.lor. and tha pnblio generally upon lerwi It ii hoped alike agreeable to both natron ana proprietor, lite l A II 1. K and UAK will be lup lied with tha bet the market affordi; aid no paim will be ipured on hi part la add to tte eoDvonientra ud etimfrirt of hi. tmii. JOHN DOUOIIF.KTY. "t1 Propiietor. THE EXCHANGE HhOTEL, IIUNTI(;OOX. PA. fpni3 (M eMaMMimti t bnTinc; btoii laitJ X "7 J- WOKhlSOV. formerly pr.iprirtor of ma ".Morrifin iioup, ' aa tan tbrou;hl rn Tttad iud refurr'thad, aul auppUM with all tba toodero iniproTPUjenta and conT '"Uncc ne. fOMar to a ftrit-rlatti liotfl. 'fro dininjr rooni bag ban ramovfd to tin? llrnt floor, nnd ii row rpBflom and ai-y. The ehambura are welt rtn tilated, ar d the proprietor riil eoiivavur to aakt bii (tioiU prfi'ct!y at b me. J"2j J. A!0:tlltSOV, Proprietor . W. WALLACK TU08. U. HW. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, I.ulhrrburg-, Clvai field Co.. Pa. 11 11 13 well known and h-r.f rMablUhrd Mo'et, . formerly kept by H. W. Moore, and latteily by Win. H'.bwam, nr., hat b-en fn'l for a teru. al yaan by tba undcrsipur I, to which the atit n titn oi tba traveling public is now called, and a liberal thure 'f public pntrnnn( 1" polifiteil. aprld.'flH-ly.pd fillAW A WAM.AC1S. THETATLOAD'liOUSE; MAIS ST., PIJILII'SBUHO. I'A. THR tinderftirneil keep, romtnntly on band the bent of Liquira. JJie table ii alwn.vr H-iiolwltli the W.t the market afforda. The aritn puWio will dj well ti. giro h im a rail I. o'l.'na. ROHKltT I.l.OYD. TuETrAlNAiToFsE7 COXtSTOWN, U.VUP.'IINCO., Pa. TrTK tindrnif ncri taVi tbli metht-d of In furtaina; iha Watermen of ClrarficM county, that ba h.ii rofi'tcd t d ro-opinc 1 the hotel (or irly kept by K. Pliirer, at Cio-l-m, whira ht ill take apacinl pHVn t rndiT iitixfai ti'n te all who faor him with their pitronhjr He bu blown all tba rorki out of die ri(r and ptaated nubii-jr pnti for lmlf a tnil ahr.vf bii pWa. rrbJa.'tVJ ii:OH(iB FAI.K. GEO. C. PASSrRET"! Grocery and Saloon, I (Ot r.i Street, near il Railroad Depot.) CLE. II FIELD, PA. IWOt'LD rt'fpiwtfully inform tbf ptibllc that I as now pr.ptrvd to p t'otler, t?iii;ar, Itft. Tuba wo, Fi.b, Ac, woll a Ovmon, Nufe, Cindiea, and in short rvllnng tiiuiillr foitnj in il oo (if ant gn'stritj. A aUuru of public patron -i;c ii o!i,-iie.l. 0 i'iUJ, I'L'TXY, ULASi, Made, tte., for ial. bj MEKRELL A BIOLER. JJAK.NESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE Fiodir.fi, fur iale bj MEKRELL A BIOLER. QUNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES ' For ialt bj MEKRELL A BIGLER. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bitti, for iale hj MERRELtA BIGLER. 1 HON IRON ! IRON I IRON ! .4- For iale by MEKHELL A BIOLER J JOKSE SnOES & HORSE SHOE KAILS, for tale by MERRELL A BIGLER pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And beat Manafacture, for lala by MERP.ELL A BIGLER rpJlIMULE SKEINS AND PIPE a BOXES, for iale by MERRELL A BIOLER. pODDER CUTTERS for enlo by MERRELL A BIGLER. SAWS I SAWS I SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN I iiEfoLiTto.r i.r s.tu-s: EMERSON'S TATENT 1'ERFORAllATED Cros:a-Cut, Circular and Long Saws, (ALL CU.MMINO AVOIDED.) ALSO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For f pre. linn, Ehtrpenin, and Cbaplng the Teeih of all Splitting Sawi. V3.Bend for a Deicrli tire Circular and Price Lilt. MEKKKI.L A UIiJLKR, jant tf General Afccti Clearteid, Ta V bankers; HEAD CAREEULLYII No. 35 South Third Sinttt " I r.llll i ni ! rnl UALILLHnlA. Your Best Interests De mand It 1 1 nine uENEiuf Agents, V FOR PENNSYLVANIA fy, LNN5TLVANIA , or THE S a H W - K n H Ol r! 8 O - O o c: v. -J i PJ O o 0 2! H CI v o K m o 0 a o o f o o b f u o w M 'A m H M w n m 1 - f 5! K n 'A . r! H t( o H n b 'A O PI n k H I en o V: u. 3 B 1 o H o H O w o o w o r hi. b3 o w T3 o c o 00 w a. M H H tx r H H W w W IS o w r n o in x UNITED STATES OFAMFRIHA nrorrd Jul) a. law, w,lb . ' CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liber al lam. offer, d to A.ritle and .olkalan. wba 'inTlteiltoapilr.tonrorar.a. I'CBl.r. .un rmvliei., full dp., riMba tba aaiaau(cao.ie.i or ibe ,m,,.. .,u.r te eai. at. . ILAHK V fO A". 4 JAwri AX B. at. RUHMKL, Mu.frer. J. C. TIIOII AS, Aiwat tor Centra and Claarlul.l count im, Fa. auglV-lily 628 f- 93 1 1 w t-1 o S3 o w H g o o H H C HOOP SKIRTS, 628 And . , CORSETS, CORSETS. WM. T. HOPKINS, : ."to. 6a ,1reh Hlrttl, Phi I'a. icriOTrja or " Celebrated "Champion" Hoop Skirts FOB LADIE8, MISSES AND Cnil.DRKN. Tba l.rre.t aa.ortaa.nL and beat oo.lil ar,J t;lae In tba Amerlean Market. Kr.rjf ladj ahould trj them, aa tber recouiojead thaDaalrea by weannj lonfer. retaining tbeir ahapa mueb be ter, being lihtar and mora elaitie tban utb. ere warranted in aiery re.pect, aad Bold at rr low rrleea. A.k for liopkin'e "CHAM-HON-BKIRT . Huperi.tr Hand made Whala.Bona Cnriet. u Ifteeo different rradea, Inolndinr tha "Imneri. al"and Thonjp.cn A Langdou'i "ULOVB KIT TING" C0HSKT8, ranging In price, from II eenta to Ii to tirether Kh Jn.eph teckel'i eelebraled FRENCH WOVKN CORSKTJ, lope rior eb.pea and quality, ten different gradee, from fl 10 to IS all. They are tba Ineat and beat rooda fur tba nrieaa. aver iunnried. Tk Trad, aupplied it lUop tkirU and Coraeta at the loweat ratee. Thoaa eiaitinx tha eltr abould not fall ta oil ana aiamine our aooda and nrleea. a. wa del all competition. IMurth. I. I86S I1 Medical. KABEIED t -1, . 7 JTW ""'' r.rfd., ara en much tr rubied with UoMoenraa or t'onallpalion, n. ....... ,.,,. , n.oera I mood fill., wbiob utaea aurmg all aUg.a of pregnane, w.u p.rfaet ealeir. ' SCROFULA Aad all diaeaa.a rf ihe VlnnA an4 .11 . dieaaaee or tha akin, Old Sor... Tumor, and Ul acre, arlaing from whatever eau.e, ean be per aaneutl. cured by the naa of Dr. Huback'l Ulood ,uer ana mooa niij. IT5PEWCIPLED Dealer, often raeomraand athar kl,t. L tb.T bare not Robaok'a. Wa daaira to eantlon tkaaffllcud agatnet purabaaing any of then, buy Kobaek'e Plonaah Biiiere .... If yon wcaild eoaibat dlaaaae auooea.lully. WASTED. All percoai troubled with Cnatleeaeee and Con tlpaliaai f tha Bowela to bay Hoback'a Ulood ruia : tn contain no mereurv. arc rjuralM. atabla ut arark like charm . aaa ka lak.n wlik aafacy by pareana of aU agaa, and la all duhuuimi ai ma. JWcdiral. IHMlHiADSGKinTl aan IIoofland'N (icrnian Tonic; Tkc Great Remedial for all Mrrarea of tba i.iror, rjtomacb, or Dlge.llrc 'rgana. THK JtKPUIJMCAN. LASIE8 Of aedentary habit, who raoulra a aentla .urn tiro will Ind Kobaek'i Ulood Pill, la.t the mad ieinc they want 1 they arc perlcotly life and ean laaeu at an timee t wey eontain do oicroory vi uiuiim poiea, cat aua purely rcgetablc. LITEE C0MPLAI5T8, JOHN M. MELLOY, aunuracTDM. op w Plain, Japanned & Stamped Tinware 73 .... II 011 ao Furnl.hliig Oovda, Tin noofliiy and louductor IMpca. Ko. 723 tlarket fttreat, . 'F 1'IIILADKI.PHIA. McGAUGHEY'S EESTAl RAM & REFRESIIHEXT SALOON, It, Leiry'i New Iluil.iin. (,'oruierlj occupied by ilr. Hole,) FECOXD ST., CLEAR EIELD, PA. CON'STANTLVonWiidntin-wWi'ir.if CA.N MRS. MIS, ( IIIARS. TOItAfiCO, Ac. A.ro, Flo:siI OY.-Ti:ilS reciviil dailr, anil i.rred up to auit the tastra of cuetouirra. BILLI ARD I n)n .econd .lory, declil tf IpWII) MctlAl uHEV.' DANIEL CONNELLY, Boot nnd Shoe Manufacturer, CLKAIIFIKI.D, PA. HASju.t recelred a fne let of French CALF bKIN3. and i. now prepared to tnanuf.c. 'ur. aveijtijing in hi. line at tr.o lowe.t Itiurea. Ill iti;l warrant hii work to be a. reprorentac. U. ixpeetfully rolirita a call, at bia chop on M.rhit lire n, rond d' or wen ot the po-t -IRca, Ur. be will do all in bie power to render aatia firttrn. Some tine Uuiier i..p. on h.tn'l. J,'7 y 1M.MKL COXM.LLV. I'EAIF, PROCLAlMEi). the was cvt.Tn clearfield KNOX TOWNSHIP QUJET. Nearly all tht Contrabands 1n'nj lark '0 their oil mnstcrs ; but 'tiary one pir.f to oil MassachvtctU, uhcre th'.y ictre lord so lonj and bo well. 1 1 5fenr.efneni of the n'mre fcu. F. EilORT, J ef the frld "Short frhoc rhop," would an c, lo hi. nuiueroul patron., and the people 'Ciearneld OfOi.rr nt Inriji, that ha hae now a ' rata lot.,f fwd maieri;,!, Ju.t recieed from 1 u kat, and ie prepnrnd nn .norl notice lo make H aaenj Uoote end Fhoca. at bi new ah .p In "'ihaai'i row. He la ntiud thai he ran p!eae .'a' le.. it mirht be eome Inten-ely lo al alar- j '; .'If r"frr!;W-frf n neat door to Khow.ri A Ornbem i .tore, Market etreel, Clcara.ld, Pa., and kept by e f :n e-mrojnl called L'1 ''7 y "snoRTr." The Lightning Tamer. THE un'tfrfigntd ara the aIe Agfnti in llila ctintv fcr the "Nurtb American Ualvauited LlOHTMNO Il'iDS." T ie art tba only aafa tuda now in tiro, and ara ndurtei by all tbt icli nti6o men in tha eauntrj. V t hereby noiifr tbt oitiaeni of tbt county that wt will put them up a betttr rod. and fur Ifn mopff, ibao It charirad bt tba fortirn Keriti who annnaM travarat tba eoouty and carry off our llttia rath, ntrtr to return. , ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Thoaa within Lightning Koda treeted on their boildio ji ned but addrtu ui by Utter, or call in parfon. Wa will put them up anywbtra in thttounty. and warrant tbem. 1 bt Kndt and Kixturet ean bt leen at any titnt hy r-llina; at Qurau.ro. MEHKELL A IHULKK. Clearfield, Junt 11, U'-S If G. s. flegalT I'EALER trt STOVES AXD UOLLOW-YVARE, AND MA'.lliFACTURKR Of Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Phllipihurg, Centre co., fa.. HII pum Ttlff uridenlgned reop tot fully annonncei to tht public that ht baa on band a eart-fnliy-ieleftad and wall alitor lad atovk of Stofai. Ilia Tariety euniiiU of HE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Whirh bara never fallfd to Ira ptrfact iat frac tion to tbt mo it faatidioua ff Ua purcbaitra, Continentnl. Ltftiijth, Parraor, Daylight. F peart' Anti-Unit, Nirjjnra, Cbarra, lierald. &o.t with trery rie'y nf tha bat Pittiburf Manuficturt. t-iJ-Tht Tin and Sheet Iron wart given with tha Mre it made of tht hear'nt and btrt mntrrial, ard warrantad lo girt perfect tatit- factioo. Jlii Hoc a uf TAULOU AND UEATIXO STOVES la larger, better and chaapar (Van trer befort eihibtud to the public. lie defiei eomjatitiun tiiber in rariety, quality or prict. lit It alio prepared to furniuli a toi atiurtmont of ipWta Tin. Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow Ware, drexel & CO., No. at South Ttilrd Htrect, 1'hllaJelpa And Dealers in Government Securities. Appllcahoa by mail will reecira prompt atten- anu all Information cheerfully furniahed. aprlltr lion, Order, solicited. REIZENSTEIN BROS.. Maaufaeturera of and Wnolaeala Dealare In MEM An linv' i-TrlTitrvr: i ma jaavo a van . Me.,,, WK; Mgl'67J PHILADELPHIA, Pa. 116- mvll fS tf 89811101 1 1 ki:ysti: ntoili: SECOND St., CLIARFIELD, Pa. 18G8 winter. 1868 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, xioa. zjj, z.tr, z-iy m z.i n. iuird sU. PHILADELPHIA. We ana now prepared with car aeual aiteaairo and wrl!-BMrU-d alouk to ofTer extra inducement! to CASH UIVKH.S. aprll-tr Jaundice and all affection! of the Llrar arc aooa removed, by tha nta of Robaek ' S tomarh Biu.r. and Blood f ill., tfacy arc oorapoaed of vegeutlc medicinal citraou with cepacia! refereocc to their direct actio Ok the It apparatoa. lirer and d.foatire . SICK HEADACHE Arltea from a diiordtrod itatt of tht rtomach and bowalt, and a billloui darangtmtnt of tbt llvtr, and can ("t ptroiantBtly turad by tht ait of Huback'l Blood Parl&ar aod Blood I'Hii. Fall diroetiont accompany oach bottlt aad bos. DYSPEPSIA. Tbonaandi of tba wortt uffcrart from tbli ttr riblt gnawing diataao bavt batn cured by tbt a ol Ktbacb't Btomach Bitttri, aa tht toatimo aiaia bow In our hands fully provt. llooflaiurn German I Jitters l tompoatd of tht pure lulr I for. at thfT mrm iiaiimi.f totMiaa, aitraoU) tf rooti. herb i, and barka. I I a proparaHia highly 0onontrttd a a d ontirnlv fraa ir. .B a i ro a one adnuturo or any hind ' IlfKifland'H Gorman Tonic tc a combination of all tht IngrcdlcnU of tbt Hittora, with tha puraiit quail of Baota Crut num, uranira, Ac., making one of th mint ntaa sant and agrtvabta ramadiai arr offered to tht pubito. j nous prararring a medicine fret frwin aicooonc aaoiuturt. Wilt ue llooflund'fl German Bitters. Thoia who have no objection to tbt eomblna. uon ot lot tilt ten as i la ted, will uie Iloofland's German Tonic. Tber art both equally rood, and contain tba am a medicinal vlrtuei, the oholnt bitwatn the two ncing a mere taaiter ol laatt, tha Ian io being M HlVVai JlwlolUI. Tba etomai'h, from a rarlttv of aaaaaa. mnM aa Indigeation, Dyepcpaia, Narroue tiibility. eta., ii tctt api io nave ua lunctioui derang ed. Tht Liver, eym I 1 patbiaing ai oloaoly at It doea with tht v ftomaob, then be eomee affenM, tbt rteuH of which ii that tht patient fufferi from icvcral or aaort of tbt fol lowing: diitaaei : Comttpatlon, riatulenec, Inward Pllei, Fullntei oi Blood to tht Head, Acidity of tbt Atom, acb, Naua, Heart Burn, U iigu.it fwr Food, Fullneai or Weight In ibe fitfjmacb, Sour Kruptione, Sink log or Fluttering at tht pit of tbt Stomach, bwiin ingof tht llaad. 11 u rr lo d or aUiOicult breathing, Batteriug of tht BearttCbcking or ftuf foeetiDg eeniationt when la a lying puatara, Uianeaa of viiioa, dot. or woba befort tbt eyee , dull pain ia tbt bead, deficiency f par. vpiration, yellowatMof the ehln and tyet, Pain la tht aide. baok,chait,liniba,at4.,auddta fiUrtbei of beat, burning flceh, tonatant liaaginingt of ovil and great depreaiioa of epirita. The talTerer from Iheet diieatee ihould estr clat tha greateet caution In the eelaeetion ol a remedy for bit eaie, purebailng only that which ht ie aaeared I 1 Irowj hie investiga tion! and lncjuiriee poiataeea trot merit, ie ehlllfnily eotapounded, Ii fret fron l.-jurloue Ingrtdiente, and hat taubliabed fur iUelf a reputation for the cure of tbeae diaeaeet. lo thii oonneciiou we would submit tboit well known rem edict- Jlooflands German Bitters, C0HVALE8CENTS Ebould e Robaek 'a Btomeefc Bitten to itreogth ea tht proitration which alwayt follows acoto univaHt f i win uf iuwpb imr auperior aa a am- MlaltflaT tnaia to IBI mt Lha mmA WaawaW .Hki. ratiooa of tht preeent day. Iloofland's German Tonic, Prepared hy Dr. C. U. JACEBO.V, Philadelphia, Ft. Twenty twt years ilnct Iher were firtt Intro duced into tbie country from Germany, during wnicb time toey nave nnannntediy performed mort caren, and benefited suffering humanity to a greater extent, thaa any other remedies known to tba public. Theee remedies will effectually euro Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Dyipepiia. Chronio or Ktrvous Debility, If Chronio Diarrhoea, Dieeaiel of the Kid ocja. andall dlaaaeea aalaiag froat . Dlacrdcrcd Llrcr, fitomach, or luteiunea. m:a ic i j i im. WEDNE-DAV MmiqTn,), IFH. 21. ISI.9. Terms of Subscription. r paid in adranoi, or within thrru uir.nl Ii. ti mi irpald eflertbrreend l-fore .,,,!, j f0 II paid alter tba aioiratinn of a. a moo hi .. 1 to la aulhoiittd Mr. T. If. Wn .jo, o ir foreman, "-'I r ui..,,- paui miotliri,,..enn c i,, I .ou.onptioii, anrrrtl. ing. ji, w.,rk. A . in our UI.U. .1. V'H'IH N III K, IMilor aii-1 Prof-rittcr alMiicu. Mr. I'oHcr, it will bo noticed, .oilers a very dchiniUo protx i ly fur Bale or rout. Tboa.i in ncwl of Sowing ilitcliines, wo refer to tliu atlvcrtiHement of Messrs. Nivlinjj & Si.owers. Mr. Uluttenlierger publishes an ud- vcrtiscment in tliis isuo worthy of tlio nttontion of thofco in need of u homo Mr. Thorn offers ft ur houses nnd lots for snle. Also, four lota without improvements. Sua his advertise ment elsewhere. Debility, NEW GOODS! Shawls I Shawls! Shawls I BLANKETS! BLANKETS! Hoods! Nubias I Breakfast SLTwlsl LA DIE 8' FTJBSI CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS ! Ladies' CoatsI LADIES' AXD CHILDREN'S SHOES! ail Wool itrpit FRKXCII AND KNOLISn MOklROSI Silk Flnlah VSLVET for lulti I Alriander POPLINS ! All Wool P'bAIDSI E.aceb.e Bapellaolt Charoeleoa Poplla 1 Tappa Cloth for Wrapper! ! Ladlei' Clorklnga I Water-Proof black and brown I Caeeimerei for ven and boyi I Bonnet Velret, Blbboni Flowin, Featbanl Ladie't and Children-! Hat! ! Wool and Cotton Da Laln.i ! Muiline, Flannel., Print! t Zephra, wonted aad wool Tarn! Draaa Trlraratogi, Tnder Clolhiog, flata, Cap, Ilo.ierjr, Olorea, and a oompteta aaaortmaot ef all kind! of NOTIONS, at eery aaoderato prleet. JSITJ-IX1 A SUUWJilCa. Clearneld, Oet 15, 18(11 tf (J ,t STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (nuoriMors to reter i. n rirht & to., laronrittK or amh nKtinai if DRUGS AXD MEDICINES, ii.ao. Brandies 4 Wines for Medical purposes. I JeU flTj No. AOV Market 6L, Pbitad'a. lVK,-.tafU A fait.I1 gnani.r.ian.fairl M(1 mmA u m'jT nu shoe su jr. : r".vrj.K ',vi" """'" f,B" EDWARD MACK. ; V'KET A 2d f ., CLE.'.nnEI.D, TilE ', ;,r!.,T m oot Mcd Ittft the IlOO T if iif'K bo.inr". at the ahore atan-t. and 'I'r-r.ineJ not In be onl l-ne chber in q'nl V frire for hi. troll., ,cial ellrnti"n b I '' I to niruri-tnring S-urd work. e J' 'fl ha-.t a lrke lot of Kiei.rh Kip and Skit a, of the aery Id quality. Ii.eriil r'.rr. 'I an 1 a-i r t (i v ere rerpt-i ttulij T' ' t- ie hiat a ni.il. J.'o cbirge lor call. . ' ,f terlal in the market TL0W3, PLOW POINT", t COPPFR, fcRA.'S .Ml IKON KkTTLKS, k0f every dircrlptlon eon"taDily ob band. . UGH TNI NO HODS, fliit-erl"r fnlnt, pot op on .hurt notice. The Point he oflrr. lo ibe f uhlic i. tl.e came ai Ie now ud by the Pecneylrania Hallroad Co.( on tbrlr building.. ftW ROUT tM) SllliF KlltlP onDEns run srofTiNo, noonxu be promptly tiled by eiperlenced aid ikilllal i IB in,.P.;i,r rrir IntcW .lined a new B'i end fhoe ah .p la Cn'wrnevlPe. on "treet. rp.,it, J,,,h K. Irwin'e I'rue , tj uiiniinrc. I" in. i'mi'ii- iii.i I t - 1'iiri i, L-a ,0 m-ture all .tTlcl or Bool. J "ben. and everything in hi. line, on elmrt 4..' . "f ''J krepe on hand 1 good aaort I male w ,rk, whirh be will lell I,' ' c",k 'rcnnnlry pr.,n-e. J" Ivl-t) LKI3 7. TOSS. i Hon and Ipr, Slclfih Mnkrrs, eH.atelj . rear of Pllnlng Mill,) CLEA .(FIELD, Pa. "l-ie ril.ere wonld re.nee tfnllr Inforai the r.,fCIerfe d and Ibe ahlicla feoerel -'.'re prepared to do all kind, of work oa k:dss. Carriages, sleiohs, tc, "t noii ,ni m r,MSB,i,, uroja, and 'eiailike manner. A ate .'eatwre I. 1A lb... - prciarilT afended to.-K i- it . - t n r atf 1 e. r. arninfni. I T IHARLPS JASJIOf. ' BRASS, COrrEH AND OLD METTLE Taken la eschange fot noda f&Ue tFperlaMy Invitee tht etteptlofj of Merchants wishing to parehae at wboleeale. at they will And It tu tbrir advantage to ti amine tis stock before pa re baaing elsewhere.' G, A. FLFOU,. PhlllpfHtrf. Aug . 1M. )T?ttT Clearfield Nursery. ENTOURAGE HOME IiiDl STRY. rpilK nder.lgned. baring o.teHi.bed a Nar JL eery oa the Trke. about half way hetwe. Clearfield and rorwenevllle. Icprepared to for ni.h all kinda of FKl IT TURKS, (alandard and dwarf.l Erergreena, hhrabberr, Qrape Vlwee, Qocebcrriel, Lawtoa blarkberry, fitrawejorry, and Raaberry Vinee. Aire, 8ihria. Crab Treea, tVaiaee, ud early eetrlet Khakarb, Aa. Ordara ptomptly ilteniled U. Addreei, 1, p. wmanT. ecpir.W -y Cirweanille, t BENSON, CAMPBELL &, Co,, No. 17 N. Fif 81. aad 414 Cemaeroe, PHILADELPHIA, Pi, WHOLESALE GROCERS. And Commission Merchants, ronraaiALior Wool, Oloienf, Fur Skim, Feathere, Leather, Flat Seed, Dried Fruite, Clorer Heed. Hoou, lleer bklnc nutter, itecawai, bbeep Ekioa, Kgge, Ac, ae., Ae. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price current forwarded oa request. June II. Jy pd DlCAtvXi:, Bl.IND.NKHS C ATA Kit 11 tmited with the vtmoat anrreve hy fir. J. IHAAt'H, M. D., and I'mffi.nr or bieeaie of the Eva and Kar in the MMieal ('ollegttof Hfrmpvl. vania, U yun eiperienee, (fnrmerlr tt I.fvdn, Holland.) No. 0i Arrh Atreft, l'hi)a. trh noniala ean be eeea at his office. The medifal faculty are Invited to aoettmpanr Heir patirntt. he hae no eeeroit in his prnfroxinn. Artifli'lal eves inverted without pain. lSo charge for ct amlnatinn. I lellB Jy. NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. CM llKTZ'fl Celebrated Bitter Cordial. rpiHS sardlral preparation le now offered to I the public at a reliable substitute fur tha many worthies eonpoande which now flood the market. It le purely vegetable, composed ol variant herbs, gathered from the great etore houie of nature, and selected with the utmost rare. It Is not recommended tea Craa-AM., but by its direct nnd salutary influence apon tbt Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Htomach and Howele, it eels both os a prveutte and er tor many oi ri, tn whirh thoie organs are awhjeet It Is a reliable Family Medicine, and ean bt taken by either infant or adult with tht tent benefleia.1 remlta. It la a t NISJl I. I IIIW JdSWI r'e'" P.'ty rerncdy r, Bi.rrho- Dr.. raw.c.- , e-n ,u aai ar aaac , -y r yr flW M, UUWim r .spirtti, tamiinn. hirkheadarhe, 4. tt Chills and fevers of oil kinds, it is far better and safer than any quinine, without any cf lie per ntcioue effort a. It cretti an appetite, provei a powerful digeiter, e-d will connterart the efleru o( liotior In a few ninutei. Trerared bv JArttlt MESSRS.. FORREST A SOX?l"EXZ: t-ti'K SEUHALQIA Cn be .r.elaaliy cared by taking Dr. Robacb'a Blood Parltar end Blood Pllla, aad bathing the affected paria with Tincture of Aceaite or Chloroform. PILES. There Is at medlrtnt In to efficacious as Dr. Robaek'e Ulood Purifier and Blood Pills for the perm at eat care af Blind or Bleeding Piles j they strike at tht root of disease, thereby reno tag tfaraanse. - HIOHT KAfiS Ii .ne ef the aiiny dlaiaaee ef which Dyipep.la la the aarcot. To affect a core pereoni ihoold eroid hearty food ai night, and take a w tne gleei fall of Heboek'i Swaiaeh Bitten wa retiring to bed. WHO SELLS THEM! The Agtnti fur the lala of Roharh'i Illood Pilll. rtom!ch Itinera and Blood Porl&er are UARTfWICK A IRWIN, Clearneld, Pa. Jaoll . . , THE GREAT ZINCARI BITTERS. A safe Blood Purifier, a spltadld Toale, a pleas ant svtreft, a certain ears and Preventive of Diseases. New Store in Madera. "ItTOrLD re.pe-tfully Infnrra the public that f th-y bare Ju.t opened, ia AIADKIIA. Clearfield eoaotr, Pa., aa entire aew atook of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which they are prepared to cell ai ebeap ai the cheapeat. Their nock eoaalati la part of bry Gotxlrt of the Ik'Ht Qunlity, Sock aa Alpieeee, Delanea, Print!, Maallni, Caa.lmerec, Satinet!, aad Flinnill, Rcndy Made Clothing, Of the beet laalitr, each 1. Coat a, Pante, VU, Orercoati, Oreraili, Shlrti, Collara, Ac Bouts, Slioes ami Gaitors, Alio of the eery beit Qn.llty. A coinjilpfo pttKk of Groceries, la abort ererjthlng a.nall kept laa country ilore. Consumers, look to Your Interests! Call and alanine oar itock end prlcea bifore parchaiiDg eliewbere. LCMIlEIt AND GIUIS Of all Hn4l taken la ttrkaage far foeda. aT-Remember. the place, Madera, Clearfield eoaaty, Peaa a. t. F0RRK8T A FOX. OaaabetFI, l'ft tf.' ' : - ' all Drogftiata. (norll-ly DOBBINS' ELECTRIC It O O T ! O Ia I H II MAKI:1 A I.ATI.N1 "III VP, MIOSR who black their boot! e (telnrd.e T night with ordinary blarking, don't have much sinae on t ho day, as tbt p ilith fades off i but tht sblnt of DOBBINS' BLACKING Lasts Saturday and all day Sunday ! II lleata any othrr marking; Made I Maoofa tared enly by J. B. Dobblna, at bli loa aiea.o 8oep aid Blarki'.g Worka, Slith etrect and Ucrroanluwa arenoee, Philadelphia. Pa For iale by j. p. klATZKH and HART. WICE A IRU IN. Clearfield, Pa. . anjt-i. VDMIM-.TB ATOH at KOTlrfiU-Kotiee ie berrb.r girrn that letter, of adminietnitioa on the crate rf JOim I.KjNARI), deceaeeg, late of tlcb-n tewn.h'p, Clearfield eonnly, Pa., having beea duly granted to Ibe ondereigned, all rwroone indebled tn aald relate will plr.ee aieke payment, aad thoco baring elaima or drmaadi will preeeal thera proiiarly aolhentiatcri for act- V K. LKtlNAHD, Arlra'l. )ant At MAR1 II K.N It V I. MEADE. Adai r. I b.TII I-.hi a. tiajKI AHl K.a kvg,H. W'e hare oriateA a km hmU r ik. - raw H11.U aao will oa the receipt of twealr- rocnta, aiail a copy to ear adilroea. eat 3, J IIJI'J belTMOCRATlO ALMANAa Oalr 11 i erat. , Inn rote, akoold kwre oate. w rpiIE l.HOkKl DITTKRS are eomponnded I iroaa 1 are'enniioa I tne eeieornrea Dgyp tian ,bynclan. Da. Catnr.i'i, who, after year. of trial and aiperlmenl, diworcred tbc Zingari Herb tba aiort remarkable production, the earth, perlepe, baa Bret yielded certaialy the cnoat efiijtirc In the care of diiea.e. It, ta eorohinaUia with tbc other raloable propertlea of whirh U! IINUAM BlTTKKSIa ooupoiad, will cure Dyrp.p.ia, Farar and Agae, Billioaa Feror, Cbollc, Colde, llroncbiti., Coo.oraplloa la I:. flrt et.ga, Flalolency, Ner looa Debility, Female Coat plaiat., rtheaniatlaiB, Dr.eatery, Aoate and Cbtonte Diarrhnra, Cholera Morbal, Cholera, Tryhnld and Typhus Ferer, V.llcw Fever, Bcrnfula, Diaea sec of the Kidneyr, llabitoal Coe. tireacac la the Preventlea and Core ef Ibe above die race., it baa aover beea know, to fail, el thee candi of oar meet prominent eiliaene larongheol all part! of the eouatry, will teitify. Let the afflicted aend for clreolnr oentaiaing tcetimont. ale and certificates of thoeewho hare bean eared after thi'r caeec here beea proaouneod hopalaei by ear beat phyelekaal. Priaclpal D.pet, r. RAIITER CO., Mo. N. Froat 8t.,r-blladal.bla. Reeeameadea by Ri.tier. Iisrld R. Porter, af Peoaiylraala II 00. Robert J. Fl.ber, " Ha. Edward Mcplcrsaa, " Hoa. eoel B. Iraaner, " M ktoa vni. MoSharry, " and atbera. aatrSiad lor Ctrcalare, febll 1. Beale's Embrocation, (LATI POW ILL'S,) For ill dlcaaiee laeldant to lloraoe, Caltl!, and Baavaa Fleab, roeolrlng Ibe aee af aa - .aleraal applieaatoa. Thil Imarooatioa es aauoalrely a.ed by Ibe eJoTCrnaieal dnrtag the war. For tola by Uaruwlok Irwla, CUordeld. Jafapb JL Ireria, CarwoaerUlo. . Itaalal ooa laac.r, La bel ibag tf Remltlng frem any eaare wbatorert ProitratloB of tbc lyitcm Indaoed by loverc Labor, ilardehipe, Eipoaara, Fcvera, Ae., . Thar. Ii bo nadiciD. extant eqoal to tbeee lemediei la aoou aaeea. A tone and vigor Ii imparled to the whole eyatcto, the appetite la etrsogtbened, food il enjoyed, the rtomach di geiti promotly, the blood 1b purified, the com plexlon become! lound and healthy, the yellow tinge le eradicated from tba eyee, a bloom i given to the ehecka, ani the week aod aerroai taralid baeemaa a strong aod healthy balng. Persons Advanced in Life, and feeling tha band of time weighing heavily neon them, with all lta attoadant ilia, will find tbc aee of theee Bitters or the Tonic, aa eliiir that will instil aew life into their reins, re.tore ia a mceaur. the energy aad aldor of more youthful days, baild ap their ahruakea forms, and glvs beailh and hippicis! te th.tr remaining yaan. Notice. It ll a wall e.l.bll.lied fact that fully oaa belf of th. fetoala po rtion of onr popula. lioaarc leldom In the 1 . enjoyment ef good health, or. to nsethisr own siprcs.ioa, they "never feel well. They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous, aod have ao ap. petite. To thla clan of pcraonc the Bitten, or the To&ie, Is especially rerommsndad. Weak and Delicate Children are made etroog by the use of either of these reiaediee. They will cure every eassof maraewe. without fall. Thouaatda of certificates nave accumulated In the bands ef the proprietor, but anaoe will allow of the publication of but a few. Tboaa, It will be obeerved, are men of note, and of such itaoding tnat tbey moat be believed. Test iinon Lain. Hon. Osoris W. Woodward, Chief Juitics of the Supreme Court ot Penneylvanla, writes : Philadelphia, Pa., March lit, IBbS "IfindHoorLABD'B . Obbman Pirrans li a good toale, oeefttl la , dieeaeesof the digest, ive organe, end of greet benefit 1b oaeee of debility and want of tisrroas action la tha syslena. Yours, truly, Oao. t. Wooowaao." Tloa. James Thompson. Judge of the Fupramr Court of Pcnnaylvania, writer. Philadelphia, April IS, Hflfl. I consider Iloofland'a Uerman Bittere a valu able medicine in caec of lodigeatloa or Dyeptp sie. I ean certify this from experienee. "Toon, with re.pcct, Jama TaoMMoa." From Rev. Joeepb D. Kenaard. D. P., Pastor of the Tenib Baptist Cbaroh, Pbiladslpbie 1 Dr. JacoBOB Dear bin 1 hare baen fioo,nent ly requeetcd to connect any Bams with recom meadstions of different binds of medieinee, bat recording the prao tieeaaoutof my ap propriate Bpherc. I V have la ell CBesa dc elined; bat with a clear proof in verloae la.Unoes, and particularly ia my own family, of tba ueefalneea of Dr. HooQaod's Oerroan llillers, I depart for eooe from my oeual course, to Ci pro my full eonvlctloa that for general debility of the crslem, nnd srpeeially lor Liver Cora, plaint, It Is a efe and valuable prep. ration. In come easel It may fail, but aually. I louht not. It will bs very beneficial to these who Buffer Irom tbc above cause. Yonri, very respectfully, J. D. Kaaaann, Eighth, bilow Coatei Street.. From Rev. K. D. Fendall, Edlt.r of Christian 'Chronicle," Philadelphia : I hsvs derlv, d decided benefit from the n.a of Iloofland's German Blttora, and teel It aiy pr'rl. lege tc recommend them as a mort valuable tonic to ell who are coffering frem general debt ity or from dl.easei arising from derangement ol the liver. Yoari, truly, E. D. Fgxpaix, It will be noticed by an advertibe- mont in tliia issue, tbnt Mr. 11. B. Taylor has mado extensive prcpara tions to guiirjljr tl,e public with limo and anthrueilo coul, having opened a yard for Ibe ale thereof. Tho wind on Tuesday forenoon blew a perfect galo in this place, l'urt of tho Smoke stack at the Haining Mill, was blown down, atid tho tops of sev eral chimney were uluo brought to the ground the ono oil Mr. Short's ithoebhop nearly fulling on Mr. Mossop wnuo pnssing down utrect MTe call tho attention of our read ers to the advertibumen of Mr. Rohm, who propose to ruu a Market car lo the depot every Thursday. Remem ber the green car. Those fond of vegetables, fresh fish, etc., can now have their appetites apiioascd. if for- tunato enough to pot-sess tho stamps. Wo are rcquosted to state to the parlies who subscribed funds toward getting up a brass band in this place, and all others interested, that a gen oral meeting will bo held In the Arbi (ration room, on Friday evening next, at 7 o'clock, fur tho purpose of organ izing said band, and to transact such other business as m:tv be brought beforo the meeting. "Piiil.o."-It will not do. Como out openly and denounco that which ou believe to bo wrong over your own signature. If yon nro ashamed to futher what you have writtjn, do not abk tho printer to usRumo that re sponsibility. Givo them a sermon on the subject which seems to lie so close lo your hoart, and bo as charitable toward your neighbors as you would liavo thcin bo ta ) ou. llo "flank" with them, and retail your complaints through your ofliciul channel. IV Ibe R ehl.ro J F'rvrr. otf.W. A. Ilrgnl. ;Mir., I'i'li. 11, li!0. (!. II. (i.'iu.i.AM'in, Ky, I'r.ir.Sir: I little wrilliii ujl a Ktiituinoiit of Lu lu tnruipi'led with tho death of M. S, l-'h'ghl. and ri'(ticat lis jiiilihi'Hliiiii in our paper : Martin S. ricHai trim born on tho 27th U' April, nnd wm therofnro in his uJaL your ul tho tiino of bia deulli. C'n the morning of th, nccidcrb thai resulted in hU duatli, he hud gor.o ur.cit in mo vooua to j r:pme soino lira wood ; and whilu thiru, ho heard, some doj'H ru it nin rr- tho cnttlo and fheep. lie coiuluiled the best way to put mi end to tliis annoyance would be to get a gun and kill Uiedogs. For litis puvpof-o he lell his wotk, went. (,o a neighbor 'a houso near by, got bin gun, mid w as nn his way buck, when ho found II. K. l'legal, (his brother,) who was lintiliii"; timber up the hill, and was sticking with a load. "When Mui'tin tame up to laim ho laid down the nun, got a linrnlsiiike. e".t o lilliru; hold under tho hind end cf tho ulitk, and helped bin brother Blurt tho load. The horses moved tho stick about thirty feet, when they slopped agaiu. Martin told bin brother he had butter put u bltiU under tho middle of tlio slick, in order lo slide it into '.bo road. Hubert, Rot his axo, crossed over tho stick, and commenced cutting tho bark off the under edgo of tbo stick. During this limo Muitin had picked up the gun, and was standing close to the end of tho stick- Kobert bad worked away until ho had got within ton or twelve leot of where Martin was standing, when he beard the ra, port of the gun. He turned bis head and saw Lit brother down. J. 8. Floiriil wan uiukinif timber near br. lie hud noticed Mm tin standing ut the end of the slick, with the gun in one hand and & handspike in ibe other, licuben KcMdco (from whom ho bad borrowed the gun) saw him fall ; and tho only wuy in which they can ac count for the disebnrge of tho gun, is by the handspike fulling out of hit hands, striking the hammer of the gun, and pulling it off. The ball on teied the left eye, passed diagonally through the head, and lodged in the sculp ubove the right ear. The hand spike was laying on tho gun, and both acrons the body of Martin. The de deased was n man of many virtuon, good moral principles, and a gentleman in every seneo of the word. Truly the ways of 1'rovidenco are mystery ous and past finding out, - Kelbbiath. The JfooM Dam all J.ioiir. Tho ruftmen w ill bo gratified to learn thnt tho Williamsport Diim Schutc w hich last year gavo thoni so much trouble bus been properly reconstructed; not, however, on the congressional plan. Wo give the following loiter from the Secretary to ibe Commission ers in this place. Vt'o hopo our lum bermen will fully realize tho hepo therein expressed : Orrici or Piiqi ibai Boou t uriM-, I Wll.t.lAUsroRT, Tcb. 0, lefi'9. J Mcsira. Wnto HT, Dothtov A OnaoAf. Comrii'ra: Dxar BtRl i Your li-tterof the Sethof January was duly received. Altar a good dial of delay and ditbciilty, wo havo at laat cui,lrbrd the work oa the Hi-liute. We have taken the drop out of it and now think will hare a eplendtd echute. The old piers yoa refer to, wili be removed in time for the bpring rafung. Would like you to come down the Aral flood we have, when you can jmige better for yonrerlvr.. Yon can trl the raftmcn that they will hare bo more trouble hereafter la going throngh the Willinui.wort Hrhnte. tiro. B. UanorR, Stcrttary. Geary. A Radical sheet of Phils, dclphia, referring to Geary' failure to ruie tbetimo nnd place of mooting for tho Hadical Stato Convention stivs: ''This would seem t06ettlelicaij'afute. " His pomposity, and emptiness, nnd " deceit, received merited rebuke." Such is tho fate of apor-tatcs. Cuddled, and humored, because ho hod proven recreant to principle, the poor wrelc't Is hero held up to ridicule and contempt by tho very men who, ''levins; the Treason, despised tho Traitor." We may now soon expect to read a truth ful account, from Radical pens, of bit wonderful war record, with perhaps some reflection", upon iho folly of a t assumption of tho lion's skin by a donkey. Poor Hum ! Col. Herald. Speaker. Colfax's Hesignatio.. The Washington correspondent of tho Boston Atlvrrtii'r says : Speaker Colfax will resign Displace, in tho House ns soon as tho journal has been lend on Wednesdiiy. the 8d of March, and leave that body to cloct n now Speaker lor twenty-four hours Ilodoes this because ho is required to be in tlio bcuuto chamber or, tho 4'h of March, ten or fifteen minutes befora the expiration of the present Con grcsw, in order to tako tho oath of oflico as Vice President. It ia believed that tho House will give Mr. Pomcroy, tf New York,nho honor of serving on.i day ns Speaker. 11 ib term expires with this Congress, and be is popular with his associates. Caution. Booflaad'i Osraaaa Bitters are counterfeited.. See thst the aims tore ef C. M. JACK SON Is oa the wrap I I per of each bottle. All ethere ere eouit terfeli. Principal Office and Manufactory, at the liermea Medical Store, Ma. :il Areh street. Philadelphia, Pa. CUARLU M. EVANS, Proprlatar. (Formerly C. U. Jaeksos A Oa.) Price. Baofiaal't Oerman Bitten, per bottle. ...... ft to "per half Aoeea. A BoeAaoda Oerrean Toale, pat ap ia a, earl botilea, per bottle 1 If) Or a half doiin for T (f) a-De aol forget t examine well tbc article ao. hay, la erder le gel Ua gaoiine. t-Tt ami. by all artggiani aad Jaalen la eliriae,. . tfH tj Perjury. This heinous crimo, wo notice by the criminal proceedings published in our exchanges, is fearful ly on the increase, although "grand moral ideas" have been enforced for eight years pant by their particular advocates. Pcijury is the tailing of a lalse oath. It ia the outeronnintr of ----IT--CJ-- I" . , i r. . , . . a oorrtipt and depraved heart, whose " on "c uanners 01 11 8 i-f.i iion.sis 1 4 ' I in hnmn r-onnlrrr In llin I hrnnj rf ErnsKD His Skat, bit Paid i.i Full. We cull tha attention of tho tax-payers to tho recent notion of tho Lower House of tho Legislature, in declaring Daniel William, Democrat, not entitled to his seat, and yet order ing him to be paid in full for the wholu term. Dither Mr William is entitled ts a seat, or he should have no salary. If ho is paid for services which he wa not elected to perform, there is cer tainly extravagance here which should bo denounced. If he iseolitled to the salary, ho is entitled to tho seat. Per haps tho Fucccsbl'ul contestant will bo satisfied without a salary. Jlcntown Democrat. Clbam Revolution. This civil commotion still goes on, with tho prestige of success thus fur resting possessor is dangerous to life, liberty and property. When ono man owes anolhor, and deliberately awours that he has settled with him and paid him, when it could be plainly prcven that ho had not dono so, it is termed in law, wo belicvo, "willful and corrupt perjury," and such on ono deserves the punishment awarded to the crimo If there are such. In our midst, let thi;in receive their reward. Throe such cases underwent treatment in oourt last year; and if there any others, let thera be pointed out. What it Coits to Soap Conorcss. The Wahington correspondonca of tlio New York Herald says : "Tho hitest illustration of tho re trenchment policy of tho House of Representatives is the purchnso by the Clerk of that body of combs, brushes and soup to Iho amount ol (1,400 The Clerk is authorized by jutv to make such pnrehsees as ho deems necessary and his bills must bo ap proved by thoConimittee on Accounts, of which the independent statesman llroomsll is chairman. Iho bill for combs and bruehes and soap is now before the committee, and three of its members refuso to approve it, Il might be surprised that $1,400 worth of brushes, combs and soap would be sufficient to Comb, brueli and wash two of three Congi-esscs; but it does not appear that they havs been equally distributed; for many members com plain thut they have not rei oivou either a comb, n brush or a piece of soap during the whole fS46ion The qtiostioin is, where did therliclesi;of And this is what tho threo members of the Committee on Aocounts who refuso to approve the Clerk's litllo bill ere trying to find out." Van's hippinsss is said to bang upon a thread. This must be tha thread that Is never at band to sew on tbs thir button thst is aiwavi off. civil war, the prospect Is that the poo plc of Cuba will, in tho present con flict with royultv, como out victors So marked has been tho progress of their arms, tl.al they havo soul agents to tho United Slates, w h ) are now in Washington seeking interviews with our high officials, asking to be recog nized us belligerents. Petitions nrc already In circulation throughout tho Stnto sotting forth, thut "we the undersigned, without regard to parly," Ao , request tha Legislature of Pennsylvania not to indorso the f uffrage amendment to tho Constitution. The bill lo erect ft new county oat of parts of Craw ford, Wnrren, Venan go and Forest to bo cnMed Petrolia, passed the Senato last week, by n vote of 21 lo 10. It now goei to the" House, where its fulo will bo definitely decided, In Tennessee, tho loynl officials nre said to be in can enough lo rob the school fund. WarlitW. Clearfield Markets. . n.porled wrltj- for the Ci.tABritt.ii P,trri!ca by J. P. KRAlrra. Dealer in Dry (foot, tiro series, Trovisious, Ac, Miiket it., f learfleKI. Cir.Arirt.:i, Pa., Fch. l, H(19, Apolel greml(o$l 50 M ,s, droav-d TS Dried. th 15 Jlidt-a, greon. T Applsba'.toi.tni, 1 0'' Utma.... f.il Ji Bu-lcr l' Ci 4S S! OuUerl.lti(jl ,.1 Reeos J 0(J) J Of FinVt juj Brokwhcel I 00 Lard , ii P:rkheat flour Ih, 5 Mess pork, y Obl...&l Co Beef, dried....' 54 Oat! go Beef, fresh ll'd) 14 Cnioca too Boardi, M 16 00(2n Cn potatoes 1 DoJJt I'. Cora, ihiliod ISC Peaches, dried., th.. to Corn, ear u( 7i Platter, j bbt t TA Corn mctl.ai aack. 1 7J Rye 1 fta Chop. Vi ewts 003 g ys r,.,.,, nj , Cloversrod. ..ll) 00 Salt, saok S HO Choeea. j Phinglcs.18 la.U.'oMI Cherries, Ih. JocJ Jj Slur.glcs.ie ill(i; CO Chlrktcs, drtd, lb, It Timothy lord I "0 Erre ,....... ,4'Tnllow ItJ riaxsottL. I OB W heal....... I AM Flour S 00(31 1 CO Wooi a Hay testa Nfl,inr..... It