lEhcgf publican: V' "AN Yi r" q'V GrortoK H. (iooi)i.Ast)tn, Editor. CLEAHFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MOIlSINd. FEB. l. Democratic Stats Committee. In obedience to tlio dosire of n mnjority thorcof.llie Democratic State Commit too nro requested to meet at Bolton'i Hotel, IlarriBburg, on Tue.duy, tlie 30th day of March, 1809, nt "I o'clock, j). m., to 6x tho timoof holding the Democratic Stato Conventiim. Wm. A. VaIXc, Chairman. David Caldwell, Secretary. State Suctions. Tho political campaign of 1863 will open with the following State elections : New Ilamp ihire, March 0; Connecticut, April 5; Ehode Ialund, April 7. A Governor ia to be chosen in each. Go Ahead. The "intelligent con trabands" feeling themselves slighted Vy ttio "white trash," arc eoing to liuvo an inauguration ball of their own, to which Gen. Grant, Mr. Colftix and several other while celebrities are to bo invited. About ten days more, and the ques tion of "who will be in Grant's Cabi net" .will bo" settled. If the General ticks to his promise, to turn out niuil he gels honest men, he will have to lnako many turns if he appoints Radi Cila exclusively.- , Silence. Tho Radical leaders de nounced President" Johnson oulrage onily for pardoning Dr. Mudd, a gen tleman ; but tho pardon of that loyal, peijnred villain, Conovcr, aliai Dun bam, lias not elicited even 0 squeal from their "loil" throato. The negro amendment to the Oonsti tution of the Uniled States, has at last paused both houses of Congress, and will nodoubt bo submitted 11 1 once to tho several Stato Legislatures for ratification. If ratified by three fourths, Sambo will have tho right to vote and hold office. , Mns. SunitATr's Remains. By or der of tho President, the remains of Itn. Mary E. Surratt who was mur Ty a Military Commission, In July, 1SG5 were on Monday week disin terred, at tbo Arsenal, in Welling ton, D. C.,nnd delivered to her friend. They were again interred near the city, on the day following, ilhoutany demonstration. Thereinainsol Boutl II a lxl J aud Atzcroth have ulno been exhumed and delivered to their friends. Tho body of Payne ulono remains un claimed of those killed by Holt, Stan ton, Bingham & Co. Had to Surrender. Tho Harris burg robbers who uttumpled, iu the IIouso of Representatives, to fasten twenty-seven additional "pastors and folders" upon tho Treasury, have, &fwr six weeks skirmishing and bush whacking, been compelled to surren der and disthargo that number ol their staff. The "loil" caucus w as too weak to enforce its own decrees against the people and economy. The "ring" leaders hare been compelled to eat their own victuals, nauseous and disngrceulrlo as they no doubt aro. But they must go down. Tho debate over the resolution for the discharge of theso twenty-seven Treasury rats was rich and racy, and if allowed to appear in ilio Record at delivered, will bo worth reading. Wo will publish theso proceedings as soon as the sixty-one ' pasters and folders" feud ilio Recvrd along. A Faii.iiie. A bold nttcmpl was uindo last week by tlio corruption rii In our Legislature, to raise the :il;,ry of tho numbers to 1 ,500, b it there Wore righteous men enough iu Ibis ino.Urii Sodom to savo tl.e Treasury from the contemplated raid. Congiwmcn and Legislators act as thoii!;!i the people sent them lo Wash ington nnd ITarribburg to ileal the public lunds mi J rob tho Treasury. If tha luiulenty of "grand moral idean" Is to this end, the sooner peo pie get sonioihing viae into llioii- heads tlio belter for themselves aud the country. Tho bishops of the M. E. Chinch liavo taken bold of General Grant Would it not be well for them 10 nlco 1dres an opi.nlo to our Legislator, at Ilarrishurg ' The TwENtr .second. Tho birth day of "the Fattier ol his Com .try" j mine and passed, and but few seemed j ia know the fuel until it was over. Radie.i'ism, being very s.ivcro on "reb els ' Jul ihj principles for which Waoliington contended for seven long years, ha boon a, suotesnlul in ignor ing his birthday ss the Contlilnlioii. Tho Ameiicnii nond seems to have been rendered stupid and corrupt ' through dwarfish patriotism and pinch back morality. . While "Virtue, Liberty pud Independence" was the pole star by which tho American citi zen was unided. tlio nnmo of U"ml. ington was revered rvcry where, and I In IJirtlnlay watched by oil nnd jonng, aiwl not allowed to pay's with, nit a demonstration of soma kind, by which the deeds of the patriotic sires were reheated, and il,lv youngest could linn BiinUorhill. Vallev V. - Yorktown, etc; while LnrAt.Tr pro-i u jcpd stencil in Ilio nostrils of every Amorhsn, decauso it was Hid shield nf ivory Tory, Cowboy and knave that adhered to the f au of KI" n-rrn ft .fniJk 7VnM. The "loil" and would be refined, honest and religious prcpngnndists of this country have pven themselves much tmiiblo over (he "damnable doc trine" of llcjiuK,ition. 1 hey taks the question as much to heart as the dnth ot the ' late lamented," but nro con tributing daily towards the result, by their gigantic robberies of tho Stale and nation. Will any of theso par-excellent god ly bei igs please tell us tho difference, in a moral point of view, between ConfitCiVion and Repudiation T They become horrified at bearing the latter suggested as the probable result ot the w onderful increase ol the national debt, while at tho sumo time they prnctico the former in every way imaginable. They turn thoir "loil" eyes heavenward and how l in perfect byena style, if they happen to hear tome one say that the bonds held by John Doe might be repudiated, bo cause they were obtained by fraud ; ytt they as complacontly turn upon thoir heol and order tho confiscation ol the property of Richard Roe, through taxation nnd roobery, as though they wero tho gods of crcatiou. Now, will tome gonuino, unadulter ated loyalist please inform us why it is godly to advocato and practice con fiscation, find ungodly to intimate re pudiation f If tbo right exists to confiscate a houso and lot, or farm, why does not the samo rule apply to a bond ? And if the confiscation of the former continues much longer, will it not inevitably to tlio repudiation of tbo latter? Yon, who do not vvlah to wake your bed with political bar lots, negroes and robbers, reflect a tittle, and examine the road you aro traveling. The men at present at tho head of public affairs will never reform; and unless they arc repudiated by tho people, and that soon, tho whole fub 110 will bo ruined. The triangle dose of confiscation, repudiation ond bank ruptcy, will overtake us all. t Reformation at Worh. Sinco Fornev bus been turned out of tho U. S. Senate for robbing the Treasury, he seems to have turned his attention to business. It is a long lima since wo saw anything in the Press which wo could commend. The other day, however, we noticed an nrticlo bearing upon the corrupt prac tice now prevailing at llarrishurg which sounds like Forney in lt?(i from wbicb wo tako lbs following extraot : "Tb ohooxioui leglilatii'ti of tbit winter may bo genoi ally clar led aiider two bi-ftda currupl mil uxtrarftpnnt. W itti l)0th Hie people prffatly find UuH. and tbe rrppouritl rartlei iliuutd riait tbeir heavtcat ecuetire. "lb eurrniil ItKiahuion la matiaicid hr a."iini'' Or cluar ehqtta of tuembera nutaariua enough to ir(''tO'!y uucriuiDe anr qucatior, tut ouc too anntcroui to weaken too greatly tbe dividend!. Tberomen unJertnko all toba ot private lerialaltok aC wltatevor ririeef they oaa male, and alinae tlie probla. U.T Iradiug tbrir ritea on f.iililic quea tiuna and M1ring bonoratile nemliera In their loeaJ liilli, otpechug. and, II nrecafarv, demand lag uiieuirocallT a. ri-iiruoii'ion of wbai tbay call tbeir eourlerr, it ll ealilj reen that quite a fw njrujliora oan do a larpe bUHiuerv controlling a voto alraoat whenever tney need It. 1 blaring if compoted in tho Jiuao mainlv of tho wieniliera from three conntici1 Democroti and Itepobheam. On the floor their operation! are not looked on aa to any war connected witu poiitie!. la inoi, iney Are tn no way more of a political organilation than an oil eompany or tha Twelllh and hiltccnth itruet Hailrond entrrpriM. Tbe Republican party la, ot courve, reaponmblo for the aiewbera it aenda, and tho ftemocratie party for tbe maoibera tt aenda, but there tho rciponiihility enda. nod 1. otuat be charged rather to Ibe terrible detnoralita tton of our politic! than to the ppirft of oilbor party. Cut out from onr politic! tho hoao-bouae aid whliky elrmenta, and yon will remedy Ibn m .ttrr at once." ' This .reads as though Forney wus reconstructed, or soino stray pen ban found its way into the columns of tho iVeM. If the editor of "my two papers, both daily," continues to write in this strain, bo may again attain to the respectable position ho occupied previous to his treason. TUIRTT TUOCSAND GoNR. TIlO UCt passed by the Rump Congress, giving tho lazy negroes of Washington 130,- 0 )0 out of tho IT. S. Treasury, bas became a law without the signature of tho President. This sum will get every colored lady (!) and gentleman (!) in tho capital n bran new suit this Spring, and aomo pocket money, be sides. Another Half Million Swinm.e. The Hnrrisbiirg Patriot thus exposes another swindle of tho (nx-pnyers by thoso whoso especial business il should ho to protect their interests the members of the .Slato Legislature: ' Iho History of the War. w hich is edited by Professor Bates, is ono of greatest 1 rands that has been perpe trated tipon tho gtvd old Common wealth for tunny a loni? day. It will probably cost the Slate half a million of dollars, if not more, before it is fit. ibed. Instead of it being a history t f tho 1'minsylvnntn volunteers, it is just the reverse. It is filled with clarinc errors from beginning to end. Many a bravo man has his name spelled wrong, merely urcaiiso, ns 1 suppose, he was a democrat. Facts throuuhtiut aro so distorted nnd garbled that when the iiliortion is completed, it will lake at least ten volumes, quarto sijio, of ono tnottsaim pages each, to make tho nerm nry corrections." No matter; tho tax payers must foot the bills, and loyal favorites must h ivo fut jobs and good pay, (as thry nr.! t"0 lary to work,) even though trry do publish lies by tho thousand. 'Jiali for our loil Legislature! Tun TrNt nE or-Ornm Act The Wnhinelon corrcpondont nf the X. Y. llernUl says: General Grant's opinion of iho Tetuirn of .Office act is very plainly indicated in a remnrk he mndo a few day aco. When lonver sinn with some friends, nno or two of w hom wero not only l!epublicans in Hood standinr, but. members of Con-Kro-is, "Thnl law," said the General, ' scorns to have been intended lo wor t snmcthinK liko a curb bit on a fiitc- timia linrn Vint, if vrm mil am.l. u I.:, on a kind horse you'll uinkc him kick, whether he bod tho habit before or not," Scnolor Morton, in orjruInT in fnTO of a pennion or allowuiu ii ol ;",0(MI j-nir lo Atru. I.inotiln, estimated the Intnl coat of Jlr. Lincoln' funoral at l.flnn.OOO. Ho aatdt "Altoirctlmr it coat the (nvcmmfirit and tba 8lata not lua than one million of dollar." n... i,i. .i,i .mt A rifw road lo Independence, Mn , from Kansas City, t talked of The surest rosil In Imloondoiioc ts by way of Industry. Frugality, Integrity and Sobriety. Thcs plsei-s, however, are not to bo foitnd nn the border tnnps of Missouri or Kni'sns O the Ikth of Krbm.iv, 1SS9. hv Rev. W'. II. n 1.1. Mr. IHt III III k. of Heart,. 1,1. 1. . lo Mi MAl.tlU E. KLI.Sk.ol LowrancatowiuU.p, CkarOi-ld oimnl, I'a. ("IlaeM atarta oi t rigb. He but a abort time ago naaumed to krep tl a poaeo of thie borourh. In tbo oapacity of ConaUble ond tadiog Ibni It wi not good for a ono armed wan lo bo ntono, be baa already eocnred a partner to abaro bia joya ar 4 totriwa.) On tbe ISth of Fehroarr, isr,, at the home of the bride'a father. Mr. John Itloooi, near rllootn ington, by the Hev. J. W. Ui ciLar. Mr. ATKI.N POV A. KEL1.V. of I.omber City, to Mi-i JKRt'KM 1II.OOM, or Pike town. hip, Clearfield e?anty, I'a. On tho ISIh of Fobroary. I,y Re. J. W. Been. t.rr, at IleU'o landing, ClearSeld county I'a., Mr. FKAMI'TON ULLL. to Miaa U. JKSME BLOOM, daughter of John Bloom. On the lath of Fehrnarv. 1R10. br Rev. Jauna CirAnr. Mr. HARVEY DltAfCKKR to Miaa CLARA NUl.IlKR,bothof Brady lownibip, Clear -leld ounnty, I'a. On tha ISth of Fehrnarv. by Roe Jixte Cci.ar, Mr MASON O. BLOOM lo Miaa MAR THA M. PORTER, both of Lumber City, Clear Seld county, I'a. On tho llrt of Fetirnarr. 1SS0. by J. W. Ann oaot. V..q.. Mr. FRANKLIN M b' Al'ER, to Mill MARY M. CARNB. both of Lawrotwo townahip, Clearfield tonnty, I'a. Jilffl. Tn Curwenevllle, on the Slrt of Jannarv, ISA9, LSWIS I.APORT CIIAMI1KR8, aon of Willmm P. and MAnoani CMananna; a red I yeare, aaon'tia and 17 dayo. 3Utt atti'trtUemfBtj. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MASON f HAMLIN'B, ros sits sr 8. J. HAYES, Cnrwonivillo. Pa. Houses and Lots for Sale. T10UR IIOfSEH and LOTS in ClearSeld, for Mirvn mtvuavif (triui. j nsicmim jiTTm ik tit in 7 disTi. Alio, ft plot gf Fol'Ii LOTS oo trie coruar t Pwurtli aiul RcmI tMrMtt, nu, 172i2')0 fret. Th ix of thct lota tr wrll looairtl for fitber taiabcr jrftrd, ootJ yar4, or fur bull 'ling purfutrt Knnlly, bciiif mthifl tbQ Cm of tbt rftilroad drugt, I'riM awd rrrm raaaonabla. Appj to OKORGB THuHN, It bSi.tf . rirarfteld, Pa. SEWING MACHINES. TI1K 6iDrrr Manufactarini; Conipany'i New Family binf MachiDCf, and tb ectrbrated Fiuraacfl, fur amiss at ttia KEYSTONE STOUE. Pvrtuns in want of mRhioea will do well to eat! and lamina tha MNUlIt and FLOKENCE bofora parchaamf, Kvtrj Biaabioa rarraotl to (if a atitfaotton. U acbiuat and aaebiaa Aodingi am a i od oaoa. MVMNG A BIIOWEKK, Clwrf.eld.lPa., Fb. 24. ABnt. iou.it iviy ft. PA VII CAftf r, H0LL0WBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Clank Book Manufacturers, , AND STATION EIlS, 31S .Varktl St., Philadelphia. Piper Floor Faoka and Fafi. Foolwap, Letter, Nolo, Wrariping, C'nnain and Wall PP"ra. fcb2t-1 jr. THE EAGLE HOTEL, HAIX ST., CUnWEXSVlLtK, FA. HAVING leaiei for a wm of voan tba above wail known ana popular hotel, (kept firruerlv b; Mr. Maaoa, and lalelj bjr Mr. (ana,) tha nroaeni proprietor kaa ro (Ued It witb tbo onjaot orroodorno hla foeaia eotnfort able wbilo x.jonrnlog with kirn. A tn: laraa Suble and Yard ia attarbed, for tbo ear a and pmleotion of horaoa, earrtanaa and waicoaa. A liberal abaro of aublio patr.mara ia aolieited. fabil U JOHN FOUTS, Prepr. F. C. UOIIM'S MAHKET CAR, Will be at tba Depot,' In Clearfield, Every Thursday, at 12 o'clock, For tbo aale of OYSTK1H, (In tho abetl or oan,) I KKSII Ht-il,iM ami other COIATOES, and all kindi of VKtiLTAULKS aa tbo aoaaoa prodneca them. If I hava not on hand wba euatomera aoay want, ordera will bo taken and BllrJ on tbe neat trip. Remember tbo "tireen Oar." F. C. ROHM, febll tf ratteroon. JnniaU Co.. Pa. R. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near lUe Ruilroad Depot,) CLEAKflF.LI), PK.NK'A. IKMIlRACK tbli nalbod of lnrormln the publie, that I bava opened nn a rard tor tha ..i. ol wood or coal-burnt LIMKand Anlhracite COAL, in tba boronnh of llearlleld, and bare oompleted imnifK'nll with enilern dealer! bt which 1 can keep a loll enpply eouatantlyon band, which will ba Ui'pueed of at reaaonablo ralea, be tbe lun, bmbel or ear load, lo mit purehaaeta. Tbo. at a diatom oan addrar ni by letter, and obtain all neeeaaarj Information by return mail. It. U. TAYLOR. ClearfleUI, Pa., Feb. U, Wt tf Valuable Farm FOR SALE OR RENT. rPIIK an lrrair-ned now oilira at private aale hii X farm, aitueta In l.awnHtoo town. bin, Clearfield euumy. I'a., Imnnded by Orre, tlr.Mullm and oth era. and wubin 31 milea of tbo railroad depot in vi.eiiiviu miiuuii. CD.VTAIMNU (I3 ACBI.H. Almnt 0 acrea of whirb il cleared, laving TWO J-All.M IK.irsKS, 1.0(1 1IAIIN, and olber nut buiMmr;., with orer Ino liearlni frnll tre end a never failing rprine, of water aear the houee, ami with aa much timlier on ilio plaoe, if properly manaced, aa will pay for IU The whole ia under laid with coal. Oneof 'he hnuaeannw inlured fnr three yearn for tl.tiClU. in a aeod eoninanv. tnolb. K lo pay until Ilia lime ia up.) JJrM'ltH'H, I3.SUH. In ea.v ravmentr. For rrnia, Ao., apply lo VILLlAM'l'UHTKR. .icarnem, ra, reh. 14, ltitll). os( i:ola. rilE MOST TUHlVINd TOWN IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY. 1MK vri'lcrfirnM nffrr th f.llnwing d"priK(l JL property at rillVATEHALKt Lut No. .11 in tlie crntral tlan of tbv aliova nainftl .Mirotiffh, bat iijg tJiftion crrclfnl a gund and t.m1tjrtai'l tnnd otic biilf Mrr HM-;, ftni'l.r.i ifiK.njrlMMH painttd in.iliv Pall f Uh havinn fir n m and ball, wilb lacm ul kitrben and tl hi nb waiter. A Well ol norllent wutfr at Hit .."or, uii-lcr fr.trr. A imi frtime OPKlCK, paii.Ird Mm cilt.r a thr tiMit, plaotrred and .aptit-l. U K HulK, MAHLK.and Mtbrrmii a 1 1.1 iTiarA In Kom wpiir, I'liuioe AI'PLK. lf!AH and I'KAf il TKKI.S, and fine OIUPK VIfcH jmitH to tht rltmatf. FttuniH on ilif t.cut buni nr KrMt In tbt town, and ont of tbt beat loca tion! for bniticM. .(J"Por tcrm, Ar., aj-p)? to J. a. itr.ATTKynnnnER. rtwola Milt. Pa, Peb. H4. IKM-it. COOfir PROCLAMATION. VI "11 Kit EAR, linn. C. A. WAVKft. Pr... 1 idenlJudre of tb. Ccort of Common of tha twenty Ofth Jn.ll. ial lllatrioi, oompnaed of the eoontl.a of c Icoroelit, I'.nlra and Clinton and Don. MAMI'KI. CLYlllj and Hon. JACOB WII.1IKLM, Aieociat. Judge! of Clearfield en., bava laauod their preorpt, to m. directed, for th. holding .1 a Conn of Commoa Plena, Orphan'. Court, Court of Uuneter 8e..ioni, Court of Orrr and Terminer, and Court of Decern! Jail Irellrery, at tba Court llnuee at Clrartlold, la aid for the county of Clearfield, commencing on th. t'llrd Mon lay, ISth rlav of March, INOU, and In continue (INK VY K K K . ROTICR I", Ihareror. hareby give., to tb. O.ra.er, JurtlM af th. Pea... an! Conauhla., Ill and for aaid county of Cloaraeld, to appear ia their proper peraona, with tbeir Holla, Rooorda, Innuliitlnue, Ki.aatn.tl.na, and other K.meai. brhneei, to do tbo.. thing, which to tkelrotteea, Ad la th.lr behalf, pertain to ba don.. UiVLK nn ler my band at Cleahld. thll I4lk day.f florae, y. I. the year of i nr Lord ttrwil .igbt bnadred and ality oln.. CVKtKICS UO, JAerf. flftr drrrtUrmrnli Virnfi mi.t muTirt.. -a Otfittftii' ('ti ftl ( lr.rfttl, tn ft Itir tMttinty of ripetrtrlsl, JailMrjr 11. IMf, rtha tmt At Mom 1 1...? r l.rsst-K Athttvn, Ikim wf 1 tilt loWHthlp, flMMsMsl, hftVlftg t.WlK, t U.t t rial coltnu.r i -rrt, of Ibr fkln nf $ttvh, ml thrmli)mtrfil( ani,r lit prn. f lb M1 mt AmuMt of Nuvmbrr, ?7, I .'. ThppftraH p4rni tn tntri r hwmitj ftirtr4 tm sfifH-ar u lh rt dT f M.rci. term nl ifiow caitMi, if Bay Ihry htiv. wt. tK M.4 tpni.r-tnftil nhoultl lr irnvi1 ii. ihr niti tf l tale ct out ud eonlrairU to nuJ CatLj-ii) Aihton, her heirt snd uctfrnt. St A. W. LBR. CWrk 0. C. T 1T OK CAI'MIM PKT D0W5 FOR 1 TKIAL at Marrb Term. ISSD: Uuntball Santa Patton..., . ...... hwy Ptral Nat. Uaa... HfjturtT May A 8iaitb...... HarUhorn Mrt. huaib Caldwvll Hunttbarger PleminK Conrad A Walton... It row o ,, Ale feb24 Whitt. vi. i va. Maya. , vt. Moor, va. hhufl A Aiker. ri. Mutlnr A A tat, vt. Pankty. ra. Wc'racken. ti. Tarntr A Uilbwm. va. J. A A. kcMorrmy. va. Fitiur. yi. Italian's Ex'ra. Tf. Utgarty. ' va. HiwlitwlMiTy. va. barratt. ' A. C. TATE, Prottr. IICENB NOriCIM Tbt following pr j tuna hart filed in I he offioa ot" Um Clerk td liM Court ot Wuarttr ftaamoni of Cloarftald aoantr, their pthtiona and bondi fur Lieenie, at tbt Maiwb aftasioninait.airreeablTioibcaotof A mem bl.v.antitled 'An Aot to rtfulata laaaakof luUix toaling Lunora," Ac; HOTEL UCIXSt. ..' : ti'--- ; Uieba. Ilarrlaon. ...'.,.'. tWf.. Shaw A WaUaaa........ ..Brady. David JobotoB.:..H....,.......MH.....Otariid. John Phwitr . mM m . LI iiia a. David Goiilin , Deaatar. H......Oaaaola. UraJv. M.CurwtiiviJlr. ...Curweniville ...... .Oarfteld ....... Jardaaj, Ilorrii Clearfield. Karthnui, ..P(sitn , Covington Woodward Bradford' Tbonma P. BoaJiod ..... William bcbwtnw..H. John Poult Was. M. JciTnei Uao. N. Ctttburoa. John A. Dillon .......... Robert Boyd Jvlio Dougherty., II. J. Hayuea , Jamei Plvnn H. ...... John D. jlcrgry Inaac B. Norm B. J. Williams tuujo Lircifei Eliaa Brown Kdward UailoDtjH HCnCASTILB. Geo. B. Robarkar.. !.. M. Comriet Oaoeola. ......Cnrwamtiilc. Button. Covington. Wm R. hanker .Kartbaui. feb24 3t A. C. TAT K, Clerk. Sheriffs Sales. ' BT v Irtotof inndrj writ of otitd.ftoaf trponmt lnuad tat of tbe Court of Common Plan of Clearfield aounty, and (a mt dirteitd, tbtro will ba aipoitd to publie lala, at tba Court Uooae, In tha borough of Clearfield, on Moidiy, tba 15tb day of Mareh. letjv, at 1 o'cloek, p. m., Iba following d tier i bed Htal Ketata. to wit: A eertatu tra:t of land tituate in Decatur town ihip, Clearfield oountv. Pi., bt-ginning at a betu. lork, thenoa by laud of Abralian (Joi, north SSi dfgrtet wtat 64 peroba to a hemlock ; tbenet uuiu dtgrett wcit 0 ptrcbet to a heuibek: thenoa north degree Veit 60 perrhei to a uemotK I (nenea aorta ov drgrtea wtat HI perfh aa U a bamlock I tbe oca north tl degratitaat 127 peirhti to a pine; tbenot aouth fiv drgrctn east ZHO pare bet, to a chtitnut; tbenot aouth 21 d- ffr sweat IIS paenh to plaoe of but am nr. eon ulniag twa hundred and nt aem and allowanoa, wiin about ona hundred acree cleared, and l tinall dwelling buiun end two It g barna. Bailed taken In tierutinn and to be told a tba property oi iue v-iearueia totj lonpany. w-.n,idr wtti Uk nutiea that par cant, or tut pureiiaaa voney aaut bt pad wbeo tha property it knocked down, or It will bo put p again iwriaie. tlllfiltlUB xSUWE. hajBRirr'a Orrira, I Sheriff. Cleirflrld, 1'e ,Fcb. JI, UflS J Jit SherilTs Sales. BY virtu, of aundry write of Itmri ocie, lamed out of the Court of Common Plena nf Llrarnrld connty, and to no directed, there will bo oipoaod I. puhlit aale, at tbe Court Ilonaa In t l. brookof C earSelJ, on Monday, tba lolk day of March, U6, (Court reek.) at one .'dock, P. M., th. followinf pritperly. vll: All Iboao two oertaia tracta or pleM of lanol ituato In Borca lowcabip, Cloaraeld ooumy, Pa., one tlicreof oontntniof fuur hundred and tttanly ' aoven acrea and thirty lercbeaand allowance, Bur-' veyed on warrant dated Hat January, 17V4, (ranted to Willlaoa Trnotwlna. Tbe ether traot ovntaioinf four tnndrod and tweoty-oeven acrea ana ttiiny perutiee and allowance anrveyed on warrant dated Slat Jaauarv. 1701. rranted to Uoorfe byera. Heiaed, Uhe. ia alocUo. and t. be eold aa the property of Holl. C. Kirk. AL&O -All that oertaio building erected on a bit of .round aitnate in th. villaf. of Cbeetervllle, Decatur towmbip, Cloaraeld oonntv, Pa, da acrttiod aa followat A two elorv nlank booa lan.lln, on lot known aa .No. 41 In aald town, fieiaed, taken in oxecntioa and to ba aold aa tb. pniperty of J. A. Ilaitraaa. i-Vlli.l.l.ra will take nolle, that trtoca par cot. uf (ha pnrchaaa money envoi bo paid when lb. property ia knocked dnwn. or It will be nut up aic.in for tale. CVbajMl o ilUWK, Batntrra tirrici. I Sharif. Clc.r6.ld, IV, Feb. U, 16. I SherifT's Sale. . TIT virtu, of a writ of fitri f.n'.a, la X J nd ont of tba Cart of Common Pieae of Clearfield aooaty, and to ma directed, there will boaxpnood to PUBLIC BALK, at tb. Curt Uone. la th. borou,h of Cle.rt.ld, Monday th. IStb day of March, loos, at I .'.lock, V. M., tbo following properly, to wit : 1 All that pertain tract or piec. of band aitnate In Woodward towaehip, Clearlield oonntr. Pennavl- vania, boun.lrdAnd dee(ibeQ aa lulluwi t Brgi'a- ni"! n poll, in roe percliei from a rugar, thunc north lit de.ieee ea.t bit rrereheo lo a red oak : thonoe aonth TO dr.rcel aet 16 porcbee to I an nee; thence north 3s deirroe! eaat 70 peroboa to a eheat nut thence eaat 611 perebee to a kcralock I thence north 00 dctrrrwi eait JO perrhea lo a hemlncb ; thence north 3 degrcea west 4. perchea to a nV wood i thence aouth 04 dearoea eat 40 p.rchra l a oucumlrer tlirnce aouth 20 drrreeeeait 40 percbra to the line of township road: Ibcno-alntix tha tine of the aamo the following ooureea and diatancM to a linn nn tli. bank or a creek or run, to wit: wet 1 2 prrchca j aoutl, OS dt-rrere well Jl perebee , aouth 20 drirrreawrat 10 percbra ! aculh .10 drcreea wct 20 perebca i aouth 30 deareee weat 43 perchea ; aoulb III drama wet 10 perchea i aouth ii drcreea weat ;j.4 perchea to vtonea ; north 73 decree! nest 61 perchra lo aforcaaid linn : thenoe norib SO de (rteoa Wr.t 10 perchea to a auger; thence to poet and placeot brginning.cnnlaining ninety one acree.aoat (aai ing and excepting mt ol the lame two acrea, more or l.ei, cf.nvcveil hy Hamiiel Mitchell by deed dated Jan. II, I sua, recorded at 4'learneld. Ia Uocd Hook CC, pat. Sit, Ac. lo W illiam a). Alexander and in aaid deed fully dracribed by coitrac. and dniancci) with about eighteen aerei cleared, and log alianty and plank etaMe. Hriicl, ukrn in execution,-and In bo aold aa th. pronoxtv ol tl. W. Mhoir. -IIidilara will tak. aoliea that 15 percent, of tbopurchaio money oonat be paid wbeb Ike property fa knocked down, or It wilt be put ap again tor aale. CVHENIC8 HOWat. . Fnaeirr'i Orrira, I fcbelir. Clearlield, Pa, Feb. 14, ll. Kl.t.lHTKK H JitlTIt liNotle. I. herrbv given that tbo following account, have bean examined and paeeed by me, and remain Wed of record in Ibia olhc. for th. ininoction wf Helra. Icgaleea, eredilora, and all other, in aoyolborway inlrcted, arid will be presented tn the next Or phan'! Court ol Clearneli! county, to be held at the l curt lloucc, in tho borough of f Icarfleld, com mencing nn the third Mnndiv of March, 1 001. binal account of J. W. Wright, adminlalrator of the eilale of 8. 1), l'.hulc, late of Becrarla lewn ihip, dereaecd. Kaoiavita'a Ornrt. I A. W. I.SR, Clearlield. I'a.. Feb. IH, IKfd SI. I llegi.ler. I THK OH I'M AN' till Hf OFCU.AK field euutitr, Pa. Potitioo nf W illiani Michael! and Farab Ml- cbacl. for apecifle performanoa of contract with l.nao Price, deccaaod. tVhcrena, tbe above petition waa filed In ibe Orphan.' Court of t'leatflfld county, January lo, l!r.o, and the Conrt directed a ?ilation to ia.oe to Iho helre of l.aac Price, dcoeaactl, and all partial In intcrerl. Now thia ia to notify you and each of yon to appear of tha flrat day nf March term, INfto, nf aaid Conrt, to ehew eaueo. If any, why rpocifie perfnrmanc. ebould not b. decreed of th. oon tract aliov. menlloned. rrMMt A. W. I.EK, Clerk O. C. (lAUTIflKAllperaonaare hereby cautioned J ncainet purcbn.ing nr in any way meddling with the following property, oil : One bureau, ona link, one Iron kettle, one ect of ehaira, lot diib ea, hit of crotikory ware, three pair of beditcdi and five bndtli-k., with clolliea for tbo aame, now in the p'te.eeln of IV 1 1 Key, nf ftrady town. hip, aa the aame were purcbaeMl hy me at oonatable aala, and are left with blox na loan. fehlLII pd. JOHM 1IEPRIILINU. IN TIIK 'OUtCr Of COMMON PJ.IiAM nf Clearfield aoanty. Pa Hou.noa clan ) ' ' - ' a. J Yea. ex., No Jan. T. no, flnonaa llaamrrr. ) - Th undoraignod, appointed t dietribata tb monry anitng from the aale of defcndanl'a real eilatt. will attend to tha aam. at bli oln, ia Clearlield, on tb 17lh nf Pehraarr, at I p M febll-ll.pd. 1HHARI, TEST, Aadllon, aHE DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC for lata . lhOT aad Jko far Ml. at tha raetOflca. Prnalimu. Mailed t any aldrcaa. ly.it tf Vf.it Cstatc tor .jralf. Farm for Sale or Rrnl. riHR undcroigned dewre. lo atll or real a farm I ettuete within M milea uf ClearAeld. Con drlioa. reaeona'le. For further particulara, call ia peraoa nr addreaa th. e.herrlber, at ClearO.ld I'a fell I II If H. II. MI1AW. Blacksmith Stand Tor Sale IN 01. KN lltll'K. CONKIKTIVn of two LOTS, a Iwo-alory frame 1IVTKI,I.IN1 llnt'riK.tnewandwellOiiiihed,) HLACKdMlTII HlltiP. riTAHI.K.and nlhar out building. Apply a th premiaca tn febll lux WM. 8. WRIGHT. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! Farms, lmber Land & Horses FOR SALE! TUB aubeeribor, deeiroae of dlipoiing of eome real and personal property, Oder! tb. follow ing rara opportunity for bargainat ONS FARM lituato io (llrard towaihlp, and known aa the "Claudiui Hunrlot farm," adjoin, ing landa of Aug. Laeooto and olbera, containing lott Acrea, fifty of which ar oleared, with two dwelling houaea, barn and young orchard thereon. Alio. TUB HUCh Hl PARM, aontaining IIMt Aetva, amy of which are cleared, witb dwelling bouae, barn, aud other outbuilding!, ti gctber with two Uirivm youn archarda ibareou, - Alan, SKVEIIAT. OTIIBIt FAIlllS and tract! of IIMBtll LANDS for aala. FOR BKNT TheSAW .HTI.L A DWEI.L ISCI IIOUKkd at the Bioutbof ben Creek will b rratool. .r lot lo ruB by tb. thouaaad, to ault poraoDa. -FOUR HEAD OP WORE HORSES, and HARNESS, wiU k aold .a reeuaal.te term, ptrh kargaia il offend la nek I f lb fore going proHiiiuona. Tb. terma will ba made oaoy. Farther information can ba obtained by calling ow theprMoieee.or byaddraiiingtbenndenigned, at Frencbvilla P. O., Clearfield oouoly, Pa. foblO-tf. L. M. CotlltlKT. House & Lot Tor Sale or Kent. ' rMIK uoderaigned now offera for aall, or rent, a 1. IIOl'KE aud LOT, adjoining tbe village of Lutberebarg. The houee iinew and well flnuhed, 10 by 3!, with kitchen It hy 14, and (table, to. gctber with three and a-balf aora of ground and epring of water. Tbta ia an excellent looation for a tannery, blackttnitb, cabiuet-maker ar aarpan ler ahep. The property will be aold .heap and on aaay terma. Fur furth.r particulara, axainiu 111. prcmieoa or addreaa tba lubeenber. F. K. ARNOLD. Lutbaraburg, Jan. II, 1869 Sua. HisrfUanron0. H. F. N AUGLE, CLOCK AXD WATCH MAKER, crri,t. tin grff!, ai.atr ir.x.T P08I 0FFICE1jaJkmCLKAKFIELD fpill aubicriber rarpaotlnlly Inform, bii old X patrona and tba publie gcaarally. that b haaoa band, (and li ataniJy receiving a.w addillena thereto,) a largo atoek of Clock 8, Watches and Jewelry. -I keep Jewelry la all ita form, and af different Valoea, .ilhar by tba piece or ml WATCHES-A full a.tcrtnent of either Hold or Silver, made by tha brat Anrerlraa and for. elgn manufaciurare. Including a fia. lot ufgold ana Hirer .Burning caae, lull jcneled, ral.at L.veri. CLOCKS Of all dealgnj, aoneietiog of .Igbl day and thlrtv-koar, .f .itbrr weight, rpring or lev.ri, and bvtb alrika and alarm. REPAIRING. All kiada af Watckaa and Clooai Repalr.d, aad aarraaud. Ia additloa to what I have enumerated. I k..p a full anortmenlof OPEC TACLKis. nlored and plain ilea.. Alao.UOl.D PKNS.nd PENCILS. SPOONS, FORK, BUTTER KNIVES, and la fact everything ia tba Jewelry Ito. If I fail to kiva oi band Juit what a taaiomar may a.ed, 1 will order per oral .ipreae, without euro charge. a nner.1 anara .1 puailo patmn.gt la eollrtled. - May T, IK00.jp H. t. NAL'ULK. rpnYTHU PATENT BDAHTUIl COF X FBK, pal up la nn. pound paper., raquirve aa agf er .tber aubaUaea to et:l. it. Old Uovernm.nl Java Cole. Prim. Ri. I.'offe. Pur. Uro.nd Coffe.. For aala by 1. f. IRATZIR. EDWARD PERKS k CO., Flour Manufacturers, Aoa Daalan la GKA1N OF ALL KINDS, PHILIPSBC R0, ;PA. VFlll.L SPPPI.T of FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN and CHOP oonatantly u band, and lor rale at rate, remarkably low. fcbt lf LITIIERSBIRG POTTERIES L.theraburj, Clearfield Co., Pa. FARMERS.MECHANICS4 DAIRYMEN Look H erel TIIR aadanlgacd il prepared to farniab yoa with tan but STONEWARE manufactured in tli ia country. He kaa never yet failed topleaaa iue moil laauoioaa, aa lo quality or durability llil ware aoomu ia pari of CREAM POTS OF ALL SIZES! Mil K CROCKS AND FAN. Fruit Cans, (for Canning Fruit,) Safety I ubes, And ia abort EVERYTHING uiuullv made i kept io aa aiiabliabmeal of thia kiad. MERCHANTS Can bava tbeir war. delivered by ana, at ANY TIME and to ANY PLACE deeirW. Orden for war. Mllcited, and promptly (lied. -tV-For general aaanrtment, ce Catalog" and Pho. I.ial, mailed free I. applieantl. .XA liberal diacount will b. (iven to tb. wouieaaie tra'i.. OK0. C. KIRK Lnthnnharg, Pa., Dm. I, 1000-tf Crape Vines for Sale. 4 LL the leading hardy v.rlellea of Itrat anal- UY lt.. CONCORD CCTTlMirf, H 00 per nunuren. lu.iitinu iinivBcniy tn centa. ttr den auliciled aa aoon aa Mnv.nient. and filled in rotation, bv A. 11. DILLS. Cloarftald, Pa., Auguat 8, 167. VMllTOK'S ROTICI In the final no count nf John Plnom nnd Jamea A. bloom, executor! of lean. Bloom, deocaaed, tba auditor appointed to report on aaid account and excep. tioni, will hoar the lame at hi. office In Clearfield, on Keturdav. M.rcb h. ISA, at I P. M. febll It pd. ISKAKL TKST, Aodltnr. SII1M.LI.H MAMbll.-Tb klghe.t market price will be paid for No. I LUNU Ml I Mil.!:?, by J. F. KHAT7.KR ' la oppoalt. lb. Jail. LIVERY STABLE. TIIK nndrraigned begi leave to Inform the pub lic that ba li now fully prepared to accommo date nil in the wayof furnlNliing llomea, Rnggiea, hnddlea and llamcae, on the ahorteat notice and on roaaon.hl term.. Reeideoae n Laaaat at reel, between Third and Fourth. Ufil). W. flKARHART. Clearfield, April 11.1 bt. S tV AIMS' P AA( I., Kennedy'. M.dicd Dtacntery, Uelmbold'i Bncbg, Daker Cea L'var Oil, Jane'i and Aver'a medielnee of ee.ry kind, for lala bv lUfcTBWlCK IRWIN. KI M'S Ut. rtnanlnro, tlobbell-a, Praka'a, Roofland'i German .Uoitetter i and Oreene'a Uxvaenatad BltUr. i alaa aura Llauare. nt all kiad. far tc.di.laal .arpniei. fnr aal. by UAKTSWIUK IRWIH, Tpnaera anal abdonln.l npportr. of ...ry klod of tb. bxteet tmnrovem.ate, for v.l. at UeCrac Btw. .( BARTSWIOI Uwnr. yilsffUanfoiu. I'TH1 Allperwnn.ar.berel y eaulii ned J .giori piirrha.iiiff ot In any way anrd'Hiof with lb following per..wl properly. ww I. the po.ieeeion "f t)tgc W Raeh ef Hogg, mwnthip. Via; Hix horeca end barnei., two .agon., tv. IwinVe br. chaina, tpreadi., grabe, and .antl.. k-, Hire, bidl and cooking aloe, ai eaid property belong, to ran, and la rubjret I my order, febll It H- II. W. tlllMMKI,. IN TIIK ; DKTI1U-T 'tll'HT III Ulli I'MTKl rTAlKl) for the Maateru Dialriai ui' Pcnn.'lvanta. Eaaariaa MoMianna. a llankrnpt under th Act of Congreaeof March 1.1. I'd", having applied for a diacbargc from all hii del tl, and other claim, provable under eaid Act, lly arder of Ui Court, notice la brrel.v given, to all pei-aona wbo have proved tbeir dt-bli, and other nerMina Inlcrcalcd, la nppear on tbe Vlh day of March. I Htm, at 10 unlock, A. M., before 8. K. Woodruff, Krq., Krg iater in Hankruplcy, at bia olhcc, in l'hilipiburg. Pa., to ahow oauac, if any they have, why a Die ebarge ahould not be granted to the aaid Dank rupt. And further, notice il bereby given, that the Seound and Third Meeting, of Creditor of the aal.l baoarupt, required by the 27ib and JMl b Kectioni of .aid Act, will ba held bclora tbo aaid Kegialer, at tba autue lime and place. fohll-Ju b. 0. McCAMiLKSR, Clerk. Ap:NTH WANTP.D FOR 8KCRKT8 OF THE ORBAT CITY a work duoripliia of lie Vlrtuea and tba Vioea, tha Myateriaa, Mia. arte, and orimea of New York City. If you wilb to know bow Fortune, nr. mad. and let in a day f bow Hbrowd Men aro ruined in Wall alreel; bow Countryman are awiodled by Bharpera ; how Miaietereand Merobanla are blackmailed ; bo Dane. Ilalli and Cono.rt ti.loone ar. man aged ; bow tjambltng liouae. and Lott.ria ar. conducted; bow block and VII Compaaioa orig. Inat. and how tb. Bubble. Buret ; r.ad tbia work. It oontalni 3 fine engraving. ; lolll all aboel the Mjiteriec and CriuiM ef N.w York, aad la the ripntieat aad Cheapen werk of tit kiad publlahed. PRICE ONLY 1.&t PER COPY 0y-nd fur Circular, aad a., onr lonaj, and a lull dcaoriptiea of the work. Addreaa, J0NKS HHUfllERH A CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTION. Inferior w rki of a aimllar char acter ar. b.log .ireul.ted. 6 tb.t lb. book! you boy sustain lb An. .ogravinga and .ell at 12 Q er oopy. lebl I It To Wagonmakers. THE ubTibr li 4iiroi of 0nnoctin; witb feu tSniitb ISbop tiritcliii W)rto, Klvigb mini iSied nUibliibuient. A food opportunity it oflered to ft wagonuiftkcr wihiii)r to ft into buji orfi. Tb subscriber ean alto fumiab to ftpli cant ft eumfurtftbl dwcllmf brmw fnr tht ph'ip) ifdrnrtd. IILNKV KLIINH. Curwenavillc, Pk. II, PCW. AZUllKX la. coicB.raariD xaniao. for the Laundry. It li warranted not to .traab, ar ia any mea ner Injur, th. fineei fabric. FO FAMILY I'Kf .old toFIVBeenta, TEN centa. and TWKS'l Y eenu buxea. Each TWENTY Ma. box, bealde. b.vl g fiv. lim.a aa mneb blue aa tba FIVE Mail box, contain! a pocket pin ouihioo or .mory bag. For llot.l and targe LaunJry ova. il il pat up In S3 Oil boxea. I a. that a?b Box ha. pro par Trad. Mark. For eel. by l.bll-Jm UARTSWICK IRWIN. SEW STOCK! .EW STYLES!! FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN HEED'S, MARKET BT., CLEARFIELD, PA. Having Juit rcoeir.d all th. novcltiea of th. Maaoa la tbe Millinery line, rcqocit tb. Iodic, to call and examine them. Clatrfield, Pa.. Srr i, lNff.. SHRINERS ASTHMA, ItnwrHTTI. BLOOD riTTINtr DIFFIlX'LTr OK ItKSlTHIVO. PAly acdWrAHNKSIt IV TUB Clll sr, TKCil 'BLFSOktC COb'OHINO AT KI01IT, Ac II .III e..,,. " eve Uie bait that trcoueatly alkwc Meaalea. and joy actlca ml tha mpiratory araana, a malice f Jew tong llandlni, e whelevee lire aieef the nereea. Itacteee.inerlfic, I. purely verrtaMe and ia nlraaant to the Uale. Ita ecl le aoMhlei. allavlna Iho vn enoe Uie oou.h, faclllutlnx ripecteralMB,ouiulna ka acre, and cxhlUrating the lyaleat. Mothers, Save Your Children! I He child aeed die of r.or. If Oil. Hymn aed ! ' dcauxareeud eg iramcm. He family ifienld be wltheet Un Srnap. ai that fatal dleraae, Cllol'P cornea ii.e a thief In tbe niebl, la aual away year lliua aaaa, wkaa rat ulat medical aid waaM aa taiaed. rrtfmnt tml, bp DAVID E. FOHTZ, Jainmera, AM. For aal br Ifartiwlck A Train ri. by driiggnu aad itcrckecpera throughout the United Slate.. llchll-ly READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS STATION ER Y. M.rkrl St., Clearfield, (al the Poet Office ) rpilK .cdvnrgned bege lenv. I. annoucoo to X. tb. ciiia.aa of Ole.ifi.ld and vicinity, that ba kai fitted ap a room and haa Juit returned front tb. elty witb a larg. amount of rending ua.tt.r, c collating la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account aad Par. Booki nf every de wrlptlcn P.p.r and Knvelt pw, French pre.ied and plain i Fan and Peooila; Blank, Legal Papara. Deeda, Mortgagee Jn.lgtnent. Faemp lloa and Prnmiaaory note. While and I'arcbi meat Brief, Lc.al Cap, Record Can. aad Bill Can. Ilk... U..-1- -1.1 ,! . ... T . wo, nu,ir mi enner riano, rioienr t Inlia .omuntly .a band. Any book, ar .utlnn.ry dr.lred that 1 may not have on hand, will bo or. ordered by firet oipreie, and aold at wholceale or retail to anil euatomera. I will alio keep periodical literature, euch aa Magaxinei, Newe papera, Aa p. A. UAI'LIM. Clearfield May t, 1 ftAK If Attention, Afflicted I Till anbacribar glvei nolle I rat be kai rammed lb. practice of Medicine In Luth er. burg, wber. he intonda lo devote bia alien, tic. to the treatm.nl of CHRONIC DISEASKS general. He will keer on bard a chilre ea. lection of IiRL'OS anl M t D1CI N ES adapted to tbt treatment of eliroole drteaiei, and may be ooc.ult.d .1 bia o"ce .1 any bour or th. day. N. B A word to tboa. . filleted with chronic diaeaaea may b. to rnata advanleg.. ManT ar nor ba aware that connvnT PhMiciana wbo do a ainia. practice bar. aot via. to attend to qnently n.atacr themi bono, tbia elaaa of dla. eaeei reqnlrca BiOLritv. .ttention. flKOHIIR WILEON, M. t. Lnlberaburg. Feb. IT, Ucl-tf Clothing. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. fpnS time! ar. lardi yun'd 11V. to know JL How yoa nnay "eve your dollar. The way In dn it t will .how, If yoa will read what follow. A atan who liv.d not far from her., Wh. worbod bard at bil trade, Bat had a houaabold u .upport That equaad.red ail h. aaada. I met him one. gaya he. "My friend, 1 look tkraad bear and rough j I've tried lo get aiyealf a nil. But can't an ap aough." Bay t, any frigid, how aooh bar. yoa ' I'll tll you whrr to go To get . ault tbai'i ao.nd an4 ekaaai To REIZKNSIEIN A C Ha tank what liltla be bad aaved, And went to Keiienilein A Brother', And there ha get . bandaom. rait, Far half be paid to ethera. Sow k. la bom., be iooki w wall, And their .fleet il lucb, That when tb.y tak. th.lr dally meal, Tbey don't a.t balf ai much. And now b. Inda ea Saturday .Igbt, ' Witb all lhair want, .applied. That b. baa aiuney left to epond, And aear. in lay aaid. Bia good anacaaa, wilb ehewful mil, lie gladly tclli to all. If you'd aava anoaey, go and buy Voer elcthea at BKltKNSTKIH'S CLOTniRO HALL, Where tht eheepeit, Intel aal beat Clctbi. 1 J . - L. . 1. 1 . . . .rui..ia wan a. aaa i. enil wry bwta aad la av.ry alylt aprl l,'r IJt'llft WAHTKD, Tb. andenlgn4 will ; way tb blgheat CASH PRICg fat all kl.di al FURS.ad llgER 6KINB. Olv.maaea.1 Otaarad, ro. II. L L. REUIkllllM. MISS II. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CUiAlinU.H, I'A. 'JMIB KPIIIMI TKHM, ..f t.arv.two wccVi. X will eot.ti.rine oil blonilty, I. bruary f. IM,I. TKHMrt OP Tl ITION. Reading, Orlbogiapbr.Wriling.l)b Lea eona, Primary Arithiwelio and Primary OeoRraphy, por bail tciui, (of .leven wc-ki.) S OH Ili.tory, l.oeal and dcecrlptivo Ucography with Map llrnwing, ttrnmmar, Mental and Wiitltn Arilbmctie - ' Algebra aud the Hcienot 0 it t (Id For full partiaulara nd for Circular. Clearlield, Nov. II, leei-.m. augodl CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L Harrison, A. M., Principal. f pilK THIRD SKSSION of tht prnt toho X laitiv Tr ef (hit Imtltatlos will eottiuifiic on MoNUAV.th ftib dmy of VtUtmry, 1H.0. PoptlfetiB eDttrftt 107 tlu. Tbay will be chff ed with tuition from tbt tin tbj aitt to tbt lu of tbt 8Mf ion. Tht oori of lnitruotluB rnbrei tftty iblog ineludtd in t borons b, practical mui iteouu pliihed tdudatioD fnr bulb txi, Tbt Principal. btviDjr, bad tbt adranut uf nuob tpricoc in bti pr(ifnion, urea pa rtntt ftLd jnurJ tDi Urn bit tntir ability and tnerjiti will bt devoted Ui tLe moral and man. Ml ttuining uf th 6blh piiAoa nta; b'l ebar, H UM OF 1U1ION. Ortbor",'hy, Keadinir, Wriunjt. nnd Pritnarjr AriibtDttio, ptr HrMton ( II wttka) $& 00 QraMtuar, iingnfhy, Aritbmttit, u. UUtory t6 90 Alfbr, Seonaefry, THirononetrjr, Men tart ti an. Aarrtyinf, Pbilotopby, Pb?it olory.Chtmittry, Book Kttpirf, Botany and Phyiieal Utorapby - . . $0 10 Latin. Grek nnd Freaeb, with any of tht abort Brwnobtt - . . . $ 1 2 00 pm-Vo deduction will bt nada for abttnet. jSrtsT rurtberparticuUn inquire of V. L. lURKISO.N. A M., FtU 4. 18 tf. S.2j Principal. ountlru ana Utaclttof ftfcojj. a. P. .oraron era. a. toixo BOYNTON 4. YOUNG, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Muafulurara of P0ETABLE & STATI0NAEY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Tina Strecta, CLEAKI-TCLI), PA. nAVlXQ engaged in the manufacture of firat rlnaa MAClIIN'KRT.we rcaj.ee! fully inform tb. public ttat naare now prepared to fill all ordera aa cheaply and aa promptly ia can b. done in auy or tb citiei. We manufactare ud deal in Mulay aid Circular Saw-Milk, Head Block!, Vi! Wheel!, Fbafling Pulleyi. Oifford't Injector, Slearn Oaaga, Slaatt whlulea. Oilera, Tallcw Cupi, Oil Cnpi, Gauge Cockl, Air Cocka, Globe aire., Check Valvei, wrought iron Pipea, Steam Pumpi, Boiler Feed Pumpi, Anti Friction Metre.. Soap Btona Packing. Gum Puck ing. aad all kiada af MILL WORK, tognther witb Plom, Sled Sold, T COOK A ND PA RL OR STO VES, and olber CASTINGS of an kind. JMf-Orderi eolicited and filled at city pricea. Al! Irltcra af Inquiry, with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly aniwered, by .Jdrea ing ai at Clearfield, Pa. dcll-tf BOYNTON A VOl'NO. planing ftUlln. y.fc.r,N0TICE.! Powell. Delta. O. JL. RjEjED V CO. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! fPHE proprietor, rcipeclfully inform tbo.itiicni A of Clearlield aonnty, that they bava .ntir.lv refitted thia Mtablnhment with tlie l.teat improved wood working macbintry, and ar now prepared to execute all arden in tbrir lin. of buiinora. Tbey will gir. eipecia) .Mention, to the manufac ture of materia) for hour building, inch aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLIXDS, nn.tCKr.rs .noiLni.ros, " or All STUES, W. alwaya bava an band a larg Hock of DRY LUMBER, aad will pay each for all clear Lumber. One-end a half Inch panel nff rcfrrred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or .lobnngcd, to suit euilotner.. Suv0rdcn lolieitcd, and Lumber furniihed nn abort notic aud on rtaaon.bl. terma. 0. L. RI ED A CO. Clrartold, Nov. J, 1S67. fi. rvrn.. A. Iariit.... ...'one Parens, ..J. R. Iiiwi... E. B. PATTON & CO., Marlcg (tied up a Brat-clem PLANING MILL Ar pr. are! to fnrsiih all kindi af Manufactured Lumber, lucb a. Flooring. Siding. Bnrfaow-treiied Lrun bff, Bah, noors, Blindi, And every deaertptini of FLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. Wrtealara will and It ta their adranlan In wnault our prim before purcbarine eieewher. naureaa, a. at. fAllo.N A CO.. Curwnnavill., ta.. . IMt-tf Clearfield eoantT. Pa. GERMAN PBAkV. chnk.r Cora, aaaa. 1 1 -rrm TV Fat tala by. . CHEAT EXClTEaMEig ON hl.l'll D 8 I P. I I V, , Uli :i NEW GOODS AT LO-,7 iV riMIR .ndrr.l.n.d rrertrul;, ( ir.h. I , . i- oiii.ii i.i ir Laurie .rr,n .plecdid af.rimenl of tocrrhataua nr. now eelling ' i. n AT VERY row Tbeir atock ecniUt, f.rt f Dry Goods of tie Ecu QUa, . wee TtUlt, lt 1,11 Flfaj il. OlnBb.nt,,Mo,lin..,l,.t,pj ";"-ni,.( .a , i. . . r ' ana m.li.. ..rr.ring., J , , a. , r, , ,,,-'"' wool Fl.nn.l,.S.,ir. tu,, " ci.onad.., L.,i,t(. , Nnbi..AH,H.,,ial;i1'' and Jioop l-ki,t,, dc Alio, a fine aeaortment of ,, V anuia. uala A Can. u r-r . 1 ebwi. all f wbirk WILL BK -"-u low roij CAtj Hardware, Queensware, Glajjrra: Groceries aud Spices. INK1IORTA GESEIUL AS.S0P.TMj If everything urnnlly kept In a retail at. CUKAP FOBCANJi ., approvV....'; due. ' rjruos & tfdirinti It Iu 31 O V A L. HARTSWICK & IRWIN DRUGGISTS, Market street, Cliarttild, Pa. VTE beg leave t. inform onr eia .11 an T enilomora. tkat wa have reaev.e ear. i.uir.nuieui to in. eoacioua ne l.ui r, j. - - -" .ireci, nearr. I'lnif,, y ...at.ivu iioiiH on tr,e we.t. ana cppo.it. M,o-. ui.nam a nnnr .tora i wli.r. ne re.pKtli,. i pern re u come .Ld ouy a. ir Drugs, Chemicals, Patent KediciM OILS, PAISIS ASK VAUM?liH. Onr nock of Drcgi ar d iferlV'.nn c:tr-ii verjthiDg nied, itlected wi:h U f,, WA1EAKTED STEICTLT PHI Li.A L I ... ' uimnci. 9 DH'l t lav 1' I or WHITE LEAD, TLTrEXTIM Flax.eed Oil, Palnti ar I In f.ci .urn' acil in the pa ntitig L-UMueti, wLich w. ,: my price! to c.h buyrta. TOBACCO AND SEGA IIS, Coafeotkaarv, .cplc.i. and the la'cait i:xl varieliea over offnreu in thia i la-e. er.. .ami ea io ce ol tbt belt lb. Market .ford. J. ti. II It I - WK Xjr. it, mt. JoIlK I. IiiU'lb'. NEW ARRANGEMENT. .1. . SH.tir. V HI CC 1ST (Second etrrer, opporir. tba Curl II:xf,) C LI. A H I I C I. fl, I'tun ri'llK ruhicrihcra ref: eerfullj amounrritid X. ettir.ni of t Icarnell ard vim iij, thai hna now ca band a full rut ply of DKL'GS, PATENT JIEblCIXi; Dy. 8lu0i, Tobacco, Cicar;, Cuofrctinir.i r-r.tleerv Ar niYSJC'lANS fill find b'l njck of Drngi IUL and fOJ ri.nm, ana atavery 1 ,l,t advaiceca price a. SCHOOL BOOKS. Teacher, and otbera will be funiilr i claaitc.l and ciieellaneoni book! by ixprta .u.ri aoiicc. STATIOXERY, C. nintinf of Cap, Flat Cap, Feulirap, Ltllirn i vriuuiea note 1 anera : a.ro. a v.r neat tlb: of Mourning Note Facer and Emi'u n ea tu; rtr.,, j eiici'.. ma. .c. IIOL'EKEErEES Will find a full itock of Ft RR (i PICKS, full tBl'A Akll Cnncentrnted l-YH. Pf.AP. '.' LADIES AXD GENTLEMEN Are requratrd to examine bia elock of Perfcavr nair I'lle. line Toilet Soar... Bru.i.. CdI iuii.i reit.. ac , c. SMOKEUS AND CH EWERS Will find ft full aunnlv nf nrin,a Chewie. Smoking TOBACfO, Imported and Dtau nuaas, enun. riti. ru t.. (t. CARBON OIL, Of tb belt V-rnrrlw. nvi i,n LIOL'OES. Tb Ve.t qualltr af Lienor. .Iwiyi ea bard,: m.dienl p.rpotei. drFhiaieianl' Pr.verlntlcna crt.mrt v a ".i"'"'!! voirpouuiieO. Apri I. inna. k v t,uw Usrfllntuoi!. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH CALLER i MAT.KET bt, cleahfield, pa. Prusoxs driiring coon ncTrriE.'.efi' trie and price, wiib a'l tb modern ittrrrr- u:.nti of llie ail, oan be accommodated bv ca..r ai my roomi in Clenreld. Neffatjvpo r-sAo in fI'itrlnne ivp'l K: Clear Weather, CHILDREN'S FICICKES ukea wnnic in a lew .eooada. 7b. TONE nd FINIf-n of my rimr-ir guaranteed tn equal that of any uaul ifi dilphiaor New turk. CoDitan'iiy on hand x )a:;e mrr'T Frames, Albums and Stcrecfcori' Of .11 I KX, ttylil and pricra, and of tbt b1 Cniab. Alio, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, of lb. moit Intertitiog AMERICA As FORCIO' SCENCH fcr ia!e at ruaonalle tatca. FRAMES OF ALL SIITJ, From any atyl. of mr.uMicg, rcaJr tc t '1 rort not'ee. 1. K. PPTIOSr ClearfeM. Pec. In, ln tf FRANCIS CCUTFIIET, MKUCHAM". Prrnrhilllc. I 1. artleid l oulitT. Kccpi enmtnrllT on band t WI alicrlW' "j Prv Uond. Hardware, flroverica. act niiillr kept in n rcterl il"re. whtrb wiiieew for oa.h. a. cheep ai cletwhere In th eeuntj. trenchville. June 17. ivtir ly. io. Atmrrr nrvnr iitxr. T- W. ALBERT & BROS., Minufacturcra A titonrlre ralriii Sawed Lumbor, Square Timler, io WOODLAND, rENS'A--Orden llclied. Bl". 'lcl o b,', ,ct and inaaoiaW. term". Adirwa WoM aad T- 0.. "';"",.'.(! f, r. CtATfll.