jl u n r. l .Bl.,iIM. ni.M, i.r . tt r-r-. n ; ri-iin-i.tr-T-rr- - J -.wr-m-ii r ni;-'i''P" ''"WijWflFWft! WWWHi-TiWWW -K.1! l"WM She gcpubltcan. -Oil su.aJ (iKOROI 1). U0Ollt.ANPt.il, Killtor. CLEAKFIKI.D, Ta. THVRSOAT MORNINU. FKHRUARY II.IM. Hpn. John C. BrecUinridge arrived in Bultiraore on Sntnrciny. The romaini of Mri. Siirratt have boon delivered to Annie Surratt ami her brother Isaac, .by order of the President. The Heading Daily Times present the name of lion. Richard Vanx as its choice aa the next Democratic can dicato for Governor. Among tho many able jurists named in connection with tho nomination of a Democratic candidate for Judge of the 6upremo Court, the Erio Observer adds the Uoo. Hassclas Brown, of Warron. Tmt Banker or tub Soctu ThU is tho title of a first elac a journal, pub Jished by Messrs. L. T. Blomo & Co., at Augusta, Georgia It is edited by Eov. A. J. Ryan, who will no doubt be recollected by many of our roaders as a warm advocate of the Confederacy during the progress of the "irrepressi ble, conflict." 2Ir. Pyan is ardently devoted to his soction, and wields a scathing pen in furor of the past, present and future of tho South. Any one can receive a s.implo copy by sending their name and postofTlcc address to the publishers. The sub scription price is S3 per annum. That Ball. Tho loyul ball that was to havo been in the rotunda of tho cnpitol on tho day of Gen. Grant's inauguration, it seems now was not ,:blowed op" by the religious wing of that party, as tho public, was at first led to believe. The real cause of its postponement was, tint thcgcntlcman from Africa and his sweet-scented lady wanted to dance too. To this some of the"while trash" objected, whereupon Sambo turned around and "blowcd up" the bull. Tho "culled cuss from Africa" thinks if he is intelligent enough to "woto," ho can dance' Go in, Sambo 1 give 'cm fits. Tbuth. The Radical leaders, liko "Old Nick," sometimes tell tho truth. An accident of this kind happened in fie Rump Congress last week. Gen. GrSeld, Chairman of the Military Committee, Mated in a speech that tho agents of tho Indian Bureau were stealing money enough from the Traasury annually to pay tho national debt in ten years. This mild impeach ment brought a counter chargo from Mr. Windom, Chairman of tho Com mittee on Indian A flair, who stated that Garfield and his military satraps fcad stolen more from the Treasury annually than tho whole Indian Bu reau cost the Government. Wc bclievo those two captains of "loilty and nior- ality" tell the truth; but will their deluded camp followers beliove it and turn them out? Vno Run tub Radical Party. Galusha A. Grow, Chairman of their Stato Committee j John Y. Geary, Governor; Benj. II. Brewstor, Attor ney General ; Wien Forney, Stato Librarian; Simon Cameron and John Scott, U. S. Senators ; Glenni W. Sco fiold, (our SI. C.,) Kelly, Cake, Slor cur, Pucker, Cessna, Gilfillan, Phelps, etc.; John W. Forney, (with "my two papers, both daily.") Thcso men were all ezpellod from the Democratic party of this Stato for their notorious corrupt practices ; and they nro just now vindicating their principles at Ilanisburg and Washington. Xot a decent old Whig is to-day found ol the Lead of tho opposition party in this State, because nearly all such belong to the Democratic party, from tho fuct that they could not asxociute with or tolerate tho outrages practiced by this hordo of corrupt renegades. What wo find in Pennsylvania, exitts in the other States. Tho people aro in tho hands ol the corrupter;, villains that ever disgraced a Stale. Still Xothi CuAiiAcreits. Pr Blaisdell and John J. Eckel, of Xew York, wcro last week sentenced each to three years in tho Albany Peniten tiary for defrauding the Government These two men were among the lead ing spirits in the Burdcll Cuncingham murder, in that city, which attracted so much attention twelve years ago. Blaisdell, then in the practice of his profession, vms one of tho many sus petted; and bis surgical knowledge was adduced to account for the scien tific precision with which the wonnds wore inflicted upon tho body of the mnrdercd man. Nothing tangible was traced to him ; neither did he ...h.o very clear indication. Etkel then a'mo(,t rt,,clablo citizen," dealer in hides and tat, or something of that sort-boarded with Mrs. Cun milium, and was "spooney" towards the dangerous widow, or one of her fascinating daughter,. H0 ws for tomo time held -uadrr observation," in anticipation of proof that might fasten him as an accessory. The con junction of thcso two names in that Kry of crime, and their joint condem nation lor a penal offence now, at a period so comparatively remote, fur tiisb mutter for speculation upon tho unwritten mysteries t.r their lives. Those who have good memories, will remember the portraitures of Blaisdell nnd Eckel, as they appeared in the illustrated pnptro of the period. irrreiwe' 04 tht IVpwi I ftwr. This political harlot ami km i.l still rxinlltinr to st 111 i -1 hi neighbor and friends alike 1,'ke tlm troubled wean, he constantly keeps casting up mire nnd dn I We oWrvo by the lust n tint .h ol tho tourmtf, that ho has again taken tho liberty of ventilating a car(ro ol his spleen ngninst his nvlghbors. Old dead issues must bo revived to crtver up present iniquities. The domestic pence must bo disturbed, in order to cover up public wrongH. Thus the Court IIouso question bns been revived nnd made tho pretext for two specific purposes, plainly visi ble in the articlo alluded to. The first is to provent Hoil" eyes nnd ears trom seeing and hearing the wrongs perpe trated upou the people by Swoopo's partisans at Washington uud Ilarris burg ; and tho second is to assail, slander nnd vilify Mr. Thorn nnd Sen ator Wallace nnd his friends. We shall only refer to tho former, being well aware that tbo luttcr are nblo to take care of themselves. Private grievances and imaginary wrongs must flow through somo other chan nel than our editorials. It is sheer nonsense to talk about nnd revivo the Court House question to-duy. The liability of any ono and nil with refer ence to its erection ban lung ainoo passed away, and, as intimated above, no public wrong, but private malice alone, troubles tho waters now. It would bo well for Mr. Svroope to im pulo himself within his own legitimate bounds ; and if ho or bis friends do not keep him within this sphere, oth ers will. Tho rod is rained to scourge him, and nothing but bis decent bo havior will stay it. Tho continued wholesale abuse of his superiors is an infliction that will not ho endured much longer by this community. His past and continued tirades against private individuals 1s on outrage, and must cease or with him rests the responsibility. The twuddlo about tho Court House is mere nonsense. Tho justness of Mr. Thorn's claim seems to be admit ted by Swoopo himself, because bo, nnd a largo number of his friends, signed the petition, and no partisan question was attempted by any one. Legal iKTriiEbr. Tho Board of Trudo of the City of Philadelphia e. poet to urgo tho paisngo of a bill, dur ing the present session ol the l.ogisln. luro, increasing tho rale to 7 percent This strikes us as a move in the right direction. So long us tho rate in this Sluto remains ut 6 per cent., while cw tork ana imv Jersey linve by law fixed it at 7 yer cent., we cannot expect surplus capitul seeking invest ment hero. As it now stand .New York and New Jersey nro reuping the benefit of our capital whilo wo aro suffering from the want of it. True, our rule is but six per cent, and the borrower is beuofited to that extent, but how many borrowers aro accommodated at this rntc, and how many pay a much higher rate T la it not probable that by iiiCTcattinir the rato in this Stute to 7 per cent, all of tli capitul now seeking investment in other States, because of the additional ono per cent., would bo employed here, und if so, would not the demand bo lessoned, and in proportion to tho lessening of tho demand the rate of interest decrease : borrowers would find less dilllculty in obtiiininir loans. and lenders benefited bv hnvinir a home investment. A law thus mutu ally beneficial is certainly one that should receive general approval. A I'nom.EM for Pennsylvania Sol K1ER8. A tublo has been prepared by Hon. II. D. Washburn, member of Congress from Indiana, showing tlio number of additional bounty cluims which have been paid and rejected up to the end of lust year. From this ta blo it appears that Maine has bnd 53, 200 of these claims paid, New York 45,031, and Pennsylvania!! 1,555. The dispnrity between the nnmberof addi tional bounties allowed to Pennsylva nia and Maine, is striking indeed. Our State furnished nt least tivo times as mar.y troops during tho recent war as Muine, and yet comes in for but a lilllo more than one-half tho number of additional bounties paid tho latter state. lint n the reason ot this ine quality f New York, too, although she furnished six times as many troops as Maine, gels somo ciglit thousand loss additional bounties. Is it becauso Muino is a radical Yankee State, or becauso old ressonden controlled mat ters in the departments at Washing ton, that this remaikuhle disparity exists! We hope our soldier friends throughout the State, will be able to solve ihe problem. Perhaps some of tlio luiaical politicians who profess to bo their special friends, cun give them a cluo to this riddle. New PAS?ENdt;n Cars. The Penn sylvania ruilroad company are about introducing new and improved passen ger coaches on the through trnins between Pittsburg and tbo cast. Twenty-four of thcso are being con structed nt Altoona. Tho principal improvement consists in the heating arrangement Ihcre are two stoves or beaters hung under the floor of tho car, one nt each sido, from which pipes are extended along tbo inside, at tho anglo formed by tho floor and tho side of the car. Thcso pipes nro enclosed with a register to permit tho csciiih) of tho beat, which is thus cvonly dis- inmiicu at mo uoitom ot tlio car. The pipes extend tho whole length of the car, nno tno lieul nrst strikes about the feet, where it is usually most needed. Tho tetnperaturo of tho car can bo kept much mora regular by this system of beating than by the ordinary Blovca, which nro placed nt tho doors, and usually kept so hot thut no person cun be near them and be conilortiihle. Another great ad unntngo cluimed for this improvement is that in rase of a smash-up the stove will readily become detached Iromthe car, and thus prevent a conflagration. The Governor and Legislators of Nevada are at loggerhouds. The Gov ornur vetoed tlio Legislature found bill. The Scnute unanimously passed tho bill over the veto, and therti whs only one dissenting voto in the House Tho Governor and Attorney General procured an order from the Court, restraining the Comptroller from pay ing warrants. TheUovoruor islhreat cned with impeachment lor abuse of the veto powore. Tttr 1HI ftrrrlrr Kllf. llmt (J. W, Woodward's admirable speech agnintt tlio civil service bill Is a complete demolition "I that mouio lis supposed nii-rit, a "iiinM'tiiiv amiiintmn of npplii'nnla," is shown to bo no remedy null for the evilsof our day Tli tuples Incidents! to the sub ject wore trcaled tit a very eloquent wny by Air. Woodward. A lew ex. tracts mny nivo somo idea of his spoech i Hut tho honnrublo gentleman from Rhode Inland, shocked by the uupural leled corruption thill bus crept into our civil service In the lasl eight years exclaims, "What is to bo done 1"' Like no honest man and truo patriot ho looks ut tho ghnslly condition ol public aH'iiirs, anil cries out in agony of soul, "Who shall deliver us lioin tho body of this death V llo has told us on this floor what ho said in his No York lecture, thul ono bundled mil lions of iho peoples's revonuos aro an nually diverted into tho pockets of iriiudulmil oflicors und thoir conleder atos. Think of it, one hundred mil lions n year I If this wcro collected it would pay tho national debt within tho time in which it is payable. And tho people who uro thus robbed pay over thirty millions a year to support sixty thousand oluco-liolucrs, umong whom tho robbers are to bo looked lor. What proportion of tho thirty millions goes to tho robbers and how much to honest and faithful oflicors, 1 havo no means of determining, and tho honor ubli gentleman bus not found out. but the ense is bad enough nspresout d. A the gentleman has said, the payments to iho civil servico aro not niggardly. They are larger than thoso paid in Franco or Germany, or, except to the higher offices, in Kngland. Observe tbo gentleman from Rhode Islund cannot complain ot a want ot skill in these oflieiuls, but only a lack ot honesty. Inlo there uie many conuciculious men among them, there are dexterous rogues, generally exces sively loyul, who could puss any com pclilivc examination you will he likely to institute, but who are destitute ol that common honesty which it is no credit to possess but a great disgrace 10 luck. Vt ill your competitive exunu nation keep such fellows out of tho civil service 1 Will your bonid descend into tho hearts of tho competitors and so try the reins of men us to decide who cun and who cannot resist the fascination of the whisky ring?- What the gentleman from Rhode Island is alter is an honest man. Sir, if I believed tho gentleman's bill would takeout of the civil service Iho Joseph Surfaces, the sleek hypo- crites w hose mouths aro ever full of glor.ing speeches and moral sentiments and frothy prolessions ol loyalty, and in their stead would inlroduco men of the hardy, homely honesty of the olden tune, 1 would support it with all my might. Ay, I would go w ith him who would go to the furthest to effect such a reform. For, question less, the great want of our ti mo is honest men. Merchants and bankers msnulacturers nnd corporations, can find plenty of competent clerks with out an exponsivo board of examiners So tan tho government. But honest men, men who uro in the secret reces ses of the ofllciul closet just what they appear to be in public, men who un consciously exact their manhood by cultivating rcvorenco and humility, who habitually render unto Cajsar the things that are Cnjur', and unto God tho ihiflgs that aro God's, men who would feel a stain more keenly than a wouna men ol tins stump nnd typo aius, aius, now rare tiiey aro i it we had an Aristides "tho just'' in our rev enue service, 1 fcar'wo should imitate tho Athenians and banish him. The noblo Thebun, Fpuminondas lived a life of purity in tho midst of tempt a tions, and it is said never told a lie oven in jest. All down the track of time such occasional instances of in flexible honesty ure to bo seen, like ligiit-liousos along a barren mid dreary coait.and our own history is resplend ent with mimes thut were not born to. dio. tint in tho times upon winch wo nave lallen virtuous examples com round no respect. We nro a fast peo ple. Wo boast of progress. Nothing out steam and lightning can servo us. Tho ulmigbty dollar is the god of our luoiutry, and though wo set up us many lesser deities as wero over found in tlio Pantheon, the supremest devo tion of too many officeholders is to that wonder-working deity who can make a modernto olliciiil sulnry issuo in a few years into a princely forluuo. And as a token of our cxtroino degra dation it is worth noticing tiintwo no longer fashion our idol out of gold und silver, but form him out of nasty rags ; and whoever heard, lately, the gentle man trom Massachusetts (Mr. Butler) und tho gentleman from Ohio, (Mr. Cary,) will bear mo witness there are not wanting priests on this floor to raiso the shameful cry, "Thcso bo our gods." Wby,sir, in Democratic time, when theGovernmcnt collected nnd disburs ed only from sixty to ninety millions of revenuo, we bad no such scandalous exhibitions ol oflicial corruption as the honorable gentleman bus now pressed upon our attention. Uceusionul delin quencies undoubtedly occurred, and are always to bo looked for in widely extended operations whore great num bers of ngonls aro necessarily employ ed, but they wero not so frequent or gross as materially to ntloct tlio rev enues of our general character. But with tho accession of tho Republican party enmo disunion and war and debt and a redundant paper currency, unu wiin inese "iin our woes. To bo more specific when the gov ernment issues promises to pay money which it does not mean to pay, how can it expect its citizens to lie any more honesi, and sincere thun itself? When tho government wastes in rail road subsidies, army supplies and Frecdmcn's Bureaus millions of the people's money, how natural that dis honest officers should say : "This money, whioh is to bo waoled if It reaches the treasury, may as well bo kept by ns ns to be given to jobbers and fuvorites." And when tho manu facturers of whisky and tobacco see the government singling out their occupations for excessive taxation. thereby charging an undue shuro of tho public debt upon them, what is mora natural than that they should buy up your inspectors and cheat your detectives if they cun f Pro tective duties tempt to smuggling, fulso invoices, and all manner of frauds. Excessive taxes uncannily imposed provoke retaliation, l'rodi gal squandering of our revenues upon pet schemes of legislation, instead of a faithful application of them to our naliotial debt, invites and encourages inal version and peculation. And thus it comes to pass that our own legislation makes roguos to cheat usoulol lW,UUU,lHJUa year. Lctnot honorable gentlemen lay the fUllcrinit unction to their souls that the com pe- lllivs examination ol applicant for ofllro will remedy this evil. It Is too deep seated flir any nrh noslruin to irai h. It hits si i ink down to tlir roots of our sixiiil life. In destroying the stainlHiil of valors o Imve tinsel tied Ihe fniiinluiioti of public morals. If wo would reform nhiiM lot us relorm our legislation l't us gel buck to tho one only sliindiiid of vul ues tbo world knows. Let us make our mpor pioniinoA mean what they say. Let us imposo tnxes by some rule of uniformity, instead of punish ing follow-eilir.eiis who choose one branch of industry Instead of another. Let us have a revenue la rill' with inci dental protection, instead of a tflrilt for tho protection of select classes nt tho expense ol all consumers Let us stop subsidies, retrench cxpensns, and begin to pay our debts. Let us do these things, sir, and you shall see the tone of public morals instunlly im proved. You shall seo thut honest men can tiien be found even with our present modes of selection, to collect our revenues and execute our laws. Tbo Now York .Nin lets d very black cat out of tho Mongrel bag Jt shows thai one in ember, who promised to givo Morgan his voto for Senotor for 82,000, allorwnrds voted for Fen ton for S5.IKI0. Tho Sun gives the names of fifteen Mongrel, scoundrels in the Legislature who were pledged to voto for Morgan, but were bought off for Kenton. Tho Springfield Re publican cnlls upon the Senate to refuse to admit Fent iii to his seat until an investigation has boon made. The Republican is green to suppose thut the rascality it refers to will hurt Fen ton with tho U. S. Senate. The big ger rascnl ho is tlio better they will like him. The nil nbsorbi ng question, "Is thoro to bo an inauguration ball!"' is not yot decided. Tlio hitch in tho ar rangements scorns to be tho admission of tho colored brethren and sisters, who, of course, want to "trip it on the light funtuslic too" with their white associates Jenkins says tho "upper ton" revolt against tho introduction of the duBky material into the festivi ties of the occasion, and, consequently thcro is a dead lock in tho arrange ments. Which party owns Hon. M. H. Car penter, of Wisconsin, lutcly elected to the United Mutes Senate, is a matter of inquiry at tho present time. The friends of Mr. Wnshburne huve issued a pronunciumenlo in which they say it is egregiously uncertain which par ty has gained a victory in his election, 'f ho Milwatilcoc Aim says tho animos ity of tho extreme Radicals toward Carpenter is "hitter and permanent." The "loyal" Legislature ol Tennes see bus proclaimed martial law in that happy kingdom of Brownlow und the devil. If the people were f masse to proclaim a trjehnine. law against the whole infernal crew of senlnwngs and c.irpetbai.'gers, ns so many mad dogs, it would meet tho approval of all patriots, and all truo Christians throughout tho world. Sntorrlffl. At lite rfii.lrnpc gf the bridc'i father, in Pike tnvmhip, on Ihe lilt of I'VUusrj, 1S0V. hjt II. J. SLoprr, Kft., Mr. WIM'IELU 8. LTHUY to MuiMAKY A. f-TAH tl j all of Tike lvnhip, riretftcht ctmutv. Pa. Qtw ilwtlsrinnitjs. VI 111 IOHX KOTICI' In Ihe final u. oouut of John Illonm and Jautra A. HImud, vatK-utnre ot Inaae Dlootn. rieoeait.it, Ihe auditor appointed to rt-port on anid aienant end eioep. hum, will hear the him al hie office in Clearfield, on SahtnliiT, Marvh nth. tsSK, at 1 I1. M. Mill 31 pd. INHAEL TKST, Anditor. CI A I TlO j.AII ji-rw. ai her' y cautioned J ((inut puretiimnx or in anj way mrddling with the fallowing ntrwnal tn-oprrtr, now in lh pnMrapiiiD of Urorffe W. Nah. l livjif townbip, tiit tix b n't and haruef-. (wo wafroni, two 'win llotlF, chain, inrrada, grmht, and eantbofk. Ihrea brdi and cxliin)r ttuv. at taid property telonrt to air, mod ii subjett (o my ordrr. ttbll-3t pi. U. W. eill Id MEL. Cl ALIlOMteMAIt pTfntare brrflif cauitonrd J Ftaint purchMinft or in atir waj mcddlinj wnb tb folluwint nrtpertr, via : On bum.... one ink, one iron kfitlr, tnr Mt of chairs, lot of diah rn. M of prnrkrrywtrf, thrw pair of brdatvda and Bre leetiii. k. with rlnthn for tlia aama, nn Id thf p(pMiiii of Kit Ft, of Brady tnwnnhip, aa tbt aine wrrr nurrbaard bv tne at eonitahle tale. and are I ft with him oft loan. frblLSipd. Jul IN llEHKRUNl). M ( OtRTOK COMMIT n.KAM of Claarflald Bounty, Pa. v. Van. ex.. No. Jan. T. I8A9. flmaoR llAfir.RTr.j Tb uniff-raifinrd, appointed lo diftrihute the money ari'inn Iroia the aal of dertrndant't mil rfitatt, will attmd In th aarue at Itia office, in Clrarflelil, on the 27 lh tf r rlirunrr. at t P. M. Mll Si pd. ISUAEL TEfiT, Auditor. r. Tin: DiniK T ci;ht of tiik SiTKIi MA IKS far the Weatcrn Iiatncl uf PrnnavKania. Kiifi vrr M cM aitkr!, ft lUnkruiit under tbt Ant of t'ofigrc-a of AUrrh 2d, li", bavins applied far a ilietb irre fminnll htpdcl ta, andoibardalma provable wmirr an id Art, By order of the Court, notine ia hereby riven, to all porvona who have proved their d-lU, and other pereona inlerrated, to appear on Ihe Sib day of Xlarch. lsr.9, at 10 o'cl'Kk, A. W,. Wfnre S. K. Woodruff, Knq., Rej? iater in Bankruptcy, at hie office, in Pbilipuburg. to allow cauae, if anr thir have, whr a Iha- rharre thould not be granted to the aaid Bank rupt. Anfl furtliir, nutice ia hcrehr (tivea, that the Heti.nd and Third Meeting of Creditora of the aaid Bankrupt, mguired by l he tUh and iMh Sectiti of aaid Aol, will be held before tbt aaid ItrgiHrr, al tli aame time and place. Mtll-JL r. v. iMi ui,r,j., iicri. C.I,M W MI l FOR BKCKKTS OK Til K UKEAT ClTY-a work doarrlntlre of I to irtuei and the irea, Iho Myateriei, Mia. eriea and oHiaee of New York City. If you Uh to know how Fortune! ara made and lat tn a day; how hred Menaromlned In Wallalreet; how Countrymen are swindled by 8harriere ; bow Miniatera and Marehanta ara Ularkmailed how Danro Delia and Concert 8a toon a aro man aged; bow (iamblinit Ilouae and Lotteries aro eundueied ; how 8tu lt and Oil Conpanies ortfc in ate and how the nubbles Ho rat , read this work. It rr.nU ins 3 fine ergraina ( telle all lboiit the Mileiiea atid Criaies af New York, and la the hpieiest atd Cheapest work of tbo kind published. PhlCB ONLY lKR COrY T'eiid for Clrrolars and sea oar terras, nod a full description of the work. A ddreaa, JONH8 UKO'IHKHK A CO, rbiladelf hia. Fa. CAVTION. Jnferinrw rki of a similar char aftr are heinir t irralaUd. See that the bonke ron buyeontala b Ins aograelngs and sell at $2 .'0 per oopy. f bl I Jl To Wagonmakere. flHB aareerilrT la detirooa of ronneellna; with X bit fmith ihp a firat-eluss ea.m, Sleigh aiid S It il etalhl mrtit. A pond (pptirluoily is offered tf a wa.rnnTnt.Vrr wlfhins; to t;n Into 1-uai-aeaa. The suherhlier en aUn lurnitb U appli oanl a mm I or table dwelling hmiee i near the nhon) ifdraired. 11 K N R V KKHN'H. CurwenariMe, Feb. 11, lf. A 7. it it i: j;. ceartTii4T inmoo. for the laundry. It la warranted not to streak, or In any ban ner Injure the flneet fabrics FO rAMUsV X'Hf snld in FIVE oeota, TK.H eeau. and T KNTY eeota buiee. Kaeh TWENTY eel a boa. be-ldee having Ira tinea as aaueh blue aa tba FIVE eente box. contain a porket pia euelitoa or amory bsf. Fir Hotel and large Laandry nea. It Is pat np tn $2 9o bnxat. I ee thai aab ltoa has proper Trarto Mark. For sale bv febll in H AR WICK sr IRWI. SHI SUV 9 J HAMKh.-Th kigheat market prloa ill be paid for Nr.. 1 l.ON'ij PiltM.LE6,F J- P- KHAT7.KR 0PFtiWttldil fliir MmtlsrmniK Dlacksmith Stand for Sale It Ol.l N IK i I K toVI1li1 ..r l t.oTs. a l eiT frsmr V PVt H MM It"! M inoenlvfillSniOud I I I. At kSMI I II Sllol'. H MO.K.at.d oil"' ' ' building. A.It (in III tirl In Mil I Jin W M S. WIUllllT. SHRINCR'S win cum ... arthv a, mmNcmTn. ni.oon m-IITIX., lHrHMMY OF H ItKATII INfl I'AlM nil WKAKNMM IN T1IK K' h f, THnl HI. KH iM (iiU.HI.S.J AT NKillT, Ar It will elVrUmiy tr mot th ruj:h lir)tiritl.T L"llni Mr !, Mul ty ftlWUnM of i Rr,,'nrl' ,' no naiur f hmw ton Mamllnc, r wlnU-vtr lli tr'if tin- fierwiii It iru aa M RuTiriv, ( purely vrtrrtahlr nntl it t1rnM to Uit) UiU, It 0tI t fouUiinit. Ilivinu tW of tti faugh, fxrlllLMtintT riTwarUwa,tlUicUD Uw intw tuul caMlliatiug Utc Um. Mothers, Save Your Children I Ho elilM ne-d die of Cltnrr If OI Irnip ! "4 in ttme: (A.f ii a fttrt drmrmttratnt 1,f ttjirrtttirr. No family '.ntiltl Ixi wlUi'Mtl tt.i Srmp. a, ('ml Itt'i! dlwi.r, ('KOI r.et.mt-i like a U.M In 0 niirM, t'i ru-al nwer ymir litUe euca, when rriuler uve'icel aid cauaoi be obtain.!. Vrtpartd ml by DAVID E. FOCT7., BaUimurt, MU. Yot aale kj Ilarliwiek 1 Irwin. Clearfield, and br dr-iCRiele Slid storekeeper! luroufrliout tho lolled but... I lei. 1 1 ljr THE GREAT ZINCARI BITTERS. A ufo Blood Ptirifltr. tpUodld Toole, ft plefti ' Mt BtTtrtigo. a crUlD euro and Preventive of Diseases. rpilK 7.INGAI1I HITTERS are eomponnded JL from a prorrriptioo f the celebrated tigvp liao physician, Dh Cnroesut, who, after years of trie) and experiment, dieeorered the Zineari Uerh the snort remarkable pruduetlon, Ihe earth, perhaps, has eeai yielded eertaioly the most effjjtire In the eure of disease. Jt, in combination with the other valuable properties ot waicn toe lihuahi lilli tils Is composed will eure Pyspepsia, Feeer and Arue, Billions Perer, bboue, colds, llrnctntis, Consumption ta in Brit staga. Flatulency, Ner vous Debility, Female Com plaints, Kheumntism, llesoatery. Acute and Chronic Diarrh..-a, Cholera Slorbus, unoiera, lyynold nod Typhus rarer, Yellow Freer, bcroftila, Disoa, 1 set of lb e Kidneys, liabitoal Cos tiveness. In the Prerentlon nnd Cur of Ihe shore dis eases, it nas nerer been known to fail, as tboa inds of ur most prominent cilisens throuehoul all parts of the country, will testify. Let Ihe amieted send fur oiteular eonuiuiog iestituoni als and eeitilratee ol those who hare been cured alter tbi 'r eases bare been pronounced hopeless 7 uer Dtn pnysittans. Principal Depot, F. RiHTER ef CO., ho. X, Front St., s-blladelpoia. Recommended by . Ei Uor. Darid R. Porter, of Penniyltinlat lion. Rohan J. Fisher, " ' linn. Kdward McPLereoa, " " ll'n. J,m1 II. Itsnner, Hon. Win. IsVSberry, u " and others. ;-bnd fur Circulars. feklt-ly. rpHY TIIU PAT1.XT ROASTI I) rnv. X. FEK, put op in on pound paper, requires g or utoer suociance to set'le It. Old Uoeerament Java Coflse. Prima Kio f.'olTea. Pure Uround Cofst. For sale by J. f. KRATZKR. KDWAUD TEUKS & CO., Flour IniuifuctiircrN, And-Dealers la GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, PHIMPSBURO, VA. VTVhh PrPPLY of tLQVK, WHEAT, CORN ftnd CHUP m.oiitnt.r ob hml, and lur rlc at rt-i rctnurk tit.lj Ivw. Ifebi-tf mSYLVAMA RAILROAD. ...vu.j Opening of the Tyrone & Clearfield Branch to Clearfield. OV and aRer Monday, February I, 1!, two Passeneer Train, will run daily (eicept Sum's,,) between Tyrone and Lock llaren. and one I'sxrnrrr Train uelweea Tyrone and Clcar fleH, as follows: Leave Houlb. Slallona. l-eave North. t.m, p. M. a.js, .i. " 4.4k, " Cleardeld , Pbilip.burs;...... Oseeula.M Tvroie IM, ll.lli, li'.t.l, P. M. Cossr.CTioti. Psstenjrers learinit Clearfield at i o'elftek , p.m., Pbil pshurii at p n Oeeeola at 4.14 p. arrive at 1 vrotie al 4.60 p. m.t making oonneetion with I'ineinnatl Kiprrrs fiaet at 6. IT n, n.., and with Mail West al 0.41 p. n ,on Uaia Ltnei also with Held l-Iae-le Kxprrss, leaving Tjrotte at 7.00 p. m., arrivitie at llellrfonle at S.4i p m., and al l.nek Itsven at 1..'!0 p. m.t eonneetitig with Erie Wail tsrt on the rniladMlita and hne Koad. at 11.21 p. m.,arrtf ine; al Williamspoii at 12.40a.m. Ileluminr. piwrnfri leavina Wilhanisnort at 9.14 a. tn., on trie Mail West, arrive at Lock Ha ven at t il a. m., eonneeting with Held Kagie r. X,ress iravine, l.ock llaven at lo.sn a. mine; at Hellrlunla at 11.44 a. la., 8now Shoe uty at 4.S4 p. in., and Tvrone at 1 .20 p. re. LliW.Utll 11. Wll.LIAMH Oenernl Htiprnntf ndent. OEOHtlK C WILKiN.s, LSupeiinteodent. House & Lot for Sale or Rent. 'PUK nDdraigned now offers fur aale. or rent a X H"l r. and LOT, adjoining the Tillage of i.uiner'riurg. i ne nnuec is new and well nmaltrit, II by S2, with kitchen 12 by 14, and atable, to gether with three and a half arrs of ground and spring of water. This Is an eteellent location for a ten ni), blackrmith, eabtnet-maker or oarfen trr ehp. The properly will be sold ebeap and on ra" terms. For farther particulars, eiamine the prewisos or addreaa the suhaeritier. A . , , A . K. K. ARNOLD. lulhertkburg, Jan. SI, 1IC9 3ro. AlMIMSTR ATtm4 KOTH Nutlet U hereby gi. ml hat Iflteraf administration un the ratal of KM AMU, M ISKK, dw.d, lale of Jtradford tp., Clearfield ronntr, Fa., bar ing been duly granted to the undersigned, all per son a indebted to aaid estate will please make pay. tne nt, and those haring rlatms or demanda will prracnt them properly authentirated for settlement and alio nance without d.Ur. JON ATI! A V WI8FR, iB'-t Administrator. Vnlualile Farm at Private SjiIc. Tll E undersignrd now offers at Private Pale his X farm, altnate tn Lawrenno twnohip, Clearfield enunty, Fa.. Itmtnded on the north by the I'hihpa burg Jt Erie Turnpike, and n tho west by the HiiMiichanna river, CONTAININU KMIITY-FOI R ACRES, fl'tween flrty and slaty of which are cleared and a tiilr culti at title, and having thereoa a LOil IIOVSK. RANK FAKN. and all (the ne.siry nettbuildinga. an orchard, ad a spring of good water at the door. There are Til II FX VKIVR of COAL on this farm. One two-foot tein. now open ; one forty inch rein, of as good coal aa ran be found in tne oounty. also open, and one fl re fool rein, unopened. jrFnr Terms and other particulars, apply on the premiaes, to JORDAN RhAsU. Lawrenec tp., Dee. 17, lMH-loi pd. It. HO II I.SOX A CO., PORK PACKERS, .Vo 3.V Liberty HI., rillbrfh, Raro on hand a larfro sleek ol Bacon, Sides, Shoulders, PLAIN AND Rl'OAR CCRED IIAM.t, Mess Pork. Dried Beef, and I-eef lrd. all of oar own Parking, Curing aad Pasoktng. Lard Oil, Flour, Cheese, Dried Applet ana readies, Witk a general aeaurtiaeot of Uroreriee, at tho lowest iMtket prices, , Jane 11, el I77.4. Vhllart(liliu Adrntlifmrnt. 7 bankers; c0 No. 35 South Third Street. PHILADELPHIA. xENEIUf MITT BrMKICYIVAMIA av. Llliwiiiniiin s iSo .orT,HE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Th KATiovAt. T.iFi tatrrnavca CnirFi-T Iff a orporaii . eMrreii br ap-eui An of CwuEraM, ap pro vtd Jul j, IHaa, eritti a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal irrmi rrfffrtd to At'-nu anal ttolleltor, wbo i invhe'i lo apply i nur ,fUc-B. rnllp.illcnlaMi .1-el.nl i.iiiiplleal'a al oaroMea, 1oetfCln ifO'ni'l I'lfT "f our Hainnbf lloae, vtiorr Cheuiart n'1 PaiurMtB, I ally rt ni'tt-f vie adTaaittxctuflatt t tr m( oi.p"v.ifiiT be had. fc. . ( IsAUK k t O., It. U, nilHm.I., Mali a per. aaKtV-iily 628 HOOP SKIRTS, And CORSETS, COKSETS. 628 WM, T. HOPKINS, ro. JH 4reh Street, PhWa. MiarracTt'iiKi or thi Celebrated "Champion" Hoop Skirts FOR LADIES, MI8HKB AND CIIII.DnEX. Tht larjreat ajaortmeiit, and bait qaality and ttvlaa In tba Ameriean Market. Kecry lady a hot) Id try tbem.ai they recommend thenatlvaa by wearing longer, reuining Uait ebape uneat better, being lift-h tar and tnura aiaetle than otb- ra warranted in arery reapaet, aad aold at very low rneea. Aak lur II op kin "til AM PION" SKIRT hu pert or Iland-nada Wbale Bona Coraeti In fifteen difierent crades, ineladlng ta "Itnper.- al" and Ibompenn 4 Lanirdon'a "ULOVK FIT- TtNti" COKSETS. raniinr in price from til eeota to $i eO together itb Joaeph Veckl'a ealabreted f KKNCil WOVEN COKdKTtf.aupa rior ahapei and quality, tea diffrrent rradea, from $1 10 to 15 6. Tbey are tbe tneat and bait gooda for tba prieeat aver imported. Tba Trad aupplied with tieop Bkirt and Caraau at tba loweat raUi. Tboaa viaiting tba etty iboald sot fall ta eall and aiamin our goodi and frlcea, aa w defy all compel, una. I March. I, ltsea.iy JOHN M. MELLOY, nsniricTt arn or Plain, Japanned h Stamped Tinware aim tutu ix llouaa Funilsliitig Cooda, Tin Rtwflita; tad tondurtor Pipe. Ko. T23 Market gtreet, nng ljr PHILADELPHIA. DREXEL & CO. Ko. 31 Mouth Third Street, PhllaJelpn And Dealers in Government Securities. ApfiMeitimi by mail will receive prompt atten tion, ana an luiurmauon cneeriujiy lurniabed. Uraert eoiicitea. aprl l-tf REIZENSTE1N BROS., Maoafactarers of and Wboleaala Deaiera la MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 421 Market V 110 Mcrrhirut Hlrcel, anfl'tri PIIILAUF.LPIIIA, l'a. 1868 winter. 18C8 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, os. Z3e, 1.17. Z.IV Z4I .V inird KtH I'HILAUKLI'IIIA. We are now prepared with our nsnal extensive and wel.aserted stock to ufter extra indueeraents to CASH LLVKIIS. aprll-tf STRETCH, BENNETT & Co., (Saeeeseors to l'eler T. W'rirht k Co, laeonrKftS op Ann nesl nee in DRUGS AND MEDICINES. AIJIO, Brandies & Wines for Medical purposes. JolU'S; No. tov Market St., Philed'a. BENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., Ko. 17 H. Fifth EU and 434 Commerce, I'UILADELPIIIA, Pa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, roa raa stt- op Weol. Qlmenr. Foe flkint. Feathers, Leather, Flax Feed. Dried Fruits, ( lover Bred, Hoots, Deer 8 kins. Autter, beeswax, Sheep Skins, KfCt, e., so., Ae. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Weekly Price entrant forwarded on request. Joni 11. 1968 :j;pd AKM, BLINDNESS L CATARRH treatetl with the almost sueeeaa bv lr. J. AACS, M. D.. and Frofcesor of bises.ee of tit Eye and Ear in the Medical Colleg of Frnnayl Tania, 12 years experience, (fi.rn.crli of Lerdco, Holland.) No. H(0 Arch Street, Foil a. Tc-tl-moninli oan ba seen at bia d(Hc4. The medical faculty ara tnrited to accompany their patients, as ha baa no secret, in his profession. Artificial eyes toner ted without pain. No charge fur ex.. amiuatiun, (jelft-ly. UW STOlk! M STVLES!! FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS, AT Miss SUSAN KEED'S, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. llarinf Just reeeired all the novelties of the season la the Millinery line, request the ladies to eall and examine them. Clearfield, Pa.. Nor t, READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS d- STATIOSERY. Market HI., riearflrld, (al the Poet Office ) rilllK undersigned begs Irara to announce to X the elllrene of Clearfield and eicinity, that he has fitted up a mora and has Just returned from tho city witk a largo amount of reading matter, ronsisting tn part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aeeonut and Pass Books of oeerr de scription 1 Psper aod Envelopes, Frenrh pressed anu piain t rene ana I'enctlst lllank, Legal Papers, Deeds, Mortgages ; Judrieent, Kiemp tion and Promissory notes t VVhiteand I'areh; meet Uriel, Legal Can. Iteeord Can. and Bill Can . cDeei, wueio lor ennor t'tsno, flute or Vioiia eoosteatly on band. Any books or stationery desired that I may not bare on hand, will be or. ordered by (ret espreee. aod sold at wholesale or retail to sail eu.lomers. I will also keep periodical literature, such as Magsiines, News papers, Ao. p. A. GAI'LIM. Clearfield May ?, IBM If VI)MIMTHATtH TIC K.-Noliee ie herebt given that Icltrrs of e.lminist ration "B the eslele if JOHN l.h jNAUU, deeea-l, late of tto.hrn township, t:leatfleld eoutity, IV. having been duly granted to the undersigned, ail persons indrbleil lo said estate will pleas, make payment, and thooe baring claims or demauda will present them properly aothenll sted for aet tlnent. WAHV E. L1MNAH1), A ilia's. J.r.11 (It IIKMIY I. MKAHK. Adm'r. NOriC K AM AI'TltlN The public are hereby notified tbat I haeo the etelustee right to snake and cell Rot.insoa's Potent OAR KINtl I for rafts) In Clearfield oounty t and that any pereoa er persons making or net ing the same in eaid eonnty, without authority from use, will ko dealt with aa tho law d I reels. WM. T. CCTLCR. Carweairllla, Feb. t, ! Mrpd, fihK.Hton.il. MISS II. H. JiWAN'3 SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ( I I MiMI I l, M T yn M'MNtl 1 I I'M, .f la.n' t wi-.l- tit cuiiiin i.' f "B M "i l . 1 1 tirr , 1 rt hjuh rjr mN. Hra.lii.i', ri li-gia-lty. Wiiiihg. oi.Je.-t I.ea eMi, I'rintaty Arithiir,ue bii-I I'liti-a'T lis... eer.s.l.v lu-r liatf lTUI. llif aifVlU wk. 1 ". - 11 oo lli.torr, 1.ikI end d--riilii e lleif ra liT itii Msti llrewmtf. liianintar, alrotal and Wmun Anlliinrlie Jl ol Alrelira and tin Seirnt-es 00 Fur full particulars send for Ciretilar. Clrarwell, Ko. 11, 1898 Jm. auj' oS CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison, A. M., Principal. MMIB TI1IHD KESSIOS of the present seko- J. la.tiu yearof title lnetilijlioa wtlleuutoieDet uu Mn.MlAV.the 8th day of K.Sru.r,, IHP.H. Pupils eaa enteral anr tine. Test will be ebara-ed wltb totttew frcta tba tint thee eater te tbe elose ol the Hessina. 1 be fl.rnrseof iastrartion embraoee aetry tblag tneluded in a thorough, practical ssl eeosa. Dlished aduealloD fur butb saaes. The Friaelpal. karin, had the adr.nUs of much esuerieoee in bis profession, assures pa rente and e;aardans tbst his entire abtlitj and energies will be deemed to the nrorat ami wsa. tal training of the voutb pleeed aiHlerhis charge, Ti'.HMM Ol' Tl ITIOV Orthoarsph;, headinii, Whtins;. aad PrieMrj Anthaieue, per Seesion ( 1 1 weehsj - let! Graosniar. Uaoeranbe. Arithlaetlf. hnd Uisture Ale-ebra, Oeoasetrr, Tritroaoeaetrr, Mea auration, eiurreyiett. fhtloaopbe, Pbval oloee. Chemistry, ilook keepiol. lletanT and Physical Ueography - $9 "0 Latin, Oreek and French, with any of tho aboee brenehes - - . $12 00 sayNo deduction will bo made for abeeneo. MM Per further pertirnlars inquire of Her. p. L. IUHK1SON. A. !., Fob. 4, ISM tf. .2M Principal. oumlni and lachinr hop. a. r. nuriroa.. oro. a. tochg BOYNTON &, YOUNG, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONAEY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth asd Piaa Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. T T A VINO emirfj In tba manafaetura of Irst X A elass MACHINE RT, we respect Tully inform tho publio that we aro now prepared to III all orders as cheaply and as promptly el ean bo done in any of Ihe cities. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Millfl, Head Blocks, Water Wheele, Sli.ftinr Pullers, Gilford s Injector, Etearn Oaugce, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valres, Check Valres. wroniht iron Pipee, Etearn Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anil. Frtrtion Metree, Soap Htone Packing. Gnm Paek. log. and all kinds of HILL WORK totether with Plow,, Sled Sules, COOKAXD PA RLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS or all kinds. CV-Orders solicited and filled at oily prioee. All letters of Inquiry with referenoo to naehinory of our mannraeture prompily answered, by addros iU( us at Clearnrld, Pa. dacU tf B0TST0X k V0CKO, Planing nills. . L. Reed, t. Wearer, IXOTICRiw-wS a. iii:i:i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! mite . t ..... f"i"""'r."-.periiuiijiniona the cititena of Clearfield oounty, that they hare entirely relitted this establuhroen't with the latest improrad wood working machinery, and aro now prepared .0 eieeuto alt owere la their lino of busineea. They will give eeperial attentina to the manufac ture of material for house building, such as FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nn.ictir.Ts .wo ri.m. res, Or ALL STYLES, We always hare on hand a large stock of DRY LfMBKR, and will pay oath for all clear Lumber. One-and a-hslf inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customers. VivOrders solicited, and Lumber furnished c short not ire and on reasonable terms. tl. L. REED k CO. Clearfield, Not. T, 1SA7. K. n. Ptto., K. A. Ineie -June Psttou, J. 11. Inwt. E. B. PATTON & CO., llsrlng fitted ap a first -class PLANING MILL Are prepare! to fnrnish all kinds of Manufactured Lumber, such aa Flooring . Siding, 8urfac- freued Lum ber, 6aah, Poon, Blindi. And erery deeeriptioa of PLAIN AND FANCY MOULDING. V Dealers will find It to their advantage to consult our prices before pwrehs.irte elsewhere. Address, U. B. PAITO( A ro., Corwensrille, lee. . IMg.tr Clearfield enemy, Ta. CI LRU Al PKAS J Khaker Cora, Hi mine, Beone, '""' . ERATltR aXitt J v ' '.- r eis.n'.iilewaOalaaav.Jfcg O.i orrt traj( f( GREAT E X CI TEM EN ow Sir-sr. aifiir, r.r,,,,. NEW GOODS AT LOW ril rpilK uiKlrr-igr.. I ffl'o". p,iH I 1 .M. of Ihe pu .lle J! I ' -"'.'.l.lltS TLlii . I are aow ecliinc AT VJ I.UW FKItV. " Thslr stock coD.l.ts In pin 4 Dry Goods of tlie Best Quaiv, e. t . . 1 . Tl . ! .. , vm ..ernes, illtisfess a , I Uini(hsi.s,Mu.lins,(l,leh,d L ! ' ""l od,) Drlll.ng., Tickings, eettoa 7?' woel Plannels.Hatin. "Xt.,m,n, C.ittona.les, Ledies' HrjawJ. Nubias A Hoods. U.linral ' and Jioop bktru, c Also, a Ins aesortaunt of Men's Dra Shirts, Bets A Caps, Boots , bev."' k II of which WILL UK SOLD LOW FOB Hardware, Queensware, Giasewaxil Urocenes and Spices. !N SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTHIl Of .eery Iking nr.sFly kept In a retail IM .1 wuar ,vn innu or wpproeea soeatry y j A. K. WRIGHT A Eos Clearfield, Kor.T , I7. SEW FALL & UIXTER GOODS! William JCced A e0l Near Poit office. Market Street. CLEARFIELD, Pa. HA VINO jort oprncd ft Uru tDfj nmp flock from Nw York and Pbiiftdfinbit , emu oBr mxtr uiduecmantt to CAeli bl Vivh! I Wi bar iplendid .wltetioD f Drw Ql toonU, Blanket Muop fctvirt. Cowu, TboDipkun'i UloTo-fitliiiic. Triton. rjgi of vtry deKriptiuo, Zf plm, Worrty: I 1 am, uii ouv oi wc man euinpitif attrrtaabti i Ladies and Gents Furnishing Good! Vnder-wear, Hosiery, Oloees of all kinds. AW, I andsr's Kid and Harris' celebrated Seatnleu git I (tne nest peer made.l Kecktieo, Uatterfiiee, Cellars, Cuffs. Handkerchiefs, Laces, tdeiee. Etnliroiderics, Act aleo. a large sssurtmrnt I Fl Ko, with UK AY 8 f ATE.M II I F P. tee a. I thiug eiUnt together with a full line ef sup I (wu. ai. v. wuicu wu uuer at tne VERY LOWEST CASH TMCE: Call and eoe as. No trouble to shew goeet, I mcmoer toe piaec Kear Foatoffic. Market ititet, octfi CLEARFIELD, PA. A BEOLITIOX I BrSlSESSl AT Cl'RHtNSVILlE, BT HARTSOCK & GOODWIN. rpill undersigned baring entered Intoce pan I X aereai ta tbo mereantilo benness, sdo;' this method or aotifyiaf tho public geasrslij and the eillons of Carweaeeille and eieiiiiy n pvureiar, utai naerenanaiso Ol sll klties wi. bo sold by we aa cheep as tho tarns auslitr l when ia Ihe eoaaiy. Wo hare a full surely tl DRY GOOD81 Consisting la part or Dress Goods. V.-'Ir. Prints of all shades and stylea ; together olta a inn assortment 01 NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS 4 CAPS, Doota, fchoee. Hardware, Q.uecnswsre. As well as Tinware. Codarwaro. nillowwsri fcueleu aad Brooms : loaether with s lares suu o. urocenes ana always a loll stock ol FLOUR, FISH, SALT, 4c In short, we keen a fall sunsle ef orerrtMsrl ueea in in is marnet. no want all oar old easterners and as ante! aow ones aa eaa make It eoBeonlent, to girs ssi e.i oeiure pure; asmg elsewhere. Daniel haiitjoci. edwin oo0dwis. CarwoasTllle. Febraa. U, loot. iticn inn ?iossorj DIALER IN FOEIIGN & DOMISTIO GOODS Ml.MIN.I t Sensation. trices! DEI.A I N" ES at Se-naalion prlceJ CUHLKUS at Sensation prices! ALPACAS at Sensation prirrii Just receipwd at MOSSOrS'. uiiiMAM3 at sctiaation prirtd CHINTZ at at t at t al Sensation pricel PRISTS Sensatioa pticrsf rjensal ien price GLOVES CRAVATS SHAWLS enation VJe at AlOSSUi'.S Sensation rrlrel BONNETS senaatioo sr-.cei COLORED I ULSl.l.NSI at SentitioD price All lo t bad al MOSSOPS'. LIKEN at CRASH al CURTAIN'S at TABLE CLOTHS l FRINGE al ISensatioti Sonealion 8enaalioo Soniatioa heruttinn rncef pricoi tirice price at MOSSOl'S'. LACK - at HOSIERY at RIBBONS at TRIMMINGS) of all kin.ls AVat in anr quan'tr i Sensation 8enantico Sonsaiion pricidj price price Sensation price! Alwnvaoo hand al JIOSSOPS' CASS1MKRES Sensalion Sen nation ensatton nalion tertion Sensalinn pricei SATTIN ETS TWEEDS JFANS VEST1SOS SHIRTINGS pneeej priest pricei priceej pne at m ossorv. CLOTII1XO eueh aa Coals, Pauti, Veota, Under Khirte, Jatoensaiion prirea flannel .nirta, BooU, Shoe, data and Cape, Now for tale al UOSSOP'S. HARDWARE such aa Saws, nails Fork a, Kntrea, at eneation priced Spikes, Ilingen, LIQt'ORS. auch at MOSSOP'S. aa Wine, Kran.ly, Oln, Whlakey, Cognac, etc., etc. at aenaation FRUITS, ucn aa Prune, Raisina, Figs, Fillieru, Ac. at (ensalioa priori at MOSSOP".'. GROCF.RIKS.aay r I o u r, U a m a, Shouldere., Sugar, Jlolawna, ' Colleo, at sensation price. Tea, C r a r k e ra. Spioea, Candles., Coal Oil, etc, etc AlwaTt at M'SSOr'S. BLACKING ROPES POWDER at (enealion priceg at aensalinn prion; ai aenaatton pm SHOT at aenaatton prtoei LEAD ul oensntion prir at oensntion pric CAPS Attha ptora of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP Alwaya keepe on hand a fu'l assorlrnert of all ktnda of gnocla requite I lor tne) arcomtnodalion ot the public. July i, ism PT tbo PKMilCRJTIC AI.MASA0. Oaly I eeeti (rerr eeee. efcoaJd aa. ra. U