Tin; ki-itumcan. 1 III II i t Wi'll v .Ml. I H'M h i I". IHH CROWNING THE WISEST. Not m n n v J'i il linpp-nc, tlint ft yiiiin: Hum I nun New VmU Viilvl l.otliliill. : I'.illuT lit'illjr with nrvoi-al of (he mnirin . p( (lip llniif.li ri-l'M incy, (li jortnu; Anii'iiriin iv ii a i 11 1 r m t moil into the iuxliiunalilc ci ii li'H of ilio mt'liopolm, Wlii'iv, in runsi ijiii'iirp nf Ins ini pur iKHial niipoanim i, or (hnl It i m fallirr wit rqmrled very 1 i.-li, or (lint lio was a new liiruronn die, nlnp lie itltriHli'tl much nlU'iilioii, ami I'ocrtnio (inlo tlio (avoiilo of tho ladii-s. This w in nut at ull ro.li-.heil by tlio llritii-li licnux, Imt as tio irc(pxt for a rcbiiiToli'ereil, (hoy were compelled to treat It i tit civilly. Thus thu mailer utood when tho lion. Mr. il. 1. and lady made n party to nt'comji.iny them to thoir country seat in Cainhrideshiio, ninl the American was umontr tho invited guests. .Numerous wcro tho devices to whidi these devotees of pleasuro resorted in order to kill that old fellow who will nieasuro his horns when !:o knows they are not wanted, and the ingenuity of every ono was taxed to remember and invent something novel. Tho Yankees aro proverbially ready of invention, and tho American tliil honor to his character as a man accus tomed to thought. Ho was frank and gay, and entered into tho sports nnd amusements with that unalleeted en joyment which communicated a por tion of his fresh feelings to the iiiohI worn-out fashions of tiie party. His pood mituro would have been Bneered at ty tome of the proud cavaliers, had be not been such a capital fchot, and be might have been quizzed had not the ladies, won by his respectful and pleasant civilities, nnd his constant attention in tho drawing-room nnd oloon, always showed themselves hie friends. Hut a combination was at last formed among a trio of dandies, staunch patrons of tho (Jurtcrly, to annihilate the American. Thev nrn. posed to vary the eternal waltzing and jimiS u mo acting oi charades and playing various games : and hav ing interested one ot those indefatiga the ladies who always carry tbeir point, the scheme was voted to be the thing. After some few charades bad been disposed of, one of the gentlemen begged leave to propose tho game called "Crowning the Wisest." This is played by selecting a judge of the game, and three persons, cither ladies or gentlemen, wrto are to contest for tho crown by answering successively tho various Questions which the rest of tho parlies aro at liberty to ask. The ono who is declared to have been the readiest and happiest in his an swers, receives the crown. Our American, much against his inclination, was chosen among the three candidates. Ho was awnro that bis position, tho society with which he was mingling, required of him the ability (o sustain himself. Ho was, to bo sure, treated with distinguished attention by his host and hostess, and generally by the party ; but this was a favor to the individual, and not one of the company understood the char actor of republicans or appreciated the Republic. The threo worthies bad arranged that their (urn for him bould fall in succession and be the last. The first one, a perfect exquisite, and with an air of the most ineffable condescension, put this question : Mil understand rightfully, the gov ern men tot your conn try acknowledges tio distinction of rank, consequently you can have no court standard for the manners of a gentleman ; will you favor me with information where your best school of politeness is to be found f " "For your benefit," replied the American, smiling calmlv, "I would recommend tho Falls of .Niagara. A contemplation of that fctupendous wonder teaches humility to the proud est, and hur.-,an nothingness to the m..csi. ii rebukes the trifler and arouses tho most stupid; in short, it turns men from their idols; and when we acknowledge that God only is Lord, wo feel that men are our equals. A true Christian is always polite." jnere was a murmur amonsr the audience, but whether applause or ii-umirv mo American could not de termine, as he did not choose to bo tray any anxiety for the result by a scrutiny of the faces which wero bent upon him. The second now proposed his ones tion. He affected to ben great pnlitj. cian, mouslached and whiskered like a diplomatist, which Nation he had been coveting. Hi, voico was bland, but his emphasis a very significant : "Should I visit the United Stales, what subject with which I am con versant would most interest your peo pie. and give mo an opportunity of enjoying their conversation ?" "You must maintain, as yon do at present, that a monarchy is tho wisest the purest, the best government -hich the rkill of man ever devised, and that a democracy is utterly barbarous. My foui.trynieii are proverbially fond of argument, and will meet you on both these questions, and, if you choose, will argue with you until (lie end of your lilo." The murmur was renewed, but si ill without any decided expression of the ""' leeimg Willi wnicn Ins been received. answer had i he lined then ftrflse fp1n ,;, frat and wilh nn assured voice, which tinned to announce a certain Iriumnh fail : ' ' "I requiro your decision on a deli calo question, but tho rules of the pastime warrant it. ami also a candid ni.swer. mi have seen the A merican the English ladies; which ara the Juircsl ' Tho young republican glanced nrmnd (he circle. J I. was bright with '3'("1- and the sweet smiles !''. wreathed many a luvely lip, "lit l.avo w,,n n rl ....:..! .,,., . 'iiiiii.j """ I"" alii L'ianco. (lid ""l lies late " : " " answered : I h, heve '"n '""',,,f ' ' bonutv is,. , 1 , V"'1 l" ' P'erof selling admiration nml , ; I 1 1 A ... t . i son .....I " ' ," ""''I'lcntly l,so lailies " "losi annul.,.,) I and beloved and v mi-leu nr ti.n , . . . i,..r ;,. . s.'"i"'nen, must lie l a. .-NllW' J" t Confidently ly there ,s not n ,; V heie awon,.,,, o truly beloved. o tender jr ,-l.,ilP(, M -poctlully '.;""" the l;,phlie of (he "'V'1, S'"'-; therefore 1i,e Ameri fan ladie, are Iho fairest. Hut," and be ajnin bowed low, "if, he ladies be fr. whom 1 have now the honor of expressing ,v ,,iin rre in conn ry, we should think IhemAnierr 'i'ho applause was enthnsiastic- after J .o .,,,., had .Ui,..,.. the jude ,0 I heard, diivcied the crown to bo piven to the American JllumihiiteJ d'ofiTn KorlJ. fdrtt Vcrtry. mi: ntmiNnr. ni m ii Tin NU'U l ki lit i H. mk m. ' it) ttrntntl, thr t'irv. ih nlnM M tfcf f'rtli Kmt -m uif yi. l Ur, 1 hal I In- Hi ir i mil hich r 1h )mt, Arr f tifaii t tit trnpft ht.-h innlcrt 1 'it lnl I Ht r.(til im ti Nith, Ait tr irnl tit ihf r-11 ol tt ttiitt-l r Kiirfniiiniiig 1tip lilvknru off1c!h f Ti imc that titer hut riittunt V nint tnrnm,' (rum InntU nf drupmr ; htr the i ri onr-e pnihllr rtiitDtt llaih fiKlird itR ltf jr-'p nn thv air ; Mtit a Kni intitlrr low in (tint wmninjr. And I 'if S-iuih wind an lnl-n with doom A ve 1 or u Mi tii wild omen with acorniug ! A ve ! dance on (tie vi-rge of your tmnU I Y have fwathcj an with o1ul palli of aormw, 'luur Itrt-ath w tiie breath til Minoou", Ve have (Ion all lipht Ircia our mtimtw, And withnrrd tuir trtnSrt heart-bloumi, Uut the llntei jour hliiitl tuiy hath lantrdt J be diiion'it tt-ith mwn iu your iro, A from ht at of llt'H'f furmwi rni-hantrd, Urow warm, and burst upward in lire! Armed warrlor-di'mnns of ravage, I mjuellVil hv a vpfll nr an art Futit, intniiinmi, untamaMy iavage, And tlarititijc fur blood from the heart t Vet ii lit'Hrti tliMt aro ruddy and wollm, N-tt fiira, no diainpd and lo cold , ith no fmd but tho? rofmoript oldri Of a tale that long aiuoe bath btwn Uld. I'o ye think to escujie, U! my uiantera T l)o ye wy, 'tip a nrratn of itk thought f A liijtlit-tiiare of phaiiUutmal diaulera Tu rriuaiu all uiilnrd and unwrought? 0 ! fitoli, and O ? hlindfd ! ye r uA. How iwittly fat''n cohort unite, 0 ' ftwU, and 0 ! hhnd ! ye eaa flu not That wrath In it mipht ! Not a drop of thn lilfi-hiood of hentea lty yottr biri'lint; Vandali laid low, Hut i hall pomuu the iiccp of the Keroea Who caund the red torrenti to Huw : Not a pang of our wive and our daughter, Or lain, or all maddeitfd with d !, ltut shall picrcv thro' hot iciuni of alaughteri, Tu l lie dipt lie of vuur admired aoulf ! .Soun, rood e ahull compos the anguish W ar'i viMi- bent nrr yuu, must bring,- The tftjtie ft am that amouldfr and languish, The kwn puiua (hat harrow and sting ) Dy your thrfshuldo blanched, sorrowful tacff On your marts the gaunt figures of care, IWp wiiiliiigr in dfitulate ultu-tw, inged wild o'er the pall and the bier t With ihr torrihle woe thai oomes only W hen Hope has been strangled in gore. When diMnught, and despairing and lonely, ou stand on a hluod-(lt-lug-d iliore, With the latt friend of Liberty pen shed, With the last chance of ransutg undone, And the fair fae uf Freedom, uncherisbed. Lying mangled and stark in the sud; With the knowledge this fcaiful undoing Yoi B hand and yours only hath wrought, Till the b lac tutus of darkuens and ruin Khali fall like a tnadneup on thought ; And you faint, and sink down iu dumb languor, Appalled, and acur?ed by your Past, For the flames of (tod's infinite aiiftor Hare searched you, aud fcathed you at last ! durational. BlackboardsTlieir Use and Effects. It it upoi. mature reflection that I express my opinion on what I deem a prevailing evil, nnmcly, tho use of blackboards in gchool exercises. This w ill no doubt provoke a Karcmaic Bmile from many dignitaries of Iho Bcbool room, who look upon the blackboard as the grand criterion ol success. I make every concession regarding its utility in communicating a knowledge ot tho several wieiices, nnd deprecate ,i.. ... ..e -i o , . . . iow iiei:rny ui lis fiooilblimcill, &UU depriving the teacher of au instrument that throws life and interest in the dull routine of school duties. But the objections I urge aro founded on sanitary considerations, believing the preservation of health to be tho first duty demanded ol tho iiihlructor of youth. 1 leel convinced, that the dust, caused by the use of chalk or crayon, on blackboard surface, floats in the nir in very large nunutities, is inhaled by the pupil nnd tutor, and produces detrimental results by en gendering pulmonary diseases. "Two points only nro involved in the con sideration of these objections, namclv, does dust causo pulmonary diseases f and if so, is sufficient dust generated from tho use of crayon in school exer cises as to produce thiseflectf The first point will not admit of a cavil, it being a vel! established fact, that ex ternal pressure nnd inlcrnul cngorge- meni aie mo cniei causes ol diseased imign. iimt in, wu mil vy improper pOMtionS tn Wtilking und Killing, force j uie lower ena ol iheHlornum or broKt-1 bono back toward the spine, compel the yielding spinal column to droop forward, and contract the capacity of tlio thorax. This will cauko portions of. the lunrs to fold, and being in an inactive slate, they will bo put rifled and ruinf d. Or that the inhalation of poisonous irnncs, Or air imnroiriiatod with fine pitrticles of matter, causes ' rb.i,r,it inl. n...Ha i fK ;'),- j i..mv ( inv lit! UIIB 11 tlio lower lobules of the lime, which cells, Irom their extremely delirnle htructurc, Bie ciinily damaged. These foreijrn d'-pof-its solidify, Btop the healthy action of the lungn, nnd hurry tho unlbrtunnto victim into that loath some disease, consumption. There nro many instances ol this latter class among slo ic-cutteis, millers, etc. It this be true, w can infer that tho dust from the uie of crayon exerts some in fluence over the organs of respiration j but if any doubts, us to its producing fatal detriment, arc cntertuined by the most skeptical, one short visit will completely extirpate them. When lie sees every exercise, from the simple trulhs of primary arithmetic to the suhllo beauties of (.'emnetry, made ob jects of black hnurd demonstrations, and hears a constant hawking of pupils nature's attempt to resist unsalulu- ry influences ho will encourngo the men, mat mere is need 01 ro orinal on. If he nlsn r.fl.el ,,.,,. tl. (.... ,!. , , ' " , ; '"l .l"ul uun di-wi . IIUUI ilOlll SIX LO eight pounds of crayon aro triturated on the blackbiard to imjirenalc the air rells of his childrens' Inns, w hich latter, from improper breathing and defective ventilation, are seldom equal to tho onerous tak of resisting cn eidacliuieiitson niiturc's laws. 1 hope parents will consider this matter caro- iii I ly, that older and more ei iciieiiccd edmalors than the writer will i-ive this subject merited nttent ion : nn,l il biitcktMiards bo nn evil, root them out, and throw ono more obstacle in tlio way of the "fji ini monster," that fast ens its impartial hand on the youngest and brightest, to swell the replete bills of mortality. S. Harry Campbell, who hud been but a short time niarrie I, one day went out with his young wife, of whom hp was very proud, (this is apt to be the ease with young fellows when they are first married.) on a shopping exiiedb tion. He seemed to take great delight in paying her lutlo bills, (women's bills arc always "little bills" lor the first few hours.) although he began to fi'cl as though hi charming companion was getting the least bit extravagant, lint he said not a word, nor looked aught but approbation upon her trans actions. Finally she came to tho last article on her list, (it is generally the first,) a bonnet of the latest fashion, price fifty dollars. Jlarry, pnorfrllnw! couldn't see it, (we mean the prica.) and for the first time demurred. This was the "ftrair that broke tho Camp, bell's back," of wuicb our reader have heard to much, VlrrtUal IIOOH.VMVS(,nniMllTTI!!S ftp lloolhmrs Ccrnian Tonic; Tht ttreet Remedies fr all Maes of ths Liter, Htomarh, nr I'lgsstire Organs, lI(H)!liiiirn (ii'rmun Itittors Is eoiepoed nf the fare Juleei (or, they are medicinally termed, Kitraeti) rf mots, herbs, aad harks, lie preparation birhlr concentrated and-- entirely alcoholie edniiture of any kind" "free from IIM)iliuHl'H Gorman Tonic Is a combination of all the Ingredients of the hitters, with (be purest quality of Hanta Orus Hum, Oranjre, o , making one of the most plea sant and agreeable remedies erer offered to the public. Thoie preferring a medicine free from alooholie admixture, will use Ilootland's German Bitters. Those who have no objanHon to the oomblnv tion of the Hitlers as stated, will use IIouiland'H Gorman Tonic. They are both equally good, and eontaln the same medicinal virtues, the choice between the two being a mare matter of taste, the Tonic being the most palatable. The itomaoh, from a variety of eauiet, inch as Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous iMbility, etc., is very apt to have g-. Us funetious derang ed. The Liver, eym II pathiting as closely as It done with the Btoiaach, then be cornea enVntcd, the result nf which If that the patient suffers from several or more of the fol lowing diseases : Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles. Fultners of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stom ach, Nauea, Heart Burn, Disgust fur Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, buur lCrupLhiDS.Hink Ingor r Uttering at the nil of the btomach,bwtm ming of the Head, -11 urr ied or DiOirult breathing, fluttering of the Hesrt,Cb(king or Suf focating sensations when in a l,i ing posturt, Dimness of vision, duti or webs before the eyei, dull pain in the head, deficiency o( per ipiratiun, yellowness of the skin and eye, rain in the tide, back, chest, limbs, etc.. sudden flushes of heat, burning flesh, constant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirit. The sufferer from these diseases should exer cise the greatest caution In the eelecction ol a remedy fur bis ease, - purchasing only that which he is acsured I I Irom bie investica- tioos and inquiries pnssesses true merit, it tkillfnlly eompuunded, Is tree from i. jurtous tngreeients, and bae established for i tee If a reputation for the cure of these diseases. In this eunnuction we would submit those well known remedies IIoofland'B German Bitters, Hoofland s German Tonic, Prepared by Dr. C. H. JACKS05, Philadel hla, Ta. Twenty twe years sines they were first Intra dueed into this eovntry from Germany, during which time they have undoubtedly performed more rare, end benefited suffering humanity to a greater extent, than any other remedies known to the publie. These remedies will effectually rnre Liver Complaint, Jaundire, Irspepa. Chronic or Kervous Pebiliiv, li Co r on i e Dierrbeea, Diseases of the Kid ners. and all diseases afiting from a Disordered Liver, 6tomach, or Intestines. Debility, Resulting from any cause whatever Prostration of the system induced by severe Labor, Hardships, Exposure, Fevers, Ac, Ac There la no tnediclna extant squat to these lemedies In such eases. A tone and vigor Is imparled to the whole system, the appetite is strengthened, food Is enjoyed, the stomach di gests promptly, the blvd Is purified, the com plexion beoomes sound end healthy, the yeilow tinge is eradicated from the eves, a bloom it given to the cheeks, anJ the weak and nervous invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. Persons Advanced in Life, and feeling the band of time weighing heavily nf-on them, with all iu attendant ills, will find ths use of these Bitters or the Tonic, an elixir that wilt Instil new life Into their veins, restore youthful davs. build up their shrunken forms, 1D1 1 09lln Da happiness to their remaining Notice. Il ll l w.ll ..l.tiliihtd ftct Ib.l fall fO Imlf of tht f.m.l. po rlioB of our V"pnla lloB ir. Irldnm In tb. I .njr.nftit of god bealth, or.to o. thirr oo ipr.fioB, they 'n.T.r f.el w.ll. Th.y Rr. Uniruid. doroid of rg, extremsly nervous, and have no ap- I.li,Jf' To. thii of th r l" 1 on,c' " PJ recommended. Weak and Delicate Children are mid. ttrong lh. m, of .ttb.r of tb., retnt.lir.. Tbfj will cure ererj oof matmimm without not. Tbou.stid. of ertifirtoi have .eramalst.d In Iho hsndi of th. proprietor, bat f psr. will .Now ol lb. publication ol but few. Too.., it will b obr.ed, sr. moo of onto, sod uf fucb .landing mat in. msit o. Denf.oa. Testimonials. ITon. O.orr. VT. Wondw.rd, Cbl.f Ju.lic. of tb, bupr.ro. t ourt of rrnn.lr.nia, wri!. : l'hil.d.-l.bii, I'a., March Id. IKS. 'Ifind Boon. sn'a . tla.MAa Rirr.a. I. a (rood toulc, n.fful in A dte...ofts. diit.it. iv. orssn., and of xrat brn.fil in ca... of d.bilitjr and want of n.r.onl action in tb. y.l.m. Your., truly, Gnu. V. Woodward." Hon. Jama. Thomp.on, Jud. of tb. fuprtmr Court of P.nnjtlv.nia, writs. . rhil.ilclphia, April IS, Isds. 'I eon.idcr llodasi'i ll.rm.a Ultlcr. a Talo abl. tn.dirino in ea.. of Indication or l,fp.p. aia. 1 ran errtii. on irom oatsf lens. 'Youri, witb ro.poct, Jask. ls3Mflon.N From Rot. Jorrpb P, K.snard. D. fl., Pattor of lh. T.oih lla)iti.l Church, Hhiladdrhia t !r. .1acs"ow Iinar Sir : I bav. b..s ft.nn.nl. I, ran.ur.trd to rnnn.rt my nam. with roenm men.lRlino of d;nr.nt kind, of mrdirin... but regarding tha prao t is. a out of my ap propriat. Hpb.r. I IV hav. in all ra... da ohncd; hut witb a clear proof in roriou. Inrlancea, and p.rlicularl. In mj own Itmilr, of the u.etulnefr o lr. Iloofland'i Oerniaa Hitter., I depHrt for ortc. from mr n.ual eour.e, to et pre.. bit full conviction that for preneral debility of th. .Tfftem, and especially lor Ll.er Com- plalt.b, II i n afe and valuable prep.rtton. In sin. oate. it may lail, but a.ually, 1 fonht not, il will b. very beneficial to tb are who runer from lb. abov. tau.a. Youri, very renpectfully, J. I). KRasian. Fif Mb, below Coat.l StreeU. From tlev K. I). Fcnd.ll, Editor of Chrl.tiai Tbronicle," rbtladelphia : I bcv. derived decided beneflt from the o. of ItooflAnd'i Oorman Hitler, and leel il at pr vi Irjre tn recommend tb.m a. a moil vatu.hl. tonic to all whe ar. .offerinf from ironerai drbi Ity or from dt.ea.ea arising from deranitement ol th. tiv.r. ionr, truly, . I). Krrsall, Caution. Iloofland'a German Ililter. nr counterfeited, fee that th. eirue -. tore of C. M. JAl K- ftlN . on th. wrap I 1 n.r nf aacb bottl.. All other, ar cua terfeit. Prlncinal nic. na at.ouiactnry. nt in. uerman Medina! Store, Ko. n.l I Arch atreet, Phtiadeli hia, I'a. C II AH Mi. M. I. VAN. Prnprlttor. (Fonnarly C. M.Jackson 1 Co.) Price. Ilooflnd'a Oeratan Hilteri, ft bottl. tl All " r half dos.n. 10 Ilm.n.o. Gcrtunn Tonie, fut np in t.nart hot t lea, t.r bottl. . Or a half do.an for j .0 -Do not forget ta examine well th. article roe buy, la order t. gat lb. gennlo.. CisT-Fnr ml. hy n drnui.M nnd .lealarOn pWielaM. fju 1 Wrdlrat. DR. TAYI.OKS Pt.tvif iikanui II I tti: It H. VMII.D .na.jrw.l.l.TON'ir CTIMl LANT, Blunkliic uJ CAllMl.NATn K BITTERS, KilrKil.a .ntlr.l.r frtim HERBS and KOOM. Iliglitj b.nefici.1 io CYSrEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND LOSS OF ATTETITE; And n fioollenl COHKECTIVB fur p.nont ufTeriof troin Diiordori of lh. Buw.ti, Flstuttnc, Ac. Sold Everywhere. Depot No. 413 Aluket SlrMt, rhildrl(.lii, Pi. J. K. TAYLOR & CO. oet?t 3m THE GREAT ZINCARI BITTERS. A safe Blood Purifier, a splendid Tonic, a pleas ant Bevsrage, a certain cure and Preventive of Diseases. rilHE ZINOAItr MTTFHrl ar. oomponnded X from a prercriptinn c f tb. celebrated hfrvp lian pbyiician, Un. Cuaocira, who, attar yaarf of trial and experiment, discovered th. Zlngnri Herb tb. mort rnmarkabl. preduntion, lb. aarth, porbapa, bai avat yielded e.rtainly the moat aflcctive In tb cur. or di.eaaa. It, la combination with th. other valuable propern.i of which tb. Zl.NUAtU lilllhHsu computed, will cure Dy.pep.la, Fever and A;ue, Bill ' Fevcri luolie, Colds, Itronchuia, Conrnmptioo in iU 6ret .I.e., Flalulenry, Nor vou tlebihty, Famala Cuts plaint., Kbeumatiim, lly.enterv. Acuta nnd fbronie friarr!iaa. Choters Ifurbua, tnoiera, irbold nnd Typbui r.v.r, Y.llow Frvw, Kernfula, Iliiea ael of the Kidney., Habitual Co.. tivcn.Ba. In the Prevention and Cur. of tba above dii. eaeci, it ha. o.vcr b.en known to fail, a. thou sand, of our mort prominent ciliien. Ibfouvfaout nil paru of th. rouulry, will te.tify. Let tb. afflicted fetid for circular containinc testimoni al, and certificate, ul tbu. who bar. been currd after tht 'r case. b.v. been pronounced hopel... oy our neat povvician.. Principal Vr'pol, F. RAlITFIt CO., No. 6 N. Front hi., i-Liladel hia. Reeonimended by El-Oov. David R. Porter, of r.onrylvnnln. Hon. Hob.it J. Fuber, ' " Hon. Edward Mcl'berwa, " " Hon. Joel B. Il.nner, " Hon. "a. Moherry, and otbera. -htnd tor Circular. f.bll-ly. XATUKE'S UUKAT JJKsToISill nv ii i; ktz'k Celebrated Bitter Cordial. 11113 toffHr-vl pr'parfttioa It now ofTerfvi t A in uniif ai i iHiii.ii xahtitat forth tftnv vorthlma rnmpoundi wbirfa ru.w fl mrt tb markt. Ii U furpy rrictttkbl, cnipntiil of Tauioui nitrin, ifainorcxi trota tht grrat ilura bou of nature, nd aeUrtrd with th ntumft rar. It Ii not rfromundcil a Ci rr-All. hut hy iu direet and lutarjr Itiflocnoa vjmn th lloart, Liver, Kidnryi, LuoftR. Btutuarh and Howcli.it aeti both a preventive aud cur far men nf lb diiteaaei to which thou off me arv vuijen u i a rename family Medinn. ud can be taken by either infant or adult witb tb ni beneflritl repults. It it a certain prompt and rreed rrmeilT for Diarthira. In. entary, tow-1 eomplnint, I'ypepilt. tow new nf Hpiritt, Faintinpt, tSirktieadarbe, d-n. Fir Chill and fertri of ill hindn.it it farhetteraod tarer than any qnlnin. without an? cf it ner nirinui effprta. it cretra an appetiu, provet a powerful dijreottr, a-d will mnaterart the effprt of liquor in a frw minutoa. Prepared b J ACdB SiHhtTZ. Iol Proprietor. IS. W. or. Filth aod Kae iUmIi., l'hiladrlphit, I'a. t-vli by all Druggieta. , DII.iy Attention, Afflicted I 'I'lIK .ubarrlb.r civet notir. that ht baa -1 resumen 16. prarlic. or Medicine in 1.0th eisburg, where b. tntenHe to devote bie nttcn urn to tba treatment of CHKOXIC DISK ASKS in aeneral He will keen nn band a choice . leclion of nRI HSand MKIIC1NKS ad..led to ire treatment or chrome diseases, and may be vun.oueu at on oiro. al any nnnr of th. day. r. it. A word to Ibose afflicted with ehronle oiseasea nay b. to vitain adcariare. Mat at not b. ..art that uornraT rh.isici.n. wl.o do a nintag pt.rtlca hav. not rial to attend to toe treatment of rnaoair diseases, and ron.e. quently avgi.arr them; hence lliit rlas. of di- aee. recuirca ixci.i sitr attention. UI.'"KliK WILSON, M. D. tnlhersburjr, Frb. 37, li-rift-lf Beale's Embrocation, (ii a ft Powell's,) For all diseaeca Incident to Hurees, Oattla, and Human flesh, requiring tb. ns. ol an external an!ice!ion. Tbi. Rmbrfication waa estensirely tted hy the Uovernment during the war. Kor sal. by ll.rt.wirk A lrwlr, Clearfield Joseph K. Irwin, Curwensvill. ltauiel Uood laod.r, Lu:bersburr if SWl Ilii rtMd t. Kennedy'. Medicd tscovcry, Hluihold'a Uurbu. Ileher'a Co. Liver Oil, Jaoe a and Aver', meitirinee of every kind, for.al. h IIAKTpWK'K IKWIN". K-at m. Dnmllicn. Ilubhcll'fc PraeV llooflend's (f.rman.lloatetter's and (Ireene's Oxygenated Hitters; alao pur l.iuuer., of all kinds for .dtcinal rnrpos.s. for sal. bv UAHiMW-Il'R 1RWTN, Tra.a and ahdiiwilnal anrnortr. ol .very kind of the lateet isanmvent.nte, for ele the Prog Rtorejof IIAKI.-H ICK t IKWIN. CTlotUiiirf. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. rpIIR time ar lard : you'd like to know A How yon mar mr ynnr dollar j The way tn do it 1 will ehnw, If yoa will read bat foliowt. A mn who lired nM far from her, M ho worked hard at hie trade. But bad a household to ufport ihat tquanderod all ha mad. I met him onre. Ptyt he, "My friend, I look thread hear and rough j Xe tried to get aiytelf a euit, But can't ear up enough," Payt T. my friend, how much bar yoa ? I'll tell yoa wliire to fo To get ttiii that ennnd and cheap i To BK1Z.KNSTK1N k Co, He took what little he had eared, And went to Keirrntein A Brother', And there h got a handiom suit, l or half he paid to other. Now he I home, he inoka so well. And their effeet It tnrh, That when they take their daily meal. They dnn't eat half a much. And now he finda en Saturday night, to Ith all their wanta mp( hrd, That be baa money left to tpend, Aud com to lay aaxie. Hla food tnrpeea, with cheerful tmil, He t-ia'llT telle to all. If you'd tare wnny, go and boy lonr etnthe at ItEUKNTKlN'0 CLOTHING HALL. Whera lh cheanett. fir.eet and beat Clothln and good Farnitbing Uoode oaa b had to every taat and in very tyl aprll fl? ITH WAKTI-.ls.-Th nndcrsigncd will pay th hifhc.t t'ASM PR !( R lor all k nds ot Fl Krt and LETR K1Nft. Ui.enieaeall CIrSald,Irw.l. I. L. RLLZEMIE1K. MARRIED ,irin, who, d.itif.p rtrula f eHrl. are r urh rr.uMd With t't i fr 1 onlipatioa, ean ftnd rf. H'.. relur in tt.k.ark Hi... d fit. whirh ean le iiin darn g ll ttage of prrgnanry with pfrfeet taitiy. SCROFULA And alt diteatea of llieMt-od, and all erupfiT dineatet of the aklo, Md Sore, Tumor and I I cert, nritltiff from whatever pause, ran be per manently rured hy the aie of Dr. Kobaoh't Blood Purifier and Blood Pi Hi. TJNPEISCIPLtD Dealer often recommend other bitten baenuae they hr nut Kohark'a. W detir to eaution thaft1ieted apninat purohaaing any of thetu : buy hohack t tomarh bitlera and none other, U you would ooitbal diaeat aucceaafully. WANTED. All peraoni troabled with Coetirenea and Con ftipatiun of lh Bowel to buy Hoback't Blood Pilli ; they contain no mercury, ar purely veg etabie and work like ft charm; ean be taken with aafaly by praooi of nil age, mod in til condition ot Uie. LADIES Of sedentary haMta who require a gentle pura-a-tiv will nod Koback'a Blood Pill jaat th med icine tbey want : tbry are pertectly aafe and ean be taken at all timet ; they contain no mercury or mineral poitro, but are purely vegetable. LIVEE COMPLAINTS, Janndir and all affeetinna of tho Liver are oon ramoved by th u of Hohaek'i ttoinarb Bitter and blood I'illa, they ara eorapoeed of ver-ul le medicinal i tract with aapeoial refereno to their direct aeuva ea tht iivr and digettir ajiparatu. EICS HEADACHE Arieea from ft diaorderetf tttt of th atomarh nnd bowel, and a billiout derangement of tb lirer. and ear r permenently cured by th an of K-tek' Hlwod Purifier and Blood lull di recti or. I acovmpan each bottl and box. DYSPEPSIA. Th out and of th wurat tnfferer fros thii ter rible gnawing diaeaae hav been rored by lb t ol Hohara'a tStnrnaeh Itinera, aa th tftatimo aial now in our hand fully pro. COSVALESCEXTS Fhonld ate Kobark Rtomarh fitter to strength en th proration whirh alway follow acuta diteaaca: il will be found far anpermr a a tim alatiog tonie loan of tb win and bark prepa ration of th preaent day. KEU2ALGIA Tan ha effectually enred by taking Tit. Kohach'a Blood Purifier and Hlood Pill., and bathing lb. fleeted paru with Tincture of AooniU or Chlo roform. PILES. Ther tt no medifin la oae o ofllteton at Dr. Kobark Hlood Purifier and Illnod Pillt fnr the pern.ac.ent rure of Klind or tlleeding Piles; they atnk at th root of diaeate, thereby remo ving th canto. NIGHT MAKE Is on. of th. many disease, of nhich Dvsnensia ia the parent. To affect a enra ner.no. .hoald avoid hearty f.Mid at night, and take n wine glees iuii ei nooacft l Momacb Hitters on retiring to bed. WHO SELLS THEM 1 Tbe A rents for tba isle of R. bark's Blood Pi!la. Pt'.m.ch Hitter, and Mlnod Purifier ara 1IAHI.-H H'K IKWIN, Clearfield, I'a. jnn21 H. F. NAUGLE, CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKER. or Poet ti ma MARK IT tTllEKT v. roST OFFICE iMUwJoVLE A BFIELD IIIR aubtrribftr reapoettully inform hie old a inirin" ana in )uiMir frrnvrail mat be ii n band, fand ia w-nttAntlv reoeivinr new additiena thereto,; a large atoek of Clocks, Watclies mid Jewelry. ken Jewvlrv In all Ita for ma and of dittrrent valura, either by the piece or eet WATfllES A foil aeortnent of either Gold ft (Silver, made by the brat Aueriran and for rftn aianufaeiurere, including a fine lot of gold end ilver himting raae, lull jeweled, i'attat bevera. CLOCKS Of :t deflcna, eoaalrtin of etrhl- day and thirtv b ar. of either weight, eprtng or irvars, ana mi-n r'nue ann alarm. R l.PA IR1NH. A II kind, of Watch and dork Hfpaiied, and warranted. In .dditinntowh.t I here enumerated 1 k.-o . ful assortment t .-I'Ki r i-t.m. e..i......i ...j i M plain ties., t l,n. mil. 11 I I N S and I'K NCII.H "t'OONS rcKKs, lU TTIIt KMVKS, and in fact everytbinf in Ihe Jewelry line. If I tail In have on hand Ju.t what a customer way nerd, 1 ill nroer per first etpress, without eitm rh.rjre. A libel. 1 share of public patronepr Is solicited Wsjr 7, IHV; . II. r. KAl'liLE. DOBBINS' ELEi'TlilC II O O T POLIS II MAKI. a I.AT1M; HIF. '11I10SK who black their honU oa P.tord.y J. niftht with ordiuary blaikinft. don't have anoch lnn. oa Sunday, a. th. poiif.b fad.a off j but lb. .bin. of DOIiniXS- BLACKING A,iT.f.. S.itur.hiy nnd oil Jiy Sunday It Drat nnt other lllatkliiR Narlrl Manilla lored only hy J. D II. 1,1,1ns, at h ia at. mens Hoap and Mlackio Wurli. riilb atreet and tsermanlown avenues. Phil.itelpliia. I'a. ror eaie n 4. r. h KA1 . h H nnd HAKTS. WICK A IhW lN.Cle.ilielrl, Pa. nova.4m LIVERY STABLE. TTTT. nndfrijrtied bp leave -o tntnrm the vjtib he that be n bow fulh i.rrnarod to aouiBia. ii ir all ia tbe war of furnitbinHoreea, Bugtea, Aadldie and liarnea. on tbe eborteet aotine aad nn rmennehle ternn. Hemdeoo od Laeaat trat- beiweeci Ibud acd Foii'th. GKO. W. QJHHAET. Hevflald, April U, UM. fatfls. A. W. WALTE R8, A TIO KM Y AT I. AW, Mrarflrld. fa. V l,ff ' ln ,f '"Ol1 House. f,lcS ly ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT I-AW, Mrallii ld. I'a. CdrOffr. tn lb. Court II.Me. IJyii.'tr JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, I Irarllrld, Pa. Ofoe. with J. B. NrEti.nv, Ksq , ov.r First Na ttonal It.r.k. nW-Pronipl attention given t th aMurlng nf Bounty, Claims, dc, and to all legal basine... March 2a, IhUT ly. WALTE R B AR RE T f ATTOHNEY AT I.AW. OfTic. on Second M., ClonrlelJ, I'a. fnov2l,6( Win. A. Wallace. J. lllake Mailer.. Win. I). Ilirler Frank Fielding WAIXACE, BIGLER & FIELDING ATTUHXKVH AT LAW, t learlirld, Pa. Legal huaineai of nil kind, promptly nnd necuralely attended to. izayl5 y th b s7j7m c cUllo ugh", ATTOUN'KY AT LAW. OSe. adjoining tha llank. form.rlv occupied by J. it. McKnally, neoond at,, Clearfield. Wlll nttnd promptly to eollaotlona, ,a1. of lands, AO. d.ol7,9J JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LA V Aud Real Katate Acut, C learfield, Pa. (ttT.r on Market etreat, opfM-aite tha jail, .fn It erpect fully offra bit aorvicea in telling and buying tan Ja fn Clearlleld and adjoin in a; eountte ; and with aa eiperienoe f over twenty year aa a turveyor, flatter himaolf that h can ronder tatiafaetiun. fcbdCK.'A.tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH. ATTOUNEV AT LAW, Irarfi. ld. I'a. Office on Market atreet one dooraaatof th Clear Said County llank. snnyl.'td John II. Urvia. C. T. Aloiander. ORVIS &, ALEXANDER, ATTOKNKYS AT LAB'. llcllclonle, I'a. scpUei-y DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, I'UYSICIAN ASD SL'ltOEOX, Rewind Street, Clearfield. Pa. -A.Having permanently located, b. now offer, his prulra.iunai services to the cttisens of Clearfield and vicinity, and the public (eueraJly. All call, promptly attended to. oct2V-y F. B. REED, M, D.f riJYSICUN AND SUUGEuX, Jftf Having rfinoved to WiUifcroncrova, Pa, oDrr hia pn tefHonal terrictt to the poopl of th turruunding eon try. jyHCT DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Late Purgeuo of th bli Heg Mem, Pennertvaaia Volunieera, having returned from tb' Army, effert fait prufeaaional rviet to lb cititena of Clearfield cenoty. '-a'rtfraaioual ealla promptly attnJd to. Ofhra on feeoond atreet, lurmcrly oeuj, ifd ly ht. Woudt. (apr4,'oo il DR. J. F, WOODS, PHYSICIAN k SURGEON. Having removed to AimmvilU, Pa., of! ere hit pr-i'i irt'iiial eemw to ttie people of that plaoe and the lurrauiiii g country. All rallr promptly atlendid tn. lre. 3 6m pd. DR. S. J. HAYES, SURGEON 2. DENTIST. OfTe oa Main ft., CarweEiilIe, Pa., "XlILL mak profeaiiooal vtaiu, fur theeoa- venience of the pullie, commencing in April, 119, a fuKovn. tu i Lutherahurg Firel Friday of rry month. Aneonri,lirt Mmday of overy month. Lumber City Firat Thuraday of ovry month. Fpendmg twe daya either plae. All ardera for work akould be praaented a th day of h t arriral at oar-h plana. Teeth eitrarted Vy the app'trattca of jopai anTi'trm roanparaiively wit boat pain. All kindi of Deutal work guaranteed. N. B. Tb pui lie will plrae nutice.that Dr. 11., when not enracrd io the above vmla, may b foand ta hia oHica, ta Cutwenavillo, I'a. Curwennville, f eb. 4, lhfitf. l-il DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. Pn. A. M. JIILLS. DealrM to inform hia patron, and th pui..ic rner-lly.lal he hai aaavciatod with bin in the praciie of Ii-atialry( s. i siiaw, p. r. s., WboU a rtuau of th Philadelphia PenUl Ciillftre. atd therefor baa the hifcheot atteeta tioai of profeMional skill. All work don in th offm I will hold myeif paraonally onii bla f.ir beinf don fa th moat aatiafacturj Bur ner and birheet order of the proreaaion. An eatabiuhed praetic of twenty twa year la thia piece enabtea an to apeak u siy patienu wi'h evnfldene. Enfarrmente from a dietane ahonlJ be wiade by letter a few dayr before th patirnt deai;n foni,1 iJun 4, ltPfi ly. MOSHAN'NON LAND & LUMBER C0 Oi-CtoLA FIKAM HULLS, nAMTArrrnr. I.UMRKR, LATH, AXI TICKETS II. II. HllU.INt,Full!l, Preeilent, Office Farrt Plai. No. l;s S. 4th St., Pliil'a. JHII. LAV) Ml K. (liiferinlendent. jcf'117 Oecenla .Mills, t'lrnrtir Id oountr, REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper H angir, ( If arflcld. I'cnn'n. 11. Will eiecute jobs in hit line promptlr nnd in a woikinanhke tnntinrr. af r..(l7 cm. cadwallTader7 CONVKTANCLH A JVSTICE OF THE TEACE l"or IWatur Tp ( IrarQrld t o. !L. Collections protnptlv ma.le and leja! instm mcnla etcciili on shortest notice. Post office a. lore.., Pbilip.nurit, Pa. maro.'A J. BLAKE WALTERS, n:lVKNt.K ANT) CXiNVEYaNCEII. Afent for the Pmrh.se and Sal. nf Landa. i Irallield, I'a. JW-Prompt alientinn plrrn to all hnslnea. eonnecled with the oaolj office.. Office with janl.'M-tf LEVI F. IRWIN, Jl'STICE OF TI1K r E A C E For Lawrcn". tomKliip. f'lrarflrld P. tl, ( Irnrfltld tw. Pi -Uohecilons and rvaaltuaree promrtlv mada je:.'.;. SURVEYOR. I " R nn.lcr.,Sneit oil, r. In, Hrrices n. a Stir- rcyor. nnd mav be tounil .1 bis rridrnca. lwrcnoi- town.ii ii Lrttere Will rtnch hira di. reeled to TVairfli'ld, Pa. ma.tj.tf. JAMKS MlTrilF.I.Tj. DAVID YOUNG, STONE-CUTTER AND MASON, P.O. not UK. ( Irarllrld. P.. J?vV"ftp-ial attention paid to Itree.inf Ftnne and fupenntrmlint Jobs. All kinds of Maeonrv dope, in the most workmanlike manner, llrdcra Milicited, and contracts taken in any part of the oounty. . jy2.tr. JAS. C. BARRETT. T U S T I C F. OK T li K T E A C E And Lieenwd Couveyaneer. I alhrrabarg, I Irarlirld rr, p, .iy"olleetior.. and remittance, promptly made, aad ail kinds of legal instrument, eleeu'eil on abort nt.ee. I tr.'(in.u DANIEL M. DOUGHERTY. EAEBEE & HAIR DRESSER, grctlMD STREET, jij5 r l. r. ar fi ei, ii, r A. ir THOMAS H. FO RC E Ei riaLtn tn GENERAL MKRCUASDISE, CRAHAMTtlX, Pa. Alao, eTteniiva manufacturer and d.alar in fqoarn Timber aad Sawed Lamharof all kinds. M-Ordan mlMhsd aad all till promptl - Uyi-iy let anBa...,,. v. a. A. aeaaati A t n a yu la. J. li.GHAIIAM&SOXS, UAHkKT PTREET, CLEA KFI KLD, Pa. TUB subscribers bavicg .ntar.d Into partner .Lip for tba porpoe of carrying on th bn.laoM of ll.rchandiainf , now nff.r A ftooil And rar opportnalty to th altUeni of Clear field and adjoining eoantle to bay itore good atwholetalt or reull prie, that will aatoniih th uninitructed. Their good will b particu larly eeieeud to toll thii markt Every lady will, thtrafor, call lh aUentlon of her IIiiKlmud To thlt faet, becan thla branch of oar botineia will reeelv tpeoial attantUn, and everything needed io a well regulated honaehold will at all ttme be found in oar stor. Oar eieek of IH CiMIM thall not b tor pa ted, itber in qual ity or pric, and will ubrae, in part, P rinta of very ityl. Gingham and Lawn of vry qntlity, Wualini of every grade, It L tinea adaptod to tht tat of tha old and young ; and very artieU of any kind of good tbey eall la Guaranteed To b aa represented, aod warranted to fir taU iefaction. At to DFIIHH C(MfH-w bar a, aplended auortment of Alpaeat, black, whit, and fn eolora; Arm o rat, Silka, and in short all th newett style in tb market. We dctiro thii fact to beoome kaowa To Every Pertoa-man, woman, ahild, phyeiciaa. n. ehaaie. farmr, lawyer, barber, woman' rigbtr matt, or any otb or man in the oonnty Young Or o'd, nca or poor, high or low, bo will favor us :ib n tail. With onr sow nnd eiicu.Ir. lock any (entliin.n can plana, th Boat fa tidioani XaiOll m ' !aa heretofore. Our peraonal revKinf ilility 1 pledged for all Iopoe.t received and bunj traa ictd. A cuntinuanoe rf the liberal pal patters, tar aott, kid rlovea or by doicr that 1 ron" of ,b bunoM men of the e-untv in. rbiri ta tetter: fir her a well flUad puma, and ah will Sod food and payiof inveitmenu in ombroiderie, adfinir. ribbona, flovea, hoaiery, or an 7 other koaa.hold aoocuitiea. And In addition I what w. hav alr.aiy annmara. td,w keep all tiadi of CENTl.EWL V H EAR neb a. Cloths, Caaalmarea, Eatin.tta, Data, Boots and Shoe, e he sides, A Aire Assortment of Made op ( I.OTIIIXG for Men and Bova, aaannfaet.r.d nt of th verj heat malarial, which w. will a.11 for nth ar (tchanf a for ooantry prodoce at pricet which will atoaieh both fcnrbaad and Wife W ara no latj.lr en f. red in hajinf nnd Hlliri t.it ABK TIMBER and ananafae tared LVMRER, nnd will (ira thia branch l bnfin.a. spesiaj attention, and mak. it an object To Every On who haa Lumbar to aril to deal witb oa, W h all alt keep ron-taatly oa hand a funeral aaenrtment of (.R(C i:RIK.4 and lURPMARi; which wewill Ml at ed injly low prieet. Wa alie keep full ataor; meatof U IXK.TAHE. Thi department oillb kept full aad aomplet, and avry Young 31 nu Or maiden wh eontemplat. honeekeepinir. will find It ndranUf eons to eoma nnd trade witk a.. vT nr an ciiuat.d. nod, front long eaperienct in th. hasia.M, .0 w.ll neqoainled witk th. want, and necessities of tki. rosasaanitj, tkat v feel fatitfied U vr.rv man nod womaa In Clenrfleld Coiiutv m.kei It a point U bav their iood.fr.ra na. wa ean pleas them both at to qnalitr and prion. Therefore, eome along and bnv your DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Qucrnsvarr, Hardware, BOOTS SHOES, HATS 4 CATS, Ready -Made Clothing, Aad everything yn need to r-ader Tours.lv m nnd familia. eomfortabla, from JAS, B GRAHAM & SONS., augutf CLEAKFIF.LP. Ta. X".";''. ' Hi. settlement or the notes aod hook accounts of Ui. ute na of Shovrerl A Urahem r K vV. Gra- hem. Tho. knowing themselree indebted to ' either are reqne.ted to jome fonrard at one and j eloar their accounts. j JAMrS P. GRAHAM A EOXS. ! Clenrteld. fAeptembar 10-tf. " ' " - - - s? j Il T - yr wmlanVr town einvrwrtlaa, I -sk 1 eswB veaarneia. Lonatjaaa aa sirabi. aad buidii.r new. Arr'v ta . . M. M. MoCTLLOrSH, Waif Asora-T at Urn, art r. ?atlrcads. r: t . I -v-V..'"-i,g OiKiiiup of tho Tyrone 4 ClearfVj Branch to ClcarSc'i. i'ortyon ratt north ofTro, OX and afler Monday, Pcl.ruary I, ((, I'aswn.cer Trams vr,ll run ejaii. ' ' huudaval helwcen Tyrone and La k ll'i,n one Passenger Train between Tvrou. ana I ' held, aa follows: l eave South. HUtluua. Luiij, J.on, P. M. .6k, " 4.15, " 4.6U, " ClearCld I'bilipsourg.... CiKola. Tyroae ll.ln, -li.ti, . Did, COSM.l 1 1OH. Pajsengcr. leaving Clearfield at 2 o'ejo-k - Phil pslmrg at J.66 p. m., Osceola at t.lj , arrive at Tyrone al 4.50 p. m., makirg contettJ with Cincinnati Kxprcaa i.asl at 11.17 p, M with Mail W est at C.t I p. ni .on M.m Lm.aj who iiaiu r.aK'e tifirtj, icaim I v rone at T tt p. tn., arriving at Hcllcfonte at B 45 p tt., at,. K ijore, ii.im o. . -v ,.. u;., cuuiiecung .i:4 Mail East on the Philadelphia and hn. h(Ad,at 11.21 p. in., arriving at Y ilhainnnort at y i. M lie turning, passengers leaving Wuluojiioet u 8.14 a. m., on ivri. Mail West, arrive at Lor, jj ven l Hill a. as., oontiecting witb bald l' . I........ I i.nL 11 .. I...., 'i1.... ... . .I, .ii. " . iv.iv a. Bn a ruing al uellclonla al ll.j. a. m., plow sag. Vliy m .. u.iu., ano iiiunrii n m tDWAltl 11. WILLIAM. Ofiieral nTiMBd,, GEOKUE t. WlLKKSif. fb4 uciii, undent- riilladelfiliia & Eric Railroad, .SUMMER TIME TABLE. Through and direct route between rbiladtV&k l, I T II I :., . f jm liliuvi v, uiiiiruuiK, ii nu ft rut port, and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAES On all igbt Train. Off and after MONDAY, NOV. r,d. n, tht traina on the Philadelphia A feti) nukii wiu iuo ai .".owf : i H mt ward. 1 Mail Train teavea Pbilndelphia. K 4i f, H. iJo do i. Mary . J.tf. p. K 1i arrtv at Erie ( N f jj Srie Exprea leave I'liledclphia 1 1 .& a. lo dw Ht. Mary a I,Kit' .Oa -Arrive at tn 10. flti.M KahlHurd, Mail Train leave Fri. ..10 $; n Io. ....... do 5t- Mary' .w f. M. le arrive at Philadelphia.. ..( 0 a M. Xri Kxpreaa leave fc rie 25 f. k, Io M....d(.....FiL Mery'a...... 1.1A M. Io .amv at Philadelphia 4 !(i t, . Mail aid Lipreea connect with Oil Cnj tn Alle-?ny hiwr it ail hnad. Iif-n?f rtttii through ALFRED L. I.Lth, General fruperintei4eat Clearfield County Bank. riMIE CleaiEeld County Hank a an ineoria. Ud icftituiun haa (tone out of eiiftetttfcr tb aurrender of iu charter, oa Mav 12, lik All it ucai i owned by tha aubacr.bert, vhe w.ll continae tb i.aitkii'g kunndr at the aaaa place, private banker, under the ftra aaaa ol th "Cie ueU tuur.tv Dank." Wearer ep naible lor the debta ul tb tal k, ani writ aj noin an arniria ai ine coatier. ieaiii revived and interet paid when Bicnry U left far 1 . f J l.a. I'.Vi.r al , m ... ... a svocuuliv oolici'd. Aa Prtaident, Cerbie ud odicerj of t. lata Clearfieid Connty Eank.w require tha note. d .aid itank to b pmuted for rademptioa. JAS. T. lUiSABD, F.ICHARfl FHAW, WM. I'OHTEK. JA8. B. tiRAUAK, A. K. WltliiliT. tt. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACE. Tba hn.in.e. f th. Bank will b eondneted kj Job kl. Adams., Esq., as Caabior. ,iaB!a,'s J. D. M tlirk. LJward Peril. b ak mg & collection eouse McGirk &. perks Eurceffrore to Foatcr, Perk, A Co Ptililpaburi;, Centre Cooautj, Pt. YIIir.KE all the Luainrn of B-nkinf 11 wa 1 V will be trantacted pmmptjy acd apt tha moet favorable ttnua aiarT-tf County National Bank. CLIAItrir-LP, TA. TBI3 Bark t now open and readv for best. n.s.. Othe. on 8eron d etreet. tn tbe haild. ic formerly occupied bv Leonard, ( inaej A C. Marrrna. aan ornrs.na. JAS. B. GRAHAM, KH'HAKD FHAW, W.M. A. W ALLACE, W M. PoKTKH, A. K. KItiUT, tiEO. U. KhKD. 0. W. MonRB, JA3. T. LEONARD. jn;S,'n Cabi.r. Prexdeat jLlliSffUanfous. BOOTH S IMPROVED STUMP EXTRACTOR. MEp SRS. ItOOTH A TElalBArOER. ta roprietnre of th Ivrroved Stamp Ei- traemr, with il divtiDrttv aodertiood tbat thm warrant lb ia marfc:&e to dc juat what it it retwa. ttoaded exeel'ir; oibr etomp anarbiae by bfing eottftmr4d oa true f biloeofibirtl phac. . lee. It wul eitrart tbe larreet pine eluma. vaa fteed It above pcrooad fsr-rmittinp th eot, ta tall bark ia tbe b-e and will ralj then a fait a tea men ran dig tb dirt frora th roots after eitrartrd. It wul wall iwirc to tbe eite of tb tniB)i) tn m tuny to cd bnudred pr dev. It ill eiiber 'ara tbera over, or eurpecd tbta ta be rmiM P. a desired. In Hmnnctore baild tbe titrartor, deliver It. aad tert it aa tbe farm of the pnrrbaer ; and if it dote aot reader enaf.lfte att :artu n, acJ do jurt ai rteeoiBrftd ed. they ill t ke it and raare;e e.-thirg f'r tbeir tmable. 1'rire cf .Varblne, l0 W. Towaehip atd eoanrvri.bte lor ami. Wt bar aa travehrr aret.t. Adrea lii'UTII d Rl MbAROFR. Jefrreoa Lice P. 0.. Clerald Co Ta MIRTH ICAll vT, tb aadcrtirnf d, ba witarwfd tb trial of T. J. ho"'L loit rved Mawp Kitraetor on tti Ura of R. II. Aloore. aar LaLhrtorr. on batarday and Monday, tba Ttb aad tib ef November, take plrasur ta Titi(t ta tb pub lie, tbt w beiiere it to be lb h(Nt aaarkiD wow ta are fur extract ctuirp. It ,( ,afi eB(trurti(ta. eaeiiy manafed. not habl ta fret oat of order, and very durable. Frur bb took tbe wiarbice frcn tl. vi.'iii, wbea entire. apart, put it tocetber. aad pullrd larjre pie etanip in lm tban one bur. V aw lac ea I-bJI a lerpe etunipwitb ean. Thry bee a bore, but be dor bit work ia Uku g out lb litffH etuwipa. wiibuul a bard uii. Mr. iVcth, tb ratfBTpe. fi lly np-lrrfta'i it pwt or Bp ard bandlinff tbe machine. Mwau'd adviit iare ia want uf Hump extractor to eee tbi one tested t-cfi.re p'irchair.jt elvcwbrre, wbirh t-y raa do frre of rbarf by ralltrtr oa tbe P'opriftor. J. C. Harreti, J. Vt. h-rivard, h V pacliaa, J bn Ni.lder, Ji iiB K-rk, J W. taha(aa, K. H. Vnora, .V W. M a la-e, W.R.Aietanler. t.eo. liilter, 'lB 1 , rk, A Trrlrw Vi iI.jB, S. J. Hnrn, Vrn K l'T.n, K.J. Kirk. J Moore, I.. It. t'arhle, Qeo. Vt' a 0. l-evrr Flepal, Tred k Smiley, novlk If Yrit k XT o (iif n" l IMMwHl PTt A. Thu it notice, that or- tli 1st duv of Jatua a Warren io rarfkmnvi a ievd acaii--l the rn'Bt i.rPTAC H. 1"H0M ( Si'.N. of ClcaTflc!., Itniice. in Hi- enynty ot I'loarftrU. and Mate of IVfin- h ama. wlio ha heoa huUcfd a bankrupt na hif own rtitin; that tbe ( aiuifnt of any d te ar,.I delnrrv of anv pnnorv bcioaff- ii. t to auob bkmpt, to Inra or tor bia aee, ai d ihe tranF'trnl ary pmpeny by h.rn. ar forointlea by law j that a aicetiug of tbe ereJitor of tbe aid IWknip!, o proie tiicir drM. and to eboe one r more Apipnc of hil e'atr, will be betd at a Curt of flankru) try to t ho) i- e at the ofbr of the KrfriMcr. oa t: e ;h dar of .Marrb. A. U lM9f at 10 o clock. A V 1 il"VA A. ROWLEY. I. 8. Marahal. ae Mfsernrf By 0. P. Path, lpt. I. s. W ar bai. iai.2. it Democralic Almanac, I1'!! ln.alual.le rnit.'iraunn is for wle at tha t r' Ii ah.wld he in the heeds of every I'emocral. It eontairs full elecimn retom. from 'TtTT county in the I aited Pufee ; heetilea. th namKer for lHf eont.ina n cowr1' list f lh nameeolallihenc.picr.si!r.ire.sedanlmet-hed dunnj Linooln't adcnini.traiinn and thai for lr I eontaint tbe raters of all tnoee ai.niao. - - in.,,;. - - ar.n ik, ean M-v-a. ihe a list's, lor fntnr. referrnca. are worth mora than j the pric of the r nblicatioa. Ik. nnmbet for l6l wa.se mil of valuable atetwio. Mnjmmmm.i M oaau n tb roat Alaatar. ramu bj raoua maij a erT fw m-k vwar, fro of fo"v)- tMf